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The document discusses the logic synthesis flow and different technology libraries used at various stages of the flow. It also describes some Tcl commands that can be used to check timing constraints, reports and resource/netlist details after synthesis.

The main technology libraries discussed are the target library, link library and physical library. The target library is the destination technology library used for mapping during synthesis. The link library describes the function of mapped cells prior to optimization. The physical library includes physical design rules and views of standard cells.

Commands like report_timing_requirements, report_constraint and report_timing can be used to check for timing constraint violations and generate timing reports. report_timing with various arguments like -path, -input_pins, -physical etc. can generate detailed timing reports.

Introduction to Digital VLSI

Logic Synthesis

Basic Synthesis Flow and Commands

Technology Libraries Design Read/Write Design Objects Timing Paths Constraints Compile Wire Load Models Multiple Instances Integration Advanced Commands Check Before Compile Check After Compile

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Synthesis Script Flow

1. Configuration variables, e.g. bus_naming_style, verilogout_no_tri 2. Library variables 3. Read design 4. Constraints 5. Compile 6. Reports 7. Write design

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Some Tcl Syntax

dc_shell-t> set a 5 5 dc_shell-t> set b {c d $a [list $a z]} c d $a [list $a z] dc_shell-t> set b [list c d $a [list $a z]] c d 5 {5 z} dc_shell-t> set delay [expr .5 * $base_delay]

[cmd] returns the result of the command: like cmd in csh. {} creates a list without variable or command substitution
Use the list command when variable and/or command subtitution is required.

Use the expr command for all arithmetic expressions. Many Tcl resources (for advanced scripts):

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Logic Synthesis

Technology Libraries
Target Library
The target library is the technology library you want to map to during synthesis. It is also known as the destination library. Specify the target library with the pointer variable target_library.
set target_library {"cdr2synPwcslV300T125.db" "scanff.db"}

Optimized Netlist Design Compiler Design is mapped to gates from target_library.

Target Library

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Link Library
The link library is a technology library that is used to describe the function of mapped cells prior to optimization. Specify the link library with the variable pointer link_library. Typically, the link and target library are set to the same technology library. The first entry in the list should be "*" to use designs currently in memory.
Link Library HDL Code RTL + manually instantiated gates Design Compiler Netlist from earlier synthesis Design is mapped to gates from target_library. Target Library Optimized Netlist

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Logic Synthesis

Physical Technology Libraries (PC Flow)

Physical Library
The physical library is the technology library which inbclues the physical design rules and physical view of the standard cells. Specify the physical library with the pointer variable physical_library.
set physical_library {"cmos090gp_h8hp_tech.pdb" "cmos090gp_h8hp_stdcells.pdb"}

Link Library HDL Code RTL + manually instantiated gates Netlist from earlier synthesis Floorplan Physical Compiler Design mapped to gates from target library Design placed according to physical library Output: Verilog GLV and layout pdef/def format Optimized (mapped and placed) Netlist

Target Library

Physical Library

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Example of Libraries include file

set search_path [concat $search_path \ /usr/cad/library/udr2/synopsys_1998.02 \ ~ppcec/synopsys/lib_1998.02] set target_library { \ adv_lib_3state_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ adv_lib_comb_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ adv_lib_dff_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ adv_lib_latch_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ msil_udr2_85_wcs_v3t150.db \ ppcec_prv_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135.db \ clock_driver.db \ wire_load_models.db \ } set link_library { "*" \ adv_lib_3state_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ adv_lib_comb_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ adv_lib_dff_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ adv_lib_latch_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ adv_lib_latch_old_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c.db \ msil_udr2_85_wcs_v3t150.db \ ppcec_prv_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135.db \ clock_driver.db \ wire_load_models.db \ }

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Logic Synthesis

Design Read
read_file [-format input_format] [-define macro_names] file_list -format input_format
db Synopsys internal database format (smaller and loads faster than netlist) verilog RTL or gate-level Verilog netlist

-define macro_names: enables setting defined values used in the Verilog source code. If you code uses ifdef statements, you should set: hdlin_enable_vpp=true read_db or read_verilog are equivalent to read_file -format xxx Example: read_file -format verilog -define BLOCK_A_DEF { block_a.v block_b.v } current_design [design] returns or sets the current working design Note: The read command sets the last module read as the current design.

