Syllabus For B.Sc. Computer Science Honours (1st Year) : Paper - (Theory)

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Syllabus for B.Sc. Computer Science Honours (1st Year)

Sem Paper CMSA3101 Sem-I (July-Nov) CMSA3151 Topic Computer Fundamentals & Internet Circuit Theory & Basic Electronics Digital System Design Total Marks Software Lab : PC S/W & C Programming Hardware Lab : Digital - 1 Total Marks Computer Organization Data Structure Mathematics Total Marks Software Lab : Data Structures - 1 Hardware Lab : Digital - 2 Total Marks Period 30 45 25 40 40 30 40 30 40 40 Marks 30 45 25 100 25 25 50 30 40 30 100 25 25 50

CMSA3202 Sem-II (Jan-May) CMSA3252

Paper- CMSA3101 (Theory)
Group-A: Fundamentals of Computer & Internet: Introduction to Computer and Problem Solving: Information and Data Hardware: CPU, Primary and Secondary storage, I/O devices, Bus structure, Computer Peripherals - VDU, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer. Software: System and Application. Different System Software. Programming Languages: Language. Machine Language, Assembly Language, High Level Language, Object Oriented

Problem solving: Algorithm, Flow charts, Decision tables & Pseudo codes. Number systems and Codes: Number representation: Weighted codes, Non-weighted codes, Positional, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), Conversion of bases. Complement notations, Binary Arithmetic, Binary Codes: Gray, Alphanumeric, ASCII, EBCDIC, Single Error-Detecting and Correcting Codes, Hamming Codes. Basic Computer Organization - IAS Computer, Von Neumann Computer, System Bus. Instruction Cycle, Data Representation, Machine instruction and Assembly Language, CPU Organization, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Control Unit, CPU Registers, Instruction Registers, Program Counter, Stack Pointer.

Introduction to Networking, Advantages of Networking; Basic Features, LAN, MAN and WAN; simple PC Based Network: Example, block diagram. Mode of operation and characteristic features.
Intranet and Internet; Servers and Clients; Ports; Domain Name Server (DNS); WWW, Browsers Connections: Guided and Unguided media - Dial up, ISDN, ADSN; Cable, Modem; E-mail, Voice and Video Conferencing.

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Boolean algebra: Fundamentals of Boolean algebra, Switches and inverters, Functionally Complete Gates (AND, OR, NOT), NAND, NOR, switching function and Boolean function. De Morgans Theorem. Application of Boolean algebra: Minterm, Truth Table and minimization of switching function up to four variables. Algebraic & K-map method of Logic circuit Synthesis: two level and multi level, 2 variables Boolean functions, 3 variables Boolean function Combinational Circuits: Standard Gate assemblers, IC chips packaging nomenclature, Comparators, Decoders, Demultiplexers, Data selectors/multiplexer, Encoder, Seven segment display unit. Multiplexed display, Keyboard encoder. Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flop (1 bit)SR, JK, D, T, Shift Register, Counter. Finite State Model-State diagram, Synchronous and Asynchronous system (Illustrative counter design), Single and two phase clocks. Successive approximation, Basic ladder circuits, D/A and A/D converter, Counter Ramp, ROM & PLA (basic idea). Logic Circuit design using TTL, MOS and CMOS circuits, Relative comparison. Integrated Circuits : SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI classification. Group-C: Circuit Theory & Basic Electronics: Passive circuit: parameters, equilibrium, conditions, Kirchoffs law; representation by differential equations; solutions; impedance and reactance. LCR Circuits: frequency domain analysis, resonance and phases. Vector representation, resonance, and circuit diagrams. Network equations, signal flow graphs. Theorems: superposition, reciprocity, Thevnin, Norton, maximum power transfer. Solutions using Laplace transformations: transient and steady state response. Transfer functions: poles and zeros. Elementary physics of semiconductors: P-N junction diodes; Zener diodes; BJT; FET; MOSFET. Equivalent circuit for diodes, transistors, FETs. Operational amplifier (op amp).

Semester I: PAPER CMSA3151: 50 MARKS (PRACTICAL) Group - A: Software Laboratory PC S/W & Programming & Problem solving through C. Assignment list to be provided.

Group - B: Hardware Laboratory Digital 1. Assignment list to be provided.

