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1 General
This article describes the dimensioning of the main equipment of an Alcatel 1000 S12 exchange and the corresponding traffic restrictions where this is appropriate. It is divided into two main parts: The first part describes the Alcatel 1000 S12 exchange, and the second part describes the remote concentrator called ISDN Remote Subscriber Unit (IRSU). The IRSU is developed and maintained in Norway. The Alcatel 1000 S12 is a common Alcatel product with main development in Belgium. Each country may have different requirements for the equipment, reliability and grade of service. This article is based on the dimensioning rules for the Norwegian market. Most of the Alcatel 1000 S12 exchanges in Norway have old software. The existing hardware in an exchange can with some adaptations be used with the new software package including ISDN, Business Communication, etc. Full functionality is therefore possible for all exchanges. All types of modules needed for this can be introduced, either in existing racks or by introduction of new rack types. The description here only concerns the latest versions of the modules and rack types.
planes are identically equipped. The number of switching units in each plane is determined by the number of TSUs.
capacity, however, will be reduced to the half. No hard restrictions exist on the penetration figures for subscriber facilities. Extending the requirements for capacity and availability is always possible by proper dimensioning of the required resources. It is possible for all subscrib-
Figure 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Figure 2
ers to use the same facility at the same time provided the dimensioning has been done accordingly. One subscriber can have a combination of facilities and can use his facilities in the same call as far as they are not incompatible. The influence of combinations on the dimensioning can be neglected. 2.3.1 Analogue Subscriber Module (ASM) The module terminates 128 analogue lines, with a maximum traffic of 0.275 Erlang per line in a fully equipped ASM. An ASM consists of two common PBAs (processor and ring PBA) and from 1 to 8 subscriber PBAs with 16 analogue lines per PBA. 2.3.2 ISDN Subscriber Module (ISM) The module terminates 64 Basic Access (BA) lines, with a maximum traffic of 0.550 Erlang per line in a fully equipped ISM. An ISM consists of one common PBA (processor) and from 1 to 8 subscriber PBAs with 8 ISDN lines per PBA.
2.5.1 Digital Echo Cancelling Module (DEC) One module with integrated echo cancellation equipment terminates one first order PCM link with different versions for No. 5 signalling and No. 7 signalling. One module consists of two PBAs (one processor and one echo cancelling PBA). 2.5.2 ISDN Packet Trunk Module (IPTM) This module has several applications. The hardware is the same, but the software varies. Each of the IPTM modules consists of two PBAs (one processor and one trunk PBA). - Primary Rate Access (PRA) This module can be used for termination of an ISDN PABX connected with a PRA connection. - Common Channel Signalling (CCS) This module has a lower capacity per link than the HCCM module, and is more cost efficient if only a few No. 7 links are required. The module terminates up to 4 No. 7 channels in a PCM link. The rest of the channels can be used as traffic channels. The capacity of the signalling terminal under normal load conditions is 400 messages per second per module. - Frame Handler (FH) The frame handler part comprises concentration and multiplexing of packet switched traffic. This module terminates up to 4 packet channels in a PCM link. The rest of the channels can be used as traffic channels. The twoway throughput capacities under normal load conditions is 300 frames per second per module. - X25 This module terminates up to 4 packet channels in a PCM link. - Packet Handler Interface (PHI) This module is used as a gateway function for the Packet Handler in DATAPAK. 2.5.3 Digital Trunk Module (DTM) One module terminates one first order PCM link with channel associated signalling or transparent No. 7 signalling. The module consists of only one PBA.
2.5.4 ISDN Remote Interface Module (IRIM) One IRIM/S, respectively one IRIM/T, is used for termination of 1, respectively 2, links to a singledrop (SD) IRSU or a multidrop (MD) of IRSUs. 2 IRIMs work as a cross-over pair. The module consists of two PBAs (one processor and one trunk PBA, DTRF for double trunk and DTRH for single trunk).
GOS requirement of 0.1 % waiting probability for seizing of a free circuit. For exchanges without MFC signalling, the GOS requirement for DTMF/R2 signalling units will be 1.0 %. The modules will be equipped in different modes: - One MF-unit with 16 senders/receivers for R2/DTMF and one Simplified Conference Bridge (SCB). The SCB can handle 6 simultaneous conferences with maximum 5 participants per conference. The number of SCB units is calculated based on the originating traffic using the services Add on Conference and Meet-me Conference and a part of the originating traffic using the services Three Party Service, Call Hold and Call Transfer. The GOS requirement is 1.0 %. - One MF-unit for R2/DTMF and one service unit for Continuity Check Transceivers (CCT). CCT equipment is used for No. 7 traffic on international routes. One CCT service unit contains 16 CCT devices. - Two MF-units for R2/DTMF with a total of 32 senders/receivers. - One MF-unit for R5 and one service unit for CCT (Continuity Check Transceivers). Each of these SCM types will consist of only one PBA in addition to the processor. As a general rule, an extra module of any equipped type will be added for reliability reasons if the number of modules of that type is less than or equal to 4.
