P02 EPBD CEN Standards p2370
P02 EPBD CEN Standards p2370
P02 EPBD CEN Standards p2370
Jaap Hogeling
ISSO Chair CEN-BT WG173 on EPBD The Netherlands
The set of CEN standards developed to support the implementation of the EPBD in the EU Member States
This report gives an overview of the standards as they are being developed under the EU Mandate to CEN. It also gives some information on the CEN standardisation work, how to participate and where to retrieve the information.
minimum energy performance requirements for new buildings; energy performance certificates for buildings; economically feasible energy saving measures to be considered economically feasible sustainable energy applications to be considered; and regular inspection and advice for improvement for boilers / heat generators and heating systems and cooling and AC systems. This shall be performed in a technically solid and transparent manner and be monitored by the MSs. The used methods shall be reliable to guarantee that the calculated and reported values and advices will lead to the expected energy savings within the expected feasibility.
CEN is the European Association of national standardisation institutes, the so called National Standards Bodies (NSBs). These NSBs are responsible for the contact with the interested market parties and experts preparing the CEN standards in the same way they do when preparing national standards. Members of CEN-Technical Committees (CEN-TCs) are nominated by the NSBs. The TCs decide on the scope and content of a standard. The actual work is done in smaller CEN-TC-Working Groups whose expert members are nominated by NSBs. In most countries the NSB organises a national mirror group to monitor and support the work of a CEN-TC. This was also done in the EPBD program of CEN. Because in this case the work covers 5 CEN-TCs, some NSBs organised a special mirror group to follow the work on the total EPBD CEN program. Members who participate to CEN-TC-WGs are involved in the details of the standard development. They should contribute themselves, as expert, and be motivated to find the right expertise in their own network. Once a draft standard is approved by the responsible CEN-TC, it goes out as draft standard (prEN) for Public Enquiry. The comments are prepared via the NSBs. The working group prepares the replies to the comments and prepares a new draft standard which, once approved again by the CEN-TC goes out as final draft for Final Vote. The time between publishing the prEN and publishing the final standard is usually between 21 and 30 months.
3 > What is the relation with the national and international (ISO) standards?
National standards There is an agreement between CEN and the national standards bodies that before starting national standardisation work CEN standardisation work shall be considered. If there is already CEN work started, this line shall be followed and national work should not be done. It is called a Stand still. After the ENs are published, existing and possibly conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn within a certain time frame. If national legislation is referring to these national standards, the NSB can get some years to repair this. A three to five years period is considered as the maximum deviation period in which national standards shall be withdrawn. ISO standards There is an agreement between CEN and ISO saying that they shall not work on the same Work Items. New work can only be started in CEN if it is not already on the ISO program and reverse. CEN-TCs are encouraged to seek contact with related ISO-TCs , e.g. CEN-TC89 and ISO-TC163, to agree on possible parallel voting. This means that the EN may become an ISO-EN if accepted by ISO. Existing ENs will by preference be maintained by related ISO-TCs. Only when related ISO-TCs are not interested or not giving it enough priority, the CEN-TC will continue the normal 5 years maintenance schedule or faster if needed.
4 > Harmonisation
To support the open EU market, more and more standards have been prepared as ENs. For building products this is even a requirement based on EU mandates to CEN according to the EU-CPD (Construction Product Directive). To stimulate an open EU market, construction products shall only be specified according to mandatory, socalled harmonised EN (or EN-ISO) standards. The EPBD stimulates EN standards for the energy calculation procedures for buildings and their systems, and all related performance prescriptive standards needed to specify buildings and systems in relation to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The European Commission gave a mandate to CEN in order to speed up the development of standards needed EPBD Buildings Platform > P02 EPBD CEN Standards
The Technical Committees of CEN that are involved in the preparation of the EPBD related standards
for the EPBD implementation. CEN didnt start this work from scratch. Already existing CEN Technical Committees have been quite active during the last 15 years preparing international standards in this field. These TCs have been involved in developing the CEN program to support the implementation of the EPBD. The process is being overseen by CEN/BT WG 173, Energy performance of buildings project group. Its task is to coordinate the work and to ensure that standards prepared in different committees interface with each other in a suitable way.
CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings and building components CEN/TC 156 Ventilation for buildings CEN/TC 169 Light and lighting CEN/TC 228 Heating systems in buildings CEN/TC 247 Building automation, controls and building management
transfer by transmission and ventilation, load and summer temperature, solar transmittance and the calculation of the energy need for heating and cooling of the building.
properties (classification) of ventilation systems plus cooling and air conditioning systems. domestic hot water systems: The generation efficiency. The emission efficiency. Domestic hot water systems.