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Logic Synthesis

Design Read by Analyze and Elaborate

analyze & elaborate flow can be for power compiler clock gating, or for setting a parametric design selection analyze [-format input_format] [-update] [-define macro_names] file_list Analyzes HDL files and stores the intermediate format for the HDL description in the specified library. Similar to first stage of read_file. Example: analyze -f verilog -update { block_a.v block_b.v } elaborate top_design [-parameters param_list] [-architecture arch_name] [-update] [-gate_clock] Example: elaborate -update mult -parameters "N=8,M=3" -gate_clock

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Design Write
write_file [-format output_format] [-hierarchy] [-output output_file_name] [design_list] output_format can be db or verilog as above -hierarchy writes the entire hierarchy from the named design down; otherwise, only the top-level module is saved The default for design_list is the current design.

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Design Objects


module m (i1, i2, i3, i4, clk, out1); input i1, i2, i3, i4, clk; output out1; wire int1, int0;



kuku U1 (.a(i1), .b(i2), .c(i3), .d(in4), .q1(int1), .q0(int0)); ind3f U2 (.IN1(int1), .IN2(int0), .IN3(clk), .OUT1(out1)); Reference endmodule Cell Pin

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Design Objects (cont.)

Design: A circuit description that performs one or more logical functions (i.e Verilog module). Cell: An instantiation of a design within another design (i.e Verilog instance). Reference:The original design that a cell "points to" (i.e Verilog submodule) Port: Pin: Net: Clock: source. The input, output or inout port of a Design. The input, output or inout pin of a Cell in the Design. The wire that connects Ports to Pins and/or Pins to each other. Port of a Design or Pin of a Cell explicitly defined as a clock

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Logic Synthesis

Design Objects Exercise

in1 in2 clk reset INPUT1 ind2c OUTPUT1 (i1) int1 INPUT2 D Q dffrpc (i8) C RB out1

all_inputs {"clk", "in1", "in2", "reset"} all_outputs {"out1"} all_clocks /* works only after clocks are defined */ {"clk"} all_registers {"i8"} all_connected int1 {"i1/OUTPUT1", "i8/D"}

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Logic Synthesis

Timing Paths
Timing paths are usually:
input port -> output port input port -> register register -> output port register -> register

The startpoint from a FF is the clock pin. The endpoint at a FF is a data pin. Timing paths do not go through FFs (except for asynchronous set/ reset).

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Timing Paths Example

oe clk

q d dffp qb trinv

out[2:0] 2


d dffp qb trinv q

aoi211 reset (synnchonous)

d dffp qb q


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Logic Synthesis

Timing Path - Input Port to Output Port

clk create_clock in1 set_input_delay

possible clock tree


c d rst q


c d rst q


out set_output_delay

rst (async)

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Logic Synthesis

Timing Path - Input Port to Register

clk create_clock in1

possible clock tree

c d rst q

in2 set_input_delay

c d rst q



rst (async)

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Timing Path - Register to Output Port

clk create_clock in1

possible clock tree

c d rst q


c d rst q


out set_output_delay

rst (async)

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Timing Path - Register to Register

clk create_clock in1

possible clock tree

c d rst q


c d rst q



rst (async)

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Logic Synthesis

Timing Path - Transparent Latch, Input to Output

clk create_clock in1

possible clock tree

clock is active when in2 changes

q Latch rst c


in2 set_input_delay

d DFF q rst


out set_output_delay

rst (async)

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Logic Synthesis

False Timing Path - from Async Set/Reset (not checked)

clk create_clock in1

possible clock tree

c d rst q


c d rst q



rst (async)

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Logic Synthesis

Defining Clocks
create_clock [port_pin_list] [-name clock_name] [-period period_value] [-waveform edge_list] Creating a clock with a specified period automatically constrains the internal (FF -> FF) paths. -name can be used to give the clock a different name or to create a virtual clock The edge_list consists of an even number (usually 2) of rising and falling edges; the default is {0 period_value/2} to produce a 50% duty cycle. Example:
set cg_host_clk54_period 18 create_clock -period $cg_host_clk54_period cg_host_clk54

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Logic Synthesis

Defining Clocks (cont.)

