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"Goblin","6 (10)","1-1","20","Any","Non-Arctic","1","1d6 (weapon)","4-

24",0,0,"0","S","6","15-35","Night","LE","C (K)","5-10","MM 163","Humanoid","hate

bright sunlight, -1 to attacks, infravision 60', use spear, mace or short sword
(2nd weapon), armor:leather","leaders chain or plate mail, cowardly, prefer
ambush, own lang & some kobold, orc, hobgoblin, tribe 40-400,","UC","groups will
have leaders, sub-chief, chief each w/guards, hate gnomes, dwarves & most
humanoids","Tribe","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI 47, DRC 180"
"Skeleton","7","1","19","Any","Any","1","1d6 (weapon)","3-
30",0,1,"Special","M","12","65","Any","N","Nil","0","MM 315","Undead","use swords
or spears, immune to sleep, charm, hold, fear spells, or cold based, slashing
weapons 1/2 dmg","blunt weapons full dmg, holy water 2d4/vial, animated creatures
serve as guards or warriors for wizards
or","R","priests","Band","Nil","special","General","Prime Material","OMI 87, DRC
"Aarakocra","7","1+2","19","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1d3/1d3 or 2d4 (weapon)","1-
10",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl 36 (C)","65","Day","NG","D","8-10","MM 5","Monster","SA-
Dive-a dive of +200' +4 to hit & DD (w/javelin). carries 6+ javelins & saves at
least one for stab, bite 1d3","bird-men, speak own lang., lang. of giant eagles &
common (10%), have little to do w/others,
claustrophobic","VR",,"Tribe","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","FF 8"
"Aboleth","4","8","13","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","4","1d6 each","1-
4",1,1,"0","H","3, Sw 18","5000","Night","LE","F","13-14","MM 6","Monster","SA-if
struck by tentacle & fails save vs spell victim's skin turns into slimy membrane
in 1d4+1 rnds must keep","skin covered & damp or 1d12 dmg/turn, cure disease stops
transform; cure serious returns to norm. telepathy","VR","enslaves creature (3
tries/day) w/30' save vs spell remove curse, disp magic, or. sep 1 save
SD-slime","Brood","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMII 8"
"Ankheg","2 (4)","3 to 8","17","Forests","Temp/Trop","1","3d6 (crush) + 1d4
(acid)","1-6",1,0,"0","L","12, Br 6","175-975","Any","N","C","0","MM
7","Monster","SA-squirt acid, once/6 hrs stream 30' 8d4 save vs pois 1/2 (used
only when desperate). preferred attack -","wait 5-10' below surface. overall AC 2,
underside AC 4. THAC0 17 for 3 HD +1 for every additional HD","R","fond of meat, a
threat to any creature","Brood","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 6"
"Arcane","5 (3)","10","11","Any","Any","1","1d8 (weapon)","1-
6",0,1,"40%","L","12","3000","Any","LN","R","17-18","MM 8","Humanoid","SD-can
become invisible or can dimension door up to 3/day to avoid combat, can use any
magical item","non-combative, will hire protection, racial telepathy, such that
all know if one is hurt or killed & will react neg","VR","to responsible
individuals, magical tradesmen, will deal w/anyone, wear robes or heavier armor
(AC 3)","Entourage","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Skeleton, Animal","8","1-1","20","Any","Any","1","1d4","2-
20",0,1,"Special","M","6","65","Any","N","Nil","0","MM 315","Undead","use swords
or spears, immune to sleep, charm, hold, fear spells, or cold based, slashing
weapons 1/2 dmg","blunt weapons full dmg, holy water 2d4/vial, animated creatures
serve as guards or warriors for wizards
or","VR","priests","Band","Nil","special","General","Prime Material","OMII 109"
"Skeleton, Monster","6","6","15","Any","Any","1","by weapon","1-
6",0,1,"Special","M","12","65","Any","N","Nil","0","MM 315","Undead","use swords
or spears, immune to sleep, charm, hold, fear spells, or cold based, slashing
weapons 1/2 dmg","blunt weapons full dmg, holy water 2d4/vial, animated creatures
serve as guards or warriors for wizards or","VR","priests, they fight w/ normal
weapons, always constructed from humanoid
creatures","Band","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Argos","0","5 to
10","10","Special","Special","3","1d4/1d4/1d4","1",1,1,"25%","L","9, Fl 3
(B)","2000+","Special","LE","U","5-14","MM 9","Monster","THAC0 15 (5-6 HD), 13 (7-
8 HD), 11 (9-10HD), size L-G (2' per HD), XP 2,000 + 1,000 per HD","on natural 20
swallows victim & suffers 2d8/rnd, victim can break free using short cutting
weapons 8 HP","VR","eyes are like those of a beholder, they consume anything that
Br 3","9000","Day","N","Special","1","MM 10","Monster","creature bites & once
successful jaws lock on victim until victim or creature is dead, once jaws lock
legs rake","(2-8 legs) 2d4 each, victim receives no DEX bonus once caught, SD- 1/2
dmg blunt weap, immune to small","VR","& normal fires, 1/2 dmg magical fires,
poison & gasses have no effect, feed on gold ore, valuable
hide","Solitary","Carnivore","19-20","General","Prime Material","OMII 11"
100",1,0,"0","T","15","7","Night","N","nil","1","MM 300","Animal","rodent,
normally flee larger animals, bite has 5% chance of infecting with disease save vs
poison, fear fire, a","swarm hits auto 4 dmg/rnd, found
anywhere","C",,"Pack","Scavenger","2-4","General","Prime Material","OMII 105, DRC
"Rat, Brush","7","1/4","20","Forests","Any","1","1","1-
100",0,0,"0","T","15","7","Night","N","(C)","1","MM 300","Animal","wood rat,
normally flee larger animals, inflicts disease, fear fire, attracted to shiny
objects, can be trained, will","not attack humans","C",,"Pack","Scavenger","2-
4","General","Prime Material",
"Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend","-5","13","7","Any","Any","6","1d4(2)/1d6(2)/2d6/2d4
or weapon","1-4",1,1,"50%","L","15, Fl 24 (C)","21,000","Any","LE","G, W","17-
18","PS 28","Monster","STR 18/00, divide attacks, wing buffets (2)/claw
(2)/bite/tail also club 1d6+7 (replaces a claw att),bite-poison","causes disease &
save or die in 1d4 rnds, tail-can hold & constrict 2d4 until STR check, +3 weapon
to hit, regen","VR","2 hp/rnd & radiate a fear 20'-rad (save vs rod -3 or flee
1d10 rnds), other powers, greatest power of baatezu","Solitary","Carnivore","19-
20","Planescape","Baator","MM 11"
"Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai,
Black","5","4+1","17","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d4+1","2-20",1,1,"30%","L","9, Fl
12 (C)","7000","Any","LE","nil","8-10","PS 18","Monster","attacks claw/claw/tail,
tail injects poison save vs poison or die, dive attack strikes w/both claws +2 to
hit & inflicts","DD, regen 1 hp/rnd except from holy water or holy magical weapon,
holy water 2d4 dmg, +1 weap to hit, can gate","C","2d6 lemures (60%) or 1d3
abishai (30%), can chg slf, comnd, prod flm, pyrotech & scare, order red, green,
black","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Baator","MM 11"
"Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai,
Green","3","5+2","15","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d4+1","2-8",1,1,"30%","L","9, Fl
12 (C)","8000","Any","LE","nil","8-10","PS 18","Monster","attacks claw/claw/tail,
tail injects poison save vs poison or die, dive attack strikes w/both claws +2 to
hit inflicts","DD, regen 1 hp/rnd except from holy water or holy magical weapon,
holy water 2d4 dmg, +1 weap to hit, can","C","gate 2d6 lemures (60%) or 1d3
abishai (30%), can chg slf, comnd, prod flm, pyrotech & scare, order red, green,
black","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Baator","MM 11"
"Baatezu, Lesser, Abishai,
Fl 12 (C)","9000","Any","LE","nil","8-10","PS 18","Monster","attacks
claw/claw/tail, tail injects poison save vs poison or die, dive attack strikes
w/both claws +2 to hit inflicts","DD, regen 1 hp/rnd except from holy water or
holy magical weapon, holy water 2d4 dmg, +1 weap to hit, can","C","gate 2d6
lemures (60%) or 1d3 abishai (30%), can chg slf, comnd, prod flm, pyrotech &
scare, order red, green, black","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Baator","MM 11"
,"CE","(D)","15-16","MM 13","Undead","fear-save vs spell or flee 10 rnds (50% drop
items), wail-save vs death magic or die (once/day only at night)","touch caused
1d8, +1 weap to hit, immune to charm, sleep, hold, cold & elect., holy water 2d4,
dispell evil","VR","destroys, turn as special, hate living creatures, they are
spirit of evil female elf","Solitary","Nil","13","General","Prime Material","OMI
50, DRC 182"
"Basilisk, Lesser","4","6+1","15","Land","Any","1","1d10","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","6","1400","Day","N","F","1","MM 14","Monster","SA-gaze turns flesh
creatures to stone, if gaze is reflected & it sees its own eyes, it will become
petrified","in Astral Plane gaze kills, gaze effective
50'","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 8, DRC 159"
"Basilisk, Greater","2","10","11","Land","Any","3","1d6/1d6/2d8","1-
7",1,1,"0","L","6","7000","Day","N","H","5-7","MM 14","Monster","SA-gaze turns
flesh creatures to stone, attacks: claw/claw/bite, claws carry type K poison (2-8
min. 5/0)+4,","poisonous breath within 5' save (+2) or die (check each round, gaze
only has 10% of being reflected unless","VR","within 10' (gaze effective 50'),
typically guard treasure, surprised only on
1","Solitary","Carnivore","16","General","Prime Material","OMII 15"
"Dracolisk","3","7+3","13","Land","Any","3","1d6/1d6/3d4","1-2",1,0,"0","H","9, Fl
15 (E)","3000","Day","CE","C, I","5-10","MM 14","Monster","SA-gaze turns flesh to
stone (extends 20'), attacks claw/claw/bite, breath weapon-acid 5' wide X 30'
long","causes 4d6 save vs breath weapon 1/2 (3x/day), 10% chance to be affected by
own gaze, opponents -4 to","VR","attack to avoid gaze, combination of black dragon
& large basilisk","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 55"
"Bat, Common","8","1d2 hp","20","Land","Any","1","1","1-100",1,0,"0","T","1, Fl 18
(C)","15","Night","N","nil","1","MM 15","Animal","SA-swarm puts out torches (1%
per bat), disrupts spellcasting, inhibits melee (-2 THAC0) & get in way","fight
only if cornered","C",,"Swarm","Omnivore","2-4","General","Prime Material","OMII
15, DRC 159"
"Bat, Large","8","1","19","Land","Any","1","1d4","3-18",0,1,"0","M","3, Fl 18
(C)","35","Night","N","nil","1","MM 15","Monster","SD-+4 AC if opponent (DEX <14)
fires missile, attacks w/bite, 1% per point of dmg of getting rabies, 1d4+6","day
incubation then 10 days to live","UC",,"Flock","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","DRC 159"
"Bat, Huge","10","4 to 6","17","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","1","2d4","1-
8",1,1,"0","H","3, Fl 15 (C)","420-975","Night","NE","C","5-7","MM
15","Monster","SD-victims suffer -3 to surprise SA-screech forces victims to cover
ears rather than fight save vs paralysis","AC 2 while in flight, 7 in crowded
flight & 10 on ground, +1 THAC0 per additional HD","R",,"Flock","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMII 15"
"Azmyth","2","2","19","Land","Any","2","1/1d2","1",1,1,"40%","S","3, Fl 24
(A)","650","Any","CN","C","13-14","MM 15","Monster","communicate with telepathy
(60'), infravision 90', know alignment 3x/day, invisible (self) 6 rnds or first
attack","1x/day & silence 15'-radius (centered on self) 1x/day, attacks: bite/tail
& 2x/day release shocking grasp","R","through physical contact 1d8+6 + physical
att dmg, bat-like creatures","Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime
"Night Hunter","6","2+2","19","Land","Any","4","1d4/1d2/1d2/1d6 or 3d4","1-
12",0,0,"0","M","2, Fl 18 (A)","175","Any","NE","M, O, (Z)","8-14","MM
15","Monster","attack: bite/claw/claw/slash or stabe with tail, infravision 120',
over 30 in lair, bat-like
creatures",,"UC",,"Pack","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Sinister","3","4+4","17","Land","Any","1","1d4+1","1-6",1,1,"70%","L","2, Fl 21
(A)","2000","Any","LE","nil","8-16","MM 15","Monster","infravision 160', precision
levitation, surrounded by 5' wall of force (stops only missile attacks), cast
hold","monster 1x/day, communicate (w/ other sinisters) telepathy 20', love music,
resemble manta rays","R",,"Band","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Bear, Black","7","3+3","17","Land","Temperate","3","1d3/1d3/1d6","1-
3",1,0,"0","M","12","175","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 17","Animal","usually not
aggressive, SA-hug, if it hits w/claw 18+ it hugs for additional
2d4",,"C",,"Family","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 9, DRC 159"
"Bear, Brown (Grizzly)","6","5+5","15","Land","Temperate","3","1d6/1d6/1d8","1-
6",1,0,"0","L","12","420","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 17","Animal","very aggressive
(grizzly bear), SA-hug, if claw hits w/18+ it hugs for additional 2d6, will fight
for 1-4 rnds after","reaching 0 to -8 hp, immediately killed at -9 or
fewer","UC",,"Family","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 9, DRC
"Bear, Cave","6","6+6","13","Land","Any","3","1d8/1d8/1d12","1-
2",1,0,"0","H","12","650","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 17","Animal","very aggressive
will attk party, SA-hug, if claw hits w/18+ it hugs for additional 2d8, will fight
for 1-4 rnds after","reaching 0 to -8 hp, immediately killed at -9 or
fewer","UC",,"Family","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 9, DRC
"Bear, Polar","6","8+8","11","Any","Arctic/Sub-Arctic","3","1d10/1d10/2d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","H","12, Sw 9","1400","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 17","Animal","very
aggressive, power swim, SA-hug, if claw hits w/18+ it hugs for additional 3d6,
will fight for 2-5 rnds after","reaching 0 to -12 hp, immediately killed at -13 or
fewer","R",,"Family","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMII 16, DRC
"Beetle, Bombardier","4","2+2","19","Forests","Any","1","2d6","3-
12",1,1,"0","S","9","120","Day","N","nil","0","MM 18","Monster","cannot fly, 50% /
rnd. it will turn its rear to attacker & shoot 8'-sphere acidic vapor causes
3d4/rnd in contact","sound caused by release 20% stunning within 15' lasting 2d4
rnds + 2d4 rnds deafness afterwards, also those","C","not stunned 20% deafening
2d6 rnds, can fire every 3rd rnd.(max 2x/8 hrs), valuable
chemicals","Solitary","Carnivore","3","General","Prime Material","OMI 9"
"Beetle, Boring","3","5","15","Land","Any","1","5d4","3-
18",0,0,"0","L","6","175","Night","N","C, R, S, T","1","MM 18","Monster","powerful
bite, collect treasure & items in their
nests",,"C",,"Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 9"
"Beetle, Fire","4","1+2","19","Land","Any","1","2d4","3-
12",0,0,"0","S","12","35","Night","N","nil","0","MM 35","Monster","cannot fly,
attack with mandibles, glands above their eyes produce a luminous red glow which
persists for","1d6 days after being removed, illuminates a
10'-radius","C",,"Solitary","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 9"
"Beetle, Rhinoceros","2","12","9","Jungle","Any","2","3d6/2d8","1-
6",0,0,"0","L","6","4000","Any","N","nil","0","MM 18","Monster","attacks:
mandibles/horn, shell is valued by clerics of Egyptian pantheon who use it for
decoration - must be","retrieved in one
piece","UC",,"Solitary","Herbivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 9"
"Beetle, Stag","3","7","13","Forests","Any","3","4d4/1d10/1d10","2-
12",0,0,"nil","L","6","975","Any","N","nil","0","MM18","Monster","cannot fly, poor
sight & hearing, attack: mandibles/horn/horn, destroy crops & livestock (if hungry
enough)",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 9"
"Beetle, Water","3","4","17","Water, Fresh","Any","1","3d6","1-12",0,0,"0","M","3,
Sw 9","120","Any","N","nil","0","MM 18","Monster","voracious eaters, will eat
almost anything, sometimes attack & sink boats to get food, live in water at least
30'",,"C",,"Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 9"
"Behir","4","12","9","Land","Any","2 or 7","2d4/1d4+1 or 2d4/1d6 x6","1-
2",1,1,"0","G","15","7000","Day","NE","special","5-7","MM 20","Monster","snake-
like reptilian monster, attacks: bite/loop, if loop succeeds 6 talon attacks next
round, SA-lightning bolt","20'-long once every 10 rnds causes 24 points save vs.
breath for 1/2, SD-immune to poison & electricity, on","R","natural 20 it swallows
man-size prey, creature looses 1/6 hp/rnd, digested 12 turns, cut way out (AC
7)","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 18"
"Beholder","0/2/7","45-75 hp","11","Remote","Any","1","2d4","1",1,1,"0","M","Fl 3
(B)","14,000","Any","LE","I, S, T","15-16","MM 21","Monster","see MM for specific
AC & THAC0, SA-magic see MM, SD-anti-magic ray 140 yrd range x 90 degree
arc","hateful, agressive race, attack & dominate other races, attack immediately,
50% chance will listen to","R","negotiations (bribe) before
attacking","Solitary","Omnivore","18","General","Prime Material","OMI 10, DRC 160"
"Beholder-kin, Death Kiss","4/6/8","1d8+76
hp","11","Remote","Any","10","1d8","1",1,1,"0","H","Fl 9
(B)","8000","Any","NE","I, S, T","8-14","MM 21","Monster","infravision 120',
tentacles 20' long can attack up to 10 diff creatures, once tentacle hits it
attaches draining","2 hp/rnd, see MM 22 for AC, if tent. is dmg but not destroy it
drains blood from victim to restore hp to full (6)","VR","only edged weapons
injure tent., bb/lg to tear tent. off causing 1d6 to victim, use blood to generate
charges","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
"Beholder-kin, Eye of the Deep","5","10 to 12","11","Water,
Ocean","Any","3","2d4/2d4/1d6","1",1,0,"0","M","Sw 6","4000","Day","LE","R","11-
12","MM 21","Monster","11-12 HD:THAC0 9, attacks: pincer/pincer/bite, central eye
emits blinding light cone 5' wide x 30' long x","20' end save vs poison or be
stunned 2d4/rnd, 2 small eyes cast create illusion & hold person or
monster","VR","eye stalks regenerate in a
week","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 41"
"Beholder-kin, Gauth","0/2/7","6+6 or
9+9","13","Remote","Any","1","3d4","1",1,1,"0","L","Fl 9
(B)","6000","Day","NE","B","15-16","MM 21","Monster","9+9 HD:THAC0 11 & XP 9000,
feeds on magic, infravision 90', AC see MM, gaze-save vs spell -2 or
feeble-","mind, bite 3d4, see MM 23 for spells, if slain 2% 4d4 dmg all in 10' (no
save), regen 1 hp/2 turns, immune to","R","own powers, prefer to devour magical
objects","Solitary","Special","15-18","General","Prime Material",
Spectator","4/7/7","4+4","15","Remote","Any","1","1d4+1","1",1,1,"5%","M","Fl 9
(B)","4000","Any","LN","special","11-14","MM 21","Monster","guardian, +1
initiative, passive & will implant suggestion 1st, AC & spells see MM 23, can
reflect opposing","magic (save vs magic), if not threatened its very talkative &
friendly, treasure guarded 90% macical item,","VR","incidental treasure see MM
24","Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMII 112"
"Beholder, Undead","0/2/7","45-70
hp","11","Remote","Any","1","2d4","1",1,1,"0","L","Fl 2
(C)","13,000","Any","LE","E","special","MM 21","Undead","uses powers of remaining
eyes, charm is lost-replaced by weak hold monster (40%) or useless (60%),
immune","to sleep, charm, hold spells, mindless servents, saving throws see MM 24,
AC see MM 21 (chart)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","18","General","Prime Material","DRC
"Beholder-kin, Hive
Mother","0","20","5","Remote","Any","1","5d4","1",1,1,"5%","H","Fl 6
(A)","24,000","Any","LE","I, S, T","17-18","MM 25","Monster","swallow target on
20, 5d4 dmg/rnd until escape or dead, escape on success attack roll, AC see MM
25,","control 5-10 beholder-kin or 5-20 abominations (comunicate telepathy), if
destroyed remaining beholders","VR","will turn on each
other","Solitary","Omnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Director (abom.)","2 (4)","12 (8)","9","Remote","Any","2","2d4/2d4","2-
5",1,0,"20%","H","15, Fl 3 (A)","10,000","Day","LE","G","8-10","MM
25","Monster","social, warrior & breed specialized mounts, Crawler (typ mount), 6
eyes (see MM 25 for powers), special power","of deflection-att on creature -2, dmg
1/2 & +2 saves, AC 2 when mounted, attack of Director -4 when
not","VR","mounted","Squad","Omnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
"Crawler (typ. mount)","2
25","Monster","SA-attacks: fang/fang + poison save or paralyzed 1d4 rnds, roll
into ball AC 0, created by Beholder,
Directors",,"VR",,"Special","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Examiner (abom.)","5","8","13","Remote","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","1-
6",1,1,"25%","M","Fl 6 (C)","6000","Night","LN","V (x4)","17-18","MM
25","Monster","4 small eyes & no central eye, regen 1 hp/rnd, spells see MM 25,
can use artifacts & tools up to 4 items,","not bravest, often overseers or hive
mothers","VR",,"Squad","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Lensman (abom.)","3/7","2","19","Remote","Any","1","1d8 or weapon","1-
10",0,1,"0","M","9","175","Day","NE","R","5-7","MM 25","Monster","preferred weapon
is double headed pole arm, spells (at 6th lvl.)one of the following: emotion,
heal, tongues,","dispel magic, phantasmal force, protections (as scrolls, any
type, one at a time)","VR",,"Squad","Insectivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Overseer
ny","LE","U","19-20","MM 25","Monster","13 limbs w/eyes, 8 thorny limbs 1d10+2
each, cannot levitate, covered w/ fungus which changes color as","desire, green,
grey, or brown, eye powers & AC see MM 26, always have 1 or 2 beholder guards & at
least 6","VR","Directors protecting their
wealfare","Squad","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Watcher (abom.)","7","3+3","17","Remote","Any","1","3d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","Fl 6 (A)","420","Any","N","nil","2-4","MM 25","Monster","attack
with tenticle 3d6 or electrical shock save vs system shock or fall unconscious,
spell powers MM 26,","not aggressive warriors, prefer misdirection & flight to
physical confrontation","VR",,"Solitary","Scavenger","10","General","Prime
"Beholder, Mage",,,,"Remote","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,"Any",,,,"MM 26","Monster","shunned
by other beholders, purposely blinded central eye, so it might cast
spells,",,"VR",,"Solitary",,,"General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Elder Orb",,,,"Remote","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,"Any",,,,"MM
26","Monster","ancient beholders of god-like intellegence & power, lost function
of some eyestalks, more hp & able to cast","spells, supposedly create & control
death tyrants","VR",,"Solitary",,,"General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Orbus",,,,"Remote","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,"Any",,,,"MM
26","Monster","stunted, pale-white beholder retaining only its anti-magic eye &
reputed to have great magic abilities",,"VR",,"Solitary",,,"General","Prime
"Beholder, Doomsphere",,,,"Remote","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,"Any",,,,"MM
26","Undead","ghost-like undead beholder created by magical
explosions",,"VR",,"Solitary",,,"General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Kasharin",,,,"Remote","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,"Any",,,,"MM
26","Undead","undead, passes on rotting disease which killed
it",,"VR",,"Solitary",,,"General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Astereater",,,,"Remote","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,"Any",,,,"MM
26","Monster","abomination is a great boulder-like beholder-kin without
eyes",,"VR",,"Solitary",,,"General","Prime Material",
"Beholder, Gorbel",,,,"Remote","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,"Any",,,,"MM 26","Monster","wild
clawed beholder-kin lacking magic, but with the nasty habit of exploding if
attacked",,"VR",,"Solitary",,,"General","Prime Material","FF 46"
"Hawk, Blood","7","1+1","18","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d6","4-15",0,0,"0","S","1,
Fl 24 (B)","120","Any","N","special","1","MM 27","Animal","fond of humanoids, will
attack for food or gems which line their nests to allure
females",,"UC",,"Flock","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","FF 15"
2",0,1,"0","L","15, Fl 15 (D)","2000","Day","N","nil","1","MM
27","Animal","relative of stork, 12' tall, immune to poison, hunt in blinds-
opponents suffer -3 to surprise when hunting in
blind",,"R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 20"
"Condor","7","3+3","17","Any","Any","1","1d4+1","1-2",0,0,"0","M","3, Fl 24
(D)","175","Day","N","special","1","MM 27","Animal","rarely land except to feed,
eggs & hatchlings worth 30-60 gp, can be trained to act as spotters or
retrievers","small or tiny humanoids can train them as aerial mounts, can carry 80
lbs","UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Eagle, Giant","7","4","15","Mountains","Any","3","1d6/1d6/2d6","1-
20",1,0,"0","L","3, Fl 48 (D)","420","Any","N","special","1","MM
27","Monster","10' tall, 20' wing span, SA-dive, 50'+ adds +4 to att. & double
damage (claws), exceptional eyesight & hearing","only surprised at night or in
lair & then only 10% of the time, more social than normal eagle up to 20 nests
in","R","an area, can be trained, their eggs sell for 500-800
gp","Group","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 36"
"Eagle, Wild","6","1+3","18","Mountains","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1","5-
12",1,0,"0","S","1, Fl 30 (C)","175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 27","Animal","SA-
dive, if dives 100'+ it gains double flying speed, attack w/ claws only, +2 attack
& double damage, never","surprised, mate for life, occasionally find 1d8+4 eagles
in rich feeding area, never attack humanoids although","UC","some small brownies
must be wary of a hunting eagle","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime
Material","OMII 62"
"Eblis, Common","3","4+4","15","Swamp","Temp/Trop","4","1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4","4-
16",0,1,"0","L","12, Fl 12 (C)","650","Day","NE","special","5-10","MM
27","Monster","stork-like, speak language of chirps, whistles, & hoots, love shiny
gems, difficult to locate lair, +1 to save vs","fire or flame attacks & any damage
caused by fire -1 per dice, attack in ambushes, enjoy killing, cunning,","R","if
it sees travelers it will attack for items it wants","Group","Carnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material","OMII 62"
"Eblis, Spellcaster","3","4+4","15","Swamp","Temp/Trop","4 or 1","1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4
or spell","1",1,1,"0","L","12, Fl 12 (C)","1400","Day","NE","special","10-12","MM
27","Monster","leads a community of common eblis, one per group, cast spells,
otherwise same abilities as commen eblis,","cast 2d4 spells /day @ 3rd lvl,
spells: audible glamer, blur, change self, hypnotism, hypnotic pattern,
spook,","R","wall of fog, & whispering wind","Group","Carnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
"Emre","7","3","17",,,"1","1d4 or 2d4","2-20",0,0,,,"18, Fl 24 (C)","120",,,,,"MM
27","Animal",,,,,,,"7","General","Prime Material",
"Falcon","5","1-1","20","Any","Non-Arctic","3","1/1/1","1-2",0,0,"0","S","1, Fl 36
(B)","65","Day","N","special","1","MM 27","Animal","smaller than hawk, easily
trained, preferred by hunters over hawks, trained bird sells for 1000 gp
each",,"C",,"Solitary","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material","OMII 64"
20",0,0,"0","L","18","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM 27","Animal","run 40 mph,
attack: kick",,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
28","Animal",,,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
27","Animal",,,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Hawk","6","1","19","Any","Non-Arctic","3","1d2/1d2/1","1-2",1,0,"0","S","1, Fl 33
(B)","65","Any","N","special","1","MM 27","Animal","SA-dive:100'+ gains +2 to
attack & double damage (claws only), after dive will attack w/
claw/claw/bite,","25% to strike eye of opponent, if struck: blinded 1d10 rnds &
10% chance of loosing eye, never surprised,","C","anyone threatening nest will be
attacked, if trained it can be sold for 500 - 1200
gp","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMII 64"
"Kingfisher","5","1","19","Swamp","Non-Arctic","1","1d4","4-24",0,0,"0","S","1, Fl
(36 (C)","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM
27","Animal",,,"UC",,"Flock","Carnivore","7","General","Prime Material",
"Owl","5","1","19","Forests","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1","1-2",1,0,"0","S","1, Fl 27
(D)","65","Night","N","nil","1","MM 27","Animal","infravision 120', exellent
hearing, connot be surprised at dusk or night, fly in total silence -6 to opp
surprise,","eyesight worse than human (day) -3 to surprise, SA-dive: 50'+ gains +2
to attacks & double dmg. with claws,","C","attack humans only if
frightened","Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMII 97"
"Owl, Giant","6","4","17","Forests","Temperate","3","2d4/2d4/1d4+1","2-
5",0,0,"0","M","3, Fl 18 (E)","270","Night","N","special","1","MM
27","Monster","fly in total silence -6 to opp surprise, friendly toward humans but
will attack anything threatening their young,","eggs sell for 1000 sp & 2000 sp
for hatchling, infravision 120'","R",,"Family","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 77"
Talking","3","2+2","19","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d2","1",0,1,"special","S","1, Fl
36 (C)","975","Any","NG","nil","12-17","MM 27","Monster","Wis 21: immune: cause
fear, charm person, command, friends, hypnotism, forget, hold person, ray of
emfeeb.","scare & fear, speak up to 6 languages, serve as advisors of champions on
a good quest for 1d3 weeks unless","R","mistreated, can detect good, will fake
lame wing to test reaction of party","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime
"Raven","7","1d2 hp","20","Land","Any","1","1","4-32",0,0,"0","T","1, Fl 36
(B)","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 27","Animal","attack with claws and beak, will
go after eyes w/ 10% of hitting, if successful opponents looses eye,","cannot be
surprised during day because they send out scouts","C",,"Flock","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMII 105"
"Raven, Huge","6","1-1","20","Any","Any","1","1d2","2-8",0,0,"0","L","1, Fl 27
(C)","35","Day","N","nil","3-5","MM 27","Monster","sometimes serve as familiar for
evil master",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII
"Raven, Giant","4","3+2","17","Any","Any","1","1d4+2","4-16",0,0,"0","M","3, Fl 18
(D)","175","Day","N","nil","3-5","MM 27","Monster","used as guards or messengers,
strength is enough to carry a adult halfling",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 105"
"Skyfisher","3","4","17",,,"1 or 2","1d8+3 or 1d6/1d6","1-20",0,0,,,"3, Fl 24
(C)","270",,,,,"MM 27",,,,,,,,"9","General","Prime Material",
"Swan","7","1+2","18","Water","Non-Arctic","3","1/1/1d2","2-16",0,0,"0","M","3, Fl
18 (D)","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM
27","Animal",,,"C",,"Flock","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material","OMII 116"
"Vulture","6","1+1","19","Any","Any","1","1d2","4-24",0,0,"0","S","3, Fl 27
(E)","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM 27","Animal","cowardly, search for injured or
dead creatures, creatures that are unconscious, dead, or held are a
potential","meal, if surviving combatants are more than 20' away vultures begin
feeding, immune to disease & poison","C",,"Flock","Scavenger","5-
7","General","Prime Material","OMII 125"
"Vulture, Giant","7","2+2","19","Any","Any","1","1d4","2-12",0,0,"0","M","3, Fl 24
(D)","120","Day","N","special","1","MM 27","Monster","can be trained to associate
specific species as food, eggs & hatchlings worth 30-60
gp",,"UC",,"Flock","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMII 125"
"Wari","6","3","17",,,"2 or 1","1d2/1d4 or 3d4","6-60",0,0,,,"15","65",,,,,"MM
27","Monster",,,,,,,"7","General","Prime Material",
"Mole, Brain","9","1 hp","nil","Subterranean","Any","nil","nil","1-
3",1,1,"nil","T","1, Br 3","35","Night","N","nil","1","MM 29","Monster","live in
underground tunnels, feed on psionic activity, will drain energy from victim, will
attack underground or","forests, can detect psionic activity 200 yrds away, cannot
prey on vicitim until psionics is used, must feed","VR","once a week, adult mole
sell for 50 gp & youngsters 5 gp","Family","Special","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 11"
"Broken One","7 (10)","3","17","Land","Any","1","1d6 or by weapon","3-
12",1,1,"0","M","9","175","Any","NE","I, K, M","5-7","MM 30","Monster","result of
experiments gone wrong (humans mingled w/ humans), speak languages the human knew
& 10%","can communicate w/ non-human kin, reclusive, at least 5 HD per die, regen
1 hp /rnd., each will have a","R","special ability of animal half (night vision,
etc)","Pack","Varies","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Broken One, Greater","5 (8)","5","15","Land","Any","1","1d8 or by weapon","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","9","650","Any","NE","I, K, M (Z)","13-14","MM
30","Monster","result of experiments gone wrong (humans mingled w/ humans), speak
languages the human knew & 10%","can communicate w/ non-human kin, reclusive, at
least 5 HD per die, regen 2 hp /rnd., each will have 1-4","VR","special abilities
of animal half (night vision, etc), superior physically: +3 to +5 to att &
dmg","Pack","Varies","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Brownie","3","1/2","20","Rural","Temperate","1","1d2 (short sword)","4-
16",1,1,"0","T","12","175","Night","LG","O, P, Q","13-14","MM
31","Humanoid","peaceful & friendly, speak: brownie, elf, pixies, sprites,
halfling & common, dislike combat, rely on magic,","able to blend w/surroundings,
spells (once/day): protect from evil, ventriloquism, dance lights, contin
light,","R","mirror image (3 images), confusion & dim door, melee last resort,
live close to farms, save as 9th lvl cleric","Tribe","Herbivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 11"
3",0,1,"20%","T","15","35","Night","N","K","8-10","MM 31","Humanoid","relative of
brownie, under 1' tall, blend into surroundings only 10% to be seen, live in
symbiotic relationship","with humans making homes under floors, in walls,
etc.","UC",,"Solitary","Scavenger","8-10","General","Prime Material","FF 57"
"Bugbear","5 (10)","3+1","17","Subterranean","Any","1","2d4 or by weapon","2-
8",1,0,"0","L","9","120-175","Any","CE","J, K, L, M, (B)","5-10","MM
32","Humanoid","cousins of goblins, exceptional smell, hearing & sight,
infravision 60', speak: bugbear, goblin & hobgoblins, ambush, -3","surp roll,
SA:+2 dmg, good tactics, if overmatched will retreat, live in caves & underground,
leader: AC 4, 22-25 hp,","UC","4 HD +3 dmg, chief & subchief: AC 3, 28-30 hp, 4 HD
+4 dmg","Tribe","Carnivore","11-13","General","Prime Material","OMI 12, DRC 162"
2",1,0,"0","L","14 (3)","4000","Any","N","nil","1","MM 33","Monster","landshark,
attack anything edible, burrows underground, SA-jump: up to 8' to escape or if
cornered, while in","the air it strikes with all 4 feet 3d6 each, AC 4
(undershell) & AC 6 (eye region 8"" dia.), consume victims,","VR","clothing,
weapons, and all, nothing is safe from it, devestating on ecosystem, shell made
into shield +1 to +3","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Bullywug","6","1","19","Swamp","Temp/Trop","3 or 1","1d2/1d2/1d4+1 or
weapon","10-80",1,1,"0","M","3, Sw 15 (9)","65","Any","CE","J, K, M, Q(x5),
(C)","5-10","MM 34","Monster","frog-like, speak: bullywug & some common, attack in
group ambush, SA-hop: 30' forward & 15' high adding","+1 to att. & dd if using an
impaling weapon, SD-camo: -2 to opp surprise, sub-leader(5) 8 hp, leader: 2 HD
+1","R","dmg & 12+ hp, sub-chieftain: 2 HD 12+ hp +1 dmg, chieftain: 3 HD 20+ hp
+2 dmg, favor dark, damp places","Tribe","Carnivore","10","General","Prime
Material","FF 16"
"Carrion Crawler","3/7","3+1","17","Subterranean","Any","1 or 8","special or
1d2","1-6",1,0,"0","L","12","420","Any","N","B","0","MM 35","Monster","scavenger,
will attack living creatures, head AC 3 & body AC 7, rank odor warns of approach,
attacks w/ 8","tentacles which produce secretion that paralyzes 2d6 turns, save vs
paralyze, will kill w/ its bite
1d2","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","special","General","Prime Material","OMI 13,
DRC 163"
4",1,1,"0","M","15, 45","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 36","Animal","SA-rear claws:
if both front claws hit it attacks w/ rear 1d2/1d2, surprised only on a 1, victims
suffer -3 to","surprise roll, can move 45 rnds & must rest 3 turns, will fight to
death","UC",,"Family","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMII 25"
"Jaguar","6","4 +1","17","Jungle","Tropical","3","1d3/1d3/1d8","1-
2",1,1,"0","L","15","420","Any","N","nil","2-4","MM 36","Animal","SA-if both front
claws hit both rear claws att. 1d4+1/1d4+1, surprised only on a 1, if found in
lair 75% 1-3 cubs","cubs do not fight
effectively","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI
2",1,1,"nil","M","15","270","Any","N","nil","2-4","MM 36","Animal","SA- if both
front claws hit then rear claws attack 1d4/1d4, only surprised on a 1, opp suffer
-3 to surprise roll,","inhabit deserts, forests, plains & mountains, 25% to find
cubs in lair","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Lion","5/6","5 +2","15","Plains","Temp/Trop","3","1d4/1d4/1d10","2-
12",1,1,"0","M","12","650","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 36","Animal","SA- if both
front claws hit then rear claws attack 1d6+1/1d6+1, only surprised on a 1, AC 5 in
forequarters &","AC 6 in hindquarters & females AC 6 all areas, hunt in prides
containing 1-3 males & 1-10 females, lair will","UC","contain 1-10 cubs which are
unable to fight","Pride","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 61,
DRC 163"
"Lion, Mountain","6","3 +1","17","Any","Temperate","3","1d3/1d3/1d6","1-
2",1,1,"0","M","12","270","Dawn & Sunset","N","nil","2-4","MM 36","Animal","SA- if
both front claws hit then rear claws attack 1d4/1d4, only surprised on a 1,
cautious, less aggressive,","elusive","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 61, DRC 163"
"Lion, Spotted","5/6","6 +2","15","Plains","Temp/Trop","3","1d4/1d4/1d12","2-
8",1,1,"0","L","12","975","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 36","Animal","SA- if both
front claws hit then rear claws attack 2d4/2d4, only surprised on a 1, AC 5 in
forequarters &","AC 6 in hindquarters & females AC 6 all
areas","R",,"Pride","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 61"
"Lynx, Giant","6","2 +2","19","Forests","Sub-Arctic","3","1d2/1d2/1d2","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","12","175","Night","N","nil","11-12","MM 36","Animal","SA- if both
front claws hit then rear claws attack 1d3/1d3, only surprised on a 1, -6 to
surprise roll of prey,","75% of finding traps, almost never attacks humans, high
intelligence makes it very adaptable","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 64"
4",1,1,"0","L","12","650","Night","N","nil","2-4","MM 36","Animal","SA- if both
front claws hit then rear claws attack 1d4+1/1d4+1, only surprised on a 1, protect
territories,","unpredictable & dangerous, 25% cubs in lair (1-
3)","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 94, DRC
"Tiger, Sabre-Tooth (Smilodon)","6","7+2","13","Any","Sub-
2",1,1,"0","L","12","1400","Night","N","nil","1","MM 36","Animal","SA- if both
front claws hit then rear claws attack 2d4/2d4, only surprised on a 1, +2 to att
with bite (6"" fangs)","""sabre-toothed tiger""","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 94, DRC 163"
"Cat, Domestic","6","1/2","20","Urban","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1","1 (1-
12)",1,1,"0","T","9","7","Any","N","nil","1","MM 38","Animal","SA- if both front
claws hit then rear claws attack 1d2/1d2, only surprised on a 1 or 2, -3 to opp
surprise roll",,"C",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
Material","OMII 22"
"Cat, Wild","5","1","19","Any","Non-Arctic","3","1d2/1d2/1d2","1 (2-
5)",1,1,"0","T","18","35","Any","N","nil","1","MM 38","Animal","SA- if both front
claws hit then rear claws attack 1d2/1d2, only surprised on a 1 or 2, -3 to opp
surprise roll",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
Material","OMII 22"
8","650","Any","N","nil","2-7","MM 38","Monster","SA- if both front claws hit then
rear claws attack 1d2/1d2, only surprised on a 1, -5 to opp. surprise roll,","99%
move silent, 90% hide in wilderness, leap 20', can swim, limited ESP, enlarge &
trip once/day, reduce &","R","tree twice/day, enlarge doubles HD & damage, tree
assumes form of tree limb, speak own & some elven","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 63"
"Catoblepas (Nekrozon)","7","6 +2","15","Swamp","Any","1","1d6 + stun","1-
2",1,0,"0","L","6","975","Day","N","(C)","2-4","MM 39","Monster","attacks w/tail:
a successful hit has 75% -5%/lvl (after 1st) stunning 1d10 rnds, SA-gaze: emits a
deathray w/","60 yrd range any creature meeting gaze dies without a save, those
looking away can still be effected (a save","VR","vs death magic), 25% to use gaze
on subseq rnds, will not attack humans unless hunting or
threatened","Solitary","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 13, DRC
"Cave Fisher","4","3","17","Subterranean","Any","2","2d4/2d4","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","1","175","Night","N","special","2-4","MM 40","Monster","preferred
hunting w/web 20% to detect @ 10' & no chance @ greater dist. only cut by +1 edged
weapon, its","coated w/ adhesive, also attempts to shoot web at opponent & can
pull up to 400 lb @ 15'/rnd & str 18/00","R","with strand, treasure is only what
is left by other dead victims","Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","OMII 24"
"Centaur","5 (4)","4 to 5","17","Forests","Temperate","3","1d6/1d6/weapon","1-
8",0,0,"0","L","18","175-420","Day","N","M, Q, (D, I, T)","5-10","MM
41","Monster","50% club, 25% bow & rest are leaders (AC 4, HD 5) w/shield & lance,
shun company of men, speak own","language & 10% elf, each tribe has a priest who
has powers of a 3rd lvl druid, leaders have twice the treasure","R","humans &
dwarves (disliked), gnomes & halflings (tolerated), elves (liked), N or CG,
aggressive when drunk","Tribe","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI
14, DRC 163"
"Centipede, Giant","9","2 hp","20","Any","Any","1","nil","2-
24",1,0,"0","T","15","35","Any","N","nil","0","MM 42","Monster","bite injects
poison that causes paralysis 2d6 hours save vs poison +4, centipede has -1 to all
saves",,"C",,"Special","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI 14, DRC
"Centipede, Huge","9","1 hp","20","Any","Any","1","nil","5-
30",1,0,"0","T","21","35","Any","N","nil","0","MM 42","Monster","bite injects
poison that causes paralysis 2d6 hours save vs poison +4, centipede has -2 to all
saves",,"C",,"Special","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMII 24"
"Centipede, Megalo-","5","3","17","Any","Any","1","1d3","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","18","175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 42","Monster","bite injects
poison that causes death save vs poison, if victim saves the acid burns skin
causes 2d4 dmg.,","they are a threat to humans","VR",,"Special","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMII 24"
"Centipede, Tunnel","4","9 +3","11","Subterranean","Any","1","2d4","1-
6",1,0,"0","G","6","1400","Any","N","(M, N, Q)","0","MM 42","Monster","attacks by
lunging out of a tunnel with +2 attack, success indicates it has seized prey in
its mandibles, no","damage is inflicted, in 1-3 rnds (depending on armor) 2d8
dmg/rnd autmatic, if it suffers 15 points of fire dmg","R","or looses 60% of hp it
retreats to tunnel dropping prey, have treasure of previous vicitims in
lair","Swarm","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMII 128"
4",1,0,"0","L","9, Fl 18 (E)","5000","Any","CE","F","2-4","MM 43","Monster","3-
headed monster, will only pause for more powerful opponent, attacks:
claw/claw/horn/horn/bite/bite","dragon head can also breath fire 5 yards for 3d8
save vs breath for 1/2, AC 2 (flank), AC 5 (front), AC 6 (rear),","R","will hunt
every 3-4 days, enjoys preying on men, elves, dwarves & halflings, craves
treasure, adaptable","Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI
14, DRC 164"
","L","12, Fl 15 (E)","6000","Any","N","F","2-4","MM 43","Monster","3-headed,
attacks: claw/claw/bite/bite/butt, dragon head can also breath fire 5 yards for
3d8 save vs","breath for 1/2, gorgon's breath weapon (2x /day) 3' long x 3' at
mouth x 1' at base causes petrification, save","VR","vs petrification to avoid,
relative of chimera, can speak limited red dragon","Solitary","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 70"
"Cloaker","3 (1)","6","15","Subterranean","Any","2 +special","1d6/1d6/special","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","1, Fl 15 (D)","1400","Night","CN","C","13-14","MM
44","Monster","impos to tell diff. from normal cloak, flies at victim & if attack
is successful it engulfs its prey & causes 1d4+","unadj AC (shield no prot) each
rnd (auto), it uses whiplike tail attacks anyone trying to help victim, tail (AC
1)","VR","(16 hp), dmg split 1/2 to each, moan(4 diff): -2 att & dmg, fear,
nausea, hold person, can manipulate shadows","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 25"
"Cockatrice","6","5","15","Any","Temp/Trop","1","1d3","1-6",1,0,"0","S","6, Fl 18
(C)","650","Any","N","D","1","MM 45","Monster","will attack anything which it
deems a threat to itself or its lair, beak touches flesh, leather or cloth turns
victim","to stone save vs petrification, if victim is well armored (metal) chance
of petrification is 10% x adjusted AC,","UC","immune to petrification, feathers
are prized by wizards","Flock","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI
15, DRC 164"
"Pyrolisk","6","6+2","13","Any","Temp/Trop","1","1d4","1-4",1,1,"0","S","6, Fl 18
(C)","1400","Any","NE","D","5","MM 45","Monster","mistaken as cockatrice (has
single red feather in tail & reddish wings), gaze: save vs death magic or
burst","into flames and die, those who save are burnt for 1d12+1 (immune to gaze
of that creature),immune to all fire,","R","can cause any fire within 30 yrds to
explode (as pyrotechnics spell) once/rnd, hate phoenix, will att
anyone","Flock","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 103"
Fl 18 (A)","6000","Any","LG","B, I","17-18","MM 46","Monster","feathered serpent
of myth & lore, communicate telepathy w/ almost any int. creature, seldom attack
without","provication, will attack evildoers, will attack from air, can polymorph,
for magic abilities see MM 46, uses","VR","poison bite if forced into melee save
vs poison or die, if constriction attack succeeds 2d4/rnd until
dead","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 15"
"Crabman","4","3","17","Coast","Temp/Trop","2","1d6/1d6","2-12",0,0,"0","L","9, Sw
6","65","Any","N","(K x5, L x5, C)","5-10","MM 47","Monster","generally peaceful,
some males have an enlarged claw (1d8), severed parts regenerate in 1-3 weeks,
will","attack towns during times of food shortages, live in coastal caves, lead by
dominate male or female (max hp)","R","attracted to shiny metal, primative
inhabitants hunt crabmen for food, shell cannot be used as
armor","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","FF 21"
"Crawling Claw","7","2d2 hp","20","Any","Any","1","1d4 (armored) 1d8
48","Monster","employed as guardian, animated remains of hands or claws, can leap
15', can be instructed to strangle,","immune to any death magic, raise dead
(resurrection spell renders them immoble 1 turn/lvl of caster),
charm,","R","sleep, hold, can't be turned, control undead, or holy water, cold
+1/die of dmg, edged 1/2, magic + dmg neg","Swarm","Special","19-
20","General","Prime Material",
"Crocodile","5","3","17","Swamp","Sub-Trop/Trop","2","2d4 1d12","3-
24",1,0,"0","L","6, Sw 12","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM 49","Animal","opponents
suffer -2 to surprise, attack: bite/tail, will attack anything that looks edible,
only cold slows them",,"C",,"None","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI
15, DRC 164"
"Crocodile, Giant","4","7","13","Swamp","Sub-Trop/Trop","2","3d6/2d10","1-
12",1,0,"0","H","6, Sw 12","1400","Day","N","nil","1","MM 49","Monster","opponents
suffer -2 to surprise, attack: bite/tail, will attack anything that looks edible,
only cold slows them,","inhabit saltwater, when attacking boats they ram it &
smash it with its jaws","VR",,"None","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMI 15, DRC 164"
"Crab, Giant","3","3","17","Coast","Any","2","2d4/2d4","2-
12",0,1,"0","L","9","65","Any","N","nil","0","MM 50","Monster","-3 to opponents
surprise, once it catches prey it will take it to its den, hunted for food & its
shell which can be","used for armor or
shields","R",,"None","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 15, DRC 164"
"Crayfish, Giant","4","4+4","15","Water, Fresh","Temperate","2","2d6/2d6","1-
4",0,1,"0","L","6, Sw 12","175","Any","N","nil","0","MM 50","Monster","-2 penalty
to opponents surprise, will attack adventurers who are swimming along river
bottom",,"UC",,"None","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 15"
,"Z","11-12","MM 51","Undead","guard tombs, graves, etc, called into existence
(see spell MM 51), teleports victims save vs spell (see MM 51)","once/group,
attacks w/claw, hit only by magical weapons, immune to charm, hold & sleep, harmed
by holy","VR","water & symbols, cannot be turned, bones of crypt thing can be used
to create magical items","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material","FF
"Death Knight","0","9 (d10)","11","Any","Any","1","by
52","Undead","speaks lang of former life +6 others, has 18/00 str +3 to hit & +6
dmg, 80% magic sword (see MM 52), if MR is","<12 it reflects it, gen 5'-rad fear,
can at will detect magic, detect invisible & wall of ice, 2x/day: dispell
mag,","VR","1x/day: powerword, blind, kill or stun & sym of fear or pain & 20die
fireball, cast all @ 20th lvl, can't be
turned","Solitary","Nil","17","General","Prime Material","FF 23"
"Deepspawn","6","14","7","Any","Any","6","3d4(x3)/1d4+1(x3) or weapon
(x3)","1",1,1,"77","H","6, Sw 8","12,000","Any","CE","K, L, M, Qx2, Vx2, X","17-
18","MM 53","Monster","first it casts hold person (every 3rd rnd) then constricts
any held (1d4+1 auto) & fights off others attempting to","constrict them (requires
a successful hit), to break free cut or tear, cut requires dmg of 8+ in a single
blow,","VR","tear requires d20 roll for both adding str (17) higher wins, cast ESP
& water breath, heal (1x/day), immu poison","Solitary","Omnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
"Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus","0","9","11","Land","Any","1","3d6","2-
5",0,0,"0","H","6","1400","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","armadillo-like,
weighs 4-5 tons, attacks with club-like
tail",,"UC",,"Solitary","Herbivore","13","General","Alternate","OMI 23"
"Dinosaur, Paleocinthus","-3","9","11","Land","Any","1","3d6","2-
5",0,0,"0","H","6","1400","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","armadillo-like,
weighs 4-5 tons, attacks with spiked
tail",,"UC",,"Solitary","Herbivore","13","General","Alternate","OMI 26"
"Dinosaur, Deinonychus","4","4+1","17","Land","Any","3","1d3/1d3/2d4","1-
6",1,0,"0","L","21","270","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","charge/jump/rake:
+2 to attack hits with rear talons (2d6), otherwise it attacks:
talon/talon/bite",,"R",,"Pack","Carnivore","11","General","Alternate","OMII 51"
"Dinosaur, Diplodocus","6","24","5","Swamp","Any","1","3d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","G","6","16,000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","lives primarily
on water, it tries to trample threatening creatures (3d10), bites 3d6 or tail whip
2d8",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","12","General","Alternate","OMI 25"
"Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus","7","15","5","Water, Ocean","Any","1","4d6","1-
2",0,0,"0","G","3, Sw 15","6000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","snake-like
with fins, aggressive, attacks
anything",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Alternate","OMI 25"
"Dinosaur, Lambeosaurus","6","12","9","Land","Any","1","2d6","2-
16",0,0,"0","H","12","2000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","duck-billed,
bipedal, peaceful, will run from attack, attacks with
tail,",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI 26"
"Dinosaur, Pteranodon","7","3+3","17","Any","Any","1","2d4","3-18",0,0,"0","L","3,
Fl 15","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","attacks creatures that look
vulnerable, can carry 200 lbs in
flight",,"C",,"Flock","Carnivore","9","General","Alternate","OMI 27, DRC 201"
"Dinosaur, Stegosaurus","5","18","5","Land","Any","1","5d4","2-
8",0,0,"0","H","6","9000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","plated lizard,
lives in plains or jungle, attacks with spiked
tail",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","13","General","Alternate","OMI 27"
"Dinosaur, Triceratops","2/6","16","5","Land","Any","3","1d8/1d12/1d12","2-
8",1,0,"0","H","9","8000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","horn faced, 10
tons, AC 2 (head & neck) AC 6 (body), tramples (2d12), attacks horn
(short)/horn/horn",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","13","General","Alternate","OMI 28,
DRC 209"
"Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus","5","18","5","Land","Any","3","1d6/1d6/5d8","1-
2",1,0,"0","G","15","12,000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 54","Animal","weighs 8 tons,
eats anything, swallowing man-sized or smaller creatures on 18 or
higher",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Alternate","OMI 28, DRC 210"
"Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus","6","24","5","Land","Any","1","3d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","H","6","16,000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 55","Animal","related to
Diplodocus, weighs 90 tons, it tries to trample threatening creatures (8d10),
bites 3d6 or","tail whip
2d8","C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","12","General","Alternate","OMI 24"
"Dinosaur, Iguanodon","4","3 to 5","17","Land","Any","3","1d3/1d3/3d4+3","1-
2",0,0,"0","L","12, Sw 6","65-175","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 38","Animal","also
see MM 55 under lamveosaurus, attacks: claw/claw/tail, 15' tall, 30' lg, weighs 5
tons, 5 HD has THAC0 15",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI
"Displacer Beast","4","6","15","Mountains","Temperate","2","2d4/2d4","2-
5",0,1,"0","L","15","975","Any","LE","(D) & special","2-4","MM 56","Monster","6-
legged panther-like, attack on sight, aggressive, attack w/ 2 tentacles, opponents
suffer -2 to attack roll,","only true seeing negates penalty, save as 12th lvl +2,
if near death or vs large opp it has 5 attacks/rnd","VR","claw/claw/bite
1d3/1d3/1d8, hatred for blink dogs, hide & eyes are
valuable","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 28, DRC 166"
"Dog, Wild","7","1+1","19","Any","Any","1","1d4","4-
16",0,0,"0","S","15","35","Any","N","nil","2-4","MM 57","Animal","fight in packs
biting opponents",,"C",,"Pack","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI
N","nil","2-4","MM 57","Animal","watch dog, hunting dog or trained for
battle",,"UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 29"
"Dog, Blink","5","4","17","Plains","Temperate","1","1d6","4-
16",1,1,"0","M","12","270","Any","LG","(C)","8-10","MM 57","Monster","well
organized, SA-teleport: on a roll of 7 or higher on d12 it teleports, to determine
where roll d12 1-in front","2-left 3-right 4-12 behind, will be able to attack
immediatly 1-3' from opponent, if seriously threatened all will","R","blink out &
not return, puppies can be trained & are worth 1000-2000
gp","Pack","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 10, DRC 162"
"Dog, Moon","0","9 +3","11","Special","Any","1","3d4","1 or 2-
8",1,1,"25%","M","30, 9 bipedal","9000","Any","NG","nil","13-16","MM
58","Monster","attack w/bite, SA-howl: effects evil creatures only, any evil
creatures within 80' are effected by fear spell cast","@ 12th lvl also those 40'
1d4+4/rnd, extraplanar 5%/dog to return to their plane, all effects cumulative,
whine","R","to dispell illus or bark to dispell evil-once/rnd, infrav 60', +2
weap, never surprised, save +2 & 1/2 or 1/4 dmg","Solitary","Carnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material","OMII 92"
"Dolphin","5","2+2","19","Water, Salt","Any","1","2d4","2-
20",0,1,"0","M","30","120","Any","LG","nil","11-12","MM 59","Animal","peaseful,
attract sharks, fight to protect
young",,"UC",,"School","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 29, DRC
12",1,1,"0","M","9","420","Any","N","E","11-12","MM 60","Monster","shape-shifter,
chooses victim, duplicates form, attempts to kill him & take his place, 90%
accurate, immune:","sleep, charm & saves as 10th lvl fighter, hired as assassins
or spies, greedy, cowardice","VR",,"Tribe","Omnivore","13","General","Prime
Material","OMI 29, DRC 167"
0","varies","varies","special","Night","E","B, H, S, T","varies","MM
61","Undead","undead evil dragon, generally retains original appearance except
eyes float in shadowy sockets, immune:","charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph,
cold, electricity, hold, insanity, death & symbols cannot be
turned,","VR","poisoned, or paralyzed, abilities based on former life adjusted per
MM 61","Solitary","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Black","varies","varies","varies","Jungle","Any","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/3d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 30(C),Sw
12","varies","Any","CE","special","8-10","MM 65","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, abusive, quick
to anger","resent intrusions, BW-acid, found in swamps, marshes, rain forests &
jungles, lair is damp cave, fond of coins","R","eat almost anything, hunt for red
meat","Solitary","Special","16","General","Prime Material","OMI 31, DRC 168"
"Dragon, Blue","varies","varies","varies","Desert","Any","3 +
special","1d8/1d8/3d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Br
4","varies","Any","LE","special","11-12","MM 66","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, territoial,
ambush,","love hot desert, BW-lightning, dislikes brass dragons, lair in
underground caverns, fond of gems
(sapphires)","VR",,"Solitary","Special","16","General","Prime Material","OMI 31,
DRC 168"
"Dragon, Green","varies","varies","varies","Forests","Temp/SubTrop","3 +
special","1d8/1d8/2d20","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Sw
9","varies","Any","LE","special","11-12","MM 67","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, bad temper,
mean,","cruel, seek to enslave & kills those who cannot be controlled, hate good
creatures, lair is underground,","VR","BW-poison gas","Solitary","Special","15-
16","General","Prime Material","OMI 33, DRC 168"
"Dragon, Red","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Temp/Trop","3 +
special","1d10/1d10/3d10","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Jp
3","varies","Any","CE","special","15-16","MM 68","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, greedy, seek
to","increase teasure, memorize inventory, feel superior to other dragons & other
life in general, hate gold dragons,","VR","favorite food is maiden of human or
demi-human, BW-fire","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMI
32, DRC 168"
"Dragon, White","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Arctic","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/2d8","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 40(C),Br 6, Sw
12","varies","Any","CE","special","5-7","MM 69","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, weakest of
evil","dragons, impulsive, vicious, lair in deep subterranean chambers, hate frost
giants, BW-frost","R",,"Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Prime
Material","OMI 34, DRC 168"
"Dragon, Amethyst","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Temp/SubArc","3 +
special","1d10/1d10/5d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 40(C),Sw
12","varies","Any","N","special","17-18","MM 70","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, wise, regal,
live near","lakes, dislike red & white dragons, BW-
lozenge","VR",,"Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Crystal","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Temp/SubArc","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/2d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 24(C), Jp
3","varies","Any","CN","special","19","MM 71","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, friendly, willing
to talk","with those not trying to steal, hate giants, BW-glowing
shards","VR",,"Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material","DRC 171"
"Dragon, Emerald","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Sub-Trop/Trop","3 +
special","1d8/1d8/3d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Br
3","varies","Any","LN","special","15-16","MM 72","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, curious, like
history,","paranoid, reclusive, fear red dragons, lair in extinct volcanos, BW-
loud wail","VR",,"Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Sapphire","varies","varies","varies","Subterranean","Any","3 +
special","1d10/1d10/5d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Br
6","varies","Any","LN","special","17-18","MM 73","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, territorial,
distrustful,","live deep underground, place teasure in caverns accessible through
magic or psionics, BW-high pitched","VR","inaudible
sound","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material","DRC 171"
"Dragon, Topaz","varies","varies","varies","Coast","Temp/SubArc","3 +
special","1d6+1/1d6+1/2d8","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 24(C),Sw
9","varies","Any","CN","special","15-16","MM 74","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, unfriendly,
selfish,","erratic behavior, live by sea, attack bronze dragon on sight, BW-
dehydration","VR",,"Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Brass","varies","varies","varies","Desert","Any","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/4d4","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 30(C),Br
6","varies","Any","CG","special","13-14","MM 75","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, egotistical, has
useful","info (must bribe), lair in high caves, very social, BW-sleep gas or cloud
of blistering desert","R",,"Solitary","Special","17","General","Prime
Material","OMI 31"
"Dragon, Bronze","varies","varies","varies","Coast","Temp/Trop","3 +
special","1d8/1d8/4d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Sw
12","varies","Any","LG","special","15-16","MM 76","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, inquisitive,
fond of","humans & demihumans, thrive on riddles & contests, like to be near deep
fresh or salt water, do not store","VR","treasure underwater, BW-lightning or
gas","Solitary","Special","17","General","Prime Material","OMI 32"
"Dragon, Copper","varies","varies","varies","Hills/Rough","Temperate","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/5d4","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Jp
3","varies","Any","CG","special","13-14","MM 77","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, pranksters,
joke","tellers, not good looser, greedy, dislike red dragons, BW-gas or
acid","R",,"Solitary","Special","16","General","Prime Material","OMI 32"
"Dragon, Gold","varies","varies","varies","Any","Any","3 +
special","1d10/1d10/6d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 40(C),Sw 12(15),Jp
3","varies","Any","LG","special","17-18","MM 78","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, wise, embark on
self","appointed quests of good, hate injustice, lairs made of solid stone, giants
usually serve as guards,","VR","Bw-fire or gas","Solitary","Special","17-
18","General","Prime Material","OMI 32, DRC 168"
"Dragon, Silver","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Temp/Trop","3 +
special","1d8/1d8/5d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Jp
3","varies","Any","LG","special","15-16","MM 79","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, kind, helpful,
lair in","clouds, share friendships with mortals, conflict with red
dragons","VR",,"Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMI 34"
"Dragon, Brown","varies","varies","varies","Desert","Any","3 +
special","1d4/1d4/3d10","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12, Br
24","varies","Any","N","special","13-14","MM 80","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, ferocious,
cannot fly,","views humans as food, burrows 1000' underground, dislike blue
dragon, BW-acid","VR",,"Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Cloud","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Temp/Trop","3 +
special","1d10/1d10/3d12","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","6,Fl 39(C),Jp
3","varies","Any","N","special","15-16","MM 81","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, dislike
intrusions,","no respect for creatures who cannot fly without help, lair in
magical cloud islands, conflict with silver dragon,","VR","BW-
cold","Solitary","Special","17","General","Prime Material","OMII 56"
"Dragon, Deep","varies","varies","varies","Subterranean","Any","3 +
special","3d4/3d4/3d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 30(C),Sw 9,Br
6","varies","Any","CE","special","15-16","MM 82","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, hunters of
underdark,","cunning, patient, guard lair w/ magic & traps, able to use magical
items, avoid confrontations with other","R","dragons, BW-
gas","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Mercury","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Temp/SubTrop","3 +
special","1d4/1d4/2d10","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","15, Fl 36 (C), Jp
3","varies","Any","CG","special","13-14","MM 83","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, whimsical,
loner,","BW-light","VR",,"Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Mist","varies","varies","varies","Coast","Sub-Trop/Trop","3 +
special","1d4+1/1d4+1/2d12","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 39(C),Sw
12","varies","Any","N","special","15-16","MM 84","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, solitary, hate
being","disturbed, live near waterfalls, rapids, coastlines, hate green dragons,
BW-vapor","VR",,"Solitary","Special","16","General","Prime Material","OMII 58"
"Dragon, Shadow","varies","varies","varies","Subterranean","Non-Arctic","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/3d6","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","18,Fl 30(D),Jp
3","varies","Any","CE","special","17-18","MM 85","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, sly, cunning,
hate","bright light & total darkness, kill for sport, BW-cloud of
blackness","VR",,"Solitary","Special","16","General","Prime Material","OMII 58"
"Dragon, Steel","varies","varies","varies","Rural","Temperate","3 +
special","1d10/1d10/3d10","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 30(C),Sw
6","varies","Any","LN","special","19-20","MM 86","Monster","for abilities common
to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, love demi-human
&","human companions, pose as sages (etc), lair is human lodging with vaults, keep
identity hidden, hate chaotic","VR","creatures, hunt down criminals, BW-
gas","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Yellow","varies","varies","varies","Desert","Any","3 +
special","1d8/1d8/2d8","1 (2-5)",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl
30(C)","varies","Any","CE","special","11-12","MM 87","Monster","for abilities
common to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, solitary,
secretive,","prefer traps, selfish, eats humans as a delicacy, BW-
air","VR",,"Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon Turtle","0","12 to 14","9","Water","Temp/SubTrop","3 +
special","2d6/2d6/4d8","1",1,0,"0","G","3, Sw 9","10,000","Any","N","B, R, S, T,
V","11-12","MM 88","Monster","can casize ships, attacks: claw/claw/bite, BW-hot
steam: 20d6 (3x/day) save vs breath 1/2, solitary, eat","anything, 13-14 HD THAC0
7, 13 HD XP 11,000, 14 HD
12,000","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material","OMI 35, DRC
"Dragonet, Faerie Dragon","5 (1)","special","17","Forests","Temp/Trop","1","1d2 or
special","1-6",1,1,"special","T","6, Fl 24 (A)","3000","Any","CG","S, T, U","17-
18","MM 89","Monster","thrives on pranks, mischief & jokes, mini-dragons,
communicate telepathy w/ each other (2 miles), speak","sprite, pixie, elf, &
bird/animal, SD-become invisible at will & can attack, use spells & breath weapon,
attack as","VR","4 HD, for spells & MR see chart MM 89, BW-2' dia cloud of
euphoria-wander aimless 3d4 rnds, avoid
combat","Clan","Herbivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMII 57"
"Dragonet, Firedrake","5","4","17","Mountains","Temperate","1","2d4","2-
8",1,0,"0","S","6, Fl 18 (C)","420","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM
90","Monster","mistaken for young red dragon, if distrubed 50% to attack, BW-fire-
10' dia x 60' lg 2d8 dmg or bite 2d4, any","successful attack w/ S or P weapon
causes dragonet to save vs BW or receive 1d2 dmg, like to attack","R","from rear
or top, no treasure but those defeated may still be lying
around","Family","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material","FF 36"
"Dragonet, Pseudodragon","2","2","19","Subterranean","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d3 +
special","1",1,1,"35%","T","6, Fl 24 (B)","420","Day","NG","Q (x10)","8-10","MM
91","Monster","mini-dragon, communicate w/ limited telepathy or animal noizes,
attacks +4 w/ bite or sting-tail which anyone","struck must save vs poison or fall
into catalepsy for 1d6 days & wakes up unharmed (75%) or dead (25%),","VR","blend
w/ surround. 80%, infravision 60', transmit MR to human (rare) by standing on
shoulder, eggs valuable","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime
Material","OMI 79"
(6)","9","11","Desert","Temp/Trop","3","1d8/1d8/3d6","1",1,0,"0","M","15, Fl 9
(E)","2000","Night","N","B, S, T","5-7","MM 92","Monster","lion w/ wings, speak
brass dragon & sphinx, attack claw/claw/bite, SA-roar-all within 180' save vs
paraly or","lose 50% STR for 2d6 rnds & all w/ 30' are deaf for 2d6 rnds no save &
att -1, roar 3x/day, can carry creatures","VR","in flight 1-3 turns, cannot bear
company, will attack any creature in or around its lair, AC in flight is
6","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 34"
"Dryad","9","2","19","Forests","Any","1","1d4 (knife)","1 or
1d6",1,1,"50%","M","12","975","Any","N","M x100, Q x10","13-14","MM
93","Humanoid","tree sprites who live in secluded oak groves, rarely seen, speak
own, elf, pixie, sprite & w/plants, will not fight,","charm person 3x/day -3 to
save, will try to charm a male w/ CHR 16+ & make them a slave 50% never
return","VR","if he does escape in 1d3 yrs, SD-can step through tree to own tree,
can't go 360 yds from tree or die 6d6
hrs","Solitary","Herbivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 35, DRC 174"
"Dwarf, Hill","4 (10)","1","20","Hills/Rough","Sub-Arc/Trop","1","1d8
(weapon)","40-400",1,1,"special","M","6","175","Any","LG","M x5, (G, Q x20,
R)","11-12","MM 94","Humanoid","dwell underground, stubbern, dislike magic, bonus
to saves (PHB 21), 20% magic failure, infravison 60', can","detect slope, tunnel
construct, unsafe walls, stone traps, pits, deadfalls & depth, hate evil, attack &
defence","C","bonus (PHB 21), tribes contain leaders, guards & chief, usually
miners, value law & order, prize wealth","Clan","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMI 35, DRC 174"
"Dwarf, Mountain","4 (10)","1+1","19","Mountains","Sub-Arc/Trop","1","1d8
(weapon)","40-400",1,1,"special","M","6","270","Any","LG","M x5, (G, Q x20,
R)","11-12","MM 94","Humanoid","dwell deep in moutains, stubbern, dislike magic,
bonus to saves (PHB 21), 20% magic failure, infravison 60',","can detect slope,
tunnel construct, unsafe walls, stone traps, pits, deadfalls & depth, hate evil,
attack &","C","defence bonus (PHB 21), tribes contain leaders, guards & chief,
usually miners, value law & order, isolationists","Clan","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Dwarf, Derro","5 or 4 (8)","3","17","Subterranean","Any","1 or 2","weapon","3-
30",1,1,"30%","S","9","975 +","Night","CE","magic items","13-18","MM
96","Humanoid","cruel, live in underdark, high DEX (15-18), use most weapons, coat
bolts w/ poison 2d6 dmg save for none,","guards & leader HD 2 - 7, 1 in 20 will
have Savant (spellcaster) for spells see MM 96, infravision 3',
good","VR","tactics, never exposed to sunlight, never one alone, 5d6+10 human
slaves, hate humans","Tribe","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMII 42"
"Dwarf, Duergar","4","1+2","19","Subterranean","Any","1","weapon","2-9 or 200-
300",1,1,"0","S","6","420+","Any","LE","M, Q (B, F)","8-18","MM
96","Humanoid","gray dwarf, infravision 120', save vs magic+4, for different
levels & classes see MM 97, impose -2 to opp surp","& surprised only on 1, innate
ability to enlarge & invisibility as spell, daylight negates surprise bonus, att
-2,","VR","only venture above ground on gloomy days or at
night","Tribe","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMII 61"
"Elemental, Air","2","8, 12, 16","13","Air","Any","1","2d10","1",1,1,"0","L","Fl
36 (A)","3000+","Any","N","nil","5-7","MM 99","Monster","cloudlike, rarely speak,
attack w/ forced air blast, aeral battles +1 to hit & +4 dmg, SA-whirlwind 8 HD
40' tall,","12 HD 60', 16 HD 80' whick kills all < 3 HD & causes 2d8 to others (1
turn to complete), THACO/XP - 12 HD:","VR","9/7000, 16 HD 5/11000, SD- +2 weapon
to hit","Solitary","Special","15-17","General","Elem, Air","OMI 37, DRC 175"
"Elemental, Earth","2","8, 12,
7","MM 99","Monster","travels through solid ground & stone but not water, cause
great damage to constructions w/ foundations,","THACO/XP - 12 HD:9/6000, 16 HD
5/10000, less effective against creatures in the air or in water dmg
is","VR","lessened by 2 per die (min 1 point dmg), +2 weapon to
hit","Solitary","Special","15-17","General","Elem, Earth","OMI 38, DRC 175"
"Elemental, Fire","2","8, 12,
7","MM 100","Monster","housed in a fire, attack fiercely, any flammable object
must save -2 or burn, unable to cross water, fire resist","creatures reduce dmg -1
per die (min 1 point), THACO/XP - 12 HD:9/6000, 16 HD 5/10000, +2 weapon
to","VR","hit","Solitary","Special","15-17","General","Elem, Fire","OMI 38, DRC
"Elemental, Water","2","8, 12,
16","12","Water","Any","1","5d6","1",1,1,"0","L","6, Sw
18","2000+","Any","N","nil","5-7","MM 100","Monster","1000 cubic feet of liquid is
required, attacks w/ wavelike arm, can overturn small ships & stop or slow
any,","THACO/XP - 12 HD:9/6000, 16 HD 7/10000, less effective against creatures on
ground dmg is -1 per die","VR","(min 1 point dmg) & can only travel 60' away from
water, +2 weapon to hit","Solitary","Special","15-17","General","Elem, Water","OMI
38, DRC 175"
"Elemental, Kin, Air,
Sylph","9","3","17","Special","Any","0","0","1",1,1,"50%","M","12, Fl 36
(A)","2000","Any","N","Q x10, X","15-16","MM 101","Humanoid","humanoid women w/
wings, speak common & own musical, 20% aid adventurers for favor, defend only
with","spells cast at 7th-wizard from elemental air, can become invisible at will
& summon air elemental 1/week,","VR","live in high altitudes & treetops, innate
ability to levitate","Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Elem, Air","OMI 93"
"Elemental, Kin, Air, Aerial
Servent","3","16","5","Any","Any","1","8d4","1",1,1,"0","L","Fl 24
(A)","9000","Any","N","nil","2-4","MM 101","Monster","form of air elemental,
normally invisible, avoids combat on native plane (Elemental Air), STR 23, attacks
by","grabing & strangling causing dmg each rnd until broken (STR check), -5 to opp
surprise (when invisible),","VR","+1 weap to hit, if caught in storm it can be
blown into 2 (5%), feed on wind from home 1/mo or 1d8
dmg/day","Solitary","Special","14","General","Elem, Air","OMI 6, DRC 157"
"Elemental, Kin, Earth, Pech","3","4","17","Subterranean","Any","1","weapon
+3","5-20",1,1,"25%","S","9","1400","Night","NG","50-100 gems & special","8-
16","MM 102","Monster","dwell in dark places & work stone, infravision 120', STR
18/50, cast stone shape & stone tell each 4/day,","4 pech together can cast wall
of stone at 16th lvl 1/day, immune to petrification, peaceful creatures who
wish","R","to be left alone, hate bright light, lair contains 5-30 dishes &
utensils made of stone & metal (avg. 150 gp
each)","Clan","Omnivore","10","General","Elem, Earth","OMII 99"
"Elemental, Kin, Earth,
Br 6","420","Night","N","nil","0","MM 102","Monster","""sand-pile"", immune:
sleep, harm, hold & mind effecting spells, not aggressive unless provoked, if
stepped on","it traps 1-2 man-size creatures for 1d4 rnds, water (10 gal) affects
as slow spell & att 1/2 dmg, live on minerals,","R","live in sandy
areas","Clan","Special","7","General","Elem, Earth","OMII 106"
"Elemental, Kin, Fire,
5",1,1,"0","M","9","2000","Any","CE","F","13-14","MM 103","Monster","like hot
places, cruel, attacks: tail+heat/spear+heat, fire resist creatures immune to heat
dmg, tail constricts","victim, +1 weapon to hit unless 4+HD, immune: sleep, charm
& hold, cold causes additional +1/die, head &","R","upper body AC 5 & lower body
AC 3, hate cold, respect power, useful for potions & ring of fire
resistance","Pack","Omnivore","13","General","Elem, Fire","OMI 85"
"Elemental, Kin, Fire, Fire Snake","6","2","19","Special","Special","1","1d4","1-
6",1,1,"0","S","4","120","Any","N","Q","2-4","MM 103","Monster","larval
salamanders, gems only treasure, -4 to opp surprise, immune to fire, bite contains
poison save or","paralysis for 2d4 turns, feed on
fire","UC",,"Pack","Special","11","General","Elem, Fire","FF 38"
"Elemental, Kin, Water, Nereid","10","4","17","Water","Temp/Trop","0","0","1-
4",1,1,"50%","M","12, Sw 12","975","Any","C","X","12","MM 104","Monster","playful
& unpredictable, 50% CN, 25% CE, 25% CG, assume human (young female) form w/
contact w/ air,","SA-spit venom 20' blinding target for 2d6 rnds (AC, saves & att
-4), control water within 30', 85% have pet,","VR","save vs poison assumes water
form (no dmg), kiss causes death save vs BW -2, att polluters, feeds on
water","Solitary","Special","11","General","Elem, Water","OMII 95"
"Elemental, Kin, Water, Water Weird","4","3+3","15","Water","Any","0","0","1-
3",1,1,"0","L","12","420","Any","CE","I, O, P, Y","11-12","MM
104","Monster","hostile, will bargain, appears as normal water (detect invisible
reveals something), assumes serpent form to att,","if struck victim is pulled into
water (save vs paralysis) each round save or drown, 50% to control water
elem.,","VR","1 dmg from P & S weap, 1/2 dmg fire (save for 0),cold acts as
slow,@0 dissip(reform 2 rnds),purify water kills
it","Solitary","Special","13","General","Elem, Water","OMI 100"
"Elemental, Comp., Tempest","2","9-
12","11","Any","Any","1","2d8","1",1,1,"0","G","Fl 24","6000+","Any","CN","K","5-
10","MM 105","Monster","living storm, dark storm cloud, communicate w/ own, air &
water elem. 10% common (few words), territorial,","abilities 9th wiz, spells:
windwall, gust of wind, lightng bolt (1 die/HD 80'), chill touch (1d4 & -1 STR),
whirlwind","VR","10' d x 30' d x 50' h x 100' sq(<2 HD die, 2d6), -6 missl,
immune: wind, gas, water & 1/2 elect & cold, +2 weap","Solitary","Special","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
"Elemental, Comp., Tempest, Arctic","2","9-
12","11","Any","Any","2","2d8","1",1,1,"0","G","Fl 24","6000+","Any","CN","K","5-
10","MM 106","Monster","living storm, dark storm cloud, communicate w/ own, air &
water elem. 10% common (few words), territorial,","abilities 9th wiz, spells:
windwall, gust of wind, chill touch(1d4 & -1 STR), ice storm & shock grsp 1d8+9,
snow","VR"," causes 9d4+9 cold dmg(save vs sp 1/2), -6 missl, immune: wind, gas,
water & 1/2 elect & cold, +2 weapon","Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Prime
"Elemental, Comp., Skriaxit","-5","16+16","5","Desert","Sub-
Tropical","2","2d10/2d10","3-18",1,1,"50%","L","12, 18,
24","16,000","Any","NE","nil","15-16","MM 105","Monster","living sandstorm, speak
own, air elem & howling, 10' tall conical form, MV 12 (1-6 creat), 18 (7-12) & 24
(13+),","sandstorm 200 yrd rad 1 dmg/skriaxit, storm dispells magic (16th lvl
wiz), att w/ lashes, susceptible to wards","VR","against air elementals, +2 weapon
to hit, pack lead by Great Skriax: 24+24 HD, +4 to att & dmg, XP
24,000","Pack","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Elemental, Comp., Black Cloud","2","9-
24","6000+","Any","CN","K","5-10","MM 106","Monster","living storm, dark storm
cloud, communicate w/ own, air & fire elem. 10% common (few words),
territorial,","abilities 9th wiz, spells: windwall, gust of wind, lightng bolt (1
die/HD 80'), chill touch (1d4 & -1 STR), fiery rain","VR","7d10 save vs BW 1/2
(fans flames), -6 missl, immune: wind, gas, fire & 1/2 elect & cold, +2
weapon","Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Prime Material",
12",0,0,"0","L","15","4000","Day","N","special","2-4","MM 107","Animal","attacks:
tusk/tusk/trunk/foot/foot (only 2 attacks per opponent), fear fire, rouge elephant
will attack (90%),","herd will contain 1-4 young, tusks are worth 100-400 gp
each","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 38, DRC 176"
12",0,0,"0","L","12","6000","Day","N","special","2-4","MM 107","Animal","attacks:
tusk/tusk/trunk/foot/foot (only 2 attacks per opponent), fear fire, more
aggressive than elephant,","herd will contain 1-4 young, tusks are worth 200-600
gp each","VR",,"Herd","Herbivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 65"
12",0,0,"0","L","15","5000","Day","N","special","2-4","MM 107","Animal","attacks:
tusk/tusk/trunk/foot/foot (only 2 attacks per opponent), fear fire, more
aggressive than elephant,","herd will contain 1-4 young, tusks are worth 200-600
gp each","VR",,"Herd","Herbivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 65, DRC 176"
8",0,0,"0","L","15","2000","Day","N","special","5-7","MM 107","Animal","attacks:
tusk/tusk/foot/foot (only 2 attacks per opponent), more aggressive than elephant,
if fed & trained","will grow to HD 10+5, THACO 9, XP 4000, morale 10 & can be
trained for combat, tusks are worth 100 - 400","R","gp
each","Herd","Herbivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMII 96"
"Elf, High","5 (10)","1+1","19","Forests","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d10","20-
200",1,1,"special","M","12","420","Any","CG","N (G, S, T)","14-20","MM
108","Humanoid","speak:own, goblin, orc, hobgoblin, gnoll, gnome & halfling, move
through forests silent & invisible (-4 opp surp)","90% MR to charm & sleep, +1
w/sword & bow, can be of higher lvl & multi-lvl, use magic items, value
freedom,","UC","camps hidden, enjoy music, poetry & nature, close families, -1 CON
& +1 DEX, infravision 60', also see PHB
21","Band","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 39, DRC 177"
"Elf, Grey","5 (10)","1+1","19","Forests","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d10","20-
200",1,1,"special","M","12","420","Any","CG","N (G, S, T)","14-20","MM
109","Humanoid","speak:own, goblin, orc, hobgoblin, gnoll, gnome & halfling, move
through forests silent & invisible (-4 opp surp)","90% MR to charm & sleep, +1
w/sword & bow, can be of higher lvl & multi-lvl, use magic items, value
freedom,","VR","camps hidden, isolationists, study nature, close families, -1 CON
& +1 DEX, infravision 60', also see PHB
21","Band","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 39"
"Elf, Wood","5 (10)","1+1","19","Forests","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d10","20-
200",1,1,"special","M","12","420","Any","N","N (G, S, T)","14-20","MM
109","Humanoid","speak:own & some forest animals, move through forests silent &
invisible (-4 opp surp), value STR over INT,","90% MR to charm & sleep, +1 w/sword
& bow, can be of higher lvl & multi-lvl, use magic items, value
freedom,","R","camps hidden, avoid contact w/strangers, ambush enemies, -1 CON &
+1 DEX, infravis 60', also see PHB 21","Band","Omnivore","13","General","Prime
Material","OMI 40"
"Elf, Half-","5 (10)","1+1","19","Any","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d10","20-
200",1,1,"special","M","12","420","Any","CG","N (G, S, T)","14-20","MM
109","Humanoid","speak:own, goblin, orc, hobgoblin, gnoll, gnome & halfling, move
through forests silent & invisible (-4 opp surp)","90% MR to charm & sleep, can be
of higher lvl & multi-lvl, use magic items, value freedom, move
between","UC","human & elf communities, -1 CON & +1 DEX, infravision 60', also see
PHB 22","Band","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 39"
"Elf, Aquatic","6 (9)","1+1","19","Water, Salt","Temperate","1","1d8
(weapon)","20-120",1,1,"special","M","9, Sw 15","420","Any","CG","K, Q (I, O, X,
Y)","14-18","MM 110","Humanoid","sea-elf, speak: own, sahuagin, accented common,
peaceful, -5 to opp surprise, can see 1 mile, +1 w/ spear &","tridents, use nets,
90% MR sleep & charm, can't cast spells, bands contain high lvl fightrs, 50% have
dolphins","VR","as companions, only survive out of water several rnds, anti-
social, hate sahuagins, valuable info on
seas","Band","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 39"
"Sahuagin, Malenti","6 (9)","1+1","19","Water, Salt","Temperate","1","1d8
(weapon)","1",1,1,"special","M","9, Sw 15","420","Any","CE","K, Q","14-18","MM
111","Humanoid","speak: own, sahuagin, accented common, -5 to opp surprise, can
see 1 mile, +1 w/ spear & tridents,use nets,","90% MR sleep & charm, can't cast
spells, if sea elves live w/1 mile 1% of births resemble sea elf, most
eaten","VR","by parents, those who live are spies, if breed w/sahuagin-offspring
malenti, VR communities replaced by
them","Solitary","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Elf, Drow","4 (10)","2","19","Subterranean","Any","1","weapon","50",1,1,"MM
113","M","12","650","Any","CE","N x5, Q x2","13-14","MM 112","Humanoid","evil
elves, cloaks have special properties: 75% HS, +6 to save vs fire & tough to cut,
speak own, elf, gnome,","common & trade, use high quality or magical armor,
shields & weapons, groups have high lvl fighters & priests","VR","(XP 975),
infravision 120', surprised on 1, for spells & items used MM 112, weak bright
light, use sleep poison","Clan","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material","FF 33,
OMI 39"
"Elf, Drider","3","6+6","13","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4 or weapon","1 or 1-
4",1,0,"15%","L","12","3000","Any","CE","N x2, Q","14-20","MM 112","Monster","head
& torso of drow & legs & lower body of giant spider, created by dark goddess for
failed test, cast spells as","normal drow (MM 113), retain skills, 60% priests 6th
or 7th lvl (XP 5000), others 6th - 8th lvl fighters, fight as 7","VR","HD, bite
(save vs pois -2 or paral 1d2 turns) or weapon, usually alone or w/huge spiders,
violent, diet-blood","Band","Special","14","General","Prime Material","OMII 60"
2",1,1,"0","M","12","650","Any","NE","nil - special","5-7","MM
114","Monster","cruel, skilled trap setter, attacks: claw/claw/bite, bite has
poison save or die in 1d4 turns, prefer to use traps,","traps are made of silk
webs which make nets, trip wires, garottes, etc, immobilizes victim, poison is
valued -","R","one oz is worth 1000 gp, items dropped by fallen adventurers is
only treasure","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","FF 35"
"Eyewing","4","3","17","Special","Special","3 or 1","1d6/1d6/1d4 or special","1-
20",1,1,"0","L","Fl 24 (B)","650","Any","LE","nil","5-7","MM
115","Monster","inhabits Abyss, smell terrible & scorches sensitive tissues,
attacks: claw/claw/tail or tear is dropped on victim","it is 1' dia, a hit 2d6
save vs poison for 1d6, also anyone w/ 10' splashed (-2 att) 2d4 save 1d4, tear
hardens","R","in 2d6 hrs (handling save or 1/rnd), can see 25 miles, infravision
120', immune cold, serve dark master","Band","Nil","12","General","Abyss",
"Feyr, Common","2","4","17","Urban","Any","1","1d4","1-
4",1,0,"10%","S","12","975","Night","CE","nil","5","MM 116","Monster","created
from nightmares mixed w/magical energies, attacks w/ bite, those who see attack
save vs spell or","be consumed by fear 1d4 rnds, slain by direct sunlight, save
for magical light, usually found in cities under","VR","siege, civil war,
oppressed people all where mages & priests are
present","Band","Special","18","General","Prime Material",
Great","-2","5","17","Any","Any","4","2d6/2d6/2d6/2d6","1",1,1,"40%","M","12, Fl
18 (B)","13,000","Any","CE","nil","14","MM 116","Monster","created from
combination of common feyrs, attacks w/ bite/bite/bite/bite, those who see attack
save vs spell","or be consumed by fear 2d6 rnds, not affected by sunlight, SA-
emotion (as 4th wiz)-range 100 yrds, 20' x 20'","VR","save -2 (only neg emot:
fear, hate, etc), can turn invisible at will & cast spells & attack while
invisible","Solitary","Special","18","General","Prime Material",
"Barracuda","6","1 to 3","19","Water","Any","1","2d4","2-12",0,0,"0",,"Sw
30","15","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","2 HD: THACO 19, XP 35, 3 HD THACO
17, XP 65, attacks with bite",,"C",,"School","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMI 8"
"Carp, Giant","6","8 to 12","13","Water","Any","1","2d10","1-4",1,0,"0","H","Sw
18","3000","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","9 HD: THACO 11, XP 4000, 10 HD:
THACO 11, XP 5000, 11 HD: THACO 9, XP 6000, 12 HD: THACO 9,","XP 7000, attack by
biting, if attack causes 12+ dmg victim is swallowed, swallowing causes 1 hp/rnd &
5%","R","cumulative chance per rnd to suffocate, escape when 50% HP are
lost","School","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Catfish, Giant","7","7 to 10","13","Water","Any","1 or 3","3d4 or
special","1",1,0,"0","M","Sw 18","2000","Any","N","nil","1","MM
117","Monster","swallowing causes 1 hp/rnd & 5% cumulative chance per rnd to
suffocate, escape when 50% HP are lost,","victim is swallowed if att is 4 more
than needed, attacks with bite or feeler (2d4 save vs pois for 1d4),
feeler","R","can attack 3 victims, 8-9 HD: THACO 12, XP 3000, 4000, 10 HD: THACO
11, XP 5000","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMII 23"
6","270","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","bites for 1d6, if stepped on 1d6
spines penetrate boots causing 1 dmg each & save vs poison at -4 or die,","save
indicates -2 penalty on attacks for next 1d12+4
hours","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","5","General","Prime Material","FF 30"
"Eel, Electric","9","2","16","Water","Any","1","1d3","1-3",1,0,"0","S","Sw
12","65","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","discharges electric jolt
15'-radius, w/ 5' 3d8 dmg, w/ 10' 2d8 & others 1d8, also bite for 1d3, must
recharge","for 1 hour between electric
discharges","UC",,"School","Carnivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 36"
"Eel, Giant","6","5","15","Water","Any","1","3d6","1-4",0,0,"0","L","Sw
9","175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Monster","attack with bite, great speed +1
to initiative",,"R",,"School","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMI 36"
"Eel, Marine","6","6 to 8","13","Water","Any","1","2d4","1",1,0,"0","S","Sw
9","420","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","discharges electric jolt
15'-radius, w/ 5' 6d6 dmg, w/ 10' 4d6 & others 2d6, vicitim save vs paral or be
stunned","for # = dmg received, must recharge for 1 hour between electric
discharge, also bite 2d8, 6/7/8 HD: THACO","R","13/13/12, bite 2d4/3d4/4d4, XP
420/650/975","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMII 62"
"Eel, Weed","8","1-1","20","Water","Any","1","1","10-60",1,0,"0","S","Sw
15","120","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","bite has poison save or die in
1d4 rounds",,"R",,"School","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material","OMI 36"
"Gar, Giant","3","8","12","Water","Any","1","5d4","1-6",1,0,"0","H","Sw
30","2000","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","swallowing causes 1 hp/rnd & 5%
cumulative chance per rnd to suffocate, escape when 50% HP are lost,","victim is
swallowed on a natural 20, attacks w/
teeth","VR",,"School","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI 42"
"Lamprey, Giant","6","5","20","Water","Any","1","1d6","1-2",0,0,"0","H","Sw
9","270","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","bite victims & suck their blood 2
hp/rnd, susceptible to fire (-2 to
saves)",,"VR",,"Solitary","Blood","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 59"
"Lamprey, Land","7","1+2","18","Land","Any","2","1/rnd","2-
12",0,0,"0",,"12","120","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Monster","bite and attaches
to victim & suck their blood 1 hp/rnd, vicitim looses 1 point DEX / lamprey
attached until","removed","VR",,"Group","Blood","7","General","Prime
Material","OMII 80"
12","65","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","bite victims & suck their blood 2
hp/rnd, susceptible to fire (-2 to
saves)",,"R",,"Solitary","Blood","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 59"
"Ray, Manta","6","8 to 11","13","Water","Any","1","3d4 or
2d10","1",1,0,"0","H","Sw 18","3000","Any","N","nil","1","MM
117","Animal","swallowing causes 1 hp/rnd & 5% cumulative chance per rnd to
suffocate, escape when 50% HP are lost,","victim is swallowed on a roll of 2
greater than needed to hit, attacks w/ bite, opponents who attack from
rear","R","are attacked by stinger (2d10) save vs paral or stunned for 2d4
rnds","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 81, DRC 192"
"Pike, Giant","5","4","15","Water","Any","1","4d4","1-8",0,0,"0",,"Sw
36","175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","opponents suffer -2 to suprise
roll",,"R",,"School","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMI 78"
"Piranha","8","1 hp","20","Water, Salt","Any","1","1d2","5-50",0,0,"0",,"Sw
9","7","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","75% one will attack anything close
to its school, if blood is drawn entire school goes berserk attacking 2x/rnd,","up
to 20 can attack a single
creature","UC",,"School","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material",
"Piranha, Giant","7","2+2","16","Water, Salt","Any","1","1d6","2-20",0,0,"0",,"Sw
15","65","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","75% one will attack anything close
to its school, if blood is drawn entire school goes berserk attacking 2x/rnd,","up
to 10 can attack a single
creature","R",,"School","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Ray, Pungi","7","4","17","Water","Any","1-8","1d4","1-3",0,0,"0",,"Sw
12","975","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","creature stepping on pungi must
save vs poison or die, if creature falls on pungi it would suffer 2d4
attacks,","if attacked it will swim
away","VR",,"School","Carnivore","5","General","Prime Material","OMI 81"
"Quipper","8","1 hp","20","Water, Fresh","Any","1","1d2","5-50",0,0,"0",,"Sw
9","7","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","fresh water piranha, 75% one will
attack anything close to its school, if blood is drawn entire school
goes","berserk attacking 2x/rnd, up to 20 can attack a single
creature","R",,"School","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material","FF 74"
"Sea Horse, Giant","7","2 to 4","19","Water","Any","1","1d4","1-20",0,0,"0",,"Sw
21","35","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","attacks w/ head-butt, trained
horse can use tail to constrict (free-open doors roll -1) & head-butts held
victim,","2/3/4 HD: THACO 19/17/17, dmg 1d4/1d4+1/2d4, XP
35/65/120","R",,"School","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI 86"
"Shark","6","3 to 8","17","Water","Any","1","1d4+1","3-12",0,0,"0",,"Sw
24","65","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","attack scent of blood (detect up
to 1 mile), sharks move up attack, retreat & repeat, HD: 3/4/5/6/7/8,","THACO:
17/17/15/15/13/13, dmg: 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d4/2d4/3d4/3d4, XP:
Material","OMI 87, DRC 203"
"Shark, Giant","5","10 to 15","11","Water","Any","1","4d4","1-3",1,0,"0",,"Sw
18","2000","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","swallowing causes 1 hp/rnd & 5%
cumulative chance per rnd to suffocate, escape when 50% HP are lost,","victim is
swallowed on a roll of 4 > needed to hit, attack scent of blood (detect up to 1
mile), 10/11/12/13/","R","14/15 HD: THACO 11/9/9/7/7/5, dmg
4d4/4d4/5d4/5d4/4d6/4d6, XP 2000 +1000/extra
HD","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 87"
"Ray, Sting","7","1","20","Water","Any","1","1d3","1-3",1,0,"0",,"Sw
9","120","Any","N","nil","1","MM 117","Animal","attacks w/ tail save vs poison or
be paralyized 5d4 turns",,"R",,"School","Carnivore","5","General","Prime
Material","OMI 81"
"Frog, Giant","7","1 to 3","19","Water, Fresh","Any","1","1/2/3 HD:
1d3/1d6/2d4","5-40",1,0,"0","S","3, Sw 9","120+","Any","N","nil","0","MM
119","Animal","-3 to opp surprise, sticky tongue 12' lg strikes +4 (no dmg) its
used to entrap victim, victim has 1 att if success","frog releases (doesnt' att
again) otherwise reeled in, bite is auto (max dmg), on 20 victim (<3') is
swallowed, 3","UC","rnds to escp or die,att 18+ breaks free, if struck 33% victim
inside dmg, fear fire, 2/3 HD:THACO 16,
175/270","Pack","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMI 41"
"Frog, Killer","8","1+4","18","Water, Fresh","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1d4+1","3-
18",0,0,"0","S","6, Sw 12","35","Any","N","nil","0","MM 119","Animal","-3 to opp
surprise, fear fire, does not swallow victims whole, fond of human
flesh",,"VR",,"Pack","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material","OMI 41"
"Frog, Poisonous","8","1","19","Water, Fresh","Any","1","1","2-12",1,0,"0","T","3,
Sw 9","65","Any","N","nil","0","MM 119","Animal","-3 to opp surprise, fear fire,
does not swallow victims whole, contact poison on skin & in bite, save +4,
weak","poison","R",,"Pack","Insectivore","6","General","Prime Material","OMI 41"
,"Any","N","nil","0","MM 120","Plant","simple plants, live as parasites or
saprophytes, examples: mold, yeast, mildew, mushroom & puffballs, some","are
harmful or useful, they do not attack or defend themselves, reproduce asexually,
grow in damp & dark,","C","break down organic
matter","Special","Scavenger","nil","General","Prime Material",
"Fungus, Violet","7","3","17","Subterranean","Any","4","special","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","1","175","Any","N","nil","0","MM 120","Plant","resemble shriekers,
75% to be encountered with them, grow on rotting animal matter, has 4 branches (1'
to 4')","they excrete an acidic substance which rots flesh, save vs poison or cure
disease stops rotting","R",,"Special","Scavenger","12","General","Prime
Material","OMI 42"
"Fungus, Shrieker","7","3","17","Subterranean","Any","0","0","2-
8",0,1,"0","M","1","120","Any","N","special","0","MM 120","Plant","normally quiet,
light within 30' or movement within 10' they emit a piercing shriek, attracts
dungeon dwellers &","violet fungi kill them which leaves matter to feed on, it
lasts 1d3 rnds, 50% attracting other monsters, purple","C","worms & shambling
mounds like to eat shriekers, their spores are important in potions of plant
control","Special","Scavenger","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 87, DRC 203"
"Fungus, Phycomid","5","5","15","Subterranean","Any","2","1d4+2/1d4+2","1-
4",1,1,"0","T","3","650","Any","N","nil","0","MM 120","Plant","algae-like, exude
highly alkaline substance, sensory organs for heat, sound & vibrations, fluid has
a range of","1d6+6 feet, if victim fails save vs poison the individual begins to
sprout growth in 1d4+4 rnds & inflicts 1d4+4","R","dmg, it then sprouts throughout
body killing host in 1d4+4 turns & starts new phycomid (cure disease
stops)","Special","Scavenger","14","General","Prime Material","OMII 101"
1400","Any","N","nil","0","MM 120","Plant","puffball-like, move by rolling (MV 3
on 1st rnd, 6 next, 9, then 12 for hours), roll over opponents, shoots
spores,","stream is 1' dia x 30' lg save vs poison or die in 1d4 rnds, if
successful unable to att 1d4 rnds, it att +4 vs them","VR","weapons: P double dmg,
stabbing normal, B non, S 1 hp, save vs magic +4 (dmg 50%) except cold
based","Special","Scavenger","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 10"
"Fungus, Gas Spore","9","1 hp","20","Subterranean","Any","1","special","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","3","120","Any","N","nil","0","MM 120","Plant","mistaken as
beholder (90% @ > 10' & 25% closer), if struck for even 1 hp it explodes, every
creature within","20' radius suffers 6d6 save vs wands for 1/2, if exposed to
flesh it shoots tiny rhizomes into victim & spore dies imm.,","R","cure disease
must be cast within 24 hours or vicitm dies sprouting 2d4 gas spores, also called
blast spore","Special","Scavenger","8","General","Prime Material","OMI 42, DRC
162, 208"
"Galeb Duhr","-2","8 to 10","13","Mountains","Any","2","2d8","1-
4",1,1,"20%","L","6","8000","Day","N","Q x3, X","11-12","MM
122","Monster","beholder-like w/ appendages, avoids combat, if chased it will
fight using spells at 20th lvl (see MM 122), can","animate 1d2 boulders w/ 60 yrds
(AC 0, MV 3, HD 9, dmg 4d6), double dmg from cold (save -4), unharmed
by","VR","normal fire & lightning (magical fire save +4), 9/10 HD: THACO 11, dmg
3d6/4d6, XP 9000/10,000","Family","Special","17","General","Prime Material","OMII
"Gargantua, Reptilian","2","50","5","Islands","Sub-
Trop/Trop","3","3d10/3d10/6d10","1-2",1,1,"0","G","18, Sw
12","43,000","Night","CN","nil","5-7","MM 123","Monster","cannot speak, breath air
& water, attacks: claw/claw/bite, trample 10d10, tail swings 90' behind it save
vs","death or suffer 8d10, crushes everything in path, regen 4 hp / rnd, seldem
bother humans, pedal from flower","R","grown in footprint used potion of growth,
thunderstorm occur when born if creature is struck acts as
resurrect","Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Gargantua, Humanoid","4","35","5","Islands","Sub-Trop/Trop","2","4d10/4d10","1-
2",1,1,"0","G","21","28,000","Any","CN","nil","5-7","MM 123","Monster","gigantic
humans, 80-100' tall, attacks: fist/fist, trample 10d10, regen 4 hp/rnd, sense