Low temperature heating and cooling systems integrated in building elements (embedded systems). Lighting systems for buildings (including the effect of daylight) Controls and automation for building services Classification of the indoor environment Financial economic evaluation of sustainable energy applications. Boilers and heating systems Cooling- and AC systems Ventilation systems.
6. And, last but not least, the two key standards on expressing energy
performance and for energy certification of buildings, the overall energy use, primary energy and CO2 emissions, the assessment of energy use and definition of energy performance ratings.
7 > Current status of the EPBD CEN standards and where to obtain?
Most of the EPBD CEN standards are currently available as drafts (prEN). Some are already finalised as EN or EN-ISO standards. The standards and draft standards can be ordered from the National Standards Body (see http://www.cenorm.be/). The in total 43 standards or parts are available and listed in the appendix. The total set contains 2000 pages. It is expected that on the basis of the results of the public enquiry major changes will be made. Thus the standards, to be published for formal Vote by the beginning of 2007, may be different from the current prENs. Some standards will be merged, definitions and expressions will become better harmonised in the coming months. Some of the informative parts will be deleted. But the core content will not change, so it is of interest to use the current set of prENs to get a good idea of the final set to be published in 2007. As usual, prENs are published in English and, by choice of DIN and AFNOR, also published in a German or French. It is up to the other NSBs to decide if national language versions will be produced, depending on the target group as explained above.
The EPBD Buildings Platform has been launched by the European Commission in the frame of the Intelligent Energy Europe, 2003-2006 programme.It is managed by INIVE EEIG (www.inive.org), on behalf of Transport and Energy DG.
The information in this publication is subject to a Disclaimer and Copyright Notice; see http://www.buildingsplatform.org/legal_notices_en.html European Communities, 2006 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged EPBD Buildings Platform > P02 EPBD CEN Standards
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Title heating systems. Includes boilers for heating, domestic hot water or both; and boilers fired by gas, liquid or solid fuel (including biomass). Also includes heat distribution network, including associated components and controls; heat emitters, including accessories; and space heating control system. Ventilation for Buildings - Energy performance of buildings Guidelines for the inspection of air-conditioning systems. CONTENT: Describes the common methodology for inspection of air conditioning systems in buildings for space cooling and or heating from an energy consumption standpoint. The purpose is to assess the energy performance and proper sizing of the system, including: conformity to the original and subsequent design modifications, actual requirements and the present state of the building; correct system functioning; function and settings of various controls; function and fitting of the various components; power input and the resulting energy output Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies Part 1: General CONTENT: Standardises the required inputs, the outputs and the structure of the calculation method for system energy requirements. Energy performance may be assessed either by values of the system efficiencies or by values of the system losses due to inefficiencies. Based on an analysis of the following parts of a space heating and domestic hot water system: - the emission system energy performance including control; - the distribution system energy performance including control; - the storage system energy performance including control; - the generation system energy performance including control (e.g. boilers, solar panels, heat pumps, cogeneration units). Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies Part 2.1: Space heating emission systems CONTENT: Energy performance may be assessed either by values of the heat emission system performance factor or by values of the heat emission system losses due to inefficiencies. Method is based on an analysis of the following characteristics of a space heat emission system including control: - non-uniform space temperature distribution; - emitters embedded in the building structure; - control of the indoor temperature Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies Part 2.2: Space heating generation systems: Part 2.2.1. Combustion systems (Boilers) Part 2.2.2. Heat pump systems Part 2.2.3. Thermal Solar systems (including DHW) Part 2.2.4 The performance and quality of CHP electricity and heat (incl on-site and micro-CHP). Part 2.2.5. The performance of quality district heating and large volume systems. Part 2.2.6. The performance of other renewable heat and electricity. Part 2.2.7. Biomass combustion systems CONTENT: Provides methods for system efficiencies and/or losses and auxiliary energy. Consists of seven parts: Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies Part 2.3: Space heating distribution systems CONTENT: Provides a methodology to calculate/estimate the heat emission of water based distribution systems for heating and the auxiliary demand as well as the recoverable heat emission and auxiliary demand.
