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The energy consumption in the world, particularly in the industrialized countries, has
been growing at an alarming rate. Fossil fuels, which today meet major part of the energy
demand, are being depleted quickly. World has started running out of oil and it is estimated that
80% -of the worlds supply will be consumed in our life times. Coal supplies may appear to be
large but even this stock may not last longer than a few decades. Moreover the pollution hazard
arising out of fossil fuel burning has become quite significant in recent years. Nuclear power has
posed a number of problems and nuclear fusion is still a speculative technology.
Thus we are forced to look for unconventional energy sources such as geothermal, ocean
tides, wind and sun. It is also hoped that these alternative energy sources will be able to meet
considerable part of the energy demand in coming future. Among all these, solar energy seems to
hold out the greatest promise for the mankind. It is free, inexhaustible, non-polluting and devoid
of political control. Solar water beaters, space heaters and cookers are already on the market and
seem to be economically viable. Solar photovoltaic cells, solar refrigerators and solar thermal
power plants will be technically and economically viable in a short time. It is optimistically
estimated that 50% of the world power requirements in the middle of 21st century will come
only from solar energy.
Enough strides have been made during last two decades to develop the direct energy
conversion systems to increase the plant efficiency 60 to 70% by avoiding the conversion of
thermal energy into mechanical energy. Still this technology is on the threshold or the success
and it is hoped that this will also play vital role in power generation in coming future.
1.1 Renewable and Non-conventional
Recently considered energy resources are solar, wind, geothermal, ocean thermal, ocean
wave, ocean tide, mini-hydro, bio-mass, chemicals, waste fuels etc. These are available from
nature in renewable but periodic/intermittent form. Energy technologies for use of renewab1es
have been rapidly developed. Present contribution of renewable in the world is less than 20%
(excluding hydro). This is likely to increase to about 10% by 2015 AD and to about 15% by
2025 AD. Renewable are cheap, clean energy resources. However, solar and wind sources are
intermittent, diffused and their conversion technologies are presently costly and suitable only of
smaller plant capacities. 100% storage facility is necessary on output side.
Comparison between Conventional and Renewable
Feature Conventional
Non Renewable
- Technologies Established Commercially weak
- Plant size Large (MW range) Small (KW range)
- Main Power Plants Suitable Non Sufficient
- Energy density of source High Low
- Pollution problems More Less
- Energy reserves Limited Renewable
- Storage Easy Uneconomical
- Cost of Generation Low High
1.2 Energy Chains or Energy Routes
The concept of energy chain (energy route) is very useful in energy studies, 'chain' or
'route' signify a sequential path.
Energy is present in several sequential activities. Individual 'link' or 'individual step'
represent 'particular energy transformation'. A sequence of such energy transformations forms an
energy chain (energy route).
A required type of usable energy can be obtained from alternate energy routes, e.g. heat
can be obtained by burning of wood or from electrical heater or from solar energy.
Energy chain has three or more energy links. These are associated with
- Primary energy source.
- Intermediate energy forms.
- Final usable energy form.
Energy resources are primary energy forms available from nature in raw form. These are
explored, located, extracted, processed and converted to intermediate form / forms.
Intermediate forms of energy are 'vehicles of energy' for transportation and processing.
Final usable forms of energy are for consumption e.g. heat, mechanical motion, fuels, electricity,
chemicals, lubricating oils, steam, hot water, natural gas etc.
Energy Technology deals with various 'energy chains' and 'energy links'.
1.3 Energy Resources and Forms of Energy
Primary energy resources are those available in nature in raw form. (Coal, Petroleum-Oil,
Natural Gas, Fire-wood, wind, water at high level, Uranium-ore, solar irradiation, Geothermal
fluid, Ocean-waves, Ocean-thermal fluid, Ocean tides, biomass fuels etc.)
Search for new, renewable primary energy resources are in progress. The technology for
conversion, processing etc. should also be available. The primary resources should also be
recoverable. Some resources are partly recoverable and some are not recoverable e.g. coal at
very great depth is non-recoverable.
Primary resources include conventional, Alternate (Non- conventional), Renewable and
Non-renewable, futuristic.
Intermediate energy forms. The primary resources are generally not suitable for ultimate
use. They are transformed to intermediate form by one or more processes (e.g. coal may be
gasified, supplied to gas power plant.)
Secondary energy sources (Usable energy) are those supplied to the user for consumption
(electrical energy; steam, hot water, liquid petroleum gas in cylinders or pipe-lines, petroleum
oils, fire-wood etc.). .
Secondary energy sources are either commercial or non-commercial. For example
electricity is an expensive commercially supplied secondary (usable) energy. Solar energy is
non-commercial source of renewable energy.
Renewable are those, which are renewed by the nature again and again, and their supply
is not affected by rate of consumption. (Wind energy; Solar-energy, Geothermal energy, Ocean
wave; Hydro-energy etc.) Renewable are renewed by nature periodically (e.g. Sun light) or
intermittently (e.g. wind).
Alternative energy source are those, which are non-traditional. They are alternatives to
the conventional energy resources.
The demarcation between conventional and non-conventional is not rigid. Todays non-
conventional become conventional after a few decades. For our reference, we consider the
-Energy resources, which are in use during 1950-1975, are called conventional.
-Energy resources, which are considered for large-scale use after 1973 oil crisisare, called Non-
conventional or Alternate.
-Non-conventional energy technologies are presently under development/ commercialization.
- Non-conventional energy resources are likely to have more and more share of energy market in
coming decades (1990s, after 2000 AD).
Conventional and Renewable Recourses For Electrical Generation
Conventional Alternative, Renewable
Coal Wind Power
Petroleum Oils Solar Power
Natural Gas Geo Thermal
Hydro Ocean Waves
Nuclear Fission Fuels Ocean Tide
Fire Wood Bio- mass fuels
Waste fuels
Synthetic Gasses
Nuclear Fusion fuels
Fuels or fuel cells
Fire wood
Ocean algae fuel
Ocean Salinity gradient
Non-renewable energy resources are those which do not get replenished after their
consumption e.g. coal once burnt is consumed without replacement of the same (Fossil fuels,
Nuclear fission fuels).
The energy resources which are formed very slowly in nature and which are likely to be
exhausted in a few more decades or centuries are called Non-renewable. World is presently
dependant on such resources (90% supplies of world primary resources are by Nonrenewables-
Advantages of renewable energy. Even though renewable options are not likely to supply a
substantial amount of energy to developing countries over the short term, they do have these
(1) Renewable energy is an indigenous resource available in considerable quantities to all
developing nations and capable, in principle, of having a significant local, regional or national
economic impact. The use of renewable energy could help to conserve foreign exchange and
generate local employment if conservation technologies are designed, manufactured, assembled
and installed locally.
(2) Several renewable options are financially and economically competitive for certain
applications, such as in remote locations, where the costs of transmitting electrical power or
transporting conventional fuels are high, or in those well endowed with biomass, hydro or
geothermal resources.
(3) Because conversion technology tends to be flexible and modular, it can usually be rapid
deployed. Other advantages of modular over very large individual units include easy in adding
new capacity, less risk in comparison with 'lumpy' investments, lower interest on borrowed
capital because of shorter lead times and reduced transmission and distribution costs for
dispersed rural locations.
(4) Rapid scientific and technological advantages are expected to expand the economic range of
renewable energy applications over the next 8-10 years, making it imperative for international
decision makers and planners to keep abreast of these developments.
Obstacles to the Implementation of renewable energy systems
Experience with renewable energy projects in the developing countries indicates that
there are a number of barriers to the effective development and widespread diffusion of these
systems. Among these are:
(1) Inadequate documentation and evaluation of past experience, a paucity of validated field
performance data and a lack of clear priorities for future work.
(2) Weak or non-existent institutions and policies to finance and commercialize renewable
energy systems. With regard to energy planning, separate and completely uncoordinated
organizations are often responsible for petroleum, electricity, coal, forestry, fuel wood,
renewable resources and conservation.
(3) Technical and economic uncertainties in many renewable energy systems, high economic and
financial coat. for some systems in comparison with conventional supply options and energy
efficiency measures.
(4) Skeptical attitudes towards renewable energy systems on the part of the energy planner. And
a lack of qualified personnel to design, manufactures, market, operate and maintain such
(5) Inadequate donor coordination in renewable energy assistance activities, with little or no
information exchange on successful and unsuccessful projects.
Chapter-2 (A)
2.1 Principle of Solar Thermal Power Generation
In a solar thermal power production using a solar pond, a flat plate collector or a
focussing collector first collects system the energy. This energy is used to increase the internal
energy or temperature of a fluid. This fluid may be directly used in any of the common or known
cycles such as Rankine, Brayton or Stirling or passes through a heat exchanger to heat a
secondary fluid working fluid) which is being used in the cycle to " produce mechanical power
from which electrical power can be produced easily.
The following three systems are discussed in the following, section:
[1] Low temperature cycles using flat plate collector or solar pond.
(2) Concentrating collectors for medium and high temperature cycle.
(3) Power tower concept.
2.2 Low temperature systems
The flat plate collector and solar pond are classified as low temperature collectors,
because temperature achieved is of the order of 60 to 100C, with collection efficiency of 30 to
50%. If Rankine Cycle solar thermal power production system is employed, since the
temperature of the fluid (water) is usually below l00C (with solar pond the maximum
temperature is limited approximately 80C) and it is not possible to generate steam with flat plate
collector or solar pond, so this can not be used directly to run the prime mover. Therefore, some
other organic fluid is used (Freon group etc.) which evaporates at low temperature and high
pressure by absorbing the heat from the heated water. The vapour formed can be used to run a
turbine or engine which may generate power, which will be sufficient to light the group of
houses for rural areas and for irrigation purposes.
A schematic view of basic Rankine cycle power production system is shown in Fig. 2.2.1
the T-S diagram of the cycle is also shown.
Rankine cycle, a version of the theoretical Carnot Cycle happens to be me most
frequently employed not only for solar thermal power production system but also for the
conventional power plants. The various processes that comprise the cycle are as follows:
Fig. 2.2.1 Schematic of a basic solar Rankine Cycle.
1.2. Reversible adiabatic pumping process in the pump.
2.3. Constant pressure transfer of heat in the vapour/steam generator.
3.4. Reversible adiabatic expansion in the expander (turbine, 'reciprocating
engine etc.)
4.1. Constant pressure transfer of heat in the condenser.
The Rankine cycle also has the possibility of superheating the vapour, which is not
shown in the figure.
2.3 A number of system configurations are currently under development under the basic
category of Rankine cycle solar thermal power production system. However the major choices
involved are the following:
(a) Choice of the collection system and cycle operating pressure and
[b] Choice of the working fluid & Choice of the expander.
(c) Choice of the storage system.
(a) Choice of the collection system (solar collectors). A flat plate collector or solar pond
(concentrator for higher temperature cycle) may be employed. The flat plate collector may be
simple one or with selective coating. The collector cost, increasing in the order presented above
along with its conversion efficiency and maximum operating temperature play important role in
the choice of the collector only. A temperature up to 100C can be achieved with such collectors.
With solar pond the maximum temperature is limited approximately 80C. Though solar pond is
very cheap collecting device and works as storage also but because of some other limitations it
cannot be conclude the only choice at low temperature. With concentrating collectors
temperature up to C can be achieved but additional cost of tracking with a increment in the
system's overall efficiency has to be taken into consideration. The Rankine cycle efficiency
increases with boiler temperature whereas solar collectors efficiency decreases with rise in
temperatures, therefore one should find an optimum operating boiler temperature by considering
several collectors and Rankine cycle with their costs and overall cost should be minimized. The
choice of the collector partly depends upon the desired fluid or it can be said vice-versa. Suppose
a working fluid of higher boiling point is to be used then the use of solar pond or flat-plate solar
collector does not arises. Similarly, if it is desired to use a solar pond as solar energy collection
device a working fluid of low boiling point has to be used.
(b) Choice of the working fluid:- As mentioned earlier that the primary fluid going through the
collector and the secondary fluid going through the power plant may be the same or different
from each other. Using the same fluid throughout the system has the advantage of eliminating
the heat exchanger. The main advantage when used with flat plate collectors are that a large
quantity of working fluid of low boiling point has to be used, a greater chance of leakage in the
collector and loss of fluid exist, and the collector has to operate at higher pressure. Therefore, it
is more advantageous to use different fluids for a plant of higher capacity 10-100 kW. The
choice of the working fluid depends on the operating temperature in the boiler and condenser and
the type of expander to be used. Generally either water or organic fluid (Freon group etc.) is used
as working fluid. The desirable properties of the working fluid can be briefly listed as follows:
(i) Nature of the saturation curve - this will be largely determined how close the practical cycle
can come to the theoretical efficiency limits.
(ii) Working pressure of the cycle - the important consideration on the low-pressure side is
weather it is sub atmospheric or atmospheric. The maximum working fluid pressure on the other
hand, decide the system complexity to a certain extent. Specific volume and latent heat these two
properties will determine the volume flow rate for a given power out and partly govern the
choice of the prime movers.
(iii) Other considerations like chemical stability and non-corrosiveness within the operating
temperature; good heat transfer and flow properties etc.
(c) Choice of the storage system.
The storage system is required in all the solar thermal power generation system whether a
Rankine cycle powers generation system, a Stirling cycle power generation system or Brayton
cycle power generation system. Owing to the intermittent and variable nature of solar energy,
every solar thermal power system must have an energy storage system, which could stabilize the
half sinusoidal incident energy, the constant temperature thermal energy and could provide
energy for generation of the system during non-sunny hours. Energy storage can be
accomplished through routes, i.e. sensible heat storage, storage of energy in phase change
materials, chemical reaction storage and electro-chemical storage. If the power generation is
considered by using solar pond then storage is not required.
2.4 Rankine Cycle Solar Thermal Power Generation System.
To convert solar energy into electricity through thermal conversion, researches in the
world have done a considerable work in varying capacity power systems. Organic fluid Rankine
cycle has been extensively used in these studies. The development work in the generation of
solar thermal power in higher range, i.e. 10 kW and above up to megawatts, is in line in various
parts of the world. The systems have been developed by using a solar pond, flat-plate collector, a
focussing collector (distribution type) or a heliostat. The heliostat systems are used normally in a
very high range of solar thermal power production (around megawatts). It will be described later.
A low temperature solar engine, using heated water from flat plate solar collector and
butane as the working fluid is shown in Fig.2.4.2,
Which is developed in France for lift irrigation. The system has array of flat-plate
collectors to heat water up to nearly 70C and in the heat exchanger, the heat of water is used for
boiling butane. The high-pressure butane vapour runs a butane turbine, which operates a
hydraulic pump, which pumps the water from the well and used for irrigation. The exhaust
butane vapour from butane turbine is condensed in a condenser with the help of water, which is
pumped by the pump. This condensate is fed to the heat exchanger or butane boiler.
Fig.2.4.2. Schematic of a low temperature solar power plant
The system is applied for small power plants of about 10 kW capacities. It has the advantage of
2.5 Medium Temperature Systems with Concentrating Collectors
Cylindrical parabolic concentrating collectors (line Focus system) give a temperature
range of 250 to 700C with efficiency of 50- 70%. High temperature collectors such as parabolic
type concentrators consists of many flat mirrors give a temp.range of 600-2000C with an
efficiency of 60-75%.
A simple parabolic cylindrical concentrator for medium temperature system is shown in
Fig. 2.5.3. It consists of a parabolic cylinder reflector to concentrate sun light on to a collecting
pipe within a Pyrex or glass envelope. A selecting coating of suitable material is applied to pipe
to minimize infrared emission. The space between the transparent tubes surrounding the pipe can
be evacuated to reduce convection heat loss. Proper sun-tracking arrangement is made so that
maximum sunlight is focussed on the reflector. The line focus system, also called the trough
system, uses concentrators in the form of long troughs of cylindrical or parabolic cross-sections,
which are lined with mirrors to collect and concentrate the sun's radiation onto a focal linear
conduit through which the primary coolant flows. Because of their geometry such troughs are
usually made to track the sun in only one plane, by being rotated about their focal line, Thus,
other than solar noon, they receive sun's rays that get more inclined with respect to their
projected surface as the sun deviates from solar noon.
Fig. 2.5.3. Basic geometry of a parabolic cylindrical concentrator.
They, therefore, usually operate in the lower temperature ranges of about 90 to 315C. Line-
focus systems are thus believed suitable only for small-sized electric-generating systems for
which thermal efficiency is not of prime importance and for other applications such as driving
irrigation pumps, providing industrial process heat, space heating and cooling, and other
industrial applications, but not for large scale electric generation. [Refer Fig.2.5.4 (see next
Concentrating collectors use reflective surfaces to focus the sun's rays onto a receiver or
absorber where the solar energy heats a circulating fluid. The hot fluid can then be used directly
for an industrial process, to power a turbine for mechanical work, or to generate electricity.
Thermal storage systems accumulate thermal energy to be used during cloudy weather or
at night. Currently, storage system capacities range from "buffer" storage for short intervals such
as during cloud passage, to as long as six continuous hours.
Modularity is an advantage of a parabolic trough system. The basic collector module is a
row of troughs coupled to a drive motor that rotates the trough module about a single axis to
track the sun's position. A control system connects as many modules as required to raise the fluid
in the troughs to a specified outlet temperature. The sub-system are called delta T loops and
array of such loops is called a field. A field can consists of one loop or many, depending upon
the energy required for a particular application.
The single-axis tracking trough concept exhibits favourable performance and cost-
effectiveness in the mid-temperature range, i.e.100C to 350C. Energy requirements within this
range are significant, including industrial process heat, production of mechanical or electrical
energy such as for irrigation pumping, steam generation for enhanced oil recovery, and "total
energy" production or cogeneration (i.e. providing for both electrical and direct heating
The five components of a complete parabolic trough system are :
(i) The concentrator with its support and drive system,
(ii) The receiver,
(iii) Thermal transport,
(iv) Controls and
iv) Thermal storage (optional)
A variation of the line-focus system, called the line-focus bowl or the solar bowl concept,
it involves a fixed mirror collector, shaped in the form of a hemisphere and tilted upward from
the horizon along a north-south line depending on the latitude of location. The slender cylindrical
receiver, helical coiled tubing on pipe, is supported by a cantilevered beam pivoted on a dual-
axis mount to track the sun. The system can convert pressurized water to superheated steam that
can drive a turbine for the production of electricity. It can also use other heat transfer fluids at a
lower pressure and temperature than water for industrial process heat or for heating and cooling
Bowls can be larger than other single-unit concentrating devices since the reflecting
surface does not have to be moved to track the sun. A 65-ft (20 m) diameter solar bowl was
designed and constructed in the United States to determine the technical feasibility of the
2.6 Stirling Cycle Solar Thermal Power Generation
The stirling cycle is an old concept, first proposed by Stirling in 1816. In its original form
the engine was slow, heavy and inefficient and with the advancement in I.C. engine this was
overlooked. Again because of oil crisis researches started working on this engine as it can work
almost on any fuel including solar. Engine based on stirling cycle using solar energy have high
promise. Like any heat engine, the stirling engine goes through the four basic processes of
compression, heating, expansion and cooling. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.6.5. There are three
basic type of stirling engine one, the ALPHA type, use two pistons. These pistons mutually
compress the working fluid in the cold space, move it to the hot space where it is expanded and
then move it back. The second and third type of engine uses a piston and a displacer. The piston
does the compressing and expanding, and the displacer does the gas transfer from hot to cold
space. The displacer arrangement with the power piston in line is called the BETA
Fig. 2.6.5. The Stirling cycle.
type of engine and if the piston off-set from the displacer, to allow a simple mechanical
arrangement, is called the GAMA type of stirling engine. As for as the main components of the
stirling cycle solar thermal power generation systems are concerned, basically they are solar
energy collection system. Working fluid, stirling engine and storage. Use of flat-plate solar
collector and solar pond cannot be made for this system, point focussing collector {paraboloidal)
is the only choice. Various working fluids like air, hydrogen and helium etc. have been tried.
Limitation of stirling cycle solar thermal power generation systems is that it generates a
fraction of horsepower as there is practical limit to the size of three dimensional concentrator due
to wind loading and their tracking.
2.7 Solar Thermal Power Generation Using Brayton Cycle
Brayton cycle is the basic gas power cycle for gas turbine power plants. Very less
research work has been done on this cycle for solar
Fig.2.7.6. Closed cycle gas turbine with on Brayton cycle
energy application due to capital cost. Heliostat type of solar collection system is supposed to be
used in this system.
The schematic diagram of the closed cycle gas turbine Brayton cycle is shown in Fig.
2.7.6 along with TS and PV diagram. The closed Bray ton cycle using rotary compressors and
gas turbines have been fully developed in the megawatt range for space application. But this
cycle has not been tried, for solar energy application due to capital cost. Its efficiency depends
strongly on the pressure ratio in the system. In solar energy system it is very costly to get high-
pressure ratio. Some research institutions and research manufacturing companies in the world are
developing a solar power system using this cycle.
2.8 Tower Concept for Power Generation (Central Receiver Power Plants) :
High Temperature Systems
Two main approaches to solar power generation are (A) the solar furnace in which sun
light reflects from many different locations is concentrated on a single heat exchanger, and (B)
the solar farms where a large numbers of linear reflectors focus solar radiation on long pipes
which collect heat.
The above two basic arrangements for converting solar radiation into electrical energy
are also called, the central receiver system and the distributed collector system respectively.
In the central receiver system, known colloquially as the "Power tower" design, an array
of sun-tracking mirrors (heliostats) reflects solar radiation onto a receiver mounted on top of a
central tower.
Solar energy absorbed in the central receiver is removed as heat by means of a heat
transport fluid and converted into electrical energy in a turbine-generator. The distributed
collector system may consist of a number of parabolic trough-type (line focusing) collectors or
of parabolic dish-type (point focusing) collectors. The absorber pipes (or receivers) of the
individual collectors are connected so that all the heated fluid is carried to a single location
where the electricity is generated. The basic difference between the central receiver and
distributed collector systems is that in the former the solar energy falling on a large area is
transmitted to a central point as radiation, but in the latter, the energy is carried as heat in a fluid.
Analysis of the two systems indicates that they may have different preferred applications.
The energy losses in transmission by radiation are less than in transport as a hot fluid. Hence,
higher temperature should be attainable at the turbine inlet with the central receiver design than
if the same amount of fluid were transported from distributed collectors. Furthermore, in a large
distributed collector system, the costs of the long pipelines and of the energy required to pump
the heat-transport fluid through them would be considerable. However, these costs are offset
somewhat by the high cost of heliostats and the central receiver tower.
It appears, therefore, that the central receiver system is preferable for the large-scale
generation of power for an electric utility.
On the other hand, the distributed collector design may be more suitable for power plants of
smaller electrical capacity, perhaps less than 2 megawatts (MW). The so-called total energy (or
cogeneration) systems, intended to supply both electric power and heat or process steam to an
institution, small community, or industry, may fall into the latter category.
(A) Tower Power Plants (Central Receiver Systems)
(I) Principle and working: - In this system as stated the incoming solar radiation is focused to a
central receiver or a Boiler mounted on tall tower using thousands of plane reflectors, which are
steer able about two axes and are called heliostats.
The tower concept illustrated in Fig. 2.8.7 is an example of the solar furnace approach.
Fig.2.8.7 Tower concept for power generator.
As shown in it an assembly of separate flat mirrors is oriented in such away that all the
incident light beams are reflected towards the same point, the concentration factor achieved is
roughly equal to the number of mirrors.
A schematic view of an electric power plant making use of this idea is shown in Fig.
2.8.8. The mirrors are installed on the ground and are oriented so as to reflect the direct beam
radiation into an absorber or receiver (boiler) which is mounted on the top of a tower located
near the centre of the field of mirrors to produce high temperature
2.9 Schematic of a solar-thermal central-receiver system power plant.
This factor makes it possible to position the boiler in the field of view of all mirrors at all
hours of the day. Beam radiations incident on boiler absorbed by black pipes in which working
fluid circulates and is heated. The hot working fluid is allowed to drive a turbine and produce
mechanical energy. The turbine, which is coupled to an alternator, produces electrical energy. As
in any thermodynamic conversion, the heat sink is provided. Suitable heat storage is also
provided to supply the heat energy during the periods of cloudiness.
The characteristics of the system are summarized below:
i. All parts of it use known technologies.
ii. The heat conversion sub-system comprising a turbine and an alternator may be of
conventional type, thus avoiding the need of future development work.
(iii) Boiler or absorber is a light absorber, and low volume unit, resulting in low heat
losses from it.
Fig.2.8.8 Schematic of a Solar-thermal central-receiver system power plant
(iv) The heat need not be transported over long distances as compared to parabolic
troughs, thus avoiding excessive plumbing and heat losses, all the power is
transferred to the central point by optical transmission.
Fig. 2.9.9 shows the schematic view of central receiver solar thermal power plant using a field of
flat mirrors and a gas turbine.
Fig.2.9.9 Schematic of a central tower receiver associated with a field of flat mirrors and a gas turbine.
The system should incorporate storage for nighttime and cloudy periods, as shown in Fig.
2.8.8. The receiver output is made greater than that required by the steam cycle, and the excess
output during periods of greatest solar incidence is bypassed to a thermal storage system. During
periods of low or no solar incidence, the feed water is shunted to the storage system, instead of to
the receiver, where it vaporizes for use in the turbine. Proper valving in the system allows
operation in either mode.
Because solar-thermal electric plants are most likely to be located in hot arid areas where
land is plentiful (for the large heliostat field) and where the sun's energy is plentiful and
dependable, but where cooling water is scarce, the condenser water is most probably cooled by a
dry-cooling tower. Such towers are less effective and cause a reduction in Rankine cycle
efficiency but require practically no make up water. )
Chapter-2 (B)
2.10 Introduction:
The direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by means of the photovoltaic
effect, that is, the conversion of light (or other electromagnetic radiation) into electricity. The
photovoltaic effect is defined as the generation of an electromotive force as a result of the
absorption of ionizing radiation. Energy conversion devices, which are used to convert sunlight
to electricity by the use of the photovoltaic effect, are called solar cell. A single converter cell is
called a solar cell or, more generally, a photovoltaic cell, and combination of such cells;
designed to increase the electric power output is called a solar module or solar array.
Photovoltaic cells are made of semiconductors that generate electricity when they absorb
light. As photons are received, free electrical charges are generated that can be collected on
contacts applied to the surfaces of the semiconductors. Because solar cells are not heat engines,
and therefore do not need to operate at high temperatures, they are adapted to the weak energy
flux of solar radiation, operating at room temperature. These devices have theoretical efficiencies
of the order of 25 per cent. . Actual operating efficiencies are less than half this value, and
decrease fairly rapidly with increasing temperature.
The best-known application of photovoltaic cells for electrical power generation has been
in spacecraft, for which the silicon solar cell is the most highly developed type. The silicon cell
consists of a single crystal of silicon into which a doping material is diffused to form a
semiconductor. Since the early days of solar cell development, many improvements have been
made in crystal growing and doping, electrical contact and cell assembly and production
methods. Large number of cells has been manufactured with areas 2 x 2 cm, efficiencies
approaching 10 per cent, and operating at 28C. The efficiency is the power developed per unit
area of array divided by the solar energy flux in the free space (1.353 kW/m2).
For terrestrial applications, silicon solar cells have shown operating efficiencies of about
12 to 15 per cent. Though silicon is one of the earth's most abundant materials, it is expensive to
extract (from sand, where it occurs mostly in the form SiO2 and refine to the purity required for
solar cells. The greater barrier to solar cell application lies in the costs of the cells themselves.
Reducing the cost of silicon cells is difficult because of the cost of making single crystal. One
very promising method is being developed to produce continuous thin ribbons of single crystal
silicon to reduce fabrication costs. Cells made from the ribbon have so far shown efficiencies of
around 8 per cent. Several other kinds of photocells are in the laboratory stage of development.
Cadmium sulfide and CdS/Cu2S cells are other possibilities. So far, efficiencies have been in the
range of 3 to 8 per cent, and these cells have been less durable than silicon cells owing to
degradation with exposure to oxygen, water vapour and sunlight, especially at elevated
temperatures. The active part of the CdS cell is a thin polycrystalline layer of Cds, about 10um
thick, on which a layer of CU2S compound perhaps 0.1um thick is grown. These cells can be
made by deposition on long sheets of substrates a process that might be adaptable to expensive
mass production,
Photovoltaic cells could be applicable to either small or large power plants, since they
function well on a small scale, and may be adaptable to local energy generation on building
rooftops. The cost of energy storage and power conditioning equipment might, however, make
generation in large stations the most economical method. Solar cells have also been used to
operate irrigation pumps, navigational signals, highway emergency call systems, rail road
crossing warnings, automatic meteorological stations, etc., in location where access to utility
power lines is difficult.
A PV (photo-voltaic) system consists of:
(i) Solar cell array (ii) Load leveler (iii) Storage system (iv) Tracking system (where necessary).
In actual usage, the solar cells are interconnected in certain series/parallel combinations
to form modules. These modules are hermetically sealed for protection against corrosion,
moisture, pollution and weathering. A combination of suitable modules constitutes an array. One
square meter of fixed array kept facing south yields nearly 0.5 kWh of electrical energy on a
normal sunny day if the orientation of the array is adjusted to face the sun's rays at ally tune, the
output can increase by 30 per cent. Solar PV system call produces an output only if sunlight is
present. If it is required to be used during no sunshine hours, a suitable system of storage
batteries will be required.
2.11 Solar Cell Principles. The photo-voltaic effect can be observed in nature in a variety of
materials, but the materials that have shown the best performance in sunlight are the semi-
conductors as stated above. When photons from the sun are absorbed in a semiconductor, they
create free electrons with higher energies than the electrons, which provide the bonding in the
base crystal. Once these electrons are created, there must be an electric field to induce these
higher energy electrons to flow out of the semi-conductor to do useful work. A junction of
materials, which have different electrical properties, provides the electric field in most solar
To obtain a useful power output from photon interaction in a semi-conductor three
processes are required.
1. The photons have to be absorbed in the active part of the material and result in
electrons being excited to a higher energy potential.
2. The electron-hole charge carrier created by the absorption must be physically
separated and moved to the edge of the cell.
3. The charge carriers must be removed from the cell and delivered to a useful load
before they loose their extra potential.
For completing the above processes, a solar cell consists of :
(a) Semi-conductor in which electron hole pairs are created by absorption of
incident solar radiation.
(b) Region containing a drift field for charge separation, and
(c) Charge collecting front and back electrodes.
The photovoltaic effect can be described easily for p-n junction in a semi-conductor. In
an intrinsic semi-conductor such as silicon, each one of the four valence electrons of the material
atom is tied in a chemical bond, and there are no free electrons at absolute zero. If apiece of such
a material is doped on one side by a five valence electron material, such as arsenic or
phosphorus, there will be an excess electrons in that side, becomes an n-type semiconductor. The
excess electrons will be practically free to move in the semiconductor lattice. When a three
valence electron material, such as boron, drops the other side of the same piece there will be
deficiency of electrons leading to a p-type semiconductor. This deficiency is expressed in terms
of excess of holes free to move in the lattice. Such a piece of semi-conductor with one side of the
p-type and the other of the n-type is called a p-n junction. In this junction after the photons are
absorbed, the free electrons of the n-side will tend to flow to the p-side, and the holes of the n-
side will tend to flow to the n region to compensate for their respective deficiencies. This
diffusion will create an electric field Eli' from the n region to the p-region. This field will
increase until it reaches equilibrium for V ", the sum of the diffusion potentials for holes and
electrons. If electrical contacts are made with the two semiconductor materials and the contacts
are connected through an external electrical conductor, the free electrons will flow from the n-
type material through the conductor to the p-type material (Fig, 2.11.10). Here the free electrons
will enter the holes and become bound electrons; thus, both free electrons and holes will be
removed. The flow of electrons through the external conductor constitutes an electric current,
which will continue as long as more free electrons and holes are being formed by the solar
radiation. This is the basis of photovoltaic conversion, that is, the conversion of solar energy into
electrical energy. The combination of n-type and p-type semiconductors thus constitutes a
photovoltaic (PV) cell or solar cell. All such cells generate direct current, which can be
converted into alternating current if desired.
The most normal configuration for a solar cell to make a p-n junction semiconductor is as
shown schematically in Fig. (2.11.10). The junction of the 7) type' and 'n type' materials provides
an inherent electric field which separates the charge created by the absorption of sunlight. This
p-n junction is usually obtained by putting a p-type base material into a diffusion furnace
containing a gaseous n-type dopant.
Fig. 2.11.10
such as phosphorus and allowing the n-dopant to diffuse into the surface about 0.2 !1m. The
junction is thus formed slightly below the planar surface of the cell and the light impinges
perpendicular to the junction.
The positive and negative charges created by the absorption of photons are thus
encouraged to drift to the front and back of the solar cell. The back is completely covered by a
metallic contact to remove the charges to the electric load. A fine grid of narrow metallic fingers
aids the collection of charges from the front of the cell. The surface coverage of the conducting
collectors is typically about 5 per cent in order to allow as much light as possible to reach active
junction area. An antireflective coating is applied on the top of the cell.
Fig. 2.11.11 p-n. Junction electric fields.
Fig. 2.11.11 demonstrates how this p-n junction provides an electrical field that sweeps
the electrons in one direction and the positive holes in the other. If the junction is in
thermodynamic equilibrium, then the Fermi energy must be uniform throughout. Since the Fermi
level is near the top of the gap of an n-doped material and near the bottom of the p-doped side,
an electric field must exist at the junction providing the charge separation function of the cell.
Important characteristic of the Fermi level is that, in thermodynamic equilibrium, it is always
continuous across the contact between the two materials.
Each of the individual solar cells will produce power at about 0.5 V with the current
directly proportional to the cell's area. The individual cells are connected in series-parallel
combination to meet the voltage, power and reliability requirements of the particular application.
Space cells are covered with transparent 'cover slips' to absorb the high-energy particles in space
that could cause damage in the cell and result in a degradation of output. For terrestrial
applications, the solar cell panels have to be encapsulated to protect them from atmospheric
degradation due to oxidation of the metal contacts, which would cause peeling and open circuits
materials such as glass, acrylics or silicon epoxies are used to provide a clear, weather fight front
covering for the panels.
2.12 A Basic Photovoltaic System for Power Generation
A basic photovoltaic system integrated with the utility grid is shown in Fig. 2.12.12. It
permits solarly generated electrical power to be delivered to a local load. It consists of:
(i) Solar -Array, large or small, which converts the insolation to useful DC electrical power.
Fig. 2.12.12. Basic photovoltaic system integrated with power grid.
(ii) A Blocking Diode, which lets the array-generated power flow only toward the battery or
grid. Without a blocking diode the battery would discharge back through the solar array during
times of no insolation (recall from Fig. 5.6.3 that the cell equivalent circuit has a forward biased
diode in it).
(iii) Battery Storage, in which the solarly generated electric energy may be stored.
(iv) Inverter/converter, usually solid state which converts the battery bus voltage to AC of
frequency and phase to match that needed to integrate with the utility grid. Thus it is typically a
DC, AC inverter. It may also contain a suitable output step up transformer, perhaps some
filtering and power factor correction circuits and perhaps some power conditioning, i.e. circuitry
to initiate battery charging and to prevent over charging. Power conditioning may be shown as a
separate system functional block. This block may also be used in figure shown to function as a
rectifier to charge the battery from the utility feeder when needed and when no insolation was
(v) Appropriate Switches and Circuit Breakers, to permit isolating parts of the system, as
the battery. One would also want to include breakers and fusing protection (not
shown) between the inverter output and the utility grid to protect both the
photovoltaic system and the grid.
2.13 Solar Cell Modules (Solar Photovoltaic Arrays)
There may be tracking arrays or modules or fixed arrays. A tracking array is defined as
one, which is always kept mechanically perpendicular to the sun-array line so that all times it
intercepts the maximum insolation. Such arrays must be physically movable by a suitable prime
mover and are generally considerably more complex than fixed arrays. A fixed array is usually
oriented east west and tilted up at an angle approximately equal to the latitude of the site. Fixed
arrays are mechanically simpler than tracking arrays. Thus the array designs fall into two broad
(1) Flat-plate Arrays. Wherein solar cells are attached with a suitable adhesive to some kind of
substrate structure usually semi-rigid to prevent cells being cracked.
This technology springs from the space-related photovoltaic technology, and many such
arrays have been built in various power sizes.
