AaPower System Analysis
AaPower System Analysis
AaPower System Analysis
Power flow studies are performed to determine voltages, active and reactive power etc. at
various points in the network for different operating conditions subject to the constraints on
generator capacities and specified net interchange between operating systems and several other
restraints. Power flow or load flow solution is essential for continuous evaluation of the
performance of the power systems so that suitable control measures can be taken in case of
necessity. In practice it will be required to carry out numerous power flow solutions under a
variety of conditions.
5.1 Necessity for Power Flow Studies
Power flow studies are undertaken for various reasons, some of which are the following:
I. The line flows
2. The bus voltages and system voltage profile
3. The effect of change in configuration and incorporating new circuits on system
4. The effect of temporary loss of transmission capacity and (or) generation on system
loading and accompanied effects.
5. The effect of in-phase and quadrative boost voltages on system loading
6. Economic system operation
7. System loss minimization
8. Transformer tap setting for economic operation
9. Possible improvements to an existing system by change of conductor sizes and
system voltages.
Power Flow Studies
For the purpose of power flow studies a single phase representation of the power network
is used, since the system is generally balanced. When systems had not grown to the present
size, networks were simulated on network analyzers for load flow solutions. These analyzers
are of analogue type, scaled down miniature models of power systems with resistances,
reactances, capacitances, autotransformers, transformers, loads and generators. The generators
are just supply sources operating at a much higher frequency than 50 Hz to limit the size ofthe
components. The loads are represented by constant impedances. Meters are provided on the
panel board for measuring voltages, currents and powers. The power flow solution in obtained
directly from measurements for any system simulated on the analyzer.
With the advent of the modern digital computers possessing large storage and high
speed the mode of power flow studies have changed from analog to digital simulation. A large
number of algorithms are developed for digital power flow solutions. The methods basically
distinguish between themselves in the rate of convergence, storage requirement and time of
computation. The loads are gerally represented by constant power.
Network equations can be solved in a variety of ways in a systematic manner. The most
popular method is node voitage method. When nodal or bus admittances are used complex
linear algebraic simultaneous equations will be obtained in terms of nodal or bus currents.
However, as in a power system since the nodal currents are not known, but powers are known
at almost all the buses, the resulting mathematical equations become non-linear and are required
to be solved by interactive methods. Load flow studies are required as has been already explained
for power system planning, operation and control as well as for contingency analysis. The bus
admittance matrix is invariably utilized in power flow solutions
5.2 Conditions for Successful Operation of a Power System
There are the following:
1. There should the adequate real power generation to supply the power demand at
various load buses and also the losses
2. The bus voltage magnitUdes are maintained at values very close to the rated values.
3. Generators, transformers and transmission lines are not over loaded at any point of
time or the load curve.
5.3 The Power Flow Equations
Consider an n-bus system the bus voltages are given by
V= ............ .
Vn LOn
The bus admittance matrix
[Y] = [G] + j [B]
..... (5.1 )
..... (5.2)
Power System Analysis
-"- glk -j j b
= iV
1 (Cos 8
+ j sin (
VI: = IVkl L-i\ = !Vki (Cos c\ + j sin 8
The current injected into the network at bus 'i'
..... (5.3)
..... (5.4 )
II = YII VI T YIC Vc + .... + Yin Vn where n is the number of buses
II - L Y
The complex power into the system at bus i
1 I ! 1 I
L IV V, Y,lexp(8 -0, -8,)
k=1 I I,
Equating the real and imaginary parts
PI = k:1 IV
V k Ylkl Cos (8
-- (\ - 8
and 0
= L IV V, Y,I Sin(8 -8, -8,)
k=1 I I. I, I,
where j= 1.2 ...... , n
..... (5.5 )
..... (5.6)
..... (5.7)
..... (5.8)
Excluding the slack bus, the above power flow equations are 2 (n - I) and the variables
are PI" 0
, IVII and Ld
Simultaneous solution to the 2 (n - I) equations
p -
, IV
Cos \ -- i\ - 8
) -= 0
-, I
k ct slack bus
OGI - 0
- IV
V k Ylkl Sin (8
- c\ - 8
) = 0
k *' slack bus
Constitutes the power flow or load flow solution.
..... (5.9)
..... (5.10)
The voltage magnitudes and the phase. angles at all load buses are the quantities to be
determined. They are called state variables or dependent variables. The specified or scheduled
values at all buses are the independent variables.
Y matrix interactive methods are based on solution to power flow equations using their
current mismatch at a bus given by
..... ( 5.11 )
Power Flow Studies
or using the voltage form
..... (5.12)
At the end of the interactive solution to power flow equation, fl.1, or more usually fI. V,
should become negligibly small so that they can be neglected.
5.4 Classification of Buses
(a) Load hus : A bus where there is only load connected and no generation exists is
called a load bus. At this bus real and reactive load demand P
and Q
are drawn
from the supply. The demand is generally estimated or predicted as in load forecast
or metered and measured from instruments. Quite often, the reactive power is
calculated from real power demand with an assumed power factor. A load bus is
called a p, Q bus. Since the load demands P
and Q
are known values at this
bus. The other two unknown quantities at a load bus are voltage magnitude and its
phase angle at the bus. In a power balance equation P d and Q
are treated as negative
quantities since generated powers P g and Q g are assumed positive.
(b) VoltaKe controlled bus or generator bus:
A voltage controlled bus is any bus in the system where the voltage magnitude can
be controlled. The real power developed by a synchronous generator can be varied
b: changing the prime mover input. This in turn changes the machine rotor axis
position with respect to a synchronously rotating or reference axis or a reference
bus. In other words, the phase angle of the rotor 0 is directly related to the real
power generated by the machine. The voltage magnitude on the other hand,
mainly, influenced by the excitation current in the field winding. Thus at a generator
bus the real power generation P" and the voltage magnitude IV 01 can be specified. It
is also possible to produce vars by using capacitor or reactor banks too. They
compensate the lagging or leading val's consumed and then contribute to voltage
control. At a generator bus or voltage controlled bus, also called a PV-bus the
reactive power Q
and 8fl are the values that are not known and are to be computed.
(c) ,",llIck htl.\'
In a network as power from the generators to loads through transmission
lines power loss occurs due to the losses in the line conductors. These losses when
included, we get the power balance relations
- ..... (5.14)
Qg-Qd-QI =0 ..... (5.15)
where P <; and Qo are the total real and reactive generations, P d and Q d are the total
real ancf reactive power demands and P land OI. are the power losses in the
transmission network. The values ofP g' 0 g' P d and 0 d are either known or estimated.
Since the flow of cements in the various lines in the transmission lines are not
known in advance, PI. and OI. remains unknown before the analysis of the network.
But. these losses have to be supplied by the generators in the system. For this
Power System Analysis
purpose, one of the geneFators or generating bus is specified as 'slack bus' or
'swing bus'. At this bus the generation P g and Q
are not specified. The voltage
magnitude is specified at this bus. Further, the voltage phase angle 8 is also fixed at
this bus. Generally it is specified as 0 so that all voltage phase angles are measured
with respect to voltage at this bus. For this reason slack bus is also known as
reference bus. All the system losses are supplied by the generation at this bus.
Further the system voltage profile is also influenced by the voltage specified at this
bus. The three types of buses are illustrated in Fig. 5.1.
Slack bus IV d. 8
= 0 specified P l'
to be
determined at the
end of the
P 3' Q3' IV 31. 8
Load bus P 3. 0
specified IV 31.8
are not known
Fig. 5.1
Bus classification is summarized in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1
Generator bus P 2'
IV 2i spcified O
to be known
Bus Specified variables Computed variables
Slack- bus Voltage magnitude and its phase angle Real and reactive powers
Generator bus Magnitudes of bus voltages and real Voltage phase angle and
(PV - bus or voltage powers (limit on reactive powers) reat.:tive power.
controlled bus)
Load bus Real and reactive powers Magnitude and phase
angle of bus voltages
5.5 Bus Admittance Formation
Consider the transmission system shown in Fig. 5.1.
Fig. 5.2 Three bus transmission system.
Power Flow Studies
The line impedances joining buses 1, 2 and 3 are denoted by z 12' z 22 and z31 respectively.
The corresponding line admittances are Y\2' Y22 and Y31
The total capacitive susceptances at the buses are represented by YIO' Y20 and Y30'
Applying Kirchoff's current law at each bus
In matrix from
II : VI Y \0 + (V 1 - V 2) Y \2 + (V 1 - V 3) Y \3 }
12 - V 2 Y20 + (V 2 - VI) Y 21 + (V 2 - V 3) Y23
13 = V 3 Y 30 + (V 3 - VI) Y 31 + (V 3 - V 2) Y 32
- Y12
..... (5.15)
- Y0 1 X
Y 20 + Y 12 + Y 23
- Y23
- Y13 1
Y 30 + Y 13 + Y 23
- Y20 + YI2 + Y23
Y33 = Y30 + Y\3 + Y23
are the self admittances forming the diagonal terms and
: Y
: -Y12}
y 13 - Y 31 - -y 13
..... (5.16)
..... (5.17)
..... (5.18)
are the mutual admittances forming the off-diagonal elements of the bus admittance
matrix. For an n-bus system, the elements of the bus admittance matrix can be written down
merely by inspection of the network as
diagonal terms
= Ylo + LYlk
off and diagonal terms
..... (5.19)
If the network elements have mutual admittance (impedance), the above formulae will
not apply. For a systematic formation of the y-bus, linear graph theory with singular
transformations may be used.
104 Power System Analysis
5.6 System Model for Load Flow Studies
The variable and parameters associated with bus i and a neighboring bus k are represented in
the usual notation as follows:
Bus admittance,
= I Y ik I exp j e Ik = I Y ik I (Cos qlk + j sin elk)
Complex power,
- p +' Q - V I"
I - I J I - I I
Using the indices G and L for generation and load,
PI = P
- P
= Re [Vi I*J
= Q
- Q
= 1m [Vi I"J
The bus current is given by
Hence, from eqn. (5.22) and (5.23) from an n-bus system
" P - iQ. n
II = I : '=YiIV, + LYikV
Vj k=l
and from eqn. (5.26)
V = __ 1 [PI - jQ, - ~ Y V 1
' y. V. .L... ,k k
II , k=l
Pi + jQj = V , L Y , ~ V:
In the polar form
P,+jQj=L lV, V
so that
P, = L lV, V
YjkICOS(Oj -Ok -elk)
Q, = L IV
Y,k Isin (OJ -Ok -elk)
i = 1, 2, ..... n; i =F- slack bus
..... (5.20)
..... (5.21)
..... (5.22)
..... (5.23)
..... (5.24)
..... (5.25)
..... (5.26)
..... (5.27)
..... (5.28)
..... (5.29)
..... (5.30)
..... (5.31)
Power Flow Studies
The power flow eqns. (5.30) and (5.31) are nonlinear and it is required to solve 2(n-l)
such equations involving i V, I, 8
P, and Q
at each bus i forthe load flow solution. Finally, the
powers at the slack bus may be computed from which the losses and all other line flows can
be ascertained. V-matrix interactivt! methods are based on solution to power flow relations
using their current mismatch at a bus given by
~ I = I -- "Y
1 1 L
or using the voltage from
, ~ I ,
~ V, - ~ ---
..... (5.32)
..... (5.33)
The convergence of the iterative methods depends on the diagonal dominance of the
bus admittance matri\.. The selfadmittances of the buses, are usually large, relative to the
mutual admittances and thus, usually convergence is obtained. Junctions of very high and low
series impedances and large capacitances obtained in cable circuits long, EHV lines, series and
shunt compensation are detrimental to convergence as these tend to weaken the diagonal
dominance in the V-matrix. The choice of slack bus can affect convergence considerably. [n
difficult cases. it is possible to obtain convergence by removing the least diagonally dominant
row and column of Y. The salient features of the V-matrix iterative methods are that the
elements in the summation tenm in cqn. (5.26) or (5.27) are on the average only three, even
for well-developed power systems. The sparsity of the V-matrix and its symmetry reduces
both the storage requirement and the computation time for iteration. For a large, well conditioned
system of n-buses, the number of iterations required are of the order of n and total computing
time varies approximately as n
Instead of using eqn (5.25). one can select the impedance matrix and rewrite the
equation a ~
v = Y -I I ~ 7. I
..... (5.34 )
The Z-matrix method is not usually very sensitive to the choice of the slack bus. It can
easily be verified that the Z-matrix is not sparse. For problems that can be solved by both
Z-matrix and V-matrix methods, the former are rarely competitive with the V-matrix methods.
5.7 Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method
Gauss-Seidel iterative method is very simple in concept but may not yield convagence to the
required solution. However, whcn the initial solution or starting point is very close to the actual
solution convergence is gcncrally ontained. The following example illustrator the method.
Consider the equations:
2x + 3y = 22
3\. +- 4y = 31
The free solution to thc above equations is .... == 5 and y = 4
Power System Analysis
If an interactive solution using Gauss-Seidel method is required then let u,; assume a
starting value for x = 4.8 which is nearer to the true value of 5 we obtain from the given
22 - 2x 34 -4y
Y = --- and x = --3--
Iteration 1 : Let x = 4.8; y = 4.13
with y = 4.13; x = 6.2
Iteration 2 x = 6.2; y = 3.2
Y = 3.2; x = 6.06
Iteration 3 : x = 6.06 y = 3.29
y = 3.29 x = 5.94
Iteration 4 : x = 5.96 y = 3.37
Y = 3.37 x = 5.84
Iteration 5 : x = 5.84 Y = 3.44
Y = 3.44 x = 5.74
Iteration 6 : x = 5.74 Y = 3.5
Y = 3.5 x = 5.66
The iteractive solution slowly converges to the true solution. The convergence of the
method depending upon the starting values for the iterative solution.