- PABX lines: 10 % of all analogue subscriber lines and basic accesses - Traffic per PABX line: 0.4 Erlang. In the following sections the SACEs are described. 2.9.1 Call Service SACE This SACE contains the following functions: - Prefix analysis and task element definition - Local subscriber identification - Charging analysis - Call control - Charge generation control - Trunk request co-ordination - Facility processing - Alarm call processing. The Call Service SACE works in load sharing mode for all functions. Therefore, the Call service SACE has to be split into load sharing groups. With service penetration figures used for Norway, a load sharing group has a capacity of 9600 subscribers. For security reasons all data are replicated over at least two processors, which are working in load sharing for processing the data accesses. Each load sharing group is equipped with one extra processor if the number of processors calculated is less than 5. 2.9.2 PBX/CHRG SACE This SACE contains the functions to manage PBX lines (analogue and digital), Centrex hunt groups and the charging function. PBX/CHRG SACE contains the following functions: Automatic message accounting Meter counts collection Local tax layout Private access resource management BCG resource management Call control for PABXs Charge generation control for PABXs.
required for interfacing a taxation centre. One pair working in active/standby mode is equipped. 2.9.4 IN/OSI SACE This SACE contains IN call control and OSI-stack modules working in load sharing mode. An extra processor is equipped if the required number of processors is less than 4. 2.9.5 IDC/TRA SACE This SACE contains the following functions: Line intermediate data collection Trunk intermediate data collection Trunk request allocation Device interworking data collection.
The processor load is calculated for each function. 5 % of the processor capacity is reserved for storage of measurement counters on disk, assuming a storage interval of 15 minutes. One extra processor is always equipped.
The PBX/CHRG works in active/standby. 2.9.3 CCSN7/DEF SACE This SACE contains the defence, No. 7 and operation and maintenance functions. In addition, this SACE contains functions
JR05 is an outdoor cabinet which has space for a JR01 rack, transmission equipment, termination for optical fibre cables, power supply and batteries.
Multidrop links
29-m 30-n
Figure 3
of introducing an IRSU is a considerable saving on cables if the alternative is to connect each of the remote subscribers to the exchange itself. If the alternative is to put a new exchange on the remote site, the solution of an IRSU is much cheaper and will save administration and maintenance costs since the administration of the IRSU is done from the host exchange. Only HW maintenance is necessary on the site of the IRSU. An IRSU is connected to the exchange through an IRIM pair. Up to eight IRSUs may be connected in a series and is then called a multidrop (MD). One IRSU connected to an IRIM pair is called a singledrop (SD). An SD or an MD is connected to one IRIM pair. An MD is used primarily for low traffic subscribers, typically a fully equipped MD can carry up to 0.083 Erlang per equivalent line. An analogue line and a digital line are one and two equivalent lines respectively. It may also be used for high traffic subscribers, but underequipping is then necessary. It is important to note that an IRSU does not have a processor PBA that takes care of the call handling which is handled in the exchange in the same way as for directly connected subscribers.
- The IRIM/T is equipped with a DTRF trunk PBA which terminates two PCM links (double trunk system). On the IRSU side the DTRH will usually be connected to an IRIM/S, while the DTRF will be connected to an IRIM/T. An IRIM has only one processor. A maximum of 4 MD links can be assigned to one MD configuration (2 x IRIM/T). The upper and lower side is cross-connected by cross-over links in the IRSUs as well as in the IRIM modules except for one trunk PBA configurations (such as mini IRSU and self restrained configurations). This assures that from each subscriber all trunks can be reached. Available standard types of PBAs are used for connecting the subscribers. Between indicated maximum limits, any 16 analogue subscribers can be replaced by 8 ISDN subscribers.