(2) Concentrating Arrays. Wherein suitable optics, e.g. Fresnel lenses, parabolic mirrors,
compound parabolic concentrators (CPC), and others, are combined with photovoltaic cells in an
array fashion. This technology is relatively new to photovoltaic in terms of hardware
development, and comparatively fewer such arrays have actually been built.
Solar cell connecting arrangements. Cells may be connected in parallel to achieve the
desired current and then stacked in series to achieve the desired voltage. The optimum operating
voltage of a photovoltaic cell is generally about 0.45 volt at normal temperatures, and the current
in full sunlight may be taken to be 270amperes/sq. m. If the exposed area of a cell is 40 sq. cm or
40 x 10-4 sq. m. the current would be 1.08 amperes and the electric power output 0.45 x 1.08 =
0.49 watts, in full sunlight. A decrease (or increase) in the solar radiation has little effect on the
voltage, but the current and power are decreased (or increased) proportionately.
By combining a number of solar cells in series (i.e. in a string) the voltage is increased
but the current is unchanged. For example, 110 volts, for operating commercial tools, motors, or
domestic appliances,
Would require = 244 cells in series. To increase the current output at the same time,
several strings of 244 cells would be connected in parallel, as depicted in Fig. (2.13.13).
Fig. 2.13.13 Solar cell arrangements in series and parallel.
Suppose there were ten such strings in parallel, the current under optimum conditions
would then be 10 x 1.08 = 10.8 amperes, and the power output would be 10.8 x 110 = 1190 watts
or 1.19 kW. The so-called solar panels on spacecraft consist of modules (or arrays) of cells
connected in series and parallel to produce the required voltage and power.
If even a single cell in a string should fail, the whole string would become inoperative. The cells
in the remaining strings would maintain the voltage, but the current (and power) output of the
system would be decreased by the loss of one string of cells. A short circuit in a cell would not
disable the string, although there would be a slight drop in voltage. There is a possibility that the
other cells might cause current to flow in the wrong direction through any string having a
reduced voltage. This danger is eliminated by including a diode, which permits current flow in
one direction only, at end of each string. Instead of a number of strings of cells in parallel, the
current (and power) could be increased by locating a single string of cells at the focal line of a
sun tracking, parabolic trough, concentrating collector. There would be some decrease in voltage
because of the inevitable higher temperature of the solar cell material, but the current would
increase approximately in proportion to the concentration factor of the collector. Thus, wit h
concentration factors of 100, the current from a single string would be increased to about 100
amperes. If the number of cells in the string were sufficient to produce 110 volts, the total
electric power output would be approximately 12 kW.
3.1 The power from the wind
The power in the wind can be computed by using the concept of kinetics. The windmill
works on the principle of converting kinetic energy of the wind to mechanical energy. We know
that power is equal to energy per unit time. The energy available is the kinetic energy of the
wind. The kinetic energy of any particle is equal to one-half its mass times the square of its
velocity, or 1/2 MV
. The volume of air passing in unit time, through an area A, with velocity V,
is A . V and its mass M is equal to its volume, multiplied by its density p of air, or
(M is the mass of air traversing the area A swept by the rotating blades of a wind mill type
Substituting this value of the mass in the expression for the kinetic energy, we obtain,
Kinetic energy =. pAVV
=. pAV
It is not possible to convert all the wind energy into another form of energy because the
load would reduce the wind speed through the generator to zero, thus stopping the machine. It is
concluded from theoretical considerations that the maximum conversion rate is 16/27 (0.593) of
the energy of the wind, (for horizontal axis wind mill).
Wind power P is given by the following expression
P =.pAV
Cp = power coefficient
= Energy available
Energy input
i.e. fraction of the available energy that is converted is called the power coefficient.
P can be written =KAV
Where K is a constant.
There are losses to be encountered before the energy is delivered, due to bearings, gears
and other transmission system, represented through n
, i.e. mechanical efficiency.
Here P = n
Further conversion factors like n
and n
, electrical and transmission efficiency be
included in the above equation.
In practice, the wind power is measured by wind mill type devices or anemometers. The
wind power P is related to the wind speed by the empirical formula :
P = 0.37 ( )
where P is in kilowatts per square metre of area normal to direction of the wind, and V is in
metres per second.
It is important to note that the convertible power or energy is proportional to the cube of
the wind speed. Thus if the wind speed decreases by 20%, the power output is reduced by almost
50%. The wind speed may vary considerably from day to day and from season to season.
Standard wind maps are available, in which the mean annual wind velocity zones are marked.
One can see that only some parts of the country have reasonably good velocity from the point of
view of wind mill operation.
There are various ways the data on wind behaviour is collected depending on the use it is
intended to be put into. The hourly mean wind velocity as collected by the meteorological
observations is the basic data used in wind mill designs. The hourly mean is the averaged over a
particular hour of the day, over the day, month, year and years. The factors, which affect the
nature of the wind close to the surface of the earth, they are:
(i) Latitude of the place,
(ii) Altitude of the place,
(iii) Topography of the place,
(iv) Scale of the hours, month or year.
Winds being an unsteady phenomenon, the scale of the periods considered is an
important set of data required in the design. The hourly mean velocity (for many years) provides
the data for establishing the potential of the place for tapping the wind energy. The scale of the
month is useful to indicate whether it is going to be useful during particular periods of the year
and what storage if necessary is to be provided for. The data based on scale of the hour is useful
for mechanical aspects of design.
In addition to the data on the hourly mean velocity, two other informations required are
spells of low wind speeds and gusts. A number of criteria can be applied in estimating the
importance of wind potential as a function of height and location. First of all, careful siting is
important because wind speed near the ground is greatly affected by houses, trees and similar
features. Wind speed increases with height above ground, the rate of increase being about the
same at all locations. Therefore, if the wind speed at a given height is known, the speed at any
other height may be calculated.
The wind flow in the atmosphere is also influenced by some other parameters. The
following guidelines may be useful (all figures are for a height of 20 m, which seems to be a
reasonable minimum):
1. The best sites for wind energy are found off shore and on the sea coast. An average
value on the coast is 2400 kWh/m2 per year.
2. The second best sites are in mountains. Atypical average value is 1600 kWh/m2 per year.
3. The lowest level of the wind energy is found in plains where values are generally three
or four times lower than that at the coast. A typical average is 750 kWh/m2 per year.
As regards climates, other criteria interact with those discussed thus for:
1. In the humid equatorial region, there is virtually no wind energy, whether at sea,
along the coast or in the mountains.
2. The amount of convertible wind energy is fair or good in dry or hot climates, as well
as in temperature and cold climates.
3. In some warm, windly countries, wind energy may not be usual because of the
frequency of cyclones. (eq. Japan, Caribbean area).
3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy:-
Advantages of wind energy are:
(i) It is a renewable source of energy.
(ii) Like all forms of solar energy, wind power systems are nonpolluting, so it has no
adverse influence on the environment.
(iii) Wind energy systems avoid fuel provision and transport.
(iv) On a small scale, upto a few kilowatt system, is less costly. On a large scale costs
can be competitive with conventional electricity and lower costs could be achieved
by mass production.
Disadvantages of wind energy are:
(i) Wind energy available is dilute and fluctuating in nature.
(ii) Unlike water energy wind energy needs storage capacity because of its irregularity.
(iii) Wind energy systems are noisy in operation; a large unit can be heard many
kilometers away.
(iv) Wind power systems have a relatively high overall weight, because they involve the
construction of a high tower and include also a gearbox, a hub and pitch changer, a
generator, coupling shaft etc. For large systems a weight of 110 kg/kW (rated) has
been estimated.
(v) Large areas are needed; typically, propellers 1 to 3 m in diameter deliver power in the
30 to 300 W ranges.
(vi) Present systems are neither maintenance free nor practically reliable. However, the
fact that highly reliable-propeller engines are built for aircraft suggests that the
present troubles could be overcome by industrial development work.
3.3 Windmills Types and Performance
A wind mill is a machine for wind energy conversion. A wind turbine converts the
kinetic energy of the wind's motion to mechanical energy transmitted by the shaft. A generator
further converts it to electrical energy, thereby generating electricity.
Wind mills are generally classified as
- Horizontal axis type, and
- Vertical axis type,
Depending on their axis of rotation.
Some authors refer to them also as wind axis rotors and crosswind axis rotors
respectively. In the former types, the rotors are oriented normal to the direction of wind, while in
the latter types, the effective surface of the rotor moves in the same direction as the wind.
Horizontal axis wind mills further sub-classified as single bladed, double bladed, multiblade and
bicycle multibladed type, sail, wing, multibladed are example of horizontal axis wind mills.
Savonius and Darrius rotors are example of vertical axis rotors.
The vertical axis wind mill is again sub-divided into two major types:
(i) Savonius or'S' type rotor mill (low velocity wind),
(ii) Darrieus type rotor mill (high velocity wind), based on the working speed of the
machine and the velocity ranges required by the machine for operation.
Vertical axis machines are of simple design as compared to the horizontal axis.
3.4 Vertical Axis Type Wind Mills
(a) The Savonius Rotor. Perhaps the simplest of the modern types of wind energy
conversion systems is the Savonius rotor, which works like a cup anemometer. S.J. Savonius
invented this type in the year 1920. This machine has become popular since it requires relatively
low velocity winds for operation.
Constructional details and principle of operation: -. It consists of two half-cylinders
facing opposite directions in such a way as to have almost an S-shaped cross-section (refer Fig.
Fig. 3.4.1. The Savonius rotor and its stream flow.
Their two-semi-circular drums are mounted on a vertical axis perpendicular to the wind
direction with a gap at the axis between the two drums. Irrespective of the wind direction the
rotor rotates such as to make the convex sides of the buckets head into the wind. From the rotor
shaft we can tap power for our use like water pumping, battery charging, grain winnowing etc.
However, instead of having two edges together to make an S-shape, they overlap to leave a wide
space between the two inner edges, so that each of these edges is near the central axis of the
opposite half cylinder, as shown in the figure. The main action of the wind is very simple; the
force of the wind is greater on the cupped face that on the rounded face. In detail it is a bit more
complicated. The wind curving around the backside of the cupped face exerts a reduced pressure
much as the wind does over the top of an airfoil and this helps to drive the rotation. The wide slot
between the two inner edges of the half cylinders, lets the air whip around inside the forward-
moving cupped face and then around the inside of the backward moving face, thus pushing both
in the direction of the rotation.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Savonius Rotor. A Savonius wind energy conversion
system has a vertical axis, which eliminates the expensive power transmission system from the
rotor to the axis. Since it is a vertical axis machine it does not matters much about the wind
direction. The machine performs even at lower wind-velocity ranges.
Another advantage of the Savonius rotor is its low cut in speed (the wind speed required
for switching electric power into the line); it produces power effectively in winds as slow as 8
km/hr, whereas most-propeller type wind mills require about 16 km/hour, for effective operation
and large wind mill still more. This means that it is useful for most of the time and is thus less
dependent on storage or supplementary power.
In common with all vertical-axis machines, the Savonius rotor has the advantage that the
weight of the electric generator may be carried at ground level without the use of bevel gears.
This is, however, not a very important advantage.
The main disadvantage of the type of machine is that it is too solid, having so much metal
or other material surface compared with the amount of wind intercepted. This not only leads to
excessive weight for a large installation but also leaves the machine at the mercy of severe storm,
since there is no way to reduce the effective area.
It is not useful for a very tall installation because long drive shaft problems and also the
bracing of the top most bearing above the rotor of a very tall vertical-axis machine is awkward,
requiring very long guy wires. In a conventional horizontal-axis wind electric machine with the
generator a loft, the strength of the structure required to carry the added weight of the generator
is small compared with that needed to servive a severe storm and the generator housing adds
little to the area presented to the storm.
Areas of concern: - The Savonius rotor has moderately good efficiency and satisfactory starting
characteristics, the latter being particularly important for use with a positive displacement
pumps. The rotor area requirement for getting the required amount of power is higher than any
other systems. It is commonly used for pumping, and to operate small agricultural machines like
winnowers, blowers, bird scares, grinders etc. Another use of this type of wind energy
conversion system is to use this machine along with Darrieus rotor for starting purposes.
(b) The Darrieus type machines (High velocity wind). This machine was invented originally
and patented in 1925 by G.J.M. Darrieus a French Engineer and this concept has recently been
given serious consideration once again. This type of windmills is already in use in Canada. As
noted, a modern rapidly rotating propeller type windmill, by use of an efficient airfoil,
effectively intercepts large area of wind with a small blade area. The Darrieus windmill is a type
of vertical axis machine that has the same advantage. An additional advantage is that it supports
its blades in a way that minimizes bending stresses in normal operation.
Constructional details and principle of operation. In this type of machine, the blades are curved
and attached to hubs on the vertical shaft at both ends to form a cage-like structure suggestive of
an ordinary egg beater (refer Fig. 3.4.2). The curved blades has the shape that a rope would take
if subjected to centrifugal force in rapid rotation, some think like the shape of the rope in the
exercise of skipping rope. Darrieus rotors have three symmetrical aerofoil blades, both ends of
which are attached to a vertical shaft. Thus the force in
Fig.3.4.2.Vertical axis wind mill.
the blade due to rotation is pure tension. This provides a stiffness to help withstand the wind
forces it experiences. The blades can thus be made lighter than in the propeller type. What
happens is a severe storm is another question as yet an-answered. When rotating, these air foil
blades provide a torque about the central shaft in response to a wind stream. This shaft torque is
being transmitted to a generator at the base of the central shaft for power generation.
Fig. 3.4.3. Wind mill blade as an airfoil.
As shown in Fig. 3.4.3 we see that the force that propels the blades of a conventional
wind will comes from the chord of the air foil, being tilted away from the direction of motion, so
that the thrust that is almost at right angles to the airfoil is tilted toward the forward direction and
has a component in that direction, labelled "forward thrust". The remarkable thing about the
Darrieus rotor is that it cannot have the advantage of this tilt of the airfoil, and yet works
Fig. 3.4.4 Blade orientation in the Darrieus rotor.
without it, with the chord directly along the tangent to the circular path in the equatorial cross-
section shown in Fig. 3.4.4. If the chord were tilted away from the tangent so as to tilt the thrust
forward where the wind meets the air foil on the windward side of the circle, as indicated by the
broken lines in the figure then the other side of the circle, the wind would meet the other side of
the aerofoil and the thrust would be tilted backward to retard the motion.
Advantages and Disadvantages. Advantages of such system are:
(1) The major advantage of this design is that the rotor blades can accept the wind from
any point of the compass.
(2) Another added advantage is that the machine can be mounted on the ground
eliminating tower structures and lifting of huge weight of the machine assembly,
i.e. it can be operated close to the ground level.
(3) Since this machine has vertical axis symmetry it eliminates yaw control
requirement for its rotor to capture wind energy. A dual purpose and relatively
simple shaft axis support is anticipated as well as ground level power output
delivery due to presence of vertical shaft. This may in turn, allow easier access and
(4) Airfoil rotor fabrication costs are expected to be reduced over conventional rotor
blade costs.
(5) The absence of pitch control requirements for synchronous operation may yield
additional cost savings.
(1) Although a Darrieus has much directional symmetry for wind energy capture, it
requires external mechanical aid for start up.
(2) Rotor power output efficiency of a Darrieus wind energy conversion system is also
somewhat lower than that of a conventional horizontal rotor.
(3) Because a Darrieus rotor is -generally situated near ground uroximity, it may also
experience lower velocity wind compared to a tower mounted conventional wind
energy conversion system of comparable projected rotor disc area. This may yield
less energy output.
(4) Because a Darrieus rotor encounters greatly varied local flow conditions per
revolution greater vibratory stresses are encountered which will affect, rotor system
life. High tension cable tidown of tower-shaft may require large expensive bearing for
(5) Finally since a Darrieus rotor cannot be yawed out of the wind or its blades feathered,
special high torque braking system must be incorporated.
3.5 Horizontal axis type Wind mills. The blade of the windmill may have a thin
cross-section or the more efficient thick cross section of an aerofoil as suggested in Fig. 3.4.3
The motion causing the "wind due to motion" here is the rotation of the blades. At the tip of the
blades of a modern wind turbine, the velocity is about six times the wind velocity. This means
that the blades are set rather flat at a small angle with the plane of the rotation and almost at right
angles to the direction of the wind so that the effective wind properly approach from ahead of the
leading edge. At other parts of the blade, between the tip and the axle, the velocity and the ideal
set of the aerofoil is at a greater angle to the plane of rotation. Ideally the blade should be
twisted, but because of construction difficulties this is not always achieved.
Some of the horizontal axis type windmills are briefly described below.
(i) Horizontal axis using two aerodynamic blades. In this type of design, rotor drives a
generator through a step-up gearbox. The blade rotor is usually designed to be oriented
downwind of the tower. The components are mounted on a bedplate, which is attached on a
pintle at the top of the tower. This arrangement is shown schematically in Fig. 3.5.5. The rotors
blades are continuously flexed by unsteady aerodynamic, gravitational and inertia loads, when
the machine is in operation. If the blades are made of metal, flexing reduces their fatigue life.
With rotor the tower is also subjected to above loads, which may cause serious damage. If the
vibration modes of the rotor happen to coincide with one of the natural mode of vibration of the
tower, the system may shake itself to pieces. Because of the high cost of the blade rotors with
more than two blades are not recommended.
Rotors with more than two, say 3 or 4 blades would have slightly higher power
(2) Horizontal axis propeller type using single blade. In this arrangement, a long blade is
mounted on a rigid hub (Fig. 3.5.6).
Fig. 3.5.6 Horizontal axis single blade wind mill.
Fig. 3.5.7 Performance of wind mills.
occurs at lower (U
/V) ratio. This implies that for high performance, the blades rotate at
high r.p.m. (and generally have air-foils for the surface), consequently, the torque is low. These
types are preferred for electric power generation. The multiblade types with high starting torque
on the other hand are more suitable for pumping water. In practice, it is impossible to build wind
driven generators capable of operating at the same efficiency at all wind speeds. First, there is a
minimum wind speed below which no power can be generated because of friction losses. Also,
above a selected maximum speed, i.e. the rated wind speed, the extracted power is held constant
by stabilizing the rotor speed, for instance, when the wind speed exceeds the maximum selected
by the designer, the rotor blades are progressively turned on their axes to reduce the effective
area facing the wind. As a result, the fraction of power extracted decreases as the wind speed
increases beyond the rated speed. Finally at about 30 m/sec, the rotor is furled to avoid damage.
Only at intermediate wind speeds does the system efficiency reach its optimum' and the
power extracted then follows a y3 law. The range of optimum operation depends on the engine,
which was selected so as to give the optimum output over the year. In our example, this could be
in the range 10-14 m/sec, 14m/sec being the rated velocity maintained also at higher wind
speeds; only there depending on the degree of sophistication, could between 70 and 85% of the
convertible wind energy by transforming into kinetic energy by the rotor. Upto 20% of this
energy would be lost in the gear type transmission, which connects the rotor shaft to the electric
generator. The energy, which is available for conversion over all wind speed, is a function of the
wind speed duration spectrum. There is a similarity with solar cells, the efficiency of which is
strongly affected by the wavelength spectrum of sun's radiation. For exploitable spectra, this
spectral efficiency is comprised between 8% and 20%. Hence, altogether, the total system
efficiency of a wind generator amount to 3-7%.
Table 3.1
Percentage of Percentage of
total available max. available
Total wind energy 100%,
Maximum theoretical convertible 60% 100%
Steam efficiency (0.60) at rated wind 36% 60%
speed. (Rotor efficiency 0.75,
transmission gear efficiency 0.80)
Energy integrated over the total speed 3-7% 5-12%
spectrum (efficiency 0.08-0.2)
As a general rule, the conversion efficiency at a given location depends on what might be
termed the wind quality: a steady wind is the ideal case, never encountered in practice, whereas a
wind that varies greatly in speed is difficult to convert.
4.1 Introduction
Most solar energy applications come under the following three classes:
(i) Trapping of sunlight as heat-photo thermal.
(ii) Direct electric conversion-photovoltaic.
(iii) Photo chemical, i.e. solar energy is stored in the form of chemical energy as in the
process of photosynthesis. In this mode the energy is not transformed to heat but is
utilized in atomic and molecular systems, which undergo chemical changes, and
biomass is produced. This biomass is then used directly by burning or is further
processed to produce more convenient liquid and gaseous fuels. As the word-clearly
signifies, Biomass means organic matter. Then photochemical approach means
harnessing of solar energy by photosynthesis. Hence,
Solar energy Photosynthesis Biomass Energy generation
Out of several sources of renewable energy like solar, wind, ocean thermal energy, tidal
and wave energy, energy through biomass are important feature especially in our country.
Biomass resources fall into three categories:
(i) Biomass in its traditional solid mass (wood and agricultural residues) and (ii) biomass in non-
traditional form (converted into liquid fuels). The first category is to burn the biomass directly
and get the energy. In the second category, the biomass is converted into ethanol (ethyl alcohol)
and methanol (methyl-alcohol) to be used as liquid fuel in engines. The third category is to
ferment the biomass anaerobically to obtain a gaseous fuel called biogas. It is about this biogas
technology detailed discussion will be given in subsequent article.
The utilization of biogas as a source of energy goes back to the beginning of this century when
sewage sludge was anaerobically digested and the resulting gas collected and utilized in the
sewage treatment plant itself for heating the sludge during digestion. The idea of production of
biogas from domestic and farm-yard wastes and its utilization in rural areas as a source of energy
originated in India in the late thirties with the Khadi movement which was concerned with the
scale of tree-felling in rural areas for fire wood. It was also argued that burning of cow dung
cakes, a wasteful of a valuable resource, which could be better, utilized for fertilizing the fields.
A..naerobic digestion of the wastes results not only in valuable biogas production but also in a
slurry whose fertilizer value is almost intact or even better since the fertilizing components in the
digested slurry are directly utilizable by plants.
4.2 Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis in the plants is an example of biological conversion of solar energy into
sugars and starches, which are energy rich compounds. So if we plant fast growing trees having
high photo-synthesis efficiency we can harvest and burn them to produce steam in a similar
manner as in thermal power stations ultimate to produce the electric power. Such an energy
plantation would be a renewable resource and an economical means of harnessing solar energy.
However, photosynthesis concepts are less attractive as the average efficiency of solar energy
conversion in plants is about 10% and the overall efficiency of the conversion sunlight to
electricity would be about O.3% compared to 10% for photovoltaic cells.
The process photosynthesis is extremely complex and not yet completely understood by
scientists. (In Greek photo means light and synthesis means combination). It is the most
important chemical reaction on the earth, is the reaction of sunlight and green plants. Radiant
energy of sun is absorbed by the green pigment chlorophyll in the plant and is stored within the
plant in the form of chemical bond energy. In this reaction, water and CO
molecules broken
down and a carbohydrate is formed with the release of pure oxygen. The process can be
expressed as follows:
+ H
O + light + chlorophyll (H
+ O
+ chlorophyll Sugar
Or 6 CO
+ 12 H
+ 6 H
O + 6 O
The absorbed light is in the ultraviolet and infrared range. Visible light having a
wavelength below 700 A
is absorbed by the green chlorophyll, which becomes activated and
passes its energy on to the water molecules. A hydrogen atom is then released and reacts with the
carbon dioxide molecule, to produce H
CO and oxygen. H
CO is the basic molecule forming
carbohydrate, stable at low temperature; it breaks at high temperature, releasing an amount of
heat equal to 112,000 cal/mole.
CO + O
+ H
O + 112 kcal/mole.
The absorbed energy of photons should be at least equal to this amount. It is, therefore,
possible to produce large amount of carbohydrate by growing say, algae under optimum
conditions in plastic tubes or in ponds. The algae could be harvested, dried and burned for
production of heat that could be converted into electricity by conventional methods.
Thus photosynthesis consists in building up of simple carbohydrates such as sugar etc. in
the green leaf in presence of sunlight. The oxygen liberated is from H
O molecule and not from
. This process is called as carbon fixation or carbon assimilation. Photosynthesis is
essentially a reduction and oxidation process.
The process of photosynthesis has two main steps:
(i) Splitting of H
O molecules into H
and O
under the influence of chlorophyll and
sunlight. This phase of reaction is called the light reaction. In this phase of light absorbed by
chlorophyll causes photolysis of water. O
escapes and H
is transformed into some unknown
compound. Thus solar energy is converted into potential chemical energy. In the second phase,
hydrogen is transferred from this unknown compound to CO
to form starch or sugar. Formation
of starch or sugar is dark reaction not requiring sunlight.
4.3 The conditions necessary for photo-synthesis are :
1. Light. One of the important inputs for biomass production is the intensity of solar
radiation. Only apart of this energy (40-45%) is of the appropriate wavelength (400-700 ) to
produce photosynthesis. The plants use radiations between 400 to 700 . Only a part of this
energy is actually used in photosynthesis. This range of light is called photo-synthetically active
radiation (PAR). The upper limit of the photosynthesis efficiency is about 5%.
2. CO
concentration. Carbon dioxide is the primary raw material for photo-synthesis.
constitutes about 0.03% of the atmosphere. However, if CO
availability is increased
artificially, linear increase in the yield of several crops, upto a limit, have been observed. Hence
one of the methods of increasing biomass is by supplying additional CO
to the plants. The main
sources of CO
(i) Animal respiration,
(ii) Combustion of fuel,
(iii) The major source is the decay of organic matter by bacteria, and.
(iv) Ocean also is an important store of CO
, much of which comes from
photosynthesis by plants. Respiration of marine plants and animal releases CO
into the water.
3. Temperature. Photosynthesis is restricted to the temperature range which can be
tolerated by proteins, i.e. 0C-60C. Although photochemical part is not affected by temperature,
but biochemical part, controlled by enzymes, is highly sensitive to temperature.
4.4 Biogas Generation
Biogas, a mixture containing 55-65 per cent methane, 30-40 per cent carbon dioxide and
the rest being the impurities (H
, H
S and some N
), can be produced from the decomposition of
animal, plant and human waste. It is a clean but slow burning gas and usually has a calorific
value between 5000 to 5500 kcal/kg. It can be used directly in cooking, reducing the demand for
firewood. Moreover, the material from which the Biogas is produced retains its value as a
fertilizer and can be returned to the soil. Biogas has been popular on the name 'Gobar Gas'
mainly because cow dung has been the material for its production, hitherto. It is not only the
excreta of the cattle, but also the piggery waste as well as poultry droppings are very effectively
used for biogas generation. A few other materials through which biogas can be generated are
algae, crop residues (agro-wastes), garbage, kitchen wastes, paper wastes, seaweed, human
waste, waste from sugarcane refinery, water hyacinth etc., apart from the above mentioned
animal wastes. Any cellulosic organic material of animal or plant origin which is easily bio-
degradable is a potential raw material suitable for biogas production.
Biogas is produced by digestion, pyrolysis or hydro-gasification. Digestion is a biological
process that occurs in the absence of oxygen and in the presence of anaerobic organisms at
ambient pressures and temperatures of 35- 70C. The container in which this digestion takes
place is known as the digester.
Anaerobic digestion:- As described the treatment of any slurry or sludge containing a
large amount of organic matter, utilizing bacteria and other micro-organisms under anaerobic
conditions is commonly referred to as anaerobic digestion or simply digestion. This anaerobic
digestion consists broadly of three phases :
(i) Enzymatic hydrolysis. Where the fats, starches and proteins contained in cellulosic
biomass are broken down into simple compounds.
(ii) Acid formation. Where the micro organisms of facultative and anaerobic group
collectively called as acid formers, hydrolyse and ferment, are broken to simple
compounds into acetic acids and volatile solids. As a result complex organic
compounds are broken down to short-chained simple organic acids.
(iii) Methane formation. Where these organic acids are then converted into methane
) and CO
by the bacteria, which are strictly anaerobs. These bacteria are called
methane fermentors. For efficient digestion these acid formers and methane
fermentors, must remain in a state of dynamic equilibrium. This equilibrium is a very
critical factor, which decides the efficiency of generation.
Any remaining indigestible matter that is found in supernatent or sludge, is referred as
"slurry". The raw materials are mixed with water and fed into the digester. It is quite important
that proper attention is paid to the design of the digester; otherwise the gas production not only
affected in quality and quantity but also becomes uneconomical. For efficient digestion acid
formers and methane fermentation must remain in a state of dynamic equilibrium. It has been
demonstrated that the methane formers are sensitive to pH changes. A pH value 6.5 to 8 is the
best for fermentation and normal gas production. The digester must be such that the temperature
variation should not be more than 2 to 3C, while anaerobic fermentation is there. The higher the
temperature that is maintained the better is the quantity of gas. Methane bacteria work best at a
temperature between 35-38C. The fall in gas production starts at 20C and stops at temperature
of 10C. A specific ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N ratio) must be maintained between 25: 1 and
30: 1. This ratio will vary for different raw materials. The elements of carbon (in the form of
carbon hydrates) and nitrogen (as protein, ammonia nitrates etc.) are the main food of anaerobic
bacteria. Carbon is used for energy and nitrogen for building the cell structure. The bacteria use
up carbon about 30 times faster than they use up nitrogen. There must be suitable water content
and it should be around 90 percent of the weight of the total contents. Both too much and too
little water are harmful. Agitation of the slurry improves the gas yield. Loading rate, i.e. amount
of raw material (usually kg of volatile solid per day per unit volume) should be optimum. If a
digester is loaded with too much raw material at a time, acids will accumulate and fermentation
will stop.
4.5 Digesters and their designs
Digestion tanks may be of any convenient shape and provided with a cover to retain the
gas. The cover may be a fixed one or floating.
A number of factors are to be taken into account to arrive at optimum size of a biogas
plant. These are:
(1) The volume of waste to be digested daily
(2) The type and amount of waste available for digestion consistently,
(3) Period of digestion,
(4) Method of stirring, the contents, if any,
(5) Method of adding the raw waste and removing digested slurry;
(6) Efficiency of the collection of the raw waste,
(7) The climatic conditions of the region,
(8) The availability of other cellulosic fermentable waste in that area,
(9) Information about sub-soil condition and water table, and
(10) Type of cover.
No separate heating and stirring of the contents are provided for digesting household and
farmyard wastes.
The capacity of the digestion tank may be formulated approximately as
+ V
Capacity = . t
Where V
= the volume of the raw waste added daily,
= volume of the waste after digestion,
And t = period of digestion, in days.
The required capacities of digestion tanks may be calculated on the basis of destruction
of 2/3 of the organic matter in the slurry and the conversion of 1/4 of what is destroyed into
mineral matter and the remaining to gases. The period of digestion, t is fixed by the time
necessary to produce a satisfactory digested sludge. This depends mainly upon the temperature
of digestion and it may be fixed from Fig. 4.5.1.
It has been established that two types of microorganisms, mesophilic and thermophilic
are responsible for digestion at the two temperature ranges. The optimum mesophilic
temperature lies at about 35C, while the optimum thermophilic temperature is around
Fig. 4.5.1. Effect of temperature on digestion.
55C. In low temperature climates most of the sewage sludge digestion tanks are heated to 35C,
so as to reduce the time required for digestion and, therefore, the capacity of the tanks. The
thermophilic range has not been put to use because of problems associated with heating the tanks
to such high temperatures. Heating of tanks designed mainly for collection of biogas may not be
Shape of digesting tanks used in practice is diverse and no particular shape seems to
possess advantage over all other.
Two types of covers may be used for digestion tanks, they are
(i) fixed type and (ii) floating type.
Floating type has the following advantages over fixed type tanks:
(1) It has less scum (floating-matter) troubles because solids are constantly submerged.
(2) No separate pressure-equalizing device needed, when fresh waste is added to the tank
or digested slurry is withdrawn.
(3) In it, the danger of mixing oxygen with the gas to form an explosive mixture is
The main advantages of fixed cover are its low cost, and resistance to corrosion.
Two types of digesters are mainly used, they are :
(A) Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC} design and
(B) Chinese design type.
(A) KVIC Digester (Gobar gas generator) : Design which is patented by KVIC India under the
name "Grah Luxmi", consists of two main parts - (i) Digester or pit, (ii) the gas holder of the gas
As shown schematically in Fig, 4.5.2, it consists of a digester or pit, which is for
fermentation and a floating drum for the collection of gas. Digester is a short of well of masonry
work, dug and built below the ground level, the depth of the well varies from 3.5 to 6 metres and
diameter from 1.2 to 6 metres, depending upon the gas generating capacity and the quantity of
raw material fed each day. There is a partition wall in the centre, which divides the digested well
vertically into two semi cylindrical compartments. The partition wall is lower than the level of
the digester rim and hence it is submerged in slurry when the digester is full. There are two
slanting cement pipes, which serve the purpose of inlet and outlet. An inlet chamber near the
digester at surface level serves for mixing dung and water (slurry) in the ratio of 4: 5, flows
down the inlet pipe to the bottom of digester. This type of design can hold raw material for 60
days. The outlet chamber, which is also at nearly surface level or just a few cm below the level
of the inlet chamber. When more slurry is added and both compartments of the digester are full,
then equivalent amount of fermented slurry flows out at the outlet and discharges into a
composed pit.
Fig. 4.5.2. Schematic diagram of conventional KVIC digester.
Gas holder of the digester is a drum constructed of mild steel sheets, cylindrical in shape
with a conical top radial support at the bottom. It fits into the digester like a stopper. It sinks into
the slurry due to its own weight and rests upon the ring constituted for, this purpose. As the gas
is generated the holder rises and floats freely on the surface of the slurry. A pipe is provided at
the top of the holder, for flow of gas for usage. A central guide pipe is provided to prevent the
holder from tilting. It is fitted to the frame and is fixed at the bottom in the masonry work. The
holder also acts as a seal for the gas. The gas pressure varies between 10-15 cm of water column.
The gas before use is passed through a vessel containing soda lime so that it is dried. Generally
the pit is deep and narrow, but at places where the water level is low, the design has been
modified and the volume has been taken horizontally. The floating drum is metallic and
consumes about 40 per cent of the total cost of the plant. Besides, if not properly maintained, the
drum corrodes soon and the life of the plant very much gets reduced. Perhaps the cost and the
maintenance factors of this type of digesters are prohibitive factors for being not very much liked
by users. However, the construction is quite simple and the gas comes out at the constant
(B) Chinese Digester. Chinese have mainly gone into biogas technology for the sake of
fertilizer with biogas as by product.
Chinese design is quite different from that of KVIC. The Chinese design contains a fixed
dome for the collection of gas and hence the gas availability is at variable pressures. This type of
design is shown
Fig. 4.5.3 Schematic of Chinese model digester.
schematically in Fig. 4.5.3. The cost of the design is very much low and the construction is
easier. As an illustration, it can be said that 2 cubic metre plant of Chinese type can be
constructed at a cost of about Rs. 2,500, where the KVIC may cost around Rs. 5,500, for the
same capacity. The difference in cost may vary for different capacities but yet the Chinese type
is cheaper. The fixed dome is made of masonry and this replaces the floating drum of KVIC
digester. Generally, the pressure of the gas that exists in KVIC plants is about 15 cm of water
while a pressure of even 70 cm of water in Chinese type of design is not uncommon.
4.6 Some Materials for Biogas and Biomass
Following three marine plants are considered promising for biomass production :
(i) Water Hyacinth, (ii) Algae and (iii) Ocean kelp.
(i) Water Hyacinth:- It is a floating water plant which grows mainly in the rivers and
canals of the hot region of the world. Water hyacinth otherwise botanically called as "Eichhonia
Gassipes" is one of the important sources for biogas production next to animal waste. Water
hyacinth removes both nutrients and organic directly from water via their expensive root system,
which can increase at their phenomenal rate of 15 per cent of their surface area per day,
producing at least 20 tonnes net weight per hectare per day. Based on measured growth rates it is
estimated that one-hectare of water hyacinth could remove the nitrogen and phosphorus waste of
over 800 people per day. These concentrated nutrients can then be removed from the system by
harvesting water hyacinth thereby achieving a dual goal of purifying the water and giving
nutrients to the microbes for digestion for producing biogas.
Water hyacinth contains 95 per cent of water and only about 5 per cent of cellulose,
lignin etc. Its growth is enhanced more in tropical weather and is ideal to grow in India. It grows
extremely well in sewage ponds thereby cleaning the ponds. It sucks water so much, water would
become scarce soon if not supplemented. Water hyacinth gives out 350 to 420 litres of biogas per
kg of dry weight. It absorbs salts of copper, lead, silver, cadmium and chromium. The biogas
produced out of water hyacinth is slightly higher in methane content. Once it is planted in any
water, it is extremely difficult to wipe out it traces. Besides being good food, fertilizer and biogas
producer, it is excellent for paper production.
