JACK Intelligent Agents - Components For Intelligent Agents in Java
JACK Intelligent Agents - Components For Intelligent Agents in Java
JACK Intelligent Agents - Components For Intelligent Agents in Java
ntelligent Agents are being used for modelling simple rational behaviours in a wide range of distributed applications. In particular, multi-agent architectures based on the Belief-Desire-Intention model have been used successfully in situations where modelling of human reasoning and team behaviour are needed, such as simulating tactical decision-making in air operations and command and control structures. Other applications include intelligent decision support, telephone call centres, and air traffic management. The JACK Intelligent Agents TM framework by Agent Oriented Software brings the concept of intelligent agents into the mainstream of commercial software engineering and Java. JACK Intelligent Agents is a third generation agent framework, designed as a set of light-weight components with high performance and strong data typing. We present the design approach and major technical characteristics of JACK Intelligent Agents. An outline of a typical development process involving the framework is given. Also, we discuss the benefits of the component-based approach, both for the software engineer developing sophisticated distributed applications, and for the researcher exploring agent models and architectures.
sound understanding of concurrent object-oriented programming. Whilst applications can be built from the ground up adopting an agent oriented methodology and an appropriate framework, most organisations already possess and depend upon large legacy software systems. Thus, JACK agents have been designed mainly for use as components of larger environments. Consequently, an agent must coexist and be visible as simply another object by non-agent software. Conversely, a JACK programmer must be allowed to easily access any other component of a system. Type safeness when accessing data, reliability and support for a proper engineering process are then key requirements in this kind of environment. For similar reasons, JACK agents are not bound to any specific agent communications language. Nothing prevents the adoption of high-level symbolic protocol a la KQML, possibly by integrating software already existing in the public domain. However, JACK has been geared towards industrial object-oriented middleware (such as CORBA) and message passing infrastructures (for instance, PVM or DIS in simulation environments). In addition, JACK provides a native light-weight communications infrastructure for situations where high performance is required.
Intelligent Agents are being used for modelling simple rational behaviours in a wide range of distributed applications. Intelligent agents have received various, if not contradictory, definitions; by general consensus, they must show some degree of autonomy, social ability, and combine pro-active and reactive behaviour [5]. One of the better known and most successful architectures for agents is the so-called BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) architecture, which has seen a number of academic and industrial applications. Agent Oriented Software Pty. Ltd. (AOS), based in Melbourne, Australia, has built JACK Intelligent AgentsTM, a framework in Java for multi-agent system development. The companys aim is to provide a platform for commercial, industrial and research applications. To this end, its framework supplies a high performance, light-weight implementation of the BDI architecture, and can be easily extended to support different agent models or specific application requirements. This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 introduces JACK Intelligent Agents, presenting the approach taken by AOS to its design and outlining its major engineering characteristics. The BDI model is discussed briefly in Section 3. Section 4 gives an outline of how to build an application with JACK Intelligent Agents. Finally, in Section 5 we discuss how the use of this framework can be beneficial to both engineers and researchers. For brevity, we will refer to JACK Intelligent Agents simply as JACK.
tical additions to its host language. These additions, in turn, can be divided as follows: a small number of keywords for the identification of the main components of an agent (such as agent, plan and event); a set of statements for the declaration of attributes and other characteristics of the components (for instance, the information contained in beliefs or carried by events). All attributes are strongly typed; a set of statements for the definition of static relationships (for instance, which plans can be adopted to react to a certain event); a set of statements for the manipulation of an agents state (for instance, additions of new goals or sub-goals to be achieved, changes of beliefs, interaction with other agents). Furthermore, the programmer can use Java statements within the components of an agent. For the convenience of programmers, in particular those with a background in AI, JACK also supports logical variables and cursors. These are particularly helpful when querying the state of an agents beliefs. Their semantics is mid-way between logic programming languages (with the addition of type checking Java style) and embedded SQL. The second extension to Java is a compiler that converts the syntactic additions described above into pure Java classes and statements that can be loaded with, and be called by, other Java code. The compiler also partially transforms the code of plans in order to obtain the correct semantics of the BDI architecture. Finally, a set of classes (called the kernel) provides the required run-time support to the generated code. This includes: the automatic management of concurrency among tasks being pursued in parallel (intentions in the BDI terminology); the default behaviour of the agent in reaction to events, failure of actions and tasks, and so on; and a native light-weight, high performance communications infrastructure for multiagent applications.