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Title Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies Part 3. Domestic hot water systems: Part 3-1-1 Characterisation of needs (tapping patterns) Part 3-1-2 Distribution Part 3-1-3 Storage and generation CONTENT: Calculation of energy requirements for domestic hot water heating systems including control, for all building types. In three parts: Ventilation for Buildings - Calculation of room temperatures and of load and energy for buildings with room conditioning systems CONTENT: Defines procedures to calculate temperatures, sensible loads and energy demands for rooms; latent room cooling and heating load, the building heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification loads and the system heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification loads. Gives general hourly calculation method, and simplified methods. Energy performance of buildings Energy requirements for lighting Part1 : Lighting energy estimation (a part 2 with additional data is proposed) CONTENT: Specifies the calculation methodology for the evaluation of the amount of energy used for lighting in the building and provides the numeric indicator for lighting energy requirements used for certification purposes. Also provides a methodology for the calculation of dynamic lighting energy use for the estimation of the total energy performance of the building Energy performance of buildings Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling (with extension of scope of EN ISO 13790; 2001) CONTENT: Gives calculation methods for assessment of the annual energy use for space heating and cooling of a residential or a non-residential building, or a part of it. Includes the calculation of heat transfer by transmission and ventilation of the building when heated or cooled to constant internal temperature; the contribution of internal and solar heat sources to the building heat balance; the annual energy needs for heating and cooling; the annual energy required by the heating and cooling systems of the building for space heating and cooling; the additional annual energy required by a ventilation system. Building can have several zones with different set-point temperatures, and can have intermittent heating and cooling. Calculation period is one month or one hour or (for residential buildings) the heating or cooling season. Provides common rules for the boundary conditions and physical input data irrespective of the chosen calculation approach. Thermal performance of buildings Calculation of energy use for space heating Simplified method (will be superseded by WI 14) Thermal performance of buildings Sensible room cooling load calculation General criteria and validation procedures CONTENT: Sets out the level of input and output data, and prescribes the boundary conditions required for a calculation method of the sensible cooling load of a single room under constant or/and floating temperature taking into account the limit of the peak cooling load of the system. It includes a classification scheme of the calculation method and the criteria to be met by a calculation method in order to comply with this standard. Purpose is to validate calculation methods used to evaluate the maximum cooling load for equipment selection and HVAC system design; evaluate the temperature profile when the cooling capacity of the system is reduced; provide data for evaluation of the optimum possibilities for load reduction; allow analysis of partial loads as required for system design, operation and control.
End of Enquiry
prEN-ISO 13790
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Title Thermal performance of buildings Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling General criteria and validation procedures CONTENT: Specifies the assumptions, boundary conditions and validation tests for a calculation procedure for the annual energy use for space heating and cooling of a building (or of a part of it) where the calculations are done on an hourly basis. Does not impose any specific numerical technique. Purpose of this standard is to validate calculation methods used to describe the energy performance of each room of a building; provide energy data to be used as interface with system performance analysis (HVAC, lighting, domestic hot water, etc). Ventilation for buildings Calculation methods for the determination of air flow rates in dwellings including infiltration (To be replaced by w.i. 19) Ventilation for buildings Calculation methods for the determination of air flow rates in buildings including infiltration. (The items 18 and 19 are merged) CONTENT: Describes method to calculate the ventilation air flow rates for buildings to be used for applications such as energy calculations, heat and cooling load calculation, summer comfort and indoor air quality evaluation. Applies to mechanically ventilated buildings; passive ducts; hybrid systems switching between mechanical and natural modes; window opening by manual operation for airing or summer comfort issues Ventilation for buildings Calculation methods for energy requirements due to ventilation systems in buildings (merged with 21) CONTENT: Describes method to calculate the energy impact of ventilation systems (including airing) in buildings to be used for applications such as energy calculations, heat and cooling load calculation. Its purpose is to define how to calculate the characteristics (temperature , humidity) of the air entering the building, and the corresponding energy required for its treatment as the auxiliary electrical energy required. Ventilation for buildings Calculation methods for energy requirements due to ventilation systems in dwellings. (merged with 20) Calculation methods for energy efficiency improvements by the application of integrated building automation systems CONTENT: Defines and specifies the performance of standardised energy saving and optimisation functions and routines of Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) and Technical Building Management (TBM) systems and services. Summarises the methodologies to calculate/estimate the energy demand for heating, ventilation, cooling, hot water and lighting of buildings and expresses the results of energy saving and efficiency in buildings by the application of the different BACS energy saving functions. Review of standards dealing with calculation of heat transmission in buildings. 1st set - Thermal performance of building components - Dynamic thermal characteristics Calculation methods CONTENT: Specifies the characteristics related to dynamic thermal behaviour of building components and gives methods for their calculation - Thermal performance of buildings Transmission and ventilation heat transfer coefficients Calculation method CONTENT: Specifies method and provides conventions for the calculation of the steady-state transmission and ventilation heat transfer coefficients of whole buildings and parts of buildings. Applicable both to heat loss (internal temperature higher than external temperature) and to heat gain (internal temperature lower than external temperature). -Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters calculation of transmittance Part 1 : General CONTENT: Specifies methods for the calculation of the thermal transmittance of windows and pedestrian doors consisting of glazed and/or
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Title or opaque panels fitted in a frame, with and without shutters. Allows for different types of glazing, opaque panels, various types of frames, and where appropriate the additional thermal resistance for closed shutters.