(ii) Algae:- Algae are single cell plants grow in profusion in lakes, tanks etc. There are
several varieties of algae. Some are considered excellent food material since they have a very
high protein content (upto 50 per cent). Algae occur in the seas also but these species are not
considered for biomass production since their yield rates are poor. Among fresh water algae, four
varieties have high yields, chlorella, scenedesmus, ulothoria and spiruiina. The best way of
growing them would be in shaliow land ponds. Algae can be either burnt directly to produce heat
or anaerobically fermented to produce methane. Lower calorific value derived from methane is
of the order of 3300 kcal/kg of dry algae.
(iii) Ocean kelp:- Ocean kelp is a kind of sea weed which grows in the coastal areas and
also in the high seas. The solar conversion efficiency is higher than that of current land crops.
The attraction in this proposal is the utilization of sea areas, which have no other use. Yield rates
range from 300-500 wet tonnes/acre/year. Kelp can be used to produce biogas, burnt as fuel or
fed to cattle.
(iv) Certain types of grasses:- Some fast growing types of grasses are also used for
biomass production. The advantage of these plants is that they need much less water than the
marine plants (water hyacinth, kelp and Algae), and secondly they can be periodically harvested
leaving the stubbles to grow again. The grass varieties with the best yield are Napier grass,
Sudan grass and Bangola grass. After being cut, the grass has to be dried and either compacted to
be used as fuel or mixed with water to form a slurry to be fed to bio-gas digesters.
(v) Trees as Bio-mass:- The third concept of utilizing solar energy is to cultivate fast
growing species of trees. The wood would then be burnt in boilers for power production. The
advantage of this system is that it needs very little effort and cost have to be put into the
cultivation. Wood is practically sulphur free and hence ash from wood burning can be used as
Yield rates of some of the best trees for biomass production are shown below.
Species Yield (dried)
1. Cotton wood 3.1
2. Slash pine 3.8
3. Conifers 5.4
4. Sycarnore 11.2
5. Eucalyptus 24.1
Eucalyptus tree is of particular interest, which has a very high yield rate. These trees are
cut for wood once in three years and the stumps grows back to size before the next cutting. By
properly dividing a forest lot and phasing the planting and cutting a continuous supply of wood
can be ensured.
4.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bio-logical Conversion of Solar
(i) The initial investment is comparatively low, compared to other methods of solar
energy utilization, since sophisticated or expensive equipment is not needed.
(ii) The techniques for raising such plants are simple and similar to conventional
agricultural. Hence they can be readily used in the rural areas, of developing
(iii) The by-products of such a system can be fully recycled.
(iv) The methods or power production are relatively low polluting.
(v) Biogas can be distributed through GI pipes for domestic use, and
(vi) It can be stored in container, which can be transported to consumers.
(i) The land area required is relatively large and hence this method is ruled out for
areas where land cost is high.
(ii) The cost of energy produced is higher than in urban areas with centralized power
generation stations.
(iii) Since gas cannot be liquified, ordinarily there is storage problems, it cannot be
bottled like LPG into cylinder.
However, these disadvantages are likely to be overcome by the selection and
development of species with even higher yields than those known at present.
4.8 Applications of bio-gas
The two main products of the gas plant are fuel gas and the organic manure. Biogas is a
flammable gas. Methane is the only combustible portion in the gas and hence around 60 per cent
by volume is only usable for combustion. Its heating value is approximately 600 Btu/cu-ft
(17925 J/m
). By comparison, natural gas, which is a mixture of methane, propane and butane,
has a heating value of 1000 Btu/cu-ft (29874 J/m
Bio-gas from small plants may be used (i) cooking, (ii) domestic lighting and (iii) it can
be used solely or with diesel in IC engines for production of power. For converting internal
combustion engines of diesel or petrol/kerosene type to gas engines a special attachment has to
be fixed up.
The utility of the gas in burners is well established. There are thousands of homes today
using this gas as fuel solely for cooking purposes. Engineers have designed low cost burners. A
nozzle is needed for lamp and stove, which consists of hole in the size of needle point (0.5 mm
dia) and the other end of the nozzle is connected to the gas supply hose from the digester. After
the biogas enters the stove or the lamp, it will spray out from the nozzle at a very high velocity
and air, surrounding this gas stream becomes a low-pressure area. Therefore, air is drawn into
the mixing chamber through the air inlets to mix with the biogas. From the mixing chamber the
biogas-air mixture rushes to the openings of the fire sieve plate for combustion. The brightness
and force of combustion of the stove and the lamp depend on the biogas pressure, the mixing
ratio of biogas with air (approximately 1 : 10). A biogas lamp needs a mantle, which is made of a
Ramic fibre. A biogas lamp of a luminosity of about 60 watts equivalent electrical light can
function for six to seven hours if one cu-metre gas is available. One H.P. power engine can work
for two hours roughly with a cu meter of gas. This quantity of gas can cook three meals for a
family of about five. The gas has flame temperature of about 500C.
As mentioned earlier, the biogas can be used in IC engines. The existing diesel engines
can be directly converted to use biogas, with a very slight modification, saving thereby about
80% of diesel oil. It is possible to reduce the diesel oil consumption by further research. Biogas
can be solely used in SI engines by suitably modifying the carburetor.
It is highly economical to build powerhouses at the places at generation ofbiogas so that
electricity can be produced and the same can be connected to the grid. This certainly will avoid
the power cut situations heavily.
Electricity could be produced directly by using bioorganic matter as the source of fuel in
a bio-chemical fuel cell. Air is injected at the cathode as an oxidiser and bioorganic matter at the
anode as the fuel. The electrolyte is usually on organic solution or on aqueous medium such as
potassium hydroxide. The bacteria create new losses by consuming about half of the fuel. The
consumption is necessary for their nutritional requirements. The electrical power output of a bio-
chemical fuel cell is proportional to the bacterial metabolism rate. It is possible to scrub the
biogas by treating with sodium carbonate and methane. Experimentation at IIT, Madras has
shown that the flame temperature of the gas can be increased up to 1000C. This may be ideal
for using the gas for brazing in workshop.
The other main product of the biogas plant is the organic manure. This comes out at
outlet as slurry, which is quite rich in nitrogen and humus. It is in fully digested condition and is
in a finely divided condition. It can be applied directly to the farm by mixing with irrigation
water. This way maximum benefit is derived from the manure because nitrogen content of fresh
slurry is over 2% and it is in a condition which mixes with the soil very well.
4.9 Conclusions
Photo biological effects could be used as a source of fuel. A wholly different approach
for methane production (biogas) through solar energy plantations. The main idea is to use solar
energy for photosynthetic plant method, which is then fed into biogas generator, and then to
produce methane. In these solar plantations, the plant method is grown with specific objective of
bioconversion to CH
, and therefore one seeks the highest yield. Grasses, algae, water hyacinth
(floating water plants) are the examples of such vegetables. Algae could be grown in nutrient -
loaded municipal sewage to produce methane as results of their fermentation. Electricity could
thus be produced on a large scale at a low cost. This method would in turn solve the problem of
sewage treatment in large cities. The grown algae are first harvested, and then treated to yield
about 5% of solids the rest being water. The solid material is subjected to anaerobic
fermentation, and after about three weeks, half the organic material is converted into methane.
This methane could be used as a regular fuel to produce thermal energy and eventually
electricity. Biomass processes can be designed to produce solids (wood and charcoal), liquids
(oils and alcohols), gases (methane and hydrogen), or electricity. The various processes for
conversion of biomass into useful fuels are direct combustion, anaerobic digestion, hydrolysis,
pyrolysis, hydro gasification and hydrogenation. Of course much of the energy (1/3 to 213)
bound in biomass is lost during its conversion to useful fuels. Methanol and ethanol are useful
biomass fuels, which can be blended with gasoline.
Solar energy also be used to increase the output of Gobar gas plants, by glass green house
over the digesters to trap the solar energy for heating. On absolute basis, the cost of biomass
energy is found to be generally higher at present than that from the best coal based plants.
However several other factors have to be kept in consideration. Firstly the cost of biomass
energy can be reduced by the development of vertices with higher yields whereas with coal the
cost will inevitably increase in the future. Secondly, for the rural areas, especially in developing
countries, biomass energy could be a boon. Conventional networks rarely serve such areas
adequately and even then the true cost of energy supplied to them is very high. Thirdly biomass
is a perennial and low polluting type of energy with all its by-products capable of being recycled.
It is evident that biogas can give hand to an extremely great extent in the substitution of
fossil fuels and through investigations in many angles the generation and utilization are to be
explored. The value of fertilizers for the yield of crops after the extraction of biogas must be
popularized among farmers, thereby making them uses the by-product of biogas for their energy
needs. Digesters designs must he perfected and must be made popular in rural areas. Ban should
be made in burning cow dung cakes. With such a potential energy source, India will not suffer
due to depletion of fossil fuels if these potentials are properly tapped and used.
5.1 Introduction
Energy present as heat (i.e. thermal energy) in the earth's crust ; the more readily
accessible heat in the upper most (10 km) or so, of the crust constitutes a potentially useful and
almost inexhaustible source of energy . This heat is apparent from the increase in temperature of
the earth with increasing depth below the surface. Although higher and lower temperatures
occur, the average temperature at a depth of 10 km is about 200C.
U.S. Geological survey defines geothermal source as "all of the heat stored in the earth's
crust above 15C to a depth of 10 km." It occurs when the immense heat energy in the core of
earth rises closer to the surface of the earth due to cracks or faults as accounted by the "Plate
Techonics Theory", in the crust and heats the surrounded rock. These hot spots can be liquid
dominated, vapour dominated, petro-thermal or geo-pressure system, depending upon several
geological and hydrological factors. These in turn are tapped artificially to use the vast stored
heat energy, for power generation and several other uses, depending upon the temperature of
occurrence and other parameters.
Hot molten (or partially molten) rock, called "Magma" is commonly present at depths
greater than 24 to 40 km. In some places, however, anomalous geologic conditions cause the
magma to be pushed up toward the surface, in an active volcano, the magma actually reaches the
surface, where heat of the magma is being conducted upward through an overlying rock layer.
Fig. (5.1) shows a typical geothermal field. The hot magma (molten mass) near the surface (A)
solidifies into igneous rock (B). Igneous is Latin word, igneous meaning "of fire" specially
formed by volcanic action or great heat. (Igneous rock found at the surface is called volcanic
action rock). The heat of the magma is conducted upward to this igneous rock. Ground water that
finds its way down to this rock through fissures in it, will be heated by the heat of the rock or by
mixing with hot gases and steam emanating from the magma. The heated water will then rise
convectively upward and into a porous and permeable reservoir (C) above the igneous rock. The
reservoir is capped by a layer of impermeable solid rock (D) that traps the hot water in the
reservoir. The solid rock, however, has fissures (E) that act as vents of the giant underground
boiler. The vents show up at the surface as geysers fumaroles (F) (steam is continuously vented
through fissures in the ground, these vents are called fumaroles) or hot spring (G). A well (H)
taps steam from the fissures for use in a geothermal power plant.
Fig. 5.1. A typical geothermal field.
It can be seen that geothermal steam is of two kinds that originating from the magma
itself, called magnetic steam, and that from ground water heated by the magma called meteoritic
steam. The latter is the largest source of geothermal steam. Not all geothermal sources produce
steam as described above. Some are lower in temperature so that there is only hot water. Some
receive no ground water at all and contain only hot rock, Geothermal sources are therefore of
three basic kinds: (1) hydrothermal (2) geo pressured and (3) petro-thermal.
The total amount of energy in the outer 10 km of the earth's crust exceeds greatly that
obtainable by the combustion of coal, oil and natural gas. At present, however, only the
relatively small proportion of the geothermal energy in wet reservoirs (a geothermal reservoir is
defined as a region where there is a concentration of extractable heat), may be regarded as
economically useful. Nevertheless, this amount is large enough to make a significant
contribution to the energy resources.
With advances in technology, a portion of the much larger dry geothermal energy
resources may also become available.
Historically, the first applications of geothermal energy were for space heating, cooking,
and medicinal purposes. The earliest record of space heating dates back to 1300 in iceland. In the
early 1800s, geothermal energy was used on what was then a large scale by the conte Franceso
de Laderel to recover boric acid. The first mechanical conversion was in 1897 when the steam of
the field at Larderallo, Italy, was used to heat a boiler producing steam, which drove a small
steam engine. The first attempt to produce electricity also took place at Larderello in 1904 with
an electric generator that powered four light bulbs. This was followed in 1912 by a condensing
turbine; and by 1914, 8.5 MW of electricity was being produced. By 1944 Larderello was
producing 127 MW. The p}ant was destroyed near the end of World War II, but was fortunately
rebuilt and expanded and eventually reached 360 MW in 1981.
In the United States, the first attempt at developing the Geysers field was made in 1922.
Steam was successfully, taped, but the pipes and turbines of the time were unable to cope with
the corrosive and abrasive steam. The effort was not revived until 1956, till that time stainless
steel alloys were developed that could withstand the corrosive steam, and the first electric
generating unit of 11-MW capacity began operation in 1960. Since then 13 generally
progressively larger units have been added to the system. After-ward number of units was
planned which brought the total capacity to about 1500 MW by the late 1980. Other electric-
generating fields of note are in New Zealand, Japan, Mexico, the Phillipines, the Soviet Union
and Ice land (a large space-heating programme).
In 1979, the global electricity production from geothermal resources was 1872 MW and
units under construction were of 1650 MW capacity. For space and process heat, total power
utilization was 1281 MW. So that total power production was about 4850 MW. This power
consumption is likely to grow up to 100,000 MW by the turn of the next century.
It has been analyzed that about 40 to 50% of total heat required by the society is a heat
below 200C. 30% heat is required at about 150C. 20% heat is required at about 100C.
Thus there is a vast scope to use geothermal energy for low temperature applications.
There is a ample scope to develop geothermal power in India, but still development in
geothermal field is in initial stage. There are about 340 known thermal areas in India, each
represented by hot/warm spring. About 113-spring area, discovered so far where geothermal
power is available. 46 of these systems are of high temperature type (above 150C), which could
generate 1838 MW for a period of30 years. 59 of these are of intermediate temperature type (90
to 150C), which could be considered for power generation using binary vapour cycle and other
are of low temperature type below 90C.
Till now only one pilot plant is in operation in puga valley, in Jammu and Kashmir,
having 20 MW capacities, another plant is at Parvati Valley, Himachal Pradesh is under
construction. A 7.5 tonne capacity cold storage pilot plant based on geothermal energy was
installed at Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh. A 5 kw pilot power plant is under fabrication at the
National Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore. , This plant will run on geothermal energy which
will be recovered from the hot springs at Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh. Plans are being made
to undertake further research and development studies in the area of geothermal energy.
Exploitation of this energy source for non power sectors like poultry farming, mushroom
cultivation, space heating is possible in this Country on fairly large scale.
It can be seen that while geothermal energy is not the sought after sole and long range
solution to our energy problems, it nevertheless represents a not insignificant factor if its
resources are developed in a careful and efficient manner.
Geothermal energy is also the one of the renewable energy sources, which are defined as
those resources that draw on the natural energy flows of the earth (another term "the alternative
energy sources" is also common in use). Renewable energy sources are so named because they
recur, are seemingly inexhaustible, and are free for the taking.
Geothermal energy has practically no intermittency, has the highest energy density, and
is economically not far removed from conventional technologies. Geothermal energy is
classified as renewable because the earth's interior is and will continue in the process of cooling
for the indefinite future. Hence, geothermal energy from the earth's interior is almost as
inexhaustible as solar or wind energy, so long as its sources are actively sought and
economically tapped.
5.2 Estimates of Geothermal Power
The estimates vary very widely. However the following give a rough estimate. For a
depth of 3 kms, the total stored energy of known fields is approximately 8 x 10
Joules and for a
depth of 10 km the total stored energy is estimated to be about 4 x 10
Joules. The energy stored
in hot springs is about 10% of the above quantities. If the above energy is extracted from a 3 km
belt with 1% thermal energy recovery factor at a uniform rate of over a 50-year period, thermal
power of 50 GW is obtained. With a thermal electric conversion efficiency of 20% will yield
only 10 GW of electric power. For the estimate based on a 10 km depth on electric power of 50
GW is predicted U.S.A has 5-10% geothermal fields and India much less.
5.3 Nature of Geothermal Fields
It is convenient to classify earth's surface into three broad groups.
(1) Non-thermal areas having a temperature gradient of 10--40C per km depth.
(2) Semi-thermal areas having a temperature gradient of 70C per km depth.
(3) Hyper-thermal areas where the temperature gradients are many times greater than in
non-thermal areas.
Geothermal fields may further be classified into three types:
(A) Hyper-thermal Fields
(1) Wet fields. Where the water is pressurized and temperatures are above 100C. When
they are led to the surface a fraction will be splashed into steam and a major part
remains as the boiling water.
(2) Dry fields. They produce dry saturated steam or superheated steam at pressure above
(B) Semi-thermal Fields
These are capable of producing hot water at temperatures above 100C.
5.4 Geothermal Sources
Five general categories (or kinds) of geothermal resources have been identified:
(1) Hydrothermal convective systems.
These are again sub classified as:
(a) Vapour-dominated or dry steam fields.
(b) Liquid-dominated system or wet steam fields, and
(c) Hot-water fields.
(2) Geo pressure resources.
(3) Petro-thermal or Hot dry rocks (HDR).
(4) Magma resources.
(5) Volcanoes.
The hydrothermal convective systems are best resources for geothermal energy
exploitation at present. Hot dry rock is also being considered.
1. Hydrothermal Systems. Hydrothermal systems are those in which water is heated by
contact with the hot rock, as explained earlier.
(a) Vapor-dominated Systems. In these systems the water is vaporized into steam that
reaches the surface in a relatively dry condition at about 200C and rarely above 7 kg/cm3 (8
bar). This steam is the most suitable for use in turbo electric power plants, with the least cost. It
does, however, suffer problems similar to those encountered by all geothermal systems, namely,
the presence of corrosive gases and erosive material and environmental problems. These types of
systems are very less in numbers; they are only five known sites in the world. The Geysers plant
in the United States, the largest in the world today, and Larderello in Italy, are both vapor-
dominated systems.
(b) Liquid-dominated Systems. In these systems the hot water circulating and trapped
underground is at a temperature range of 175 to 315C. When tapped by wells drilled in the right
places and to the right depths, the water flows naturally to the surface or is pumped upto it. The
drop in pressure, usually to 7 kg/cm2 (8 bar) or less, causes it to partially flash to a two-phase
mixture of low quality i.e. liquid dominated. It contains relatively large concentration of
dissolved solids ranging between 3000 to 25,000 ppm and sometimes higher. These solids
adversely effect power production because they precipitate and cause scaling in pipes and heat
exchanger surfaces, thus reducing flow and heat transfer. Liquid dominated systems, however,
are much more plentiful than vapour-dominated systems, and, next to them, require the least
extension of technology.
(2) Geo pressured Systems. These resources occur in large, deep sedimentary basins.
The reservoirs contain moderately high temperature water (or brine) under very high pressure.
They are of special interest because substantial amounts of methane CH
(natural gas) are
dissolved in the pressurized water (or brine) and are released when the pressure is reduced. Geo
pressured water is tapped in much deeper underground aquifers (it is a water-bearing stratum of
permeable rock, gravel or sand), at depths between about 2400 to 9000 m. This water is thought
to be at the relatively low temperature of about 160C and is under very high pressure, from the
overlying formation above, of about 1050 kg/cm
(more than 1000 bar). It has a relatively high
salinity of 4 to 10 per cent and is often referred to as brine. The geo pressured resources are quite
large : they could be used for the generation of electric power and the recovery of natural gas if
suitable technology could be developed and if individual reservoir productivity and longevity
prove to be adequate.
(3) Hot Dry Rocks. (Or Petro thermal Systems). These are very hot solid rocks occurring
at moderate depths but to which water does not have access, either because of the absence of
ground water or the low permeability of the rock (or both). In order to utilize this resource,
means must be found for breaking up impermeable rock at depth, introducing cold water, and
recovering the resulting hot water (or steam) for use at the surface. The known temperatures of
HDR vary between 150 to 290C. This energy, called petro thermal energy, represents by far the
largest resource of geothermal energy of any type, as it accounts for large percent of the
geothermal resource. Much of the HDR occurs at moderate depths, but it is largely impermeable
as stated above in order to extract thermal energy out of it, water will have to be pumped into it
and back out to the surface. It is necessary for the heat transport mechanism that a way is found
to render the impermeable rock into a permeable structure with a large heat-transfer surface. A
large surface is particularly necessary because of the low thermal conductivity of the rock.
Rendering the rock permeable is to be done by fracturing it. Fracturing methods that have been
considered involve drilling wells into the rock and then fracturing by (1) high-pressure water or
(2) nuclear explosives. Efforts in this direction are in progress.
(4) Magma Resources. These consist of partially or completely molten rock, with
temperatures in excess of 650C, which may be encountered at moderate depths, especially in
recently active volcanic regions. These resources have a large geothermal energy content, but
they are restricted to a relatively few locations. Furthermore, the very high temperatures will
make extraction of the energy a difficult technological problem.
The geothermal resources outlined above and means used or proposed for their
development are described more fully in the following sections.
5.5 Hydrothermal (Convective) Resources
These are wet reservoirs at moderate depths containing steam and/or hot water under
pressure at temperatures up to about 350C. These systems are further subdivided, depending
upon whether steam or hot water is the dominant product. Hydrothermal resources represent only
a small fraction of the potential geothermal resources, but they are the only ones that have been
utilized commercially so far. If the temperature is high enough, the water or steam can be used to
generate electricity, otherwise the geothermal energy is best supplied to process and space
Hydrothermal resources arise when water has access to high temperature rocks, this
accounts for the description as "hydrothermal". The heat is transported from the hot rocks by
circulating movement (i.e. by convection of the water in a porous medium). The general
geological structure of a hydrothermal convective region is shown in simplified form in Fig.
(8.5.1). The molten rock (magma), raised by internal earth forces is overpaid by an impervious
rock formation, through which heat is conducted upward. Above this is a permeable layer into
which water has penetrated, often from a considerable distance. The permeability could result
from fractures or inter granular pores. The heat taken up by the water from the rocks below is
transferred by convection to a layer of impervious rocks above, (In convection, the heated water
rises, because of its lower density, and then descends when it is cooled by transferring heat to the
colder rocks above).
Fig. 5.5 Hydrothermal convective region.
Hot water or steam often escapes through fissures in the rock, thus forming hot springs,
geysers fumaroles, etc. In order to utilize the hydrothermal energy, wells are drilled either to
intercept a fissure or, more commonly, into the formation containing the water (i.e. the
hydrothermal reservoir). Most hydrothermal wells range in depth from about 600 to 2100 m,
although there are some shallower and deeper production wells. As already mentioned for
practical purposes hydrothermal resources are further subdivided into vapor-dominated (Dry
steam) and liquid-dominated (wet steam) types. In vapour dominate-d systems, the wells deliver
steam, with little or no liquid water, usually at temperatures of about 150C to 250C but
occasionally higher. Liquid dominated systems, on the other hand produce a mixture of steam
and hot water.
5.6 Vapour Dominated Systems
As indicated previously these are the most attractive geothermal resources because they
are the most easily developed. They have the lowest cost and least number of serious problems.
However they constitute only a few percent of hydrothermal resources and a much smaller
proportion of the accessible geothermal energy resources.
Figs. 5.6 (a) and 5.6 (b) show a schematic and T.S. diagram of a vapour-dominated
power system. Dry steam from the wells is
Fig. 5.6 Vapour dominated system on T.S. diagram.
collected, filtered to remove abrasive particles and passed through turbines, which drive electric
generators in the usual manner. The essential difference between this system and a conventional
steam turbine-generator system, using fossil or unclear fuel, is that geothermal steam is supplied
at a much lower temperature and pressure. The dry steam from the well (1) at perhaps 200C is
used. It is nearly saturated at the bottom of the well and may have a shut-off pressure up to about
35 kg/cm
is (= 35 bar). Pressure drops through the well causes it to slightly super heat at the
well head (2). The pressure there rarely exceeds 7 kg/cm
(- 7 bar). It then goes through a
centrifugal separation and then enters turbine after additional pressure drop. Processes between
well and wellhead, and centrifugal separator and turbine are essentially throttling processes with
constant enthalpy. The steam after expansion in the turbine (3) enters the condenser at 4.
Because turbine flow is not returned to the cycle but re-injected back into the earth, a
direct-contact condenser of barometric or low level type may be used. Direct contact condensers
are more effective and less expensive than surface type condensers. As with steam (or any
vapour) turbines in general, the efficiency is improved if the back (or exhaust) pressure is
maintained at a low level by condensing the steam. In a conventional plant, the pure water
produced in the condenser is required as feed water for the steam boilers; consequently, the
steam and impure condenser cooling water are kept separate. In a hydrothermal plant, however,
there is no need for feed water. Hence, a direct-contact system is used at the Geysers in which
the turbine exhaust steam is condensed by direct contact with cooling water. The resulting warm
water is circulated through a mechanical-draft cooling tower and returned to the condenser.
The condensation of steam continuously increases the volume of the cooling water. Part
of this is lost by evaporation in the cooling towers (6), and the remainder is injected deep into the
ground (7) for disposal. The turbine exhaust steam at 4 mixes, with the cooling water (7) that
comes from cooling tower. The mixture of cooling water coming from the cooling tower and
turbine exhaust is saturated vapour at (5) that is pumped to the cooling tower (6).
As stated above condensation of the steam continuously increases the volume of the
cooling water. Part of this is lost by evaporation in the cooling towers, and the remainder is
injected deep into the ground for disposal. The ability to produce their own cooling water is a
unique feature of many hydrothermal plants; conventional steam turbine generating plants
require an external source of condenser (make up) cooling water.
The surface condensers are also, however, used in some units with H
S removal system.
Geothermal plants use much lower temperature and pressure steam and higher condenser
pressures than conventional plants, and hence they are much lower in efficiency. At the Geysers
installation, the more recent deep (roughly 2500 m) wells supply steam to the turbines at a
temperature of about 180C and a gauge pressure of 7.8 atm. (0.78 M Pa). (The temperatures and
pressures in the reservoir are higher). For comparison, the steam temperature in a modern fossil-
fuel plant may be about 550C and the pressure 240 atm (24 M Pa). Hence, the geothermal
electric plants require special low-pressure turbines. Furthermore, because of the low steam
temperature, the thermal efficiency (i.e. the proportion of heat supplied to the turbine that is
converted into electric energy) is only about 15 per cent, compared with 40 per cent (or so) in a
modern fossil-fuel plant.
The Geysers installation in California (U.S.A), Larderello in Italy and Motsukawa, Japan
are good examples of dry steam fields. In U.S.A., the Geysers installation started commercially
operation in 1960; its electric capacity has been steadily increased and reached about 1000 MW
in 1980. This capacity is increasing further, as reservoir conditions are not affected.
5.7 Characteristics of Geothermal steam electric plants.
A number of environmental effects are characteristics of geo thermal steam electric
facilities. The steam may contain 0.5 to 5 per cent by weight of non-condensable gases, which
appear in the turbine exhaust. These gases consist mainly of carbon dioxide with small amounts
of methane and ammonia, which are largely harmless in the quantities present. In addition, the
gases may contain up to 4 or 5 per cent of hydrogen sulfide; not only does this gas have an
unpleasant (rotten eggs) odor, it can also be harmful to plant and animal life if it should
accumulate. At the geysers, hydrogen sulfide is considered to be a nuisance rather than a hazard.
In the past the non-condensable gases have been released to the atmosphere where the
hydrogen sulfide is gradually destroyed by oxidation. The products, however, are oxides of
sulphur, which can themselves be harmful at appreciable concentrations. Plans are therefore
under way to remove most of the hydrogen sulfide from the gases before they are discharged.
The geothermal steam may also contain boron, arsenic; mercury, and other potentially
poisonous elements, which, together with some of the ammonia, are found in the turbine
condensate. These substances must be disposed of in a safe manner. This is achieved at the
Geysers by the re-injection of excess condensate into the ground at a considerable depth.
The withdrawal of large amounts of steam (or water) from a hydrothermal reservoir may
result in surface subsidence. Such subsidences have sometimes occurred in oil fields and are
dealt with by injecting water into the ground. The re-injection of excess water from a geothermal
steam electric plant may serve the same purpose. Care must be taken, however, that the water is
re-injected at some distance from a ground fault. Steam-electric plants of all types discharge to
the atmosphere much of the heat present in the turbine exhaust steam. In the Geysers facilities
this discharge occurs in the cooling towers. Because of the low thermal efficiency, a larger
proportion of the heat supplied is discharged than from fossil fuel or nuclear plants. Vaporization
water in the cooling towers also result in the addition of large amounts of moisture in the
atmosphere. Hitherto, geothermal steam has been used on a relatively moderate scale and the
environmental effects of the heat and moisture have not been significant.
5.8 Liquid-Dominated Systems (Wet steam fields)
In the liquid dominated reservoir, the water temperature is above the normal boiling point
(100C). However because the water in the reservoir is under pressure, it does not boil but
remains in the liquid state. When the water comes to the surface the pressure is reduced; rapid
boiling then occurs and the liquid water "flashes" into a mixture of hot water and steam. The
steam can be separated and used to generate electric power in the usual manner. The remaining
hot water can be utilized to generate electric power or to provide space and process heat, or it
may be distilled to yield purified water.
The water comes with various degrees of salinity, ranging from 3000 to 280,000 ppm of
dissolved solids, and at various temperatures There are, therefore, various systems for converting
liquid-dominated system into useful work that depend upon these variables. For liquid-
dominated (high temperature) systems two methods, which will be covered, are:
(a) The flashed-steam system, suitable for water in the higher temperature range, and
(b) The binary-cycle system, suitable for water at moderate temperatures.
(c) A third method, called the total flow system, concepts of it is also covered, but this
approach awaits further development.
Liquid-dominated (low temperature) system is also described in this section.
Liquid-dominated (high temperature) system: steam from liquid-dominated, high
temperature reservoirs is being used in several countries to generate electric power. The most
extensive development has been in the volcanic Wairakei field in Newzealand. The water in the
hydrothermal reservoir is at the temperature of about 230C and pressure of 40 atm (4 MP
). The
liquid originates mainly from depths of 600 to 1400 m and is flashed into a mixture of steam and
water at the surface.
After passage through a cyclone separator, to remove the water, the steam is supplied to
the turbine connected to electric generator. The maximum initial steam temperature is about
175C and the gauge pressure is 3.5 atm {0.35 MPJ. The exhaust steam is condensed by direct
contact with cold water from the nearby Waikaro River; the warm condenser cooling water is
then discharged to the river. This simple procedure, which does not require, cooling towers, is
possible only because of the ample flow-of river water.
(a) The Flashed-Steam System. This is illustrated by the flow and T-S diagram of Figs.
(5.8 a and b). Water from the under-ground reservoir at reaches the wellhead at 2 at a lower
pressure. Process 1-2 is essentially a constant enthalpy throttling process that results in a two-
phase mixture of low quality at 2. This is throttled further in a flash separator resulting in a still
low but slightly higher quality at 3. This mixture is now separated into dry saturated steam at 4
and saturated brine at 5. The latter is re-injected into the ground.
Fig. 5.8
The dry steam, a small friction of the total well discharge (because of low quality at 3),
and usually at pressures below 7 kg/cm
gauge (0.7 MP
), is expanded in a turbine to 6 and
mixed with cooling water in a direct-contact condenser with the mixture at 7 going to a cooling
tower in the same fashion as the vapor-dominated system. The balance of the condensate after
the cooling water is re-circulated to the condenser is re-injected in to the ground.
The power generation from such system can be made more economical by associating
chemical industry with power plant to make use of the brine and the gaseous effluent.
Because of the high water temperature of more than 300C and a pressure of about 120
atm. (12 MP
) at a depth at 1200 m, the lower (and larger) reservoir is of special interest as a
source of energy. However, the mineral content (mainly silica and sodium, potassium and
calcium chlorides) of the water ranges up to 20 or 30 per cent by weight ; this may be compared
with the 3.3 per cent (average) of salts in sea water. The hot, highly saline water referred to as
geothermal brine, is very corrosive. Moreover when the temperature is lowered, as it is when the
heat is utilized as an energy sources dissolved silica and salts and corrosion products from solid
deposits on pipes pump surface etc. The hot water withdrawn from the steam-water separator
after flashing is also discharged to the well or river. Because heat present in the water is
discarded in this manner, the overall thermal efficiency for electric power generation in the
above case is about 8 per cent. The hot water could however be used for space heating before
The flashed-steam system described above has the following limitations as compared
with the vapour-dominated system.
(1) This system requires much larger total mass flow rates through the well.
(2) Due to large amount of flows, there is a greater degree of ground surface subsidence.
(3) The system provides a greater degree of precipitation of minerals from the brine,
resulting in the necessity for design of valves, pumps, separator internals, and after
equipment for operation under scaling conditions.
( 4) Greater corrosion of piping, well casing, and other conduits.
(5) Many times temperature and pressure of the water may not be sufficient to produce
the flash steam.
Flashed-steam systems have been widely used in Japan, New Zealand, Italy, Mexico, and U .S.A
The spent brine leaving the separator at 5 (Fig. 5.8) has a large mass-flow rate and a large
total energy compared with that in the steam used to drive the turbine at 4. The ratio of the brine
enthalpy to the steam enthalpy was found to be 1.3:1. Improvement in the cycle would therefore
use some of this otherwise lost energy in the cycle. Double flash cycle can give more power than
the single flash cycle under the same condition.
Figs. (5.8.1 a and b) show 3 schematic flow and T-S diagram of a double flash steam
system. Depending upon the original water conditions, the brine at 5 is admitted to a second,
lower-pressure separator, where it flashes to a lower-pressure steam (6) that would be admitted
to a low-pressure stage in the turbine. The remaining spent brine at 8 is re-injected in to the
ground. An example of the double-flash system is the 50 MW Hatehobaru plant builds on the
island of Kyushu in Japan. It uses an innovative steam condenser and gas extraction system and a
dual-admission double-flow steam turbine.
5.8 (b) Liquid-Dominated Systems: Binary Cycle. In order to isolate the turbine
from corrosive or erosive materials and/or to accommodate higher concentration of non-
condensable gases, the binary cycle concept is now receiving considerable attention as an
alternate power cycle concept. This is basically a Rankine cycle with an organic working fluid. A
heat exchanger system is used to transfer a fraction of the brine enthalpy to vaporize the
secondary working fluid. Expansion through a turbine to a lower pressure, fixed by the heat
rejection temperature, provides the means for power generation.
About 50 per cent of hydrothermal water is in the moderate temperature range of- 153 to
205C. This water, which is available in lower temperature ranges, is unsuitable for power
production. It is however suitable for direct utilization for domestic and industrial process
heating. If this water is used in a flashed-steam system, it would have to be throttled down to
such a low pressures that results in excessively large specific volume flows as well as even poor
cycle efficiencies. Instead this water is used as a heat source for a closed cycle that uses another
working fluid that has suitable pressure temperature volume characteristics. As stated above the
binary fluid (or two fluid) system, is being investigated to overcome these limitations of flashed
steam system. In the binary system an organic fluid with a low boiling point, such as isobutane
(2 methal propane) C
(normal boiling point at one atm. Pressure= l0C) and Freon-12
(normal boiling point - 29.8C) are usually recommended. Ammonia and propane may also be
used. The working fluid would operate at higher pressures, corresponding to the source water
and heat sink temperatures.
Flow diagram of a binary-cycle system is shown schematically in Fig. (5.8.2). Hot water
or brine from the under-ground reservoir,
Fig. 5.8.2. Binary-fluid geothermal power system.
either as unflashed liquid or as steam producing by flashing is circulated through a
primary heat exchanger. In the heat exchanger the hot brine transfer its heat to the organic fluid
thus converting it to a superheated vapour that is used in a standard closed Rankine cycle. The
vapour drives the turbine-generator. The exhaust vapour from the turbine is cooled in the
regenerative heat exchanger and then condensed, using either and air-cooled condenser or a
water-cooled condenser and cooling tower. The condensed liquid organic fluid is returned to the
primary heat exchanger by way of the regenerative heat exchanger. The hot geothermal fluid and
the organic fluid constitute the two fluids of the binary-fluid system.
The condenser is cooled by water from a natural source, if available, or a cooling tower
circulation system. The blow down from the tower may be re-injected to the ground with the
cooled brine. Make-up of the cooling-tower must be provided however.