procedure is followed for subscribers on the lower. 3.3.1 Normal configurations Traffic limits for the normal trunk configurations, which are the two link and four link configurations, are as follows: Two DTRH PBAs: Two DTRF PBAs: 43.0 E 82.5 E
the IRSUs. The IRSUs have subscribers on both upper and lower side. Traffic limits for the one PBA configurations are as follows: One DTRH PBA: One DTRF PBA: 18.2 E 34.8 E
In the case of two DTRH PBAs the MD links are the bottleneck, i.e. Erlangs formula for 58 channels is used. In the case of two DTRF PBAs the direct and crossover cluster link in the IRIM are the bottleneck, i.e. Erlangs formula for 56 channels multiplied by two is used. These limits are based on the use of the same trunk PBAs in the IRSUs in the MD, i.e. that all IRSUs have 2 DTRHs or 2 DTRFs, respectively. If several IRSUs with DTRHs are connected to a DTRF in the IRIM, the DTRH PBAs should be distributed equally on the two MD links for capacity reasons. Furthermore, it is assumed that each IRSU has subscribers on both the upper and lower side of the system, i.e. at least two subscriber groups per IRSU. In an MD configuration, the total traffic from all IRSUs has to be within the above given limits. 3.3.2 Special configurations If the traffic from the IRSUs is much smaller than 43.0 Erlang or a little more than 43.0 Erlang, some special configurations may be considered. These configurations are normally not recommended due to reliability reasons or traffic reasons (because of an asymmetric configuration). One trunk PBA configurations The economical one trunk PBA configuration can be used if the traffic is low and the reliability aspect is not considered that important. Figure 4 shows a one trunk PBA configuration with DTRF PBA in the IRIM and
In the case of DTRH PBA the MD link is the bottleneck, i.e. Erlangs formula for 29 channels is used. Very unbalanced traffic is well tolerated. For example there can be 17.0 Erlang from subscribers on the upper side and 1.2 Erlang from subscribers on the lower side and vice versa. In the case of DTRF PBA the bottleneck is the direct and cross-over cluster link in the IRIM, i.e. Erlangs formula for 28 channels multiplied by two is used. It must here be assumed that the traffic on the upper and lower is well balanced. If the trunk PBA in the IRIM or the trunk PBA in the IRSU fails, the connection between the IRIM and the IRSU will be disrupted, whereas for a normal configuration the traffic will use the alternative cross-over link when the direct link is disrupted. 3.3.3 Asymmetric configuration This configuration has one DTRF PBA and one DTRH PBA in the IRIM and in the IRSU as well, i.e. three MD links. Figure 5 shows an asymmetric configuration. The asymmetric configuration may seem a good solution for traffic needs between the traffic capacity for a configuration with two DTRHs and two DTRFs in the IRIM. But it should only be used with the alternative channel allocation algorithm which chooses the MD link pair with most free channels. Without this alternative channel allocation algorithm the capacity can be improved by placing more subscribers on the side (upper or lower) where the DTRH is placed, which at first may seem surprising. When the traffic on the DTRH side is twice the traffic on the DTRF side the traffic capacity is 61
Erlang. In this case the high traffic from the DTRH will be blocked on the cluster link, but different from the opposite traffic situation the overflow traffic together with the direct traffic will now have two MD links available on the DTRF side. There will be very little overflow traffic from the DTRF side to the DTRH side. The point is to distribute the traffic so that the cluster links carry equal traffic as much as possible. If the alternative channel allocation algorithm is used the performance of the balanced upper and lower traffic case is improved. This algorithm has the effect of distributing the traffic more evenly and thus reducing the more bursty overflow traffic. With balanced traffic on the upper and lower side the traffic capacity is 66.3 Erlang and is dimensioned according to Erlangs formulae with 87 channels minus PS channels. So, if this alternative channel allocation algorithm is used the asymmetric configuration may be considered.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
and one mini IRSU and one normal IRSU in the MD. The mini IRSU is an economical way to introduce ISDN subscribers if there are IRSUs connected to the exchange already. The rest of this section is based on an alternative channel allocation algorithm which chooses a channel on the MD link pair with most free channels. This has the effect of distributing the traffic more evenly on upper and lower MD links. If one mini IRSU is placed on the upper and one is placed on the lower, the total capacity for the MD is 34.8 Erlang regardless of which trunk PBAs that are equipped and whether there are other than mini IRSUs or not in the MD. Thus, it is better to place all the mini IRSUs on one side (if there are fewer than five mini IRSUs). This is particularly important in the case of DTRFs in the IRIM. If this is done, the total traffic capacity for the MD depends on the traffic from the mini IRSUs and the more the traffic from the mini IRSUs approaches the limit of 17.4 Erlang the less traffic the MD as a whole can carry. Since there is no bursty overflow traffic that mixes with normal traffic it is easy to find analytical models. In the following formulae this notation is used: Am_u: Traffic from mini IRSU which is connected to upper side Au: Al: Lc: Lm: Traffic from upper side (excluding mini IRSU traffic) Traffic from lower side Traffic limit on one cluster link Traffic limit on one MD link
Am u +
Au2 Lm (Au + Am u)
capacity falls continuously as the mini IRSU traffic increases for the DTRF case.