emotions of others,","sometimes live in jungles &
mountains","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Gargantua, Insectoid","6","20 to 30","5","Mountains","Temp/Trop","1","3d10","1-
3",1,1,"0","G","6, Fl 36 (E)","14,000+","Any","CN","nil","5-7","MM
123","Monster","gigantic moth accompanied by piercing screech, larve (20 HD) can
shoot a strand of strong & sticky web","which entraps victims, can be severed: 20
hp edged weap, BB/LG or 10 HD monsters, grow 1 HD/wk, @","R","25 HD cocoon (2d4
wks) imerges as moth (30 HD), windstorm 60'x240' save vs death blown 10-40'
1d6/10'","Solitary","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
Fl 15 (C)","420","Any","CE","M x10 (C)","5-7","MM 125","Monster","ferocious
predator, found among ruins or undergound, attack anything, love to torture,
attack: claw/claw/","bite/horn, +1 weapon to hit, likes to surprise & swoop, pose
as statues, must land to make 4 attacks, some","UC","serve evil masters, horn is
used in potion of invulnerability &
flying","Tribe","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 42, DRC 178"
16",0,1,"0","M","9, Sw 15","420","Any","CE","M x10 (C)","5-7","MM
125","Monster","ferocious predator, attack anything, love to torture, attack:
claw/claw/bite/horn, +1 weapon to hit, lair is in","undersea cave, horn is used in
potion of invulnerability & flying","R",,"Tribe","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
"Margoyle","2","6","15","Any","Any","4","1d6/1d6/2d4/2d4","2-8",0,1,"0","M","6, Fl
12 (C)","975","Any","CE","Q (C)","5-7","MM 125","Monster","more horrid gargoyle,
found among ruins or undergound, attack anything, love to torture, attack:
claw/claw/","bite/horn, +1 weapon to hit, likes to surprise & swoop, pose as
statues, must land to make 4 attacks, 20%","R","found w/gargoyl as leader, horn is
used in potion of invuln & flying, 20% seen against stone, speak own
lang","Tribe","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMII 83"
"Genie, Djinni","4","7+3","13","Air","Any","1","2d8","1",1,1,"0","L","9, Fl 24
(A)","5000","Day","CG","nil","8-14","MM 126","Humanoid","summoned by wiz or priest
for a service, from plane of Air, can create food (2d6 people), water, wine,
goods,","metal , illusion (20th lvl wiz) or wooden item all 1/day, also use
invisibility, gaseous form & wind walk, create","VR","whirlwind which it can ride,
airbourne creatures att & dmg -1, +4 saves vs air, nearly impossible to
capture","Special","Omnivore","13-14","General","Elem, Air","OMI 28, DRC 166"
"Genie, Djinni, Noble","4","10","11","Air","Any","1","3d8","1",1,1,"0","L","9, Fl
24 (A)","11,000","Day","CG","nil","8-14","MM 126","Humanoid","grant 3 wishes to
master & are freed, from plane of Air, use invisibility, gaseous form & wind walk,
can create","whirlwind which it can ride (att 3d6), airbourne creatures att & dmg
-1, +4 saves vs air, nearly impos to capture","VR","1% of djinni are
""Noble""","Special","Omnivore","13-14","General","Elem, Air","DRC 167"
"Genie, Dao","3","8+3","11","Earth","Any","1","3d6","1",1,1,"0","L","9, Fl 15(B),
Br 6","5000","Day","NE","nil","5-12","MM 126","Humanoid","from plane of Earth,
speak genie, common & earth elemental, magic powers each 1/day: change self,
detect","good, gaseous form, invisibility, misdirection, passwall, spectral force
& wall of stone, 3/day rock to mud,6/day","R","dig, grant perverse limited wish
1/day, all @ 18th wiz, immune earth-based spells, holy water double
damage","Special","Omnivore","15-16","General","Elem, Earth","OMII 32"
"Genie, Efreeti","2","10","11","Fire","Any","1","3d8","1",1,1,"0","L","9, Fl 24
(B)","8000","Day","N","nil","11-12","MM 126","Humanoid","from plane of fire, enemy
of djinni, if properly summoned-forced to serve max 1001 days or 3 wishes (seek
to","pervert), spell powers: wish (up to 3), invisible, gas form, detect magic,
enlarge, poly self & wall of fire, create","VR","illusion w/ V & A comp (until
dispelled), produce flame & pyrotech at will, immune:normal fire & magic fire -1
/die","Special","Omnivore","15-16","General","Elem, Fire","DRC 174"
"Genie, Marid","0","13","7","Water","Any","1","4d8","1",1,1,"25%","H","9,Fl
15(B),Sw 24","16,000","Day","CN","nil","13-18","MM 126","Humanoid","from plane of
Water, rarely serve others, innate abilities: water walk & create water-60 yrds lg
1d6 dmg save vs","BW or blind 1d6 rnds, breathe water, infravision, immune: water
based, cold +2 saves -2/die, fire +1/die dmg","VR","-1 saves, 2/day(@ 26th): det
evil, det good, det invis, det magic, invis, liq form, poly self, purf water, MM
128","Special","Omnivore","16","General","Elem, Water","OMII 84"
"Genie, Jann","2 (5)","6+2","15","Land","Any","1","1d8 or weapon","1-
2",1,1,"20%","M","12, Fl 30 (A)","3000","Day","N","nil","11-16","MM
126","Humanoid","combines all elements, speaks: genie, all elementals, common &
animal, wear chain mail (60%), use scimitars","& comp bows, STR 18 (roll %
[females -50%] & add bonuses), powers: 2/day enlarge & reduce, 3/day
invisib,","VR","1/day create food & water (@ 7th), all cast @ 12th, favor oasis,
nomadic, suspicious of humans, dislike
demi-","Tribe","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 77"
"Genie, Jann, Leaders","2 (5)","8 to 9","13","Land","Any","1","1d8 or weapon","1-
2",1,1,"20%","M","12, Fl 30 (A)","5000","Day","N","nil","17-20","MM
129","Humanoid",", wear chain mail (60%), use scimitars & comp bows, STR 18 (roll
% [females -50%]& add bonuses) & 10% STR","19, powers: 2/day enlarge & reduce,
3/day invisibility, augury, detect magic & divination, 1/day create food
&","VR","water (@ 7th), all cast @ 12th, sheik (8 HD) & amir (9 HD, THACO 12, XP
6000)","Tribe","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Ghost","0 (8)","10","11","Any","Any","1","Age 10-40
years","1",1,1,"0","M","9","7000","Night","LE","E, S","13-14","MM
130","Undead","spirit of human, hate goodness & life, sight causes age 10 yrs &
flee in panic for 2d6 turns save vs spell, >8th","lvl +2 & 6th priests immune, can
magic jar (60 yrds) if fails it semi-materialize (AC 0) to touch, silver weapon
1/2","VR","or magic weapons or holy water, anyone killed is forever dead, Ethereal
plane AC 8,","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material","OMI 43, DRC
24",1,1,"0","M","9","175","Night","CE","B, T","5-7","MM 131","Undead","feed on
corpses, attacks claw/claw/bite, touch causes paralysis (save vs paraly) 1d6+2
rnds or neg by priest","all killed become a ghoul unless blessed, immune: sleep &
charm, frequently encountered at graveyards","UC",,"Pack","Special","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 43, DRC 178"
"Ghoul, Lacedon","6","2","19","Water","Any","3","1d3/1d3/1d6","2-
24",1,1,"0","M","Sw 9","175","Night","CE","B, T","5-7","MM 131","Undead","feed on
corpses, attacks claw/claw/bite, touch causes paralysis (save vs paraly) 1d6+2
rnds or neg by priest","all killed become a ghoul unless blessed, immune: sleep &
charm, frequently encountered at shipwrecks","VR",,"Pack","Special","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
4",1,1,"0","M","15","650","Night","CE","B, Q, R, S, T","11-12","MM
131","Undead","indistinguishable from ghouls, usually found with them, give off
stench 10'-radius save vs poison or att -2,","paralysis (even elves) save vs
paralysis or 1d6+4 rnds, immune: sleep & charm, cold iron causes
double","R","damage","Pack","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 43"
"Giant, Cloud","0","16+2-7 hp","5","Mountains","Any","1","1d10 or weapon
(6d4+11)","1-10",1,1,"0","H","15","11,000","Any","N","E, Q x5","8-12","MM
132","Monster","50% good & 50% evil, arrogant, speak own, all giant & 60% common,
good tactitians, hurl rocks 2d12, 1 in 10","have magical weapon, some are priests
or wizards 1st thru 4th lvl, lairs contain infants & juveniles, most
lairs","VR","are in cloud covered mountains & may contain spotted lions, owl
bears, griffons, giant eagles & human slaves","Tribe","Special","17-
18","General","Prime Material","OMI 44"
"Giant, Cyclopskin","3","5","15","Hills/Rough","Temperate","1","weapon +4","1-
8",0,0,"0","L","12","270","Any","CE","C","5-10","MM 133","Monster","smell dirty &
dung, use club, bardiche, spear, or sling (1d6 dmg), no strategy, -2 on missile
attacks, usually","leave groups alone, lair in caves blocked by
boulders","R",,"Clan","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Giant, Cyclops","2","13","7","Hills/Rough","Temperate","1","6d6","1-
4",1,0,"0","H","15","4000","Any","CE","C","5","MM 133","Monster","smell dirty &
dung, use clubs, no strategy, -2 on missile attacks, hurl boulders up to 150 yards
for up to 410","points damage, found in extreme wilds or isolated
islands","VR",,"Clan","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Giant, Desert","1","13","7","Desert","Any","1","1d10 or 2d6+7 (spear)","2-
20",1,1,"0","H","15","5000","Day","N","B","8-10","MM 134","Monster","prefer to
fight mounted (giant lizards, insects, rocs or undead horses, spears range 3/6/9,
fist 1d10, these","giants gradually turn to stone, skin is camouflaged w/ sand
causing opp surprise +1 & theirs -2, they do","VR","mercenary work in times of
drought","Tribe","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Giant, Ettin","3","10","10","Hills/Rough","Temp/SubArc","2","2d8/3d6 or
1d10/2d6","1 or 1-4",0,1,"0","H","12","3000","Night","CE","O (C, Y)","5-7","MM
135","Monster","2-headed, speak mish mash of giant, orc, goblin, surprised on 1,
infravision 90', ambush, attacks w/ club","(both hands) or fists, lairs in rocky
areas, sometimes 1d2 cave bears in lair, tolerate some other creatures
like","VR","orcs but will be violent to most other
tresspassers","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 40"
"Giant, Firbolg","2","13+7","9","Forests","Temperate","1","1d10+7 (fist) or
weapon","1-4 or 4-16",1,1,"15%","L","15","8000","Any","N","E, Y (M x10, Q)","8-
18","MM 136","Monster","use 2-handed swords or halberds double damage (2 handed)
+7 (STR 19), if 1-handed off hand can bat away","missiles (75%) or catch spears &
javelins & throw back (att -3), magic 1/day in non melee: detect magic,
fools","VR","gold, diminution (dble the potion), forget & alter self, leaders
(shaman) 1st-7th XP 9000, distrust (demi-)
humans","Clan","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material","OMII 68"
"Giant, Fire","-1 (5)","15+2-5 hp","5","Any","Temp/Trop","1","1d8 (fist) or
2d10+10 (weapon)","1-8 (+12)",1,1,"0","H","12 (15)","8000","Any","LE","E","5-
10","MM 137","Monster","wear armor, carry sack of rocks (1d4+1) & other items,
immune to normal fire & -1/die magical fire, rocks cause","2d10 dmg+1d6 if heated
(3-200 yrds), catch large missiles (50%), 2-handed swords, lairs guarded &
trapped,","R","groups have shaman, witch docter, spell caster & king, take
captives for ransom & slaves, like hot areas","Tribe","Omnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material","OMI 44, DRC 179"
"Giant, Fog","1 (-2)","14","7","Swamp","Temperate","1","1d10 or 3d6+11
(weapon)","1-4",1,1,"0","H","15","5000","Day","N","E, R","8-14","MM
138","Monster","-5 to opp surprise in fog or mist, AC -2 with leather, hurl rocks
2d10 (3-240 yrds), catch large missiles (45%),","use fists or clubs, surprised on
1, lair trapped, enjoy hunting, AL 50% good & 50% evil, territorial - will
fight","VR","among rival groups over
boundaries","Clan","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material","FF 42"
"Giant, Fomorian","3","13+3","9","Subterranean","Any","1","weapon x2 + 8
(STR)","1-4",1,1,"0","H","9","6000","Any","NE","D, Q x10","8-10","MM
139","Monster","wicked, deformed, fists 2d4+8, use clubs, -2 opp surprise,
surprised on 1, tortures opponent, live in caves,","mines, etc, eat
anything","UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMII 68"
"Giant, Frost","0 (5)","14+1d4 hp","7","Land","Arctic","1","1d8 or 2d8+9","1-8
(+8)",1,1,"0","H","12 (15)","7000","Any","CE","E","5-10","MM 140","Monster","crude
& stupid, carry huge sacks containing 1d4+1 throwing rocks & other items, rocks
cause 2d10(3-200 yrd)","catch large missiles (40%), use battle axe (2x dmg),
chieftain (jarl) THACO 5 & magic weapon, groups contain","VR","shaman, witch
doctor & spellcaster, take captives for ransom or slaves","Tribe","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMI 44, DRC 179"
"Giant, Hill","3 (5)","12+1d2 hp","9","Hills/Rough","Any","1","1d6 or 2d6+7
141","Monster","selfish, 5% metal armor AC 0, sack contain 2d4 throwing rocks &
other items, speak own, common & 50% ogre","use clubs (2x dmg), hurled rocks 2d8
(3-200 yrds), catch large missiles (30%), lair in caves, dens or
huts,","R","guarding the lair dire wolves, giant lizards or ogres, suspicious of
magic, kill mages","Tribe","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 45,
DRC 179"
"Giant, Jungle","3","11","9","Jungle","Tropical","1 or 2","2d8+9 or
2d6+9/2d6+9","1 or 1d6",1,1,"0","H","15, Cl 6","6000","Day","N","Q (A)","8-14","MM
142","Monster","great hunters, females dominate, use club or bow w/poison save vs
paralyze -2 or rendered immobile 2d6","turns, -1 to opp surprise roll, friendlier
than most giants, eat all animal
life","UC",,"Tribe","Carnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Giant, Mountain","4","15+3","5","Mountains","Any","1","1d8 or 4d10+10
143","Monster","live in mountain caverns, like straight forward attacks, hurl
rocks 2d10 (3-200 yrds), catch large missiles (30%)","use clubs, can summon &
control 1d10+5 ogres (70%), 1d6+3 trolls (20%) or 1d4 hill giants (10%),
shamen","VR","can cast spells see MM 143, suspicious of
outsiders","Family","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material","FF 42"
"Giant, Reef","0 or -4","18","5","Water, Ocean","Sub-Trop/Trop","1","1d10 or
2d10+10 (weapon)","1 or 1-4",1,1,"0","H","15, Sw 12","13,000","Day","NG","Z
(A)","11-12","MM 144","Monster","loners, speak: own, storm & cloud giant & 40%
common, STR 22, no penalties fighting in water, immune to ice","& water attacks,
use fists or tridents, can generate a whirlpool all within 10 yrds who fail STR
check are","VR","sucked in & suffer 2d8 dmg + 2d10 choking, hurl boulders 3d10 (3-
350 yrds), liar in hills of islands","Solitary","Omnivore","17","General","Prime
"Giant, Stone","0","14+1d3 hp","7","Mountains","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d8 or 2d6+8
145","Monster","no armor, carry sacks w/ 2d12 throwing rocks & other items, speak:
hill, cloud & storm giants & 50% common,","fight from distance, hurl rocks 3d10
(3-300 yrds), catch large missiles 90%, use fists or stone clubs, 1 in
20","R","cast:stone shape,stone tell & rock to mud 1/day@5th & 1 in 10 of these
cast wiz spells@3rd, 2d4 lairs in area","Tribe","Omnivore","16","General","Prime
Material","OMI 45, DRC 179"
"Giant, Storm","-6 (0)","19+2-7 hp","3","Special","Any","1","1d10 or 3d10+12 (2-
handed sword)","1 or 2-4",1,1,"0","G","15, Sw 15","14,000","Any","CG","E, Q x10,
S","15-16","MM 146","Monster","gentle & reclusive, live cloud islands (60%),
mountain peaks (20%) or underwater (10%), speak: own, cloud,","giant & common,
immune: electric, catch large missiles 65%, breath water, can control weather,
call lightning","VR","(3-15d8), lightng blt (15d6), cntrl wind, & weather summ
1/day@15th, comp bow 3d6(300 yrds), 20% spellcast","Solitary","Omnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material","OMI 45"
"Giant, Verbeeg","1 - 4","5+5","15","Hills/Rough","Temp/SubArc","2","1d6 +
STR","1-6 or 5-30",0,0,"0","L","18","270","Any","N","B (K, L, M x5)","8-12","MM
147","Humanoid","selfish, use spear STR (18/51 - 18/00) determines dmg & range see
MM 147, armor determins AC, 1d4 hill","giants or ogres in lair, 2% cumm chance per
giant a shamen up to 7th lvl w/ 18/00 STR & min 40 hp, love to","UC","eat
meat","Tribe","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMII 69"
"Giant, Wood","5 (8)","7+7","13","Forests","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d10 (sword) +
148","Humanoid","fight only to defend self or allie, use long bow (2 att, +1 to
hit & 50% greater range) 1d8 dmg, STR/?? (no to","hit bonus), in company of wood
elves(60%), 1d4 dire wolves (30%) or both, MR 90% to sleep &
charm,","VR","infravision 90', can polymoph self to any humanoid 3'-15' tall, -4
to opp surprise","Clan","Herbivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Gibberling","10","1","20","Subterranean","Temperate","1","1d8 (weapon)","40-
400",1,0,"0","M","9","35","Night","CN","nil","5-7","MM 149","Monster","attack in
mass numbers, +1 to hit with sword, hate bright light, fear fire, no organization,
speak own language","will not communicate with captors, hides are vile &
worthless","UC",,"Herd","Carnivore","5","General","Prime Material","FF 43"
"Giff","2 (6)","4","17","Any","Any","2 or 1","1d6+7 or weapon +7","11-
20",1,0,"10%","L","6","420","Day","LN","nil","7","MM 150","Monster","mercenaries,
bodyguards, etc, speak own & common, use arquebus 2d4 shots (optional), use fist
or weapon,","head-butt 2d6, suspicious of magic, paid in smoke powder,weapons or
armor, live to 70 but few live that long","R","due to warrior
instincts","Squad","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Gith","6 (8)","3","17","Mountains","Any","1 or 2","weapon or 1d4/1d4","10-
100",1,0,"0","M","10","175","Any","CE","M (I)","10","MM
151","Humanoid","grotesque, attack in mass, psionic attack, can spring 20' in one
leap & gain +2 to hit on first att, use spears,","wear inix-shell armor, only
leaders of 25 or more have psionic powers, leaders up to 7 HD, shamen up to 4th
&","UC","wizard up to 6th, underground lairs, attack humans & demihumans as choice
food","Tribe","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Gith, Pirate","0","7 to 11",,"Special","Special","varies","weapon","20-
40",1,1,"0","M","12","varies","Any","LE","A (N)","15-16","MM
152","Humanoid","occupy wildspace, can be fighter, mage or fighter/mage (sometimes
clerics)up to 11th, opperate spelljammer","ships, escaped mindflayer slavery &
especially hate illithids, isolationists to the point of genocide on
other","R","races, abilities 3/day: astral spell, plane shift &
"Githyanki","varies","varies",,"Any","Any","varies","weapon or special","2-
8",1,0,"0","M","12 (96)","varies","Any","E","R (H)","15-18","PS
46","Humanoid","can travel to Prime, speak own, progress as humans, @ 5th use
magic weapons, can plane shift at will, psionic","abilities, dwell in huge
castles, pact w/red dragons, hunters & predators, never war with self, can be
mage, fighter,","VR","fighter/mage, illusionist, knight & others, specialized
groups: G""lathk, Mlar & Hr'a'cknir","Group","Omnivore","8-
14","Planescape","Astral","MM 153, FF 43"
"Githzerai","varies","varies",,"Any","Any","varies","weapon or special","2-
8",1,0,"50%","M","12, (96)","varies","Any","CN","P (H x2)","15-18","PS
48","Humanoid","can be fighter, fighter/mage, mage or thief, HD & THACO per class
& level, max lvl 9th (12th thief), fighters at 5th lvl","use magic weapons (silver
+3, 2-handed sword), psionic power, plane shift at will, originally enslaved by
mind-flayers","VR","Rrakkma bands hunt & destroy illithids, can travel to Prime,
can progress in lvls, live in cities of 100,000+","Group","Omnivore","8-
12","Planescape","Limbo","MM 155, FF 45"
"Gloomwing, Moth","1","5+1","15","Any","Any","3","1d3/1d3/1d8","1",1,1,"0","M","2,
Fl 18 (D)","1400","Night","N","nil","1","MM 157","Monster","originally from demi-
plane of Shadow, creature viewing moth from top or bottom save vs spell or be
confused","as spell @4th lvl 1d4+1 rnds, 50% undetectable in darkness, twilight or
moonlight -2 to opp surprise, swoop att","R","+2 & pick up 3' creat,
att:claw/claw/bite, emit pheromone 25'-radius save vs pois or lose 1 STR(recov
1/turn)","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Demi-, Shadow","OMII 70"
"Gloomwing, Worm,
y","N","special","1","MM 157","Monster","caterpillar which develops into Gloomwing
Moth, attacks w/ bite save vs poison -3 or suffer double damage,","head & upper
body covered w/ poison bristles 1d4 dmg + save or paralysis 1d4 rnds after which
victim dies","UC","unless slow poison or neutralize poison is admin, contact 10% x
base AC before DEX & shield(20% if att
head)","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Demi-, Shadow","OMII 127"
"Gnoll","5 (10)","2","19","Any","Temp/Trop","1","2d4 (weapon)","2-
12",0,0,"0","L","9","35","Night","CE","D, Qx5, S (L, M)","5-7","MM
158","Humanoid","hyena-like, speak: own, flind, troll, orc or hobgoblin, attack in
mass, ambush, use swords, pole arm, axe, bow","or morningstar, guarding lairs 1-3
trolls, 4-16 hyenas or 2-12 hyaenodons, tribe contains leaders(3 HD),
guards,","UC","elite guards (3 HD, AC 4, +2 dmg) & chieftain (4 HD, AC 3, +3 dmg),
have slaves, hate (demi)humans & labor","Tribe","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMI 46, DRC 180"
"Flind","5 (10)","2+3","16","Any","Temp/Trop","1 or 2","1d6 or 1d4 (weapons)","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","12","120","Night","LE","A","8-10","MM 158","Humanoid","relative of
gnoll, use club (75%) or flindbar (25%), a successful hit by flindbar victim save
vs wand or have","his weapon entangled in chain & disarmed, leaders 3+3 HD, 13 INT
& 18 CHR always use flindbar","R",,"Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","FF 39"
"Gnome, Rock","6","1","19","Hills/Rough","Any","1","weapon","4-
12",0,1,"0","S","6","65","Any","NG","C (Q x20)","7-19","MM 159","Humanoid","cousin
of dwarf, can be fighter, priest, thief, illusionist or multiclass, speak: own,
kobold, goblin, halfling, dwarf","or common, infravision 60', special abilities
PHB 22 & 20 (table 7 & 8), use small weapons, typ armor studded","R","leather w/sm
shield, leader: chain mail or plate, use magic items, minors & jewelers, lair is
underground","Clan","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 46, DRC 180"
"Gnome, Svirfneblin","2","3+6","17","Subterranean","Any","1","weapon","5-
8",1,1,"20%+","S","9","420","Any","NG","Kx3, Qx3 (D, Qx5)","3-17","MM
159","Humanoid","live in secret undrgrnd cities, speak: own, kuo-toan, drow or
common,can cast blind, blur & change self 1/day,","infrav 120', surprised on 1,
surprise opp 90%, ""freeze"" in place 60% unseen, +5% MR/lvl abv 3rd,
immune:illus","VR","saves +3(pois +2),dagger or pick +1 att & dmg, dart save vs
pois or stun 1 rnd & slow 3 rnd, caltrops sleep
gas","Clan","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","FF 84"
"Gnome, Tinker","5 (10)","1","19","Mountains","Any","1","weapon","1-
12",0,1,"0","S","6","65","Any","N","M x30 (C, Q x20)","8-18","MM
159","Humanoid","cheerful & industrious, can be fighter, priest, thief,
illusionist or multiclass, infravision 60', special abilities PHB","22 & 20 (table
7 & 8), speak rapidly, rarely carry weapons, invent strange weapons, wear any
armor but typ","R","mismatched pieces (AC 5), live in tunnel complexes, disliked
by other races: technology & poor social
skills","Clan","Omnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Gnome, Forest","10","2","18","Forests","Any","1","weapon","1-
4",1,1,"0","S","12","120","Day","NG","J, K, Q x2 (C)","3-17","MM
159","Humanoid","shy & elusive, shun contact w/ other races, speak: own, elf,
treant & animal (basic), pas without trace & hide","in woods (90%), save bonus as
gnome (rock) PHB 22, prefer traps & missiles, AC -4 vs M & L creatures,","VR","+1
to hit & dmg vs orcs, lizardmen, troglodytes or creatures dmg forest, disguised
villages, guardians of woods","Clan","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Gnome, Spriggan","3 (10)","4","17","Forests","Any","2","2d4/2d4 (polearm)","3-
12",1,1,"0","L","9","3000","Any","CE","A","8-16","MM 162","Humanoid","ugly, stink,
can affect normal fire, shatter or scare (save -2) instead of fighting, change
from S to L (12') at will,","giant: AC 5, MV 15, HD 8+4, THACO 11, +7 dmg & cannot
perform magic, 8th lvl thief abilities, backstab x3","VR","S only, steal from
travelers & small towns, fear large organized groups of (demi)humans will
avoid","Pack","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material","OMII 113"
"Golem, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,1,,,,,"Any","N","nil","0","MM
164","Monster","general info of golem creation including: cost, time, materials &
creator level, all immune to hold, charm, fear,","mind-based spells &
poison","VR",,"Solitary","Nil",,"General",,"OMI 47"
"Golem, Stone","5","14 (60
166","Monster","general info MM 164, weighs 2000 lbs, no weapon, follow only
simple tactics from master, emotionless, att w/","fist, STR 22, +2 weapon to hit,
rock to mud slows 2d6 rnds, mud to rock heals restoring all HP, stone to
flesh","VR","makes it vulnerable to normal att & spells that cause dmg, cast slow
(10') every other rnd","Solitary","Nil","19-20","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Golem, Iron","3","18 (80
MM 166","Monster","general info MM 164, weighs 5000 lbs, occasionally use sword
(even fewer magical) normally use fist, cannot","vocalize, no odor, follow simple
commands, STR 24, +3 weapon to hit, electric att slow 3 rnds, fire heals
1/die","VR","full dmg from rust monst, every 7 rnds (start 1st or 2nd) breaths
pois gas fills 10' cube, dissipates following rnd","Solitary","Nil","19-
20","General","Prime Material","OMI 48"
"Golem, Flesh","9","9 (40
4","MM 167","Monster","general info MM 164, follow explicitly master, att w/
fists, STR 19, +1 weapon to hit, fire & cold slow 2d6 rnds,","electric heals 1
hp/die, immune all other spells, 1% cumm chance/rnd of combat to break free of
master, 10%","VR","rnd master regains control (w/60'), used to guard items or
places","Solitary","Nil","19-20","General","Prime Material","OMI 48"
"Golem, Clay","7","11 (50
167","Monster","general info MM 164, weighs 600 lbs, cannot vocalize, follows
master explicitly, struck by magical blunt weap","STR 20, move earth drives them
back 120' w/2d12 dmg, disintegrat slows 1d6 rnds w/1d12 dmg,
earthquake","VR","holds 1 turn 5d10 dmg, can haste 3 rnds 1/day, cured by heal
cast 17th+, 1%/rnd break free & goes berserk","Solitary","Nil","19-
20","General","Prime Material","OMI 47"
"Golem, Bone","0","12 (70
M 168","Monster","general info MM 164, mistaken for undead 95%, att w/ claw only,
1/2 dmg S & P that can harm them","immune: spells but shatter save vs spell or
weapons that can harm do double damage, 1 every 3 rnds issues","VR","a hideous
laugh causing fear & horror checks, failure of 1 paralysis 2d6 rnds, failure both
causes death by fear","Solitary","Nil","20","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread","DRC 180"
"Golem, Doll","4","10 (40 hp)","11","Any","Any","1","3d6
168","Monster","general info MM 164, animated childs toy (good or evil), harmed by
fire (1/2 dmg), warp wood as slow,","mending restores all HP, bite causes dmg &
save vs spell or laugh uncontrollably unable to act + 1d4 dmg","VR","next rnd 2d4
next etc, dispell magic or death stops laugh, -1 att & save/rnd effected after
dispell restor 1/turn","Solitary","Nil","20","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Golem, Gargoyle","0","15 (60 hp)","5","Any","Any","2","3d6/3d6
169","Monster","general info MM 164, cannot fly, leap 100', cannot communicate,
grinding rock sound when moving, hit by","both att save vs petrif or turn to
stone, will shatter victim next rnd, affected by earthquake shatters
creature,","VR","rock to mud 2d10 dmg, mud to rock heals 2d10, -2 opp surprise,
leap 4d10 dmg","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Glass","4","9 (40 hp)","11","Any","Any","1","2d12
169","Monster","general info MM 164, built into window as stained glass knight,
guardian, cannot communicate, -3 opp surpris","1 every 3 rnds unleashes prismatic
spray (all directions) all (friend or foe) w/ 25' affected, +2 weapon to
hit,","VR","blunt double dmg, shatter (spell) all att have (2x dmg)% to slay,
mending restores all HP, regen 1hp/rnd in
sun","Solitary","Nil","20","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
N","nil","0","MM 170","Monster","general info MM 164, built for single task, giant
snake skeleton w/human skull, MV in silence -2 opp surprise,","Death Dance save vs
spell or immobilized per hypnotism, att w/ bite 1d8 dmg + save vs spell or
paralyzed &","VR","unconscious 1d4 turns only dispell magic neg, cannot be turned,
immune: mind based spells & poison","Solitary","Nil","19-20","General","Prime
Material","FF 67"
"Golem, Scarecrow","2","5","15","Any","Any","1 + gaze","1d6 +
charm","1",1,1,"0","M","9","1400","Any","N","nil","0","MM 170","Monster","general
info MM 164, follow simple commands, do not speak, gaze @ 1 creature w/ 40' save
vs spell or be","held until scarecrow dies or leaves area 1 turn, touch same
effect, strikes same victim until dead while charm","VR","others, fire +1 att &
+1/die dmg, immune cold, creator dies scarecrow disintegrate but 10% become
conscious","Solitary","Nil","19-20","General","Prime Material","FF 77"
"Golem, Scarecrow, Conscious","2","5","15","Any","Any","1 + gaze","1d6 +
170","Monster","general info MM 164, cunning, hate life & kill often, do not
speak, gaze@ 1 creature w/40' save vs spell or be","held until scarecrow dies or
leaves area 1 turn, touch same effect, strikes same victim until dead while
charm","VR","others, fire +1 att & +1/die dmg, immune cold, move toward cold areas
killing all they encounter","Solitary","Nil","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Caryatid Column","5","5 (22 hp)","15","Any","Any","1","2d4 (sword)","1-
12",0,1,"0","M","6","420","Any","N","nil","0","MM 171","Monster","general info MM
164, architectural work of young girl, guardian, animates per creator instruct, +4
to saves,","non-magic weapons 1/2 dmg & magic weapon doesn't gain bonus dmg, 25%
weapon shatters -5% per +1 of","VR","magic, stone to flesh, rock to mud or stone
shape save vs spell or it dies, death reverts it to stone then
dust","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material","FF 18"
"Golem, Juggernaut","2","10 to 13","11","Any","Any","up to
171","Monster","general info MM 164, stone vehicle, clumsy, MV 3 1st rnd & +3/rnd
up to 12, turn 90 deg in 30', attempts to","run over victim causes 10d10 save vs
death mag 1/2 + item save vs crush blow, higher HD have ability to","VR","grow up
to 6 arms designed for current needs, immune to fire, 11/12/13 HD: THACO 9/9/7, XP
+1000/HD","Solitary","Nil","13-16","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Stone Guardian","2","4+4","15","Any","Any","2","2d4+1/2d4+1","1-
4",0,1,"0","M","9","420","Any","N","nil","0","MM 171","Monster","general info MM
164, slams opponent w/ arms, 1/4 dmg from edged weapons, 1/2 dmg from cold, fire
&","electrical, normal missiles no dmg, stone to flesh, rock to mud, stone shape
or dig cause instant death no","VR","save","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime
Material","OMII 115"
4",1,0,"0","L","12","1400","Day","N","(E)","1","MM 172","Monster","bull-like,
4/day BW- 20'w x 60' lg save vs petrif or turn to stone, charge opp & head=butt,
devour living statue,","great sense of smell 75% to track victim, treasure is
found on statues & in their dung, blood used in ink of","R","scroll of protect
from petrification, hide can be used to make +2 scale mail w/+2 saves vs petrif &
flesh to stone","Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 49, DRC
"Grell, Worker","5","5","15","Any","Any","11","1d4(10)/1d6","1-10",1,0,"0","M","Fl
12 (D)","2000","Any","NE","U","8-10","MM 173","Monster","giant brain w/ beak & 10
tentacles, levetation to drop silently on victim -3 opp surprise, tentacles that
hit grab","BB/LG to break, each hit save vs paralysis +4 or paralyized 5d4 rnds, 2
tentacles can lift opp & devour, uses","R","lightning lance (3d6 elect 1/rnd) or
tip-spear (save as tent), hit vs tent (AC 4) immobilizes it, immune
electric","Group","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","FF 49"
"Grell, Philosopher","5 (0)","7","13","Any","Any","11","1d4(10)/1d6","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","Fl 12 (D)","5000","Any","NE","W","15-16","MM 173","Monster","save
abilities as worker, serve as intermediaries between worker & patriarch, 1 out of
10 grell is philosopher,","20% wear ring of protect (AC 0), 10% cast spells as 2nd
lvl wizard","VR",,"Group","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
,"H","19","MM 173","Monster","huge (30' dia) mass of flesh that directs lesser
grell, if taken to ship it can dig its tentacles into ship & animate","it to fly
to other worlds","VR",,"Group","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
"Gremlin","4","4","17","Land","Any","1","1d4 (bite)","1-6",0,1,"25%","T","6, Fl 18
(B)","650","Night","CE","Q, X","11-12","MM 174","Monster","small winged
goblinoids, 65% hear noise, flee rather than fight, set up traps to humiliate, +1
weapon to hit,","fight only if cornered, highly organized social order, look for
building to infest,","VR",,"Pack","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","DRC
"Gremlin, Fremlin","6","3+6","17","Land","Any","1","1d4 (bite)","1-
4",0,1,"0","T","6, Fl 12 (B)","270","Day","CN","X","8-10","MM
174","Monster","small winged goblinoids, 65% hear noise, flee rather than fight,
+1 weapon to hit, friendly, harmless, lazy, fight","only if cornered, tolerate
companions if they are well fed & entertained, even then they do not assist in
combat","VR","may even give away hiding creatures, etc","Pack","Herbivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Gremlin, Galltrit","2","2 hp","20","Land","Any","1","1d2 (bite)","1-
4",1,0,"0","T","6, Fl 18 (B)","65","Night","CE","Q","8-10","MM
174","Monster","small winged goblinoids, 65% hear noise, live in areas of dung,
detected 1 in 8 (1 in 6 elves), attack anything","that disturbs them, +3 att bonus
w/ surprise, anesthetic bite drains 1 hp of blood/rnd for 1 turn if
undesturbed,","VR","if challenged they flee, reduce CON 1/4 hp, if 3+ is lost
victim faints, 2 turns to awake, 2 wks regain lost CON","Pack","Special","8-
10","General","Prime Material","FF 40"
"Gremlin, Mite","8","1-1","20","Subterranean","Any","1","1d3 (bite)","6-
24",0,0,"0","T","3","35","Any","LE","K (C)","5-7","MM 174","Monster","small
goblinoids, 65% hear noise, wingless, mischievous, use pit traps (1d6), nets (save
vs paral) or trip wires","(DEX check) to catch travelers, carry victims to lair &
torment 1d4 days, lairs are dozens of corridors w/hidden","R","entrances, man-
sized att -4 & AC +4 in lair, king (1+1 HD & 1d4 dmg), fond of bones &
skulls","Tribe","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Gremlin, Snyad","-4","1-1","20","Subterranean","Any","0","0","1-
8",0,1,"0","T","21","65","Any","N","J (I)","5-7","MM 174","Monster","small
goblinoids, 65% hear noise, wingless, relative of mite & sometimes work together,
love treasure, steal w/","great skill surprising 90% grabbing (WIS check to hold
on) & zipping back in hole, spotting entrances 1 in 4,","UC","never attack, flee
if attacked, character STR >11 can capture w/ success att, save +3 vs non-area
spells","Family","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Gremlin, Jermlaine","7","1d4 hp","20","Subterranean","Any","1","1d2 or 1d4","12-
48",1,1,"0","T","15","15","Any","NE","O, Q (C, Qx5, S, T)","8-18","MM
176","Humanoid","dwell in tunnels & ambush adventurers, speak own & 10% common,
dwarf, gnome, goblin or orc, cowards,","att weak, see 30 yrds (infrav), 50% detect
invisible, -5 opp surprise, 75% undetectable, hurl darts 120 yrds or","UC","mini-
pike, capture w/net or pit, pets-1d6 giant rats, elder-drain magic item 1d4 rnds,
save 4 HD (1/2 dmg=0)","Clan","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material","FF 53"
12",0,0,"0","L","12, Fl 30 (C)","650","Day","N","(C, S)","2-4","MM
178","Monster","1/2 lion & 1/2 eagle, hunt searching plains & hills, prey on
horses will att 90%, fight to death if horse at stake,","prefer rocky, collect no
treasure but cave lairs can contain remains of unfortunate travels, extremely
protective","UC","of young, fledgling can be trained but expensive & time
consuming (2 yrs), eggs 2000 gp & fledgling 5000 gp","Pride","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 50, DRC 181"
"Grimlock","5","2","19","Mountains","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","20-
200",0,1,"0","M","12","35","Night","NE","K, L M (B)","8-10","MM
179","Humanoid","powerfully-built, totally blind w/smell & hearing ""see"" 20',
immune vision effect spells, noise spells can 'blind'","att -2 & see 10' (also
perfumes, etc), groups have leaders & champions: HD 3/4, AC 4/3 & XP 120/175, att
w/","UC","hands or weapon (axe or swords), all save 6th fight, +1 to their
surprise, 10% medusae in lair, eat human
flesh","Tribe","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","FF 48"
"Grippli","9","1+1","19","Jungle","Tropical","1","1d4 (weapon)","1-
10",1,0,"0","S","9, leap 15","65","Day","N","Qx4, I","11-14","MM
180","Monster","small humanoid frog, non-aggressive, speak: croaks, groans, clicks
& squeaks (rare: common & elf), -3 opp","surprise, use: snares, nets, poison darts
or dagger, infravision 30', ambush & trap, lead by tribe mother (AC 7,","R","HD 3,
1d6+1 dmg & XP 270) she has 1-3 mates (AC 8, HD 2, 1d4+1+ pois & XP 175) & 1/day
stinking cloud","Tribe","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMII 71"
"Hag, Annis","0","7+7","13","Land","Any","3","1d8+8/1d8+8/3d3","1-
181","Humanoid","witch-like, slay all encountered, iron-like claws, STR 18/00+,
change self at will(used to lure victims), arrogant","group (3+) can 1/day@ 9th:
curse, poly other, animate dead, dream, cntrl weath, veil, forcecage, vision
&","VR","mind blank (none in combat), infrav 60', surpised on 1, grapple (all 3
hits), fog cloud 3/day, att from B+1 & S-
1","Group","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 9"
"Hag, Green","-2","9","11","Land","Any","2","1d2+6/1d2+6","1-3",1,1,"35%","M","12,
Sw 12","4000","Night","NE","(X, F)","11-12","MM 181","Humanoid","witch-like, slay
all encountered, iron-like claws, STR 18/00+, change self at will(used to lure
victims), arrogant","group (3+) can 1/day@ 9th: curse, poly other, animate dead,
dream, cntrl weath, veil, forcecage, vision &","VR","mind blank (none in combat),
infrav 90', surpised on 1, -5 opp surprise, cast spell @ will (9th) MM
182","Group","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material","OMII 71"
"Hag, Sea","7","3","17","Water","Any","1","1d4+6 or gaze (3/day)","1-
3",1,1,"50%","L","Sw 15","1400","Night","CE","(C, Y)","8-10","MM
181","Humanoid","witch-like, slay all encountered, iron-like claws, STR 18/00+,
change self at will(used to lure victims), arrogant","group (3+) can 1/day@ 9th:
curse, poly other, animate dead, dream, cntrl weath, veil, forcecage, vision
&","R","mind blank(none in comb),@sight save vs spell 1/2 STR 1d6 trns,
gaze(30')save vs pois die 25% paral 3
days","Group","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 86, DRC 182"
"Halfling, Hairfoot","7 (10)","1d6 hp","20","Plains","Any","1","1d6 weapon","2-
12",1,1,"0","S","6 (9)","35","Day","LG","K (B)","11-12","MM
183","Humanoid","speak: own, gnome, goblin, orc & common, +3 w/ bow & sling, use
short sword or axe, higher lvls better AC","10%/lvl of magic armor or weapon, save
4 lvl higher vs magic & poison, -5 opp surprise, hide in vegetation,","UC","see
PHB 20 & 23, infravision 30' (25%) or 60', get along well w/humans, groups contain
high lvl priests & fight","Group","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","OMI 50, DRC 182"
"Halfling, Tallfellow","6 (10)","1d6 hp","20","Forests","Any","1","1d6 weapon","2-
12",1,1,"0","S","6 (9)","35","Day","LG","K (B)","11-12","MM
183","Humanoid","speak:own, elf, gnome, goblin, orc & common, +3 w/ bow & sling,
use spear & lance, high lvls better AC","10%/lvl of magic armor or weapon, save 4
lvl higher vs magic & poison, -5 opp surprise, hide in vegetation,","R","see PHB
20 & 23, infravision 30' (25%) or 60', get along well w/elves, groups contain high
lvl priests & fight","Group","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Halfling, Stout","6 (10)","1d6 hp","20","Hills/Rough","Any","1","1d6 weapon","2-
12",1,1,"0","S","6 (9)","35","Day","LG","K (B)","11-12","MM
183","Humanoid","speak:own, dwarv, gnome, goblin, orc & common, +3 w/ bow & sling,
use hammer & morn star, high lvls better","AC, 10%/lvl of magic armor or weapon,
save 4 lvl higher vs magic & poison, -5 opp surprise, hide in
vegetation,","R","see PHB 20 & 23, infravision 60', get along well w/dwarves,
groups contain high lvl priests & fight, jewelers","Group","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 50"
"Harpy","7","7","13","Land","Temp/Trop","3","1d3/1d3/(1d6 or weapon)","2-
12",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl 15 (C)","975","Day","CE","R (C)","5-7","MM
184","Monster","vulture-humanoid, love (demi)human flesh, singing- save vs spell
or be charmed until singing stops, homes are","near coastlines, lair is shallow
cave, occassionally agree to cooperate in evil acts with other
humanoids","R",,"Flock","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 51,
DRC 182"
"Hatori","2","1 to 5",,"Desert","Any","2","3d6/1d12","1 or 2-
5",1,0,"0","H","15","varies","Any","CN","U","5-7","MM 185","Monster","crocodiles
of the sands, hunger causes them to attack, THACO & XP varies per HD, swallows S
victims on a","20, 1d12 dmg/rnd of acid dmg, cannot remove victim until hatori is
dead, cannot digest gems or magic items","R","so they accumulate in stomach,
Legend of ancient burial ground, XP see tables 31 & 32 on DMG
47","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Hatori, Greater","1","6 to
,"5-7","MM 185","Monster","crocodiles of the sands, hunger causes them to attack,
THACO & XP varies per HD, swallows M victims on a","20, 1d12 dmg/rnd of acid dmg,
cannot remove victim until hatori is dead, cannot digest gems or magic
items","VR","so they accumulate in stomach, Legend of ancient burial ground, XP
see tables 31 & 32 on DMG 47","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
186","Undead","restless spirit, attempts to control victim to complete a task so
it can rest, mistaken as spirit, ghost, etc, must","remain w/60 yrds of where it
died, drains 2 DEX/touch, victims DEX 0 haunt enters body, haunt tries to
strngl","VR","vict of opp align, victim rec dmg, hold person(save vs paral)ejects
or dispell evil destroys, magic weap or
fire","Solitary","Nil","16","General","Prime Material","OMII 74, DRC 182"
"Hell Hound","4","4 to 7","17","Land","Any","1","1d10 or special","2-
8",1,1,"0","M","12","420","Any","LE","C","5-7","MM 187","Monster","odor of smoke &
sulfer, -5 opp surprise, breath fire 1/HD dmg save vs BW 1/2 (10 yrds), on natural
20 bites","victim & breaths fire, immune to fire, surprised on 1 or 2, see
invisible or hidden creatures 50%, 4/5/6/7 HD:","VR","THACO 17/15/15/13 & XP
420/650/975/1400","Pack","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 51, DRC
10",1,1,"0","M","9","270","Any","CE","C","2-4","MM 188","Undead","robed skeleton,
attacks w/ claws save vs poison or disease losing 1 STR & 1 CON/day (cure
disease), turn","as wights, immune mind based spells, hate priests, polymoph self
3/day, incapable of speach, roam subterran,","VR","dislike cold, lairs are
mockeries of temples w/ dead victims as parishioners & mock alters as
decarations","Solitary","Nil","11","General","Prime Material",
"Hippocampus","5","4","17","Water","Any","1","1d4 (bite)","2-8",0,0,"0","H","Sw
24","120","Any","CG","nil","8-10","MM 189","Monster","horse-fish, peaceful
creature, live in deep water, domesticated by water breathing humanoids, eggs
1500,","young 2500 gp","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","OMI 51"
Fl 36 (C)","175","Day","N","Qx5","2-4","MM 190","Monster","eagle-horse related to
griffon, attacks claw/claw/bite, prefer desolate sections & rolling hills, may
attack","humanoids in absence of other meat, like glass, crystal & gems, hunted by
griffons, can be domesticated,","R","eggs 1000 gp & young 3000
gp","Herd","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 52, DRC 184"
"Hobgoblin","5 (10)","1+1","19","Any","Non-Arctic","1","weapon","2-
20",0,0,"0","M","9","35/65/120","Any","LE","J, M, D (Qx5)","8-10","MM
191","Humanoid","wage war, int, organized, aggressive, speak: own, orc, goblin,
ape & 20% common, use polearm, morning star","sword, whip & bow, infravision 60',
hate elves, sub-chief (AC 3, 16 hp, +2 dmg, 3 HD), chief (AC 2, 22 hp,
+3","UC","dmg, 4 HD) has 5d4 sub-chiefs, village has catapults & ballista, adept
minors, work for rich evil humanoids","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","OMI 52, DRC 185"
"Hobgoblin, Koalinth","5 (10)","1+1","19","Water","Non-Arctic","1","weapon","2-
20",0,0,"0","M","Sw 12","35/65/120","Any","LE","J, M, D (Qx5)","8-10","MM
191","Humanoid","wage war, int, organized, aggressive, speak: own & 20% common,
use polearm & spear, infravision 60', hate","aquatic elves, sub-chief (AC 3, 16
hp, +2 dmg, 3 HD), chief (AC 2, 22 hp, +3 dmg, 4 HD) has 5d4 sub-
chiefs,","UC","live in caves","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Homonculous","6","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d3+poison","1",1,1,"0","T","6, Fl 18
(B)","270","Any",,"nil","special","MM 192","Monster","created by wizards for
spying & tasks, difficult to catch, bite 1d3+poison save vs poison or sleep 5d6
rnds,","saves as creator, if killed creator suffers 2d10 dmg, if creator dies it
dies & melts, to create see MM 192,","VR","INT & align as
creator","Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 53"
"Hook Horror","3","5","15","Subterranean","Any","3","1d8/1d8/2d6","2-
12",0,0,"0","L","9","175","Any","N","P","5-7","MM 193","Monster","insect-vulture
w/hook hands, surprised on 1, ambush, attacks: hook/hook/bite if both hooks hit
bite auto","until one hook breaks free, poor eyesight, great climbers, retreat if
outmatched, prefer meat","R",,"Clan","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","FF 51"
"N","nil","1","MM 194","Animal","unless specially trained they are paniced by loud
noises, fire & sudden movement 90% trained 10%, haul very","heavy loads, muscular
but slow, used by traders, see PHB 67, 68 & 71","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material","OMI 53, DRC 185"
"Horse, War,
,"Day","N","nil","1","MM 194","Animal","paniced by loud noises, fire & sudden
movement 10%, fight independant of rider, starting 2nd rnd kick/kick,","trained
for lance, spear & sword, large & muscular, relativaly slow, can be armored in
plate, costs 400+ gp,","UC","see PHB 67, 68 & 71","Herd","Herbivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material","OMI 53, DRC 185"
"Horse, War,
,"Day","N","nil","1","MM 194","Animal","paniced by loud noises, fire & sudden
movement 10%, fight independant of rider, starting 2nd rnd kick/kick,","trained
for lance, spear & sword, use leather or light plate armor, costs 200+ gp, see PHB
67, 68 & 71","UC",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI 53,
DRC 185"
"Horse, War,
,"Day","N","nil","1","MM 194","Animal","paniced by loud noises, fire & sudden
movement 10%, fight independant of rider, starting 2nd rnd kick/kick,","trained
for lance, spear & sword, fastest war horse, can wear leather but usually
unarmored, costs 150+ gp,","UC","see PHB 67, 68 & 71","Herd","Herbivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material","OMI 53, DRC 185"
,"N","nil","1","MM 194","Animal","unless specially trained they are paniced by
loud noises, fire & sudden movement 90% trained 10%, used","for transportation &
occationally farm work, gentle, trained as warhorse for smaller races, cost 500+
gp, see","UC","PHB 67, 68 & 71","Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 53, DRC 185"
"Horse, Wild","7","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d3","5-
30",0,0,"0","L","12/24/36/48","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 194","Animal","paniced
by loud noises, fire & sudden movement 90%, 10% can be trained as warhorses (takes
twice as long","as domestic horse","UC",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 53"
"Horse, Riding","7","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d2/1d2","5-
50",0,0,"0","L","12/24/36/48","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM 194","Animal","unless
specially trained they are paniced by loud noises, fire & sudden movement 90%
trained 10%, used","for transportation & general use, cost varies per blood line,
training & appearance, fast & agile, see PHB 67,","C","68 &
71","Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","DRC 185"
"Horse, Mule","7","3","17","Any","Any","1 or
194","Animal","unless specially trained they are paniced by loud noises, fire &
sudden movement 90% trained 10%, hybrid of","horse & donkey, used in difficult
terrain, can be taken into subterranean areas, cost
varies","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI 72, DRC 195"
"Horse, Pony,
"35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 195","Animal","paniced by loud noises, fire & sudden
movement 5%, not attractive, tough & aggressive in battle, carry as","much as
medium warhorse, remarkable endurance, not considered valuable, commonly used by
nomadic","UC","tribes, only breeders who seek strength & stamina consider them
valuable","Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Caveman","8","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",1,0,"0","M","12","15","Day","N","nil","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","found in
otherwise uninhabited areas, use stone axe, spear & club, 1 in 10 3rd lvl, lead by
5th lvl chief, may","have 3rd lvl priest, lair in caves or forest
groves","R",,"Tribe","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 67, DRC 196"
"Human, Adventurer","by armor","varies",,"Any","Any","by class","by class","1-
196","Humanoid","any group of individuals who search for fame, fortune or power,
to determine class, level, equipment &","treasure see MM 196-197, also see PHB for
specific class info","VR",,"Band","Omnivore","varies","General","Prime
Material","OMI 66"
"Human, Bandit","6 (10)","1","20","Rural","Any","1","weapon","20-
200",1,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","CE","J, N, Q","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","rural thieves who prey on travelers, usually lead by high level
figher, rogue, wizard or priest, group contains","mid-lvl fighers & leader of 8th
lvl (1 per 100), use various weapon & armor preferring swords, spears &
leather","C",,"Band","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 66, DRC 158,
"Human, Barbarian","6 (10)","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","30-
300",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","L, M","low","MM 196","Humanoid","primative
culture, live in villages of simple building or portable structures (tent, wagon,
etc), use swords, bow,","knife, spear & clubs, armor: shield, helmet & chestplate,
hostile toward unfamiliar wizards, opp -5 to
surprise","R",,"Band","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Berserker","7 (10)","1","20","Any","Any","2 or 1","weapon","10-
100",1,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","NG","nil","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","violent
war parties, drive themselves berserk during battle, may attack 1 @ +2 or 2 @
normal, use leather","armor & shields, any weapon, when not in combat they may be
mistaken for normal warrior bands","R",,"Band","Omnivore","20","General","Prime
Material","OMI 67, DRC 161"
"Human, Dervish","7 (10)","1","19","Any","Any","1","weapon+1","10-
196","Humanoid","religious nomads, use leather armor & shields, any weapon, may be
mistaken for armed pilgrims",,"R",,"Band","Omnivore","20","General","Prime
Material","OMI 68, DRC 193"
"Human, Farmer","10","1","20","Rural","Any","1","weapon","1-
20",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","NG","nil","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","simple
people involved in agriculture, 65% farmers in fields others w/ herds or in
market",,"C",,"Family","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Gentry","10","1","20","Urban","Any","1","weapon","1-
20",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","J, K, L, M, N, Q","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","upper class but not royalty, wealth & connections give them
power, usually accumpanied by servants and","guards (1st - 6th lvl fighters),
usually armed w/ daggers & short
swords","C",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Knight","4 or 2","2+","19","Any","Any","1","weapon","1-
4",0,0,"0","M","12","varies","Any","any","L, M","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","armored, mounted fighters, serve their lord, may be accumpanied
by followers (50%), armed w/ sword, lance,","mace & dagger, armor: shield & plate
or chain mail, rides medium or heavy warhorse, 5% encountered will
be","VR","vanquished knight","Group","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Mercenary","4 to 7","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","L, M","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","group
of low level fighters who work for highest bidder, see adventurer (MM 196-197) &
PHB for level and","possessions","R",,"Group","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Human, Fisherman","8 (10)","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","4-
80",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","10-60 sp","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","men
of sea, found on open waters or rivers, armed with knives, short swords, cutlasses
or belaying pins",,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Merchant","5 (10)","1","20","Urban","Any","1","weapon","30-
300",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","10-1000 gp","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","deal in goods & services, travel in caravans, only 10% of people
in caravan are traders, caravan has guards,","leader of guards (6th -11th lvl),
wizard (10% chance), priest (5% chance) & thief (15% chance), travel in
wagon","C","(5000 gp) or 10 pack animals","Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime
Material","OMI 69"
"Human, Middle Class","10","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","2-
40",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","J, M, N","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","travelers of personal business, usually in civilized regions,
armed w/ knives, daggers or short
swords",,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","DRC 193"
"Human, Peasant","10","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","1-
100",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","nil","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","usually
farmers, herders & simple tradesman of low social class, subject to local lord,
serve as little more than","slaves, armed w/ daggers, clubs, quarterstaffs &
farming tools","C",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Pilgrim","8 (10)","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","I","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","religious
groups on a holy journey, accompanied by priests & other character classed, see MM
198, 75%","encountered on foot, 5% chance high lvl priest will be carrying
religious artifact (hidden & protected by
trap)","UC",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 69, DRC 193"
"Human, Pirate","6 (10)","1","20","Coast","Any","1","weapon","30-
300",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","E","J, M, N, Q","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","sea going thieves & fighters, lead by captain (8th-10th lvl, will
be accumpanied by various lvl fighters, thieves,","wizards & priests, wear leather
(leaders chain mail), use crossbows, knives, swords & polearmes, ships may
be","C","equipped w/ ballistae or
catapults","Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 67, DRC 193"
"Human, Police","7 to 4","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","2-
20",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","L","10-60 sp","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","uphold laws of local communities & governments, maintain peace,
fighters 1-4th lvl",,"UC",,"Group","Omnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Priest","varies","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon or special","1-
8",1,0,"0","M","12","varies","Any","any","J, K, M","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","typ travel on mission or business, if high lvl will be
accompanied by lower followers, see adventures MM
196",,"VR",,"Group","Omnivore","varies","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Sailor","10 to 8","1","20","Coast","Any","1","weapon","4-
80",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","L, M","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","armed
forces of local government acting as police, patroll home waters, commanded by
captain (6th lvl) & 1st","officer (5th lvl), armed w/ swords, knives, bows &
polearms","C",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Slaver","10","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","1-
100",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","nil","varies","MM 196","Humanoid","control
a band of slaves, mistaken for mercinaries, leader assisted by lieutenant &
guards, slaves on foot &","chained together looking for help (1% of captives are
of a character class)","C",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Soldier","10","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","1-
196","Humanoid","organized militia who defend their home region, captain (6th
lvl), lieutenant (2nd-5th lvl) & soldier (1st or 2nd)","5% chance per 50 soldiers
a cleric 5th-7th lvl is present","C",,"Group","Omnivore","9","General","Prime
"Human, Thug","10 to 8","1+","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","1-
8",0,0,"0","M","12","varies","Any","E","J, M, N, Q","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","low lvl rogues, rob wealthy or weak travelers, use daggers,
darts, knives, blackjacks & short
swords",,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","varies","General","Prime Material","DRC 184"
"Human, Tradesman","10","1","20","Urban","Any","1","weapon","2-
12",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Any","any","1-100 gp","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","people engaged in the trades & crafts, may operate a shop, do
business w/ adventurers, armed w/ knives,","quarterstaff or tools but will only
defend self, 90% treasure is merchandise or equipment","C",,"Group","Omnivore","8-
9","General","Prime Material","DRC 193"
"Human, Tribesman","8","1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
196","Humanoid","primative culture, hunt, fish, etc, group contains higher lvl
fighters, guards, subchiefs, priest & shaman, 75%","chance of 20-50 slaves, use
clubs, knives, spears & bows, armor is only
shields","R",,"Tribe","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Wizard","10","1",,"Any","Any","varies","varies","1-
8",1,1,"0","M","12","varies","Any","any","L, N, Q","varies","MM
196","Humanoid","may be engaged in personal buisness, gathering materials or
traveling, may be accompanied by servants or","apprentaces, see adventurers MM
196-197 & PHB 30-32","VR",,"Group","Omnivore","varies","General","Prime Material",
"Hydra","5","5 to 12","15","Subterranean","Any","5-12","1d6 or 1d8 or
200","Monster","reptilian monster w/ multiple heads, dmg & THACO vary by # of
heads (5-12), always have 8 hp per HD, all","heads must be severed to kill it, can
attack 1 foe w/ up to 4 heads, each head has 8 hp & is severed upon","UC","8 hp
dmg, continues to fight as same HD after heads removed","Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 53, DRC 186"
"Hydra, Lernaean","5","5 to 12","15","Subterranean","Any","5-12","1d6 or 1d8 or
200","Monster","reptilian monster w/ multiple heads, dmg & THACO vary by # of
heads (5-12), always have 8 hp per HD, all","heads must be severed, body immune,
attack 1 foe w/ up to 4 heads, each head has 8 hp & is severed upon","VR","8 hp
dmg, continues to fight as same HD, regen 2 heads for 1 lost(max 12) in 1d4 rnds
stopped by fire to neck","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Hydra, Pyrohydra","5","7 to 8","13","Subterranean","Any","7-8","1d8
200","Monster","reptilian monster w/ multiple heads, THACO varies by # of heads
(7-8), always have 8 hp per HD, all heads","must be severed to kill it, can attack
1 foe w/ up to 4 heads, each head has 8 hp & is severed upon 8 hp
dmg","R","continues to fight as same HD after heads removed, breath fire (5' wd x
2' lg) 2/day per head 8 dmg save 1/2","Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Hydra, Cryohydra","5","5 to 8","15","Any","Arctic","5-8","1d6 or
200","Monster","reptilian monster w/ multiple heads, dmg & THACO vary by # of
heads (5-8), always have 8 hp per HD, all","heads must be severed to kill it, can
attack 1 foe w/ up to 4 heads, each head has 8 hp & is severed upon","VR","8 hp
dmg, continues to fight as same HD, breathe frost (10' wd x 20' lg) 2/day per head
8 dmg save 1/2","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Imp","2","2+2","19","Any","Any","1","1d4","1",1,1,"25%","T","6, Fl 18
(A)","1400","Any","LE","O","8-10","PS 56","Monster","act as familiars for LE
wizards & priests, poly self into any 2 animal forms (spider, raven, etc),
attack","w/ tail stinger save vs poison or die, if polymoph att w/ natrual
weapons, can: detect good, detect magic & invisible","VR","at will & suggestion
1/day, immune: cold, fire & elect, save as 7 HD, silver or +1 weap, regen 1/rnd,
errand runners","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","Planescape","Abyss","MM 201, OMI
56","Monster","also see MM 201, act as familiars for CE wizards & priests, poly
self into 2 forms (bat, frog, wolf, etc), att w/claws save","vs. poison or -1 DEX
2d6 rnds effects cumm, if polymoph att w/ natrual weapons, can: detect good,
detect magic &","VR","invisible at will, can cause fear 30'-rad 1/day, imm: cold,
fire & elect, save as 7 HD, iron or +1 weap to hit, regen
1/rnd","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","Planescape","Abyss","MM 201, OMI 80"
"Mephit, Fire","5","3+1","17","Any","Any","2","1d3+1/1d3+1","1-
10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24 (B)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS
73","Monster","pranks on other mephits, most mischievous of mephits, touching
causes 1 hp heat dmg, attack: claw/claw 1d3 +","(1 heat dmg), BW-(3/day) flame
jet: 1' wd x 15' lg, auto hit, 1d8+1 save 1/2 or fan flame: 120 degree arc x 5',
all in","C","area 4 dmg no save, can (1/day) heat metal & magic miss (2), gate
(1/hr) 1 (fire, magma, smoke or steam)","Solitary","Special","8-
10","Planescape","Elem, Fire","MM 202, FF 64"
"Mephit, Ice","5","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d2/1d2","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24
(B)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS 74","Monster","cruel, torcher & destruction
specialtists, attack: claw/claw, in addition: chilling touch causes -1 to attack
rolls per hit","(cumm, last 3 turns or victim healed to full hp), BW-(every other
rnd, 3/day): ice shards 15' auto hit, 1 victim for 1d6","C","dmg save 1/2, gate
(1/hr) one mist or ice mephit, immune to cold, confined they chill small
rooms","Solitary","Nil","8-10","Planescape","Elem, Water","MM 202"
"Mephit, Magma
(Lava)","6","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d8+1/1d8+1","1",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24
(C)","420","Any","N","N","5-7","PS 77","Monster","least INT of all mephits,
sensitive to insults, generate extreme heat 30', claws cause 1 hp+1d8 heat melts
or burns","most material, BW-(1/3 rnds (8 max)- lava blob 10' (1 victim) 1d6 no
save, regen 2/rnd in lava, can shapeshift into a","C","3' dia x 6"" dp lava pool,
gate (1/hr) 1d2 mephits (fire, lava, smoke or steam), water (large) can
slow","Solitary","Special","8-10","Planescape","Paraelem, Magma","MM 202, FF 64,
OMII 98"
"Mephit, Mist","7","3+3","17","Any","Any","2","1/1","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24
(B)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS 78","Monster","spies, see in fog or mist, only
fight if trapped, attack: claw/claw, BW-(3x's every other rnd/1 hr) ball of mist:
envelopes","1 victim within 10' save vs poison or 1d4+1dmg & blinded 1d4 rnds, can
wall of fog (1/day @ 3rd), can assume","C","gaseous form 1/day, gate (1/hr) 1d2
mephit (ice or mist), powerful winds (gust of wind, etc) flee in
confusion","Solitary","Special","8-10","Planescape","Quasielem, Steam","MM 202"
"Mephit, Smoke","4","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d2/1d2","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl
24 (B)","420","Any","N","nil","8-10","PS 71","Monster","sit around telling jokes,
creators give as gift to enemies (gesture of insolence), crude, lazy, BW (every
other rnd, auto","hit)-sooty ball (20') 1d4 & blind 1d2 rnds no save, cast invis &
dance light 1/day, 1/hr gate 1d2 (20%) fire, magma,","C","smoke or steam, regen
1/rnd in smoke, dies in a flash of flame all w/ 10' 1 hp dmg no
save","Solitary","Special","8-10","Planescape","Paraelem, Smoke","MM 202, FF 64,
OMII 98"
"Mephit, Steam","7","3+3","17","Any","Any","2","1d4+1/1d4+1","1-
10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24 (B)","420","Any","N","Nx2","8-10","PS
78","Monster","self-appointed overlords of all mephits, oversized ego, ambush,
attack: claw/claw (50% stunning 1 rnd, cumm), BW:","(every other rnd) hot jet of
water 20' (1 victim) 1d3 no save + 50% stun 1/rnd, can (1/day) rain boiling water
20'x20'","C","2d6 no save to all in area, gate (1/hr) 1d2 mephite (fire, magma,
smoke or steam), immune: fire & heat","Solitary","Special","8-
10","Planescape","Quasielem, Steam","MM 202, FF 64"
"Ant, Giant","3","2 or 3","16","Any","Any","1","1d6 or 2d4","1-
100",1,0,"0","M","18","35 or 175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","worker
or warrior, if warrior hits with bite it also tries to sting 3d4 dmg, queen has 10
HD but does not move or","fight","R",,"Colony","Carnivore","9","General","Prime
Material","OMI 7, DRC 157"
"Ant Lion, Giant","2","8","12","Any","Any","1","5d4","1",0,0,"0","M","9, Br
1","1400","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","builds tapering pits in loose
sand & waits for prey to fall
in",,"R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMII 10"
,"nil","1","MM 204","Monster","insect, attacks w/ 8' tentacles that lash out 20',
psionic attacks",,"R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
","1","MM 204","Monster","exude a dangerous corrosive that coats body, walls &
floor of chambers, this causes damage every round in","lair,
insect","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 10"
"Aspis, Drone","2","6","15","Any","Any","2","1d4 or weapon","2-
20",0,1,"0","M","15","650","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","insect, immune
to cold & electric, fire 1/2 dmg",,"R",,"Colony","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 10"
"Aspis, Larva","6","2 to 5","19","Any","Any","1","1d6+1","6-60",0,0,"0","M","1, Sw
6","65","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","2/3/4/5 HD: THACO 19/17/17/15, XP
65/120/175/270, attack w/ jaws",,"VR",,"Colony","Carnivore","12-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 10"
"Assassin Bug","5","1+1","20","Any","Any","1","1d4","2",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl 18
(C)","120","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","male bites save vs poison or be
paralyzed in area bit, female attacks same area & injects 1d6+6 eggs, in","1d12+12
hrs, each larva causes 1 hp / hr, in 2 weeks they emerge as adults killing victim,
only wish or limited","R","wish cure infestation","Solitary","Carnivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material","FF 12"
"Bee, Worker","6","3+1","17","Any","Any","1","1d3+special","1-10",1,0,"0","M","9,
Fl 30 (D)","175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","sting causes 1d3 + save
vs poison or 1d4, loss of stinger causes death to bee in 1 hour, 20x normal
number","of bees in lair","R",,"Colony","Herbivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","OMII 17"
"Bee, Soldier","5","4+2","15","Any","Any","1","1d4+special","1",1,0,"0","M","12,
Fl 30 (C)","270","Any","N","nil","1","MM 207","Monster","sting causes 1d4 + save
-1 vs poison or 1d4, loss of stinger causes death to bee in 1
hour",,"R",,"Solitary","Herbivore","15-16","General","Prime Material","OMII 17"
(1d6+6)",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl 24 (E)","650","Day","N","nil","1","MM
204","Monster","stint 1d6 + poison save vs poison -1 or 1d6, queen has 8d4 HD &
sting 1d8 + poison save -2 or 2d4",,"R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 17"
"Cave Cricket","4","1+3","20","Any","Any","0","0","1-8",0,0,"0","M","6, Hop
3","15","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","if group is within 20' of chirping
crickets noise drowns out all speech, vocal spell casting &
Material","OMII 23"
"Dragonfly, Giant","3","7","13","Any","Any","1","3d4","1-6",0,1,"0","H","3, Fl 36
(B)","1400","Day","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","-3 to initiative & +4 AC
bonuses vs missile weapons, picks up T & S creatures & devoures them in mid-
air",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 59"
"Dragonfly, Larva","3","6+1","15","Any","Any","1","3d6","1",0,0,"0","M","9, Sw 3,
jet 24","650","Day","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","surprise prey
50%",,"VR",,"Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Ear Seeker","9","1 hp",,"Urban","Any","0","0","1-
4",1,0,"0","T","1","15","Any","N","nil","0","MM 204","Monster","seeks ears to lay
1d8+8 eggs that hatch in 4d6 hrs, larva eat tissue deafening victim, 90% of
killing victim in","1d4 days after which adults appear, cure disease removes
infestation but not deafness, also see MAI parasite","VR","for variation: no
deafness, 1d4/rnd dmg after hatching, cure disease kills eggs/larve but no healing
hp","Group","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI 36"
"Firefriend","4","1+4","20","Any","Any","1","1d2","1-4",1,0,"0","M","3, Fl 18
(B)","35","Night","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","attacks w/ mandibles, 1 per
turn emits green light causes 5d4 dmg savs vs wand
1/2",,"VR",,"Group","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMII 65"
"Fly, Bluebottle","6","3","19","Any","Any","1","1d8","1-10",0,0,"0","M","9, Fl 30
(D)","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","prefer carrion, offal, etc, also
sweet odors & open wounds",,"VR",,"Swarm","Scavenger","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMII 65"
"Fly, Horsefly","5","6","17","Any","Any","1","2d8","1-4",0,0,"0","S","6, Fl 27
(D)","270","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","seeks creatures to suck blood,
sucks blood until driven off",,"C",,"Swarm","Blood","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMII 65"
"Fyrefly","5","1 hp","15","Any","Any","1","1","1",0,0,"0","M","Fl 18
(A)","175","Night","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","contact with flammable
objects save vs normal fire or be
consumed",,"VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
30",0,0,"0","M","15","270","Day","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","-1 to
initiative roll, a successful hit indicates victim is held causing damage every
round",,"R",,"Pack","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Hornet, Giant","2","5","15","Any","Any","1","1d4 + special","1",1,0,"0","M","6,
Fl 24 (B)","650","Day","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","swoops down on prey,
sting causes 1d4 + poison save or 5d6 & 2d6 hrs of
paralyzation",,"R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","FF
"Pernicon","3","1 hp","20","Any","Any","1","1d10","4-
200",1,0,"0","M","12","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","attack in
swarms, attack causes damage + -1 CON, if CON reaches 3 victim falls unconscious &
below 1 he","dies, recover 1
CON/day","VR",,"Swarm","Carnivore","4","General","Prime Material","FF 72"
"Praying Mantis","5","2 to 12",,"Any","Any","3","varies","1-
2",0,0,"0","M","15","35+","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","attacks w/
claw/claw/bite, 2/4/6/8/10/12 HD: THACO 19/17/15/13/11/9, dmg 2-4:
1d2/1d2/1d4,","6-8: 1d4/1d4/1d8, 10: 1d6/1d6/1d10, 12: 1d8/1d8/1d12, XP
l","1","MM 204","Monster","every other round flammable liquid 20' save vs poison
or blinded 5d4 rounds, if ignited 4d4 dmg, guarded by","soldiers &
workers","VR",,"Colony","Herbivore","2-4","General","Prime Material",
nil","1","MM 204","Monster","guarded by soldiers &
workers",,"VR",,"Colony","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Termite, Soldier","2/8","2+2","19","Any","Any","1","1d4","3-
18",1,0,"0","M","9","120","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","1 per turn
shoots flammable liquid 10' save vs poison or blinded 5d4 rounds, if ignited 4d4
dmg, attacks +1 &","+5 morale bonus while protecting king &
queen","R",,"Colony","Herbivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 118"
"Termite, Worker","2/10","1+2","20","Any","Any","1","1d2","6-
60",0,0,"0","M","9","35","Any","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","attacks +1 & +5
morale bonus while protecting king & queen",,"R",,"Colony","Herbivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMII 118"
"Tick, Giant","3","2 to 4","19","Any","Any","1","1d6","3-
12",1,0,"0","M","3","35/120","Night","N","nil","1","MM 204","Monster","drop on
victims from trees, rocks, etc, hit drains 1d6 points of blood/round once
attatched, 50% of contracting","fatal disease that kills host in 2d4 days unless
cure disease","VR",,"Colony","Blood","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 94"
"Wasp, Giant","4","4","17","Any","Any","2","2d4/1d4+special","1-
20",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl 21 (B)","420","Day","N","nil","1","MM
204","Monster","attacks: bite/sting+poison save vs poison or 5d6 dmg & 2d6 hrs
paralysis",,"R",,"Swarm","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 99"
"Insect Swarm, Ants","8","special",,"Any","Temp/Trop","1","1d4 +
special","special",1,0,"0",,"6","975","Day","N","nil","1","MM 206","Monster","eat
anything in its path, size: 1d100 x 1000 (100 ants / sq ft), swarm turns 90 deg if
contact w/ obstacle, 80%","per rnd of being biten 1d4 save vs poison or suffer
intense pain -2 att & dmg, 1 point of dmg kills 1d20 insects,","VR","scattered by
smoke or fire, immersion in water washes them
off","Swarm","Omnivore","6","General","Prime Material","DRC 187"
"Insect Swarm, Locusts","8","special",,"Any","Temp/Trop","1","1d4 +
special","special",1,0,"0",,"6, Fl 18 (C)","2000","Day","N","nil","1","MM
206","Monster","eats plush fields, size: 1d100 x 10,000 x 2 (20 locusts/cu ft),
90% rnd of biten 1 hp dmg, vision in swarm 2d4","feet, 1 hp kills 1d20 locusts,
scattered with smoke or fire","VR",,"Swarm","Herbivore","6","General","Prime
Material","DRC 187"
"Intellect Devourer","4","6+6","13","Subterranean","Any","4","1d4(x4)","1-
2",1,1,"0","T","15","6000","Any","CE","D","11-12","MM 207","Monster","brain-on-
legs, psionics, attacks w/ psionics (preferred) or claws, +3 weapon to hit & only
1 hp per hit, death","spell 25%, power word kill is effective, protect from evil
keeps it at bay, feeds on mental energy, creatures","VR","body used in potions of
ESP & mind control","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Intellect Devourer, Larva","5","3+3","17","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4+1 +
207","Monster","brain-on-legs, psionics, each success att save vs poison or suffer
1d4+1 next rnd, immune to mental attacks","protect from evil keeps it at bay,
feeds on emotions creatures body used in potions of ESP & mind control,","R","also
called ustilagor","Solitary","Special","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMII 122"
"Stalker, Invisible","3","8","13","Any","Any","1","4d4","1",1,1,"30%","L","12, Fl
12 (A)","3000","Any","N","nil","13-14","MM 208","Monster","from elemental plane of
Air, summoned by wizard for special task, use air to attack, opp -6 surprise,
unless","see or detect invisible att -2, dimly perceived on Astral & Ethereal
planes, only killed in plane of Air, return to","VR","home if reduced to 0 hp,
unwilling servent, 1% cumm /day of perverting commands to free itself of
servitude","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Elem, Air","OMI 55, DRC 187"
"Ixitxachitl","6","1+1 to 4+4",,"Water","Tropical","1","3d4","5-
12",1,1,"0","M","Sw 12","35-420","Day","CE","P, R (S)& U (high priest)","8-14","MM
209","Monster","int manta rays who hunt marine humanoids, hide in sand to attack
prey, cast priest spells from: charm, divin,","elem (water), necro, heal, protect
& sun (dark), 1+1 HD cast @ 1st-3rd, 2+2 HD @ 5th, 4+4 HD high priest @","VR","8th
guarded by (2) 3+3 HD @ 6th, lair in underwater caves w/20-200 slaves, sometimes
lead by vampiric","Tribe","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 55"
12","420","Day","CE","P, R, U","8-14","MM 209","Monster","serve as guards for
leaders, cast priest spells from: charm, divin, elem (water), necro, heal, protect
& sun","(dark), cast @ 5th, regen 3 hp per round, bite drains 1
level","VR",,"Tribe","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Ixitxachitl, Vampiric,
12","4000","Day","CE","P, R, U","8-14","MM 209","Monster","serve as rulers of
communities, cast priest spells from: charm, divin, elem (water), necro, heal,
protect & sun","(dark), cast @ 8th, regen 3 hp per round, bite drains 2 levels
(unless another member of vampiric
race)","VR",,"Tribe","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Jackalwere","4","4","17","Any","Temperate","1","2d4 or weapon","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","12","270","Any","CE","C","11-12","MM 210","Monster","change into 3
forms: jackal (normal), 1/2 human & 1/2 jackal hybrid or normal human, hybrid
attacks w/bite or","weapon, SA-gaze: save vs spell or fall asleep as spell, +1 or
cold iron weapons to hit, revert to jackal form if","R","killed, will use human
form to trick victims, love to hunt & kill humans & demihumans, will travel w/
jackals","Pack","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 56"
"Kenku","5","2 to 5","19","Land","Any","1 or 3","weapon or 1d4/1d4/1d6","2-
8",0,1,"30%","M","6, Fl 18 (D)","175-975","Any","N","F","8-10","MM
211","Humanoid","humanoid birds, try to annoy & inconvenience (demi)humans, skills
of 4th lvl thieves, attack w/ scimitar or staff","or claw/claw/beak, 3 & 4 HD:
THACO 17 & 1-1st lvl magic missile & shock grasp (4 HD), 5 HD: THACO 15
&","UC","addit 1-mirror image & call lightning (3rd), invisible (no limit), shape
change 1/mo (retain 7 days), do not speak","Clan","Omnivore","13","General","Prime
Material","FF 56"
"Ki-rin","-5","12","9","Special","Any","3","2d4/2d4/3d6","1",1,1,"90%","H","24, Fl
48 (B)","11,000","Any","LG","I, S, T","19-20","MM 212","Monster","roam the sky in
search of good deeds, telepathic, speak own lang, attacks: claw/claw/horn, horn
att +3, use","spells @18th lvl: (9) 1st, (8) 2nd, (7) 3rd,etc to 9th, powers
1/day: create illusions, assume gaseous form, wind","VR","walk, summon weather &
call lightning, aid humanoids if asked properly, intact skin worth 25,000
gp","Solitary","Herbivore","18","General","Prime Material","OMI 57"
0","L","15","4000","Day","N","A in lair","5-7","MM 213","Monster","catlike w/ 8
legs & 2 horns, -1 to initiative rolls, attacks:
claw/claw/bite/horn/claw/claw/tail, psionic powers,","hunts humanoids as a
favorite game, its meat is considered finest in Athas & horns can be used to make
a","R","spear or carved in daggers","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
"Kobold","7 (10)","1d4 hp","20","Land","Any","1","weapon","5-
20",0,0,"0","S","6","7 (15)","Night","LE","J, O (Qx5)","8-10","MM
214","Humanoid","cowardly & sadistic humanoid race, hate most other humanoids
especially gnomes, speak own & (75%) orc &","goblin, attack if they outnumber
opponents, dislike spellcasters, trap using pits or mechanical devises,
use","UC","spear, javelins, club or axes, chiefs & guards have best weapons,
infravision 60', attack -1 in sunlight","Tribe","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime
Material","OMI 57, DRC 187"
"Urd","8","2 to 5","19","Hills/Rough","Temp/Trop","1","weapon","3-
300",1,0,"0","S","6, Fl 15 (C)","35-175","Night","NE","J (Qx5)","5-7","MM
214","Humanoid","relative of kobold, bat-like wings, infravision 60', hunt at
night dropping rocks from air victims are considered","AC 10 (adj DEX) actively
dodging AC 2, rocks cause 2d4 dmg, tribes contain subchief (AC 7), chief
(50%","R","magic leather armor) & shamans able to speak w/
bats","Tribe","Omnivore","7","General","Prime Material",
"Kuo-Toa","4","2 +","19","Water","Any","2","1d4+1 (bite) & weapon","2-
24",1,1,"0","M","9, Sw 18","175+","Night","NE","L, M, N (Z)","13+","MM
215","Monster","fish-men who hate surface dwellers, live mainly in waters of
subterran, groups contain fight, cleric % thieves,","weapons include: pincer staff
(traps victims arm 10% both), harpoon (high lvl fighters) 30 yrd 2d6 dmg, +1 att
&","VR","dmg(STR), infravision 60', immune:illus, poison, paralysis, 1/2 elect
save none, mag miss 1 hp, att -1 brite
light","Tribe","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","FF 57"
217","Monster","cruel race of flesh eating 1/2-human & 1/2-4-legged beast, spells
1/day: charm pers, mirror image, suggest &","illusion all @ 9th, touch drains 1
WIS perm, if WIS fall below 3 it follows lamia, casts illusion on self to
appear","VR","like a maiden in distress, dwell in ruined cities or
caves","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 59"
"Lamia, Noble","3","10+1","11","Desert","Any","1","1d6 (short
217","Monster","cruel rulers of lamia are 1/2-human & 1/2-serpent, spells 1/day:
charm pers, mirror image, suggest & illusion all","@ 9th + 1d6 lvl wiz spells
(females 2d4 lvls), touch drains 1 WIS perm, if WIS fall below 3 it follows lamia,
able","VR","to assume human form detectable 5% cumm/lvl above 6th (priest &
paladins +15%), outbursts of
violence","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","FF 59"
Fl 24 (C)","4000","Day","LG","R, S, T","17-18","MM 218","Monster","winged lion w/
human face, concerned for wealfare & safety of others, dim door & invisible at
will, radiate 10'","radius protect from evil, cast priest spells (4) 1st, (3) 2nd,
(2) 3rd & (1) 4th @ 7th, cure serious (4d8+2) & cure","R","critical (6d8+6), 10%
holy word, also attack claw/claw or swoop causing double
dmg","Pride","Herbivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 59"
"Lammasu, Greater","3","12+7","7","Any","Temp/Trop","2","2d6/2d6","1-
2",1,1,"40%","L","15, Fl 30 (B)","8000","Day","LG","nil","19-20","MM
218","Monster","winged lion w/ human face, dwell w/ 6 or more lesser, teleport,
dim door & invisible at will, radiate 20'-radius","protect from evil, cast priest
spells (5) 1st, (4) 2nd, (3) 3rd, (2) 4th & (1) 5th @ 12th, cure serious (4d8+2) &
cure","VR","critical (6d8+6), 50% holy word, also attack claw/claw or swoop
causing double dmg","Solitary","Herbivore","16","General","Prime Material","OMII
"Leech, Giant","9","1 to 4","19","Swamp","Temperate","1","1d4 + special","4-
16",1,0,"0","M","3, Sw 3","65-270","Any","N","nil","0","MM 219","Monster","slug-
like, initial att attaches to victim & drains 1 hp/HD of blood/rnd, if attacked in
water 1% victim detects,","once 50% hp lost victim realizes something, salt harms
their bodies, 50% causing fatal disease (1d4+1
weeks)","UC",,"Group","Carnivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 60, DRC 188"
"Leech, Throat","10","1 hp","20","Swamp","Temperate","1","1d3 + special","1-
6",1,0,"0","T","1, Sw 1","35","Any","N","nil","0","MM 219","Monster","1"" long
resembles twig, anyone drinking water containing them has 10% of entering throat,
drains 1d3 hp of","blood/rnd for 10 rnds (full), victim has 50%/rnd of choking 1d4
dmg, 3 successive failed rolls causes death,","C","removal by magic or heated
metal object (wire) piercing bloated
leech","Group","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material","FF 88"
"Leech, Swarm","10","special",,"Swamp","Temperate","1","1d10","200-
500",1,0,"0","L","Sw 1","15","Any","N","nil","0","MM 219","Monster","swarm of
small leeches in water, move in a 10' dia cloud, anyone caught in swarm receives
1d10 hp of blood","lost/rnd, area effect attacks that cause 10+ dmg disperse
swarm","UC",,"Swarm","Carnivore","5","General","Prime Material",
"Leprechaun","8","1d4+1 hp","20","Land","Temperate","0","nil","1-
20",1,1,"80%","T","15","270","Any","N","F","15-16","MM 220","Humanoid","enjoy
frolicking, working magic & causing harmless mischief, non-combative, invisible,
polymoph nonliving","objects, illusions & ventriloquism at will, never surprised,
75% chance of snatching object from adventurers,","UC","if pursued 25%/turn of
dropping object, never leads to lair, if intruder secures treasure beg & grants 3
wishes","Clan","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 60"
4",1,1,"0","L","18","975","Any","CE","D","8-10","MM 221","Monster","haunts
deserted & wastelands, bad breath, sly, immitate voices & noises, powerful jaws
cause shield & armor","to save vs crushing blow or be damaged, will chase enemy,
when it retreats it kicks w/ rear legs 1d6 each,","R","almost impos to identify
tracks(looks like stag), lairs are in caves or old towers (save vs pois -1 or gag
1d4 rnd)","Pack","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 60"
222","Undead","resembles mummy or wight, originally 18+lvl wiz, seldom engage in
melee, below 5th lvl save vs spell or flee","5d4 rnds, touch dmg + save vs paral
or held untill dispelled, +1 weapon to hit, immune: charm, sleep,
poly,","VR","cold, elect, insanity, or death, spells as in life, difficult to
utterly destroy, lair is crypt or fortified area","Solitary","Nil","17-
18","General","Prime Material","OMI 61, DRC 188"
0,000","Special","E","Z","19-20","MM 222","Undead","once lich has learned all it
can in leaves body & travels to other planes, remains turn to dust, if area is
entered","will rise up advance & threaten dissipating in 3 rnds unless attacked
(25%) or form w/ powers of wraith & att","VR","(cannot be turned) all dmg received
(none inflicted) are convered to energy points @ 50 it assumes true
form","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMII 32"
"Lich, Arch-","0","11+","9","Any","Any","1","1d10
(touch)","1",1,1,"0","M","6","8000","Night",,"A","19-20","MM 223","Undead","lich
having alignments other than evil (even LG), very very very
rare",,"VR",,"Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Living Wall","8 (base)","8
"special","3-18","MM 224","Monster","appears like normal wall (radiates evil &
magic), true seeing, etc can see past illusion, those within 5 yrds can","hear
moans of pain & sorrow, those killed are added to wall, powers & abilities per
those absorbed into wall,","VR","will not initiate attack, those within 2' will be
grabbed, absorbed characters are lost forever
(wish)","Solitary","Special","20","General","Prime Material",
"Lizard, Fire","3","10","11","Land","Temp/Trop","3","1d8/1d8/2d8","1-
4",1,1,"0","G","9","3000","Day","N","B, Qx10, S, T","1","MM
226","Monster","resemble wingless red dragon, attack: claw/claw/bite, BW-10' w x
15' lg fire 2d6 save vs BW 1/2, immune","to all fire based attacks, lairs are
underground containing 1d4 eggs (5000 gp each), hatchlings 7500 gp
each","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 61"
"Lizard, Giant","5","3+1","17","Land","Temp/Trop","1","1d8","2-
12",1,0,"0","H","15","175","Day","N","nil","0","MM 226","Monster","on 20 victim is
trapped in mouth suffering 2d8/rnd",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 61"
"Lizard, Minotaur","5","8","13","Hills/Rough","Tropical","3","2d6/2d6/3d6","1-
8",1,0,"0","G","6","975","Day","N","J-N, Q, C (magic)","0","MM
226","Monster","horned lizard, attacks: claw/claw/bite, on 20 victim is trapped in
mouth suffering 3d6/rnd, -5 on opp surprise,","found in hills &
mountains","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 61"
"Lizard, Subterranean","5","6","15","Subterranean","Any","1","2d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","H","12","650","Day","N","O, P, Qx5","0","MM 226","Monster","run across
walls & ceilings, on 20 victim is trapped in mouth suffering 4d6/rnd, some species
are albino who","suffer -1 att in bright light, others have 20' long tongue which
draws victim into mouth unless BB/LG is made","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 61"
"Lizard Man","5","2+1","19","Swamp","Temp/Trop","3","1d2/1d2/1d6","8-
15",0,0,"0","M","6, Sw 12","65-975","Any","N","D","5-7","MM
227","Humanoid","reptilian humanoids, speak own, fight unorganized, defend lairs
ferociously, groups have patrol leaders, sub-","leaders, war leaders & shaman
(3rd, 5th & 7th), some tribes led by lizard king (10%), prefer human
flesh","R",,"Tribe","Special","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 62, DRC 189"
"Lizard Man, Advanced","4","2+1","19","Swamp","Temp/Trop","3","1d2/1d2/1d6 or
weapon","8-15",0,0,"0","M","6, Sw 12","75-1000","Any","N","D","8-10","MM
227","Humanoid","1 in 10 lizard man tribes are advanced, use shields & weapons
(darts, javelins & clubs), groups have patrol","leaders, subleaders, war leaders &
shaman (3rd, 5th & 7th), some tribes led by lizard king
(20%)","VR",,"Tribe","Special","14","General","Prime Material",
"Lizard King","3","8","13","Swamp","Temp/Trop","1","3d6+2","1",1,0,"0","L","9, Sw
15","975","Any","CE","E","8-10","MM 227","Humanoid","leads 1 or more tribes of
lizard men, armed w/ great trident, if hit is 5 or more than needed weapon
inflicts","double damage (min 15 hp), demands 2 humans a week to
eat","VR",,"Tribe","Special","16","General","Prime Material","FF 61"
200",0,0,"0","M","1, Sw 12","35","Any","N","A","11-12","MM
228","Humanoid","aquadic humanoids, roam coastal waters, ride giant eels as mounts
& allies, use lance, crossbow, trident or","short sword, only fight to death for
home, clans have leaders, assistants, guards, chieftain & shaman
(3rd),","R","never voluntarily leave water, suffocate- after 10 turns they lose 1
hp/rnd","Clan","Omnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 62"
"Lurker","6","10","11","Subterranean","Any","1","1d6","1-4",1,0,"0","H","1, Fl 9
(B)","2000","Any","N","C, Y","0","MM 229","Monster","scavenger resembling manta
ray, attaches self to ceiling (10% detect), drop on victims & wrap around
them,","-4 opp surprise, constriction 1d6 dmg & suffocation in 1d4+1 rnds, gas
sacs used in potion of levitation, eggs","UC","sold for 900 gp, hatchlings 1100
gp","Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 62"
"Trapper","3","12","9","Subterranean","Any","1","4 + opp
AC","1",1,1,"0","H","3","3000","Any","N","G","13-14","MM 229","Monster","scavenger
resembling manta ray, hides on floor (5% detect), victims wanders into center & it
rises up to wrap","around victim, constriction 4+opp AC dmg & suffocation in 6
rnds, immune: heat & cold based attacks, eggs","R","sold for 900 gp, hatchlings
1100 gp, skin used to make non-magical +1 leather
armor","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 95"
Forest","4","10","11","Forests","Any","special","special","1",1,0,"0","H","3, Br
6","3000","Any","N","G","13-14","MM 229","Monster","waits under paths & roads,
extends 1d20+5 poisonous barbs thru the surface,25%(75% if surprised)of
stepping","on one, 5%/lvl of spotting barbs, save vs poison or paralsis 2d20
turns, surface after movement stops, then","R","constricts victim, eggs sold for
900 gp, hatchlings 1100 gp","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMII 85"
"Lycanthrope, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,"MM 230",,"describes:
condition, contracting, habitat, ecology, designing new types, appearance,
vulnerability & special","abilities",,,,,,"General",,
"Lycanthrope, Seawolf","6 (7)","2+2","19","Water, Salt","Any","1 (3)","2d4
(1d2/1d2/1d4)","3-18",0,0,"0","M","30, Sw 12","120","Any","NE","nil","8-10","MM
232","Monster","general info MM 230, humans who can assume 2 forms: 1-combining
part seal & wolf (2) humanoid retaining","claws, teeth & fur, climb aboard ships &
kill or infect crew or chew holes in hull sinking ship, those
infected","VR","change in 1d4+1 days, breath air & submerged 1d8+16 rnds, hate any
humanoid making living from sea","Pack","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","OMII 81"
"Lycanthrope, Seawolf, Greater","5","9+2","11","Water, Salt","Any","1 or 2","3d4
or 1d2 & weapon","4-16",0,1,"0","M","9, Sw 27","1400","Any","CE","nil","5-14","MM
232","Monster","general info MM 230, humans who can assume a forms combining part
seal & wolf, use human form to get","close to victims bite them & take their
weapons, silver, cold iron or +1 weapons to hit, those infected change","VR","in
1d4+1 days, breath air & submerged 1d8+16 rnds, hate any humanoid making living
from sea","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 81"
"Lycanthrope, Werebat","5","4+2","17","Forests","Temperate","2 or
3","1d4/1d4/2d4","1-4",1,1,"0","M","9, Fl 15 (D)","420","Night","NE","B","8-
10","MM 233","Monster","general info MM 230, natural can assume 3 forms: human,
vampire bat & hybrid, infected 2 forms: human &","hybrid, attacks: human 1d2, bat
1d2 or hybrid claw/claw if both hit bite, 2%/point dmg to be infected, silver
or","R","+1 weapon to hit","Flock","Blood","11-12","General","Prime Material","DRC
"Lycanthrope, Werebear","2","7+3","13","Any","Temp/SubArc","3","1d3/1d3/2d4","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","9","1400","Night","CG","R, T, X","11-12","MM
234","Monster","general info MM 230, can assume 2 forms: human, brown bear, in
bear form attacks claw/claw/bite if both","claws hit it hugs for 2d8 dmg/rnd until
released, in this form a silver or +1 weapon to hit, can summon 1d6","R","brown
bears in 2d6 turns, can cure disease 1/mo & heals at 3x human
rate","Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 63, DRC 190"
"Lycanthrope, Wereboar","4","5+2","15","Land","Any","1","2d6 or weapon","2-
8",0,1,"0","M","12","650","Any","N","B, S","8-10","MM 235","Monster","general info
MM 230, can assume 2 forms: human & hybrid, human attacks w/ weapons & hybrid
attacks w/","tusks, silver or +1 weapons to hit both forms, easily angered, rude &
vulgar","R",,"Tribe","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 63, DRC 190"
"Lycanthrope, Werefox","2, 4,
6","8+1","13","Any","Any","1","1d2/2d6/weapon","1",1,1,"0","M","24, 18,
12","2000","Night","CE","E, Qx5, S","8-16","MM 236","Monster","general info MM
230, can assume 3 forms: fox, hybrid & elf-woman, if human or elven women is
bitten for 50%","of hp will transform into werefox in 3 days (cure disease &
remove curse by 12th lvl), silver or +1 weapon to hit","VR","infravision 60', in
elf form +1 to hit w/bow & sword, WIS<14 charmed, 90% resist sleep & charm, 1d4
lvl wizard","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMII 80, DRC
"Lycanthrope, Wererat","6","3+1","17","Any","Any","1","weapon","4-
24",1,1,"0","M","12","270","Night","LE","C","11-12","MM 237","Monster","general
info MM 230, can assume 3 forms: human, giant rat & hybrid, all forms use weapons
preferring short","swords & daggers, 1%/point of dmg of becoming infected, in rat
& hybrid forms silver & +1 weapons to hit,","UC","ambush, summon & control 2d6
giant rats, prefer lairs beneath cities, greedy","Pack","Scavenger","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 63, DRC 190"
"Lycanthrope, Wereraven","6","4+2","17","Forests","Temperate","1","2d6","2-
8",1,1,"0","M","1, Fl 27 (C)","420","Day","NG","Qx10","17-18","MM
238","Monster","general info MM 230, can assume 3 forms: human, large raven &
hybrid, silver & +2 weapons to hit, human","uses weapons, raven pecks 1d2 & 1 in
10 of eye peck (att -2 until heal or regeneration), hybrid bites, bite
or","UC","peck 2%/point dmg of infection, dense forest, lair hollowed giant tree,
10-100 ravens in area of lair","Flock","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime
"Lycanthrope, Weretiger","3","6+2","15","Forests","Any","3 or
2","1d4+1/1d4+1/1d12","1-6",1,1,"0","M","12","975","Night","N","D, Qx5","8-10","MM
239","Monster","general info MM 230, can assume 3 forms: human (female), tiger &
hybrid, silver & +1 weapons to hit, human","uses weapons, tiger attacks
claw/claw/bite, hybrid punches 1d4/1d4, do not attack unless
provoked,","VR","settle near human towns, lairs are well kept cabins w/ gardens,
cats & some poultry, prefer gems","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
Material","DRC 190"
"Lycanthrope, Werewolf","5","4+3","15","Any","Any","1","2d4","3-
16",1,1,"0","M","15","420","Night","CE","B","8-10","MM 240","Monster","general
info MM 230, can assume 2 forms: human & hybrid, silver & +1 weapons to hit hybid
form, human att","w/weapons, hybrid bites 2d4, attack in packs w/ females & young
- males attack +2 & full dmg, females att +3","C","& full dmg, young AC 1 &
inflict 1d4+1, lairs are existing houses & caves in
wild","Pack","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 63, DRC 190"
"Ape","6","5","15","Jungle","Tropical","3","1d4/1d4/1d8","2-8",1,0,"0","M","12, 9
(trees)","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","attack: punch/punch/bite, -2
opp surprise",,"C",,"Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 7"
"Baboon","7","1+1","18","Jungle","Tropical","1","1d4","10-40",0,0,"0","L","12, 12
(trees)","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","bites
victims",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI 8"
Br 3","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","prefer to run from danger,
attacks throat",,"C",,"Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Banderlog","6","4","15","Jungle","Tropical","1","1d4+1","4-24",1,0,"0","M","6, 12
(trees)","120","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","resemble baboons, throw
retch plant fruit or coconuts at victims, retch plant splash 5'-radius
w/nauseating","fluids causing retching (unable to attack) for 3 rnds & STR 1/2 for
1 hour no save","C",,"Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMII
","650","Any","N","nil","1","MM 241","Monster","attacks: claw/claw/bite, drops on
victims from up to 60' causing max dmg + 1d6/10', heals 2 hp/day, +3 to","saves vs
poison, 4/day turn spells as ring of spell
turning","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Boar, Wild","7","3+3","17","Any","Temp/Trop","1","3d4","1-
12",1,0,"0","M","15","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","attacks until
reduced to 3 hp",,"C",,"Herd","Carnivore","8-12","General","Prime Material","OMI
11, DRC 162"
24",0,0,"0","S","12","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","not combative,
only defend their nests, kin or friends",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Cooshee","5","3+3","17","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/2d4","1-8",0,0,"0","M","15, 24
(run)","270","Any","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","elven dog, barks to warn
master",,"R",,"Pack","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 26"
60",0,0,"0","M","6","65","Day","N","nil","3-5","MM 241","Animal","intelligent apes
who speak common",,"VR",,"Group","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material","FF
"Debbi","7","1+1","19","Desert","Any","1","1d4","1-8",1,0,"0","M","15, 6
(climb)","65","Any","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","can cause fear by stamping
feet in a slow rhythm save vs spell or flee in fear for 2
rounds",,"UC",,"Group","Scavenger","5-7","General","Prime Material",
20",1,0,"0","M","15","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","charges +2 to att
additional 1d2 dmg",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime
Material","OMII 70"
4",0,0,"0","M","12","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","non-aggressive,
fights fiercely when threatened",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime
"Hsing-sing","6","2+1","19","Forests","Temp/Trop","1","1d6 or weapon","2-
20",0,0,"0","M","6, Sw 9","65","Day","N","nil","5-7","MM 241","Humanoid","ape-like
race, reclusive, at harmony with nature, however 1/yr for 2d6+4 days males gather
for a war-session","attacking humanoid settlements on edge of their territory
killing G & E creatures alike, rarely attack same","R","village 2 yrs in a
row","Tribe","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
12",0,0,"0","S","12","65","Any","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","taunt victims
with a high-pitched howl",,"C",,"Pack","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 54"
"Jackal","7","1 hp","20","Plains","Temp/Trop","1","1d2","1-
6",0,0,"0","M","12","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","run from other
predators",,"C",,"Group","Scavenger","2-4","General","Prime Material","OMI 56"
9 (trees)","120","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","throw rocks 20 yards for
1d4 dmg",,"R",,"Group","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Monkey Spider","6","1 hp","18","Any","Temp/Trop","1","1","20-60",0,0,"0","T","18,
18 (climb)","1","Any","N","nil","1","MM 241","Monster","avoids combat, if forced
to battle it will attack eyes allowing it to escape, can jump 10'
high",,"VR",,"Group","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Porcupine, Black","6","1 hp","20","Forests","Any","1","1d3","1-2",0,0,"0","S","9,
2 (climb)","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","quills cause damage, cannot
throw quills",,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","2-4","General","Prime Material",
"Porcupine, Brown","6","1 hp","20","Forests","Any","1","1d3","1-2",0,0,"0","S","9,
2 (climb)","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","quills cause damage, cannot
throw quills",,"C",,"Group","Omnivore","2-4","General","Prime Material",
20",0,0,"0","S","9","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Monster","hates bright
light attacking -2",,"R",,"Herd","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","FF
"Skunk","8","1 hp","20","Any","Any","1","1","1-
6",0,1,"0","S","12","35","Any","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","stinking cloud 10'
x 10' x 10' save vs poison or be nauseated for 1d4 rnds causing 50% loss or STR &
DEX",,"C",,"Solitary","Scavenger","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMII 110"
10",1,0,"0","M","36","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","surprise opp on
1-5 on 1d6, on 19 or 20 it opens opponents vein causing additional 2d6 & continues
to bleed","1d6/rnd until bound or magically healed","R",,"Group","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Stag","7","3","17","Forests","Temp/Trop","1 or 2","1d3/1d3 or 2d4","1-
4",0,0,"0","M","24","65","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","deer, normally