In the binary cycle there are no problems of corrosion or scaling in the working cycle
components, such as the turbine and condenser. Such problems are confined only to the well
casing and the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is a shell-and-tube type so that no contact
between brine and working fluid takes place.
If the temperature and salinity of the geothermal brine are not high, the tendency for
solids (scale) to deposit on surfaces in the heat exchanger is not too great. The liquid brine under
pressure may then be pumped directly through the heat exchanger and re-injected into the
geothermal reservoir.
However, where the temperature and salinity of the brine are high, this procedure may
not be practical because the heat exchangers may soon be rendered ineffective by scale
deposition. Methods for scale control and removal are being developed, but in the meantime the
high temperature brine is flashed into steam, which is scrubbed and passed on to the heat
exchanger. Nearly all the salt content remains in the residual brine in the flash tank. To achieve
maximum utilization of the heat content of the brine, it may be flashed in two more stages, at
successively lower temperature and pressure, before it re-injected into ground.
The first binary cycle was installed in the Soviet Union on the Kamchatka Peninsula in
1967. It has a gross output of 680 kW using a low temperature water reservoir at 80C and
Freon-12 as working fluid. The first binary cycle to be built in the United States is an 11-MW
plant built by the Magma Company in California. The site has a potential of 10,000MW.
Isobutane was chosen in preference to Freon-12 primarily because of its lower cost. A second
U.S. binary cycle plant is being built at Raft River-Idaho. It is a 10 MW plant.
(c} Total Flow Concept. A third approach called the total-flow concept would utilize
both the kinetic energy and the heat energy of the steam-liquid mixture produced by flashing the
geothermal brine. The overall efficiency for conversion into electrical energy should be greater
than in the methods described above in which only the heat content of the brine is utilized. One
proposed total flow system utilizes the principle of the Lysholm machine known in this
connection as the helical rotary (or screw) expander (or mixed phase expander). The expander is
simply a compressor in reverse.
The principle of the total flow concept is simple. The flow and T-S diagrams are shown
in Fig. (5.8.3 a and b). The hot brine from geothermal well at 1 is throttled to 2, where it
becomes a two-phase mixture of low quality. The two phases at this point are not separated, the
full flow is expanded to 3, condensed to 4. Then the brine is re-injected into the ground at 5.
Comparing the T-S diagrams of Figs. (5.8 b) and (5.8.3 b) show that the throttling process 2-3
that occurs in the flash separator in the former is no longer necessary and that, considering
eq11al pressures at 2, the full available energy at 2 is used in the latter, while part of it is
destroyed in the former as a result of throttling. In addition the flow in the flashed-steam turbine
and hence the work per unit flow from the well head is only a small fraction, equal to the quality
in the flash separator, x3, of the total flow and work that would occur in the latter.
The other characteristic of total flow concept system is that it requires the use of a mixed
phase expander powered by a two-phase mixture of low quality (as indicated by point 2 in
figure). Whereas flashed steam systems and vapour-dominated systems rely on axial flow
multistage steam turbines similar to those used in conventional
power plants, only difference is that they are designed for much power pressures. These
turbines use relatively clean high quality or even superheated steam.
The requirements of mixed phase expanders are that they should be able to overcome the
losses associated with the impingement of liquid droplets on blades (turbine operates less
efficiently as the quality decreases). They must also be able to withstand the corrosive and
erosive effects of the significant quantities of dissolved solids in the brine.
The experimental and analytical work is going in this field to develop the required
5.9 Liquid Dominated (Low temperature) Systems (Hot water resources).
The low temperature below 150C, liquid dominated reservoirs is the most numerous
hydrothermal sources in the world. The main use would be to provide heat for homes,
commercial, industrial, and agricultural buildings, including greenhouses and animal shelters,
and for food and industrial processes. Hot water can also be utilized for air conditioning and
refrigeration. The general principles of possible applications are the same as those considered in
connection with solar energy thermal applications.
Because the water temperature is not very high, little mineral matter is extracted from the
rock medium; hence, the mineral salt content of the water is usually small. The geothermal water
is then not very corrosive, and it can often be circulated directly through a heat distribution
system and re-injected into the ground. If there were a danger of corrosion, however, a heat
exchanger would be used to transfer heat from the natural hot water to ordinary service water,
which is then distributed. The relatively small geothermal water circuit could then be made of
more expensive corrosion-resistant materials. Economic use of the hot water referred to above
depends on the proximity of utilization centers. It does not appear to be feasible at present to
transport hot water for distances greater than about 24 km. This is so partly because of the cost of
the pumps, piping etc., and partly because heat losses increase with distance. The cost of
installing a distribution system in an existing city would be prohibitive, but in a new housing
development the hot-water piping could be laid at the same time as that for service water. If the
hot water cannot be used directly in the vicinity of its source, the heat may be converted into
electrical energy, which can be transmitted to more distant points. A binary cycle could be used
in which the hot water serves to vaporize and heat a liquid of low boiling point, as described
earlier. Whether or not such a system for generating electricity will prove to economic depends
on circumstances (e.g. cost of drilling wells, temperature of the hot water, availability of
condenser cooling water, etc.).
5.10 Geo pressured Resources
Drilling for oil and gas has revealed the existence of reservoirs containing salt water at
moderately high temperatures and very high pressures in a belt some 1200 km in length. Because
of the abnormally high pressure of the water, up-to 1350 atm. (137 MPa) in the deepest layers,
the reservoirs are referred to as geo pressured. This was observed al6Qgthe Texas and Louisiana
coasts of the Gulf of Mexico (U.S.). The geo pressured hot water ( or brine) reservoirs were
apparently formed by accumulation of geothermal heat stored over several million years, in
water trapped in a porous sedimentary medium by the overlying impervious layers. The upward
loss of heat is relatively small and there are no obvious surface indications of the deep, high
temperature reservoirs. In typical geopressured systems in Texas, the pressures are from 680 to
950 atm. (68 to 95 MPa} and temperatures from 160 to 200C at depths from 4 to 5 km. Higher
pressures and temperatures have been measured at greater depths. The amount of dissolved salt
in the water varies with the location and depth of the reservoir, ranging from very small to about
three times that in seawater.
A special feature of geo-pressured waters (or brines) is their content of methane (natural
gas). The energy value of the brines thus depends on their temperature. The solubility of
Methane in water at normal pressure is quite low, but it is increased at the high pressures of the
geothermal reservoirs. When the water is brought to the surface and its pressure reduced, the
methane gas is released from solution. The gas content of geo-pressured brine is usually about
1.9 to 3.8 cu m. gas per cu m. water but higher values have been reported in brief tests. However,
the amount of natural gas recoverable economically from geo-pressured reservoirs is presently
5.11 Hot Dry Rock Resources or Petro-thermal Systems
Petro-thermal systems are those that are composed of hot dry rock (HDR) but no under
ground water. They represent by far the largest geothermal resource available. The rock,
occurring at moderate depths, has very low permeability and needs to be fractured to increase its
heat transfer surface. The thermal energy of the HDR is extracted by pumping water (or other
fluid) through a well that has been drilled to the lower part of the fractured rock. The water
moves through the fractures, picking up heat. It is then travels up a second well that has been
drilled to the upper part of the rock and finally backs to the surface. There, it is used in a power
plant to produce electricity.
These types are not associated with hydrothermal activity. Such resources, with rock
temperatures exceeding about 200C at depths up to 5 km, are estimated to be significant and
worthy of development as a source of energy. Hot dry rocks exist because they are impermeable
to water or because water does not have access to them. Quite often both conditions occur; that is
to say, the rocks are impermeable, and there is little or no surface water in the vicinity. In
principle, the recovery of heat from such hot dry rocks involves breaking up or cracking the rock
to make it permeable and then introducing water from the surface. The water is heated up by the
rock and is returned to the surface where the heat is utilized as stated above.
There are two methods to tap this geothermal energy one possible method is to detonate a
high explosive at the bottom of a well drilled into the rock. This may be a nuclear explosive.
Water would be injected into this well, circulated through the cavities so formed to extract heat
from the rock. The water or water-steam mixture is withdrawn through another well (Fig. 5.11).
Another method is to use hydraulic fracturing to produce the heat transfer surface and
permeability required to extract energy at a high rate from hot dry rock. Hydraulic fracturing,
which is performed by pumping water at high pressure into the rock formation, is commonly
used in oil and gas fields to improve the flow. The crack produced in this manner is roughly in
the from of a large, thin vertical disk, resembling a pancake, possibly a few hundred meters in
diameter but less than a centimeter thick. Heat can then be extracted from the hot rock by
circulating water through the crack.
The hot water or water steam mixture is utilized for generation of electricity with a binary
liquid system using Freon (R-114) as the turbine working fluid.
A feature of this scheme is that, as the reservoir heat is depleted with time, temperature
differences within the rock result in stresses that cause the original fractures to propagate,
thereby unlocking more HDR surface to the water and resulting in a pancake-shaped fracture
It is believed that HDR systems offer more flexibility in operation and design than other
geothermal systems. For example, the designer can have a choice of water flow rates and
temperatures by drilling to various depths, and the operator can change pumping pressure and
hence flow rates to suit load conditions.
Fig. 5.11. Heat Extraction from Hot dry Rocks.
One of the uncertainties associated with the hydraulic fracturing and heat extraction
procedure is the useful lifetime of the cracked region. This can be determined only be continued
testing. However computer modeling suggests that, as heat is extracted, the cracking should be
increase with time and make more hot rock accessible to water. The effective lifetime of the
fractured system should thus be extended.
There are problems which are faced by developers include leakage of water (or other
fluid) underground and the necessity of make up for it from resources above ground, the effect of
the water or fluid on rock composition; material carryover with the fluid, and cost. It should be
noted that two wells are to be drilled instead of the one for the hydrothermal energy and that
these wells are drilled deeper and in much harder rock. This is expected to make petrothermal
exploitation very costly, unless the underground rock being developed is very hot.
Many more studies on the mechanical, thermo-dynamic; and economic aspects of petro-
thermal systems are necessary before commercial exploitation becomes feasible.
5.12 Magma Resources (Molten rock-chamber systems)
In some cases, especially in the vicinity of relatively recent volcanic activity molten or
practically molten rock (i.e. magma) occurs at moderate depths (e.g. less than 5 km). The very
high temperature above 650C and the large volume make magma a substantial geothermal
resource. However, extraction of the heat from the molten rock will be difficult and may not be
feasible for some time.
A concept being studied for the U.S. Department of energy by the 8andia National
Laboratories is to place a heat exchanger within the magma. Heat would be transferred to a
suitable liquid and brought to the surface. The hot liquid could be used to produce a working
fluid, possibly steam, to operate a turbine and electric generator. The liquid would then be re-
circulated through the heat exchanger in the magma. One problem would be to construct a heat
exchanger that will withstand the high temperatures of the magma. Another is to maintain flow
of the viscous magma around the heat exchanger to provide a steady supply of heat and to
prevent deposition of solid.
The capital cost of discovery, development and installation of geothermal heating
systems have tended to discourage their use for power generation or process heating. Of course
exceptions are the areas where geothermal resource was found by chance or was known to exist
at shallow depths. For the production of electric power from geothermal sources however, the
costs are comparable to or lower than those of all other methods except hydroelectric. Although
the geothermal energy sources that are now used for electric power generation are of the
shallow-steam reservoir type but in near future with technological developments, deeper
reservoirs, fractured rocks and other schemes like molten magma will probably be used and may
become economical in future.
5.13 Comparison of Flashed Steam and Total Flow Concept
A cycle diagram comparing the various liquids dominated (the flashed steam) and total
flow methods on the T-S diagram is shown in Fig. (5.13). From the comparison it is very much
obvious that direct expansion of the total well head product is thermodynamically the simplest
and provides an upper bound on cycle efficiency regardless of the number of stages of separation
used in the flashed steam system.
Fig. 5.13 Flashed steam process and total flow process on T-S diagrams.
In both the systems condensing is accomplished with a barometric direct-contact
condenser. For high salinity water, however, the condenser for the total flow system will require
modification to separate brine fraction from the vapour-fraction in order to prevent fouling of the
cooling system.
Fig. 5.13.1 Comparison of various liquid dominated systems.
Fig. (5.13.1) shows the results of an analytical comparison to various liquid dominated
systems. The curves indicating that the total flow concept produces the highest specific power
per unit mass-flow rate at the wellhead. The calculations were based on the same condenser
temperatures of 50C (120F), the same turbine efficiencies of 85 per cent, and the same in-
plant-power requirements of 30 per cent of the gross. Differences in these would naturally
change the differences between the curves.
In the binary cycle system the net power output is the gross turbo-generator output less
the parasitic power for pumping and other plant requirements. An upper and lower bound
calculated for the binary cycle performance is given in Fig. (5.13.1).
The above curve was obtained by optimizing the system relative to heat exchanger
performance by minimizing exchanger area per unit of heat transferred and per unit of net power
output. The upper curve then represents the condition for a minimization of the cost of both well
and exchanger.
5.14 Interconnection of Geothermal Fossil Systems (Hybrid Systems)
The concept of hybrid geothermal-fossil fuel systems utilizes the relatively low-
temperature heat of geothermal sources in the low-temperature end of a conventional cycle and
the high temperature heat from fossil-fuel combustion in the high temperature end of that cycle.
The concept thus combines the high-efficiency of a high-temperature cycle with a natural source
of heat for part of the heat addition, thus reducing the consumption of the expensive and non-
renewable fossil fuel.
5.15 Arrangement for hybrid plants: There are two arrangements:
(i) Geothermal preheat, and (ii) fossil superheat.
Geothermal preheat arrangement is suitable for low-temperature liquid-dominated
systems whereas fossil superheat system is suitable for vapour-dominated and high temperature
liquid-dominated systems.
1. Geothermal-Preheat Hybrid Systems. In these systems, the feed water of a
conventional fossil-fueled steam plant is heated by low temperature geothermal energy.
Geothermal heat replaces some or all, of the feed water heaters, depending upon its temperature.
A cycle operating on this principle is illustrated schematically in Fig (5.15.1), in it, geothermal
heat heats the feed-water throughout the low temperature end prior to an open-type de-aerating
heater. A boiler feed pump follows it and three closed-type feed water heaters with drains
cascaded backward. These receive heat from steam bled from higher-pressure stages of the
turbine. N o steam is bled from the lower pressure stages because geothermal brine fulfills this
Fig. 5.15.1. Schematic of a geothermal preheat hybrid system.
2. Fossil-Superheat Hybrid Systems. In these systems, the vapour-dominated steam or
the vapour obtained from a flash separator in a high-temperature liquid-dominated system is
super-heated in a fossil-fired super heater. Based on this principle, a cycle is illustrated in Fig
(5.15.2) and T-S diagram of the system is shown in Fig. (5.15.3).
Fig.5.15.2 Schematic of a fossil-superheat hybrid system with two-stage flash separator,
regenerative and fossil-fired super heater.
Fig. 5.15.3 T-S diagram for Fossil-superheat system in Fig. ( 5.15.2 ).
The system consists of a double-flash geothermal steam system. Steam produced at 4 in
the first-stage flash separator is preheated from 4 to 5 in a regenerator by exhaust steam from the
high-pressure turbine at 7. It is then superheated by a fossil fuel-fired super heater to 6, and
expands in the high-pressure turbine to 7 at a pressure near that of the second-stage steam
separator. It then enters the regenerator, leaves it at 8, where it mixes with the lower-pressure
steam produced in the second-stage flash separator at 15, and produces steam at 9, which
expands in the lower-pressure turbine to 10. The condensate at 11 is pumped and re-injected into
the ground at 12. The spent brine from the second-stage evaporator is also re-injected into the
ground at 16.
Prime Movers for Geothermal Energy Conversion
The prime movers can be classified as below:
1. Impulse/Reaction machines
(a) Axial flow--curtis, Rateau steam turbine.
(b) Radial inf1ow-Francis turbine, multiple disc drag turbine.
(c) Radial outflow-rotating nozzle (pure reaction), Hero's turbine.
(d) Multiple disc turbine-bladeless impulse or reaction drag turbine.
2. Positive displacement machines
(a) Helical, screw expander.
(b) Rotating oscillating vane machine.
3. Impulse machines
(a) Tangential flow-pelton wheel, Re-entry type turbine.
(b) Axial flow, De-Laval turbine, Curtis turbine.
6.1 Introduction
The French physicist Jacques d Arsonval proposed the ocean thermal energy concept as
early at 1881. In this indirect form of solar energy at sea, collection and storage are free. The
surface of the water acts as the collector for solar heat while the upper layer of the sea constitutes
infinite heat storage reservoir. Thus heat contained in the oceans, which is solar in origin could
be converted into electricity by utilizing the fact that the temperature difference between the
warm surface water of the tropical oceans and the colder waters in the depths is about 20-25K.
Warm surface water could be used to heat some low boiling organic fluid, the vapour of which
would run a heat engine. Pumping cold water from the deeper regions would condense the exit
vapour. The amount of energy available for ocean thermal power generation is enormous, and is
replenished continuously. Several such plants are built in France after World War II (the largest
of which has a capacity of 7.5 MW). With a 22K temperature difference between surface and
depths, such as exists in warmer ocean areas than the North Sea, the Carnot efficiency is around
7%. This is obviously very low, and comparable to that expected from a flat plate collector. In
fact, by the time the overall efficiency has been reduced by using a practical engine (operating on
a Rankine cycle, say) together with heat exchangers, the propositions might seem hopeless. One
major difference between these two heat sources is that solar energy arrives with a low power
density, and requires a large acreage of flat-plate collector. Whereas on ocean thermal gradient
source can operate with a small area collector by pumping sufficient water through the heat
collector. Indeed the attraction of the solar sea-power plant lies in its present day engineering
feasibility and possible competitive cost with fossil fuel power stations. As stated the idea of D
Arsonval originated ocean thermal energy conversion with a suitable working fluid, but Claude
demonstrated the technical feasibility of the open cycle system with an installation on the south
coast of Cuba in 1929. It was a remarkable achievement at the time. The electric power
generated was 22 kilowatts with an overall efficiency more than 1 per cent. The hot and cold
water were conducted through long pipes to the machinery ashore. With the limited technology
and cheap fuel at that time, there were then little prospects for economic feasibility. A larger
installation with two units totaling 7 megawatts was constructed on the Ivory Coast by French in
1956, but encountered troubles and was abandoned.
The process of OTEC requires that the warm surface water and cold water from depth
(about 1000-1500 m), be brought into proximity so they act as the heat source and heat sink,
respectively for a heat engine. In other words, solar energy collected and stored as heat by the
world's major oceans can be converted into electricity through a generation process similar to
that of conventional power plants, except that in the case of OTEC, no depletable fuel is
required. Furthermore, although there is some seasonal variation in the ocean thermal resource at
a given OTEC power plant location, there is little diurnal variation. Accordingly OTEC power
plants are analogous to solar hydro power plants in that they smooth out the diurnal intermittence
of the solar radiation, in contrast to other electric energy options. Thus, OTEC power plants
provide a potentially substantial renewable source of base load electricity, albeit located mainly
at sea.
Although it is possible to find good land sites where OTEC power plants can be located,
by bringing the warm and cold water onto shore via aqueducts (artificial canal/conduit), it is
clear that such opportunities will be much more limited on a global basis than the ample
opportunities for generating substantial amounts of OTEC electricity abroad floating OTEC
platforms. This is both because of the special technical requirements for on-shore OTEC plants
and because of the limited market potential (at least in the near term) for OTEC electricity at
such sides. On shore OTEC power plants will be viable mainly at locations where three
requirements are all simultaneously satisfied with satisfactory economics:
(a) Coastal-zone land must be available;
(b) Sea floor must descend sufficiently rapidly from the shore based plant location; and
(c) The seasonal availability of warm and cold water without undue gradation by the
warm and cold-water effluents from the OTEC plant must meet certain criteria. In
any event, it is probable that available and attractive onshore and near-shore OTEC
power plant location will be populated early in the development and implementation
of the OTEC concept, both as convenient locations for pilot and demonstration plants
and because they will constitute attractive intermediate markets for OTEC electricity
and by-products.
OTEC power generation system gives less efficiency, as stated above. However, because
of the OTEC requirement for parasitic power (such as for pumping up the cold water supply) at
other losses, the achievable net conversion efficiency is only about 2.5 percent (Carnot efficiency
7%). This compares net efficiencies of 30 to 40% associated with conventional power plants.
Some engineers question whether such an extremely low net efficiency will ever allow
OTEC to become economically viable? However, it is important to consider the matter in more
sophisticated terns that net efficiency; since in the case of OTEC there is no fuel cost, only the
requirement to pay for circulating much more warm and cold water, than is normally associated
with power generation. This means that extensive areas, at heat exchangers will be required for
"closed cycle" OTEC plants (which would employ a working fluid such as ammonia) or that de-
gasifiers to remove gases dissolved in the sea water) and tremendous turbine would be required
for "open cycle" OTEC plants that would operate by the flash evaporation of sea water. Thus,
although the net efficiency of the OTEC plant must certainly be positive and as high as is readily
attainable, the key economics question is the resulting cost of OTEC electrical energy, not the
actual value of the net efficiency.
6.2 Methods and Working principle of ocean thermal electric power
generation plants
There are two rather different methods for harnessing ocean thermal differences. One is
the Claude cycle or open cycle and other is the closed cycle system.
The Claude cycle or open cycle which is older one, utilizes the vapour pressure of sea
water itself as the working medium and has been demonstrated to be practicable. The other
method, a closed cycle known as the Rankine cycle, uses a working fluid with higher vapour
pressure (such as ammonia, hydrocarbon or halocarbon) at the temperatures available. This cycle
is favoured for the future development in expectation of higher efficiency. The first published
work on OTEC by D' Arsonvol in 1881, suggests a closed cycle, and that article proposed sulfur
dioxide as the working fluid. However, the first OTEC experiments by Claude in the 1920s
utilized on open cycle where seawater was evaporated under a partial vacuum.
A close cycle OTEC system:- A systematic of a closed-cycle OTEC power plant is shown in
Fig.6.2. Heat exchanger known as evaporators and condensers are key ingredients, since
extensive areas of material are needed to transfer significant amounts of low-quality heat of the
low temperature differences being exploited. In other words, large volumes of water must be
circulated through the OTEC power plant, requiring commensurately large heat exchangers. The
actual components employed in an OTEC closed-cycle system would appear more like the
hardware illustrated in Fig.6.2.1, another closed cycle schematic.
A fundamental requirement in closed cycle systems is to transfer heat efficiently across
the heat exchange surfaces constituting the evaporators and condensers, so as to achieve a high
value of overall heat transfer coefficient (U) measured in watts per kelvin per square meter or W
/oK-m2. For the evaporation, this overall heat transfer coefficient is a measure of how effectively
heat is transferred sequentially from seawater through the heat exchanger material (a metallic
alloy) and thence to the working fluid (e.g. ammonia). For the condenser, an overall U
characterizes the reverse heat transfer process. In an ocean environment, it is likely that a layer of
slime known as "bio fouling" will eventually accumulate on the waterside of the heat
exchangers. Such slime is first comprised of microorganisms, at which stage, the bio fouling is
called "micro fouling". Subsequently, if the slime is not removed, additional bio fouling in the
form of microorganisms will become attached, augmenting the slime layer. The occurrence of
micro fouling seems to be a prerequisite for the attachment of macro-organisms. A film of
corrosion and possibly of calcareous (e.g. minerals) deposits can also accumulate on the
waterside (and conceivably through leakage - even on the working fluid side of the heat transfer
surfaces). The total formation of bio fouling, corrosion, and so on, is referred to a "fouling" (or
scaling) and will tend to inhibit heat transfer through it.
Fig. 6.2. Schematic of an OTEC closed cycle system.
Fig. 6.2.1. Schematic of a closed OTEC ammonia cycle.
The 'fouling factor' is a measure of the thermal resistance 'Rf of a fouling film. This
thermal resistance is the reciprocal of the corresponding heat transfer coefficient 'hf of the
fouling film. To maintain viable OTEC heat exchangers, provision must be made to inhibit the
formation of fouling layers and to remove any significant fouling that forms. Removal can be
accomplished by periodically cleaning the heat exchanger surfaces through mechanical, chemical
or other means.
6.3 Open cycle OTEC system. 'Open cycle' refers to the utilization of seawater as the
working fluid, wherein seawater is flash evaporated under a partial vacuum. The low-pressure
steam is passed through a turbine, which extracts energy from it, and then the spent
Fig. 6.3. Schematic of the OTEC open cycle.
vapour is cooled in a condenser. This cycle derives the name 'open' from the fact that the
condensate need not be returned to the evaporator, as in the case of the 'closed cycle'. Instead, the
condensate can be utilized as desalinated water if a surface condenser is used, or if a spray
(direct-contact) condenser is used the condensate is mixed with the cooling water and the
mixture is discharged back into the ocean. A schematic diagram of the open cycle system is
shown in Fig. 6.3. Since the early OTEC experiments performed by Claude utilized an open
cycle, the open cycle system is sometimes referred to as a 'Claude Cycle'.
Because of the need in the open cycle to harness the energy in low-pressure steam,
extremely large turbines (compared to wind turbines) must be utilized. Further-more degasifiers
(de-aerators) must be used to remove the gases dissolved in the sea water unless one is willing to
accept large losses in efficiency. On the other hand, since there are no heat transfer problems in
the evaporator, the problem of bio-fouling control is minimized.
Most OTEC workers as being significantly greater than for closed-cycle system presently
regard the cost of an open-cycle system for producing substantial number of megawatts. The
turbine cost constituted almost half the cost of the power system, but may be amenable to
reductions that could result from design innovations.
6.4 Hybrid cycle. There are several variations on the standard OTEC open-cycle system.
One variation is the 'hybrid cycle, which is an attempt to combine the best features and avoid
the worst features
Fig. 6.4. Hybrid cycle.
of the open and closed cycles. First, as shown in Fig.6.4, seawater is flash evaporated to steam,
as in the open cycle. The heat in the resulting steam is then transferred to ammonia in an
otherwise conventional closed Rankine cycle system.
6.5 Conclusions
A comparative study of the closed (ammonia), open (steam), and hybrid cycles showed
the closed-cycle system to be most economical in cost and to require the least parasitic power.
Closed cycle is favoured for the future development in expectation of higher efficiency
but does not yet have the advantage of having been put in practice. Compared with the prospects
of wind power for large-scale development to help meet out energy needs soon, it is this lack of
experience that puts oceans thermal difference development at a disadvantage and leads to the
emphasis on wind power. In the case of wind power the favoured method has been demonstrated
as practicable in several countries over the past half century and has failed only the economic
test in the era of cheap fuel whereas the favoured method of ocean thermal energy conversion
has not been so demonstrated. It is to be hoped that it soon will be; there are reports that Japan
plans to lead the way in actual development. Research and actual development particularly of
materials, fouling problems, and design are in progress in this country.
7.1 Introduction
Small-scale hydroelectric facilities can supply in principle significant amounts of
electricity for irrigation or potable water pumping, lighting, or health or educational purposes.
The total potential amount of such a resource is very poorly documented but is apt to be large.
Up to 1972, hydro engineers concentrated on developing the larger sites, where the
economy of scale enabled the production of energy at a cost low enough to compete thermal
power, fueled with low cost oil. However with the prospect of rapidly depleting fossil fuels
coupled with steady rise in oil prices, attention has returned to the smaller sites previously
regarded as uneconomic. Moreover, the remarkable advancement in the technology of
development of turbines suitable for utilizing small falls and small discharges efficiently has
increased the chances of development of small (mini and micro included) hydel installations to a
large extent. Manufacturers have been quick enough to develop packages designs for small units.
For very small hydro plants of less than 500 kW capacity, electronic load controllers have been
developed to replace the governor. These controllers maintain a constant load on the turbine and
hence constant flow, surplus power is diverted to a resistor and either wasted or used to heat
Many countries now have active small hydro development and rural electrification
programs, due to the several advantages offered by these plants.
The advantage of their operation in hilly and remote areas and the elimination of long
transmission system, and lesser gestation periods have lent added attraction. It has little or no
adverse environmental impact; effects on stream ecology are minor.
China has concentrated on small hydro, has over 1-lakh sites developed and is now
exporting low cost units. These mini hydro schemes, which are spreaded all over the country, are
supplying about 10% of China's total installed capacity, which is in the vicinity of 7,000 MW.
Other countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines are actively pursuing small and
micro-hydro, developing sites using a minimum of elaborate equipment.
In India, the potential of small hydropower is estimated to be 5,000 MW at present, while
further investigations and surveys are expected to indicate a higher potential. Small hydropower
is covered in the renewable energy programme. The alternate hydro-energy centre at Roorkee
works on the development of solar hydropower systems as well as Hybrid hydro systems. If
small hydropower stations are set up all over the country, decentralized availability of power will
be become possible.
Sites for low-head installations can be found everywhere in the mountain region, plains
or even at the sea level. They may range from micro sets (less than a megawatt) to the largest
axial flow turbines (upto 50 MW). Also, low head hydropower sites can be close to power
consumption areas)- which is an advantage. In waterlogged areas like the Sundarbans in Bengal
or remote hilly areas such as Ladakh, low head installations are often the only source of energy.
It is in this context that the Bulb- Turbine, the youngest member in the family of hydro-
turbines came into picture. Bulb turbine including its generator is enclosed in a shell known as
bulb, which can be conveniently installed horizontally in a low head stream. It has more or less a
straight-flow-path. It can work under a head from as low as half a metre to a head of 95 meters. I
t can generate power from as low as 5 kW to as high as 50 MW. Bulb turbines can easily be
standardized in the step of 100 kW in the micro-range, in the step of 1 MW in the mini range and
in the step of 5 MW in the range of small turbines.
The small hydro power potential which remains largely untapped so far because of an
impression that:
1. Small hydroelectric projects entail higher capital costs on per kW installation basis.
2. Higher managerial and administrative costs.
3. Relatively low utilization.
4. Unstable operation of isolated systems due to low inertia.
5. Certain problems caused by the disbursed nature of projects in site identil1Cation,
preparation of reports, proper construction planning and management and operation etc.
Yet one cannot deny a place for small hydel in the larger energy framework primarily
1. Small or mini hydropower (SHP) is a non-consumptive generator of electrical energy
utilizing a renewable resource which is made continually available through the
hydrologic cycle of environment.
2. Small hydro power (SHP) is essentially non-polluting and release no heat. Adverse
environmental impacts are negligible and for small installation may be totally
3. With the development of compact efficient machines the investment per kW installed
is not very high. SHP projects do not require large capital investment.
4. Compared to other conventional energy generation schemes, these projects have low
gestation period ranging from 8 to 24 months.
5. Operating costs are low and the equipment does not need trained and skilled personnel.
With the introduction of microprocessor the SHP station may run virtually unattended.
Further freedom from fuel dependence together with long life of SHP plant make
installation resistant to inflation.
6. SHP is ideal decentralized energy generation source. It can supply energy to rural
feeders thereby cutting distribution losses to a large extent.
7. SHP can be synchronized with grid and has been demonstrated in national
demonstration projects in H.P., Haryana and Tamilnadu. SHP synchronizations with
utility grid improves voltage profile.
8. With the interconnection and synchronizations with grid, plant utilization factor
becomes very high. Thus SHP becomes economically attractive.
9. Due to their small size and local availability of utility grid, SHP stations generally use
induction generators. Thus induction generators are not only inexpensive but also the
problem of synchronization and interconnection is also vastly simplified.
10. SHP can be a catalyst in remote areas using relative simple technology in mobilizing
productive resources and cutting enhanced economic opportunities for local
11. Most of these schemes, in India, can be constructed on existing canals and irrigation
system thereby necessitating minor modification and result in minimal disturbances
to surrounding environment.
12. SHP can be developed to augment hydropower capacity at existing irrigation dams
and powerhouses. The possibility of retrofits and additional turbines and generators
makes the upgrading of present installations attractive. The determinants in the
economic feasibility of alternative proposals of power generation may not
necessarily depend upon the variables of the highest gain, from any individual
scheme, but variables on the basis of the impact on economy of the system as a
From the considerations of higher efficiency and lower cost per kW capacity, a larger set
may be individually more economical but this individual economic gain might be out weighted
by the adverse economy as a consequence of:
(a) Low operation efficiency due to partial loading.
(b) Sudden loss of unit.
(c) Longer gestation period due to sizeable difference between the generation capacity of
the unit and the increment rate of load developed in the region served by the plant.
(d) Transport difficulties in hilly areas.
(e) Transmission losses.
(f) Transmission Costs.
(g) High cost of fossil fuels when compared to thermal power.
In coming years the small hydel (mini, micro and small) shall be more feasible and
economical than other sources like thermal power because cost of fossil fuels.
7.2 What is Small Hydel Development ?
There is no formal definition of a small hydro plant but this may generally be taken as
power station/plant having output upto 5000 kW.
Some associate the concept of small hydro with low head say upto 15 m. This may not
generally be true as there is no restriction on head for small hydro development. Stations upto
output of 1000 kW is called micro and upto 5000 k was mini hydroplant. Concepts of small
hydro are naturally relative and vary from country to country depending on the size of its
existing development. In U.S.A even 15000 kW js considered small hydro development while in
France and some other countries it js upto 3000 kW. The hydro-electric installations having
plants of higher unit rating can generally he made by utilising conventional technology of hydro
equipment and tailor made designs both for equipment and civil works for power stations. It may
be mentioned that source of energy from sea waves, coastal tides and ocean water itself, attempts
in development of which also are gaining momentum, are not included in small hydro
development. These are distinct types of development requiring all together different type of
technology. Conceptually small hydro development can be categorised in two types-one utilizing
small discharges but having high head and the second utilising large discharges under
comparatively very small head. These are also distinguished by the nature of the generating plant
required in these two types. For high head discharges being small, the physical size of the plant
required is small For the second type, as the discharges handled are high, the physical size of the
generating unit and the power station consequently is quite big compared to the general notions
of the rating. Also for the latter type proper arrangement for entry of water and its discharge
required to be made.
7.3 Nature of Small Hydro Development
Equipment technology is available to utilize discharge as small as 200 litres/sec. (0.2 cu-
metre), head ranging from even 1 metre and producing an output of 1 kW with reasonable cost.
Development of potential, relatively small is of course dependent on the pressing need and the
Relatively very simple features of works characterize the small hydro development of the
first type, which is confined mainly to hilly areas. The civil work involved comprise a small
structure to divert the flow of the bill stream/river, small water conductor system such as a
channel, flume or buried conduits, power house building and a small length of transmission line.
There is no need for substantial storage and generally run of river is utilized. The power
generally consumed in the local area-eliminating requirement of long transmission lines. The
grid line would normally be far away and hence the need of local development.
Features of development of the second type, which normally belongs to the plains, are
somewhat different. The head available is rather low and discharges have to be comparatively
large to be economically viable. The development thus can take place on small river irrigation
outlet, canal falls etc. The difference usually comes in because of regulating arrangement for
inlet and discharging of water and the type of the generating equipment that may be bulb or tube
type requiring larger size of powerhouse. The grid transmission line would generally be available
nearby and the power station also be connected to it.
7.4 Classifications of Small hydro Power Stations
AS per central Electricity Authority and Bureau of Indian standards, the SHP stations are
classified as follows:
1. Depending on Capacity.
Size unit size Installation
Micro upto 100 kW 100 kW
Mini 101 to 1000 kW 2,000 kW
Small 1001 to 6000 kW 15,000 kW
2. Depending on Head.
Ultra low head Below 3 metres
Low head less than 30 metres
Medium head between 30 to 75 metres
High head Above 75 metres.
The above mentioned definitions vary from country to country.
On the basis of heads available small hydel schemes (mini, micro and small) may be
further categories as (i) Independent scheme (ii) Sub ordinate scheme.
Independent Scheme. Independent schemes are those schemes where a stream flow is captured,
regulated and developed for the principle objective of power generation only, in these schemes
high head scheme and medium head schemes are considered but medium head schemes are
successful. The low head schemes are not found economical for using as independent generation.
These schemes are successful in Himalayan territories states like, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and
Kashmir, Nagaland and Manipur etc.
Sub ordinate Scheme. The subordinate schemes are those where the principle objective is other
than power generation. The region in which there is extensive network of irrigation canals and
water is stored in the form of reservoir are used for subordinate scheme where primary aim is
irrigation or drinking water and secondary aim is power generation. The feasible sites for
subordinates schemes are indogagetic plains (canals) and Peninsular India (reservoirs).
