7 Alchemical Steps
7 Alchemical Steps
7 Alchemical Steps
Psychologically, this represents a further breaking down of the artificial structures of the psyche by total immersion in the unconscious, non-rational, feminine or rejected part of our minds. It is, for the most part, an unconscious process in which our conscious minds let go of control to allow the surfacing of buried material. It is opening the floodgates and generating new energy from the waters held back. Dissolution can be experienced as "flow," the bliss of being well-used and actively engaged in creative acts without traditional prejudices, personal hang-ups, or established hierarchy getting in the way. Physiologically, Dissolution is the continuance of the kundalini experience, the opening-up of energy channels in the body to recharge and elevate every single cell. Dissolution takes place in the Genital or Tin Chakra and involves the lungs and spleen. In Society, the process of steady growth through gradual Dissolution is exemplified by agrarian, monastic, or agriculture-based lifestyles. On the Planetary level, Dissolution is the Great Flood, the cleansing of the earth of all that is inferior. CORRESPONDENCES OF DISSOLUTION: According to the Emerald Tablet, "Its mother is the Moon." Element: Water. Color: Light Blue (color of this page). Planet: Jupiter. Metal: Tin.
Physiologically, Fermentation is the rousing of living energy (chi or kundalini) in the body to heal and vivify. It is expressed as vibratory tones and spoken truths emerging from the Throat or Mercury Chakra. In Society, the Fermentation experience is the basis of religion and mystical awareness. On the Planetary level, it is the evolution of life to produce higher consciousness. CORRESPONDENCES OF FERMENTATION: According to the Emerald Tablet, during Fermentation, we raise consciousness from the darkness of the animal body through personal meditation and planetary evolution. "Separate the Earth from Fire," it tells us, "the subtle from the gross, gently and with great Ingenuity." Substance: Sulfur. Color: Turquoise (color of this page). Planet: Venus. Metal: Mercury.
Roasting; Conflagration; Reduction; Trituration Dissolving; Corrosion; Cibation; Bain Marie Sifting; Filtration; Fission; Cutting
Tin (Pewter)
Iron Oxide (rust:action of water on metal) Sodium Carbonate (bubbling) Sodium Nitrate (union with Life Force) Liquor Hepatis (Balsam of the Soul) Black Pulvis Solaris
Acrid; Vinegary
Iron (Steel)
Red; Orange
Rotten Eggs
Fixation; Reunion; Amalgamation; Conglomeration Digestion; Putrefaction; Congelation; Ceration Potentizing; Exaltation; Cohobation; Multiplication Sublimation; Projection; Fusion
Gold (Silver)
Violet; Purple