passive but will defend herd",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 92"
"Stench Kow","2","3+3","17","Plains","Temp/Trop","1","2d4","15-
60",1,1,"0","M","15","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Monster","cattle of lower
planes, immune: cold, fire & poison, in melee must save vs poison or be affected
by foul breath","as stinking cloud & must save every 3
rounds","VR",,"Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Lower","OMII 115"
"Taer","4","3+6","17","Subterranean","Arctic","3 or 1","1d6/1d4/1d4 or 1d6
241","Animal","vile primates who throw spears before attacking
melee",,"VR",,"Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 117"
"Tyrg","5","5 to 8","15","Any","Any","1","1d12","1-10",1,0,"0","S","18","270-
975","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","emits howl that mildly stuns victims
(+2 initiative & -2 attack) for 3 rounds no save, 5/6/7/8 HD: THACO
15/","15/13/13, XP 270/420/650/975","VR",,"Group","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
6",0,0,"0","M","12","120","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","attacks to death
(-7 hp)",,"C",,"Herd","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 11"
"Weasel","6","1 hp","20","Any","Temp/Trop","1","1","1-
2",0,0,"0","S","15","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","hunted for fur or
pets",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 125"
,"12","120","Any","N","nil","1","MM 241","Animal","vicious
fighter",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI
12",1,0,"0","L","21","65","Day","N","nil","1-4","MM 243","Animal","spits at
victims 25% chance of blinding 1d3
rnds",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","3","General","Prime Material","OMI 13, DRC 163"
"Cattle","7","1 to 4","17","Land","Any","1","1d4","20-200",1,0,"0","L","15","15-
120","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 243","Animal","generally flee from danger, 25% to
stampede if frightened, roll 2d4 for each creature in path (# animals), roll","1d4
dmg for each animal","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","4","General","Prime Material","OMI
24",1,1,"0","L","15","175","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 243","Animal","generally flee
from danger, 25% to stampede if frightened, roll 2d4 for each creature in path (#
animals), roll","1d6 dmg for each animal, head has AC 3, charge opponent at least
40' causing 3d6 dmg & 1d4 trampling
dmg","UC",,"Herd","Herbivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI 11"
24",1,0,"0","M","24","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 243","Animal","generally flee
from danger, 25% to stampede if frightened, roll 2d4 for each creature in path (#
animals), roll","1d4 dmg for each animal, male will charge causing 1d4 dmg + 1d4
trampling dmg","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","3","General","Prime Material",
100",1,0,"0","M","12","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 243","Animal","generally flee
from danger, 25% to stampede if frightened, roll 2d4 for each creature in path (#
animals), roll","1d4 dmg for each
animal","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","3","General","Prime Material",
"Beaver","9","1d4 hp","20","Water","Any","1","1","10-40",0,0,"0","S","4, Sw
12","7","Day","N","special","1","MM 244","Animal","chew trees, homes in ponds,
pelts worth 2 gp",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Chipmunk","7","1 hp","20","Any","Any","1","1","1-6",0,0,"0","S","12, Br
1","0","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","exellent hearing &
eyesight",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
244","Animal",,,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
2",0,0,"0","S","15","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","can be trained to
do tricks if captured young",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime
Material","DRC 177"
2",0,0,"0","S","15","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","superb vision &
hearing, pelts worth 5 gp",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime
"Gopher","8","1d3 hp","20","Plains","Any","1","1","1-20",0,0,"0","S","12, Br
2","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","live in large colonies under soil,
for each encountered 1d10 more hiding nearby",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-
9","General","Prime Material",
"Hedgehog","8","1d2 hp","20","Land","Any","0","0","1-
2",0,0,"0","S","4","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","covered w/ harmless
quills",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Mink","6","1","20","Land","Any","1","1","1-2",0,0,"0","S","15, Br
1","15","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","pelts worth 3
gp",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Mole","10","1 hp","20","Land","Any","0","0","1",0,0,"0","S","1, Br
1/2","0","Night","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","poor
vision",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
50",0,0,"0","S","9","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","non-
hostile",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Mouse","7","1 hp","20","Any","Any","0","0","1-100",0,0,"0","S","15, Br
1/2","0","Any","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","infest human
structures",,"C",,"Group","Scavenger","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Muskrat","10","1d3 hp","20","Land","Any","1","1","1-
2",0,0,"0","S","4","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","pelts worth 5
gp",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Opossum","10","1d3 hp","20","Forests","Any","1","1","1-
8",0,0,"0","S","4","7","Night","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","good
hearing",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Otter","5","1-1","20","Water","Any","1","1d2","1-4",0,0,"0","S","12, Sw
18","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","pelts worth 2-3
gp",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material","OMII 97"
"Otter, Sea","5","1+1","19","Water, Ocean","Any","1","1d3","1-4",0,0,"0","S","12,
Sw 18","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","pelts worth 2-3
gp",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
20",0,0,"0","S","12","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","non-
aggressive",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Pig, Wild","9","2","19","Land","Any","1","1d4","1-
8",0,0,"0","S","12","35","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","non-
aggressive",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Rabbit","6","1d3 hp","20","Land","Any","1","1","1-
12",0,0,"0","S","18","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","difficult to
surprise, good eyesight, hearing, smell & natural
paranoia",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Squirrel","8","1 hp","20","Forests","Any","1","1","1-
6",0,0,"0","S","12","0","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","good hearing &
vision",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material","OMII 114"
"Squirrel, Flying","8","1 hp","20","Forests","Any","1","1","1-6",0,0,"0","S","12,
Fl 15 (E)","0","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","good hearing & vision, glide
5' for every 1' drop",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime
Material","OMII 114"
"Squirrel, Giant Black","6","1+1","19","Forests","Any","1","1+3","1-
12",0,0,"0","S","12","35","Day","NE","nil","1","MM 244","Monster","good hearing &
vision, 2' long, steal loose, small valuables (rings, gems, etc) to decorate their
nests",,"C",,"Group","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material","OMII 114"
"Woodchuck","9","1d6 hp","20","Forests","Any","1","1","1-2",0,0,"0","S","5, Br
2","7","Day","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","gnaw through trees & wood, pelts
worth 1 gp",,"C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","2-9","General","Prime Material",
"Manscorpion","5","8 to 12","13","Desert","Sub-Trop/Trop","3","1d4+1 or
weapon/1d4+/1d4","8 or more",1,0,"20%","L","12","4000+","Any","NE","J, K, M, Q (F,
Ux10)","5-18","MM 245","Monster","human torso & scorpion body & legs, speak own &
20% another, 6 ave patrol w/leader & spellcast (9 HD min),","spellcaster 4th lvl
wiz or prst, attack: claw or weapon/claw/tail, tail save vs posn or die in 2d4
rnds-weak 1st","R","rnd att -2, next -3 & no DEX adj & rest no att (AC 10), lairs
have wiz (9th) & prst (11th), king & queen (12 HD)","Squad","Carnivore","15-
18","General","Prime Material","DRC 191"
"Manticore","4","6+3","13","Any","Any","3","1d3/1d3/1d8","1-4",1,0,"0","H","12, Fl
18 (E)","975","Any","LE","E","5-7","MM 246","Monster","lion torso & legs, bat
wings, man head & spiked tail, loves human flesh, SA- tail fires 1-6 spikes (180
yrds) dmg","1d6 each (4x day), attacks: claw/claw/bite, no bite in air, prefer
warm, not used as mounts, may work w/evil","UC","humanoids (for food supply), pelt
is mark of powerful hunter & worth 10,000 (intact, cured hide w/
wings)","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 65, DRC
3",1,0,"0","M","9","2000","Any","LE","P, Qx10, X, Y","11-12","MM
247","Humanoid","female w/hair of swarming snakes, 20' & closer true nature seen,
use dagger, stay in shadows drawing victims","closer, gaze-(30') save vs petr or
turn to stone, if within 1' snakes attack save vs pos or die, gaze effective
if","R","dead (save +1/day dead), dwell in caves or empty builing, most victims
are broken up, immu to other medusa","Solitary","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMI 66, DRC 192"
"Medusa, Greater","3","8","13","Any","Any","1","1d4","1-
3",1,1,"20%","M","12","4000","Any","LE","P, Qx10, X, Y","11-12","MM
247","Monster","female w/hair of swarming snakes, lower body of serpent, use
poison arrows, stay in lairs, easily recognized,","gaze-(30') save vs petr or turn
to stone, if within 1' snakes attack save vs pos -1 or die, gaze effective if
dead","VR","(save +1/day dead), dwell in caves, most victims are broken up, if
touched save vs poison -1 or die","Solitary","Omnivore","14-15","General","Prime
"Any","LE","P, Qx10, X, Y","11-12","MM 248","Humanoid","male medusa, no gaze,
hairless, attack: fist/fist, immune: petrification, paralysis (include spells:
hold, slow etc)","& poison of medusa, can turn stone to flesh 1 per 3 turns, pass
thru stone (req 1 rnd concentration), if hit by","VR","phase door spell in stone
killed instant, mate w/ medusa for life (will avenge
death)","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Medusa, Glyptar","5","1d4 hp",,"Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 9
(A)","65","Any","LE","special","11-12","MM 248","Monster","rock crystals animated
by spirit of maedar, rare case of transfering life force to gemstone at death, if
gem is","placed in statue it animates as a golem or if placed in sword in animates
& fights as 6th lvl fighter +1 to att & +2","VR","to dmg, retains powers: pass
thru stone, immune to phase door, stone to flesh & all
petrification/paralsis","Solitary","Nil","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Merman","7","1 to 6","19","Water, Ocean","Temperate","1","weapon","20-
200",1,0,"0","M","1, Sw 18","65-420","Any","N","C, R","8-12","MM
249","Humanoid","amphibious humanoid, live underwater but surface to sun
themselves on rocks, use tridents, daggers, javelin,","& crossbows, attack ships
w/grapples, grapple held by 10 reduce MV 1, when stopped hull is attacked &
hole","UC","in 4d4 rnds, suffer double dmg from fire, tribes have guards, leaders,
chief & shaman (3rd lvl priest)","Tribe","Omnivore","10","General","Prime
Material","OMI 70, DRC 194"
"Mimic","7","7 to 8","13","Subterranean","Any","1","3d4","1",1,1,"0","L","3","975-
1400","Any","N","special","8-10","MM 250","Monster","alter form & color to lure
victim (usually treasure chest, stone, wood or metal), 150 cu ft, speak language
of","creator, -4 victim surprise, attacks w/arm covered w/glue-like substance,
alcohol weakens in 3 rnds or open","R","doors roll, glue dissolves 5 rnds after
mimics death, immune: acid, mold, green slime & puddings, avoid
sun","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 70"
"Mimic, Killer","7","9 to
3000","Any","NE","special","2-4","MM 250","Monster","alter form & color to lure
victim (usually treasure chest, stone, wood or metal), 200 cu ft, speak no
language,","creator, -4 victim surprise, attacks w/arm covered w/glue-like
substance, alcohol weakens in 3 rnds or open","R","doors roll, glue dissolves 5
rnds after mimics death, immune: acid, mold, green slime & puddings, avoid
sun","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Mind Flayer","5","8+4","11","Subterranean","Any","4","2","1-
4",1,1,"90%","M","12","9000","Any","LE","S, T (B)","17-18","MM
251","Humanoid","ugly humanoid w/octopus-like head, infravision 60', use telepathy
no lang, SA-mind blast-60' lg x 5' x 20' cone","save vs wand or stunned 3d4 rnds,
grabs held victim & escapes, keep some as slaves & eats others brains,","C","tent
cause 2 hp dmg & hold (BB/LG) if all 4 grab it kills victim, will flee if losing,
for spells see MM, hate sun","Group","Carnivore","15","General","Prime
Material","OMI 70"
4",1,1,"90%","M","12","7000","Any","LE","S, T (B)","17-18","MM
251","Humanoid","ugly humanoid w/octopus-like head, infravision 60', use telepathy
no lang, SA-mind blast-60' lg x 5' x 20' cone","save vs wand or stunned 3d4 rnds,
grabs held victim & escapes, keep some as slaves & eats others brains,","C","tent
cause 2 hp dmg & hold (BB/LG) if all 4 grab it kills victim, will flee if losing,
for psionics see MM, hate sun","Group","Carnivore","15","General","Prime
"Minotaur","6","6+3","13","Any","Sub-Trop/Trop","2","2d4/2d4 or 1d4/weapon","1-
8",1,1,"0","L","12","1400","Night","CE","(C)","5-7","MM 252","Monster","head of
bull & human body, attack: butt/butt or bite/weapon, SA-charge 30' inflicting
double damage, use","huge axe 1d8+2 dmg, +2 bonus on their surprise, infravision
60', 50% tracking, immune to maze spell, clans","R","have an elder with 18/50 STR
& 8+4 HD, speak own & 25% common, prefer human flesh, hate
gnolls","Clan","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 71, DRC 195"
"Mist, Crimson Death","0
(4)","13","7","Swamp","Any","1","3d10","1",1,1,"95%","M","Fl 12 (B),
6","9000","Night","NE","Z","17-18","MM 253","Monster","vaporous creature, feeds on
bodily fluids, connot distinguish between fog & invisible to infravision, -4
initiative,","attacks to feed or defend, +2 weapon to hit, after it feeds +1
weapon & MV 6 for 6 turns, if it dies all liquids","VR","fall to ground, able to
carry away victims, feeds on humanoids 1/wk","Solitary","Carnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material","OMII 32"
"Mist, Vampiric","4 (8)","3",,"Swamp","Non-Arctic","1","1d8","1-3",1,1,"0","M","12
(6)","270","Night","NE","(D)","8-10","MM 254","Monster","gaseous monster, sense
creatures within 50', if full max HP, loses 1 HP/12 hrs, regains 1 HP/2 HP
drained,","victims treated as AC 10 mod for DEX & magic (not shield), if hit w/4
higher it engulfs victim & trapped until mist","R","killed, hit by +1 weapon,
magic miss, lightning & spell that effect air, if full AC & MV reduced & normal
weapons","Solitary","Blood","13-14","General","Prime Material",
","nil","0","MM 255","Plant","spore producing fungi, woolly texture, damp areas,
sunlight kills it, absorbs heat of victim within 5' causing 4d8","dmg/rnd, ring of
warmth protects, it grows instantly, if torch is used in area it doubles in size,
burn oil 4x & fire-","VR","ball x8, destroyed by disint, cold wand or cone of
cold, dmg by plant magic & cold spells, ice dorm 5d6
turns","Cluster","Special","nil","General","Prime Material","OMI 71"
N","nil","0","MM 255","Plant","spore producing fungi, lumpy texture covered
w/short hair, resembles rust beyond 30' (70%), affected only by:","alcohol, acid,
salt, cure disease or cont light, it emits a cloud of spores 3'radius all suffer
5d4 dmg/rnd in cloud","VR","& save vs poison or instant paral & die in 5d4 min
(cure disease), transforms victim into mold upon
death","Cluster","Special","nil","General","Prime Material",
N","nil","0","MM 255","Plant","spore producing fungi, woolly texture, if touched
it may (50%) emit a cloud of spores 10'-radius save vs poison","or die (cure
disease & resurrect w/24 hrs), any fire destroys it & cont light renders it
dormate 2d6 turns, live in","VR","colonies, if over 300 sq ft 1 in 6 are
sentient","Cluster","Special","nil","General","Prime Material","OMI 71, DRC 213"
"Mold, Yellow
y","N","nil","0","MM 255","Plant","in addition to normal yellow mold abilities,
can sense creatures within 60' & can project spores that distance,","2/day can
suggestion 60' in addition to save victim must make INT check or lose 1 point
perm, have psionic","VR","powers see MM, immune to psionic attack unless aided by
someone who can communicate with
plants","Cluster","Special","nil","General","Prime Material",
"Mold Man (Vegepygmy)","4","1 to 6","19","Forests","Sub-Trop/Trop","1","1d6 or
weapon","6-24",1,1,"0","S","12","120-2000","Any","N","O, P","5-7","MM
256","Humanoid","bipedal fungus w/ claws, 1.5' tall + 6""/HD, no spoken lang, -2
opp surp, ambush, att for food, train Thornies,","ave 1-4 HD, subchief(5 HD)
w/1d4+1 bodyguards(3 HD) & tribe lead by chief(6 HD)w/2d4 bodyguard (4
HD),","VR","use spears, clubs or claw, SA-(chief)-spores save vs pos or die 5d4
rnds, immune: elect, charm, pierce 1 hp","Tribe","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMII 124"
"Mongrelman","5","1 to 4","19","Any","Any","1","1d4 or 1d6 or 1d8 or 1d10 or
257","Monster","mixture of many species, imitate sounds made by creatures &
monsters, pick pockes 70%, can hide 80% if one","turn preparing increased 1%/turn
(max 95%), use clubs, swords, claw & 5% poison blowguns or darts, leader","R","(5
HD, AC 4, MV 12, 1d12 dmg & THACO 16) w/5 bodyguards (4 HD), usually slaves or
serfs","Tribe","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMII 92"
18","1400","Night","CE","(G)","15-16","MM 258","Monster","infravision 90', attacks
w/beak 1d10 dmg, live at center of 6 tunnels (only 1 M creature wide), victim is
drawn","toward center, once in center save vs spell -4 or be charmed, if save is
successful it sees morkoth, reflects all","VR","spells including area effect, if
dispell magic is cast simultaneously cast 50% of not reflecting + save vs
dispell","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 71"
Sw 12","15","Day","LE","Q (J, K, L, M, N)","7-10","MM 259","Monster","small
amphibian, ambush in packs, can shoot water 10 yrd save vs wand or be blinded 1
rnd (no save if surp)","can't att, loses DEX bonus & are attacked +2, in knee deep
muddy water no DEX & -1 att, waist -2 att, chest","R","-3 att (ring of free action
neg), only fight if cornered or easy kill, lair underwater & above water resting
area","Tribe","Omnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 93"
12",1,1,"0","S","3","260","Any","N","nil","0","MM 260","Monster","formed in pools
of mud near enchanted rivers, no comm, under surface are immune to all weap &
spell dmg is","divided among all in pool, 1 rnd to form(+1 weapon), immune: poison
& mind spells, mud to rock kills it no save,","VR","dispell mag & dig act as
fireball, hurl mud (victim AC 10) reduce MV -1, if MV 0 suffocate 5 rnd & 1d8
dmg/rnd","Pack","Special","special","General","Prime Material","OMII 93"
8",1,1,"0","M","6","3000","Night","LE","P (D)","5-7","MM 261","Undead","hate
living things, strong, touch inflicts disease fatal in 1d6 months (-2 CHR/mo
perm), cure disease, wounds","heal at 10%, fear-save vs spell or paralsis 1d4 rnds
(humans save +2 & for every 6 save +1), immune: poison,","R","cold & mind spells,
+1 weapon 1/2 dmg, fire: torch 1d3, oil 1d8/2d8, magic +1/die & holy water
2d4","Pack","Nil","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 72, DRC 195"
"Mummy, Greater","2","8+3 to
(Ax2)","17-18","MM 262","Undead","mummified high level priest, powers vary by age,
radiate fear, cast spells from former god, fatal rotting disease","no normal
healing only regenerate, immune to holy water, holy symbol 1d6 dmg, older are more
difficult to turn,","VR","magic weapons to hit & 1/2 dmg, electric 1/2 dmg,
immune:cold & non-magic fire, normal mummies serve them","Solitary","Nil","17-
18","General","Prime Material",
"Mummy, Greater
E","V (Ax2)","17-18","MM 262","Undead","age < 99, radiate fear save -1 or paralsis
2d4 rnds, WIS 18, cast 16th lvl, fatal rotting disease 1d12 days, no","normal
healing only regenerate, immune to holy water, holy symbol 1d6 dmg, turn as 9 HD,
+1 weapons to hit","VR","& 1/2 dmg, electric 1/2 dmg, immune:cold & non-magic
fire, 1d4 normal mummies","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Mummy, Greater
,"LE","V (Ax2)","17-18","MM 262","Undead","age 100-199, radiate fear save -2 or
paralsis 2d4 rnds, WIS 19, cast 17th lvl, fatal rotting disease 1d10 days,","no
normal healing only regenerate, immune to holy water, holy symbol 1d6 dmg, turn as
10 HD, +1 weapons","VR","to hit & 1/2 dmg, electric 1/2 dmg, immune:cold & non-
magic fire, 2d4 normal mummies","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime
"Mummy, Greater
","LE","V (Ax2)","17-18","MM 262","Undead","age 200-299, radiate fear save -2 or
paralsis 2d4 rnds, WIS 20, cast 18th lvl, fatal rotting disease 1d8 days,","no
normal healing only regenerate, immune to holy water, holy symbol 1d6 dmg, turn as
11 HD, +2 weapons","VR","to hit & 1/2 dmg, electric 1/2 dmg, immune:cold & non-
magic fire, 3d4 normal mummies","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime
"Mummy, Greater
t","CE","V (Ax2)","17-18","MM 262","Undead","age 300-399, radiate fear save -3 or
paralsis 2d4 rnds, WIS 21, cast 19th lvl, fatal rotting disease 1d6 days,","no
normal healing only regenerate, immune to holy water, holy symbol 1d6 dmg, turn as
12 HD, +2 weapons","VR","to hit & 1/2 dmg, electric 1/2 dmg, immune:cold & non-
magic fire, 5d4 normal mummies","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime
"Mummy, Greater
t","CE","V (Ax2)","17-18","MM 262","Undead","age 400-499, radiate fear save -3 or
paralsis 2d4 rnds, WIS 22, cast 20th lvl, fatal rotting disease 1d4 days,","no
normal healing only regenerate, immune to holy water, holy symbol 1d6 dmg, turn as
13 HD, +3 weapons","VR","to hit & 1/2 dmg, electric 1/2 dmg, immune:cold & non-
magic fire, 6d4 normal mummies","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime
"Mummy, Greater
t","CE","V (Ax2)","17-18","MM 262","Undead","age 500+, radiate fear save -4 or
paralsis 2d4 rnds, WIS 23, cast 20th lvl, fatal rotting disease 1d3 days,","no
normal healing only regenerate, immune to holy water, holy symbol 1d6 dmg, turn as
special, +4 weapons","VR","to hit & 1/2 dmg, electric 1/2 dmg, immune:cold & non-
magic fire, 7d4 normal mummies","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime
"Myconid","10","1 to 6","19","Subterranean","Any","1","HD d4","1-
12",1,1,"0",,"9","65-650","Day","LN","Sx2","8-10","MM 264","Monster","fungus men,
dislike violence, 2' tall per HD, no spoken language, can emit spores HD/day, type
varies by HD,","see MM, fear sunlight, king has 6 HD, increase 1 HD per 4 years,
only special myconids reach 6 HD, king","R","can brew magic potions from fungi see
MM 265","Tribe","Herbivore","12-13","General","Prime Material","OMII 93"
"Naga, Guardian","3","11 to 12","9","Land","Any","2","1d6/2d4","1-
2",1,0,"0","H","15","7000","Day","LG","X (H)","16","MM 266","Monster","snake-like
w/human head, traps, hide used for scale mail +2, guardian of treasure, spit
poison 30' save or die,","can constrict victims, use priest spells at 6th level,
warns off trespassers, speak 4
languages","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 72"
"Naga, Spirit","4","9 to 10","11","Subterranean","Any","1","1d3","1-
3",1,0,"0","H","12","5000","Night","CE","X (B, T)","13","MM 266","Monster","snake-
like w/human head, traps, hide used for scale mail +2, seek to harm all creatures
in their domain, bite","is poison, gaze-charms save vs paralysis, use priest
spells at 4th level & wizard spells at 5th level, speak
4","R","languages","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 72"
"Naga, Water","5","7 to 8","13","Water, Fresh","Any","1","1d4","1-
4",1,0,"0","L","9, Sw 18","3000","Any","N","X (D)","11","MM 266","Monster","snake-
like w/human head, traps, hide used for scale mail +2, only attack if threatened,
poison bite, never","know fire spells, use wizard spells at 5th level, curious,
speak 4 languages","UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMI 72"
"Naga, Dark","6","9","11","Land","Non-Arctic","2","1d4 or spell/2d4","1-
3",1,0,"0","L","13","4000","Any","LE","S, T, W","16","MM 267","Monster","snake-
like w/human head, traps, hide used for scale mail +2, guardian of treasure,
attack: bite/sting, sting is","poison save or 1d2 dmg & sleep 2d4 rnds, spells 6th
lvl wizard, immune: poison, acid & ESP, can swallow","VR","poison & spit it 10' or
inject with bite, ESP 80', save +2 vs charm/enchant, may work with evil
creatures","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
8",1,1,"0","S","6","650","Any","LE","Q","13-14","MM 268","Monster","cross of
spider & eel, ruthless slayers, hateful, speak common & 1d4 others, umber hulk
slaves, attack: punch/","punch/bite, bite poison save or slow 1d8 rnds (cumm), 10%
spellcaster 1-8 level, when old it can develop into","R","Great Old
Master","Tribe","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Neogi, Reaver","3","5","15","Any","Any","3","1d3/1d3/1d6","1-
8",1,1,"0","S","6","650","Any","NE","Q","13-14","MM 268","Monster","cross of
spider & eel, ruthless slayers, hateful, speak common & 1d4 others, umber hulk
slaves, attack: punch/","punch/bite, bite poison save or slow 1d8 rnds (cumm), 10%
spellcaster 1-8 level, rogue neogi seek to escape","VR","transformation into Great
Old Master","Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Neogi, Great Old
il","5-7","MM 268","Monster","transformed neogi, 20' tall, lives 2 months, fed
live flesh 1d12 dmg/rnd, after 2 months 20-40 mature neogi","spring out who
compete until 3-6 survive, if attacked & pierced 2d4 neogi defend it, only blunt
weapon do not","VR","cause this - all edged, piercing or spells that pierce or
burn do","Solitary","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material",
"Orog","4 (10)","3","17","Land","Any","1","weapon +1","20-80",0,0,"0","M","6
(12)","65-175","Night","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10-12","MM 281","Humanoid","great
orcs, warriors, enemies: humans, elves!, dwarves!, goblins & other orcs, weapons:
sword, spear, axe,","flail, polearm, crossbow & bow, sometimes found with orcs
(10%), elite orogs (AC 3, +3 dmg), leader (4 HD),","UC","chief (5 HD, THAC0
15)","Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Orc, Half-","by
,,"varies",,"MM 282","Humanoid","crossbreed of orc with other race, treated as
humans with levels, can be fighter, priest or thief, are distrusted","by orcs &
other racial stock, some have split from both races to form own community, align
usually NE or LE","C","but can be any, worship own gods & suspicious of
strangers","Group","Carnivore","varies","General","Prime Material","OMI 76"
"Otyugh","3","6 to
1400","Any","N","guard treasure","5-10","MM 283","Monster","dung eater, attack:
tentacle/tentacle/bite, if tentacle hits it grapples causing 1d3+1/rnd, bite +2 if
grappled,","can use victim as shield (-1 AC), STR 18 can break free 1/rnd & others
open doors roll, bite infects with","UC","disease (20% fatal), infravision 90',
never surprised","Solitary","Omnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 77"
"Otyugh, Neo-","0","9 to
5000","Any","N","guard treasure","8-12","MM 283","Monster","dung eater, attack:
tentacle/tentacle/bite, if tentacle hits it grapples causing 1d3+1/rnd, bite +2 if
grappled,","can use victim as shield (-1 AC), force attacker to hit grappled
victim (victims AC) forgoing squeeze dmg, STR","R","18 break free 1/rnd & others
open doors , bite infects with disease (20% fatal), infravision 90', never
surprised","Solitary","Omnivore","17","General","Prime Material","OMI 73"
8",1,0,"0","L","12","420","Sunset","N","(C)","5-7","MM 284","Monster","vicious &
aggressive, attacks prey on sight, fight to death, attacks: claw/claw/beak, if att
18+ it hugs victim","2d8 /rnd (BB/LG) & can only beak, live in caves, hibernate,
rumor of white arctic owlbear, eggs 2000 sp &","R","hatchling 5000 sp usually
bought by wizards","Pack","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 77,
DRC 199"
10",1,0,"0","L","24, Fl 48 (C or D)","175","Day","CG","nil","8-10","MM
285","Monster","winged horse, shy & wild, attack: hooves/hooves/teeth, SA-rear
kick 2d6 dmg & dive-50' hooves attack +2 &","double dmg, egg 3000 sp & young 5000
sp, carry 220/330/440, detect good & evil (60
yrd)","VR",,"Herd","Herbivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 78, DRC 199"
"Pegasus, Greater","6","4","17","Forests","Temp/SubTrop","3","1d8/1d8/1d3","1-
10",1,0,"20%","L","24, Fl 48 (C or D)","650","Day","CG","nil","8-10","MM
285","Monster","winged horse, shy & wild, attack: hooves/hooves/teeth, SA-rear
kick 2d6 dmg & dive-50' hooves attack +2 &","double dmg, egg 3000 sp & young 5000
sp, carry 220/330/440, detect good & evil (60 yrd), created when","VR","a medusa
is slain & beheaded 5% of greater pegasus being
born","Herd","Herbivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Peryton","7","4","17","Mountains","Any","1","4d4","2-8",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 21
(C)","270","Day","CE","B","10","MM 286","Monster","giant green eagle w/ stag head,
kills humans for their heart, attack +2, attack w/horns, attacks same target,","+1
weapon to hit, SA-swoop from 100' +4 to hit & double dmg (used rarely), can lift
target off ground (1d6/10'","R","if dropped), live in nests, humanoids selected
prey, require beating heart to reproduce, eggs worth 100
gp","Group","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material","OMI 78"
N","nil","nil","MM 287","Undead","images left from death trauma, cannot directly
harm or be harmed, mistaken for ghost, haunt or spirit, remove","curse at 12th lvl
will dispell, those witnessing it save vs death magic -2 or panic as fear spell, a
vivid phantom","VR","may require system shock +10% or death, may warn characters
of danger or give info, evil align 35%","Solitary","Nil","nil","General","Prime
Material","OMII 100, DRC 199"
"Phoenix","-3","20","5","Special","Special","1 or 2","2d6 or 1d8/1d8","1-
3",1,1,"50%","L","6, Fl 39 (D)","19,000","Any","NG","O","17-18","MM
288","Monster","large (40' wingspan) from Elysium or secluded place, speaks own,
with all avians & telepathy, shriek all < 12","HD w/30' +3 initative, spell powers
1/day at 20th lvl see MM, ritual dance can (40th lvl) dismissal, dispel evil
&","VR","dispel magic, cure light 2/pers/day, cure disease 1/pers/day, +3 weapons,
feathers have may uses","Solitary","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime
Material","OMII 100, DRC 200"
"Piercer","3","1 to 4","19","Subterranean","Any","1","1d6 or 2d6 or 3d6 or
4d6","3-18",1,0,"0","S","1","35-420","Any","N","nil","0","MM 290","Monster","found
on cave roofs resembling stalactites, hear noise & detect heat 120 yrds, -7 on opp
surprise, one chance","to hit, only defense is acid 1 dmg with contact with flesh,
dmg varies by HD, 3-4 HD THAC0 17","UC",,"Cluster","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 78"
"Choke Creeper","6/5","25","7","Forests","Temperate","8 or
291","Plant","strangler vine, main vine AC 6 & branches AC 5, 4 branches per
target, if grabbed one BB/LG to break free,","1d4 dmg/rnd & 10% stranges (dies
1/rnd), 1 dmg/die of cold & stuns area struck 1d4+1 rnds, immune to","R","electric
& doubles MV 1d4+1 rnds","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime
Material","OMII 25"
"Mantrap","6","4 to 9",,"Forests","Tropical","0","0","1-2",1,0,"0","H","0","650-
4000","Day","N","J - N (x5), Q","0","MM 291","Plant","traps & dissolves victims,
releases pollen all within 60' save vs poison or be attracted & climb into plant,
only","escape is killing plant, victim takes dmg = unadjusted AC (min 1), exposed
items save vs acid (metal +2),","VR","charm lasts 24 hrs, nectar used for philter
of love","Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMII 83"
"Retch Plant","8","5 to 8","15","Land","Temp/Trop","1 or 1d4+1","0","2-
20",1,1,"0","H","0","270-975","Any","N","nil","0","MM 291","Plant","palm tree,
1d4+4 coconut sized fruit (blue, violet or lilac), 20% of falling on victim, if
tree has solid contact 1d4","+1 fall on random targets, if globe strikes foul
fluid splashes over 5'-radius & 25% 5-9' away, nausiated 3 rnds &","R","1/2 STR 1
hr, odor persists for 1d4 hrs unless washed w/alcohol, odor smelled for 50' double
random encont","Cluster","Soil","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMII 106"
"Snappersaw","4/7/9","5","15","Land","Any","1d4+2 stalks","1d4+1/stalk","1-
2",1,0,"0","H","0","270-975","Any","N","nil","0","MM 291","Plant","bush w/green-
white berries (edible), leaves hide thorny projections, creatures stepping into
area are grabbed","(AC 10 -DEX & magic) by leaves, STR roll to break free, victim
is then attacked by stalk (no DEX), stalk 1d8+","VR","16 to sever (4), leaf 1d8+8
to sever (7), bush (9) fully protect if leaves retract & held w/P weap, regrow 2d4
wk","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 66"
"Thorn Slinger","8","4",,"Land","Any","1","2d4","3-
12",1,0,"0","M","0","270","Any","N","nil","0","MM 291","Plant","spidery white
plant with pale yellow blossom, fire 2d4 thorns 30' 1 dmg each (auto), stem has
adhesive sap,","those < STR 14 are stuck if touched, other break free in 1d4 rnds,
all stuck 1d3 dmg/rnd from acid, not
very","R","flammable","Cluster","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Tri-flower Frond","9","2+8","17","Forests","Tropical","1","0","1-
10",1,0,"0","M","0","420","Day","N","nil","0","MM 291","Plant","green stalk topped
by trumpet-shaped orange flower, flower shoots 2d4 3' lg pollen covered tendrils,
those","struck save vs poison or coma 1d4 hrs, plant senses victim & bends over &
releases enzymes 2d4/rnd until","VR","washed off (immersion removes in 1 rnd), it
extends tendril into victim draining fluid
1d6/rnd","Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 121"
"Yellow Musk Creeper","7","3","17","Subterranean","Temperate","2-
12","0","1",1,1,"0","L","0","650","Any","N","B","0","MM 291","Plant","light green
climbing plant w/leaves, green buds & yellow flowers, drain INT turning into
zombies, only attacking","roots causes perm dmg, dormant until victim 10' & flower
shoots pollen save vs spell or entranced & walk to","R","plant (resist others),
enters victims brain 2 rnds & drains 1d4 INT/rnd, if INT 0 death or INT 1-2
zombie","Solitary","Carnivore","20","General","Prime Material","FF 97"
"Yellow Musk Zombie","10","2","19","Subterranean","Temperate","1","1d8 or
291","Monster","controled by yellow musk plant, yellow skin & glazed look, retains
hp of victim, cannot cast spells or receive","bonuses, stay w/ 100' of controlling
plant or death & sprouts new flowers, cannot be turned, to restore
mother","R","plant must be destroyed & neutral poison, heal & 4 wks rest, INT
returns 1/day","Squad","Nil","20","General","Prime Material","FF 97"
ecial","1400","Day","N","incidental","5-7","MM 293","Monster","thick oak-like
w/noose-like vines, evil tendencies, MV sapling 6'/hr & older 2'/hr, release
perfume 30-80' those","inhaling see normal tree, speak common, MR 5%/10 yrs1d4+5
vines (AC 5, 1d8+12 to sever), caught victims","VR","in stomach 4 rnds(BB/LG), 3d4
acid/rnd no escape, lightning double dmg(no MR), dark slows 3/2, cold
dormant","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 74"
"Kelpie","3","5",,"Water, Salt","Temp/Trop","0","0","1-4",1,1,"0","M","9, Sw
12","420","Any","NE","D","5-10","MM 293","Monster","animated seaweed, alter form:
woman, hippocampus or horse (poor), charm male 1/day save -2 sees pretty","woman
(jump into water) 2d10/rnd underwater, other forms horse & hippocamus, travel on
land 1-3 hrs, charm","VR","victim protects until water, charm ends if kelpie dies,
1/2 dmg fire save none,","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime
Material","FF 55"
"Obliviax","10","1d2 hp","20","Land","Temp/Trop","0","0","2-
12",1,1,"0","T","0","35","Any","NE","nil","8","MM 293","Plant","black moss, steals
memories & spells, sense INT creatures 60', chooses wiz then other spellcasters,
victim","save vs spell or lose last 24 hrs of memory including memorized spells,
if attacked w/stollen memories it will","R","animate & cast stolen spells, to
regain must eat moss & save vs poison or ill 3d6 turns, spells fade in 1
day","Group","Special","9","General","Prime Material","OMII 96"
"Quickwood","5","5 to 10","15","Forests","Any","1","3d4","1 or 2-4",1,1,"0","L","1
(roots 3)","2000+","Any","N","special","11-12","MM 293","Plant","oak-like tree,
close inspection (10') reveals sensory organs, infravision 120', roots can grab
victim up to 90',","severed 10 pnts (no dmg B, 1 pnt P), if pulled to mouth 3d4
dmg, immune: fire, lightning, mind, poison & gas,","VR","it absorbes spell energy
& radiates fear 10'/spell lvl, controls 2d4 oaks to gather info, charmed to guard
treas","Solitary","Water","15-16","General","Prime Material","OMII 104"
"Shambling Mound","0","8 to 11","13","Swamp","Any","2","2d8/2d8","1-
3",1,1,"0","L","6","6000+","Any","N","B, T, X","5-7","MM 293","Plant","heap of
rotting vegetation with a roughly humanoid shape, -3 opp surprise, exellent
swimmer, if both arm att hit","it entangles victim suffocates in 2d4 rnds unless
BB/LG, immune: fire, blunt weapons, 1/2 dmg P & S & cold","R","save none,
lightning causes growth (1 HD w/ hp), severing limbs & head doesn't kill it, fully
healed in 12 hrs","Solitary","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Strangleweed","6","2 to 4","19","Water, Ocean","Sub-Trop/Trop","1","special","3-
12",1,0,"0","L","0","120-270","Any","N","J-N, Q, C","1","MM 293","Plant","INT
seaweed, covers 3d4 sq ft, a hit indicates entwined victim & suffers -2 on att, to
break free compare STR","(weed STR 4d4) 10%/point difference (>18/51=19), those
entangled who are weaker cannot escape & are","C","crushed 1/point diff/rnd, if
equal STR no dmg & no escape","Cluster","Carnivore","9","General","Prime
Material","OMI 93"
"Sundew, Giant","7","8","13","Forests","Temp/Trop","6 per target","1d3","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","1","2000","Day","N","nil","2-4","MM 293","Plant","3-4' mound of
grayish-green rope or rags, fly-infested, sticky exterior, fire & missiles 1/2
dmg, those w/ 5' it","lashes at w/ tendrils, for ever 3 that attatch -1 to att,
those attatched 1 dmg/tendril, open doors roll breaks a","UC","tendril (1
atmpt/tendril/rnd), on 20 mouth & nose clogged w/sap suff in 1d3+1 rnds unless
dislvd by vin or alco","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMII 116"
20",1,0,"0","M","15","175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 293","Plant","dog-like plant
creatures trained by Mold Men, attacks w/ bite if successful it tries to roll on
victim 3d4 w/ hit,","lay eggs like seeds","VR",,"Pack","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
8",1,1,"0","M","6","120","Night","LE","nil","5-7","MM 296","Undead","spirit of
restless dead, hate living things, always invisible, throws large object at victim
if successful (no dmg)","save vs spell or flee in fear 2d12 rnds, 50% of dropping
items held, if successful save immune to fear, opp -4","R","to hit, hit by silver
or magic weapons, not harmed by holy symbol or water, turn as ghoul if bound to
area","Group","Nil","10","General","Prime Material","FF 73, DRC 182"
"Pudding, Black","6","10","11","Subterranean","Any","1","3d8","1 or 1-
4",1,1,"0","M","6","2000","Any","N","nil","0","MM 297","Monster","cell colonies,
sense heat 90', attack anything, immune: acid, cold & poison, lightning divides
into 2 smaller who","attack as original, ooze thru 1"" crack & move on ceilings,
acid dmg, dissolve 2"" wood/rnd, chain mail 1 rnd,","UC","plate 2 rnds & removes 1
magical plus/rnd","Solitary","Scavenger","special","General","Prime Material","OMI
10, DRC 161"
"Pudding, White","8","9","11","Plains","Arctic","1","7d4","1 or 1-
4",1,1,"0","M","9","1400","Any","N","nil","0","MM 297","Monster","cell colonies,
sense heat 90', attack anything, immune: acid, cold & poison, lightning divides
into 2 smaller who","attack as original, ooze thru 1"" crack & move on ceilings,
50% mistaken as ice, cannot dissolve
metal","R",,"Solitary","Scavenger","special","General","Prime Material","OMII 102"
"Pudding, Dun","7","8+1","13","Desert","Any","1","4d6","1 or 1-
4",1,1,"0","M","12","1400","Any","N","nil","0","MM 297","Monster","cell colonies,
sense heat 90', attack anything, immune: acid, cold & poison, lightning divides
into 2 smaller who","attack as original, ooze thru 1"" crack & move on ceilings,
dissolve leather in a rnd, chain mail 2 rnds, plate 4","R","rnds & magical +1 in 2
rnds,","Solitary","Scavenger","special","General","Prime Material","OMII 102"
"Pudding, Brown","5","11","9","Swamp","Any","1","5d4","1 or 1-
4",1,1,"0","M","6","2000","Any","N","nil","0","MM 297","Monster","cell colonies,
sense heat 90', attack anything, immune: acid, cold & poison, lightning divides
into 2 smaller who","attack as original, ooze thru 1"" crack & move on ceilings,
dissolve leather & wood in 1 rnd, cannot
Material","OMII 102"
"Quaggoth","6","2+2","19","Subterranean","Any","2 or 1","1d4/1d4 or weapon","2-
24",1,1,"0","L","12","175","Any","N","(O, R)","5-7","MM 298","Humanoid","long
shaggy white hair, warlike, infravision 120', 70% do not use weapons, 2-handed
sword, club or axe, if","reduced to 25% hp it enters a fury +2 att & dmg, tribes
have jald (leader: 3+3 HD, AC 5, +1 dmg), thonot","R","(shaman who uses psionics),
devour all bodies (including own) if they win, hunters, nomadic, roam
Underdark","Tribe","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material","FF 74"
4",1,1,"0","M","15","3000","Night","LE","F","11-12","MM 299","Humanoid","spirits
encased in flesh, savor human meat, limited ESP & illusion to disguise as someone
victim trusts, drop","illusion when attacking, magic abilities cast at 7th: (wiz)
4-1st, 3-2nd, 2-3rd & (priest) 4-1st, immune: spells <8th","R","+1 weapon & < +3 =
1/2 dmg, hit by blessed crossbow instantly kills, bound by class, gain honor by
battle","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material","OMI 81"
"Rakshasa Ruhks","-5","8+16","11","Forests","Sub-
F","13-14","MM 299","Humanoid","guardian of community, knight, limited ESP &
illusion to disguise as someone victim trusts, drop illusion when"," attacking,
magic abilities cast at 9th: (wiz) 4- 1st, 3- 2nd, 2- 3rd & (priest) 4- 1st,
immune: spells < 8th lvl,","VR","+2 weapon & < +4 = 1/2 dmg, hit by blessed
crossbow instantly kills","Solitary","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime
"Rakshasa Rajahs","-5","8+16","11","Forests","Sub-
F","13-14","MM 299","Humanoid","leader of local clan, lord, limited ESP & illusion
to disguise as someone victim trusts, drop illusion when","attacking, magic
abilities wizard of 8th & priest of 6th both cast at 11th lvl, immune: spells <
8th lvl, +2 weapon","VR","to hit & < +4 = 1/2 dmg, hit by blessed crossbow
instantly kills","Solitary","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Rakshasa Maharajahs","-5","13+39","11","Forests","Sub-
F","13-14","MM 299","Humanoid","leader of several small clans, duke, limited ESP &
illusion to disguise as someone victim trusts, drop illusion","when attacking,
magic abilities wizard of 13th & priest of 9th, immune: spells < 8th lvl, +2
weapon to hit &","VR","+4 = 1/2 dmg, hit by blessed crossbow instantly
kills","Solitary","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Rat, Giant","7","1/2","20","Any","Any","1","1d3","5-50",1,0,"0","T","12, Sw
6","15","Night","NE","C","2-4","MM 300","Monster","plague underground areas, bite
has 5% chance of infecting with disease save vs poison, fear fire,
avoid","attacking strong parties unless hungery or commanded by vampire or
wererat, can attack in water","C",,"Pack","Scavenger","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 81, DRC 201"
"Osquip","7","3+1","16","Subterranean","Any","1","2d6","2-24",0,0,"0","S","12, Br
1/2","120","Night","N","(D)","1","MM 300","Monster","6, 8 or 10 legged rodent,
build tunnels, opponents -5 to surprise, territorial, poor swimmers, live in
caves, also","see MM 241","UC",,"Pack","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","FF 70"
"Remorhaz","0/2/4","7 to 14","13","Plains","Arctic","1","4d6 or 5d6 or
6d6","1",1,1,"75%","G","12","5000+","Day","N","D","1","MM 301","Monster","polar
worm, on 20 swallow victim & killed instant, can secrete creating intense heat on
back, any non-magic","weapon melts & if touched 10d10 dmg, head AC 2 & underbelly
AC 4, infravision 40', eggs worth 500 gp,","VR","HD/THAC0/dmg: 7-8/13/4d6, 9-
10/11/5d6, 11-12/9/5d6, 13-14/7/6d6, +1000 XP/HD over
9","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 82"
"N","nil","special","MM 302","Undead","vengeful spirit risen to destroy killer,
never uses weapons, strangles victim until killed, gaze vs killer save vs","spell
or paralyzed 2d4 rnds, regen 3 hp/rnd except fire, immune: acid & gas, permenant
destruction by fire,","VR","cannot be raised, turned or effected by holy
symbol/water, retains ability w/ min scores
above","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material","FF 75, DRC 207"
"Roc","4","18","5","Mountains","Sub-Tropical","2 or 1","3d6/3d6 or 4d6","1-
2",1,0,"0","G","3, Fl 30","10,000","Day","N","C","1","MM 303","Monster","huge bird
of prey (120' wingspan), attacks: claw/claw or bite, 95% carries prey to lair, if
humanoid caught 65%","both arms pinned, can pick up 2 victims, will drop prey if
1/4 total hp lost, -5 opp surprise, eggs 2d6x100 gp,","R","+1 attack if protecting
nest, feathers used in magic items","Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMI 82, DRC 202"
"Roper","0","10 to 12","11","Subterranean","Any","1","5d4","1-
3",1,1,"80%","L","3","10,000+","Night","CE","3d6 PP, 35%-5d4 gems","15-16","MM
304","Monster","resembles stalagmite, boulder or lump on cavern floor, -2 opp
surprise, shoots 1 of 6 sticky strands/rnd 20-50'","& carry 750 lbs, hit save vs
poison or lose 1/2 STR (cumm) in 1d3 rnds for 2d4 turns, pulled 10'/rnd, bite
auto,","R","open doors breaks strand or severed (AC 0, 6 hp single hit edged),
immune lightning, 1/2 cold, save -4 vs
fire","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 83"
"Storoper","0","6","11","Subterranean","Any","6 or 1","special or 5d4","1-
3",1,1,"80%","L","3","10,000","Night","CE","3d6 PP, 35%-5d4 gems","15-16","MM
304","Monster","stoney, resembles statue of roper, -2 opp surprise, shoots 6
sticky strands/rnd 20-50' & pull 750 lbs, hit save vs","poison or lose 1/2 STR
(cumm) in 1d3 rnds for 2d4 turns, pulled 10'/rnd, bite auto, open doors breaks
strand","R","or severed(AC 0, 6 hp single hit edged),immune lightn, 1/2 cold, save
-4 vs fire, 2/day save or paralyzed 1
rnd","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 115"
"Rust Monster","2","5","15","Subterranean","Any","2","0","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","18","270","Night","N","Q","1","MM 305","Monster","eat metal,
immediately move toward metal (90'), hit indicates rusted metal (magic has
10%/plus of magic to not","be affected), hit from weapon is treated same, will
break of attack if metal is left, prefers forged metal, dwarf &","UC","gnomes hate
creatures","Solitary","Special","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 83, DRC 202"
"Sahuagin","5","2+2","19","Water, Salt","Temperate","1 or 3+2","weapon or
1d2/1d2/1d4/ + 1d4/1d4","20-80",1,1,"0","M","12, Sw 24","175-2000","Night","LE","N
(I, O, P, Qx10, X, Y)","13-14","MM 306","Monster","vicious, predatory fish-men,
speak own, weapons: crossbow, spear, trident, net or dagger, unarmed:
claw/","claw/bite & (if both claws hit) rake rear claw/claw, good vision,
chieftain (4+4 HD), lieutenant (3+3), hate","UC","spellcasters, save vs fire -2 &
+1/die, baron (6+6), king (10+10), prince (8+8 HD), guard (3+3), priest 8th
(9+9)","Tribe","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 84"
"Satyr","5","5","15","Forests","Temperate","1","2d4 or weapon","2-
8",1,1,"50%","M","18","975","Any","N","I, S, X","11-12","MM 308","Humanoid","half-
human & half-goat, speak own, elf & common, +2 on their surprise, hide in forest
90%, -2 opp surprise in","woods, infravision 60', 20% use +1 weapons, use sword,
dagger or bow, play tunes can: charm, sleep or fear","UC","within 60' 1d6 hrs save
vs spell, 1/group has pipe, bard singing prevents effects,
inoffensive","Band","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 85"
"Korred","5","6+1","15","Forests","Temperate","1","1d2+4 or weapon +4","1-
4",1,1,"25%","S","9","1400","Any","CN","E","11-12","MM 308","Humanoid","half-goat
& half-human lacking horns, speak: own, satyr, dryad, centaur & elf, 18/76 STR,
hurl boulder 100'","2d8 dmg, fist or weapon, music laugh 3/day (60') roll above
CHR or stun 1d4 rnds, abilities: stone shape,","VR","animate rock, teleport 30',
shatter rock, rock to mud & stone tell, weave hair into snare or rope save vs
spell","Clan","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 78"
"Scorpion, Large","5","2+2","19","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","3","1d4/1d4/1","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","9","175","Any","N","D","0","MM 309","Monster","attack:
pincer/pincer/tail, tail save +2 vs poison or 15 dmg, live underground, treasure
from dead bodies,","venom prized by
alchemists","UC",,"Swarm","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMII 107"
"Scorpion, Huge","4","4+4","15","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","3","1d8/1d8/1d3","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","12","420","Any","N","D","0","MM 309","Monster","attack:
pincer/pincer/tail, tail save vs poison or die next rnd, pin victim in pincer &
auto dmg, only escape is a","BB/LG, if reduced to < 5 hp stinging frenzy 2
attacks/rnd, live underground, treasure from dead bodies,","C","venom prized by
alchemists,","Swarm","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 107"
4",1,0,"0","M","15","650","Any","N","D","0","MM 309","Monster","attack:
pincer/pincer/tail, tail save vs poison or die next rnd, pin victim in pincer &
auto dmg, only escape is a","BB/LG, if reduced to < 5 hp stinging frenzy 2
attacks/rnd, live underground, treasure from dead bodies,","UC","venom prized by
alchemists,","Swarm","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI 85"
"Sea Lion","5/3","6","15","Coast","Any","3","1d6/1d6/2d6","3-12",1,0,"0","L","Sw
18","420","Day","N","B","2-4","MM 310","Monster","head & forepaws of lion & body &
tail of fish, territorial, hate sharks, attack: claw/claw/bite if both claws hit
it","mauls victim who cannot attack (open doors) & follows w/bite +4 & double dmg,
head AC 5 & body AC 3,","UC","difficult to raise in captivity, packs have strong
leaders (max hp), out of water 24 hrs","Pack","Carnivore","12","General","Prime
Material","OMI 86"
"Selkie","5/10","3+3","17","Water","Arctic/Sub-Arctic","1","1d6 or weapon","1 or
12-30",0,1,"0","M","12, Sw 36","175","Any","NG","A (magic only), R","8-16","MM
311","Monster","seal-like, change form into human 1/month for 1 week, only true
seeing can detect, attack w/weapons in","human form & teeth underwater, non-
combative, visit men out of curiosity or purchase items or info,
explore","VR","sunk ships, community oriented","Tribe","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMII 107"
Fl 36 (C)","2000","Any","NE","nil","11-12","PS 82","Monster","evil steed of lower
planes who serve as mount, hate life, attack: hoof/hoof/bite, hooves
ignite","combustables, during combat smokey cloud is emitted & all w/ 10' save vs
paralysis or -2 att & dmg, move thru astral &","VR","ethereal planes at will,
communicate thru empathy, understand commands, can be summoned to Prime, own will
(ego)","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","Planescape","Lower","MM 269, OMI 74"
4",1,1,"50%","M","12","1400","Day","N","Q (Qx10, X)","16","MM
270","Humanoid","beautyful young woman, speak own & common, will flee rather than
fight, dim door 1/day, cast druid spells at","7th lvl, viewing causes blindness
(death if nude) save vs spell, hate evilness & ugliness, will heal injured
plants","VR","& animals","Solitary","Nil","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 74"
"Octopus, Giant","7","8","13","Water, Salt","Any","7","1d4(6)/2d6","1-
3",1,1,"0","L","3, Sw 12","2000","Night","NE","(R)","1","MM 271","Monster","10% to
detect if camouflaged, will work in groups to attack small ships, can stop ship in
3 turns, attacks w/","tentacles 1d4 & contstricts 2d4 dmg/rnd, arms pinned: 50%
one (att -3), 25% both, 25% none (att -1), 8 hp per","R","tent to sever
(additional hp), retreat after 3+ tent severed ejecting ink 40' x 60' x 60' &
hiding in lair","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 75"
"Ogre","5","4+1","17","Land","Any","1","1d10 or weapon +6","2-
20",1,0,"0","L","9","270","Any","CE","M (Q, B, S)","8","MM 272","Humanoid","ugly &
greedy, speak: orc, troll, stone giant, gnoll & own, +2 to hit with weapons,
groups of 11+ have a leader","& 16+ have a chieftain, females score 2d4 dmg & max
6 hp/HD, tribes also have slaves (30%) & shaman (3rd","C","lvl combat, divin,
heal, protect & sun), raid & scavenge, lust for treasure & human flesh, prey on
weak","Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 75, DRC 198"
"Ogre, Leader","3","7","17","Land","Any","1","2d6+3 or weapon +6","1 or
2",1,0,"0","L","9","650","Any","CE","M (Q, B, S)","8","MM 272","Humanoid","if 11+
ogres are encountered a leader is present, 30-33 HP, +3 to hit with
weapon",,"C",,"Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Ogre, Chieftain","4","7","17","Land","Any","1","2d6+6 or weapon
+6","1",1,0,"0","L","9","975","Any","CE","M (Q, B, S)","8","MM 272","Humanoid","if
16+ ogres are encountered 2 leaders & a chieftain are present, 34-37 HP, +4 to hit
with weapon, biggest &","smartest ogres","C",,"Tribe","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Ogre Mage","4","5+2","15","Land","Any","1","1d12","1-6",1,0,"0","L","9, Fl 15
(B)","650","Any","LE","G (R, S)","6-16","MM 272","Humanoid","found in oriental
areas, can fly (as spell) 12 turns, invisible, cause darkness 10'-radius,
polymorph into bipedal","creature & regen 1 hp/rnd, can perform 1/day: charm
person, sleep, asume gaseous form & create cold cone","VR","60' lg x 20'wd 8d8 dmg
save vs spell 1/2, +1 morale bonus, lair will have chief(+2/HD, save as 9HD, XP
975)","Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 76"
"Ogre, Aquatic (Merrow)","4","4+4","15","Water","Any","1 or 3","weapon or
1d6/1d6/2d4","2-24",1,1,"0","L","6, Sw 12","420","Any","CE","M (A)","8-10","MM
272","Humanoid","aquatic ogre, can hide becoming 10-80% invisible, attack from
cover (-5 to surprise), attack with spear 2d6 or","claw/claw/bite, +1 to hit in a
swimming charge, dwell in shallow caves, tribe has chief(AC 3, 6+6 HD, +2
dmg)","UC","2 leaders (AC 3, 5+5 HD, +1 dmg) & 1 shaman (3rd lvl
priest)","Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 96"
"Ogre, Half-","5 (9)","2+6","17","Land","Any","1","2d4+2","1-
4",0,0,"0","L","12","270","Any","CE","B, M (Q, B, S)","3-14","MM
274","Humanoid","ogre/human, infravision 60', att -2 vs dwarf, att -4 vs gnome,
found with ogres, ambush, use sword or spear,","groups have veterans (5+3 HD),
kader (6 HD), shaman (5+3 HD, 4th lvl priest) w/2 acolyte shamans (4+6
HD","VR","2nd lvl priest), no society of
own","Tribe","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
4",0,0,"0","M","12","175","Any","CE","M (B, S)","5-7","MM
274","Humanoid","ogre/orc, more voilent than ogres, love combat, hate weapons &
use fists, 10% to distinguish between orcs in","combat, sterile union of male orc
& female ogre","R",,"Tribe","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","FF 70"
"Slime, Olive","9","2+2","19","Subterranean","Any","0","0","1-
4",1,1,"0","S","0","420","Any","N","nil","0","MM 276","Monster","monster plant
life, grows on ceilings, drops on victims (AC 10), slime has numbing poison, 50%
others notice","attatched slime, 2d4 hrs slime possesses host, if others try to
kill slime host will flee, host must feed or lose hp,","VR","in 1d6+6 days it
changes into Olive Slime Creature, slime is harmed by acid, cold, fire or cure
disease","Cluster","Scavenger","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 110"
"Slime, Olive, Creature","9","varies",,"Subterranean","Any","1","special","1-
20",1,0,"0",,"6","420-2500","Any","N","nil","1","MM 276","Monster","slime zombie,
transformed host of olive slime, if slain it dissolves into a patch of olive
slime, telepathic bond w/","slime that created it (200 miles), will obey it, can
infect victim with slime (10%/hit), harmed by acid, cold, fire,","R","magic
missile, plant effecting spells & green slime (2d4 dmg/rnd), HD & dmg vary by
former size","Group","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Jelly, Mustard","4","7+14","13","Subterranean","Any","1 or
276","Monster","originated from failed experiment, hard to see, faint odor,
grenerates vapor 10'-radius save vs poison each rnd","or move 1/2 (cumm), can
divide into 2 (1/2 hp each MV 18) & join together again, contact causes 5d4
dmg,","R","uses treasure to lure victims, immune: normal weapons & electric, magic
missile heals it, cold 1/2 dmg","Solitary","Scavenger","13-14","General","Prime
Material","OMII 77"
ht","N","special","1","MM 276","Monster","relative of gelatinous cube, 10' sq x 2
1/2 - 5' thick, resembles a section of stone wall, light can pass
thru,","continuous light will reveal treasure inside, make no noise, faint odor of
vinegar, attack with pseudopod save","R","vs paralysis or paralyzed 5d4 rnds,
immune: electric, mind affect, paralysis & polymoph, carry undigested
metal","Solitary","Scavenger","9","General","Prime Material","FF 84"
"Jelly, Ochre","8","6","15","Subterranean","Any","1","3d4","1-
3",0,1,"0","M","3","270","Any","N","nil","0","MM 278","Monster","resembles giant
amoeba, moves thru cracks & under doors, drop on prey, try to envelop victim
1d10+2 dmg,","lightning bolt divides into 2 creatures (1/2 dmg), fire & cold
normal, asexual","UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI
75, DRC 198"
"Ooze, Gray","8","3+3","17","Subterranean","Any","1","2d8","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","1","270","Any","N","nil","1","MM 278","Monster","wet stone, 6-8""
thick x up to 12', cannot climb walls or ceiling, dissolves metal (chain mail 1
rnd, plate 2 rnds,","magic -1/rnd), immune: fire, cold & all spells except
lightning & blows form weapons, weapons may corrode &","R","break, psionics see
MM,","Solitary","Omnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI 49, DRC 181"
"Ooze, Crystal","8","4","17","Water","Any","1","4d4","1-2",1,1,"0","M","1, Sw
3","420","Any","N","nil","1","MM 278","Monster","gray ooze that adapted to water
living, 75% invisible in water, attack save vs poison or paralyzed & consumed","in
a short time (at -20 hp it is consumed), immune: acid, cold, heat or fire, weapons
1 hp, wood weapons","R","save vs acid or break, magic missiles & electricity full
dmg, live in dark water, leave metal & stone
laying","Solitary","Omnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 27"
"N","nil","0","MM 278","Monster","transparent 10' cube, slide along floor, attacks
with anesthetic slime save vs paralysis or paralyzed for 5d4 rnd","dmg caused by
digestive acid, -3 on surprise roll, immune: electric, fear, hold, paralysis,
polymorph & sleep,","UC","cold slows 50% & 1d4 dmg, fire & weapons full dmg,
treasure may be found inside cube","Solitary","Omnivore","10","General","Prime
Material","OMI 43, DRC 178"
"Slime, Green","9","2","19","Subterranean","Any","0","nil","1-
6",1,1,"0","S","0","65","Any","N","nil","0","MM 278","Monster","sticky, wet,
bright green, drops from ceiling, attatches & in 1d4 rnds turns victim into slime,
eats thru wood &","metal, can be scraped off, cut away, frozen or burned, only
cure disease kills it, hates light & eventually kills it,","R","all creatures
avoid this infestation","Cluster","Omnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI
49, DRC 181"
"Jelly, Slithering
ny","N","C","8-10","MM 975","Monster","slithering trackers are transparent plasma-
draining jellies. 5% chance of noticing, move thru cracks & under","doors, move
silent, attack sleeping, solitary or unconscious, secrete paralyzing (12 hrs)
liquid save vs paralsis,","R","cover entire victim & drains plasma (kills man-
sized 1 hr), hide in lairs of larger
monsters","Solitary","Special","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 88"
"Orc","6 (10)","1","19","Land","Any","1","weapon","30-300",0,0,"0","M","9
(12)","15-650","Night","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","8-9","MM
281","Humanoid","aggressive, love war, enemies: humans, elves!, dwarves!, goblins
& other orcs, weapons: sword, spear, axe,","flail, polearm, crossbow & bow,
studded leather armor, hate sunlight (att -1), ambush, tribes include:
leaders,","C","assistants, subchief, guards, shaman (5th), witchdoctor (4th mage)
& chief w/bodyguards,","Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI
76, DRC 199"
"Selkie, Leader","5/10","3+3","17","Water","Sub-Arctic","1","1d6 or
weapon","1",0,1,"0","M","12, Sw 36","420","Any","NG","A (magic only), R","8-
16","MM 311","Monster","seal-like, change form into human 1/month for 1 week, only
true seeing can detect, attack w/weapons in","human form & teeth underwater,
leader of tribe, cast 1/day: augury, cure light & cure disease, 1/week:
control","VR","weather & weather summoning, fear wrath of sea if powers used for
evil","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Shadow","7","3+3","17","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4+1 + special","2-
20",1,1,"0","M","12","420","Night","CE","F","5-7","MM 312","Undead","90%
undetectable in all but brightest light, touch inflicts dmg + 1 STR drain (returns
in 2d4 turns) if reduced to","0 STR or HP it becomes a shadow, immune: sleep,
charm & hold, can be turned, no leaders, only possible","R","way to remove curse
is a wish followed by heal","Band","Special","special","General","Prime
Material","OMI 86, DRC 203"
"Shedu","4","9+9","11","Plains","Any","2","1d6/1d6","2-8",1,1,"25%","L","12, Fl 24
(C)","8000","Day","LG","G","15-16","MM 313","Monster","prefer hot, horse-body
w/wings & humanoid head w/beard, combat evil, attack w/hooves & psionics,
speak:","shedu, lamia, lammasu & human","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material","OMI 87"
"Shedu, Greater","2","14+14","5","Plains","Any","2","3d6/3d6","1-
2",1,1,"50%","L","15, Fl 30 (B)","15,000","Day","LG","nil","17-18","MM
313","Monster","prefer hot, horse-body w/wings & humanoid head w/beard, combat
evil, attack w/hooves & psionics, speak:","shedu, lamia, lammasu, common & human,
radiate protection from evil 10'-radius","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","19-
20","General","Prime Material","OMII 109"
"Sirine","3","4 to 7","17","Water","Temp/Trop","1","weapon","1 (2-
8)",1,1,"20%","M","12, Sw 24","2000+","Any","any","L, M, N, Q (X)","13-18","MM
314","Humanoid","beautyful human-like females, speak own & local, infravision
120', DEX 18, use: short sword, dagger or missile","each has 10% chance of magic,
abilities 1/day at 11th: charm person, fog cloud, poly self & improved
invisible","VR","touch save vs poison or lose 2 INT (dispel magic), save as 11th
wiz w/ +2 vs poison, immune gas","Solitary","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","OMII 109"
"Skeleton, Giant","4","4+4","15","Any","Any","1","1d12","2-
8",0,1,"0","L","12","975","Any","N","nil","0","MM 316","Undead","magically
created, can not communicate, obey verbal commands, attack w/ sword or spear (1d12
each), 1/hr","draw fire from chest (as fireball) 8d6 dmg, immune: fire, sleep,
charm, hold & mind spells, cold 1/2, E or P 1/2,","R","missiles 1 point, turn as
mummy, holy water 2d4, usually guards or sentinel, for creation see
MM","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Skeleton, Warrior","2","9+2 to
5-16","MM 317","Undead","former fighter enslaved by power wizard, anyone
possessing skeletons circlet can control it passively or active","active-sees thru
its eyes & controls fully, passive-skeleton is inactive, can change control at
will, if circlet lost","VR","skeleton attack controller, use 2-handed sword +3 to
attack, all < 5 HD flee, +1 weapon, cannot be
turned","Solitary","Nil","15","General","Prime Material","FF 79"
"Slaad, Red","4","7+3","13","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/2d8","3-
18",1,1,"30%","L","6","2000","Any","CN","K, Q","5-7","PS 88","Monster","vicious,
quick to attack, bullies, attack: claw/claw/bite, each claw hit has 25% of
planting egg pellet, it moves to","victims chest & grows for 3 mo & emerges
killing victim, detect evil finds & remove curse kills, regen 2/rnd,
gate","UC","(2/day) 1d2 red slaad w/40% success, emit loud croak (1/day) all 20'
save vs petrif or stunned 2 rnds","Group","Carnivore","8-
10","Planescape","Limbo","MM 318, FF 82"
"Slaad, Blue","2","8+4","13","Any","Any","5","2d6/2d6/2d6/2d6/2d8","2-
12",1,1,"40%","L","6","9000","Any","CN","K, Q","5-7","PS 88","Monster","ruthless
warrior, attack: claw/claw/claw/claw/bite, bite has 10% inflicting rotting
disease, can: hold person","(one person), passwall & telekinesis, gate (2/day) 1
green or 1d2 blue slaad 40% of success, can inflict wounded or","R","unconscious
victims w/disease sim to lycanthropy (in 3 months transforms into red slaad unless
cure dis)","Group","Carnivore","11-12","Planescape","Limbo","MM 318, FF 80"
"Slaad, Green","0","9+5","11","Any","Any","3","1d6+2/1d6+2/2d8","1-
6",1,1,"50%","L","9","11,000","Any","CN","R","8-10","PS 88","Monster","braggarts
(gloat over victims), attack: claw/claw/bite, prefer to gate (2/day) 1d6 red, 1d4
blue, 1d2 green or 1 gray","w/50% success, +1 weapon to hit, can (as a group but
none possess all): darkness 15' rad, delayed blast fireball","VR","(1/day), detect
invisiblity, detect magic, ESP, fear, locate object, produce flame & telekinesis,
poly (spec)","Group","Carnivore","13-14","Planescape","Limbo","MM 318, FF 81"
"Slaad, Grey","-2","10+6","11","Any","Any","3 or 2","2d4+2 (3x) or sword +6","1-
88","Monster","transformed old green slaad, interested in power & magic, attack:
claw/claw/bite, +1 weapon to hit, can (as group","but none possess all): adv
illusion, darkness 15' rad, fear, flame strike, infravision, invisible, know
align, lightning bolt,","VR","power word blind (1day), symbol (pain, 1/day) & wind
walk, gate (2/day) 1d4 gray slaad 60% success","Group","Carnivore","15-
16","Planescape","Limbo","MM 318, FF 81"
"Slaad, Death","-4","15+7","5","Any","Any","3 or 2","3d6/3d6/2d10","1-
2",1,1,"70%","L","12","22,000","Any","CN","Z","17-18","PS 88","Monster","greatest
slaad, nearly immortal, commun thru telep, attack: claw/claw/bite, +2 weap to hit,
shapechange (special),","can (as group but none possess all): adv illus, astral,
cloudkill, dark 15' rad, det mag, det invis, ESP, fear, fireball (1),","VR","flam
strik, invis, loc obj, phant kill (1), symbol (1), unholy word (1) & wind walk,
gate (1/trn) 1d8 any type","Group","Carnivore","17-18","Planescape","Limbo","MM
318, FF 81"
y","N","nil","0","MM 319","Monster","bite opponents 1d12 dmg, SA-spit acid 4d8
save vs BW 1/2 (item save for exposed items), 10% to hit 1st rnd","next rnd 90%
-10%/10 yrds above 10 yrds, miss hits 10' away, can squeeze thru small openings,
burrow thru","UC","1' earth or 6"" of wood/rnd, immune: acid, salt, blunt & spells
causing crushing dmg, eat anything","Solitary","Omnivore","12","General","Prime
Material","OMI 88, DRC 204"
"Snake, Amphisbaena","3","6","15","Any","Temperate","2","1d3/1d3","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","12","650","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), head at both ends, poison fangs save or die,
immune to cold","attacks, moves by rolling like a hoop, attacks 2
targets","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 88"
"Snake, Boalisk","5","5+1","17","Any","Tropical","2","1d3/1d6+1","1-
3",1,0,"0","L","12","975","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), constrictor snake, attacks: bite/squeeze &
gaze-save vs petrif","or inflicted w/rotting disease, not looking suffer -2 attack
& -4 AC, surprised victims affected auto (no
save)","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 19"
"Snake, Const.","6","3+2","17","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1/1d3","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","9","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Animal","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), hide & drop or lower self on victims, once
constricted dmg auto","escape by open doors -1, attacking 20% to hit victim, area
affect spell harm both, skin worth up to 100
gp","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMI 88, OMII 111"
"Snake, Const., Giant","5","6+1","15","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1d4/2d4","1-
2",1,0,"0","L","9","650","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), requires 60 total points of STR to break
free, pelt only good for","armor worth up to 20
gp","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Heway","7","1+3","19","Desert","Any","1","1d3","1-2",1,1,"0","M","12, Sw
6","175","Day","N","nil","5-7","MM 320","Monster","fear fire & retreat from open
flames (-6 morale), desert oasis, poisonous skin, releases poison in water &
waits","until victims drinks water save vs poison +2 or 30 dmg (15 success) in
3d6 min & paralyzed in 1d6 hrs, gaze","UC","save vs paralysis or hypnotized 1d6
turns","Solitary","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Poison","6","2+1","19","Land","Any","1","1","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","15","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Animal","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), different varieties of snakes all inflicting
poisonous bite see MM","321 for table of strength, some hunt at night w/
infravision 30' & others reach high
speeds","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMI 88, OMII
111, DRC 204"
"Snake, Poison, Giant","5","4+2","17","Land","Any","1","1d3","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","15","420","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), save vs poison or die in 1 round (some 3d6
dmg if successful),","onset time, save modifier & dmg may vary by snake type, some
can mesmerized as a birdcharmer","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime
"Snake, Sea, Giant","5","10","11","Water","Tropical","2","1d6/3d6","1-
8",1,0,"0","G","12, Sw 12","3000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Monster","fear
fire & retreat from open flames (-6 morale), attack (20%) & crush small ships in
10 rnds, poison save or die","in 1d4 rnds, can constrict victim, sometimes 100's
gather possibly mating ritual","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMI 88, DRC 204"
"Snake, Spitting","5","4+2","17","Land","Tropical","2","1d3/1d3","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","12","650","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), can bite & shoot poison (30') at victim, see
table MM 321 for","poison type, an additional save vs poison avoids 2d6 hrs of
blindness","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material","OMI 88, DRC
"Snake, Const., Birdcharmer","6","3+2","17","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1/1d3","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","9","175","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Animal","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), hide & drop or lower self on victims, once
constricted dmg auto","escape by open doors -1, attacking 20% to hit victim, area
affect spell harm both, skin worth up to 100 gp,","UC","can charm by swaying
affecting low INT creatures save vs paralysis or paralyzed 2d6 rnds after swaying
stops","Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Amphisbaena, Jaculi","3","6","15","Any","Temperate","2","1d3/1d3","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","12","975","Day","N","nil","1","MM 321","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), head at both ends, poison fangs save or die,
immune to cold","attacks, moves by rolling like a hoop, attacks 2 targets, drop on
prey from 50' (opp surprise -4) inflicting
double","VR","damage","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Serpent, Snow","6","10","11","Any","Sub-Arctic","1","2d10","1-
2",1,0,"0","G","9","2000","Day","N","nil","1","MM 320","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), requires 60 total points of STR to break
free, pelt worth 2000 gp","contricts victim & bites
automatic","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Boalisk, Jaculi","5","5+1","17","Any","Tropical","2","1d3/1d6+1","1-
3",1,0,"0","L","12","1400","Day","N","nil","1","MM 321","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), constrictor snake, attacks: bite/squeeze &
gaze-save vs petrif","or inflicted w/rotting disease, not looking suffer -2 attack
& -4 AC, surprised victims affected auto (no save),","VR","drop 50' inflicting
double damage, opp -4 surprise","Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Prime
"Snake, Const., Jaculi","6","3+2","17","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1/1d3","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","9","270","Day","N","nil","1","MM 321","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), hide & drop or lower self on victims, once
constricted dmg auto","escape by open doors -1, attacking 20% to hit victim, area
affect spell harm both, skin worth up to 100 gp,","R","drop 50' inflicting double
damage, opp -4 surprise","Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Const., Giant, Jaculi","5","6+1","15","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1d4/2d4","1-
2",1,0,"0","L","9","975","Day","N","nil","1","MM 321","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), requires 60 total points of STR to break
free, pelt only good for","armor worth up to 20 gp, drop 50' inflicting double
damage, opp -4 to surpise","UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime
"Snake, Poison, Jaculi","6","2+1","19","Land","Any","1","1","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","15","270","Day","N","nil","1","MM 321","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), different varieties of snakes all inflicting
poisonous bite see MM","321 for table of strength, some hunt at night w/
infravision 30' & others reach high speeds, drop 50' inflicting","R","double
damage, opp -4 to surprise","Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Poison, Giant, Jaculi","5","4+2","17","Land","Any","1","1d3","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","15","650","Day","N","nil","1","MM 321","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), save vs poison or die in 1 round (some 3d6
dmg if successful),","onset time, save modifier & dmg may vary by snake type, some
can mesmerized as a birdcharmer, drop 50'","R","inflicting double damage, opp -4
surprise","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Spitting, Jaculi","5","4+2","17","Land","Tropical","2","1d3/1d3","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","12","975","Day","N","nil","1","MM 321","Monster","fear fire &
retreat from open flames (-6 morale), can bite & shoot poison (30') at victim, see
table MM 321 for","poison type, an additional save vs poison avoids 2d6 hrs of
blindness, drop 50' inflicting double damage, -4","VR","opp
surprise","Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Amphisbaena, Elder","3","7","15","Any","Temperate","2","1d3/1d3","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","12","1400","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Monster","head at both
ends, speak with a lisp, paralyze as birdcharmer, poison fangs save -4 or die,
immune to cold","attacks, moves by rolling like a hoop, attacks 2
targets","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Boalisk, Elder","5","6+1","17","Any","Tropical","2","1d3/1d6+1","1-
3",1,0,"0","L","12","2000","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Monster","constrictor
snake, speak w/ lisp, charm as birdcharmer, attacks: bite/squeeze & gaze-save vs
petrif","or inflicted w/rotting disease, not looking suffer -2 attack & -4 AC,
surprised victims affected auto (no
save)","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Const., Elder","6","4+2","17","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1/1d3","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","9","420","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Animal","speak w/ lisp,
charm as birdcharmer, hide & drop or lower self on victims, once constricted dmg
auto","escape by open doors -1, attacking 20% to hit victim, area affect spell
harm both, skin worth up to 100
gp","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Const., Giant, Elder","5","7+1","15","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1d4/2d4","1-
2",1,0,"0","L","9","1400","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Monster","speak w/ lisp,
charm as birdcharmer, requires 60 total points of STR to break free, pelt only
good for","armor worth up to 20
gp","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Poison, Elder","6","3+1","19","Land","Any","1","1","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","15","420","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Monster","speak w/ lisp,
charm as birdcharmer, different varieties of snakes all inflicting poisonous bite
see MM 321 for","table of strength all additional -4 to save, some hunt at night
w/ infravision 30' & others reach high
speeds","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Poison, Giant, Elder","5","5+2","17","Land","Any","1","1d3","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","15","975","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Monster","speak w/ lisp,
charm as birdcharmer, save vs poison -4 or die in 1 round (some 3d6 dmg if
successful), onset","time, save modifier (always additional -4) & dmg may vary by
snake type
Snake, Sea, Giant 5 10 2 1d6/3d6 12, Sw 12 3000 nil 1 MM 320
1-8 0 N G 11 Monster -1 0 Day Tropical Water
UC fear fire & retreat from open flames (-6 morale), attack (20%) & crush
small ships in 10 rnds, poison save or die in 1d4 rnds, can constrict victim,
sometimes 100's gather possibly mating
ritual","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Spitting, Elder","5","5+2","17","Land","Tropical","2","1d3/1d3","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","12","1400","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Monster","speak w/ lisp,
charm as birdcharmer, can bite & shoot poison (30') at victim, see table MM 321
for poison type","modify save -4, an additional save vs poison avoids 2d6 hrs of
blindness","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Sea, Giant, Elder","5","11","11","Water","Tropical","2","1d6/3d6","1-
8",1,0,"0","G","12, Sw 12","5000","Day","N","W","2-7","MM 321","Monster","speak w/
lisp, charm as birdcharmer, attack (20%) & crush small ships in 10 rnds, poison
save -4 or die in 1d4","rnds, can constrict
victim","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Grand
","varies","Day","N","W","10-12","MM 321","Monster","largest elder giant cobra,
said to be immortal, skin has healing powers if eaten, never been
seen",,"VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","varies","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Winged","5","4+4","15","Forests","Tropical","1","1d4","2-
8",1,1,"0","L","12, Fl 18 (B)","1400","Any","N","nil","2-4","MM
322","Monster","colorful, spider climb at will, -3 to initiative, bite dmg +
poison onset 1 rnd & 2d8 dmg 2 rnds save 1/2, BW- 10'","dia spark shower 2d8 dmg
save vs BW 1/2 (ignites flammable objects) 1/turn, immune electricity, save -2
vs","R","fire & if save fails wings are incinerated (no BW), wings used for
protection from lightning scroll","Flock","Herbivore","9","General","Prime
"Spectre","2","7+3","13","Subterranean","Any","1","1d8","1-6",1,1,"0","M","15, Fl
30 (B)","3000","Night","LE","Qx3, X, Y","13-14","MM 323","Undead","haunt desolate
& deserted places, +1 weapon to hit, daylight weakens them, hit does dmg & drains
2 levels,","if reduced to 0 lvl victim becomes a spectre, immune: sleep, charm,
cold, poison & mind, holy water 2d4 dmg,","R","raise dead destroys spectre save
negates, lead spectre has minions under his
control","Solitary","Nil","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 89, DRC 205"
Andro-","-2","12","9","Land","Temp/Trop","2","2d6/2d6","1",1,0,"0","L","18, Fl 30
(D)","7000","Day","CG","U","15-16","MM 324","Monster","winged lion-bodied w/human
face, speak common & own, attacks claw/claw or spell (6th priest), roar 3/day","1)
360 yrd save vs wand or flee 3 turn 2) 200 yrd save vs petrif or paraly 1d4 rnd
(30 yrds deaf 2d6 rnd) 3) 240","VR","yrd save vs spell or lose 2d4 STR for 2d4 rnd
& 30 yrd knock over 2d8 dmg save vs BW or stun 2d6
rnd","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material","OMI 89, DRC 205"
Fl 24 (D)","5000","Day","N","F","9-10","MM 324","Monster","winged lion-bodied
w/goat head, speak own & animal, attack: claw/claw/horn, love treasure, lust after
Gyno-","sphinx","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","16","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Sphinx, Gyno-","-1","8","13","Land","Temp/Trop","2","2d4/2d4","1-
4",1,0,"0","L","15, Fl 24 (D)","3000","Day","N","R, X","17-18","MM
324","Monster","winged lion-bodied w/female face, speak all sphinx & common,
attack: claw/claw, bargin w/ opponents, take","payment for knowledge & services,
will attack anyone breaking deal, spells 1/wk: symbol & 1/day: det
magic","R","read magic, read lang, det invis, locate object, dispel magic,
clairaud, clairvoy, remove curse & legend
lore","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material","OMI 89"
"Sphinx, Hieraco-","1","9","11","Hills/Rough","Temp/Trop","3","2d4/2d4/1d10","1-
6",0,0,"0","L","9, Fl 36","1400","Day","CE","E","5-7","MM 324","Monster","winged
lion-bodied w/hawk head, speak own & common (20%) attack: claw/claw/beak, swoop on
victims,","vicious & evil, live in caves near
deserts","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 89"
"Spider, Hairy","8","1-1","20","Land","Non-Arctic","1","1+poison","1-
20",1,0,"0","T","12, Wb 9","65","Any","NE","nil","5-7","MM 326","Monster","vicious
black roam jungles, tombs & underdark, do not make webs, +5 to attack once
attatched to victim,","must be individually removed, may be used as familiar-60'
infravision, not afraid of fire, 40% can detect invisible","C","4 in 6 times,
poison save +2 or victims AC & attack -1 & DEX -3 onset 1 rnd lasting 1d4+1
rnds","Swarm","Omnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Large","8","1+1","19","Land","Non-Arctic","1","1","2-20",1,0,"0","S","6,
Wb 15","175","Any","N","J-N","0","MM 326","Monster","web-spinners, strong &
sticky, 1 rnd per point under 19 STR to break free from web, entangled victims +4
to","hit & losses DEX AC bonuses, poison save +2 or 15 points in 15
min","C",,"Swarm","Carnivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 90"
"Spider, Huge, Watch","6","2+2","19","Land","Non-Arctic","1","1d6","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","18","270","Any","N","J-N, Q","5-7","MM 326","Monster","hide & leap
onto victims (30'), opp -6 to surprise, poison save +1 or paralysis for 2d4 turns
in 1d2 rnds, trained","to guard cellars, warehouse,
etc","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Huge","6","2+2","19","Land","Non-Arctic","1","1d6","1-
12",1,0,"0","M","18","270","Any","N","J-N, Q","1","MM 326","Monster","hide & leap
onto victims (30'), opp -6 to surprise, poison save +1 or 15 points dmg in 15
min",,"C",,"Pack","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material","OMI 90"
"Spider, Giant","4","3+3 to 4+4","17","Land","Non-Arctic","1","1d8","1-
8",1,0,"0","L","3, Wb 12","420","Any","CE","C","5-7","MM 326","Monster","web-
spinners, strong & sticky, 1 rnd per point under 19 STR to break free from web,
entangled victims +4 to","hit & losses DEX AC bonuses, poison save or die
immediately, 4+4 HD: 650 XP & THACO
15","UC",,"Group","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 90, DRC 206"
"Spider, Giant, Water","4","3+3","17","Water, Fresh","Non-Arctic","1","1d4","1-
8",1,0,"0","L","15","420","Any","CE","J-N, Q","2-4","MM 326","Monster","lives in
burrow in fresh water, poison save or die
immediately",,"UC",,"Group","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 90"
"Spider, Giant, Flying","4","3+3","17","Land","Non-Arctic","1","1d8","1-
8",1,0,"0","L","9, Fl 9 (D)","650","Any","CE","C","5-7","MM 326","Monster","can
fly & leap 70', poison save +2 or 15 points dmg in 15
min",,"UC",,"Group","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Giant, Trap Door","4","4+4","15","Land","Non-Arctic","1","2d4","1-
8",1,0,"0","L","6, Wb 12","975","Any","CE","C","5-7","MM 326","Monster","lives in
tunnels, spin no webs, grabs victim (cannot attack) & drags to lair, STR check -2
to break free or by","20 total STR points, poison save or 1d6 dmg, shoot strands
3' entangle 1d4 rnds","UC",,"Group","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Giant, Steeder","4","4+4","15","Land","Non-Arctic","1","2d4","1-
8",1,0,"0","L","12","975","Any","CE","C","5-7","MM 326","Monster","spin no webs,
feet secrets sticky substance, attaches to victim (roll to hit vs AC 10 adjust DEX
& magic)suffers","-2 to attack & dmg, STR or DEX check -10 to escape, bite auto,
poison save or die immediately, leap 240'","UC","can be used as steed, move 1/2 on
ceilings & walls","Group","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Phase","7","5+5","15","Any","Any","1","1d6","1-4",1,1,"0","H","6, Wb
15","1400","Any","N","E","5-7","MM 326","Monster","web-spinners w/human-like head,
confused w/ neogi or drider, phase: -3 initiative & if it wins by more than 4","it
phases out before return attack, can phase behind opponent +4 to hit, in Ethereal
Plane -1 to initiative &","R","can be attacked every rnd, poison bite save -2 or
die immediately","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 90"
"Spider, Sword","3","5+5","15","Jungle","Any","1","2d4 (bite) or 2d6 per
leg","1",1,0,"0","H","6, Wb 8, Cl 8","2000","Any","CE","nil","8-10","MM
326","Monster","also found in Underdark, legs have bony plates w/ sharp ridges,
leap 30' & does dmg per # of legs which vary","by size: S-3, M-4, L-5, H-6 & G-8,
if leap greater than 20' +1 dmg/leg, any attack vs leaping spider
-4","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Gargantuan, Whisper","4","8+8","11","Land","Non-Arctic","1","2d6","1-
6",1,1,"0","G","9, Wb 12","3000","Any","CE","C","5-7","MM 326","Monster","hunting
spider, can flatten self (80% undetectable) & -5 opp surprise, can make false
spider in web, can trap","victim in web (treat as web spell) or shoot web 2' to
bind opponent (treat as AC 10 adj for DEX & magic) 1 rnd,","VR","poison bite save
-2 or coma 2d4 turns","Group","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Gargantuan, Marine","4","7+7","13","Water, Salt","Non-
326","Monster","live in burrows near saltwater, carry prey to lair, collect no
treasure but may have incidental items, poison bite","save or die
immediately","VR",,"Group","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMII 113"
"Sprite","6","1","19","Forests","Any","1","weapon","10-100",1,1,"0","S","9, Fl 18
(B)","270","Day","NG","C","11-12","MM 328","Humanoid","shy & reclusive faerie
people, speak own, elf & common, use slim sword 1d4 or bow (1/2 human range &
dmg)","arrows coated with ointment save vs poison or sleep 1d6 hrs (affects all
creatures), can at will: invisible & det","R","good/evil (50 yrds), when invisible
attack +2 & opponents -4 to hit, get along with druids, loose
tribe","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMI 92, DRC 208"
"Sprite, Sea","6","1","19","Water","Tropical","1","weapon","5-40",1,1,"0","T","6,
Sw 24","270","Day","CN","(D)","11-12","MM 328","Humanoid","no wings, use special
crossbow (function above & below water), arrows coated with ointment save vs
poison","or sleep 1d6 hrs (affects all creatures), can at will: invisible & detect
good/evil (50 yrds), 3/day cast slow at 5th","R","1/day cast airy water at 10th,
45% chance to be with 1d6 barracudas, live in coral reefs, enemy-
sahuagin","Tribe","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
Fl 12 (B)","650","Night","N","R, S, T, X","15-16","MM 328","Humanoid","normal
invis, dispel magic vs 8th visible 1 rnd, swords & bows, 3 types of arrows +4:
save vs pois or sleep 1d6","hrs(affects all creatures), war 1d4+1 & save vs spell
or loss memory until heal or limited wish, 1/day (8th): poly","VR","self, knw
align, disp magic, dance light, ESP, create illus & confusion (touch) save vs
spell until remove curse","Tribe","Herbivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMI
79, DRC 200"
Sw 12","270","Day","N","Q (C)","12","MM 328","Humanoid","live in lakes, breath air
& water, speak own & common, fear fire & brite light, use dagger & javelin or a
group","can use a net (up to 5 men AC 10 -2/man), will charm men entering 30' of
group (1 sp/10 pixies) save vs spell","R","or enter water & slave 1 yr 75% to
dispel before entering water or 10% after, cast or dispel water breath
1/day","Tribe","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 74, DRC 197"
120",1,1,"20%","T","12, Fl 24 (A)","270","Night","CN","M (X)","8-12","MM
328","Humanoid","mix w/ Grigs, infravision 90', good hearing, speak own, sprite,
pixie & common, crossbow (3') 1d3, spear 1d4,","dive attack double dmg, cast at
will (5th): blink, invisible, pass plant, speak w/animal & summon insects,
surp","R","on 1, opp -6 to surprise, avoid contact, hate orcs, live in branches of
trees, collect magical items & display them","Tribe","Herbivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMII 11"
"Grig","2","1/2+1","20","Forests","Temperate","3 or 2","darts (1d3) or sword
(1d6)","2-12",1,1,"30%","T","6, leap 12","270","Night","NG","M (X, Y)","5-10","MM
328","Humanoid","mischievous, play tricks on big people, good hearing, infravision
180', +2 bonus w/darts, cast at will (6th):","change self, entangle, invisible,
pyrotechnics, trip & ventriloquism, surprised on 1, opp -6 to surprise,
move","VR","silent in woods, play fiddle all non-sprite 30' save vs spell or dance
until music stops, unicorns protect them","Band","Herbivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMII 71"
"Squid, Giant","7/3","12","9","Water","Any","9","1d6 (8)/5d4","1",1,1,"0","G","Sw
3, Jet 18","5000","Any","N","A","0","MM 331","Monster","grab & constrict, 12
points from edged to sever, 2d6/rnd after initial strike, if caught: 25% 1 arm
free, 50% no","arms free & 25% both free, attack -3/none/-1, if 4 tenticles
severed 80% chance to shoot 60' x 60' x 80' ink","R","cloud obscures vision of all
(escapes to lair), drag small ships to bottom, 1/2 MV of large & causes
dmg","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 92"
"Squid, Kraken","5/0","20","5","Water","Any","9","3d6 (2)/2d6
(6)/7d4","1",1,1,"0","G","Sw 3, Jet 21","14,000","Any","NE","G, R, S (A)","19-
20+","MM 331","Monster","gargantuan squid, 2 tenticles have barbs, others 3d6
constricting dmg, sever after 18 points from edged, if 3","tenticles severed 80%
retreat leaving ink cloud 80' x 80' x 120' (2d4 dmg/rnd lasts 1d4+1 rnd), drag 60'
ships","VR","to bottom, cause airy water 120' sphere, faerie fire (8 hrs), cntrl
temp(40' yrd),[cntrl wind & weather sum
1/day]","Solitary","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material","OMII 79"
"Stirge","8","1+1","17","Forests","Any","1","1d3","3-30",1,0,"0","S","3, Fl 18
(C)","175","Night","N","D","1","MM 332","Monster","bird-like, drains 1d4/rnd after
initial hit, after 12 points drained it flies away, must be killed to be removed,
if","attack misses another vs victims AC to see if victim is hit, also found in
dungeons, sense heat 200'","UC",,"Cluster","Blood","8","General","Prime
Material","OMI 92, DRC 208"
"Stirge, Jungle","8","2+2","13","Jungle","Any","1","1d3","3-30",1,0,"0","S","3, Fl
18 (C)","400","Night","N","D","1","MM 332","Monster","bird-like, bite has
paralyzing poison save or paralysed 1d4 rnds, drains 1d4/rnd after initial hit,
after 12 points","drained it flies away, must be killed to be removed, if attack
misses another vs victims AC to see if victim is hit,","UC","also found in
dungeons, sense heat 200', mingle w/ large vampire
bats","Cluster","Blood","8","General","Prime Material",
"Su-Monster","6","5+5","15","Forests","Any","3 or 5","claw (2)/bite or claw
(4)/bite","1-12",1,1,"0","M","9","650","Dawn & Sunset","CE","C, Y","8-10","MM
333","Monster","grey monkey, hunt in families, drop from trees on victims (5
attacks) & -4 opp surprise, if young attacked the","women fight under haste
(double attacks & MV) & if women attacked males under haste, psionic powers
see","UC","MM, territorial, keep valuables well hidden in high trees, their meat
is poison","Family","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 93"
"Swanmay","7","2 to 12",,"Land","Temperate","3 or as ranger","1/1/1d2 or
weapon","1 or 2-5",1,1,"2%/HD","M","15 or 3, Fl 19 (D)","120-
3000","Any",,"special","13-18","MM 334","Humanoid","human female who can assume
swan form, function as ranger, shapeshifting gained voluntarily thru
token,","secret ranger society (women only), hate evil, determine lvl by rolling
2d6, attacks w/ weapon or wing/flying","VR","leap/bite, +1 weapon to hit, protect
forest, usually live near lakes & wetlands, equipment does not
change","Flock","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 116"
"Bird Maiden","7","2 to 8",,"Mountains","Tropical","2 or 1","1/1d3 (peck/claw) or
weapon","1",1,1,"5%/HD","M","12 or 3, Fl 36 (C)","420-
3000","Day","any","special","8-18","MM 334","Humanoid","women who can assume bird
form (falcon, swallow, eagle, etc) by use of tokens, loosely united groups,
in","human form called kahina(priestess of nature), traveling teachers, for
spheres see MM, use spear, dart or sling","VR","shields but no armor, cannot turn
undead, equipment does not change, +2 weapon to
hit","Solitary","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Tabaxi","6","2","19","Jungle","Sub-Trop/Trop","3","1d3/1d3/1d3 or weapon","2-
8",1,1,"0","M","15","420","Any","CN","U","8-14","MM 335","Humanoid","spotted
feline humanoids, great hunter, -2 opp surprise, climb & swim, impossible to trap,
weapons: bone, stone","sling, clubs (treat as battle axe), if both claws hit rear
claws rake 1d4+1/1d4+1, clans have leader, up to 5th","R","lvl shaman &
elder","Clan","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","FF 86"
"Tabaxi Lord","3","8","19","Jungle","Sub-
18","MM 335","Humanoid","huge jaguar or leopard, speak local languages, hate
couatls (attack on sight), use trickery, ambush, spells,etc","before melee,
surprised on 1, both claws hit rear claws rake 1d4+1/1d4+1, 55% wizard 40% priest
5% both, all","VR","7th, schl (V): illus, ench/charm & necrom, god Zaltec, can det
good/evil, det invis, bind, hypn & (dim dr 3/day)","Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Tako, Male","3","4","17","Water, Ocean","Temp/Trop","8","1d2 each or weapon/1d4+2
(bite)","3-12",1,1,"0","M","3, Sw 9","270","Any","LN","J, Q","8-10","MM
336","Monster","INT octopi, docile unless any creature enters its territory,
change color to blend w/ area (90% undetectable &","-3 opp surprise), anchor
selves w/ 1 tent. & attack w/ others, use spears & axes, constriction 1d4/rnd
broken","R","by 4 points dmg, arms pinned 1-10%, both-10% & none-80%, att: -3
/none/-1, limited ink defense","Tribe","Carnivore","12","General","Prime
"Tako, Female","2","6","15","Water, Ocean","Temp/Trop","8","1d3 each or weapon/2d4
(bite)","1-2",1,1,"0","L","3, Sw 9","650","Any","LN","J, Q","8-10","MM
336","Monster","INT octopi, docile unless any creature enters its territory,
change color to blend w/ area (90% undetectable &","-3 opp surprise), anchor
selves w/ 1 tent. & attack w/ others, use spears & axes, constriction 2d4/rnd
broken","VR","by 4 points dmg, arms pinned 1-15%, both-15% & none-70%, att: -3
/none/-1, limited ink defense","Tribe","Carnivore","12","General","Prime
"Tako, Young","7","1","20","Water, Ocean","Temp/Trop","8","1 each/1d3 (bite)","1-
6",1,1,"0","M","1, Sw 3","35","Any","LN","nil","8-10","MM 336","Monster","small
feisty version of parents, change color to blend w/ area (90% undetectable & -3
opp surprise), anchor","selves w/ 1 tent. & attack w/ others, no
constriction","R",,"Tribe","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Tanar'ri, True, Balor","-8","13","7","Any","Any","2","1d12/1d4+special or
2d6/2d6","1",1,1,"70%","L","15, Fl 36 (B)","26,000","Any","CE","Hx3","19-20","PS
96","Monster","most terrible of tanar'ri, attack: sword/whip or fists (fist, save
vs spell -6 or flee 1d6 turns), sword (vorpal & detect","good/evil 30', others
touching, 10d6 dmg save vs spell or die), whip (mag) pulls victim into body
(4d6/rnd fire),","VR","escape STR check (vs. 50%), +3 weapon to hit, gate other
tanar'ri & use spells (see PS), if killed in Abyss
(special)","Solitary","Carnivore","17-18","Planescape","Abyss","MM 337"
"Tanar'ri, True, Marilith","-9","12","9","Any","Any","7","4d6/weapon (x6)","1-
2",1,1,"70%","L","15","23,000","Any","CE","C, F","17-18","PS 104","Monster","bold,
cunning, tactician, attack: tail (constr)/6 arms w/weapon, if constr: roll CON
check every rnd or unconscious,","10%/point over 14 STR/rnd to escape, 90% magic
weap (15% special) gate other tanar'ri, +2 weapons to hit, never","VR","imm: illus
& mind spells, can: anim dead, cause serious wnds, cloudkill, comp lang, curse,
others","Solitary","Carnivore","17-18","Planescape","Abyss","MM 337"
"Tarrasque","-3","300 hp
Rush 15","107,000","Special","N","special","1","MM 339","Monster","only one
exists, only active 1/10 yrs for 5d4 mo, eats everything, attacks:
claw/claw/tail/bite/horn/horn, bite","of 18+ severs limb, 1/turn rush causing
double dmg w/horns & 4d10 trampling, 3 HD freeze, <7 flee, 7+ save","VR","vs para,
+1 weapons, immune: fire, bolts & rays (lightning bolt, magic missiles, cold cone,
etc), regen 1 hp/rnd","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII
"Tasloi","5 (6)","1","19","Jungle","Tropical","1 or 2","1d3/1d3 or weapon","10-
100",1,0,"0","S","9, Cl 15","35","Night","CE","Qx5","5-10","MM
340","Humanoid","long-legged & flat-headed, speak own, monkey & 5% common, hide in
tree tops & drop on victims -4 opp surp,","hide in shadows 75%, infravision 90',
-1 to attack in daylight, use javelin, club, short sword & net, AC 5
w/sm","R","shield, nets trap victim STR > 14 open doors roll, try to steal enemy
dead, chief (5 HD), shaman (up to 5th)","Tribe","Omnivore","10","General","Prime
Material","OMII 118"
3",1,1,"0","S","6","1400","Any","N","nil","0","MM 341","Monster","only exist in
Ethereal Plane, feed on mental energy, psionic extends to prime material, immune
to telepathic","attack & control, order in which it feeds: 1) psionic points 2)
magical energy (causes spell failure) 3) PSP's 4)","R","memorized spells 5) INT
(loss is perm. unless restore), invisible to those in prime material
plane","Solitary","Special","5-7","General","Ethereal","OMI 94"
"Thri-Kreen","5","6+3","13","Land","Temp/Trop","5 or 2","1d4(4)/1d4+1 or
1d4+1/weapon","2-24",1,1,"0","L","18","1400","Any","CN","magic items they use","8-
14","MM 342","Monster","mantis warriors, attacks: claw(4)/bite or bite/weapon, use
gythka (1d6/1d10 melee or 1d6+2 thrown), special","abilities: Leap-20' up or 50'
forward, Chatkcha-throwing wedge (2) 90 yrds 1d6+2, Venom-bite save vs paral
or","UC","paraly 2d8 rnds, Dodge-9+ on d20 avoids missiles, Psionics, Magical
items, for other ages see MM","Pack","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime
Material","OMII 119"
"Tohr-Kreen","5","8+3","11","Land","Temp/Trop","5 or 2","1d6(4)/1d6+1 or
1d6+1/weapon","2-24",1,1,"0","L","18","2700","Any","CN","magic items they use","8-
14","MM 342","Monster","mantis warriors, attacks: claw(4)/bite or bite/weapon, use
gythka (1d6/1d10 melee or 1d6+2 thrown), special","abilities: Leap-20' up or 50'
forward, Chatkcha-throwing wedge (2) 90 yrds 1d6+2, Venom-bite save vs paral
or","UC","paraly 2d8 rnds, Dodge-8+ on d20 avoids missiles, Psionics, Magical
items, for other ages see MM","Pack","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime
"Xixchil","5","6+3","13","Land","Temp/Trop","5 or 2","1d4(4)/1d4+1 or
1d4+1/weapon","2-24",1,1,"0","L","18","1400","Any","CN","magic items they use","8-
14","MM 342","Monster","spacefaring mantis, skilled surgeons, attacks:
claw(4)/bite or bite/weapon, use gythka (1d6/1d10 melee or","1d6+2 thrown),
special abilities: Leap-20' up or 50' forward, Chatkcha-throwing wedge (2) 90 yrds
1d6+2,","UC","Venom-bite save vs paral or paraly 2d8 rnds, Dodge-9+ on d20 avoids
missiles, Psionics, Magical items","Pack","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime
"Titan, Algorn","0","20","5","Special","Any","2","7d6+14/7d6+14","1-
10",1,1,"50%","G","36","21,000","Any","CG","E, Qx10, R","19-21+","MM
343","Monster","almost god-like, 25' tall, live in Olympus, SA-(kick, breath
attack, etc) 10d6 dmg (every 2 rnds), ethereal 2/day,","powers (20th lvl) see MM,
+1 weapon to hit, influence over sea, can create water up to medium lake,
can","UC","cause a jet or water to be frozen","Group","Omnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material","OMI 94"
"Titan, Mane","0","20","5","Special","Any","2","7d6+14/7d6+14","1-
10",1,1,"50%","G","36","21,000","Any","CG","E, Qx10, R","19-21+","MM
343","Monster","almost god-like, 25' tall, live in Olympus, SA-(kick, breath
attack, etc) 10d6 dmg (every 2 rnds), ethereal 2/day,","powers (20th lvl) see MM,
+1 weapon to hit, dominion over felines, change into any form of cat, when he
is","UC","transformed all wounds, poisons & diseases are cured, change back &
forth 5/day","Group","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMI 94"
"Titan, Porphyl","0","20","5","Special","Any","2","7d6+14/7d6+14","1-
10",1,1,"50%","G","36","21,000","Any","CG","E, Qx10, R","19-21+","MM
343","Monster","almost god-like, 25' tall, live in Olympus, SA-(kick, breath
attack, etc) 10d6 dmg (every 2 rnds), ethereal 2/day,","powers (20th lvl) see MM,
+1 weapon to hit, power of growth, cause anything to grow to maturaty, wise
&","UC","never abuses his ability","Group","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime
Material","OMI 94"
"Titan, Malephus","0","20","5","Special","Any","2","7d6+14/7d6+14","1-
10",1,1,"50%","G","36","21,000","Any","CG","E, Qx10, R","19-21+","MM
343","Monster","almost god-like, 25' tall, live in Olympus, SA-(kick, breath
attack, etc) 10d6 dmg (every 2 rnds), ethereal 2/day,","powers (20th lvl) see MM,
+1 weapon to hit, influence over law & justice, detect lies & bad intentions,
totally","UC","honest, incapable of lies or deception","Group","Omnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material","OMI 94"
"Titan, Syllia","0","20","5","Special","Any","2","7d6+14/7d6+14","1-
10",1,1,"50%","G","36","21,000","Any","CG","E, Qx10, R","19-21+","MM
343","Monster","almost god-like, 25' tall, live in Olympus, SA-(kick, breath
attack, etc) 10d6 dmg (every 2 rnds), ethereal 2/day,","powers (20th lvl) see MM,
+1 weapon to hit, power over love, remove negative feelings, used to stop
wars","UC",,"Group","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMI 94"
"Titan, Girzon","0","20","5","Special","Any","2","7d6+14/7d6+14","1-
10",1,1,"50%","G","36","21,000","Any","CG","E, Qx10, R","19-21+","MM
343","Monster","almost god-like, 25' tall, live in Olympus, SA-(kick, breath
attack, etc) 10d6 dmg (every 2 rnds), ethereal 2/day,","powers (20th lvl) see MM,
+1 weapon to hit, dominion over death, can take life from any being but only if
a","UC","god commands it","Group","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime
Material","OMI 94"
"Titan, Greater","special","special","1","Special","Any","2","special","1-
10",1,1,"90%","G","36","special","Any","CG","E, Qx10, R","22+","MM
344","Monster","very close to gods & always with one, not subject to aggression
from nondivine beings, never harmed by
such","attacks","VR",,"Group","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Toad, Giant","6","2+4","17","Subterranean","Non-Arctic","1","2d4","1-
12",1,0,"0","M","6, Hop 6","120","Any","N","nil","1","MM 345","Monster","devour
any creature, jump 6', leap to attack (-3 opponents surprise roll), prey on
livestock, cities have
sewer","toads","C",,"Group","Carnivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 95,
DRC 209"
"Toad, Fire","10","4+1","17","Subterranean","Non-Arctic","1","2d8","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","6, Hop 6","270","Any","CN","C","5-7","MM 345","Monster","hate
water, only attack is a single fireball 30' long & 5' radius, save vs spell for
1/2 dmg, rarely attack unless","threatened, -1 point/die from fire, +1/die for
cold or water attacks, throwing water on them causes them to","R","retreat but
they breath 2 fireballs immediately before they flee","Group","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","FF 38"
"Toad, Ice","4","5","15","Subterranean","Arctic","1","3d4","1-4",1,0,"0","L","9,
Hop 9","270","Day","N","Q (C)","8-10","MM 345","Monster","dwell in cold climates
far below the surface, can radiate cold 10'-radius (every other rnd) all in area
suffer 3d6","dmg save vs spell 1/2","R",,"Group","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 95"
"Toad, Poisonous","7","2","19","Subterranean","Non-Arctic","1","1d4+1","1-
8",1,0,"0","M","6, Hop 6","175","Any","N","nil","1","MM 345","Monster","devour any
creature, jump 6', leap to attack (-3 opponents surprise roll), prey on livestock,
cities have sewer","toads, if bitten save vs poison +2 or fall unconscious & die
in 24 hrs","UC",,"Group","Carnivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMI 95"
"Treant","0","7 to 12","13","Forests","Any","2","2d8 or 3d6 or 4d6","1-
20",1,1,"0","H","12","2000+","Any","CG","Qx5, X","11-12","MM
346","Monster","related to humans & trees, hate evil, dmg varies by age, 7-8/9-
10/11-12 HD: thaco 13/11/9 & XP +1000/HD,","fire has +4 to hit & +1 dmg & save -4,
can animate 2 normal trees (MV 3/turn, thaco 9, 12 HD, 4d6 dmg),
lose","R","control if killed or 60 yrds away, can inflict structural dmg if
attacking building or fortification","Cluster","Photosynthesis","15-
16","General","Prime Material","OMI 96, DRC 209"
"Triton","4 (5)","3","17","Water, Ocean","Any","1","weapon","6-
60",1,1,"90%","M","Sw 15","270","Day","NG","M, Q (C, S, T)","13+","MM
347","Humanoid","use tridents, spears, heavy crossbow, wear armor (AC 4), mounts:
hippocampi or sea horse, exceptional tritons","(4-6/7-8 HD, 650/2000 XP) or leader
(9 HD, AC 2, XP 4000) using conch shells can call hippocampi, sea","R","horse or
sea lions or use it to frighten aquatic animals, tribes have mages & priests, non-
violent","Tribe","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 96"
"Troglodyte","5","2","19","Subterranean","Any","3 or 1","1d2/1d2/1d4+1 or
348","Humanoid","ware-like reptilian humanoids, hate men, 1/2 use claw/claw/bite
rest use: axe, morning star, javelin (+3 to hit","2d4 dmg), prefer ambush (-4 opp
surprise), in melee they secrete a smelly oil save vs poison or lose 1d6
STR","C","for 10 rnds, leader (3 HD), sub-chief (4 HD), chief (6 HD) w/guards (3
HD), lair large cave or cavern","Clan","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
Material","OMI 97, DRC 210"
"Troll","4","6+6","13","Land","Any","3 or 1","1d4+4/1d4+4/1d8+4 or weapon+8","1-
12",1,1,"0","L","12","1400","Night","CE","Q (D)","5-7","MM 349","Monster","ugly,
fearless, attack if hungry, infravision 90', regen 3/rnd, attack: claw/claw/bite
or rarely weapon +8, limbs","severed on 20 (unadjust) from E, limbs cont to fight,
reattach after battle, fire & acid cause permenant dmg,","UC","throw stones 20
yrds 1d8 dmg, will break off attack if food is left, led by female chief/shaman
7th lvl","Group","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 97, DRC 210"
"Troll, Two-Headed","4","10","11","Land","Any","4 or 1","1d4+4/1d4+4/1d12/1d12 or
weapon+8","1-3",1,1,"0","L","12","3000","Any","CE","Q (D)","8-10","MM
349","Monster","ettin crossbreed, attack if hungry, infravision 90', regen 1/rnd,
attack:claw/claw/bite/bite or rarely weapon +6","thinner limbs severed on 20
(unadjust) from E, limbs cont to fight, fire & acid cause permenant dmg, surp on
1,","VR","throw stones 20 yrds 1d8 dmg, will break off attack if food is left,
lead groups of smaller trolls","Group","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime
Material","FF 90"
"Troll, Freshwater","3","5+5","15","Water, Fresh","Any","3 or 1","1d4+1/1d4+1/3d4
or weapon +8","1-6",1,1,"0","L","3, Sw 12","650","Day","CE","Qx4 (C)","5-7","MM
349","Monster","scrags, attack if hungry, infravision 90', regen 3/rnd if immersed
in water, attack: claw/claw/bite or rarely","weapon +8, limbs severed on 20
(unadjust) from E, limbs cont to fight, reattach after battle, fire & acid
cause","R","perm dmg,throw stones 20 yrds 1d8 dmg, ambush, trick & trap victims,
led by female chief/shaman 7th lvl","Group","Carnivore","14","General","Prime
Material","OMII 121"
"Troll, Saltwater","2","6+12","13","Water, Salt","Any","3 or 1","1d4/1d4/1d8+8 or
weapon +8","1-8",1,1,"0","L","3, Sw 12","1400","Night","CE","(D)","5-7","MM
349","Monster","marine scrag, attack if hungry, infravision 90', regen 3/rnd if
immersed in water, attack: claw/claw/bite or rare","weapon +8, limbs severed on 20
(unadjust) from E, limbs cont to fight, reattach after battle, fire & acid
cause","UC","perm dmg,throw stones 20 yrds 1d8 dmg, attack ships quick & stealth,
led by female chief/shaman 7th lvl","Group","Carnivore","16","General","Prime
Material","OMII 121"
"Troll, Desert","4","7+7","13","Desert","Any","3 or 1","1d4+2/1d4+2/1d8+2 or
weapon+8","1 or 1-6,10%",1,1,"0","L","12","1400","Any","CE","C","8-10","MM
349","Monster","ugly,attack if hungry, infravision 90', change color (-2 opp
surprise), surprised on 1, regen 3/rnd, attack: claw/","claw/bite or rarely weapon
+8, immune: normal fire, heat & cold, magic fire, acid & water cause perm dmg,
vial","R","1d4, flask 2d4, skin 4d4, holy wtr dbl dmg, potion of swt wtr 6d6 save
vs pos or die, throw stones 20 yrds 1d8","Solitary","Carnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material",
","1400","Night","CE","C","11-12","MM 349","Undead","material form only in dark,
slay all living creatures, infravision 90', attack: claw/claw/bite, silver or
magic weap","turn as spector, if killed by troll turn to 1 in 3 days unless proper
burial, vanish in direct sunlight & reapear at","VR","nightfall, those captured
escape in this manner","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Troll, Giant","4","8","13","Land","Any","1 or 2","2d6+7 (spiked club) or
349","Monster","ugly, troll/giant crossbreed, infravision 90', regen 2/rnd,
attack: club or claw/claw (rare), limbs severed on 20","(unadjust) from E, limbs
cont to fight, fire causes perm dmg, must take 10 dmg from fire to be killed, hurl
rocks","R","200 yrds 2d8 dmg, catch missiles 25%, can pick up victim & use as
club, throw victims, accomp by 2d6 trolls","Tribe","Carnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material","FF 90"
"Troll, Ice","8","2","19","Any","Arctic","2","1d8/1d8 or weapon +4","2-
12",0,1,"0","L","9","175","Any","CE","Q (D)","8-10","MM 349","Monster","cunning,
keep (demi)humans as livestock, infravision 90', regen 2/rnd in water, attack:
claw/claw or rarely","weapon +4, limbs severed on 20 (unadjust) from E, limbs cont
to fight, fire & acid cause perm dmg, immune:","R","cold, fire double dmg, magic
weapons to hit, their blood used in magic item
creation","Tribe","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","FF 90"
0","Any","CE","C","11-12","MM 351","Monster","troll/invisible stalker crossbreed,
it is invisible, infravision 120', regen 3/rnd, attack: claw/claw/bite,
magic","weapons to hit, immune: cold, fire & acid perm dmg, bite causes dmg &
heals troll equal amount, claws cause","VR","dmg & drains STR equal to that
amount, recovered in 2d4 turns, if STR 0 death, if 1 or 2
uncounscious","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","FF 91"
"Umber Hulk","2","8+8","11","Subterranean","Any","3","3d4/3d4/1d10","1-
4",1,0,"0","L","6, Br 1-6","4000","Any","CE","G","8-10","MM 352","Monster","iron-
like claws, strong, dig to corridor & peak thru crack waiting for victim (-5 opp
surp), attack: claw/claw/bite","infravison 90', if you look into its eyes save vs
spell or confusion, will not fight to death, raid dungeouns for","R","food, prefer
human prey","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 98"
"Vodyanoi","2","8","13","Water, Fresh","Any","3","3d4/3d4/1d10","1-
3",0,1,"0","L","3, Sw 6","2000","Any","CE","G","8-10","MM 352","Monster","attack:
claw/claw/bite, infravison 90', will not fight to death, smash hulls of ships to
sink or overturn ships,","1/day summon 1d20 electric eels (50% success), prefer
human prey","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","FF 93"
6",1,1,"0","L","24","650","Day","CG","X","8-10","MM 353","Monster","live away from
humans, shun other sylvan creatures (dryads, pixies, etc), sense enemy 240 yrds,
move silent","-6 opp surp, attack hoof/hoof/horn, horn is +2 to hit, charge (30')
3d12 dmg from horn, immune: charm, hold,","R","death spells & poison, save as 11th
wizard, 1/day it can teleport (w/rider) up to 360 yds normally used
last","Family","Herbivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 98, DRC 211"
"Urchin, Black","4","1+1","19","Water, Ocean","Any","2","1d4","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","6, Sw 6","65","Any","N","gem - 10 x 1d10 gp","2-4","MM
354","Monster","3' ball covered w/ needles, hunted for gem inside, fire needles as
light crossbow, no eyes, innate clairvoyance","allows them to ""see"", +2 to
attacks, some have lethal or paralytic poison, never attack humanoids
unless","UC","approached within 10', live in shallows, gem has some connection to
their clairvoyance","Cluster","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material","FF 92"
"Urchin, Green","3","2+1","19","Water, Ocean","Any","2","1d6+1","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","6, Sw 6","120","Any","N","gem - 40 x 1d10 gp","2-4","MM
354","Monster","3' ball covered w/ needles, hunted for gem inside, fire needles as
light crossbow, no eyes, innate clairvoyance","allows them to ""see"", +2 to
attacks, some have lethal or paralytic poison, never attack humanoids
unless","R","approached within 10', live in shallows, gem has some connection to
their clairvoyance","Cluster","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material","FF 92"
"Urchin, Red","2","3+1","17","Water, Ocean","Any","2","1d4+1","1-
4",1,0,"0","S","6, Sw 6","420","Any","N","gem - 90 x 1d10 gp","2-4","MM
354","Monster","3' ball covered w/ needles, hunted for gem inside, fire needles as
light crossbow, no eyes, innate clairvoyance","allows them to ""see"", +2 to
attacks, some have lethal or paralytic poison, never attack humanoids
unless","R","approached within 10', live in shallows, gem has some connection to
their clairvoyance","Cluster","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material","FF 92"
"Urchin, Silver","0","5+3","15","Water, Ocean","Any","2","1d4+1","1-
2",1,0,"0","S","6, Sw 6","975","Any","N","gem - 250 x 1d10 gp","2-4","MM
354","Monster","3' ball covered w/ needles, hunted for gem inside, fire needles as
light crossbow, no eyes, innate clairvoyance","allows them to ""see"", +2 to
attacks, some have lethal or paralytic poison, never attack humanoids
unless","VR","approached within 10', live in shallows, gem has some connection to
their clairvoyance","Solitary","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material","FF 92"
"Urchin, Yellow","1","4+2","17","Water, Ocean","Any","4","1d6","1-
3",1,0,"0","S","6, Sw 6","650","Any","N","gem - 160 x 1d10 gp","2-4","MM
354","Monster","3' ball covered w/ needles, hunted for gem inside, fire needles as
light crossbow, no eyes, innate clairvoyance","allows them to ""see"", +2 to
attacks, some have lethal or paralytic poison, never attack humanoids
unless","VR","approached within 10', live in shallows, gem has some connection to
their clairvoyance","Cluster","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material","FF 92"
"Urchin, Land","3","3+3","17","Land","Temp/Trop","6","1d2","1-
2",1,0,"0","S","12","420","Day","N","pearls","1","MM 354","Monster","3' ball
covered w/ needles, walks on 5 spindly legs, fire needles as light crossbow, no
eyes, innate clairvoyance","allows them to ""see"", +2 to attacks, paralytic
poison save vs poison or paralyzed 6 turns, never attack unless","R","approached
within 10', pearls have some connection to their clairvoyance, 2d6 pearls 1d6 x
100 gp each","Solitary","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material","OMII 122"
"Vampire, Common (West)","1","8+3","11","Land","Any","1","1d6+4","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 18 (C)","8000","Night","CE","F","15-16","MM
355","Undead","cast no refl or shadow, move in silence, STR 18/76, +2 to hit & +4
dmg, gaze-save vs spell -2 or charm, touch","drains 2 lvls/hit, +1 weapons to hit,
regen 3/rnd, if reduced to 0 it assumes gas form, killed by sunlight,
immune:","R","sleep, charm, hold & poison, cold & elect 1/2, assume gaseous form
or shapechange (bat), spiderclimb","Solitary","Special","16","General","Prime
Material","OMI 99, DRC 211"
"Vampire, Eastern","1","8+3","11","Land","Any","1","1d6+4","1-4",1,1,"0","M","12,
Fl 18 (C)","9000","Night","CE","F","15-16","MM 355","Undead","cast no refl or
shadow, move in silence, STR 18/76, +2 to hit & +4 dmg, fade from sight (attacked
-4), touch","drains 2 lvls/hit, +1 weapons to hit, regen 3/rnd, if reduced to 0 it
assumes gas form, killed by sunlight, immune:","VR","sleep, charm, hold & poison,
cold & elect 1/2, holy water 1d6+1 dmg, can shapechange (bat),
spiderclimb","Solitary","Special","16","General","Prime Material",
"Wemic","5 (6) or 7","5+8","15","Plains","Temperate","3","1d4/1d4/weapon","2-
16",0,1,"0","L","12","270","Day","N","B","8-10","MM 357","Monster","lion body w/
humanoid torso, attack: claw/claw/weapon, use javelin, club or short sword,
females AC 7 & no","weapons but +2 to hit, males carry leather shields (AC 5),
ambush & hunt, leap 10' up or 30' frwrd, groups 4d4","VR","male, 2d12 female &
1d12 cub, chief (6+4 HD claw 1d6) king (AC 3, 9 HD claw 1d8) shaman 7th pr & 4th
wiz","Pride","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 126"
"Whale, Common","4","12 to 36","9","Water, Ocean","Any","1","1/2 HD (tail) or fins
& bite vary by size","1-8",1,0,"0","G","Sw 18","2000+","Any","N","nil","5-7","MM
358","Animal","12/13-14/15+ HD: THAC0 9/7/5, XP +1000/HD over 12, 12-17/18-24/24-
36 HD: fin dmg 1d8/3d8/1d4x10,","bite dmg 5d4/1d4x10/3d4x5, 10' to 110' long,
carcass worth 100 gp/HD, possess a yellow substance used","C","to make perfume raw
material worth 1d20 x 1000 gp","Group","Carnivore","15","General","Prime
Material","OMI 100"
"Whale, Giant","3","18 to 54","5","Water, Ocean","Any","1","1/2 HD (tail) or bite
vary by size","1-2",1,0,"0","G","Sw 18","8000+","Any","N","nil","8-10","MM
358","Monster","18-25/26-35/36-54 HD: bite dmg 1d4x10/2d4x10/3d4x10, XP +1000/HD
over 18, accompanied by 2d4","common whales, 100' to 400' long, leap out of water
& land on ship (50%), if hit is >3 needed victim swallowed","VR","victims 2/rnd
dmg save +1 for 1, stomach has undigested treasure, carcass 100 gp/HD, perfume
2d20x1000 gp","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material","DRC 212"
"Whale, Leviathan","1","36 to 72","5","Water, Ocean","Any","1","1/2 HD (tail) or
bite vary by size","1",1,0,"0","G","Sw 18","26,000+","Any","N","nil","15-16","MM
358","Monster","36-47/48-72 HD: bite dmg 3d4x10/3d4x15, XP +1000/HD over 36, lord
of all whales, if hit w/ >3 needed the","victim (up to 80') is swallowed, 500' to
1000' long, jump out of water all w/500' save vs crush blow & 2000 sav","VR","vs
normal blow or sink, found w/2d10 giant whales & 10d10 normal, carcass 100 gp/HD,
stomach treasure","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Whale, Killer","4","9 to 12","9","Water, Ocean","Arctic","1","varies by size","5-
40",1,0,"0","H","Sw 30","975+","Any","N","nil","8-12","MM 358","Animal","9-10/11-
12 HD: THAC0 11/9, XP 975/1400/2000, 9-10/11-12 HD: bite dmg 4d6/6d4, only attack
if hungry,","15' to 30' long, breaks thru ice, save vs paraly or fall into icy
water, if hit victim is held in jaws (drown 2d4 rnds)","C","-1 STR & DEX/rnd (icy
water) if 0 death, carcass 100 gp/HD, yellow substance for perfume 1d20 x 1000
gp","Group","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","DRC 212"
"Whale, Narwhal","6","4+4 to 6+6","15","Water, Ocean","Any","1","varies by
size","1-6",0,0,"0","H","Sw 21","175+","Any","N","nil","1","MM 358","Monster","4-
5/6 HD: THAC0 15/13, XP 175/270/420, 4/5/6 HD: horn dmg 2d12/6d4/7d4, unicorn of
the sea, 6' to","12' long, females 2d4 dmg, carcass worth 100 gp/HD, yellow
substance for perfume 1d4 x 10 gp","R",,"Group","Carnivore","12","General","Prime
Material","OMII 95, DRC 212"
16",1,1,"0","M","12","1400","Night","LE","B","8-10","MM 360","Undead","enhabit
barrows & catacombs, silver & magic weapons, touch causes dmg & drains 1 level, if
killed by wight","victim turns into one of 1/2 normal HD, recovery is nearly
impossible, immune: cold, sleep, hold, cold, poison &","UC","paralyzation, holy
water 2d4, raise dead kills it, hate but undamaged by bright
light","Solitary","Special","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 100, DRC 212"
"Will o'wisp","-8","9","11","Swamp","Any","1","2d8","1 or 1-3,10%",1,1,"0","S","Fl
18 (A)","3000","Night","CE","Z","15-16","MM 361","Monster","glowing balls of
light, mistaken as lanterns or light spells, blank out light 2d4 rnds (non-melee),
prefer leading","victims to death than physical combat, electrical dmg, only
spells affecting them: protect from evil, mag miss &","UC","maze, if <5 hp it
retreats, will buy saftey","Solitary","Special","17","General","Prime
Material","OMI 101"
12",0,1,"0","S","18","120","Any","N","nil","5-7","MM 362","Animal","cunning, hunt
in packs, prefer small prey, run from human attacks, save vs charm +1, packs led
by dominant","male","UC",,"Family","Carnivore","10","General","Prime
Material","OMI 101, DRC 212"
"Wolf, Dire","6","4+4","15","Forests","Any","1","2d4","3-
12",0,0,"0","L","18","175","Any","N","nil","2-4","MM 362","Animal","larger
ancestor of the modern species, cunning, hunt in packs, prefer small prey, run
from human attacks,","packs led by dominant
male","R",,"Pack","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI 101, DRC 212"
12",0,0,"0","M","18","120","Any","NE","nil","5-7","MM 362","Monster","offshoot of
dire wolves, tend to be evil, primative language, serve as mounts for goblins,
packs led by","dominant male","R",,"Pack","Carnivore","11","General","Prime
"Wolf, Winter","5","6","15","Any","Arctic","1","2d4","2-
8",1,0,"0","L","18","975","Any","NE","I","8-10","MM 362","Monster","most dangerous
wolf, breath a stream of frost 1/turn, 6d4 dmg all within 10' save vs BW for 1/2,
immune","cold, fire dmg +1/die, can communicate with worgs & have own language,
pelt is worth 5000 gp if in
good","VR","condition","Pack","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI
"Wolfwere","3","5+1","15","Forests","Any","1 or 2","2d6 & weapon","1-
3",1,1,"10%","M","15","1400","Any","CE","B & 50% of S & T","13-16","MM
363","Monster","loves killing (demi)humans, shapechange into humanoid, dire wolf
or wolf-monster, in humanoid form it carries","an instrument playing song save vs
spell or slow for 1d4+4 rnds, in monster form can bite & use weapon
usual","R","edged, harmed by iron or +1 weapons, avoid wolfsbane, 75% with wild
wolves or worgs, hate werewolves","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime
Material","OMII 127"
"Worm, Purple","6","15","5","Subterranean","Any","2","2d12/2d4
(bite/stinger)","1",1,0,"0","G","9, Br 9","13,000","Any","N","(B, Qx5, X)","0","MM
364","Monster","sensitive to small vibrations, sense prey 60', if bite is 4 >
needed victim is swallowed, dies in 6 rnds & is digest","in 2 hrs & cannot be
raised, interior AC 9 but digest acid -1 cumm to dmg, stinger on tail save vs
poison or die,","R","treasure in the dung of its
lair","Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMI 80, DRC 201"
"Worm, Mottled","6","15","5","Water","Any","2","2d12/2d4
(bite/stinger)","1",1,0,"0","G","9, Sw 9","13,000","Any","N","(B, Qx5, X)","0","MM
364","Monster","sensitive to small vibrations, sense prey 60', if bite is 4 >
needed victim is swallowed, dies in 6 rnds & is digest","in 2 hrs & cannot be
raised, interior AC 9 but digest acid -1 cumm to dmg, stinger on tail save vs
poison or die,","VR","treasure in the dung of its lair, aquatic purple worm, lives
in shallow bottom muck","Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Worm, Thunderherder","6","7","12","Desert","Any","2","0/2d4","10-
100",1,0,"0","L","9, Br 9","5000","Any","N","(B, Qx5, X)","0","MM
364","Monster","prey on small creatures in the sand, if bite (no dmg) is 4 >
needed victim is swallowed, dies in 6 rnds & is digest","in 2 hrs & cannot be
raised, interior AC 9 but digest acid -1 cumm to dmg, stinger on tail save vs
poison or die,","VR","treasure in the dung of its lair, desert purple worm,
passage beneath earth causes earthquake-like
effect","Group","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material","OMII 120"
"Worm, Blood-, Giant","4","6","15","Subterranean","Any","1","1d8","1-
4",1,0,"0","H","6, Br 1","420","Any","N","Q","0","MM 364","Monster","attack if
hungry or stepped on, it fastens mouth & causes 1d8 blood drain dmg per rnd until
killed or removed","by success open doors, takes double dmg from fire save -2 for
full","R",,"Solitary","Blood","17-18","General","Prime Material","FF 15"
"Worm, Book-","2","1/4",,"Land","Any","0","0","1-2",0,1,"0","T","12, Br
3","15","Any","N","nil","0","MM 364","Monster","inhabits libraries, eats pages
from books, 1"" long, change color to match surroundings, opp -6 surprise,
can","not eat living matter, seek to avoid capture & combat if
discovered","R",,"Solitary","Special","2-4","General","Prime Material","OMII 21"
"Worm, Rot Grub","9","1 hp",,"Land","Any","0","0","5-20",1,0,"0","T","1, Br
0","15","Any","N","nil","0","MM 364","Monster","maggot-like, live in refuse, if
they touch victims skin it does damage equal to victims AC (not shield),
they","burrow into flesh secreting mild poison numbing area, WIS check to notice
1/rnd, fire kills 2d10 grubs per","UC","application, in 1d6 rnd to deep to be
burned, they reach heart in 1d3 turns killing victim, cure disease kills
them","Swarm","Scavenger","5","General","Prime Material","OMI 83"
"Wraith","4","5+3","15","Any","Any","1","1d6","2-12",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24
(B)","2000","Night","LE","E","11-12","MM 365","Undead","black man-shaped clouds,
touch has chilling effect & drains 1 lvl, silver or +1 weapons, holy water 2d4,
raise","dead unless save kills it, immune: sleep, charm, hold, death, poison &
cold, animal refuse to enter 30' of them,","UC","if killed victim becomes wraith
under its control, flee from direct sunlight, shuns bright light but can
attack","Pack","Special","15","General","Prime Material","OMI 102, DRC 212"
"Wyvern","3","7+7","13","Mountains","Temperate","2","2d8/1d6 or 1d6/1d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","G","6, Fl 24 (E)","1400","Dawn & Sunset","NE","E","5-7","MM
366","Monster","flying lizard, aggressive, attack: bite/sting, sting poison save
1d6/die, in flight snatches victim if 1 tallon hits","victim caught, once airborne
it stings & bites +4, first dive -2 opp surprise, some work with evil dragons,
certain","UC","body parts are used in spellcasting & can be
sold","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMI 102, DRC 213"
4",1,1,"0","M","9, Br 9","4000","Any","N","O, P, Qx5, X, Y","8-10","MM
367","Monster","native to plane of Earth, feeds on minerals (smells 20'), attack
flesh creatures only in defence, aggresv after","food, blend w/surroundings -5 opp
surp, burrows underground & emerges at victims feet, phase door kills
it,","VR","immune: fire & cold, elect 1/2 save none, E weap 1/2, mv earth throws
30', st to flesh AC 8 (1 rnd)","Solitary","Special","16","General","Elem,
Earth","OMI 102"
"9, Br 3","3000","Any","N","O, P, X, Y","8-10","MM 367","Monster","native to
plane of Earth, feeds on minerals especially magic metals (smells 40'), expect
creatures to give them","magic items, blend w/surroud -5 opp surp, if att by magic
weap it bites weap AC -2 if hit save vs crush or destrr","VR","phase dr kills it,
imm: fire & cold, elect 1/2 save none, E weap 1/2, mv earth throws 30', st to
flesh AC 8 (1 rnd)","Solitary","Special","15","General","Prime Material","OMII
"Yeti (Sasquatch)","6","4+4","15","Mountains","Arctic","2","1d6/1d6","1-
6",1,1,"0","L","15","420","Day","N","D","8-10","MM 368","Monster","ape-like,
fierce hunter, ambush detected 25% by native of arctic regions, invisible until 10
yrds away, if suprise","save vs paral or freeze in fright 3 rnds, fangs cause 1d4
dmg, on 20 victim squeezed 2d8 heat drain dmg,","VR","dmg from heat is increased
50%, any creature not of family is considered
food","Clan","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material","OMI 103, DRC 203"
"Yuan-ti, Purebloods","4","6","15","Jungle","Tropical","2 or 1","weapon or
spell","1-4",1,0,"20%","L","12",,"Any","CE","C","17-18","MM 369","Monster","80%
pass for human, has snake-like features, use weapon, speak own lang, plan
elaberate traps, in mixed","group always first, use slow acting poison in traps,
cast 1/day: cause fear, darkness (15'), snake charm, sticks","VR","to snakes,
neutralize poison, suggestion & poly other, do all outside negotiations pretending
to be human","Tribe","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMII 130"
"Yuan-ti, Half-breed","4/0","7 to 8","13","Jungle","Tropical","2 or 1","weapon or
spell","1-4",1,0,"20%","L","12, slither 9",,"Any","CE","C","17-18","MM
369","Monster","half human & half snake, see table in MM, use weapons, speak own
lang, plan elaberate traps, in mixed group","always second, use slow acting poison
in traps, those w/human head cast 1/day: cause fear, darkness (15'),","VR","snake
charm, sticks to snakes, neutralize poison, suggestion & poly other, bite 1d6,
constrict 1d4","Tribe","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material","OMII 130"
"Yuan-ti, Abomination","0","9","11","Jungle","Tropical","2 or 1","bite/constrict
or weapon or spell","1-4",1,0,"20%","L","12, slither 9",,"Any","CE","C","17-
18","MM 369","Monster","50% all snake or single human feature, use weapons, speak
own lang, plan elaberate traps, in mixed group","always last, use slow acting
poison in traps, those w/human head cast 1/day: cause fear, darkness
(15'),","VR","snake charm, sticks to snakes, neutralize poison, suggestion & poly
other, constrict 1d4, bite 1d6, leader","Tribe","Carnivore","15","General","Prime
Material","OMII 130"
"Yuan-ti, Histachii","8","2+2","19","Jungle","Tropical","3","1d2/1d2/1d3","2-
20",1,1,"0","M","12","120","Any","CE","nil","5-7","MM 370","Monster","near
mindless abominations transformed into reptilian humanoids who serve yuan-ti
masters, attack on sight,","attack: claw/claw/teeth, fight to death, 1/day berserk
(+2 att) 2d6 rnds, immune: hold & charm based spells,","VR","humans change from
mixture save vs poison -4 if fail change in 1d6+6 days if success coma & death in
1 hr","Tribe","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 130"
"Yugoloth, Guardian,
y","N","special","8-10","MM 371","Monster","summoned by evil wizards to guard
something of value, speak all lang, breath fire 3/day 30' lg x 10' dia 3d6","dmg
save vs BW 1/2, won't use if it could dmg what it is guarding, immune: charm,
hold, sleep, poly & fear,","R","50% immune to 1: sword, cold, fire or elect,
protect treasures valued less than 25,000
"Yugoloth, Guardian,
ny","NE","special","11-12","MM 371","Monster","summoned by evil wizards to guard
something of value, speak all lang, breath fire 3/day 30' lg x 10' dia 5d6","dmg
save vs BW 1/2, won't use if it could dmg what it is guarding, immune: charm,
hold, sleep, poly & fear,","VR","+2 weapon to hit, 80% immune to 1: cold, fire or
elect, protect treasures valued more than 25,000
"Yugoloth, Guardian,
Greater","-1","10","11","Any","Any","3","1d10/1d12/1d12","1",1,1,"25%","L","9, Fl
9 (D)","11,000","Any","NE","special","13-14","MM 371","Monster","summoned by evil
wizards to guard something of value, speak all lang, breath fire 3/day 30' lg x
10' dia 7d6","dmg save vs BW 1/2, won't use if it could dmg what it is guarding,
immune: charm, hold, sleep, poly & fear,","VR","+2 weapon to hit, immune to 2:
cold, fire or elect, suggestion 1/rnd, protect treasures of great
"Zaratan","-6/0","51 to 70","5","Water,
Ocean","Tropical","1","10d10","1",1,1,"0","G","1, Sw 2","46,000+","Any","N","Z in
stomach","8-10","MM 372","Monster","200'-350' dia passive turtle, shell has rocky
mound, head & flippers AC 0, immune: non-magic weapons & pois,","dormant 1-10 yrs
unless provoked, if wounded 5% of hp it awakes & attacks, bite will swallow on hit
of 4 >","VR","needed, 2 hp/day dmg, stomach AC 5, dmg 5% of hp it will throw up,
after battle sleep 1-100 yrs","Solitary","Omnivore","19","Al-Qadim","Prime
24",0,1,"0","M","6","65","Night","N","nil","0","MM 373","Undead","mindless
animated corpses, move slowly strike last in combat, pummel victims, immune:
sleep, charm, hold,","death, poison & cold, holy water 2d4 dmg, found near
graveyards or dungeouns, follow simple commands
of","R","creator","None","Nil",,"General","Prime Material","OMI 103, DRC 213"
"Zombie, Monster","6","6","15","Any","Any","1","4d4","1-
6",0,1,"0","L","9","650","Night","N","nil","0","MM 373","Undead","mindless
animated corpses, move slowly strike last in combat, pummel victims, immune:
sleep, charm, hold,","death, poison & cold, holy water 2d4 dmg, found near
graveyards or dungeouns, follow simple commands
of","VR","creator","None","Nil",,"General","Prime Material","OMII 131"
"Zombie, Ju-ju","6","3+12","15","Any","Any","1","3d4","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","9","975","Night","N","nil","5-7","MM 373","Undead","created if
life force drained by energy drain spell, hate all living, use normal weapons
sometimes, climb walls","92%, +1 weapons to hit, blunt & pierce 1/2 dmg, immune:
psionics, illusions, electric, magic missiles, sleep,","VR","charm, hold, poison,
death & cold spells, fire 1/2 dmg","None","Nil",,"General","Prime Material","OMII
","A","8-10","MM 373","Undead","created by raise dead gone awry, speak lang known
in life & undead, speak w/dead at will, turn as vampires,","odor causes all 30
yrds save vs poison or affected see table MM 374, instructs (mentally) other
zombies, 1/day","VR","animate dead which can be used against the
living","Solitary","Nil","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Zombie, Sea","7","5","15","Water","Any","1","1d10","2-24",1,1,"0","M","6, Sw
12","420","Night","CE","M","5-7","MM 373","Undead","animated corpes of those who
died at sea, odor all 20' save vs poison or -1 to att & +1 AC for 2d4 rnds,
attack","living on sight, climb aboard ships, use weapons all causing 1d10, any
successful hit has 10% of causing a","R","disease, fire 1/2, elect & cold double
dmg, immune: sleep, charm, illusion & mind affecting
spells","Pack","Scavenger","19-20","General","Prime Material",
"Elemental, Fire-Kin, Tome
N","guarded object","8-10","MAIII 39","Monster","summ from plane of fire, bound to
tome, if object touched it attacks, fireburst (never misses) 3/day: 6d4 dmg","save
-3 vs pois or unconsc 1d4+1 turns, normal att ignites combust save vs mag fire,
heals from fire & elect,","VR","increased hp for 24 hr, cold double dmg, immune:
maze, sleep, suggest, door & ESP, dispell mag removes
it","Solitary","Special","20","General","Elem, Fire","PM 64"
"Scalamagdrion","6","6+6","15","Subterranean","Sub-Arctic","4 or
6","1d6/1d6/2d6/3d4 or +1d6/1d6","1",1,1,"0","H","15, Fl 9
(C)","5000","Any","N","(S, Q, Vx3)","8-10","MAIII 93","Monster","dragon-like,
swoop on opp (4 att) claw/claw/bite/tail, pin victim (AC 10 adj for mag & dex) 2d6
dmg, BB/LG to","break free, if pinned -4 att & no dex bonus (6 att
claw(4)/bite/tail), immune: gas, heat & cold, radiates 15' rad","VR","silent,
spell turning (as ring gaining save), enjoys human flesh, useful for magic item
creation","Solitary","Carnivore","19-20","Forgotten Realms","Prime Material","PM
2",1,1,"0","L","12","650","Any","N","nil","8-10","MAIII 24","Monster","camel-like
w/long snout, speak own lang & rare other, feeds on magic, detect magic 120'-rad,
will go for strong","magic but easy target, items AC 10 adj for magical ""+"", dex
& cover, stationary spell absorbed, if visible can","VR","intercept AC 5, area
affect not intercepted unless directed at creature, magic weapon to hit (does not
drain)","Solitary","Special","15-16","Forgotten Realms","Prime Material","PM 118,
FF 27"
4",1,1,"0","M","9","420","Any","LE","nil","2-4","FF 9","Monster","resembles mummy,
fire torch 1d3, oil 1d8/2d8, magic +1/die, immune: 1st lvl spells (except magic
missiles),","exudes sticky weapons stick & 1/2 dmg, wears of 1d6+4 turns or fire
or boiling water (1d3 dmg), not undead,","R","waits in ambush, will attack anyone
entering lair","Group","Carnivore","10-12","General","Prime Material",
20",0,0,"0","S","18","15","Any","N","nil","1","FF 11","Animal","rabbit-like
w/horn, roams pastures & woods, lair in small cave, unpredictable, can be trained
if found when","young, good smell & eyesight","VR",,"Group","Omnivore","9-
11","General","Prime Material",
"Blindheim","1 (3)","4+2","17","Subterranean","Any","1","1d8","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","9","420","Night","CE","B","2-4","FF 15","Monster","yellow frog-
like humanoid, eyes shine like searchlights, can turn this off w/extra eyelid,
hearing indicates the","direction of target, those w/ 30' save vs wand or blinded
(infravision -3) 1d10+10 turns, those whe save are","VR","unable to look at light,
if immune to bright light its AC 3, bite 1d8 dg","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Booka","7","1d4 hp",,"Land","Temp/Trop","0","0","1-4",1,1,"10%","S","12, Fl 18
(A)","120","Day","CG","J","11-12","FF 16","Humanoid","sprite-like, live in attics,
hate cold, become invisible at will, hate evil creatures & will play tricks on
them, will do","taskes around home while nobody is around & will move on if
disturbed, if harmed more booka will cause greef","UC","until offender pays its
due (bag of gold, jewels, etc) or fatal accident, avoid combat by turning
invisible","Family","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Coffer Corpse","8","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d6 or
weapon","1",1,1,"0","M","6","65","Any","CE","(B)","5-7","MAIII 23","Undead","found
in tombs, funeral barges, etc, turn as wraith, resembles a zombie, weapons appear
to do dmg & after 6 hp fall as","dead (no dmg is done) it rises next rnd save vs
spell or flee 2d4 rnds, attacks w/weapon (25%) or claw (75%), if claw","VR","hits
it locks on throat 1d6 dmg/rnd until dead (even if it 'appears' to die), +1 weap
to hit (dmg varies), imm mind affect","Solitary","Nil","9","General","Prime
Material","FF 19"
2",0,0,"0","S","1","270","Any","N","nil","2-4","FF 25","Monster","peaceful rock-
eater, thin w/large surface area, tunnels thru rock 1'/week, avoid metal,
repulsive smell & are","indigestable, live 1000 years & female give birth 1 time
1d6+2 eggs worth 1000 gp each to wealthy
mine-","VR","owners","Solitary","Special","n/a","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, Devil","6","6","15","Any","Arctic","1","2d4","4-16",1,0,"0","M","12
(30)","650","Any","CE","nil","8-10","FF 26","Monster","white hound, invisible
beyond 30', attack human parties, if hit if 4 or more than needed or 20 it hit the
throat","double dmg & coma 2d4 turns & cure light wounds or better to avoid death
at end of coma, if attacking or","R","chasing intense baying those 3 or less lvl
save -4 vs spell or paralyzed by fear 2d4 rnds, max MV 30/3
turns","Pack","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Bat, Doom-","4","6+3","15","Subterranean","Any","2","1d6/1d4","1-
8",1,0,"0","M","Fl 18 (C)","975","Night","NE","nil","1","FF 27","Monster","25'
wingspan, attacks bite/tail, shriek-1d4+1 rnds all 100' cannot concentrate att -1
& cast no spells (no save)","bright light wards off the bat, will attack any
living thing","R",,"Group","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Eye Killer","5","4","17","Subterranean","Any","1","1d6","1-
4",1,0,"0","M","9","325","Night","CE","nil","2-4","FF 35","Monster","bat-like
upper torso, body of snake, cannot fly, large eyes, hates bright light, if
approached by creatures using","infravision or natural low light it attacks w/coil
wrap & crush (open doors to break free), if using torchs (etc) it","VR","uses
death stare 50' (1/day) reflecting light at victim (AC 10) save vs death or die if
save 3d6 dmg","Group","Carnivore","10-11","General","Prime Material",
"Guardian Familiar","8","1
special","2-4","FF 49","Monster","extra-planar summ to protect wizards treasure,
align as summoner, attacks: claw/claw/bite, MR varies by wiz","10th lvl-50% & +/-
5%/lvl, 9 lives-start w/1 HD & grows 1 HD, +2 MV, AC -1, +1 dmg, thaco +1 per time
killed,","VR","stopped by: disintegrate, flesh to stone & temp stasis, holy word
will banish it, reverts to normal if melee
"Fox, Hoar","6","2","19","Land","Arctic","1","1d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","15","175","Night","N","special","2-4","FF 50","Monster","silver-
grey fox, aggressive 10%, bite, BW- 30' (1 victim) 2d6 dmg save 1/2, immune cold
based, fire double","damage (renders pelt worthless), pelt worth 100 gp unless
damaged","R",,"Pack","Carnivore","10-11","General","Prime Material",
"Lizard, Ice","1","3+3","18","Any","Arctic","3","1d3/1d3/1d6","1-
4",1,1,"80%","S","9, Fl 15 (C)","1400","Any","CE","G","5-7","FF
52","Monster","small lizard, poly self into white dragon 2/day, cast fear & sleep
2/day, not MR to charm & hold (save -2),","attack: claw/claw/bite, in dragon form
BW-cold breath 2d8 dmg save 1/2 (3/day)","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
,"Any","N","nil","1","FF 52","Monster","mass of rubbery doughy substance
w/tentacles, attack in defence, gradually alters form into creature at the","rate
of 1 point per rnd (AC, THAC0, appearance), hp & dmg remain same, at 8 hp or melee
ends reverts back","VR","at same rate, if creature coping is killed it copies
another, organ used in potion of polymorph self","Solitary","Scavenger","10-
11","General","Prime Material",
"Kamadan","4","4+2","17","Jungle","Tropical","3 + 1d4+3","1d3/1d3/1d6 + 1d4
each","1",1,0,"0","L","18","650","Day","CE","C","5-7","FF 55","Monster","large
leopard w/1d4+3 snakes, relative of displacer beast, attacks: claw/claw/bite/snake
bites, BW-30' long","10' dia which puts those < 4 HD to sleep no save & other save
vs BW, snake bites not poison","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
","Night","CE","M (B)","5-7","MAIII 80","Humanoid","rarely encountered outside
lair, attack: claw/claw, strangle victim w/cord (hides & backstab) killing victim
in 2 rnds,","can: PP 45%, OL 37%, F/RT 35%, MS 33%, HS 25%, DN 15%, CW 88%, RL
20%, like to PP strangers, prey on orcs &","UC","kobolds, gems tossed away w/bones
(sees no value), hated by most creatures in underdark","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","FF 63"
24",0,0,"0","S","3","15","Day","LE","C","5-7","FF 66","Humanoid","2' humanoids,
rarely seen, snare lone adventurer w/snares & traps then robbed, beat captives,
entrance is","hidden & detected as seceret door, difficult for humans to enter
(size), related to snyads, no language","R",,"Band","Carnivore","9-
10","General","Prime Material",
50",1,1,"0","M","9","120","Day","N","M (G)","5-7","MAIII 82","Humanoid","INT plant
life, embedded in flesh is needles, attack: arm slap, fire 1d6 needles per rnd
(20') 1d2 dmg each, attacks","from magic inflicts triple damage (magic weap 3x the
'+'), hate elves (attack on sight), hide 75% in heavy growth opp","VR","-2 suprise
(40% to rangers & elves, supr -2)","Group","Special","12","General","Prime
Material","FF 67"
30",0,0,"0","M","9","35","Any","CE","E","8-10","FF 68","Humanoid","relative of
hobgoblins, attack: bite/club, if disarmed no bite, tough skin, tribe structure as
hobgoblin",,"R",,"Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
6",1,1,"0","L","12","120","Day","CE","A-10% (A, C, F)","5-7","FF
74","Humanoid","strong & insane humanoids wearing warpaint & no armor, use high
quality broad sword +3 to hit (20% per hit of","losing sharpness losing +3 to hit
& dmg), radiate confusion 5' save vs spell or stop, att quallan or att
friend,","R","never befriend humans or near-humans attack on
sight","Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
8",0,1,"0","S","21","35","Night","N","J","5-7","FF 83","Humanoid","pestie, cousin
of mite, surprise opp 90%, never attack, save vs spell +3, steal from adventurers,
no language,","lair is small passages in dungeons, entrances difficult to detect,
infravision 90'","UC",,"Band","Carnivore","9-10","General","Prime Material",
"Son of Kyuss","10","4","17","Any","Any","1","1d8","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","9","1400","Night","CE","Q (25%)","5-7","MAIII
69","Undead","animated putrid corpse, found in ruins or subterr, radiate fear 30'
save vs spell or flee, regen 2 hp/rnd, perm dmg from","fire, lightning, acid or
holy water (2d4 dmg), attack w/fists (25% of contracting mummy rot, fatal in 1d6
months), turn as","VR","mummy, 1 worm/rnd (roll to hit) tries to enter skin in 1d4
rnds reaches brain becomes kyuss (remove curse/disease)","Group","Special","15-
16","General","Prime Material","FF 83"
","N","nil","11-12","FF 85","Monster","yellow 2 1/2"" dia blob, to eat it drains
energy from carnivorous creatures as they eat, it charms monster in the","monsters
lair (hides on ceiling) & uses illusion to make it appear weak those seeing
illusion save vs magic -7 to","VR","detect, if monster wins it drains creature as
it eats","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Thork","3","3","18","Water","Sub-Trop/Trop","1","1d6","1-6",1,0,"0","L","6, Sw
6","175","Any","N","1d20 pp","2-4","FF 88","Monster","stork-like, metallic
feathers (copper), WIS check reveals steam rising from beak, attack in self
defense, squirt","jet of boiling water 10' dia x 40' long 4d8 dmg save vs BW 1/2,
takes 1 rnd to heat & 3/day, will strike with","VR","beak after BW, collects pp
under boulder etc, bird worth 200 gp in copper from
feathers","Flock","Omnivore","9-10","General","Prime Material",
"Whipweed","4 (6)","1+4 (2+4)","18","Forests","Any","2","1d10/1d10","1-
2",1,0,"0",,"3","175","Any","N","nil","2-4","FF 94","Monster","2 stalks w/leaf-
like appendages, 15' long fully grown, connected to spherical body w/8 small legs,
hates sun,","stalks strike diff victims, if (stalk is killed) body is not, body
must be destroyed to kill it, if body is killed stalks","UC","go into frenzy 1 rnd
w/ 3 attacks each double dmg","Solitary","Scavenger","11-12","General","Prime
12",0,1,"0","S","6","120","Any","N","B","2-4","FF 95","Monster","relative of
skunk, attacks claw/claw, emits foul odor all 30' save vs poison or be nauseated
unable to attack","until they or beast moves away","R",,"Pack","Scavenger","10-
11","General","Prime Material",
"Witherweed","8","3 to 6","18","Land","Temp/Trop","many victims","1d4 DEX save vs
poison 1/2","1",1,0,"0",,"nil","420+","Any","N","nil","0","FF 95","Plant","found
in old buildings & areas, can be over 20' square area, if set on fire inhaling
smoke save vs pois or die,","burns 1 sq ft/rnd & leaves heavy oily smoke 4 hrs+ to
dissipate, 1+ att/victim, if 4 DEX in 1 rnd collapse 2 rnd","UC","follow 5 rnd
att -2 & MV 75%, 1/2 pts recover 1/day (cure dis), XP
650/975/1400","Solitary","Water","n/a","General","Prime Material",
"Eye, Floating","9","1d4 hp","20","Water, Salt","Any","0","0","1-
12",1,0,"0","S","Sw 30","35","Any","N","nil","0","MAII 52","Monster","transparent
body w/ single 3"" dia eye, gaze (30') save vs paralyzation or hypnotized &
stationary 2d4 rnds,","predator fish who roam near eyes eat prey, eye eats
scraps","R",,"School","Carnivore","5","General","Prime Material","OMI 40"
"Man-O-War, Portuguese","9","1 to 4","20","Water, Salt","Tropical","1","1d10","1-
10",1,1,"0","M","Sw 1","65+","Any","N","nil","0","OMI 79","Monster","float in
water, has 10-40 tentacles 10' long per HD, only hits on body do dmg, 1 point to
sever tentacle, touch","of tentacle causes dmg & save vs poison or paralyzed 1d4
hrs, creature can devour prey in 3d4 turns, it is","UC","transparent &
undetectable 90% unless detect invisible objects, XP
120/175/270","School","Carnivore","12-13","General","Prime Material",
"Burr, Bark-","0 (8)","2 to 6","15","Forests","Any","1","1","1-
5",1,1,"0","S","1","175-975","Any","N","nil","0","OMII 14","Plant","animated
plant, will attack creatures destroying forest, leaps from tree inserting sharp
tube, if it fails its helpless,","if success save vs poison each rnd attatched or
begin to change into small tree (1 turn) gear changes in 1d6+","R","1 hrs, attacks
can hit barkburr & victim, fire 15% cumm/rnd of removing it (1 dmg), immune: charm
& sleep","Solitary","Water","12-13","General","Prime Material",
"Burr, Dire-","0 (8)","2 to 6","15","Forests","Any","1","1","1-
5",1,1,"0","S","1","175-975","Any","NE","nil","0","OMII 14","Plant","animated
plant, will attack any creature within 20', leaps from tree inserting sharp tube,
if it fails its helpless,","if success save vs poison each rnd attatched or begin
to change into small tree (1 turn) gear changes in 1d6+","VR","1 hrs, attacks can
hit barkburr & victim, fire 15% cumm/rnd of removing it (1 dmg), immune: charm &
sleep","Solitary","Water","12-13","General","Prime Material",
"Bloodthorn","4","10","15","Forests","Temperate","1","25% of victims max
95","Plant","vampire vine, 10' trunk w/(4) 7' long tendrils, if hit the barbs on
the tendril sticks in victim draining blood (STR check","to break free 1d2 dmg)
this draining process is painful req sys shock or fall unconscious, tendrils 10 hp
to sever, an","R","electric attack grows it 1 HD, cold stuns it 1d4+1 rnds,
wizards use their thorns because they are
hollow","Solitary","Carnivore","19","General","Prime Material","OMII 18"
"Bowler","4","1d4+1 hp","20","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4+1","2-
12",1,0,"0","M","6 (1-15)","35","Any","N","special","2-4","OMII
21","Monster","boulder-like creature in caves, sensitive to sounds, vibrations &
odors, cannot see, roll toward victims starting","at MV 1 gaining 1/rnd, 50% of
noticing at 40', roll over victims, consumes victims upon its death, at its
center","UC","is a gem worth 1d4+1 x 10 gp","Group","Carnivore","10-
11","General","Prime Material",
"NE","item or area guarded","8-12","OMII 60","Monster","summoned to guard wealth
or place, always mistaken for wraith, cannot be turned, chill touch makes
victim","fall 1 rnd dropping all (no save), can illus making prey think its
retreating (90%), +1 weapon to hit, magic","VR","silver double dmg, reflect
psionics 30',summoning magic normally only functions at
y","NE","incidental","5-7","OMII 78","Monster","vinelike, appear to be rope or
net, originally found in heavy forests until hunted by humans, suprise victim
on","1-5, once hit victim trapped & dmg auto until kampfult is killed, will use
victims to protect self like a sheild,","VR","only trunk causes
dmg","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
8",1,1,"0","M","15, Cl 20","420","Any","NE","B","8-10","OMII 78","Humanoid","green
w/leaf-like leathery skin, attack: claw/claw/bite, use snares & traps to catch
travelers or raid community","imitate calls of distress to ambush, move silent
50%, camouflage & skill 50% of hiding tracks, surprise 5 in
6","R",,"Band","Carnivore","12-13","General","Prime Material",
"Zygom","8","3",,"Any","Any","as host","as host","1-3",1,1,"0",,"1","175
(base)","Any","NE","as host","special","OMII 132","Plant","fungi consiting of 1-2
dozen small growths, prefer to infest living host, control hosts brain, leads to
death in","1d8 wks, typ giant rats or giant ants but occationally small humanoid,
if in contact 1 in 6 of ""glue"" sticking to","R","new host infecting creature,
control host in 1d4+1 days, cure disease removes, immune mind
spells","Cluster","Carnivore","7-9","General","Prime Material",
"Aballin","4","3","17","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","1",,"1-4",1,0,"0","L","6, Sw
15","270","Any","N","I","8-10","MAI","Monster","living water, no lang,
indistinguishable from normal water, can change structure to gelatinous creature,
if att is","success victim begins to drown, dmg by +1 blunt, edged no dmg & 25%
hitting trapped victim, immune: cold,","UC","fire, elect, poison, illusion &
paralysis, water to dust save vs death or die, lower water save or release
victim","Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Elem, Water",
"Ant, Abyss","3","3","17","Plains","Temperate","2","1d6/1d6+2 +2 (acid)","50-
300",1,1,"0","S","18","175","Any","NE","nil","5-7","MAI","Monster","giant ant,
limited telepathy (w/own) 600', no lang, attack: bite/sting, spit acid 10' 3/day
2d4 dmg roll to hit","save vs wand for no dmg, group attacks 1 victim until dead,
summoned to prime material by evil wizards,","VR","colony contains 1 queen (MV 1,
6 HD) bite & spit only, guarded by 2d10 guards, territorial, kill domestic
"Afanc","6","15","5","Water, Ocean","Temp/Trop","1 or 2","5d4 (bite) or 3d4/3d4
(flipper)","1",1,0,"0","G","Sw 15","11,000","Any","N","nil","5-
7","MAI","Monster","whale-like, feeds on those hunting it, create whirlpool 1d4+4
rnds with -2 to missile att/rnd (max -12) sinking","boats in 1 rnd/10' length,
dispel magic on creature doubles or MR ship, 60' ships left alone, < 30' rammed
(AC","VR","3-5) sinks in 1d10 rnds (save >13) & capsizes on 4 or > needed to hit,
swallow on 4 or > killing in 6 rnds","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMII 8"
"Dazzle (Al-
Jahar)","8","5","15","Urban","Temp/Trop","2","1d6/1d6","1",1,1,"20%","M","12, Fl
12 (B)","3000","Any","NE","O, Q","11-12","MAI","Humanoid","hide in urban areas as
attractive female, true form winged sex-less white humanoid, avoid direct combat,
feed","on anger, greed, etc, trys to generate it by (3/day) charm person, friends,
hypnotism, taunt, confuse or ventril,","VR","alter self, if discovered it flys
away or can light & shock grasp 3/day, blind, domin & rain pattern (1/day)all
10th","Solitary","Special","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Baelnorn","0","9+6","11","Land","Temperate","1","1d10 or
weapon","1",1,1,"50%","M","9","10,000","Any","LG","item guarded","17-
20","MAI","Undead","undead elf dedicated to serve noble purpose, keep to secluded
places, touch causes dmg + save vs paraly","or paral 2d4 rnds, use spells as in
life (usually 15th wiz), employ special items & spells, immune: charm,
cold,","VR","death, disinteg, elect, sleep & charm, turn as lich (not in area
guarded), they turn undead 14th lvl, 3/day
send","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Baneguard","7","4+4","15","Land","Any","1","1d6 or
10","MAI","Undead","animated skeletons as guardians, can blink 1/turn for 4 rnds,
cast magic missiles (2) 1 per 3 rnds (60'), most","use swords, employ non-verbal
magic items, immune: sleep, charm, hold, fear spells, or cold based,
edged","R","weapons 1/2 dmg, turn as wight, go & do as commanded, animated by
spell see MAI","Solitary","Nil","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Banelar","6, 3, 1","7+7","13","Land","Temp/Trop","3 or 1","1d3/2d4/weapon or
spell","1-4",1,1,"0","H","12","3000","Any","LE","any (Q, V)","15-
18","MAI","Monster","snake-like w/humanoid head, serve god Bane, cast spells 6th
cleric & 6th wiz (V comp only +3 to casting),","use any magic item, attack:
bite/sting/weapon, bite & sting save vs poison or unconscious 1d4+1 turns &
2d6","R","additional dmg, head & tail AC 3, tentacles AC 1, speak orc & common,
selfish, sometimes work with others","Solitary","Carnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
"Bird, Talking","6","5","15","Land","Any","1","1d8","1",0,0,"50%","S","6, Fl 18
(C)","1400","Any","N","U","17-18","MAI","Animal","large billed, speak common &
others, avoid combat, long life, knowledge of local history (as prof. see
PHB),","give advice to those passing by, value of bird varies greatly but usually
priceless","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
Any","CE","nil","11-18","MAI","Undead","animated skeleton, attacks claw/claw each
+2 fire dmg, or hurl ball of flames 20' 1d6+3 dmg+combustables","item save, or
firestorm 30' radius 6d6 save vs spell 1/2 (grabbed victim no save, roll to hit),
immune: fire (heal","VR","& gain perm), charm, hold & sleep, holy water 4d4, water
2d4, E & P weapons 1/2 dmg, turn as ghast
(base)","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
1/day release spore cloud 10' radius which slows 1d4+4 rnds save vs spell 1/2,
surprised on","1 or 2, butt creatures for 1 point dmg & swarm to spellcasters
preventing spellcasting, sing & enjoy others","R","singing","Herd","Herbivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Carrionette","6","2","19","Urban","Any","1","1","1 or 2-
puppets, use small sharp objests as weapons (needle, razor blade, etc), throw
needles (10 silver) 15'","have magic cords attached save vs paralysis or limb hit
paralyzed (1d4 rnds after remove) & cord invisible, can","VR","change places
w/victim, climb walls 85%, ventriloq at will, imm: poison & cold, electic kills
it, drive to get host","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Cat, Winged,
4",1,1,"0","L","12, Fl 30 (B)","650","Night","CN","nil","8-
10","MAI","Monster","speak own & 10% other cat, generally peaceful, in melee if
both claws then rear rake 1d6+1/1d6+1, cat can","remember enemies & may hunt them
for years, almost never attack humanoids, generally leave
domesticated","VR","animals alone, can be trained but difficult & once achieved
will be loyal & not accept other riders, -2 opp surp","Family","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Cat, Winged, Lesser","5","1+1","19","Land","Any","3","1/1/1d2","1-
4",1,1,"0","T","9, Fl 18 A)","65","Any","N","nil","2-4","MAI","Monster","fight if
threatened & mother will protect young, attack: claw/claw/bite & if both claws
rear 1d2/1d2, great bird","hunter, sold as kitten 50 gp, affectionate toward
loving master, prized as familiar, opp surprised
-2","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
Fl 18 (A)","175","Any","CN","nil","11-12","MAI","Monster","winged cat, wings have
feathers, stalk & pounce on prey, cunning, infravision 120', detect invisible 90',
can","detect & are immune to poison, hate stirges & manticores, can be trained as
familiar","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Chitine","6 (9)","2","19","Subterranean","Any","3","1d6/1d6/1d6","10-
60",1,0,"0","S","12, Wb 9","120","Any","LE","D (K, Q)","11-
12","MAI","Humanoid","human face w/4 arms & 2 legs, speak drow & sometimes other,
trap & ambush, build web as false trap, spikes","in traps cause 1d6 dmg each, use
javelins & short swords, wear web armor, -1 att in direct sunlight, fire
burns","R","web in 2d4 rnds, live in caves, spin web 1'/rnd, hunted by drow &
driders","Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Crypt Servant","5","6","15","Any","Any","2","1d4/1d4 or weapon","1-
20",0,1,"0","M","12","650","Any","LN","area guarded","5-7","MAI","Undead","undead
servents who care for deceased master & guards possessions, found at tombs, speak
lang of master,","1 is found at entrance will be challenged verbally, rest will
attack if possessions touched, immune: charm,","R","hold & sleep, cannot be
turned, destroyed by dispel magic or destroy crypt thing (see
MAI)","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, Saluqi","7","2","19","Desert","Any","1","1d8","3-
-2 on initiative rolls, infravision 120', overbear (min 4 dogs) 1 attack (+1 per
dog) vs AC 10 adj","for magic & DEX, knocks opp down, disrupts spellcasting &
unless save vs petrif stun 1 rnd, 1 rnd to get up, if","UC","down dogs att +4 & no
DEX adj, track by heat faultless if passed within 3 turns","Pack","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, Jungle Hound","7","2","19","Jungle","Tropical","1","1d8","3-
-2 on initiative rolls, infravision 60', overbear (min 4 dogs) 1 attack (+1 per
dog) vs AC 10 adj","for magic & DEX, knocks opp down, disrupts spellcasting &
unless save vs petrif stun 1 rnd, 1 rnd to get up, if","UC","down dogs att +4 & no
DEX adj, track by smell up to 1 week old","Pack","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
varies","varies","12,Fl 22(D),Jp 9","varies","Any","CN","varies","8-
12","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are
variable depending on age, greedy, cunning,","attack: claw/claw/tail/bite, 80% to
knock down w/tail unless STR check (if down CON check or stun 1 rnd),","VR","1d4
additional from claw unless DEX check, BW-bite drains hp perm & gains them unless
save vs BW","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Electrum","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Any","3 +
special","1d4/1d4/3d8","1",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 24(C),Jp
2","varies","Any","NG","varies","15-16","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, peaceful &
philosophical","welcome visitors for trading, use spells & BW from dist, attack:
claw/claw/bite, can pounce-4 claws & tail 2d6,","R","BW-40' lg x 30' dia causing
enfeeble & confuse (1 save each) 9 rnd, magic lvl 10+age cat., save vs spell
+1","Solitary","Omnivore","19","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Corpse Tearer","-10","28 (170 hp)","-3","Land","Any","3 +
special","3d12/3d12/4d10","1",1,1,"50%","G","24,Fl 39(C),Jp 18, Sw 18, Br
18","35,000","Any","NE","varies","17-18","MAI","Monster","abilities common to all
drag see MM 63, feared, attack: claw/claw/bite, each claw drain 1 lvl, BW-300' lg
x","50' wide-paralyzing gas, < 4 HD paral 4d4 turns others save to avoid, BW-100'
lg x 80' x 80' 8d12+12 dmg","VR","save 1/2 & all loose 1/2 STR in 1d6 rnds & 1/2
/3 turns until cure dis (wish to restore), BW-2 then 2 rnd
wait","Solitary","Special","19","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Dread","varies","varies","varies","Land","Any","3 +
special","5d10/5d10/6d10","1",1,1,"varies","varies","18, Sw
12","varies","Any","CE","varies","13-14","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, 2-headed, attack
w/","spells & twin BW, BW-right-120' lg x 60' wide-chilling wind knocks back
2'/point, left-hot dust-80' lg x 50' wide","VR","save 1/2, immune: ench/charm,
use: fly, telekin, move earth, power wd stun, energy drain, cast 8+comb
mod","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Flame","varies","varies","varies","Land","Any","3 +
special","3d6/3d6/3d10","1",1,1,"varies","varies","24,Fl 39
(B)","varies","Any","NE","varies","15-16","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, attack from air
w/spells","BW(2)-hot ash 90' lg x 70' wd x 40' deep cloud, 110' lg x 5' wide
flame, cast @ 9th+comb mod, immune: fire,","VR","abilities: heat metal,
pyrotechnics, produce fire, fireball, fire charm, fire trap, flame strike, wall of
fire, firestorm","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Forest","varies","varies","varies","Forests","Non-Arctic","1 +
special","2d8","1",1,1,"varies","varies","24, Sw
12","varies","Any","CE","varies","8-10","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, cunning & cruel,
can","mimic animal sounds, +2 surp roll, fight to death, BW-1' wide x 6'/age cat.
acid causing dmg & wither (no save)","VR","cast @ 5+comb mod(illus & phants only),
inv to anml, 3/day:warp wood, plant grow, stick to snake, pass
plant","Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Frost","varies","varies","varies","Land","Arctic","2+
special","3d10/4d10","1-8",1,1,"varies","varies","12, Sw
18","varies","Any","NE","varies","17-18","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, territorial,
strategist, att","bite/tail, no penalty on ice, BW-80' lg x 60' wd x 40' high ice
cloud, immune: cold, cast 7+comb mod, 3/day:","VR","aud glam, melt into ice, phan
force, ice shape, imp phan forc, cntrl temp 40', spec forc, rock to ice, heal,
more","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Gray","varies","varies","varies","Land","Any","4 +
special","4d6/4d6/4d10/2d6","1",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 36 (C),Sw
12","varies","Any","CE","varies","11-12","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, ruthless, prefers
melee,","attack: claw/claw/bite/tail, tail poison save or 20 ,BW-60' lg x 3' wd
black slime corrodes metal 3d4 rnds (item","VR","save)cast 7+comb mod, prot frm
miss, contag, shp chng, wraithfrm, dist distort, sink,sph:
all,chrm,ele,prot,weat","Solitary","Special","19-20","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Land","varies","varies","varies","Land","Non-Arctic","4 +
special","1d10/1d10/3d10/2d10","1",1,1,"varies","varies","12,Fl 36 (C),Sw
12","varies","Any","CE","varies","15-16","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, greedy, cautious,
flee","from strong, BW-120' lg x 40' wd heat dmg (save 1/2) & fatigue 1/2 STR (no
save), can 1/day: rock to mud &","VR","reverse, 3/day: invisible, dig, poly self,
stone shape, conjure earth elemental & earthquake","Solitary","Omnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Midgard","-12","25 (200 hp)","2","Water, Ocean","Any","4 +
special","3d10/3d10/2d12/4d10","1",1,1,"70%","G","18, Sw
39","31,000","Any","LE","S, T, U, V, W, X all x5","20","MAI","Monster","for
abilities common to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age,
avoids battle, meddles","with others w/magic, attack: claw/claw/bite/tail, BW(3)-
boiling water-200' lg x 10' wd-<4 HD drown, 5-7 save","VR","all 20d20+12, dust-
200' lg x 80' wd-16d20+12, wind-200' lg x 50' wd-12d20+12 (all save -3), +2 weapon
to hit","Solitary","Special","19","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Rain","varies","varies","varies","Land","Any","3 +
special","1d12/1d12/3d10","1",1,1,"varies","varies","18,Fl 39(B),Sw
9","varies","Any","CE","varies","8-10","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, vain, desire
treasure,","rush to battle, BW-90' lg x 3' wd boiling water, cast @ 8+combat mod,
immune elect, cast 2/day: create fd/wt,","VR","call lightn, lightning bolt, weath
summ, 3/day: plt grow, entangle & others, older immune edged &
regen","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Linnorm, Sea","varies","varies","varies","Water","Any","2 +
special","3d10/3d10","1",1,1,"varies","varies","9, Sw
24","varies","Any","CE","varies","15-16","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, vicious, capsize
ships,","BW-60' lg x 60' wd x 30' high acid cloud (not underwater), cast @
8+combat mod from spheres: animal, elem &","VR","weather, 2/day: wall of fog, fog
cloud, gust of wind, solid fog, airy wtr, death fog, raise wtr, part wtr,
others","Solitary","Herbivore","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Neutral, Jacinth","varies","varies","varies","Desert","Any","3 +
special","1d6+1/1d6+1/4d6","1",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 27
(B)","varies","Any","N","varies","17-18","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, attack:
claw/claw/bite,","BW-50' lg x 20' wd-hot air (cumbust item save), 10% cumm/rnd
(save) of charming thru speach (non-combat),","VR","cast wiz & priest spells @
10th (opp save +4), if creature looks at dragon 2+ rnds blind 5d6 rnds save vs
spell","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Neutral, Jade","varies","varies","varies","Forests","Temperate","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/5d4","1-3",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 24
(B)","varies","Any","N","varies","17-18","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, attack:
claw/claw/bite,","BW-sonic wail 90' radius-deaf 1d6x10 rnds save for 2d6 rnds &
sys shock check or unconscious 5d4 rnds,","VR","10% cumm/rnd of charm thru talk as
suggestion (save), cast wiz & priest @ 10th (opp save +4), blink
6/day","Solitary","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material","DRC 171"
"Dragon, Neutral, Pearl","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Any","3 +
special","1d4+1/1d4+1/3d6","1-3",1,1,"varies","varies","9,Fl 18(C), Sw
12","varies","Any","N","varies","15-16","MAI","Monster","for abilities common to
all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, attack:
claw/claw/bite,","BW-hot steam 90' lg x 30' wd x 20' high save 1/2, 10% cumm/rnd
of charm thru talk as suggestion (save),","VR","cast wiz & priest @ 10th (opp save
+4), blink 6/day, enemy of dragon turtle, hide worth up to 60,000
gp","Solitary","Carnivore","16-17","General","Prime Material","DRC 172"
"Dragon-kin","3","7","13","Land","Any","2","1d6/1d6 or weapon","2-
16",0,0,"0","L","6, Fl 15 (B)","1400","Any","CE","magic items","8-
10","MAI","Monster","humanoid/dragon, speak own & rough common, fight from air,
target magic items (AC 10 adj magic & dex) &","flee with it, guard against rear
attacks, never use magic items in combat for fear of loosing them, often
found","VR","in service of dragons, only interested in magical
treasure","Tribe","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Dread","6","3+3","17","Land","Any","1","1d4 or weapon","1-6",0,1,"0","S","6, Fl
15(B), Sw 9, Jp 3","975","Any","N","item guarded","0","MAI","Undead","animated
skeleton arms, guardian, animate by conditions (as magic mouth), wield weapon
(sometimes magic),","turn as shadow (enchant prevents most from being turned),
immune: charm, hold, sleep, shatter, disintegrate,","R","any poly & cold, holy
water 2d4, E & P 1/2 dmg, regen 2 hp/day","Group","Nil","20","General","Prime
"Dread, Vampiric","6","3+3","17","Land","Any","1","1d4 or weapon","1-
6",0,1,"0","S","6, Fl 15(B), Sw 9, Jp 3","1400","Any","N","item
guarded","0","MAI","Undead","animated skeleton arms, have broken boundary of area
guarded, wield weapon (sometimes magic), turn as","shadow, immune: charm, hold,
sleep, shatter, disintegrate, any poly & cold, holy water 2d4, E & P 1/2
dmg,","VR","regen 2 hp/day, dmg inflicted w/hands gains hp=1/2 dmg, must kill a
living creature/yr w/bare hands to live","Group","Special","20","General","Prime
"Elemental, Earth
E","I, O, P, Y","11-12","MAI","Monster","from elem plane of earth, hostile on
prime material, appear as dry dirt, if within 10' forms serpent-like, strikes
up","to 15', normal E & B dmg 1, P none, enchanted full, water affects as slow, if
immersed 1 trn it dissolves, wind","VR","wall or cntrl wind 1d10 dmg & lose
initative, if 0 hp not dead (return 4 trns), passwall or move earth kills
it","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Elem, Earth",
"Elemental, Sandman","3","4","17","Desert","Sub-Trop/Trop","1","0","1-
6",1,1,"20%","M","9","975","Night","NE","A, Q","8-10","MAI","Monster","made of
sand, no lang, understands others, ambush, any creature within 20' save vs spell
or fall asleep 3 trns","& 10% cumm/trn of waking (95% if disturbed), those saving
must save each time touched, ability prot from","R","normal missiles, hate humans,
dao use them to get human slaves, if killed powder can be used for magic
items","Family","Special","13-14","General","Elem, Earth","FF 77"
"Elemental, Wind Walker","7","6+3","13","Mountains","Tropical","1","3d6","1-
3",1,1,"0","L","Fl 30 (A)","2000","Day","CN","C, R","11-12","MAI","Monster","from
plane of air, resembles writhing serpents, telepathic 100 yrds, dmg caused to all
in 10', disperse cloud or","gas in 1 rnd, inflict 6d6 to creatures in gaseous
form, +1 weapon to hit, cast ride wind 4/day @ 12th, affected","R","cntrl
weath(save or die), slow(as fireball), ice storm(drives away 1d4), prot evil, wall
force & prism wall stop them","Pack","Special","13-14","General","Elem,
Water","OMI 101"
"Elemental, Kin, Earth, Crysmal","0","6+6","13","Land","Any","1","3d4 (2d4)","1-
6",1,1,"0","S","6","4000","Day","NE","Qx2d4","13-16","MAI","Monster","pln of
earth, psionics, E & P weapons att -4, wooden ineffective, if pressed can shoot
appendage 60' 1d8+8,","immune: fire, cold, gas & poison, electric 1/4 save none,
glassee blinds 1d4+1 rnd, stone to flesh AC 6 1 rnd,","VR","move thru solid rock
by changing structure (if struck by phase door immed slain), 4d8 undigested rough
gems","Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Elem, Earth","OMII 26"
"Elemental, Kin, Fire, Azer","2","2+1 to
1400","Any","LN","gems","11-12","MAI","Humanoid","plane of fire, found in fiery
areas, uses spears, malletlike weapon (mace), great strength see MAI, immune
to","fire, those not immune to fire suffer 1d4+1 if grasped & weapons cause add +1
from heat, THAC0 19-15,","VR","unfriendly, lack compassion,
greedy","Band","Omnivore","13-14","General","Elem, Fire","OMII 12"
"Elemental, Kin, Fire, Azer,
16",1,1,"35%","M","12","4000","Any","LN","gems","15-16","MAI","Humanoid","king of
azer, uses spears, malletlike weapon (mace), STR 18/00: +3 att & +6 dmg, immune to
fire, those not","immune to fire suffer 1d4+1 if grasped & weapons cause add +1
from heat, other unknown powers","VR",,"Band","Omnivore","13-14","General","Elem,
"Elemental, Kin, Fire, Azer,
nobles, uses spears, malletlike weapon (mace), STR 18/00: +2 att & +3 dmg, immune
to fire, those not","immune to fire suffer 1d4+1 if grasped & weapons cause add +1
from heat, other unknown powers","VR",,"Band","Omnivore","13-14","General","Elem,
"Elemental, Vermin, Air","4","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d4","1",1,1,"0","T","6, Fl
6 (A)","175","Any","N","nil","2-4","MAI","Monster","scavengers, no lang, driven to
eat & any interrupt is offensive, travel to prime material thru gates,
duster,","rather flee than fight, invisible at will, whirlwind obscures vision 10'
(attack -4 after leaving cloud)","R",,"Solitary","Special","8-10","General","Elem,
"Elemental, Vermin, Earth","3","2","19","Any","Any","3","1d3/1d3/1d3","1-
6",1,1,"0","T","6, Br 6","175","Any","N","feeds on
gems","1","MAI","Monster","scavengers, no lang, driven to eat & any interrupt is
offensive, travel to prime material thru gates, crawler,","blends with rocky areas
opp -2 surprise, will defend food supplies fiercely, attack: claw/claw/bite if
both claws","R","then rear claws 1d4/1d4","Pack","Special","15-
16","General","Elem, Earth",
"Elemental, Vermin, Fire","4","2","19","Any","Non-Arctic","2","1d3/1d2","2-
4",1,1,"0","T","6, Fl 6 (A)","175","Any","N","nil","2-
4","MAI","Monster","scavengers, no lang, driven to eat & any interrupt is
offensive, travel to prime material thru gates, flameling,","immune to fire,
attack bite/tail, throw mini-fireball 10' 2 per rnd inflict 1 point dmg but
flammables save vs mag","R","fire or suffer 1d4 dmg /rnd until
extinguished","Pack","Special","13-14","General","Elem, Fire",
"Elemental, Vermin,
Water","6","2","19","Any","Temp/SubArc","1","1d4","1",1,1,"0","T","6, Sw
6","175","Any","N","nil","1","MAI","Monster","scavengers, no lang, driven to eat &
any interrupt is offensive, travel to prime material thru gates, spitter,
will","avoid confrontations, feeds on any & all liquids, bites or spits pellet of
water 20' (same dmg),","R",,"Solitary","Special","11-12","General","Elem, Water",
"Faerie, Squeaker","10","1/2","20","Land","Any","1","1d4","2-
40",0,0,"0","S","12","15","Any","C","nil","5-7","MAI","Humanoid","created by
wizard spell gone bad, pixie-like, attack to annoy & aggravate, throw stones etc
+2 att, always","hide behind cover, no strategy, no leader, terretory 1 mile &
patrol it harassing those who enter it, do not eat,","C","reproduce
rapidly","Tribe","Nil","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Faerie, Stwinger","7","3 hp","20","Any","Temperate","2","special","1 (2-
cute, speak pixie, brownie, elf, dwarf & gnome, do not fight, sole purpose is have
fun, in combat","emits a pheromone that charms all 40'-radius save vs BW neg, will
swing hard on charmed victims 1 dmg per","C","2 rnds, if 50% hp lost new save -4,
mirror image 3/day, 1 every 3 yrs all stwingers gather 10 day ""great
meet""","Solitary","Herbivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Feystag","7","2+4","19","Forests","Temp/SubArc","2 or 1","1d4/1d4 or weapon
-1","1-2",1,0,"70%","M","14","975","Any","CN","Vx2, X","13-
14","MAI","Monster","cat-like, sense magic items & often type, function etc, study
item 1 rnd & with INT check can activate or cntrl,","study up to 60' & +1 if it
handles items, victim must make a INT or WIS check to regain control, attack:
claw/","VR","claw or weapon -1 att & dmg, immune: enchant/charm, divination &
psionics duplicating these effects","Solitary","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Flameskull","3","4+4","15","Land","Any","2","2d4/2d4","1",1,1,"88%","S","Fl 21
(A)","2000","Any","LE","item guarded","8-16","MAI","Undead","flying skull,
guardian, speak common & up to 14 others, use voice to lure intruders, attack:
fire/fire 10' lg, can","cast 1 spell/rnd (every other rnd) usually magic missiles
or flame strike & no mind control (3 diff spells), on odd","R","rnds spell
reflect, immune: mind spells, cold, fire, elect & poison, turn as lich, regen
1/rnd, reassemble","Solitary","Nil","13-14","General","Prime Material",
4",1,0,"0","H","6, Fl 12 (C)","1400","Any","NE","nil","5-
7","MAI","Monster","grotesque flying predator, used as steed for evil humans,
infravision 90', fight in air or pounce on prey,
attack:","bite/bite/bite/claw/claw if struck w/bite victim att -1 next rnd,
attempts to pin victim & drain blood 25 points","R","per rnd & addit 2 pulling
free (STR 16+ STR check, others need help)","Flock","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
4",1,0,"0","H","6, Fl 12 (C)","3000","Any","NE","E","5-
7","MAI","Monster","foulwing mated w/ wyvern, infravision 90', fight in air or
pounce on prey, attack: bite/bite/bite/claw/claw if","struck w/bite victim att -1
next rnd, attempts to pin victim & drain blood 25 points per rnd & additional 2
dmg","VR","pulling free (STR 16+ STR check, others need help), enjoys blood &
killing, favor wyvern heritage","Flock","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
8",0,0,"0","M","Lp 12","175","Day","CN","R","5-7","MAI","Monster","springing
skull, ambush, selfish, moves by springing (14' vert), attack from pit dug in
lair, only skull is seen,","attacks: bite/claw/claw, will flee rather than fight
to death, treasure is in the pit","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","FF 41"
"Garbug, Black","5","2+2","19","Jungle","Any","7","1d4/1(x6)","2-
5",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl 12 (C)","650","Night","N","nil","1","MAI","Monster","related
to carrion crawler, attack: proboscis/tentacle (6), tentacle 2' lg secretes poison
save vs paral or paral","2d6 rnds (not cumm) & acid will burn 1 dmg/turn,
proboscis drains blood from paralyzed victim, attack to death","R","no perm lair,
prey mainly on weak victims, incidental treasure may be found, tentacles used in
magic items","Pack","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material","FF 41"
Violet","5","3+3","17","Swamp","Any","8","1d6/1d6/1(x6)","1",1,0,"0","L","6, Fl 9
(D)","650","Any","N","nil","1","MAI","Monster","related to carrion crawler,
attack: claw/claw/tentacle (6), tentacle 2' lg secretes poison save vs paral or
paral","2d6 rnds (not cumm) & acid will burn 1 dmg/turn, if both claws hit
addition 1d4 dmg, lair in small cave or nest,","R","prey mainly on weak victims,
incidental treasure may be found, tentacles used in magic
items","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","FF 41"
"Genie, Tasked, General",,,,,,"1",,,0,0,,,,,,,,,"MAI","Humanoid","genies who
performed task so long it now defines & rules them, grow weak & sick if taken
away, free-willed,","live on elemental planes rarely come to prime unless
summoned, disreguard class systems, must be paid or",,"enslaved to perform service
for non-genie, not usually hosile toward humans, may be bound by spell
(limited)",,,,"General","Prime Material",
"Genie, Tasked, Administrator","6","6","15","Any","Any","1","2d8","1 or
1d4+1",1,1,"0","M","9, Sw 15 or Fl 15(A)","2000","Any","L","E, G","17-
18","MAI","Humanoid","advisor, negotiator, noble, limited telepathy, cast 3/day:
friends, tongues & ESP, 1/day suggestion, has perm","unseen servent, all cast @
10th, prefer not to enter combat, if in combat they have magic item to use,
also","VR","found in families working together, can fly or swim depending on they
were djinn or marid","Solitary","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Genie, Tasked, Deceiver","0 (4)","9","11","Any","Any","1","2d10","1-
2",1,1,"35%","M","12, Fl 18 (A)","10,000","Day","NE","F, U","13-
14","MAI","Humanoid","serven of noble djinn or jann, cowards, perpetual
displacement (first att always misses), AC 4 to those w/true","seeing, can: chng
self, delude, false vis, tong, misdirect, undect lie & whisp wind, 2/day: dist
distort, massmorp","VR","spect force & shad mag, other spells, save vs illusion
-4, on 20 tear opp eye(s) sys shock or pass out 1d6 trn","Solitary","Omnivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Genie, Tasked, Harim Servant","4","7","13","Any","Any","2","1d10/1d10 or
14","MAI","Humanoid","guard women of harim & also entertain & minor tasks, male,
can 3/day: cantrip, cntrl temp 10'-radius, mending,","minor & major creation,
1/day: alarm & create food/water, all @ 9th, carry 2 scimitars (use both at same
time),","VR","or fists, they go insane if harim is taken away or
harmed","Solitary","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Genie, Tasked, Messenger","5","3","17","Any","Any","1","1d8 or weapon","1-
2",1,1,"0","S","15, Fl 42 (A)","420","Day","N","U","15-16","MAI","Humanoid","once
djinn, serve all genies bearing messages, gifts, etc, rather flee than fight, move
quickly -1 initiative, use","darts poisoned save vs pois -4 or paralyzed 1d6+4
rnds then sleep 1d6 hrs (affects undead save -2), can @ 9","R","1/day: aura of
comfort, clear path, light load, dim fold, invisible, haste, dist distort & shad
door, will help others","Solitary","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Genie, Tasked, Minor","0","6","15","Any","Any","2","3d6/3d6","1-
6",1,1,"0","L","15","1400","Day","N","Qx10","15-16","MAI","Humanoid","once dao,
created by evil wizards, tear thru stone w/claws, cannot use weapons, cast 1/day
detect metal or","mineral, dig, faerie fire & water breathing, assume gaseous form
1/day, detect poison gas & unsafe mines 75%,","R","immune to stone weapons,
collapse mine shaft they dug anyone in area 6d10 save vs death magic
1d10","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Genie, Tasked,
Oathbinder","-1","12","9","Any","Any","2","4d6","1",1,1,"45%","L","15, Fl 30
(B)","12,000","Day","LN","C, H, T","8-10","MAI","Humanoid","reshaped efreet,
maintain oaths between master & other beings, only seen while serving punishment
for broken","oath, dispel magic vs 12th lvl negates binding magic (oath still
binding & may attack), attack: hand/hand, can","VR","strike 2 opp, hand emit fire
8', use spells see MAI, immune to all attacks from oathbreaker (if killed
ghost)","Solitary","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Gibbering Mouther","1","4+3","17","Swamp","Any","6+","1 each","1",1,1,"0","M","3,
Sw 6","975","Day","N","Q","2-4","MAI","Monster","amoeboid composed of mouths
eyes, gelatin body, causes all 60'-radius save vs spell or confused, cause
a","bright flash save vs petrif or blind 1d3 rnds (att +2, opp att -4), bites
6/rnd if hit by 2 or > needed add 1 dmg &","VR","attaches if 3 or more attached
DEX check or fall then flows over & bite 12 mouth att +4, if killed absorbes
vict","Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 69"
circle prey & go for throat, all lunge at once overbearing prey reducing AC by 4 &
+2 dmg per attack,","only escape is to climb, packs follow leader (4 HD, 175 XP),
avoid populated areas, may kill livestock in small","UC","areas, elf dog is their
enemy & will attack on sight","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
"Gnasher, Winged","5","4","15","Forests","Any","1","1d8","2-12",1,0,"0","L","12,
Fl 6 (E)","270","Day","CE","nil","5-7","MAI","Monster","dog-like, bat-like wings,
fly at prey dropping 20' gaining surprise & att +2 but AC -1 penalty, lair in
caves, packs","leader (5 HD, 650 XP), incidental treasure left on other victims,
enemies of aerial monsters like griffons
&","R","hippogriffs","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Brain","3","12 (60
,"nil","5-7","MAI","Monster","general info MM 164, creation of ancient mind
flayers, guards for illithids, aim for wizards first, aim for weakest,","1/turn
release mental blast 60' save vs spell or 2d8 dmg & stunned 1d10 rnds (save-lose
init next rnd & 1d8),","VR","immune: poison, death magic, mind affecting, charm &
illusion, their creation is unknown to
humans","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Hammer","0","14 (60
hp)","7","Subterranean","Any","2","2d10/2d12","1",1,1,"0","L","6, Br
6","13,000","Any","N","nil","0","MAI","Monster","general info MM 164, constructed
by dwarves, 2000 lbs, attacks only if ordered by master, encounters orcs or","kept
from task, without master attacks all, attacks: hammer/pick, 1/turn pounding
force: repulsion & 4d6 dmg","VR","save 1/2 dmg, immune: poison, mind affecting &
most spells but wish, stone to flesh as heal, +1 weapon to
hit","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Metagolem","varies","9 (40
4000","Any",,"nil","11-12","MAI","Monster","general info MM 164, hollow, metallic,
made from variety of metal see MAI, never use weapons, use fists, can","cast 1/day
@ 10th: fireball, flaming sphere, fly, magic missile, stink cloud & web, immune:
illus/phant, ench/","VR","charm & alteration & poison, electricity charges them,
STR 15 for purposes of carrying items","Solitary","Special","20","General","Prime
"Golem, Spiderstone","3","11 (55
0","Any","CE","nil","0","MAI","Monster","general info MM 164, servent of drow
spellcasters, has spirit, when inactive no signs of animation apparent,","attack
w/fists or web spit-90 yrds (roll to hit) all 20' of victim (no save) hit as web,
+1 weapons to hit, spider","VR","climb at will, immune all spells but drow's &
invoc/evoc, can go ""wild"" becomes more cunning & INT 2-
4","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
,1,"0","G","9, Fl 18 (E)","2000","Any","CE","H","8-10","MAI","Monster","3-wolf
heads, wings & long tails, attack: claw/claw/bite/bite/bite, tails (up to 12) no
dmg but gain +1 to attack","for each wrapped (severed after 2d6), if 2 of 3 heads
hit they rip appart 2d6 additional dmg, +2 on surp rolls,","VR","cannot be
attacked from behind","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
0","L","15, Wb 21, Jp 3","4000","Night","NE","A","13-14","MAI","Monster","spider-
like, attack: leg/leg/arm/arm/bite, arms may use shield or weapon, bite is poison
save or die 1d4 rnds","if save nausea 3d4 rnds -2 att & +1 AC, if web makes
contact w/skin 1 dmg/rnd, may spin web (as spell 6th)","VR","90' 1 turn, shadow
magic (9th wiz), dim door at will, hide in shadow 90%, immune acid & poison, +2
weapons","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Horror, Helmed","2","4+1","12","Any","Any","1","1d4 or weapon","1-
20",0,1,"0","M","12, Fl 12 (E)","2000","Any","N","V","13-
14","MAI","Monster","empty animated armor, guardian, use all weapons, see
invisible & infravision 120', carry 100 lbs flying, immune:","mind affect, illus,
enchant/charm, can be contacted by ESP but also senses creature probing, magic
missiles","R","heal it (if full it reflects it), may avenge slain creator, may
also be immune to fireball, heat metal &
lightning","Special","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Horror, Battle","2","4+1","12","Any","Any","1","1d4 or weapon","1-
20",0,1,"0","M","12, Fl 12 (E)","4000","Any","LE","V","13-
14","MAI","Monster","empty animated armor, guardian, see invisible & infravision
120', carry 100 lbs flying, blink 1 trn/day immune:","mind affect, illus,
ench/charm, can contacted ESP also senses creature probing, magic miss heal it (if
full it","R","reflects it), cast (2)magic missiles/3 rnds, dim door 180' 1/day,
may also be immune: fireball, heat metal &
lightning","Special","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Jarbo","7","1d4 hp","20","Desert","Any","1","1d3","1-
20",0,0,"0","T","24","7","Any","N","nil","1","MAI","Animal","rat-like, sense
water, flee from contact, speed is their best defense, loyal companion, rare cases
they develop","rabies & attack on sight, victims CON check or infected as normal
rat (see MM), usually move at night","C",,"Flock","Herbivore","2-
4","General","Prime Material",
"Laraken","6","15","5","Swamp","Any","1","1d4+1","1",1,1,"0","L","Fl 12
(A)","2000","Any","NE","nil","5-7","MAI","Monster","magic drainer, an attack from
tentacle causes dmg & drains spell, charge or ""plus"" from weapon (perm),
may","cast spell drained next rnd, steals highest lvls first, when drain (of
spell) occurs victims save vs death or fall","VR","unconsc 1d10 trn, any item
striking tent subject to draining, tent severed 10%/total hp, regen 1/drain spell
lvl","Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Prime Material",
ght","E","A","19-20","MAI","Undead","retain abilities they had in life, psionic
powers, surround themselves w/minions, those within 50' save vs spell","or mind
struck (-2 att & dmg, double casting time & +2 opp save), touch causes dmg + drain
PCP's (not perm),","VR","employ magic items, turn as special, resist spells as 25
WIS, immune biological spells, +1 weapons, phylactery","Solitary","Special","17-
18","General","Prime Material",
Sw 36 (metal)","5000","Any","N","nil","8-10","MAI","Monster","humanoid of pure
shining steel, not usually aggressive, +2 weapons to hit, shape change at will
(not color or","total size), AC 5 & normal weap while changing, immune: elect &
fire (unless 55+ dmg), cold slows it (1 att & MV","VR","6) & causes mag weap
double dmg & normal weap to hit for 2 rnds, feed on
iron","Solitary","Special","19-20","General","Prime Material",
"Lock Lurker","3","1+3","19","Land","Any","1","1 (bite) or 1d4+5
like a coin or silver/gold disk, stinger ethereal & invisible on prime mat, bite
thru hide, hair or leather armor","not metal (stinger can), sting inflicts poison
slow victim next rnd save if success slow 2nd rnd if fail paral 1d6
hr","R","infravision 60', regen lost body parts, usually found with coins or on
doors, venom worth 10 gp/flask","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
"Loxo","6","4+4","15","Plains","Temp/Trop","2","2d6/2d6 or weapon","10-
60",1,1,"0","L","12","650","Day","N","U (Z)","5-16","MAI","Humanoid","humanoid
elephant, peaceful, will defend territory, usually use mace, club or dirk, may
charge 2d6 trample,","10%/rnd enter berserk stage +2 att, extra att & 10 temp hp,
groups have: lieutenant (fithik) 5 HD 975 XP, a","VR","chief (lox-fithik) 7 HD
2000 XP, & wizard (tunnuk) up to 20th lvl, semi-nomadic, trade fine artwork, tusks
250gp","Herd","Herbivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Loup du Noir","3","6+3","13","Forests","Any","1","2d6 or weapon","1-
6",1,1,"0","M","15","1400","Any","CE","D","8-10","MAI","Monster","skinchanger, 2
forms: human or wolf, in human form attacks as normal & wears armor, as wolf bite
2d6 dmg &","on 20 seizes throat double dmg, immune: charm & hold & saves +4 vs
other mind affecting, damaged by +1","VR","weapons 1/2 dmg, silver or weapons with
bless cast on them, seduced by power of the wolfs
strength","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Werebadger","4","5","15","Hills/Rough","Temperate","3 or
1","1d6/1d6/1d4 or weapon","1",1,1,"0","S","6, Br 3","650","Any","CE","M, Q,
V","8-10","MAI","Monster","dwarf transforms into badger or hybrid, attacks:
claw/claw/bite, 25% of magic weapon (axe or warhammer),","+1 or silver weapons to
hit, 25%/rnd of entering berserk (att claw +1 & bite +3 & bites double chance of
curse)","VR","dislike other lycnathropes, lycanthropy affects different creatures
differently see MAI & MM","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
"Lycanthrope, Werejaguar","4","5+2","15","Jungle","Sub-Trop/Trop","3 or
1","1d3/1d3/2d4 or weapon","1",1,1,"0","M","15","975","Night","NE","D","11-
12","MAI","Monster","3 forms: human, jaguar & hybrid, human uses weapons, hybrid
weapon or claw/claw/bite, if hybid or animal","bite success rear rake att +4
1d4/1d4 dmg, hit by magic or obsidian weapons, reverts to human form if
killed,","UC","some live in small towns, prefer (demi)humans as
food","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Lythlyx","1","5+6","15","Land","Any","1","2d6 or 3d6 or 1d4","1 (3-
18)",1,1,"0","H","6, Fl 12 (A), Sw 8","2000","Any","LN","nil","8-
10","MAI","Monster","eel-like, remote areas near water, move in spirals,
aggressive, attack: whip or constrict or blood drain, heals","self 1 per 4 point
of blood drained, many mouths (20) may attack multiple victims, if killed will
explode blood,","R","will flee, psionics, immune: charm, command, fear, hold &
sleep, infravision 90', cannot speak","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
(5)","2+4","17","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4+2","1",1,1,"75%","S","6, Fl 12
(A)","1400","Any","CN","nil","5-7","MAI","Monster","inhabit tombs caverns & ruins,
bat-like, feed on magic, immune to psionics, detect magic 160', usually
remains","invisible, shadows mage draining spell as cast (full 1 or 2 on d6 & part
3-6 on d6), 7th lvl imm to effect except","R","1 on d6, never att chosen mage(MR
100%), swoop & attack visible for only an instant (AC 1) true seeing AC
5","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Marrashi","5","7","13","Jungle","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1d6 or arrow type","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 27 (B)","2000","Day","LE","B","8-
10","MAI","Monster","winged archer, attack: claw/claw/beak or bow & arrow (barbed
1d8+2 or diseased 1d6+2 save vs petri), fatal","disease (spreadable) in 1d20 days
unless cure disease, taklif arrows inflict disease which transforms
victim","R","into marrashi, usually found on outer planes unless summoned to prime
material plane","Solitary","Scavenger","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Metalmaster (Sword Slug)","6","4+4 to 6+6","15","Land","Any","1","3d4","1 or
like, mimic sounds, generates magnetic field 30' drawing or repeling metals at
will, those w/ armor STR","check or force 10' away, metal weapons att -4,
attracted objects orbit 10' inflicting 4d6 dmg (DEX check 2d6)","R","infravision
90', regen 1/turn","Solitary","Scavenger","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Mimic, House Hunter, Young","0, 6","10","11","Land","Any","3","2d6/2d6/2d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","3","3000","Any","N","nil","2-4","MAI","Monster","appears as shed,
outhouse, etc, rarely attack unless adult takes initiative, attack:
tounge/limb/limb, success","attack indicates caught (DEX check or arms trapped)
STR check to break free, dead & motionless victims","R","swallowed (AC 10 only sh
sword & smaller), att -2 in daylight, reduce heat & cold
1/die","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Mimic, House Hunter, Adult","0, 6","15","5","Land","Any","3","3d6/3d6/3d6","1-
6",1,1,"0","H","3","8000","Any","N","J, K, L, M","5-7","MAI","Monster","appears as
small house, speak crude common, produce dim flickering light, attack:
tounge/limb/limb, success","attack indicates caught (DEX check or arms trapped)
STR check to break free, dead & motionless victims","R","swallowed (AC 10 only sh
sword & smaller), att -2 in daylight, reduce heat & cold
1/die","Pack","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Mimic, House Hunter, Ancient","0, 6","20","1","Land","Any","1d4+2","4d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","G","3","13,000","Any","N","(J, K, L, M, N, Q)x10, S","8-
10","MAI","Monster","appear as temple or inn, speak crude common, produce dim
flickering light, attack: tounge/limb/limb, success","attack indicates caught (DEX
check or arms trapped) STR check to break free, dead & motionless
victims","R","swallowed (AC 10 only sh sword & smaller), att -2 in daylight,
reduce heat & cold 1/die","Pack","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Naga, Bone","6","7","13","Land","Any","2","1d4/3d4","1 or 1-
12",1,1,"0","L","12","4000","Any","LE","area guarded","15-
16","MAI","Undead","skeletal worm w/humanoid skull, may serve as guardian, created
by mage or dark naga, attack: bite/tail, bite","inflicts poison save or 1d4 dmg &
-1 STR (returns 1 hr), cast 1 spell/rnd as 6th (4/2/2) w/o V, S or M
compon,","VR","spells set at creation, immune: charm, death, hold, sleep, cold,
gas, acid & poison, holy water 2d4","Solitary","Nil","19-20","General","Prime
"Nautilus, Giant","-3, 3","14","7","Water,
18","15,000","Any","N","nil","17-18","MAI","Monster","from plane of water, know
align, 20 tentacles grab & constrict, general 3 tent per victim, if grabbed 50% 1
arm","free (att -3), 25% both & 25% neither (att -1), sever w/15 dmg, drag ship
below water, powers: charm person/","VR","mammal, conj water elem (3/day), locate
fish/plant, lower water, monst summ I, II, III, part water, wall of
stone","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Elem, Water",
"Nightshade","7","1+4","19","Forests","Any","1","1d4+1 or weapon","1-4 or 3-
30",1,1,"0","M","9","270","Night","NE","B, X","8-10","MAI","Humanoid","resemble
dwarf, spirit of poisonous plant, use spear or short sword, immune to wood
weapons, cover weapons","w/poison save vs poison or -1 DEX (cumm), if DEX 0 victim
dies & becomes nightshade at full moon, speak w/","UC","plants & pass w/o trace,
entangle & plant door (all 1/day @ 5th), group can summom shambling
mound","Tribe","Blood","13-14","General","Prime Material","DRC 196"
"nil","13-14","MAI","Monster","red mist, feed on magic energy, inflict no dmg,
physical & nonmagic fire affect normal, hit auto if inside nishruu,","will move to
greatest magic, magic cold & fire 1/2 dmg (cannot be cast inside), immune: mind
control & illusion,","VR","other spells are absorbed by creature adding to hp, 1d4
charges drained, non-chargables neg 1d4 rnds","Solitary","Special","15-
000","Any","N","nil","11-12","MAI","Monster","sickly petrified treant, arms strike
10', can fire fist size rocks 60' 2d8 dmg fire 1/rnd (stores 10 rocks),
double","dmg from blunt weapons, incidental treasure may be
found","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Ophidian","5","3 to 4","17","Jungle","Tropical","2","1d3 & weapon","3-
12",1,1,"0","M","9, Sw 18","175-270","Day","CN","U","5-
12","MAI","Monster","snakemen, snake w/arms & hands, change color to blend
w/environment (-2 opp surprise), 1 in 4 has 4 HD,","use shields, swords, club,
mace, axe & scourge, bite save vs poison or disease 1d4+1 days changing
into","UC","ophidian in 2 weeks, enslaved by yuan-ti","Clan","Carnivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material","OMII 97"
"Opinicus","-2","7+7","13","Land","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1-2",1,1,"35%","M","21, Fl
30 (B)","14,000","Any","CG","A","11-16","MAI","Monster","camel w/eagle wings &
monkey face, avoid combat, opp of evil, hate undead, never surprised, opp -2
surprise","attacks: claw/claw if both hit or if in flight rear claws 1d6/1d6, cast
spells @ 7th cleric (WIS 18), cast heal &","VR","holy word 3/day, ethereal at
will, psionics, 1/turn gaze 20'lg x 10' wd undead 2d8 save vs spell
1/2","Solitary","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 97"
"Ormyrr","5","7+7","13","Land","Non-Arctic","5","1d4 (4) or weapon (2)/2d4","1-
12",1,0,"0","M","11, Sw 15","975","Any","LN","R, V, (Z)","11-
12","MAI","Monster","worm-like w/frog head & arms (4), throw stones 40' 2d6 dmg,
if it hits victim 2x victim STR & DEX check or","constrict 2d6/rnd (att -1, dmg
-2) STR check to break free, hate spellcasters (attack first), seize weapons &
if","VR","magic will use, hibernate (bottom of lake), attack yuan-ti & harpie on
sight, save +4 vs poison","Tribe","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"nil","0","MAI","Monster","see parasite, metallic skin w/ 4 eyes that look like
gems, mistaken for ring, if worn drains 1 hp/hr (max 6/day),","host gains 1/2 its
MR (15%), grows 1""/wk max 1'","VR",,"Solitary","Blood","20","General","Prime
"Goldbug","9","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d4 or 1d3","1-
20",1,1,"0","T","1","120","Any","N","nil","0","MAI","Monster","parasite, 50% to be
mistaken for gp, attacks while victim is asleep (hit auto & 10%/rnd of waking),
drains 1d3","per rnd until dmg=own hp, if it attacks its bite inflicts 1d4 +
poison save +3 or die","R",,"Group","Blood","8-10","General","Prime Material","FF
"Wizard Lice","0","1 per nest",,"Urban","Any","0","0","1
difficult to see, harmless in small numbers, can breed into a nest in 1 week, feed
on spells, if they","infest a spellcaster they drain 1 spell/day (random), to be
removed they must be washed w/strong soap or","R","cure
disease","Group","Special","20","General","Prime Material",
"Vilirij","5","1+1","19","Urban","Any","1","1d4","1",1,1,"0","T","3, Fl 6
(A)","270","Night","NE","nil","2-4","MAI","Monster","parasite, flat creature
resembling skin, waits on ceilings or doors, lands on exposed skin (prefer seldom-
seen","areas), injects poison that prevents victim from noticing, drains 1d4
points of blood/day, others may notice","R","it as a skin
discoloration","Solitary","Blood","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Pasari-Niml, Warrior","4","1","20","Land","Any","2","1d2 or weapon","3-
12",1,1,"0","T","12, Br 3","270","Any","LE","nil","8-10","MAI","Monster","ant-like
w/humanoid head, contact thru telepathy (1 mile of calipha), upon first sight
those < its HD save vs","spell or freeze until attacked (those save flee 1d3)
others save or flee 1d2 rnds, travel w/nobles & are used as","UC","scouts, Br
under victim causing pitfall 1 rnd (save vs paral or trapped 1d3' dirt), immune
charm/enchant","Squad","Special","14","General","Prime Material",
"Pasari-Niml, Noble","4","2","19","Land","Any","2","1d3 or weapon","1-
2",1,1,"0","T","12, Br 3","420","Any","LE","nil","11-12","MAI","Monster","ant-like
w/humanoid head, contact thru telepathy (1 mile of calipha), upon first sight
those < its HD save vs","spell or freeze until attacked (those save flee 1d3)
others save or flee 1d2 rnds, can call 1d4 addit squads in","R","1d4+1 rnds, Br
under victim causing pitfall 1 rnd (save vs paral or trapped 1d3' dirt), immune
charm/enchant","Squad","Special","18","General","Prime Material",
"Pasari-Niml, Calipha","10","3 to
6","17","Land","Any","1","1","1",1,1,"25%","S","1","270-975","Any","LE","R, Qx2,
S","11-12","MAI","Monster","worm-like w/female humanoid head, contact thru
telepathy (1 mile of calipha), slow & weak fighter, cannot","use tools, queen
grows 1' (1 HD) per year, 3-4/5-6 HD: THAC0 17/15, XP 270, 420, 650,
975","VR",,"Colony","Carnivore","5","General","Prime Material",
"Moss, Vampire","9","1/2",,"Swamp","Sub-Trop/Trop","1","1","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","0","7","Any","N","nil","0","MAI","Plant","lives on energy of
others, anyone 10' can be attacked, when it attacks victim must make CON check, if
succ","it cannot establish a link, if unsuccess link established, it feeds until
victim leaves area, dies or it consumes 16","R","points, if victim looses 1/2
total hp CON check/rnd or unconscious, regen 2/wk, fire destroys
it","Colony","Special","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Pteraman","4","4","17","Jungle","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d6+1 or weapon","10-
100",1,0,"0","L","12,Fl 12(C) or 21(B)","270","Day","NE","P (E)","8-
10","MAI","Monster","3 forms: lizardman (no tail), w/wings or pteranodon
15'-wingspan (poly), swoop on opponents 100' dive inflict","double dmg & DEX check
or fall down, hate goblins, circle opponents, live in huts high in trees,
difficult to see","UC","from ground","Tribe","Omnivore","17-18","General","Prime
hairless monkey, psionic (which it uses to ""see"" along w/good hearing), will
flee if silence is cast on","them, can dance (5 hrs/lvl) & produce magic 1 lvl/2
rautym (max 6th), post guards while dancing, lead
by","R","elder,","Pack","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
duplicate","1-10",1,1,"0",,"18/duplicate","1400","Dawn & Sunset","NE","nil","8-
10","MAI","Monster","mimic other forms, power of duplication-engulfs victim (save
vs BW) & immediately gains hp, AC, special att &","defenses, then attempts to kill
being duplicated, retains new form 2d10 days, in natural form affected by:
light","VR","& dark 5% to destroy (cont. 10%), dispel evil, prot from evil,
[shadow walk & sunray destroy], not undead","Pack","Special","19-
20","General","Prime Material",
"Skum","7","2+2","17","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","5","2d8/1d6/1d6 + 1d8/1d8","2-
8",0,0,"0","M","6, Sw 15","175","Night","LE","nil","1-10","MAI","Monster","bred by
