Hoek-Brown A Mohr-Coulomb

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Evert Hoek
Consulting Engineer, Vancouver, Canada

Carlos Carranza-Torres
Itasca Consulting Group Inc., Minneapolis, USA

Brent Corkum
Rocscience Inc., Toronto, Canada

ABSTRACT: The Hoek-Brown failure criterion for rock masses is widely accepted and has been applied in
a large number of projects around the world. While, in general, it has been found to be satisfactory, there are
some uncertainties and inaccuracies that have made the criterion inconvenient to apply and to incorporate
into numerical models and limit equilibrium programs. In particular, the difficulty of finding an acceptable
equivalent friction angle and cohesive strength for a given rock mass has been a problem since the
publication of the criterion in 1980. This paper resolves all these issues and sets out a recommended
sequence of calculations for applying the criterion. An associated Windows program called RocLab has
been developed to provide a convenient means of solving and plotting the equations presented in this paper.


Hoek and Brown [1, 2] introduced their failure
criterion in an attempt to provide input data for the
analyses required for the design of underground
excavations in hard rock. The criterion was derived
from the results of research into the brittle failure of
intact rock by Hoek [3] and on model studies of
jointed rock mass behaviour by Brown [4]. The
criterion started from the properties of intact rock
and then introduced factors to reduce these
properties on the basis of the characteristics of
joints in a rock mass. The authors sought to link the
empirical criterion to geological observations by
means of one of the available rock mass
classification schemes and, for this purpose, they
chose the Rock Mass Rating proposed by
Bieniawski [5].

Because of the lack of suitable alternatives, the
criterion was soon adopted by the rock mechanics
community and its use quickly spread beyond the
original limits used in deriving the strength
reduction relationships. Consequently, it became
necessary to re-examine these relationships and to
introduce new elements from time to time to
account for the wide range of practical problems to
which the criterion was being applied. Typical of
these enhancements were the introduction of the
idea of undisturbed and disturbed rock masses
Hoek and Brown [6], and the introduction of a
modified criterion to force the rock mass tensile
strength to zero for very poor quality rock masses
(Hoek, Wood and Shah, [7]).

One of the early difficulties arose because many
geotechnical problems, particularly slope stability
issues, are more conveniently dealt with in terms of
shear and normal stresses rather than the principal
stress relationships of the original Hoek-Brown
riterion, defined by the equation: c

5 . 0
3 '

+ + = s m


are the major and minor effective
principal stresses at failure
is the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact
rock material and
m and s are material constants, where s = 1 for
intact rock.

An exact relationship between equation 1 and the
normal and shear stresses at failure was derived by
J. W. Bray (reported by Hoek [8]) and later by Ucar
[9] and Londe

Hoek [12] discussed the derivation of equivalent
friction angles and cohesive strengths for various
practical situations. These derivations were based

Londes equations were later found to contain errors
although the concepts introduced by Londe were extremely
important in the application of the Hoek-Brown criterion to
tunnelling problems (Carranza-Torres and Fairhurst, [11])
upon tangents to the Mohr envelope derived by
Bray. Hoek [13] suggested that the cohesive
strength determined by fitting a tangent to the
curvilinear Mohr envelope is an upper bound value
and may give optimistic results in stability
calculations. Consequently, an average value,
determined by fitting a linear Mohr-Coulomb
relationship by least squares methods, may be more
appropriate. In this paper Hoek also introduced the
concept of the Generalized Hoek-Brown criterion in
which the shape of the principal stress plot or the
Mohr envelope could be adjusted by means of a
variable coefficient a in place of the square root
term in equation 1.


3 9
exp (4)

( ) (5)
3 / 20 15 /

+ = e e a

D is a factor which depends upon the degree of
disturbance to which the rock mass has been
subjected by blast damage and stress relaxation. It
varies from 0 for undisturbed in situ rock masses to
1 for very disturbed rock masses. Guidelines for the
selection of D are discussed in a later section.

The uniaxial compressive strength is obtained by
setting in equation 2, giving: 0

ci c
s . = (6) Hoek and Brown [14] attempted to consolidate all
the previous enhancements into a comprehensive
presentation of the failure criterion and they gave a
number of worked examples to illustrate its
practical application.

and, the tensile strength is:
= (7)

Equation 7 is obtained by setting in
equation 2. This represents a condition of biaxial
tension. Hoek [8] showed that, for brittle materials,
the uniaxial tensile strength is equal to the biaxial
tensile strength.
= =
In addition to the changes in the equations, it was
also recognised that the Rock Mass Rating of
Bieniawski was no longer adequate as a vehicle for
relating the failure criterion to geological
observations in the field, particularly for very weak
rock masses. This resulted in the introduction of the
Geological Strength Index (GSI) by Hoek, Wood
and Shah [7], Hoek [13] and Hoek, Kaiser and
Bawden [15]. This index was subsequently
extended for weak rock masses in a series of papers
by Hoek, Marinos and Benissi [16], Hoek and
Marinos [17, 18] and Marinos and Hoek [19].

