Knit Crochet Scan
Knit Crochet Scan
Knit Crochet Scan
Casting on
The most basic knitting technique.
To begin knitting with both needles,
you first must make foundation
stitches (loops) on one knitting
needle- "cast on stitches". All types
of knitting pattern stitches are
worked with these 2 stitches. For
practice, use a pair of Boye Knitting
Needles size #8 and knitting
worsted yam. When measuring yarn
for casting on, allow 1 in.(2.5cm)per
stitch for medium and heavyweight
yarns and 'AI in. (1 .3 cm) per stitch for
lightweight yam.
Step 1: To begin, measure 20 in.
(50.8 cm) of knitting worsted to cast
on 20 stitches. Make a slip knot 20
in. (50.8 cm) from yarn end. Place on
needle and gently pull both yarn
ends. 1 stitch on needle. See fig. 1.
Step 2: In right hand, hold needle
with slip knot Place short yam end
over left thumb and yarn from skein
around left index finger. Hold both
yarn ends in left palm with 3 remain-
ing fingers. See fig. 2.
Step 3: Pull needle down to front of
left thumb, making loop on thumb,
and insert needle under front strand.
See fig. 3.
Step 4: Then insert needle over and
under top strand on left index linger.
See fig. 4.
Step 5: Draw yarn on needle
through loop on thumb. See fig. 5.
Step 6: Release loop from thumb.
Gently pull both yarn ends to form
stitch. Repeat steps unlil 20
stitches have been cast on. Practice
casting on until stitches are firm and
even on needle - not too loose or
tight. You'II need a loose, stretch-
able edge to start your work. See
fig. 6.
Lesson 2:
Knit Stitch (k)
To work knitting, you need only to
learn 2 basic stitches - Knit and Purl .
All pattern stitches, such as Cable
and Ribbing, are formed with Knit
and Purl stitches.
Step 1: In the left hand hold needle
with 20 cast on stitches. Wrap yarn
form skein around 4th under
the next 2 fingers and over the i ndex
finger. This regulates yarn tension.
With a little practice, your hands will
automatically hold the needles and
feed yarn as needed. -Inserl right
needle into front of 1 st stitch (from
left to right). Keep yarn from skein in
back of stitches on needle. See fig ..
Step 2: Bring yarn from skein under
and over right needle. See fig. 3.
Step 3: Pull right needle down to
front of left needle, drawing yarn
through the stitch. There's a new
loop (stitch) on right needle. See
fig. 4.
Step 4: Slide stitch off left needle. 1
Knit Stitch made. Repeat from
-steps 1-4 until 20 stitches have
been knitted across row. Practice
your Knit Stitch for several rows until
stitches are uniform with even ten-
sion. Knitting every row is called the
Garter Stitch. At the beginning of
each row. always keep your worked
stitches in left hand and your empty
needle ready to work in right hand.
See fig. 5.
Be careful to complete each stitch.
Don 1 let a stitch slip off your needle
until after it is knitted or purled, or
you'II have dropped a stitch. Don't
kni t too close to points 01 needles:
stitches will be too tight.
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:
Purl Stitch (p) Binding off
The Purl Stitch is the reverse of the
Knit Stitch. Since the Purl Stitch is
rarely used by itself, the purl side of
knitting is generally referred to as
the "wrong or reverse side" as
opposed to the "right or correct
side". (Knit 1 row, purl 1 row is
referred to as the Stockinette
Step 1: 'Insert right needle into front
of stitch (from right to left). Keep yarn
from skein in front of stitches on
needle and hold it as in knitting. See
fig. 1.
Step 2: Bring yarn from skein over
and under right needle. See fig. 2.
Step 3: Pull right needle down to
back of left needle, drawing yarn
through the stitch. There is a new
loop (stitch) on right needle. See
fig. 3.
Step 4: Slide stitch off left needle. 1
Purl Stitch made. Repeat from
'steps 1-4 until 20 stitches have
been purled across row. Practice
purling for several rows until uniform
and even. At beginning of each row,
keep your worked stitches in left
hand and your empty needle ready
to work in right hand. See fig. 4.
Practice with a knit or purl swatch.
Binding off prevents your stitches
from unraveling, and finishes off
edges neatly.
Step 1: Slide (slip) 1 stitch from left
needle to right needle. Sl ip as if to
knit on knit row (frOm' left front of
stitch). Slip as if to purl on purl row
(from right front of stitch). Be sure to
keep yarn in back when slipping knit
stitches (in front when Slipping purl
stitches). See fig. t .
Step 2: Knit next stitch on knit row
(purl next stitch on purl row). See
fig. 2.
Step 3: Insert left needle into 1 st
stitch (stitch not connected to yarn
from skein). See fig. 3.
Step4: Pull 1 st stitch over 2nd stitch
and off right needle. (2nd stitch
remains on needle.) 1 bound off
stitch made. Repeat steps 2-4 for
each stitch bound off across row.
See fig. 4.
Step 5: To fasten off last stitch of
bound-off edge, cut yarn end, leav-
ing a 5 in. (12.7 cm) tail. Draw end
through last loop on right needle
and pull tightly to secure. Conceal
end by weaving in and out of work
with a tapestry needle. See fig. 5.