An ideal clock uses the specified propagation delays between the clock source and the register clock pins. An ideal clock is used when the actual clock tree has not yet been inserted (pre-layout). The estimated parameters of the clock tree are specified using the following commands. set_clock_latency delay object_list set_clock_uncertainty uncertainty object_list set_clock_transition transition clock_list

A propagated clock uses the calculated propagation delays between the clock source and the register clock pins. This is appropriate when the actual clock tree is included in the model (post-layout). set_propagated_clock object_list

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Logic Synthesis

Defining Clocks (cont.)

set_dont_touch_network object_list The "dont_touch" attribute is applied to cells and nets in the fanout of the object until register pins are reached. This is intended for preserving clock trees.
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks] set_dont_touch_network [all_clocks]

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Logic Synthesis

Defining Clocks
create_generated_clock -source master_pin [port_pin_list] [-name clock_name] [-divide_by divide_factor] Defines a clock that is derived within the module from another clock. Insertion latency is calculated automatically; no need to specify timing explicitly. -name can be used to give the clock a different name -divide_by specifis the division factor Example: (divide by 2) clkb clka clkb_reg

create_generated_clock -source clka -divide_by 2 -name clkb [get_pins clkb_reg/q]

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Input Constraints
All input ports (except clocks) should have 2 types of constraints: load and timing set_driving_cell [-cell library_cell_name] port_list This command specifies the drive capability of the input port in terms of a library cell. It indirectly limits the load seen on the input port. set_max_fanout fanout_value object_list This command limits the number of components that can be driven by the input port. It is useful for signals that drive many blocks (e.g. global buses, reset). Example:
set_driving_cell -cell inv_6 [all_inputs] remove_driving_cell {cg_host_clk54} set normal_fanout 6 set_max_fanout $normal_fanout [all_inputs] set_max_fanout 1 {g_reset}

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Input Constraints (cont.)

set_input_delay -max delay_value [-clock clock_name] port_pin_list set_input_delay -min delay_value_hold [-clock clock_name] port_pin_list The delay_value is the external delay from the clock edge. This leaves (clock_period - delay_value) for the input signal in the current design.
clock_period clk

in1 0.5 7.2 set_input_delay -max 7.2 -clock clk {in1} set_input_delay -min 0.5 -clock clk {in1}

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Logic Synthesis

Output Constraints
All output ports should have 2 types of constraints: load and timing set_load load_value object_list This command specifies the external load that the output port must drive. Example:
# standard load definition of inverter 8X drive according to synopsys library set std_gate_load [load_of $library_name/inv_8/a] # capacitance of 1u from wire_load model parameters in synopsys library set u_wire_load 0.00016 # load variables definition for normal signals set normal_load [expr ($normal_fanout * $std_gate_load) + (1000 * $u_wire_load)] set_load $normal_load [all_outputs]

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Output Constraints (cont.)

set_output_delay -max delay_value_setup [-clock clock_name] port_pin_list set_output_delay -mix delay_value_hold [-clock clock_name] port_pin_list The delay_value is the external delay to the clock edge. This leaves (clock_period - delay_value) for the output signal in the current design (max path). 3-state disable not supported well.
clock_period clk 500ps out1 5500ps set_output_delay 5500 -max -clock clk {out1} set_output_delay -500 -min -clock clk {out1}

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Path Constraints
set_max_delay delay_value [-rise | -fall] [-from from_list] [-through through_list] [-to to_list] set_min_delay delay_value [-rise | -fall] [-from from_list] [-through through_list] [-to to_list] Path start points are usually input ports or register clock pins. Path end points are usually output ports or register data pins. Using -from and/or -to with points along a path splits the path into two shorter paths. Use with care! -rise and -fall select paths whose end point is rising or falling -through can be used to select among multiple paths with the same start and end points

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Logic Synthesis

Timing Exceptions
set_false_path [-rise | -fall] [-from from_list] [-through through_list] [-to to_list] Disables timing constraints on specific paths. Used for paths from signals that are stable during circuit operation:
set_false_path -from cg_scan_test