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End of Enquiry FV
Review of standards dealing with calculation of heat transmission in buildings. 2nd set - Building material and products - Hygrothermal properties Tabulated design thermal values and procedures for determining declared and design values CONTENT: This standard specifies methods for the determination of declared and design thermal values for thermally homogeneous building materials and products, together with procedures to convert values obtained under one set of conditions to those valid for another set of conditions. These procedures are valid for design ambient temperatures between -30 C and +60 C. It gives conversion coefficients for temperature and for moisture. These coefficients are valid for mean temperatures between 0 C and 30 C. It also gives design data in tabular form for use in heat and moisture transfer calculations, for thermally homogeneous materials and products commonly used in building construction. - Heat transfer via the ground calculation methods CONTENT: Gives methods of calculation of heat transfer coefficients and heat flow rates, for building elements in thermal contact with the ground, including slab-on-ground floors, suspended floors and basements. It applies to building elements, or parts of them, below a horizontal plane in the bounding walls of the building. Includes calculation of the steady-state part of the heat transfer (the annual average rate of heat flow), and the part due to annual periodic variations in temperature (the seasonal variations of the heat flow rate about the annual average). - Thermal bridges Heat flows and surface temperatures detailed calculations CONTENT: Sets out the specifications for a 3-D and 2-D geometrical model of a thermal bridge for the numerical calculation of heat flows and surface temperatures. Specifications include the geometrical boundaries and subdivisions of the model, the thermal boundary conditions and the thermal values and relationships to be used - Thermal bridges Linear transmittance simplified methods and default values CONTENT: Deals with simplified methods for determining heat flows through linear thermal bridges which occur at junctions of building elements. Specifies requirements relating to thermal bridge catalogues and manual calculation methods. Provides default values of linear thermal transmittance -Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - calculation method CONTENT: Method of calculation of the thermal resistance and thermal transmittance of building components and building elements, excluding doors, windows and other glazed units, components which involve heat transfer to the ground, and components through which air is designed to permeate Ventilation for non residential buildings Performance requirements for ventilation and room conditioning systems. (revision of EN 13779:2003) CONTENT: Gives performance requirements for ventilation systems. Applies to the design of ventilation and room conditioning systems for nonresidential buildings subject to human occupancy, excluding applications like industrial processes.( Applications for residential ventilation are dealt with in prEN 14788.). Design of Embedded water based surface heating and cooling systems: Part 1: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity Part 2: Design, Dimensioning and Installation
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Title Part 3: Optimizing for use of renewable energy sources CONTENT: Applies to water based surface heating and cooling systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings, for systems integrated into the wall, floor or ceiling construction without any open air gaps. In three parts: Part 1: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity Part 2: Design, dimensioning and installation Part 3: Optimising for the use of renewable energy sources Performance requirements for temperature calculation procedure without mechanical cooling. CONTENT: Specifies the assumptions, boundary conditions, equations and validation tests for a calculation procedure, under transient hourly conditions, of the internal temperatures (air and operative) during the warm period, of a single room without any cooling/heating equipment in operation. No specific numerical techniques are imposed by this standard. Validation tests are included Thermal performance of buildings Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling Simplified method. CONTENT: Specifies the required input data for simplified calculation methods for determining the maximum, average and minimum daily values of the operative temperature of a room in the warm period, to define the characteristics of a room in order to avoid overheating in summer at the design stage, or to define whether the installation of a cooling system is necessary. Gives criteria to be met by a calculation method in order to satisfy the standard Data requirements for standard economic evaluation procedures related to energy systems in buildings, including renewable energy sources. CONTENT: Provides data and calculation methods for economic issues of heating systems and other systems that are involved in the energy demand and consumption of the building Guidelines for inspection of ventilation systems CONTENT: Gives methodology for the inspection of mechanical and natural ventilation systems in relation to its energy consumption. Applicable to all buildings. Purpose is to assess functioning and impact on energy consumption. Includes recommendations on possible system improvements Criteria for the indoor environment, including thermal, indoor air quality, light and noise. CONTENT: Specifies the parameters of impact and/or criteria for indoor environment and how to establish indoor environmental input parameters for the building system design and energy performance calculations. Also specifies methods for long term evaluation of the obtained indoor environment as a result of calculations or measurements. Applicable mainly in the non-industrial buildings where the criteria for indoor environment are set by human occupancy and where the production or process does not have a major impact on indoor environment..