7.5 Components of a Hydroelectric Scheme
The basic and common components of hydroelectric schemes & are given below: (refer Fig. 7.5)
(a) Diversion and intake
(b) Desi1ting chamber
(c) Water conductor system
(d) Forebay/balancing reservoir
(d) Surge tank (if necessary)
(f) Penstock
(g) Power house-Turbine, Generator, Protection and control equipment, Dewatering,
Drainage system, Auxiliary, Power system, Grounding, Emergency and stand by
Power system, Lighting and Ventilation.
(h) Tail race channel.
Dam, Barrages, solid boulder structure and trench type weir are usually employed to
divert, the required flow from the river bed/streams to the intake structure (Fig.7.5).
For small hydro stations usually solid boulder structure and trench type weirs are
employed. Trench type is suitable where rock is not available in the riverbed. Boulder type could
be preferred if boulders are available in the river and rock is encountered in the riverbed within
one meter depth. If solid boulder structure type weir is provided in non-rocky foundations,
maintenance and repair of damages due to scour may create problems. The diversion weir should
be capable of diverting all the lean season flows and the structure should be reasonably safe
during monsoon floods. In hill streams, diversion structures face recurring problems due to
choking of intake. Further underground structures are vulnerable to damage from heavy boulders
and bed loads. Trench type weirs are preferred from this consideration.
Desilting Chamber is necessary where the water contains large quantities of course silt to
minimize erosion damage to the turbine runner etc. The extent of desilting requirements would
depend on the quantum and type of silt carried by the steam and the runner material. Abrasion
effect becomes more pronounced with increasing head. The desilting chamber may be designed
to exclude the particles coarser than the sizes mentioned in table for various heads of water to
achieve a power draft free of abrasion effects.
Head Size of the Silt particles
To be removed
Medium head 0.2 to 0.5 mm
High head 0.1 to 0.2 mm.
Water Conductor system should be designed to ensure least loss of head and loss of water
due to seepage. Further flow velocity should be adequate enough to prevent reduction of
discharging capacity due to settling of silt. The canal can be lined with tiles. For small power
station, it may be economical to adopt-lining with low-density polyethylene (LDPE), film with
single tile cover especially where it traverses porous strata.
If the forebay is to be used as balancing reservoirs storage for about 4-6 hours could be
provided if justifiable on economic reasons. If the forebay is just used as a transit point, storage
of about 2 minutes may be adequate creation of pondage is preferred in cutting from economic
Fig. 7.5. Typical arrangement of small Hydro Power Station
When the length of the water conductor conduit is more than 5 times the head on the
machines, surge tank is necessary. In case of mini/micro hydel schemes, where impulse turbines
are used, the pressure surges can be avoided with deflection of jet. This would eliminate the need
of surge tank though this would involve some wastage of water, in reaction-type turbine, water
wasting relief valves or air vessel can be provided to avoid governor instability and hunting due
to oscillations in the water column.
Penstocks can be made of steel pipes (ERW or Spiral Welded MS pipe), Hume pipes and
PVC pipes depending on the design pressure, Commonly a bell mouth entry is provided to
reduce the head losses and to ensure a smooth entry of water from the forebay tank into the
penstock. Intakes are provided with trash racks to prevent entry of trash, debris and ice (in clod
climate). Flow velocity through trash rack is kept at 0.6 to 0.9 metres per sec., so that head losses
are not significant. Clogging to an extent of 30 percent of the trash rack area may be considered
in the design without materially decreasing the head on the turbine. Trash rack for small intakes
should be slopped to facilitate cleaning of the debris. The bar spacing should be close enough to
restrict the passage of any object that should not pass through the turbine.
Tailrace is a simple water channel or a cut and cover conduit with a maximum water
velocity of 1 meter/second transporting the water from the turbine outlet (draft tube) to the river.
7.6 Civil works design considerations for Mini and Micro Hydel Projects
A large potential of energy remains untapped in India in hilly 3treams and canal falls in
the range of mini and micro hydro. The rough estimates show that the total potential in small
hydro is of the order of 5000-6000 MW. At present only about 3 to 4% of this potential has been
utilized. The construction for generation of about 200 MW is in progress in different parts of the
country. This clearly shows that the country has embarked upon the programme of development
of small hydro on a very large scale. But the main deterrents in taking up small hydro is their
larger per kW costs as compared to the conventional large hydro which is also available in
abundance. The immediate step required to be taken for making mini/micro hydro economically
viable is to make efforts to reduce the cost of equipment and civil works.
Civil works form a major part of the total cost of the project. Therefore, the reduction in
cost of civil works will playa major role in reducing the overall cost of the project. The main
components of civil works are Diversion structure, water conductor system, Desilting tank,
Forebay, spillway, Penstock, Power house, tailrace channel and protection works. Some of these
are discussed as follows:
Diversion Structure
The diversion structure provided should be simple in construction as well as economical.
It should involve minimum maintenance. Depending upon the type of riverbed the diversion
structure may be of two types viz., Boulder weir and Trench type weir. Boulder weir is quite
cheap and is suitable where rock is encountered just below the riverbed. Where the streams carry
big boulders during flood season, it may destroy the boulder type weir constructed across the
river. Providing trench type weir can solve this problem. The trench type weir consists of a
trapezoidal trough located below the bed of the river with top kept at the bed level of the river.
The intake is located at the end of the trench weir.
It is usually constructed in Reinforced concrete or masonry. A gate is also provided with
the intake to release the water to the desired extent. The horizontal trash rack is provided at the
bed level with slope in the down stream direction so that the water is tapped and boulders may
roll down. The spacing between bars of trash racks should be so selected that it is adequate to
draw the entire flow during lean period even if half of the effective area is clogged. The length of
the trench weir, which is equal to the waterway, should be adequate to pass the designed flood.
The longitudinal-slope provided in the trench weir should be adequate to develop such velocity
of water that the bed load entering the trench is flushed.
Water conductor System
Water conductor system is a very important component of the hydropower scheme. The
type of water conductor system depends on the site conditions and the materials available. The
design of the water conductor system should ensure minimum head loss, adequate velocity of
flow so that silt does not settle down. The materials of construction should be such that the loss
due to seepage is also minimized. The most commonly used channel section is trapezoidal. To
ensure minimum seepage, the lining of channel can be done with LDPE film. In steep hill slope,
RCC Hume pipes are most suitable as they can be burried in a cut and cover trench.
Desilting Tank
Desilting tank is provided usually in the initial reaches of water conductor to trap the
suspended silt load and pebbles etc., so as to minimize the erosion damages to the turbine runner.
The size of the silt particles to be trapped for medium head power stations is from 0.2 to 0.5 mm
and for high head it is from 0.1 to 0.2 mm. The depth of tank may be kept between 1.5 to 4 m.
The horizontal flow velocity should not exceed 0.4 to 0.6 m/s.
Forebay is usually constructed in Reinforced concrete of stone masonry. It is provided so
that a minimum head over the penstock is always there. Storage capacity of forebay is usually
kept 2 minutes. In case where load fluctuation is much, balancing reservoirs may be provided to
take care of peak demand.
Water is fed to the machines through penstocks. Design of penstocks involves two
aspects viz, hydraulic design and structural design. The hydraulic design consists of determining
diameter of penstock. The diameter of penstock should also involve economic considerations. In
structural design, thickness of penstock is determined. Generally the penstock is fabricated of
mild steel. However PVC and RC Hume pipes may also be used to reduce the cost.
In the case of load rejection, the water level may rise and flood the area. Therefore, a
spillway is provided keeping its crest at the permissible water level so that water level may not
rise above the maximum permissible level. Spillway can be provided in the form of channel or
Power House Building
Powerhouse building accommodates turbine, generator, control panels, auxiliary
equipment etc. It must be a simple structure constructed either in RCC or stone masonry. The
plane size of powerhouse building depends upon the size and number of machines and centre-to-
centre distance between them. This spacing should be kept minimum permissible so that size is
reduced. The height of building is kept about 3-5 m. Where ever possible crane should be
replaced by pulley block to make the scheme more economical. In cases where crane is provided,
RCC columns may be provided to support it otherwise ordinary masonry may be used for the
construction of walls. The roof may be provided on tubular trusses to reduce the cost.
Tail Race Channel
Water after flow through machine is fed to the stream downstream of power house. It
may be trapezoidal or rectangular channel constructed in stone masonry or brick masonry
depending upon the material available locally.
Materials for Construction
Efforts should be made to use the locally available material. The material generally used
are Reinforced concrete, structural steel, stone masonry Brick masonry etc. Research is going on
for the development of new materials e.g. Ferro cement and steel Fiber Reinforced concrete.
These are discussed briefly as follows:
Ferro Cement. Ferro cement a composite material, usually brittle, is reinforced with
fibers dispersed throughout the composite. In Ferro cement structures, the reinforcement consists
of small diameter wire mesh in which the proportion and distribution of the reinforcement are
made uniform by spreading out the wire meshes throughout the thickness of element. This
dispersion of the fibers in the brittle matrix offer not only convenience and practical means of
achieving improvement in many of the engineering properties of the materials such as fracture,
tensile and flexural strength, toughness, fatigue resistance and impact resistance but also
provides advantages in terms of fabrication of products and components.
The use of Ferro cement may be made in gates, penstocks slabs etc.
Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is a new concrete for which gradients are
hydraulic cement, fine and coarse aggregate and discontinuous discrete steel fibers. In recent
years, it has been recognized that the additions of small closely spaced and uniformly dispersed
discrete steel fibers in concrete would substantially improve its static and dynamic properties.
The SFRC has better characteristics as compared to ordinary concrete as regards compressive
strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, shear strength, fatigue strength and impact resistance.
SFRC may be used for Forebay, gates and penstocks.
7.7 Turbines and Generators for Small Scale Hydro Electric
(1) Bulb or Tubular Turbine. This is rather a recent development in which complete
turbine and the generator is enclosed inside the conduit which carries water from headrace to
tail race. This enclosure is a water tight housing (or bulb), which is supported centrally within a
horizontal water channels. The turbine is essentially of Kaplan type or a propeller type. The
generator may be directly coupled to the turbine shaft or driven through a set of gears for
increasing the speed to reduce
Fig. 7.7. Bulb Turbine.
the generator size. The generator is usually on the upstream side of the turbine nowadays.
The turbine, located at the downstream end, is connected to the generator, by way of a sealed
shaft. Water flows in the axial direction around the bulb and through guide vanes and wicket
gates to the turbine runner with propeller type blades. (Fig. 7.7).
This development is most suitable for utilization of comparatively low heads, the range
being from 3 to 18 m. The output rating of the bulb type design is available right from 200 MW
to 40 MW, though the bigger one may not come under small hydroelectric development.
Arrangement of the bulb unit (See figure) indicates that this is rather complicated. But the
design has been almost perfected and there are a large number of units of various sizes in
operation all over the world. The efficiencies of the generating set of this type are very high
compared to the size and are comparable with those of conventional units as hydraulic losses are
kept minimum; The units are available as package units which facilitates erection and
(2) Tube Turbine. Modification of the Kaplan-type turbine have been developed for
water-heads below some 15 m (50 ft). In one such type, called the tube turbine, the turbine was a
horizontal (or almost horizontal) shaft is located in a tubular channel; the water flows in an axial
direction through the channel with the runner. The water is directed between the propeller blades
by fixed guide varies, and the flow is controlled by wicket (or similar) gates.
If the shaft is horizontal the channel slopes downward beyond the turbine so that the
attached generator is above the water level in the tailrace. (Fig.7.7.1). Alternatively, the turbine
shaft may be sloped upward to achieve the same objective. An advantage claimed for the tube
turbine is that the water does not change direction and hence lose energy before it enters the
This type of turbine is a variant of bulb turbine. In this type of management, only the
turbine is housed inside the conduit and the
Fig. 7.7.1. Tube Turbine.
generator is mounted outside in a pit by bringing the turbine shaft out of the turbine
casing. This type is also known as "pit type". The arrangement can be either with horizontal shaft
or inclined shaft as explained above. The arrangement is having the advantage of easy
accessibility of the generator.
(3) Straflo Turbine. This is another design rather marvelous, the turbine of which is
similar to that in bulb type. In this arrangement there is no separate rotor provided for the
generator as the poles are mounted on the periphery of the turbine runner. There is an elaborate
specialized arrangement of seals for preventing water getting into poles. As the name suggests
the shaft is horizontal in this design and the water flows is always axial. Such a design requires
smaller size of the powerhouse. Another advantage in this type is a large range of output and
head that can be utilized.
Conventionally hydroelectric A.C. Synchronous generators are used. The generator
(rotor) should withstand turbine runaway speed i.e. speed attained on sudden load through off.
Brush less excitation system generators are used in small hydro power stations which reduces
maintenance costs and time. Induction generators need excitation source and as such can only
operate when connected to an existing electrical system.
Speed Regulation:
The speed regulation of turbine is an important and complicated problem. The magnitude
of the problem varies with size, type of machines, type of electrical load and whether or not the
plant is tied into an electrical grid. It should also be kept in mind that runaway or no load speed
can be higher than the design speed by factors as high as 2.5. This is an important design
consideration for ally rotating parts, including the generator. The cost of standard speed governor
is disproportionately high in the smaller sizes. Regulation of speed is normall y accomplished
through flow control. Adequate control requires sufficient rotational inertia of the rotating parts.
The precision of governing necessary will depend on whether the electrical generator is
synchronous or induction type. There are advantages to the induction type of generator. It is less
complex and therefore, less expensive. Its frequency is controlled by the frequency of the grid it
is feeding into, thereby eliminating the need of an expensive conventional governor. It can not
operate independently but can only feed into a network and does so with lagging power factor
which may or may not be disadvantage, depending on the nature of the load. Long transmission
lines, for example, have a high capacitance and in this case the lagging power factor may be an
7.8 Protection, Control and Management of Equipments :
Small hydro power plant controls are required for unit start, unit shut down, unit
synchronizing and unit loading and control (speed and voltage), unit electrical and mechanical
protection and emergency shutdown, hydraulic control.
A major cost in small hydros is operation and management manpower. These costs can
be prohibitive in micro hydel. Low cost automation is therefore, of importance if mini and micro
hydel is to survive unit starting and synchronizing can be manual. But emergency shut down
must be fool proof to avoid damage. It is considered that even if manpower is provided for
management, the level of expertise will be of low level. Accordingly, dependable and sample
control/remote control of unit is required. Microprocessors are being used.
Control of induction generator grid connected units is easy synchronization, speed and
voltage control are automatically taken care of Generator are less in cost. Automation costs are
very low. Large-scale installation of these units on our existing irrigation works like canals etc.,
can be highly economical.
In isolated areas local grids can be formed and smaller units can be induction generator
type and can be controlled from a manned control mini hydro station where synchronous
generator are installed.
7.9 Advantages and Limitations of Small Scale Hydroelectric
Advantages. (i) Smaller hydro projects takes the shortest time for developing a unit, and
(ii) Once it is built the running expenditure is almost negligible.
(iii) The operation and maintenance of such power station is the simplest.
(iv) These energy sources are free from hazards of pollution.
(v) Unlike the big hydro developments, these have no environmental problems, no
submergence of land; no loss of agricultural land, no dislocation of habitation, no inter-state
problems and ecology of the region remain unaffected.
(vi) The construction of the various elements of the works, which are always simple, can
generate employment for local people. The small hydro projects can will be operated and
maintained by the local people. This factor alone can be the greatest incentive for the
development, which has been exploited most beneficially by China. In China, small communes
have been encouraged to construct, own, operate and maintain such power stations.
Limitations. There are numerous reasons for comparatively smaller rate of development
of small hydroelectric projects. Most of the factors responsible for this state of affairs have been
quite formidable. These are not intended to be elaborated here. The main reasons are:
(i) Prohibitive economics compared to that of conventional hydropower, which is still
abundantly available in the country.
(ii) Non-availability of indigenous equipment for generating plant (except for a particular
type in a restricted range) and the import procedures are time consuming.
(iii) Remoteness of sites especially, in the hilly areas and adverse geological conditions in
Himalayan region.
(iv) General lack of a awareness of benefits from small development.
With concentrated efforts it would be possible to improve the conditions and create
proper climate for development. The present sources of small energy development, which is
mainly diesel, would become too scarce a commodity to be used for power generation in very
near future.
7.10 Hybrid Systems
Small hydro can be extensively developed to exploit the available resources to meet rural
energy requirements. Further electrical energy being the highest form of energy can be used to
upgrade other systems. These hybrid Systems may be used to harness/exploit and upgrade other
available renewable resources, which are presently unutilised/underutilised in rural areas. In
addition to developing various hybrid systems, biomass gasification based cogeneration systems
are proposed for peak load demands when microhydel systems are operated in decentralized
manner. The required biomass will be obtained from high yielding and high-density plantation.
In decentralized system, the power from micro-hydel system is preferably fed to the
cluster of villages for meeting their requirements of power for domestic and street lighting,
irrigation and rural industries. Depending upon the availability of power, hybrid systems in
consultation with District Industries Officer could also be put by private entrepreneurs. The peak
demand exceeding the micro-hydel capacity will be met by biomass gasification based co-
generation system.
A major cause of low benefit-cost ratio (reported to be 1.68) of isolated small hydro
plants is due to poor utilization of power (low head factor). This can be overcome by using
surplus off-peak high-grade energy in hybrid systems.
The peak load carries a special significance in utility generation industry. Higher the peak
load, greater will be capacity of power generation. If the total load of the system is taken by a
single power plant. This induces higher initial investment, low efficiency of generation and
higher generating costs. To overcome above problems, the micro-hydel system is proposed to
operate as base load plant and biomass gasification based electrical generation system as peak
load plant. The first combined system (300 kW micro-hydel and 200 kW biomass gasification
based co-generation) is coming up at Kakroi (Haryana). The production cost per unit of
electricity in micro-hydel system having annual plant factor of 0.40 comes to Rs. 1.25 and
integration with biomass gasification system this reduces to Rs. 0.66. The integrated system also
meets the entire energy requirement. However this requires prior information regarding the load
curve before selecting the capacities of micro-hydel and gasifier systems.
7.11 Conclusion
It has been concluded a campaign should be made to give proper publicity for finding out
the maximum mini, micro and small hydroelectric generation sites on the following grounds:
(i) That mini, micro and small hydroelectric power is a new source of renewable
(ii) That mini, micro and small hydroelectric is an alternative way of developing
hydro electric resources of a country i.e., it can develop the same potential as
would be available for normal schemes.
(iii) That mini, micro and small hydro potential is more economical,
(iv) That it saves fossil fuels,
(v) That it reduces the transmission losses,
(vi) That it is suitable for isolated loads,
(vii) That it is easy to operate,
(viii) That it has low gestation period,
(ix) That its equipments can be standardized easily.
FUEL CELLS Power Plants
8.1 Introduction
A cell (or combination of cells) capable of generating an electric current by converting
the chemical energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy. The fuel cell is similar to other
electric cells in the respect that it consists of positive and negative electrodes with an electrolyte
between them. Fuel in a suitable form is supplied to the negative electrode and oxygen, often
from air, to the positive electrode when the cell operates, the fuel is oxidized and the chemical
reaction provides the energy that is converted into electricity. Fuel cells differ from conventional
electric cells in the respect that the active material (i.e. fuel and oxygen) are not contained within
the cell but are supplied from outside.
But for its costs, pure (or fairly pure) hydrogen gas would be preferred fuel for fuel cells.
Alternatively impure hydrogen obtained from hydrocarbon fuels, such as natural gas or substitute
natural gas (methane), liquefied petroleum gas (propane and butane) or liquid petroleum
products, can be used in fuel cells. Efforts are being made to develop cells that can use carbon
monoxide as the fuel; if they are successful, it should be possible to utilize coal as the primary
energy source. Main uses of fuel cells are in power production, automobile vehicles and in
special military use.
8.2 Design and principle of operation of a fuel cell
(with special reference to H
, O
As stated these are electro-chemical devices in which the chemical energy of fuel is
converted directly into electric energy. The chemical energy is the free energy of the reactants
used. This conversion takes place at constant temperature and pressure. The basic feature of the
fuel cell is that the fuel and its oxidant are combined in the form of ions rather than neutral
Francis T demonstrated the first practical fuel cells.
Bacin and J.C. Frost of Cambridge University in 1959. As per the fuel used the main
types of fuel cells are:
(i) Hydrogen (H
) fuel cell,
(ii) Hydrazine (N
) fuel cell,
(iii) Hydrocarbon fuel cell, and
(iv) Alcohol (Methanol) fuel cell.
The operation of the fuel cell can best be described with reference to a specific device.
Fuel cell can be adapted to a variety of fuels by changing the catalyst. Here Hydrogen, Oxygen
(Hydrox) cell is described for example. These types are the most efficient and the most highly
The main components of a fuel cell are:
(i) A fuel electrode (anode),
(ii) An oxidant or air electrode (cathode), and
(iii) An electrolyte.
In most fuel cells, hydrogen (pure or impure) is the active material at the negative
electrode and oxygen (from the oxygen or air) is active at the positive electrode. Since hydrogen
and oxygen are gases, a fuel cell requires a solid electrical conductor to serve as a current
collector and to provide a terminal at each electrode. The solid electrode material is generally
Fig. 8.2. A hydrox (H
, O
Porous nickel electrodes and porous carbon electrodes are generally used in fuel cells for
commercial applications. Platinum and other precious metals are being used in certain fuel cells,
which have potential utility in military and space applications. The porous electrode has a larger
number of sites, where the gas, electrolyte and electrode are in contact; the electro chemical
reactions occur at these sites. The reactions are normally very slow, and catalyst is included in
the electrode to expedite them. The best electro chemical catalysts are finely divided platinum or
platinum-like metal deposited on or incorporated with the porous electrode material. Since the
platinum metals are expensive, other catalysts, such as nickel (for hydrogen) and silver (for
oxygen), are used where possible. The very small catalyst particles provide a large number of
active sites at which the electro-chemical reactions can take place at a fairly rapid rate.
Although practical fuel cells differ in design details, the essential principles are the same,
as indicated by the schematic illustration in Fig. (8.2). Hydrogen gas is supplied to one electrode
and oxygen gas (or air) to the other. Between the electrodes is a layer of electrolyte.
Most existing fuel cells operate at temperature below about 200C; the electrolyte is then
usually and aqueous solution of an alkali or acid. The liquid electrolyte is generally retained in a
porous membrane; but it may be free flowing in some cells. Different electric current is drawn
from the cell in the usual manner by connecting a load between the electrode terminals.
The electro chemical reactions occurring at the electrodes of a hydrogen-oxygen cell may
vary with the nature of the electrolyte, but basically they are as follows. At the negative
electrode, hydrogen gas (Hz) is converted into hydrogen ions (H+) i.e. hydrogen with a positive
electric change, plus an equivalent number of electrons (i.e. e); thus
+2. (1)
At this electrode, hydrogen is diffused through the permeable nickel in which is
embedded a catalyst. The catalyst enables the hydrogen molecules, H2 to be absorbed, on the
electrode surface as hydrogen atoms, which react with the hydroxyl ions (OH-) in the electrolyte
to form water.
When the cell is operating and producing current, the electrons flow through the external
load to the positive electrode; here they interact with oxygen (02) and water (H2O) from the
electrolyte to form negatively charged hydroxyl (OH-) ions; thus
O+2e20H. (2)
The hydrogen and hydroxyl ions then combine in the electrolyte to produce water
+ OH H
O. (3)
The electrolyte is typically 40% KOH solution because of its high electrical conductivity
and it is less corrosive than acids.
The above equations show that hydroxyl ions produced at one electrode are involved in
the reaction at the other. Also electrons are absorbed from the oxygen electrode and released to
the hydrogen electrode. Addition of the three forgoing reactions shows that when the cell is
operating, the overall process is the chemical combination of hydrogen and oxygen (gases) to
form water that is
O. (4)
The oxygen and hydrogen are converted to water, which is the waste product of the cell.
The reactants are stored outside the cell (note difference from storage battery), and the electrodes
and electrolyte are not consumed in the overall process. These properties 1 load to the design of
convenient small size and long life power units.
If the electrodes are on open circuit (Fig.8.2.1), the hydrogen electrode accumulates a
surface layer of negative charges. These attract potassium ions, K
, of the electrolyte, providing
an electrical double
Fig. 8.2.1 Electrodes on open circuit.
layer. Similarly, the loss of electrons from the oxygen electrode results in a layer of positive
charges, which in turn attracts hydroxyl ions, OH-, from the electrolyte. These electrical double
layer at the electrodes build up until the potentials are such that they inhibit only other further
reactions between the electrolyte and the fuel gases. This situation is illustrated in the figure
showing that an open circuit voltage is developed between the electrodes. The magnitude of this
emf is 1.23 volt at 1 atm and 25C.
If the circuit is closed (Fig.8.2.2), the electrons can now leave the electrodes pass through
the connecting circuit to the oxygen
Fig. 8.2.2 Electrodes on closed circuit.
electrodes, and take part in the reaction of equation ( 2 ) above. This movement of electrons
constitutes a current passing through an external load. In this way useful electrical work is
obtained directly from the chemical process. Note that the electrons flow is from the hydrogen to
the oxygen electrode.
8.3 Hydrogen fuel cells (Hydrox) are of two types:
1. Low temperature cell. The electrolyte temperature is 90C. It is sometimes
pressurized, but not by a great amount, usually say upto 4 atmospheres.
2. High pressure cell. Pressure is upto about 45 atmospheres and temperatures upto
300C say. A single "Hydrox" fuel cell can produce an e.m.f. of 1.23 volts at 1 atm
and 25C. By connecting a number of cells, it is possible to create useful potential
of 100 to 1000 volts and power levels of 1 kW to 100 MW nearly. The current
depends upon the physical size of the cell. The output of the fuel cell varies directly
with the pressure; so as to increase the cell output the gas pressure is raised. The
optimum size of the cell at present is about 0.27 cu. m. per kW.
The gases in the hydrogen oxygen cell must be free from carbon dioxide, because this gas
can combine with the potassium hydroxide electrolyte to form potassium carbonate. If this
occurs, the electrical resistance of the cell is increased and its output voltage is decreased.
Consequently, when air is used to supply the required oxygen, carbon dioxide must first be
removed by scrubbing with an alkaline medium (i.e. lime).
Fuel cells are particularly suited for low voltage and high current applications.
Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells have been proposed for propulsion of electric vehicles, with
the hydrogen provided by a metal hydride. However this use is limited by the heavy weight of
the hydride and the cost of the relatively pure hydrogen required. It appears that for the present,
at least the use of hydrogen oxygen cells will be restricted mainly to manned space vehicles.
Such cells with porous nickel electrodes and potassium hydroxide electrolyte have been used to
provide electric power for the Apollo and shuttle spacecraft. The hydrogen and oxygen for
operating the cell are stored in liquid form to minimize the volume occupied.
8.4 Classification of Fuel Cells
Before describing the different types of fuel cells, it is necessary to have some method of
classification of various types of fuel cells, which are either in existence or are being invented.
Several methods of classification of fuel cells have appeared in the literature. One of the
difficulties in arriving at a systematic classification is that several operational variables exist.
For example, fuel cells may be classified according to the temperature range in which
they operate,
Low temperature 25-100C
Medium temperature 100-500C
High temperature 500-1000C
and very high temperature above-1000C
Another method would be according to the type of electrolyte, e.g., aqueous, non-
aqueous, molten or solid. One could also classify the fuel cells according to the physical state of
the fuel:
Gas-hydrogen, lower hydrocarbons
Liquid-alcohols, hydrazine, higher hydrocarbons
Solid-Metals etc.
In the present discussion, a broad division is first made according to weather the fuel cell
system is a primary or secondary one. A primary fuel cell may be defined as one in which the
reactants are passed through the cell only once, the products of the reaction being discarded e.g.,
Hz--2 fuel cell. A secondary fuel cell is one in which the reactants are passed through the cell
many times because they are regenerated from the products by thermal, electrical, photochemical
methods, e.g. Nitric oxide-chlorine fuel cells.
8.5 Types of Fuel Cells
Following fuels are mostly used in fuel cells:
(1) Hydrogen, (2) Fossil fuel, (3) Hydrocarbon fuel, (4) Alcohol fuel, (5) Hydrazine fuel.
There are discussed in the following sections.
(1) Hydrogen, oxygen (H
, O
) cell of primary systems is already described using 40%
KOH -solution as electrolyte. Here now Ion exchange membrane cell will be described which
uses membrane electrolyte.
Ion Exchange Membrane cell. The basic design of the cell, which consists of a solid
electrolyte Ion-exchange membrane, electro catalysts and gas feed tubes is represented in Fig.
(8.5). The distinctive
Fig. 8.5 Ion Exchange Membrane cell.
feature of this cell is that it uses a solid electrolyte in the form of an ion-exchange membrane.
The membrane is non-permeable to the reactant gases, hydrogen and oxygen, which thus
prevents them from coming into contact. The membrane is however, permeable to hydrogen
ions, which are the current carriers in the electrolyte.
The desired properties of an ideal ion-exchange membrane electrolyte are :
(i) High ionic conductivity.
(ii) Zero electronic conductivity.
(iii) Low permeability of fuel and oxidant.
(iv) Low degree of electro-osmosis.
(v) High resistance to dehydration.
(vi) High resistance to its oxidation or hydrolysis and,
(vii) Mechanical stability.
A considerable amount of research has been carried out in a search for the ideal
membrane. Inter polymers of polyflurocarbon and polystyrene sulfonic acids have been found to
be quite satisfactory. In order that electrolyte resistance is as low as possible, a thin sheet of this
material (0.076 cm. thickness) is used as the electrolyte. The use of even thinner electrolyte
sheets is prevented by problems of gas permeability, mechanical stability etc. An advantageous
feature of this electrolyte is that it retains only a limited quantity of water and rejects excess
water produced in the fuel cell.
The two electrodes, which consist of the electro catalyst and a plastic material for
waterproofing the electrode, are in the form of fine metallic wire screens. They are bonded on
either side of the electrolyte layer. The wire screen material is titanium or platinum. Metallic
current collectors are ribbed onto each electrode. The hydrogen compartment of the cell is
enclosed; the hydrogen gas enters this compartment through a small inlet and circulates
throughout the ribbed current collectors and distributes itself evenly over the electrode. On the
opposite side oxygen or air enters the compartment, coolant tubes run through the ribs of the
current collectors. On the oxygen side, the current collectors also hold wicks, which absorb
water, the product of fuel-cell reaction and carry it over by capillary action. The water leaves the
cell through an exit from the oxygen compartment. Oxygen is prevented from leaving its
compartment by the inclusion of a differential pressure water-separation system.
The ion-exchange membrane electrolyte is acidic and the current carriers in solution are
hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions are produced by the reaction at anode according to,
These ions are then transported to the cathode through the electrolyte and the electrons
reach the cathode via the external circuit. At the cathode, oxygen is reduced producing water as
represented by:
+ 4H
+ 4e2H
This overall cell reaction is,
+ O
This cell operates at about 40-60C. The thermodynamic reversible potential for the
reaction is 1.23 volts at 25C.
(2) Fossil Fuels Cells. The most interesting fuel cells for the near future are modified
hydrogen-oxygen (or air) cells, in which a gaseous or liquid hydrocarbon is the source of
hydrogen. Eventually, coal may serve as the primary energy source for fuel cells. Cells based on
fossil fuels have three main components:
( 1) The fuel processor which converts the fossil fuel into a hydrogen-rich gas,
(2) The power section consisting of the actual fuel cell (or combination of cells), and
(3) The inverter for changing the direct current generated by the fuel cell into alternating
current to be transmitted to user.
Main components of fuel cell system are shown schematically in Fig. (8.5.1). The most
highly developed fossil fuel cells are phosphoric acid cells, molten carbonate cells, and solid
oxide electrolyte cell.
Fig. 8.5.1. Main components of fuel cell system.
In phosphoric acid cell utilizes a concentrated aqueous solution of phosphoric acid as the
electrolyte. The primary fuel is light hydrocarbon, such natural gas or naphtha. The operating
temperature is 150 to 200C and the discharge voltage is 0.7 to 0.8 volt. Each cell unit is only a
few millimeters thick so that a large number can be stacked in a package of reasonable size to
produce the desired voltage and power.
8.6 Molten Carbonate Cells. These are high temperature fuel cells, with a molten
carbonate mixture as the electrolyte, and offer the prospect for use with a variety of fossil fuels,
including coal. A special feature of these cells is that during operation they can oxidize carbon
monoxide to carbon dioxide as well as hydrogen to water. Hence gaseous mixture of hydrogen
and carbon monoxide, which are relatively inexpensive to manufacture, can be used in the cell,
the presence of carbon dioxide would have only a minor effect.
Several methods are available for fuel processing. These methods are essentially the same
as those used for the commercial production, of mixtures of hydrogen and carbon-mono-oxide,
known as synthesis gas. Synthesis gas can be made from coal by reactions with air and steam or
from various petroleum products. In order to prevent poisoning of the electrodes in the fuel cell,
the gas mixture must be de-sulfurized before being supplied to the power section.
The electrolyte in the high temperature fuel cells under development is a molten mixture
of alkali metal (lithium, sodium and potassium) carbonates at a temperature of 600- 700C. This
is retained in an inert porous matrix sandwiched between two porous nickel electrodes. Because
of the high temperature, electrochemical catalysts are apparently not necessary on the electrodes.
The mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide is supplied to the negative electrode and oxygen
(from the air) to the positive electrode. The discharge e.m.f. of the cell is about 0.8 volt.
The electrolyte is usually held in a sponge-like ceramic matrix, Metallic electrodes are
placed in direct contact with this solid electrolyte. A hydrocarbon fuel, such as methane or
kerosene is used. The fuel is reacted inside the cell to produce H
and CO. At the fuel electrode,
and CO react with CO
ions in the electrolyte, releasing electrons to the electrode, and
forming H
O and CO
(Fig.8.6). At the oxygen electrode O
reacts with the returning electrons
and CO
O + CO
Fig. 8.6. Molten carbonate fuel cell.
diverted from the fuel electrode to form CO
ions. These CO
ions then migrate through the
electrolyte to the fuel electrode. Thus the reactions are as follows.
At the fuel electrode :
+ CO
= H
O + CO
+ 2e
= 2CO
+ 2e
At oxygen electrode :
+ 2 CO
+ 4e = 2 C0
overall cell reaction :
+ CO + O
= H
O + CO
An important aspect of the molten carbonate fuel cells is that the discharged gases,
consisting mainly of the steam and carbon dioxide products and nitrogen from the air, are at a
temperature exceeding 540C. The hot gases could be used to provide industrial process heat, to
operate a gas turbine or to produce steam in a waste-heat (heat exchanger) boiler to drive a steam
turbine. The turbine would be attached to a generator to produce additional electric power. The
overall efficiency for fuel use would thus be substantially increased.
8.7 Solid Oxide Electrolyte Cells. Certain solid, ceramic oxides are able to conduct
electricity at high temperatures and can serve as electrolytes for fuel cells. These cells could
utilize the same fossil fuels as the molten carbonate cells. The processing operation would then
be the same as described above. Solid-oxide cells are in the early stages of development. A
possible electrolyte is zirconium dioxide containing a small amount of another oxide to stabilize
the crystal structure; this material is able to conduct oxygen ions (O
) at high temperatures. The
electrode material might be porous nickel and the operating temperature in the range of 600-
1000C. Electrochemical catalysts would not be required.
Other energy sources or fuels, that can be conveniently stored and transported in liquid
form, such as methanol, ammonia and hydrazine, have been proposed for the fuel cells.
Methanol can be catalytically reformed with steam at about 200C to yield a mixture of
hydrogen (75 volume per cent) and carbon dioxide. This gas can be supplied to the negative
electrode of a fuel cell with air at the positive electrode. The cell with aqueous phosphoric acid
solution as the electrolyte might be similar to those already described.
In the ammonia (NH
) oxygen (air) fuel cell, ammonia gas, obtained from the stored
liquid, is decomposed catalytically into hydrogen (75 volume per cent) and nitrogen. Part of the
hydrogen is burned in air to provide the heat required for the decomposition. The bulk of the
hydrogen is then supplied to the negative electrode of a hydrogen air fuel cell. The most suitable
electrolyte would probably be potassium hydroxide solution. The nitrogen formed in the
decomposition of ammonia is inert and plays no role in the cell. The advantage of ammonia as
fuel is that it can be stored in the liquid form. Disadvantages include higher vapour pressure and
cell does not operate satisfactorily at low temperatures.