aboleth, beast of burden (fighting), attack up to 3 victims/rnd, -2 att penalty on
land, attack: bite/arm/","arm/leg/leg, attack 3 land & 5 water, no emotion,
communicate with masters 30 yards thru telepathy, save","VR","vs enchant/charm -4,
3d4 dmg/turn after out of water 1/2 hr, infravision 60'","Brood","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Cobra, Giant","8","3","17","Any","Tropical","1","1d8 + poison","1-
6",1,0,"0","H","12","270","Day","N","nil","1","MAI","Monster","gain wisdom over
years, bite inflicts poison kills 2d4 rnds save -2 for 10 points dmg, charm
creatures of 1 INT,","fear fire (morale check -6), eggs 10-500 gp, live in
burrows, flee combat in dark, poison degrades +1/turn to","C","save inert after 3
hrs","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Cobra, Giant, Elder","8","6","14","Any","Tropical","1","1d8 + poison","1-
6",1,0,"0","H","12","975","Day","N","(W)","2-7","MAI","Monster","gain wisdom over
years, bite inflicts poison kills 1d4 rnds save -4 for 10 points dmg+paral 1d6
rnds, charm","creatures save vs paral for consentrate + 2d6 rnds, ), eggs 10-500
gp, live in burrows, poison degrades +1/","C","turn to save inert after 3 hrs,
speak common","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Stone","-2","8","13","Subterranean","Any","1","2d10 or 1d8","1-
2",1,1,"0","H","9","2000","Any","N","Qx5","1","MAI","Monster","made of minerals,
feeds on minerals, attacks w/blunt snout or bite save vs petrification -6 or
slowly petrify","victim over 5 rnds, edged & piercing weapons 1/4 dmg, some gem
are undigestable & may be found in lair","R","snake egg yolk is used in ink of
stoneskin scroll","Solitary","Special","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Spectral Wizard","0 or 8","5","15","Any","Any","1","special","1-
2",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 15 (B)","4000-5000","Any","N","V","13-
18","MAI","Undead","undead that retain spellcasting, hit by spells, silver or
enchanted weapons, AC 8 on Ethereal Plane, attacks","w/paralysis touch causing
numb limb (random) for 2d4 rnds w/ -1 att, must become solid to cast spells (1
rnd)","VR","immune: sleep, charm, hold, cold, fear, poly, paraly & death magic,
turn as spectre, >5th lvl considered high","Solitary","Nil","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
0","Any","N","magic items","17-18","MAI","Monster","vaguely humanoid, total
silent, telepathy 10 mile w/own (other attempting save vs spell or insane 1d6
days),","immune: pain, psionics & fear, invisible at will, auto detect
magic/invisible 100', plane shift 1/day(there & back)","VR","organize & steal
magic items, casts spells (no V or M comp) up to 6th lvl (cast 12th), cast
simultaneous spells","Solitary","Herbivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Brain","2","8","13","Subterranean","Sub-
Tropical","5","1d4/1d8/1d8/1d8/1d8","1-6",1,1,"0","M","9, Cl
15","4000","Any","LE","Z","2-4","MAI","Monster","lives off brain matter, psionic
powers, speak own lang, ambush dropping on victims (-2 opp surp), bite save
vs","poison -4 or paralyzed & 2d10 dmg/rnd, destroys 1 point DEX or INT/rnd (if
save success paralyzed 1 rnd),","R","also attack with sharp legs, prefer to hunt
psionic creatures","Pack","Special","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Suwyze","4","4+4","15","Subterranean","Any","8","1d6","1",1,1,"0","H","12, Cl
12","975","Any","N","I","15-16","MAI","Monster","group of feathery antennae, speak
garbled common, never surprised, can 3/day: clairaud, clairvoy, detect","good, det
evil, invisible, shout & wiz eye, save +2 vs illusion, 10' lg whiplike appendages,
those attacking","VR","save vs spell or disorient -3 att & -1 dmg, can shout (as
spell) for help, can use rings or bracers, symbiotic","Solitary","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Tatalla","4","2+2","19","Urban","Any","2","1d3/1d3 or weapon (2)","1-
4",1,1,"0","S","12","270","Night","LE","K, C","8-10","MAI","Humanoid","assassin, 1
eye, speak common, imp, bat & rat, thieving: PP 50; OL 42; F/RT 40; MS 50; HS 51;
HN 20, CW","90; backstab X3, if hired to kill it will sneak at night biting victim
& returning next night (WIS check to wake)1st","R","sick, 2nd-loss DEX & att -2,
3rd-save vs pois or die & -2 cumm after, summon bat or rat 1d100 in 1d4
rnd","Band","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Tatalla, Guildmaster","4","3+3","17","Urban","Any","2","1d3/1d3 or weapon
(2)","1-4",1,1,"0","S","12","650","Night","LE","K, C","8-
10","MAI","Humanoid","leads guild of 4d20 members, approves & assigns all
contracts, uses magic items, otherwise same as
normal","tatalla","R",,"Band","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Tick, Heart","5","1","20","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","4 or 1","1d2/1d2/1d2/1d2 or
1","1-4",1,0,"0","T","6, Lp 21","65","Night","N","nil","0","MAI","Monster","6""
dia, blind, sensitive ears, leaps on victim (opp surp -3) attack +2 (+4 if surp),
if 1 of 4 hit it attatches, once","all legs attatch it draws blood, drains 8 rnds
& drops off causing 1d2 dmg, BB/LG to remove 1d2 dmg/leg if","VR","killed STR
check, if victim is killed it lays eggs, attacking tick when attatched causes dmg
to both","Solitary","Blood","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Tree, Dark","0","10","11","Jungle","Tropical","2 or 1","3d6/3d6 or 4d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","H","3","4000","Night","NE","nil","5-7","MAI","Monster","2 eyes almost
impossible to see, 1/2 dmg from fire, save -2 vs cold, attack arm/arm if both
victim grabbed","then bite drains blood, cause confusion 50' save vs spell if cast
on unsuspecting victim he becomes lost in","R","jungle, 90% of mistaken for
cypress trees (75% for druid, ranger, etc), exist by photosyn but like
blood","Group","Special","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Tree, Death's Head","10/7","10","11","Land","Temperate","1 per head","1 or 1d4
(2d4)","varies",1,1,"10%","H","0, Fl 6(E)head","5000","Any","NE","nil","2-
4","MAI","Monster","weeping willow-like, 4d4 heads ""fruits"", attack bite, AC 10
(trunk) 7 (head), head 6 hp (not from total), trunk","dmg from S only (branch 10
hp), spit seeds 30' w/1 dmg, immune fire, bite & spit inflicts seeds which grow
&","R","cause dmg, fruit may detatch & fly (no fire immune & turn as zombie)
seeking victims to implant seeds, bite 2d4","Special","Special","19-
20","General","Prime Material",
10,000","Day","N","nil","1","MAI","Monster","appears as normal tree, singing
(bassline) causes all w/ 100 yrds save vs spell or stop to rest in shade of
tree,","1d6 leaves drop/victim those charmed do not notice draining 1 point/leaf
then reattatches (drains until=its hp),","VR","leaves=10x total hp, area affect
spell kill 1 leaf/1 dmg (save normal), if tree is attacked all leaves
attack","Solitary","Blood","19-20","General","Prime Material",
"Troll, Snow","4","7","13","Land","Arctic","2","1d8+2/1d8+2","1-
2",1,1,"0","L","9","1400","Night","CE","nil","5-7","MAI","Monster","speaks little
common & troll, attack claw/claw, regen 3 hp/rnd (starting 3 rnds from dmg), cold
attacks: 1/2","dmg save none, fire causes double dmg save normal, fight to death,
lair is cave, surprise opp 6 in 10 & surp","R","only on 1 in home territory, hate
all other races, rival with ice troll & hunted by white
dragon","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Tuyewera","8","6","15","Land","Tropical","1","1d4 or weapon","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","6","975","Any","E","nil","8-10","MAI","Undead","animated corpse of
DM spells, removed legs at knees, thieving skills: MS 50%; HS 90%; OL 50%,
bodyguard/","assassin, attack: hand 25% of causing disease, SA-drain breath:
sleeping victim save vs DM -4 or die if save","UC","coma 1d4 days, immune: mental,
cold, sleep, fear & all weapons (dispel magic neg 1d4 rnd) turn as
spectre","Band","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Illithid, Noble (Ulitharid)","3","11+8","9","Subterranean","Any","6","1d4
(6)","1",1,1,"95%","L","12","11,000","Any","LE","S, T, Z (D)","19-
20","MAI","Humanoid","elite mind flayer, infravision 60', use telepathy no lang,
SA-mind blast-60' lg x 5' x 20' cone save vs spell -4 or","feebleminded,
successful hit grabs victim & if 3 hit may bore to brain 1d3 rnds, heal 25 points
day, powers 10th","VR","ast proj, ch pers, ch monst, esp, eyebite, forget, leg
lore, levit, plane shift, suggest, telek, true see; all save
-4","Colony","Special","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Dwarf, Undead","6","3+12","17","Subterranean","Any","1","3d4","2-
8",1,1,"25%","M","9","1400","Special","N","U","8-10","MAI","Undead","created by
disturbed burial places, do not leave area laid to rest, attack w/fists, drive
invaders from burial area","appear to defend burial area thru innate phase door &
dissipate after driving them off, +2 weapons to hit, imm","VR","to sleep, charm,
etc, if reduced to 0 it reforms in 1d4 rnds full hp, cannot be turned or
permanently destroyed","Clan","Nil","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Lake Monster, Undead","-3","13","7","Water","Any","1","3d8","1",1,1,"20%","G","Sw
12","10,000","Any","CE","B","11-12","MAI","Undead","serpent found in deep lakes,
100' lg, attack w/bite & tries to pull it to lair (STR check/rnd or drown), BW-
cloud","40' x 20' 3/day as cloudkill & lingers 4 rnds, invoke fear as spell
(3/day) all 100' save vs spell or flee, turn as a","VR","10 HD, +1 weapons to hit,
immune: charm, sleep, etc","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime
"Sting, Whip-","7","1+4","19","Subterranean","Any","3","1d2/1/1","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","9","175","Any","N","nil","1-12","MAI","Monster","rocky areas,
sphereical body w/2 tenticles, infravision 120', springs to attack (+4), stings
inflict poison save","-2 or nausea stopping spellcasting or attacks dropping
shields & weapons 1 rnd; next rnd att & dmg -3; next -2","UC","etc, 5' to 20' long
tenticles","Solitary","Scavenger","11-12","General","Prime Material",
6",1,0,"0","M","9, Fl 9 (D)","175","Any","N","nil","1-12","MAI","Monster","rocky
areas, sphereical body w/2 tenticles, infravision 120', springs to attack (+4),
stings inflict poison save","-2 or nausea stopping spellcasting or attacks
dropping shields & weapons 1 rnd; next rnd att & dmg -3; next -2","UC","etc, 5' to
20' long tenticles, fragile wings regen 1d3 days, glide 60', 10% of whipstings
have wings","Solitary","Scavenger","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Windghost","-2","9+9","11","Any","Any","1","1d4+1 or 3d4","1-
12",1,1,"45%","H","Fl 18 (B)","12,000","Any","LN","nil","15-
16","MAI","Monster","flying cone, 120' infravision, 2 tenticles, swoop on victims
(19 or 20 swallows M creatures 2d6 dmg/rnd), if 2","windghosts emit windsong
taking effect in 1d2 rnds lasting 1d8 rnds all speach, spellcasting etc
impossible,","VR","immune: mind affect, & psionics, 1/2 dmg air magic, can magic
shift (see MAI), regen 1/turn","Group","Omnivore","19-20","General","Prime
"Wolf, Dread","6","4+4","15","Land","Any","1","1d10","3-
12",1,1,"0","S","18","650","Any","NE","nil","8-10","MAI","Undead","inflict rotting
disease save vs poison in 1 hr or loose 1 hp/hr until dead (herbalist prof +2 to
save), cure disease","removes, regen 3 hp/rnd after 3 rnds, immune: charm, hold &
cold, electric 1/2 dmg, fights until -10 hp, may","VR","be under control of
creator","Pack","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Wolf, Stone","0","5+4","15","Land","Any","1","2d4","1-
4",1,1,"0","S","9","1400","Any","N","nil","1","MAI","Monster","animated stone,
change from statue w/ +4 to initiative 1st rnd, on 20 pounce on victim causing
additional 1d6","dmg & no DEX or shield bonus (att +4) BB/LG to free, P weap 1
point, E 1/2, B full, weakness is eyes, if eyes","VR","destroyed it is blind att
-4, immune: sleep, hold, charm & cold, fire & elect 1/2 dmg save
none","Special","Nil","19-20","General","Prime Material",
"Wolf, Vampiric","2","6+4","13","Land","Any","1","3d4","3-
18",1,1,"0","S","24","2000","Night","E","nil","5-7","MAI","Undead","created from
normal wolf pups, glowing orange eyes, run down victims & bite, victims must save
vs paralysis","or be knocked over; then wolf tries to grap weapon arm (att -4)
w/STR check to break free, +2 to initiative,","VR","immune: sleep, charm, hold &
paralysis, silver or magic weapons to hit, regen # hp=dmg inflicted, att -2 in
day","Pack","Blood","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Wolf, Zombie","6","2+2","19","Land","Any","1","1d4+1","2-
8",0,1,"0","S","9","65","Any","NE","nil","0","MAI","Undead","rise from death by
freeze or starve near graveyard etc, stench 100', always attacks last, immune:
charm, hold,","sleep, poison, cold & death, holy water 2d4 dmg, if fighting under
evil priest or undead -2 penalty to turn, small","VR","packs or assembly of
1d10+10(x2) under a leader (lich, priest, etc) taking 1d6 hrs those witness save
vs fear","None","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","Any","N","nil","0","MAI","Undead","resemble shadow, no lang, attack by touch
causing elect dmg, this dmg done lowers own hp, it attacked by","metal weapon
attacker takes 1 dmg, if area well lit can cast shadow-1d4 cold dmg, immune: cold,
elect, hold,","VR","sleep, charm & poison, cannot be turned or dispelled,
banishment returns it, they are a result of a
curse","Special","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Xantravar","6","3+3","17","Swamp","Any","2","1d4+poison/1d4+1d6+3","1 or 1-
4",1,1,"0","L","Fl 15(A), Sw 12","975","Any","NE","nil","5-
7","MAI","Monster","stinging horror, bulb-like, 90' infravision, attacks w/2
stinger only 1 has poison & only inject 1/rnd & 4/turn, sav","-3 or 15 additional
points, other stinger causes dmg + sucks 1d6+3 blood, if attacked w/fire it jets
flames back","R","10'-1d3 dmg & 1d2 to self, immune: heat, electric & magic
energy(mag miss), if split-explodes 20'-Rad 4d6 dmg","Solitary","Blood","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Xaver","2","3","17","Land","Any","1","1d4+1","1-4",1,1,"45%","M","9, Jp
3","270","Any","LN","nil","8-14","MAI","Monster","looks like a sword, eats metal,
infravision 90', metal passes thru its body, immune: heat & electric &
conducts","dmg to those it contacts, cold does dmg +1/die, ferrous metals touching
it fall to shards 1 rnd later, powdered","VR","xaver body can be used for spells
involving resistance to heat & electic, rusting materials, sold for 1600
gp","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Afanc, Young","6","5","5","Water, Ocean","Temp/Trop","1 or 2","3d4 (bite)
or1d4/1d4 (flipper)","3-18",1,0,"0","L","Sw 15","2000","Any","N","nil","5-
7","MAI","Monster","6 or more can create whirlpool 1d4+4 rnds with -2 to missile
att/rnd (max -12) sinking boats in 1 rnd/10' length,","dispel magic on creature
doubles or MR ship, 60' ships left alone, < 30' rammed (AC 3-5) sinks in 1d10
rnds","VR","(save >13) & capsizes on 4 or > needed to hit, 15'
long","Pack","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Aboleth, Savant","2","12+12","7","Subterranean","Any","4 or 1","1d6+special (x4)
or spell","1",1,1,"0","H","3, Sw 18","13,000+","Any","LE","(F, U)","15-19","MAII
6","Monster","great spellcasters (P & W), WIS(1d5+14) & INT(1d4+14), 2% of aboleth
are savant, detect invisible 75%(60'), fights","melee as norm. aboleth, domination
3/day 30 yrds save -2 removed by dispel magic, remove curse or 1 mile dist
(new","VR","save), mucus cloud, at <12 hp frenzy tent 2d6 dmg & ram head (att -4)
4d6 dmg + DEX check or stun 1d3 rnds","Brood","Omnivore","16","General","Prime
"Addazahr","4","1 hp","20","Plains","Temp/Trop","1","1 + disease","6-
60",1,0,"0","T","6, Fl 18 (B)","15","Day","N","nil","1","MAII
8","Animal","""backbiters"", winged insect, difficult to see resembling hay or
straw, non-aggressive, must feed on blood to reproduce,","bite causes 1 hp dmg +
injects saliva causing disease (save vs paralyze), disease also affects horses,
camels, etc.,","UC","causes soreness & swelling of joints in animals they cannot
carry riders or pull wagons, cure disease or in 2
weeks","Swarm","Omnivore","6","General","Prime Material",
"Amiq Rasol","4","9","11","Coast","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d6","1-10",1,1,"0","M","18,
Sw 9","7000","Any","NE","(C)","13-14","MAII 9","Undead","corsairs lost, marooned,
etc at sea, gem of seeing or true see sees rotting corpse otherwise resembles
corair, attack:","claw/claw/bite, drains 1 level per hit (if 0 lvl does not become
amiq rasol), cast charm save vs spell -2 (3/day), turn as","VR","vampire, immune:
charm, hold, sleep & cold, +2 weap, holy water 2d4, if kill new body 24 hrs unless
resurr or rais dead","Solitary","Special","14","General","Prime Material",
"(C)","19","MAII 10","Undead","surviver or lich process but failed to become lich,
resembles ghost or banshee (gazing 1d4 rnd reveals true appear),","successful hit
causes dmg + drains 1 level (if it chooses this reveals its true form), retain
spellcasting as in life (normally","VR","18+), life force stored in receptacle, +1
weapons to hit, immune: charm, enery drain, enfeeble & mind, turn as
wraith","Solitary","Nil","19-20","General","Prime Material",
(W)","20","MAII 10","Undead","arch-shadows able to drain enough life energy become
demi-shadow, typically disappears for 4d10 years of solitude,","touch inflicts dmg
+ drains 1 level (magic items that prevent loss of life fail 25%), +2 weapons to
hit, immune: charm,","VR","sleep, hold, energy drain, enfeeble & mental attacks,
turn as lich, only destroyed by destroying receptacle","Solitary","Nil","17-
18","General","Prime Material",
4",1,1,"35%","H","9","5000","Any","N","guardian","0","MAII 12","Monster","scopion-
like, metal constructions, attacks: claw/claw/sting, if claws hit they hold
victim, sting auto vs held victims, a","BB/LG to break free, sting can also
deliver a electric charge 1d12 dmg 1/turn, absorbs electric dmg release
energy","VR","in sting once 12 points absorbed, mag miss heal it, 1/2 dmg fire,
heat, E & P weapons, immune:acid, cold, disint,
maze","Special","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Automaton, Scaladar,
13","Monster","especially created, called Squch, attacks: claw/claw/sting, if
claws hit they hold victim, sting auto vs held victims, a","BB/LG to break free,
sting can also deliver a electric charge 1d12 dmg 1/turn, absorbs electric dmg
release energy","VR","in sting once 12 points absorbed, mag miss heal it, 1/2 dmg
fire, heat, E & P weapons, immune:acid, cold, disint,
maze","Special","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
14","Monster","crab-like, machanics, fix other automations, banished by Trobriand,
attack: grab/batter, BB/LG to escape, if grabed","attack +2, every other round
fire jet-used only agains held victims, 2d6 dmg (up to 6/day), immune to fire/heat
& mind","VR","affecting attacks, 1/2 dmg from P & E weapons, emits fumes & smoke
during combat (CON check or -2 attack
rolls)","Special","Nil","18","General","Prime Material",
0","Any","N","special","11-12","MAII 14","Monster","mechanical silverfish,
curious, ascertain items functions, flee from combat, strike w/ tentacles, 20% to
hit eyes & blind","opponent, mentally commant other automations (ferragam &
thanatar) within 100', if any Trobriand automation attacks","VR","it they
deactivate 1d12 rnds upon contact (only Squch is
immune)","Special","Nil","19","General","Prime Material",
"Automaton, Thanatar","0","12","10","Subterranean","Any","3","1d12/1d20/1d20","2-
5",1,1,"25%","H","12","9000","Any","N","incidental","0","MAII 14","Monster","metal
scorpion, carry out complex orders, attacks: tail/claw/claw, claw grab & hold,
BB/LG to escape, if both hit it","can emit a sleep gas save vs poison of fall
asleep 2d4 hrs, immune: nonmagic edged, acid, mind affect & illusions,
1/2","VR","dmg non-magic blunt, magical edged &
fire/heat","Special","Nil","15","General","Prime Material",
"Automaton, Minor","varies","1 to
","Any","N","incidental","0-4","MAII 17","Monster","Trobriand's rejects &
failures, vary in size 1-20', varied body type: scorpion, crab, spider, lobster,
etc., 2-8 limbs, immu:","mind control, illusions, 1/2 fire, acid, edged & cold,
heal 5-75% from magic missiles, they are the bottom of the social","VR","ladder of
automations","Special","Nil","varies","General","Prime Material",
"Automatons, General",,,,,,"1",,,0,0,,,,,,,,,"MAII 12-17","Monster","Trobriand
(mage) attempted to create mechanical artificial guardians, most were abandoned
after he created scaladar","these automations are controlled by the ""Rings of
Trobriand"" thru mental contact (100'), Trobriand's ring will override",,"any
other commands",,,,"General","Prime Material",
"Bat, Sporebat","8","8","13","Hills/Rough","Temperate","3","2d6/2d6/2d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","3, Fl 30 (B)","7000","Night","N","nil","8-12","MAII
18","Monster","""flying eye"", stealthy (moves silently), -6 opp surprise, opp
attack -2 in dark, +3 to its surprise, project poison ray from","eye 50 yrds lg x
10' wd 4d6 dmg save vs BW 1/2, recharges 1d6/rnd (slow poison doubles time &
neutralize poison","VR","destroys stored), immune: heat/fire, swoops on victims
while weapon recharges","Group","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Beetle, Dragon","7","1","20","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4 or 1","2-
16",1,0,"0","T","15","65","Any","N","(B)","0","MAII 19","Monster","1' long, do not
see or hear well, attack bite or singer + poison which only affects dragons (kin),
wyvern, etc, to others","like insect bite, will not attack if alone but if 2 or
more very aggressive, +1 to att & dmg if near its nest, dragons must","UC","save
vs poison or 2d10 if save 1d10, a 3 HD (AC 5, 1d6 dmg) leader at
nest","Cluster","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Bi-Nou","1","5+5","15","Subterranean","Any","2","1d8/1d8","1 or 2-
8",1,1,"20%","M","6","975","Any","CE","1d10x100 gp/egg (2-8)","11-12","MAII
20","Monster","stalagmite-like w/arms, 600-1000 lbs, communicate telepathy, 70%
unnoticed, deaf & blind, sense heat & vibration get","image at 80', attack
independent at 40', cast (10th): slow, dig, stone shape & wall of stone, if both
limbs hit victim sqz","R","1d8 rnd until free (BB/LG), passwall stuns them 1d4
rnds, rock to mud kills, stone shape heals, immune: mind
affecting","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
2",0,0,"20%","M","9","2000","Any","CE","special (eggs)","5-7","MAII
20","Monster","related to bi-nou, stone snake w/arms, attack as soon as potential
meal is seen, hunt humans and demi-humans as","thieves of their eggs, leave eggs
only for a short time, value of each egg 1d10x100, 2d4
eggs","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"5000","Any","N","special","2-4","MAII 20","Monster","larger bi-nou, ""lord or
stone"", do not lay eggs or associate with other bi-nou, hunted by underground
races for its hide","which is used to build special buildings, some weaponsmiths
can create special maces with natural +1 to hit & +3 to","VR","dmg it takes 3x
longer to create this weapon","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime
"Boggle","5","4+3","17","Subterranean","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d4","1-3 (2-
8)",1,1,"0","S","9","270","Night","CN","nil (25% M or Q)","5-7","MAII
22","Monster","monkey-like thieves, communicate thru grunts & whistles, detect
invisible by scent, spider climb at will, leap on prey,","attack: claw/claw/bite,
if both claws hit rear claws 1d4/1d4, can stretch or contract bodies 50%,
resulting in -1 dmg","VR","per die, save vs fire +3 suffering 1/2 or 1/4 dmg,
secrete oil - walking on it DEX check or fall, use frame as dim
portal","Family","Omnivore","7","General","Prime Material","OMII 20"
"Brownie, Dobie","5 (9)","1d4 hp","20","Rural","Temperate","1","by weapon","2-
8",1,1,"0","T","9","120","Night","NG","nil","8","MAII 23","Humanoid","peaceful
cousins of brownies, ""country bumpkin"", prefer to sneak away rather than fight,
will defend ""big-folk"" friends","AC 5 outdoors, cast: confuse lang, grease,
forget, fumble & ray of enfeeblement (all 1/day @ min level to cast
each)","R","use tool or hammer 1d2 dmg, dagger or short sword 1d3, save -3 vs
illusion & charm, save as 9th lvl priest","Tribe","Herbivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Brownie, Quickling","-3","1 +1d4 hp","19","Forests","Temperate","3","dagger (S/M
1d3; L 1d2)","4-16",1,1,"0","T","96","2000","Night","CE","(O, P, Q, X)","13-
18","MAII 24","Humanoid","mini-elf, dress in bright colors, speak fast, if not
moving 100% invisible (90% moving), only visible as a blur, save as 9th","lvl
priest, leaders 75% of using poison (save or paralysis), cast 1/day:
ventriloquism, forget, levitate, shatter, dig & fire","VR","charm, once gentle
race now cruel killers, leader (HD/THAC0/XP) 3/19/3000; elder: 4/17/4000, dwell
in dark evil","Clan","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 103"
","Any","CN","nil","6","MAII 25","Monster","faerie cat, weigh up to 400 lbs, can
teleport without error 100 yrds, attack: claw/claw/bite if both claws hit rear
claw","rake auto 2d6 dmg, if mate or young is attacked it goes into frenzy +4 to
hit & dmg never checking morale, sometimes","R","serve as companions (never pets)
of wood or high elves, prey primarily on rabbits & small
rodents","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Cat, Crypt","7","1+1","19","Any","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1d2","1-
12",1,1,"0","T","12","120","Night","CN","W","1","MAII 26","Undead","mummified cats
found in tombs serving undead master, attack claw/claw/bite if both claws hit rear
claws 1d2/1d2,","anyone hit save vs poison/hit or disease (1 hp/hit will not heal
until cure disease or heal), immune: charm, hold, sleep,","VR","death magic &
poison, turned as ghasts (cannot be turned until master
killed/turned)","Group","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Cat, Crypt (Large)","7","4+1","17","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d8","1-
8",1,1,"0","S","15","650","Night","CN","W","1","MAII 26","Undead","mummified cats
found in tombs serving undead master, attack claw/claw/bite if both claws hit rear
claws 1d2/1d2,","anyone hit save vs poison/hit or disease (2 hp/hit will not heal
until cure disease or heal), immune: charm, hold, sleep,","VR","death magic &
poison, turned as wraith (cannot be turned until master killed/turned), any
species of great cat see MM","Group","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Centaur-Kin, Dorvesh","4 (7)","4","17","Hills/Rough","Temperate","2 or
1","1d6/1d6 or weapon","2-12 (80-120)",0,1,"0","L","12","270","Day","N","M, Q
(B)","8-10","MAII 27","Monster","upper body of dwarf w/lower of donkey, distrust
outsiders, not overly aggressive, speak own dwavish (75% to under-","stand), use
no magic, detect slope 1-3 on 1d6 & tunnel construct 1-4 on 1d6, infravision 30',
save +4 vs spell & poison","VR","well organized, attack: hoof/hoof or weapon
(hammer, sword or light crossbow), chief: 5 HD/AC 4/XP 420","Clan","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Centaur-Kin, Gnoat","6","3+1","17","Mountains","Temp/Trop","1","by weapon (all
1d6 dmg)","3-12",1,1,"0","M","15","270","Day","N","M, Q (I)","8-10","MAII
28","Monster","upper body of gnome & lower of mountain goat, speak gnome & common,
peaceful, distrust strangers, fight w/ spears,","clubs & short bows, rear kick
attack 1d6 dmg, save +4 vs poison & spells, tribes lead by chief (5+1 HD, AC 5,
THAC0","VR","15) with 1d4 illusionists level 1-3, tribes have 100-300 members,
inhabit caves, excellent wood carvers","Clan","Omnivore","12","General","Prime
"Centaur-Kin, Ha'pony","7 or 6","2+2","19","Any","Temperate","1","1d3 (sling,
short bow, short sword)","2-8 (80-150)",1,1,"0","M","12","175","Day","NG","M
(I)","8-10","MAII 29","Monster","upper body of halfling & lower body of pony,
speak halfling & common, peace-loving, +3 to hit w/ bow & sling, save +2","vs
spells & poison, some wear armor (AC 6), leader (4+2 HD, AC 5, THAC0 17, XP 270),
village ruled by elders known","VR","as ""The Circle of Oak"", live 120
years","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Centaur-Kin, Zebranaur","7","3+4","17","Plains","Temperate","1 to
3","1d4/1d4/weapon","2-16 (50-80)",1,0,"0","L","18","175","Day","N","M, Q (I,
Mx10)","8-10","MAII 30","Monster","upper body of human & lower of zebra, speak
common & most know others, +1 to hit with bows (not crossbows), use","bows, spears
& scimitars, attack hoof/hoof/weapon, nomads, well guarded camps, tribes have a
chief (4+4 HD, AC 6,","VR","XP 270) & a shamen of 4th or 5th lvl w/quarterstaff,
do not like wemics, live 50-60 years","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
il","2-4","MAII 31","Plant","sentient flower, 50' dia, nectar reveals images of
future, present & past (color: yellow/violet/orange) randomly for 30","seconds, if
reduced to 0 hp it decomposes in poison gas cloud 50' dia (touching 3d6 dmg save
vs poison 1/2), can","VR","use know align at will, will deny image to evil
creatures, on Prime Material tended by wizards, see MAII on using
"Curst","7 (base)","as level",,"Subterranean","Any","1 or as lvl","1d4 or
32","Undead","humans trapped by evil curse, infravision 90', do not age, retain
abilities as in life except spellcasting, immune: mind","effecting, cold, fire,
energy drain, holy water & poison, cannot be turned, if 0 hp not slain but
paralyzed (regen 1 hp/","R","day), only remove curse kills it, rot grubs infest
15% of Cursts (seeking better host)","Solitary","Nil","10","General","Prime
"Darktentacles","3","9","11","Subterranean","Any","5 or special","1d6 or 1d2 or
33","Monster","similar to deepspawn, 20' lg w/36 tentacles (w/eyes), infravision
140' (70' underwater), attack: squeeze or slap or","weapon, has 5 attacks per
victim or 2 w/weapons, held victims suffer penalties see MAII, can charm 3/day
save vs","VR","spell & hold 5/day save -3 vs spell or paraly 8 rnds, create sphere
of force 1/wk see MAII, tenticle severed 20
hp","Solitary","Carnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Dinosaur, Allosaurus","5","15","8","Land","Any","3","1d4/1d4/6d4","1-
2",0,0,"0","G","15","9000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 35","Animal","run with great
speed, weighs 1 1/2 tons, fierce
fighter",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Alternate","OMI 24"
"Dinosaur, Brontosaurus","5","30","5","Swamp","Any","2","1d6/3d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","G","6","22,000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 35","Animal","also called
apatosaurus ""thunder lizard"", 40 ton, 70' lg, step on small things 4d10 or
attack by stepping 5d10 dmg, it","attacks:
tail/bite","C",,"Solitary","Herbivore","12","General","Alternate","OMI 24"
"Dinosaur, Ceratosaurus","5","8","13","Land","Any","3","1d6/1d6/4d4","1-
4",0,0,"0","H","15","650","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 35","Animal","""horn lizard"",
weighs 1 ton, does not use horn to attack & only males have horns, hunts in pack
to take larger prey",,"UC",,"Pack","Carnivore","10","General","Alternate","OMI 24"
"Dinosaur, Compsognathus","5","1-1","20","Land","Any","1","1d3","1-
12",1,0,"0","T","10","35","Night","N","nil","0","MAII 35","Animal","size of a
chicken, hunt in small groups surprising prey (-3 to their suprise roll), attacks
might occur while prey is","sleeping at night, mainly eat small lizards &
insects","C",,"Pack","Carnivore","8","General","Alternate","OMII 51"
"Dinosaur, Dimetrodon","4","3 to 5","17","Land","Any","1","3d4+3","1-
2",0,0,"0","L","12, Sw 6","65-175","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 37","Animal","fierce
predator, alligator-like jaws have a powerful bite, no claw attacks, 5 HD have a
THAC0 15",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Alternate","OMII 52"
"Dinosaur, Euparkeria","5","1+1","19","Land","Any","1","1d4+1","2-
8",0,0,"0","S","15","35","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 37","Animal","size of a dog,
attack small size creatures or single man-sized creature if pack is threatened, if
hungry it will attack","even large creatures, can run on 2 legs for a short time
if threatened","C",,"Pack","Carnivore","8","General","Alternate","OMII 52"
"Dinosaur, Gorgosaurus","5","13","7","Land","Any","3","1d3/1d3/7d4","1-
2",0,0,"0","G","15","5000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 37","Animal","also known as
albertosaurus, horrid creature, aggressive, weighs up to 2 tons, attack:
claw/claw/bite",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI 25"
"Dinosaur, Monoclonius","5 (3)","1+1","19","Land","Any","1","1d4+1","2-
8",1,0,"0","S","15","35","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 38","Animal","also known as
centrosaurus, single horned rhinoceros, head & neck AC 3, attack with horn, can
stampeed causing","2d8 trampling
dmg","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","8","General","Alternate","OMI 26"
"Dinosaur, Plateosaurus","5","3","12","Land","Any","0","0","5-
20",1,0,"0","H","12","650","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 38","Animal","generally moves
on all 4's, weighs 8 to 10 tons, migrate from feeding ground to feeding
ground",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","10","General","Alternate","OMI 27"
"Dinosaur, Struthiomimus","6","6+3","13","Land","Any","3","1d2/1d2/2d4","1-
6",0,0,"0","H","18","420","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 39","Animal","ostrich-like,
has to be very hungry to attack M size humanoids but will attack smaller
demihumans, prefer tall grass
as","habitat","UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","10","General","Alternate","OMII 54"
Tanystropheus","5","6+6","13","Swamp","Any","1","1d8+4","1",1,0,"0","G","6, Sw
18","650","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 39","Animal","snake-like w/thin legs, lurks
along rivers, those ambushed -6 surpise roll & dino attacks +2, creatures under
500 lbs","will be dragged into water and
devoured","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Alternate","OMII 55"
"Dinosaur, Teratosaurus","6","10","11","Land","Any","3","1d3/1d3/3d6","1-
3",0,0,"0","H","18","1400","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 39","Animal","fierce preditor
who runs after everything that is
edible",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI 27"
"Dinosaur, Trachodon","5","12","9","Land","Any","1","1d4","2-
12",0,0,"0","G","12","2000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 39","Animal","duckbilled
also called anatosaurus ""duck lizard"", peaceful plant eater, 30' lg, weighs 4
tons, attacks with tail, usually","found around watery
areas","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI 23"
"Dinosaur, Archelon","3","7","13","Water, Ocean","Any","1","3d4","1-
4",0,0,"0","L","3, Sw 15","420","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 40","Animal","large
marine turtle (not truly dinosaur), fast swimmer, seldom ventures on dry
land",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI 24"
"Dinosaur, Dinichthys","7","10","11","Water, Ocean","Any","1","5d4","1-
4",1,0,"0","H","Sw 21","4000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 40","Animal","""terrible
fish"", primative fish (not true dinosaur), swallow man-sized prey on natrual
20",,"C",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI 25"
"Dinosaur, Mosasaurus","7","12","9","Water","Any","1","4d8","1-3",0,0,"0","G","3,
Sw 15","4000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 40","Animal","marine lizard, breathes air,
50' long",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Alternate","OMI 26"
"Dinosaur, Nothosaurus","6","6","15","Water","Any","1","5d4
(Bite)","1",1,0,"0","L","3, Sw 18","650","Day","N","nil","0","MAII
41","Animal","aggressive, dwells in tropical seas, in combat it can go into a
frenzy lashing out with flippers
2d6/2d6",,"UC",,"Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Alternate","OMII 53"
"Dinosaur, Plesiosaurus","7","20","5","Water, Ocean","Any","3","2d6/2d6/3d4","1-
3",1,0,"0","H","Sw 15","12,000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 41","Animal","snake-like
with turtle body, very aggressive attacking anything, highly maneuverable, attack:
27, DRC 201"
"Dinosaur, Temnodontosaurus","4","10","11","Water,
Ocean","Any","1","5d4","1",1,0,"0","G","Sw 24","2000","Day","N","nil","0","MAII
41","Animal","""fish-lizard"" (not true dinosaur), breaths air, in feeding frenzy
it can strike with tail at creatures from
"Dog, Bog Hound","5","2+2","19","Swamp","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d4","2-
20",0,0,"0","M","15","65","Night","NE","nil","3","MAII 42","Undead","large dogs,
given life by wicked magic or a curse, pack led by moor hound & cannot be
permanently destroyed until it","is destroyed, attack all sides at once, only
natural sunlight or killing of moor hound destroys them, cannot be
turned","VR",,"Pack","Nil","15","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, Moor
"Night","NE","nil","12","MAII 42","Undead","leads pack of bog hounds, need +1
weapon to hit, if reduced to 0 hp it goes to bog or pool of quicksand to
regen,","only natural sunlight permanently kills them & immediately all bog hounds
are destroyed, when killed they make","VR","ghostly howling
noises","Pack","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Doppleganger, Greater","2","9","11","Any","Any","2","1d12/1d12","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","12","4000","Any","NE","K, L, M (G, Ux3)","15-18","MAII
43","Monster","can assume seveal forms & idenities at once, have ESP & telepathy,
if the brain of the victim is ingested the mind &","personality can be used later,
can create unique face & body, immune: sleep, charm, hold & detect alignment,
only","VR","true seeing determines identity, save as 18th lvl fighter, generally
refuse to be controlled or led by others","Solitary","Omnivore","17-
18","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Brine","varies","varies",,"Water, Ocean","Any","1+special","4d10","1 (2-
5)",1,1,"varies",,"Sw 9","varies","Any","CN","varies","5-7","MAII
44","Monster","for abilities common to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are
variable depending on age, cannot breath air, fly or walk,","can swim thru ocean
without causing ripple (opp -1 surp roll), dragon surprise only on 1, attacks
without provocation,","VR","BW is acid cloud 90' lg 45' wd 45' high save 1/2 (used
out of & in water) used 1 per 3 rnds, immune: acid &
poison","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Half- (Gold)","6","varies",,"Any","Any","1 or special","weapon or
45","Monster","for abilities common to all see ""general"", fixed abilities: claw
attack: 1d6/1d6, BW- spray fire 10' 3d6 dmg save 1/2","2/day, discretionary
abilities: water breath (at will), speak w/animals (at will), bless (2/day),
detect lie (2/day), sleep","VR","(2/day), dragon fear (3/day), immune to gas &
infravision 90', live to be 350 years
old","Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Half- (General)","6","varies",,"Any","Any","1 or special","weapon or
45","Monster","1/2 demihuman & 1/2 metallic dragon, polymorph into demihuman form,
speak lang of demihuman parent & 20% the","draconic, use weapon as class, have all
racial abilities of demihuman parent, gains other powers as they grow
which","VR","replace demihuman ones, fixed abilites at 5th & 7th lvl, choose from
discretionary abilites at 2nd, 4th &
6th","Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Half- (Silver)","6","varies",,"Any","Any","1 or special","weapon or
45","Monster","for abilities common to all see ""general"", fixed abilities: claw
attack: 1d4/1d4, BW- spray cold 8' 4d4 dmg save 1/2","2/day, discretionary
abilities: feather fall (1/day), wall of fog (1/day), cloud walk
(1/hour/level/day), dragon fear (2/","VR","day), immune to cold & infravision 90',
live to be 310 years old","Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Half- (Bronze)","6","varies",,"Any","Any","1 or special","weapon or
45","Monster","for abilities common to all see ""general"", fixed abilities: claw
attack: 1d4/1d4, BW- lightning 8' 3d4 dmg save 1/2","2/day, discretionary
abilities: water breath (at will), speak w/animals (at will), create food & water
(2/day). ESP (1/day)","VR","dragon fear (1/day), immune to electric, infravision
60', live to be 250 years old","Solitary","Omnivore","11","General","Prime
"Dragon-kin, Sea Wyrm","5","7 to 14",,"Water, Ocean","Sub-Trop/Trop","1","2d6 or
3d8","1-3",1,0,"0","L","9, Sw 18","1400-4000","Any","CN","(Rx2)","5-7","MAII
46","Monster","legless & wingless, lazy, attack ships who invade their area,
attack: bite or constrict, every 10 points of constric dmg=","1 point hull dmg, if
5 or more needed to hit it swallows victim (2d6 dmg/rnd in stomach), BW-gas30' lg
x 30' wd save or","R","sleep 3d8 rnds (1/day), can breath water or air, 2 mile
territory (30 mile feeding area), skin worth 1d3x1000
gp","Solitary","Omnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Dwarf, Wild","8 (10)","1+1","19","Jungle","Tropical","1","by weapon (1d6)","20-
200",1,1,"0","S","9","270","Any","LN","K, L, M, Q or V","11-12","MAII
47","Humanoid","reclusive, speak: own, common & broken dwarf, weapons: blowgun
(2/rnd, 10/30/50) w/barbed darts (1d3) coated","w/poison (save or slowed 2 rnds
then sleep 1d4+1) +2 to hit at short range, spear, throwing club & hand axe,
immune","R","to own pois, save vs pois & magic +4 (add +1 vs venom), -1/die vs
heat dmg & insect swarms, led by higher lvl warriors","Band","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Ekimmu","-6 or host","8",,"Forests","Any","1 or as host","nil or as host","1 or
1-4",1,1,"0","L","12 or as host","48","Night","E","(F 25% chance)","2-4","MAII
48","Undead","angry spirit, bull-headed humanoid, may be invisible when it attacks
(felt as a ghastly wind w/foul stench of death), it","seeks to possess a host
(save vs spell once per encounter), once host is possessed it attacks anything (as
creature","VR","possessed) takes 1 dmg/2 given to host, turn as vampire (out of
host), immune: sleep, charm, hold, paraly, cold &
pois","Solitary","Carnivore","20","General","Prime Material",
,"Any","N","nil","8-10","MAII 49","Monster","composed of all elements, 35' or more
tall, does not speak, summoned to prime material, to kill creature all dmg
must","be given in 1 rnd because it regenerates all dmg (unless removed from
contact w/air), attacks w/ giant fists, it destroys","VR","everything in its path,
ALL magic weapons must save vs disintegration or destroyed, dissipates in 24
"Elf, Winged (Avariel)","8 (10)","1+1","19","Mountains","Temp/SubTrop","1","by
weapon","5-20",1,1,"0","M","9, Fl 18 (C)","50","Any","N","N (G, S, T)","14-
20","MAII 50","Humanoid","reclusive, infravision 60', see 1 mile accurately, use
lasso, bola & sword (+1 to hit w/these), if 50% hp lost cannot fly,","wings burn
quickly, claustrophobic, can be fighter, mage & priest, communities have 2 parts:
1) bred for combat 2) are","R","bred for art & intellect; both live in harmony,
have some contact w/other elves, wings are sought for creating
potions","Band","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Hetfish","5","1 to 3","19","Water","Any","1","1","20-70",1,0,"0","S","Sw 12","35-
120","Any","N","(Qx3)","5","MAII 52","Monster","""hotfish"", super-heated bodies
turn water within several inches into steam, hetfish attack in groups ramming into
its","victims, creatures within 20' of den suffer 2 dmg/rnd, like shiny things
(gems) & may attack ships causing 1 point of","UC","hull dmg per 15 HD of
hetfish/rnd, live in dens, underwater races hunt them for their environmental
hazards","School","Omnivore","7","General","Prime Material",
9","1400","Night","N","nil","0","MAII 52","Monster","worm-like fish, lives around
coral reef, not aggressive but will attack in defence, has poison spines that have
no","known antidote (except magical), 2-4 spines 4' lg any attacker must use a
weapon at least 6' lg or save vs poison or","UC","death in 1
turn","School","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMI 65"
"Verme","8 (3)","18+18","5","Water","Any","1","7d4","1",1,1,"0","G","3, Sw
18","14,000","Any","N","incidental","1","MAII 52","Monster","found in large
rivers, eats 2 ton of fish/day, head AC 3, any hit on a creature < 12' tall is
swallowed 3d8+4 dmg & 2d8","acid dmg/rnd after (dies in 6 rnds reguardless of hp),
AC 10 inside verme, edged weapons 1 point dmg, fire 1/2 dmg","VR","(unless inside
in which +1/die), metallic items may be found in stomach, scales can be used by
mages","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material","OMII 124"
18","35","Any","N",,"2-4","MAII 55","Monster","found in subterranean waters, oval
shaped, bite carries paralytic venom those 2 HD or less no save others save
or","unconscious 3d6 rnds minus 1 rnd/lvl of victim (save for each bite), fish
hunted for delicious meat & scales as well as","R","their venom (2d6 gp/each),
eggs 1600 gp/lb (800), 1 in 20 has something of value inside
(swallowed)","School","Omnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Lemon Fish","6","4 to 9",,"Water","Any","2","varies","1-3",1,1,"40%","S","Sw
24","270-1400","Night","N","nil","0","MAII 55","Monster","found in subterranean
waters, vicious, vary in size, attack: bite/tail, HD/THAC0/bite/tail/XP:
4/17/2d4/4/270; 5-6/","15/2d4/4-5/420; 7-8/13/2d6/7-8/975; 9/11/2d8/9/1400, those
struck w/tail save vs poison or 1d6 dmg/rnd=HD of","UC","fish, if injured they
emit a liquid 2x their size causing save vs poison or stunned 1d4 rnds, eggs 400
gp/lb (600)","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Irridescent Plecoe","9","1-1","20","Water","Any","1","1","10-100",1,0,"0","T","Sw
12","35","Any","N","nil","1","MAII 55","Monster","barracuda-like, bite inflicts no
dmg but barbs under chin inflict 1 dmg + save vs poison or suffer debilitating
disease","that sets in 2 hrs later causing -1 to STR & CON per day until death, it
can only be cured within 3 days, attack only in","VR","defence, their meat is
inedible, their scales are shiny & gemlike but looses it properties after death,
eggs can be sold","School","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Flareater","0","6 to 12","15","Subterranean","Any","1","3d4","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","15","1400-2400","Any","N","nil","8-10","MAII 57","Monster","green
& slimy, no lang, drop on victims (-3 surp roll) then follow them, adhere to flesh
& dissolve it in 2d8 rnds +1 rnd/","magical armor bonus, dissolve thru 1"" metal
in 4 rnds; wood in 6 rnds & leather in 8 rnds, will attack light source
first","VR","gaining 1 HD (light spells make it grow), immune: light & fire, cold
paralyzes 2d4 rnds, @ 12 HD split into 2 creatures","Solitary","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Flumph, Common","0 (8)","2","19","Subterranean","Any","1","1d8","2-
16",1,1,"0","T","Fl 6 (D)","270","Night","LG","nil","8-10","MAII
58","Monster","aerial jellyfish, hunts small creatures, attacks using spikes on
its underside & tenticles secrete acid into wounds","causing 1d4 dmg/rnd for 2d4
rnds, acid can be washed away (actively), underside AC 8, in defense it emits a
foul","R","smelling liquid 20' lg @ 60 deg arc save vs poison or nauseated 1d4+1
rnds, oder detected 100' away lasting 1d4 hrs","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","FF 39"
"Flumph, Monastic","0 (8)","2 to 5","19","Subterranean","Any","1","1d6","4-
32",1,1,"0","T","Fl 6 (D)","650-3000","Night","LG","(U)","13-14","MAII
58","Monster","cast spells as = lvl cleric, led by abbot (HD 5), attacks using
spikes on underside & tenticles secrete acid into wounds","causing 1d4 dmg/rnd for
2d4 rnds, acid can be washed away (actively), underside AC 8, in defense it emits
a foul","VR","smelling liquid 20' lg @ 60 deg arc save vs poison or nauseated
1d4+1 rnds, oder detected 100' away lasting 1d4 hrs","Group","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Froghemoth","4/2/6","16","5","Swamp","Any","1 or 4","5d10 or 1d4+4
(4)","1",1,1,"0","H","4, Sw 8","21,000","Any","N","incidental","1","MAII
59","Monster","frog-like 18' lg x 10' wd, ambush prey, attack: bite or tentacles,
tongue 10' lg if 19 or 20 man-sized victim swallowed","4d4 dmg/rnd & unconscious
after 2 rnds & dissolved @ -10 hp, any other roll tongue draws victim into mouth
(save","VR","STR chk,etc), tongue AC 6 severed on 12+1d4 hp (frog enters frenzy),
tent AC 2 18+1d4 hp, other defenses","Solitary","Carnivore","19","General","Prime
Material","OMII 67"
"Any","A (25% chance)","0","MAII 60","Undead","created by a group suffering
traumatic death, often will be invisible, cannot leave focus area, create sounds
of foot-","steps & knocking, when active a graveyard stench, attacks by throwing
stones, @ first encounter save vs paraly or","VR","flee 1 turn, turned by 9-13th
lvl on 20 & 14th+ 19 or 20, +1 weap to hit, 1/2 dmg from silver, destroy @ 0
hp+prop bury","Group","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Ghost, Ker","1","9+9","11","Any","Any","3","1d8","1 or 3",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl
18","7000","Night","E","nil","13-14","MAII 61","Undead","spirits who seek revenge
against the living, polymorph into gnat (fly 6 turns), attacks w/barbed whip each
hit causes","additional effect: 1st) bad luck-save vs petrif or attacks & saves
-1d4 for 3d10 turns; 2nd) aging-save vs death or age","VR","10d4 years; 3rd)
disease-save vs spell or mummy rot, imm: sleep, charm, hold & cold, elect 1/2,
turn as ghost, +1 weap","Solitary","Carnivore","20","General","Prime Material",
"Ghul, Great","0","4","15","Desert","Any","3","1d6/1d6/2d6","1-3",1,1,"0","L","18,
Br 3, Cl 12","1400+","Night","NE","C","13-14","MAII 62","Undead","undead elemental
cousins of genies, female shapeshifters (feet always remain as donkey), attack:
claw/claw/bite, +1","weapons to hit, cast: shock grasp, invisible, bestow curse &
poly self, 1/2 dmg from falls, holy water 2d6, -1 to hit in","R","daylight,
immune: sleep, charm, hold, cold, paraly & poison, turned as ghast (mage as
wraith), 1 in 6 mage up to 7th lvl","Pack","Scavenger","8-10","General","Prime
"Ghul-kin, Soultaker","0","8","13","Land","Any","3 or 1","1d6/1d6/2d6","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","18, Sw 12","6000","Night","NE","C","15-16","MAII
63","Undead","undead jann, live undetected w/mortals, shapechanger (attractive,
seductive shapes), attack: claw/claw/bite or can","possess victim: attack -3 then
victim save -2, see MAII 64 for details, may become a wizard or priest of 7th
lvl, immun:","R","non-wooden weapons, sleep, hold, charm, cold & poison, holy
water 2d6, turn as spectre, can: invisible & poly self","Pack","Scavenger","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
"Ghul-kin, Witherer","0","9","11","Land","Any","3 or 1","1d6/1d6/2d6","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","18, Sw 12","10,000","Night","NE","C","17-18","MAII
63","Undead","undead jann, live undetected w/mortals, shapechanger (attractive,
seductive shapes), attack: claw/claw/bite or can","withering touch-1d10 dmg, -1
STR & age 1 yr, see MAII 64 for details, may become a wizard or priest of 9th
lvl, +2","R","weapons to hit, immune: sleep, hold, charm, cold & poison, holy
water 2d6, turn as vampire, can: invisible & poly
self","Pack","Scavenger","17","General","Prime Material",
"Giant, Half- (Athansian)","6 (10)","3+12","17","Land","Any","1","1d6 or
weapon","1",0,0,"0","H","15","420","Any",,"J, K or M","5-7","MAII
65","Monster","speak own & common, attack: fist or weapon, any attack w/weapon +4
dmg (STR), 25% have psionics (+2000 XP),","usually gurards or warriors, alignment
changes rapidly & often, live up to 220 years","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore","11-
12","Dark Sun","Prime Material",
"Golem, Burning Man","4","14 (60
"2-4","MAII 66","Monster","glowing red humanoid figure sets flammable materials on
fire w/touch, SA-keening (1/day): all 80' save vs BW or fear,","if hit with fist
dmg + cinders burn 1 hp/rnd until put out (unless magically protected) + effected
as symbol of pain 2d10","VR","rnds -4 att & DEX -2, +2 weapon to hit, stnd golem
immunities + fire, lightning & illusions, regen 1/turn, also see
MAII","Solitary","Nil","varies","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Phantom Flyer","6","11 (50
hp)","9","Any","Any","2","2d8/2d8","1",1,1,"0","H","3, Fl 24
(C)","8000","Night","N","nil","13-14","MAII 67","Monster","bat-like wings 20'
wingspan, snake-like w/2 tenticles, controlled by magical silver whistle, hates
daytime, in torchlight","or less 90% undetectable, only truesight reveals true
form in daylight (apprears as shadow), attacks w/tenticles, +3","VR","weapon to
hit, stnd golem immunities + fire & cold, light spell locates it, darkness heals
1d8 & contin dark 2d8+1","Solitary","Nil","19","General","Prime Material",
68","Monster","combination or (neo-)otyugh & hydrae, always searching for food,
attack w/2 tenticles & 6 heads, if tenticle hits w/4 or","more than need victim is
grabbed 1d6+1 constrict dmg/rnd (BB/LG to escape) & head bites +4 to hit 2 heads
max per","VR","held victim, eats 50-100 lbs per
day","Solitary","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
","nil","13-14","MAII 69","Monster","red & misty sphere, no physical attack, cold
1/2 dmg, fire & cold cannot form within it, if attack is enveloped hits
are","automatic, move toward sources of magic, diet of magic: mind control-no
effect, damaging-absorbed (except fire & cold","VR","nondamage-heal hp=spell lvl,
chargeable items-drain 1d4 charges/2 rnds, nonchargeable-neg, others see MAII
"Horse, Moon-horse","7","4","17","Plains","Any","2","1d8/1d8","5-
20",1,1,"0","L","18","270","Day","CG","nil","9-12","MAII 70","Monster","INT,
magic-using horses from elven lands, understand elf, cast 1 spell/day (see table),
immune to attacks from undead","creatures (aging, charm, fear, level draining,
paralysis, possession, poison, STR drain, etc), take normal dmg
from","R","physical attacks (including chill touch) & spells cast by undead
creatures, voluntarily serve as mounts for elves in
need","Herd","Herbivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Dragon Slayer","4+","2+",,"Any","Any","1","weapon","2-
12",1,1,"0","M","12","270+","Any","Any","L, M, U","13","MAII
71","Humanoid","specially trained, usually on mission or part of an order,
specially designed armor, can be fighter, knight (7 HD, 5000","XP) or mage (5 HD,
4000 XP), weapons used: sword, lance, awl pike & bardiche, magical weapons & armor
at higher","R","lvls, immune dragon fear, attack +2 vs dragons (+4 vs one kind),
bonus dmg=lvl, save vs BW 1/2 or none,
others","Group","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Vistana (General)","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","5-
50",1,1,"0","M","12","15","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII
72","Humanoid","also see Ravenloft Boxed Set, nomadic gypsies, speak common & own
secrete, skilled warriors & thieves, have a","gaze attack ""evil eye"" (2/day) it
focuses negative emotions in 1 of 5 ways: 1) hold (person or monster) 2) curse 3)
fear","VR","4) charm 5) suggestion; to avoid save vs paralysis effects 1d4+1 rnds
(except curse must be spoken), live in caravans","Clan","Omnivore","11-
12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Human, Vistana, Kaldresh","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","5-
50",1,1,"0","M","12","15","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII 72","Humanoid","see
general description for abilities common to all vistana, camp followers who do one
of the following tasks: tinkers,","smiths, animal trainers & healers, pride in
their abilities, known to supply both sides in a conflict (they don't care
about","VR","non-vistani)","Clan","Omnivore","11-12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Human, Vistana, Boem","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","5-
50",1,1,"0","M","12","15","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII 72","Humanoid","see
general description for abilities common to all vistana, entertainers, made up of
bards, dancers, musicians & con","men, can turn a hostile audience into an adoring
crowd, also hire out as smugglers, kidnappers &
assassins","VR",,"Clan","Omnivore","11-12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Human, Vistana, Manusa","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","5-
50",1,1,"0","M","12","15","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII 72","Humanoid","see
general description for abilities common to all vistana, rarest of all major
tribes, mysterious & reclusive, usually","found in family groups, tinker with
amulet, charms, potions & lore, rumor says they have the power to bend time
&","VR","space to their will, it is believed they guard against their age old
enemy","Clan","Omnivore","11-12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Human, Vistana, Darklings","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","1
or 5-50",1,1,"0","M","12","15","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII
72","Humanoid","see general description for abilities common to all vistana,
solitary or tribe, have been cast out of fellowship for crimes","against other
vistani which are unforgivable, live their lives filled with hatred & will take
what they want without reguard","VR","for the consequences, no fortune telling
abilities, death without proper burial causes it to reappear as an
undead","Clan","Omnivore","11-12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Human, Vistana, Dukkar","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or
weapon","1",1,1,"0","M","12","varies","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII
72","Humanoid","see general description for abilities common to all vistana,
product of cursed union & is fated to be an agent of their","shadowy enemy, always
male, can see into the future & will commit atrocities in his lifetime, immune to
evil eye,","VR","Zarovan tribe seeks to kill it before it reaches adulthood,
otherwise its dark powers increase as he grows","Solitary","Omnivore","11-
12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Human, Vistana, Mortu","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or
weapon","varies",1,1,"0","M","12","15","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII
72","Humanoid","see general description for abilities common to all vistana,
solitary tribe, gave up nomadic life to become settled, they","soon loose their
powers of foresight & become nervous & suspicious, some live by faking their
fortuntelling, joining a","VR","thieves guild or becoming an adventurer, fight
wildly & ruthlessly, driven by dispare","Solitary","Omnivore","11-
12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Human, Vistana, Fahtah","6 (10)","1","20","Land","Any","1","1d6 or
weapon","1",1,1,"0","M","12","15","Any","N","J, K, M (A)","9-16","MAII
72","Humanoid","see general description for abilities common to all vistana,
reclusive, often called a witch or hag, spends time","communicating with spirits,
speaks long-dead languages of the dead, any attack on one will bring an attack
from a","VR","swarm of undead spirits as well as curses in great number & power,
retired from Vistani because of great tragedy","Solitary","Omnivore","11-
12","Ravenloft","Demi-, Dread",
"Jellyfish, Giant","9","1 to 4","19","Water, Ocean","Tropical","1","1d10","1-
10",1,1,"0","M","1","65-270","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 74","Monster","Portugese
Man-o-War, transparent (90% undetectable), drifting hazard seeks to avoid pain,
any creature touching the","tenticles takes poison dmg and save vs paral or
paralyzed several hours, paralyzed creatures are drawn to creature in","UC","3d4
turns & devoured, 10-40 tenticle (based on HD), single hit severs tenticle but
only hit on body causes dmg","Solitary","Carnivore","8-12","General","Prime
"Jellyfish, Giant (Sea Swarm)","9","2",,"Water, Ocean","Tropical","1","1d4","50-
100",1,1,"0","H","1","65-270","Day","N","nil","0","MAII 74","Monster","immature
Portugese Man-o-War found in swarm, attracted to light & vibration, treated as
single creature of 2 HD, any","one in swarm receives 1d4 dmg + save vs paralysis
or paralyzed for several hours, unlikely that a creature will suffer","VR","more
than one attack unless magically controlled, only tiny creatures can be devoured,
eat scraps left from large pred","School","Carnivore","8-12","General","Prime
6",1,0,"0","L","18, Cl 9","650","Any","LN","nil","2-4","MAII
75","Monster","insectoid (spider/ant), emit sticky strand to lower self on victims
(-2 opp surp), attack: limb/limb/bite, if bite held & hit","1d6/rnd & both limbs
auto hit (open doors to escape), will attack held victim until 1/2 hp lost then
drop & defend self,","UC","live in tunnels & caves, compete with wall walkers for
food & living space, live 5 years","Solitary","Carnivore","18","General","Prime
"Kalin Rider","5","7","13","Subterranean","Any","3","1d10/1d10/2d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","L","18, Cl 9","650","Any","LN","nil","2-4","MAII
75","Monster","insectoid (spider/ant), same abilities as normal kalin, used as
mount, trained & ""taimed"", must be kept separete from","other mounts, special
saddle if it is to be ridden over walls & ceilings, trained to fight in
cooperation with mount both","UC","can attack in 1 rnd, elite units may have
special bonuses","Solitary","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
"Kholiathra","0","3+3","17","Forests","Any","1","1d6","1-6",1,1,"25%","M","Fl 24
(A)","650","Any","NG","nil","10","MAII 76","Undead","spirits (usually unseen) who
watch elven lands, normally shun others (except own), speak elf & common,
invisible at","will, fly without effort, can provide good or bad luck (+ or - 4 on
any roll of 1 creature within 20' per rnd), generally do","VR","not fight, if
forced fight invisible striking with invisible force 1d6 & opponents -4 to
attack","Group","Herbivore","8","General","Prime Material",
48",0,0,"0","M","18, Br 8","120","Night","LE","O (D)","11-12","MAII
77","Humanoid","also asabis, reptilian, speak own, hunt as nomads or hired as
mercenaries, ambush prey, attack: claw/claw/bite or","weapon may replace claw
attack (any one handed), can burrow into sand at will, run on all 4's, can leap
20' horz or","R","15' up, immune to stingtail poison, only encounterd on surface
at night, hate sun, live underground, has 2d8
stingtails","Tribe","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Laerti, Stingtail","3","7","13","Desert","Temperate","4","1d4/1d4/1d6+1/2d4","2-
13",1,1,"0","L","14, Br 10","1400","Night","NE","O (Q, R, U)","5-7","MAII
77","Humanoid","rare laerti that live w/them, usually follow laerti orders,
attack: claw/claw/bite/tail or weapon may replace claw attack","(any one handed),
tail injects poison (6/day) victim confused 1 rnd then save vs poison or 20 dmg (5
if save) 1-4 min,","VR","can burrow into sand at will, run on all 4's, can leap
20' horz or 15' up, immune to enchant/charm
spells","Tribe","Omnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
"Leucrotta, Greater","4","8","13","Any","Any","1","3d6","1-
3",1,1,"10%","L","18","2000","Any","NE","(D, Qx3)","11-12","MAII
78","Monster","""changesteed"", imitate noises & voices, speak common, own & 1
other, attack w/bite which can hold victim (STR","check -2 w/dmg), can shapechange
into any 4-legged creature it has seen for 1 turn, becomes like creature in
all","VR","ways except THAC0 & dmg, cats can sense them, true seeing, detect aling
& psionics, hides useful for magic
items","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
,000+","Any","NE","P, Q (A)","19-20","MAII 79","Undead","transfer from 1 human to
next, black energy when not in host, gaze: < 3 HD save vs DM +3 or die in fright
if save","paralyzed 1d4 rnds, attack by touch (black flame) save vs paraly or
paralyzed 24 hrs or dispelled, attack ignors armor,","VR","+1 weapon, immune: 1st
& 2nd lvl spells, mind affect & death, turn as special, cast spells, neg plane
prot 5d10 dmg","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Lurker, Shadow","4","5+3","15","Subterranean","Any","1-
3","2d4","1",1,1,"0","H","3, Fl 9 (B)","1400","Night","CE","nil","5-7","MAII
80","Monster","appear similar to normal lurker, dark shadow, waits for prey,
envelopes victims w/black ink, inflicts dmg + 1d2 STR","loss/rnd, victims can
attack if BB/LG, other victims 75% chance to be hit & area effect spells 1/2 dmg
save 1/4, if","R","reduced to 30% or less flee thru cracks, immune: sleep, charm,
hold & cold, contin light paralyzes, color spray
2d6","Solitary","Special","15","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Werepanther","4","5+1","15","Mountains","Tropical","2 or 3","weapon
x2 or 1d3/1d3/1d6","1-2 (2-8)",1,1,"0","M","12 or 15","420","Any","LE","(C)","11-
12","MAII 81","Monster","3 forms: panther, human or hybrid, can speak w/slight
snarl as human, attack w/weapon or claw/claw/bite if both","claws rear rake
1d4/1d4, silver (1/2 dmg) or +1 weapon to hit, weapons: black mace (1d8) or curved
knife (1d4+1),","R","on 20 weapon strikes face (70% scar & 10% blind 1 eye),
hybrid +1 to dmg, prefer hybrid form, doesn't transmit
disease","Pride","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Werepanther, Lord","4","8+","15","Mountains","Tropical","2 or
3","weapon x2 or 1d3/1d3/1d6","1-2 (2-8)",1,1,"0","M","12 or
15","3000+","Any","LE","(C)","11-12","MAII 81","Monster","Panther Lord possessed
all abilities of werepanther, bite transmites disease (on next full moon
transforms into a","werepanther, human face & body change, takes 3 hours), has the
powers of a witchdoctor or shaman, can","R","command cats of lion size or smaller,
werepanthers serve Lord, if Lord killed all werepanthers perm. revert to
human","Pride","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Wereshark","0","10+3","9","Water, Ocean","Any","1","5d4 or
weapon","1",1,1,"0","L","12, Sw 18","4000","Any","NE","(W)","5-16","MAII
82","Monster","2 forms: human & shark, cruel & arrogant, human form has STR 18/00,
on 20 rip victims arm off, shark form if hit w/ 5","or more (also 20) victims
swallowed, victim 15 dmg/rnd in stomach, silver or +1 weapons to hit (normal
weapons can","VR","hit inside stomach -1 cumm penalty/rnd), human form breath
water 1 hour, humans form maimed in some
way","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMII 82, DRC 190"
"Badger, Giant","4","3","17","Any","Temperate","3","1d3/1d3/1d6","1 or 2-
5",0,0,"0","M","6, Br 3","65","Day","N","nil","2-4","MAII 83","Monster","fierce
fighter defending territory, sometimes found as guard in gnome lairs, if more than
1 encountered it is a mated","pair w/young, grow to M
size","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Beaver, Giant","6","4","17","Water","Temp/Trop","1","4d4","4-40",0,0,"0","M","6,
Sw 12","120","Day","N","nil","5-7","MAII 83","Monster","grow to 6' long, flee any
attack except if lair is attacked, live in a dammed lake, sometimes trade or can
be","persuaded to undertake a building project if coins or other valubles are
offered, they prize: certain barks & twigs from","R","birch, aspen & willow
trees","Group","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 9"
"Boar, Giant","6","7","13","Any","Temp/Trop","1","3d6","2-
8",0,1,"0","M","12","650","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 83","Monster","if 3 or more is
encountered 25% of 1d4 young (2 to 6 HD, dmg: 1d4, 1d4+1, 1d6+1, 2d4, 3d4), fight
until -10 hp & die","immediately at -11","R",,"Herd","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMI 11, DRC 162"
8",0,0,"0","M","12","175","Any","N","nil","1","MAII 83","Monster","prehistoric
hyena, hunter/scavengers, aggressive, gnolls sometimes use them as guard animals
(20% of 2-12 in a","lair)","R",,"Pack","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
"Otter, Giant","5","5","15","Water","Any","1","3d6","2-5",0,0,"0","M","9, Sw
18","175","Day","N","nil","2-4","MAII 83","Monster","live in rivers & lakes, non-
aggressive, fight fiercely if cornered, often found playing (sliding & tag
playing) which may","panic horses, 10% chance of discovering lair where there is 5
otters; 2 adult & 3 young, adults attack & young will","R","try to defend self
(40-70% grown)","Group","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","MM 244, OMI
"Porcupine, Giant","5","6","15","Forests","Any","1","2d4","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","6","650","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 83","Monster","generally stupid
& non-aggressive, can defend self (view anyone approaching within 30') by shooting
1-8 quills up to","30' inflicting 1d4 dmg each, quills 3' long, anyone within 6'
suffer dmg from 1d4 quills from defensive movements, can","R","bite (last resort
10% per rnd after losing 50% of its hp), no practical limit to number of
quills","Group","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI 79"
"nil","1","MAII 83","Monster","may raid human camps for food, will back toward
danger & if creatures do not move quickly to 60' away it will spray a","20' wd x
20' high x 60' lg cloud, victims must save vs poison or blinded 1-8 hrs, even if
save those who do not leave","R","cloud lose 50% DEX & STR for 2d4 turns, musk
rots fabric (magical save vs acid) & non-cloth washed & aired for
days","Solitary","Omnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 88"
"Weasel, Giant","6","3+3","17","Any","Temp/Trop","1","2d6","1-
8",1,0,"0","M","15","175","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 83","Monster","hunt prey
aggressively & attack until killed, favor woods & sometimes subterranean, its bite
keeps hold & drains blood,","if found before 1/2 grown they can be trained to hunt
or guard, lairs have 4 or more weasels (2 parents & rest young),","R","young
attack with dmg appropriate for their size","Solitary","Herbivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMI 100, DRC 212"
","15","975","Any","N","nil","2-4","MAII 83","Monster","vicious fighter, attack +4
because of their speed, can shoot a musk substance 20' wd x 20' high x 60' lg,
victims must","save vs poison or blinded 1-8 hrs, even if save those who do not
leave cloud lose 50% DEX & STR for 2d4 turns,","R","musk rots fabric (magical save
vs acid) & non-cloth washed & aired for days, purposely destroy food & goods
w/musk","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMI 101"
20",1,0,"0","L","15","175","Day","N","nil","2-4","MAII 84","Animal","includes:
aurochs, oxen & yaks, dangerous, aggressive, if within 80 yrds 75% chance of
charging for 3d4 dmg + 1d4","trampling dmg, in a herd several bulls will be
present to defend it","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime
Material","OMI 12"
"Caribou","7","3+2","17","Hills/Rough","Sub-Arctic","1 or 2","2d6 or 1d3/1d3","2-
16",0,0,"0","L","21","120","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Animal","herd may have
up to 100 animals, several of the stags will be more aggressive defending herd,
attack w/front hooves","or antlers, hunted for their skins, fat, antlers &
meat","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Goat, Giant","7","3+1","17","Hills/Rough","Any","1","2d8","1-
12",1,0,"0","M","18","175","Day","N","nil","2-4","MAII 84","Monster","reclusive,
defend self against any threat, attack with horns, charge from 30' adds +4 to dmg,
if more than 7 are","encountered they will be young, rarely tamed as
steeds","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material","OMI 47"
"Hippopotamus","6","8","12","Water","Tropical","1","2d6 or 3d6","2-
12",1,0,"0","M","9/12","975","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Animal","aggressively
defend territory, attack w/ bite: bulls 3d6 & cows 2d6, 1d4 bulls per group of 4
animals, if a boat or canoe","passes over 50% of it emerging & tipping it over,
can travel under water (MV 12) and stay submerged 15
min.","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 52"
12",1,0,"0","M","15","65","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Animal","spit like a
camel when annoyed: no dmg & 50% blinding 1d3 rnds, pack animals are prone to
bite & refuse loads of","50 lbs or more","UC",,"Herd","Herbivore","2-
4","General","Prime Material",
"Ram, Giant","6","4","17","Mountains","Temp/SubArc","1","2d6","2-
8",1,0,"0","M","15","175","Any","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Monster","flock has 1
ram, 4 ewes & rest young, males charge for double dmg, defend flock to
death",,"R",,"Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Prime Material","OMI 81"
"Rhinoceros, 1-horn","6","8","13","Plains","Tropical","1","2d4","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","12","975","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Animal","aggressive,
charge enemies, poor eyesight, good hearing, charge inflicts double dmg + 2
trampling attacks 2d4/2d4",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 82"
"Rhinoceros, 2-horn","6","9","11","Plains","Tropical","1","2d6","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","12","1400","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Animal","aggressive,
charge enemies, poor eyesight, good hearing, charge inflicts double dmg + 2
trampling attacks 2d4/2d4",,"C",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMI 82"
"Stag, Wild","7","3","17","Forests","Temperate","1 or 2","2d4 or 1d3/1d3","1-
4",0,0,"0","L","24","65","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Monster","stags are the
aggressive males in a herd 4 to 8 time the number of stags, defend herd attack
with horns or lashing","with hooves","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Stag, Giant","7","5","15","Forests","Temperate","1 or 2","4d4 or 1d4/1d4","1-
2",0,0,"0","H","21","175","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 84","Monster","stags are the
aggressive males in a herd 4 to 8 time the number of stags, defend herd attack
with horns or lashing","with hooves","C",,"Herd","Herbivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material","OMI 92"
"Marl","6","10","11","Swamp","Temp/Trop","3 to 8","1d2+4 or weapon +4","1-
4",1,1,"0","G","6, Sw 24","6000","Day","N","R","8-12","MAII 85","Monster","cobra-
like, often serve as guardians, aggressive, attack with surprise except for birds
(frenzy fight until killed), never","bite always use fist (1d6+2 arms) or weapons,
never use missiles, +4 to dmg from STR, can constrict by grabbing &","R","wrap
around (2 hits same rnd no other att.) 6d6 dmg/rnd (BB/LG -20%), immune: mental
att, psionics, charm & ESP","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime
5",1,1,"0","T","9","650","Night","LE","nil","11-12","MAII 86","Monster","try to
change (demi)humans into monsters, those < 5 HD paralyzed by fear 1d4+4 rnds save
vs spell 1/2, flee light,","attack: claw/claw save vs paraly or paralyzed 1d6
turns, limited dim door 60' every other rnd, anyone entering their","VR","lair
will be tracked (see MAII), once they capture victim it is taken to lair & becomes
a meenlock, lair in rocky areas","Band","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","FF 63"
"Mimic, Greater","5 (2)","15 to
8000","Any","N","nil","12-14","MAII 87","Monster","mistaken for common mimic,
alter shape, texture & color into rooms w/treasure, -6 victims surp, wait until
entire group","inside, release adhesive then slam walls together, adhesive
dissolved by alcohol in 3 rnds, can close openings, AC 5","VR","inside 2 outside,
may trade treasure (undigestables) for food if bribed, 1 in 5 develop limited
illusions of creatures","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
,"N","nil","0","MAII 88","Plant","spore producing fungi, fuzzy appearance, if
touched spore cloud (3/day) 20'x20'x30' save vs paraly or 1d10 dmg & -1","STR for
1d10 rnds if save 1/2 dmg & no STR loss, immune: all weapons, cold stuns 3d6 rnds
(no spores), heat stuns","UC","4d4 rnds, acid kills 10 sq ft/vial, cure disease
kills it without triggering spores, if infected 1d10 dmg/day until
cured","Cluster","Carnivore","n/a","General","Prime Material",
,"nil","0","MAII 88","Plant","spore producing fungi, fuzzy appearance, if touched
spore cloud (every 6 rnds) 30'x15'x15' suffer 1d6 dmg + save vs","poison or inhale
1d6 spores causing 1 dmg each per rnd until cure disease, if killed by spores it
becomes mold, immune","R","weapons & fire, cold stuns 1d8 turns & ice storm or 4th
lvl + cold magic kill it outright","Cluster","Carnivore","n/a","General","Prime
"Mold, Death","9","0",,"Subterranean","Any","1","1d8","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","3","175","Any","N","nil","1","MAII 88","Plant","spore producing
fungi, fuzzy appearance usually confused as other mold, can move & drop spores on
victims, spores","40'x60'x60' (6/day) those inside 2d8 dmg & save vs poison or
fall down sneezing 1d4 rnds, mold causes 1d8 poison","VR","dmg/rnd in contact,
immune to wizard spells, cure spells stuns, slow poison stuns 1 turn, neut pois or
heal kills it","Cluster","Carnivore","n/a","General","Prime Material",
"Mummy, Creature (General)",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,"NE",,,"MAII
89","Undead","preserved creature body, infravision 30', higher STR, avg INT+ can
speak, sight causes fear save vs spell or paraly","1d4 rnds (adjustible), any
physical attack save vs poison or mummy rot (or others), retain any special
attacks, special","R","or magic weapon to hit (1/2 dmg), immune: sleep, charm,
hold, poison & cold, fire +1/die, turned by HD, holy 2d4",,,,"General","Prime
"Mummy, Animal (General)","6+","varies",,"Any","Any","varies","varies","1-
8",1,1,"0","M","varies","varies","Night","NE","(R)","5-7","MAII 89","Undead","for
standard abilities see MAII, statistics determined by abilities in life, +1 HD &
+3 hp, movement max 12 (Fl 24), AC 6","or better, retain natural abilities if non-
skeletal body, otherwise lose hiding, flying, swimming & sighting but gain
cunning,","R","all gain +1 to dmg (STR), typical: baboon, bull, dog, eagle, hawk,
giant lizard & giant constrictor snake","Pack","Nil","13","General","Prime
"Mummy, Monster (General)","3+","varies",,"Any","Any","varies","varies","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","varies","varies","Night","NE","(I)","8-10","MAII 89","Undead","for
standard abilities see MAII, statistics determined by abilities in life, +2 HD &
+3 hp, movement min 9 (Fl 24), AC 3","or better, retain natural abilities if non-
skeletal body, otherwise lose hiding, flying, swimming & sighting but gain
cunning","VR","& ability to curse (blindness, insanity, phobias, etc), all gain +2
to dmg (STR), see MAII 90 for typical monster
mummies","Solitary","Nil","15","General","Prime Material",
"Nyth","1","7","13","Any","Any","1","1d4","1",1,1,"44%","S","Fl 18
(A)","4000","Any","LE","treasure guarded","13-14","MAII 91","Monster","mistaken
for will o' wisp, fly by natural levitation, bite prey, can magic missile (1d4+1)
every other rnd, will try to foil","spellcasters, will try to talk to victims to
lead them to traps, can ""blank-out"" 2d4 rnds, fire, electric & other
""energy""","R","heals them (magic missiles reflect), immune to enchant/charm
spells, wanderers w/no lair, split into 2 @ 60
hp","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
4",1,1,"0","M","12","4000","Any","CE","J (B)","12-14","MAII 92","Monster","INT
ooze w/full control of bodies, move thru small cracks @ 1/2 speed, can assume
human form for 15 hrs, each hit","requires victim to save vs paralysis or
paralyzed 2d6 turns, 1/2 dmg from blunt weapons, may forgo attack to trap
an","R","attackers weapon (when an attack hits it) BB/LG to pull free, in human
form CHR 15+ & gaze (as friends
spell)","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
"Palimpsest","10","1 to
6000","Any","N","nil","2-4","MAII 93","Monster","magical paper that has become
sentient, reveals true nature when it feeds, surprise 1-8 on 1d10, absorb victim
into","paper (2 rnds) energy drain 1 HD/day (afterwhich only wish restores),
electrical spells can help release partially trapped","VR","victims (see MAII), to
absorb a hit of 4+ than needed is required, if attack misses it inflicts paper
cuts that bleed hours","None","Special","5","General","Prime Material",
","N","nil","8-10","MAII 94","Monster","resembles leather & can shapechange into a
leather item in 2 rnds, infravision 60', attempts to find host for
symbiotic","relationship, drain 1 hp/day (1%) of host noticing, immune: poison &
crushing attacks, save +1 vs fire, will help keep","VR","host alive: neutralizes
poisons, if host reduced to 2 or less hp in injects 1d4+2 hp (1/day), prefers
human hosts","Solitary","Special","12","General","Prime Material",
y","N","nil","15-16","MAII 94","Monster","resembles crystal & can shapechange into
a gem in 2 rnds, infravision 60', attempts to find host for symbiotic
relation,","visibly grow when feeding if 3-12 hp drained (1/2 hp gained for day),
immune: poison, save +1 vs fire, will help keep","VR","host alive: neutralizes
poisons, if host reduced to 2 or less hp in injects 1d4+2 hp (1/day), other
abilites see MAII","Solitary","Special","14","General","Prime Material",
"Twilight Bloom","8","3","17","Swamp","Temperate","1","nil","1-
10",1,0,"0","L","0","175","Day","N","incidental","0","MAII 95","Plant","purple
blossom plant, tall stalked plant w/ 1d10 flowers, gives off pleasant scent,
vibrations cause plant to drop a","small drop of poison, a successful roll to hit
indicates poison landed on victim (save vs poison or die instantly),","R","insects
are immune to the poison but are attracted by scent, if poison is harvested safely
it is potent for 1 day","Solitary","Carnivore","20","General","Prime
Material","OMII 122"
"N","incidental","0","MAII 95","Plant","grass has corkscrew blades that dig into
victim, the following delay penetration 1 rnd: magical protect, leather soles
&","thick cloth, after penetration victim has AC 10 & successful hit means grass
burrows in for 5d4/rnd, also must save vs","R","pois or paraly if save victim
slowed 1d4 days or neutralize poison, pull free STR check but 2d4 dmg, dmg by fire
or dig","Cluster","Carnivore","20","General","Prime Material",
200",1,1,"0","M","0","1400","Any","N","nil","0","MAII 96","Plant","sea rose,
blooms have 1d10 thorns, no thorns on stem or main branches, anyone within 10'
save vs poison or be","confused 2d4 rnds (1 save per 1/2 hr & +1 cumm bonus),
immune to fire, anyone brushing or picking bloom will be","R","attacked by thorns,
if hit 2 saves: 1st- vs paraly or 1d3/thorn fire dmg (if magic prot neg); 2nd- vs
poison or death/20","Cluster","Water","8-10","General","Prime Material",
6",0,0,"0","L","18","65","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 97","Animal","from prehistoric
Pleistocene period, ostrich-like, loud honking voice, attack: kick/kick/bite, make
nests in rocky &","hilly areas, 25% of eggs or chicks (10-80% grown bite 1d4) in
warm weather, eggs & chicks worth 50-80 gp, raised","UC","as guards, hunters &
mounts, feathers worth 2 gp","Flock","Carnivore","5-7","General","Alternate","OMI
3",0,0,"0","H","12","8000","Day","N","nil","2-4","MAII 97","Animal","from
prehistoric Pleistocene period, hornless rhino, weigh 15 tons, poor eyesight, keen
hearing & smell, defensive,","attacks nearby animals, attacks by trampling with
hooves, if 2 encountered they are mated pair & 3rd is calf, can be","R","trained
as calf for beast of burden (carry 8000 lbs), hide worth 50-100 gp & can be used
to make leather armor","Solitary","Herbivore","8-10","General","Alternate",
"Deer, Irish","7","4","17","Forests","Temperate","1 (2)","2d6 (2d6)","1-
8",0,0,"0","L","18","120","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 97","Animal","from prehistoric
Pleistocene period, moose-sized, 10' antler spread, attack with horns, only
aggressive during the rut,","can attack 2 opponents if they are in front of
it","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Alternate","OMI 55"
6",0,0,"0","H","6","1400","Any","N","nil","1","MAII 97","Animal","from prehistoric
Pleistocene period, grizzly bear-like, 20' tall & 6000 lbs, always strikes last in
combat, generally","peaceful, attack w/claws, gives birth to 1d2 cubs every other
year & take 4 years to mature, 33% of those","UC","encountered are
12",1,0,"0","L","15","1400","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 97","Animal","from
prehistoric Pleistocene period, non-flying bird, emits a battle cry when fighting
or protecting its territory, fearless","killer, jumps on victim inflicting double
dmg then claw/claw/bite, if bite is successful victim picked up &
thrown","UC","down for additional 1d6 dmg & unable to attack next rnd), eggs &
chicks 70-100 gp, 10% of chicks w/parents","Flock","Carnivore","8-
"Rhinoceros, Wooly","5","10","11","Plains","Temp/SubArc","1","2d6","1-
4",1,0,"0","L","12","2000","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 97","Animal","from
prehistoric Pleistocene period, rhino-like, aggressive, defensive w/territory,
poor eyesight, good hearing & smell,","attack w/horns & double dmg if charging,
also M size or smaller tossed 10-20' , can trample for 2d4 dmg, will
charge","C","a wagon (mistaken for animal) & destroy it, +1 to hit if calf
present, hide 20-30 gp used for armor, horn 10-20 gp","Herd","Herbivore","8-
10","General","Alternate","OMI 82"
12",1,0,"0","H","12","2000","Day","N","nil","1","MAII 97","Animal","from
prehistoric Pleistocene period, brontotherium, rhino-like, 8000 lbs, fearless,
attacks by ramming, M size or smaller","are tossed 20' & trampled 2d4 dmg, charge
if herd is threatened causing double dmg, if 6 or more 1d4 are calves","UC","10%
to 80% grown who hide behind mothers, hide 20-70 gp used for
armor","Herd","Herbivore","8-10","General","Alternate","OMI 95"
"Pudding, Stone","4","5","15","Subterranean","Any","1","3d6","1 or 1-
3",1,1,"30%","L","3","1400","Any","NE","nil","5","MAII 99","Monster","subterranean
pudding, altered black pudding, immune: edged weapons, acid, cold & poison, blunt
weapons 1/4 dmg,","only divide (full size) if fireball, lightning & similar magic,
apprears solid, hides on ceilings, secretions cause dmg, if","R","victim is killed
pudding absorbs it in 1d10 rnds, cannot eat metal, wood, leather, etc, their
remains used in potions","Solitary","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material",
ny","NE","nil","5","MAII 99","Monster","subterranean pudding, altered black
pudding, immune: edged weapons, acid, cold & poison, blunt weapons 1/4 dmg,","only
divide (full size) if fireball, lightning & similar magic, blends w/stones (-4 opp
surp), acid eats thru wood, leather &","UC","chain in 1 rnd, metal in 2 (add 1
rnd/magic +), @ -10 hp victim absorbed, flesh to stone slows it, airy water kills
2d4 rds","Solitary","Scavenger","11","General","Prime Material",
"Pudding, Dense","6","10 (80 hp)","11","Subterranean","Any","1","2d10","1 or 1-
99","Monster","subterranean pudding, altered black pudding, immune: edged weapons,
acid, cold & poison, blunt weapons 1/4 dmg,","only divide (full size) if fireball,
lightning & similar magic, drops on victims (opp -2 surp), easy to see in open
areas, its","R","acid is corrosive only to skin, if hit save vs poison or
debilitating disease prevented by cure disease within 48
hrs","Solitary","Scavenger","15","General","Prime Material",
"Raggamoffyn, Common","5","3","17","Urban","Temperate","1","1d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 8 (E)","270","Night","CN","(Qx3)","8-10","MAII
100","Monster","cloth monster, try to possess victim (6 HD or 15 INT), a hit vs AC
10 (adj by DEX & magic) indicates it wrapped around","victim, it can control
victim unless save vs spell (save every turn), if successful it flies to another
host, if host tries to","UC","escape it will strangle (CON check/rnd -2 cumm)
until dead, spell affect both, immune: mind affecting
spells,","Colony","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Raggamoffyn, Tatterdemanimal","10","1","20","Urban","Temperate","1","1d2","1-
6",1,1,"0","S","18, Fl 12 (E)","120","Night","N","(Qx3)","5-7","MAII
100","Monster","small dirty rag monster, possess victim (3 HD or 4 INT), a hit vs
AC 10 indicates it wrapped around victim, it can","control victim unless save vs
spell, if successful it flies to another host, usually dogs, cats, birds, etc,
suffer double","UC","dmg from fire, immune: mind affecting spells & blunt
weapons","Colony","Carnivore","6","General","Prime Material",
"Raggamoffyn, Gutterspite","0","5","15","Urban","Temperate","1","2d8","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","6, Fl 6 (E)","1400","Day","N","(Qx3)","11-12","MAII
100","Monster","rope & leather monster, try to possess victim (4 HD or 10 INT), a
hit vs AC 10 (adj by DEX & magic) indicates it","wrapped around victim, it can
control victim save vs spell -2 (save every turn), if successful flies to another
host, 1 per","UC","day: sparkling light save vs paraly or blind (no DEX adj) 1d4
rnds & gains +2 to hit, immune: mind affect & visual
spells","Colony","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Raggamoffyn, Shrapnyl","-5","7","13","Urban","Temperate","1 or 5","2d12 or 1d6
(5)","1-2",1,1,"0","L","6, Fl 4 (E)","3000","Any","CE","(Qx3)","13-14","MAII
100","Monster","metal shard monster, try to possess victim (9 HD or 18 INT), a hit
vs AC 10 (adj by DEX & magic) indicates it wrapped","around victim save vs spell
(save every turn -1 rnd/over 15 INT), immune to mind affecting, 1/day explode
cloud of","VR","steel 4d10 dmg 10' radius save vs BW 1/2 (looses control),
affected by: crystalbrittle no save, shatter 3d6, heat
metal","Colony","Carnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Serpent,
Herald","5","4+4","15","Jungle","Tropical","2","1d4/1d4","1",1,1,"0","M","24, Cl
18","1400","Any","NG","nil","11-12","MAII 102","Monster","speak 6 languages,
likely to talk way out of conflict, cast 1/day (4th lvl): friends, hypnotism,
comprehend languages,","hypnotic pattern & invisibility, attacks: bite/bite, save
vs poison (onset 1d3 rnds) or amnesia (forget identities, spells,","R","etc for
2d4 hours), enchanted messenger of serpent lords (dispel magic vs 16th lvl returns
it to normal poison snake)","Solitary","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Serpent, Teak","3","8+8","11","Jungle","Tropical","2","1d6/2d6","1-
2",1,1,"0","H","9, Cl 6","3000","Any","N","(B, Q-10, S, T)","1","MAII
102","Monster","constrictor 30', resemble tree branches (opp -2 surp), attacks:
bite/squeeze, constriction dmg auto after initial hit","(80 points total STR to
break free), constrict 3 victims at one time, feared creature will attack small
group of humans","R","without hesitation, scales useful in casting barkskin (+2 AC
for duration of spell)","Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Serpent, Vine","4","10","11","Forests","Any","1 or 2","1d12
103","Monster","plant/snake cross, 5% chance to identify (25% if seen before),
love attacking (demi)humans, hangs from trees & uses","spells, 3/day spectral
force, 1/day: charm person, hold person, suggestion & mass suggestion (5
creatures), attacks:","UC","bite & constricion, if spells do not effect anyone it
uses its camoflage to escape, will not attack if odds against
them","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
Fl 24 (D)","12,000","Day","CE","(F)","17-18","MAII 104","Monster","lion body
w/dragon head & foreparts, speaks: common & red dragon, 9th lvl illusionists (cast
@ 12th), fool prey then","strike, attack: claw/claw/bite, BW (1/turn): 100' lg x
20' wd inflicts 8d10+8 save 1/2, live in 5 mile area, greedy, will","VR","hord
treasure, live 600 years","Solitary","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime
"Faerie, Seelie","5","1-1","20","Forests","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",1,1,"25%","T","6, Fl 18 (B)","270-650","Any","CN","(D)","10-12","MAII
105","Humanoid","sylvan woods, shy, mischievous & annoying, dislike combat,
invisible at will, use tiny weapons: sword (1d2) or bow (1),","anyone hit save vs
spell or fall asleep 2d4 hrs (must save each hit), may ride giant insects
(dragonfly, bumblebee &","VR","hornet) carry lance (1d4 may have sleep poison),
innate magical abilities (at least one) see MAII, society has
classes","Colony","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Bat, Large, Vampire","6","2","19","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4","1-
10",1,0,"0","M","3, Fl 18 (C)","120","Night","N","nil","2","DRC
159","Monster","bite causes dmg + poison (save vs paralysis) or unconscious for
1d10 rnds, feeds on victims, if victim is killed from","blood drain must save vs
spell or become undead creature in 24 hrs (creature per DM
decision)","R",,"Flock","Blood","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Bee, Giant","7","1d4 hp","15","Hills/Rough","Any","1","1d3+special","1-6 (5-
30)",1,0,"0","S","Fl 15","65","Any","N","nil","0","DRC 160","Monster","1' long
bees w/nasty temper, attack anyone within 30' of hives, if attack is successful
bee dies but victim must save","vs poison or die, if save stinger is in victim
causing 1 hp/rnd dmg until removed (1 rnd), hive are built in small caves
or","UC","underground near the surface, bees make magical honey (entire hive has 2
pints & if eaten cures 1d4 hp)","Swarm","Herbivore","15-16","General","Prime
"Beetle, Oil","4","2","19","Land","Any","1","1d6","1-8 (2-
12)",1,0,"0","M","12","65","Night","N","nil","0","DRC 160","Monster","3' long,
burrow underground, attacks w/oily fluid (5' range), oil causes damage and painful
blisters (-2 on attack until","24 hours or cure light
wounds)","UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Beetle, Tiger","3","3+1","18","Land","Any","1","2d6","1-6 (2-
8)",0,0,"0","M","15","120","Night","N","U","0","DRC 160","Monster","4' long,
striped color, prey on robber
flies",,"UC",,"Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
pecial","Any","N","nil","0","DRC 162","Monster","""deadly sphere"", 5' dia globe,
whatever it touches disintegrates (no save), if encountered it moves toward the
nearest","INT creature within 60', no recognizable mind or INT, immune to all
attacks & magic except ""god"" control, defeated","VR","by gate spell sending it
to another plane or wish","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
3",1,0,"0","H","6","650","Day","N","B","0","DRC 162","Monster","worm-like, 30'
long, wait in loose soil then shoot up at victims, swallow victims whole on 19 or
20 (1d8 acid dmg/rnd)",,"R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime
"Devilfish","6","1 to 6",,"Water, Ocean","Any","2 or 1","1/1 (1d4/1d6) or
special","20 (20-180)",1,0,"0","L","12","varies","Any","CN","Ax2, F (every
20)","9","DRC 165","Monster","sim to manta ray, undersea clerics, found in groups
of 20 outside lair (see table), in lair leaders see table, attack: tail/","bite or
spells, @ 5 or more HD gain vampire abilities: increased dmg, energy drain, silver
or +1 weapons to hit, turned","R","by clerics, charm & regen, matriarchs (6 HD)
10-16th lvl casting (no 7th lvl spells), cannot tell which is casting
spells","Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Dragonet, Drake, Man-","0","3","18","Any","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1d6","1-
4",0,1,"0","M","12, Fl 3","420","Day","C","Vx2, E","10","DRC
173","Monster","dragon-like, poly into human form (usually encountered), either
good or evil, can speak, immune to all 1st-3rd lvl spells,","can negate for 1 rnd
to cure wounds on self, attack: claw/claw/bite, in human form a 5th lvl thief with
all abilities,","R","enjoy company of men, sometimes hold jobs in towns (sometimes
stealing food & valuables)","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
"Dragonet, Drake, Wood-","0","4","17","Any","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1d8","1-
4",0,1,"0","M","12, Fl 3","650","Day","C","Vx2, E","10","DRC
173","Monster","dragon-like, poly into elf or halfling form (usually encountered),
either good or evil, can speak, immune to all 1st-3rd lvl","spells, can negate for
1 rnd to cure wounds on self, attack: claw/claw/bite, in demihuman form a 5th lvl
thief with all","R","abilities, sometimes found in elf or halfling towns holding
small jobs (sometimes steal food & valuables)","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Dragonet, Drake, Cold-","0","5","16","Subterranean","Arctic/Sub-
Arctic","3","1d2/1d2/2d4","1-4",0,1,"0","M","12, Fl 3","975","Day","C","Vx2,
E","10","DRC 173","Monster","dragon-like, poly into dwarf or gnome form (usually
encountered), either good or evil, can speak, immune to all 1st-3rd","lvl spells,
can negate for 1 rnd to cure wounds on self, attack: claw/claw/bite, in demihuman
form a 5th lvl thief with","R","all abilities, hate light, live underground,
sometimes found in dwarf or gnome communities","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Faerie, Unseelie","5","1-1","20","Forests","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",1,1,"25%","T","6, Fl 18 (B)","420","Night","CE","(D)","10","MAII
106","Humanoid","evil cousin of seelie, ugly dark-skinned, fight endless war
against seelie, delight in killing, invisible at will, sight of them","has effect
of fear, use swords (1d2) & bows (1) anyone hit save vs spell or fall asleep 2d4
hrs (must save each hit),","VR","ride bats or stirges using lances (1d4 sometimes
sleep), innate magical abilities cast 1/day see MAII, live in dark
places","Tribe","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Squealer","4","10","11","Forests","Temp/Trop","4","1d6+6/1d4+1 (3)","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","9, Cl 15","8000","Day","N","(C)","5-7","MAII
107","Monster","grotesque, 2 legs & 3 arms, imitate sounds of wounded animals &
humans & use it to lure prey (-2 opp surp), drops on","prey 5d4 dmg, attacks:
bite/claw/claw/claw, if hanging from tree by 1 arm & other 2 arms hit then rear
claws rake,","VR","if hit w/3rd arm victim hugged (2d4 dmg), if hugged no DEX adj
& -2 attack (BB/LG to break), carry 500 lbs, leap 30'","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","OMII 113"
"Turtle, Giant, Sea","2/5","15","5","Water, Ocean","Any","1","4d4","1-
3",1,1,"0","H","1, Sw 15","5000","Any","N","nil","0","MAII 108","Monster","non-
aggressive, fight if threatened, attack w/bite, 10% of overturning a longship &
90% for rowboat (adj for inbetween)","head & flippers AC 5 & shell 2, can withdraw
head & flippers inside shell, live 30-150 years, meat is delicacy in
most","UC","cultures, shells can be useful as well","Solitary","Omnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material","OMI 97"
"Turtle, Giant, Snapping","0/5","10","11","Water","Any","1","6d4","1-
4",1,1,"0","H","3, Sw 2","3000","Any","N","nil","0","MAII
108","Monster","aggressive, found in lakes & rivers, remain motionless (-3 opp
surp) then shoot their neck (10'), if bitten only BB/LG","to escape (cannot attack
or cast spells) & bite auto, head & flippers AC 5 & shell 0, can withdraw head &
flippers inside","UC","shell, live 30-150 years, meat is delicacy in most
cultures, shells can be useful as well","Solitary","Omnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material","OMI 97"
3",1,1,"0","L","9","420","Day","N","it's hair","5-7","MAII 109","Monster","walking
mound of brown hair, speak common (usually chooses not to), if encountered it will
not attack or hide but","stands & looks stupid, will defend self if attacked, can
make a net out of hair, stores static electricity in hair (50 hp","VR","max),
normal attack required vs AC 10 (adj DEX & magic), may regulate dmg (usually
1d8+8), immune electric","Solitary","Herbivore","14","General","Prime
Material","FF 92"
ny","Any","nil","17-18","MAII 110","Monster","symbiotic creature (w/wizard), looks
like a turban, it bestows extra spells & magic resistance to host for HP perm
lost","it (max 10), makes no attacks, it can give advice if asked, see MAII for
table of abilities, dmg to it are taken from its","VR","host, area effect spells
may affect it (see MAII), if wizard is nearly dead the turban can return hp to
prevent death","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Wall-Walker","3","6","15","Subterranean","Any","3 or 1","2d12/1d12/2d8 or
special","1-2 (4-16)",1,1,"0","M","9, Cl 12","1500","Any","LE","(B)","5-7","MAII
112","Monster","spider-like, psionics, stalk victims, climb walls & ceilings (-2
opp surp), attacks first w/stinger save vs poison or paraly","for 1d6 rnds, if
successful victim can strike rear +2 bonus, after the initial attack it
claw/claw/bites victim, if loosing in","UC","battle it will flee, will play with
prey before killing it, hate kalin & will attack on sight, hide can be used to
make armor","Brood","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
Fl 18 (B)","65","Day","N","nil","2-4","MAII 113","Monster","insect-like w/wings,
legs & tail, attack in large groups, fear fire, emit a strand of web from tail
1d6+6 ft long, a flock will","attack w/webbing save vs paralysis or be entangled
(for every 3 webbirds -1 to save) for 1d4+4 rnds (18 STR 1 rnd),","VR","web immune
to fire but alcohol disolves in 1 rnd, trapped victims cannot attack or cast
spells, implant eggs in victim","Flock","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime
Material","OMII 125"
"Wraith-Spider","5","3+2","17","Any","Any","1","1d4","3-18",1,1,"15%","M","15, Wb
18","1400","Night","LE","incidental","8-10","MAII 114","Undead","dark spider
shaped, appear insubstantial but leave visible wounds, do not communicate, attack
w/bite 1d4 dmg &","drains 1 lvl also injects poison which is active 1d4+1 rnds
save each rnd or lose 1 CON/rnd (regained 1/wk or neut","R","poison), immune:
cold, raise dead sleep, charm & hold, silver or +1 weapons, holy water 2d4 dmg,
turn as shadow","Pack","Special","15","General","Prime Material",
"Yak-Man (Yikaria)","4","5","15","Mountains","Any","1","1d10 or weapon","1 or
1d4",1,1,"10%","L","9","1400+","Day","NE","P (D)","9-18","MAII
115","Humanoid","yak-like humanoids, can use magic items of any class (10% rod or
staff), leaders are spellcasters 1st-10th priest (all","spheres except plant &
summ) @ 9th high priest (gain wiz spells), summon dao genies 1/day (no dao can
attack a","VR","yak-man), magic jar (see MAII 116), their cities are in high
mountains w/several 1000 yakmen & 5-6 x's that in
slaves","Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Zorbo","7 (base)","4+2","17","Land","Temp/Trop","3","1d4/1d4/1d2","1-4 (10-
60)",1,1,"20%","S","15, Cl 9","420","Any","N","(P, Q, X)","2-4","MAII
117","Monster","koala bear-like, increases AC by ""absorption"" from objects
(stone, wood, etc see table) for 1d4 hrs, attack: claw/","claw/bite, its attack
drains defensive magic of a creature, if hit it gains (1 turn) 1 for each ""plus""
and item turns to dust","R","(no save), if no magic its adjustment is from AC 10
(ex. bracers AC 8, 10-8=2, zorbo gains 2), artifacts not
destroyed","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material","OMII 131"