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PAPER CMSA3202: Theory
Group - A: Computer Organization Instruction: Operation Code and Operand. Zero, One, Two and Three address instruction. Instruction types. Addressing modes. Stack organization. Memory: Types of Memory. Memory Hierarchy: CPU Register. Cache Memory, Primary Memory, Secondary Memory. Virtual Memory (Introduction only). Memory organization - Linear two-dimensional Von Neumann vs Harvard Architecture, Different storage technology. I/O system organization and interfacing. Bus: SCSI, PCI, USB (introduction and comparative study); Tri State Devices, Bus Arbitration. Fixed and Floating Point Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division. ALU - Combinational ALU, Two's Complement Addition, Subtraction unit Control Unit: Control Structure and Behavior, Hardwired Control and Micro programmed Control: Basic Concept, Parallelism in Microinstruction, I/O: Polling, Interrupts, DMA, I/O Bus and Protocol. Group - B: Data Structures Definition: Concepts of data types. Elementary structures, Data types and their interpretation. Complexity: Advantages and Disadvantages. Big 0 Notation, Big-omega and Big-theta notations, Growth of Functions. Arrays: Types, Memory representation. Address translation. Functions of single and multi dimensional arrays with examples. Linked Structures: Single and doubly linked list (non-circular and circular). List manipulation with pointers: Insertion and deletion of elements. Stacks and Queues: Definition. Representation. Uses and Applications, Infix notation to postfix notation: conversion and evaluation. Application of queues. Recursion: Divide and Conquer, Elimination of Recursion, When not to use recursion? Binary trees: Definition, Quantitative properties, Internal and external. Properties, Minimum and maximum path length of a binary tree. No of nodes, height. Searching: Linear and binary search, Performance and complexity. Hashing: Concepts, Advantages and disadvantages. Different types of hash functions, Collision and Collision Resolution Techniques - Open addressing with probing, Linear Chaining. Coalesced Chaining, Application. Sorting: Terminology, Performance Evaluation, Different Sorting Techniques (Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Quick sort. Merge sort. Heap, Partition Exchange, Radix with iterative and recursive description). Group - C: Mathematics Logic: Propositions; Predicates and Quantifiers. Sets, Functions, Relation, Equivalence Relation. Counting Theory: Counting, Pigeon Hole Principle, Permutations and Combinations, Introduction to Probability. Recurrence Relation, Generating Function, Inclusion and Exclusion Principle. Principle of mathematical induction. Modeling discrete systems. Computation as a discrete process. Sets: membership, subsets, union, intersection, complement, difference. Symmetric difference. Venn diagrams. Propositions and predicates. Constructions on sets. Cartesian product. Disjoint union (connection with data types). Relations as a subset of a product. Binary relations. Functions and partial functions. Relations on a set. Reflexive, symmetric and transitive properties of a relation on a set. Equivalence relations. Orders, partial and total. Examples. Graph Theory: Graphs: Definition, Finite and Infinite graphs. Directed and undirected graphs, Degree, Isolated vertex, Pendant vertex. Null graphs. Walks: Paths and circuits. Connected and disconnected graphs, Euler's graphs, Hamiltonian paths and circuits. Trees, Definition and basic properties, Distance and contents. Matrix representation of graphs. Incidence, Adjacency and Circuit matrices. Graph Search: BFS, DFS, Spanning Trees, Shortest Path Problems.

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Introduction to probability: Combinatorics, binomial coefficients, Random walks, Conditional probability and independence, Binomial, Poisson and normal distributions.


Group - A: Software Laboratory Data Structures - 1 Assignment list to be provided.

Group - B: Hardware Laboratory Digital 2. Assignment list to be provided.

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Syllabus for B.Sc. Computer Science Honours (2nd Year):

Sem Paper CMSA3303 Sem-III (July-Nov) CMSA3353 Topic Operating System Formal Language & Automata Theory Formal Language & Automata Theory Total Marks Software Lab : Data Structures - II Software Lab : Linux & Shell Programming Total Marks Theory of DBMS Numerical and Optimizing Techniques Numerical and Optimizing Techniques Total Marks Object Oriented Programming through Java SQL, PL-SQL, Forms & Reports Total Marks

