26304.CA325 Operating System Jan-May 2020
26304.CA325 Operating System Jan-May 2020
26304.CA325 Operating System Jan-May 2020
Identify and summarize the basic concepts of Operating System, its categories and functions
To know various process management concepts including scheduling, synchronization and deadlocks.
Analyze and evaluate the common algorithms used for both pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling
of tasks in operating systems and their performance comparison.
Outline and familiarize the concepts of memory management, paging and virtual memory.
Relate system resource sharing among users, issues related to file system interface and its implementation
and disk management.
To examine and make familiar with security, protection mechanisms of operating system.
Demonstrate knowledge in applying system software and tools available in modern operating system such
as threads, system calls, semaphores, etc.) for software development.
2. Course Learning Outcome:
On successful completion of the course, a student will be able to
CLO01:Know and learn the basic concepts of operating system and its functions
CLO02: Identify process management concepts and process synchronization.
CLOO3: Assess the deadlock in system, its consequences, its prevention and its avoidance and how to
recover from deadlock.
CLO04: Infer, solve and analyze various CPU scheduling algorithms.
CLO05: Interpret and manage memory using various allocation methods and appraise concept of paging
and virtual memory.
CLO06: Outline and file system interface, its mounting and learn the need of disk scheduling and disk
scheduling algorithms.
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Course Plan
a. B01:AviSilberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, 9thEdition, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
b. B02: D M Dhamdhere; “Operating Systems”Second Edition; Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2006
c. B03: Andrew S Tanenbaum; "Operating Systems "; Prentice Hall, 1987.
d. B04: William Stallings; “Operating Systems”; Pearson education, 2008.
5. Course Plan:
a. Lecture Plan
1-3 Introduction:
Introduction to Operating System, Operating System Architecture, Types of
Operating System, Operating System services. System calls.
4-7 Process management: process concept(different states, state diagram, PCB,
schedulers), operations on processes, Inter-process communication
8-9 Threads, user level, kernel level threads,Multithreading models
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Course Plan
39-40 Allocation methods: Contiguous, linked and index allocation, free space
41-42 Device management: Disk structure, disk scheduling
43-44 FCFS Scheduling, SSTF Scheduling, SCAN Scheduling etc.., Selecting Disk Scheduling
45-47 Resource management: Principles and goals, domain of protection, access matrix,
access control
48-50 Security: Authentication, Program Threats, System Threats and Encryption
Component 2 Test/Sessional Tests 03* 30% Offline
Total 100%
Out of 03 STs, the ERP system automatically picks the best 02 STs marks for evaluation of the STs as final marks.
Out of 02 IECs, the ERP system automatically picks the best 01 IECs marks for evaluation of the IECs as final marks.
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Course Plan
As defined in Academic
ST 02 41% - 80%
As defined in Academic
ST 03 100%
No. of
S.No. Topic (s) Weightage %
1. Introduction to Operating System: Operating System
Architecture, Types of Operating System, Operating System 3 10%
services, Major Functions, System calls.
2 Process Concept: Overview, Process Scheduling, Operations on
processes, Inter-process communication, Threads and
Multithreading models. 12 20%
Process scheduling: Basic concepts, scheduling criteria, Scheduling
Algorithms, Algorithm Evaluation.
3 Process Synchronization: Critical section problem, Solution to
5 10%
Critical section problem, Semaphores. Classical problems.
4 Deadlock: System model, Deadlock characterization, Methods for
handling deadlock, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, 5 15%
Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.
5 Memory Management: Background, Swapping, Contiguous
4 10%
memory allocation, Paging, Segmentation
6 Virtual Memory Management: Concept, Demand Paging, Page
3 10%
replacement algorithms, Thrashing.
7 Storage Management: File concept, Access methods, File Allocation
Methods, Directory structure, File mounting, File and directory 8 10%
implementation, Free space management
8 Secondary storage structure: Disk Scheduling, Disk structure, FCFS
Scheduling, SSTF Scheduling, SCAN Scheduling, Selecting Disk 4 10%
Scheduling Algorithms
9 System Security and Protection: -Goals and domain of protection,
access matrix, access control, Authentication Problem, Program 6 5%
Threats, System threats, encryption
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Course Plan
Programme In-charge/
Mr. Preetinder Singh Brar
Asst. Dean/Associate Dean
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