In many cases the conveyence may not be ohtained at all. However, in case of power
flow studies, as the bus voltages are not very far from the rated values and as all load flow
studies are performed with per unit values assuming a flat voltage profile at all load buses of
(I + jO) p.LI. yields convergence in most of the cases with appriate accleration factors chosen.
5.8 Gauss - Seidel Iterative Method of Load Flow Solution
In this method, voltages at all buses except at the slack bus are assumed. The voltage at the
slack bus is specified and remains fixed at that value. The (n-I) bus voltage relations.
v = J_ r P, .- jQ, -- y V
'y V* k
" , 0_1
I = 1, 2, ..... n; i :f= slack bus
..... (5.35)
are solved simultaneously for an improved solution. In order to accelerate the convergence, all
newly-computed values of bus voltages are substituted in eqn. (5.35). Successively the bus
voltage equation of the (m + 1)th iteration may then be written as
V(m+l) = _I [p ,-jQ, _ y v:(m+l) _ y v:(m) l
I Y V(m)* k k I
"i J
..... (5.36)
Power Flow Studies
The method converges slowly because of the loose mathematical coupling between the
buses. The rate of convergence of the process can be increased by using acceleration factors
to the solution obtained after each iteration. A fixed acceleration factor ex (I ::; ex ::; 2) is
normally used for each voltage change.
Y _
L\ i-ex y*y ..... (5.37)
I 11
The use of the acceleration factor amounts to a linear extrapolation of VJ" For a given
system. it is quite often found that a near-optimal choice of ex e>.ists as suggested in literature
over a range of operating conditions. Even though a complex value of ex is suggested in
literature, it is more convenient to operate with real values given by
..... (5.38)
Alternatively, different acceleration factors may be used for real and imaginary parts of
the voltage.
Treatment of a PV - bus
The method of handling a PV-bus requires rectangular coordinate representation for the voltages.
= v, + jv, ..... (5.39)
Where v, and v, are the real and imaginary components ofY
the relationship .
..... (5.40)
must be satisfied. so that the reactive bus power required to establish the scheduled bus
I b
. f IITI) (m) f
vo tage can e computed. The estimates 0 voltage components. v, and v, a ter
m iterations must be adjusted to satisfy eqn. (5.40). The Phase angle of the estimated bus
voltage is
8(m) = tan -I _V_I_
I '(m)
..... (5.41)
Assuming that the phase angles of the estimated and scheduled voltages are equal, then
the adjusted estimates of V'(II1) and V"(JII) are
. I
(lIl) = IV I cos8(m)
I ( new) I scheduled I
..... (5.42)
V"(I11) = IV I sin 8(111)
I(ncw) I scheduled I
..... (5.43)
These values are used to calculate the reactive power Using these reactive powers
and voltages I a new estimate V:
<1+11 is calculated. The flowchart for computing
the solution of load tlow using gauss-seidel method is given in Fig. 5.3.
Power System Analysis
While computing the reactive powers, the limits on the reactive sourCt! must be taken
into consideration. If the calculated value of the reactive power is beyond limits. Then its value
is fixed at the limit that is violated and it is no longer possible to hold the desired magnitude of
the bus voltage, the bus is treated as a PQ bus or load bus.
VIm) =_I_[<PJ -jQ,J
I Y,J vim)
!.=..!.. Y v(m"l) _ i Y VIm)]
k = I Ik k I . ~ I + I II. k
m=m+ I
Calculate line flows and slack bus
PO\\ er
Fig. 5.3 Flowchart for Gauss - Seidel iterative method for load flow solution using V-8us.
Power Flow Studies
5.9 Newton-Raphson Method
The generated Newton-Raphson method is an interactive algorithm for solving a set of
simultaneous nonlinear equations in an equal number of unknowns. Consider the set of nonlinear
fl (Xl' X
' ...... , Xn) = YI' i = I, 2, .... , n
. .... (5.44)
with initial estimates for \
. (0) (0) (0)
XI x
..... ., xn
which are not far from the actual solution. Then using Taylor's series and neglecting
the higher order terms, the corrected set of equations are
(0) + AX (0) + A XIO) + A. )_ ..... (5.45)
XI 0 I,X
, .. .. , n oXn - YI
where L\ \ are the corrections to XI = (i = I, 2, ..... , n)
A set of linear equations, which define a tangent hyperplane to the function fl (x) at the
given iteration point (x:O)) are obtained as
L\Y= JL\X ..... (5.46)
where L\ Y is a column vector determined by
f (
(0) (0)
YI - I XI , ..... ,x
L\X is the column vector of correction terms L\ x" and J is the Jacobian matrix for the
function f given by the first order partial derivatives evaluated at X (0) The corrected solution is
obtained as
X;IJ = x;O) + L\xl
The square Jacobian matrix J is defined by
J =--
II. Cx
..... (5.47)
..... (5.48)
The above method of obtaining a converging solution for a set of nonlinear equations
can be used for solving the load flow problem. It may be mentioned that since the final voltage
solutions are not much different from the nominal values, Newton - Raphson method is
particularly suited to the load flow problem. The matrix J is highly sparse and is particularly
suited to the load flow application and sparsity - programmed ordered triangulation and back
substitution methods result in quick and efficient convergence to the load flow solution. This
method possesses quadratic convergence and thus converges very rapidly when the solution
point is close.
There are two methods of solution for the load flow using Newton - Raphson method.
The first method uses rectangular coordinates for the variables, while the second method uses
the polar coordinate formulation.
Power System Analysis
5.9.1 The Rectangular Coordinates Method
The power entering the bus i is given by
S, = P, + j 0,
v =0- v, + jv,
Y ,k = G,k + j B,k
(P, + jO,) = ((v: + jv:')t - jB,k - - j
k=1 )
..... (5.49)
..... (5.50)
Expanding the right side of the above equation and separating out the real and imaginary
. .... (5.51 )
0, = f[v:(G" -G'k +G,k
..... (5.52)
These are the two power relations at each bus and the lineanzed equations of the form
(5.46) are written as
r oP
I r Av,
Uv'; 0<_1
av:'_1 av:: av::_
..... (5.53)
1 OQn-1 00
av'; av
av'; av
00,,-1 00,,-1 0011-1 oon-I
av'l av';
II-I n-I -'
Matrix equation (5.53) can be solved for the unknowns and (i = I, 2, ... , n -1),
leaving the slack bus at the nth bus where the voltage is specified. Equation (2.33) may be
written compactly as
..... (5.54)
where H, N, M and L are the sub-matrices of the Jacobian. The elements of the Jacobian are
obtained by differentiating Eqns. (5.51) and (5.52). The off-diagonal and diagonal elements of
Power Flow Studies
H matrix are given by
oP "
Cv.' = G 'k V k + B ,k V k ,i *- k
The off-diagonal and diagonal elements ofN are:
oP , , "n (" , )
--,: =-B"v,+2G"v
The off-diagonal and diagonal elements of sub-matrix M are obtained as,
aQ " ,
-,-' = G ,k V - B,k v, ' k *- i
av '
Finally, the off-diagonal and diagonal elements of L are given by
aQ ' "
-,-' = -G ,k v - B ,k v, , k *- i
0V k '
(lQ, = G " ') B '
, " v, - ~ "v,
It can be noticed that
L,k = - H,k
and N,k = M,k
i (G ,k v ' ~ - B ,k V k )
k =!
k ""
..... (5.55)
..... (5.56)
..... (5.57)
..... (5.58)
..... (5.59)
..... (5.60)
..... (5.61 )
..... (5.62)
This property of symmetry of the elements reduces computer time and storage.
Treatment of Generator Buses
At all generator buses other than the swing bus, the voltage magnitudes are specified in addition
to the real powers. At the ith generator bus
1 1
2 '0 "7
V, = v,- + v,-
..... (5.63)
Power System Analysis
Then, at all the generator nodes, the variable will have to be replaced by
I 1
2 _ , (1(1 11) "
- ,i\V,+ "
?V, ?v,
..... (5.64)
This is the only modification required to be introduced in eqn. (5.60)
5.9.2 The Polar Coordinates Method
The equation for the complex power at node i in the polar form is given in eqn. (5.60) and the
real and reactive pO\vers at bus i are indicated in eqn. (5.30) and (5.31). Reproducing them
here once again for convenience.
P, = t lV, V
y"lcos(o, - Ok - 8,,)
0, = L lV, V, V,k Isin (0, -0, - 8,,)
..... (5.65)
..... (5.66)
The Jocobian is then formulated in terms of IV I and 8 instead of V,' and V, in this case.
Eqn. (5.46) then takes the form
= [: I]
..... (5.67)
The otT-diagonal and diagonal elements of tile sub-matrices H, N, M and L are determined
by differentiating eqns. (5.30) and (5.31) with respect to 8 and IV: as before. The off-diagonal
and diagonal elements of H matrix are
2P, =IV, V, V,kl sin (o,-ok- 8,,),i*k
..... ( 5.68)
..... (5.69)
The Jacobian is then formulated in terms of IV I and 8 instead of V,' and V," in this case.
Eqn. (5.46) then takes the form
[H Nl[ M 1
l - M L i\ 1 V I
..... (5.70)
Power Flow Studies
The off-diagonal and diagonal elements of the sub-matrices H, N, M and L are determined
by differentiating eqns. (5.30) and (5.31) with respect to 8 and IVI as before. Tlw off-diagonal
and diagonal elements of H matrix are
= IV V, Y I . 8)' k
I , Ik sin 1 - Uk - Ik' I *
"'p 11
I = I IV
-i\ -8
The off-diagonal and diagonal elements ofN matrix are
= IV
Y,k I sin (8, -8
8: V
The off-diagonal and diagonal elements ofM matrix are
Finally, the off-diagonal and diagonal elements of L matrix are
I = lV, Ylk Isin (81 - i\ - 81k )
..... (5.71 )
..... (5.72)
..... (5.73)
..... (5.74)
..... (5.75)
..... (5.76)
..... (5.77)
..... (5.78)
[t is seen from the elements of the Jacobian in this case that the symmetry that existed
in the rectangular coordinates case is no longer present now. By selecting the variable as
,M and IVI / IVI instead equation (5.70) will be in the form
= I H N] r
..... (5.79)
[n this case it will be seen that
Hlk = Llk
Power System Analysis
or, in other words, the symmetry is restored. The number of elements to be calculated for an
n-dimensional Jacobian matrix are only n + n
/2 instead of n
, thus again saving computer
time and storage. The flow chart for computer solution is given in Fig. 5.4.
p,(I11) = It VY. V,. cos(i" - Ok - e,k )
0,(111) = f V,V
V,k sin(o, -Ok -e,k)
= P (scheduled) _ p(m) .
I I ,
Solve the equation:
Calculate the changes in variables
1 V I(m+ 1)= 1 V I(m) + i\V I(m)
8(m+ 1)= 8(111) +
Calculate Ime llows
and power at slack
Fig. 5.4 Flow chart for Newton - Raphson method (Polar coordinates) for load flow
. solution.
Power Flow Studies
Treatment of Generator Nodes
For a PV-bus. the reactive power equations are replaced at the ith generator bus by
1 I
" '2 "2
..... (5.80)
The elements of M are given by
..... (5.81)
and ..... (5.82)
Then elements of L are given by
- )1 1-" - .
Llk --"-1-1 Vk -O,I,ck
.. ... (5.83)
L = II Iv 'I:::: 21
01 ciVil I I
..... (5.84)
Newtons method converges in 2 to 5 iterations from a flat start ([V} = 1.0 p.u and 0 = 0)
independent of system size. Previously stored solution can be used as starting values fONapid
convergence. Iteration time can be saved by using the same triangulated Jacobian matrix for
two or more iterations. For typical, large size systems, the computing time for one Newton -
Raphson iteration is roughly equivalent to seven Gauss - Seidel iterations.
The rectangular formulation is marginally faster than the polar version because there are
no time consuming trigonometric functions. However, it is observed that the rectangular
coordinates method is less reliable than the polar version.
5.10 Sparsity of Network Admittance Matrices
For many power networks, the admittance matrix is relatively sparse, where as the impedance
matrix is full. In general, both matrices are nonsingular and symmetric. III the admittance
matrix. each non-zero off diagonal element corresponds to a network branch connecting the
pair of buses indicated by the row and column of the element. Most transmission networks
exhibit irregularity in their connection arrangements, and their admittance matrices are relatively
sparse. Such sparse systems possess the following advantages:
1. Their storage requirements are small, so that larger systems can be solved.
2. Direct solutions using triangularization techniques can be obtained much faster unless
the independent vector is extremely sparse.
3. Round off errors are very much reduced.
The exploitation of network sparsity requires sophisticated programming techniques.