Used for paths between clock domains. (The timing of signals between asynchronous clocks should be correct by design: synchronizers, etc.!)
set_false_path -from [get_clocks ig_tsiclk] -to [get_clocks cg_host_clk54]

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Timing Exceptions (cont.)

set_multicycle_path path_multiplier [-rise | -fall] [-setup | -hold] [-from from_list] [-to to_list] [-through through_list] [-start | -end] Overrides the clock-to-clock timing for paths that may use more than one clock cycle. To allow N clock cycles for the path, use -setup N and -hold (N-1):
set_multicycle_path 2 -setup -from {cg_adr} -to {nx_adr nx_write_en} set_multicycle_path 1 -hold -from {cg_adr} -to {nx_adr nx_write_en}

Details are somewhat complex. Use the manual for other cases.

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Default - Multicycle setup=1, hold=0

Same Clock startpoint hold relation endpoint setup relation

Shifted Clock startpoint hold relation endpoint setup relation

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Multicycle Path setup=2, hold=0

Same Clock startpoint hold relation setup relation endpoint

Shifted Clock startpoint hold relation endpoint setup relation

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Multicycle Path setup=2, hold=1

Same Clock startpoint hold relation endpoint setup relation

Shifted Clock startpoint hold relation setup relation


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Multicycle Path, Multi Frequency, Default Setup=1, Hold=1

Fast to Slow startpoint setup relation endpoint hold relation

Slow to Fast startpoint setup relation endpoint hold relation

By default - setup timing is related to the Endpoint clock and hold timing related to the Startpoint clock

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Multicycle Path, Multi Frequency, Setup=2, Hold=0, 3

Fast to Slow, Step 1 startpoint setup relation endpoint set_multicycle_path 2 -from Start -to End (implicitly hold becomes zero since no -setup flag used) hold relation

Fast to Slow, Step 2 startpoint setup relation endpoint

(hold reference point) 0 1 2 3

hold relation

set_multicycle_path 3 -hold -from Start -to End Can alse be: set_multicycle_path 1 -hold -end -from Start -to End

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Multicycle Path, Multi Frequency, Setup by Startpoint

Fast to Slow startpoint setup relation endpoint set_multicycle_path 2 -setup -start -from Start -to End hold relation

Similarily - hold can be moved from Startpoint (default) to Endpoint:

Fast to Slow startpoint setup relation endpoint set_multicycle_path 2 -setup -start -from Start -to End set_multicycle_path 1 -hold -end -from Start -to End hold relation

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Timing Exceptions (cont.) Using -through

set_multicycle_path 2 -setup -through {a b c} -through {d e}

Selects all paths that pass through (a OR b OR c) AND THEN (d OR e)

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Logic Synthesis

Area Optimization
set_max_area [-ignore_tns] area If the max_area is not defined, DC will do minimal area optimization. This is appropriate if the area is not important since it reduces the compile time.
set_max_area 0

This command will cause DC to reduce the area as much as possible w/o increasing any timing violation (1998.02-). This is recommended for most designs at MSIL where the optimization priority is: (1) timing and (2) area
set_max_area -ignore_tns 0

This command will cause DC to reduce the area as much as possible w/o increasing the worst timing violation of a path group, but may increase delay violations below the worst timing violations. Not Recommended.

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compile [-map_effort low | medium | high] [-incremental_mapping] [-verify] [-scan] The compile command performs the mapping and optimization of the current design taking into account the constraints. The map_effort specifies which algorithms should be used. Higher effort produces better results, but requires more run time.
- Low effort can be used to check constraints. Medium effort is the default. High effort should be used for final synthesis to take full advantage of the tool.

-incremental_mapping starts with the current mapping and optimizes where there are violations. Otherwise, an additional compile re-maps the design. -verify checks the logic of the netlist vs. the equations derived from the RTL (sometimes may take very long time !) -scan inserts scan registers - generate a scan-ready design. SDI is tied to Q, and SE is tied to 0. Scan chain is not stiched. More options will be discussed later.

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Compile Strategy
Top-Down: Use top level constraints and get internally the subdesign to sub-design constaints in one pass. May need flattening the design or uniquifying blocks. Bottom-up: compile a sub-design with its own constraints, then go to the top level, apply top level constraints and compile incrementally (set_dont_touch attribute on identical compiled subblocks or uniquify them. In case of dont_touch, top level compile may not be incremental). How do we choose the compilation strategy ? >> There is no Golden script for that.

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Sample Synopsys Scripts

set company "MSIL"; echo "Running ptec_synopsys_dc.setup" alias h history set verilogout_no_tri "true" set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all set bus_naming_style "%s_%d" set compile_instance_name_prefix "z"

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Sample Synopsys Scripts (cont.)

source -echo -verbose ../../examples/general_tcl/ppcec_libs.include.tcl set suppress_errors {"EQN-19" "UID-109" "UID-101"} read_verilog try.verilog source -echo -verbose ../../examples/general/ppcec_general.include source -echo -verbose try.constraints set_max_transition 4000 out1 set_dont_use {adv_lib_comb_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c/*a} set_dont_use {adv_lib_latch_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c/*b} remove_attribute {adv_lib_latch_udr2_85_wcs_v3t135_3c/dff*b} dont_use set_max_area 5500000 compile -map_effort medium -verify -verify_effort medium compile -incremental_mapping -map_effort high -verify -verify_effort medium source -echo -verbose ../../examples/general/report.include.tcl write_file -format verilog -output try.ver quit

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Sample Synopsys Scripts (cont.)

Example of Synopsys constraints file
current_design try create_clock cl_xt1 -period 14000 -waveform {0 7000} create_clock cl_xt2 -period 14000 -waveform {7000 14000} create_clock cl_xt3 -period 14000 -waveform {10500 17500} remove_driving_cell {cl_xt1 cl_xt2} set_propagated_clock {cl_xt1 cl_xt2} set_dont_touch_network {cl_xt1 cl_xt2} set_false_path -from {cx_reset} # no paths start on the blocks async. reset set_multicycle_path 2 -from in1 -to [get_clocks cl_xt1] set_load 0.2 [all_outputs] group_path -weight 50 -name LATEARRIVAL -critical_range 10000 -to clr set_input_delay 1000 -clock cl_xt1 {cl_lb_data_sel} set_input_delay 6500 -clock cl_xt2 {cl_iq_fld_sng cl_iq_l_fp_wr} set_output_delay 3000 -clock cl_xt2 -clock_fall {cl_dl_fp_snorm cl_dl_ld_dnorm} set_dont_touch { z_cell_* } set_input_delay 6500 -clock cl_xt2 {cl_iq_l_fp_wr}

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Wire Load Models

set_wire_load_model -name wire_load_model_name Wire load models are used to estimate capacitance, resistance, and area of nets prior to layout.
library (wire_load_models_90) { pulling_resistance_unit : "1ohm" ; capacitive_load_unit (1, pf) ; wire_load ( small_block ) { resistance : 0 ; capacitance : 0.0000250 ; area : 9 ; fanout_length (1, 500) ; fanout_length (2, 950) ; slope : 500 ; } wire_load ( medium_block ) { resistance : 0 ; capacitance : 0.0000250 ; area : 9 ; fanout_length (1, 1000) ; slope : 1000 ; } }

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Hierarchical Wire Load Models

set_wire_load_mode mode_name Specifies how to treat wires in lower levels of the hierarchy. The wire load model should match the layout hierarchy.
wlm3 wlm2 wlm1


mode = top

wlm3 wlm3 wlm2 wlm1


mode = enclosed

wlm2 wlm3 wlm2 wlm1


mode = segmented

wlm1 wlm2 wlm1

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Automatic Wire Load Selection

DC can automatically select the wire load model according to block size. A table of models as a function of size is included in the library. set auto_wire_load_selection true
library (cdr2_70a_wlm) { wire_load_selection(CDR2_15_AREA) { wire_load_from_area( 0 , 50000, wire_load_from_area( 50000 , 75000, wire_load_from_area( 75000 , 100000, wire_load_from_area( 100000 , 150000, wire_load_from_area( 150000 , 200000, wire_load_from_area( 200000 , 300000, wire_load_from_area( 300000 , 600000, wire_load_from_area( 600000 , 700000, wire_load_from_area( 700000 , 800000, wire_load_from_area( 800000 , 3000000, wire_load_from_area( 3000000 , 5500000, wire_load_from_area( 5500000 , 8000000, wire_load_from_area( 8000000 , 10000000, wire_load_from_area( 10000000 , 20000000, } default_wire_load_selection : "CDR2_15_AREA" default_wire_load_mode : enclosed ; }

"CDR2_15_0Kto50K_DW01" "CDR2_15_50Kto75K" "CDR2_15_75Kto100K" "CDR2_15_100Kto150K" "CDR2_15_150Kto200K" "CDR2_15_200Kto300K" "CDR2_15_300Kto600K" "CDR2_15_600Kto700K" "CDR2_15_700Kto800K" "CDR2_15_800Kto3000K" "CDR2_15_3000Kto5500K" "CDR2_15_5500Kto8000K" "CDR2_15_8000Kto10000K" "CDR2_15_10000Kto20000K" ;

); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); );

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Design Rule Constraints

set_max_transition Set the maximal transition time (low-high and high-low) for a port or a design. The library defines the transition measure points (i.e: 10%90%, 20%-80%). Delay of library cells as well as their output transition depends on this value. Also, setup and hold time of sequential cells is affected by it. set_max_fanout In all libraries a cell input has a fanout load value. In most cases its 1, but can be a different value. Compile attempts to ensure that the sum of the fanout_load attributes for input pins on nets driven by the specified ports or all nets in the specified design is less than the given value. set_max_capacitance Limits the allowed capacitance on input, output or bidirectional ports and/or designs.

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Multiple Instances


B B2

How do we synthesize multiple instances of the same design? 1. ungroup

current_design A ungroup {B1 B2} compile

2. hierarchical compilation with set_dont_touch (optionally with characterize)

- Sub-design is only compiled once. - Identical netlist means the same layout can be used.
current_design B compile current_design A set_dont_touch {B1 B2} compile

3. uniquify - creates copies of the design and gives a unique name to each
- Takes advantage of the different environment of each instance for better optimiztion.
current_design A uniquify compile

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How do we integrate blocks that were synthesized separately? propagate_constraints [-false_path] [-multicycle_path] [-gate_clock] [-all] [-verbose] [-dont_apply] [-design <design_list>] [-output <file_name>] This command translates the constraints that were applied to a lower-level instance and applies them to the current design. Clock definitions should not be propagated if they occur on multiple blocks. -verbose option shows each constraint and its source -dont_apply option checks for problems, but doesnt apply the constraints -output option writes the constraints to file_name -gate_clock required in power compiler flow to move clock setup and hold check previously specified with the set_clock_gating_check command.

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Integration (cont.)
compile -top The -top option does a compile that only fixes design rule violations and timing violations that cross the top level. No mapping or area optimization is performed. set compile_top_all_paths true can be used to fix all timing violations

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Integration (cont.)
current_design B source B.con current_design C source C.con current_design A create_clock ... propagate_constraints -verbose compile -top

set_false_path -from cg_scan_test # in n_mem.con

is changed to:
set_false_path\ -through [get_pins "n_mem/cg_scan_test"]

-from/to <port> is changed to -through <pin>

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Advanced Commands
The get_* Commands

Returns a collection of objects when used standalone: ({item1 item2 ...}). Should be used when several object types have the same name (e.g. same reference and net names).

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get_* Command Syntax

get_xxx [patterns] xxx:
Specifies the type of object to be found. The value of type can be: designs clocks ports references cells nets pins libs lib_cells ib_pins

patterns (optional):
List of names (including wildcards: *) of the design or library objects in dc_shell to be found. If name_list is not specified, then all objects of the specified type are returned. If no matches are found, returns an empty string (with a warning).

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get_* Function Examples

in1 in2 clk reset INPUT1 ind2c OUTPUT1 (i1) int1 INPUT2 D Q dffrpc (i8) C RB out1

get_ports {"clk", "in1", "in2", "reset", "out1"} get_cells {"i1", "i8"} get_references {"ind2c", "dffrpc"} get_references dff* {"dffrpc"} get_nets {"in1", "clk", "reset", "in2", "int1", "out1"} set_dont_touch [get_designs]

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Logic Synthesis

The filter_collection Command

The filter_collection command takes a collection of objects and a filter expression (a list of attribute-value relations), and returns a new collection containing only the objects that have the defined attribute values. A filter expression is composed of conditional expressions, such as "@port_direction == inout", or "@rise_delay > 1.3". A filter expression is enclosed in double quotes (" "): @attribute_name operator value -regexp flag enables the use of real regular expressions. -nocase make the regular expression case insensitive Example: set a [ filter_collection [ get_cells *] \ "is_hierarchical == true"] \ {"Adder1", "Adder2"}

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filter_collection Command Syntax

filter_collection collection "filter_expression"
List all bidirectional ports: dc_shell-t> filter_collection [all_inputs] "@port_direction == inout" {INOUT0, INOUT1} List all PLA designs in memory: dc_shell-t> filter_collection [get_designs] "@design_type == pla" {PLA_1, PLA_@}

set_attribute command may be used to create user-defined attributes:

To add a numeric attribute to some cells: dc_shell> set_attribute {cell70 cell88 cell95} kuku 6.5 dc_shell> filter_collection [get_cells] "@kuku == 6.5"

A collection can also be filtered when it is created: get_ports -filter "@port_direction == inout"

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Synopsys script using get_* and filter_collection

New commands: foreach_in_collection, if
# add dont_touch attribute to all the instantiations of cl1rspoX latches foreach_in_collection mod [get_designs] { set current_design $mod set mashcell [get_cells "x_cell_*"] if {$mashcell != ""} { set_dont_touch [filter_collection $mashcell "@ref_name == cl1rspob || \ @ref_name == cl1rspoc || @ref_name == cl1rspod"] } } set current_design top

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Check Before Compile

report_port - check set_load, set_driving_cell, set_input_delay, set_output_delay
Pin Wire Max Max Connection Port Dir Load Load Trans Cap Class Attrs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ak_rx_req_b in 0.0000 0.0000 ---ca_clk27 in 0.0000 0.0000 ---... ka_rx_clk out 1.8396 0.0000 2.00 --ka_rx_data out 1.8396 0.0000 ---ka_rx_sync out 1.8396 0.0000 ---... Input Delay Min Max Related Max Input Port Rise Fall Rise Fall Clock Fanout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ak_rx_req_b 1.00 1.00 18.50 18.50 ca_clk27 6.00 ... Output Delay Min Max Related Fanout Output Port Rise Fall Rise Fall Clock Load -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ka_rx_sync 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 cg_host_clk54 0.00

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report_design- check wire loads and operating conditions

Library(s) Used: cdr2PwcsV300T120 (File: /home/mercy2/orion_home/projects/orion/01/uds/cdr2-70-ang/ synopsys/technology/cdr2PwcsV300T120.db) B000032W32D103B (File: /home/mercy2/orion_home/projects/orion/01/blocks/orion_mem/ des_rel/ram/cdr2/synopsys/technology/wcsV300T120/B000032W32D103B.db) Local Link Library: {cdr2PwcsV300T120.db} Wire Loading Model: Selected manually by the user. Name : DEMUX Location : demux_wlm Resistance : 7e-05 Capacitance : 0.00016 Area : 0 Slope : 120.88 Fanout Length Points Average Cap Std Deviation -------------------------------------------------------------1 96.73 2 215.06 ... Wire Loading Model Mode: segmented. ...

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report_clocks - check that clocks were properly defined

Attributes: d - dont_touch_network f - fix_hold p - propagated_clock Clock Period Waveform Attrs Sources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ca_clk27 37.00 {0 18.5} d {ca_clk27} cg_host_clk54 18.00 {0 9} d {cg_host_clk54} cg_mem_clk 9.20 {0 4.6} d {cg_mem_clk} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rise Fall Min Rise Min fall Uncertainty Object Delay Delay Delay Delay Plus Minus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------cg_mem_clk 0.60 0.60 cg_host_clk54 0.60 0.60 ca_clk27 0.60 0.60

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report_attribute -design- lists all attributes set for the design