","15","3000","Day","N","B","12","DRC 156","Monster","elk centaur, protector of
woodland, camoflage in woods becoming ""invisible"", attacks viciously if woodland
creatures","are needlessly killed, BW- 10' x 10' x 10' gas save vs BW or
polymophed into normal forest creature (owl, deer, etc.),","UC","if save it lasts
24 hrs, 1/day summon 1d6 creatures arrive in 1d4 turns (see DRC), some cast priest
spells (max 8th)","Solitary","Omnivore","16-17","General","Prime Material",
157","Monster","shapechangers, travelers go all planes and observe & exchange info
with each other, adapt to any environment &","any magic attack (1st attack full
dmg then immune 1d10 turns if not used), attack w/sword +4 to hit, cannot
become","VR","specific people, change into any human or
demihuman","Group","Omnivore","16-17","General","Prime Material",
"Ape, Snow","6","3+1","18","Mountains","Arctic","2","1d6/2d6","2-
20",0,0,"0","M","9","120","Day","CE","K","4","DRC 157","Animal","baboon-like, in
snowy conditions suprise victims 1-5 on d10, attack: club/hug, BB/LG to break from
hug, cruel and","clever, ambush victims, will not attack large animals or
parties","UC",,"Group","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Ape, White","6","4","18","Hills/Rough","Any","2 or 1","1d4/1d4 or 1d6","1-
6",0,0,"0","M","12","120","Night","N","nil","2","DRC 158","Animal","do not attack
unless provoked, will flee combat unless cornered, attack: claw/claw or thrown
rock, lair in caves",,"UC",,"Group","Herbivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Archon (Male)","-6","20","1","Any","Any","1","by weapon or special","1-
2",1,1,"0","L","12, Fl 36","20,000","Day","LG","nil","16","DRC
158","Monster","giant eagle bodies with head, arms & torso of human, attacks with
any weapon (usually magical), immune: fire, poison","and all 1st-4th lvl spells,
teleport at will & cast cleric spells @ 12th lvl, 1/day can create bolt of purity
(makes victims","VR","LG & peaceful for 2d6 turns no save) & flame sword (4d8 dmg,
3 turns), live in mated pairs, oppose all chaos & evil","Solitary","Omnivore","18-
19","General","Prime Material",
"Archon (Female)","-6","20","1","Any","Any","3 or 1","3d10 (3) or special","1-
2",1,1,"0","L","12, Fl 36","24,000","Day","LG","nil","16","DRC
158","Monster","giant eagle bodies w/dragon-like neck & 3 bull heads, attacks with
horns or BW-fire 10' 4d6 dmg, immune: fire, poison","and all 1st-4th lvl spells,
teleport at will & cast cleric spells @ 12th lvl, 1/day can create bolt of purity
(makes victims","VR","LG & peaceful for 2d6 turns no save) & flame sword (4d8 dmg,
3 turns), live in mated pairs, oppose all chaos & evil","Solitary","Omnivore","18-
19","General","Prime Material",
"Athach","0","14","7","Any","Any","4","2d12 (3)/2d10","1-3 (1-
6)",1,0,"0","L","18","8000","Day","CN","I","8","DRC 158","Humanoid","18' tall,
malformed body, 3 arms, illtempered, live in caves, love gems & jewelry & can be
bribed into not attacking","travelers, attack: club/club/club/bite, clubs are
tree trunks or stones, bite inflicts dmg & poison save -4 or paralyzed","UC","1d6
turns","Family","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Baboon, Rock","6","2","18","Mountains","Temp/Trop","2","1d6/1d3","1-12 (5-
30)",0,0,"0","L","12, 12 (trees)","35","Day","N","U","2","DRC
158","Animal","larger version of normal baboon, prefer meat, typically do not
attack humans, use bones or branches for clubs, led by","dominant male, attack:
club/bite, vicious tempers, will try to scare intruders & travelers out of their
hunting grounds","C",,"Group","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Dragonet, Drake, Elemental","0","6","15","Any","Any","3 or 1","1d2/1d2/1d6 or
2d6","1-4",0,1,"0","M","12, Fl 3","2000","Day","CN","nil","10","DRC
173","Monster","dragon-like, poly into young giant form (usually encountered),
either good or evil, can speak, immune to all 1st-3rd lvl","spells, can negate for
1 rnd to cure wounds on self, attack: claw/claw/bite, in giant form (any type) can
cause 2d6","R","dmg w/fists, cannot throw rocks, +1 weapons to hit, 4 types (fire,
earth, water, air), on home plane poly into
elemental","Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
Drolem","-3","20","1","Any","Any","3","2d6/2d6/1d20+10","1",1,1,"0","L","12, Fl
24","22,000","Any","N","treasure guarded","3","DRC 173","Monster","golem looks
like a dragon of any color, guardian, see invisible 60', immune: charm, hold,
sleep, mind effecting, fire,","cold, gas, poison & spells of 4th lvl or less, +3
weapons to hit, attack: claw/claw/bite, BW 3/day: 20'x20'x20' poison","VR","cloud
save vs BW or die, general info MM 164","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime
,"4","DRC 180","Monster","general info MM 164, immune: hold, charm, fear & mind
effecting, +1 weapons to hit, looks like muscular human,","swim & walk thru water
& quicksand without sinking, attacks by hugging victims, 1 hit required & dmg auto
after (BB/","R","LG to escape)","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
ny","N","nil","4","DRC 180","Monster","general info MM 164, immune: hold, charm,
fear & mind effecting, +1 weapons to hit, looks like giant cats usually","lion or
tiger, faultless tracker, see invisible
60'","R",,"Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
y","N","nil","4","DRC 180","Monster","general info MM 164, immune: hold, charm,
fear, fire & mind effecting, +1 weapons to hit, 16' tall, bronze colored","giant
attacks w/fist, hit causes 3d10 dmg + 1d10 heat dmg, any attack from edged weapon
save vs death magic or","R","suffer 2d6 dmg from fiery blood spurting from
wound","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Grass, Grab","9","1 per
il","0","DRC 181","Plant","looks like ordinary grass 3-5' tall, will attempt to
hold anyone moving thru it, 5% per rnd of breaking free of 12 STR or","less
increasing 5% per point above, 1 HD per 5 square
feet","C",,"Cluster","Water","20","General","Prime Material",
"Helion","1","9","12","Any","Any","1","2d8 or special","1-4 (2-
40)",1,1,"0","L","9, Fl 24","6000","Any","LG","nil","14","DRC
184","Monster","giant fire creatures (20' dia ring), rarely encountered on Prime,
shun violence, immune: poison, normal weapons, 1st &","2nd lvl spell & earth &
fire based spells, detect invisible at will, can (3/day) cast detect magic, dispel
magic, wall of fire","VR","& earth to fire, can control fire, attacks by forming
ring around victim then shrinks & negotiates, fear water
creatures","Group","Special","15","General","Elem, Fire",
"Horde","3","3 to 21",,"Any","Any","1","varies","2d4
185","Monster","single life made of 100's of insect-like bodies 3-21' long, dmg
varies by HD see table, can control up to 10,000 bodies","in a 100 mile area, if
it needs more room it takes it, can ESP & telekinesis at will, communicates by
telepathy, immune:","VR","charm, hold, sleep & mind affecting, fail all saves,
insect variety varies by horde, fear fire & fire
creatures","Swarm","Special","20","General","Elem, Earth",
"Owl, Guardian (Hsiao)","5","4 to 15",,"Forests","Any","3 or 1","1d6/1d6/1d4 or
special","1-4 (5-20)",1,1,"0","L","9, Fl 21","varies","Day","LG","O","10","DRC
186","Monster","peaceful cleric-philosophers, live in trees, work with other
woodland creatures, preserve forests as goal, usually use","spells for defence,
attack: claw/claw/beak, will call on woodland creatures for help &
protection","R",,"Colony","Herbivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Hydrax","2","5 to 12",,"Any","Any","2 or 1","1d10/1d10 or
special","1",1,1,"0","L","6, Sw 18","varies","Any","LE","nil","9","DRC
187","Monster","crab-like, 6 legs & 3 claws, almost never found on Prime, immune:
normal weapons, 1st-2nd lvl spells, fire & water","based spells, can detect
invisible at will, cast 3/day @ 9th: detect magic, web, dispel magic, ice storm &
water to ice,","VR","use tools made of ice, fear air attacks &
creatures","Solitary","Special","15","General","Elem, Water",
(100x10)",0,0,"0","M","24","3000","Any","LG","nil","10","DRC 187","Monster","made
of crystalline rock, immune: normal weapons, 1st-2nd lvl spells & air based
attacks, detect invisible at will, cast","3/day @ 9th lvl: detect magic, dispel
magic, hast & air to earth, communicate telepathy, attacks by ramming with
its","VR","spikes, +1 weapons to hit, live with earth elementals, fear & wage war
with hordes, fear water attacks &
creatures","Group","Special","15","General","Elem, Earth",
"Ooze, Lava","5","9","12","Mountains","Any","3","4d6","1-3 (2-
8)",1,1,"0","L","9","4000","Any","CN","nil","0","DRC 188","Monster","shapeless
puddle or stream of hot molten rock 10'x10', live near volcanos, sense vibrations
60', pass thru small holes","& cracks, strike opponents up to 15' away, each hit
causes dmg & lava remains on vicitm 1d4 rnds causing 3d6 dmg","VR","per rnd
(duration cumm), immune: fire & mind affecting, double dmg from cold, attacks
until destroyed","Group","Special","20","General","Prime Material",
","CE","E","10","DRC 191","Monster","elephant-like face, huge horns & fangs, arms,
tentacles & pincers, summoned by powerful magic, attack: claw/claw/","bite, if
both claws hit victim pulled to tentacles coated w/acid 2d6 dmg/rnd (no escape),
bite has poison save +3 or","VR","die, +1 weapons to hit, can detect invisible &
knock at will, save as 13th lvl fighter","Solitary","Special","18-
"Mek","-4","11 to
treasure guarded","0","DRC 192","Monster","15-25' tall metallic creations, serve
as guards, insect-like features resembling giants, lizards & other creatures,
can","breath poison gas 20' dia save vs BW (each rnd) or paralyzed 1d3 turns,
follow simple instructions, cold attacks","VR","slow it to 1/2 speed, immune all
other spells except disintegrate,","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime
"Metamorph","5","3+1","17","Forests","Any","1","by weapon","1-6 (2-
20)",1,1,"0","M","12","420","Day","Any","varies","14","DRC 194","Humanoid","look
sim to humans, master of shapeshifting, shift up to 11x's/day, this nonmagical
shifting gives it all the abilities of","new form (even special attacks), for
creatures it can change into see table, each form can be used once/day &
lasts","R","up to 1 hour, if 10 or more group has leader (5+2 HD), tend to be
chaotic, abilites vary by form taken","Group","Omnivore","13-17","General","Prime
"Mujina","4","8","13","Any","Any","2","by weapon","1-
4",0,1,"0","M","12","1400","Day","CN","E","10","DRC 195","Humanoid","human-like
w/no face, where the face should be there is nothing, can create an illusionary
face, anyone w/5 HD or","less seeing natural form (at will) flee 1d3 rnds & others
save vs wand or flee 1d3 rnds, fights w/2 weapons, speaks","VR","own & common,
physi & emot identical, hates humans, often joins party as fighter for a period &
then robs it & flees","Solitary","Omnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Nuckalavee","4","11","10","Any","Any","2","3d8/3d8","1",1,1,"0","L","12, Sw
36","10,000+","Any","CE","nil","9","DRC 198","Monster","relative of centaur,
hideous head w/transparent skin, immune: fire & poison, regen 3 hp/rnd, cannot
cross flowing","fresh water, radiates fear 50' rad save vs paralysis or flee 2d6
rnds (must save each rnd), attacks: claw/claw if hit","R","save vs DM or die, BW-
cold-60' lg x 10' wd causes dmg = its current hp save vs BW 1/2, can be spell
caster","Solitary","Carnivore","16-17","General","Prime Material",
4",1,0,"0","L","15","270","Night","N","U","0","DRC 202","Monster","spiderlike, 10
legs, horse sized w/large jaws & front suckers, attacks: bite/leg, leg hit does no
dmg but victims is","stuck & auto bite (BB/LG to
break)","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Fly, Robber","6","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d8","1-6 (2-12)",0,0,"0","S","9, Fl
18","65","Any","N","U","0","DRC 202","Monster","3' long fly, looks like giant bee
from a distance, may attack adventurers, main food is giant bees (immune to
their","poison), wait for prey silently (-3 opp surp), can leap 30' &
bite","R",,"Swarm","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Shrew, Giant","4","1","20","Subterranean","Any","2","1d6/1d6","1-
8",1,0,"0","S","18","35","Night","N","nil","2","DRC 203","Monster","large ratlike,
blind, sees w/radar (like bats) 60', silence spells ""blind"" it (AC 8 & att -4),
automatically wins first initiative","and -1 on initiative rolls each rnd after,
its attack is ferocious & anyone 3 HD or less save vs death magic or flee
in","UC","fear, eat insects & vegetable matter but very aggressive will attack
anyone within 20'","Pack","Omnivore","16-17","General","Prime Material",
"Thoul","6","3","18","Subterranean","Any","2 or 1","1d3/1d3 or weapon","1-
6",1,1,"0","M","12","270+","Any","CE","C","6","DRC 209","Monster","magical combo
of ghoul, hobgoblin & troll, not undead, appear as hobgoblin (unless close
inspection), regen 1 hp/rnd","until killed, touch paralyzes 1d6+2 rnds save vs
paralysis, can be spellcasters, may be found as a bodyguard of a","VR","hobgoblin
king or evil ruler","Group","Carnivore","16-17","General","Prime Material",
"Undine","4","8","13","Any","Any","1","2d8 (fist) or 1d10
(coil)","1",1,1,"0","L","9, Sw 24","5000","Any","CG","nil","10","DRC
210","Monster","plane of Water transparent snake, can Sw 48 for 10 rnds, on Prime
(VVR) appears as water elem, in water invisible &","regen 3 hp/rnd, out of water 1
hp dmg/rnd, not blocked by prot from evil, not forced within 60' of water, in both
places","VR","imm: pois, norm weap, 1st-2nd sp, wtr & fire, det invis at will,
3/day (9th): det mag, disp mag, web, ice storm, fire to
ice","Solitary","Special","15","General","Elem, Water",
"Raccoon","6","1d6 hp","20","Any","Any","1","1d2","1-
12",0,0,"0","S","5","7","Any","N","nil","1","MM 244","Animal","attack only if
cornered or rabid (10%), pelts worth 1 gp",,"C",,"Pack","Scavenger","2-
9","General","Prime Material",
"Aasimon, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,1,1,"0","M",,,,,,,"PS 4","Monster","kind &
compassionate, honorable, ""angels"", damaged by (unless noted otherwise): acid,
cold & electric 1/2; full dmg","fire (dragon, magic), magic missile, silver & iron
weapons; immune: gas & poison, have spell-like powers, travel thru","VR","upper
planes & summoned to others, has celestial reverence, can send out distress call,
7 varieties & 2 types",,,,"Planescape","Upper",
"Aasimon, Agathinon","0","8","13","Any","Any","1","weapon or special","1 or 50-
5","Monster","warrior, on upper plane natural form (elf-like), assume other forms
(dragon) & gain all special attacks but maintain hp,","HD, INT,etc; human form:
nonedged weapons & spells of 17th priest, never attack in natural form, ethereal
at will, +1","VR","weap, save as 14th prst, imm: lvl drain, death, disintegrate &
energy from positive energy plane, has spell abilities","Solitary","Omnivore","13-
14","Planescape","Upper","MAII 9"
"Aasimon, Deva, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,1,1,,"M",,,,"G",,,"PS
6","Monster","handsome males w/wings, serve good causes, can cure disease (3/day);
7/day: cure light, detect lie, detect snares &","pits; heal 1/day, can: infrav,
invis 10', light, poly self, prot from evil, tongues, remove curse & curse, imm:
cold, elect,","VR","mag miss, petrif, pois, norm fire & gas, 1/2 dmg from mag fire
& dragon breath, 3 types w/ different tasks",,,,"Planescape","Upper",
"Aasimon, Deva, Astral","-5","12","9","Any","Any","2","3d6/3d6","1 or 1-
3",1,1,"70%","M","24, Fl 48 (B)","15,000","Any","G","nil","17-18","PS
6","Monster","gold skin, amber eyes, CHR 20, very quick, magical mace-like weapon
(mace of disruption +3) + if struck 2x's in the","same rnd save vs. spell or
paraly 1d12 rnds, can blade barrier (1/day) & detect invis, never surprised,
immune: vacuum","VR","lvl drain & death spells,+2 weap to hit, souls cannot be
trapped or imprisoned, pass into Lower & Astral Planes at
will","Solitary","Omnivore","19-20","Planescape","Upper","OMII 43"
"Aasimon, Deva, Monadic","-3","10","11","Any","Any","2","3d4/3d4+8","1 or 1-
3",1,1,"60%","M","15, Fl 36 (B)","13,000","Any","G","nil","17-18","PS
6","Monster","brown skin, green eyes, CHR 19, strong (STR 20), use great rod (rod
of smiting, +3) never runs out of charges & only","owner can use abilities, solid
creatures (stone or metal armor) addit 1d8 dmg, can shed light 3 to 30 ft, prot
from evil","VR","is 1/2 power (15' rad), can hold monster, charm elem & mirror
image, imm: death & lvl drain, +1 weapon to hit","Solitary","Omnivore","19-
20","Planescape","Upper","OMII 43"
"Aasimon, Deva, Movanic","-1","8","13","Any","Any","2","by weapon","1 or 1-
3",1,1,"40%","M","12, Fl 30 (B)","14,000","Any","G","nil","17-18","PS
6","Monster","white skin, silver eyes, CHR 18, agile, never surprised, use 2-
handed sword (+1 flame tongue, 1d10; L 3d6), can","forfit 1 or both attacks to
perry an opp's attack (always successful even vs. mag. miss., etc), can cast any
wiz. spell","VR","invo/evoc each 1/day, prot frm evil, +2 weap to hit, regen
2/rnd, can spell turn, anti-mag shell & prot frm norm
miss,","Solitary","Omnivore","19-20","Planescape","Upper","OMII 43"
"Aasimon, Light","-10","10","11","Any","Any","1","1d12","1",1,1,"50%","S","Fl 48
(A)","10,000","Any","G","nil","11-12","PS 8","Monster","energy creature, mists
that change shape, +2 weapon to hit, never surprised, G or N creatures must save
vs paraly","every rnd they att or miss, only magic +'s prot vict (+3 = AC 7), can
prot frm evil (always act), disp evil (3/day), 7/day:","VR","cont light, light,
bless & hld pers, imm: charm, geas, quest, sleep, mind affect, death & trapping,
only killed on home pln","Solitary","Nil","19-20","Planescape","Upper",
"Aasimon, Planetar","-7","14","7","Any","Any","3","1d10+10 (STR &
magic)","1",1,1,"75%","L","15, Fl 48 (B)","20,000","Any","G","nil","17-18","PS
9","Monster","powerful spirits, commun w/ all telepathy 100', +3 weapons to hit,
regen 4/rnd, wield 2-handed +3 vorpal sword, att","+6 w/STR (19) & magic bonus,
casts spells as 7th priest from any sphere,many spell-like abilty, 1/2 dmg from
fire, full","VR","dmg acid, imm: cold, elect, mag miss, petrif, pois, norm fire,
gas, lvl drain, chrm, death & feeblmnd, killed on outer
pln","Solitary","Omnivore","19-20","Planescape","Upper","OMII 101"
"Aasimon, Solar","-10","22 (177
hp)","5","Any","Any","4","2d20+16","1",1,1,"85%","L","18, Fl 48
(B)","32,000","Any","G","nil","19-20","PS 10","Monster","humanlike w/wings, never
surprised, +4 weap to hit, imm: lvl drain, charm, confus, death, domin, feeble,
hold, impris,","soul trap, cold, elect, mag miss, petrif, pois, gas & acid, regen
7/rnd, killed on home pln, uses +5 dancing (vorpal) swd,","VR","mag bow +2(arrw of
slay), cast priest spells as 15th, cast special prot frm evil, many other spell-
like powers see PS 11","Solitary","Omnivore","19-20","Planescape","Upper","OMII
"Animal Lord, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,"0","M",,,,,,,"PS 12","Monster","for
every animal there is an animal lord, 2 forms - humanoid & animal, have natural
telepathy or ESP always active (it is","impossible to surprise or decieve), 6th
sense (90% bad feeling, 25% know exact), can (3/day): anti-magic shell,
charm",,"person, plane shift, teleport & summon 2d6 animals (same type), immune to
charm, care only about own affairs",,,,"Planescape","Beastlands",
"Animal Lord, Cat Lord","3","15 (122 hp)","5","Any","Any","2 or 3","1d8+2 or 1d3+2
or 1d4/1d4/1d10","unique",1,1,"50%","M","21","18,000","Any","N","nil","15-16","PS
12","Monster","see general, female or black panther, human: uses long sword of
wound (2/1), darts +2 (10 dart, att +3); cat attacks","claw/claw/bite & if both
claws hit rear rake 1d4/1d4, tends to affairs of felines, CHR 22 to cat lovers, 18
to those","VR","indifferent & 10 if hate cats, doesn't bother with affairs of
men","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","Planescape","Beastlands","OMII 22"
"Animal Lord, Hawk Lord","4","15 (122 hp)","5","Any","Any","1 or 3","by weapon or
1d6/1d6/1d4","unique",1,1,"50%","M","12, Fl 24 (C)","18,000","Any","N","nil","15-
16","PS 12","Monster","see general, female or large hawk, human: THAC0 20, no
weapon proficiency, can cast charm person (7/day); hawk:","claw/claw/beak, SA-
dive 100' claws +2 to hit and 2d6 dmg each (no beak attack), finds pleasure in
dealing with","VR","humans, appears in Upper planes & Prime if hawks are
"Animal Lord, Lizard Lord","3","15 (122 hp)","5","Any","Any","1","2d6 or
12","Monster","see general, male or animal (gila monster or komodo dragon), human:
rarely uses weapons, can hypnotism (gaze att)","save vs spell at -3 or susceptable
to suggestion, animal: bite (natural 20, double dmg & trapped in jaws taking
dmg","VR","until escape or killed), immune to blunt weapons in this form, rarely
takes human form, infrequently roused, very angry","Solitary","Carnivore","15-
"Animal Lord, Wolf Lord","5","15 (122 hp)","5","Any","Any","1 or 2","1d4+poison or
12","Monster","see general, teenage boy or large gray wolf, human: weak fighter
(changes to wolf), wields poison dagger (E, immed,","death/20), poison never
dries; wolf: bites 2 per rnd and in this form immune to non-magic weapons, lord is
cunning,","VR","wily and can be brutal","Solitary","Carnivore","15-
"Baatezu, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,"PS 16","Monster","evil fiends,
caste system, wish to destroy blood enemies (tanar'ri) & gather human followers
which give them power,","long range goal of controling entire race, appear as
grotesque gargoyles but are diverse, 3 divisions: greater, lesser &",,"least,
lemures (4th variety) are so low they don't qualify in baatezu scheme, cannot
travel to Prime unless summoned",,,,"Planescape","Baator",
"Baatezu, General, Combat",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,"PS 16","Monster","all
except lemures, nupperibo & spinagons have powers: adv illus, animdead, chrm pers,
infrav, know aling (alwy act),","suggest & telep w/o error, all can summ fellows,
can commun w/ any creat thru telepathy, least & lesser dmg by non-",,"magic weap,
all others magic or silver, defense (general) - immune: iron, fire & pois, 1/2
dmg: cold & gas",,,,"Planescape","Baator",
"Baatezu, Greater, Amnizu","-1","9","11","Any","Any","1","2d4","1-
2",1,1,"50%","M","6, Fl 15 (C)","11,000","Any","LE","V, Y","15-16","PS
19","Monster","4' tall, gruesome, leave combat to underlings, attack by channeling
energy (2d4) that by passes armor (att vs. AC 10)","only magic +'s or bracers
lower AC, also if hit save vs spell or forget 1 days memories, can: fireball
(3/day), imprisonmnt","R","(1/day) & 1/day gate 2d10 abishai (50%) or 1d8 erinyes
(30%), holy word drives it back to Stygia, +2 weapons to
"Baatezu, Lesser, Barbazu","3","6+6","13","Any","Any","1 or 3","2d6 or
20","Monster","soldier, violent, attack w/glaive 2d6 & 2/rnd bleeding until bound
or claw/claw/beard, if both claws hit max dmg &","beard 25% disease, can aff norm
fire, comm, fear, prod flm & gate 2d6 abishai (50%) or 1d6 barbazu (35%), battle
frnzy","C","10%/rnd cumm (+2 to att & dmg, no moral chk, penalty 3 on AC, lasts
until combat end), +1 weapon to hit","Squad","Carnivore","11-
"Baatezu, Greater, Cornugon","-2","10","11","Any","Any","4 or 2","1d4(2)/1d4+1/1d3
or 1d6/weapon","1-4",1,1,"50%","L","9, Fl 18 (C)","10,000","Any","LE","D, S","15-
16","PS 21","Monster","elite defense, 9' tall, +2 weap to hit, STR 18/00, attack:
claw/claw/bite/tail (1d3, add 1/rnd bleed) or whip (save vs.","paraly or stun 1d4
rnd)/weap+6 (str), can det mag, ESP, lightn blt (3/day), prod flm, pyrotech, wall
of fire & gate 1/day","VR","2d6 barbazu (50%) & 2d8 (35%) & 1d3 cornugon (20%),
radiate fear 5', regen 2/rnd, lead by pit fiends,
"Baatezu, Lesser, Erinyes","2","6+6","13","Any","Any","1","by
weapon","1",1,1,"30%","M","12, Fl 21 (C)","7000","Any","LE","nil","13-14","PS
22","Monster","attractive female, can appear as male, communicate thru telepathy,
speak any lang, wield any weapon, can cause","fear (save vs rod of flee 1d6 rnds),
carries rope of entangle, charm (save vs spell at 1/2 lvl) failure-compl loyalty
(1 vict","UC","per time), +1 weap to hit, can det invis, invis, loc obj, poly
self, prod flm & gate 1d8 spinagon 50% or 1d8 barbazu
"Baatezu, Greater, Gelugon","-3","11","9","Any","Any","4 or
1","1d4+4(2)/2d4+4/3d4+4","1-8",1,1,"50%","H","15","19,000","Any","LE","A, W","17-
18","PS 23","Monster","12' insect-like, STR 18/76, +2 weap to hit, att:
clw/clw/pincer/tail, tail save vs paraly or stun 1d6 rnds from cold, can","att
diff opp w/each, 1 in 4 has spear (2d6+4, save vs paraly or slow 2d4 rnd frm
cold), can det invis (AA), det mag, fly,","R","poly self, wall of ice & 1/day gate
2d6 barbazu (50%), 2d4 osyluth (35%) & 1d2 gelugon (20%), 25% if loosing pit
"Baatezu, Lesser, Hamatula","1","7","13","Any","Any","3","2d4/2d4/3d4","1 or 3-
24","Monster","patroller/guard, never surprised, +1 weap to hit, attack:
claw/claw/bite, if both claws-hug (2d4/rnd no roll, release if","15 dmg in 1 rnd
or if >15 str w/check), can aff norm fire, hold person, prod flm, pyrotech & 1/day
gate 2d6 abishai","UC","(50%) or 1d4 hamatula (35%), radiate fear when vict hit
1st time (save vs rod or flee in panic 1d6 rnd), rarely use
"Baatezu, Lemure","7","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d3","10-
100",1,1,"0","M","3","120","Any","LE","nil","2-4","PS 25","Monster","lowest of
Baator, blobs of molten flesh, mindless, cannot communicate, attack anything
except baatezu, att w/claw,","immune to all mind spells, no spell-like abilities
as other baatezu, regen 1/rnd, only way to perm kill is w/holy water,","C","sword
or item, can battle drive-1000+ move toward destination & attack +2, usually
prevail w/70-90% losses","Group","Carnivore","special","Planescape","Baator",
"Baatezu, Least, Nupperibo","9","1","19","Any","Any","1 or 2","weapon or
26","Monster","slaves, blind, deaf, mute, respond to mental commands, attack any
non-baatezu, attack: claw/claw, if army forms","they get club, regen 1/rnd, only
holy water, sword or item perm kills it, immune to mind attacks & illusions, only
spell","C","availible is cause fear and may only use it if ordered & 10 attack
same creature, when destroyed it froms
"Baatezu, Lesser, Osyluth","3","5","15","Any","Any","4","1d4/1d4/1d8/3d4","2-
8",1,1,"30%","L","12","7000","Any","LE","nil","11-12","PS 27","Monster","police
officer, scorpion-like, attack ruthlessly, attack: claw/claw/bite/tail, tail
poison save -3 or lose 1d4 STR for 1d10","rnds, can fly, imp phant force, inisib,
wall of ice, generate fear 5' rad (save vs rod or flee 1d6 rnds) & 1/day gate
1d100","UC","nupperibo (50%) or 1d2 osyluth (35%), can see perfect in dark, +1
weapon to hit, observes other baatezu actions","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
"Baatezu, Least, Spinagon","4","3+3","17","Any","Any","2 or 1","1d4/1d4 or 1d6 or
special","1 or 1-3",1,1,"15%","S","6, Fl 18 (C)","3000","Any","LE","nil","8-
12","PS 29","Monster","smallest baatezu, avoid combat (flee & alert others),
attack (in flight): claw/claw (ground) military fork, in flight it can","shoot
spikes (12 @ 2/rnd as darts) burst into flame 1d3 dmg, can hurl self at victim
(1d4 spikes hit for 1d3 dmg each),","C","no spells as other baatezu, can aff norm
fire, chng slf, comm, prod flm, scare, stnk cld & gate 1d3 spinagons
"Baku","-2","12+12","7","Forests","Sub-Tropical","3","3d6/2d6/2d6","1 or 2-
30","Monster","elephant-like, attack: butt/stomp/stomp, can use weapon or magic
item w/trunk, has psionics, can invisible at will,","can be any N align (80% G,
15% E), SA: roar-effects opp align (NG effects NE, etc) those within 40' 1d8 dmg +
save","VR","vs. paraly or flee (as fear 12th lvl), can roar 1 per 4 rnds, tusks
worth 200 gp each, usually found invis among humans","Solitary","Herbivore","13-
14","Planescape","Outlands","OMII 12"
"Bariaur","6","7","13","Any","Any","1","1d8 or weapon","15-
60",1,1,"10%","L","15","2000","Day","CG","nil","13-14","PS 32","Monster","centaur-
like, tough, attackes w/club or horn butt, club 1d10 (L 3d6), charge 30' (male)
3d8 dmg & 50% knock victim","down, good hearing & smell (+2 surp roll), save +1 vs
spells, move from layer to layer in Ysgard at will, wanderers,","UC","follow
single leader, flocks: 5-20 male, 10-30 female, 1d12-1 young; playful, honor-
driven, great care for other bariaur","Flock","Herbivore","11-
"Bebilith","-5","12","9","Any","Any","3","2d4/2d4/2d6","1",1,1,"50%","H","9, Wb
18","13,000","Any","CE","nil","11-12","PS 34","Monster","spider-like ""barbed
horror"", prey on tanar'ri, cruel, can communicate with own (telepath), never
surprised, +3 weapon","to hit, surround by prot frm good, attack: claw/claw/bite,
claws can ruin armor, bite poison save -2 or die in 1d4 rnd &","VR","if body not
blessed w/1 turn it disintegr, 4/day shoot web 60' as perm web spell (25% ignited
by fire), plane shift (astral)","Solitary","Carnivore","15-
CE","nil","5-7","PS 36","Undead","vaguely humanoid, speak tanar'ri & little
common, SA: gaze (30')-save vs petrif or die (if die in abyss, trans into
bodak","in 1 day), +1 or cold iron weap to hit, immune: charm, hold, sleep, slow,
poison, elect, norm fire & silver, 1/2 dmg: cold,","VR","mag fire & gas, 1 dmg/rnd
in sunlight, uses sword or mace, 5% creature remembers past and att -2 vs. that
character","Solitary","Nil","11-12","Planescape","Abyss","OMII 19"
"Einheriar","varies","4 +",,"Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
38","Undead","spirits employed by powers of UP for guard, servent, etc, resemble
former appearence & maintain class & lvl, has max","hp/HD, retain abilites
(spells, weapon prof, etc), AC & alignment based on power served, 3%/lvl they have
magic item,","C","organized in large unit, common among myriad servents of good,
respect aasimon & archons but act independently","Army","Nil","13-
"Dog, Foo","0","7+7","13","Land","Any","3","1d4+1/1d4+1/1d12","2-
8",1,1,"45%","M","27","6000","Any","CG","nil","11-12","PS 40","Monster","sometimes
guard or serve good creatures, speak own & that of race served, attack:
claw/claw/bite, if attacking any","evil creature their thaco is 11, if opponent is
LE attack & dmg +1, evil opponents -1 to attack & dmg, can become","R","invisible
& ethereal at will, if they bark 7 rnds 20% gate 1d6 foo dogs, can travel ethereal
& astral at will, eats gem &
mtl","Solitary","Special","13","Planescape","Varies","OMII 65"
"Lion, Foo","-1","11+1","9","Any","Any","3","2d4/2d4/2d8","1-
40","Monster","sometimes guard or serve good creatures, speak own & that of race
served, attack: claw/claw/bite, if attacking any","evil creature their thaco is 5,
if opponent is LE attack & dmg +1, evil opponents -1 to attack & dmg, can
become","VR","invisible & ethereal at will, if they roars 4 rnds 20% gate 1d2 foo
dogs, can travel ethereal & astral at will, eat gem &
mtl","Solitary","Special","15","Planescape","Varies","OMII 65"
"Gehreleth, Farastu","-1","11","9","Any","Any","3 or 1","1d6+1/1d6+1/3d4 or
weapon+7","1",1,1,"50%","M","15, Fl 30 (C)","14,000","Any","CE","nil","8-10","PS
42","Monster","humanoid-like, STR 19, fight to death w/any non-gehreleth, attack:
claw/claw/bite or weapon, after 6 rnds or 1/2 hp","lost-frenzy (+2 att & doubles
att #), secrete tar-like subst (5% of sticking, if farastu sticks- opp gets an
attack, if opp","VR","sticks farastu att +4 if init won), +1 weap to hit, imm:
fear, illus, acid & pois, 1/2: cold & fire, infrav 120', spell-like
"Gehreleth, Kelubar","-2","13","7","Any","Any","3 or 1","2d4/2d4/3d4 or
weapon+9","1",1,1,"50%","M","12, Fl 24 (C)","17,000","Any","CE","nil","11-12","PS
42","Monster","slimy, fat, STR 20, skin excretes slime (all within 30' save vs
pois or incapacitated 1d10 rnds), attack: claw/claw/bite,","each attack add 1d6
dmg (acid) save vs poison 1/2, imm: fire, acid, cold & poison, +2 weapons to hit,
infravision 120',","VR","can (13th lvl): all of farastu, ray of enfeeble (1/day),
spider climb, gate (1/day) 1d2 kelubar (40%) or 1d2 farastu
"Gehreleth, Shator","-3","15","5","Any","Any","3 or 1","1d8+1/1d8+1/5d4 or
weapon+9","1",1,1,"50%","M","9, Fl 18 (C)","22,000","Any","CE","nil","17-18","PS
42","Monster","big head & mouth, STR 2, +2 to surp roll, prefer spells, attack:
claw/claw/bite or weapon (45% magical), +3 weapon","to hit, immune: non-magic
attacks (poison, fire, acid, etc), mind effect & illusions, infravis 120', can
(15th lvl): all of","VR","farastu, ray of enfeeble (3/day), beguile (1/day),
cloudkill (1/day), gate (1/day): 1d6 far. or 1-4 kel. & (30%) 1d2
"Gehreleth, General",,,,"Any","Any","1",,,0,0,"0","M",,,,,,,"PS
42","Monster","class system: farastu (lowest), kelubar (middle) & shator (upper),
fight without mercy, never attack own, a wizard or","priest who summons a lower
plane creature usually gets a gehreleth, avenge deeds forced to do, never forget
(plot",,"revenge), hate servitude, spawned from decaying bodies of beings who
travel to & die in the lower planes",,,,"Planescape","Carceri",
"Grue, Chaggrin","4","5+5","15","Any","Any","2","1d4+2/1d4+2","2-
5",1,1,"0","S","12, Br 3","1400","Any","NE","(C, Qx5)","5-10","PS
50","Monster","underling, ""soil beast"", 3 forms: large mole, hedgehog or
humanoid (natural), can merge into surfaces of soil & stone","(-5 suprise),
attacks claw/claw, digs claws into victim & clings (1d6+6/rnd dmg), in hedgehog
form 1d4 dmg/rnd in","UC","contact w/exposed skin, imm: earth spells (mere
presence 40' dispels magic even if perm, magic items
excluded)","Family","Special","8-10","Planescape","Elem, Earth",
"Grue, Harginn","3","4+4","15","Any","Any","1","1d4+4 or weapon","2-
50","Monster","underling, ""flame horror"", forms: humanoid, bonfire, column 8' or
bronze statue, attacks w/flame from fingertips (3' wd","6' lg), can blink as
spell, can use weapons, crossbow shoots fiery missiles (1d4 dmg + 1d6 fire dmg),
immune to fire,","UC","presence 20' dispels fire magic even if perm, magic items
not effected, follow loose social order (guilds), serve
efreet","Group","Omnivore","15-16","Planescape","Elem, Fire",
"Grue, Ildriss","2","4","17","Any","Any","1","3d4","1 (2-8)",1,1,"0","S","3, Fl 24
(A)","420","Day","NE","Qx2, X","5-12","PS 52","Monster","underling, ""wind
terror"", forms: invisible or fog-like cloud w/vaporous tentacles, opp -3 suprise,
fog shoots particles","(sandblast), +2 weapons to hit, immune to air spells
including lighting bolt, , presence 50' dispels such magic even","UC","perm
exclude magic items, servants of yan-c-bin, outcasts on Elem Air, eat clouds,
birds & small air elementals","Solitary","Omnivore","15-16","Planescape","Elem,
"Grue, Varrdig","5","6+6","13","Any","Any","2","1d4/1d4 or 4d4/4d4","1-3 (2-
5)",1,1,"0","M","6, Sw 18","2000","Night","NE","Fx1/2","2-10","PS
52","Monster","underling, ""fluid brute"", forms: pool of water, fountain or part
of larger water, attacks by squirting water 6' (1 in 6 blind","for 1d4 rnds) or in
water jet & ram opponent, if opp is reduced to 0 hp by stun then varrdig can drown
it in 1 rnd, imm:","UC","water spells, presence 30' dispels such magic even perm
exclude magic items, 3 can form a triad, scavengers","Pack","Omnivore","13-
14","Planescape","Elem, Water",
"Grue, Varrdig, Triad","5","special","5","Any","Any","2","1d6/1d6 or
4d6/4d6","1",1,1,"0","M","6, Sw 18","6000","Night","NE","Fx1/2","2-10","PS
53","Monster","3 varrdigs fuse into a 3-lobed entity, takes 1d3 rnds to complete,
hp equals sum of the indivdual, attacks by squirting","water 10' (1 in 6 blind for
1d4 rnds) or in water jet & ram opponent, has 3 to 6
tubes","R",,"Special","Omnivore","15-16","Planescape","Elem, Water",
54","Monster","uncounted hords of wastes, vary widely, no 2 exactly alike, no
standard communication, see tables to determine all","abilites, attributes &
appearence, have no purpose or organization, petty & vile, sometimes serve evil
leaders, evil","C","mages can summon to Prime by using Bringer of Doom (See PS
55), devour anything they destroy","Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","Planescape","Gray
Waste","OMII 75"
"Incarnate, Major,
General","0","10","11","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","5000","Any","G","nil","15-16","PS 58","Monster","see general, touch drains 2
CON/hit, if CON reaches 0 incarnate takes over (sys shock @ original to avoid) &
CON","returns to normal, can control all hosts actions (or not to), host immune to
magic jar (etc) & WIS 25, only driven out by","VR","abjure, (un)holy word or wish,
once removed +1 weap to hit, immune: heat, cold &
"Incarnate, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,"PS 58","Monster","pure energy
of abstract principles (courage, evil, etc), invisible (if viewed magically,
appear as colored ball of light),","gravitate toward plane suitable to their
alignment, divided into major & minor classes (good & evil), attracted to
energy",,"similar to own, try to posses victim to feed, major cannot take over a
creature with less than 10 HD without killing it",,,,"Planescape","Outer",
"Incarnate, Minor,
General","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","G","nil","15-16","PS 58","Monster","see general, touch drains 2
CON/hit, if CON reaches 0 incarnate takes over (sys shock @ original to avoid) &
CON","returns to normal, can control all hosts actions (or not to), host immune to
magic jar (etc) & WIS 25, only driven out by","VR","abjure, (un)holy word, dispel
good/evil or (limited) wish, once removed +1 weap to hit, immune: heat, cold &
"Incarnate, Major,
Good","0","10","11","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","5000","Any","LG","nil","15-16","PS 59","Monster","see general good,
sometimes found on Solania, Mertion or Jovar, prefer to take over LG hosts,
synergistic relationship,","host gains: detect good & protect from evil 20' radius
(both AA), turn undead @ 5th lvl (or 5 lvls higher), WIS & STR","VR","+1, CHR +3
(max 19), only has abilities if in control of host","Solitary","Special","15-
16","Planescape","Mt. Celestia",
"Incarnate, Major,
Evil","0","10","11","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","5000","Any","CE","nil","15-16","PS 59","Monster","see general evil, prefer
to take over positions of power, host gains: detect good & protection from good
10' rad (AA) &","control & turn paladins at 5th lvl (or 5 lvls higher), WIS -1,
STR +2 (max 19), CHR -3 (min 3), only has abilities if in","VR","control of
"Incarnate, Minor,
Good","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","G","nil","15-16","PS 59","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well
"Incarnate, Minor, Good,
Charity","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","LG","nil","15-16","PS 59","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well being, CHR +1, immune:
greed, envy, berserk & rage, leaves if host","VR","fails to spare life of
surrendering foe","Solitary","Special","15-16","Planescape","Mt. Celestia",
"Incarnate, Minor, Good,
Courage","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","NG","nil","15-16","PS 59","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well being, CON & CHR +1,
immune: magical fear & becomes fearless (not","VR","stupid or restless), leaves if
host turns evil","Solitary","Special","15-16","Planescape","Upper",
"Incarnate, Minor, Good,
Hope","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","CG","nil","15-16","PS 59","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well being, CHR +1, +1 to all
saves, immune: despair & hopelessness","VR",,"Solitary","Special","15-
"Incarnate, Minor, Good,
Faith","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","LG","nil","15-16","PS 59","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well being, STR & WIS +2, CHR
+1, immune: magical alignment change,","VR","prefers paladines or LG
"Incarnate, Minor, Good,
Justice","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","LG","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well being, WIS, INT & CHR +1,
leaves host if unjust action (cheating,","VR","stealing or lack of fair
play)","Solitary","Special","15-16","Planescape","Mt. Celestia",
"Incarnate, Minor, Good,
Temperance","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","NG","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well being, +2 saves vs.
charms, confusion, emotion, fear, spook symbol,","VR","& taunt spells, do not take
over evil hosts","Solitary","Special","15-16","Planescape","Beastlands",
"Incarnate, Minor, Good,
Wisdom","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","NG","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, never
force","host to behave a certain way or theaten its well being, WIS +1, only take
over evil hosts except as last resort","VR",,"Solitary","Special","15-
16","Planescape","Mt. Celestia",
"Incarnate, Minor, Evil,
Anger","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","NE","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, prefer
hosts","of good alignment, like forcing host to do evil things, DEX -2, STR +1,
INT & CHR -2, tame or timid creature suddenly","VR","rages & tries to kill
anything near it","Solitary","Special","15-16","Planescape","Lower",
"Incarnate, Minor, Evil,
Covetousness","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","NE","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, prefer
hosts","of good alignment, like forcing host to do evil things, DEX -2, WIS & CHR
-2, host developes ""gold fever"" or turns","VR","into a
"Incarnate, Minor, Evil,
Envy","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","CE","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, prefer
hosts","of good alignment, like forcing host to do evil things, DEX -2, WIS & CHR
-2, begins campaign of rumor & back-","VR","stabbing of
"Incarnate, Minor, Evil,
Gluttony","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","NE","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, prefer
hosts","of good alignment, like forcing host to do evil things, DEX -2, WIS & CHR
-2, gains 1d4+4 lbs/week, DEX, STR &","VR","CON -2 per 100 lbs gained, will beg &
borrow to get food","Solitary","Special","15-16","Planescape","Lower",
"Incarnate, Minor, Evil,
Lust","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","CE","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, prefer
hosts","of good alignment, like forcing host to do evil things, DEX -2, CHR +1,
INT & WIS -2, host vain & haughty, treats","VR","everyone as lowly servent, angry
with anyone who fails to act servile","Solitary","Special","15-
"Incarnate, Minor, Evil,
Sloth","0","4","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","T","Fl 18
(A)","650","Any","NE","nil","15-16","PS 60","Monster","see general good, abilities
scores never above 18 or below 3, may take over N host but abandon quickly, prefer
hosts","of good alignment, like forcing host to do evil things, DEX -4, STR & WIS
-2, takes over any host available, host","VR","becomes lazy & sleeps on guard
dutie (etc), stops memorizing spells & meditation","Solitary","Special","15-
100",1,0,"0","M","3","35","Any","E","nil","2-4","PS 62","Monster","5' sticky worms
w/distorted head, communicat w/own thru movements (none otherwise), no will of own
(lay around),","when commanded by a greater power they will attack in mass, bite
causes 1d4 dmg + 1 dmg/rnd bleeding until","C","bound, save vs poison or rotting
disease (in 3 wks, -4 hp/day & die after 1 month unless cure
disease)","Group","Nil","2-4","Planescape","Gray Waste","OMI 59"
10,000","Any","LN","nil","13-14","PS 64","Monster","humanoid w/elephant head, +1
weapon to hit, never surprised, infravision 240', hear & smell double humans,
regen 2","per rnd, fight to death, attack: claw/claw/trunk, if both claws opp held
(1d3 dmg/rnd + auto hit) STR -5 to break free,","R","att +2 in 1st rnd, SA-cloud:
10' wd x 30' lg save vs poison or loose memory until neutral poison, spell-like
66","Monster","servants, giant-like, understand all lang, responed if directly
questioned, attack w/fist, can: animate object, blink,","cause disease (against 1
creature w/60'), continual light, control minds (3/day), deafness, earthquake
(1/day), hold","R","person, lightn bolt (8d6 dmg) & shades, imm: acid, soul trap &
death, +3 weap to hit, regen 5/rnd, 1/2 dmg: cold & fire","Solitary","Nil","13-
"Mediator, Mechanus","5","3","17","Any","Any","1","2d12","1",1,1,"90%","M","Fl 9
(A)","special","Any","LN","nil","17-18","PS 68","Monster","balancing force,
cluster of shapes, crystal-like, communicate thru empathy (not undead), rarely
enter combat except","to balance battle, attack w/beam of light (ignites combust),
hit anything seen, can create or do anything to maintain","VR","balance (unlimited
wish spells), cannot be killed (no XP), amorally strive toward a perfect balance
(good vs. evil, etc)","Solitary","Nil","8-10","Planescape","Mechanus",
"Mediator, Translator","8","5","1","Any","Any","1","stun","1",1,1,"0","S","Fl 64
(A)","1400","Any","N","nil","13-14","PS 68","Monster","messenger, silver 3'
sphere, speak or learn (30 seconds) any lang, fight only if directly prevented
from delivering","message or unable to outrun, attack w/silver beam (miss only on
1) if struck stunned 1d12 -3 rnds no save, cannot","C","move or think for duration
(also wipes spells from mind), deity sends aasimon to help or rarely itself
"Mephit, Air","4","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24
(A)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS 71","Monster","fickle & untrustworthy, empty-
headed, messengers, attack in sudden ambush & quick escapes, attack:
claw/claw,","BW-sand blow: 20' auto hit 1d6 dmg (1 every other rnd), blur @ 3rd
lvl (1/hour), gust of wind (1/day), gate another","C","air mephit (1/hour, last
resort), immune: air & gas, regen 1/turn, die & vanish into a
vacuum","Solitary","Special","8-10","Planescape","Elem, Air",
"Mephit, Earth","5","3+2","17","Any","Any","2","1d4/1d4","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12,
Fl 24 (C)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS 72","Monster","humorless, stubborn, like
taste of gems, wings do not affect flight (magical), attack: fist/fist, 1/day can
grow 10' w/fists","d6/2d6, 3/day can spit a rock 15' (1 target) hit auto 1d6 dmg
(if used more than 3, 2 hp lost each from current), 1/hr","C","gate 1d2 mephits
(earth or magma), regen 1/rnd buried in earth (to waist), passwall & rock to mud
instantly kill them","Solitary","Special","8-10","Planescape","Elem, Earth",
"Mephit, Ooze","6","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl
24 (B)","420","Any","N","Nx2","8-10","PS 72","Monster","flatter strangers then ask
for money, smell terrible 30' rad, contact stains clothing perm, attack:
claw/claw, BW-(every","other rnd no limit) invisible cloud (stinking cloud, 10'
rad, range 0, 3rd lvl, mephit is immune), 1/hour gate 1 ooze meph","C","immune:
cutting & impaling dmg (unless magic), fire & water, mud to rock kill it instant,
regen 1/rnd in stagnant water","Solitary","Special","5-7","Planescape","Paraelem,
Ooze","OMII 99"
"Mephit, Radiant","4","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12,
Fl 24 (B)","420","Any","N","nil","8-10","PS 73","Monster","glazed looks, dazed,
attack: claw/claw, can (1/turn) color spray @ 6th lvl, unless directly attacked
they become","distracted & forget opponents, gate (1/hr) 1 radiant, immune: all
spells that affect vision (& illusions); no save vs mind","C","affecting spells,
infravision 120', regen 1/turn in strong light, lack attention span to carry out
missions","Solitary","Special","5-7","Planescape","Quasielem, Radiance",
"Mephit, Water","5","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl
24 (B)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS 74","Monster","irritating, tactless, tag
along w/adventuring parties (unasked), attack: claw/claw, BW-(every other rnd)
acid stream:","auto hit 1 target 2d4 dmg/2 rnds one save 1/2 dmg both rnds,
immune: cutting & impaling dmg (unless magic) & fire,","C","double dmg from cold,
can breath water & drink any liquid, regen 1/rnd in water, gate (1/hr) 1 water or
ice mephit","Solitary","Water","8-10","Planescape","Elem, Water",
"Mephit, Dust","6","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d2/1d2","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl
24 (B)","420","Any","N","nil","8-10","PS 75","Monster","find death fascinating,
wear black cloths, attack: claw/claw, BW (3/day) dust cloud 15' rad (range 0) save
or -4 AC &","attack -2 for 3 rnds unless 1 rnd scratching self, all mephits &
creatures w/thick skin immune, gate (1/hour) 1d2 dust","C","mephits, regen 1/turn
in dusty & dry areas, 1/2 dmg: cutting & impaling weapons, immune: heat &
fire","Solitary","Nil","8-10","Planescape","Quasielem, Dust",
"Mephit, Salt","5","3","17","Any","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1-10",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl
24 (B)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS 75","Monster","odorless unless wet (causes
them pain), sarcastic, attack: claw/claw, if claw penetrates armor (save vs
petrif) stun","1d2 rnds (salt in wound), BW-salt shower 15' (1 victim) save vs
petrif or 1d4 dmg + stun 1d2 rnds, can taunt (10 yrd)","C","1/day & contaminate
water, gate (1/hr) 1 salt meph, imm: fire & heat, water 1 dmg/rnd, regen 1/turn as
long as dry","Solitary","Nil","8-10","Planescape","Quasielem, Salt",
"Mephit, Lightning","4","3","17","Any","Any","1","special","1-20",1,1,"0","M","12,
Fl 36 (C)","420","Any","N","nil","8-10","PS 76","Monster","no wings, hyperactive,
talk fast, dislike combat, cast lightning bolt 3/day (3d6 dmg 80') & cast
additional bolts -2 from","current hp/casting, non-magic metal weapons no dmg
(save vs paraly or 1d3 shock), immune: fire, heat & electric,","C","if doused w/1
gal of water destroys (3 dmg all 5' rad), regen all dmg if contact w/electric like
anothers lightning bolt","Solitary","Nil","8-10","Planescape","Quasielem,
Lightning","OMII 98"
"Mephit, Mineral","4","3+2","17","Any","Any","2","1d4/1d4","1-20",1,1,"0","M","12,
Fl 24 (C)","420","Any","N","N","8-10","PS 76","Monster","thick w/metallic wings,
no odor, greedy, suspicious, guard treasure, attack: claw/claw, BW (3/day @ 3rd
lvl) 10' rad","range 0: glitterdust, move thru stone < 1' thick (as insubstant),
gate (1/hr) 1d2 mephits (earth or mineral), do not breath","C","imm: gas, vacuum &
nonmagic impaling weap, passwall or rock to mud destroy, regen 1/turn in stone,
gems restore hp","Solitary","Nil","8-10","Planescape","Quasielem, Mineral",
"Mephit, Ash","5","3","17","Any","Any","1","special","1",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 24
(B)","420","Any","N","nil","8-10","PS 77","Monster","depressed, sentries &
messengers, cannot claw or bite, BW (-1 from current hp/use) ash cloud 10' radius
1d6 dmg","save 1/2, 1/day leomund's lamentable belaborment (evil creatures
immune), immune: non-magic impaling & cutting","C","weapons, fire, heat, cold &
poison, DD from liquid attacks, do not breath, gate (1/hr) one ash
mephit","Solitary","Special","8-10","Planescape","Quasielem, Ash",
","nil","15-16","PS 80","Humanoid","witch-like, speak multiple lang, attack any
good creature w/o cause, attack: bite (save vs poison or disease), can","(each
1/turn): know align, mag miss (4 miss, 5/day), poly self, ray of enfeeble (3/day)
& sleep (special, see PS), imm:","VR","charm, sleep, fear, fire & cold; silver,
cold iron or +3 weapon to hit, can assume ethereal form at will, CON
drain","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","Planescape","Gray Waste","OMI 73, DRC 182"
"Per","-1","10","11","Any","Any","1","2d10 (+3 or
84","Monster","guard gates of upper planes, speak common & lang. known in life,
truesight & never surprised, protect by perm shield","spell, regen 3/rnd, fight to
death, carry 2-handed sword (magical, INT & other powers, see PS), +1 weapon to
hit, can:","R","(10th) blade barrier, charm person or mammal (7/day), cure serious
(3/day), ESP, light, mirror image & read
"Shadow Fiend","9, 5 or
,"nil","11-12","PS 86","Undead","no known language, not related to shadows, 10% of
detecting in dim light or shadows, attack: claw/claw/bite, can","leap 30' & strike
w/4 claws, power determined by light in area, bright: AC 9, takes DD from all
attacks, will flee; dim:","VR","AC 5, attack +1; dark: AC 1, attack +2, 1/2 dmg
from attacks; imm: fire, cold & elect, cast: dark 15', fear & magic
"Tanar'ri, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,"CE",,,"PS 92","Monster","fiends,
tempt morals w/pride, ambition, subversion & crimes of passion, roam Astral &
Ethereal planes, 5 divisions,","all share abilities, can: dark 15' rad,
infravision & teleport w/o error, gate other tanar'ri (varies by type), immune:
fire,",,"electric & poison, 1/2: cold, fire (magic), gas & silver (greater), full:
acid, iron, mag miss & silver, communicate telepathy",,,,"Planescape","Abyss",
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Alu-fiend","5 (base)","2","19","Any","Any","1","by weapon","1-
2",1,1,"30%","M","12, Fl 15 (D)","4000","Any","CE","nil","8-18","PS
94","Monster","see general, attractive female, speak several lang, 6th sense (75%
warning), 75% have magic weapon (15% special),","restore own hp (norm att, 1d8
dmg, gain 1/2), 75% have magic armor (5% special), can: dim door (1/day), charm
pers,","VR","ESP, shape chng (humanoid) & suggestion, infravision 240', magic or
iron weapons to hit, 1/2 human & succubus","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Alu-fiend (Genius)","5 (base)","2","19","Any","Any","1","by
weapon","1-2",1,1,"30%","M","12, Fl 15 (D)","5000-6000","Any","CE","nil","8-
18","PS 94","Monster","10% have genius INT, share all abilities & traits of normal
alu-fiend, they are mages of 1st to 12th level, cast spells","from any school,
cannot be specialists, level 1 to 4 have 5000 XP & level 5 to 12 have
"Tanar'ri, Greater, Babau","-3","8+14","13","Any","Any","1 or 3","weapon +7 or
1d4+1/1d4+1/2d4","1 or 1-2",1,1,"50%","M","15","17,000","Any","CE","D","17-18","PS
95","Monster","see gen, SA- gaze (20'): save vs spell or ray of enfeeble (1
opp/rnd), immune to nonmagic weap, magic weap (20%),","STR 19, attack:
claw/claw/horn, body coated w/ oil: 1/2 dmg S & P weapons & 20% of corroding metal
(norm metal","UC","save vs acid or useless) & if contact w/skin 1d6 dmg, thieving
skills & spell-like powers (see PS), can gate (see
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Bar-lgura","0","6+6","15","Any","Any","3","1d6/1d6/2d6","2-
12",1,1,"30%","M","9, Cl 15","8000","Any","CE","nil","5-10","PS 97","Monster","see
general, scouts, brutish, ambush, camouflage (1 rnd to change, HS 95%), attack:
claw/claw/bite, can (6th lvl):","change self (2/day), detect invisible, dispel
magic, entangle, fear (touch), invisible (2/day), plant growth,
spectral","UC","force (2/day) & telekinesis, gate (1/day) 1d6 bar-lgura (35%
chance), dislike other tanar'ri, obey more powerful
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Cambion, Major","6","4","17","Any","Any","2","by
weapon","1",1,1,"30%","M","15","4000","Any","CE","R, C","9-16","PS
98","Monster","see general, union of tanar'ri (lesser or greater) w/human female,
ability scores (see PS), never surprised, magic weap","75% (15% special), can
(1d4): detect magic, fear (touch), lavitate (7/day), poly self (3/day), if 16 INT
then wizard as","VR","lvl=HD, CW 95%, HS 80%, MS 80% all in bulky armor, can be
assassins, treated as freaks & outcasts, hateful","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Cambion, Baron","2","6","15","Any","Any","2","by
weapon","1",1,1,"30%","M","15","6000","Any","CE","Z, A","13-18","PS
98","Monster","see general, union of tanar'ri (true) w/human female, ability
scores (see PS), never surprised, magic weapon 75%","(15% special), can (1d4):
detect magic, fear (touch), lavitate (7/day), poly self (3/day), if 16 INT then
wizard as","VR","lvl=HD, CW 95%, HS 80%, MS 80% all in bulky armor, can be
assassins, treated as freaks & outcasts, hateful","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
"Tanar'ri, Greater,
Chasme","-5","8+2","13","Any","Any","3","2d4/2d4/1d4","1",1,1,"50%","M","6, Fl 24
(D)","14,000","Any","CE","nil","8-12","PS 99","Monster","wretched, human/fly
cross, viewing them save vs spell or flee 1d4 hours, live to fight, attack:
claw/claw/nose, claws","cause 2/rnd bleeding until magically healed, buzzing voice
(1 save vs spell or coma until splashed w/water or shake),","C","can (8th): det
good (AA), det invisible (AA), insect plague, ray of enfeeble & telekinesis, gate
(3/day) various (40%)","Group","Carnivore","15-16","Planescape","Abyss",
"Tanar'ri, Least, Dretch","4","2","19","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/1d4+1","4-
40",1,1,"10%","S","9","1400","Any","CE","nil","5-7","PS 100","Monster","petty &
wicked, large numbers allow them to survive, attack: claw/claw/bite, can: scare,
stinking cloud (1/day) &","telekinesis, gate (1/day) 1d4 dretch (50% chance) then
companions gate and so on until horde, lowest actual form of","C","tanar'ri,
greater fiends eat them","Group","Carnivore","11-12","Planescape","Abyss",
"Tanar'ri, True,
,"15","12,000","Any","CE","H","15-16","PS 101","Monster","respond to summoning,
avoid combat w/mortals prefer to trick & bargin, attack:
pincer/pincer/claw/claw/bite, claw","can grab (DEX check to avoid, if caught att
-4 & STR check to break), +2 weapon to hit, immune to nonmagic: fire,","R","gas &
acid, plane shift at will, gate (1/day) 1 greater tanar'ri 50%, can: burn hand,
chrm pers, confus, det mag, others","Solitary","Carnivore","17-
"Tanar'ri, True, Hezrou","-6","9","11","Any","Any","3","1d6/1d6/4d4","1-
6",1,1,"70%","L","12","14,000","Any","CE","C","8-14","PS 102","Monster","oversee
formation of armies, never surprised, +2 weapons to hit, 1/2 dmg from nonmagic
fire, poison & acid, double","human senses, infravision 120', attack:
claw/claw/bite, if both claws, held- 2d4 dmg/rnd & auto bite (STR check
vs.","C","1/2 STR or 20 hp dmg), skin emits odor save vs paraly or helpless if
save att & init -2, spell-like powers & gate tanar'ri","Group","Carnivore","17-
"Tanar'ri, Least, Manes","8","1","20","Any","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1d4 or weapon","50-
500",1,1,"10%","S","6","975","Any","CE","nil","2-4","PS 103","Monster","pathetic,
mindless & senseless, immune to mind affecting spells, attack all non-tanar'ri,
attack: claw/claw/bite, may","attack w/mace (1d8) in legions, never check morale,
if killed they dissipate into a noxious stinking vapor all within 10'","C","save
vs poison or 1d6 dmg, it reforms after 24 hrs, attack in great numbers, viewed a
non-tanar'ri by most in Abyss","Horde","Carnivore","special","Planescape","Abyss",
"Tanar'ri, Guardian,
1,000","Any","CE","nil","15-16","PS 105","Monster","2-headed (snake/dog), police-
like, ESP (read thoughts & comm w/others), never surprised, attack: bite
(dog)/bite(sn)/","battle axe (+5, vorpal, dancing), snake bite poison save or turn
into a mane in 1d6 turns (neut pois & remv curse, only","R","wish restores), only
hit by iron weapon or spells, axe disappears if killed, gate other tanar'ri, many
spell-like abilities","Solitary","Carnivore","19-20","Planescape","Abyss",
"Tanar'ri, Greater, Nabassu, Fledgling","4 to -5","7+2 to
7+20","13","Any","Any","3","2d4/2d4/3d4 or weapon","1",1,1,"50%","M","12, Fl 15
(C)","8-11,000","Any","CE","Qx10","13-14","PS 106","Monster","spawned in Abyss &
grow on Prime (or others), fiend, 2 phases, STR 19 (+7 to dmg), attack:
claw/claw/bite, each","victim killed adds 1 hp & .5 AC, no spell-like abilities of
other tanar'ri, can: darkness 15' rad & death gaze (1/day) save","VR","vs spell or
transf into ghast or ghoul over 10 days (remove curse), +1 or iron weap, MS 40%,
HS 50%, DN 55%, BS x2","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","Planescape","Abyss",
"Tanar'ri, Greater, Nabassu, Mature","-5","7+20","13","Any","Any","3","2d4/2d4/3d4
or weapon+7","1",1,1,"50%","M","12, Fl 15 (C)","16,000","Any","CE","Qx10","13-
14","PS 106","Monster","spawned in Abyss & grow on Prime (or others), fiend,
attack: claw/claw/bite, lose fledgling abilities, gain spell abilities","of other
tanar'ri, can: energy drain (touch), rengerate (1/hr), silence 15' rad & vampiric
touch, STR & defnc of fledgling","VR","summ 1d4+1 ghasts (1/day), ethereal
(2/day), all w/10' save vs paraly or paraly 1d10 rnds (1 save), gate other
"Tanar'ri, True,
Nalfeshnee","-8","11","9","Any","Any","3","1d4/1d4/2d4","1",1,1,"70%","H","12, Fl
15 (D)","17,000","Any","CE","Hx2","21+","PS 107","Monster","transform mortals,
never surprised, iron or +2 weap to hit, attack: claw/claw/bite, SA-color spray
(3/day), consentrate","1 rnd & all w/60' 15 dmg save vs spell 1/2 & 2nd save or
striken dumb 1d10 rnds seeing greatest fear, can: alter self,","VR","bind, call
lightn, chill tch, det invis (AA), dist distort, ESP (AA), feeblmnd, forget, giant
image, others, gate other tanar'ri","Solitary","Carnivore","17-
"Tanar'ri, Least, Rutterkin","0","4","17","Any","Any","1 or 2","weapon or
108","Monster","pathetic, malformed, outcast, use strange weapons: crescent
polearm (1d10/1d8), flatchet (2d4/1d6, +1 dmg vs un-","armored), snap-tong
(2d4/1d4, does dmg until vict hits it vs AC 5) & 3-armed blade (rof: 3, range:
2/4/6, dmg: 1d6);","VR","attack: claw/claw, can: fear (touch), fly & telekiness
(3/day), gate (1/day) 1d8 least tanar'ri (50%), attack non-
"Tanar'ri, Lesser,
Succubus","0","6","15","Any","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1",1,1,"30%","M","12, Fl 18
(C)","11,000","Any","CE","I, Q","15-16","PS 109","Monster","beautiful, seductive,
tempt men of power, poly into a femail of any race, speak any lang, never
surprised, flee when","possible, attack: fist/fist, +2 weapon to hit, immune to
fire, kiss drains 1 level (WIS check -4 to detect), can: ethereal,","VR","charm
person, clairaud, ESP, plane shift & suggestion, gate (1/day) 1 balor (40%),
seduce mortals and drain their life","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
"Tanar'ri, True, Vrock","-5","8","13","Any","Any","5","1d4/1d4/1d8/1d8/1d6 or
weapon","2-8",1,1,"70%","L","12, Fl 18 (C)","19,000","Any","CE","nil","12-14","PS
110","Monster","elite fighter, infravision 120', never surprsd, attack first, STR
19 (att +3, dmg +7), +2 weap to hit, att: foot (2)/hand (2)/","beak, att 5 diff
opp, SA-spores (1/3 rnds): spray 5', 1d8 dmg, 1d2 dmg/rnd (growth) 10 rnd, screech
(1/battle) stun all","UC","30' (CON check), can (10th): det invis, det mag, dis
mag, mass chrm, mirr imag & telekin, gate tanar'ri, dance of
"Tanar'ri, Greater,
Sw 15","19,000","Any","CE","25-50,000 gp","13-14","PS 111","Monster","water lord,
intimidate undersea creatures, send minions to combat: 2d6 sharks, 2d6 sahaugin,
1d4 ixitachitl or 1d3","water elememtal, BW-boiling water: 10' dia x 30' lg 3d10
dmg save 1/2, attack: claw/claw/bite, electric full dmg (50%","VR","reflect to
caster), DD fire if out of water (imm otherwise), imm: water & cold attacks, 50%
of controling summ wtr elem","Solitary","Nil","17-18","Planescape","Lower",
"Tiefling","4 (10)","4+3","15","Any","Any","1","1d3 or weapon","1 (5-
8)",1,1,"0","M","12","650","Any","N or E","C, Q, R","11-12","PS
112","Humanoid","offspring of various planes, half-breed, stubborn, infravision
60', can: create darkness 15' (1/day), can be mage, priest,","ranger, fighter,
thief or bard, +1 to INT & CHR, -1 to STR & WIS, 1/2 dmg cold, save +2 vs fire,
elect & poison, use","UC","light weapons (often poisoned), wear scale armor, can
be multi-classed, no true society of own, outcasts, not
12 (B)","650","Night","NE","nil","5-7","PS 114","Monster","horrid & hideous, do
not speak, all who see & hear shriek save vs spell or paralyzed until attacked,
infravision 120',","hate light (contin light & daylight blind it), bite has poison
save or bite dmg perm (heal, regen, wish), kiss paralyzed","VR","victim
(transformes into vargouille, 3-18 hrs, contin light stops, cure disease or higher
heals), underground unless night","Pack","Carnivore","8-
10","Planescape","Lower","OMII 123"
"Hound, Yeth","0","3+3","17","Land","Any","1","2d4","4-16",1,1,"10%","M","15, Fl
27 (B)","975","Night","NE","nil","5-7","PS 116","Monster","hunt (demi)humans &
faerie folk, run w/evil creatures, all within 90' of baying pack save vs spell or
flee, silver weapon","1 dmg/hit, magic weapon dmg=""+"", attack: bite, hunt in
packs or as ordered by huntsman, unaffected by light spells,","VR","hate sunlight
(fade into ethereal plane, if killed there perm dead), created by evil creatures
in Lower planes as servents","Pack","Carnivore","19-20","Planescape","Lower","OMII
"Yugoloth, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,"PS 118","Monster","fiend,
mercenaries, loyal only to highest bidder, catagories: greater, lesser, least &
guardian, poor group fighters, imm:","acid, fire, iron (unless hit by norm weap) &
poison, 1/2 dmg gas, DD cold, full: electric, mag miss & silver, all can:
alt",,"self, anim dead, cause dis, chrm pers, imp phant forc, prod flm & telp w/o
error, gate others (25% turn on summoner)",,,,"Planescape","Lower",
"Yugoloth, Greater, Arcanaloth","-8","12+24","9","Any","Any","3 or 1","1d4/1d4/2d6
or spells","1-3",1,1,"60%","M","12, Fl 18 (B)","20,000","Any","NE","H","19-20","PS
121","Monster","record keeper & execute contracts, speak & write all lang, never
surprised on Lower pln, 12th lvl mage, can: adv ill (1/","dy), cont dark, cntrl
temp (10' rad), fear (1/dy), fly (unlimit), heat mtl, invis, mag miss, shap chng
(humanoid), telekin &","VR","warp wd, att: claw/claw/bite, claw pois save or -1
att (cumm, perm or cured), +3 weap, imm mind spells, gate
"Yugoloth, Lesser,
121","Monster","mercenaries, commun w/telepathy, also found on Carceri & Gehenna,
never suprised in Gray Wst, attack: claw/swrd/","spear/battle axe, STR 20 (att +3,
dmg +8), type of attack varies see PS, if 1st 2 claws vict grabbed (hit +2 att on
rest),","UC","can parry w/weapons (AC -2/weap), +1 weap to hit, can: dark 15' rad,
fear & sleep (2/day), chatter (feeblemind) 1/dy","Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","Planescape","Gray Waste",
"Yugoloth, Lesser, Hydroloth","-2","7+14","13","Any","Any","3 or 5","1d8/1d8/1d10
or /1d4/1d4","1-6 or 10-30",1,1,"40%","L","6, Sw 24, Gl 12
(E)","14,000","Any","NE","I, Y","8-10","PS 122","Monster","elite fighters, ambush,
swim in Styx river w/o loosing memory, commune telepathy, attack: claw/claw/bite
or if gliding","foot claws, SA-spit liquid: 1d10 dmg save vs pois or sleep 1d8
rnds, can: teleport w/o error, dim door, conj elem (12","C","HD, wtr), create wtr,
dark 15' rad & wtr walk, gate (2/day) 1 hydroloth (50%), +1 weap to hit, 1/2 dmg
water save none","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","Planescape","Lower",
"Yugoloth, Lesser, Mezzoloth","-1","10+20","11","Any","Any","2 or 1","1d6+6/1d6+6
or weapon +6","2-5",1,1,"50%","M","15","21,000","Any","NE","nil","5-7","PS
123","Monster","most common, lowly, commun w/lim telep, att: claw/claw, STR 18/00
(att +3, dmg +6), use any magic item (10% cumm","/3 magic item), can (10th): burn
hnds, cause ser wnds, cloudkill (1/day), dark 15' rad, det invis (AA), det mag,
disp","C","mag (2/day), flm strk (1/day), hld pers, mirr img, sleep & trip, +2
weap to hit, imm: paraly & pois, gate, norm dmg cold","Group","Carnivore","13-
"Yugoloth, Greater, Nycaloth","-6","11+22","9","Any","Any","2 or 1","1d8+8/1d8+8
or 2d8+8","1 or (2)",1,1,"70%","L","12, Fl 36 (C)","25,000","Any","NE","Qx10,
X","15-18","PS 124","Monster","observer & reporter, commun w/telepathy, STR 20
(att +3, dmg +8), attack: claw/claw or axe, axe 90% magic (20%","special), claw
wounds bleed 1d6/rnd until magic healed, imm to enchant/chrm spells, +2 weap to
hit, can: command","VR","(3), comp lang (aa), dim door (3), dsp mag, enlarge, fear
(touch), invis, mirr img (3), poly slf, proj img & othes,
"Yugoloth, Lesser, Piscoloth","-5","9+18","11","Any","Any","2 or 1","2d8/2d8 or
1d10","2-8",1,1,"40%","M","6, Sw 18","19,000","Any","NE","E","11-12","PS
125","Monster","sergeant & overseer, commun w/telepathy, never surprised, attack:
pincer/pincer, on nat 20 save vs paraly or loose","limb (arm 60% or leg 40%) metal
armor save +2 (if mag +1/""+""), mouth tent save vs paraly -2 or die in 6 trns (if
save","UC","slow 1d6 rnds), +1 weap to hit, water att -1/die, can (10th): bind,
blink, emotion, jump, knw align & others, gate others","Group","Carnivore","13-
"Yugoloth, Greater, Ultroloth","-8","13+26","7","Any","Any","2","1d12/1d12 or
weapon +9","1",1,1,"60%","M","15, Fl 15 (C), Sw 15","26,000","Any","NE","G,
R","19-20","PS 126","Monster","strange rulers, commun w/telepathy, rarely enter
combat, never surprised, attack: hand/hand or weapon, STR 21 (att","+4, dmg +9),
use sword or polearm (+2 or better magic, 25% special), SA-gaze: save vs spell or
held (if save it can","VR","alter self into loved one), +3 weap to hit,
infravision 240', can (15th): airwalk, anim obj, bind, call lightn & others,
"Yugoloth, Lesser,
"20,000","Any","NE","R, H","13-16","PS 127","Monster","nobles, unequal arms (1
huge & 1 human), STR 22 (att +4, dmg +10), human arm no STR adjust, weapon mace
or","sword (30% common magic), BW-gas cloud: (3/day) 6d6 acid dmg save 1/2 & stun
1d6 rnds save vs paraly 1d3 rnds,","UC","can drain life force if victim
unconscious, shock grasp (3/day) 1d8+10, +1 weap to hit, 1/2 dmg earth
"Avatar, Great
Spirit","-3","18","3","Any","Any","3","1d8/1d8/1d12+7","1",1,1,"55%","L","20, Sw
20, Fl 20","special","Any","LG","nil","15","LL 18","Special","see LL 6, ranger
14/druid 18, common form is white bear, can assume shape of any animal & has all
abilities, STR 19,","DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 16, stats for bear, hug victim
2d4+7 additional dmg on to-hit 18+, can cast spells as","VR","a 18th lvl druid
from: all, animal, elemental, plant & weather
spheres","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Shakuru
(Sun)","0","14","7","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d8+8","1",1,1,"35%","M","15, Fl
15","special","Any","CN","nil","18","LL 19","Special","see LL 6, fighter
14/illusionist 14, STR 20, DEX 20, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 18, form: yellow skinned &
haired warrior,","cast spells from illusion/enchant school, anyone viewing
w/hostile intent save vs spell or perm blind, can throw a","VR","fireball (1/rnd
no, limit) 500 yrds & 2d10 dmg for each 100 yrds
traveled","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Pah (Moon)","1","12","7","Any","Any","1","1d4+1","1",1,1,"30%","M","14,
Fl 14","special","Any","LG","nil","18","LL 20","Special","see LL 6, bard 10/priest
12, STR 16, DEX 18, CON 16, WIS 18, CHR 20, form: beautiful women & in danger has
25","3rd lvl warriors, any male viewing must save vs spell or fall under her
control, cast spells as 12th lvl cleric from: charm,","VR","healing & protection
spells 6th lvl & lower","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Nokomis
(Earth)","0","18","3","Any","Any","1","1d6+7","1",1,1,"35%","M","15, Br
15","special","Any","NG","nil","18","LL 21","Special","see LL 6, druid 18, STR
18/00, DEX 16, CON 18, WIS 19, CHR 14, form: old woman, cast spells as 18th lvl
druid","from plant & animal spheres, immune to weapons made of unworked natural
materials (wood club, stone arrowhead,","VR","etc), can be harmed by forged
metal","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Morning Star","0","13","9","Any","Any","2","1d3+8","1",1,1,"35%","M","15,
Fl 15","special","Any","LG","nil","18","LL 22","Special","see LL 6, fighter
13/priest 12, STR 20, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: young man, cast spells
as 12th lvl","priest from creation & healing spheres of 6th lvl & lower, also cast
raise dead, immune to all light, heat and fire attacks,","VR","animate and control
any single object (tree, boulder,
etc)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Hotoru
(Wind)","-1","10","11","Any","Any","3/2","1d10+8","1",1,1,"35%","L","15, Fl
20","special","Any","CN","nil","16","LL 22","Special","see LL 6, fighter 10/wizard
10, STR 20, DEX 19, CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 18, form: huge chief of unknown
tribe,","carries club & war lance (1d10 dmg each, 18/00 STR to weild), lance fires
a lightning bolt 900 yrds never misses 2d10","VR","dmg, +1 weapons to hit, cast
spells as 10th lvl wizard from invocation/evocation schools up to 5th
lvl","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Hastsezini
(Fire)","-1","12","9","Any","Any","3/2","1d10+8","1",1,1,"35%","L","15, Fl
15","special","Any","LE","nil","19","LL 23","Special","see LL 6, ranger 12/druid
12, STR 20, DEX 18, CON 17, WIS 19, CHR 12, form: dark skinned human (sometimes
w/","hawk head), also human shaped flame, cannot be hit from behind, casy any fire
spell, cast spells as 12th lvl druid (6th","VR","lvl or less), carries +3 shield,
bow w/flame arrows, club & lance of fire (all 1d10 dmg), any mortal touching 1d10
dmg","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Heng
(Thunder)","1","14","7","Any","Any","3","1d12/1d12/2d10","1",1,1,"40%","L","15, Fl
24","special","Any","CG","nil","18","LL 23","Special","see LL 6, fighter 14/priest
10, STR 21, DEX 17, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 15, form: giant black eagle or giant
carrying","a lance (1d12), every other rnd shoot lightning from eyes never misses
30 dmg, attack: claw/claw/beak or lance/","VR","lance, cast spells as 10th priest
from: guardian, protection or weather of 5th lvl or
lower","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
Raven","2","10","11","Any","Any","3","2d6/2d6/3d8+6","1",1,1,"15%","M","8, Fl
20","special","Any","CG","nil","18","LL 24","Special","see LL 6, fighter
10/illusionist 8, STR 18/00, DEX 16, CON 18, WIS 14, CHR 6, form: giant raven &
can poly self &","poly other (save -2) at will, cast spells as 8th illusionist
from illusion/phantasm school of 4th lvl or
less","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
ny","CN","nil","15","LL 25","Special","see LL 6, thief 14/illusionist 6, STR 19,
DEX 20, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 7, form: coyote, 14th lvl thieving skills,","cast
spells as 6th illusionist from illusion/phantasm school of 3th lvl or less, on
natural 20 victim must save vs DM or","VR","have neck snapped by powerful
jaws","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"NG","nil","19","LL 25","Special","see LL 6, wizard 15/priest 8, STR 14, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: man w/rainbow-hue skin or a","giant snake, cast
spells as 15th lvl wizard (7th lvl or lower spells) & 8th lvl priest (4th lvl or
less) from all, animal, charm","VR","& necromantic spheres, +1 weapon to hit, no
reptile (including dragon) will attack him, can summon 5-500
snakes","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Spirit","4 to 0","8 to 11","11","Any","Any","1 to 3","1d4 to 2d10 + 1 to
26","Special","see LL 6, can be any 1 or 2 classes (lvl 7 to 11) 8, STR 14-19, DEX
13-18, CON 13-18, WIS 18, CHR any, form: any","related to nature, limited spell
ability, 1 or 2 powers appropriate to their
nature","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
ny","LG","nil","18","LL 26","Humanoid","indian hero, ranger 15/druid 8, STR 18/95,
DEX 17, CON 17, WIS 18, CHR 18, hp 195, feather headdress (AC +2),","uses club &
bow, has self propelled canoe, can grapple (hug) foe 8 hp/rnd, great thinker,
battles great monsters &","VR","gods for mankind, casts spells see LL
26","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","Any","LG","nil","15","LL 26","Humanoid","indian hero, ranger 10, STR 18/25, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 14, CHR 15, hp 140, aids tribes in dire peril, has a magic","skin
that allows him to change into a large halibut (breath water & swim even in human
form), can: invis to animals,","VR","pass w/o trace & barkskin, mother is Volcano
Woman, slew the sea monster qaqwaai","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
Any","NG","nil","18","LL 27","Humanoid","indian hero, ranger 12/bard 5, STR 18/52,
DEX 17, CON 17, WIS 18, CHR 17, hp 156, wanders plains & hunts for","the sport,
welcome in all plain tribes, uses a club, impresses women w/stroies & song, can
cast: invisible to animals,","VR","pass w/o trace, ventriloqu, produce flame,
messenger & hold animal","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Yanauluha","3","15","8","Any","Any","3/2","1d6
27","Humanoid","indian hero, priest 20/ranger 10, STR 14, DEX 16, CON 18, WIS 19,
CHR 16, hp 170, first priest, summon any deity","to his aid at will, now
considered a spirit, anyone sacrificing a magic item to him has 10% of aiding him,
talks very slow,","VR","imm: cause fear, charm, command, friends & hypnotism,
cast: any 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th lvl spells, others see LL
27","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Big Head","3","14","7","Forests","Any","3","1d6/1d6/2d6","1-2",1,1,"25%","M","15,
Fl 20","9000","Any","CE","special","13-14","LL 27","Monster","man-like heads w/2
paws w/sharp claws, fly searching for isolated victims, attack: claw/claw/bite,
75% of having a","magic item, BW-fire: 10' long from eyes 2d10 dmg save vs BW for
1/2 dmg","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Gahonga","5","6","15","Mountains","Any","1","1d6","1-10",1,1,"15%","S","12, Sw
15","2000","Any","CN","rarely","8-10","LL 27","Humanoid","tangible spirits, foul-
tempered & reluctant to help strangers, beautiful women tempt men to commit acts
of folly, can","become invisible at will, anyone hit by them must save vs
paralysis or be held 1d6 rnds, can pass thru rock at its","VR","normal movement
rate","Tribe","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Ohdowa","3","10","11","Subterranean","Any","1","1d6 (weapon)","1-
6",1,1,"10%","S","12, Br 9","9000","Any","CE","nil","8-10","LL
27","Humanoid","short & scaly, raise snakes & have control over them, can summon &
command 1d10 snakes or spiders, immune
to","poison","VR",,"Group","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
","Any","N","nil","13-14","LL 41","Monster","albino buck w/15 point antlers, lives
on isle of Avalon, +1 weapons to hit, only tracked by sight (no visible
trail),","immune to all spells from animal & enchant/charm, regen 5 hp/rnd, can
run across water without
penalty","VR",,"Solitary","Herbivore","16","General","Prime Material",
5000","Any","N","nil","13-14","LL 41","Monster","created by sorceress, 4 footed
reptile w/spiked tail, loves to kill dogs (swallows whole), only killed by Sir
Pellinore or","one of his descendants, BW (1/day): poison cloud- 5d8 dmg save 1/2
dmg, attack: claw/claw/bite/tail","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","18","General","Prime
"Hero, King
,"LG","nil","17","LL 34","Humanoid","arthurian hero, STR 18/52, DEX 16, CON 18,
WIS 18, CHR 18, ruler of Britain, compassionate, paladin 16/bard 5,","uses the
Excalibur sword (see LL 32), wears plate male, has all powers of a paladin (but
not bound by restrictions) &","VR","bard, married to Guinevere, presides over the
Round Table","Entourage","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Merlin","2","17","12","Any","Any","1","1d6
34","Humanoid","arthurian hero, wizard 17/druid 14, STR 12, DEX 15, CON 20, WIS
18, CHR 14, conceived by a women & super-","natural evil creature, saved by holy
symbol, old man w/long beard, regen 1 hp/rnd, immune to 1st lvl illusions,
magic","VR","staff (striking/magi), intrest in diviation magic, casts priest &
wizard spells, intolerant of fools, evil & selfish
people","Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Queen Guinevere","8","7","17","Any","Any","1","1d4
35","Humanoid","arthurian hero, bard 7, STR 12, DEX 16, CON 16, WIS 8, CHR 19,
married the king because he saved her father,","beautiful, had an affair with
Launcelot that led to the downfall of the round table, untrusting of strangers
until their","VR","motives are determined, very charming, casts: chrm pers,
friends, prot from evil, det evil, ESP & non-
detection","Family","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sir Launcelot of the
y","LG","nil","14","LL 35","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 18, STR 18/00, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 13, CHR 18, raised by lady under the water, greatest","of the
round table, given magic ring by lady (MR 10% & AC -3), fearless in battle, fell
in love w/ queen Guinevere,","VR","had affair w/ her that ended his paladin
status, perfect gentleman, courteous","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime
"Hero, Lady of the Lake","2","16","16","Any","Any","1","1d4
(dagger)","1",1,1,"15%","M","12, Sw 10","special","Any","LG","nil","18","LL
36","Humanoid","arthurian hero, enchantress 16, STR 13, DEX 15, CON 16, WIS 16,
CHR 18, mysterious origins, raised Sir Launcelot,","presented excalibur to Arthur,
occationally helps knights of the round table, lives in a castle in the waters,
wears","VR","bracers AC 2, casts many spell up to 8th
lvl","Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
ny","LE","nil","15","LL 36","Humanoid","arthurian villian, fighter 14, STR 18/76,
DEX 16, CON 18, WIS 11, CHR 15, seated on the round table, covets the","king's
power, schemes to overthrow him, exposed Launcelot's affair with Guinevere, is
Morgan le Fay's son","VR",,"Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Villian, Morgan le Fey","4","14","16","Any","Any","1","1d4
36","Humanoid","arthurian villian, illusionist 14, STR 10, DEX 17, CON 17, WIS 7,
CHR 18, king's half-sister, hates the king, mother of","Mordred, tries to sow
discord in the round table, casts many
spells","VR",,"Family","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sir
","Any","N","nil","16","LL 36","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 16, STR 18/30,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 13, CHR 16, nephew of king, prideful, knight of the","round
table, angry with Lancelot over an imagined insult, had an insident w/ the Green
Knight, has a sword named","VR","Galatine (+3 weapon, from 9 to 10 in the morning
STR 19, 10 to 11 it's 20 & 11 to 12 it's 21, after noon it's
normal)","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sir
ny","LG","nil","15","LL 37","Humanoid","arthurian hero, paladin 15, STR 18/00, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, parents are the king & Elaine (used a","potion to
impersonate Guinevere), raised by monks after rejecting his mother, carries a
magic shield that can cure","VR","critical wounds
1/day","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, The Green
"Any","CG","nil","17","LL 37","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 14, STR 18/77,
DEX 13, CON 18, WIS 14, CHR 12, has not sought seat at the round
table,","independant, had an incident with Sir Gawaine, real name is Sir Bernlad,
wears green armor given to him by the Lady","VR","in the Lake that makes him
immune to physical harm from a weapon, carries a battle axe
+3","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sir
"Any","CG","nil","9","LL 38","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 14, STR 18/10,
DEX 16, CON 17, WIS 7, CHR 16, father & brothers were killed in battle,","mother
tried to keep him from battle but she failed, after performing a service for the
king an old knight trained him &","VR","now is able to match any
knight","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sir Tristram of
ny","N","nil","16","LL 38","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 17/bard 6, STR
18/99, DEX 16, CON 18, WIS 13, CHR 17, born from a dying woman, raised","by a
tutor, sent to fetch his uncle's (King Mark of Cornwall) wife to be, on the way
they accidently drank a potion that","VR","made them fall in love, even after
their marrage Tristram continued to meet her, Mark & Tristram are bitter
enemies","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sir Gareth of
","NG","nil","12","LL 39","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 15, STR 18/52, DEX
15, CON 18, WIS 11, CHR 12, youngest son of King Lot, trained by","Launcelot,
protected ladies in distress, knight of the Round Table,
modest","VR",,"Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sir
"CN","nil","15","LL 39","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 13, STR 17, DEX 18,
CON 17, WIS 8, CHR 17, foster brother of Arthur, serves as a seneschal,","loud-
mouthed troublemaker, supported by Arthur, fights without mercy, has 2 magic
rings: 1st- free action + breath","VR","underwater up to 9 days; 2nd- assume giant
size & STR of hill giant","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Bedevere","-1","12","7","Any","Any","3/2","1d6
39","Humanoid","arthurian hero, fighter 12, STR 18/76, DEX 16, CON 16, WIS 10, CHR
14, one handed, known for his skill with a","spear, close friend of Arthur & Kay,
foretold that he would return the Excalibur to the Lady of the
Lake","VR",,"Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
,"nil","15","LL 39","Humanoid","arthurian hero, priest 16, STR 14, DEX 16, CON 18,
WIS 14, CHR 15, known as the Holy Hermit, 600 years old,","cursed by Joseph of
Arimathea, doing penance for an offense, cannot die until atonement, casts spells,
will never","VR","kill or harm any living creature, will use spells to defend self
but never physically attack, if slain he will return in 1
day","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
"Villian, Sir
","CE","nil","15","LL 40","Humanoid","arthurian villian, fighter 13/thief 3, STR
15, DEX 15, CON 17, WIS 9, CHR 15, unscrupulous knight, uses thieving","skills to
ambush his opponents, can turn invisible at will (granted by a witch in return for
promising to use the gift for","VR","evil)","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime
"Villian, Sir
ny","N","nil","13","LL 40","Humanoid","arthurian villian, fighter 15, STR 18/00,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 8, CHR 17, champion at tournaments, son of King","Pellinore,
will not show mercy in battle, once slew 12 knights of Morgan le Fay
singlehandedly, slain several knights","VR","of the Round Table, enemy of Gawaine
& Tristram, older brother of Percivale","Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime
"Villian, Sir Palomides the
y","N","nil","15","LL 40","Humanoid","arthurian villian, fighter 16/bard 3, STR
17, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 10, CHR 15, bitter rival of Tristram (in love
with","Isolde), wears chain mail, uses a scimitar & composite bow, casts: charm
person & color spray","VR",,"Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Average Knight of Renown","1 to -3","8 to
9-18","LL 40","Humanoid","arthurian hero or villian, fighter 8 to 10, STR 12-
18/00, DEX 12-18, CON 12-18, WIS 8-18, CHR 8-18, use lance,","morning star &
swords, ride horses, squire assists them, rarely give mercy in
combat","C",,"Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Knight of Quality","1 to -3","10 to
9-18","LL 40","Humanoid","arthurian hero or villian, fighter 10 to 13, STR 13-
18/00, DEX 13-18, CON 13-18, WIS 9-18, CHR 9-18, use lance,","morning star &
swords, ride horses, squire assists them, acompanied by 1d10 men-at-arms, give
mercy in combat 75%","C",,"Army","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
,"Any","N","nil","20","LL 48","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18/wizard 18, STR 20,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 20, CHR 10, common form: invisible, carries sword of","pure
obsidian (if unsheathed it can be seen), casts spells from all schools at 18th
lvl, stays invisible even if it attacks,","VR","cannot be detected, can create 1
10th lvl warrior (see stats)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Avatar, Ometeotl
","N","nil","8-10","LL 48","Special","warrior created by Ometeotl's avatar, fights
at his side, 120 hp",,"VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Sturgeon, Giant","0","10+2","16","Water, Salt","Any","1","2d10","2-
20",1,0,"0","H","SW 18","2000","Any","N","nil","1","DRC 177","Monster","giant
version of normal fish, 30' long, can swallow victim whole on 18 or higher attack
roll, victims 2d6 dmg/rnd in","belly & save vs DM or paralyzed, if not paralyzed
victim may attack from inside","R",,"School","Omnivore","15","General","Prime
aries",,,"varies","varies","DRC 177","Monster","large variety of some other
monster, extremely rare, products of a wizard, very noisy (cannot surprise
anything),","suffer -4 to attack rolls vs man-size & smaller creatures, typically:
2x normal height, 8x HD, 2x MV, 4x dmg, if regen 4x,","VR","AC, align, att # &
magic abilities remain the same, found in same terrain as
normal",,"Varies","19","General","Prime Material",
il","4","DRC 180","Monster","general info MM 164, crude man-like, 3' tall, -1
penalty to initiative, save -2 vs fire & +1 dmg/die, immune: cold & all","missiles
(including magic missile)","R",,"Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"nil","4","DRC 180","Monster","general info MM 164, sharp featured black glass,
can speak & are controlled by simple commands, passwords or","riddles, at 0 hp
they shatter into worthless trash","R",,"Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime
"Lizard, Giant, Grecko","5","3+1","18","Land","Any","1","1d8","1-
6",0,0,"0","M","12","120","Night","N","U","2","DRC 189","Monster","5' long
w/orange-brown spotts, drop on prey from trees",,"UC",,"Group","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Lizard, Giant, Draco","5","4+2","18","Land","Temp/Trop","1","1d10","1-
4",0,0,"0","M","12, Gl 15","175","Night","N","U","2","DRC 189","Monster","6' long
w/wide flaps that allow them to glide, known to attack
adventurers",,"UC",,"Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Lizard, Giant, Horned Chameleon","2","5","18","Land","Any","2 or 3","2d4/1d6","1-
3",1,1,"0","L","12","420","Day","N","U","2","DRC 189","Monster","7' long, can
change color, surprise on 1-8, shoot sticky tongue 5' (if hit pull victim to it's
mouth for auto bite), may","attack humans, attacks: bite/horn & sometimes tail (no
dmg, but knock victim down)","UC",,"Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Lizard, Giant, Tuatara","4","6","18","Land","Any","3","1d4/1d4/2d6","1-
2",0,0,"0","L","9","270","Night","N","U","2","DRC 189","Monster","8' long, cross
between iguana & toad, infravision 90', attacks:
claw/claw/bite",,"UC",,"Group","Carnivore","9-10","General","Prime Material",
"Locust, Giant","4","2","20","Subterranean","Any","1","1d2 or 1d4 or special","2-
20",1,1,"0","S","6, Fl 18","120","Any","N","nil","0","DRC 189","Monster","2-3' lg,
usually unnoticed, immune to poison, usually fly away if approached (50% of
hitting adventurer), if attacked","they shriek (20% of attracting other monsters),
can spit 10' (victim AC 9) if hit save vs poison or immoblized 1 turn
from","UC","strench & other approaching must save also, smell lasts until washed
off, attack: bite or bump or spit","Swarm","Herbivore","8","General","Prime
"Lycanthrope, Wereseal, Female","5 or 9","5+2","16","Coast","Arctic/Sub-
Arctic","1","2d6","2-8",1,1,"0","M","6, Sw 18","975","Any","CE","(C)","10","DRC
190","Monster","2 forms: seal or human, normally not aggressive, only hit by magic
or silver weapons in animal form, hit by magic","weapons in human form, contracts
lycanthropy if victim loses 50% of hp & changes in 2d12 days, disease
kills","VR","demihumans, accompanied by 1 male
bull","Group","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Wereseal, Male","3 or 9","8","16","Coast","Arctic/Sub-
Arctic","1","2d10","2-8",1,1,"0","M","6, Sw 18","3000","Any","CE","(C)","10","DRC
190","Monster","2 forms: seal or human, normally not aggressive, only hit by magic
or silver weapons in animal form, hit by magic","weapons in human form, contracts
lycanthropy if victim loses 50% of hp & changes in 2d12 days, disease
kills","VR","demihumans, can be aggressive if threatened","Group","Carnivore","18-
19","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Devil Swine","3 or 9","9","16","Swamp","Temp/Trop","1","2d6 or
weapon","1-3",1,1,"0","L","18","2000","Any","CE","(C)","11","DRC 190","Monster","2
forms: fat human or hog, only hit by magic or silver weapons in animal form, hit
by normal weapons in human form,","contracts lycanthropy if victim loses 50% of hp
& changes in 2d12 days, disease kills demihumans, keep 1 shape","VR","during day,
ambushes humans, cast charm person 3/day (save -2), has 1d4-1 humans under it's
control","Group","Carnivore","16-17","General","Prime Material",
"Human, Mystic","6","4","18","Any","Any","1","1d6+1 or weapon","30-
300",1,1,"0","M","15","270","Any","any","I, L, M, N, O (V)","12","DRC
195","Humanoid","follow a special discipline, live in cloisters or monasteries,
usually lawful, suprised only on 1, never wear armor or","protective devices, do
use potions & magic devices, good hand to hand skills, have thieving skills see
DRC 196,","R","can cure self 4 (1/day), wear robes, if 7 or more are together they
have a leader","Group","Omnivore","varies","General","Prime Material","DRC 29"
"Human, Mystic, Leader","3","7","18","Any","Any","1 or 2","1d10/1d10 or
weapon","1",1,1,"0","M","18","1400","Any","any","I, L, M, N, O","12","DRC
195","Humanoid","improved thieving skills (DRC 196), can hit creatures only hit by
+1 weapons with his hands, heal self 7 (1/day)",,"VR",,"Group","Omnivore","16-
17","General","Prime Material","DRC 29"
"Plasm, Normal","0","6","15","Any","Any","2","2d6/2d6","1-
10",1,1,"0","M","12","2000","Any","CN","nil","8","DRC 200","Monster","human-like
skeleton made of elem matter (can be any elem), encountered in wormhole, lose 1
hp/rnd anywhere but","ethereal, regen 1/rnd when feeding on it's elem, if attack
by it's elem it gains HD & hp, immune: poison & norm weap,","R","magic weap dmg
only = ""+'s"", dmg by spells that oppose it's elem, can acid cloud 30' dia dmg 20
(cost 10 own hp)","Group","Special","15","General","Ethereal",
"Plasm, Giant","-4","12","9","Any","Any","2","3d6/3d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","12","8000","Any","CN","nil","8","DRC 200","Monster","human-like
skeleton made of elem matter (can be any elem), encountered in wormhole, lose 1
hp/rnd anywhere but","ethereal, regen 1/rnd when feeding on it's elem, if attack
by it's elem it gains HD & hp, immune: poison & norm weap,","R","magic weap dmg
only = ""+'s"", dmg by spells that oppose it's elem, can acid cloud 30' dia dmg 20
(cost 10 own hp)","Group","Special","18-19","General","Ethereal",
"Dinosaur, Pterosaur","5","6+6","15","Hills/Rough","Any","1","3d4","1-
8",1,0,"0","H","3, Fl 12 (C)","650","Any","N","nil","2","OMII 54","Animal","50'
wingspan, can carry a creature as large as a warhorse, if they attack w/ surprise
the swoop on victim for double","damage, 10' long neck, ugly, surpises victim
50%","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Alternate","DRC 201"
"Dinosaur, Pterodactyl","7","1","20","Hills/Rough","Any","1","1d3","2-
8",0,0,"0","S","Fl 18","35","Any","N","nil","2","DRC 201","Animal","8-10'
wingspan, hunt insects, birds & small animals, if hungry they may attack
3",1,1,"0","M","18","3000","Any","CE","nil","10","DRC 202","Undead","human-like
w/skeletal hands & skull head w/white hair, prowls underdark & crypts, touch
drains 1 of victims senses","perm (save vs spell the loss is only 2d6 rnds),
restore will heal 1 sense, senses & effects: taste-cannot taste, smell-","VR","imm
to vile odor & -1 surp roll, hearing-can't speak clear or cast spells, touch- dex
-4, sight-blind, 6th-cannot esp, etc.","Solitary","Nil","18-19","General","Prime
"Salamander, Flame","2","8","13","Any","Tropical","3","1d4/1d4/1d8","2-
5",1,1,"0","L","12","2000","Any","N","F","1","DRC 202","Monster","giant lizard, R
on Prime, enemy of Frost, magic weap to hit, on Prime lives near volcanos, immune
to fire, all within 20'","1d8 dmg/rnd from intense heat, attack:
claw/claw/bite","VR",,"Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Elem, Fire",
"Salamander, Frost","3","12","9","Remote","Arctic","5","1d6 (x4)/2d6","1-
3",1,1,"0","L","12",,"Any","CN","E","1","DRC 202","Monster","giant lizard, R on
Prime, enemy of Flame, magic weap to hit, immune to cold, all within 20' 1d8
dmg/rnd form extreme","cold, attacks:
claw/claw/claw/claw/bite","VR",,"Solitary","Special","15","General","Elem, Air",
"Dog, Spectral Hound","-2","5","16","Any","Any","1","2d6","1-
6",1,1,"0","M","15","1400","Any","CE","nil","3","DRC 205","Monster","not undead,
from dimensional vortex, trained by interplanar beings, never come to Prime unless
summoned, if bit save","vs spells or begin to fade (in 24 hrs faded as hound,
equip not affected), when finished victim can't hear, talk or hold","VR","items,
dim door will restore, silver or magic weapons to hit, immune: fire & cold, used
as trackers or hunters","Pack","Special","20","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Planar","6","5 to 10",,"Any","Any","1","2d6","2-
12",1,1,"0",,"18","varies","Any","any","1d3 mis. magic items","12","DRC
206","Monster","plane-traveling arachnids, can travel planes at will, common 5 HD
& leader 12 HD, speak common, in combat they","shift from ethereal plane attacks &
returns (75% cannot be attacked, hasted opp attack normal), if bit save vs
poison","VR","or die (can bite w/o poison), has varied magic items, some may have
spellcasting (can't phase & cast
spells)","Group","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Odic","-4","16","5","Any","Any","1","1d12+poison (save or
die)","1",1,1,"0","M","special","19,000","Any","CE","I, O, V","12","DRC
207","Undead","host is a plant, travel 24 miles/day, enters plant at night,
radiates purple light 20', anyone entering light save vs spell or","lose 1 lvl,
cannot leave plant until daylight, animates longest branch to attack, plant killed
when odic enters, can","VR","animate leaves (4 HD, if hit save -4 or charmed),
imm: 4th lvl spells, +2 weap to hit, can cast various
spells","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Statue, Living, Crystal","4","3","18","Any","Any","2","1d6/1d6","1-
6",0,1,"0","M","9","120","Any","LN","nil","7","DRC 208","Monster","enchanted by
wizard, immune to sleep, made of crystal instead of flesh, appear as anything,
usually human",,"R",,"Solitary","Nil","18-19","General","Prime Material",
"Statue, Living, Iron","2","4","17","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d8","1-
4",0,1,"0","L","3","270","Any","N","nil","7","DRC 208","Monster","enchanted by
wizard, immune to sleep, can absorb iron & steel (if non-magic weapon, save vs
spell or it gets stuck),","only removed if statue is
killed","R",,"Solitary","Nil","18-19","General","Prime Material",
"Statue, Living, Rock","4","5","16","Any","Any","2","2d6/2d6","1-
3",0,1,"0","L","6","270","Any","CN","nil","7","DRC 208","Monster","enchanted by
wizard, immune to sleep, outer crust of rock but filled with hot magma, when it
attacks the magma","flies out from fingers doing 2d6
dmg","R",,"Solitary","Nil","18-19","General","Prime Material",
"Termite, Water, Swamp","4","1+1","20","Swamp","Any","1","1d3","1-
4",1,1,"0","S","9","35","Any","N","nil","0","DRC 209","Monster","appears a larger
termite w/extra sac it uses for feeding & movement, only bites if cornered but
shoots ink providing for","it's escape, above water roll to hit & victim save vs
poison or paralyzed 1 turn, cling to hulls of ships doing dmg equal","UC","to it's
bite (50%/rnd someone notices a leak)","Group","Carnivore","16-
17","General","Prime Material",
"Termite, Water, Fresh","6","2+1","20","Water, Fresh","Any","1","1d4","1-
3",1,1,"0","S","12","65","Any","N","nil","0","DRC 209","Monster","appears a larger
termite w/extra sac it uses for feeding & movement, only bites if cornered but
shoots ink providing for","it's escape, above water roll to hit & victim save vs
poison or paralyzed 1 turn, cling to hulls of ships doing dmg equal","UC","to it's
bite (50%/rnd someone notices a leak)","Group","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Termite, Water, Salt","5","4","20","Water, Salt","Any","1","1d6","2-
7",1,1,"0","M","18","175","Any","N","nil","0","DRC 209","Monster","appears a
larger termite w/extra sac it uses for feeding & movement, only bites if cornered
but shoots ink providing for","it's escape, above water roll to hit & victim save
vs poison or paralyzed 1 turn, cling to hulls of ships doing dmg equal","UC","to
it's bite (50%/rnd someone notices a leak)","Group","Carnivore","18-
19","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Huitzilopochtli","-6","18","1","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d8
48","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18, STR 19, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 17, CHR 16,
common form: a warrior of great battles in the past,","when the avatar leaves the
""shell"" body lives rest of a normal man's life (all saves +3), imm to lightning,
+1 weap to hit,","VR","attacks from rear rebound with DD to attacker, magic
javelin (strikes as lightning bolt) 5d10 dmg & returns to his
hand","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Quetzalcoatl","0","18","1","Any","Any","1","1d10","1",1,1,"30%","L","20,
Fl 20","special","Any","CG","nil","20","LL 49","Special","see LL 6, priest 18, STR
18/00, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 20, CHR 6, common form: talking feathered snake,
casts","spells from any sphere, anyone hit must save vs paralysis or be entwined
in avatar's body suffering dmg (+ STR)
until","VR","broken","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","special","Any","N","nil","18","LL 49","Special","see LL 6, priest 16/fighter
14, STR 18/93, DEX 18, CON 20, WIS 18, CHR 0, common form: emaciated human
w/","skull-like head & bulging eyes, attacks w/ claws, casts spells from combat,
divination, elemental & necromantic","VR","spheres, anyone seeing it for the 1st
time must save vs. petrification or paralyzed for 1d10
rnds","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Tezcatlipoca","-2","15","5","Any","Any","3 or
50","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15/thief 15, STR 18/00, DEX 19, CON 17, WIS 14,
CHR 10, common form: giant jaquar or thief,","attacks: claw/claw/bite or weapon
x2, uses fang dagger +4 (dagger of venom, save after every hit), if hit by
claws","VR","save vs pois or -1 CON (perm), +2 weap to hit, on 20 grapples
2d10/rnd until broken, MS 100%, invis in
shadows","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Tlaloc","-2","14","7","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d8
(sword)","1",1,1,"20%","M","18, Fl 18","special","Any","LE","nil","18","LL
51","Special","see LL 6, fighter 14/druid 12, STR 18/51, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 17,
CHR 17, common form: man w/snake-like head,","carries sword of pure obsidian,
casts spells from all, animal, elemental, healing, plant & weather spheres, can
summ","VR","hailstorm 140 sq yrd area 14d4 dmg, bite for 2d12 dmg in
melee","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
cial","Any","CG","nil","19","LL 51","Special","see LL 6, wizard 14/bard 14, STR
14, DEX 18, CON 15, WIS 18, CHR 20, common form: beautiful woman in a
green","skirt, casts spells from alteration, enchant/charm & illus/phant schools,
looking at it or being hit by it's dagger causes","VR","the victim to save vs.