Power System Analysis
5.11 Triangular Decompostion
Matrix inversion is a very inefficient process for computing direct solutions, especjally for
large, sparse systems. Triangular decomposition of the matrix for solution by Gussian
elimination is more suited for load flow solutions. Generally, the decomposition is accomplished
by elements below the main diagonal in successive columns. Elimination by successive rows is
more advantageous from computer programming point of view.
Consider the system of equations
Ax=b ..... (5.84)
where A is a nonsingular b is a known vector containing at least one non-zero element
and x is a column vector of unknowns.
To solve eqn. (5.84) by the triangular decomposition method, matrix A is augmented by
b as shown
I all
an aln
n2 ann
The elements of the first row in the augmented matrix are divided by all as indicated by
the following step with superscripts denoting the stage of the computation.
. .... (5.85)
..... (5.86)
In the next stage a
is eliminated from the second row using the relations
,(I) _, II) . - 2
.. a21-a.:'lall'.I- ........... n
..... (5.87)
..... (5.88)
(2) _ ( I ] (I) ._
- a
' ......... ,n
..... (5.89)
Power Flow Studies
The resulting matrix then becomes
using the relations
b b(1)
(3) = 3 - a
~ : : : I
ann b
(2) - b(l) (l)b(2)' - 4
3 - 1 -an -' ,J- , ....... ,n
f 1
(3) _ 1 (1)_
-lTl a
,J-4, ....... ,\1
..... (5.90)
..... (5.91 )
..... (5.92)
..... (5.93)
..... (5.94)
..... (5.95)
The elements to the left of the diagonal in the third row are eliminated and further the
diagonal element in the third row is made unity.
After n steps of computation for the nth order system of eqn. (5.84). the augmented
matrix will he obtained as
b ~ 2 )
By back substitution, the solution is obtained as
x = b(ll)
n n
- b(Il-I) (n-I)
- n-I -an-I ,n ........ xll
X = b
) - "all)x
I I ~ 1J I
..... (5.96)
..... (5.97)
..... (5.98)
For matri" inversion of an nth order matrix. the number of arithmetical operations required
is n
while for the triangular decomposition it is approximately ( ~ ) .
Power System Analysis
5.12 Optimal Ordering
When the A matrix in eqn. (5.84) is sparse, it is necessary to see that the accumulation of
non- zero elements in the upper triangle is minimized. This can be achieved by suitably
ordering the equations, which is referred to as optimal ordering.
Consider the network system having five nodes as shown in Fig. 5.5.
Fig. 5.5 A Five Bus system.
The y-bus matrix of the network will have entries as follows
x x y x
2 x x 0 0 =y
3 x 0 x 0
4 x 0 0 x
After triangular decomposition the matrix will be reduced to the form
123 4
I x y x
2 0 x x =y
300 I x
4 0 0 0
..... (5.99)
..... (5.100)
By ordering the nodes as in Fig. 5.6 the bus admittance matrix will be of the form
1 2 ~ 4
I I x 0 0 x
210 x 0 x =Y ..... (5.101)
310 0 x y
4 I x x x x
Power Flow Studies
Fig. 5.6 Renumbered five bus system.
As a result of triangular decomposition, the V-matrix will be reduced to
123 4
I ~
210 lOx =Y
300 I x
4 0 0 0
..... (5.102)
Thus, comparing the matrices in eqn. (5.100) and (5.102) the non-zero off diagonal
entries are reduced from 6 to 3 by suitably numbering the nodes.
Tinney and Walker have suggested three methods for optimal ordering.
I. Number the rows according to the number of non-zero, off-diagonal elements before
elimination. Thus, rows with less number of off diagonal elements are numbered
first and the rows with large number last.
2. Number the rows so that at each s.tep of elimination the next row to be eliminated is
the one having fewest non-zero terms. This method required simulation of the
elimination process to take into account the changes in the non-zero connections
affected at each step.
3. Number the rows so that at each step of elimination, the next row to be eliminated is
the one that will introduce fewest new non-zero elements. This requires simulation
of every feasible alternative at each step.
Scheme I. is simple and fast. However, for power flow solutions, scheme 2. has proved to be
advantageous even with its additional computing time. If the number of iterations is large,
scheme 3. may prove to be advantageous.
5.13 Decoupled Methods
All power systems exhibit in the steady state a strong interdependence between active powers
and bus voltage angles and between reactiye power and voltage magnitude. The coupling
between real power and bus voltage magnitude and between reactive power and bus voltage
Power System Analysis
phase angle are both relatively weak. This weak coupling is utilized in the development of the
so called decoupled methods. Recalling equitation (5.79)
by neglecting Nand M sub matrices as a first step, decoupling can be obtained .so that
I f1P I = I HI IMI
I f1Q I = I L I . I f1 I VI/I V I
..... (5.103)
..... (5.104)
The decoupled method converges as reliability as the original Newton method from
which it is derived. However, for very high accuracy the method requires more iterations
because overall quadratic convergence is lost. The decoupled Newton method saves by a
factor of four on the storage for the J - matrix and its triangulation. But, the overall saving is
35 to 50% of storage when compared to the original Newton method. The computation per
iteration is 10 to 20% less than for the original Newton method.
5.14 Fast DecoupJed Methods
For security monitoring and outage-contingency evaluation studies, fast load flow solutions
are required. A method developed for such an application is described in this section.
The elements of the sub-matrices Hand L (eqn. (5.79)) are given by
H,k = I (V, V k Y,k) I sin (0, - Ok - e,k)
= I (V, V k Y,k) I sin O,k Cos e,k - cos O,k Cos e,k)
= I V, V
I [G,k sin e,k - B ,k cos O,k]
0, - Ok = O,k
Hkk=- ~ ] V , V
= + I V, e I YII I sin e,k -I V, 12 i V,k I sin e,k
- .zJV, V
Y,k Isin{o, - Ok - e,k)
Lkk = 2 V, YII sin 8
+ L V
Y,k sin(D, --Ok - 8
With f1 IVI / IVI formulation on the right hand side.
..... (5.105)
..... (5.106)
..... (5.107)
LKK = 2 jV,2 YIII sin 9
+ LIV, V
Y,klsin{o, -Ok -8
..... (5.108)
Assuming that
Power Flow Studies
Sin 8
=:= 0
Gik sin 8
::; B'k
::; B ly21
I 11 1
-I y21 B
kk - 1 l' II
kk I l' 11
- 'V"I B
Ik - i" Ik
Rewriting eqns. (5.103) and (5.104)
lL1pl = [IVI B' I V] L18
IL1QI =1 y I B" I V I ~ ~ I
lL1pl = B' [L18]
IL1QI = B"[L11 V I]
..... (5.109)
..... (5.110)
..... (5.11 I)
..... (5.112)
..... (5.113)
Matrices R' and B" represent constant approximations to the slopes of the tangent hyper
planes of the functions L1P / iVI and L1Q / IVi respectively. T h ~ y are very close to the Jacobian
sub matrices Hand L evaluated at system no-load.
Shunt reactances and off-nominal in-phase transformer taps which affect the Mvar
110ws are to be omitted from [B '] and for the same reason phase shifting elements are to be
omitted from [Bit].
Both l B '1 and [B It] are real and spars e and need be triangularised only once, at the
beginning of the study since they contain network admittances only.
The method converges very reliably in two to five iterations with fairly good accuracy
even for large systems. A good, approximate solution is obtained after the 1 SI or 2nd iteration,
The speed per iteration is roughly five times that of the original Newton method.
5.15 Load Flow Solution Using Z Bus
5.15.1 Bus Impedance Formation
Any power network can be formed using the following possible methods of construction.
I. A line may be added to a reference point or bus.
Power System Analysis
2. A bus may be added to any existing bus in the system other than the reference bus
through a new line, and
3. A line may be added joining two existing buses in the system forming a loop.
The above three modes are illustrated in Fig. 5.7.
Lllle added to
reference bus
0--+-<>----0 New
System Zhne
Lme added to any bus other
than reference line
Fig. 5.7 Building of Z - Bus.
System r k
Line added Joining two
existing buses
5.15.2 Addition of a Line to the Reference Bus
If unit current is injected into bus k no voltage will be produced at other buses of the systems.
Zlk = Zkl = 0, i 7- k
The driving point impedance of the new bus is given by
Zkk = Zlllle
i = 1.0
. Z ..... 1----
System :>-+------<1 ~ l
Fig. 5.8 Addition of the line to reference line
5.15.3 Addition of a Radial Line and New Bus
: .... (5.114)
..... (5.115)
Injection of unit current into the system through the new bus k produces voltages at all other
buses of the system as shown in Fig. 5.9.
These voltages would of course. be same as that would be produced if the current were
injected instead at bus i as shown.
i = I 0
Z ..... 1----
System :----+----1 ~ l
Fig. 5.9 Addition of a radial line and new bus.
Power Flow Studies
..... (5.116)
The dimension of the existing Z - Bus matrix is increased by one. The off diagonal
elements of the new row and column are the same as the elements of the row and column of
bus i of the existing system.
5.15.4 Addition of a Loop Closing Two Existing Buses in the System
Since both the buses are existing buses in the system the dimension of the bus impedance
matrix will not increase in this case. However, the addition of the loop introduces a new axis
which can be subsequently eliminated by Kron's reduction method.
System i = 1.0
Fig. 5.10 (a) Addition of a loop (b) Equivalent representation
The 5ystems in Fig. 5.1 O( a) can be represented alternatively as in Fig. 5.1 O(b).
The link between i and k requires a loop voltage
= 1.0 (ZI1 - Z2k + Zkk - Zlk + Z Illle)
for the circulation of unit current
The loop impedance is
..... (5.117)
Zioop = ZII + 7:
-- 2Z
+ ZI111e ..... (5.118)
The dimension of Z matrix is increased due to the introduction of a new axis due to the
loop 1
The new loop axis can be eliminated now. Consider the matrix
Power System Analysis
It can be proved easily that
..... ( 5. J 18)
using eqn. (5. J 18) all the additional elements introduced by the loop can be eliminated.
The method is illustrated in example E.5.4.
5.15.5 Gauss - Seidel Method Using Z-bus for Load Flow Solution
An initial bus voltage vector is assumed as in the case ofY - bus method. Using these voltages,
the bus currents are calculated using eqn. (5.25) or (5.26).
P - iQ
1= I . I -v V
y' - I I
..... (5.119)
where Y
is the total shunt admittance at the bus i and Y
VI is the shunt current flowing
from bus i to ground.
A new bus voltage estimate is obtained for an n-bus system from the relation .
y '=Z I ~ y
bu, bu, bus R
..... (5,120)
Where Y R is the (n -- I) x ! dimensional reference voltage vector containing in each
clement the slack bus voltage. It may he noted that since the slack bus is the reference bus, the
dimension of the Zhu, is (n- I y (n I).
The voltages are updated from iteration to iteration using the relation
1--1 n
ym+1 =y + "Z I III +1 + "Z I
I S L. ~ I k k L. Ik k
k ~ 1 k ~ 1
k"S b,S
5.16 Convergence Characteristics
..... (5.121)
i = 1,2, ........ , n
S = slack bus
The numher of iterations required for convergence to solution depends considerably on the
correction to voltage at each bus. If the correction DY, at hus i is multiplied by a factor a, it is
found that acceleration can be obtained to convergence rate. Then multiplier a is called
acceleration factor. The difference between the newly computed voltage and the previous
voltage at the bus is multiplied by an appropriate acceleration factor. The value ofa that generally
improves the convergence is greater than are. In general I < a < 2 and a typical value for a =
1.5 or 1.6 the use of acceleration factor amounts to a linear extrapolation of bus voltage YI' For
a given system, it is quite often found that a near optimal choice of a exists as suggested in
literature over a range of operating condition complex value is also suggested for a. Same
suggested different a values for real and imaginary parts of the bus voltages.
Power Flow Analysis ]25
The convergence of iterative methods depends upon the diagonal dominance of the bus
admittance matrix. The self adm ittances of the buses (diagonal terms) are usually large relative
to the mutual admittances (off-diagonal terms). For this reason convergence is obtained for
power flow solution methods.
Junctions of high and low series impedances and large capacitances obtained in cable
circuits. long EHV lines. series and shunt. Compensation are detrimental to convergence as
these tend to weaken the diagonal dominance in Y bus matrix. The choice of swing bus may
also affect convergence considerably. In ditlicult cases it is possible to obtain convergence by
removing the least diagonally dominant row and column ofY-bus. The salient features ofY-bus
matrix iterative mf"thods are that the element in the summation term in equation ( ) or ( ) are on
the average 2 or 3 only even for well developed power systems. The sparsity of the Y-matrix
and its symmetry reduces both the storage requirement and the computation time for iteration.
For large well conditioned system of n huses the numher of iterations req uired are of the
order n and the total computing time varies approximately as n ~ .
In contrast, the Newton-Raphson method gives convergence in 3 to 4 iterations. No
acceleration factors are needed to the used. Being a gradient method solution is obtained must
taster than any iterative method.
