CE401 7th Seme
CE401 7th Seme
CE401 7th Seme
Advanced Computer Architecture Class Work: 40 Exam: 60 Total: 100 Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs. Note: Five questions will be set in all by the examiner. At most two internal choices can be provided. Unit 1: Introduction: Some definition and terms, interpretation and microprogramming. The instruction set, Basic data types, Instructions, Addressing and memory, Virtual to real mapping. Basic Instruction Timing, Computer Architectural Classification schemes, System attributes to performance. Unit 2: Program and network properties: Conditions of parallelism, Data and resource Dependences, Hardware and software parallelism, Program partitioning and scheduling, Grain Size and latency, Program flow mechanisms, Control flow versus data flow, Data flow Architecture, Demand driven mechanisms, Comparisons of flow mechanisms. Unit2: Time, Area And Instruction Sets: Time, cost-area, Phases of a processor project: A study, Instruction sets, Professor Evaluation Matrix Unit-3: Cache Memory Notion: Basic Notion, Cache Organization, Cache Data, adjusting the data for cache organization, write policies, strategies for line replacement at miss time, Cache Environment, other types of Cache. Split I and D-Caches, on chip caches, Two level Caches, write assembly Cache, Cache references per instruction. Unit4: Memory System Design: The physical memory; memory hierarchy Technology: hierarchical memory technology, inclusion, coherence and locality; models of simple processor memory interaction; Virtual memory technology: models, TLB, paging and segmentation, memory replacement policies. Unit5: Advanced processors: Vector Processors, multiprocessors and multicomputers, introduction to multi-vector and SIMD computers, Advanced processor technology, Instruction-set Architectures, CISC Scalar Processors, RISC Scalar Processors, Superscalar Processors, VLIW Architectures, Vector and Symbolic processors.
Class Work: 40 Exam: 60 Total: 100 Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs. Note: Five questions will be set in all by the examiner. At most two internal choices can be provided. Unit-1 Basic Encryption and Decryption: introduction to Ciphers, Monoalphabetic Substitutions such as the Caesar Cipher, Cryptanalysis of Monoalphabetic Ciphers, Polyalphabetic Ciphers such as Vigenere Tableaux, Cryptanalysis of Polyalphabetic Ciphers, Perfect Substitution Cipher such as the Vernam Cipher, Stream and Block Ciphers..
Unit-2 Properties of Arithmetic Operations: Inverses, Primes, Greatest Common Divisor, Euclidean Algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, Properties of Modular Arithmetic, Computing the inverse, Fermat's Theorem, Algorithm for Computing Inverses, Random number generation. Secure Secret Key (Symmetric) Systems: Data Encryption Standard (DES), Analyzing and Strengthening of DES, Advance Encryption Standard (AES) Public Key (Asymmetric key) Encryption Systems: Concept of Public key Encryption System, Introduction to Merkle-Hellman Knapsacks, Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) Encryption, Digital Signature Algorithms (DSA) Hash Algorithms: Hash Concept, Description of Hash Algorithms , Message Digest Algorithms such as MD4 and MD5 , Secure Hash Algorithms(SHA) . Unit3 Applied Cryptography, Protocols and Practice: Key Management Protocols: Diffie-Hellman Algorithm, Key Exchange with Public Key Cryptography. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Concept of Digital Certificate, Certificate Authorities and it's roles, X509 Structure of Digital Certificate. Unit-4 Network Security Practice: Authentication Applications- Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service; Electronic Mail Security- Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME; IP Security: IP Security Overview,IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining Security Associations; Web Security:Web Security Considerations, Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction Unit5 Operating System, Database and Program Security: Operating Systems Security: Security Policies, Models of Security, Security Features of Ordinary and trusted Operating System. Database Security: Security Requirements of Databases, Reliability and Integrity, Protection of Sensitive Data. Program Security: Kinds of Malicious Code, Virus Signatures, Preventing Virus Infection, Trapdoors, Convert Channels, Control Against Program Threads.
Class Work: 40 Exam: 60 Total: 100 Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs. Note: Five questions will be set in all by the examiner. At most two internal choices can be provided. Unit-1: Introduction: Review of the Traditional Methodologies, Advantages of Object Oriented Methodologies over Traditional Methodologies, Classes, Objects, Encapsulation, Association, Aggregation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, States and Transitions. Visual Modelling using Unified Modelling Language (UML): What is Visual Modelling? Object
Oriented Modelling, Introduction to Unified Modelling Language (UML): History of UML, Overview of UML Capabilities, Usage of UML. Introduction to Rational Rose CASE tool: Introduction Importance of Rational Rose, Capabilities of Rational Rose Case Tool. Unit-2: Introduction to Objectory Software Development Process: Introduction, Benefits, Phases and Iterations, Elaboration Stage, Construction Stage, Transition Stage. Creating Use Case Diagrams: Actors and Use Cases, Use Case Relationships, Types of Relationships, Use Case Diagrams: Creating Main Use Case -,Relationships - , Additional Use Case - Diagrams in Rational Rose, Activity Diagrams Activities, Transitions, Decision Points, Swimlanes Unit-3: Identifying Classes ,Packages and drawing a Class Diagram: State, Behaviour, Identity of Objects, Stereotypes and Classes, Creating and Documenting Classes in rational Rose, Packages, Drawing a Class Diagram Specifying Relationships : The Need of Defining Relationships, Association and Aggregation Relationships, Naming Relationships, Role Names, Multiplicity Indicators, Reflexive Relationships, Package Relationships, Inheritance, Finding Relationships, Creating Relationships in Rational Rose Unit-4: Discovering Object Interactions: Documenting Scenarios using Interaction Diagrams, Types of Interaction Diagrams, Adding Behaviour and Structure: Representing Behaviour and Structure, Creating Attributes & operations and documenting them, Displaying attributes and operations, Association Classes, Analysing Object Behaviour: Modelling Dynamic Behaviour, States Unit-5: Checking the Model: Making the Model Homogeneous, Combining Classes, Splitting Classes, Eliminating Classes, Consistency Checking, Scenario Walk-through, Event Tracing, Documentation Review, Designing the System Architecture : The need for Architecture, The 4+1 view of Architecture, The Logical view, The Component View, The Process View, The Deployment View, The Use Case view. Unit-6: The Iteration Planning Process: Benefits, Goals, Design the User Interface, Adding Design Classes, The Emergence of Patterns, Designing Relationships, Designing Attributes and Operations, Designing for Inheritance, Coding, Testing, and Documenting the Iteration.