Importantly, the JACK kernel supports multiple agents within a single process. This is particularly convenient for saving system resources. For instance, agents that perform only short computations or share most of their code or data can be grouped together. A JACK programmer can extend or change the architecture of an agent by providing new plug-ins. In most cases, this simply means to override the default Java methods provided by the kernel or supply new classes for run-time support. However, it is possible to add further syntactic extensions to be handled by the JACK compiler. Similarly, a different communications infrastructure can be supplied by overriding the appropriate run-time methods. Future versions of JACK will extend the base BDI model with new plug-ins and will add a number of development and monitoring tools.
rules in workflows, and diagnostics in telecommunication networks. Based on previous research and practical application, Rao and Georgeff [4] have described a computational model for a generic software system implementing a BDI agent. Such a system is an example of event-driven programs. In reaction to an event, for instance a change in the environment or its own beliefs, a BDI agent adopts a plan as one of its intentions. Plans are precompiled procedures that depend on a set of conditions for being applicable. The process of adopting a plan as one of the agents intentions may require a selection among multiple candidates. The agent executes the steps of the plans that it has adopted as intentions until further deliberation is required; this may happen because of new events or the failure or successful conclusion of existing intentions. A step of a plan can consist of adding a goal (that is, a desire to achieve a certain objective) to the agent itself, changing its beliefs, interacting with other agents, and any other atomic action on the agents own state or the external world. The abstract BDI architecture has been implemented in a number of systems. Of these, two are of particular relevance to JACK since they represent its immediate predecessors. The first generation is typified by the Procedural Reasoning System (PRS) [2], developed by SRI International in the mid 80s. dMARS [3], built in the mid 90s by the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute in Melbourne, Australia, is a second generation system. dMARS has been used as development platform for a number of technology demonstrator applications, including simulations of tactical decisionmaking in air operations and air traffic management.
Belief-Desire-Intention Agents
The BDI agent model supported by JACK v1.2 has its roots in philosophy and cognitive science, and in particular in the work of Bratman on rational agents [1]. A rational agent has bounded resources, limited understanding and incomplete knowledge of what happens in the environment it lives. Such an agent has beliefs about the world and desires to satisfy, driving it to form intentions to act. An intention is a commitment to perform a plan. In general, a plan is only partially specified at the time of its formulation since the exact steps to be performed may depend on the state of the environment when they are eventually executed. The activity of a rational agent consists of performing the actions that it intended to execute without any further reasoning, until it is forced to a revision of its own intentions by changes to its beliefs or desires. Beliefs, desires and intentions are called mental attitudes (or mental states) of an agent. Observe that BDI agents depart from purely deductive systems and other traditional AI models because of the concept of intentionality, which significantly reduces the extent of deliberation required. BDI has demonstrated to be well suited to modelling certain types of behaviour, such as the application of standard operational procedures by trained staff. It has been successfully adopted in fields as diverse as simulation of military tactics, application of business
straints, such as the existence of legacy systems or a specific communications infrastructure. For this discussion, let us assume that the functionality that has to be provided by an agent has been identified and that the BDI model has been chosen. At this stage, two main activities that have to be performed are (not necessarily in the order given below): identifying the elementary classes (that is, abstract data types and the operation allowed on them) that are required to manipulate the resources used by the agent. These could be external (relational databases, the Internet, the arms of a robot, a GUI and so on) as well as internal (for instance, specific mathematical data structures to represent financial or spatial information); identifying those elements that constitute the mental states of the agent. This boils down to finding: - which external events drive the agent (including messages from other agents); - which goals the agent can set for itself; - which beliefs influence the adoption of plans; and finally - the procedures (that is, the plans in BDI terms) required to accomplish tasks, achieve goals and react to events in the various possible contexts. The implementation of an agent is then a mix of normal Java code for the elementary classes and extended Java for the agent-specific components. The plans of a JACK agent are, in general, sequences of operations on elementary objects, manipulations of the mental states (e.g., submitting sub-goals or changing beliefs) and interactions with other agents. Observe that a JACK plan could be represented as procedural logic in a flow diagram, state diagram, coordination diagram or other similar notations in an object-oriented methodology such as UML. This is to say that JACK could be used as an extended object-oriented framework supporting event driven and procedural logic in a concurrent execution environment, with the additional benefits of sensitivity to the context and sophisticated management of failure provided by the BDI architecture.
An example
To give a sample of the code of a JACK agent, we have extracted an example from one of the tutorials that are part of the version 1.2 user manual. The purpose is not to show agent programming but to illustrate how JACK code looks as a straightforward Java extension. This section can be passed over by those not familiar with Java. This example has agents that ping each other, that is, exchange empty messages. The message being exchanged is represented as an event which is originated by an agent and notified to another:
event PingEvent extends MessageEvent { int value;
The application can instantiate as many PingAgent agents it desires. The name of the agents and their network addresses are determined by the communications mechanism in use; as said before, JACK provides a high performance messaging system with a simple naming scheme.