126 Operation and Control in Power Systems
\Vorked Examples
E 5.1 A three bus power system is shown in Fig. ES.l. The system parameters are
given in Table ES.l and the load and generation data in Table ES.2. The voltage at
bus 2 is maintained at l.03p.u. The maximum and minimum reactive power
limits of the generation at bus 2 are 35 and 0 Mvar respectively. Taking bus 1 as
slack bus obtain the load flow solution using Gauss - Seidel iterative method
using Y u ~
E 5.1 A three bus power system
Table E 5.1 Impedance and Line charging Admittances
Bus Code i-k Impedance (p.u.) Z,I.. Line charging Admittance (p.u) y,
1-2 O.OS ~ j O 24 0
1-3 0.02 +jO.06 0
2-3 O.06+jO.OIR U
Table E 5.2 Scheduled Generation, Loads and Voltages
Bus No i Bus voltage Vi
I 1.05 +jO.O
2 1.03 +jO.O
The line admittance are obtained as
)'12 = 1.25 - j3.75
Y23 - ~ 1.667 -- j5.00
Y13 = 5.00 - jIS.OO
Generation Load
MW Mvar MW Mvar
- 0 0
50 20
0 0
Power Flow Analysis 127
The bus admittance matrix is formed using the procedure indicated in section 2.1 as
r 6.25
- j1B.75 -1.25 + j3.75 -5.0
+ j15.0l
= -1.25 + j3.73 2.9167 - jB.75 -j1.6667 + j5.0 I
-5.0 + j15.0 -1.6667 + j5.0 6.6667 - j20.0 J
Gauss - Seidel Iterative Method using Y Bl!S
The voltage at hus 3 is assumed as 1 + jO. The initial voltages are therefore
Vir!) = 1.05 + jO.O
viol == 1.03 + jO.O
Vf') = 1.00 + jO.O
Base MVA = 100
Iteration 1 : It is required to calculate the reactive power O
at bus 2, which is a P- V or voltage
controlled bus
= !V
!sch coso
= (1.03)(1.0) = 1.03
new) co, V
sin oi
) = (1.03)(0.0) = 0.00
Substituting the values
= k1.03.)2 B.75 + (of 8.75 J+ 0(1.05)(-1.25) + 0.(-3.75)
-1.03[(0)(-1.25) - (1.05)(-3.75)]
+ (0)[(1)( -1.6667) + (0)(-5.0)]
- 1.03[(0)( -1.6667) - (1)( -5)]
= 0.07725
Mvar generated at bus 2
Mvar injection into bus 2 + load Mvar
0.07725 + 0.2 = 0.27725 p.u.
27.725 Mvar
This is within the limits specified.
The voltage at bus i is
Operation and Control in Power Systems
y(m+l) = ~ [ P I - jQI _ ~ y(m+l) _ ~ VIm)]
I y Y (In )* L.. Y Ik k L.. Y Ik k
II I k ~ 1 k=I+1
(2.9167 - j8.75)
- 0.3 - 0.?7725 _ (-1.25 + j3.75)(l.05 + jO.O) + (-1.6667 + j5.0)(1 + jO.O)]
_ 1.03 - -,0.0
Vii) = 1.01915- jO.032491
= 1.0196673L -1.826
An acceleration factor of 1.4 is used for both real and imaginary parts.
The accelerated voltages is obtained lIsing
v ~ = 1.03 + 1.4(1.01915 -1.03) = 1.01481
v; = 0.0 + 1.4(-0.032491 - 0.0) = -0.0454874
) (accelerated) = 1.01481- jO.0454874
= 1.01583L - 2.56648
The voltage at hus 3 is given by
6.6667 -- j20
= 1.02093 - jO.0351381
Power Flow Analysis
The accelerated value of obtained lIsing
v', = 1.0 + 1.4(1.02093 - 1.0) = 1.029302
= 0 + 1.4( -0.0351384 - 0) = -0.0491933
Vjl) = 1.029302 - jO.049933
= 1.03048L - 2.73624
The voltages at the end of the first iteration are
VI = 1.05 + jO.O
= 1.01481- jO.0454874
Vjl) = 1.029302- jO.0491933
Check for convergence: An accuracy of 0.001 is taken for convergence
I [, ll) [, IO)
J = v1J - v
"IO) [" ll) [" Ill)
= V2J - v
"lUI [,,11 [,,0
= V,J - V3J =1.029302--1.0=0.029302
[AVJIII =-0,0491933 --0.0:--0.0491933
The magnitudes of all the voltage changes are greater than 0.001.
Iteration 2 : The reactive power Q
at bus 2 is calculated as before to give
8(11 = tan-I hE = tan-I [=-0.0454874J = -2.56648
2 [vJII 1.01481
= 1.03cos(-2.56648) = 1.02837
,,)11 _I I' (II -' -
V2J - V
-1.03sm(-2.56648 ) - -0.046122
.. J
) -= 1.02897 - jO.046122
= (1.02897)' (8.75) +- (-0.046122)" (8.75)
+( -0.0461 22)[1.05( -\.25) + (0)( - 3. 75)J
- (1.02897)[(0)(-\.25) - (1.05)( -3.75)1 +
- (1.02897)[( --n.0491933)( -1.6667) - -5)]
co -0.0202933
130 Operation and Control in Power Systems
Mvar to be generated at bus 2
= Net Mvar injection into bus 2 + load Mvar
= - 0.0202933 + 0.2 = 0.1797067 p.u. = 17.97067Mvar
This is within the specified limits. The voltages are, therefore, the same as before
VI = 1.05 + jO.O
vii) = 1.02897 - jO.0.46122
Vjl) = 1.029302- jO.0491933
~ h e New voltage at bus 2 is obtained as
) _ 1 [ - 0.3 + jO.0202933 ]
2 - 2.9 I 67 - j8.75 1.02827 + jO.046122
- (-1.25 + j3.75)(I- 05 + jO)
- (--1.6667 + j5) . (\ .029302 - jO.0491933)]
= 1.02486 - jO.0568268
The accelerated value of V?) is obtained from
v ~ = 1.02897 + 1.4(\ .02486 - 1.02897) = 1.023216
v ~ =- -0.046 I 22 + 1.4( -0.0568268) -- (-0.046122 = -0.0611087)
)' = 1.023216 - jO.0611 087
The new voltage at bus 3 is calculated as
V(l)- I [ -6.6 + jO.25 ]
J - 6.6667 - j20 1.029302 + jO.0491933
-- ( - 5 + jI5)(1.05 + jO.O)
- (-1.6667 + j5.0) (1.023216 - jO.0611)]
= 1.0226 - jO.0368715
The accelerated value of Vi
) obtained from
v ~ = 1.029302 + 1.4(1.0226 - 1.029302) = 1.02
v ~ =(-0.0491933)+1.4(-0.0368715)+
(0.0491933) = -0.03194278
vf) = 1.02 - jO.03194278
The voltages at the end of the second iteration are
V I = 1.05 + jO.O
Power Flow Analysi.\
) = 1.023216- jO.0611087
Vfl = 1.02 - jO.03194278
The procedure is repeated till convergence is obtained at the end of the sixth iteration.
The results are tahulated in Table E5.1 (a)
Table ES.I (a) Bus Voltage
Iteration 8us I 8us 2 8us 3
0 1.05 +jO 1.03 +jO 1.0 + jO
I 1.05 + jO 1.01481 -jO.04548 1.029302 - jO.049193
2 1.05 +- iO 1.023216-,0.0611087 I 02 - jO.OJ 19428
3 I 05 ' ,0 I 033l76 -,0 04813X3 ,003508
1 lOS + iO I 0227564 - ,0 051 J2l) I 0124428 ,00341309
5 I 05 + ,0 1027726,00539141 I 0281748 - ,0.0363943
6 1.05 +jO 1'()29892 - ,0.05062 1.02030 I - jO.0338074
7 1.05 + jO I. 0284 78 -.iO 05 101 17 1.02412 -jO.034802
Line flow from hus 1 to bus 2
S'2 .' V,(V; - V;)Yt2 = 0.228975 + jO.017396
Line flow from bus 2 to bus 1
S2' = v
(v; - V;)Y;1 = -0.22518 - jO.OOS9178
Similarly, the other line flows can be computed and are tabulated in Table ES.I (b). the
slack bus power obtained by adding the flows in the lines terminating at the slack bus, is
PI + jQI = 0.228975 + jO.017396 -t 0.684006 + jO.225
= (0.912981 + jO.242396)
Table E5.1(b) Line Flows
P Power Flow
+ 0.228975 0.017396
- 0.225183 0.0059178
0.68396 0.224
- 0.674565 -0.195845
- 0.074129 0.0554
007461 0.054
132 Operation and Control in Power Systems
E 5.2 Consider the bus system shown in Fig. E 5.2.
E 5.2 A six bus power system.
The following is the data:
Line impedance (p.u.) Real Imaginary
14 0.57000 E-I 0.845 E-I
1-5 1.33000 E-2 3.600 /::-2
2-3 3.19999 E-2 1750 E-l
24 I. 73000 E-2 0.560 E-I
2-(, 30()()OO L-2 1500 E-I
4-5 1 94000 f:-2 0625 E-l
Scheduled generation and bus voltages:
Bus Code P Assumed bus voltage Generation Load
MWp.u. Mvar p.u MWp.u. Mvarp.u
1 1 05 +jO 0 --- --- --- ---
2 --- 1.2 0.05 --- ---
3 --- 1.2 0.05 --- ---
. ~
--- --- --- 1.4 0.05
:\ --- --- --- 0.8 0.D3
6 --- --- --- 0.7 0.02
(a) Taking bus - I as slack bus and using an accelerating factor of 1.4, perform load
flow by Gauss - Seidel method. Take precision index as 0.000 I.
(b) Solve the problem also using Newton-Raphson polar coordinate method.
Power Flow Analysis 133
The bus admittance matrix is obtained as :
Bus Code Admittance (p.u.)
P-Q Real Imaginary
1-1 14.516310 -32 57515
1-4 -5 486446 8 13342
1-5 -9.029870 24.44174
2-2 7.329113 -28.24106
2-3 -1.0 II 091 5.529494
2-5 -5035970 16.301400
2-6 -1.282051 6410257
3-2 -1.011091 5.529404
3-3 1.011091 -5.529404
4-1 -5.486446 8 133420
4-4 10.016390 -22727320
4-5 -4.529948 14.593900
5-1 -9029870 2..J.441740
5-2 -5.035970 163014()0
5-4 -4.529948 14593900
5 _. 5
18.59579() -55.33705()
6 - 2 1.282051 6..J 1()257
6 - 6 1.282051 -6.410254
All the bus voltages, y(O), are assumed to be I + jO except the specified voltage at bus
I which is kept fixed at 1.05 + jO. The voltage equations for the fist Gause-Seidel iteration are:
V(I) '" _1_1 1'2 -.iQ 2
2 y I V (0)'
2 l_ 2
. Y2'V,(0).- Y
,V;"I. y, V
_h I, !
(I) I [ p ~ ' - jQ-1
V CO" .. -- -----.-
~ Y V
134 Operation and Control in Power Systems
y!l) =_I_[P5 -jQ5 _y Y _y y(l) _Y_ y(l)]
) Y y (0)' 51 I 51 2 )4 4
55 5
Substituting the values. the equation for solution are
1 -.28.24100)X[I.2-
- 7.329113 J l-jO
- (-I .011091 + j5.529404)x (I + jO) -(-5.03597 + jI6.3014)(1 + jO)
- (I - 282051 + j16.30 14 )(1 + jO)
= 1.016786 + jO.0557924
y(l) = ( I _ .5.52424) x [1.2 - jO.05]
:1 1.0 I 109 I J I - jO
_. (- 1.0 I 1091 + j5.529404) x (1.016786 + jO.0557924)
= I .089511 + j0.3885233
y(l) =( I _ .22.72732)X[-I.4+ jO.005]
4 10.01639 J. 1- jO
- (-5.486
,46 + j8.133342) x (1.05 + jO.)
- (-4.529948 + jl 4.5939)(1 + jO)
= 0.992808 - jO.0658069
y!l) = ( __ I ___ . 55.33705) x [- 0.8 +
) 18.59579 J 1- jO
- (-9.02987 + j24.44174) x (1.05 + jO)
- (-5.03597 + jl 6.30 14)(1.016786 + jO.0557929)
- (-4.529948 + jl 4.5939)(0.992808 - jO.0658069)
= 1.028669 - jO.O 1879179
y(I)=( 1 -.6.410257JX[-0.7+
6 1.282051 J 1 - jO
- (-1.282051 - j6.4 I 0257) x (1.0 I 6786 + jO.0557924)
= 0.989904 - jO.0669962
The results of these iterations is given in Table 5.3 (a)
Table ES.3(a)
It.No Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 4 Bus 5 Bus 6
0 1+ jO.O I +-.10.0 I +-jO 0 I +jO.O I +jO 0
I 1.016789 + jO.0557924 1.089511 + jO 3885233 0.992808 - jO 0658069 1.02669-jO.0 1879179 0989901 -.10.0669962
2 1.05306 + jO.1O 18735 1.014855 + .10.2323309 1.013552 - jO.0577213 1.0-l2189 + jO.O 177322 1.041933 +.10.0192121
3 I 043568 + jO 089733 I 054321 + jO 3276035 1.021136 - jO 0352727 1034181 +jO.00258192 I 014571-jO 02625271
4 1.047155 +.10.101896 I 02297 + .10.02763564 1.012207 - .10.05()0558 1.035391 + jO 00526437 I 02209 +.10 0064356n
5 1040005+jO.093791 103515 + jO.3050814 1.61576 _. jO 04258692 0.033319 + jO.003697056 1014416-jO.01319787
6 I 04212 + .10.0978431 1.027151 +.102901358 1.013044 -.1004646546 10.33985 + jO.004504417 1.01821-jOOO1752973
7 1.040509 + jO.0963405 1.031063 + jO.2994083 1.014418 - jO.0453101 I 033845 ... jO 00430454 1016182 -.1000770664
1\ 1.041414+j0097518 1.028816 + jO 294465 1.013687 - jO 045610 I I 033845 + jO.004558826 I 017353 - jO 0048398
9 1.040914 + jO.097002 1.030042 + jO.2973287 1-014148 --jO 04487629 1.033711 +jO.0044 13647 1016743 -jO.0060342
10 1.041203 + jO.0972818 1.02935 +.102973287 1.013881 - jO.04511174 1.03381 + jO.004495542 IOI7089-jO.00498989
II 1.041036 + jO.097164 1.029739 + jO.296598 1.01403-.1 04498312 I 03374 +jO.004439559 1.016877 -jO 00558081
12 1.041127 +-jO.0971998 1.029518 + jO 2960784 1013943 -.1004506212 1.033761 + jO 00447096 1.016997 -- .10.00524855
13 1.041075 +-.10.0971451 1.029642 + .10.2963 715 1.019331 -j004501488 1.033749 + jO.OO4454002 1.016927 -jO 00543323
14 1.041 104 + .10.0971777 1.02571 + jO.2962084 1.0013965 -jO.04504223 1.033756 +- .10.004463 713 IOI6967-jO.00053283
136 Operation and Control in Power Systems
In the polar form, all the voltages at the end of the 14th iteration are given
in Table E5.3(b).