CE407 Distributed Operating System Class Work: 40 Exam: 60 Total: 100 Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs. Note: Five questions will be set in all by the examiner. At most two internal choices can be provided.
Unit-1: Introduction: Introduction to Distributed System, Goals of Distributed system, Hardware and Software concepts, Design issues. Communication in distributed system: Layered protocols, ATM networks, Client Server model ,Remote Procedure Calls and Group Communication. Middleware and Distributed Operating Systems. Unit-2: Synchronization in Distributed System: Clock synchronization, Mutual Exclusion, Election algorithm, the Bully algorithm, a Ring algorithm, Atomic Transactions, Deadlock in Distributed Systems, Distributed Deadlock Prevention, Distributed Deadlock Detection . Unit-3: Processes and Processors in distributed systems: Threads, System models, Processors Allocation, Scheduling in Distributed System, Real Time Distributed Systems. Unit-4: Distributed file systems: Distributed file system Design, Distributed file system Implementation, Trends in Distributed file systems. Distributed Shared Memory: What is shared memory, Consistency models, Page based distributed shared memory, shared variables distributed shared memory. Unit-5: Case study MACH: Introduction to MACH, process management in MACH, communication in MACH, UNIX emulation in MACH. Text Book: CE421 Distributed Operating System Andrew S. Tanenbaum, PHI. SOFTWARE TESTING Class Work:40 Exam: 60 Total: 100 Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs. Note: Five questions will be set in all by the examiner. At most two internal choices can be provided. Unit 1 Introduction Definition of testing, goals, psychology, model for testing, effective testing, limitations of testing, Importance of Testing. Unit 2 Testing terminology and Methodology Definition of Failure, faults or bug, error, incident, test case, test ware, life cycle of bug, bug effects, bug classification, test case design, testing methodology, development of test strategy, verification, validation, testing life cycle model, testing techniques, testing principles,Testing Metrices. Unit 3 Verification and validation Verification activities, verification of requirements, verification of HL design, verification of data design, verification of architectural design, verification of UI design, verification of LL
design, introduction to validation activities Unit 4 Black Box testing Boundary value analysis, equivalence class portioning, state table based testing, decision table based, grappling, error guessing. Unit 5 White Box testing Logic coverage criteria, basic path testing, graph matrices, loop testing, data flow testing, mutation testing Unit 6 Static testing Types of static testing, technical reviews, inspections, inspection process, structured walk through, walk through process, adv. Of static testing Unit 7 Validation Testing Unit testing, drivers , stubs, integration testing, methods, effect of module coupling and cohesion, functional testing, system testing, recovery testing, security testing, stress testing, performance testing, usability testing Unit 8 Test Automation and debugging S/w measurement and testing, testing metrics, tools debugging, debugging techniques, design of practical test cases, reducing no. of test cases,
Text books:1. G.J Myers, The Art of Software Testing, John Wiley & Sons, 1979 2. Naresh Chauhan,Software Testing Principles and Practices,OXFORD University Press.
IT307 Network Programming & Administration
Class Work:40 Exam: 60 Total: 100 Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs. Note: Five questions will be set in all by the examiner. At most two internal choices can be provided. Unit-1: Introduction to networking, TC/IP Protocol architecture, Classful internet addresses, subnets, super netting, address resolution Protocol (RAP) and RARP, IP datagram format, UDP and TCP/data grams , TCP connection establishment and Format, Buffer sizes and limitation, ICMP its purpose , FINGER, NET STAT details & IP config, Ping, TRACERT, ROUTE. Unit-2: Socket introduction, Address structures, value result arguments, Byte ordering and manipulation function and related functions, elementary TCP sockets, TCP client sever, I/O functions, select& poll functions, socket options elementary UDP sockets, elementary node
and address conversions, DNS, gethost by Name function, Resolver option, Function and IPV6 support, uname function, other networking information, echo service (TCP and UDP). Unit-3: Algorithm and issues in server software design :iterative connectionless servers, (UDP), Iterative, connection oriented servers (TCP), single process, concurrent servers multiprotocol servers (TCP,UDP), multi service servers (TCP,UDP). Unit-4: Remote procedure call concept (RCP) :RPC models, analogy between RPC of client and server, remote programs and procedures, their multiple versions and mutual exclusion communication semantics, RPC retransmits, dynamic port mapping ,authentication. Unit-5: Network file system concept of data link access, debugging techniques ,Routing sockets, broadcasting to mobile network. Text Books: Unix Network programming Vol -2nd edition, W.Richard Stevens Internet working with TCP/IP Vol-1, Doubles e-commer. Internetworking TCP/IP Vol III Doubles E comer, David L.Stevens Reference Book: Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol II