German English False Cognates

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The text discusses false friends, which are words that look or sound similar in two languages but have different meanings.

False friends are words that look or sound similar in two languages but have different meanings. They are also known as false cognates.

Some examples provided include bald/bald, Billion/billion, Dom/dome, Gift/poison.

False Friends German / falsche Freunde

German-English False Cognates With the False Cognate Glossary The good news: German and English are closely related and have many words in common. And the bad news? German and English are closely related and have many words in common. Any English-speaker learning German should be aware of this fact. But sometimes things are not what they seem to be. Among the many words the two languages have in common lurk the socalled "false friends." Linguistic false friends can be just as dangerous as the human variety. These treacherous words pretend to be something they aren't. They can lead to embarrassment, or if you're lucky, just laughter. False friends, more accurately known as "false cognates," are particularly prevalent in the two Germanic languages English and German. Because the two languages are such close relatives, they have a lot of words that look and sound alike or very similar. The innocent variety includes word pairs such as: begin/beginnen, house/Haus, garden/Garten, brown/braun, father/Vater, and summer/Sommer. There are many of these genuine cognates, and any language learner should use them to advantage. The genuine cognates can be just as helpful for a German learning English as for an American learning German. But the false ones can also be a hidden danger going both ways. (There are many German books warning of such dangers in learning English.) Whether they are called "confusing words," "false friends," "words to watch out for," or anything else, false cognates are something a language-learner must always be aware of. It's too easy to fall into the trap.
Continued below chart.

Some German "False Friends" DEUTSCH bald Billion Dom Gift konsequent Men Prservativ Puff Slip winken ENGLISH soon trillion cathedral poison consistent(ly) today's special (at a restaurant) condom bordello briefs, underwear to wave Correct German Term bald = kahl (US) billion = Milliarde dome = Kuppel gift, present = Geschenk consequently = folglich menu = Speisekarte preservative = Konservierungsmittel puff = Hauch/Zug slip = Unterkleid slip (of foot) = Fehltritt to wink = blinzern, zwinkern

More falsche Freunde in our False Friends Glossary

So, just what are we talking about, actually (aktuell)? Eventually (eventuell), we have to be brave (brav) and face the problem (Problem). In the two sentences above, only one of the German words in parentheses next to the English word is a true equivalent of that word. Do you know which one? Of the four, only das Problem could be used in the same sense as the English. Although aktuell looks almost like a twin of "actual" or "actually," the German word actually means "current, topical, up-to-date." German eventuell is almost the opposite of "eventually," meaning "possibly" or "perhaps." English "brave" is expressed in German by tapfer or mutig, while brav means "good, well-behaved" as in "Du bist ein braver Junge, Hans." ("You're a good boy, Hans.") Take the "False Friends" Quiz! Some false friends are only a problem in the wrong context. Rezept resembles the English word "recipe" and can mean just that. But ein Rezept is also a "prescription" for the pharmacist (Apotheker). On the other hand, if you think "receipt" when you see Rezept, the German word you really want is Quittung or Beleg. The German word Star can mean "starling" (bird), "cataract" (eye, grauer Star) or the word it resembles, "movie star." One thing it does not mean is a "star" in the night sky. That would be Stern, another false cognate. For a list of more than 75 false cognates with their true meanings, see our Glossary of "False Friends" in German.

False Friends in German

German-English falsche Freunde - False Cognates German Words That Arent What They Seem An annotated German-English Glossary of Common False Cognates and Misleading Expressions You are here: Introduction > False Cognates > Confusing Words A "false cognate" is a word in one language that is identical or similar to a word in another language, but does not mean the same thing. For instance, both German and English have the word fast, but the German word means "almost." This is a glossary of the many German-English "false friends" and other words that can be confusing. But don't forget that there are also many genuine cognates shared by German and English. (Note: Technically and linguistically, cognate words have the same root or "ancestor," but for our purposes we mean any "false friend" that can confuse people learning a second language because of its close resemblance to a word in their own language.) Noun genders indicated by: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)

absolvieren to complete a course or exam | absolve = lossprechen e Achsel shoulder | axle = e Achse r Advokat attorney, lawyer | advocate = r Befrworter r After rectum | after = nach, nachher r Akt nude (artwork); act (theater) | act (deed) = e Tat e Aktion campaign, drive (fundraising, etc.); operation (military) action = s Handeln; e Action (movie) ein Mann der Tat = a man of action aktuell current, (the) latest, up-to-date | actual(ly) = eigentlich, wirklich alle Tage every day | all day = den ganzen Tag e Allee boulevard, avenue | alley = e Gasse, r Durchgang e Allren (pl.) affectation, airs; behavior | allure(s) = e Verlockung, e Charme r Almanach publisher's annual book catalog | almanac = historisches Jahrbuch also thus, therefore | also = auch e Ambulanz outpatient department | ambulance = r Rettungswagen/r Ambulanzwagen e Angina sore throat, tonsillitis | angina (pectoris) = e Angina Pectoris apart distinctive, unusual | apart = auseinander; abseits; getrennt s Argument point, reasoned argument | argument, quarrel = r Streit e Art kind, manner, type | art = e Kunst r Artist circus or theatrical performer only | artist = r Knstler False-Friend Flashcards Vocabulary practice! Denglisch: When Languages Collide Deutsch + Englisch = Denglisch

s Bad bath, spa; bathroom (not toilet!) | bad adj. = schlecht bald soon | bald = kahl, glatzkpfig Er hat eine Glatze. = He's bald. bang adj. freightened; uneasy | bang n. = r Knall bangen to be afraid/concerned | bang = knallen, r Knall bannen v. to bewitch, captivate; excommunicate | ban = verbieten, s Verbot r Beamer LCD projector, digital projector Note: This German Anglizismus has a completely different meaning than the American term referring to a German BMW car! bekommen to get, receive | to become = werden e Billion trillion | (US) billion = e Milliarde s/r Biskuit sponge (cake/dough) | biscuit (cookie) = r Keks, (Amer.) (weiches) Brtchen (sich) blamieren to disgrace, embarrass; make a fool of oneself | blame = e Schuld, jm. die Schuld geben blenden to dazzle; fade (cinema); blind, hoodwink | blend = mischen r Body Bag sling (one-shoulder) backpack | body bag = r Leichensack Note: Body Bag is one of the more unfortunate Denglisch Body terms. Most of these faux English words in German are just funny: Body-Shop (drug store), Bodywear (underwear). e Box speaker (stereo system), electrical junction box | box = r Kasten r Brand fire, blaze | brand = e Marke brav good, well-behaved | brave = tapfer, mutig Also see False Cognates: Introduction and False-Friend Flashcards Vocabulary practice! (Note: Technically and linguistically, cognate words have the same root or "ancestor," but for our purposes we mean any "false friend" that can confuse people learning a second language because of its close resemblance to a word in their own language.)

r Catcher (pro) wrestler | catcher (baseball, etc.) = r Fnger r Chef boss, head of the department | chef = r Chefkoch, Kchenchef, Koch e City downtown, city center | city, town = e Stadt

D delikat difficult, tricky; careful(ly); exquisite, subtle | delicate = empfindlich, fein, zart Note: German delikat can mean many things, but is almost never used in the sense of "delicate" (breakable, sensitive, fine) in English - with the possible exception of a "delicate (subtle) aroma" or a "delicate (tricky) situation." It is related to Delikatessen. s Desinteresse lack of interest | disinterest (impartiality) = e Unvoreingenommenheit, e Unparteilichkeit desinteressiert uninterested, bored (look) | disinterested (impartial) = unvoreingenommen, unparteiisch, uneigenntzig devot (adj., literary) obsequious; humble (obs.) | devoted = treu, liebend; gewidmet dezent discreet(ly), subdued, unobtrusive | decent = anstndig, ordentlich e Diten pl. per diem, parliamentary allowance | diet = e Dit (-en) e Direktion administration (office), management (office) | direction = e Richtung e Distanz aloofness, coldness; distance (social, sport) | distance = e Entfernung r Dom cathedral | dome = e Kuppel e Dose can, tin | dose = e Dosis

E s Etikett label | etiquette = e Etikette eventuell possibly, maybe | eventually = endlich, schlielich r Evergreen old musical standard, classic song | evergreen = immergrn (adj.), r Nadelbaum (tree) e Expertise report (by experts) | expertise = r Sachverstand

s Expos outline, draft, plan (film, literature, dissertation); book/film proposal; plot plan, property description (architecture, real estate) | expos = e Aufdeckung extravagant flamboyant, stylish, sophisticated (tastes) | extravagant = verschwenderisch, bertrieben e Extravaganz flamboyance, high style False Friends Quiz 1 and Confusing Words and Expressions in German

F e Fabrik factory | fabric = r Stoff, s Gewebe fade boring, insipid, dull | to fade = verblassen familir family-related; informal | familiar (well-known) = bekannt, vertraut Er hat familire Probleme. = He has family problems. e Fantasie/Phantasie imagination | fantasy = r Tagtraum fast almost | fast = schnell; fasten (go without food) s Formular form (to fill out) | formula = e Formel r Fotograf photographer | photograph = s Foto, e Fotografie e Fraktion faction, political party/group | fraction = r Bruchteil NEXT > G-L - More falsche Freunde!

False Friends in German: G-L

Falsche Freunde / False Cognates An annotated German-English Glossary of Common False Cognates and Misleading Expressions Also see > True Cognates and Confusing Words & Expressions A-F | G-L | M-Q | R-Z True English-German Cognates

Noun genders indicated by: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)

G s Gas (natural) gas | gasoline/petrol = s Benzin Note: German Gas can infer "gasoline" in expressions such as Gas geben (to step on the gas, accelerate). e Garage genial s Gift garage (of a house) | garage (repairs) = e Autowerkstatt

brilliant, inspired, ingenious | genial = herzlich, gesellig, leutselig poison | gift, present = s Geschenk

gro big, large, great | gross = ek(e)lig, ekelhaft (disgusting); grob (grossly), brutto, Brutto- (gross/net) r Gully storm drain | gully = e Schlucht, Rinne secondary school, high school | gym = e Turnhalle, Sporthalle

s Gymnasium

H s Handy n. cell/wireless phone | handy adj. = praktisch, ntzlich, handlich Culture Link: Will Your US Cell Phone Work in Germany? - From The German Way and More r Hamburger a resident of Hamburg (can also mean the food item) r Hang slope; tendency, inclination herb adj. dry (wine), tart; bitter, harsh | herb n. = s Kraut r Herd range, stove (cooking) | herd = e Herde hissen v. hoist, raise (flag) | hiss v. = zischen e Hochschule Oberschule college, university | high school = e Gesamtschule, s Gymnasium, e

irritieren to confuse, distract, put off | to irritate, annoy = rgern, auf die Nerven gehen (get on s.o.'s nerves), reizen (skin), irritieren (bother)

K e Kanne (tea, coffee) pot, kettle | can = e Dose Note: German Kanne can mean "can" in the sense of "milk can," "oil can" or "watering can" in English. e Kantine cafeteria, canteen | canteen = e Feldflasche (for water) Note: German Kantine is limited to "canteen" in the sense of "cafeteria" or "officer's mess." e Kaution s Kolleg r Kollege deposit, bail, guarantee | caution = e Vorsicht lecture, series of lectures; college | college = e Hochschule, e Universitt colleague, fellow worker | college = e Hochschule, e Universitt

komfortabel luxurious | comfortable = bequem, gemtlich ein komfortables Hotel/Auto = a luxury/luxurious hotel/car komisch strange, odd | comic(al) = lustig

komprimieren compress, compact | compromise = zu einem Kompromiss kommen, kompromittieren e Konfession (religious) r Kongress religious denomination | confession = s Gestndnis (criminal); e Beichte

trade or business convention; (US) Congress

konkurrieren compete | concur = bereinstimmen | conquer = erobern konsequent e Kost r Kot consistent, logical | consequently = folglich, folgend, als Folge

food, fare | cost(s) = e Kosten (pl.) feces, filth | cot = s Feldbett (plain clothes) detective | criminal = r Verbrecher

r Kriminale e Kritik kurios

criticism | critic = r Kritiker / e Kritikerin odd, queer | curious = neugierig

L s Labor laboratory | labor n. = e Arbeit r Lack paint(work), lacquer, varnish; nail polish | lack (of) = r Mangel lila purple | lilac (color) = fliederfarben, zartlila e List cunning | list = e Liste, s Verzeichnis

live only in the sense of a "live" performance | live, alive = lebendig, am Leben Note: German-speakers often confuse the words life and live when using them in German, pronouncing both words the same way (LYFE) and using "life" as an adverb/adjective instead of a noun. s Lokal pub, inn | local = rtlich, einheimisch, lokal (small 'L')

False Friends in German: M-Q

Falsche Freunde / False Cognates An annotated German-English Glossary of Common False Cognates and Misleading Expressions Also see > True Cognates and Confusing Words & Expressions A-F | G-L | M-Q | R-Z True English-German Cognates Noun genders indicated by: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)

M e Marmelade jam | marmalade = e Orangenmarmelade e Maschine airplane | machine = r Automat (vending machine), s Faxgert (fax machine), e Maschine (machine, engine), e Schreibmaschine (typewriter) die nchste Maschine nach Berlin = the next plane/flight to Berlin s Men daily special (restaurant) | menu = e Speisekarte; s Men (computers) r Minister (government) minister, secretary (US) | minister = r Pfarrer (pastor, reverend) der Verteidigungsminister Defence Minister/Secretary of Defense

r Mist manure, dung; So ein Mist! Damn! | mist = r Dunst, leichter Regen s Mobbing harassment, bullying (at work, school) mobben to harass, bully (at work) | to mob = herfallen ber, belagern (fans) mondn fashionable, smart | mundane = banal, weltlich r Mrder murderer | murder = r Mord False-Friend Flashcards Vocabulary practice! Confusing Words and Expressions in German

N Nimm's leicht! Never mind! Don't panic! | Take it easy! = Immer mit der Ruhe! e Noten (pl.) grades, marks (school) | notes = e Notizen (pl.) Note: die Note can also refer to musical notes or music, banknotes, as well as tone, character, or (personal) trademark. e Notiz(en) written note(s), brief report | (public) notice = r Anhang, e Bekanntmachung, e Anzeige (newspaper) e Nutte hooker, prostitute | nut = e Nuss Also see > German Words to Avoid

O s Objekt house, piece of property (for sale) | object, goal = s Ziel s Objektiv camera lens | objective = s Ziel r Oldtimer antique, classic/vintage car | oldtimer (person) = alter Hase, r Veteran ordinr vulgar, low, common | ordinary = blich, normal

P r Paragraf section (of a law) | paragraph = r Absatz, r Abschnitt (in a text) Note: Paragraf 218 refers to a section of German legal code that refers to abortion. The term

has become a catch phrase in the abortion debate. The symbol refers to Paragraf (section) in the legal sense. e Parole motto, slogan, password | parole = e Bewhrung s Pendant counterpart; companion piece | pendant (jewelry) = r Anhnger e Pension guest inn, small hotel | pension (retirement) = e Rente Note: The German word Pension can also mean "retirement" or "pension payment." Also see Rente below. e Peperoni pl. hot chili peppers; pepper (Switz.) | pepperoni (pizza) = e Salami(-Pizza) Note: The German word Peperoni has nothing to do with spicy sausage. If you want to order a pepperoni pizza in German, ask for eine Salami-Pizza (pron. PITS-uh). s Perspektiv telescope; prospect(s) | perspective = e Perspektive Note: The German word Perspektive can also mean "prospect(s)" or "angle/view." (Die Arbeitslosen in dieser Stadt haben fast keine Perspektiven. = The unemployed in this city have almost no prospects.) e Phantasie/Fantasie imagination | fantasy = r Tagtraum r Pickel pimple, zit; pick axe | pickle = e Essiggurke picken to stick, be sticky; peck | pick = (aus)whlen/aufstellen (choose), entfernen (remove), pflcken (flowers) s Prservativ condom | (food) preservative = s Konservierungmittel Also see > German Words to Avoid r Preis price or prize e Provision commission, fee | provision = e Vorsorge See our Housing and Real Estate glossary for more words like Provision! r Proze trial, law suit | process = s Verfahren, r Vorgang s Publikum audience; customers | public = e ffentlichkeit, ffentlich r Puff brothel, cat house | puff = r Hauch, r Windsto, r Zug (cigarette) Also see > German Words to Avoid

Q r Qualm smoke | qualm = s Bedenken, r Skrupel

r Quark type of cheese, trifle | quark (physics) = s Quark e Quote proportion, number; rating | quote = s Zitat

False Friends in German: R-Z

Falsche Freunde / False Cognates An annotated German-English Glossary of Common False Cognates and Misleading Expressions Also see > True Cognates and Confusing Words & Expressions A-F | G-L | M-Q | R-Z | Quiz True English-German Cognates Noun genders: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)

R raffiniert clever, ingenious; sophisticated; refined | refined = fein, gebildet r Rat advice, counsel | rat = e Ratte realisieren carry out, implement; produce (TV, film), finalize | realize = erkennen, begreifen s Reformhaus health food store | reform house/school = e Besserunganstalt rentabel profitable | rentable = mietbar e Rente annuity, pension | rent = e Miete (Also see Pension above.) in Rente/Pension gehen = to retire (from work) e Residenz strictly limited to the home of nobility | residence = r Wohnsitz, Wohnort, s Haus s Rezept recipe; prescription | receipt = e Quittung, r Beleg e Robe evening/formal gown; robe(s) (official) | (house) robe = r Morgenrock, Hausrock r Roman novel | Roman = r Rmer r Rumpf trunk, body, torso; carcass; fuselage | rump = s Hinterteil

S e See / r See sea, ocean / lake | The gender is important! r Sekt sparkling wine | (religious) sect = e Sekte r Sender broadcaster, station (radio/TV) | sender = r Absender sensibel sensitive | sensible = vernnftig seris trustworthy, reliable; respectable, honest | serious = ernst, ernsthaft skurril droll, comical | scurrile/scurrilous = verleumderisch; grob, zotig r Slip briefs, panties, underwear | slip = s Unterkleid, r Fehltritt (misstep) r Slipper loafer, shoe without laces | slipper = r Pantoffel, r Hausschuh r Smoking dinner jacket, tuxedo | smoking = s Rauchen spenden to donate | to spend = ausgeben (money); verbringen (time) spendieren to spend money on someone, to treat (someone to something) r Spot TV ad; spotlight | spot = r Fleck, e Stelle, r Ort e Spur trace, clue | spurs = e Sporen s Stadium stage, level | stadium = s Stadion r Stapler (Gabelstapler) forklift | stapler = e Heftmaschine r Star film star; starling; cataract | star = r Stern starten to take off (plane), launch (rocket); start (computer, race, motor, etc.) start = beginnen, anfangen, starten r Stern star; stern (ship) | stern n. = s Achterschiff, s Heck, stern adj. = streng, hart e Sympathie (an instant) liking; solidarity (with); good will | sympathy = s Mitleid sympathisch likable, nice, pleasant (person) | sympathetic = mitfhlend, wohlgesinnt (favorably inclined)

synchronisieren dub (a film) | synchronize = abstimmen, gleichstellen das Synchronschwimmen = synchronized swimming Uhrenvergleich! = Synchronize your watches! Word of the Day A new German word or expression each day - advanced or beginners.

T r Tachometer speedometer | tachometer = r Drehzahlmesser See > Auto & Driving Glossary tasten to touch | to taste = kosten, schmecken r Tipp hint; tip (advice); bet, tip (lottery) tippen to guess; bet / play the lottery / numbers | to tip = Trinkgeld geben (Note: The German verb tippen can also mean "to type.") s Transparent banner, placard | transparent adj. = durchsichtig r Tripper gonorrhea

U bersehen to overlook, miss (something) | to oversee = berwachen, beaufsichtigen unsympathisch disagreeable, not likable / nice | unsympathetic = ablehnend; mit wenig Mitgefhl r Unternehmer business person, employer | undertaker = r Leichenbestatter Take the False Friends Quiz! False-Friend Flashcards Vocabulary practice!

V e Visite house call, round | visit = r Besuch Note: Eine Visite can also be a formal state visit. Eine Visitenkarte is a business card or calling card.

W r Wall embankment, rampart | wall = e Wand (interior), e Mauer (outside) e Wand wall | (magic) wand = r Zauberstab war v. was | war n. = r Krieg s Warenhaus department store (also Kaufhaus) | warehouse = s Lagerhaus winken to wave | to wink = blinzern, zwinkern

Z e Zensur grade, mark (school); censorship | censor = r Zensor r Zylinder top hat, silk hat (can also mean "cylinder")

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