Note that the switch at GSI = 25 for the
coefficients s and a (Hoek and Brown, [14]) has
been eliminated in equations 4 and 5 which give
smooth continuous transitions for the entire range of
GSI values. The numerical values of a and s, given
by these equations, are very close to those given by
the previous equations and it is not necessary for
readers to revisit and make corrections to old
The Geological Strength Index will not be discussed
in the following text, which will concentrate on the
sequence of calculations now proposed for the
application of the Generalized Hoek Brown
criterion to jointed rock masses.

Normal and shear stresses are related to principal
stresses by the equations published by Balmer [20].

2 2
' '
' ' ' ' ' '
3 1
3 1 3 1 3


d d
d d

This is expressed as
( )
' '
' '
' '
3 1
3 1

d d
d d
b ci
s m

+ + =

3 '
( )
' ' '
3 3 1

+ + =
ci b b
s m am d d (10)
where m
is a reduced value of the material constant
and is given by



m m
i b
14 28
exp (3)

The rock mass modulus of deformation is given by:

s and a are constants for the rock mass given by the
following relationships: ) 40 / ) 10 ((
100 2
1 ) (


GSI ci


The equivalent plot, in terms of the major and minor
principal stresses, is defined by:
Equation 11a applies for
100 MPa. For >

100 MPa, use equation 11b.

' '
3 1
sin 1
sin 1
sin 1
cos 2


) 40 / ) 10 ((
1 ) (


GPa E (11b)

Note that the original equation proposed by Hoek
and Brown [14] has been modified, by the inclusion
of the factor D, to allow for the effects of blast
damage and stress relaxation.


Since most geotechnical software is still written in
terms of the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, it is
necessary to determine equivalent angles of friction
and cohesive strengths for each rock mass and stress
range. This is done by fitting an average linear
relationship to the curve generated by solving
equation 2 for a range of minor principal stress
values defined by
max 3
< <
, as illustrated in
Figure 1. The fitting process involves balancing the
areas above and below the Mohr-Coulomb plot.
This results in the following equations for the angle
of friction and cohesive strength :



+ + + +

1 '
1 '
1 '
) ( 6 ) 2 )( 1 ( 2
) ( 6
b b
b b
m s am a a
m s am


| |
( ) ( ) ) 2 )( 1 ( ) ( 6 1 ) 2 )( 1 (
) ( ) 1 ( ) 2 1 (
1 '
1 ' '
3 3
a a m s am a a
m s m a s a
b b
b b ci
n n
+ + + + + +
+ + +

Figure 1: Relationships between major and minor
principal stresses for Hoek-Brown and equivalent
Mohr-Coulomb criteria.


The uniaxial compressive strength of the rock mass
is given by equation 6. Failure initiates at the
boundary of an excavation when
is exceeded by
the stress induced on that boundary. The failure
propagates from this initiation point into a biaxial
stress field and it eventually stabilizes when the
local strength, defined by equation 2, is higher than
the induced stresses and . Most numerical
models can follow this process of fracture
propagation and this level of detailed analysis is
very important when considering the stability of
excavations in rock and when designing support


ci n

max 3 3

Note that the value of
max 3
, the upper limit of
confining stress over which the relationship
between the Hoek-Brown and the Mohr-Coulomb
criteria is considered, has to be determined for each
individual case. Guidelines for selecting these
values for slopes as well as shallow and deep
tunnels are presented later.

The Mohr-Coulomb shear strength , for a given
normal stress , is found by substitution of these
values of and
in to the equation:

' '
tan + = c (14)
However, there are times when it is useful to
consider the overall behaviour of a rock mass rather
than the detailed failure propagation process
described above. For example, when considering
the strength of a pillar, it is useful to have an
estimate of the overall strength of the pillar rather
than a detailed knowledge of the extent of fracture
propagation in the pillar. This leads to the concept
of a global rock mass strength and Hoek and
Brown [14] proposed that this could be estimated
from the Mohr-Coulomb relationship:
' '
sin 1
cos 2


with and determined for the stress range

4 /
ci t
< giving

( )
) 2 )( 1 ( 2
4 )) 8 ( 4 (
a a
s m s m a s m
b b b
+ +
+ +



The issue of determining the appropriate value of
for use in equations 12 and 13 depends upon
the specific application. Two cases will be
max 3

1. Tunnels where the value of is that
which gives equivalent characteristic curves
for the two failure criteria for deep tunnels
or equivalent subsidence profiles for shallow
max 3

2. Slopes here the calculated factor of safety

and the shape and location of the failure
surface have to be equivalent.

For the case of deep tunnels, closed form solutions
for both the Generalized Hoek-Brown and the
Mohr-Coulomb criteria have been used to generate
hundreds of solutions and to find the value of
that gives equivalent characteristic curves.
max 3

For shallow tunnels, where the depth below surface
is less than 3 tunnel diameters, comparative
numerical studies of the extent of failure and the
magnitude of surface subsidence gave an identical
relationship to that obtained for deep tunnels,
provided that caving to surface is avoided.