Benefits of JACK
The approach taken by JACK has a number of advantages in comparison with both other agent frameworks coming from the artificial intelligence world and standard object-oriented architectures. The adoption of Java guarantees a widely available, well-supported execution environment. In addition to the promises of the language (summarised by the well known slogan compile once, run everywhere by Sun Microsystems), we expect that an increasing number of software components, tools and trained engineers will be available in the next few years. To the AI researcher, the adoption of an imperative, relatively low-level language such as Java means losing some of the expressive power offered by frameworks based on logic or functional languages. However this is compensated, not only by the universal availability mentioned above, but also by the modular approach of JACK. As said in the previous sections, most components of the framework can be tuned and tailored. This makes JACK particularly suited to experimentation with new agent architectures in order to try outnew functionality (new mental attitudes, different semantics, additional types of knowledge bases, and so on) or to study performance characteristics in specific contexts. Moreover, when compared with frameworks based on traditional AI languages, JACK has distinctive advantages due to a proper utilisation of the intrinsic charac-
Note the event keyword, in place of class in Java. The event is also declared MessageEvent, which means that it can be notified to another agent; this drives JACK to bring in all the required communications support. The #posted as statement declares how the event is generated (in this case, by invoking a Java method ping() with one integer parameter). The following plan handles the notification of the event above and replies to its sender by bouncing the event back. This simple example is not sensitive to the context, i.e., there is no restriction on the state of the beliefs of the agent for its applicability.
plan BouncingPlan extends Plan { #handles event PingEvent pev; #sends event PingEvent pev; body() { @send ( ev.from, pev.ping(ev.value + 1) ); /// Reply to the sender of the event } }
A trivial ping agent is defined below. It has a single plan and handles a single event. When its method ping (String other) is called, it notifies the PingEvent with value 1 to the agent called other. If the latter is another PingAgent, then BouncingPlan above is invoked, a
teristics of Java. The most important is strong typing, which reduces the chances of programming errors introduced by simple mis-typing. It also provides a very basic version control by making sure that interfaces are compatible at run-time. Next is performance, which makes the execution speed of agent code written in JACK comparable to a direct implementation in C or C++. For the engineer developing a sophisticated distributed application, JACK offers several interesting aspects; for instance: an efficient way to express high level procedural logic within an objectoriented environment. This also helps in rapid application development by allowing a clear distinction between abstract data types and their operations on the one side and, on the other side, applicationspecific behaviour requiring fine-tuning or evolution when the system is already operational. While the former should be based on high performance, well tested, highly reusable and ultimately expensive code, the latter is better expressed as plans which can be easily modified; the context sensitivity and sophisticated semantics of mental attitudes of the BDI architecture. This characteristics enable some levels of adaptability to changing conditions; ease of integration with legacy systems. This enables, among other things, an incremental approach to distributed system development. When compared with frameworks originating from research environments, JACK has the clear advantages of being light-weight, of industrial strength and accessible to a large community of engineers trained in object-oriented programming.
other similar agent frameworks available in the academic world, JACK is not a pure AI system. Instead, it constitutes a successful marriage between the vision of agent research and the needs of software engineering, bringing the power of agent technology and enriching the host language, Java. We are confident that JACK will provide benefits both to the software engineer developing distributed systems and to the academic researcher.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Ramamohanarao Kotagiri of the University of Melbourne for his valuable suggestions.
[1] M. E. Bratman, Intention, Plans, and Practical Reasoning, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA (USA), 1987. [2] M. P. Georgeff and F. F. Ingrand, Decision - Making in an embedded reasoning system, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Detroit, MI (USA), 1989. [3] M. dInverno, D. Kinny, M. Luck, M. Wooldridge, A Formal Specification of dMARS, INTELLIGENT AGENTS IV: Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, M. Singh, M. Wooldridge, and A. Rao (editors), LNAI 1365, SpringerVerlag, 1998. [4] A. S. Rao and M. P. Georgeff, An Abstract Architecture for Rational Agents, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR92), C. Rich, W. Swartout and B. Nebel (editors), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1992. [5] M. Wooldridge and N. R. Jennings, Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice, The Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 10, no 12, pp 115-152, 1995. http://www.agent-software.com.au (c) Copyright 1998, Agent Oriented Software Pty. Ltd.
JACK Intelligent Agents is a multi-agent framework that extends the Java language. The current version supports the BDI model, and its modularity enables extensions and different models to be easily supported. JACK is an industry-strength product, providing a framework that takes a solution founded in artificial intelligence research into practical use. Compared with its predecessors, e.g., the PRS and dMARS systems mentioned above and
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