A compact fuel cell for a mobile source, possibly for vehicle propulsion, utilizes the
liquid hydrazine (N
) and hydrogen peroxide (H
) or air as the energy source. Hydrazine is
injected as required into the aqueous potassium hydroxide electrolyte to provide the active
material at the negative electrode. The oxygen for the positive electrode is obtained either by the
catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide at ordinary temperatures or from the ambient air.
Each electrode may consist of a nickel screen matrix with nickel (negative) or silver (positive) as
the electrochemical catalyst. The overall cell reaction is the oxidation of hydrazine to water and
nitrogen, but the discharge emf is similar to that of the hydrogen oxygen cell.
Basic reactions are;
+ 4 OH
+ 4 H
O + 4e
+ 2H
O + 4e 4 OH
Overall cell reaction;
+ O
+ 2H
Basic drawback of H
cell is that Hydrogen and Oxygen are gases, so there is storage
difficulty. Liquid fuel hydrazine is highly reactive. Power output is more as open circuit voltage
(OCV) for this case is 1.56 as compared to 1.23 volt of H
Main drawback of hydrazine fuel is that it is highly toxic as well as costly.
8.8 Aluminium-Oxygen (Air) Cell (or battery). The Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory (U.S.A), mainly for electric vehicle propulsion, is developing it. This cell is unusual
in the respect that the metal aluminum is effectively the fuel, which is consumed during
operation and replaced as required. The aluminum (Al) forms the negative electrode of the cell,
and oxygen (from air) is the positive electrode; the electrolyte is an aqueous solution of sodium
The overall cell reaction is symbolically
Al + O
(air) + H
O Al (OH)
(-) (+)
so that aluminium, oxygen (from air), and water (from the electrolyte) combine to form
aluminium hydroxide (Al) (OH)
. The aluminium (negative) electrodes are made of the metal
containing a small amount of gallium, and the air (positive) electrodes are carbon coated with an
electro chemical catalyst, possibly silver. Before entering the battery, the air is scrubbed to
remove CO
. The operating temperature of the battery is about 50 to 60C.
8.9 Regenerative Systems. A regenerative fuel cell is one in which the fuel cell product
(e.g., water in the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell) is re-covered into its reactants (e.g., hydrogen and
oxygen) by one of several possible methods-thermal, chemical, photochemical, electrical or
radio chemical.
Since there are two stages in a regenerative fuel cell;
(1) Conversion of fuel cell reactants into products while producing electrical energy, and
(2) Re-conversion of fuel cell products into reactants, -it is clear that the overall
efficiency of a regenerative fuel cell is the product of the efficiencies of these two stages. In the
following section, the principle of the regenerative systems is explained by considering the
photochemical mode of regeneration.
8.10 Photo chemically regenerative fuel cells. In this method, the products of the fuel
cell reaction are transformed into its reactants by light. Because of the ample availability of solar
energy, this method should be valuable, provided that there are suitable substances, which can
undergo photochemical dissociation.
The sequence of reactions, which are taking place in this fuel cell, can be represented as
Electrochemical: A + B AB + electricity
Photochemical: AB + light A + B
Overall: Light + electricity
The nitric oxide-chlorine fuel cell, in which the overall reaction is,
2 NO + Cl
2 NOCl
the product nitrosyl chloride is decomposed Photo chemically to chlorine and nitrous oxide. The
system is schematically represented in Fig. (8.10).
Fig.8.10 Regenerative fuel cell.
The cell has a standard reversible-cell potential of 0.21 volt. The reactants may be
regretted from NOCl, in the liquid phase by light. Under these conditions, the quantum yield is
low because the back reaction is also rapid. In the gas phase regeneration is easier although there
is some problem of separating the NO and C12. The currents obtainable are low, probably as a
result of the low value of the reversible potential.
8.11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Fuel Cell
(1) It has very high conversion efficiencies as high as 70 per cent have been observed, since it is
a direct conversion process and does not involve a thermal process. In the conventional
thermal process for generating electricity, heat energy produced by combustion of the fuel is
converted partially into mechanical energy in a steam turbine and then into electricity by
means of a generator. The efficiency of a heat engine is limited by the operating
temperatures, and in the large modern steam-electric plants above 40 per cent of the heat
energy of the fuel is converted into electrical energy. Fuel cells, on the other hand, are not
heat engines and are not subjected to their temperature limitations.
(2) Fuel cells can be installed near the use point, thus reducing electrical transmission
requirements and accompanying losses. Consequently considerably higher efficiencies are
(3) They have few mechanical components; hence, they operate fairly quietly and require little
attention and less maintenance.
(4) Atmospheric pollution is small if the primary energy source is hydrogen, the only waste
product is water; if the source is a hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide is also produced, Nitrogen
oxides, such as accompany combustion of fossil fuels in the air , are not formed in the fuel
cell. Some heat is generated by a fuel cell, but it can be dissipated to the atmosphere or
possible used locally.
(5) There is no requirement for large volumes of cooling water such as are necessary to
condense exhaust system from a turbine in conventional power plant.
(6) As fuel cells do not make noise, they can be readily accepted in residential areas.
(7) The fuel cell takes little time to go into operation.
(8) The space requirement for fuel cell power plant is considerably less as compared to
conventional power plants.
The main disadvantages of fuel cells are their high initial costs and low service life.
8.12 Conversion Efficiency of Fuel Cells
The electrical energy generated by a fuel cell depends on what is called the "free" energy
rather than on the heat energy, of the overall cell reaction. The free energy of formation of 1
mole (18 grams) of liquid water from hydrogen and oxygen gases at atmospheric pressure is
56.67 kcal or 237 kJ at 25C. The heat energy (or enthalpy) of the reaction under the same
conditions is 68.26 kcal (286 kJ), The theoretical efficiency of the conversion of heat energy into
electrical energy in a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is thus (56.67/68.26) x 100 = 83 percent.
Efficiencies as high as 70 per cent have been observed, but the practical cells using pure
hydrogen and oxygen generally have conversion efficiencies in the range of 50 to 60 per cent.
The efficiencies are somewhat lower when air is the source of oxygen. The overall thermal to
electrical conversion efficiencies is also lower when the hydrogen is derived from hydrocarbon
sources. Nevertheless, they should be higher than those obtainable from the same fuels is most
steam-electric plants.
The theoretical emf (or voltage) of a fuel cell can be calculated from the reaction free
energy. For the hydrogen-oxygen cell at 25C, with the gases at atmospheric pressure, the ideal
emf. is 1.23 volts; at 200C, it is about 1.15 volts. The discharge voltages observed in actual cells
are always below the theoretical value, the difference increasing with increasing strength of the
current drawn from the cell (Refer Fig.8.12).
Fig.8.12. Current and voltage in discharge of fuel cell.
For the moderate currents at which fuel cells normally operate the emf is 0.7 to 0.8 volts.
This deviation from the theoretical emf accounts for the conversion efficiency of a fuel cell being
below the ideal maximum value.
The departure of a fuel cell from ideal behaviour arises from several factors one is the
inherent slowness of the electrode reactions; this is dominant at low current drains. It can be
reduced by an effective electrochemical catalyst and by increasing the operating temperature. At
larger currents there is an additional contribution from the electrical resistance of the electrolyte
(multiplied by the current strength). A low resistance (i.e. high conductivity) electrolyte is
therefore desirable.
Even in an ideal hydrogen-oxygen cell, 100-83 = 17 percent of the chemical reaction
energy (enthalpy) would be liberated as heat. The proportion is increased in an actual cell
because the conversion efficiency is less than the maxim um of 83 per cent. In order to avoid an
excessive temperature rise, heat is removed from the fuel cell during operation. Possible ways of
doing this are by the flow of excess air past the positive electrode or by circulating the electrolyte
through an external cooler.
In some fuel cell designs it is proposed to utilize the heat to provide space heating of a
building and to supply hot water. The heat released in high temperature cells might be used for
industrial purposes (i.e. process heat) or to generate steam.
8.13 Polarization in Fuel Cells. In a practical fuel cell the theoretical output voltage is
not attained for several reasons, as outline below. The difference between the theoretical voltage
and the actual voltage is known as the polarization. Some authors call this the over voltage, by
analogy with the electrolysers. The effect of polarization is to reduce the efficiency of the cell
from the theoretical maximum. The significant drop in voltage and hence energy loss takes place
as the current density is increased as shown in Fig. 8.13.
Fig.8.13. Polarization in fuel cells.
Three main types can be distinguished:
(1) Activation polarization,
(2) Resistance or ohmic polarization, and
(3) Concentration polarization.
(1) Activation Polarization (chemical polarization). This is related to the activation energy
barrier for the electron transfer process at the electrode. In fuel cells electrons are liberated and
reaction is chemisorptions reaction. At low current densities significant number of electrons are
not emitted, which results in such a potential loss. This process requires that certain minimum
activation energy supplied so that sufficient number of electrons are emitted, this energy is
supplied by output of the cell. This loss is known as activation or chemical polarization.
This polarization may be reduced by catalysts, increasing surface area, and by
(2) Resistance Polarization. The voltage drop is linearly related to the current flow according to
ohm's law. The internal resistance is composed of the electrode resistance, the bulk electrolytic
resistance, and interface contact resistance between, electrode and electrolyte. The loss due to
resistance polarization is significant when current density is quite large. The reduction in
inter11al resistance is the main design criterion for low resistance polarization losses. With large
electrodes the resistance may be quite significant particularly when these are made thin or
consists of extremely thin coating on a non-conducting support or when the electrode catalyst is
a poor electric conductor.
The electrolyte resistance can be decreased usually by using a more concentrated
electrolyte by closer spacing of electrodes and by increased temperature. Hence loss due to
resistance polarization can be reduced by:
(i) Selecting proper shape of the electrode to have minimum contact between
electrode and electrolyte,
(ii) Reducing the gap between electrodes,
(iii) By using concentrated electrolyte.
(3) Concentration Polarization. This type of polarization tends to limit the current drawn, as
shown in the figure. This broad heading covers a slow step in any of the mass transport processes
in the cell, and is generally divided into two categories i.e.,
(1) Electrolyte-side polarization and
(2) Gas side polarization.
The electrolyte-side polarization is due to slow diffusion in the electrolyte causing a
change in concentration at the electrode. This effect can be minimized by increasing the
electrolyte concentration or by stirring or circulating the electrolyte.
Gas side polarization is caused from slow diffusion of reactants through a porous
electrode to the reaction site, or of slow diffusion of products away from the reaction site. Using
electrodes of smaller pore size reduces the loss in voltage due to gas side polarisation. Increasing
temperature also reduces concentration polarization.
We have observed that increasing temperature, due to this, decreases all the three losses
in a fuel cell, a given cell is usually operated in practice at the higher end of its temperature
All the losses in a fuel cell may by included under voltage efficiency and it can be
expressed as:
Operating voltage
Theoretical voltage
On load voltage V
= = -------- (a)
Open circuit voltage E
Where V = operating voltage at a given current density, and
E = the theoretical open circuit voltage (emf).
In the case of a fuel cell, which acts ideally, the terminal cell potential is constant and is
equal to the thermodynamic reversible - potential of the cell at any value of the current density
drawn from the cell. In order that the efficiency of electrochemical energy converters may be
compared with those of other energy conversion devices, it is necessary to have a common base.
Most of the energy converters convert heat energy into electricity. The heat energy in many
cases is provided by the heat of a chemical reaction. The efficiency of these cases is defined as
the work output divided by the heat input.
Thus, in an analogous manner, the heat input for the electrochemical energy converter
should be taken as the enthalpy change of the reaction (AH). The work output in an
electrochemical energy converter, which operates at the thermodynamic reversible potential of
the cell, is the free energy change of the reaction (AW
= AG), Eqn. (a). Thus, the ideal
efficiency of an electrochemical energy converter is defmed by the equation
= = - -------- (b)
(AG = -qFE)
where q = number of electrons transferred per molecule of the reactant.
F = Faraday's constant
E = e.m.f. of cell.
Generally, AG is quite close to AH and hence the efficiency of fuel cells ideally would be
close to unity.
In the case of practically all fuel cells, the terminal cell potential decreases with
increasing current density drawn from the cell. The main reasons for this decrease as shown
above are:
(i) The slowness of one or more of the intermediate steps of the reactions occurring
at either or both of these electrodes.
(ii) The slowness of mass-transport processes (e.g., reactants to and/or products from
the electrode) and
(iii) Ohmic losses through the electrolyte.
The first two losses occur at the anode and cathode and the third type generally in the
electrolyte. The potentials expressing these losses are termed over-potentials. The three types of
over-potentials are given the names activation, concentration, and ohmic respectively. When the
terminal potential is E, the energy output during the formation of 1 mole of products in the cell
becomes IJFE. Under these conditions, the efficiency is expressed by
The magnitude of each type of over-potential increases with current density drawn from
the cell. Hence, the terminal cell potential and the efficiency of the cell decrease with increasing
current density.
There is also another reason for the loss in efficiency of an electrochemical energy
converter. This loss is owing to the fact that either there is an incomplete conversion of the
reactants at each electrode to their corresponding products or sometimes the reactant from one
electrode diffuses through the electrolyte and reaches the other electrode, where it reacts with the
reactant at this electrode. The overall efficiency taking into account this loss, is obtained by
multiplying the efficiency expressed by Eqn. (6), by the Faradic efficiency r, which represents
the amount of product formed to that expected theoretically on the basis of complete conversion
and is often equal to unity.
8.14 Types of Electrodes
These are of two types:
(i) Porous electrodes and; (ii) Non-porous electrodes.
(i) Porous electrodes. The design of these electrodes has been based on the assumption
that it is necessary to maintain a three-phase boundary between gas, electrode and electrolyte.
Two main methods have been used to maintain such a stable interface. In the first method, dual-
porosity electrodes are used, the interface being maintained at the junction of the fine pore and
coarse pore layers by means of a differential pressure across the electrode. In a dual pore
electrode the fine pore need not be a conductor and porous plastics have been used for this
purpose. The second method uses a trapped electrolyte held in a porous non-conducting
diaphragm whose pores are smaller than those of the contacting electrodes. This form has been
widely used for high temperature cells. The ion exchange membrane cell is a special example of
this type. Porous nickel electrodes and Porous carbon electrodes impregnated with catalysts are
generally used in fuel cells for commercial applications. Platinum and other precious metals are
being used in certain fuel cells, which have potential utility in military and space applications.
(ii) Non-porous electrodes. The concept of non-porous diffusion membrane electrodes,
an example of which is the hydrogen diffusing palladium alloy membrane allows the complete
separation of the reactant gases from the electrolyte. This obviates, the problems of interface
control and of direct chemical reactions with the electrolyte.
8.15 Applications of Fuel Cells
The applications of fuel cell may be discussed with reference to the following:
(i) Domestic use
(ii) Central power stations
(iii) Automotive vehicles
(iv) Special applications.
The e.m.f. or voltage of a fuel cell depends to some extent on the discharge current
strength. The average voltage per cell is 0.75 volt. By joining a number of cells in series and
parallel can provide any reasonable voltage and current. Fuel cells generate direct current, which
can be used for electric lamps and some small applications such as heat pumps, motors etc.,
conversion into alternating current by means of an inverter might be necessary.
Fuel cells can be made in modules of different size that are readily transportable. They
can then be assembled at any location to provide a specified voltage and power output. The
modular design should make it possible to construct plants of various capacities for different
If fuel cells of reasonably low cost and long life can be produced, a major use might be
by electric utilities for load leveling as explained below. A long term possibility is a central-
station power plant in which coat is gasified and the gas is used to generate electricity directly by
means of fuel cells. Such an installation is expected to have a higher efficiency for fuel
utilization than a conventional steam-electric plant.
Portable generating sets seem to be a favourable field for fuel cells. Here, already, fuel
cells appear to be competitive as compared with conventional sources. Low temperature fuel
cells have a favourable position for operating times of 3,000 to 4,000 hours per year, using
methanol as a fuel.
Large generating stations operate most efficiently at a steady (rated) power output, but
the demand for power is variable. When the demand or load is less than the rated output, the
excess would be used to generate hydrogen by electrolysis of water. At times when the load is
greater than the power supply, the hydrogen would be used in fuel cells to satisfy the additional
demand. By siting fuel cells near load centres where the demand exists, electrical transmission
and distribution costs would be reduced, although there would be some cost for transporting the
hydrogen. Sometimes new load centres are formed as a result of housing and industrial
developments. To satisfy the power demand utilities, will either built additional large plants,
which require considerable capita! expenditures, or utilized diesel engines or gas turbines
operated by natural gas or a petroleum fuel. The same fuel might be utilized more economically
in fuel cells located near the new load centre.
Fuel sources have been proposed for remote or rural areas or unattended locations, for
mobile and emergency power sources, and for vehicle propulsion. The high temperature batteries
may be the best candidates for vehicle propulsion in the long term, but certain fuel cells are
potential alternatives to storage batteries for electric vehicles. Such vehicles may have longer
travel ranges than those with the most advanced storage batteries. The fuel cells of special
interest are the aluminium-air, methanol-air, and the hydrogen-oxygen cell. The aluminium-air
cell is of special interest for electric vehicle propulsion because of the high specific energy that is
possible. An aluminium-air battery, and associated equipment may weigh roughly the same as
the gasoline engine and fuel in a medium size automobile. A five passenger electric vehicle is
expected to have a travel range of at least 1600 km before replacement of the aluminium
electrodes is necessary. However, the aluminium hydroxide produced when the cell operates. It
must be removed every 400 to 600 km, and water must be added at similar intervals.
The range of a vehicle with a methanol-air battery depends on the volume of the fuel
tank, that is, on the quantity of methanol that can be carried. If fairly pure hydrogen gas were
available at a reasonable price, the hydrogen-oxygen (air) fuel cell might be used for electric
vehicle propulsion. The major problem would be storage of the fuel on the vehicle. However, the
high efficiency of the fuel cell would compensate for the weight of the hydrogen storage system.
Many of the fuel cells currently under development are for special applications where
convenience is of paramount importance, cost is secondary. For these applications hydrogen is
the superior fuel from the viewpoint of reactivity and availability of invariant electrolyte
although it is relatively costly. It seems likely that hydrogen-oxygen and hydro carbon-oxygen
cells will be used to an increasing extent in special military and space projects.
9.1 The essential components of diesel electric plants are shown in Fig. 9.1. It
consists of the following components:
1. Engine. This is the main component of the plant, which develops required power.
The engine is generally directly coupled to the generator as shown in Fig. 9.1.
2. Air filter and supercharger. The function of the air filter is to remove the dust
from the air, which is taken by the engine.
The function of the supercharger is to increase the pressure or 'the air supplied to the
engine to increase the power of the engine. The superchargers are generally driven by the
3. Exhaust system. This includes the silencers and connecting ducts, The temperature
of the exhaust gases is sufficiently high, -therefo1e, the heat of the exhaust gases
many times is used for heating the oil or air supplied to the engine.
4. Fuel system. It includes the storage tank, fuel pump, fuel transfer pump, strainers,
heaters, fuel and engine according to the load on the plant.
Fig.9.1 General layout of Diesel power plant.
5. Cooling system. This system includes water-circulating pumps, cooling towers or
spray ponds and water filtration plant. The purpose of cooling system is to carry the
heat from the engine cy1inder to keep the temperature of the cylinder in safe range
and extend its life.
6. Lubrication system. It includes the oil pumps, oil tanks, filters, coolers and
connecting pipes. The function of the lubrication system is to reduce the friction of
moving parts and reduce the wear and tear of the engine parts.
7. Starting system. This includes compressed air tanks. The function of this system is
to start the engine from cold by supplying the compressed air.
8. Governing system. The function of the governing system is to maintain the speed of
the engine constant irrespective of load on the plant. This is done generally by
varying fuel supply to the engine according to load.
9.2 Types or Diesel Engine used for Diesel Power Plants. The diesel engines are
general1y classified as four-stroke engines and two-stroke engines.
The four-stroke engine developes power after every two-revolution crankshaft whereas
two-stroke engine developes power with each revolution of crankshaft. Generally, two-stroke
engines are favoured for diesel power plants for the advantages described later.
Duel Fuel Engines. In duet fuel engines, gas and oil both are used as fuels for the engines. The
gas is used as main fuel and oil is use as helper for ignition.
In the duel fuel engine, the air and gas are taken in during suction stroke. The pressure of
the mixture is increased compression stroke. Near the end of the compression stroke the pilot oil
is injected into the cylinder. The compression heat first ignites the pilot oil and then gas mixture.
The further action of the engine is similar to the diesel engine. The air-gas ratio is comparatively
higher in duel fuel engines compared with gas engines.
There is keen interest in the diesel-power plants to use the duel fuel engines for better
economy and proper use of available gaseous fuels in the country. The gas may be a waste
product as in the case of sewage treatment installation or oil fields where the economic
advantage is self-evident. With the wider availability or natural gas, the duel fuel engines may
become an attractive means of utilizing gal as fuel at off-peak tariffs for the generation of
elect1ical energy.
9.3 Advantage and disadvantages of two-stroke engines over four-stroke
For comparing the merits and demerits of two stroke engines over four-stroke engines,
the size and speed of the engines are considered same.
1. Theoretically, a two-stroke engine develops twice the power of four-stroke engine at the
same speed. The actual power developed is l.7 to l.8 times of the power developed by 4-
stroke engines. This is because some of the power is used for compressing the air in -
crankcase and effective compression stroke is less than four-stroke engine.
2. The two-stroke engine is much lighter and more compact and occupies less floor area for
the same power developed.
3. The turning moment of two-stroke engine is more uniform than four-stroke engines. This
ability of the engine reduces the size of the flywheel required. This further requires
lighter foundations and reduces the installation cost to a greater extent.
4. It provides mechanical simplicity and. therefore, gives higher mechanical efficiency.
5. The starting of two-stroke engine is much easier than four-stroke engine.
6. The capital cost of the plant with two-stroke engines is considerably less.
1. The thermodynamic efficiency of two-stroke engine is less than four-stroke as the
effective compression ratio is less than the four-stroke engine of the same dimensions.
2. The cooling of the engine presents difficulty, as the quantity of heat removed per minute
is large. Oil cooling of the piston is necessary as there is possibility of overheating the
piston due to 1irin8 in each revolution.
3. The lubrications oil consumption is more, as the operating temperatures are higher.
4. The scavenging is not complete particularly in high speed - engines (above 1000 r.p.m.)
as very short time is available for scavenging and hence the fresh charge is highly
polluted. The pollution reduces the thermal efficiency of the engines.
The field for the two-stroke C:I. engines is only diesel electric stations because its use is
justified over four-stroke engines if the engines are bm1t for large output purpose.
9.4 Thermodynamic Cycles and Cycle Analysis.
The diesel engines work on diesel cycle. The theoretical diesel cycle for four-stroke and
two-stroke engines have the same dimensions and same 'maximum pressure.
The indicated mean effective pressure or the cycle and ideal thermal efficiency are shown
by the following expressions
(R 1) (Ry 1)
( -1) ( - 1 )
1 R
- 1
= 1 1
R - 1
The H.P. developed by the engine is given by
LA . n 2tNT
B.H.P.= I.H.P. x
= x
4500 4500
Where n is the number of working strokes
n = N (for two-stroke engines)
n = (for four-stroke engines)
Where N is the r.p.m. of the engine.
The brake thermal efficiency of the engine is given by
B.S.P.x 45OO
b =
x C.V. x J
where m
is the mass of fuel used in kg per minute. Other notations carry usual meaning.
9.5 Different Systems of Diesel Power
(1) Fuel Storage and Fuel Supply System. The fuel storage and supply arrangement
generally depend on the type of fuel, size of plant and type of engine used and so on.
The supply system is general1y classified as (a) Simple suction system and (b) Transfer
In a simple suction system, the oil is taken by a suction pump driven by engines service
tank located a few cm below the engine level. Such pump delivers constant volume of fuel,
therefore, an overflow line is required back to the tank. This system is used for small capacity
In transfer system, the motor driven pumps take the oil from main storage and supply to
the day-storage tank. The oil from day-storage tanks flows under gravity to the engine pumps.
This type of system is shown in Fig. 9.5 and it is generally preferred for -medium size or big size
power plants.
Fig. 9.5 Fuel storage and supply system.
The location of storage tank above ground or below ground depends upon local
conditions. Each of them has specific advantages. The over ground tanks have the advantages of
detecting the leak easily, low maintenance and easy cleaning on the other hand under ground
tanks have the advantage of reduced fire hazards.
The heating requirement depend5 upon the climatic conditions and viscosity of the fuel
used if the heating is required, then it generally done in the storage tank by passing the hot jacket
water through a coil dipped in the storage tank.
Injection or Fuel into the Engine. The functions of the fuel injection system are to meter small
amount of oil, inject into the cylinder at proper time, atomize and mix with the air. The
efficiency of the engine depends upon the proper mixing of fuel with air, Mixing becomes more
difficult with an increase in speed and increase in cylinder diameter.
Presently, in all diesel power plants "solid injection is used. The fuel at a pressure of 100
to 200 ata is injected through nozzle into the compressed air, which also helps to atomize the oil
The common methods, which are used, for fuel injection system are individual pump,
common rail and distributor system.
2. Air-supply System. A large diesel engine power plant requires considerable amount or air as
4 to 8 m3/kW-hr. The air contains lot of dust and, therefore, it is necessary to remove this dust
from air before entering into the cylinder, which would otherwise cause excessive wear in the
engine. An air-supply system or a diesel power plant begins with an intake located outside the
building provided with filters. The filter used may be oil-impingement oil-bath or drag type
depending upon the dust concentrations in the air.
In many parts of western countries, the outside air temperature may reach such a level
that it causes misfiring at low load on the plant. Under such circumstances, the air intake system
needs heating and necessary heating of air is provided by using the heat from the exhaust gases.
3. Exhaust System. The following points should be taken into consideration for the design of
exhaust system or a big power plant.
(a) The noise should be reduced to a tolerable degree.
(b) It should be exhausted well above the ground level to reduce the air pollution at
breathing level.
(c) The pressure in the system should be reduced to minimum.
(d) The vibrations of exhaust system must be isolated from the plant by use of flexible
exhaust pipe.
(e) A provision should be made to extract the heat from exhaust if the heating is required
for fuel oil beating or building heating or process heating.
In many cases, the temperature of the exhaust gases under full load conditions may be of
the order of 400C. With the recovery 1f heat from hot jacket water and exhaust gases and ifs
use either for heating oil or buildings in co d weather increase the thermal efficiency to 80%.
Nearly 40% of the beat in the fuel can be recovered from the hot jacket water and exhaust gases.
The heat from the exhaust can also be used for generating the steam at low pressure, which can
be used for process heating. Neatly 2 kg of steam at 8 kg/cm
-ab can be generated per kW per
hour, when the mass of exhaust gases can be taken as 10 kg/kW-hr.
4. Water-cooling system. If the engines are not properly cooled, the temperature existing inside
engines would disintegrate the film lubricating oil on the liners and wrapping of valves and
pistons takes place. The proper cooling of the engine is absolutely necessary to extend the life of
the plant. Therefore, exit temperature of the cooling water must be controlled. If it is too low,
lubricating oil will not spread properly and wearing of piston and cylinder takes place. It is too
high, the lubricating oil burns. Therefore, the maximum exit temperature of the water is limited
to 70C.
Constant cooling water flow rate raises the exit water temperature with the increase in
load or vice versa when inlet water temperature is constant. Therefore, a control on the flow of
cooling water is necessary according to the load conditions on the plant.
A common water-cooling system used in diesel plant is shown in Fig. 9.5.1.
Fig. 9.5.1 Cooling water system using water softening plant and cooling tower.
The water which is not soft will cause deposits at temperature of about SOC. Therefore,
it is necessary to soften the water before entering into the system and to prevent the growth of
algae which may reduce the heat transfer due to fouling.
The cooling water is treated with 3 ppm Calgon to control the Scaling in the different
parts of the system and it is also chlorinated once per shift upto 6 ppm to prevent algae growth
which would cause the rapid tube fouling. For inhibiting corrosion, 300 ppm of sodium chromate
is also added. Generally, the quantity of cooling water required is 35 to 60 litres per kW per
As the circulation of water in the Cooling system is concerned these are generally divided
into a single circuit system and double circuit system. These two systems are shown in Fig.9.5.2
(a) and Fig. 9.5.2 (b).
The single circuit system may be subjected to corrosion in the cylinder jackets because of
the dissolved gases in the cooling water.
Fig. 9.5.2.(a) Single circuit cooling System.
Fig.9.5.2 (b) Double circuit cooling System.
The double circuit system largely eliminates internal jacket corrosion but the corrosion
may exist in the raw water circuit.
5. Lubrication system. The role played by the lubrication system in diesel power plant is
more important than any other plant because or very high pressures and small clearance in these
engines. The life of the engine, the overall efficiency of the plant and possible continuous service
9r the plant arc dependent on the effectiveness of the lubrication system.
Main parts to be lubricated of a diesel engine are crankshaft, wrist pin bearings, bearings
and another moving parts. The lubrication of piston and cylinder is little different as
speciallubric.1nt it required for this purpose, as the lubricant has to operate under high pressure
and temperature conditions.
The forced reed lubrication is generally used to lubricate all the parts. . The general
equipments, which are used in lubrication system, are pump, oil cleaners, oil cooler, storage,
sump tanks and safety devices.
The friction losses of the engine will appear as the heating of the lubricating oil during its
circulation through the engine. Generally, 2.5% of the fuel heat if given to the lubricating oil and
it is necessary to remove this heat for proper functioning of the lubrication. This heat nearly
amounts as 70 kcal/kW-hr. The lubricant oil is cooled in an oil cooler before supplying to the
engine. Using the water from the sump of the cooling tower does the cooling.
Another important problem of the lubrication system is to remove the impurities in the
form of carbon particle, water and metal scrap carried by the oil during circulation. For this
purpose, filter, centrifuges & chemical cleaning plants are used the mechanical type of filters
used are cloth bags, wood pads, paper pads and porous material pads Many times the oil from the
engine is filtered by passing through the metal screen strainers and ultimate cleaning is
accomplished by passing the oil through centrifugal cleaner. This is necessary in high capacity
plant as the quantity of lubrication oil circulated is approximately two thousand litres per hour
for 1 MW plant. The oil should be heated before passing through the cleaning system. This is
necessary to increase the fluidity of the oil.
The cost of the lubrication oil in the diesel plant is consider able compared with other
plants as the consumption is nearly 3 litres per 1000 kW-hr generated at fun load conditioD5.
Thus lubrication oil consumption is nearly 1% of the fuel oil consumption. Well refined mineral
oil is best suited for slow speed engines but specially treated oil is required for heavy duly and
high speed engines.
The general outline of the lubrication plant used in diesel power plant is shown in
Fig. 9.5.3 Lubrication system having continuous centrifugal cleaning.
6. Starting system. It is difficult to start even smallest diesel engine by hand cranking, as
the compression pressures are extremely high. Therefore, some mechanical system must be used
to start the engine. Generally, compressed air electric motors and auxiliary gas line engines are
used for starting purposes. Compressed air system is commonly used in big diesel power plants.
Air starting system uses valve arrangement to admit pressurized air at about 20ata to few
of the cylinder, making them to act as reciprocating air motors to turn the engine shaft.
Admitting fuel oil to the remair1iog engine cylinder helps the engine to start under its own
During normal working of the plant, the power from the main shaft is used to drive the
compressor, which accumulates air into the accumulators. Once the accumulators indicate the
rated pressure, 1be compressors are automatically disconnected from the power shaft.
For automatic starting system, the ordinary air starting equipments are arranged to open
in the correct sequence and close when the engine starts running. The automatic starting system
is also used to prime the lubricating oil system and to start the automatic flow of the cooling
water also.
7. Governing system. Varying the quantity of fuel supplied to the engine does the
governing of diesel engine. Generally instant stroke with variable suction or variable bypass
method is used to control the quantity of fuel supplied according to load. Centrifugal type
governor is used to control the suction or bypass of the fuel.
9.6 Supercharging of Diesel Engines. It is known fact that the power output of the
engine increases with au Increase in amount of air in the cylinder at the beginning of
compression stroke because it allows to burn more quantity of fuel.
Supercharging is a term used to a process, which helps to increase the suction pressure of
the engine above atmospheric pressure, and the equipment used for this purpose is known as
9.7 Advantages of supercharging.
The advantages of supercharged engines are listed below:
1. Power increase. By supercharging the engine, thc engine output can be increased by
30 to 50% at the same speed of the engine.
2. Fuel Economy. The combustion in supercharged engine is better as it provides better
mixing of the air and fuel than un-supercharged engine. Therefore, the specific fuel
consumption of a supercharged engine in less than natural aspirated engine. . The
thermal efficiency of supercharged engine is also higher.
3. Mechanical efficiency. The mechanical efficiency of a supercharged engine is better
than natural aspirated engine at the same speed. This is because the power increases
due to supercharging increases faster than the rate of increase in fraction losses.
4. Scavenging. The scavenging action is better in two-stroke supercharged engine than
naturally aspirated engines because the quantity of residual gases is reduced with the
increase is supercharged pressure.
5. Knocking. Supercharging reduces the possibility of knocking in diesel engine
because delay period is reduced with an increase in supercharged pressure. Actually,
supercharging results in smoother running of the engine.
It has been found that four-stroke engines are more easily adaptable to supercharging
than two-stroke engines.
Due to number of advantages of supercharging mentioned above, modern diesel engine
used in diesel plant are generally supercharged. By supercharging, the engine reduces the size of
the engine for given output and consequently the space requirements and civil engineering works
The Superchargers, which are considered, for diesel power plants are positive
displacement type, centrifugal type and exhaust turbocharger. The selection depends upon its
relative merits for a particular situation.
9.8 Performance of Diesel Power Plant. Diesel plants also run at part load conditions
like other plants. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of part load running on the
characteristics of an engine like specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, and
mechanical efficiency.
The part load increases the specific fuel consumption; decrease the thermal and
mechanical efficiency. But the effect is not as predominant as in thermal plants.
A.1. MHD Power Generation
A.1.1. Principle
The principle of MHD (Magneto Hydro Dynamic) generation is simply that discovered
by Faraday: when an electric conductor moves across a magnetic field, a voltage is induced in it,
which produces an electric current. This is the principle of the conventional generator also,
where the conductors consist of copper strips. In MHD generator, the solid conductors are
replaced by a gaseous conductor; an ionized gas. If such a gas is passed at a high velocity
through a powerful magnetic field, a current is generated and can extracted by placing electrodes
in a suitable position in the stream. This arrangement as illustrated in Fig. (A.1) provides D.C.
power directly.
Fig. A.1 Principle of MHD Power Generation.
The principle can be explained as follows. An electric conductor moving through a
magnetic field experiences a retarding force as well as an induced electric field and current. This
effect is a result of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The induced emf is given by
= u x B ...(A.1.1)
where u is the velocity of the conductor and B is the magnetic field intensity as shown in Fig.
(A.1.b). The induced current density is
= o E
where o is electric conductivity.
The retarding force on the conductor is the Lorentz force given by
= J
x B ...(A.1.3)
From an energy point of view, the movement of the force through a displacement
(mechanical work) is converted to electrical work (current flow against potential difference) by
means of the electromagnetic induction principle. This is a work energy conversion and is not
limited by the Carnot principle; of course, electromagnetic induction forms the basis of operation
for conventional electric generators.
The electromagnetic induction principle need not be limited to solid conductors; the
movement of a conducing fluid through a magnetic field may also be employed for electric
energy conversion when a fluid is used, the energy conversion technique is called the magneto
hydrodynamic (MHD), energy conversion.
The direct conversion of kinetic (or motion) energy into electrical energy by the flow of
an electrically conducting fluid, usually a gas or a gas liquid combination, through a stationary
magnetic field. If the flow direction is at right angles to the magnetic field direction, an
electromotive force (or electric voltage) is induced in the direction at right angles to both flow
and field directions, as depicted in figure. This is the basic principle of MHD conversion (refer
Fig. A.1.1).
Fig.A.1.1 Principle of magneto hydrodynamic conversion.
A schematic of MHD generator is shown in Fig. (A1.1.). The conducting flow fluid is
forced between the plates with a kinetic energy and pressure differential sufficient to overcome
the magnetic induction force F
. The end view drawing illustrates the construction of the flow
channel. An ionized gas is employed as the conducting fluid. Ionization
Fig.A1.1 Simple MHD Generator (magnetic field perpendicular to the plant of the page).
is produced either by thermal means i.e. by an elevated temperature or . by seeding with
substance like cesium or potassium vapours which ionize at relatively low temperatures. The
atoms of the seed element split off electrons. The presence of the negatively charged electrons
makes the carrier gas an electrical conductor. The other way is to incorporate a liquid metal into
a flowing carrier gas. Since the metal is a good electrical conductor, the gas metal mixture can be
used as the working fluid in an MHD generator.