Always bind off in pattern stitch. Knit
the knit stitches and purl the purl
stitches. Bind off with the same ten-
sion you have worked your stitches,
not too tighllyor loosely. Follow prcr
ject instructions for binding off and
continued knitting.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Chain stitch (ch st) Slip stitch (sl st)
The chain is the basic unit for all
crochet stitches. Repeated chain
stitches fonn the foundation chain,
which looks like a series of Vs. All
crochet work is started from this
foundation chain.
For practice, use a Soya G aluminum
crochet hook and knitting worsted
Grasp crochet hook in right hand,
between thumb and middle finger,
with index finger resting near tip of
hook. Or, if you prefer, hold hook like
a pencil. See fig. 1.
To begin, make a slip loop
several inches from yarn end. See
fig. 2.
Place on crochet hook and pull up.
See fig. 3.
With palm of left hand facing up,
place yarn from skein over and
around lille finger, over 4th and
middle fingers, and under and over
index finger. Hold slip loop and yarn
between thumb and middle fingers.
See fig. 4.
For chain stitch: Bring yarn over
hook and draw through loop,
making first chain stitch. Continue
making chain stitches, moving
index finger as you work to control
tension and yam movement. Move
thumb and fingers of left hand upthe
chain (keep fingers close to hook) as
you work. Practice until you reach an
evenness of tension, rhythm, and
stitch appearance. See fig. 5-6.
For foundation chain: Chain the
required length or number of
stitches. When counting number of
chain stitches, never include the
loop on your hook (irs part of next
stitCh). See fig. 7.
The slip stitch is the most versatile
crochet stitch. It is used to join work,
fasten off stitches, reinforce an
edge, or carry yarn to a different
working position. It adds very little
For practice, use a Boye G aluminum
crochet hook, and knitting worsted
To begin, make a foundation chain
of 12 stitches (try to work
Skip 1 st chain stitch and insert hook
into 2nd stitch. Hook goes through
top loop of each chain (middle of the
V). See fig. 1.
For slip stitch: Yarn over hook and
draw loop through the chain stitch
and the loop on hook, leaving 1 new
loop on hook. See fig. 2-3.
Repeat slip stitches across row. At
end of foundatin chain, make 1
chain stitch and turn work.
See fig. 4.
Insert hook into 2nd stitch of
previous row. Hook should go under
top 2 loops (under the V) of each
stitch. Work slip stitches across
For practice, repeat last row. To
fasten off at end of row, make a chain
stitch. Pull cut yam end,
leaving short tail.
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Single crochet (sc) Double crochet (dc)
This is the shortest of the basic
crochet pattern stitches. Crochet
should be worked firmly, evenly, and
with medium tension.
For practice, use a Boye G aluminum
crochet hook and knining worsted
To begin, make a foundation chain
of 1 2 stitches. Skip first chain stitch
and insert hook into 2nd stitch. Hook
should go under top 2 loops (under
the V) of each stitch. See fig. 1.
For single crochet Yarn over hook
and draw loop through stitch. 2
loops now on hook. See fig. 2.
Yarn over hook and draw loop
through both loops on hook. 1 loop
remains on hook. 1 single crochet
made. See fig. 3.
Work 1 single crochet in each stitch
across row, making sure foundation
chain is kept flat and 'Is are facing
you. At end of foundation chain,
complete single crochet stitch and
chain one. (this counts as 1 st single
crochet of next row and gives
necessary row height for proper
See fig. 4.
Turn work. Insert hook into second
stitch of previous row. Hook should
go under top 2 loops of each stitch.
Work 1 single croghet in each stitch
across row. See fig. 5.
For practice, repeat last row. To
fasten off stitches at end of row,
make a chain stitch. Pull cut
yarn end, leaving short tail. 5
Double crochet is one step longer
than single crochet and twice as
high. It's easy, and a popular stitch.
For practice, use a Boye G aluminum
crochet hook and knitting worsted
To begin, make a foundation chain
of 12 stitches.
For double crochet over hook,
skip 3 chains and insert hook into
4th stitch from hook. Hook should
go under the top 2 loops (under the
V) of each stitch. See fig. 1.
Yarn over hook and draw through
stitch in foundation chain. There are
now 3 loops on hook. See fig. 2.
Yarn over hook again and draw
through first 2 loops on hook. 2
loops now on hook. See fig. 3-4.
Yarn over hook once more and draw
through 2 remaining loops on hook.
1 loop remains on hook. 1 double
crochet made. See fig. 5.
Work 1 doublecrochetineachstitch
across row, making sure foundation
is kept flat and 'Is are facing you. At
end of foundation chain, complete
double crochet stitch and chain 3.
(This counts as 1 st double crochet
of next row and gives stitches the
proper row height). See fig. 6.
Turn work. Work double crochet into
2nd stitch of previous row and in
each stitch across row. Hook should
go under the top 2 loops of each
stitch. See fig. 7.
For practice, repeat last row as many
times as desired. To fasten off
stitches at end of row, make a chain
stitch. Pull tight, cut yarn end,
leaving short tail.