Design Object Type Attribute Name Value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------k_aout k_aout design hdl_canonical_params k_aout k_aout design hdl_parameters k_aout k_aout design hdl_template k_aout k_aout k_aout design _obj_name_type 0 k_aout k_aout design wire_load_selection_type 1 k_aout k_aout design wire_load_model_mode top k_aout k_aout design max_area 0.000000 k_aout k_aout design fix_multiple_port_nets feedthroughs constants outputs buffer_constants k_aout ak_rx_req_b port driving_cell_rise inv_6 k_aout ak_rx_req_b port driving_cell_fall inv_6 k_aout ak_rx_req_b port max_fanout 6.000000 k_aout cg_dmux_reset port driving_cell_rise inv_6 k_aout cg_dmux_reset port driving_cell_fall inv_6 k_aout cg_dmux_reset port max_fanout 1.000000 k_aout cg_scan_en port driving_cell_rise inv_6 k_aout cg_scan_en port driving_cell_fall inv_6 k_aout cg_scan_en port max_fanout 6.000000 k_aout cg_scan_test port driving_cell_rise inv_6 k_aout cg_scan_test port driving_cell_fall inv_6 k_aout cg_scan_test port max_fanout 6.000000 k_aout ka_rx_clk port max_transition 2.000000 ...

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report_timing_requirements- lists all multicycle and false paths, max_delay and min_delay exceptions report_timing_requirements -ignore- lists all ignored multicycle and false paths
From Through To Setup Hold -------------------------------------------------------------------------------cg_scan_en * * max=18 min=0 cg_scan_test * * FALSE FALSE cg_host_clk54 * cg_mem_clk FALSE FALSE cg_mem_clk * cg_host_clk54 FALSE FALSE ca_clk27 * cg_host_clk54 FALSE FALSE cg_host_clk54 * ca_clk27 FALSE FALSE

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Check After Compile

report_constraint -all_violators -verbose- all constraint violations report_timing -path full -input_pins- detailed timing reports - check if paths are reasonable Example after physical compiler placement: report_timing -path full -input_pins -physical -nets -trans -input_pins Timing reports will be presented in detail in the next section.

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Attributes: d - dont_touch

- check fanout and load on nets to see if theyre reasonable

Net Fanout Fanin Load Resistance Pins Attributes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------... ao_mem/DOi_26 1 1 0.13 0.05 2 ao_mem/DOi_27 1 1 0.13 0.05 2 ao_mem/DOi_28 1 1 0.13 0.05 2 ao_mem/DOi_29 1 1 0.13 0.05 2 ao_mem/DOi_30 1 1 0.13 0.05 2 ao_mem/DOi_31 1 1 0.13 0.05 2 ca_clk27 3 1 0.15 0.03 4 d cg_dmux_reset 1 1 0.08 0.01 2 cg_host_clk54 175 1 5.42 1.55 176 d cg_mem_clk 11 1 0.55 0.15 12 d ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 1823 nets 4669 1823 245.21 56.04 6492 Maximum 175 1 5.42 1.55 176 Average 2.56 1.00 0.13 0.03 3.56

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report_resources- check resource implementation (adder is rpl or cla) and sharing

Resource Sharing Report for design k_aout =============================================================================== | | | | Contained | | | Resource | Module | Parameters | Resources | Contained Operations | =============================================================================== | r199 | DW01_add | width=15 | | | | | | k_54rnd/abrp_add_function_216/add_455 | | r205 | DW01_sub | width=14 | | | | | k_54rnd/abrp_add_function_223/abrp_add_function_216/sub_453 | | r421 | DW01_add | width=20 | | k_54rnd/add_372 | | r528 | DW01_cmp2 | width=15 | | | | | | k_54rnd/abrp_add_function_216/gt_464 | | r673 | DW01_sub | width=14 | | k_54rnd/sub_304 | ... Implementation Report ============================================================================= | | | Current | Set | | Cell | Module | Implementation | Implementation | ============================================================================= | k_54rnd/abrl_sub_function_245/gt_566 | DW01_cmp2 | rpl | | | k_54rnd/abrl_sub_function_245/gt_572 | DW01_cmp2 | rpl | | | k_54rnd/abrl_sub_function_245/sub_567 | DW01_sub | rpl | | | k_54rnd/abrl_sub_function_245/sub_573 | DW01_sub | rpl | |

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