Table E5.3(b)
Bus Voltage magnitude (p.u.) Phase angle (0)
I I OS 0
2 () 045629 5.3326
3 1071334 16.05058
4 1.014964 -2.543515
5 I 033765 2.473992
6 1.016981 -3.001928
(b) Newton - Raphson polar coordinates method
The bus admittance matrix is written in polar form as
= 3.95285L-108.4 9.2233IL-71.6
15.8114L - 108.4 5.27046L - 108.4
Note that
The initial bus voltages are
VI = 1.05 LOO
viol = 1.03LOO
viOl = 1.0LOo
15.8114L -108.41
5.27046L -108.4
The real and reactive powers at bus 2 are calculated as follows :
P2 = IV
Icos(oiO) - 01 - 8
)+ [vi Yn[ cos(- 8
7 (1.03) (1.05) (3.95285) cos (108.4) -+- (1.03)2 (9.22331) cos (-108.4)
+ (1.03)2 (9.22331) cos (71.6) +(1.03)(1.0)(5.27046) cos (--108.4)
~ 0.02575
Power Flow Analysis
137 .
= IV
VI Y21 - 8
- 8
)+ Iv} y
1 sin(- 8
I sin (8iol
= (1.03) (1.05) (3.95285) sin (-108.4) + (1.03)2 (9.22331) sin (71.6)
+ (1.03) (1.0) (5.27046) sin (108.4)
= 0.07725
Generation of p. u Mvar at bus 2
= 0.2 + 0.07725
= 0.27725 = 27.725 Mvar
This is within the limits specitied. The real and reactive powers at bus 3 are calculated
in a similar way.
P3 = -8
! -8
IVjO)2 Y33Icos(-833)
= (1.0) (1.05) (15.8114) cos (-108.4) +
(1.0) (1.03) (5.27046) cos (-108.4)
+ (1.0)2 (21.0819) cos (71.6)
=- 0.3
= -8
Isin(- 8
= (1.0) 1.05 (15.8114) sin (-108.4) + (1.0) (1.03) (5.27046)
sin (-108.4)
+ (1.0)2 (21.0891) sin (71.6)
= - 0.9
The difference between scheduled and calculated powers are
= -0.3 - 0.02575 = -0.32575
= -0.6 -;- (-0.3) = -0.3
= -0.25 - (-0.9) = -0.65
It may be noted that has not been computed since bus 2 is voltage controlled bus.
since I, 1 and I
138 Operation and Control in Power Systems
are greater than the specified limit of 0.0 I, the next iteration is computed.
Iteration I : Elements of the Jacobian are calculated as follows.
= Iv, V(O) y" - 8(0) - 8,,)
c8, -) -' - , -.'
= (1.03) (1.0) (5.27046) sin (-I 08.4()) -5.15
ap2 I I . ((O) (0) )
VI Y21 SIn\8
IV2 -8
= - (1.03) (1.05) (3.95285) sin (108.4) +
(1.03) (!.O) (5.27046) sin (-108.4)
= 9.2056266
CP2 I I ((O) (0) )
-8, -8
=0 (1.03) (5.27046) cos (108.4)
= - 1.7166724
cP} =IV(O)V Y ISin(8(O) -8))
"I:: 3 I 31 3 _ L
= (0.0) (1.03) (5.27046) sin (-108.4)
= - 5.15
oP, IV(O)V y I . (dO) I:: 8) IV(O)V Y I . {I:: (0) dO) 8 )
00 = 3 1 )1 SIn\u) -UI - 31 + 3 2 32 SIn\U3 -u2 - 32
= - (1.0) (1.05) (15.8114) sin (-108.4) - 5.15
= 20.9
Y32Icos(ojO) -oiO) -8
= 2(1.0) (21.0819) cos (71.6) + (1.05) (15.8114) cos (-108.4) +
(1.03) (5.27046) cos (-108.4)
= 6.366604
Power Flow Analysis
:=: -IV(O)V y ICOS(O(O) - 0(0) - e )
cO, 3 I 32 , 2 32
= (1.0) (1.03) (5.27046) cos (--108.4()
= 1.7166724
Iv(OIV I (dO) e)
cO, :=: , I Y cos u 3 - U I - 31 +
(O)V I \:(0) 8 )
3 2 Y
cosu2 -u3 - 32
=c (1.0) (1.05) (15.8114) cos (-108.4() - 1.7166724
= - 6.9667
IV2 Y32Isin(oiO) -8
= 2(1.0) (21.0819) sin (71.6) + (1.05) (15.8114) sin (-108.4) +
(1.03) (5.27046) sin (-108.4(1)
= 19.1
From eqn. (5.70)
- 0.325751 [9.20563
-0.3 = -5.15
0.65 1.71667
- 5.15
- 6.9967
Following the method of triangulation and back substations
- 0.353861l I
--0.3 = -5.15
- 0.035386 + 1.71667
20.9 6.36660 t\b,
-6.9667 19.1
-0.353861 [I
- 0.482237 = 0
+0.710746 _0
-0.55944 1
18.02 5.40623 M,
- 6.006326 19.42012 L {\IV l
Operation and Control in Power Systems
r -0.35386]11 -0.55944
-0.0267613 =lO I 0.3
0.55 0 0 21.22202
= (0.55) /(21.22202) = 0.025917
= - 0.0267613 - (0.3) (0.025917)
= - 0.0345364 rad
'" - 1.98
Ml =- 0.035286 - (-0.55944) (--0.034536) - (--0.18648) (0.025917)
== - 0.049874 rad
= - 2.8575
At the end of the firs iteration the bus voltages are
VI = 1.05 LO
V 2 = 1.03 L2.85757
V3 == 1.025917 L-1.9788
The real and reactive powers at bus 2 are computed :
pil) = (1.03)(1.05)(3.95285)[cos(-2.8575) - 0(-108.4)
+ (1.03) 2 (1.025917)(5.27046) cos[( -2.8575) - (-1.9788) - 108.4
= (1.03)(1 .05)(3.95285)[sin( -2.8575) - O( -108.4 0)
+ (1.03)2 (9.22331) sin[( -2.85757) - (-1.9788) - 108.4
= 0.043853
Generation of reactive power at bus 2
= 0.2 + 0.043853 = 0.243856 p.ll. Mvar
= 24.3856 Mvar
This is within the specified limits.
The real and reactive powers at bus 3 are computed as
pjl) = (1.025917)(1.05)(l5.8117)cos[(-1.09788) - 0 -108.4 0)]
+ (l.025917)(l.03)(5.27046)cos[(-1.0988) - (-2.8575) -108.4]
+ (1.025917)\21.0819) cos(71.60)
=- -0.60407
Power Flow Analysis
== (1.025917)(1.05 )(15.8114) sin[( -1.977) - 108.4
+ (1.025917)(1.03)(5.27046) sinl( -1.9788) - (-2.8575) - 108.4
+ (21.0819)sin(71.6o)
= -0.224
The differences between scheduled powers and calculated powers are
= -0.3 - (-0.30009) = 0.00009
I) = -0.6 - (-0.60407) = 0.00407
;\Q\I) co -0.25 - (-0.2224) = -0.0276
Even though the first two differences are within the limits the last one, oil) is greater
than the specified limit 0.0 I. The next iteration is carried out in a similar manner. At the end of
the second iteration even also is found to be within the specified tolerance. The results are
tabulated in table E5.4(a) and E5.4(b)
Table E5.4 (a) Bus voltages
Iteration Bus I Bus 2 Bus 3
0 I.05LOo I 03LOo I.LOo
I I.05LOo I.03L-2.85757 1.025917 L-1.9788
2 I.05LO
1.03L-2.8517 1.024 76L -1. 94 7
Table E5.4 (b) Line Flows
Line P Power Flow
1-2 02297 n.O 16533
2-1 - 022332 o ()O49313
1-3 O.683
)/) 0.224
3-1 - 0674565 -0.0195845
2-3 -0.074126 0.0554
3-2 007461 - 0.054
142 Operation and Control in Power Systems
E5.3 For the given sample power system find load flow solution using N-R polar
coordinates method, decoupled method and fast decoupled method.