In the overall power cycle, the MHD converter takes the place of a turbine in a
conventional vapour or gas turbine cycle. Still, a compressor must be used to elevate the pressure
heat is added at high pressure and the flow is accelerated before entering the converter. A
schematic of the MHD power cycle is shown in Fig. (A.1.2. a and b), along with a T-S diagram
for the ideal processes.
Fig. A.1.2 (a) Schematic of MHD Power cycle (closed system)
(b) T-S diagram for cycle.
In addition to the induced electric field find, there is also some applied field E at the
electrodes. The total current and force are, then
J = o ( E + u x B ) (A.1.4)
F = J x B = o ( E + u x B ) x B (A.1.5)
Thermal efficiency. Clearly the overall MHD cycle is thermal power cycle and as such
is limited by the cornot efficiency. In terms of the T-S diagram of Fig. (A.1.2), the cycle thermal
efficiency may be written as
Work output (h
) - (h
- h
= =
Heat input (h
Where the indicated enthalpies are stagnation values which take into account the KE. of
the flow. The stagnation enthalpy is defined as
= h +
where u is the flow velocity . In practical MHD converters, high velocity ionized gases are
usually employed for the conversion process, so that the K.E. of the flow represents a substantial
portion of the total energy. The ideal process 2-3' is shown as an isentropic which would assume
perfect conversion of the flow pressure and kinetic energy into electric energy.
Several factors can reduce the efficiency of the converter. These are :
(i) Dissipation of energy in the internal resistance of the ionized gas.
(ii) A space charge barrier at the electrode surface.
(iii) Heat transfer through the electrode and insulator walls.
(iv) Various losses associated with fluid friction etc.
(v) Hall effect losses resulting in current induction in the direction of the flow. Such
losses can be substantial when the seeded combustion gases are employed as the
working fluid. The Hall effect causes a voltage gradient in a direction perpendicular
to the applied magnetic field and current flow.
The gas, experiences a breaking force due to electromagnetic interaction, which can be
compared to the retarding force, produced by the turbine blades in the conventional system. As
mentioned above, the gas must be ionized in order that it may conduct sufficiently for successful
operation. In practice the degree of ionization required is very small (0.10/c) so the gas is still
composed mostly of neutral particles. It is these neutral particles that carry nearly all the KE. of
the stream, and, of course, they are unaffected by electromagnetic forces. The exact mechanism
of the breaking force has not yet been explained, but it is thought that the applied magnetic field
manifests itself through the force that it exerts on the electrons in the gas. This force is then
coupled to the neutral particles by the electron-ion coulomb forces and the ion-neutral collisions.
The retarding force will thus be a complex function of collision cross section and magnetic field
From the analysis it is evident that to achieve a large power output, the gas must have a
high velocity, 10
m/s, and the applied magnetic field density must be as large as possible. (See
equation 12.6.17). One of the major problems to achieve adequate conductivity in the gas (> 10
mhos/m). To achieve equilibrium conductivitys in the pure gas, thermal ionization, temperatures
of tens of thousands of degrees are required. By seeding the gas with elements which have low
ionization potentials, such as alkali metals caesium and potassium as stated above, it is possible
to achieve reasonable conductivitys at gas temperatures in the region of 2,000C. It is because
this temperature is just within the limit of materials technology that MHD generation has aroused
so much interest in the last few years.
In a practical MHD converter (or generator), the energy of motion of the conducting fluid
is derived from heat obtained by burning a fossil fuel. Hence, an MHD generator is a device for
converting heat energy directly into electrical energy without a conventional electric generator.
The major reason for the interest in MHD conversion is that it can take better advantage than
other heat engines of the high temperatures attained in the combustion of a fossil fuel. As a result
high thermal efficiencies should be possible. For example, using MHD conversion as a topping
cycle for a conventional steam turbine, an overall efficiency of 50 to 60 per cent should be
possible. This may be compared with about 40 per cent for the most efficient steam turbine.
A.2. MHD Systems
A.2.1 Introduction
Magneto hydrodynamic conversion systems can operate in either open or closed cycles.
In an open cycle system, the working fluid is used on the once through basis. The working fluid
after generating electrical energy is discharged to the atmosphere through a stack. In the closed
cycle, system the working fluid is continuously re-circulated; the discharged working fluid is
reheated and returned to the converter. In an open cycle system the working fluid is air. In closed
cycle systems helium or argon is used as the working fluid. In open-cycle systems, the hot
combustion gases offer seeding, can be used directly as the working fluid, in closed cycle
systems, however, heat is transferred from the combustion gases to the working fluid by means
of a heat exchanger. A higher working temperature and a better thermal efficiency are thus
possible in open cycles, provided suitable construction materials are available.
Thus the MHD systems can be classified broadly as follows:
(1) Open cycle systems.
(2) Closed cycle systems. This may be further sub classified as:
(i) Seeded inert gas systems, and
(ii) Liquid metal system.
These are described in the following sections.
A.2.2 Open-Cycle Systems
The arrangement of the system is shown schematically in Fig. (A.2.2). In this system,
fuel used may be oil through an oil tank or gasified coal through a coal gasification plant. The
fuel (coal, oil or natural gas) is burnt in the combustor or combustion chamber. The hot gases
from combustor is then seeded with a small amount of an ionized alkali metal (cesium or
potassium), to increase the electrical conductivity of the gas. The seed material, generally
potassium carbonate, is injected into the combustion chamber, the potassium is then ionized by
the hot combustion gases at temperatures of roughly (2300 to 2700C).
To attain such high temperatures, the compressed air used to burn the coal (or other fuel) in the
combustion chamber, must be preheated to at least 1100C. A lower preheat temperature would
be adequate if the air were enriched in oxygen. An alternative is to use compressed oxygen alone
for combustion of the fuel, little or no preheating is required. The savings on the preheater might
balance the additional cost of the oxygen. The hot, pressurized working fluid leaving the
combustor flows through a convergent-divergent nozzle similar to a rocket nozzle. In passing
through the nozzle, the random motion energy of the molecules in the hot gas is largely
converted into directed, mass motion energy. Thus, the gas emerges from the nozzle and enters
the MHD generator unit at a high velocity.
Fig.A.2.2 Schematic of an open cycle MHD Generators
The MHD generator is a divergent channel (or duct) made of a heat-resistant alloy (e.g.
Inconel) with external water-cooling. The hot gas expands through the rocket like generator
surrounded by powerful magnet. During the motion of the gas the positive and negative ions
move to the electrodes and constitute an electric current. The magnetic field direction, which is
at right angles to the fluid flow, would be perpendicular to the plane of paper. A number of
oppositely located electrode pairs are inserted in the channel to conduct the electric current
generated to an external load. The electrodes pair may be connected in various ways (see below)
one of which is shown in Fig. (A.1.1). An MHD generator, unlike a conventional generator,
produced direct current; this can be converted into commonly used alternating current by means
of an inverter.
The arrangement of the electrode connections is determined by the need to reduce losses
arising from the Hall effect. By this effect, the magnetic field acts on the MHD-generated
(Faraday) current and produces a voltage in the flow direction of the working fluid rather than at
right angles to it. The resulting current in an external load is then called the Hall current.
Various electrode connection schemes have been proposed to utilize the Faraday current while
minimizing the Hall current. A simple way, although not the best is shown in Fig. (A.1.1). A
better, but more complicated, alternative is to connect each electrode pair across a separate load,
as in Fig. (A.2.2.1). Another possibility is to utilize the Hall current only; each electrode pair is
short-circuited outside the generator, and the load is connected between the electrodes at the two
ends of the MHD generator (Fig.A.2.2.2).
Fig.A.2.2.1 MHD electrode connections to minimize Hall current.
Fig. A.2.2.2 Use of Hall current in MHD generator.
As the working fluid travels along the MHD generator and its energy is converted into
electricity, its temperature falls. When the gas temperature reaches about 1900C, the extent of
ionization of the potassium is insufficient to maintain an adequate electrical conductivity. This
places a lower limit on the useful operating temperature of the MHD system. The large residual
heat available from the hot discharge working gas can then be utilized in several ways. For
example, it conserves to preheat the combustion air by way of a heat exchanger similar to the
regenerator in a gas turbine.
At this stage, some 25 to 35 per cent of the heat energy in the working fluid should have
been converted into electrical energy. The still hot gas leaving the air pre-heater would be used
in waste heat (heat exchanger) boiler to produce steam for operating a turbine generator. In this
way, another 25 to 30 per cent of the initial heat should be recovered as electrical energy in a
combined cycle system.
The seed material is recovered for successive use in seed recovery apparatus. Prior to the
discharge of the working gas (as flue gas) from the steam boiler to the atmosphere the fly ash
from the coal fuel must be removed. However, instead of discharging the fly ash, as is usually
done, it may have to be treated for recovery of the seed material which is mixed with ash. Unless
the sulfur in the coal has been removed (e.g. in a fluidized bed combustor), the original
potassium carbonate seed will have been converted into potassium sulphate. This must be
extracted from the fly ash and reconverted by chemical reactions into potassium carbonate.
The removal of residual sulfur by the potassium carbonate seed eliminates need for de-
sulfurization of the flue gas, but nitrogen oxides are not removed. When oxygen alone is used for
combustion of the coal (or other fossil fuel), the problem of nitrogen oxide formation does not
arise. However, if nitrogen (from air) is present, the nitrogen oxide content of the combustion
gases will be high because of the required high temperature of the working fluid. Consequently,
a controlled combustion procedure is used to reduce the nitrogen oxide level in the discharge flue
gas. The air supplied to the combustion chamber is not sufficient to permit complete fuel
burning; introducing additional air at a later stage, beyond the MHD generator, and then
completes combustion of the unburned fuel gases. The lower combustion temperature is
accompanied by a decrease in the nitrogen oxide concentration.
For efficient practical realization an MHD system must have the following features :
1. Air super heating arrangement to heat the gas to around 2500C, (the inlet
temperature of MHD is about 2500C), so that the electrical conductivity of the gas is
2. The combustion chamber must have low heat losses.
3. Arrangement to add a low ionization potential seed material to the gas to increase its
4. A water-cooled but electrically insulating expanding duct with long life electrodes.
5. Seed recovery apparatus-necessary for both environmental and economic reasons.
A.2.3 Closed-cycle systems
Two general types of closed cycle MHD generators are being investigated. In one type,
electrical conductivity is maintained in the working fluid by ionization of a Seed material, as in
open-cycle systems; and in the other, a liquid metal provides the conductivity. The carrier is
usually a chemical inert gas, although a liquid carrier has been used with a liquid metal
conductor. The working fluid is circulated in a closed loop and is heated by the combustion gases
using a heat exchanger. Hence, the heat source and the working fluid are independent. The
working fluid is helium or argon with cesium seeding.
1. Seeded inert gas system. In a closed cycle system the carrier gas (argon/helium) operates in a
form of Bray ton cycle. The gas is compressed and heat is supplied by the source, at essentially
constant pressure; the compressed gas then expands in the MHD generator and its pressure and
temperature fall. After leaving the generator, heat is removed from the gas by a cooler, this is the
heat rejection stage of the cycle. Finally the gas is recompressed and returned for reheating.
A closed cycle MHD system is shown in Fig. (A.2.3). The complete system has three
distinct but interlocking loops. On the left is the external heating loop. Coal is gasified and the
gas (having a high peak value of about 5.35 MJ/kg and at a temperature of about 525.C) is burnt
in a combustor to provide heat. In the primary heat exchanger, this heat is transferred to a carrier
gas argon/helium {working fluid) of
Fig.A.2.3 A closed cycle MHD system.
the MHD cycle. The combustion products after passing through the air pre-heater (to recover a
part of the heat of combustion products) and purifier (to remove harmful emissions) are
discharged to atmosphere. Because the combustion system is separate from the working fluid, so
also are the ash and flue gases. Hence, the problem of extracting the seed material from fly ash
does not arise. The flue gases are used to preheat the incoming combustion air and then treated
for fly ash and sulfur dioxide removal, if necessary, prior to discharge through a stack to the
The loop in the centre is the MHD loop. The hot argon gas is seeded with cesium and
resulting working fluid is passed through the MHD generator at high speeds. The d.c. power out
of MHD generator is converted to A.C. by the inverter and is then fed into the grid.
The loop shown on the right hand side in figure is the steam loop for further recovery of
the heat of working fluid and converting this heat into electrical energy in the diffuser the
working fluid is slowed down to a low subsonic speed. Then hot fluid enters a secondary heat
exchanger, which serves as a waste heat boiler to generate steam. This steam is partly utilized to
drive a turbine generator and for driving a turbine which runs the argon (or helium) compressor.
The output of the generator is also fed to the main grid. The working fluid is returned back to
primary heat exchanger after passing through compressor and inter cooler.
A closed cycle system can provide more useful power conversion at lower temperature
(around 1900oK as compared to 2500oK for open cycle system). The somewhat lower operating
temperature of a closed cycle, MHD converter than of an open cycle system has an advantage in
permitting a wider choice of materials. On the other hand, the lower temperature of the working
fluid also means a lower thermal efficiency. Furthermore temperatures in the combustion
chamber are still high, and special construction materials are required for the primary heat
exchanger. Moreover the working fluid-must be kept absolutely pure. The electrical stability of
the flow in the generator poses problems because the gas is subjected to electrical fields
approaching breakdown conditions.
The closed cycle MHD using rare gases as working fluid is developed and it is the most
promising system among all. Generally, the heat source used is gas cooled nuclear reactor.
2. Liquid Metal System. When a liquid metal provides the electrical conductivity, an inert gas
(e.g. argon or helium) is a convenient carrier. The carrier gas is pressurized and heated by
passage through a (primary) heat exchanger within he combustion chamber. The hot gas is then
incorporated into the liquid metal, usually hot sodium, to form the working fluid. The latter then
consists of gas bubbles uniformly dispersed in an approximately equal volume of liquid sodium.
The working fluid is introduced into the MHD generator through a nozzle in the usual
ways; the carrier gas then provide the required high directed velocity of the electrical conductor
(i.e. the liquid metal). After passage through the generator, the liquid metal is separated from the
carrier gas. Part of the heat remaining in the gas is transferred to water in a (secondary) heat
exchanger to produce steam for operating a turbine generator. Finally the carrier gas is cooled,
compressed, and returned to the combustion chamber for reheating and mixing with the
recovered liquid metal. The working fluid temperature is usually around 800C, as the boiling
point of the sodium, even under moderate pressure, is below 900C.
The lower operating temperature then in other MHD conversion systems may be
advantageous from the material standpoint, but the maximum thermal efficiency is lower. A
possible compromise might be to use liquid lithium, with a boiling point near 1300C, as the
electrical conductor. Lithium is much more expensive than sodium, but losses in a closed system
be small.
The closed cycle liquid metal system has the basic advantage of high electrical
conductivity. However, liquids being practically incompressible, high velocities cannot be
produced by expansion as in the case of gas. In order to achieve reasonable velocities, either in
low efficiency jet pump or a two-phase system with vapour bubbles can be used. Even though
liquid metal are excellent conductors, their vapours are poor electrical conductors. Thus there are
several practical problems, which have to be solved before liquid metal MHD systems can be
commercially exploited. These systems are also appropriate for being coupled to nuclear reactors
and the temperature range of interest to the liquid metal MHD (800K-1300K) is similar to
liquid metal fast breeder reactors.
A liquid metal MHD cycle is illustrated in Fig. (A.2.3.1), in which liquid potassium after
being heated in breeder reactor is passed through a nozzle to increase its velocity. The vapour
formed due to nozzle action are separated in the separator and condensed and then pumped back
to the reactor as shown. Then the liquid metal with high velocity attained is passed through
MHD generator to produce d.c.power. The liquid potassium coming out of MHD generator is
passed through the conventional steam plant, where in the heat exchanger the heat of liquid
potassium is utilized to generate steam to run steam turbine generator.
Fig.A.2.3.1. Closed-cycle MHD Generator.
Fig.A.2.3.1. Closed cycle MHD generator using liquid metal as working fluid coupled with steam
A.3 MHD Design Problems and Developments
The experiments have been demonstrated for the scientific feasibility of MHD
generation, but the efficiencies attained so far have been relatively low and the life of the
equipment has been short. Some of the matters requiring resolution before MHD generation can
become economically practical are outlined below.
The combustor, MHD-generator channel, electrodes, and air preheater are exposed to
corrosive combustion gases at very high temperatures; materials must be developed to permit an
adequate operating life for the components. The ash (or slag) residue from the burning coal is
carried over with the combustion gases and tends to cause erosion of exposed surfaces. However,
deposition of the slag on such surfaces may provide some protection. Another problem is
separation of the seed material (as potassium sulfate) from the flyash and its reconversion into its
original (carbonate) form.
The difficulties associated with slag and seed recovery can be eliminated by using a fuel
gas derived from coal rather than coal itself, in the combustor (open cycle system). An ash free
low heat value fuel gas, made from coal at a moderate cost and treated for sulfur removal, would
make a suitable fuel for MHD conversion combustion. Burning of the gas in preheated air should
provide adequate working fluid temperatures.
A more advanced concept is to use hydrogen gas made from coal and water. When this is
burned in (compressed) oxygen, the product would be high-temperature steam. After seeding and
passage as working fluid through the MHD generator, the steam would be used to drive a
turbine-generator, thus avoiding the need for a waste-heat boiler.
The power output of an MHD generator is theoretically proportional to the square of the
magnetic field strength hence a strong magnetic field is desirable. Conventional electro-magnets,
in which the field is generated by direct current passing through water-cooled copper coils, have
been used in MHD studies. Such magnets would not be practical for large-scale MHD power
generation because they would require very large currents. Consequently super conducting
magnets, which use very little current, will be necessary. Magnets of this type are being
developed for use in MHD generators.
A.4 Advantages of MHD Systems
(1) The conversion efficiency of an MHD system can be around 50 per cent as compared
to less than 40 per cent for the most efficient steam plants. Still higher thermal
efficiencies (60-65%) are expected in future, with the improvements in experience
and technology.
(2) Large amount of power is generated.
(3) It has no moving parts, so more reliable.
(4) The closed cycle system produces power free of pollution.
(5) It has ability to reach the full power level as soon as started.
(6) The size of the plant (m
/kW) is considerably smaller than conventional fossil fuel
(7) Although the costs can not be predicted very accurately, yet it has been reported that
capital costs of MHD plants will be competitive with those of conventional steam
(8) It has been estimated that the overall operational, costs in an MHD plant would be
about 20% less than in conventional steam plants.
(9) Direct conversion of heat into electricity permits to eliminate the gas turbine
(compared with a gas turbine power plant) or both the boiler and the turbine
(compared with a steam power plant). This elimination reduces losses of energy.
(10) These systems permit better fuel utilization. The reduced fuel consumption would
offer additional economic and special benefits and would also lead to conservation of
energy resources.
(11) It is possible to utilize MHD for peak power generations and emergency service (up
to 100 hours per year). It has been estimated the MHD equipment for such duties is
simpler, has the capability of generating in large units and has the ability to make
rapid start to full load.
B.1 Thermoelectric Power Generator
A simple arrangement for utilizing the Seebeck coefficient is shown in Fig (B.1). The
thermocouple material A and B are joined at the hot end, but the other ends are kept Hot cold; an
electric voltage (or electromotive force) is then generated between A the cold ends. A direct
current will flow in a circuit or load (e.g., a motor resistance, etc.) connected between these ends.
The current will continue to flow as long as the heat is supplied at the hot junction and removed
from the cold ends.
Fig. B.1 Simple Thermocouple arrangement.
For a given thermocouple, the couple arrangement voltage and electric power output are
increased by increasing the temperature difference between the hot and cold ends. In a practical
thermoelectric converter, several couples are connected in series to increase both voltage and
power, Fig. (B.1.1). If the output voltage is not sufficient to operate a particular device or
equipment, it can be increased, with little loss or power, by an inverter transformers
combination. The direct current generated by the thermo-couples is first changed into alternating
current of essentially the same average voltage by means of an inverter. The alternating current
and voltage is then increased to the desired value with a transformer. The high voltage
alternating current can be reconverted into direct current if required, by a rectifier.
Fig. B.1.1 Thermocouples in series to increase voltage.
A thermoelectric converter is a form of heat engine. Heat is taken up at an upper
temperature (i.e. the hot junction) and part is converted into electrical energy; the remainder is
discharged (or removed) at a lower temperature (i.e. the cold ends). As with other heat engines,
the thermal efficiency of a given thermocouple for conversion of heat into work (electrical
energy is increased by increasing the upper temperature and/or decreasing the lower temperature.
The latter is usually that of the environment and is roughly constant; hence, the conversion
efficiency of a given thermocouple is determined in practice mainly by the temperature of the hot
Thermoelectric generators have been built with power outputs ranging from a few watts
to kilowatts. The source of heat is immaterial and any available fuel may be used consequently,
thermoelectric generators have been employed in areas outside the regular electric power
distribution system. An important application is the use of radioactive decay heat to generate
power in space and other remote locations. If the efficiency could be increased substantially
thermoelectric conversion might become practical for generating electricity-using heat supplied
by solar energy.
B.2 Performance Analysis of Thermo-electric Power Generator.
We have seen above that if a resistance is placed across the output terminals of a
thermocouple, current will flow and the thermocouple becomes a power-producing device. A
thermoelectric converter consists of two blocks A and B of semiconductor materials connected
together by a conductor. The conductor receives heat from a thermal source and the lower open
(not conducted) ends of the blocks reject heat to a low temperature sink. The two junctions 1 and
2 are kept at a temperature difference AT. The sides of the blocks are insulated. Hence, heat flow
occurs along the length of the blocks only, supplying heat to the hot junction causes the electrons
in the n type block and holes in the p type block to flow away from the hot junction, thereby
producing a potential difference between two open ends. If the circuit is completed at the cold
junction, an electric current will flow through the load.
C.1 Basic Thermionic Generator (the Basic Diode)
Consider Fig. (C.1) representing the basic thermionic diode generator. The cathode is
heated by external means so that the temperature is raised and copious thermionic emission takes
place. The emitted electrons will drift across the inter-electrode region towards the anode (the
whole is in vacuum), building up a charge in this region as they do so. The electron 'Cloud'
negatively charged will inhibit the emission of further electrons. The electron emission will
therefore diminish and the current reaching the anode will be limited. The current is said to be
space charge limited; and its value will be very much lower than that expected from Richardson
equation. The presence of the charge just outside the metal surface can be considered as
effectively increasing the work function of the metal i.e. making it more difficult for the
electrons to get out.
Fig. C.1 Schematic of a basic thermionic diode.
The operation of the generator can be illustrated with reference to the potential diagram
for the electron as it flows down the generator circuit (Fig. C.1.1). Actually as we are concerned
with electrons, the potential is negative, but such diagrams are conventionally drawn positively
as shown. The potential V
represents the potential barrier presented by the space charge in the
inter-electrode region.
Fig. C.1.1 Potential diagram for thermionic generator.
Consider an electron initially at the Fermi level in the cathode material. To leave the
cathode it must acquire energy greater than or equal to |c, the cathode work function, it does this
by interaction with the lattice to which the thermal energy has been supplied from an external
source. This energy will be sufficient to eject the electrons from the cathode, but to reach the
anode a total energy of |c + e V
is required i.e. sufficient to overcome the space charge barrier.
Having surmounted the barrier, the electron crosses the inter electrode region and enter
the anode. It gives up an energy |
to the anode, |
being the work function of the anode
material. As shown in the diagram this still leaves the electron with potential energy relative to
the Fermi level in the cathode material since the anode is connected to the cathode through an
external circuit, the electron travel through the load R
, giving up their energy and performing
useful electrical work. The thermal energy from the heat source increases the potential energy of
the electron, which is converted to electrical power as the electrons return to their original energy
state. Thus a direct conversion of thermal to electrical energy is achieved in which the electron
current is effectively the working fluid of the conversion system.
Note that no external voltage is applied to the anode as is the case with the ordinary
thermionic valve. As it is clear from that the conventional cathode i.e. the supplier of the
electron, becomes the positive potential terminal in the thermionic generator. The generator
works as a current source 50 that the voltage developed across the load depends upon the
magnitude of the load resistance.
D.1 The Basic: Nuclear Fusion and Reactions
The Fusion Process.
Each isotope of hydrogen has a single proton in its nucleus, which has a single electron in
orbit around it. The hydrogen nucleus contains only one proton; the deuterium nucleus has one
additional neutron, and tritium has two additional neutrons. There fore, deuterium weighs twice
as much as hydrogen and tritium weighs three times as much.
Fig.D.1 The fusion process.
Deuterium also known as heavy water is abundant in ordinary water: 2 out of about every
6,500 water molecules are deuterium, rather than ordinary hydrogen. The tritium nucleus can be
made in the laboratory by bombarding the lithium with neutrons. Lithium is abundant in
In this typical fusion reaction, the deuterium and tritium collide and recombine to form a
helium nucleus and one neutron, releasing energy in the process. Most of the energy is carried in
the neutron, releasing energy is carried in the neutron. There is a net energy gain because the end
product nuclei weigh less than the nuclei of the input fuel.
At high temperatures (T > 10
K) only a very small number of particles in the entire
plasma region remain in the neutral state and the gas is said to fully ionized. In such a gas the
motion of individual particles is governed by much simpler laws because there are only two
kinds of particles, positively and negatively charged and the complicated reactions between
electrons and atomic structures, usually described by wave mechanics equations, are absent.
Short range atomic forces are now replaced by long range electrostatic repulsion and attraction
conditions can therefore be relatively simple, if the plasma consists essentially of the nuclei and
the electrons of the gas. In plasma of gases of lightest elements (H, He etc.), it is possible that all
electrons are removed from the atoms so that a gas mixture consisting of electrons and bare
nuclei only is obtained. A nuclear fusion reaction can occur when two atomic nuclei approach
very close to each other at velocities at least large enough to overcome their mutual electrostatic
repulsion, that is, the "Coulomb Barrier". With the use of primitive particle accelerators, beams
of deuterons (heavy hydrogen nuclei D) were directed at targets containing heavy hydrogen.
Nuclear rearrangement reactions, resulting from collisions between the impinging and the target
electrons, were observed in which the total kinetic energy carried by the reaction products was
much higher than the kinetic energy carried by impinging beam of deuterons.
Consider a fully ionized gas containing n
number of nuclei of kind A per cm
and n
number of nuclei of kind B. There will of course be a concentration of electrons equal to z
, if z
and z
are the atomic numbers of the elements, but apart from their function of
preserving charge neutrality their presence in plasma is generally ignored. It is assumed that
electrons play no part in the nuclear fusion reactions resulting from impacts between the nuclei.
If the nuclei of type A move through the concentration n
of type B with velocity u, impinging
particle produces, on the average u/ = u . n
a nuclear reactions per sec. Here A is the
appropriate mean free path and a is the cross-section for a particular reaction. Thus if n
of type A are moving about of random among that of B also moving about at random, the total
number of nuclear reactions per cm
per sec (the reaction rate r) will be given by
r = n
< ou >
where u is the relative velocity of the two colliding particles and < ou > denotes the value of au
average over the Maxwellian velocity distribution. In a gas containing only one type of nuclei of
total density n/cm
= n
= n), the reaction rate will be
r = n
< ou > = n
< ou >
It must be noted that all collisions between like particles contribute to the reaction rate.
For fusion to occur, two nuclei must obviously be able to approach each other within
distances of the order of nuclear dimensions i.e. 10
to 10
cm or cross-section of o = 10
. However, being positively charged nuclei repel each other more strongly, the higher
their nuclear charge. Thus fuels composed of highly charged nuclei (those having a higher
atomic number) require higher and higher kinetic energy (higher temperatures of the order of 10
to 10
K) to initiate fusion reactions. Beyond lithium (at No.3) these temperatures become so
high that considering the limited energy releases involved, it would seen that no method thus for
proposed would obtain a net positive release of fusion energy.
There are 4 fusion reactions, listed below, the combinations of which are most often
considered for use in fusion reactors. The energy releases are given in two different units:
(a) MeV (i.e. in million of eV equivalent) the kinetic energy equivalent of energy that
would be carried by a singly charged particle that had been electrically accelerated by that value
of electric potential; and
(b) In kilowatt-hours of energy released per gram of fuel ions heated (where 1 kW-hr =
3.6 x 106 W. sec. of energy).
In the listed reactions, n is the neutron, p is the proton 1H
, D is the deuterium 2H
, T is
tritium 3H
The comparative large cross-section for the DT reaction (reaction 1) at a relatively low
energy suggests that it is the most favourable reaction. If the tritium produced in the reaction-2
can be prevented from escaping from the ionized gas, the D- T reaction is then possible. If 3He
produced in reaction 3 can also be confined the total energy available from the D-D reaction and
its secondary product is about 21 MeV. However the total energy release is determined by the
small cross-section of D-D collisions and then total energy released in one reaction is distributed
between charged and uncharged particles (neutrons). In principle the heavy reaction products
carry small fraction of energy. For example in the D-D reaction the charged particles receive
60% of the released energy in the D- T reaction about 20%. Thus although the latter process
gives a net gain of energy in charged particles of about 4 Me V per reaction, main interest in the
reaction arises from its high probability at low impact energies (100 KeV).
Values of o can be measured by firing beams of single energy particles (deutrons of
known energy in the present case) at solid targets. The value of < ov > is calculated from the
energy distribution of particles (usually Maxwellian) and the energy variation of < E >. The
values of < ov > known as reactionpro6ability are shown in Fig. (D.1) as functions of
temperature and energy. It can be seen that at mean particle energies below 100 KeV the number
of nuclear reactions per second in a D-T reaction is several times greater than in any other gas
Fig.D.1 Reaction probability of thermo nuclear fusion reactors.
mixtures. The D- T reaction is the fastest thermo-nuclear process known and produces 80% of its
energy in the form of 14.1 MeV neutrons which simply escape from the plasma region. These
must be slowed down and captured in surrounding lithium or lithium-alloy blankets in order to
convert their kinetic and absorption energy into heat and to generate the much-needed tritium (T)
as per the following reactions:
7% 6 Li
+ 93% 7 Li
, leading to the generation of T by the following reaction
n + 6Li
T + 4He
+ 4.78 MeV
or n + 7 Li
T + 4He
+ n
- 2.47 MeV
Tritium is radioactive and decays with a half-life of 12.26 years to 3He
and is not
naturally available. But the world supply of Li appears to he sufficient to last for many years
(hundreds) and during this time it is hoped that the D-D scheme will become practicable.
It is thus possible, at such time that fusion technology permits, to conceive of a fusion
fuel cycle that would use D as primary fuel, with the recovery, re-injection and combustion of its
reaction products (T and 3He
). In a steady state system the D-D-T -3He
cycle could be
preferentially weighted toward the D-3He
branch by storing the T for some portion of its half-
life, if this proved to be economically and environmentally advantageous. In fact the D - 3He
reaction has also got a high reaction probability and a large energy release, with all of the latter
imparted to charged particles of the reaction products.
While the pure D-D-T -3He
cycle would in many senses represents a long-term goal for
an economy based on the fusion reactor reaction 1, the D-T reaction is presently being
contemplated for first-generation fusion reactors. Fission invariably involves radioactive fission
products and fissionable material with radiation hazards. By contrast, with the progress and
perfection of the fusion reactor technology, fusion power should evolve towards systems in
which hazards would be reduced to negligible levels and possibility of high-energy conversion
efficiency (through direct conversion) could be realized.
If nuclear fusion becomes a practical source of energy, it will undoubtedly be first by
way of the D-T reaction. At a later stage, however, fusion involving deuterium nuclei only,
which is more difficult to attain, may become important. The reactions (2) and (3) between
deutrons, which take place at about the same rate, the tritium nucleus (T) formed in the reaction
(3) immediately fuses with a deuterium nucleus by the D-T reaction. The net result is the
liberation of 66 million kW-hr of energy per kilogram of deuterium.
The great advantage of D-D fusion would be that it would not be necessary to supply
tritium from an outside source. Such tritium as is involved is produced in one of the D-D
reactions. However, it is unlikely that the conditions for D-D fusion on a practical scale will be
realized for many years. Con.5equently, the following discussion will refer primarily to D-T
The basic raw materials for the D-T reaction are water for deuterium and lithium
minerals (for tritium). All natural waters contain a small proportion of HDO molecules in which
deuterium (D) has replaced one hydrogen (H) atom in ordinary water (H
O). Although there is
only one deuterium atom for every 6500 ordinary hydrogen atoms, the amount of water is so
large that more than 10 trillion (i.e. 10
) tons of deuterium are present on earth. Deuterium in
the form of heavy water (D
O), is extracted from water on a large scale at a moderate cost in
U.S. and Canada. Its main use at present is in certain fission reactors.
Tritium is made by reaction of neutrons with nuclei of the element lithium, especially of
its lighter isotope lithium-6. The required neutrons are produced in the D-r reaction, as seen
above and lithium can be obtained from certain minerals and natural brines. If it should become
necessary, this element could be extracted from seawater although at a lower cost. Because
tritium is radioactive, decaying with a half-life of 12.3 years, it cannot be stockpiled for any
length of time.
D.2 Requirements for Nuclear Fusion
As already seen, an essential requirement for fusion is that the interacting nuclei have
sufficient energy to overcome the force of repulsion. In Fusion studies, the energy of the nuclei
is increased by increasing the temperature. Nuclear fusion reactions that occur at high
temperature are often called thermonuclear reactions. In the so-called hydrogen (or fusion),
bomb, energy is released in an uncontrolled manner by the fusion of hydrogen isotope nuclei at
very high temperatures. The problem is to bring about these reactions under conditions that
permit the controlled release of fusion energy.
In a gas at high temperature, the oppositely charged nuclei and electrons, which are
normally held together in atoms by electrical attraction, become separated from each other. Such
a gas, containing free positively charged nuclei (or ions) and free negatively charged electrons, is
called a plasma. A fusion temperatures, and even well below, the hydrogen isotopes gases are
actually plasmas. The unusual properties of plasmas have an important bearing on the efforts to
realize controlled unclear fusion.
Ignition Temperature. As a result of the electrical interactions between the nuclei and
electrons, plasma emits energy as radiation in a fusion (D-T or D-D) plasma at moderately high
temperatures, more energy is radiated than is produced by fusion. As the temperature is
increased, however, fusion energy production increases more rapidly than radiation emission. At
a sufficiently high temperature "ignition" can occur; that is to say, the fusion can be sustained in
the plasma once it has been initiated. (The term ignition arises from the similarity to a fire; once
it is started, the fire will continue as long as fuel is available). In order to achieve ignition, the
fusion energy remaining in the plasma must exceed the radiated energy.
The products of the D-T reaction are a helium-4 nucleus with a positively charge and an
electrically neutral neutron. Under the conditions existing in controlled fusion reactions, only the
charged particle energy is deposited in the plasma, this amount to 20 per cent of the total D-T
fusion energy. (The remaining 80 per cent carried by the neutrons can be absorbed and utilized
outside the plasma). Hence, the ideal ignition temperature for a D-T fusion plasma is the
temperature at which the energy emitted as radiation is less than 20 per cent of the fusion energy.
Some energy will then remain in the system to sustain the reaction. As will be seen shortly, the
actual ignition temperature is higher than the ideal value.
If the radiation energy arises solely from interactions of the electrons with singly charged
ions (e.g. deuterium and tritium nuclei), the ideal ignition temperature for D-T fusion is
calculated to be about 50 million C. (In fusion studies, temperatures are expressed in terms of
kilo-electron volts or KeV, where 1 KeV is equivalent to 11.6 million K). In practice, there are
additional radiation losses because of the presence of ions with more than a single charge (e.g.,
helium and impurity nuclei); further more, not all the charged particle energy remains in the
plasma. The practical fusion ignition temperature for a D-T plasma is thus taken to be roughly
100 million C. (For the D-D reactions, the corresponding ignition temperature is estimated to be
1000 million C).
Driven Systems. In one scheme (magnetic mirrors) for producing fusion energy the loss
of some charged particles is inevitable (refer magnetic-confinement fusion). The ignition
temperature for D-T plasmas would then be much higher than 100 million C. It is improbable
that ignition could be realized in such systems, but a net production of fusion energy should
nevertheless be possible. This is achieved by injecting energy continuously into the plasma and
multiplying this energy by fusion reactions. Systems of this kind are said to be driven as
distinct from ignition systems, which are self-sustaining after ignition. In all cases, however,
whether ignition occurs or not, the minimum practical temperature for D-T fusion is considered
to be roughly l00 million C.