40 30 30 25 25 30 40 30 25 25

CMSA3404 Sem-IV (Jan-May) CMSA3454

Marks 40 30 30 100 25 25 50 30 40 30 100 25 25 50

Paper CMSA3303 (Theoretical) Group - A: Operating System What is OS? Multiprogramming OS(Concurrent Processing System), Concepts of process & Threads, Concept of Interrupts, System Calls, OS is an interrupt driven system . Files, Shell, Introduction to shell programming, Structures of OS: Monolithic, Layered, Virtual, Client Server and Distributed Model. Concepts of Synchronization: Semaphores, Critical Regions, Monitor Inter Process Communication Mechanism. Processor Management: Scheduling, Round-robin, Priority Queue. I/O management: Device Management. Memory Management: Multiprogramming, Swapping, Paging, Virtual memory, Page Replacement Techniques. File Systems: Files and Directories, File Servers, Security and Protection. Dead Lock: Definition, Detection and prevention. Group - B: Formal Languages & Automata Theory Introduction to Formal Languages and Grammar, Finite automata. Regular expressions, Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Finite Automata and their Equivalence. State minimization, Chomsky Classification of Grammars, Concepts of Turing Machines & Universal Turing Machines. Turing machines: basic concept and examples, difference with FSM, simple problems. Group C: Data Communication & Computer Network Data Communications; Transmission media; Network: Protocol and standards; Analog & Digital Signals, Periodic & Non-Periodic Signals, Time and Frequency Domain; Multiplexing: FDM, TDM and Application, Encoding D/A and A/D Encoding; Concepts of Centralized and Distributed Computing; Advantages of Networking; Layered architecture: OSI Architecture, Basic Features, LAN, MAN and WAN; simple PC Based Network: Example, block diagram. Mode of operation and characteristic features. IP addressing, Flow Control: Stop-and-wait, Sliding Window, and ARQ.

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Group - A: Software Laboratory Data Structures - 2 Assignment list to be provided. Group - B: Software Laboratory Linux & Shell Programming Assignment list to be provided.

Paper CMSA3404 (Theoretical) Group - A: Theory of DBMS Basic concept. File Management systems. Advantages of DBMS, Physical, Conceptual and External Models, ER Diagram, Data Models: Relational, Hierarchical, Network; File Organisation: Sequential, Indexed Sequential, Random, Inverted; Query Languages, Relational Algebra & Calculus, Functional Dependencies, Normal forms : INF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF; Structured Query Languages, Steps of query Processing. Concurrent Processing. Elementary Concepts of Security, Integrity. Group - B: Numerical and Optimization Techniques System of Linear Equations: Gaussian Elimination, Gauss-Jordan Elimination, Gauss-Seidel Iteration, Matrix Inversion Nonlinear Equation: Iterative Methods, Newton-Raphson. Solution of Differential Equation : Euler, Runge-Kutta. Curve Fitting, Romberg Integration. Overview of Linear Programming: Linear Programming, Simplex method, Duality, Transportation, Assignment problems. Integer Programming, Cutting Plane, Branch and Bound, Dynamic programming, PERT/CPM network. Queuing Theory : Basic concepts, Queuing models, Poisson Statistics, M/M/l queue; Applications. Group - C: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts - Java Concepts: Difference with procedure oriented programming. Data Abstraction and Information Hiding: Objects, Classes & Methods, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism. Input-Output, Function and Operator overloading. Constructors and Destructors, Copy Constructors and Assignment Operator, Overloading, Single and Multiple Inheritance, Polymorphism and Virtual Functions, Namespace, Exception Handling, Templates.

PAPER CMSA3454: 50 MARKS (PRACTICAL) Group - A: Software Laboratory Object oriented programming through Java Assignment list to be provided. Group - B: Software Laboratory SQL, PL-SQL, Forms & Reports. Assignment list to be provided.

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Syllabus for B.Sc. Computer Science Honours (3rd Year):

Sem Paper

Sem-V (July-Nov)


Sem-VI (Jan-May)
CMSA3656 CMSA3457

Topic Computer Graphics Software Engineering & UML Microprocessor Design & analysis of algorithm Total Marks Software Lab : MATLAB Software Lab : Advanced RDBMS (Oracle 9i) Hardware Lab : Microprocessor Application Total Marks Compiler Web technologies & Multimedia Current Technologies Total Marks Software Lab : Web Technologies Software Lab : VB .net Project Work under supervision of project guide Total Marks