3 4
(a) Power system
Bus Code Line impedance Zpq Line charging
1-2 0.02 +jO.24 j 0.02
2-3 004 + jO.02 j 0 02
3-5 0.15 + jO.04 j 0.025
3-4 0.02 +jO.06 j 0.01
4-5 0.02 +jO.04 i 0.01
5-1 0.08 +jO.02 j 0.2
(b) Line-data
Bus Code (Slack) Generation Load
11.724 - j24.27
2 -10 + j20
3 0+ jO
4 0 + jO
5 -1.724+ .14.31
Mw Mvar MW
0 0
50 25 15
0 0 45
0 0 40
0 0 50
(c) Generation and load data
-10 + j20
0+ jO
0+ jO
10962 - j24.768 -0.962 + j4.808 0 + jO
-0.962+j4.808 6783-.121.944 -5+jI5
O+jO -)1.115 15-j34.98
0+ jO -0 82, .12.192 -10+ .120
(d) Bus admittance matrix
Fig. E 5.3
-1.724+ j4.31
+. jO
-0822 + j2.192
-10 + j20
12.546 - j26.447
Power Flow Analysis
The Residual or Mismatch vector for iteration no: I is
dp[2] = 0.04944
dp[3] =--0.041583
dp[4] = -0.067349
dp[5] = -0.047486
dQ[2] = -0.038605
dQ[3] = -0.046259
dQ[4] = -0.003703
dQ[5] = -0.058334
The New voltage vector after iteration I is :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 1.984591 F :- 0.008285
Bus no 3 E : 0.882096 F :- 0.142226
Bus no 4 E : 0.86991 F :- 0.153423
Bus no 5 E : 0.875810 F :- 0.142707
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no : 2 is
dp[2] = 0.002406
dp[3] = -0.001177
dp[4] = --0.004219
dp[5] = --0.000953
dQ[2] = -0.001087
dQ[3] = -0.002261
dQ[4] = --0.000502
dQ[5] = -0.002888
The New voltage vector after iteration 2 is :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984357 F :- 0.008219
Bus no 3 E : 0.880951 F :- 0.142953
Bus no 4 E : 0.868709 F :- 0.154322
Bus no 5 E : 0.874651 F :- 0.143439
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no : 3 is
144 Operation and Control in Power Systems
dp[2] = 0.000005
dp[3] = -0.000001
dp[4] = -0.000013
dp[5] = -0.000001
dQ[2] = -0.000002
dQ[3] = -0.000005
dQ[4] = -0.000003
dQ[5] = -0.000007
The final load flow solution (for allowable error.OOOt) :
bus no 1 Slack P = 1.089093 Q = 0.556063 E = 1.000000 F = 0.000000
bus no 2 pq P = 0.349995 Q = 0.150002 E = 0.984357
bus no 3 pq P = -0.449999 Q = -0.199995 E = 0.880951
bus no 4 pq P = -0.399987 Q = -0.150003 E = 0.868709
bus no 5 pq P = -0.500001 Q = -0.249993 E = 0.874651
Decoupled load flow solution (polar coordinate method)
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no : 0 is
dp[2] = 0.350000
dp[3] = -0.450000
dp[4] = -0.400000
dp[5] = -0.500000
dQ[2] = -0.190000
dQ[3] = -0.145000
dQ[4] = -0.130000
dQ[5] = -0.195000
The new voltage vector after iteration 0 :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.997385 F :- 0.014700
Bus no 3 E: 0.947017 F:- 0.148655
Bus no 4 E : 0.941403 F :- 0.161282
Bus no 5 E: 0.943803 F:- 0.150753
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: I is
dp [2] = 0.005323
F = -0.008219
F = -0.1429531
F = -0.154322
F = -0.143439
Power Flow Analysis
dp[3] = -0.008207
dp[4] = -0.004139
dp[5] =-0.019702
dQ[2] = -0.067713
dQ[3] = -0.112987
dQ[ 4] = -0.159696
dQ[5] = -0.210557
The new voltage vector after iteration 1 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.982082 F :- 0.013556
Bus no 3 E : 0.882750 F :- 0.143760
Bus no 4 E : 0.870666 F :- 0.154900
Bus no 5 E : 0.876161 F :- 0.143484
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no:2 is
dp[2] = 0.149314
dp[3] = -0.017905
dp[4] = -0.002305
dp[5] = -0.006964
dQ[2] = -0.009525
dQ[3] = -0.009927
dQ[4] = -0.012938
dQ[5] = 0.007721
The new voltage vector after iteration 2 :
Bus no 1 E: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E: 0.981985 F:- 0.007091
Bus no 3 E : 0.880269 F :- 0.142767
Bus no 4 E: 0.868132 F:- 0.154172
Bus no 5 E : 0.874339 F :- 0.143109
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no:3 is
dp[2] = 0.000138
dp[3] = 0.001304
dp[4] = 0.004522
dp[ 5] = -0.006315
dQ[2] = 0.066286
dQ[3] = 0.006182
dQ[ 4] = -0.001652
dQ[5] = -0.002233
Operation and Control in Power Systems
The new voltage vector after iteration 3 :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984866 F :- 0.007075
Bus no 3 E : 0.881111 F: :- 0.142710
Bus no 4 E : 0.868848 F :- 0.154159
Bus no 5 E : 0.874862 F :- 0.143429
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no:4 is
dp[2] = -0.031844
dp[3] = 0.002894
dp[4] = -O.M0570
dp[5] = 0.001807
dQ[2] = -0.000046
dQ[3] = 0.000463
dQ[ 4] = 0.002409
dQ[5] = -0.003361
The new voltage vector after iteration 4 :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984866 F :- 0.008460
Bus no 3 E: 0.881121 F:- 0.142985
Bus no 4 E : 0.868849 F :- 0.1546330
Bus no 5 E : 0.874717 F :- 0.143484
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no:5 is
dp[2] = 0.006789
dp[3] = -0.000528
dp[4] =-0.000217
dp[5] = -0.0000561
dQ[2J ~ . --0.000059
Power Flow Analysis
dQ[3 J = -0.000059
dQ[4] = -0.000635
dQ[5] = -0.000721
The new voltage vector after iteration 5 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984246 F :- 0.008169
Bus no 3 E : 0.880907 F :- 0.1.42947
Bus no 4 E : 0.868671 F :- 0.154323
Bus no 5 E : 0.874633 F :- 0.143431
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no : 6 is
dp[2] = 0.000056
dp[3] = 0.000010
dp[ 4] = 0.000305
dp[5] = -0.000320
dQ[2] = 0.003032
dQ[3] = -0.000186
dQ[4] = -0.000160
dQ[5] = -0.000267
The new voltage vector after iteration 6 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984379 F :- 0.008165
Bus no 3 E : 0.880954 F :- 0.142941
Bus no 4 E : 0.868710 F :- 0.154314
Bus no 5 E : 0.874655 F :- 0.143441
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no:7 is
dp[2] = - 0.001466
dp[3] = 0.000 I 06
dp[4] = -0.000073
dp[5] = 0.000156
dQ[2] = 0.000033
dQ[3] = 0.000005
dQ[41 = 0 . O O O I 5 ~
148 Operation and Control in Power Systems
dQ[5] = -0.000166
The new voltage vector after iteration 7 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.954381 F :- 0.008230
Bus no 3 E : 0.880958 F :- 0.142957
Bus no 4 E : 0.868714 F :- 0.154325
Bus no 5 E : 0.874651 F:- 0.143442
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no : 8 is
dp[2] = -0.000022
dp[3] = 0.00000 I
dp[4] = -0.000072
dp[5] = -0.000074
dQ[2] = -0.000656
dQ[3] = 0.000037
dQ[4] = --0.000048
dQ[5] = -0.000074
The new voltage vector after iteration 8 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984352 F :- 0.008231
Bus no 3 E : 0.880947 F :- 0.142958
Bus no 4 E : 0.868706 F :- 0.154327
Bus no 5 E : 0.874647 F :- 0.143440
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no:9 is
dp[2] = 0.000318
dp[3] = -0.000022
dp[ 4] = 0.000023
dp[5] = -0.000041
dQ[2] = -0.000012
dQ[3] = -0.000000
dQr 4] = 0.000036
dQ[5] = -0.000038
The new voltage vector after iteration 9 :
Power Flow Analy.flis
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984352 F :- 0.008217
Bus no 3 E : 0.880946 F :- 0.142954
Bus no 4 E : 0.868705 F :- 0.154324
Bus no 5 E : 0.874648 F :- 0.143440
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: lOis
dp[2] = 0.000001
dp[3] = -0.000001
dp[4] = 0.000017
dp[S] = -0.000017
dQ[2] = 0.000143
dQ[3] = -0.000008
dQ[4] = 0.000014
dQ[5] = -0.000020
The new voltage vector after iteration 10 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984658 F :- 0.008216
Bus no 3 E : 0.880949 F :- 0.142954
Bus no 4 E : 0.868707 F :- 0.154324
Bus no 5 E : 0.874648 F :- 0.143440
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: II is
dp[2] = --0.000069
dp[3] = 0.000005
dp[ 4] = -0.000006
dp[51 = 0.000011
dQ[2] = 0.000004
dQ[3] = -0.000000
dQ[4] = 0.000008
dQ[5] = -0.000009
The final load flow solution after 11 iterations
(for allowable arror.OOO I)
150 Operation and Control in Power Systems
The final load flow solution (for allowable error.OOOl) :
Bus no 1 Slack P = 1.089043 Q = 0.556088 E = 1.000000
Bus no 2 pq P = 0.350069 Q = 0.150002 E = 0.984658
Bus no 3 pq P = -0.450005 Q = -0.199995 E = 0.880949
Bus no 4 pq P = -0.399994 Q = -0.150003 E = 0.868707
Bus no 5 pq P = -0.500011 Q = -0.249991 E = 0.874648
Fast decoupled load flow solution (polar coordinate method)
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no:O is
dp[2] = 0.350000
dp[3] = -0.450000
dpf4] ~ 0.400000
dp[5] = 0.500000
dQ[21 = 0.190000
dQ[3] = -0.145000
dQ[4] = 0.130000
dQ[5] = -0.195000
The new voltage vector after iteration 0 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.997563 F :- 0.015222
Bus no 3 E: 0.947912 F:- 0.151220
Bus no 4 E : 0.942331 F :- 0.163946
Bus no 5 E : 0.944696F :- 0.153327
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: I is
dp[2] = 0.004466
dp[3] = -0.000751
dp[ 41 =. 0.007299
dpr 5] ~ -0.012407
dQ[21 = 0.072548
dQ[3] == -0.118299
dQ[4] = 0.162227
dQr5] = -0.218309
The new voltage vector after iteration 1 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F . 0.000000
F = 0.000000
F = -0.008216
F = -0.142954
F = -0.154324
F = -0.143440
Power Flow Analysis
Bus no 2 E ; 0.981909 F ;- 0.013636
Bus no 3 E ; 0.882397 F ;- 0.143602
Bus no 4 E ; 0.869896 F ;- 0.154684
Bus no 5 E ; 0.875752 F ;- 0.1433 12
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 2 is
drl21 ~ O. I 5366 I
dp[3] ~ -0.020063
dp[4] = 0.005460
dpr5] = -0.009505
dQr2] = 0.011198
dQ[31 = ---0.014792
dQ[4] = -0.000732
dQ[5] = -0.002874
The new voltage vector after iteration 2 :
Bus no IE; 1.000000 F ; 0.000000
Bus no 2 E ; 0.982004 F ;- 0.007026
Bus no 3 E ; 0.8805 15 F ;- O. 142597
Bus no 4 E ; 0.868400 F ;- 0.153884
Bus no 5 E ; 0.874588 F ;- 0.143038
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 3 is
dp[2] = -0.000850
dp[3] = -0.002093
dp[4] = 0.000155
dp[5] =-0.003219
dQ[2] = 0.067612
dQ[3] = -0.007004
dQ[4] = -0.003236
dQ[5] = --0.004296
The new voltage vector after iteration 3 :
Bus no IE; 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984926 F :- 0.007086
Bus no 3 E : 0.881246 F :- O. I 42740
152 Operation and Control in Power Systems
Bus no 4 E : 0.869014 F :- 0.154193
Bus no 5 E : 0.874928 F :- 0.143458
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 4 is
dp[2] = -0.032384
dp[3] = 0.003011
dp[4] =-0.001336
dp[5] = -0.002671
dQ[2] = -0.000966
dQ[3] = -0.000430
dQ[41 = -0.000232
dQ[5] = -0.001698
The new voltage vector after iteration 4 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984862 F :- 0.008488
Bus no 3 E : 0.881119 F :- 0.143053
Bus no 4 E : 0.868847 F :- 0.154405
Bus no 5 E: 0.874717 F:- 0.143501
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 5 is
dp[2] = 0.000433
dp[3] = 0.000006
dp[ 4] = --0.000288
dp[5] = 0.000450
dQ[2] = -0.014315
dQ[3] = -0.000936
dQ[4] = -0.000909
dQ[5] = -O.OOJ 265
The new voltage vector after iteration 6 :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984230 F :- 0.008463
Bus no 3 E : 0.881246 F :- 0.143008
Bus no 4 E : 0.869014 F :- 0.154357
Power Flow Analysis
Bus no 5 E : 0.874607 F :- 0.143433
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 6 is
dp[2] = 0.006981
dp[3] = -0.000528
dp[4] = 0.000384
dp[5] = -0.000792
dQ[2] = 0.000331
dQ[3] = 0.000039
dQ[4] = -0.000155
dQ[5] = 0.000247
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 7 is
dp[2] = -0.000144
dp[3] = -0.000050
dp[4] = 0.000080
dp[5] = -0.000068
dQ[2] = 0.003107
dQ[3] = -0.000162
dQ[4] = -0.000255
dQ[5] = -0.000375
The new voltage vector after iteration 7 :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984386 F :- 0.008166
Bus no 3 E : 0.880963 F :- 0.142943
Bus no 4 E: 0.868718 F:- 0.154316
Bus no 5 E : 0.874656F :- 0.143442
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 8 is
dp[2] = -0.001523
dp[3] = -0.000105
dp[4] = -0.000115
dp[5] = -0.000215
dQ[2] = 0.000098
dQ[3] = -0.000024
dQrtl =-0.000037
dQ15] -0-0.000038
Operation and Control in Power Systems
The new voltage vector after iteration 8 :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F: 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984380 F :- 0.008233
Bus no 3 E : 0.880957 F :- O. I 4296 I
Bus no 4 E : 0.8687 I 4 F :- O. I 54329
Bus no,) E : 0.874651 F :- 0.143442
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 9 is
dp[2] = -0.000045
dp[3] = 0.000015
dp[ 4] = -0.000017
dp[5] = 0.000008
dQ[2] ~ 0.000679
dQl3] = 0.00003 I
dQ[4] = -0.000072
dQ[5] = -0.000 105
The new voltage vector after iteration 9 :
Bus no IE: 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984350 F :- 0.008230
Bus no 3 E : 0.880945 F :- 0.142958
Bus no 4 E : 0.868704 F :- O. I 54326
Bus no 5 E : 0.874646 F :- O. I 43440
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: lOis
dp[2] = 0.000334
dp[3] = -0.000022
dpl41 "" 0.000033
dp[5] =0.000056
dQI21 = 0.000028
dQI3 J= 0.000007
dQr 41 = --0.000007
Power Flow Analysis
dQ[5] = 0.000005
The new voltage vector after iteration 10 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E : 0.984352 F :- 0 .. 008216
Bus no 3 E : 0.880946 F :- 0.142953
Bus no 4 E : 0.898705 F :- 0.154323
Bus no 5 E : 0.874648 F :- 0.143440
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 11 is
dpP1 = --0.000013
dpl31 ~ -0.000004
dp[4] = 0.000003
dpr5] = -0.000000
dQr21 = 0.000149
dQ[31 = -0.000007
dQ[4] = 0.000020
dQ[5] = -0.000027
The new voltage vector after iteration 11 :
Bus no 1 E : 1.000000 F : 0.000000
Bus no 2 E: 0.984358 F:- 0.008216
Bus no 3 E : 0.880949 F :- 0.142954
Bus no 4 E : 0.868707 F :- 0.154324
Bus no 5 E : 0.874648 F :- 0.143440
The residual or mismatch vector for iteration no: 12 is
dp[21 -c-0.000074
dp[ 31 = 0.000005
dp[4] = -0.000009
dp[5] = -0.000014
dQr21 = 0.000008
dQr31 : ~ -0.000002
dQf41 = -0.000001
dQr 5 J' --0.000000
156 Operation and Control in Power Systems
The load flow solution
Bus no I Slack P = 1.089040 Q = 0.556076 E = 1.000000 F = 0.000000
Bus no 2 pq P = 0.350074 Q = 0.150008 E = 0.984358 F = -0.008216
Bus no 3 pq P = -0.450005 Q ' ~ - O . 199995 E = 0.880949 F = -0.142954
Bus no 4 pq P = --0.399991 Q ~ -0.150001 E == 0.868707 F = -0.154324
Bus no 5 pq P = -0.500014 Q = -0.250000 E = 0.874648 F = -0.143440
E5.4 Obtain the load flow solution to the system given in example E5.1 lIsing Z-Bus. Use
Gauss - Seidel method. Take accuracy for convergence as 0.000 I.