If there is 10.0 Erlang coming from the mini IRSU then Au + Al must be less than 28.1 Erlang. Simulations show that the limits given by this formula is conservative for all values of the traffic from the mini IRSU. This is mainly due to less burstiness than ordinary Poisson traffic for the traffic on the MD links from the ordinary IRSUs. A secondary effect is that high mini IRSU traffic will push the other traffic over to the other MD link which will help the throughput of mini IRSU traffic. For dimensioning purposes the interesting traffic interval for the mini IRSU is between 5 and 15 Erlang. As a uniform rule in this interval the total MD capacity could be set to two times the traffic capacity on one MD link, i.e. 36.4 Erlang even though a higher traffic can be carried. If there are DTRFs in the IRIM the direct cluster link on the side of the mini IRSU is the restricting part of the system for all distributions of Au and Al. The following formula is given for the case of two DTRFs in the IRIM:
Am u +
Au+Al 2 Au+Al + Am 2
Au Lc 2 u
If there are DTRHs in the IRIM the MD link on the side of the mini IRSU is the restricting part of the system for most distributions of Au and Al. Only if Al is far higher than Au (under the assumption that the mini IRSU is placed on the upper side) will the restricting part of the system be moved from the MD link to the upper direct cluster link. The following formula applies assuming Au and Al are approximately equal:
Am u +
Au+Al 2 Au+Al + Am 2
The second part of the sum is the traffic from the normal IRSUs offered to the direct upper cluster link of the IRIM. So, for example for 10.0 Erlang from the mini IRSU, the total traffic for a two DTRF PBAs configured MD is 53.3 Erlang assuming that the traffic from the other IRSUs are evenly distributed on upper and lower. Simulations show that the traffic limits derived from the formulae above is conservative for all values of Am_u and more so the higher mini IRSU traffic. The total traffic capacity is reduced as the mini IRSU traffic increases. Thus, the difference between the DTRH case and the DTRF case is that the total traffic capacity is more or less constant up to a certain mini IRSU traffic for the DTRH case, whereas the total traffic
Au + Al Lm 2
previous drops in the MD and from the IRIM (incoming traffic). There are assumed n M/M/1 queuing systems (Markovian input process, Markovian service time distribution, one server) with first in first out (FIFO) queue discipline per PS channel where n is the number of PS channels. The n channels serve the whole MD. The server time is assumed to be proportional to the packet length with a service speed of 64 kbit/s. Two traffic models are given for the PS traffic, the medium traffic and the high traffic model. The medium and high traffic model has 10 and 50 call attempts per hour (CAPH) per subscriber respectively. Each call has an average of 18 packets with an average length of 125 bytes. Since both outgoing and incoming PS calls are queued successively in all IRSUs and the IRSUs are considered as one common queue, all calls are considered outgoing. The maximum number of ISDN subscribers in an MD is 512. The results in the following sections are based on this number of subscribers. It is important to note that the tables reflect the total PS traffic equivalent to 512 subscribers and that realistic PS traffic will be much lower due to fewer ISDN subscribers in an MD. 3.5.3 Results In the following text and tables the following abbreviations occur: : : CH: CHT: CAPH: DELq: Packet arrival rate per second for a MD Service rate in packets per channel Number of PS channels Call Holding Time Call Attempts Per Hour Average delay in milliseconds (ms) for a delayed packet
From Table 1 can be seen that for medium PS traffic one or two packet channels are sufficient. For high PS traffic three or four channels are sufficient, but one or two channels is impossible since the load is 2.0 and 1.0 respectively (a load higher than 1.0 gives an infinite queue). The delays depend on the packet length given the same load. In Table 2 the bytes per packet and packets per call are interchanged so that there are many short packets instead of few long packets. Short packets reduce the delays and average queue lengths. Since an objective is to minimise the number of long delays to avoid retransmission, shorter packets may be used. 3.5.4 PS traffic in the signalling channel The PS traffic intensity generated by ISDN subscribers may be so small that an allocation of one separate PS channel, and hence a reduction in CS traffic