Energy Break Even Condition. (The Lawson criterion). As essential requirement for the net
production of nuclear fusion energy is that the break-even condition be exceeded. This condition
is that the plasma, be confined for sufficient time to permit the total recoverable fusion energy to
balance the energy required to heat the plasma and to compensate for radiation loss. In other
words, to produce net fusion power a fusion fuel charge must be heated to the combustion
temperatures for fusion and must be confined in this heated condition long enough for the
recovered output of the fusion energy to exceed, on the average, the energy input to the system.
By making a number of simplifying assumptions, J.D. Lawson in England showed in 1957 that
the energy break-even condition could be expressed by the product n. t, where n is the particle
density and t is the confinement time in seconds. The particle density is usually stated as the
number of deuterium or tritium nuclei per cubic centimetre (cm
) and the confinement time in
seconds; hence, n is commonly given in sec/cm
units. It follows from the fact that when the
fuel density is high, the rate of fuel burning is correspondingly more rapid, leading to a shortened
required confinement time before the break-even energy release is reached and vice-versa.
The quantity n. is called the Lawson number (or confinement parameter) and the
minimum value for fusion energy break-even is referred to as the Lawson criterion. The Lawson
criterion depends on the nature of the fusion reaction and the plasma temperature; for a D-T
plasma at 100 million C, the break-even condition is calculated to be around 6 x 1013 sec/cm3.
The attainment of this value of n does not imply ignition. For ignition to occur, the fusion
energy production must exceed the amount required to break-even. The n. product for D-T
ignition at 100 million C is thus higher at about 3 x 1014. (For D-D fusion, the break-even n
value would be larger).
The calculation of the Lawson criterion is based on several approximations and
assumptions which would not necessarily be valid in practice. Nevertheless, the confinement
parameter n is commonly used in fusion studies as a general indication of the approach to
break-even conditions. One of the objectives of current research is to attain a value close to 10
at a temperature near 10
D.3 Plasma Confinement
In a high temperature plasma, the nuclei and electrons move randomly in all directions at
average speeds of several kilometres per second. Hence, unless confined in some way, all the
particles would soon strike the walls of a containing vessel, thereby imparting some of their
energy to the walls. The particles would then return to the plasma with less energy that is, at a
lower temperature. Thus, the plasma would be cooled, and the fusion temperature could not be
realized or maintained. Two quite different confinement methods are currently being
(i) Magnetic confinement and
(ii) Inertial confinement.
Note that a distinction is made between containment and confinement. Containment
applies to the vessel or chamber, which contains (or holds) the plasma, whereas confinement
refers to the means for restraining the plasma from coming into contact with the walls of the
containing vessel.
Magnetic confinement is based on the fact that electrically charged particles have
difficult escaping from a magnetic field. Since fusion plasma consists almost entirely of charged
particles, it should be possible to confine plasma by a suitable magnetic field. Several different
magnetic field arrangements have been (or are being) studied in the effort to confine a high
temperature plasma for a sufficient time to satisfy the Lawson criterion for energy break-even.
As stated the energy leakage involved in a particle escape is extremely high. In the absence of an
escape barrier the loss of energy by particle emission would be of the order of 100 MW/cm
. To
bring this loss down to a value-of 100 W/cm
i.e. 25 cal/sec. would require an energy barrier
against escape (evaporation) of the order of 140,000 volts and is generally created by the help of
a moderately high magnetic fields.
The inertial confinement, a small pellet or sphere of a deuterium-tritium mixture (solid or
liquid) is heated by a very short burst of energy from either laser beams or beams of high-energy
charged particles. Note only is the temperature increased but as a result of various complex
processes, the bellet material is compressed to a high density. The fusion reaction should then
occur so rapidly, in about one-trillionth (10-11 of a second, that inertia (i.e. reluctance to move
from rest) would prevent the pellet from flying apart while fusion is in progress. No other
confinement is required. .
Magnetic and inertial confinement represents two extremes of plasma conditions. In
magnetic confinement, the plasma particle density, n, nuclei/cm3, would be in the vicinity of
, a confinement time of 0.1 sec would then be required to satisfy the Lawson criterion for
energy break-even. In inertial confinement, however, the particle density would. be roughly a
hundred billion (10
) times greater at 10
; the break-even confinement time would
then be as short as 10
The further details of the studies and problems of the two approaches to fusion plasma
confinement are given in the following sections. The attainment of both a temperature of 100
million C (10
K) and a confinement parameter n of 10
in a D-T plasma has proved to
be difficult. Nevertheless, the steady approach to these conditions over the years has been
encouraging. World-wide efforts are thus being continued for the purpose of realizing a new,
clean and almost inexhaustible energy source. It does not seem probable, however, that a
commercial fusion power plant will be operative before the early years of the 21st century.
D.4 Magnetic-Confinement Fusion Introduction.
The use of various magnetic field arrangements for confining high temperature plasmas
to achieve controlled nuclear fusion. In a uniform magnetic field, electrically charged particles
are forced to follow helical (i.e. cork screw) paths along the field lines. The methods used for
generating the magnetic field are described below). In a sense, charged particles are "tied" to the
magnetic field lines. The magnetic field line thereby assumes the role of a guiding centre for the
motion of a charged particle. The particle orbits must then not be allowed to intersect the walls
of the container until the reaction is sufficiently complete. Since high temperature plasma
consists almost entirely of charged particles (atomic nuclei and electrons), it should be confined
by a magnetic field.
The maximum density of plasma that can be confined at a given temperature depends on
the magnetic field strength. There is a practical limit to the field strength and hence a
corresponding maximum for the confined plasma density. At a temperature of 100 million C,
required for a significant fusion of deuterium and tritium (D- T) nuclei, the maximum, n, would
be in the range of 10
to 10
. Hence, in order to satisfy the Lawson criterion for
energy break even (i.e. n greater than about 10
), the confinement time must be at
least 1 to 0.1 sec, respectively.
Although the confinement time appears short, it has been difficult to attain because
several factors contribute to the escape of plasmas from magnetic fields. For example, collisions
between charged particles moving along the fields can cause the particles to move across the
lines and escape from confinement. Furthermore, plasma in a magnetic field has a tendency to
become unstable and leak-out of the confining field. Plasma instabilities are generally classified
as large scale (or macro) instabilities and small scale (or micro) instabilities.
Macro instabilities can cause the plasma as a whole to break up and escape from its
confining magnetic field. Micro instabilities, the other hand, lead to gradual leakage of the
plasma across the field lines. Research on the magnetic confinement of high temperature plasmas
was initiated independently in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.S.R. around
1951, and much of the work done since has been concerned with understanding and overcoming
plasma instabilities.
D.5 Thermo Nuclear Function Reactors (Plasma-details). Several magnetic field
arrangements proposed for plasma confinement, but a few that appear promising will be
described here. There is no assurance, however, that any will provide the basis for a practical
nuclear fusion reactor. (The term "reactor" is commonly applied to a device capable of
generating significant amounts of power by nuclear fission or fusion reactions).
Because tritium is radioactive and requires special handling facilities, experiments with
plasmas are made with non-radioactive hydrogen isotopes, either ordinary (light) hydrogen or
deuterium. Apart from fusion reactions, which occur less readily or not at all, the general
behaviour is expected to be the same as when tritium is present. At a later stage of development,
tritium will be introduced in order to study deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion. This process will be
used in the first controlled fusion reactors.
Very efficient particle confinement is therefore required. The problem is currently to get
n, and to the proper values so that the power output may equal the power input, i.e. break-even
point is reached. Some devices currently operate at high plasma densities and temperatures and
have relatively short confinement times; other devices work at long confinement times but at
insufficient plasma densities or low temperatures and so on and so forth.
Fig. (D.5) shows the magnetically confined Deuterium-Tritium plasma. First: one starts
with a reacting Plasma, which is emitting energy in the form of neutrons, charged particles and
various forms of photons.
Fig.D.5 Schematic representation of controller Thermo nuclear fusion reactor based on the
Deuterium- Tritium (D- T) cycle.
Second step is to surround the plasma with a solid wall which absorbs the charged
particles and photons as well as providing a vacuum for the plasma to ignite in a magnetically
confined system. This wall will absorb about 200/ of the energy from the plasma and must be
cooled. Typical diameters for this first wall will be 5 to 10 metres for the toroidal reactors such
as the Tokamak.
Third step is to surround the vacuum wall with a moderator to slow down the neutrons, a
reflector to reduce the leakage of neutrons and a coolant to carry the heat away. The region
should also contain the deuterium-tritium mixture so that the reaction can be continued.
Approximately 1 metre of the lithium blank and first wall is required to absorb about 97lk of the
heat produced from the plasma Unfortunately, some neutrons and gamma rays will escape, and
the magnets (or lasers in case of pellet fusion) must be protected from these sources of
irradiation. This protection is accomplished by surrounding the blanket with a shield that
completes the moderation of these neutrons that escape and absorbs the gamma rays emitted
from the blanket. This shield also serves as final radiation protection for personnel in the plant.
Outside the shield will be located the magnets (or lasers), fueling equipment, heat
exchangers, tritium removal devices and other equipment associated with the plant.
The overall structure of a Tokamak reactor is indicated schematically in Fig.(D.5.1).
Fig.D.5.1 Schematic representation of main components of a Tokamak Reactor.
Details of Tokamak Systems. The tokamak principle of magnetic confinement in a torus was
developed in the U.S.S.R. in the 1960s. (The name "tokamak" is derived from the initial letters
of the Russian words meaning "toroidal", "chamber", and "magzletic" respectively). After 1968,
when convincing evidence of the tokamak confinement was reported many experimental devices
were built in the United States and elsewhere. As experience has been gained with tokamak
operation, larger and larger machines have been constructed to increase the plasma confinement
time. In particular, plasma stability is improved if the height of the torus is large relative to its
horizontal diameter. In other words the torus has the shape of a "fat" doughnut with a small
central hole.
These devices under different names are developed in U.S., U.K., Japan and U.S.S.R.
The stainless steel toroidal containment chambers are roughly 7.5 to 10 m across and 2 to 2.5 m
high. A tokamak reactor for the production of useful amounts of energy is expected to be much
larger, at least twice as large in each dimension.
Basically, the tokamak magnetic field is a combination of a strong steady (for a time)
toroidal, field and a much weaker, pulsed poloidal field. In a purely toroidal magnetic field, as in
Fig. (D.5.2), the field lines are closed circles with different radii; as a consequence, the plasma
drifts outward in the torous. By superimposing a weak poloidal field, the toroidal field lines
acquire a slight twist so that they do not close on themselves. The twist in the field largely
prevents the drift, and there is a marked increase in the plasma stability and confinement time.
Fig.D.5.2 Toroidal Magnetic Field.
An electric current passing through coils, which encircle the torus in a vertical direction,
produces the toroidal field component. Eventually a constant direct current will probably be used
to maintain a steady toroidal field, but in experimental studies a short-duration field is adequate.
There are various ways of inducing the plasma current for generating the poloidal field.
One procedure is to apply a pulse of primary current to horizontal coils located within the central
hole of the, "doughnus" (torus) and around it. The increase and decrease in the primary currents
induce secondary currents within the torus, and these generate the desired poloidal magnetic
field (see below magnetic fields).
In addition to produce the poloidal field, the induce currents initiate plasma formation
from the gases in the torus and increase the temperature by ohmic heating. The attainable
temperature is limited by the development of large-scale instabilities to about 20 million C.
Neutral-beam injection is favoured for further heating, but radio frequency heating is also being
The essential requirements are the attainment of a temperature of about 100 million C in
a D-T plasma and a confinement parameter n exceeding the 3 x 10
necessary for
energy break-even and ignition. If these conditions can be realized, a tokamak fusion reactor
may operate as follows.
AD-T plasma, formed and heated by a pulse of induced current, is confined in a torus by
a combination of toroidal and poloidal fields. High-energy neutral deuterium beams are then
injected until D-T ignition is initiated. The 20 per cent of the fusion energy carried by the helium
nuclei remains in the plasma and serves to maintain the fusion reaction temperature without
further neutral-beam heating. During this stage, when fusion energy is being produced, the
deuterium and tritium are replenished by injecting solid pellets of these substances into the
After some 10 to 20 minutes of operation, the pulse of induced plasma current will have
dropped to zero; the poloidal field will then cease to exist, and stable plasma confinement is no
longer possible. Residual helium gas and impurities are removed from the tokamark chamber,
and the cycle is repeated, starting with the formation and heating of the D- T plasma by an
induced current pulse followed by neutral beam injection.
The neutrons produced in the D-T reaction are electrically neutral and are not confined
by the magnetic field; they consequently escape, carrying 80 per cent of the fusion energy. The
toroidal plasma chamber is surrounded by a "blanket containing lithium, either as liquid metal or
a molten salt, and the escaping high energy neutrons enter the blanket. Here they react with
lithium nuclei to produce the tritium required for the fusion process.
At the same time, the energy of the neutrons, together with the energy released in their
reaction with lithium, is deposited in the blanket as heat. This can then be used to produce hi gh-
temperature steam (or other vapour) to drive a turbine for generating electric power. Part of this
power is required to produce the tokamak magnetic fields and to operate the neutral-beam
injectors and other equipment; the remainder is then available for sale.
A practical fusion reactor will undoubtedly use super conducting coils to generate the
magnetic fields; When certain metals and alloys are closed to extremely to temperatures, usually
below (-263C), they become superconductors. Once a flow of current has been started in a super
conductor, it will continue indefinitely in a closed circuit after the current source is removed.
Although super conducting magnets, closed by liquid helium, have been built, they are smaller
than those that will be required for fusion reactors.
D.6 Methods of Plasma Heating (In magnetic-confinement fusion)
(1) Ohmic Heating. Four main methods are available for heating magnetically confined
plasma to the high temperatures required for nuclear fusion. The simplest, called ohmic (or
resistance) heating, is to pass an electric current through the plasma; the same principle is used in
an ordinary electric heater. To heat a plasma, the current is generally induced from outside, to
avoid the need for inserting electrical connections in the containing vessel. The heating rate
depends on the resistance of the plasma and the square of the current strength. Since the
resistance decreases with increasing temperature, and because instabilities may develop, the
maximum plasma temperature that can be attained by ohmic heating is commonly around 20
million C.
(2) Neutral Beam Injection. Further heating of a magnetically confined plasma can be
achieved by neutral-beam injection: This depends on two factors (1) positively charged atomic
nuclear (or ions) can be accelerated to high velocities i.e. high energies by means of a high
voltage, but they cannot easily penetrate a magnetic field and (2) neutral (i.e. uncharged) atoms,
on the other hand; can readily penetrate a magnetic field but they can not be accelerated directly.
Plasma heating by neutral beam injection, used specifically for deuterium is conducted m the
following manner.
Deuterium ions are generated from deuterium gas by an electrical discharge in an ion
source; the ions are then accelerated by a high voltage (e.g. more than 100,000 volts). The
accelerated, high-energy deuterium ions pass through a chamber containing neutral deuterium
gas; here electrons transfer from low energy deuterium (D
) atoms to high-energy ions (D
) with
the resulting formation of low-energy deuterium ions and high-energy atoms; thus,
(low energy) + D
(high energy) D
(low energy)
| | + D
(high energy)
The low-energy D+ ions are diverted and removed by a subsidiary magnetic field, while the
high-energy D
atoms are injected into magnetically confined plasma.
In the plasma, electrons are rapidly removed from the atoms to form high-energy ions
which are trapped by the magnetic field and can not escape. The high-energy ions then transfer
part of their energy to the plasma particles in repeated collisions, thereby increasing the plasma
temperature. An ion temperature of 75 million C was reached in a deuterium plasma in 1978 by
neutral beam injection, and it is expected that temperatures of 100 million C will be attainable.
(3) Radio-frequency Heating. Radio frequency waves in the microwave and radar ranges
generated outside magnetically confined plasma, can heat the plasma to very high temperatures.
If the waves have particular frequencies (or wavelengths), part of their energy is transferred to
the ions or electrons (or both in the plasma. These high-energy particles then collide with other
particles and thus increase the plasma temperature.
(4) Compression Heating. Plasma, like a gas can be heated by compression. If the plasma
is confined by a magnetic field, the compression can be achieved readily by a sudden increase in
the confining field strength. In addition to increasing the temperature, compression increases the
plasma density and thus contributes to the confinement parameter n..
D.7 Magnetic Fields. An electric current is always associated with a magnetic field such
that the field lines (or lines of force) are perpendicular to the direction of current flow. The gases
(e.g., deuterium and tritium) required for fusion are often contained in a hollow, doughnut-
shaped chamber called a torus. Magnetic fields can be generated within a torus in two general
In one case, an electric current is passed through a number of rings (or coils) surrounding
the torus, as in Fig. (D.5.2). The associated magnetic field, called a toroidal field, has its lines of
force running around the long way of the torus. Alternatively, the current may be made to flow
through the plasma, as in Fig. (D.7.); tlie lines of the resulting magnetic field, called a poloidal
field, encircle the plasma in the polar (shorter) direction. (Incidentally, whenever plasma is
heated by passing a current through it, as described above, a poloidal field is produced).
To generate a toroidal magnetic field, the rings, which are outside the toroidal chamber
are actually coils of many turns of insulated wire. Direct current of the same strength is then
passed through all the coils. In order to avoid inserting electrical connections into the plasma,
current within plasma, as is required for a poloidal field (and ohmic heating), is produced by
induction. In simple terms, an electric current which varies with time is passed through a
conductor outside and parallel to file torus; this is referred to as the primary current; A similar
secondary current is then induced in the plasma.
Fig. D.7 Poloidal Magnetic Field.
The time-varying primary current is usually a pulse which increases rapidly to a
maximum and then decreases slowly to zero: the secondary current d1anges correspondingly. An
important consequence is that a poloidal field consists of a succession of pulses. A toroidal field,
on the other hand, can be a steady field.
D.8 Open Ended Magnetic Mirror Systems. Plasma confinement by magnetic
mirrors is based on the principle that charged particles spiraling along magnetic field lines tend
to be repelled, and their direction of motion reversed, when they enter a stronger field. The
reversal of direction (or reflection) of the particles leads to the name magnetic mirror for the
region where the field is stronger.
A simple magnetic mirror system for plasma confinement would consist of closely
spaced coils at each end of a straight open-ended tube (Fig.D.8.a). Passage of an electric current
through the coils results in a magnetic field, which is stronger at file ends. The ends where the
lines of force are close together then constitute the mirror regions (Fig.D.8.b). If a plasma is
present between the mirrors, the charged particles may be reflected back and forth many times
from one mirror to the other. If this occurs, the plasma is confined.
However, some loss of plasma cannot be avoided. If a particle has a sufficient component
of motion parallel to the field lines, it will pass through the mirrors and escape from
confinement. Since the directions of motion of the particles are continually changing as a result
of collisions, the escape "is continuous. Nevertheless, confinement of plasma between two
magnetic mirrors for short periods has been demonstrated. Means for improving confinement are
described below.
Fig. D.8 Magnetic mirrors (a) Field coils; (b) Magnetic field.
Plasma Heating. Ohmic (or resistance) heating of plasma in a mirror field does not seem to be
practical, and so other means are used. One promising method is to inject or form low-density,
low temperature 'seed' plasma between the mirrors and then to increase the density and
temperature by the injection of first intermediate energy and then high-energy neutral beams.
The seed plasma can be made outside the confinement region by means of an electrical
discharge in a device called a plasma "gun". The low temperature plasma is then introduced
through the mirror ends by injection along the direction of the field lines. Alternatively, heating a
pellet of solid deuterium by means of a laser beam may form seed plasma.
Magnetic Mirror Problems. Two major problems in magnetic mirror confinement are plasma
in stabilities and loss of plasma by escape through the ends. Theoretical studies have indicated
that large-scale instabilities can be controlled if the confinement field lines always bulge into the
plasma. Examination of Fig. (D.8.b) shows that in the region between the mirrors the field bulges
outward; the confined plasma is then not stable. For stable confinement, the magnetic field must
be a minimum in the inner region where the plasma is confined and increase outward in all
directions. This is often referred to as a magnetic-well configuration.
One way to produce such a configuration is by the so-called yinyang system, which
consists of two almost semicircular coils at right angles. An electric current passing through the
coils produces a magnetic field having fan-shaped ends which, like the coils, are at right angles.
These ends constitute the two mirror regions. There is a central region between the mirrors
where the field is a minimum and where stable plasma confinement is possible. The magnetic
field strength increases outward in all directions from this region, as required for a stable
(magnetic-well) configuration.
Although a plasma confined between the magnetic mirrors may be stabilized in this
manner, escape through the ends in unaffected. Increasing the field strength in the mirror region
relative to that between the mirrors may decrease the losses. -There is, however, a practical limit
to this increase. Losses may also be reduced by an increase in the plasma temperature so that
collisions, which can lead to the escape of particles along the field lines, are decreased. This is
one reason why operating temperatures in a nuclear fusion reactor using open-ended magnetic
mirror confinement would probably be higher than in a toroidal system (e.g. tokamak).
Tandem Mirror System. The purpose of the tandem mirror system is to reduce the end losses
from confined plasma. In a simple, open-ended arrangement, there is a single mirror at each end
with plasma in between. In the tandem mirror scheme, however, each single mirror is replaced
by a fairly closed spaced mirror pair (or tandem mirror), such as could be generated by yin-yang
(or similar) coils or in other ways.
D.9 Inertial-confinement Fusion
Inertial confinement fusion or pellet fusion, now being most actively pursued through the
route of laser irradiation of the pellet, depends on its plasma confinement entirely on internal
effects. Thus this approach would appear free from instability problem that have be set magnetic
confinement. Controlled nuclear fusion in a small sphere of a deuterium-tritium (D-T) fuel
mixture under such conditions that the disassembly (or confinement) time of the sphere at the
high fusion temperature (about 100 million C) is longer than the fusion reaction time. That is to
say, as a result of inertia (i.e. resistance to motion), the fuel remains confined (or holds together)
long enough to permit nuclear fusion to occur to a substantial extent.
Pellet fusion to be successful at a technically feasible level of energy release per micro
explosion, the particle density at which the fusion must take place must be raised to around
10,000 times the particle densities of ordinary liquids or solids. The Lawson criterion (n.)
increases as the square of the radial compression factor. To keep the energy release per micro
explosion to values that are compatible with engineering limitations, such as heat transfer and
apparatus size limits, only a. small quantity of fuel should be reacted per micro explosion. Thus
tiny pellets must be used, and this fact, taken together with Lawson criterion, leads to the
necessity for very large (of the order of 10
atm) density compression factors. The surface of the
pellet must be irradiated at such a high power level (of order of 10
W| cm
) and over such a
short time that an almost instantaneous ablation (blowing away) of the outer surface of the pellet
occurs before appreciable heat flow would be expected to occur into the interior. In principle,
with the use of a sufficient number of symmetrically located converging laser beams derived
from ultra-high power lasers, the required compression forces could be generated. The pellets are
in the form of glass pellets filled with D-T gas and for economically available reactor, must be
made at the cost of a penny each.
Details of inertial-confinement fusion. For a sphere with a diameter of 1 mm, the confinement
time at the accepted D-T fusion temperature of 100 million C is estimated to be about 10
(i.e. one-billionth of a second). If the sphere were smaller, the disassembly time would be
decreased roughly in proportion to the diameter. For significant D- T fusion, the reaction time
would have to be even shorter than this short confinement time.
As stated in a small sphere (or pellet) of a liquid (or solid) D-T mixture at normal density
, the reaction time would be much longer than the confinement time. By compressing the sphere,
the diameter would be decreased and the density of the D-T mixture would be increased. The
decrease in diameter would result in a decrease in the confinement time, but the increase in
density would produce a much greater decrease in the fusion reaction time. Therefore, at a
sufficiently high compression, the reaction time could become less than the confinement (or
disassembly) time and inertial-confinement fusion should be possible.
For example, in a D-T mixture compressed to 10,000 times normal density, the
confinement time at 100 million C of a sphere initially 1 mm in diameter would be roughly 10
sec. The reaction time, however, might be about 10
sec, thus complying with the condition for
inertial confinement. Furthermore, at 10,000 times normal density, the particle density n would
be close to 4 x 10
nuclei/cubic centimeter (em
). The energy confinement time is
approximately the same as the fusion reaction time 10
sec. The product n would then be 4 x
so that, by the Lawson criterion for D-T, ignition and energy break-even should be
D.10 Ablation-lmplosion Compression. The enormous pressure, estimated to be 10
times atmospheric pressure, required to compress a liquid (or solid) D-T mixture to 10,000 times
normal density should be attainable by using the ablation-implosion principle. A thin spherical
shell containing the fusion fuel is heated uniformly in an extremely short time by means of a
high-energy pulse. The shell surface is vaporized and ablated (or blown off) at a high speed in
the outward direction. Then, in accordance with Newton's third law of motion (i.e. every action
has an equal and opposite reaction), the remainder of the material is imploded that is, it is forced
inward. In other words, the D-T fuel material is compressed. Under appropriate conditions, the
compression necessary for inertial confinement fusion should be realized.
As the sphere of D-T fusion fuel is imploded, the increase in the interior pressure
gradually slows down the inward motion until a brief stationary state is reached. A strong shock
(or pressure) wave then moves into the compressed fuel and increases the temperature at the
centre to at least 100 million C, at which D-T fusion occurs at a substantial rate.
The neutrons produced in the D-T reaction escape, but as a result of the high density of
the compressed fuel mixture, the accompanying helium nuclei do not. The energy carried by
these nuclei, representing 20 per cent of the total fusion energy, is deposited as heat in the bulk
of the fuel. With the additional heat energy available, the fusion reaction, initiated at the centre
by shock wave heating, spreads through the fuel sphere in a time that is shorter than the
confinement (disassembly) time.
Two general ways have been proposed for supplying the initial energy pulse required to
cause surface ablation followed by compression and heating of a fusion fuel sphere (or pellet).
One is by means of intense laser beams, and the other is to use beams of high energy, electrically
charged particles, such as negative electrons and positive ions. The energy available for
compression can be optimized by pellet design. One concept is based on the use of two shells; an
outer (ablator) shell of lighter elements (e.g. plastic) and an inner (pusher or compressor) shell of
a heavier element (e.g. gold).
D.11 Laser-Beam Fusion. The initiation of nuclear fusion by laser beams was reported
first from the USSR in 1968 and was subsequently confirmed by in the United States. However,
the extent of fusion, as indicated the neutrons produced, was very small. Laser beams of very
much greater energy would be required to realize a practical laser fusion reactor for generating
useful power.
Theory had indicated that laser beams of short-wave length radiation would provide the
most efficient compression of a D-T fuel pellet. Consequently, neodymium (Nd) glass (i.e. glass
doped with a small amount of neodymium) lasers have been (and are being) used in basic studies
of laser-beam fusion. Because these lasers have a low efficiency (i.e., a small fraction of the
'pumping' energy is converted into radiation energy), a large proportion of the energy supplied is
ineffective. This energy is converted into heat, and the need for cooling the solid lasing material
may take Nd-glass lasers impractical for reactor use.
An alternative is the carbon dioxide (gas) laser; this has a higher efficiency than the Nd-
glass laser and, furthermore, heat can be removed from the gas by circulation through an external
cooling system. The radiation from the carbon dioxide laser has a longer wave length than from a
Nd-glass laser, but it appears that this may not be such a drawback as had been thought.
Existing lasers no matter what the lasing material, are not powerful enough and do not
have the other requirements for a fusion reactor. Efforts are being made to develop such lasers,
possibly with novel lasing materials (e.g. Krypton fluoride). According to present estimates, a
fusion power reactor would require a laser system which an efficiency of at least 40 per cent,
capable of delivering 1 million joules (0.28 kW-hr) of energy per pulse in pulses of less than 10
sec duration at a rate of one pulse per second.
Laser Fusion Reactor. A laser-beam fusion reactor is conceived as a strong, spherical
chamber (or cavity) of some 2 m radius. A small (1 mm) dia pellet (or sphere) of solid or liquid
D-T fuel is injected into the cavity when it reaches the centre, several symmetrically located
high-energy laser beams are focused simultaneously on the fuel for about 10
sec. An ablation-
implosion occurs, and fusion energy is released. After an interval of a second or so, another fuel
pellet is injected, and the process is repeated.
Fig. D.11 shows a schematic arrangement of a Laser-fusion reactor, in which the pellets
are heated by laser light. The pellets act as miniature hydrogen bombs, exploding and delivering
their energy to a wall and a cooling medium. To cause the thermonuclear reaction a beam of
laser light is divided into many components and directed simultaneously as a pulse of
nanosecond (10
sec.) duration to bombard a pellet from several directions. The laser energy is
absorbed in the outer layer of the sphere, causing some material to be evaporated. The particles
escaping from the surface impart a reaction momentum to the rest of the sphere. The resulting
impulsion force compresses the material to an extremely high density, and the heating ignites the
centre region of the pellet. The D-T nuclear reaction proceeds outward to burn the rest of the fuel
and to cause the micro explosion that lasts about 20 Pico seconds (20 x 10
sec). The kinetic
energy of the products neutrons and helium ions is to be deposited over the surface of the
container and out to a heat exchanger. This isolation of the reaction form walls is expected to
prevent material damage.
The helium nuclei formed in the fusion reaction are absorbed in the fuel, but the neutrons,
carrying 80 per cent of the fusion energy, will escape. They are captured in a lithium blanket
where they deposit their energy as heat and also produce the tritium required as fuel material.
The heat could be utilized to generate electricity in a more-or-less conventional manner by
producing steam to drive a turbine generator. Apart from the actual fusion process, a laser-beam
cavity reactor would be similar in principle to (but smaller than) other nuclear fusion reactors.
Fig. D.11 Schematic arrangement of a laser fusion reactor.
A problem is expected to arise from deterioration of the inner-wall of a laser-fusion cavity as a
result of the neutron bombardment. Proposed ways for overcoming this problem are to keep the
inner wall continuously covered with a thin layer of liquid lithium or to maintain a swirling
vortex of this liquid within the cavity.
Although the fusion process initiated by laser beams would be self-sustaining in a single
D-T fuel pellet, a continuous succession of fresh pellets and laser-beam pulses would be required
to maintain operation of the reactor. A laser-fusion reactor is thus a driven energy (or power)
amplifier. The energy supplied in the short pulse of laser radiation would be amplified by a
factor of 100 or more in the resulting fusion reaction.
If the laser energy is 1 million joules per pulse, as suggested earlier, the fusion energy
produced would be about 100 million joules (or 28kW-hr) per pulse. For a repetition rate of one
pellet (or pulse) per second, the fusion power output per cavity would be 100 megawatts (MW).
Because only 80 per cent of this energy, which is carried by the neutrons, is available outside the
cavity and there are inevitable losses in the laser system and elsewhere, it is expected
(optimistically) that a single cavity could generate useful power at a rate of some 20 MW. The
fusion process is expected to have a minor impact on the cavity because of the small mass of D-
T fuel. The proposed cavity radius of2 m should thus provide ample protection against the blast
effect of the repeated fusion energy pulses.
Charged-Particle Beam Fusion. A pulse of energy supplied by a beam of high energy,
electrically charged particles should, like a laser beam, be able to ablate and compress a fusion
fuel pellet (or sphere). This capability was demonstrated with electron beams and deuterium
pellets in the USSR in 1976 and in the United States in 1977. The production of neutrons showed
that nuclear (D-D) fusion had occurred. There is no reason to doubt that fusion could also be
realized with beams of heavier charged particles.
Proponents of charged-particle beam fusion claim that it has advantages over laser-beam
fusion. Pulses of the required energy should be easier to generate, and the generation efficiency
is expected to be higher than for laser beams, the coupling of the heam energy to the fuel pellet
should also be better. The pellets may be larger and less spherical and, consequently, cheaper to
Mostly studies of charged-particle beam fusion had been made with electron beams. High
energy electron beams can be readily obtained with accelerators; but for fusion, pulses of
unusually high current (in ampere) and short duration (less than 10-8 see) are required.
Furthermore, the beams must be transported from the accelerator without spreading and focused
on to the small fuel pellet.
Beams of positively charged light ions, especially protons (i.e. ordinary hydrogen nuclei)
are also being considered for inertial-confinement fusion with such beams, fusion may be
achieved with beams of higher voltage but smaller currents than for electron beams. The required
pulsed proton accelerators may then be easier to build than the electron accelerators. For this and
other reasons, proton beams are now preferred to electron beams for charged-particle fusion
Since last one decade interest has grown in the use of beams of accelerated heavy ions,
with mass numbers from 124 to 238, to produce inertial-confinement fusion. It is possible that
these charged-particle beams may prove more effective than electron, proton, or laser, beams.
Because the heavy ions can travel only a very short distance in matter, initially all their energy
would be absorbed in the outer layers of the pellet. Ablation and compression of the fusion fuel
pellet should then be more effective than in the other proposed methods for achieving inertial -
confinement fusion.
As far as can be seen at present, a nuclear fusion reactor utilizing high energy particle
beams would be similar in principle to the laser-beam reactor described earlier.
D.12 Muon Catalysed Fusion
Introduction. Muon catalysed fusion is the name given to a series of reactions resulting
in the fusion of two hydrogen isotopes nuclei which are kept closed by a negative muon. This
process firstly observed by Alvarez et al (1957). The possibility of realizing fusion-chambers
based on muon catalysis is especially attractive if one considers the advantage of work will a
fusion chamber that is operated relatively at low temperatures. There is a wealth of experience
accumulated by nuclear community of working at these temperatures. Of course, it is almost
futile to take of pure fusion reactors based on muon catalysis alone because of the unfavourable
energetics associated with the production of negative mesons. However, the preliminary
estimates of energy balance for muon-catalysed fusion chambers combined with tile fissionable
nuclide-blanket show a net positive gain.
There is another advantage in selecting muon catalysed fusion as driver for fissionable
blankets the muon catalysed fusion chambers are very useful in themselves as one can
investigate experimentally the validity of fusion cross-section for advanced fusion fuels like
(D,D), (D,He
) (D, Li
) without bothering about the problems connected witll excessive plasma
temperature one requires while trying to realize thermonuclear fusion environment. Also it
would be extremely useful to simulate radiation environment with muon catalysed advanced
fusion fuel for physics and engineering investigations of the likely energy extraction systems of
later-day tf1ermonuclear reactor based on advanced fusion fuels.
There is also an interesting possibility of utilizing muoncatalysed fusion to ignite usual
thermonuclear reactions in an inertially confined deuterium-tritium pellet.
Physics of Muonic Catalysis. The phenomenon of catalysis of nuclear reaction in cold hydrogen
by mesons is brought about by a whole lot of atomic and nuclear processes Which are set into
motion before hydrogen isotopes are made to fuse while keeping close company within a muonic
hydrogen molecular ion by a single -meson. The fusion reactions of our interest among
hydrogen isotopes are given earlier.
Under ordinary conditions these reactions can take place only when the reacting nuclei
are imparted enough kinetic energy to tunnel significantly through the Coulomb barrier. For
example, the nuclei are heated to high temperatures in thermonuclear fusion. It is to be noted that
the kinetic energy required to be supplied to the nuclei is usually. much smaller than the height
of the coulomb-barrier. Also the probability of barrier penetration is more critically dependent on
barrier, width. These bring the nuclei close enough, say by chemical forces. In an ordinary
hydrogen molecule, a nuclear reaction is impossible because of large distance between the two
nuclei. In fact, it is easy to this from the following relation for barrier penetration.
- Km
B= exp ...(D.12.1)
where K is a numerical factor around 3, m is the reduced mass of the hydrogen nuclei. me
is the mass of electron, if electron could be replaced by some "electron like. heavier particle to
produce chemical binding in the hydrogen molecule, B would increase. Only suitable electron-
like particle turns out to be negative meson as it does not react with nucleus. The subnuclear
meson is 207 times as heavy as electron with the same . electric charge. This leads to very small
value of Bohr radius (o) for muon. Muon has got life time of 2.2 x 106 see and it decays into an
electron, neutrino and antinutrino. This short lifetime of muon necessitates its utilization through
fast processes. When muons are injected into some dense matter, they slow down rather quickly
and at low energies are captured to form muonic atoms. For example, slowing down in a 50% D
+ 50% T
medium will form muonic atoms D
and T