The bus impedance matrix is formed as indicated in section 5.15. The slack bus is
taken as the reference bus. In this example. as in example 5.1 bus I is chosen as the
slack bus.
(i) Add element 1-2. This is addition of a new bus to the reference bus
Z = (2)
BUS (2) [0.05 + jO.24 [
(ii) Add element 1-3. r his is also addition of a new bus to the reference bus
(2) (3)
(2) 0.08 + jO.24 0.0 + jO.O
Zsus = (3) 0.0 + jO.O 0.02 + jO.06
(iii) Add element 2-3. This is the addition of a link between two existing buses 2
and 3.
Z2-IOOp = Zloop_2 = Z22 - Z23 = 0.08+jO.24
Z3_loop = Zloop_3 = Z32 - Z33 = -(0.02+jO.06)
Zloop-looP = Z22 + Z33 - 2 Z23 + Z23 23
= (0.08+jO.24)+(0.02+jO.06)(0.06 + .i0.18)
= 0.16 +j0.48
Zsus = (3)
The loop is now eliminated
0.08 + jO.024
0.0 + jO.O
0.08 + jO.24
. Z2-loop Zloop-2
Z22 = Z 22 - ---'--------'-
0+ jO 0.08 + jO.24
0.02 + jO.06 - (0.02 + jO.06)
- (0.02 + jO.006) 0.16+jO.48
Power Flow Analysis
= (0.08 + jO.24) _ (0.8 + jO.24)2
0.16 + j0.48
= 0.04 + jO.12
= z' = [Z?' _ Z2-loop ZIOOP-3]
_3 32 _.' Z
= (0.0 + jO.O) _ (0.8 + jO.24)( -0.02 - jO.06)
= 0.0 1+ jO.03
= 0.0175 + jO.0526
The Z - Bus matrix is thus
Z _[0.04+
1 0.01+jO.03 ]_
Bus - 0.0 I + jO.03 0.017 + jO.0525 -
0.1265L71.565 I 0.031623L71.565 1
0.031623L71.565 0.05534L71.S6SO
The voltages at bus 2 and 3 are assumed to be
via) = 1.03 + jO.O
viol = 1.0 + jO.O
Assuming that the reactive power injected into bys 2 is zero,
= 0.0
The bus currents and are computed as
1(0) = -0;3+ jO.O =-0.29126- '0.0 = 0.29126L1800
2 1.03 _ jO.O J
= -0.6 + !0.25 = -0.6 _ jO.25 = 0.65LI57.38
. 1.0 + JO.O
Iteration I : The voltage at bus 2 is computed as
VI + Z22 + Z23 1(0)
1.05LOO + (0.1265L71.5650(0.29126L180o +
(0.031623L71.565 )(0.65L157.38
1.02485 - jO.05045
158 Operation and Control in Power Systems
The new bus current is now calculated.
(I) II I I
1 I = V 2 I V,eh _ 1 !
- Z l' I'VII)I I
-- 2 I
= 1.02609L - 2.8182 x ( 1.03 _ I) = 0.0309084L _ 74.38320
0.1265L71.565 1.02609
0(0) = Im[Vi
= Im[I.02609L - 2.8182 JO.0309084L74.383
= + = 0.0 + 0.03 = 0.03
III) = -0.3- jO.3 = 0.29383LI82.891 8
2 J.02609L _ 2.81820
Voltage at bus 3 is now calculated
VII) = V + Z 1\1) + Z 1
3 I 32 _ 3. 3
= 1.05LO.OO + (0.031623L71.5650) (0.29383LI82.8320) +
(0.05534':::71.565 )(0.65LI57.38 )
= (1.02389 - jO.036077) = 1.0245'::: - 2.018
1(1) = 0.65LI57.38 = 0.634437 LI55.36
3 1.0245L2.0 180
The voltages at the end of the first iteration are:
VI = 1.05 LOO
vii) = 1.02609L - 2.8182
VP) = 1.0245L - 2.018
The differences in voltages are
8 Vjl) = (1.02485 - jO.05045) - 0.03 + jO.O)
= -0.00515 - jO.05045
Vjl) = (1.02389 - jO.036077) - (1.0 + jO.O)
= (0.02389 - jO.036077)
Power Flow Analysis 159
Both the real and imaginary parts are greater than the specified limit 0.00 I.
Iteration 2 :
= VI +Z22Iil) +Z21
= 1.02 LOo + (0.1265L71.5650)(0.29383 L 182.892) +
(0.031623L71.5650) (0.63447 L 155.36)
= 1.02634 - jO.050465
= 1.02758 L-2.81495
1.02758L-2.81495 i 1.03 _I]
1.1265L - 71.565 L 1.02758
= 0.01923L-74.38
) = Im[ vi
) r]
= [m(1.02758L - 2.81495)(0.0 1913L74.38)
= 0.0186487
= oil) + L'10i
= 0.03 + 0.0 I 86487 = 0.0486487
-0.3 - jO.0486487
I - ----"----
2 - I .02758L2.81495
== 0.295763LI86.393
V f) = 1.05LOo + (0.31623L7 I .565 (O.295763LI 86.4 +
0.05534L71.565 )(0.634437 LI55.36 )
= 0.65LI57.38 =0.6343567LI55.434
- 1.02466LI.9459
L'1 viI) = (1.02634 - jO.050465) - (1.02485 - jO.0504 I) = 0.00149 - jO.000015
L'1Vjl) = (1.024 - jO.034793) - (1.02389 - jO.036077) = 0.00011 + jO.OOI28
As the accuracy is still not enough, another iteration is required.
Iteration 3 :
= 1.05LO
+ (0.1265L71.5650)(0.295763LI86.4) +
(0.031623L71.565 )(0.63487 LI 55.434 0)
= 1.0285187 - jO.051262
:c 1.0298L _ 2.853
160 Operation and Control in Power Systems
= J.0298L - 2.853 = 0.001581L74.418
- 0.1265L71.565 1.0298
= 0.00154456
) = 0.0486487 + 0.001544 = 0.0502
1\3) = -0.3- jO.0502 =0.29537LI86.6470
- 0.0298L2.853
Vj31 = 1.05LO
+ (0.031623L71.5650) + (0.29537 LI86.6470) +
(0.05534L71.565 )(0.634357 L155.434
= 1.024152 - jO.034817 == 1.02474L -1.9471
1(3) = - 0.65 - LI57.38 = 0.6343LI55.4330
3 J.02474LJ.9471
oil vi 2) = (1.0285187 - jO.051262) - (1.02634 - jO.050465)
= 0.0021787 - 0.000787
oilV12 I = (1.024152 - jO.034817) - (1.024 - jO.034793)
= 0.000152 - jO.00002
Iteration 4 "
= 1.02996L - 2.852
= 0.0003159L - 74.417
= 0.0000867
= 0.0505
= 0.29537 LI86.7
) = 1.02416 - JO.034816 = 1.02475L -1.947
oil V?) = 0.000108 + jO.000016
oil Vj3) = 0.00058 + jO.OOOOOI
The final voltages are
VI = 1.05 + jO.O
= 1.02996L-2.852
V3 = 1.02475L-1.947
The line flows may be calculated further if required.
Power Flow Analysis 161
PS.I Obtain a load flow solution for the system shown in Fig. PS.l Llse
(i) GaLlss ~ Seidel method
(ii) N-R polar coordinates method
Bus code p-q Impedance Zpq Line charges Y pq/s
1 ~ 2 0.02 +jO 2 0.0
2 ~ 3 0.01 + jO.025 0.0
3 ~ 4 0.02 + jO.4 0.0
3 ~ 5 0.02 + 0.05 0.0
~ ~ 5 0.015 +jO 04 O.D
1-5 0015-t.lOO4 0.0
Values are given in p.Ll. on a base of IOOMva.
162 Power System Analysis
The scheduled powers are as follows
Bus Code (P) Generation Load
Mw Mvar MW Mvar
1 (slack bus) 0 0 0 0
2 80 35 25 15
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 45 15
5 0 0 55 20
Take voltage at bus I as I LOo p.u.
PS.2 Repeat problem P5.1 with line charging capacitance Y p/2 = jO.025 for each line
PS.3 Obtain the decoupled and fast decouple load flow solution for the system in P5.1 and
compare the results with the exact solution.
PS.4 For the 51 bus system shown in Fig. P5.!, the system data is given as follows in p.u.
Perform load flow analysis for the system
Line data Resistance Reactance Capacitance
2-3 0.0287 0.0747 0.0322
3-4 0.0028 0.0036 0.0015
3-6 0.0614 0.1400 0.0558
3-7 00247 0.0560 0.0397
7-8 0.0098 0.0224 0.0091
8-9 00190 0.0431 0.0174
9-10 0.0182 0.0413 0.0167
10- 11 0.0205 0.0468 0.0190
11-12 0.0660 0.0150 0.0060
12 - 13 0.0455 0.0642 0.0058
13 - 14 01182 0.2360 0.0213
14 - 15 0.0214 0.2743 0.0267
15 - 16 0.1336 0.0525 0.0059
16-17 0.0580 0.3532 0.0367
Contd. ....
Power Flow Analysis 163
Line data Resistance Reactance Capacitance
17 - 18 0.1550 0.1532 0.0168
18 - 19 01550 0.3639 0.0350
19-20 0.1640 0.3815 0.0371
20 - 21 0.1136 0.3060 0.0300
20- 23 0.0781 0.2000 0.0210
23 - 24 0.1033 0.2606 0.0282
12 - 25 0.0866 0.2847 0.0283
25 - 26 0.0159 0.0508 00060
26 - 27 00872 0.2870 00296
27 - 28 0.0136 0.0436 0.0045
28 - 29 0.0136 0.0436 0.0045
29 - 30 0.0125 00400 0.0041
30 - 31 0.0136 00436 00045
27 - 31 00136 () 0436 0.0045
30 - 32 00533 () 1636 0.0712
32 - 33 0.0311 0.1000 00420
32 - 34 0.0471 o 1511 0.0650
30 - 51 0.0667 0.1765 0.0734
51 - 33 00230 0.0622 0.0256
35 - 50 0.0240 01326 0.0954
35 - 36 00266 01418 0.1146
39 - 49 0.0168 00899 0.0726
36 - 38 0.0252 0.1336 0.1078
38 - 1 00200 0.1107 00794
38 - 47 0.0202 0.1076 00869
47 - 43 0.0250 0.1336 0.1078
42 - 43 0.0298 0.1584 0.1281
40-41 0.0254 0.1400 0.1008
Comd .....
164 Power System Analysis
Line data Resistance Reactance Capacitance
41 -- 43 0.0326 0.1807 0.1297
43 - 45 0.0236 0.1252 01011
43 - 44 0.0129 00715 0.0513
45 - 46 0.0054 0.0292 0.0236
44-1 0.0330 0.1818 0.1306
46-1 0.0343 0.2087 0.1686
1-49 0.0110 0.0597 0.1752
49 - 50 00071 0.0400 0.0272
37 - 38 0.0014 0.0077 0.0246
47 - 39 0.0203 0.1093 0.0879
48 -2 0.0426 0.1100 0.0460
3 - 35 00000 00500 0.0000
7 36 0.0000 () 0450 0.0000
I1 - .17 0.0000 0.0500 0.0000
14 -- 47 0.0000 0.0900 0.0000
16 - 39 0.0000 0.0900 0.0000
18-40 0.0000 0.0400 0.0000
20 - 42 0.0000 .0.0800 0.0000
24-B 0.0000 0.0900 0.0000
27 - 45 0.0000 0.0900 0.0000
26- 44 0.0000 0.0500 0.0000
30 - 46 0.0000 0.0450 0.0000
1-34 0.0000 0.0630 0.0000
21-2 0.0000 0.2500 0.0000
4 -- 5 0.0000 0.2085 0.0000
19-41 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000
Power Flow Analysis 165
Fig. P5.4 51 Bus Power System.
Bus P- Q TAP
3 -35 1.0450
7 - 36 1.0450
11 - 37 1.0500
14 - 47 1.0600
16 - 39 1.0600
18 - 40 1.0900
19-41 1.0750
20 - 42 1.0600
24 -43 1.0750
30-46 1.0750
1 -34 1.0875
21 -22 1.0600
5-4 1.0800
27 - 45 10600
26 - 44 1.0750
166 Power System Analysis
Bus Data - Voltage and Scheduled Powers
Bus no Voltage magnitude Voltage phase angle Real power Reactive power
(p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.)
1 10800 00000 0.0000 0.0000
2 ] 0000 00000 - 0.5000 - 0.2000
3 1.0000 00000 - 09000 -0.5000
4 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
5 1.0000 0.0000 -0.1190 0.0000
6 1.0000 0.0000 -0.1900 - 0.1000
7 1.0000 00000 - 0.3300 -0.1800.