paralysis or be unable to attack","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
Any","CE","nil","18","LL 52","Special","see LL 6, illusionist 16, STR 12, DEX 18,
CON 16, WIS 10, CHR 19, common form: beautiful woman (scantly dressed)","casts
spells from school of illusion, on evil being can strike it, if hit by it's dagger
save vs. DM or die, can create an","VR","image of self as a foul monster
w/dripping fangs, long claws & black skin covered
w/warts","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
Any","CG","nil","16","LL 52","Special","see LL 6, bard 18, STR 20, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 16, CHR 19, common form: young man w/a head of a corpse,","carries a large axe
that never dulls or breaks, picks its bard spells from any school, gets a second
attack after a miss,","VR","also gets 2 saving throws, to be hit 2 successful hits
are required, victims must save twice to save against one
spell","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","NG","nil","18","LL 53","Special","see LL 6, bard 18, STR 12, DEX 17, CON
15, WIS 18, CHR 20, common form: beautiful woman, cast bard spells","from any
school, upon viewing must save vs spell or determined to defend her from harm,
silver dagger (if hit, save vs.","VR","paraly or stunned 1d4
rnds)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
Any","NG","nil","19","LL 53","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15/illusionist 10, STR
18/00, DEX 18, CON 16, WIS 17, CHR 18, common form: albino female","warrior, magic
sword of white metal (+5), cast spells from illus/phant school, can assume
wraithform at will & control","VR","size of animals (animal growth 5th lvl),
immune to fire","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Centeotl","0","15","5","Any","Any","1","2d10
54","Special","see LL 6, druid 15, STR 14, DEX 16, CON 15, WIS 19, CHR 18, common
form: beautiful woman golden-haired","woman w/ magic blue staff, cast spells from
all, elemental & plant spheres, can use any spell from plant at will, if
hit","VR","by staff save vs. poison or loose 1d6 CON (perm or cure
disease)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Ixtlilton","-4","18","3","Any","Any","1","1d6
54","Special","see LL 6, priest 14, STR 18/76, DEX 15, CON 18, WIS 19, CHR 10,
common form: impish dark-skinned man, cast","spells from all, creation, healing,
necromantic, plant & protection spheres, spend most time on Prime Material
Plane","VR","healing people, immune to any poison or disease, if hit by staff save
vs. spells or stunned 1d4 rnds","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Hero, Nezahualcoytl","4","14","6","Any","Any","2","1d6/1d6
55","Humanoid","Aztec hero, fighter 14/priest 12, STR 17, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18,
CHR 16, hp 96, greatest king, after early life as","an exile he returned and
restored the fortunes of his family, casts many spells (see LL
55)","VR",,"Family","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Nezahualpilli","4","14","9","Any","Any","1","1d6
55","Humanoid","Aztec hero, fighter 10/priest 14, STR 18/99, DEX 18, CON 17, WIS
16, CHR 16, hp 64, son of Nezahualcoytl, was","one of the greatest kings, did not
share his father's interest in just administration, casts spells see LL
55","VR",,"Family","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Axayacatl","6","12","14","Any","Any","3/2","1d8
55","Humanoid","Aztec hero, fighter 12/priest 12, STR 14, DEX 16, CON 15, WIS 17,
CHR 16, hp 63, great king, won many victories","over neighboring tribes, suffered
a great defeat trying to invade Tarascan territory, under his rule the great
calender","VR","stone was made, worshiped Huitzilopochtli, see LL 55 for
spells","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Master of the
,"CG","nil","17","LL 62","Monster","Celtic hero, STR 18/00, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS
17, CHR 9, hp 200, dark skinned man wearing an antlered black","helmet, doesn't
speak, leads pack of hounds, attacks with frontal assault, cannot perm die, fights
only after most of","VR","pack is killed, attacks w/+3 spear, rides a chariot
(3d10 dmg from running over victim)","Pack","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Hero, Pack of the Wild
","nil","1","LL 62","Monster","Celtic hero, hp 30, hound, pack causes fear in any
mortal being persued. each has protection from evil (always","active), can swarm
(all 20 can attack the same opponent reguardless of space), 1/turn can use it's
green flame","VR","tongue to cause additional 5 hp on successful
hit","Pack","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Cu
,"Day","CG","nil","17","LL 69","Humanoid","Celtic hero, fighter 20, STR 18/00, DEX
17, CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 17, hp 200, greatest hero of the celts, never","travels in
disguise, hates giants, appears in the nick of time, +4 spear (called Gae Bolg,
only mortal to use it, cannot","VR","be surprised while holding it) +4 dmg & att
vs. giants, opp suffer -4 att (he glows bright light in
battle)","Entourage","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
N","nil","18","LL 63","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15/wizard 12, STR 18/00, DEX
18, CON 17, WIS 18, CHR 15, form: young beardless warrior w/ a","spear, sling &
purse, cast spells from any school, in desperate situation he may attack with
sling 5/rnd & auto hit w/","VR","each one for 1 rnd per
encounter","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
NG","nil","18","LL 63","Special","see LL 6, bard 12/fighter 10, STR 18/50, DEX 17,
CON 17, WIS 18, CHR 17, form: old man, uses bow & club,","wears a lion's skin,
cast spells from any school, can charm anyone who hears him (save vs. spells),
charm lasts as","VR","long as he
speaks","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","NG","nil","15","LL 64","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18/priest 15, STR
18/00, DEX 15, CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 10, form: muscular black smith, despite","his
THAC0 he never misses, uses a warhammer +5 or spear +5, 1/turn he may slay any
living creature he hits with","VR","either of these weapons (no
save)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","CG","nil","18","LL 64","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15/bard 10, STR 18/76, DEX
18, CON 17, WIS 18, CHR 15, form: tall man who dress comically,","uses a club, can
slay any living creature w/heavy end (no save), if touched w/slim end it can raise
dead, can charm","VR","any woman, mortal or otherwise at
will","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Manannan mac Lir","0","17","4","Any","Any","5/2","1d8 (+14
STR)","1",1,1,"40%","M","15, Sw 21","special","Any","LN","nil","18","LL
65","Special","see LL 6, fighter 17, STR 25, DEX 20, CON 25, WIS 18, CHR 18, form:
giant man in shell armor, uses a sword called","Retaliator (auto slay fire giants,
no save), can call 100 HD of underwater creatures to fight with
him","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"NE","nil","15","LL 66","Special","see LL 6, priest 18/wizard 12, STR 17, DEX 15,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 12, form: nomal man in black robe, MR is","increased to 100%
if magical or clerical spell would otherwise inflict dmg on avatar's body, anyone
hitting him with a","VR","magic weapon must save vs spell or
die","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CE","nil","15","LL 66","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20, STR 18/76, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 12, CHR 5, form: hag or sometimes a crow or beautiful","woman, can
cause fear every rnd in combat to any enemy seen, in a foot race she can raise her
speed to keep up","VR","until victim runs out of energy, can become invisible at
will & fight freely without becoming
visible","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
ny","LG","nil","18","LL 67","Special","see LL 6, priest 18/fighter 12, STR 18, DEX
15, CON 12, WIS 18, CHR 17, form: young man in simple cloths w/a bag","filled
w/herbs & medicine, never involved in large battles, immune to any hit of less
than 36 in a single blow, at will he","VR","can heal any individual
seen","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Math
y","NE","nil","18","LL 67","Special","see LL 6, wizard 20, STR 12, DEX 15, CON 15,
WIS 17, CHR 12, form: old man in heavy robes, avoid comat when","possible, if hit
w/his staff victim turns to pool of water (perm unless save vs wand), can poly
enemies into animals","VR","leaving them that way for years as
punishment","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","NG","nil","15","LL 68","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15/bard 10, STR 18, DEX
17, CON 15, WIS 15, CHR 18, form: young man w/ black hair, can blind","any
creature in sight by making his magical torc shin w/brightness of the sun, can
focus that light 1 rnd 3d10 dmg,","VR","sword can turn to flame (1/turn) causing
additional 2d10 fire dmg","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Brigantia","2","18","10","Any","Any","1","1d6","1",1,1,"30%","M","15, Sw
21","special","Any","NG","nil","18","LL 68","Special","see LL 6, priest 18, STR
15, DEX 15, CON 12, WIS 18, CHR 19, form: beautiful young woman tending animanls
or","armed as the goddess herself, can call upon water to flood area up to 20'
from banks, call nearby animal herd to","VR","swarm an
enemy","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Shang-
Any","LG","nil","19","LL 76","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16/priest 18, STR 18/95,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 19, CHR 17, form: wise old man, cast spells from","any sphere,
carries a staff of thunder & lightning, all missile attacks turn around & strike
sender","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Kuan-
,"Any","NG","nil","19","LL 76","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18, STR 20, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 19, CHR 16, form: huge man w/red skin & green armor, armor
is","magical (protects against magic attacks, attacker must make a successful roll
to hit), fights w/ a 2-handed +3
sword","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Yen-Wang-
","LN","nil","16","LL 77","Special","see LL 6, ranger 17, STR 18/00, DEX 18, CON
18, WIS 17, CHR 12, form: black robed man, casts spells as a ranger","of same
level, MS 100%, turn invisible at will, track w/o error over any terrain up to 7
days old, anyone touching him","VR","save vs. paraly or held 1d4
rnds","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Fu
CG","nil","18","LL 77","Special","see LL 6, bard 18, STR 13, DEX 16, CON 18, WIS
18, CHR 17, form: grimy old man (sings), cast spells from any","school, with a
single strum of magic lute he can cast any wizard spell 1st to 4th
lvl","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Chung
"LG","nil","20","LL 78","Special","see LL 6, priest 17, STR 18, DEX 16, CON 16,
WIS 20, CHR 0, form: ugly man, cast spells from any sphere, may also","cast wizard
spells, upon viewing must save vs petrif or forced to look away, always detect
lie, +3 staff acts as a rod
of","VR","cancellation","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
N","nil","17","LL 79","Special","see LL 6, druid 16, STR 18/94, DEX 17, CON 15,
WIS 17, CHR 18, form: humble peasant, casts spells from spheres","of all, animal,
divination, elemental, healing, plant & weather, carries a staff of command +3,
can control plants 100'","VR","radius at
will","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Lu
,"LN","nil","18","LL 79","Special","see LL 6, priest 15, STR 18/09, DEX 16, CON
18, WIS 17, CHR 18, form: well dressed bureacrat riding a huge stag,","can cast
spells from any sphere, +2 weapons to hit, carries a +3
flail","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Shou
,"CN","nil","18","LL 80","Special","see LL 6, wizard 16, STR 18/52, DEX 16, CON
16, WIS 19, CHR 16, form: old bald man, cast spells from schools of","necromancy,
invoc/evoc & enchant/charm, carries a +5 walking stick that acts as staff of
withering (also causes any","VR","living creature to age 5d10 years, used 1/day,
no save),","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Kuan
"LG","nil","18","LL 80","Special","see LL 6, priest 17, STR 21, DEX 17, CON 17,
WIS 19, CHR 19, form: beautiful slim young woman, cast spells from","spheres of
all, animal, charm, healing & protection, cannot be hit by any physical weapons
(including magical), carries","VR","quarterstaff +5, can negate 1
attack/person/rnd (she chooses which attack at the end of the
rnd)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Chih-
G","nil","16","LL 81","Special","see LL 6, bard 10/priest 10, STR 13, DEX 19, CON
16, WIS 12, CHR 18, form: shy beautiful woman, cast spells from","any school & the
following spheres: all, charm, divin, elem, heal, prot & summ, any spell cast
against her is lost perm,","VR","any magic weapon loses its magic perm, if hit by
her dagger save vs spell or fall asleep until awakened by
someone","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Lei
","LE","nil","15","LL 81","Special","see LL 6, ranger 15/druid 10, STR 20, DEX 19,
CON 18, WIS 14, CHR 17, form: ugly brute w/claws, wings & drums","hanging from
belt, cast spells only from elemental & weather spheres, drums act as horn of
blasting, immune to dmg","VR","from sound, electric & water attacks, attacks with
a chisel","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Sung
,"NE","nil","18","LL 82","Special","see LL 6, thief 18, STR 18/00, DEX 20, CON 18,
WIS 14, CHR 18, form: many forms (most vaguely human), uses","daggers (if thrown 1
reappears in hand), if hit by dagger save vs poison or 3d6 CON loss (if 0 CON
slain, otherwise","VR","CON return in 1d6
days)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Lao
","nil","18","LL 83","Special","see LL 6, druid 12, STR 12, DEX 15, CON 18, WIS
20, CHR 18, form: old hermit, cast spells from spheres of all,","animal,
elemental, healing, plant & weather, carries a staff, if hit by staff save vs
paraly or perm paralyzed (only a wish","VR","can
restore)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, K'ung Fu-
","nil","19","LL 83","Special","see LL 6, priest 13, STR 14, DEX 14, CON 16, WIS
20, CHR 16, form: well dressed sage, cast spells from spheres of","all, charm,
guardian, healing & protection, carries a staff, if hit by staff save vs paraly or
stunned 1d10 rnds","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Ch'eng Huang","5 to 0","8 to 10",,"Any","Any","3/2","1d8","1",1,1,"5 to
15%","M","12 to 15","special","Any","LG","nil","9-18","LL 84","Special","see LL 6,
priest 8-10/fighter 8-10, STR 9-19, DEX 9-18, CON 9-18, WIS 9-18, CHR 9-18, form:
resembles former","mortal, casts spells from any sphere (max of 3 spheres each),
assume wraithform at will, +1 weapons to
hit","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, The Dragon
Kings","-10","20","5","Any","Any","3","1d10/1d10/6d6","1",1,1,"50%","G","12, Fl
39, Jp 3, Sw 18","special","Any","varies","nil","19","LL 84","Special","see LL 6,
have no avatar, must apear as selves, STR 24, DEX 20, CON 23, WIS 19, CHR 18,
form: dragon, can cast","2 wizard & priest spells of each lvl per day from any
sphere or school, BW-steam: 90' lg x 30' wd 24d12 dmg save 1/2,","VR","cast bless
or detect lie 3/day & animal summ or quest 1/day, 4 Dragon Kings: Ao Ch'in, Ao
Kuang, Ao Jun & Ao Shun","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Han Chung-
","Any",,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru
practice of Taoist doctrine, priest 12/fighter 8, great teacher, free
spirit,","enjoyed wild parties, skilled
warrior","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Chang-kao
ny",,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru
practice of Taoist doctrine, conjurer 14, traveler, can fold up his
riding","donkey into a piece of
paper","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Lan Ts'si-
",,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru
practice of Taoist doctrine, druid 8/bard 8, gardener, singer, rose to","heaven on
the fumes of wine","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Li T'ieh-
Any",,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru
practice of Taoist doctrine, priest 14, while spirit was visiting Lao Tzu
his","body was killed, he entered the body of a deceased begger, honored by
pharmacists & exorcists","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Han Hsing-
ny",,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru
practice of Taoist doctrine, bard 15, loved flowers, music & poetry,","learned to
grow plants with poems on their
leaves","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Ts'ao Kuo-
Any",,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru
practice of Taoist doctrine, rogue 10, reformed murderer who was","admitted to
the Eight because there was a
vacancy","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Lu Tung-
ny",,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru
practice of Taoist doctrine, wizard 14, 8' tall, alchemist, fights evil
spirits",,"VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Ho-Hsien-
,"nil",,"LL 85","Humanoid","chinese hero, 1 of 8 immortals, immortal thru practice
of Taoist doctrine, Necromancer 12, only female member,","became immortal by
eating mother-of-pearl given to her by a
ghost","VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Spirit, Neglected,
18","9000","Any","CE","nil","13-14","LL 85","Undead","chinese monster, shriveled
version of mortal selves, as long as descendants make sacrifices they do not
attack, if no","sacrifices they attack those who ignored them (later anyone they
cross), turned as spectres, assume wraithform at will,","VR","+1 weap to hit, att:
claw/claw/bite, claws save vs pois or lose 1d6 CON (return 1/day), bite drains 1
lvl save vs DM","Solitary","Nil","18","General","Prime Material",
"Spirit, Generals of the
"varies","Any","N","nil","13-18","LL 85","Undead","chinese monster, each animal is
led by a powerful member of its species known as Generals, they are larger
versions,","can turn invisible, astral or ethereal at will, can shapeshift or
teleport 1/rnd at will, have ESP, comp lang, tongues, det","VR","mag & know align
always active, +5 weap to hit, cast 2 wiz spells/day, regen 5/rnd, other abilites
by animal type","Group","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Ra","-3","20","3","Any","Any","2","1d10/1d10","1",1,1,"80%","M","24, Fl
24","special","Any","LN","nil","25","LL 92","Special","see LL 6, priest 20/wizard
19/fighter 15, STR 20, DEX 20, CON 25, WIS 25, CHR 25, form: warrior w/hawks
head,","prefers to negotiate problems, casts spells from any school or sphere
(prefers fire, heat & light), doesn't employ weap,","VR","uses fists, +3 weapons
to hit, 1/rnd solar flame (from eye) 400' dmg 4d20 save vs BW 1/2, can destroy
undead at will","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","NG","nil","22","LL 93","Special","see LL 6, fighter 17/wizard 15, STR 25, DEX
23, CON 25, WIS 20, CHR 22, form: hulking man w/dark skin, carries","+3
quarterstaff (can duplicate function of any item or spell related to earth), can
cast spells from any school, regen 25/","VR","turn if in contact with earth, 1/day
summ 2d4 earth elem, 1/rnd imprisonment (+any other action), +3 weapons to
hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Nut","-3","15","5","Any","Any","1","1d4","1",1,1,"30%","M","12, Fl
24","special","Any","NG","nil","25","LL 93","Special","see LL 6, priest 20/wizard
20, STR 20, DEX 25, CON 22, WIS 25, CHR 25, form: slender female, casts spells
from","any school or sphere, wields black +3 dagger (save vs spells or lose 2
lvls), immune to all air & earth
spells","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Shu","-3","15","1","Any","Any","2","1d6/1d6","1",1,1,"35%","M","12, Fl
24","special","Any","LG","nil","23","LL 94","Special","see LL 6, priest 20/fighter
20, STR 24, DEX 23, CON 25, WIS 23, CHR 20, form: handsome man w/tinted blue
skin,","casts spells from any sphere (prefers air/wind), wields +5 short sword
(save vs BW or caught in wind, 3d20 dmg & 1","VR","mile away/point of dmg), +3
weapons to hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Tefnut","-3","15","9","Any","Any","1","1d6","1",1,1,"30%","M","12, Fl
24","special","Any","LG","nil","23","LL 94","Special","see LL 6, priest 15/wizard
20, STR 19, DEX 23, CON 19, WIS 23, CHR 24, form: slender woman w/head of
lioness,","accompanied by 1d6 lionesses, casts spells from any school & spheres:
all, animal, astral, elemental, summoning, sun,","VR","& weather, wields +3 sword
(command to lightning bolt save vs spell or 5d20 dmg), lightning bolt at will, +3
weap to hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"LG","nil","25","LL 95","Special","see LL 6, priest 18/fighter 20, STR 24, DEX
19, CON 25, WIS 25, CHR 24, form: warrior w/greenish skin or mummy,","cast spells
from any sphere & from school of necromancy (as if priest's spells), wields +3
royal flail (acts as mace of","VR","disruption), +3 weapons to hit, immune to
necromantic & death magic, can command & destroy any undead at
will","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"LG","nil","25","LL 95","Special","see LL 6, priest 20/wizard 20, STR 15, DEX 25,
CON 15, WIS 25, CHR 25, form: lovely woman, words can charm","any creature (no
save), cast spells from any school or sphere, inflicts dmg from magic touch, any
magic item or weap","VR","is drained of power (artifacts save vs disint), those
casting spells at her are stripped 1d20 days unless save vs
spells","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"LE","nil","23","LL 97","Special","see LL 6, rogue 20/necromancer 20, STR 20, DEX
25, CON 20, WIS 23, CHR 23, form: man w/jackal's head, casts","spells from any
school (except illus & enchant/charm), attacks w/spells & bite, if bit save vs
poison or die, those who","VR","touch him save vs poison or die, +3 weap to hit,
gaze (save vs spell to avoid) can turn victim to LE & be
charmed","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CG","nil","25","LL 97","Special","see LL 6, wizard 18, STR 15, DEX 25, CON
15, WIS 25, CHR 25, form: tall beautiful woman, her touch can cause","any item
held to increase in value 100x, casts spells from any school, does dmg by touch,
+3 weapons to hit, gaze","VR","can slay any enemy (save vs spell
-6)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","N","nil","25","LL 99","Special","see LL 6, wizard 20, STR 15, DEX 15, CON 15,
WIS 25, CHR 18, form: ?, anyone researching science or spell has a","1%/month of
receiving visit, cast spells from any school (always has max effects), magic staff
(comb: command, cure,","VR","magi, striking & power, mortals who touch it become
feebleminded), +2 weapons to hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Avatar, Ptah","-3","15","8","Any","Any","1","special or
99","Special","see LL 6, priest 20, STR 15, DEX 20, CON 15, WIS 25, CHR 18, form:
powerful man w/black skin, cast spells from","any sphere, can plane shift any
individual to another plane w/a successful roll to hit (no save), +2 weapons to
hit","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CG","nil","20","LL 100","Special","see LL 6, paladin 20, STR 25, DEX 25,
CON 25, WIS 20, CHR 18, form: hawk-headed warrior, dedicated foe of evil,","will
right a wrong & slay a traitor, wields a +5 sword (holy avenger, luck blade,
defender & vorpal), can sunray or fire-","VR","storm at will (1/rnd), +3 weapons
to hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CG","nil","15","LL 100","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20, STR 25, DEX 25,
CON 25, WIS 20, CHR 15, form: 4 armed warrior, will initiate combat against","any
evil creature, wields a +5 lance (has abilities of ring of fire resist, ring of
protect, amulet of planes & talisman of","VR","good), +3 weapons to hit, regen
10/rnd","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CG","nil","20","LL 101","Special","see LL 6, rogue 20, STR 20, DEX 25, CON
23, WIS 20, CHR 25, form: beautiful woman w/cat head, can shape","change into any
feline at will, can command any cat, no cat will attack her, all thieving skills
at 95%, attacks w/ claws","VR","can hit creatures affected only by magic & DD vs
evil creatures, if hit save vs poison -4 or poly into great
cat","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","N","nil","20","LL 108","Special","see LL 6, druid 24, STR 20, DEX 20, CON 22,
WIS 20, CHR 24, form: beautiful woman, casts spells from the spheres","of all,
animal, charm, elemental, healing, plant & weather, wields black sickle (if hit
save vs DM or slain), if anyone","VR","looks uninvited save vs petrification or
blinded for 1d10 days","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CE","nil","18","LL 108","Special","see LL 6, fighter 24, STR 22, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 15, form: old warrior, desires revenge, wields a sword","that
cuts thru any nonmagic material as cloth (enemies AC 5 or worse adj for DEX),
regen 5/rnd (end), magic weapon","VR","to
hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","Any","LE","nil","18","LL 109","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20, STR 21, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 14, form: evil fighter, passes as a non-divine
fighter,","sickle cuts thru any material (opponents max AC 5, adj for DEX), if hit
save vs death or lose appendage","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
NG","nil","19","LL 109","Special","see LL 6, druid 22, STR 19, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS
18, CHR 18, form: immodess young beautiful woman, no non-","intelligent creature
will attack her, cannot be harmed by weapons of unforged material (wood, stone,
etc.)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
N","nil","18","LL 110","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20, STR 22, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 18, CHR 18, form: robust man w/white beard or swan, bull,","cloud & others,
magic weapon to hit, wields +9 spear, if his blood spills it forms a 6 HD monster
(DM's choice) under","VR","his control, 1/rnd he can throw a lightning bolt (4d10
dmg)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"CN","nil","19","LL 110","Special","see LL 6, wizard 15/fighter 12, STR 17, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 19, form: tall beautiful woman, cast spells","from the
schools of alteration & enchant/charm, speak in an angry voice causing 2d8 dmg to
all 50 yards + save vs","VR","petrification or flee in terror (as fear spell),
attacks with a rod","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Aphrodite","0","15","5","Any","Any","1","1d4 or
111","Special","see LL 6, wizard 15/bard 10, STR 15, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR
20, form: scantily clad beautiful woman, can","cast spells from illusion &
enchant/charm schools, carries a dagger (if struck save vs spells or charmed),
when first","VR","seen save vs paraly or unable to attack her (forever), can cause
1d10 dmg from pain to anyone trying to harm
her","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
CE","nil","17","LL 111","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20, STR 21, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 16, CHR 12, form: huge fighter, wields a +8 spear (if hit, wound","bleeds
until remove curse & heal spell cast on same round, dmg
6/rnd)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Artemis","0","16","5","Any","Any","2","1d10+1 (arrow) or 1d4
112","Special","see LL 6, druid 16/ranger 16, STR 17, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR
18, form: slim & young girl, cast spells from","spheres: all, animal, divination,
elemental, healing, plant & weather, no magic effects her & effects rebound to
caster,","VR","can shoot arrows 1000 yrds w/o penalty, uses poison dagger (save or
add 1d10 dmg/rnd until neut poison
cast)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","LG","nil","19","LL 112","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16/priest 16, STR 20, DEX
18, CON 17, WIS 21, CHR 18, form: helmeted graceful beautiful woman,","cast spells
from any sphere, helmet creates anti-magic shell 10', her shield has a medusa's
head (if look, save vs petri","VR","or turn to stone), spear +5 never
misses","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","NG","nil","18","LL 113","Special","see LL 6, wizard 15/druid 14, STR 18/00,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: beautiful woman or female horse","cast
spells from school of illusion & spheres of all, animal, elemental, healing &
weather, magic weapon to hit, wields a","VR","+5 spear (if hit, tree sprouts from
wound after 5 rnds, 2 rnds later cannot stand & roots must be torn off causing
1d10)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","CN","nil","15","LL 113","Special","see LL 6, bard 17/wizard 12, STR 19, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 13, CHR 18, form: handsome young man carrying wine,","lyre & staff
twined w/vines, casts spells from any school, if touched by staff must save vs
spell or suffer confusion
as","VR","spell","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
ny","NG","nil","18","LL 114","Special","see LL 6, wizard 12/fighter 15, STR 22,
DEX 14, CON 19, WIS 16, CHR 10, form: dark-haired man w/a deformity,","cast spells
from school of alteration, wields a hammer, if struck save vs paraly or knocked
unconscious for 1d10 rnds","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"CG","nil","18","LL 115","Special","see LL 6, thief 15/bard 12, STR 18/02, DEX 20,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: handsome youth carrying a white","rod, casts spells
from any school, if he has a chance to speak before combat opp save vs spell or
fast-talking has","VR","talked them out of attacking (treat as
charm)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"CG","nil","18","LL 115","Special","see LL 6, bard 17/priest 15, STR 18/27, DEX
19, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 19, form: strong & handsome youth, can","cast spells from
any school & sphere, if struck by his arrow save vs DM or instantly ill & suffer
loss of 1d10/rnd until","VR","cure disease is cast on
them","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CE","nil","13","LL 116","Special","see LL 6, druid 14/fighter 10, STR 20,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 18, form: huge bearded man, casts spells","from
spheres: all, animal, divination, elemental, healing, plant & weather, can move
thru water as air, wields trident (if","VR","hit, save vs paraly or stuck on it's
prongs until someone removes them suffering 1d10 dmg per
rnd","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"LN","nil","18","LL 117","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18, STR 20, DEX 18, CON 19,
WIS 18, CHR 18, form: large dark-skinned man w/black beard &","eyes, wields a
sword (if hit, save vs DM or die), gaze (death): 1/rnd 100 yrds save vs DM or die
(not in melee), if he is","VR","reduced to 0 hp it explodes flinging death rays in
all directions save vs DM or die","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"CE","nil","20","LL 117","Special","see LL 6, wizard 20, STR 13, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 17, CHR 18, form: beautiful dark-haired woman, accompanied","by 1 or more hell
hounds (max hp & abilities), casts spells from any school, wields a dagger (if
hit, save vs DM or fall","VR","into trance & controlled as undead), can control
any undead creature up to 9 HD","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Titan, Lesser","4 to -3","17 to 22",,"Any","Any","1 or 2","varies","1",1,1,"10-
20%","H","15 to 21","special","Any","CN","nil","15-25","LL 118","Special","STR 15-
25, DEX 15-25, CON 15-25, WIS 15-25, CHR 15, resemble humans, usually beautiful
sometimes ugly, can be","fighter, wizard, thief, bard, priest, etc. at lvl 20,
abilities vary by type, only hit by magic weapons, spellcasters have","VR","access
to min 2 schools or 4 spheres","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
Material","OMI 94"
"N","nil","16","LL 119","Special","STR 16, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 5, cleric
20, emerge to fulfill a powerful curse, if killed will return in 1d10 day","to
avenge death, travel w/other furies, wield whips, if hit, strips 1d4 WIS points,
casts spells from any sphere","VR",,"Group","Nil","special","General","Prime
y","N","nil","16","LL 119","Special","STR 16, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 5,
warrior 20, emerge to fulfill a powerful curse, if killed will return in
1d10","days to avenge death, travel w/other furies, wield whips, if hit, strips
1d4 STR points","VR",,"Group","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"N","nil","16","LL 119","Special","STR 16, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 5, wizard
20, emerge to fulfill a powerful curse, if killed will return in 1d10","days to
avenge death, travel w/other furies, wield whips, if hit, strips 1d4 INT points,
casts spells from any school","VR",,"Group","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Hero, Heracles","4","20","1","Any","Any","2","1d6 (club) +14
120","Humanoid","Greek hero, fighter 20, demigod, STR 25, DEX 17, CON 20, WIS 9,
CHR 18, hp 168, if killed Zeus arranges release","from dead, wears a lion's skin
(cannot be pierced, thrust 1 dmg & slash 1/2 dmg), bow (range 1 mile, never miss <
1/2","VR","mile), @ 84 dmg berserk: attack friend of foe dmg bonus doubles, adj
THAC0 melee -6 & missile -2","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
LG","nil","18","LL 120","Humanoid","Greek hero, fighter 13/bard 9, STR 18/76, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 17, CHR 18, hp 103, first son of King Aegeus,","clever, earned
fame by slaying minotaur in the labyrinth of King Minos, wields a sword, kidnapped
Helen of Troy that","VR","touched off Trojan war & led to Dark
Ages","Family","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"CG","nil","18","LL 120","Humanoid","Greek hero, fighter 13/thief 9, STR 18/00,
DEX 16, CON 17, WIS 10, CHR 18, hp 83, king of Ithaca, hero in the","Trojan war,
planned the Trojan Horse ruse, wields a
sword","VR",,"Family","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
ny","CG","special","13-14","LL 121","Monster","resemble hill giants w/single eye
on forehead, immune to fire, 90% have magic weapons (+2 to +5 bonus) &/or
armor","(+2 to +4 bonus), 21' tall, attack w/fist, only 5 greater cyclopes: Arges,
Steropes, Brontes, Pyracmon & Acamas,","VR","Greek
monster","Solitary","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
"Cyclopes, Lesser","2","13","7","Remote","Any","1","6d6","1-
4",1,1,"0","H","15","4000","Any","CE","special","5-7","LL 121","Monster","resemble
hill giants w/single eye on forehead, 20' tall, attack w/fist or throwing boulders
150 yards for 4d10 dmg,","created by Poseidon, live in small communities on
isolated islands, shepherd large sheep flocks, man-eater,
Material","OMII 25, DRC 164"
"Hecatoncheire","5","16","5","Any","Any","10 or
121","Monster","born to Gaea & Uranus, 50 headed giant w/100 arms, enemy of
Olympian gods (will attack them or worshipers on site),","can attack 1 opp. w/up
to 10 fists, on natural 20 victim is grabbed (2d10/rnd, STR 18 to 18/50- 10%
escape, add 1%","VR","per 2% STR above 50, STR 19- 90% escape), hurl 50 boulders
100 yards (treat as meteor swarm spell), attack
w/fists","Solitary","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
","Any","NE","nil","13-14","LL 121","Monster","3 headed giant that guards the
gates to the underworld, found at the gates of Hades, cannot be forced or
tricked","from his post, cannot be perm killed, attacks w/bite, middle head can
spew poison 30' save vs death or die on","VR","contact, collective stare of all 3
heads turns mortal to stone (save vs petrif), regen
5/rnd","Solitary","Nil","18","General","Prime Material",
2",1,1,"0","H","15","varies","Any","CE","nil","5-7","LL 121","Monster","man-like
w/serpents for feet, hate Olympian gods (will attack), each has at least 1 special
ability: heal all wounds each","rnd, increases 2' in size & add 1d8 dmg each rnd
to max of 21' & 5d8 dmg, victim upon seeing it save vs spell or flee","VR","in
fear or turns magic attacks w/a save vs spell (if no save allowed, turn is
automatic), 15' tall, attack w/fist","Solitary","Carnivore","16","General","Prime
Any","N","nil","21","LL 128","Special","see LL 6, priest 20/wizard 20/fighter
20/rogue 20, STR 21, DEX 21, CON 21, WIS 21, CHR 21, form: any, usually","4-armed
4-faced man, cast spells from any school or sphere, carries scimitar, dagger, mace
& short sword (1d10 each),","VR","magic weapons to hit, dmg inflicted on avatar is
inflicted upon attacker also","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
y","CE","nil","16","LL 128","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18/druid 14, STR 20, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: red-skinned warrior w/gangling arms","casts
spells from elemental & weather spheres, carries a +5 flaming sword (can ignite
objects as flame tongue), magic","VR","armor protects from non-magic missiles, bow
fires lightning 1000 yrds (no range penalties) 2d10
dmg","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","LN","nil","19","LL 129","Special","see LL 6, priest 20, STR 19, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 20, CHR 18, form: stern faced man, wields a mace, casts spells","from spheres
of all, charm, combat, divination, guardian, protection, sun & summ, if hit by his
mace victim loses 1d4","VR","karma points, any non-lawful creature w/10' must save
vs spell or flee in fear","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"LG","nil","19","LL 129","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16/wizard 14, STR 19, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 17, form: 3 armed man made of light, cast","spells from
schools of abjuration, conj/summ & invoc/evoc, weilds a light sword that cuts thru
armor (victim AC 5 max","VR","adj for DEX), magic weapons to hit, shoot light from
eyes 3d12 dmg save vs BW for 1/2","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
N","nil","18","LL 130","Special","see LL 6, necromancer 16, STR 18/76, DEX 16, CON
18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: young man w/greenish tinted skin,","wears red robes,
casts spells from school of necromancy, if struck by his dagger save vs DM or die,
robe protects him","VR","from all fire, heat, light &
electric","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
CG","nil","18","LL 130","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16/priest 10, STR 19, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: red skinned man w/7 faces & 3","arms, wields a red
axe (if hit, save vs paraly or burst into flames, 1d10/rnd & cannot do anything
until flames put out","VR","magic only), carries a fan (creates gust of wind),
casts spells from sphere of elem fire, 1/turn: breath fire 5d10
dmg","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
LG","nil","18","LL 131","Special","see LL 6, wizard 14/fighter 14, STR 19, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: blond youth w/3rd eye in forehead,","cast spells
from schools or illus/phant & alteration, anyone within 10' of his sword of light
must save vs petrification or","VR","blinded 1d10 turns, sword automatically
dispels all illusion & darkness spells within
20'","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","NG","nil","16","LL 132","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16/priest 14, STR 20, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 18, form: handsome youth w/golden eyes,","hands & tongue,
casts spells from spheres of all, creation, elemental & sun, any weapon striking
avatar must save vs","VR","magic fire or be destroyed, any armor contacted by its
sword must save vs magic fire or fall
off","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
G","nil","19","LL 132","Special","see LL 6, illusionist 18, STR 18, DEX 19, CON
19, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: large silver skinned giant, cast spells from","school of
illus/phant, if hit by his dagger save vs DM or victim thinks he died lasting 1d10
turns, every time attacker","VR","strikes avatar save vs spell or he believes he
missed the avatar","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
LN","nil","18","LL 133","Special","see LL 6, priest 16, STR 18/76, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 19, CHR 20, form: beautiful woman, cast spells from spheres","of all, charm,
healing, protect & sun, any INT being within 20' save vs spell or be charmed, can
fire ray of light from","VR","her staff 100' always hits 4d8 dmg plus save vs
paraly or blined 1d10 rnds","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"NE","nil","19","LL 133","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20/wizard 15, STR 21, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 19, CHR 18, form: large 4 armed man w/3 eyes, can","cast spells
from school of alteration, if hit by his scimitar or touches him save vs disinteg
(item) of DM (being) of disinteg","VR","& can't be raised or reincarn, can use
extra arms to cast spells (even if in melee), shoot ray from eyes (treat as
sword)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"CE","nil","18","LL 134","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16/thief 16, STR 19, DEX 19,
CON 18, WIS 12, CHR 19, form: beautiful 4-armed woman, rarely","seen in daylight,
if kissed- fall under her control (no save) until avatar destroyed, if it attacks
while undetected -5 opp","VR","suprise roll & 1 member of group must save vs DM or
strangled, if hit by it's sword save vs DM or
die","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
ny","LG","nil","19","LL 134","Special","see LL 6, priest 18, STR 18/00, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 20, CHR 18, form: sage, cast spells from any sphere, will only","fight
to defend mortal being under attack, wields axe & while carrying it he cannot be
hit by any creature of less than","VR","WIS 16, carries bow that fires light
arrows (if hit save vs paraly or blinded 1d10
days)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
NE","nil","18","LL 135","Special","see LL 6, thief 15/wizard 10, STR 18, DEX 19,
CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 16, form: pariah w/terrible skin disease, casts","spells from
schools of alteration & illusion/phant, if touched save vs poison or contract
rotting skin disease that perm","VR","reduces CHR & CON 1d4/rnd, cure disease will
halt but not restore lost points, fires arrows that have same
result","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","NG","nil","18","LL 136","Special","see LL 6, priest 20, STR 18/76, DEX 18, CON
18, WIS 18, CHR 16, form: aged traveler, cast spells from schools
of","enchant/charm, alteration & divination, magic weapons to hit, lance always
hits target & returns to his
hand","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
CN","nil","16","LL 136","Special","see LL 6, thief 14/bard 10, STR 18, DEX 19, CON
16, WIS 16, CHR 18, form: beautiful woman w/black hair, cast","spells from any
school, carries a golden sitar, if hit by her sword save vs paraly or blind
(perm), can create or dispel","VR","dark 50' rad, can assume form of incorpreal
shadow at will 1/day, playing sitar can charm any creature (save vs
spell)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Vayu","-2","15","5","Any","Any","3","1d8/1d8/2d10","1",1,1,"15%","H","20,
Fl 20","special","Any","CN","nil","18","LL 137","Special","see LL 6, wizard 14,
STR 18, DEX 16, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 12, form: flying lizard (sim to gray dragon),
cast spells","from schools of alteration & invoc/evoc, can turn invisible at will,
can breath wind 100 mph up to 100', anyone caught","VR","in wind must save vs BW
or lose footing","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","CG","nil","21","LL 137","Special","see LL 6, wizard 20/priest 15, STR 13, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 20, CHR 17, form: ordinary man, cast spells from any","sphere or
school, wears a golden rob (AC -3), carries golden dagger (if hit, save vs paraly
or perm paralyzed), carries a","VR","pinwheel that negates magic 100' if blown on,
can heal 3d10 dmg each rnd","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","LN","nil","19","LL 143","Special","see LL 6, wizard 20, STR 22, DEX 18, CON 19,
WIS 19, CHR 19, form: handsome man, cast spells from any school,","if hit by his
lance save vs DM or die","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
","LN","nil","19","LL 143","Special","see LL 6, priest 20, STR 22, DEX 18, CON 19,
WIS 19, CHR 19, form: beautiful woman, cast spells from any sphere,","can become a
corpse and all who see save vs petrif or flee 1d10
turns","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
ny","LG","nil","18","LL 143","Special","see LL 6, priest 19, STR 20, DEX 18, CON
18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: beautiful woman, cast spells from spheres of","all,
charm, creation, elemental & sun, can shoot rays from eyes doing 10d10 dmg, immune
to heat, cold, fire, light &","VR","dark based
attacks","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Tsuki-
NG","nil","19","LL 144","Special","see LL 6, wizard 18/fighter 14, STR 19, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 18, form: massive man w/blue skin, can","cast spells from any
school, can telekinesis on any item up to 500 gp in weight (victims DEX check to
retain grip),","VR","can fly at will at equal speed to normal
walking","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
Any","LN","nil","18","LL 144","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20, STR 21, DEX 18, CON
18, WIS 16, CHR 18, form: samurai on a black horse, wields a sword of","sharpness
+5, immune to spells of 5th lvl or lower, carries a bow that never misses (range
1000 yrds)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"CN","nil","16","LL 145","Special","see LL 6, priest 16/fighter 14, STR 18/00,
DEX 19, CON 19, WIS 12, CHR 17, form: giant ill-kept warrior, cast spells","from
spheres of elem, sun & weather, if hit by his blue sword suffer normal dmg + 2d10
lightning (save vs spells 1/2","VR","lightning
dmg)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"CE","nil","16","LL 145","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16/priest 14, STR 21, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 18, form: bully with a deformed face, casts","spells from
spheres of element & weather, if hit by his mace suffer normal dmg + 3d10
lightning (save vs spells 1/2 of","VR","lightning dmg), in battle a wind swirls
around him (non-magic missiles always
miss)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, O-Kuni-
,"LG","nil","18","LL 146","Special","see LL 6, druid 16/wizard 16, STR 18/00, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: samurai but acts as druid, casts","from spheres
of all, animal, divination, elem, healing, necrom, plant & weather & any school,
if struck by his staff STR","VR","check or fall, can summon 1d4 (4 HD)
animals/rnd","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Ama-Tsu-
,"N","nil","18","LL 147","Special","see LL 6, fighter 14/priest 12, STR 21, DEX
16, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 10, form: huge hairy man w/patch over eye,","cast spells
from sphere of elem, creation & sun, wields a +5 axe (vorpal), any attack that
misses him has a 25% (15%","VR","for magic) of weapon breaking by blocking the
blow","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"Any","NG","nil","18","LL 147","Special","see LL 6, druid 14/thief 10, STR 18/00,
DEX 19, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 10, form: fox (or old man, +5 quarterstaff),","even in
fox form can cast spells, thieving & druid abilities, casts from spheres of all,
animal, elem, heal, plant & weather,","VR","attack: claw/claw/bite, if bitten save
vs BW or suffer broken bone (becomes useless until healed), cannot be
trapped","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Ho
ecial","Any","CN","nil","18","LL 148","Special","see LL 6, fighter 16, STR 19, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 19, CHR 18, form: large man w/red hair, rides a huge boar,","sword
does normal dmg + 10 fire dmg (no STR bonus), if hit armor saves vs magic fire or
destroyed, if touched by","VR","bare hands 2d10 fire
dmg","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Ho Masubi, Riding
l","3","LL 148","Special","Ho Masubi's riding
boar",,"VR",,"Solitary","Nil","16","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Nai No
N","nil","18","LL 148","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18/druid 14, STR 24, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: ferocious giant, casts spells from","sphers of all,
animal, elem, heal & weather, if hit by his hammer save vs petrif or knocked to
ground 15' away, if struck","VR","on ground causes earthquake (as
spell)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, O-Wata-Tsu-Mi","3","16","3","Any","Any","1","1d10","1",1,1,"20%","M","15,
Sw 15","special","Any","NG","nil","18","LL 149","Special","see LL 6, druid 16, STR
18/96, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: old man w/webbed feet & gills, cast
spells","from spheres of all, animal, elemental, heal, plant & weather, if hit by
his trident save vs petrif or stuck on it's prongs","VR","after he can turn shaft
causing 2d10/rnd (automatic)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Avatar, Kura
CG","nil","9","LL 149","Special","see LL 6, priest 12, STR 18/76, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 18, CHR 18, form: befuddled old man, cast spells from sphere","of charm, elem,
& weather, can call lightning (6d10) 1/rnd, his staff can unleash a 10' wd torrent
of water (all in path","VR","save vs petrif or washed 2d100 yards
away)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Shina-Tsu-
N","nil","18","LL 150","Special","see LL 6, fighter 14, STR 18/00, DEX 19, CON 18,
WIS 16, CHR 18, form: samurai, 50% of avoiding dmg if hit, his","sword slices thru
armor (never better then AC 5, adj for
DEX)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Amatsu-
y","LE","nil","18","LL 151","Special","see LL 6, thief 18/bard 16, STR 20, DEX 20,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: small charming bald man or alluring","woman, cast
spells from any school, backstab x4, sword has poison (1d10/rnd until
neutralized)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Schichifukujin","4 to 0","12","9","Any","Any","1","1d6","7",1,1,"10-
15%","M","15","special","Any","LG","nil","18","LL 151","Special","see LL 6, priest
12, STR 18, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: apear similar to gods, cast
spells from any","sphere, if hit by their sword victim is condemned to eternal
unhappiness & WIS, CON & CHR all
-2","VR",,"Group","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"NG","nil","18","LL 152","Humanoid","japanese hero, ranger 18, STR 18/00, DEX 19,
CON 18, WIS 11, CHR 18, hp 153, famous fighter of monsters,","wields a +3 sword of
sharpness, carries a bow that has double range & dmg, never back down from
challenge, very","VR","cunning, casts (9th lvl): comnd, det mag, cure light, charm
pers or mam, find trap, slow pois, loc obj, cure dis, disp
mag","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Empress
LN","nil","18","LL 152","Humanoid","japanese hero, fighter 15/wizard 12, STR 14,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 18, hp 144, great ruler, son Ojin","became god of war
Hachinman, carries a +5 vorpal sword, casts: mag miss, clr spry, aff norm fire,
friend, fog cld, wiz","VR","lock, esp, stnk cld, prot frm norm miss, hast, wtr
breath, hold prs, dim door, poly self, det scry, wall of fire, domin,
others","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
,"Any","CE","nil","13-14","LL 153","Monster","from japanese mythology, related to
badger & raccoon, can shapechange into any object (animate or
inanimate),","attack: claw/claw/bite, play terrible
tricks","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
2",1,1,"15%","M","15","15,000","Any","NE","nil","13-14","LL 153","Undead","from
japanese mythology, spirits of jealous woman, grotesque faces, attack:
claw/claw/horn, if hit by claw save vs","DM or 2d10 poison dmg per rnd until
neutralized, can scream (1/day not in melee) 3d10 dmg all 25'-rad (no
save),","VR","+2 weapons to hit, usually found in Land of Darkness, harass
unfaithful lovers or men in general","Solitary","Nil","18","General","Prime
"Avatar, Gods of Lankhmar","0","16","10","Any","Any","1","1d10","2-
10",1,1,"0","M","6","special","Any","CE","nil","19-20","LL 160","Undead","see LL
6, lich, all powers & abilities of a lich, carry a fully charged staff of
withering (turn to dust after charges used),","# appearing depends on nature of
the doom coming to the city","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Avatar, Issek of the Jug","2","15","6","Any","Any","2","by
160","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15, STR 25, DEX 22, CON 24, WIS 25, CHR 24,
form: suffering mortal (host) on the rack, breaks","free & hunts down person who
ordered the torture, uses any weapon available, once victim is elimintated
it","VR","disappears & host is left in perfect form w/no sign of
torture","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Gods of
y","LG","nil","7","LL 161","Special","see LL 6, wizard 1, STR 7, DEX 7, CON 24,
WIS 7, CHR 7, form: bumbling wizard, friendly, try to ruin whatever","expedition
they travel on, cause accidents, no magic item or spell functions within 30', gaze
causes any action to","VR","fail (no
save)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","CE","nil","20","LL 161","Special","see LL 6, fighter 6, STR n/a, DEX n/a,
CON n/a, WIS 20, CHR n/a, form: misty cloud w/6 eyes & tentacles, can","control 6
creatures (as charm spell) or use 6 weapons (as 6th lvl fighters), cloud generated
by a high priest (14th lvl) at","VR","night w/50 worshipers by gate spell,
connected by Astral cord (AC -8) if cut the cloud is
dispelled","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Any","N","nil","24","LL 162","Special","see LL 6, rogue 10, STR 24, DEX 24, CON
24, WIS 24, CHR 21, hp 350, form: grim reaper, lives in a dimension","called
Shadowland, can appear anywhere in Nehwon (teleport), wields a sword 'Slayer'
(kills anything it touches, no","VR","save), can see all actions of a person's
life, can kill an intermediate or lesser god (they save if hit by
'Slayer')","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","nil","19","LL 162","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15/bard 15, STR 19, DEX 19, CON
19, WIS 19, CHR 19, form: human warrior, uses a +4 2-handed","sword (will change
to normal axe if he does too well), in battle Kos will send 9d10 berserkers that
will remain until no","VR","longer needed or killed, only one group can be called
in 24 hours","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","CE","nil","15","LL 163","Special","see LL 6, thief 15, STR 15, DEX 15, CON 15,
WIS 15, CHR 15, form: lovely young female, comes to spread the cult","but usually
gets caught up in stealing things for herself, can summon 2d10 special ravens (see
Birds of Tyaa, LL 168)","VR","that always have poisoned
claws","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Red
Any","CG","nil","22","LL 163","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15, STR 24, DEX 25, CON
24, WIS 17, CHR 24, form: massive dark skinned man riding a huge","warhorse
(breaths fire, save vs BW or 1d20 dmg), uses +3 sabre (right hand) & +4 dirk (left
hand), sabre casts a anti-","VR","magic shell (doesn't affect him), wears a ring
of protect +4, a helm of telepathy & teleportation, & cloak of
displacement","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"NG","nil","17","LL 164","Humanoid","nehwon hero, ranger 18/bard 5/thief 15, STR
18/00, DEX 17, CON 18, WIS 16, CHR 17, hp 120, barbarian, lost","hand to a monster
(has attatchments), reads & writes major lang (90% obscure), expert sailor &
mountain climber, uses","VR","bast sword, dirk, throwing axe, long bow & 2-hand
sword, uses hip power in battle, travels w/Gray Mouser (best
friend)","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Gray
,"N","nil","18","LL 164","Humanoid","nehwon hero, fighter 13/wizard 5/thief 19,
STR 15, DEX 18, CON 16, WIS 15, CHR 18, hp 96, fast thinker, likes","cities,
organizer/planner, uses rapier & dagger, also sling, light crossbow, garrote &
short sword, will have some magic","VR","item, incompetent magic user, likes
luxury, he & Fafhrd have a robinhood approach to gain funds, mentor is
Sheelba","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Sheelba of the Eyeless
N","nil","19","LL 165","Humanoid","nehwon hero, illusionist 20/druid 7, STR 20,
DEX 18, CON 19, WIS 17, CHR 7, hp 150, female reptilian from another","plane,
never shows all of self, protective of Gray Mouser, can drive out demons, summons
other creatures to defend","VR","her, lives in the Great Salt Marsh (in magic
hut), can travel to other universes from hut, greedy, only acts for
profit","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
"Hero, Ningauble of the Seven
"N","nil","19","LL 165","Monster","nehwon hero, illusionist 20/bard 13, STR 14,
DEX 16, CON 19, WIS 19, CHR 16, hp 150, not human or humanoid,","never shows true
form, eyes act as gem of true seeing & crystal ball, gossiper, inhabits enchanted
caves, aims to learn","VR","about ways of Nehwon & further magic abilities, his
caves have portals to other
planes","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
","LG","nil","14","LL 166","Humanoid","nehwon hero, paladin 12, STR 18/51, DEX 17,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, hp 86, most famous hero, overlord of","Kvarch Nar, travels
from city to city on quests of good, has all powers of a paladin, immune to fear &
paralysis, uses a","VR","2-handed +2 sword 'Astrendan' (kills undead creatures it
touches), rides huge white war horse (max abilities &
INT)","Solitary","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
E","nil","14","LL 166","Humanoid","nehwon villian, fighter 15/cleric 5, STR 17,
DEX 17, CON 17, WIS 17, CHR 8, hp 72, most skilled fighter, can use","any weapon,
wields a +4 spear, prefers missile weapons, most think he is a bully, careful &
diligent, lives for thrill of","VR","battle, looks for toughest warriors to
fight","Solitary","Omnivore",,"General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Furred, Snow
"N","nil","1","LL 167","Monster","nehwon mythology, white & warm blooded hairy
serpent, 100' lg, if attack roll is successful on next rnd constriction","starts,
then it coils 10% to 40% of it's body & crushes victim 1 point per 3' of body used
per rnd","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Ghoul, Nehwon","6","3","17","Any","Arctic","1","varies","3-
30",0,1,"0","M","12","175","Any","NE","nil","8-12","LL 167","Humanoid","nehwon
mythology, not undead, race of transparent humanoids, they are completely
invisible in shadows & darkness,","in light they appear smokey (80% invisible),
bold & fierce fighters, go into battle singing, females are fighters too but
are","VR","attracted to human males, men use double bladed axes & women use
shorter double bladed axe or slim
sword","Solitary","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Spider, Salt","6","3","17","Swamp","Any","1","1d8","1-
6",1,1,"0","S","15","275","Any","N","nil","1","LL 167","Monster","Nehwon
mythology, 4' long, can travel on any surface, bite has poison (save vs poison or
die), makes webs in ponds","& streams in salty swamps that trip victims, the
victim gets tangled and spider
attacks","VR",,"Group","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
"Behemoth","4","15","5","Swamp","Any","1","4d10","1",0,0,"0","S","12, Sw
18","5000","Any","N","nil","1","LL 167","Monster","Nehwon mythology, killer whale
with 4 legs & no fins, move thru water, mash grass & quicksand, always attacks
the","larges thing in any group, good sense of smell & persistant
tracker","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","OMII 18"
"Bird, Tayaa","7","1/2","20","Any","Any","1","1d4","3-30",1,0,"0","T","1, Fl
18","35","Day","NE","nil","5-7","LL 168","Monster","Nehwon mythology, resembles a
raven, fly to poisoned berry patches to coat claws w/poison (50% have
poisoned","claws), dive at opponents (+4 on att rolls), speak lang only understood
by priests of Tyaa, used as scouts & thieves","VR","for them, trained to tell
difference between simple objects & highly valued
jewels","Flock","Herbivore","6","General","Prime Material",
"Wolf, Astral","3","3","17","Any","Any","1","2d4","3-
12",1,0,"0","S","18","175","Day","NE","nil","1","LL 168","Monster","Nehwon
mythology, spirit of wolves that died hungry, haunt astral plane & roam wastes of
Nehwon, attack 1 or 2","travelers, attack when victims are sleeping, 5 or more can
pull a victim's spirit into Astral plane, there they battle as if","VR","on Prime,
all wounds inflicted on spirit happen to real
body","Pack","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Cobra, Water","8","3+3","17","Water","Any","1","1d4","1-
8",1,0,"0","S","12","175","Day","N","nil","1","LL 169","Monster","Nehwon
mythology, can change color in water making it invisible, snakes bite has poison
save or die, after 2 success","hits it flees & returns in several rnds to see if
victim is dead, if victim lives 75% it finds an easier prey, feeds on fish
&","VR","small mammals","Group","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Snake, Cobra, Land","8","3+3","17","Land","Any","1","1d4","1-
8",1,0,"0","S","12","175","Day","N","nil","1","LL 169","Monster","Nehwon
mythology, can coil & leap up to 5' at prey, will only jump if victim is in range,
snakes bite has poison save or","die, after 2 success hits it flees & returns in
several rnds to see if victim is dead, if victim lives 75% it finds an
easier","VR","prey, feeds on fish & small
mammals","Group","Carnivore","9","General","Prime Material",
"Vulture, Marsh","6","8","13","Swamp","Any","3","1d10/1d10/2d20","2-
5",1,0,"0","H","3, Fl 24","975","Day","NE","nil","5-7","LL 169","Monster","Nehwon
mythology, huge vulture, actively attacks living creatures, drive victims into
quicksand & tear them appart,","will fly away after 1st few attacks, when victim
flees if they go to a dangerous marsh area they do not attack,
attack:","VR","talon/talon/beak, 95% chance of getting swamp disease from a single
hit","Group","Carnivore","11","General","Prime Material",
00","Day","LE","nil","15-16","LL 169","Monster","Nehwon mythology, 20th lvl
illusionist, alien merchant who likes to sell things, they go to a plane & open a
single shop,","filled w/magic items at low prices, item have several illusions
cast on them, if a lot are selling more devourers will come,","VR","soon they
create slave communities from the morgage payments on the piles of
junk","Solitary","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
E","nil","8-10","LL 169","Monster","Nehwon mythology, casts spells as 20th lvl
illusionist (limited to snow & ice), fire a cold ray 60' 8d8 dmg, if hit by
her","save vs paraly or stun 4d8 rnds, cold & ice attacks heal 1/die, body secrets
acid as a black pudd, immune to weap","VR","& severed limbs rejoin imm, plants
eggs in dead victims, hatch as normal white pudding (10% cold woman) in 24
hrs","Group","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
,"CG","nil","20","LL 175","Special","see LL 6, wizard 12/fighter 20, STR 24, DEX
20, CON 18, WIS 20, CHR 18, form: old man w/eye patch & slouch hat,","wields a +5
spear 'Gungnir' (in battle it points to strongest foe, if held up all who see save
vs spell or fear, if you touch","VR","blessed w/double prayer effects, if touch
against his will save vs spell or poly to an ant), cast spells from any
school","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"LN","nil","18","LL 176","Special","see LL 6, wizard 16/bard 10, STR 18/76, DEX 18
CON 17, WIS 17, CHR 19, form: beautiful woman, cast spells from","any school,
wears a necklace of black opals that charm anyone within sight (save vs spell to
neg), wields a dagger,","VR","if hit save vs paraly or carried 2 miles away on
powerful wind","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"CG","nil","18","LL 176","Special","see LL 6, priest 18/fighter 20, STR 25, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 19, form: huge red-bearded man, wields a","hammer
'Mjolnir' (thrown 200 yrds, never misses, returns to hand & casts 100 points of
lightning dmg) req 25 STR to","VR","lift, wears a girdle of str (25) & glove (att
3/rnd & imm to fire), casts from sun, elem & weath, +1 weapons to
hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"CG","nil","18","LL 177","Special","see LL 6, fighter 15/bard 16, STR 18/00, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 20, form: beautiful warrior maiden, cast","spells from any
school, wields a +3 sword (STR 18/01 to lift), if hit save vs paraly or
incapacitated until she wishes,","VR","any enchant/charm spell rebounds to caster,
sword makes her immune to illus/phant
spells","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Aegir","0","16","3","Any","Any","2","1d8+4","1",1,1,"20%","L","12, Sw
15","special","Any","CE","nil","15","LL 178","Special","see LL 6, priest
14/fighter 16, STR 19, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 18, form: burly old man
w/crazed expression,","casts spells from weather & elemental water spheres, wields
a +4 club, if hit save vs DM or fall unconscious, BW- salt","VR","water from mouth
20' dmg 1d10, can move freely & breath in
water","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","NG","nil","18","LL 178","Special","see LL 6, fighter 14/bard 14, STR 18/00, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 21, form: handsome fighter, cast spells","from any school,
usually followed by several hundred women, only injured by spells using mistletoe
as major spell","VR","component, immune to all weapons, females save vs paraly or
become perm worshiper leaving everything &
following","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"NG","nil","18","LL 179","Special","see LL 6, bard 20, STR 18/83, DEX 19, CON 16,
WIS 18, CHR 18, form: old man w/beard, cast spells from any","school, wields a
sword, when he sings all creatures that hear save vs spells or fall under his
control (as domination),","VR","carries harp (modifies creatures saves -4 while
played)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
Any","LG","nil","19","LL 179","Special","see LL 6, priest 16/fighter 12, STR
18/00, DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 19, CHR 18, form: ordinary man, cast spells
from","spheres of all, charm, combat, divination & protection, wields a +5 sword
(sharpness, swings at a being who spoke a","VR","lie within the last 7 days &
never misses), cannot lie to the
avatar","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"NG","nil","18","LL 180","Special","see LL 6, priest 12/fighter 14, STR 19, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: handsome young man, cast spells","from spheres
of all, animal, charm, creation, divination, plant, sun & weather, wields a sword,
if hit save vs spells or","VR","lose desire to fight, no horse will ride into
battle against him, can summon or dispel any rain clouds in sight (1
turn)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
","CN","nil","18","LL 180","Special","see LL 6, wizard 16, STR 18/76, DEX 18, CON
18, WIS 18, CHR 20, form: beautiful, veluptuous woman, cast spells","from school
or abjur & enchant/charm, wields a magic dagger, if hit save vs spell or burst
into flames 2d10 dmg &","VR","cont to burn until dispel magic, any male looking at
her save vs spell or be charmed","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
Any","LN","nil","18","LL 181","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18, STR 22, DEX 19, CON
18, WIS 18, CHR 17, form: burly warrior in white armor, always attacks","with
surprise, carries +3 vorpal sword (+5 vs frost giant), +3 plate armor (+3 weapons
to hit)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"NE","nil","18","LL 182","Special","see LL 6, priest 18/fighter 16, STR 18/76, DEX
18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: woman, cast spells from sphere","of all, anim,
chrm, combat, creat, divin, heal & necro, any being within 20' save vs DM or
suffer 3d10 dmg from her","VR","aura, wield sword, if hit save vs DM or contract
disease (5/rnd until cured), magic weap to hit, kiss of death (no
save)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
G","nil","18","LL 182","Special","see LL 6, druid 14/ranger 14, STR 18/55, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, form: teenage girl, cast spells from","all, animal, charm,
divin, elem, heal, necro, plant & weather, carries basket of apples she throws
(rand eff as wand of","VR","wonder), staff- if hit save vs BW or 10 yrs younger
(if <15 -1 str & wis for every 2 yrs below, <8 no att, <6 no
magic)","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
E","nil","18","LL 183","Special","see LL 6, illusionist 18/thief 15, STR 18/95,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 14, CHR 18, form: handsome man dressed in red","& black, cast
spells from school of illus/phant, immune to magic control & fooled by illusions
cast by 18th or higher lvl","VR","wizard, can at will cast
suggestion","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"LG","nil","18","LL 183","Special","see LL 6, fighter 18, STR 20, DEX 18, CON 18,
WIS 17, CHR 17, form: burly warrior with a missing hand, carries a","+3 sword of
sharpness (allows him to see invisible objects & know
alignment)","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Norns","5, 4, 3","12","12","Any","Any","2, 1, 1","1d4+8, 1d4+1,
1d4+1","1",1,1,"15%","varies","18, 15, 12","special","Any","N","nil","20","LL
184","Special","see LL 6, priest 12, wizard 12, fighter 12, STR 20/17/17, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 20, CHR 18, form: large swans, each","represents past (urd)/present
(verdandi)/future (skuld), cast spells from schools of conj/summ, ench/charm,
divin &","VR","invoc/evoc, spheres: all, charm, divin, necro, protect & summ,
magic weapons to hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
,"CE","nil","16","LL 184","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20/wizard 18, STR 25, DEX
21, CON 25, WIS 12, CHR 20, form: lesser god appears as self, lord of","frost
giants, wields a double bladed white axe, breath cone of cold 100' 10d10 dmg save
vs BW for 1/2 dmg, imm to","VR","cold, +3 weapons to
hit","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
y","LE","nil","19","LL 184","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20/priest 15, STR 24, DEX
12, CON 20, WIS 14, CHR 20, form: lesser god appears as self, lord of","fire
giants, wields a +3 flaming sword (sets anything it touches on fire 1d10/rnd save
to neg), immune to fire, anyone","VR","touching his armor suffers 1d10
dmg","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Avatar, Valkyries","-2","22","-1","Any","Any","2","1d8+5","1",1,1,"35%","M","15
(Fl 25)","special","Any","CE","nil","18","LL 185","Special","see LL 6, fighter 20,
STR 22, DEX 20, CON 19, WIS 14, CHR 20, form: fallen heroes, no avatars, appears
as selves,","ride flying horses, visible to fighters in mortal danger, +1 weapons
to hit, wields a spear (penetrates magic armor, no","VR","AC better than 4),
immune: fire, electric, ice & cold","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime
ny","N","nil","15","LL 186","Humanoid","Norse hero, fighter 10/thief 10, STR 19,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 15, CHR 12, hp 129, battle leader of durin dwarves,","defends
his fellows against fire giants, wears +3 gauntlets (2d10+3 dmg), +2 weapons to
hit him because of his","VR","knowledge of magic
weapons","Army","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
Any","NG","nil","14","LL 186","Humanoid","Norse hero, ranger12/bard 12, STR 17,
DEX 18, CON 18, WIS 18, CHR 18, hp 135, peace loving, tries to find a
non","violent solution, dedicated to Frey, a second before a fatal blow or spell
he teleports to Asgard (auto), spells (P): anim","VR","friend, comm, spk w/anim,
enthr, pryr, (W) brn hnds, chg slf, chl tch, cont lght, glit dst, web, wrthfrm,
delud, others","Family","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
,"LG","nil","14","LL 186","Humanoid","Norse hero, fighter 18, STR 18/88, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 14, CHR 18, hp 153, son of Sigmund, first wielder of","Odin's sword
(found 2 pieces & durin dwarves forged together), Odin's sword (dragon slayer +4,
+5 vs red dragons) &","VR","makes him immune to
fire","Family","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
y","NG","nil","12","LL 186","Humanoid","Norse hero, fighter 19, STR 19, DEX 18,
CON 18, WIS 12, CHR 18, hp 156, killed the monster Grendel, became","king of the
Geats, died battling a dragon, wields sword of the giants (+5 vorpal sword, casts
golden light at all times,","VR","acts as a ring of free action, allows bearer to
breath water)","Family","Omnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
"Villian, Fafnir (Red
000","Any","CE","as red dragon","13-14","LL 187","Monster","norse villian, son of
dwarf king Hreidmar, killed his father for his treasure, eventually turned into a
red dragon (no wings","can't fly, no spells), weak spot (AC 2) over heart, tries
to keep spot covered, breathes fire 12d10+6 save vs BW for","VR","1/2 dmg, immune
to fire, cast aff norm fire & pyrotech (3/day), heat metal
(1/day)","Solitary","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
,"LE","varies magic items","13-14","LL 187","Monster","norse mythology, huge dog
w/large head, guards entrance to cavern Gniper (allows anyone to enter but not
leave),","when not guarding he can travel to any plane in Gladsheim w/2d10 dire
wolves, upon viewing save vs petrif or fear,","VR","+2 weapons to hit, immune to
control & charm spells, attacks w/bite","Solitary","Nil","18","General","Prime
","CE","nil","13-14","LL 187","Monster","norse mythology, huge wolf, offspring of
Loki & Angur-boda (giantess), cannot be killed, held by dwaven leash, it
can","occationally escape & god walk in the land in search of it, +2 weapons to
hit","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","19","General","Prime Material",
"Fossergrim","0","5","15","Water","Any","2","1d8","1",0,1,"0","M","9, Sw
36","17,000","Any","NE","nil","11-12","LL 187","Humanoid","norse mythology,
resemble normal men, live under waterfalls, never found further than 1 mile from
lair, mate w/women","who bathe in pools, 100% MR in water otherwise normal, in
water regen 4/rnd & cannot miss anyone standing in","VR","water, if offspring is
female they are normal human (can breath water) & males appear normal 5d10 years
then change","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Animal Herd","7","1 to 4",,"Plains","Any","1","1d4 or 1d6 or
1d8","1",0,0,"0","L","24","10-75","Day","N","nil","1","DRC 157","Animal","wild
grazing creatures, type of animal varies: antelope, deer or goats (1 to 2 HD, 1d4
dmg), wild horses & zebras (2 HD,","1d4+1 dmg), caribou & oxen (3 HD, 1d6 dmg),
elk, moose & cattle (4 HD, 1d8 dmg), or others, 1 in 4 are male & rest","C","young
& females, herd does 1d20 dmg trampling, also found in light
woods","Herd","Herbivore","5","General","Prime Material","OMI 51"
2",1,0,"0","M","21","270","Any","N","nil","2","DRC 163","Animal","extremely quick,
can outrun most prey over short distance, black furred, attack: claw/claw/bite, if
both front claws","hit then rear rake: 1d4/1d4","C",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Elemental, Ruler","varies","41 to 80",,"Any","Any","2","varies","1-
6",1,1,"0","L","12","varies","Any","N","special","15","DRC 176","Monster","huge
creatures identical to normal elementals, 2' tall per HD, immune to 1st-5th lvl
spells, poison, charm, hold, mental,","illusions, death & disintegrate, +3 weapons
to hit, for AC & dmg see table DRC, if hit by it victim save vs DM or
inst","VR","killed, most of his equip destroyed as well (95%, -5% per magic +),
can summon other elementals","Group","Nil","18-19","General","Elemental",
"Bass, Giant","7","2","20","Water, Fresh","Any","1","1d6","2-8",0,0,"0","L","SW
12","35","Any","N","nil","1","DRC 177","Monster","giant version of normal fish,
shy, will only attack if food (halfling size or smaller) is floating nearby, can
be summoned","by nixies","R",,"School","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime
Material","FF 14"
"Rockfish, Giant","7","5+5","16","Water, Salt","Any","4","1d4","2-
8",1,0,"0","L","SW 18","420","Any","N","nil","1","DRC 177","Monster","giant
version of normal fish, 70% chance of being mistaken for rock, attacks with spines
that are poisoned save vs","poison or die, will only attack if
disturbed","R",,"School","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Dinosaur, Baluchitherium","5","14","7","Land","Any","2","3d6+2","1-
3",0,0,"0","H","12","5000","Day","N","nil","2-4","OMI 8","Animal","ancestor of
rhinoceros, will charge anything near it, if to encountered they are mates & if
3rd it is their young",,"R",,"Solitary","Herbivore","8-10","General","Alternate",
"Parasite, Cerebral","n/a","n/a",,"Any","Any","0","0","3-
12",1,1,"0","T","n/a","65","Any","N","nil","0","OMI 14","Monster","not visible to
human eye, can be detected psionically, removed only by a cure disease, if victim
comes within 1"" of","psionic creature it attacks (unnoticed), drains psionic
energy, after 6 points drained it reproduces and the offspring","R","feeds, cannot
be attacked except by cure disease","Solitary","Special","n/a","General","Prime
"Dinosaur, Camarasaurus","6","20","1","Swamp","Any","1","3d4","2-
8",1,0,"0","G","6","10,000","Day","N","nil","0","OMI 24","Animal","trampling dmg
"Dinosaur, Cetiosaurus","6","24","1","Water","Any","1","3d6","1-
4",1,0,"0","G","6","14,000","Day","N","nil","0","OMI 25","Animal","trampling dmg
4d10, found near lakes & marshes",,"UC",,"Group","Herbivore","8-
"Dinosaur, Megalosaurus","5","12","9","Land","Any","1","3d6","1-
2",0,0,"0","H","12","2000","Day","N","nil","0","OMI 26","Animal","travel on all
4's but can function bipedally, large jaws &
"Dinosaur, Pentaceratops","2/6","12","9","Land","Any","3","1d6/1d10/1d10","2-
12",1,1,"0","H","9","4000","Day","N","nil","0","OMI 26","Animal","relative of
monoclonius, aggressive, head AC 2/body AC 6, can charge for 2d10 trampling
"Dinosaur, Styracosaurus","2/4","10","11","Land","Any","1","2d8","2-
8",1,1,"0","H","6","2000","Day","N","nil","0","OMI 27","Animal","aggressive, head
AC 2/body AC 6, can charge anything threatening for 2d8 trampling dmg, if
attacking rear 50% of","being hit with 1d3 sharp frills for 1d6 dmg
"Formian, Myrmarch","1","6+6","13","Any","Any","2","2d4/3d12","5-
8",1,0,"0","L","15","2000","Any","LN","nil","16","MAIII 48","Monster","horse size,
can communicate w/humans (odd chittering sound) & own speech, attack:
mandibles/sting, sting injects","poison that paralyzes for 1d4 turns save 1/2
duration","VR",,"Colony","Omnivore","15","General","Arcadia","OMII 66"
"Formian, Warrior","2","3+3","17","Any","Any","4","1d6/1d6/1d4/2d4","21-
40",1,0,"0","M","15","420","Any","LN","nil","10","MAIII 48","Monster","pony size,
can communicate w/humans (odd chittering sound) & own speech, attack:
foreleg/foreleg/mandible/sting,","sting injects poison save or attack -2 for 1d6
turns","VR",,"Colony","Carnivore","17","General","Arcadia","OMII 66"
"Formian, Worker","3","1+1","19","Any","Any","1","1d4","100-
400",0,0,"0","S","18","35","Any","LN","nil","6","MAIII 48","Monster","smallest &
most common of all formian, attacks very rarely, bites
victims",,"R",,"Colony","Omnivore","19","General","Arcadia","OMII 66"
"Mastiff, Shadow","6","4","17","Any","Any","1","2d4","4-16",1,1,"0","M","18
(9)","420","Night","NE","nil","2-4","MAIII 79","Monster","summoned to Prime,
combat night (dark): blends w/shadows (opp attack -4, 40% unseen), if unseen only
physical or","area effect spells; combat day (illuminated): cannot hide in
shadows, loses 4 hp, morale & movement drop, general:","UC","baying: all 360' save
(mod/table) vs spell or flee 2d4 rnds (50% drop items), baying power increases on
home plane","Pack","Carnivore","17 (9)","General","Demi-, Shadow","OMII 84"
7","MAIII 109","Monster","hybrid of hydra, 8-headed (indpnt 12 hp each) & main
mouth, 30' lg x 8' tall, 6' neck, attack: 8 heads/mouth/tail, if bit","by heads
save vs poison or add 1d6, main mouth save vs poison or add 1d20, tail does dmg &
grabs victim depositing","R","in mouth (save vs acid & crush blw), 1/day can spit
acid 12' dia up to 30 yrds (12d6 dmg save vs pois 1/2), imm:
acid","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","OMII 119"
0","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 12","Monster","most feared beetle, can camouflage
self in woods (opp surp -2), can death rattle: vibrations & clicking sound (10%
to","determine direction) after 1 rnd all 30' save vs DM or killed & all others
5d4 dmg (muscle pains several hours), can","VR","only create this attack every
1d4+1 hours (rest), nomadic (searches for hunting area), wings used to make +1
shield","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 17"
"Beetle, Slicer","3","6","15","Forests","Temperate","1","2d8","1-
3",1,0,"0","S","6","420","Any","N","incidental","0","MAIII 12","Monster","attacks
w/mandibles, any natural 19 or 20 severs victims limb, if losing battle it picks
up any limbs & flees, lair contains","bones & 1d6 normal weapons, 25% have a magic
weapon, 10% magic boots (5% set), will raid lands stripping any","VR","living
thing in the way, similar to stag beetle, will attack
anything","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material","OMII 17"
"Time Dimensional, Common","2","12 or 16","9 or 5","Any","Any","1","3d4 or
4d4","1",1,1,"25% (90%)","S","10","4000 or 8000","Any","N","nil","13-14","MAIII
111","Monster","in reality appear as smoke or vapor, on demi-time sphere of light
silver energy, only attack if attacked first, attack:","fine powder (reality) or
temporal shock (time), can copy self (1d4, hit on one effects all, versions of
self from other time","VR","lines, hit & run), MR 90% in reality, +3 weap to hit,
absorbs chromancer spells w/ 30 yards, can slip back & forth in
time","Solitary","Special","10","General","Demi-, Time","OMII 120"
"Time Dimensional, Noble","2","20","1","Any","Any","1","5d4","1",1,1,"25%
(90%)","S","10","12,000","Any","N","nil","18","MAIII 111","Monster","all abilities
of common time dimensional, additionally can cast time stop, age creature 1d20
years, grow younger 1d20","years, age non-living vegetable matter 10d20 years, age
mineral material 10d100 years & move 4 creatures from","VR","reality into demi-
time & back (save vs spell if unwilling) all used
1/day","Solitary","Special","10","General","Demi-, Time","OMII 120"
"Bunyip","5","5","15","Water, Fresh","Temperate","1","1d6","1",1,0,"0","M","Sw
12","175","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 16","Monster","seal/shark, mischievous &
playful (may overturn boats & injure swimmers), sense creatures w/telepathy, 50%
will","confront humans (etc) & roar (all <4th lvl save -2 vs wand or flee 2d4
rnds), attacks: bite, will attack small creatures","R","(dwarfs, etc) 80% & may
sever limb (on nat 20 swallow whole), if blood in water 50% frenzy att +2 (opp
also +2)","Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material","FF 17"
"Firenewt (Salamen)","5","2+2","19","Any","Tropical","1","weapon","10-
100",1,1,"0","M","9","175","Any","NE","K, M (F)","5-7","MAIII 46","Monster","roam
volcanic & hot areas, cruel, speak own & lizardmen, weapons: pike, sword, hand axe
or battle axe, BW (1/turn)","flame 5' for 1d6 dmg save 1/2, save +3 vs fire
attacks & dmg -1/die, save -3 vs cold & dmg +1/die, if encountered","R","out of
lair they are hunting parties, eggs hidden in lair (well guarded by priest & 1d3
young fire lizards) hatch in 6 month","Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","FF 36"
"Strider, Giant","4","2","19","Any","Tropical","1","1d8 or 1d10","1-
6",1,1,"0","L","15","270","Any","NE","nil","1","MAIII 100","Monster","featherless
& flightless, used as mounts, attacks: bite or kick, can generate 1 fireball/hour
(range 20 yards, 10' rad,","1d6 dmg save vs BW neg), immune to all fire (intense
heat/flame acts as cure light, occurs 1/3 rnds), save vs magic","R","attacks +2,
cold inflicts add 1d6+1 dmg, check morale +4, found near volcanic regions, used by
firenewts","Flock","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","FF 42"
"Hound of Ill
,"0","MAIII 57","Monster","beast used by gods to punish mortals (major
transgression), does not directly attack victim, appears hazy & howls, all","120'
hear but only victim sees (others need magic), all who see & hear affected, howl
causes next 1d10 wounds to be","VR","4x dmg, no healing until all wounds
inflicted, remove curse (12 lvl+) within 1 turns 1/2 normal amount, other
restrictions","Solitary","Unknown","20","General","Prime Material","FF 51"
"Barghest","2 to -4","6+6 to 12+12",,"Any","Any","2","2d4+1/HD","1-
2",1,1,"5%/HD","M","15 (30)","varies","Any","LE","Cx2 (Kx2) with goblins","13-
18","OMII 13","Monster","send young to Prime to grow near isolated communities or
w/goblins, assume wild dog form at will (normally goblin-like),","feed on humans
(gain 1 hp/HD of human killed, AC & thac0 are increased), can (1/rnd): chng self,
levitation, misdirect","VR","proj image; 1/day: charm, dim door & emotion, +1 weap
to hit, immune to fire (dog form if save is failed return to
2",1,1,"0","M","6","1400","Any","NE","incidental","0","OMII 15","Plant","multi-
stemmed fungi (reverse umbrella), attack: eject spores + save vs poison or clogs
breathing & smothers in 1d4+1","rnd unless cure disease, SA-hallucinatory spores:
emit when still an invisible cloud 3'-radius all save vs poison or
see","R","things (see table), immune: mental attacks, charm, hold, etc; cold slows
50% & prevents spore attacks","Solitary","Scavenger","11-12","General","Prime
"Bat, Fire","8","2","19","Subterranean","Tropical","1","2d4","11-
20",0,1,"0","S","6, Fl 20 (B)","65","Any","NE","I","2-4","OMII
16","Monster","apears as flaming bat, radiats heat, attacks: bite (heat causes
most of the dmg), come to Prime is a mystery, once","attached to victim hit is
auto & feed 3 rnds then drop off, infravision, never attack fire elemental, not
harmed by sun","VR","light, found near volcanos, immune to
fire","Colony","Blood","8-10","General","Elem, Fire",
"Will o' wisp, Boggart","-6","6","15","Any","Any","1","2d6","2-
5",1,1,"0","S","18","2000","Any","CE","nil","11-16","OMII 19","Monster","immature
will-o-wisp, can appear demihuman, humanoid or will-o-wisp at will (can maintain
form for 10-12 rnds), eats","killed victim (no resurrection possible), attacks
touch (electric), every other round discharge bolt 10' save vs BW 1/2,","R","1/day
make noise (2 rnds) all 30' save vs spell or confused 1d6+6 rnds, invisible 12
rnds, imm to spells (not mag miss)","Group","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Brownie, Buckawn","3","1-1 to 6",,"Forests","Any","1","weapon","5-
20",1,1,"10%","S","12","varies","Any","N","X","8-12","OMII 21","Humanoid","less
friendly & more tricky than cousins, use daggers & darts (drugged or poisoned at
times), at 6th lvl can cast spells","at will: audible glamer, change self, dance
light & invisible, (1/day): entangle, pass w/o trace, summ insects &
trip,","R","never surprised, detect invisible, infravision, DN 50%; HS 80%; MS
80%, speak brownie, pixie, satyrs & sprites","Tribe","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Cave Moray","0/5","4+4","17","Subterranean","Any","1","2d4","4-
16",0,1,"0","M","1","270","Any","N","nil","1","OMII 24","Monster","appear rock-
like, strike victims from both sides of caves, can strike 3 to 5', body AC 5/AC 0
when attacking, must","recoil to attack again","R",,"Colony","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Crane, Giant","5","3","18","Water","Any","1","1d10","1-20",0,0,"0","M","9, Fl 18
(C)","65","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 26","Monster","large version of ordinary
crane, hunt fish, generally non-aggressive, protective of mate & young, if more
than 10- 50%","immature, if 20- they are part of a flock 1d20+30 w/3d4 of them
half-grown","R",,"Flock","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Diakk, Tall","0","6+6","14","Any","Any","1","1d12","2-
16",1,1,"30%","M","21","975","Day","NE","nil","5-10","OMII 50","Monster","resemble
huge storks w/human/like face & arms, will be accoumpanied by equal # of broad,
can (at will): weekness","(1/day), jump (2/day), audible glamer (1/day) &
enfeeblement (in group), attack: beak, they surround victims & aud","C","glam to
sound as more coming then odd hooting (4 rnds) causing enfeeblement (as 13th lvl),
can be summ to Prime","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Lower",
"Diakk, Broad","3","8+8","12","Any","Any","2","2d4/2d4","2-
50","Monster","resemble huge storks w/human/like face & arms, will be accoumpanied
by equal # of tall, can (at will): weekness","(1/day), jump (2/day), audible
glamer (1/day) & enfeeblement (in group), attack: claw/claw, they surround victims
&","C","aud glam to sound more coming then odd hooting (4 rnds) causing
enfeeblement (as 13th lvl), can be summ to Prime","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
"Dinosaur, Ankisaurus","7","2","19","Land","Any","1","1d4","2-
20",0,0,"0","M","12","35","Day","N","nil","0","OMII 50","Animal","non-aggressive,
feeds upright or on all 4's, can climb to escape small predators, attacks w/sharp
"Dinosaur, Camptosaurus","7","1-3","20","Land","Any","0","0","2-16",1,0,"0",,"9
(18)","15","Day","N","nil","0","OMII 51","Animal","slow & stupid, easy prey for
predators, stampede will crush any victim caught that fails a save vs DM, sizes
"Dinosaur, Dacentrurus","3/6","10","19","Jungle","Any","1","2d8","2-
8",0,1,"0","L","9",,"Day","N","nil","0","OMII 51","Animal","stegosaur-like,
aggressive, dwells in heavy vegetation (AC 3), attacks w/tail, attackers have a
25% chance of 1d8","dmg if they attack it's neck, back or tail
"Dinosaur, Dilophosaurus","5","8+2","13","Land","Any","3","2d6/2d6/1d6","1-
3",0,0,"0","L","18, Jp 1","975","Day","N","nil","0","OMII 52","Animal","attacks w/
taloned hind feet, prefers open areas to jungle, will hunt in groups to kill
larger prey",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","12-14","General","Alternate",
"Dinosaur, Kentrosaurus","2/6","11","10","Jungle","Any","1","4d4","1-
52","Animal","stegosaur/dacentrurus cross, bony back plates from neck to tail (AC
2), creatures attacking rear have 25% chance","of suffering 1d8
"Dinosaur, Mamenchisaurus","7","18","3","Swamp","Any","1","2d8","1-
6",1,0,"0","G","6","9000","Day","N","nil","0","OMII 53","Animal","80' long, stays
underwater for protection & uses 35' long neck to browse around, attacks only in
defense, 3d8 dmg if","stepped on","UC",,"Group","Herbivore","8-
"Dinosaur, Massopondylus","5","7","14","Land","Any","1","3d4","4-
16",0,0,"0","H","15","420","Day","N","nil","0","OMII 53","Animal","18' long,
peaceful, sharp teeth, stupid, will bite than run if
"Dinosaur, Ornitholestes","4","2","19","Plains","Any","1","2d4","2-
12",0,0,"0","M","24","35","Day","N","nil","0","OMII 53","Animal","fast, hunt small
prey, will attack larger creatures if it greatly outnumbers victim & very
"Dinosaur, Phororhacos","6","7+7","13","Land","Any","3","1d4/1d4/2d6","2-
12",1,0,"0","L","15, Jp 1","975","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 54","Animal","non-
flying bird, fearless killer will attack even if outnumbered, on initial attack
they jump & claws do double dmg,","attack: claw/claw/beak, technically not a
dinosaur but could survive in similar conditions","UC",,"Herd","Carnivore","19-
"Dinosaur, Podokesaurus","4","2+2","19","Land","Any","3","1/1/1d4+1","3-
12",0,0,"0","L","21","65","Day","N","nil","0","OMII 54","Animal","hunt on grassy
plains, flee larger creatures, will persue any creature preceived as prey, 10'
long but thin & light, almost","always attack first","UC",,"Pack","Carnivore","8-
"Dinosaur, Tennodontosaurus","4","10","11","Water, Ocean","Any","1 or 2","5d4 or
2d6","1",1,0,"0","G","Sw 24","2000","Day","N","nil","0","OMII
55","Animal","similar to but not a true dinosaur, in a feeding frenzy they will
attack in addition to their bite with their tail, will fight other","predators for
choice food","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","19-20","General","Alternate",
"Horse, Dragon","0","8","13","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d8","1 or 2-
3",1,1,"25%","L","24, Fl 48 (C)","2000","Any","NG","nil","8-16","OMII
59","Monster","relative of ki-rin, roam air of Prime or Elem Air, attack:
hoof/hoof, if flying while attacking +2 dmg/hoof, BW (1/turn,8th)","fog cloud,
gust of wind, or cone of cold (1' dia x 2' lg, 4d8 dmg), infravision, never
surprised, can detect align (AA),","R","unlikely to mislead them, travel to Astral
& Ethereal, communicate empathically, desired steed but few can train
them","Solitary","Herbivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Dragonnel","3","8+4","13","Any","Any","3","1d6/1d6/4d4","1-4",0,0,"0","H","12, Fl
18 (C)","1400","Day","NE","nil","2-4","OMII 60","Monster","distant relation to
dragons, no BW, attack: claw/claw/beak, can be trained as a steed by evil
humans",,"VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Dustdigger","4/7","4","17","Desert","Temp/Trop","1","1d8+AC of victim","1-
20",1,0,"0","L","3","120-175","Any","N","nil","2-4","OMII 61","Monster","giant
starfish-like, dig hole & cover self w/sand then inflate to fill hole, when prey
walks over it, it deflates drawing","victim to it, when fully deflated it folds up
& prey cannot attack or move, it's back is AC 4 & inside is AC 7, 20%
of","UC","them can create illusions (pool of water, etc), only move above ground
at night for a few minutes at a time","Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
"Elf, Grugach","6","1+1","20","Forests","Temp/Trop","1","weapon","20-
80",1,1,"0","S","15","120","Any","N","N, Q","8+","OMII 63","Humanoid","""wild"" &
smaller wood elves, distrust all other (even some elves), conform to abilites of
wood elves, great STR (+2 on","STR checks), not magic users (can be dual
fighter/druid), on good terms w/animals, 70% have stag mounts, can
set","VR","traps (pits & snares) 90% of success (adj to 30% if cautious), pits-
10' & spiked (50% pois), snare- suspension or drop","Band","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Elf, Valley","4","1+2","20","Forests","Temp/Trop","1","weapon or 1d10","10-
40",1,1,"0","M","12","120","Any","CN","M, N (G, S, T)","13+","OMII
63","Humanoid","offshoot of grey, reclusive & resentful, all other elves shun
them, same abilities as grey, do not use steeds, tolerate","gnomes, use cooshee as
guard animals (75%, 1d4 with wandering band), attack +1 with bow or sword, 90% MR
to","VR","charm & sleep spells","Band","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Executioner's Hood","6","2+2 to
4","OMII 64","Monster","black & bag-like w/2 eye holes, creature hides & waits for
victim, on a successful roll to hit it closes on victim &","inflicts 1d4 dmg/rnd
until killed or victim suffocated, immune to sleep spells, any attack on hood
injures victim as well","R","(full dmg), pouring brandy (or other alcohol) on hood
causes 1/rnd & after 4 rnds hood drops off intoxicated","Solitary","Carnivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Grim","0","4+2","17","Any","Any","1 or 3","2d4, 1d2(x2)/1d4 or
2d4(x2)/1d4+1","1",1,1,"25%","M","18 or Fl 36 (C)","1400","Night","NG","nil","8-
10","OMII 72","Monster","oppose evil, various forms: war dog, black cat (if both
claws hit, rear rake 1d2/1d2) or owl, must keep same form for","entire night, all
dmg healed at next sunset, can turn undead (8th lvl) w/+2 if creature from lower
outer planes, +1","VR","weapons to hit, radiates prot from evil 10', can detect
evil 7' radius (never surprised), communicate by hoots &
yowls","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Elemental, Grue, Chaggrin","4","5+5","16","Any","Any","2","1d4+2/1d4+2","1 (2-
5)",1,1,"0","S","12, Br 3","975","Any","NE","(C, Qx5)","5-10","OMII
72","Monster","soil beast, yellowish hedgehog on Prime, deceptively heavy (140-210
lbs), torments victim before killing them, clings to","victims (both claw hits)
1d6+6 dmg/rnd, immune to all earth based spells (mere presents dispels this type
of magic),","VR","on home plane it can merge w/surfaces & surprise 20%, natural
form is disgusting lumpy wet clay, +1 weap to hit","Solitary","Special","8-
10","General","Elem, Earth",
"Elemental, Grue, Harginn","3","4+4","17","Any","Any","1","1d4+4","1 (2-
8)",1,1,"0","M","15","975","Any","NE","(50% of I)","8-14","OMII
73","Monster","flame horror, on Prime appears as human-like w/flaming lower body,
can appear as bonfire or 8' column of flames, can","shoot fire from hands 3'x6' &
all suffer dmg, can 'blink' in battle, immune to fire attacks (mere presents
dispels this","VR","magic), +1 weapons to hit, very cruel, UC on home
plane","Solitary","Special","8-10","General","Elem, Fire",
"Elemental, Grue, Ildriss","2","4","17","Any","Any","1","3d4","1 (2-
8)",1,1,"0","M","3 or Fl 24 (A)","650","Any","NE","(Qx2, X)","5-12","OMII
73","Monster","wind terror, on Prime appears as fog-like cloud (MV 3) w/vaporous
arms or invisible wind, attacks as a misty entity,","suprise 4 in 6, immune to air
based attacks (mere presents dispels such magic), +2 weapons to hit, UC on
home","VR","plane","Solitary","Special","8-10","General","Elem, Air",
"Elemental, Grue, Varrdig","5","6+6","15","Any","Any","2 or (1)","1d4/1d4 or
(4d4)","1-3 (2-5)",1,1,"0","M","6, Sw 18","975","Any","NE","(50% of F)","2-
10","OMII 73","Monster","fluid brute, can appear as pool of water, fountain or
part of greater water (jelly blob), immune to water based spells,","+1 weapons to
hit, shoot water in victims face 6' (1 in 6 blind victim, 1d4 rnds), att & dmg in
'( )' are for home plane,","VR","helpless opponents drowned in 1 rnd if varrdig
thrusts it's tube into nostril, UC on home plane","Solitary","Special","8-
10","General","Elem, Water",
"Hollyphant","-4","8+8","13","Any","Any","2","1d3/1d3","1-3",1,1,"60%","S","9, Fl
42 (B)","7000","Any","LG","nil","17-18","OMII 75","Monster","winged elephants,
messengers & helpers of deities, can detect alignment, attack: tusks, 3/day can
trumpet: horn of","blasting or drums of deaf (cone 1'x3'x7') or sun-sparkles
1'x2'x5' inflicting 8d6+8 on undead or Lower Planes , prot by","R","globe of
invulerability, imm to disease or pois, +1 weap to hit, det evil 2', gate
creatures & cast spells see OMII","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Upper",
7","OMII 80","Monster","golden furred cat, lurks in hidden places (surp 1 in 4),
purrs when creatures approach & all 30' save vs spells or","attracted to beast
(save each rnd until fail) & takes it with him (unharmed), it comes along 1d4+1
hrs purring, all -2 on","R","all saves, att & dmg, feeds on lost luck, if no rolls
in 3 trns it's purr changes & party attacks next creature or
selves","Solitary","Special","5-7","General","Prime Material",
24",1,1,"0","S","9","175","Any","CN","nil","5-7","OMII 82","Monster","molten
rockmen, on Prime swims in live volcanos, mischievous & uninterested in fighting
but like to set creatures on","fire for fun, touch ingnites combustables (burn 1d8
dmg/rnd for 1d4+2 rnds, magic items get an item save), will flee if","VR","hurt
(if cornered attack w/fists), +1 weap to hit but anything less than +2 will melt,
immune to fire, must stay near lava","Group","Special","5-7","General","Paraelem,
"Mandragora","5","1+1 to 2+2","20","Forests","Temp/Trop","2","1d4/1d4","3-
82","Plant","vegetable creature, preys on unsuspecting humans, favors willow trees
& briars, feeds on tree roots if no humans are","available, if exposed to sunlight
for 1 day they are stunned 1d4 rnds, attack by whiping tentacles, on natural 20 it
hit","VR","throat & strangles 1d4/rnd until killed, immune to spell affecting
animals & sleep, 1/2 dmg fire, 'see' 120'","Group","Carnivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Mantis, Giant","3","10","11","Forests","Any","1","1d12 or
3d4","1",1,1,"0","L","6, Fl 12 (D)","2000","Any","N","nil","0","OMII
83","Monster","can camouflage to blend w/surroundings, hides to attack prey,
prefers to eat giant insects they will attack humans,","attack w/forelimbs or
bite, if forelimbs hit they hold victim & bite next rnd (19 STR req to break
free), 75% chance to","R","have suprise, if it recognized a creature as dangerous
they stay still & avoid detection 75%","Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Mihstu","-2","8+2","13","Subterranean","Any","4","1d6+1 (x4)","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","6, Fl 6 (B)","3000","Any","NE","I","13-14","OMII
84","Monster","cloud-like & can shape 'aiery' bodies at will, on Prime found in
cool damp places w/o sunlight, can attack w/4 tentacl","or envelope victim (drain
1 CON/rnd, if 0 CON victim dead, regain 1/day), +2 weapons to hit, immune to
electric &","VR","missiles (including magic missiles), cold stuns them 2d6 rnds,
appear as ghosts to frighten creatures away","Solitary","Special","11-
12","General","Paraelem, Smoke",
s","varies",,,"nil",,"MM 242","Monster","half sized breeds of otherwise normal
animals, same physical & behavior traits, HD 1/2 normal, +2 AC penalty, -2","moral
penalty, dmg 1/2 normal",,,,,"varies","General","Prime Material","OMII 85"
,"varies",,,"nil",,"MM 242","Monster","double sized breeds of otherwise normal
animals, same physical & behavior traits, HD 2x normal, -2 AC bonus, +2","moral
bonus, dmg 2x normal",,,,,"varies","General","Prime Material",
"Ape, Minimal","8","1+2","20","Jungle","Tropical","3","1/1/1d3","2-
8",1,0,"0","M","12, 9 (trees)","35","Day","N","nil","1","OMII
85","Monster","attack: punch/punch/bite, -2 opp
surprise",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","9-11","General","Prime Material",
"Gorilla, Minimal","8","1","20","Jungle","Tropical","3","1/1/1d2","1-
4",0,0,"0","S","12","15","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","1/2 normal size,
non-aggressive, fights fiercely when threatened",,"R",,"Group","Herbivore","6-
8","General","Prime Material",
"Baboon, Minimal","9","1/4","20","Jungle","Tropical","1","1","10-
40",0,0,"0","S","12, 12 (trees)","7","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","1/2
normal size, bites victims",,"R",,"Group","Herbivore","3-5","General","Prime
"Badger, Minimal","6","1/4+1","20","Any","Temperate","1","1d2","2-
5",0,0,"0","T","6, Br 3","7","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","1/2 normal
size, prefer to run from danger, attacks throat",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","6-
8","General","Prime Material",
"Bear, Black, Minimal","9","1-1","20","Land","Temperate","3","1/1/1d2","1-
3",0,0,"0","T","12","7","Day","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","1/2 normal
size, usually not aggressive",,"R",,"Family","Omnivore","6-8","General","Prime
"Bear, Brown, Minimal","8","1+3","20","Land","Temperate","3","1d2/1d2/1d2","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","12","65","Day","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","very
aggressive (grizzly bear), SA-hug, if claw hits w/18+ it hugs for additional 1d3,
will fight for 1-4 rnds after","reaching 0 to -8 hp, immediately killed at -9 or
fewer, 1/2 normal size","VR",,"Family","Omnivore","6-8","General","Prime
"Bear, Cave, Minimal","8","2+2","19","Land","Any","3","1d2/1d2/1d3","1-
2",1,0,"0","M","12","120","Day","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","very
aggressive will attk party, SA-hug, if claw hits w/18+ it hugs for additional
1d4+1, will fight for 1-4 rnds after","reaching 0 to -8 hp, immediately killed at
-9 or fewer, 1/2 normal size","VR",,"Family","Omnivore","6-8","General","Prime
"Boar, Wild, Minimal","9","1-1","20","Any","Temp/Trop","1","1d4","1-
12",1,0,"0","S","15","15","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","1/2 normal
size, attacks until reduced to 3 hp",,"R",,"Herd","Carnivore","6-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Warthog, Minimal","9","1-1","20","Forests","Temp/Trop","2","1d2/1d2","1-
6",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","1/2 normal size,
attacks to death (-7 hp)",,"R",,"Herd","Carnivore","6-8","General","Prime
"Buffalo, Minimal","9","1+2","20","Plains","Temp/Trop","2","1d2/1d2","4-
24",0,0,"0","S","15","35","Day","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","1/2 normal
size, generally flee from danger",,"VR",,"Herd","Herbivore","8","General","Prime
"Bull, Minimal","9","1","20","Any","Any","2","1d2/1d2","1-
20",0,0,"0","S","15","15","Day","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","1/2 normal
size, includes: aurochs, oxen & yaks, dangerous, aggressive, in a herd several
bulls will be present to","defend it","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","6-
8","General","Prime Material",
"Camel, Minimal","9","1-1","20","Land","Any","1","1","1-
12",0,0,"0","S","21","15","Day","N","nil","1-4","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size",,"R",,"Herd","Herbivore","1","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, War,
ny","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","watch dog, hunting dog or trained for
battle",,"VR",,"Solitary","Omnivore","6-8","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, Wild, Minimal","9","1/4","20","Any","Any","1","1","4-
16",0,0,"0","T","15","7","Any","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, fight in packs biting opponents",,"R",,"Pack","Omnivore","3-
5","General","Prime Material",
"Elephant, Minimal","8","2+6","18","Plains","Sub-
12",0,0,"0","M","15",,"Day","N","special","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","attacks:
tusk/tusk/trunk/foot/foot (only 2 attacks per opponent), fear fire, rouge elephant
will attack (90%),","herd will contain 1-4 young, tusks are worth up to 100 gp
each, half normal size","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","5","General","Prime Material",
"Hippopotamus, Minimal","8","1/2","20","Water","Tropical","1","1d4 or 1d4+2","2-
12",1,0,"0","S","9/12","15","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","aggressively
defend territory, attack w/ bite: bulls 1d4+2 & cows 1d4, 1d4 bulls per group of 4
animals, if a boat or","canoe passes over 50% of it emerging & tipping it over,
can travel under water (MV 12) and stay submerged 15 min.","R","half normal
size","Herd","Herbivore","6-8","General","Prime Material",
"Horse, Wild, Minimal","9","1/2+1","20","Any","Any","1","1","5-