The results of the studies for deep tunnels are
plotted in Figure 2 and the fitted equation for both
cases is:

94 . 0
max 3
47 . 0




where is the rock mass strength, defined by
equation 17,

is the unit weight of the rock mass

and H is the depth of the tunnel below surface. In
cases where the horizontal stress is higher than the
vertical stress, the horizontal stress value should be
used in place of H .

Figure 2: Relationship for the calculation of

for equivalent Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown
parameters for tunnels.

Equation 18 applies to all underground excavations,
which are surrounded by a zone of failure that does
not extend to surface. For studies of problems such
as block caving in mines it is recommended that no
attempt should be made to relate the Hoek-Brown
and Mohr-Coulomb parameters and that the
determination of material properties and subsequent
analysis should be based on only one of these

Similar studies for slopes, using Bishops circular
failure analysis for a wide range of slope geometries
and rock mass properties, gave:

91 . 0
72 . 0




where H is the height of the slope.


Experience in the design of slopes in very large
open pit mines has shown that the Hoek-Brown
criterion for undisturbed in situ rock masses (D = 0)
results in rock mass properties that are too
optimistic [21, 22]. The effects of heavy blast
damage as well as stress relief due to removal of the
overburden result in disturbance of the rock mass. It
is considered that the disturbed rock mass
properties [6], D = 1 in equations 3 and 4, are more
appropriate for these rock masses.

Lorig and Varona [23] showed that factors such as
the lateral confinement produced by different radii
of curvature of slopes (in plan) as compared with
their height also have an influence on the degree of

Sonmez and Ulusay [24] back-analysed five slope
failures in open pit coal mines in Turkey and
attempted to assign disturbance factors to each rock
mass based upon their assessment of the rock mass
properties predicted by the Hoek-Brown criterion.
Unfortunately, one of the slope failures appears to
be structurally controlled while another consists of a
transported waste pile. The authors consider that the
Hoek-Brown criterion is not applicable to these two

Cheng and Liu [25] report the results of very careful
back analysis of deformation measurements, from
extensometers placed before the commencement of
excavation, in the Mingtan power cavern in Taiwan.
It was found that a zone of blast damage extended
for a distance of approximately 2 m around all large
excavations. The back-calculated strength and
deformation properties of the damaged rock mass
give an equivalent disturbance factor D = 0.7.

From these references it is clear that a large number
of factors can influence the degree of disturbance in
the rock mass surrounding an excavation and that it
may never be possible to quantify these factors
precisely. However, based on their experience and
on an analysis of all the details contained in these
papers, the authors have attempted to draw up a set
of guidelines for estimating the factor D and these
are summarised in Table 1.

The influence of this disturbance factor can be
large. This is illustrated by a typical example in
= 50 MPa, m
= 10 and GSI = 45. For an
undisturbed in situ rock mass surrounding a tunnel
at a depth of 100 m, with a disturbance factor D = 0,
the equivalent friction angle is 47.16 while the
cohesive strength is c 0.58 MPa. A rock mass
with the same basic parameters but in highly
disturbed slope of 100 m height, with a disturbance
factor of D = 1, has an equivalent friction angle of
27.61 and a cohesive strength of 0.35


Note that these are guidelines only and the reader
would be well advised to apply the values given
with caution. However, they can be used to provide
a realistic starting point for any design and, if the
observed or measured performance of the
excavation turns out to be better than predicted, the
disturbance factors can be adjusted downwards.


A number of uncertainties and practical problems in
using the Hoek-Brown failure criterion have been
addressed in this paper. Wherever possible, an
attempt has been made to provide a rigorous and
unambiguous method for calculating or estimating
the input parameters required for the analysis. These
methods have all been implemented in a Windows
program called RocLab that can be downloaded
(free) from www.rocscience.com. This program
includes tables and charts for estimating the
uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock
elements (
), the material constant m
and the
Geological Strength Index (GSI).


The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions
of Professor E.T. Brown in reviewing a draft of this
paper and in participating in the development of the
Hoek-Brown criterion for the past 25 years.
able 1: Guidelines for estimating disturbance factor D T

Appearance of rock mass Description of rock mass Suggested
value of D

Excellent quality controlled blasting or excavation by
Tunnel Boring Machine results in minimal disturbance
to the confined rock mass surrounding a tunnel.

D = 0

Mechanical or hand excavation in poor quality rock
masses (no blasting) results in minimal disturbance to
he surrounding rock mass. t

Where squeezing problems result in significant floor
heave, disturbance can be severe unless a temporary
invert, as shown in the photograph, is placed.

D = 0

D = 0.5
No invert

Very poor quality blasting in a hard rock tunnel results
in severe local damage, extending 2 or 3 m, in the
surrounding rock mass.

D = 0.8

Small scale blasting in civil engineering slopes results
in modest rock mass damage, particularly if controlled
blasting is used as shown on the left hand side of the
photograph. However, stress relief results in some

D = 0.7
Good blasting

D = 1.0
Poor blasting

Very large open pit mine slopes suffer significant
disturbance due to heavy production blasting and also
due to stress relief from overburden removal.

In some softer rocks excavation can be carried out by
ripping and dozing and the degree of damage to the
slopes is less.

D = 1.0

D = 0.7


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