8 10000 00000 - 0 4400 - 02400
9 10000 0.0000 - 0.2200 -0.1200
10 10000 0.0000 -0.2100 - 01200
II 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.3400 -- 0.0500
12 1.0000 00000 - 0.2400 - 0.1360
13 10000 0.0000 - 0.1900 - 0.1100
14 1.0000 00000 - 0.1900 - 0.0400
IS 1.0000 0.0000 0.2400 0.0000
16 10000 0.0000 - 0.5400 - 0.3000
17 10000 0.0000 - 0.4600 - 0.2100
18 10000 0.0000 - 0.3700 - 0.2200
19 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.3100 -0.0200
20 10000 0.0000 - 03400 - 0.1600
21 10000 00000 00000 0.0000
22 10000 0.0000 - 0 1700 - 0 0800
13 10000 0.0000 - 0.4200 - 0.2300
2 ~ 1.0000 00000 - 0.0800 - 0.0200
25 1.0000 0.0000 -0.1100 - 0.0600
26 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.2800 - 0.1400
27 1.0000 00000 - 0.7600 - 0.2500
28 I OOO()
00000 - 08000 - 0.3600
Contd. ....
Power Flow Analysis 167
Bus no Voltage magnitude Voltage phase angle Real power Reactive power
(p.u.) (p.u.) (p.u.)
29 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.2500 - 0.1300
30 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.4700 0.0000
31 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.4200 -0.1800
32 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.3000 - 0.1700
33 1.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000
34 1.0000 0.0000 - 05800 - 0.2600
35 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
36 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
37 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
38 I. 0000 0.0000 17000 0.0000
39 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
40 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
41 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
42 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
43 1.0000 00000 0.0000 0.0000
44 1.0000 0.0000 17500 0.0000
45 1.0000 0.0000 00000 0.0000
46 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
47 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
48 1.0000 00000 0.5500 0.0000
49 1.0000 0.0000 35000 00000
50 1.0000 0.0000 1.2000 o.oono
51 1.0000 0.0000 - 0.5000 - 0.3000
168 Power System Analysis
Bus No. Voltage at VeB Reactive power limit
15 1.0300 0.1800
30 1.0000 0.0400
33 1.0000 0.4800
38 1.0600 0.9000
44 10500 04500
48 10600 02000
49 1.0700 0.5600
50 1.0700 1.500
P 5.4 The data for a 13 machine, 71 bus, 94 line system is given. Obtain the load flow
Data :
No. of buses 71
No. of lines 94
Base power (MVA) 200
No. of machines 13
No. of shunt loads 23
I - - 0.0 00
2 00 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 506.0 150.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 100.0 32.0 00 00
7 0.0 00 12.8 8.3
8 300.0 125.0 0.0 0.0
9 0.0 0.0 185.0 130.0
10 0.0 0.0 80.0 50.0
II 0.0 0.0 155.0 96.0
12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Contd .....
Power Flow Analysis 169
13 0.0 0.0 100.0 62.0
14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 180.0 110.0 00 0.0
16 0.0 0.0 73.0 45.5
17 0.0 0.0 36.0 22.4
18 0.0 0.0 16.0 9.0
19 0.0 0.0 320 19.8
20 00 0.0 270 16.8
21 0.0 0.0 32.0 In
22 0.0 0.0 0.0 00
23 00 0.0 75.0 46.6
24 0.0 0.0 00 0.0
25 0.0 00 133.0 825
26 00 0.0 00 00
27 3000 75.0 0.0 00
28 0.0 0.0 30.0 20.0
29 260.0 70.0 0.0 0.0
30 0.0 0.0 120.0 0.0
31 0.0 0.0 160.0 74.5
32 0.0 0.0 0.0 994
33 0.0 0.0 0.0 00
34 0.0 0.0 112.0 69.5
35 0.0 0.0 0.0 00
36 0.0 0.0 50.0 32.0
37 00 0.0 1470 92.0
38 00 0.0 935 880
39 25.0 30.0 0.0 0.0
40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
41 0.0 0.0 225.0 123.0
42 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Contd. ....
170 Power System Analysis
44 180.0 55.0 0.0 0.0
45 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
46 0.0 0.0 78.0 38.6
47 0.0 0.0 234.0 145.0
48 340.0 250.0 0.0 0.0
49 0.0 0.0 295.0 183.0
50 00 0.0 40.0 24.6
51 0.0 0.0 2270 142.0
52 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
53 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
54 0.0 0.0 \08.0 68.0
55 0.0 0.0 25.5 48.0
56 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
57 00 00 556 35.6
58 0.0 0.0 420 27.0
59 0.0 0.0 57.0 27.4
60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
61 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
62 0.0 0.0 40.0 27.0
63 0.0 0.0 33.2 20.6
64 300.0 75.0 0.0 0.0
65 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
66 96.0 25.0 0.0 0.0
67 0.0 0.0 14.0 6.5
68 90.0 25.0 0.0 0.0
69 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
70 0.0 0.0 11.4 7.0
71 0.0 0.0 0.0 00
Power Flow Analysis 171
Line No From Bus To Bus Line impedance 112 Y charge Turns Ratio
1 9 8 0.0000 0.0570 0.0000 1.05
2 9 7 0.3200 0.0780 0.0090 100
3 9 5 0.0660 0.1600 0.0047 1.00
4 9 10 0.0520 0.1270 0.0140 1.00
5 10 11 0.0660 0.1610 0.0180 1.00
6 7 10 0.2700 0.0700 0.0070 100
7 12 11 0.0000 0.0530 0.0000 0.95
8 II 13 0.0600 01480 0.0300 1.00
9 14 13 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000 1.00
10 13 16 0.9700 0.2380 0.0270 1.00
11 17 15 0.0000 0.0920 0.0000 1.05
12 7 6 00000 0.2220 0.0000 1.05
13 7 4 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000 1.00
14 4 3 0.0000 0.0330 0.0000 1.05
15 4 5 0.0000 0.1600 0.0000 1.00
16 4 12 0.0160 0.0790 0.0710 1.00
17 12 14 0.0160 0.0790 0.0710 1.00
18 17 16 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000 0.95
19 2 4 0.0000 0.0620 0.0000 1.00
20 4 26 0.0190 0.0950 0.1930 0.00
21 2 1 0.0000 0.0340 0.0000 1.05
22 31 26 0.0340 0.1670 01500 1.00
23 26 25 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000 0.95
24 25 23 02400 0.5200 0.1300 1.00
25 22 23 00000 00800 0.0000 0.95
26 24 22 0.0000 0.0840 0.0000 0.95
27 22 17 0.0480 0.2500 0.0505 1.00
28 2 24 00100 0.1020 0.3353 1.00
29 23 21 0.0366 0.1412 0.0140 1.00
30 21 20 0.7200 0.1860 0.0050 1.00
31 20 III 01460 0.3740 0.0100 1.00
171 Power System Analysis
Line No From Bus To Bus Line impedance 112 Y charge Turns Ratio
32 19 18 0.0590 0.1500 0.0040 1.00
33 18 16 0.0300 00755 0.0080 1.00
34 28 27 0.0000 0.0810 0.0000 1.05
35 30 29 0.0000 0.0610 0.0000 105
36 32 31 0.0000 0.0930 00000 0.95
37 31 30 0.0000 00800 0.0000 0.95
38 28 32 00051 0.0510 0.6706 1.00
39 3 33 0.0130 00640 0.0580 1.00
40 31 47 O.()110 0.0790 01770 1.00
41 2 32 0.0158 0.1570 0.5100 1.00
42 33 34 00000 0.0800 0.0000 095
43 35 33 0.0000 0.0840 0.0000 0.95
44 35 24 0.0062 00612 0.2120 1.00
45 34 36 0.0790 0.2010 0.0220 1.00
46 36 37 0.1690 04310 0.0110 1.00
47 37 38 0.0840 01880 0.0210 1.00
48 40 39 00000 0.3800 0.0000 1.05
49 40 38 0.0890 0.2170 0.0250 1.00
50 38 41 0.1090 0.1960 0.2200 1.00
51 41 51 0.2350 0.6000 0.0160 1.00
52 42 41 0.0000 0.0530 0.0000 0.95
53 45 42 0.0000 0.0840 0.0000 0.95
54 47 49 0.2100 0.1030 0.9200 1.00
55 49 48 0.0000 0.0460 0.0000 105
56 49 50 00170 00840 0.0760 100
57 49 42 0.0370 0.1950 00390 1.00
58 50 51 00000 0.0530 00000 0.95
59 52 50 0.0000 0.0840 0.0000 0.95
60 50 55 0.0290 0.1520 0.0300 1.00
61 50 53 0.0100 0.0520 0.0390 1.00
62 53 54 0:0000 0.0800 0.0000 0.95
63 57 54 00220 0.0540 0.0060 1.00
Contd. ....
Power Flow Analysis 173
Line No From Bus To Bus Line impedance 112 Y charge Turns Ratio
64 55 56 0.0160 0.0850 0.0170 1.00
65 56 57 00000 0.0800 0.0000 1.00
66 57 59 0.0280 0.0720 0.0070 1.00
67 59 58 0.0480 0.1240 0.0120 1.00
68 60 59 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000 1.00
69 53 60 0.0360 0.1840 0.3700 1.00
70 45 44 0.0000 0.1200 0.0000 1.05
71 45 46 0.0370 0.0900 0.0100 1.00
72 46 41 0.0830 0.1540 0.0170 100
73 46 59 0.1070 0.1970 0.0210 1.00
74 60 61 0.0160 0.0830 0.0160 1.00
75 61 62 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000 0.95
76 58 62 00420 01080 0.0020 1.00
77 62 63 0.0350 0.0890 0.0090 100
78 69 68 0.0000 0.2220 0.0000 1.05
79 69 61 0.0230 0.1160 0.1040 1.00
80 67 66 0.0000 0.1880 0.0000 1.05
81 65 64 00000 0.0630 0.0000 1.05
82 65 56 0.0280 0.1-l40 0.0290 1.00
83 65 61 0.0230 0.1140 0.0240 1.00
84 65 67 0.0240 0.0600 0.0950 1.00
85 67 63 0.0390 0.0990 0.0100 1.00
86 61 42 0.0230 0.2293 0.0695 1.00
87 57 67 0.0550 0.2910 00070 LOO
88 45 70 01840 OA680 00120 1.00
89 70 38 0.1650 0.4220 0.0110 1.00
90 33 71 0.0570 0.2960 0.0590 1.00
41 71 37 0.0000 0.0800 0.0000 0.95
92 45 41 0.1530 0.3880 0.1000 1.00
-n 35 43 0.0131 01306 0.4293 1.00
~ -
9-l 52 52 0.0164 0.1632 0.5360 1.00
174 Power System Analysis
Shunt Load Data
S.No Bus No Shunt Load
1 2 000 - 0.4275
2 13 0.00 0.1500
3 20 0.00 0.0800
4 24 0.00 - 0.2700
5 28 0.00 - 0.3375
6 31 0.00 0.2000
7 32 0.00 - 0.8700
8 34 0.00 0.2250
9 35 0.00 - 0.3220
10 36 0.00 0.1000
11 37 0.00 0.3500
12 38 0.00 0.2000
13 41 0.00 0.2000
14 43 0.00 - 02170
15 46 0.00 0.1000
16 47 000 0.3000
17 50 0.00 0.1000
18 51 0.00 0.1750
19 52 0.00 -0.2700
20 54 0.00 0.1500
21 57 0.00 0.1000
22 59 0.00 0.0750
23 21 0.00 0.0500
Power Flow Analysis
5.1 Explain the importance of load flow studies.
5.2 Discuss breifly the bus classification.
5.3 What is the need for a slack bus or reference bus? Explain.
5.4 Explain Gauss-Seidel method of load flow solution.
5.5 Discuss the method ofNewton-Raphson method in general and explain its applicalibility
for power flow solution.
5.6 Explain the Polar-Coordinates method of Newton-Raphson load flow solution.
5.7 Give the Cartesian coordinates method or rectangular coordinates method of Newton-
Raphson load flow solution.
5.8 Give the flow chart for Q.No. 6.
5.9 Give the flow chart for Q.No. 7.
5.10 Explain sparsity and its application in power flow studies.
5.11 How are generator buses are P, V buses treated in load flow studies?
5.12 Give the algorithm for decoupled load flow studies.
5.13 Explain the fast decouped load flow method.
5.14 Compare the Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson method for power flow solution.
5.15 Compare the Newton-Raphson method, decoupled load flow method and fast
decouped load flow method.
Electrical networks and machines are subject to various types of faults while in operation.
During the fault period, the current flowing is determined by the internal e.m.fs of the machines
in the network, and by the impedances of the network and machines. However, the impedances
of machines may change their values from those that exist immediately after the fault occurrence
to different values during the fault till the fault is cleared. The network impedance may also
change, if the fault is cleared by switching operations. It is, therefore, necessary to calculate
the short-circuit current at different instants when faults occur. For such fault analysis studies
and in general for power system analysis it is very convenient to use per unit system and
percentage values. In the following this system is explained.
6.1 Per Unit Quantities
The per unit value of any quantity is the ratio of the actual value in any units to the chosen base
quantify of the same dimensions expressed as a decimal.
Actual value in any units
Per unit quantity = ..
base or reference value In the same umts
In power systems the basic quantities of importance are voltage, current, impedance
and power. For all per unit calculations a base KVA or MVA and a base KV are to be chosen.
Once the base values or reference values are chosen. the other quantities can be ohtained as
Selecting the total or 3-phase KVA as base KVA, for a 3-phase system