capacity, would be an unsatisfactory utilisation of the system. Thus, the signalling (S) channel may be used as a combined channel for PS traffic and S traffic. This solution utilises the spare capacity of the S channel for PS traffic. The same queuing model as in the section Analytical model has been used. The abbreviation Wpacket is used for the weighted average packet length in bytes based on the distribution of CS and PS packets. The 2 CH and 4 CH columns in the tables correspond to a DTRH and a DTRF configuration respectively. CAPH and CHT is based on 0.08 Erlang per subscriber. CSpackets/call is 88 packets on an average, i.e. 88 S packets per CS call. CSbytes/packet is 33 bytes on an average. This assumes that all traffic carried in the MD originates and terminates here, which is a worst case. Approximately 2/3 signalling is for the originating side. 1/3 is for incoming traffic. Since only few calls use maximal signalling and the rest is balanced, the theoretical results should be slightly conservative. In Table 3 only S traffic is considered. The results in Table 3 clearly show that even with high S traffic the load contribution due to S traffic will be modest (worst case load-DTRH = 24.8 %). The average waiting time for all packets will not exceed 1.35 ms, and 95 % of the
Table 1 PS Traffic
CAPH/SUB Bytes/packet Packets/call 1 CH Load DELq DELall Qbyte 95%_del 95 %_all 25.6 0.40 26.0 10.4 33.3 78 54 10 125 18 25.6 64 2 CH 12.8 0.20 19.5 3.9 6.3 59 27 3 CH 42.7 0.67 46.9 31.3 166.7 140 121 50 125 18 128.0 64 4 CH 32.0 0.50 31.3 15.6 62.5 94 72
Table 2 PS Traffic
CAPH/SUB Bytes/packet Packets/call 1 CH Load DELq DELall Qbyte 95%_del 95%_all 177.8 0.40 3.8 1.5 4.8 11 8 10 18 125 444 2 CH 88.9 0.20 2.8 0.6 0.9 8 4 50 18 125 444 3 CH 296.3 0.67 6.8 4.5 24.0 20 18 4 CH 222.2 0.50 4.5 2.2 9.0 14 10
DELall: Average delay in ms for all packets Qbyte: Load: Average number of queued bytes per channel Load per channel
95%_all: Delay in ms for which 95 % of all packets are below 95%_del: Delay in ms for which 95 % of the delayed packets are below.
4 Summary
The dimensioning of an Alcatel S12 exchange is done according to the description in chapter 2. The dimensioning is done in a very flexible way. A traffic increase, whether it comes from (new) ASMs or DTMs can easily be handled by increasing the number of SACEs, SCMs and other equipment. The IRSUs in an MD can be configured in many ways as described in chapter 3. For example can one large IRSU or up to 8 smaller IRSUs be connected to an IRIM pair. In addition, the number of links (2 Mbit/s) connected to the IRIMpair can vary, but the recommended number of links are two or four. In addition, a mini IRSU may be connected, but care must be taken because of special traffic limitations. The D channel used by digital subscribers connected to an MD is normally connected to allocated PS channels on the MD links. One PS channel per link may be assigned. If the PS traffic is low, there will be a possibility to use the signalling channel both for signalling and packet traffic which means that the circuit traffic capacity is increased.
delayed packets will not experience a waiting time longer than 16 ms. Combining S and PS traffic through the parameter Wpacket, higher waiting times can be expected. Table 4 shows the effect of mixing PS traffic and S traffic, see also Table 1 which has the same PS traffic. The highest 95%_del has the DTRF configuration with 50 CAPH for the PS traffic and 90 seconds CHT (3.2 CAPH) for CS traffic. But the highest DEL_all is seen for the DTRF configuration with the same PS traffic and 30 seconds CHT for CS traffic (higher load). The loads given in the tables do not give serious delays, i.e. delays that cause a lot of retransmissions. The link access protocol has a threshold of 1000 ms before a retransmission occurs and thus retransmission should be a rare incident. The model is very simple so with more bursty traffic, delays and queues may be longer than indicated in the tables, but since the margins are high the risk of jamming down the system with retransmissions should be minimal.
For a thorough, but not up to date description of Alcatel 1000 S12 the following references are recommended: 1 2 ITT 1240 Digital Exchange, Electrical communication, 56(2/3), 1981. System 12 Digital Exchange, Electrical Communication, 59(1/2), 1985.
For a more thorough view on the Digital Switching Network and general dimensioning the following reference is useful: 3 Haukeland, J. Hvordan dimensjonere en System 12 sentral. 9th Nordic teletraffic seminar (NTS 9). Kjeller 1990.