Period 30 35 45 40 30 15 75 60 30 30 40 40 40

Marks 20 25 30 25 100 30 20 50 100 60 20 20 100 50 50 100

Paper: CMSA3505 (Theoretical) Group-A: Computer Graphics Introduction : Co-ordinate System, Information Handling Software, Graphics Software, Area of Application, Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Matrix representation. Homogeneous Co-ordinate System, Composite Transformation, Inverse Transformation, Computer Art, Animation, Morphing, Projection & Clipping, 2D & 3D Transformations, Lines, Curves & Their Representations. Books: Computer Graphics by D Hearn and P M Baker PHI Fundamentals of Introductive Computer Graphics by J D Foley & A Van Dam Adison Wesely Group - B: Software Engineering Introduction, The Evolving role of software, Software Crisis, Important qualities of software product. The software life cycle, Software Development process models, Project Management, Software metrics, Role of software metrics, Size-oriented metrics, Function-oriented metrics, Metrics for software quality, Software Requirements and Specification, Need for SRS Characteristics of SRS, Components of SRS, Software Design, Design principles, Top-down and Bottom-up Strategies, Module level concepts, Coupling, Cohesion, Structured design, methodology, Structure charts, Design reviews, Coding, Programming style, Internal documentation, Verification, Software Testing and Maintenance, Testing Fundamentals, Types of testing, Software Maintenance, Software Quality assurance, Introduction to UML. Books: Software Engineering by Roger S Pressman TMH Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville
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Group - C: Microprocessor Evolution of Microprocessor: Architecture of 8.bit and 16 - bit microprocessor Machine language instructions. Addressing Modes, Instruction formats, Instruction sets. Instruction cycle. Clock cycles, Timing diagrams. Interrupts, Bus standards and Interfacing concepts. Memory interfacing, I/O Interfacing and Ports - Keyboard Interfacing, Display Interfacing, Storage Device Interfacing, Programming a Microprocessor, Interrupt Handling, Methods of Interrupts Priority and Management Case Studies: 8085 and 8086 microprocessor, 32 bit processor. Books: Introduction to Microprocessor by Gaonkar PHI Introduction to Microprocessor by Mukhopadhyay Advanced Microprocessor by Tabak Group - D: Design & Analysis of Algorithm Mathematical Foundations: Introduction, Growth of functions, Summations, Recurrences. Sorting and order statistics: Heap sort, Merge Sort, Quick sort, sorting in linear time, Median and order statistics. Design and analysis Techniques: Divide and conquer; Dynamic programming; Greedy Algorithms; Back tracking. Advanced data structures: Threaded Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, B Tree Graph Algorithms: Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Topological Sort, Connected Components, Minimal spanning Tree algorithms, shortest paths. Computational Geometry: Convex Hulls, Closest pair of points Notion of NP-completeness P class, NP-hard class, NP-complete class, Circuit Satisfiability problem

Books: Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by Horowitz Ellis, Sahani Sartaz, R Sanguthevar Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, PHI Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Dexter C.Kozen - Springler-Verlag.

Paper CMSA3606 (Theoretical) Group A: Compiler Basic concepts of compilers and interpreters. Different phases of compilation. Lexical analyzer concept; Design using FSM. Parser: Top down and Bottom up; Recursive descent; LL (1); LR (1); LALR (1); Comparison, Symbol tables: organization and management techniques. Runtime storage management - static allocation; dynamic allocation, activation records; heap allocation, recursive procedures Semantic Analysis - attributed translation: procedure calls. Syntax directed translation and intermediate codes. Code Optimization: Basic blocks, loop optimization, flow graph. Machine dependent optimization, code generation. Error handling - detection, reporting, recovery and repair. Compiler Writing Tools: LEX; YACC. Books: Principles of Compiler Design by Aho & Ullman

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Group B: Web technologies & Multimedia Web pages types and issues, Comparison of different technologies (eg. Microsoft, Sun-Micro systems, etc). WWW- basic concepts, web-client & web-server, application server, http protocol(frame format), universal resource locator (URL), HTML-different tags, sections, images & pictures, listings, tables, frames and forms.. Basic concepts on Multimedia, Different forms of multimedia- text, audio, image & video. Sound- types, computer representation of sound & sampling. Examples of audio tools (Sound forge, etc.). Animations Tweening, Morphing in multimedia with examples. Group C: Current Technologies Mobile Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bio-informatics, Image Processing, Data Mining, Embedded System, Distributed Computing.

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