30",0,0,"0","S","12/24/36/48","7","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","paniced
by loud noises, fire & sudden movement 90%, half normal
size",,"VR",,"Herd","Herbivore","3-5","General","Prime Material",
"Hyena, Minimal","9","1-1","20","Plains","Temp/Trop","1","1d2","2-
12",0,0,"0","T","12","15","Any","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, taunt victims with a high-pitched howl",,"R",,"Pack","Carnivore","3-
5","General","Prime Material",
"Jaguar, Minimal","8","1","20","Jungle","Tropical","3","1/1/1d2","1-
2",1,1,"0","S","15","65","Any","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, SA-if both front claws hit both rear claws att. 1/1, surprised only on a 1,
if found in lair 75% 1-3 cubs","cubs do not fight
effectively","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","6-8","General","Prime Material",
"Leopard, Minimal","8","1","20","Jungle","Tropical","3","1/1/1d2","1-
2",1,1,"nil","T","15","65","Any","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, SA- if both front claws hit then rear claws attack 1/1, only surprised on a
1, opp suffer -3 to surprise","roll, inhabit deserts, forests, plains & mountains,
25% to find cubs in lair","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","6-8","General","Prime
"Lion, Minimal","7/8","1+3","20","Plains","Temp/Trop","3","1/1/1d3","2-
12",1,1,"0","T","12","120","Day","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, SA- if both front claws hit then rear claws attack 1/1, only surprised on a
1, AC 7 in forequarters &","AC 7 in hindquarters & females AC 8 all areas, hunt in
prides containing 1-3 males & 1-10 females, lair will","VR","contain 1-10 cubs
which are unable to fight","Pride","Carnivore","6-8","General","Prime Material",
"Lion, Mountain, Minimal","8","1-1","20","Any","Temperate","3","1/1/1d2","1-
2",1,1,"0","T","12","65","Dawn & Sunset","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","half
normal size, SA- if both front claws hit then rear claws attack 1/1, only
surprised on a 1, cautious, less
"Lynx, Minimal","8","1","20","Forests","Sub-Arctic","1","1","1-
4",0,1,"0","T","12","35","Night","N","nil","11-12","OMII 85","Monster","half
normal size, only surprised on a 1, -6 to surprise roll of prey, 75% of finding
traps, almost never attacks humans,","high intelligence makes it very
adaptable","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","6-8","General","Prime Material",
"Mammoth, Minimal","7","3+4","18","Plains","Sub-
12",0,0,"0","S","12","175","Day","N","special","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","attacks:
tusk/tusk/trunk/foot/foot (only 2 attacks per opponent), fear fire, more
aggressive than elephant, herd will","contain 1-4 young, tusks are worth up to 200
gp each, half normal size","VR",,"Herd","Herbivore","5","General","Prime
"Rhinoceros, Minimal","8","2+1","19","Plains","Tropical","1","1d4","1-
6",1,0,"0","S","12","120","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","aggressive,
charge enemies, poor eyesight, good hearing, charge inflicts double dmg + 2
trampling attacks 1d4/1d4,","half normal size","R",,"Herd","Herbivore","3-
5","General","Prime Material",
"Stag, Minimal","9","1-1","20","Forests","Temp/Trop","1 or 2","1d2 or 1/1","1-
4",0,0,"0","S","24","15","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, deer, normally passive but will defend herd",,"R",,"Herd","Herbivore","3-
5","General","Prime Material",
"Tiger, Minimal","8","2+1","19","Forests","Sub-Arc/Trop","3","1d2/1d2/1d3","1-
4",1,1,"0","S","12","175","Night","N","nil","2-4","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, SA- if both front claws hit then rear claws attack 1d2/1d2, only surprised
on a 1, protect territories,","unpredictable & dangerous, 25% cubs in lair (1-
3)","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","6-8","General","Prime Material",
"Wolf, Minimal","9","1/2","20","Any","Temp/SubArc","1","1d2","2-
12",0,0,"0","T","18","7","Any","N","nil","5-7","OMII 85","Monster","half normal
size, cunning, hunt in packs, prefer small prey, run from human attacks, packs led
by dominant male",,"VR",,"Family","Carnivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Pedipalp, Large","7","1+1","20","Any","Non-Arctic","1","1d8","1-
4",0,0,"0","S","12","35","Any","N","M, Qx2","0","OMII 100","Monster","whip
scorpion, not found in forests, varied colors, smallest & no obvious whips, attack
w/arm-like mandibles, not","capable of holding anything larger than
themself","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Pedipalp, Huge","4","2+2","19","Any","Non-Arctic","1","1d6/1d6/1d8","1-
4",1,0,"0","S","9","120","Any","N","Qx4, T","0","OMII 100","Monster","whip
scorpion, not found in forests, varied colors, 2 whip-like appendages, attack:
arm/arm/bite, use arms to hold","prey, arms grip & crush 2d6/rnd (open doors roll
to break)","R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Pedipalp, Giant","2","4+4","17","Any","Non-Arctic","3","1d8/1d8/2d4","1-
2",1,0,"0","L","6","420","Any","N","I","0","OMII 100","Monster","whip scorpion,
not found in forests, varied colors, largest, attack: pincer/pincer/bite, after a
hit it grips & auto bite &","crush 2d8 dmg/rnd (broken by killing monster or
severing pincer by hit 3 higher than needed), discharge poison gas","VR","3/day
20'-radius cloud & all in it save vs poison or att -3 for 1d6
rnds","Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
ies","varies","varies","NE","A","5-10","OMII 102","Humanoid","physically similar
to undead (ghoul, wight, vampire, etc), looks & smells identical to real thing,
cannot be turned, not","harmed by sunlight, never found with true undead, affected
by normal weapons, statistics as real creature, lack the","UC","special attacks,
have infravision, stench of ghast has normal effects, flying creatures appear to
float & leave no tracks","varies","Omnivore","varies","General","Prime Material",
"Elemental, Quasi-, Lightning","2","6, 9 or
12",,"Any","Any","1","1d6+1/HD","1",1,1,"0","S","Fl 18 (A)","2000-
8000","Any","CN","nil","5-7","OMII 103","Monster","found on Prime during great
lightning storms, can arc up to 6' to metallic objects worth 50gp or more, can
discharge","small ball of lightning 1/rnd/HD 5' lg, dmg 1d4, 1d6 or 1d8 (varied by
HD), +1 weapon to hit, if weapon used to attack","VR","it is metal-attacker dmg
1d4, immune to electric, 1/2 dmg: fire & acid, water 1d8 dmg/gal or double normal
from spell","Solitary","Special","5-7","General","Quasielem, Lightning",
"Ram","6","2","19","Hills/Rough","Temp/SubArc","1","1d2","1 (1-
6)",1,0,"0","M","15","65","Day","N","nil","1","OMII 104","Animal","avoid heavy
woods, 25% of encounters with single animal & all others 1d6, may be with 3d6 ewes
& lambs, will","attack creatures that threaten herd, charge 20' adds +1 to hit &
double dmg, ewes do not charge & lambs do
not","UC","attack","Herd","Herbivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Rat, Vapor","6","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d2","2-16",1,1,"0","S","12, Sw 6, Br
1","120","Any","CN","incidental","5-7","OMII 105","Monster","appear as normal
giant rat, may be found on cloud islands & serve cloud giants, can assume gaseous
form, love trash,","do not seek treasure but may be found among their leftovers,
if killed they emit a noxious vapor that affects 1 victim","R","within 5-8' as
stinking cloud","Group","Omnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Rock Reptile","3","5+5","16","Hills/Rough","Any","1","1d4+5","1-
106","Monster","lizard-like, changes color as chameleon (usually hides among
rocks, surprise on 1-3)",,"R",,"Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
"Creeper, Scum","8","1","20","Subterranean","Any","1","1","2-
24",1,0,"0","T","3","35","Any","N","nil","0","OMII 107","Monster","fat & slimy w/
tiny hooked legs, can move freely across walls or ceilings, initial attack causes
attachment (20% of","hitting face, victim blinded until removed), inflicts 1
dmg/rnd until removed, rock salt causes 2 dmg/rnd for 1d4 rnds","UC","&
addtitional applications not cummulative, bodies are 6"" dia x 1'
long","Group","Scavenger","5-7","General","Prime Material",
108","Undead","normal humans who traded souls for shadowstuff, abilites &
attributes per original creature, may be called to Prime,","great powers are
reduced in light (see table), can shadow walk (shift to shadow plane) & shadow
image (create","VR","duplicates of self), can HS as thief of same lvl +2%/lvl if
formerly a thief, impossible to detect a shade (apear
normal)","Solitary",,"varies","General","Demi-, Shadow",
"Solifugid, Large","6","3+3","18","Desert","Tropical","2 or 1","2d4","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","9","175","Night","N","Q","0","OMII 112","Monster","false spiders,
powerful beaks & 10 legs w/ front 2 having clamps, if hit by either leg they are
held but no dmg, next","rnd +3 to hit with beak lasting until hold broken (hitting
with 3 or greater than needed), flee from lights & attack -2
in","R","daylight","Group","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Solifugid, Huge","5","5+5","16","Desert","Tropical","2 or 1","3d4","1-
6",1,0,"0","M","9","420","Night","N","Q, S","0","OMII 112","Monster","false
spiders, powerful beaks & 10 legs w/ front 2 having clamps, if hit by either leg
they are held but no dmg, next","rnd +3 to hit with beak lasting until hold broken
(hitting with 3 or greater than needed), flee from lights & attack -2
in","VR","daylight","Group","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Solifugid, Giant","4","6+6","15","Desert","Tropical","2 or 1","4d4","1-
4",1,0,"0","L","12","650","Night","N","Nx2, Q","0","OMII 112","Monster","false
spiders, powerful beaks & 10 legs w/ front 2 having clamps, if hit by either leg
they are held but no dmg, next","rnd +3 to hit with beak lasting until hold broken
(hitting with 3 or greater than needed), flee from lights & attack -2
in","VR","daylight","Group","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Centipede, Stego-","3/6","9","12","Any","Temp/Trop","1","2d4 or
114","Monster","centipede-like, plates across it's back (AC 3), bite is poisonous
(save or die) or tail attack (poison also), any creature","attacking head area are
hit with it's horns 1d6 dmg (up to 3 attackers are subject to this
attack)","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Swordfish","6","1+1 to 3+3",,"Water, Salt","Any","1","2d6 or 3d4 or 4d4","1-
8",0,0,"0","M","Sw 24","35-120","Any","N","nil","1","OMII
117","Monster","nonaggressive, fast, flee rather than fight, if attacked or
maddened they attack, dmg varies by size, kept as pets or","guards by aquatic
elves & dolphin communities","UC",,"School","Carnivore","2-4","General","Prime
"Thunder Beast","4","4 to 9+",,"Any","Any","1","2d6","5-20",1,1,"0","L","9
(18)","420-3000","Any",,"nil","1","OMII 120","Monster","pig-like, stomachs make
rumbling noises & bad breath (stink in general), for ever 2 adults there is 1
youth (not counted","in #app), SA-charge-20' trampling dmg 1d4/HD, BW-fog cloud:
every 3 rnds save vs poison or att -2 (cloud lasts 1d4","C","rnds), add 1 hp/HD,
determining HD: roll 1d6: 1=4, 2=5, 3=6, etc (1 in 5 has 9
y","N","nil","2-4","OMII 121","Monster","vaguely humanoid, attacks by lashing arms
w/horny ridged suckers, will use illusion or change self to appear more","human,
illusion is destroyed if it flees or is killed, once it has successfully hit an
opponent it is not affected by victims","VR","attacks, transposer is healed an
equal amount of dmg & victim takes the full dmg, can only be harmed by healing
spls","Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"varies","Any","N","special","17-20","OMII 123","Monster","life force of unknown
origin, it occupies any corporal intelligent being, recognized by odd speech &
unfamiliar with the","local customs, abilities vary by creature assumed, if body
is killed it will leave, immune to all mental attacks except","VR","psionics, if
encountered it may (90%) join the party on an adventure, when complete will give a
magic gem to each","Solitary","Varies","5-7","General","Prime Material",
20",1,0,"0","M","9","35","Any","NE","C","2-4","OMII 124","Monster","tunnel thugs,
can merge w/ earth & stone, 75% undetectable up to 20', attacks w/club-like fists,
lair is in hollow","spaces in the earth that can only be reached by those that can
pass thru earth/rock (95%), the other 5% can be","R","detected & broken
into","Group","Carnivore","2-7","General","Prime Material",
"Vulchling","7","1","20","Hills/Rough","Any","1 or 2","1d4+1 or 1d4/1d4","2-
16",0,0,"0","M","3, Fl 6 (C)","35","Any","CE","J, K, L, M","2-4","OMII
125","Monster","bird-like creatures, vulture-like, favor subterranean lairs,
consort w/harpies, roost in trees or ledges & swoop on","unsuspecting prey
w/talons & attack w/beak after initial attack, 1d10-1 eggs in
lair","R",,"Solitary","Scavenger","2-4","General","Prime Material",
"Tree, Black Willow","2","12 to 19",,"Forests","Any","7-
126","Plant","sentient tree, 90% undetectable, attacks w/whipping branches, if a
victim climbs on a branch it generates sleep 20' &","branch opens & swallows
victim, once taken into trunk 1d4 acid dmg/rnd (complete digestion at -12 hp),
regen 1/turn,","VR","victims can use short weapon inflicting 1+STR/rnd max.,
rescue usually comes from outside","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime
"Wolf-In-Sheep's-Clothing","3/5/7","9","12","Plains","Any","1-3","1d4 or
127","Plant","vegetable monster, tree stump (AC 5, 9 HD) w/ root tentacles (AC 3,
19-22 hp) & 2 or 3 eyestalks (10-15' lg, AC 7,","13-16 hp), appendages broken or
severed w/o harming stump, if hit 1d4 dmg & entwined, draws victim to it's
bite,","VR","break free if 13 STR or greater - each point above allows 5% chance &
+1% per 1% over 18, suprise 90%","Solitary","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime
"Xag-Ya","0","5 to 8",,"Any","Any","1","1d6+6","1",1,1,"0","M","6","1400-
4000","Any","N","nil","13-14","OMII 128","Monster","spherical w/many tentacles,
used as guardians, +1 weapons to hit, affected by cold & certain other spells,
shield spell","prevents its attacks attacks w/electric, every other rnd send bolt
10' that heats metal (magic items save, base 11),","VR","heated item dropped or
1d4 dmg, if killed it explodes 10' rad causes 1d6+12 dmg, if contact w/xeg-yi 30'
rad 4d6+24","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Xeg-Yi","0","5 to 8",,"Any","Any","1","1d6+6","1",1,1,"15%","M","6","1400-
4000","Any","N","nil","13-14","OMII 128","Monster","spherical w/many tentacles,
used as guardians, +1 weapons to hit, affected by cold & certain other spells,
shield spell","prevents its attacks attacks w/cold, every other rnd send bolt 10'
that chills metal (magic items save, base 11), if fail","VR","item shatters &
decays, if killed it explodes 10' rad causes 1d6+12 dmg, if contact w/xag-ya 30'
rad dmg 4d6+24","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Yochlol","-10 or 10","6","15","Any","Any","special","special","1-
4",1,1,"50%","M","12","2000","Any","CE","nil","13-14","OMII 130","Monster","misty
gas column, foul odor, must materialize (AC 10) to attack physically, VR on Prime,
possesses psionics, HD=1d10","hp, when immaterial attack w/stinking cloud,
humanoid form can use weapons & psionics, assume large spider form,","C","natural
form attacks w/8 tenticles 1d4 dmg (str 18/50), +1 weap to hit in gaseous, change
form & attack in 1 rnd","Solitary","Special","13-14","General","Abyss",
"Achaierai","8/1","4 (40 hp)","12","Subterranean","Any","3","1d8/1d8/1d10","1-
8",0,1,"35%","H","18","270","Any","CE","F","8-10","FF 9","Monster","bird-like w/4
legs (15 hp each), attack: claw/claw/bite (bite att +5), if 2 legs only 1/2 MV
rate, leg regens in 2 days","unless completely severed, if looses 3 legs or
seriously injured it releases toxic cloud 10'-rad all in it 2d6 dmg auto
&","VR","save vs poison or insane (feebleminded) 3 hours, in confusion it tries to
escape MV 2 w/ 1 leg","Group","Carnivore","19-20","General","Prime Material",
varies","Any",,"nil","17-18","FF 11","Monster","physical being sent by god to
punish unfaithful servent, resembles intended victim, cannot be seen by anyone
but","victim, adheres to all victims statistics (HD, weapons, AC, etc) except if
hit by nat 19 aleax receives double dmg & on","VR","nat 20 4x dmg & regen after
hit 1st rnd 1; 2nd 4; 3rd 8; etc until fully healed, repeats regen if hit
again","Solitary","Special","19-20","General","Prime Material",
6",0,1,"0","M","6","975","Any","CN","1/2 of D","2-4","FF 11","Plant","colony of
algae which assembled into green creature, immune to psionics, fireball &
lightning, attacks: fist/fist, can","mind blast 1/day, +2 weapons to hit (1/2
dmg), blunt weapons (even non magic) full dmg, can control trees as
treant,","VR","harmed by part water & lower water inflicting 1d6 dmg/lvl of
caster","Colony","Water","5-7","General","Prime Material",
4",0,1,"0","M","24","2000","Any","CE","E","8-10","FF 12","Undead","ghastly
looking, exists on ethereal & moves into Prime to attack, turned as spectre, magic
or silver weapons to hit,","ESP 100', suprises on 1-10 on d12, cannot physically
attack but thru suggestion (victim roll 3d6 if < INT then imm to","VR","dmg, if >
stricken w/horror & roll 3d6 if < CON flees 1d4 rnd, if > killed by heart attack &
become apparitions in 2d4 hrs)","Group","Nil","special","General","Ethereal",
"Astral Searcher","10","2","19","Any","Any","1","1d6","4-
24",1,0,"50%","M","12","120","Any","Any","nil","0","FF 13","Monster","mindless
shell of nebulous humanoid shape, cluster at weak points between Prime & Astral
planes & when entering","Prime they attept to posses a body, attack all victims as
AC 5, all dmg is illusionary and fades in 3d4 rnds after end of","VR","attack, if
victim reaches 0 hp it posesses victim destroying former mind, it aquires all
victims physical attributes","Cluster","Special","8-10","General","Prime
"Babbler","6","5","16","Swamp","Any","3","1d6/1d6/1d8","1-4",1,0,"0","L","6 or
12","270","Any","CE","B","8-10","FF 13","Monster","mutation of lizard men,
gorgosaurus-like, can slither on stomach (12) or erect (6), attack:
claw/claw/bite, undetectable","75% if on belly & attack from behind as thief att
+4 & double dmg, fond of human flesh, communicates in a
language","VR","undeciferable by humans, can understand
common","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"6, Fl 24 (B)","35","Night","CE","D","11-12","FF 14","Monster","leathery skin w/
bat-like wings, infravison 120', stays in dormate state (except 3 days around full
moon), during this","time it roams the astral plane hunting & courting, if body
discovered it will return in 1d100 rnds, during time on Prime it","VR","projects
itself up to 3 miles to hunt, if damaged it will return to body, may seek revenge
on attacker, att: clw/clw/bite","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
3",0,0,"0","M","6","120","Day","N","C","0","FF 15","Monster","descendant of
dinosaur, aggressive, attacks: bite/tail, collects human bones, lair is in
subterranean areas",,"R",,"Group","Carnivore","19-20","General","Prime Material",
N","special","5-10","FF 17","Monster","armadillo-like, on it's head there is a
ruby (part of body, if killed it shatters to dust), may give up gem if charm
animal or","monster, value: 75% 500 gp; 25% 1000 gp; 5% 5000 gp, it regrows at 100
gp/month (value changes each time), can","R","commune thru telepathy, has empathy,
prophecy powers, will trick parties into letting it go with them & plays
tricks","Solitary","Insectivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
(24)","420+","Any","CE","N, R, S, U","5-7","FF 18","Monster","bipedal female, fond
of gems, lair in cave, AC & multi attack bonuses (see table), attacks:
claw/claw/bite, can MV 24","on all-4's, can climb surfaces 95%, move silent 75%,
hide in shadows 75%, surprised 10%, lurks above victims &","R","springs on them,
initial attack is accompanied by a screech (all 60' save vs BW or 1d8
dmg)","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
6",0,1,"0","M","6","2000","Any","N","Q","0","FF 19","Monster","swams of insects
coming together to form single creature, attacks w/tiny bites, mass has 8 HD w/
additional 2 HD","keeps it together & initial dmg taken from there, if these 2
HD's hps are lost it separates, binding force hps are","R","replaced at 2 hp/rnd
from interior HD, edged weapons 1 hp (magic or not), blunt full dmg, cifal doesn't
fly","Swarm","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
(24)","35","Day","N","nil","5-7","FF 19","Monster","mutated ostrich, attack:
claw/claw/bite, can MV 24 in short bursts (1 rnd in 5 rnds), not normally
aggressive, can be","erratic & unpredictable","UC",,"Flock","Herbivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Dark Creeper","0 (8)","1+1","20","Subterranean","Any","1","1d4","1 (20-
80)",1,1,"0","S","9","175","Any","CN","U (A, Ix10)","8-10","FF
22","Humanoid","dark cloths covers their skin, detest light, infravision, live in
villages led by dark stalker, abilities of 4th lvl thief, can","detect magic item
15', create darkness (3/day, 50' extinguishing all light, infravision, magic light
gets a save), during","R","dark they destroy lanterns & search for magic items, AC
8 in norm light, if killed- explode all 10' save or blind 1d6
turns","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Dark Stalker","0
","U","8-10","FF 23","Monster","leader of dark creepers & are instantly noticed
because of size, breed among themselves, 1 to every 25 dark creepers,","village
contains at least 1, all powers of dark creeper & can create wall of fog (2/day),
fight w/ short sword (25%","VR","magic), in normal light AC 8, if killed it
explodes in blinding flash equal to 3 die fireball","Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, Death","7","2+1","19","Desert","Sub-Trop/Trop","2","1d10/1d10","5-
50",1,0,"0","M","12","120","Night","NE","nil","2-4","MM 57","Monster","2-headed,
each head attacks with a single bite & victims save vs poison or contract rotting
disease (kills in 4d6 days)","cure disease will cure, on natural 19 or 20 victim
is knocked over & attacks -4 until they get up, 85% to attack","VR","humans on
sight","Pack","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","FF 23"
"Dire Corby","6","2","19","Subterranean","Any","2","1d6/1d6","1-
12",0,0,"0","M","12","65","Night","NE","Qx5","5-7","FF 26","Monster","bipedal
birds, cannot fly, fight to death, attack: claw/claw, emit horrifying shrieks,
live in caverns, enemies of
giant","bats","R",,"Flock","Carnivore","20","General","Prime Material",
"NE","nil","13-14","FF 30","Monster","vile creature, summoned by evil wizards,
will only attack 'good' creatures, faultless tracker (as invisible
stalker),","attacks w/sonic vibration 60' (single creature), can 'kiss of death'
save vs spell or die, magic weapons to hit","VR",,"Solitary","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Enveloper","4","3 (or
1","FF 34","Monster","mass of malleable flesh, can assume near human form,
attacks: fist/fist, if it kills a victim it falls on it & consumes it in 1","rnd
(leaving clothes, weap, etc), after 3 rnds (can fight normally) it can use any
special powers (memorized spells, etc),","VR","INT, knowledge, voice & gains 1d3
hp/HD, this effect is cumm, as they age they gain in steps of 2 HD (no
limit)","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Eye of Fear &
y","CE","nil","13-14","FF 35","Undead","hooded figure w/invisible face, stalks
underworld looking for L or LN parties or individuals to command to do
evil","deeds, know alignment (AA), if attacked it removes hood exposing bare skull
w/ red jewel & black jewel for eyes,","VR","red can 12 HD fireball (1/3 rnds) &
black can fear wand, shift to Ethereal, reflects blindness or power
word","Solitary","Nil","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Snail, Flail","4","4 to 6",,"Subterranean","Any","4-
38","Monster","silicon-based, 4-6 tenticles, each tenticle has it's own hp, if all
tent are killed the head withdraws & wails for 1d3 turns","(50% attracking
wandering monster) & dies, body can be hit (if so it is killed) AC -8, immune to
all fire & poison, shell","VR","acts as rob of scintillating colors, shell weighs
250 lbs, retains magic 1d6 months & worth up to 5000
gp","Solitary","Scavenger","5-7","General","Prime Material",
,"NE","nil","2-4","FF 39","Monster","offspring of nymph & devil, seek vengeance on
good & evil alike, attack on sight, can heat metal 1/day by contact,","must roll
to hit (vs AC 10), if victim is killed it shows great remorse & offers survivors
its services & after a time (1d10","VR","days) the dormant evil returns & it
leaves the party, it will again attack on sight, can speak
common","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
E","C","8-10","FF 40","Humanoid","human-like, can be fighters (75%), clerics (8%),
thieves (15%), or wizards (2%), can (3/day) ice cone 35' lg x 10' dia","from 1 eye
3d6 dmg save vs BW 1/2, only encountered singly & lair is unknown (may have
villages deep inside","VR","mountains), wear loose leather
clothes","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Gorilla Bear","4","4","17","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d8","2-
7",1,0,"0","L","9","175","Day","N","nil","5-7","FF 46","Monster","head, body &
legs of gorilla/teeth & arms of bear, aggressive, excellant hearing, smell &
eyesight (surprised 15%),","attack: paw/paw, if hit w/ 18 or higher they hug
victim 2d6/rnd auto","UC",,"Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Gryph","6","2 to 4",,"Subterranean","Any","1","2d6","1-6",1,0,"0","S","Fl 21
(B)","65-175","Night","NE","nil","1","FF 48","Monster","muliple leg bird, usually
4 but 6 or 8 have been seen, eagle size, attacks: bite, attacks from high shadows,
1 of 3 is a","female (35% ready to lay eggs), will inject eggs in victim (beak not
used) from tube in abdomen, eggs hatch in 1d3 day","VR","killing victim & releases
1d4 babies, cure disease or dispel evil will kill eggs","Solitary","Carnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"1400","Any","LE","nil","8-10","FF 50","Monster","associates of powerful
creatures, invisible in light, faint glow in dark, magic weapons to hit (magic
pluses do not count)","immune: charm, sleep, hold, suggestion, etc, seeks powerful
LE creature to serve, communicates telepathy 9', can","R","remain on Prime for
year & a day, must receive 1 living human/wk as a meal, attacks:
10",1,1,"0","M","9","175","Night","CE","C","2-4","FF 51","Undead","robed skeleton,
turned as a wight, immune to mind affecting spells & effects, can poly self 3/day,
touch inflicts 1d6","dmg & save vs poison or
disease","VR",,"Group","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Automaton, Iron
l","0","FF 52","Monster","invention of wizard, only 12 made (2000 gp each),
activated by key word, obeys simple commands, silent when not","moving, immune to
mind affecting spells, non-magic weapons 1/2 dmg, emits no body heat (invisible to
infravision),","VR","HS 50%, bite poison save -2 or die (only 3 doses unless
recharged), save as 12th lvl wiz, acts as guards or
trackers","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
22",0,0,"0","L","9","15","Any","N","nil","1","FF 53","Monster","agile serpents,
territorial, camouflage (25% chance to detect), attacks by diving onto victim, it
cannot attack from the","ground & must move up to attack
again","R",,"Solitary","Scavenger","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Khargra","-3","6","15","Subterranean","Any","1","3d6","1-6",1,1,"0","S","3, Sw
15","975","Any","N","undigested metal","5-7","FF 56","Monster","cylinder-like,
feed on metal ore (prefers refined), occationally enter Prime, leaps from walls or
water to snatch metal","from adventurers (surprise on 1-7 on d8), if attacked
w/metal weapons bite end off on 16+, others bite, will be bought","VR","off
w/metal objects, immune to cold & heat (except heat metal), can merge & move thru
rock, metal to wood kills it","School","Special","5-7","General","Elem, Earth",
"Lava Children","4","4 or more","17","Subterranean","Any","3","1d6/1d6/2d6","3-
18",1,1,"0","M","9","420+","Night","N","Q","8-10","FF 61","Humanoid","broadly
built, union of earth & fire spirits, attack: claw/claw/bite, immune to metal
(metal passes thru them & they ignore","all metal armor), bigger groups have
higher lvl fighters, wizard &/or cleric, immune to fire & earth magic, extra dmg
from","VR","air & water, speak own & common, live near volcanos, wizards & clerics
6th lvl (see FF), highest leader 3 classes","Tribe","Special","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
LE","nil","11-12","FF 62","Monster","cylinder of white flame (gives off no heat),
driven by desire to enter human cleric (5th+) to cast spells to return them
to","original origin, if it attacks it flairs up (all 20' save vs petrif or
blinded 12 trns), hit drains 1 lvl & 2 STR (recovered 1/hr),","VR","during this
time it merges w/victim, only holy water harms spirit & not victim, posses victim
in 3 rnds, silver or mag weap","Solitary","Special","15-16","General","Prime
18 (C)","65","Any","NE","nil","1","FF 62","Monster","marine ray-like, aggressive,
attacks w/tail that has poison-like effects, dmg calculated by subtracting victims
CON","from 19 (no save), if hit on 2 rnd in a row the 2nd attack does 4x dmg (on
successive rnds is 4x), may be found in","VR","dungeon
areas","Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Nilbog","6","1-1","20","Any","Non-Arctic","1","1d6 or weapon","4-
40",0,1,"0","S","6","65","Night","LE","K (C)","8-10","FF 67","Humanoid","appear
exactly as goblins, have all characteristics of that race with one exception -
they suffer from spatio-temporal","reversal, causes adventurers to have no control
over their actions & to do things contrary to their intent, is healed
the","VR","equal dmg intended to cause, hurt only by cure wounds & healing potions
etc, no way to distinquish between
goblins","Tribe","Carnivore","10","General","Prime Material",
"Nonafel","5 (6)","9","12","Subterranean","Temp/Trop","1","2d10 or
1d8","1",0,1,"0","L","9 (12)","1400","Any","CE","nil","5-7","FF
68","Monster","large black panther, can divide into 9 individuals, will attack
party or other monsters, will surround party & all cooperate","as they have
telepathy, stats in ( ) for 'children', 25%/rnd that they rejoin the 'parent', in
this process it regens 1 hp/","VR","each unharmed 'child' then is separates again,
parent att as 9 HD 2d10 dmg, children att as 2 HD 1d8
dmg","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
,"8-10","FF 71","Undead","female vampire-like, during day appears as former self
possesing all abilities, head has 4 HD separate from body, can","not be turned,
immune to mind affecting, at night (true self) head separates from body & flies
seeking human blood,","R","hypnotise victim (save vs spell -3, -4 next,...) &
looses 1d6 hp & 1 STR & CON each night, visits same victim until
dead","Solitary","Blood","special","General","Prime Material",
"Phantom Stalker","3","6","15","Any","Any","2","1d4/1d4","1-2",1,1,"0","L","12, Fl
24","975","Any","N","nil","2-4","FF 72","Monster","summoned as invisible stalker,
serve as bodyguards, can poly self (usually 8' red humanoid), attack:
claw/claw,","immune to fire, magical fire heals them 1 pt/die, can kill self in a
6 HD fireball (last resort, would not harm summoner),","VR","if summoner is killed
the stalker vanishes & reappears in 1d4 hrs to hunt down (faultless tracker)
summoners killer","Solitary","Special","8-10","General","Elem, Fire",
"Protein Polymorph","2","6 to 8",,"Any","Any","1","6d6 or
73","Monster","cell colonies the can assume any form (may be several connected by
cord 10% detect) & color, may be inanimate or","living (can wear cloths & wield
weapons), cannot duplicate sounds, expressions or special attacks, it is revealed
upon","R","touch, attacks by surrounding victim & crushing it or wields
weapons","Colony","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
ht","CE","nil","8-10","FF 78","Undead","created when a sheet phantom kills a
victim, turned as spectre, attack: claw/claw/bite, touch does NOT
cause","paralysation, can squirt a jet of acid from it's nose (auto hit) 10'
inflicting 1d6+1 dmg, immune to sleep, charm,
etc.","VR",,"Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
nil","8-10","FF 78","Undead","form of wraith, near transparent rectangle, attacks
by dropping on victim, if it hits it suffocates victim, victim cannot","move or
attack unless small weapon was in hand, during this time it merges w/victim, when
victim dies it becomes a","VR","sheet ghoul, outside dmg inflicted applies to
both, immune to sleep, charm, etc; turn as
wraith","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Shocker","0 or 10","1+2","20","Any","Any","11","10","6-
24",1,1,"50%","M","9","420","Any","CN","1d4 gems (15%)","2-4","FF
79","Monster","bipedal, crackling sound accompanies it, visits Prime but body
never leaves home, attacks w/electric 10 dmg save vs","DM 1/2, metal armor is
treated as AC 10 (add +2 if plate), magic weapon to hit, it has only 1 attack & it
dissapates into","R","fine dust, if attack w/metal weap attacker receives 10 dmg
(AC 10), missile att AC 0, imm: electric, pois, mind,
paraly","Group","Special","11-12","General","Quasielem, Lightning",
8",0,1,"0","M","12","120","Any","CE","A","8-10","FF 80","Humanoid","once member of
human race w/cawardice tendencies, can blend into any background (10% detect
standing still),","live by killing & theft, live on edge of civilzation, lairs
underground, nearly impossible to track (20% of normal chance),","R","attack from
behind (att +4, 3x dmg), prefers weak victims, speak common & 20% some other, if
wounded they flee","Band","Carnivore","2-4","General","Prime Material",
"Slaad, Lord, Ssendam","-6","16 (197 hp)","5","Any","Any","3 or 1","2d8/2d8/2d8 or
special","1",1,1,"85%","M","16 or 19","20,000","Any","CN","Ax4, Fx2","19-20","FF
82","Monster","wander Prime as a man using black sword (acts as power word sun on
victim) or as large amoeba attacking w/pseud","oposa (10' lg, dmg+drain 1d4 lvls
save vs DM 1/2 lvls drained), gate other slaad at will (except ygori), regen
3/rnd, its","VR","true form is on Limbo, +3 weap to hit, travel to any plane at
will, 18/00 STR, has many spell-like powers see FF","Solitary","Carnivore","15-
"Slaad, Lord, Ygori","-7","16 (210
, Zx2","19-20","FF 82","Monster","skeletal, flightless, bat-winged man, wields a
sickle +5 (save vs poison or die, if save 6d6), all slaad lords immune
to","sickle, +3 weapons to hit, can command undead as 13th lvl cleric, 1/day:
power word kill, symbol & unholy word, can","VR","travel by astral projection at
will, can gate any slaad at will (except ssendam), other spell-like powers see FF
","N","nil","5-7","FF 84","Monster","headless ape w/exoskeleton, sees & hears thru
vibrations, immune to any spells based on senses, can 'see' invisible,","its
breathing causes 'dronesong' that puts undead asleep (affect as 2nd lvl cleric),
fast moving & aggressive, attacks","VR","w/claws, if either claw hits w/18+ it
hugs vicitm 3d8 dmg, hates fire & will attack anyone w/torch, live 1000
years","Solitary","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
10",1,0,"0","S","1","1400","Any","N","nil","0","FF 86","Monster","small body (AC
1, 4 HD) w/2 tenticles (AC 3, 2 HD each) & several smaller ones to move, can move
across any","surface, 1 tenticle on 20 or 2 > needed constricts until killed other
wraps around & injects poison save or paralyzed","R","next 2 rnds saliva injected,
next it sucks out organs killing victim in 2 rnds, if tent killed cure disease or
victim dies","Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Terithran","3 (6)","5+1","16","Any","Any","2","1d4+1/1d4+1
(1d8+1/1d8+1)","1",1,1,"50%","S","15 (18)","975","Any","N","discharged magic
items","5-10","FF 87","Monster","mis-shaped head, stats in ( ) on ethereal,
attack: claw/claw, usually uses magic, drawn to Prime by wizards casting","swirls,
eddies & warps (which it dislikes), it tries to take victim back for punishment,
magic or silver weap to hit, can","VR","det mag (AA), can 6/day (16/day) total:
stun blast, drain power, cause serious wounds &
"Worm, Rock (Thoqqua)","2","3","18","Subterranean","Any","1","4d8 or 2d6","1-
2",1,1,"0","S","12 (3)","270","Any","N","10-60 gems (10 gp)","5-7","FF
87","Monster","larve of some creature, shaped like purple worm, lives in rock,
creates 3' dia tunnels (red hot 2 turns, 1st 2d6+2 dmg,","2nd 1d6+1), attacks by
charging victim dmg from heat & impact, then touches for 2d6 heat dmg, exposed
items may","VR","be subject to item save, heat attacks give it temp hp, cold does
double dmg","Solitary","Special","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Fly, Tiger, Male","4","6","15","Any","Any","1 or 2","4d6 or 1d8/1d8","3-
18",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl 18 (C)","650","Any","N","B","0","FF 88","Monster","wasp
w/human head & 4 arms, attacks: sickle/sickle or grab & sting (sting 8/day, both
arms must hit, dmg + poison","save or die), group will contain males, females &
larva","R",,"Swarm","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Fly, Tiger, Female","4","4","15","Any","Any","1","4d4","3-18",1,0,"0","M","6, Fl
18 (C)","420","Any","N","B","0","FF 88","Monster","wasp w/human head & 4 arms,
attacks by grabbing victim & sting (sting 6/day, 2 of 4 arms must hit, dmg +
poison","save or paralyzed), it lays 1d3 eggs in victim that hatch in 13 to 24 hrs
killing victim unless heal (or similar) is cast,","R","group will contain males,
females & larva","Swarm","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
"Fly, Tiger, Male","9","1-1","20","Any","Any","1","2d4","3-
18",0,0,"0","S","6","15","Any","N","B","0","FF 88","Monster","white grubs, 3 to 4
ft lg, horned black heads, grow quickly, will attack anything that moves (even
each other), attacks","with it's mandibles, group will contain males, females &
larva","R",,"Swarm","Carnivore","5-7","General","Prime Material",
Any","N","nil","8-10","FF 89","Monster","hermaphrodite, naked & hairless, 3
headed, 3 armed, 3 legged, it attacks creatures to it's rear -2 (poor vision),
front","attack normal (if 2 arms hit the 3rd auto hit & strangle), can create 2
identicle illusions of self that attack & do dmg to","VR","victim if unrecognized
& receive no dmg, unpredictable","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
"Any","N","nil","1","FF 89","Monster","energy being, lives on energy of dying
creatures, cannot be detected by normal means, detect magic indicates a","aura &
dispel magic drives it away, not harmed by anything else, if melee occurs within
it's presense all attacks & dmg","VR","are +1 & creatures 2x more likely to
attack, stays w/large creatures to feed on large amounts of 'life
,"N","nil","11-12","FF 91","Monster","exists on ethereal but visible as smokey
human-like outline, only hit by those able to enter ethereal plane, connects
w/","a host, communicates telepathy, can see into future & can increase luck (2
die rolls instead of 1 keeping best), reverse","VR","effect on all within 50'
(friend or foe) (2 die rolls instead of 1 keeping
y","LE","nil","13-14","FF 93","Monster","summoned beings apear as shadow, trapped
on Prime until physical body killed, if attacked ethereally AC 10, attacks","by
suggestion, all 30' roll 3d6 & add 3 then compare w/INT if > it's INT victim is
immune otherwise appears to age 10","VR","yrs, if victim kills a vision he saves
vs spell or aging is perm, silver or magic weap, bless inflicts 3d6
dmg","Solitary","Special","n/a","General","Prime Material",
"Volt","3","2+1","19","Subterranean","Any","1 or 2","1d4 or 1d4/2d6","2-
24",1,1,"0","S","Fl 6 (D)","175","Night","N","nil","1","FF
94","Monster","sphereical bundle of hair w/horns & 3' tail, floats by levitation,
attacks by biting victims neck & locks until victim is","dead, it also lashes w/
it's tail for 2d6 electric dmg (no roll to hit since it's attached to neck),
immune to electric, bad","UC","tempered & will attack even if not
threatened","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
8",0,0,"0","M","15","120","Any","CN","nil","0","FF 94","Monster","whirlwind 4'
high x 1' dia to 3' dia (top), cannot be summoned, if 'hit' by it victim takes no
dmg but caught in it & starts","to spin, once caught no escape until vortex
killed, victim takes 1d3 dmg/rnd (spinning) & 5% cumm of being killed by","VR","a
violent air current, only 1 victim at a time, trapped victim cannot
attack","Group","Special","n/a","General","Prime Material",
"Xill","0","5","16","Any","Any","4","1d4 or weapon","1-
6",1,1,"70%","M","15","650","Any","LE","C","11-12","FF 96","Monster","bipedal w/4
arms, attacks: claw x4, high DEX att +3 (missiles +5), primary focus is to
reproduce, can become","ethereal at will (surpise 90%), will grapple victim w/2
arms & subdue with the other 2, once subdued it takes victim to","VR","ethereal
plane (2 rnds & subject to all magic) & inject eggs, hatch in 1d4 days & grow 2d4
days (1d10+10 dmg each)","Group","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime Material",
"Xvart","7","1-1","20","Forests","Any","1","1d4+1 or weapon","40-
400",0,0,"0","S","6","15","Any","CE","K","8-10","FF 97","Humanoid","blue skin,
fear humans, will attack goblins, 1 in 20 carries a net, 1 in 100 leader (2 HD),
use small swords, leaders use","axe or flail, 5% in group 1st or 2nd lvl magic, 1
or so shamans per tribe, speak own, kobold & goblin, in lair they
have","UC","leader w/2 lieutenants (8 hp) & 3d10 giant rats, delight in taking
prisoners for ransom or torture, lairs are underground","Tribe","Carnivore","5-
7","General","Prime Material",
"Alaghi","4","9","11","Forests","Temperate","2","2d6/2d6 or 2d6/weapon +5","2-
5",1,1,"0","L","12","2000","Any","N","I (no coin), Q","5-7","MAIII
6","Monster","relative of yeti, covered w/hair, live 75-85 yrs, speak own lang,
peaceful (kill for food), MS 80%, hide in woods 75%,","attack w/cunning, attack:
fist/fist or weapon (stone knife or axe), may attack w/fist & weapon, can throw up
to 4","VR","javelins/rnd, families have 0-3 young, 84% of alaghi are nomadic, 15%
sedentary (settled, led by elder) & 1% hermitic","Family","Omnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Alaghi, Young","4","3","18","Forests","Temperate","2","1d6/1d6","0-
3",0,1,"0","S","12","120","Any","N","nil","5-7","MAIII 6","Monster","encountered
in encamped groups, MS 80%, hide in woods 75%, attacks by pummeling or
wrestling",,"VR",,"Family","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Alaghi, Elder","4","10","10","Forests","Temperate","2","2d6/2d6 or 2d6/weapon
+5","1",1,1,"0","L","12","5000","Any","N","I (no coin), Q","13-14","MAIII
6","Monster","leads sedentary groups (15-20 alaghis in permanent settlement), 100
years old, has all abilites of normal alaghi, casts","priest spells (5 - 1st lvl,
5 - 2nd lvl, 2 - 3rd lvl per day) from spheres of all, plant, animal, healing,
charm, divination &","VR","combat, these communities are mistrusted & feared, will
slay unwary traders, live like primative humans, speak
comm","Family","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Alaghi, Hermitic","4","11","9","Forests","Temperate","2","2d6/2d6 or 2d6/weapon
+5","1",1,1,"0","L","12","6000","Any","NG","I (no coin), Q","15-16","MAIII
6","Monster","VR form of alaghi (1%), at least 50 years old, have all abilites of
normal alaghi, powers of 11th lvl druid, philosophers,","shy, curious, helpful,
love riddles & games (chess), live in harmony w/nature, always on good terms
w/woodland","VR","neighbors, speak w/any woodland creature or animal & 2d4
others","Family","Herbivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Illithilich (Alhoon)","5","8+4","11","Any","Any","4","1d4+special","1-
4",1,1,"90%","M","12","9000","Any","NE","S, T, Vx6, X","17-18","MAIII
7","Undead","appear as normal illithids, attack w/4 tenticles (AC 7, 5 hp to
recoil), if tenticle hits it bores to victim 4 rnds then with","draw & hit again
(if head hit, in 1d4 rnds bore into brain killing victim), has psionics, can mind
blast (60' lg, save vs","VR","wand or stun 3d4 rnds), spells as 9th wiz, can mind
thrust, imm sleep, hold, charm, cannot be turned, mag weap to
hit","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Aranea","7","3","17","Any","Any","1","1d6 or weapon","1-6",1,1,"0","M","18, Wb
12","650","Any","N","M, O, (U)","13-14","MAIII 8","Monster","arachnoids, 3 forms:
humanoid, spider & hybrid, infravision 60', speak own & 1 other humanoid, avoid
physical combat","cast spells in any form (prefer illusion & charm, avoid fire),
all following apply to spider: attack prey from trees (surp -1),","UC","bite
poison (save or 1d4 dmg for 1d4 rnds), spin web up to 30' /day, can use web as
lasso, webs cut easily","Tribe","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
12",1,1,"0","M","12","2000","Any","LE","nil","8-10","MAIII 9","Undead","were
fanatical worshipers of Bane, attack priests & paladins first (able to determine
good deity), attack: claw/bite, if","hit by either drains 2 DEX (if 0, paralyzed 1
turn), DEX regained 1/turn, immune: sleep, charm, hold, illusions &
poison,","R","+1 weapons to hit, able to use good teamwork, turn as wraith, cannot
be commanded (except by creator of 11th lvl)","Pack","Nil","17-
18","General","Prime Material",
000+","Any","LE","R (A, S, Z)","19-20","MAIII 10","Undead","rotting humanoids,
wear Bane's holy symbol, were 17th lvl+ clerics, spells granted by Bane & no M
comp are needed,","use any magic item (cleric), radiate fear (<5 HD flee 5d4 rnds,
others save vs spell), +2 weap to hit, imm: chrm, slp, hld","VR","enfble, poly,
cold, elect, insan, death, pois & sunlight, turn as spec (in lair imm), touch caus
hopelessness, other pwrs","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Bat, Bonebat","7","4","17","Land","Any","1","2d4","2-8",1,1,"0","M","3, Fl 18
(C)","975","Any","NE","nil or treasure guarded","5-7","MAIII 11","Undead","serve
as messengers, guardians & battle allies to undead, attack in silence, 120'
infravision, can see invisible 60',","never sleep or surprised, attack: bite
(undead suff 1d3), if bit- save vs paraly or paralyzed 1d6+2 rnds (elves
imm),","R","fight to death if ordered, imm: sleep, charm, hold & holy water, 1/2
dmg from P & E weapons, turn as ghoul","Flock","Nil","special","General","Prime
"Bat, Bonebat, Battlebat","8","5","17","Land","Any","3 or 4","2d4/(1d4+1 or 1d2)
x2 or 3","2-8",1,1,"0","M","3, Fl 15 (D)","1400","Any","NE","nil or treasure
guarded","5-7","MAIII 11","Undead","normal bonebat except extra claws, talons,
etc. are grafted, attack in silence, 120' infravision, can see invisible
60',","never sleep or surprised, attack: bite (undead suff 1d3), if bit- save vs
paraly or paralyzed 1d6+2 rnds (elves imm),","R","fight to death if ordered, imm:
sleep, charm, hold & holy water, 1/2 dmg from P & E weapons, turn as
wight","Flock","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Beetle, Stink","5","3+1","17","Forests","Temperate","1","1d6","1-
3",1,0,"0","S","3","120","Any","N","nil","0","MAIII 12","Monster","appears
identical to slicer beetle, however it has no deadly special attack & exoskeleton
is not hard, when killed it","discharges a noxious fluid & all 10' splashed by it,
double chance of attacting monsters or creatures, wears off in 8","R","hours, can
wear off in 1 hour if washed vigorously or if magic is
used","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Belgoi","7","5","15","Desert","Any","2 or 1","1d4+2/1d4+2 or weapon","4-
10",1,1,"0","M","12","1400","Any","LE","M (I)","8-10","MAIII
13","Humanoid","human-like, attack caravan camps, carry bell (psionic properties)
around neck that shatter victims mental defenses","(within 500', look at target,
victim save -2 vs DM or suseptible to metal attacks, if save imm 12 hrs), touch
(if attacking","UC","save vs pois) causes 1d6 CON loss (returns in 1d4 turns) at 0
uncon, if losing they retreat & bring reinforcements","Tribe","Omnivore","8-
10","Dark Sun","Prime Material",
"Bladeling","2","2 to 11",,"Any","Any","2 or 1","1d6/1d6 or weapon","2-
20",1,1,"10%","M","12","120-3000","Night","LE","R, M (D)","8-10","MAIII
14","Monster","offspring of humanoid & fiend, quick to battle using fists or
weapon, immune to rust, acid, corrosive attacks, normal","P missiles & bladed
weapons, 1/2 dmg: cold & fire, heat metal & other metal affecting do DD, 1/wk they
create razor","R","storm (5' wd x 15' lg) of shrapnel 3d12 dmg save vs BW 1/2,
this attack makes front AC 6 & normal weap & magic
2",1,1,"0","H","15","7000","Night","NE","R, V","13-14","MAIII
15","Monster","mammel/reptile, speaks own & common, hunter, stalks prey inspiring
fear, enjoys inflicting pain, uses psionics, after","weakening victim it attacks
w/spiked club, BW (acid cone): 1' dia to 5' dia x 10' lg 2d10 dmg save 1/2, magic
& steel","R","weapons to hit, usually found solitary, will eat anything if hungry
enough, hide can be used to make shields or
armor","Solitary","Carnivore","18","Dark Sun","Prime Material",
4",0,1,"0","T","12","35","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 17","Monster","worm-like,
feeds on slimes, molds & mosses (only attack these items), valued because the eat
harmful slimes etc, are","gentle & harmless to humanoids, to feed it attaches
mouth to victim which need initial 'hit', stops feeding after ingesting","R","3x
it's own hp, immune to various: slime, mold, moss, creepers, fungi & zygoms, can
be harmed by oozes & jellies","Solitary","Scavenger","5-7","General","Prime
12",1,1,"0","M","6, Sw 12","420","Night","NG","nil","11-12","MAIII
18","Monster","amphibians, distrustful, speak own lang, attack: claw/claw/bite, 1
in 6 have psionics, secretes quickhardening ooze","thru it's pores that have
several uses: reduces all dmg by 1, imm to swords of wounding & similar weapons,
instead of","VR","dmg from claw it can 'stick' to victim (BB/LG is req'd to break
free) if stuck to head victim suffers suffocation","Tribe","Omnivore","8-10","Dark
Sun","Prime Material",
"Tiger, Snow","5","6+3","15","Forests","Temp/SubArc","3","1d6/1d6/1d10","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","12 (24)","975","Day","N","nil","2-4","MAIII 19","Monster","cunning
& ferocious, change color with the seasons (treat as hidden, auto gain surprise if
hiding), never surprised, can","move at double speed for 1d4 rnds, attacks:
claw/claw/bite, if both claws rear claws 2d4/2d4, mate in summer (25%","UC","1d2
cubs, no combat), training from youth is difficult, usually avoid humans, hides
never sold (valued as trophey)","Solitary","Carnivore","8-10","General","Prime
"Chosen One","7","3","17","Any","Any","3 or 2","1d4/1d4/1d8 or weapon/1d8","3-
30",1,0,"0","M","12","170","Any","CE","nil","5-7","MAIII 20","Monster","once human
slaves, changed in monster by spell (see MAIII), driven by rage, controlled by
code word, fearless, attack","claw/claw/bite or weapon/bite, if bit save vs poison
or 1d8 dmg for next 1d6 rnds, creater may lose control after 5 rnd","R","1%
cumm/rnd (5% after 10 rnds), if control lost it leaves combat screaming fighting
only those who prevent it","Band","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
12",1,1,"40%","H","6","9000","Any","CN","G","8-9","MAIII 21","Monster","gelatinous
blob, it can divide into 3 (4+1 HD) L creatures & from there 6 (2+1 HD) S or 12
(1+1 HD) T, 1 rnd to merge","or divide, magic weap to hit (+1 or 1st-3rd spell 1/2
dmg, +2 or 4th-6th full, +3 or 7th-9th 150%, etc), attacks foes w/","C","mag weap
or spells first, on 20 absorbs victim (3d6 dmg/rnd, victim only inflicts dmg on 19
or 20), 750 XP/HD killed","Colony","Omnivore","10","General","Demi-, Time",
2",1,0,"20%","H","15, Wb 12","7000","Any","NE","nil (B or C)","8-10","MAIII
22","Monster","spider/scorpion, 120' infravision, communicate w/spiders &
scorpions, use magic spells (silence 15', web, dark 15')","each 3/day, may offer
treasure to spare there lives, attack: pincer/pincer/stinger, if hit by pincer
BB/LG to escape or","VR","1d6+6/rnd, stinger poison type O(paralysis 2d6 hours,
onset 2d12 rnds), can spider climb at will, immune to web
spells","Solitary","Carnivore","14","General","Prime Material",
"Dog, Temporal","3","4+1","15","Any","Any","1","1d8","1 (15%; 2-
12)",1,1,"10%","M","18","375","Any","LN","nil (W)","11-12","MAIII
25","Monster","evolved blink dog, only hungry or threatened dogs will attack
adventureres, can create haste (by articus's melee","manager, not haste spell)
gives them 1 extra attack/rnd for 1 turn, if they shift from Time into reality
they lose 2 HD &","UC","ability to haste (do this only to escape), solitary dog
does not attack people (will flee), pack flees if 1/3 of dogs
killed","Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Demi-, Time",
"Dragon, Cerilian","varies","varies","varies","Mountains","Any","3 +
special","1d10/1d10/2d12","1",1,1,"varies","varies","9, Fl 24
(C)","varies","Any","N","(H, S, T)","15-16","MAIII 26","Monster","for abilities
common to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, ancient
race, dislike intruders","& attacks non-dragons as vermin, speak own & 50% dwarf
or elf, hate melee, uses intimidation, spells & BW first, BW","VR","acid/fire 60'
lg x 5' wd, rad fear 50', gaze-save -4 vs spell or paraly 2d4 turns if concentrate
no save & special powers","Solitary","Carnivore","17-18","General","Prime
"Dragon, Ghost
1,"0","G","9","varies","Any","N","special","15-16","MAIII 27","Undead","semi-
transparent, never leaves lair, if killed it returns in 48 hrs, imm to all magic
unless cast from ethereal (reguardless","imm: mind effect, hold, etc), cannot be
turned, imm holy water, +3 weap to hit, BW-(3x/12 rnds) cloud ages (varies
by","VR","race), fear (saves -4) petrif or age 10-30 yrs & spell or paraly 1 trn,
attack: cl/cl/bt/tail, hit (DM) drain 2 lvls & wither
limb","Solitary","Nil","special","General","Prime Material",
"Dragon, Neutral, Amber","varies","varies","varies","Forests","Any","3 +
special","1d6/1d6/3d8","1",1,1,"varies","varies","9, Fl 21
(C)","varies","Any","N","varies","15-16","MAIII 28","Monster","for abilities
common to all dragons see MM 63, abilites are variable depending on age, speak
own, druidic & telepath","w/forest creatures (elves, etc), victims save +4 vs
fear, attack: claw/claw/prow, cast spells as druid, BW: hot &","VR","sticky sap
30' lg x 50' wd (hardens in 1d4 rnds, if save can break on STR check, failure
encased BB/LG -15%)","Solitary","Herbivore","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Dread Warrior","2 to 4","4","17","Any","Any","1","1d8+1 or weapon+2","1-
12",0,0,"0","M","9","175","Any","NE","nil","5-7","MAIII 29","Undead","created from
recently killed warriors, STR 18/01 (do not adj), use weapons from previous life,
follow simple orders,","attack -2 vs Rashemaar nature spirits or witches of
Rachemen, turned as shadows, raise dead destroys them &","R","resurrection (save
vs spell, failure destroys, success returns them to former
life)","Band","Nil","18","General","Prime Material",
"Dream Spawn, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,"MAIII 30","Monster","shift
from formless to duplicate of form in memories of dreamer, 2 types: lesser &
greater, speak dream lang that affects","wanderers: (lesser) save vs paraly or -2
att & ability checks for 1d4+1 rnds; (greater) save vs spell or sleep (even
elves","VR","& creatures up to 6+3 HD), to gain memory must absorption (attack
roll, lesser 1/day & greater 2/day, drains 1d4+1 int)",,,,"Ravenloft","Dream",
"Dream Spawn, Greater, Ennui","5","8","13","Any","Any","4 or 2","1d6 (x4) or
weapon","1",1,1,"15%","M","9, Fl 24 (C)","6000","Night","LE","nil","14","MAIII
31","Monster","see general, roam nightmare lands, serve nightmare court, wild &
savage, attacks: 4 claws (1 opp) or weapon (40%","dream slayer sword, 1d10+1 or
1d10+4 vs dreamers), invisible at will (becomes visible at will), SA (swoop):
dives &","VR","attacks w/4 claws & 2 rear claws (dmg +2), must rest wings after
swoop for 2 rnds, +3 weap to hit, hate other
"Dream Spawn, Lesser, Morph, Gray","7","3","17","Any","Any","1","1d4","4-
24",1,1,"0","S","6","420","Night","LN","nil","7","MAIII 32","Monster","see
general, roam nightmare lands, are supporting cast in dreams, assume forms (at
will) of common objects, people,","etc, cowards who prefer fleeing over fighting,
if forced into battle they attack w/claws, against wanderers they use","C","their
language, +1 weapons to hit, they huddle in groups waiting for memories to give
them purpose, eaten by greater","Group","Special","7","Ravenloft","Dream",
"Dream Spawn, Lesser, Morph, Shadow","4","5","15","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d8","1-
4",1,1,"0","M","12","975","Night","LE","nil","11","MAIII 32","Monster","see
general, roam nightmare lands, are major cast in dreams, assume forms (at will) of
5 HD or less horrors (monsters","that frighten dreamer), vicious mean-spirited, SA
(horror) screech & all who hear save -2 vs spell or frozen w/fear","R","1d6+1 rnds
(this gives off energy to shadow, regen 1/rnd victim frozen), feed on fear, +2
weapons to hit","Pack","Special","13","Ravenloft","Dream",
"Dreamweaver","6","1+1","19","Any","Any","1","1","3-18",1,1,"0","T","9, Wb
12","420","Night","LN","nil","7","MAIII 33","Monster","roam nightmare lands, give
shape & substance to dreams, 2 types: dream spinners & dark weavers, avoid
direct","combat, non-violent, interested only in weaving dreams, attack: bite, if
bit poison save vs poison or sleep 1d4 hours","C","cannot be revived early, if
exposed to sunlight or bright illumination they fade away, +1 weapons to
"Dryad, Hamadryad","7","4","17","Forests","Temp/SubTrop","1","1d3 or weapon","1-
34","Humanoid","beautiful female w/green hair, peaceful, speak: dryad, elf, pixie,
sprite & (33%) common & 90% other, carry knives,","dagger, etc but prefer spells
11th lvl (see MAIII), can det snares & pits, imm: entanglement & call woodland
being,","VR","can det magically created trees, plants, etc, recognize treants,
etc., linked to oak tree but can leave vicinity of tree","Solitary","Water","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Dwarf, Arctic, Inugaakalikurit","8 (10)","varies",,"Any","Arctic","1","1d8","10-
100",1,1,"0","S","6","varies","Any","LN","M (Qx5)","13-18","MAIII
35","Humanoid","eccentric, 'squashed' dwarves, always barefoot, speak own, white
drag, yeti, frost giant & selkie, peaceful but like","recreational combat, very
strong, use eyklak (bulky bow, att +2) & sometimes axe & spear, no armor but fur
worn acts","R","as AC 8, has all abilities of dwarves (see PHB), immune to cold
(attacks) & white dragon breath, has leaders,
fighters","Clan","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Dwarf, Urdunnir","0","2","19","Subterranean","Any","2","1d4/1d4","10-
100",1,1,"25%","M","6, Br 6","975","Any","N","M, Q (H, Rx10)","11-12","MAIII
36","Humanoid","forgotten offshoot, resemble mountain dwarves, rarely attack but
will defend homes (family & treasure), can stone walk,","can grab item & move into
stone (save vs petrif) & release killing victim, can stone shape (8 cu ft) & shape
metal (5 cu","R","ft), attack: fist/fist, never use weapon, save +4 vs poison,
leader (3 HD, AC -2, XP 2000) of 20 or more, eat gems","Clan","Special","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Eel, Giant, Moray","4","5+","15","Water","Any","1 or 2","2d4 or 1d4+2/1d4","1 (7-
12)",1,1,"0","H","Sw 6","420-650","Any","NE","incidental","1","MAIII
37","Monster","slow & cruel, fresh & salt water, 8' to 20' lg, +1 hp/foot over 8,
hide in fissures, weeds, etc, on 4 > needed or nat 20 its","jaws lock (auto 1d4+2,
MR 20, stays locked even if killed, must be cut away) & rotting disease (no save)
in 1d12+12","R","hrs (-2 DEX & dies in 1d4+4 days unless cure disease), will lash
tail at 2nd target if locked jaw, imm: fear & disease","Solitary","Carnivore","12
(20)","General","Prime Material",
"Elf, Rockseer","4 (10)","1+1 +",,"Subterranean","Any","1","weapon","5-20
(100)",1,1,"0","M","12","420+","Night","N","M +1 jewelry (U, W)","14-20","MAIII
40","Humanoid","rarest of elves, seclusive & shun other races (except pech), avoid
combat but fight to death, use long swords (att +1),","spears & quarterstaves, MR
90% vs sleep, charm, hold & web, 50% vs earth, imm to petrif, save -1 vs elem air,
can","VR","meld into stone at will, at 3rd lvl can stone walk, 5th stone shape,
9th stone tell, 240' infravision, can be all classes","Tribe","Omnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
4",1,1,"0","S","12","175","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 42","Monster","similar to
lemur, may go with traveling adventurers, cannot be surprised, infravision 10',
attack: claw/claw/bite, 6/day","can influence mind 100' affecting 1 creature 3d4
rnds (save vs spell) becomes angry w/a random target within 100',","VR","this
usually leads to violence, ethyk escape in the disruption, will bond with a master
& will protect it if trained","None","Omnivore","8-10","General","Bytopia",
","nil","10","MAIII 43","Humanoid","strange icon of faerie communities, small &
skinny, speak lang of all faeries, never starts fight, imm to
enchant/charm","magic, plays fiddle for enjoyment or combat (save vs spell for
each), can negate hunger, thirst & fatigue if dancing (it","UC","can adapt to
combat), create otto's irresist dance 30' (5 rnds) vs 1 victim, if offended it
plays it's pwrful tune (see MAIII)","Solitary","Nil","13","General","Prime
"Faerie, Petty, Bramble","2 (8)","2 hp","20","Plains","Temp/SubArc","1","1d6","2-
16",1,1,"5%","T","3","65-175","Day","NE","O, Q","11-12","MAIII
44","Humanoid","most aggressive & vicious of faeries, speak own & most common
faerie, wears spine covered armor, any animal will","suffer 1d4 dmg if bite, eat
or pick up (bare hands), attacks by hurling self at victim, 1 in 10 uses poison
(-2 att & dmg","R","2d10 rnds, save -3 vs poison for 1/2 eff & duration), 1 in 10
can anti-flying spell, use mounts (sm mamm) & chrm
mount","Band","Omnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Faerie, Petty, Gorse","6 (Fl 2)","1 hp","20","Plains","Temp/SubArc","1","1","5-
40",1,1,"5%","T","3, Fl 12 (A)","270","Day","N","(O, P, Q, S)","11-12","MAIII
45","Humanoid","smallest faerie, beautiful, secretive, speak own & sprite or
pixie, use tiny weapons: bow (30'), spear (10') & sword, att","+2, 10% of arrows
poison save or confusion 2d4 rnds, can (1/day): mirror image, distract (look at
area of gorse's","UC","choice, ave+ Int save), exterminate (kill mouse sized
creature) & sprout (thornbush 1 cu ft), 1 in 10 spik grw &
goodbrry","Tribe","Herbivore","8","General","Prime Material",
"Firenewt, Elite","3","3+3","18","Any","Tropical","1","weapon","1 (in
10)",1,1,"0","M","9","270","Any","NE","K, M (F)","5-7","MAIII 46","Monster","1 in
10 warriors encountered is an elite wearing chain armor & uses battle axe, also
accompany the overlord, also","may speak common, if above ground they ride giant
strider (90%, see MAII 100)","R",,"Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
Material","FF 36"
"Firenewt, Priest","5","3+3","18","Any","Tropical","1","weapon","1 (in
30)",1,1,"0","M","9","650","Any","NE","K, M (F)","5-7","MAIII 46","Monster","1 in
30 warriors encountered is a priest using a mace & spells, may speak common,
spells (each 1/day): animal friend,","faerie fire, predict weather, produce flame,
heat metal & pyrotechnics, controls the hatchling ground, collects the
eggs","R","guards them, weed out 'undesireables', above ground they ride giant
strider (see MAII 100)","Tribe","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material","FF
Any","NE","K, M (F)","5-7","MAIII 46","Monster","rules the tribe with 4 elite
warriors, controls the treasure, speaks common",,"R",,"Tribe","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material","FF 36"
"Firetail, Lesser","6","4+4","15","Any","Temp/Trop","2","1d6/1d6","1-
6",0,1,"40%","S","Fl 15 (B)","1400","Any","CN","nil","8-10","MAIII
47","Monster","living flame, take sides in conflicts doing great good or evil,
immune to heat & fire, suffer +3 dmg/die from cold & water","attacks, attacks
cause dmg & ignite combustables, hate salamanders & attack on site, ignore fire
elementals","R",,"Flock","Special","12","General","Prime Material",
"Firetail, Tshala","2","9+9","11","Any","Temp/Trop","4","1d12","1-
2",1,1,"90%","S","Fl 21 (B)","6000","Any","CN","gems only (25%)","17-18","MAIII
47","Monster","living flame, immune to heat & fire, suffer +3 dmg/die from cold &
water attacks, attacks cause dmg & ignite combust,","cast spells (14th lvl 1/day):
plane shift (self & 1d6 lesser), remove curse, heal, feeblemind, maze, firetrap &
fireball (1/","VR","turn), 1 per 3 rnds can blaze intensely causing additional
1d12 dmg (also dmg all 5', save vs spell neg), +1 weap to
hit","Solitary","Special","15","General","Prime Material",
","20","MAIII 48","Monster","cannot attack, never leaves hive, can communicate
w/any formian & they obey automatically, protected by 20","myrmarchs, cannot move
on her own, can control entire
hive","VR",,"Colony","Omnivore","20","General","Arcadia","OMII 66"
"Formian, General",,,,"Any","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,"LN","nil",,"MAIII
48","Monster","also called centaur ants, upright walking ants, 4 types: worker,
warrior, myrmarch & queen, hive controlled by queen,","each respondes to orders of
higher formian, born into their station & cannot be changed, have contructed great
cities",,"very rarely found on Prime",,,,"General","Arcadia","OMII 66"
,"nil","5-7","MAIII 49","Monster","usually appears as a cheerful cherub, serves as
garden orniment attacking if someone enters area, attacks w/bow &","arrow (120
range), can be detected 20%, +1 weapons to hit, may shoot at non-threatening
persons, wondering","VR","archer is on unending hunt killing anything in it's
path","Solitary","Nil","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Any","NE","nil","5-7","MAIII 49","Monster","ugly imp, perched above door or as
rain gutter outlet on roof, indistinguishable from stonework, if someone
enters","area without saying password they are attacked, spit acid 1 in 4 rnds
(range 5') 2d20 dmg save vs BW 1/2, can","VR","float to ground & attack:
claw/claw, immune to acid, +1 weap to hit, climb walls 90%, nasty streak, can
remain still","Solitary","Nil","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Gargoyle, Stone
ay","NG","nil","5-7","MAIII 49","Monster","guardian, excellent memory of faces &
scents (cannot be fooled by disguises), usually found near main door or
over","head ledge (can jump 20'), functions at STR & DEX of 18 (do not adj), can
roar 1 in 3 rnds with scare effect, +1 weap","VR","to hit, serves as a protector
of good aligned priests & wizards, may for friendship with owner, can remain
motionless","Solitary","Nil","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Gargoyle, Grandfather
nil","8-10","MAIII 49","Monster","immobile guardian on door, appears as human
face, can secure door as wizard lock (6th lvl) open & close at will,","can
communicate normally w/guests, etc & telepathy w/master, attacks 3 ways: 1 mag
missile/rnd, shout 1/turn &","VR","if it is touched save vs spell or ray of
enfeeblement, +1 weapons to hit, serves whoever lives in
house","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Giant, Cerilian,
","NG","nil","8-10","MAIII 51","Monster","found far from human settlements,
peaceful, guard forest from evil activities, attack w/fist, can speak w/plants
&","animals at will, can (1/day): call woodland being, hold plant, hold monster &
wall of thorns, 1/turn entangle, suffer +1","VR","dmg/die from fire, aid
adventurers who serve cause of nature, slow to anger but no mercy on those
defiling nature","Solitary","Herbivore","15","General","Prime Material",
"Giant, Cerilian, Ice","1","15+7","5","Mountains","Arctic","1","1d12 or
51","Monster","cruel & spiteful, cannot exist out of areas covered w/snow & ice,
resemble frost giants, contact w/ it's body causes","save vs spell or 1d4 cold dmg
& -1 STR for 1 hour, can hurl iceballs for 2d10 dmg & shatter all 5' rad 1d10 dmg
(also","R","equal to body contact), cast (1/day): wall of ice, ice storm or cone
of cold, fog cloud (1/day), conj elem
(1/day)","Family","Carnivore","18","General","Prime Material",
"Goblin, Cerilian, Common","7 (10)","1-1","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","4-24 (60-
360)",0,0,"0","S","6","35","Any","LE","K (C)","8-14","MAIII
52","Humanoid","similar to goblins, speak goblin, not hindered by sunlight,
infravision 60', use: spears, polearms, morning stars, axes,","mace & shrt swrds,
have leaders (wiz, fight, prst or thf), domesticate wolves (25% dire) that serves
as guards, make up","C","50% of goblin tribes, wear leather & carry shields,
prefer to fight as skirmishers, slingers or archers, can ride
wolves","Tribe","Carnivore","10-14","General","Prime Material",
"Goblin, Cerilian, Elite","5 (10)","1+1","19","Any","Any","1","weapon","4-24 (60-
360)",0,0,"0","M","6","65","Any","LE","K (C)","8-14","MAIII
52","Humanoid","similar to goblins, speak goblin, not hindered by sunlight,
infravision 60', use: spears, polearms, morning stars, axes,","mace & shrt swrds,
have leaders (wiz, fight, prst or thf), domesticate wolves (25% dire) that serves
as guards, make up","C","30% of goblin tribes, wear scale
mail","Tribe","Carnivore","10-14","General","Prime Material",
"Goblin, Cerilian, Huge","3 (10)","3+1","17","Any","Any","1","weapon +1","4-24
(60-360)",0,0,"0","L","6","120","Any","LE","K (C)","8-14","MAIII
52","Humanoid","similar to goblins, speak goblin, not hindered by sunlight,
infravision 60', use: spears, polearms, morning stars, axes,","mace & shrt swrds,
have leaders (wiz, fight, prst or thf), domesticate wolves (25% dire) that serves
as guards, make up","C","20% of tribes, wear banded or splint
mail","Tribe","Carnivore","10-14","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Magic","-2","8 (64
-7","MAIII 53","Monster","gen info see MM 164, pure magic, absorb all magic in 20'
rad (instant when cast, ends spells in effect, magic items","lose a '+'/rnd & 1d6
charges lost/rnd), only hurt by non-magic weapons, attacks w/pure energy 75 yrds
(AC 10 adj for","VR","DEX) but cannot penetrate anti-magic (6 rnds) shell or
prismatic sphere (7 rnds), 1/day flare, only affected by (ltd)
wish","Solitary","Special","20","General","Prime Material",
"Golem, Shaboath","3","11 (50
hp)","9","Water","Any","1","2d10","1",1,1,"0","L","6, Sw
12","6000","Any","N","nil","0","MAIII 54","Monster","gen info MM 164, animated by
water elem spirit, encountered in water or 60' near, attack w/wave-like pseudopod,
on","nat 20 or 4> needed engulfs victim (auto 2d10 -1/CON over 12, min 2 dmg),
1/turn create wall of ice, imm: all elem","VR","wtr, cold, paraly, poly, poison,
acid, mind eff, cause wounds, str & energy drain & gas attacks, save -2 vs
fire","Solitary","Nil","20","General","Prime Material",
"Hag, Bheur","-3","10","11","Any","Arctic/Sub-
Arctic","2","2d6/2d6","1",1,1,"40%","M","12, Fl 48 (A)","6000","Any","CE","nil
(D)","11-12","MAIII 55","Humanoid","blue hag, attack by touching victims w/cold
palms (flame creatures receive double dmg), carries staff or frost (function","as
wand of frost, never needs recharged, functions only for bheur), imm to cold & 1/2
dmg fire, suffers double dmg","VR","from acid & electric, reluctant to engage
wizards, prey on travelers (lone), many stories about
them","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
"Head, Arcane","3 (7)","2","18","Any","Any","1","1d6","13",1,0,"20%","T","Fl 15
(C)","270","Night","CE","nil","10","MAIII 56","Monster","severed heads of
wanderers who die in nightmare lands then animated, do not speak, attack by flying
around victims","& biting, on 1st attack the bash (dives, roll to hit, no dmg,
save vs spell or stunned 1d4+1 rnds), heads are AC 7 if not","VR","flying,
controlled by witch named Mullonga, can open magic portal to Mullonga (five heads
spinning for 1d4+1 rnds)","Flock","Carnivore","13","General","Dream",
"Human, Cerilian, Anurien","2 or 4","2+",,"Any","Any","1","weapon","1-
20",0,0,"0","M","12","varies","Day","L","L, M","varies","MAIII
58","Humanoid","knights, native to southwest, semifeudal system, wizards are
mistrusted but may be tolerated, bards are lore-keepers","& are respected, field
force: 25-40% knights, 30-50% infantry, 25-40% feudal levy, paladins & rangers
might be found","R","but not in great
numbers","Community","Omnivore","14","Birthright","Prime Material",
"Human, Cerilian, Brecht","8","1-6 hp","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","2-
58","Humanoid","tradesmen, native to north-central, many are seafaring, magic arts
are mistrusted, bards viewed as lazy but tolerated,","very indepedent, prefer to
bargan over fighting, field force: 10-20% knights, 40-50% infantry & 20-30%
armored foot","C","soldiers, paladins are rare & rangers ever
rarer","Community","Omnivore","11","Birthright","Prime Material",
"Human, Cerilian, Khinasi","8 to 4","1-6 hp","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
58","Humanoid","soldier, from Khinasi region, speak Basarji, no fear of magic,
communication w/dead is forbidden, bards not respected,","but professional
storytellers are highly reguarded, thieves hunted down, most are commoners &
traders, have militia &","C","pro armies, field force: 35% med cavalry, 20-30%
light cavalry, 40-50% split- speared, archers & light troops, paladins
C","Community","Omnivore","10","Birthright","Prime Material",
"Human, Cerilian, Rjurik","8 to 6","2-7 hp","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
58","Humanoid","berserker, found mainly in northwestern forests & highlands,
subborn individualists, suspicious of wizards & priests,","bards called skalds are
keepers of history, follow god Erik (druid), druids are revered as teachers &
leaders, fighting","UC","force: 20-25% elite warriors, 25-40% experienced
warriors, 25-30% irregular warriors & 25% light
archers","Tribe","Omnivore","20","Birthright","Prime Material",
"Human, Cerilian, Vos","7 to 4","2-8 hp","20","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",0,0,"0","M","12","15","Day","LN","L, M","varies","MAIII
58","Humanoid","mercenary, barbaric race, from northeastern forests & mountains,
rigid code of honor, leaders called tsarevos, nearly","all men are warriors &
hunters, wizards are feared by the people, constant conflict w/ orogs & similar
humanoids, field","C","force: 25% lizard riders, 50% footmen, 25% split- archers &
irregular fighters, paladins & rangers unheard
of","Community","Omnivore","12","Birthright","Prime Material",
"Hybsil","7","1","19","Forests","Temperate","1","weapon","1-6 (8-
64)",1,1,"0","S","15 (21)","420","Day","LG","I, K","8-12","MAIII
60","Monster","antelope/pixie, brownie or sprite cross, xenophobic, fight
w/daggers, short swords or bows, coat their weapons w/","poison save -4 vs poison
or sleep 1d4 hours, can (1/day): contin light, mirror image, pass w/o trace &
ventriloquism,","R","hybsil +4 on all saves, immune to poison, in forest: 75% MS,
75% HS, 50% F/RT, 1/day can gallop 1 turn (MV 21)","Tribe","Omnivore","9-
10","Forgotten Realms","Prime Material",
"Ibrandlin","3","10","11","Subterranean","Any","5","1d8 (x4)/2d8","1-
8",1,1,"40%","G","9, Cl 6","5000","Any","LN","nil or guarded items","4","MAIII
61","Monster","lurker-in-darkness, created from fire lizards (wing-less red
dragon), attack: 4 claws/bite, can simultan breath fire every","5th rnd 10' wd x
15' lg 2d6 dmg save vs BW 1/2 (creatures at it's mouth full dmg & no save), immune
to fire, can open","VR","doors, can opt to pin creatures (5, no claw attack & must
roll to hit), pinned creatures that move take 1d4
dmg/rnd","Pack","Carnivore","special","General","Prime Material",
"Imp, Chaos","3","3","17","Any","Any","1","nil","2-
12",1,0,"0","T","12","175","Any","CN","nil","8-10","MAIII 63","Monster","small &
perverse, confused w/mites, mephits, gremlin, etc, don't want to fight but to
merge with non-living material,","cannot merge w/INT objects, golems, etc, drawn
to magic items first, imp needs to touch it for 1 rnd (magic item save","R","at
14, improv for each +), attacking them weapons can be infested (save 10 to avoid),
imp can transform item at will","Swarm","Unknown","19","General","Limbo",
"Ixitxachitl, Ixzan","4","1+1 to 6+6",,"Water, Fresh","Any","1","2d4 or 3d4","3-10
(20-101)",0,1,"0","M","3, Sw 12","65+","Any","CE","nil (P, R, S)","13-18","MAIII
64","Monster","found in underdark lakes, live out of water 1 turn, vicious &
brutal, infravision 90', communicate sonar, attack: bite,","ambush victims, save
+4 vs illusion & elem water, 1/2 dmg from blunt weapon (unless+3 or higher), 1+1
to 3+3 HD do","VR","2d4 dmg & others 3d4 dmg, communites use slaves to build
pyramidal structures, have many enemies (vary by
area)","Tribe","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Ixitxachitl, Ixzan, Priest","4","1+1 to 6+6",,"Water, Fresh","Any","1","2d4 or
3d4","varies",1,1,"0","M","3, Sw 12","varies","Any","CE","nil (P, R, S)","13-
18","MAIII 64","Monster","have all abilities of common ixzan, 10% of communities
are priests, casting lvl determined by adding 1d4 to HD, cast","from spheres: all,
charm, combat, divination (minor), elem earth, elem water, healing, necromantic,
protection, sun","VR","(reverse) & weather (minor), WIS 12+1d6, no bonus spells
for high WIS but gain save bonus, cast w/o V
components","Tribe","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Ixitxachitl, Ixzan, Wizard","4","1+1 to 6+6",,"Water, Fresh","Any","1","2d4 or
3d4","varies",1,1,"0","M","3, Sw 12","varies","Any","CE","nil (P, R, S)","13-
18","MAIII 64","Monster","all abilities of common ixzan, 5% of communities are
wiz, no spellbks, memoriz or V comp, use spells each 1/day/rnd,","same cast time
-2, cast lvl 1d6+HD (max 12), spells/day = to normal wizard, INT 14+1d4, cast from
divination & charm","VR","person, cone of cold, fly, haste, ice storm, invis
(10'), levat, magic missiles, mirr image, slow, stoneskin & air
breathing","Tribe","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
(8x)/1d10","1",1,0,"0","H","12","8000","Night","N","nil (D)","5-7","MAIII
109","Monster","hybrid of thessalhydra/cockatrice, attack: 8 heads/central mouth,
heads do dmg + 1d6 poison (save neg), central","mouth does dmg + 1d10 poison (save
neg), heads independent w/8 hp (regen in 10 days), 1/day petrification
by","VR","touch (can extend into astral & ethereal), eggs worth 5000 gp & young
10,000 gp & used as guards","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Time Dimensional, Royal","-5","24 or 28","1","Any","Any","1","6d4 or
7d4","1",1,1,"25% (90%)","L","10","16,000 or 20,000","Any","N","nil","19","MAIII
111","Monster","all abilities of noble time dimensional (powers used 1/hour), can
summon 1d4 common (70%) or 1d2 (30%) noble 1/day","can Articus's melee manager
every rnd, can temporal shell 1/hour (creates small area between ticks of a clock
for","VR","1 turn per HD)","Solitary","Special","10","General","Demi-, Time","OMII
"Tomb Tapper, Thaalud","-2","8+8","13","Subterranean","Any","1 or 3","1d12+6 or
4d6/4d6/1d12+9","1-12",1,1,"0","H","9, Br 1-4","8000","Any","LN","Qx4
(special)","13-14","MAIII 112","Monster","tall (15-21'), sexless, hairless,
eyeless w/mouth in belly, 'see' w/sonar 440' (see invis, imm visual/light),
attack: claw/","claw/bite or great hammer (att -2 or thrown att +2), communicates
w/humming & vibration 120', can detect magic at","VR","will, can anim rock (9 cu
ft for 1d4+2 rnds, used 1/12 turns), immune: enchant/charm, fire & cold, save vs
petrif -2","Clan","Special","16","General","Prime Material",
"Undead Dragon Slayer","0","9 to 11",,"Any","Any","3/2","weapon","1 or 1-
113","Undead","skeleton warrior-like, must kill dragons to replentish energy,
usually summoned (must obey but has own mind), retains","fighting skills of former
life, immune to dragon fear, 1/2 dmg from BW save none, cannot be turned (holy
word drives","VR","away), AC improves w/higher HD, use +2 dragon slayer (special),
know 5 of possible 7 special attacks (see
MAIII)","Solitary","Special","19","General","Prime Material",
"Unicorn, Black","3","4+4","15","Forests","Any","4","1d6/1d6/1d4/1d12","1-
4",1,1,"0","L","24","975","Night","CE","nil","13-14","MAIII 114","Monster","evil
unicorn, taught to speak common, never suprised, attack: hoof/hoof/horn/bite,
charge 30' horn strike 3d12, can","cause light wound (3/day, must touch, can be
used w/horn attack), can teleport w/o error 1/day (self only), only","VR","ridden
by human or drow evil females, kept as pets by Red Wizards, horn (powdered) equal
to type N contact poison","Solitary","Carnivore","14","Forgotten Realms","Prime
"Vaath","3","4+2","17","Any","Any","2","1d8/1d4","1 (2-
8)",1,0,"0","L","15","975","Night","NE","nil (A)","8-10","MAIII
115","Monster","vicious killer, insect/reptile, attack: bite/tenticle, if bit save
vs poison or die (onset 1d4+1 rnds), tenticle 10' attaches","to victim & burrows
(STR check to free) dmg 1d4/rnd in 1d4+2 rnds victim paralyzed (neck down) dying
in 1d6+4 rnds,","C","witnessing this attack WIS check or stunned 1d3 rnds, only
magic heals if paralyzed & must save vs DM or -1 WIS","Pack","Carnivore","11-
"Spider, Vortex","4","7+4","13","Any","Any","1","2d4","1-4",1,1,"15%","L","9, Wb
15","2700","Any","N","nil (E)","8","MAIII 116","Monster","phase spider-like, can
change color, invisible on demi-time (detect temporal anomaly), web spans 50' dia
(save vs","rod to detect), usually found in a vortex or among lifeline, web not
adhesive but if touch then slow (chromancer not","UC","immune), bite poison save
-2 or die instantly if save 20 dmg, evolved from phase spider, traps creatures for
food","Solitary","Carnivore","10","General","Demi-, Time",
"Web, Living","9","1/2 to 6",,"Subterranean","Any","1","1d4 or 1d6 or 2d4","1-
8",1,1,"0","S","6","650-2000","Any","N","nil","2-4","MAIII 117","Monster","also
known as carnivorous webs or duleep, made of microscopic cell colonies, attacks
w/electric shock dmg varies","by HD (1/2 to 2, 3 to 5, 6), fire mini lightning
bolt (20 yards, 3d4 dmg, 2/turn, 9 hp or less 1/trn), imm: fire, wtr,
heat,","VR","cold, fear, repultion, etc, absorb electric (gain 1 HD/8 points), E
weap divide web (split hp & size), B weap 1/2 dmg","Pack","Omnivore","9-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Ixitxachitl, Ixzan, Mutant","4","1+1 to 6+6",,"Water, Fresh","Any","1 (2)","2d4
(+1d8) or 3d4 (+1d10)","varies",1,1,"0","M","3, Sw 12","varies","Any","CE","nil
(P, R, S)","13-18","MAIII 64","Monster","have all abilities of common ixzan, 2% of
communities are mutants, to determine abnormality (see table) roll 1d12: 1-
6","barbed tail see ( ) for dmg, 7-10 barbed tail +poison (save or 1d6+6), 11
thick jaw bite 4d4 & hold (crush 3d4/rnd) & 12","VR","secretes acid slime (out of
water 1d6 & 1d4/rnd); other types include: thick skin (high AC), natural MR or
multiple tails","Tribe","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Ixitxachitl, Ixzan, Vampiric","4","1+1 to 6+6",,"Water, Fresh","Any","1","2d4 or
3d4","varies",1,1,"0","M","3, Sw 12","varies","Any","CE","nil (P, R, S)","13-
18","MAIII 64","Monster","have all abilities of common ixzan, 3% of communities
are vampiric, bite drains 1 lvl (no save), 25% are priest & 25%","are wizards but
none are mutants, regen 3 hp/rnd, never encountered outside of lair or city,
greater vampiric ixzans","VR","are rumored to exist, they almost always rise to
important positions","Tribe","Omnivore","16","General","Prime Material",
"Jabberwock","-10","15 (99 hp)","5","Forests","Any","1 or 8","3d10 or
special","1",1,1,"80%","G","15, Fl 15
(C)","25,000","Any","N","incidental","4","MAIII 66","Monster","resembles dragon,
fiercely territorial, chosen victim is persued until death (or teleport, leave
forest area, etc), can see","invisible & hidden objects, attack: bite, can burble
& all 200' save -4 vs spell or confusion & babble, immune to all
non-","VR","vorpal weap, has dragon fear, eyebeams (save vs paraly or paralyzed),
grasp prey w/talons, can lash out in muli
direct","Solitary","Carnivore","20","General","Prime Material",
8",1,1,"25%","M","12","6000","Any","LE","nil","5","MAIII 68","Humanoid","cover
selves w/chains, brutal & cruel, like to induce terror, attacks by swinging chains
on arms, in 20' area they can","control chains & make them grow 15' & sprout barbs
that attack 2/rnd, +2 weapons to hit, imm to cold, regen 1/rnd","R","except from
magic or blessed weapon (blessed regain 1 per 2 days), will flee from blessed
"Creations, Guardian,
S","6","65","Any","N","nil","2-4","MAIII 70","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey
master, eat special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal,
wide claws &","flexible legs allow it to climb sheer slopes, accompany climbers,
keen sight, smell & hearing, sacrifice selves in combat","VR","to protect masters,
attack: claw/claw/bite, can attack while
climbing","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Guardian,
l","65","Any","N","nil","0","MAIII 70","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey master,
eat special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal, snake-
like,","can attach to walls & other surfaces, HS 90%, they hide & wait to pounce
on victim (victims suprise -2), attacks w/","VR","bite, bite has poison (type
varies)","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Guardian,
"M","8","120","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 70","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey
master, eat special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal,
feline creature,","can recognize intruders & attack them, can distingish between
those it protects & those who are a threat, attack:","VR","claw/claw/bite, they do
not eat their kill","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Guardian, Shieldbug","6","1
24","7","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 70","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey master,
eat special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal, wasp-like,
6"" lg,","fly 30 mph, swarm has 50-100, swarms fly around creature protected
attempting to repulse attacks (% chance = # in","VR","swarm, if successful 1 bug
is killed), cannot protect against area effects, in melee impoves protected AC by
2","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Guardian,
5","Any","N","nil","0","MAIII 70","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey master, eat
special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal, reptilian-
plant","creature w/360 deg vision, observes specific area assigned by master &
lets out a keening sound, never attacks
or","VR","moves","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Transport, Ber-
ethern","4","4","17","Mountains","Tropical","1","1d4","varies",0,0,"0","M","Fl 45
(A)","120","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 71","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey
master, eat special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal,
insect-like,","carry 1 halfling & 25 lbs up to 75 mph, can hover, pivot & move
straight up & down, attacks w/stinger (no poison),","VR","used for quick trips &
maneuverability, also called breeze
sprites","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Transport, Yihn-
"Fl 32 (C)","270","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 71","Monster","organic, mindlessly
obey master, eat special solution, do not need attention or care like normal
animal, name means","gust climber, bodies covered w/feathers & hawk-like beak,
attack: talon/talon, carry 1 to 3 riders or 200 lbs at 50 mph","VR","used to carry
halflings into battle","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Transport, Gon-
evauth","10","9","11","Mountains","Tropical","0","0","varies",0,0,"0","H","Fl 24
(B)","975","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 71","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey
master, eat special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal,
also called","soar whale or airship, huge balloon shaped, fill inner cavity w/hot
air, rider float in gondolas attached beneath the","VR","beast, can carry 8
halflings or 1 halfling & 1 ton (2000 lbs) at 30 mph, it descends after 25% hp
lost, cargo transports","None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
"Creations, Transport, Dhev-
","Any","N","nil","1","MAIII 71","Monster","organic, mindlessly obey master, eat
special solution, do not need attention or care like normal animal, mammel-like
w/","hair, resembles a camel, can carry 2 riders & 120
lbs","VR",,"None","Special","special","General","Prime Material",
12",1,1,"25%","L","9, Fl 27 (C), Sw 15","9000","Day","CG","nil (A)","13-14","MAIII
73","Monster","may appear on Arborea, Limbo or Prime, peaceful, can understand any
int communication, infravision 120', can cast","spells & breath water, imm:
poison, gases, norm fire, pos & neg energy, music attacks & enchant/charm, +1 weap
to","R","hit, attacks: tail/weapon, can contrict victim 2d6/rnd (victim att, save
& dmg -3) & +1 att & dmg, drop victims from air","Family","Omnivore","15-
"Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile","1","5+5","15","Swamp","Any","2","2d6/1d8","1-
3",1,1,"0","M","3, Sw 12","650","Day","NE","nil","8-10","MAIII
75","Monster","general info MM 230, human & crocodile forms, speak common &
w/crocodiles at will, prefer human form in combat,","trick prey & change to
crocodile attack: bite/tail, grab victims & drag underwater to drown, bite has
1%/1 point dmg","R","cumm of contracting disease, can summon 1d3 normal crocodiles
arriving 2d6 rnds, silver or magic weapons to hit","Pack","Carnivore","13-
14","General","Prime Material",
"Lycanthrope, Werespider","4","5+5","14","Forests","Any","1","1d12 (1d4 hybrid) or
weapon","1",1,1,"0","M","12, Wb 18","650","Any","NE","M (B)","8-10","MAIII
76","Monster","general info MM 230, 3 forms: human, spider & hybrid, humans: use
weapons (often poisoned, typ A or F), hybrid: use","poison bite (type A), cling to
walls & ceilings & spin webs (1 rnd/point STR under 19 to break free) att +2 & +4
dmg,","VR","spider: spin stronger web (BB/LG), poison save or die (imm), those
bitten subject to disease, silver or +1 weap to hit","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Magedoom","-2","10","11","Any","Any","2","3d8/3d8","1",1,1,"0","L","18, Fl 18
(C)","11,000","Any","LE","nil","8-10","MAIII 77","Monster","magical horror, mound
of sludge w/humanoid head, attacks w/2 appendages (wiz 1st, priest 2nd, any 3rd),
if a spell is","cast within 180' it attacks caster (roll to hit) & drains 1
casting lvl & appropriate spells (regain in 1 hr), can't 'see' & imm","VR","to
illusions (etc), radiate anti-magic shell 3', if killed magic released in a wild
surge for 5 rnds (1 surge/person (15')/rnd)","Solitary","Special","19-
20","General","Prime Material",
00","Day","CE","K, M (E)","8-10","MAIII 78","Monster","bull head & body w/humanoid
torso, speak own, minotaur, ogre & hill giant, surprised on 1, opp suprise -3,
will charge","a suprised opponent, attacks: hoof/hoof/horn, charge 20' (horn only)
for 3d8 dmg (M or smaller knocked over), may","VR","charge then disappear
repeating process slowly wearing down prey, hate all good things, hunt sylvan
creatures","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Mist, Scarlet Dancer","1 (8)","1 per 10",,"Swamp","Any","1","1d3 per HD","10-
100",1,0,"0","T","Fl 24 (A) (12 (B))","35-3000","Any","N","nil (S)","2-4","MAIII
81","Monster","mini crimson death, can sense warm-blooded creatures 100', attack
victims to drain blood, AC of victim is base 10 adj","for DEX & magic, after 7
points of blood drained per HD it slows down & drops AC, may be found in sewers
of","R","Zhentil, flee from light but not damaged by it, after feeding they seek
place to rest","Cluster","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Orog, Neo-, Red","3 (6)","5","15","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",1,0,"0","M","6 (12)","270","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII
83","Humanoid","magical hybrid of orc, ogre & other creatures, bred as elite
fighting troops, speak orc & common, can war cry which","gives all orcs, orogs &
neo-orogs to att & dmg +1 (not cumm & works 1/day on individual) 2d4 rnds, receive
add +1 on","UC","attacks if defending Red Wizards of Thay, use broad swd, btl axe,
spear, hnd axe, war ham, mace, dagger, crossbow","Tribe","Carnivore","15-
16","General","Prime Material",
"Orog, Neo-, Red, Sergeant","3
(12)","420","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII 83","Humanoid","all
abilities as normal red neo-orog, 1 sergeant for every 10 encountered, have
maximum hp",,"UC",,"Tribe","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Orog, Neo-, Red, Officer","3 (6)","6","15","Any","Any","1","weapon
+1","1",1,0,"0","M","6 (12)","650","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII
83","Humanoid","all abilities as normal red neo-orog, 1 officer for every 20
encountered",,"UC",,"Tribe","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Orog, Neo-, Red, General","2 (5)","7","13","Any","Any","1","weapon
+2","1",1,0,"0","M","6 (12)","975","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII
83","Humanoid","all abilities as normal red neo-orog, each barracks is commanded
by a general",,"UC",,"Tribe","Carnivore","15-16","General","Prime Material",
"Orog, Neo-, Black","5 (10)","4","17","Any","Any","1","weapon","10-
100",0,1,"0","M","8 (14)","175","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII
83","Humanoid","magical hybrid of orc, ogre & other creatures, bred as scouts,
archers & infiltrators, have camouflage that allows them","to be detected 5% (10%
if alert & 20% if looking for them, is negated if they move or attack), some have
thieving skills,","UC","use combination of broad sword, short bow, spear, dagger,
crossbow, short sword & long bow","Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime
"Orog, Neo-, Black, Sergeant","5
(14)","270","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII 83","Humanoid","all
abilities as normal black neo-orog, 1 sergeant for every 10 encountered, have
maximum hp",,"UC",,"Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Orog, Neo-, Black, Officer","5 (10)","6","15","Any","Any","1","weapon
+1","1",0,1,"0","M","8 (14)","420","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII
83","Humanoid","all abilities as normal black neo-orog, 1 officer for every 20
encountered",,"UC",,"Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Orog, Neo-, Black, General","2 (5)","7","13","Any","Any","1","weapon
+2","1",0,1,"0","M","8 (14)","650","Any","LE","L (C, O, Qx10, S)","10","MAIII
83","Humanoid","all abilities as normal black neo-orog, each barracks is commanded
by a general",,"UC",,"Tribe","Carnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Ondonti","10 (6)","1 to 7",,"Land","Any","1","weapon","10-
60",0,1,"0","M","12","120-2000","Any","LG","nil (Ox5)","8-10","MAIII
84","Humanoid","cousin of orcs, peaceful farmers & gatherers, speak common, kill
only for food or insane/diseased, immune to charm,","can 3/day: sanctuary & purify
food/drink, barkskin (1/day), tree (1/wk), save +1 vs poison, STR 17-19 & CON 16-
18,","R","use bastard sword or 2-handed, may be clerics of 1st to 7th lvl,
opposite of orcs (peaceful, kind & dependable)","Tribe","Omnivore","8-
10","General","Prime Material",
"Owlbear, Arctic","5","8+2","13","Any","Arctic","3","1d10/1d10/2d6","1 (2-
8)",1,1,"0","L","12, Sw 9","2000","Day","N","incidental","5-7","MAIII
85","Monster","cousin of normal owlbear, blend w/surroundings (suprise 75%),
attack: claw/claw/beak, on hit of 18+ it auto hugs for","2d8/rnd (BB/LG) can beak
attack while hugging, immune to cold attacks, lair will have 25% of 1d6 young
(80%) or","VR","1d6 eggs (20%), young grown to 40-70% fight 5 to 6 HD, dmg
1d6/1d6/2d4, hug 2d6 dmg (BB/LG +20%)","Pack","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime
"Owlbear, Winged","5","5+2","15","Any","Temp/Trop","3","1d10/1d10/2d6","1 (2-
5)",1,0,"0","L","12, Fl 18 (E)","975","Sunset","N","incidental","5-7","MAIII
85","Monster","true owl/bear mix, silent flight (opp surp -2 to -6, mod for
light), attack: claw/claw/beak, on hit of 18+ it auto hugs for","2d8/rnd (BB/LG)
can beak attack while hugging, lair will have 25% of 1d3 young (80%) or 1d3 eggs
(20%), young","VR","appear as normal owlbears & cannot
fly","Family","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Pegataur","7","5 to 8",,"Mountains","Temperate","3","1d6/1d6/weapon","2-
20",1,1,"0","L","18, Fl 36 (C or D)","975-3000","Day","NG","M, Q (E)","8-
10","MAIII 86","Monster","winged centaurs (elf torso), speak: own, common & elf,
infravision 60', fight to defend selves & territory or as ordered","by employer,
if surprise they dive (att & dmg +2, +1 AC penalty), attack: hoof/hoof/weapon, MR
30% to charm & sleep,","VR","use long bow, lance, 2-handed swrd or mace (20%
specialized), may wear armor (30%), have leaders &
spellcasters","Tribe","Omnivore","13","General","Prime Material",
"Phaerimm","2","9","11","Any","Any","6","1d4 (x4)/3d4/2d4","1-3",1,1,"44%","L","Fl
9 (A)","10,000+","Any","NE","any (usually G)","19-20","MAIII 87","Monster","cone-
like w/barbed tail, infravision 160', see into ethereal & astral 90', normal
vision can detect magic, MR 77% vs","petrif/poly, any magic resisted will rebound
or absorbed as healing, attack: arm (x4)/bite/tail, if tail add 1d6 dmg &
inj","VR","eggs (special), arms can hold weapons or prey, in addition to normal
attacks they can cast wiz spells (22nd to 27th
lvl)","Solitary","Carnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
10",1,0,"0","M","12","175","Night","NE","V","17-18","MAIII 88","Humanoid","ugly
elf-like, each is defiler wizard or fighter/wizard of minimum 3rd lvl, use staves
& some have magic weapons of all","types, knowledge of magic allows them to use
items (75%) more effective than designed (power increased by 25%),","VR","attack
wizards first (then other spellcasters), good teamwork, leader 15th-20th lvl,
bands vary from 3rd to 9th lvl","Band","Omnivore","11-12","Dark Sun","Prime
"Render","-3","13 (104
E","nil","14","MAIII 89","Monster","9' bipedal, merciless, hate all life,
infravision 60', -2 opp surp (unless open), glowing red eyes (anyone seeing save
vs","paraly or paraly 1d3 rnds), attack: claw/claw/bite (if all hit, add 2d10
dmg), regen 4/rnd (as troll), only electric dmg can","VR","perm kill, imm: poison,
charm, hold & norm weap, silver & cold iron 1 hp/hit, magic weap norm dmg, can
berserk fury","Solitary","Carnivore","20","General","Prime Material",
"Saurial, General",,,,"Jungle","Any",,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,"MAIII 90","Monster","bipedal
lizard creatures, sim to dinosaurs, bright colors, not cold blooded, true
infravision, if exposed to freezing temp","they enter cold sleep (body functions
slow to near death), speak own (cannot be heard w/o magic), use various
weap","VR","& may be spellcasters, save +2 vs sound attacks, save -2 vs gaseous
attacks, most are farmers & hunters",,,,"Forgotten Realms","Prime Material",
"Saurial, Finhead","5","2","19","Jungle","Any","1 or 2","weapon or 1d2 or
90","Monster","see general, attack: weapon or claw/claw or tail, alert, bright,
active, good w/hands, see things in black & white,","exceptional ones are
warriors, like new tasks","VR",,"Community","Omnivore","12","Forgotten
Realms","Prime Material",
"Saurial, Bladeback","4","2","19","Jungle","Any","1 or 3","weapon or
90","Monster","see general, attack: weapon or claw/claw/tail, social, straight
forward & trusting, slow to anger but if riled they fight","passionately, often
priests, rise to positions of power","VR",,"Community","Herbivore","12","Forgotten
Realms","Prime Material",
"Saurial, Flyer","6","2","19","Jungle","Any","1 or 3","weapon or 1d2/1d2/1d2","2-
8",1,1,"0","S","6, Fl 24 (C)","65","Day","any","nil","11-12","MAIII
90","Monster","see general, attack: weapon or claw/claw/tail, nervous, irritable,
noisy, use flight to flee, like to talk, usually scouts or","messenger, usually
thieves or fighters","VR",,"Community","Carnivore","10","Forgotten Realms","Prime
"Saurial, Hornhead","4","4","17","Jungle","Any","1 or 3","weapon or 1d4/1d4/2d4 or
90","Monster","see general, attack: weapon or claw/claw/tail or horn, powerful &
large, planners, good weaponsmiths, slow to speak,","may be any class but most
powerful are spellcasters","VR",,"Community","Herbivore","14","Forgotten
Realms","Prime Material",
"Sharn","2/3/4/6","6+6","15","Land","Any","12","1d4+1 (3x)/1d2 or weapon (9x)","1-
12",1,1,"30%","H","4, Fl 15 (C)","7000","Any","CN","nil","17-18","MAIII
94","Monster","3 headed & 3 trihands, can create portal up to 400' (can maintain
6, att from diff angles, AC 2, dmg to central body),","3 arms have 3 hands (AC 3)
w/small eyes (60' infravision) & AC 4), hands attack w/weap or 1d2, head & tent AC
6,","VR","imm: enchant/charm & illus, scramble psionics (int check +3 pen or
fblmind), 10% are spellcasters, regen 1 per 2
turns","Clan","Omnivore","18","Forgotten Realms","Prime Material",
"Snake, Messenger","4","3","17","Any","Any","1","1d6","1",1,1,"30%","S","6, Fl 24
(B)","975","Any","N","nil","13-14","MAIII 95","Monster","2' long, mimic human
speech, infravision 60', good direction sense, attack: bite, if bit poison save or
paralysis 1d4 hrs","onset 2d12 rnds, shifts colors (50% undetectable in casual
sight), flight is 75% silent, can detect lie at will, fly 200 miles","VR","per day
(rest 1 hr after 100 miles), can find the path 100 miles, taught special code for
message delivery","Solitary","Omnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
"Spirit, Forest,
y","CE","nil (F)","11-12","MAIII 96","Special","twisted shapechangers (hunchbacked
apes change into an (demi)human, only detected by true seeing, etc),
never","surprised, speak common, attack: claw/claw, if both hit strangle victim
2d8/rnd (str check -4 pen), prefer to attack at","R","night, regen 2/turn at
night, double dmg from heat, earth weapons (stone, flint or wood) max dmg, hate
living things","Solitary","Carnivore","12","General","Prime Material",
"Spirit, Forest, Wood
,"Any","CG","nil","18","MAIII 97","Special","50' tall, humanoid living tree,
attacks w/smashing hands, if both hit additional 5d10 dmg, if held with both hands
it can","be thrown 10d10 yards w/6d8 dmg on impact, MR 80% vs Red Wizards, immune
to all fire & electric, regen 4/rnd,","VR","must be reduced to -50 hp to be
killed, they appear in a time of need or crisis, may be summoned (few are
able)","Solitary","Special","20","General","Prime Material",
"Spirit, Ice,
Orglash","0","8","13","Mountains","Arctic","2","1d8/1d8","1",1,1,"0","M","12, Fl 4
(D)","2000","Any","CN","nil","10","MAIII 98","Special","whirls of snow,
protectors, suffer dmg in warm weather (1/rnd over 60 deg, dissipate if 100+),
attack w/tendrils of icy","force (ice shards), 3/day can blast a cone of cold,
immune to cold, double dmg from heat, regen 1/rnd in cold, MR","VR","50% vs Red
Wizards & never check morale, if dissipated they return to cold & reform in 24
hrs","Solitary","Unknown","18","General","Prime Material",
"Spirit, Rock,
","Any","CN","nil (Qx4, X)","10","MAIII 99","Special","indistiquishable from
normal rock (radiate magic) until activated (rough humanoid), guards, attack
despoilers of land,","attack: fist/fist, if both hit add 2d10 crushing dmg, can
change into giant club att -3 inflicting 3d10 dmg or solid blocks","VR","AC -10,
MR 50% vs Red Wizards, up to 20 may defend important sites, originally summoned
from another plane","Solitary","Special","17-18","General","Prime Material",
"Tanar'ri, Greater,
5","23,000","Any","CE","(B, C)","5-7","MAIII 101","Monster","see gen, guards,
enforcers, etc, attack: arm/arm/stomp (anything 6' or less), can hurl boulders
(240 yrd, 2d12 dmg),","can: det invis, det mag, fear, levitation & spider climb,
+1 to +3 weap to hit, imm: cold, fire, elect, poison & gas, regen","VR","1/turn,
infravision 120', have 7-14 hp per HD, affected by: various fear & repulsion,
suffer double dmg from falls","Solitary","Carnivore","15-16","General","Abyss",
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Armanite","2","5","15","Any","Any","3","2d6/2d6/weapon","2-
20",1,0,"0","L","18, Fl 18 (C)","2000","Any","CE","nil (A, D, I)","8-10","MAIII
103","Monster","see general, centaur-like, mobile troops, led by knecht (town
leader is konsul), attack: hoof/hoof/weapon, on 20 can","dmg armor (AC -1, magic
save vs crsh blw), bows shoot spark bolts (2d8 elect dmg save vs spell 1/2), +2
weap to hit,","R","immune: electric, poison & non-magic fire, holy water 3d6, can
'gallop into skies', use various weapons, strike &
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Armanite,
Knecht","0","8","12","Any","Any","3","3d6/3d6/weapon","1 per
pack",1,0,"0","L","21, Fl 21 (C)","7000","Any","CE","nil (A, D, I)","8-10","MAIII
103","Monster","all abilities of normal armanite, also called pathwarden, lead
packs of armanites, very charismatic, STR 19 (do not adj),","melee weapons can
shoot spark bolts as well as bows, if killed the pack roams destroying anything in
it's path until","R","they are killed or a new leader
"Tanar'ri, Lesser, Armanite,
Konsul","-3","11","9","Any","Any","3","4d6/4d6/weapon","1 per
town",1,0,"0","L","24, Fl 24 (C)","14,000","Any","CE","nil (A, D, I)","8-
10","MAIII 103","Monster","all abilities of normal armanite, of 24 towns of
armanites each ruled by a konsul, may oversee up to 100 packs, str 20,","melee
weapons can shoot spark bolts as well as bows, can (3/day) 11 HD lightning bolt,
some can cast spells as a","R","priest (5th max) or wizard (8th max), 2 may be
multi-classed mage/priest (rumor)","Pack","Carnivore","15-16","General","Abyss",
105","Monster","despicable, hated & feared, speak own & some (demi)human, love to
fight, have psionics (use to weaken foe), attack:","front claws/rear claws/bite,
if bit save vs DM or lose 1 lvl (perm), can dodge non-magic missiles on 1-4 on
1d10, they","UC","fight to death, prowl desert & mountains, do not have leader,
like to each young creatures (elves & dwarves)","Pack","Carnivore","20","Dark
Sun","Prime Material",
"Temporal Glider","-2","6 to
10,000","Any","N","nil","8","MAIII 106","Monster","kite-like manta ray, never
travel to Prime, only enter combat if attacked, attack by ramming head into
victim, 1/2 dmg","from non-magic weapons, can slip into timeline, any creature
within 20' can slip into another time stream save vs rod","UC","or 5d10 concussion
dmg, can be forced into submission (conveys intention & attacks w/non-lethal
blows)","Solitary","Special","10","General","Demi-, Time",
"Temporal Stalker","3","4+2","15","Any","Any","1","1d6","1 (1-
4)",1,1,"20%","M","18","1750","Any","NE","nil","18","MAIII 107","Undead","mist-
smoke, undead of pseudo-reality, usually hunt alone (small groups if hunting large
group or strong individual), may","take a month to track (wait for suprise), touch
drains 1 lvl or causes paradox (usually exchanges memorized spell for
a","R","useless one), if drained to 0 lvl become temporal stalker in svrl days, +1
weap to hit, hate guardians & linear
creatures","Solitary","Special","10","General","Demi-, Time",
"Tether Beast","0","10+2","11","Any","Any","5","2d6 (x4)/2d4","1-
3",1,1,"25%","H","12","15,000","Any","NE","I","11","MAIII 108","Monster","dragon
of demi-time, only exist on demi-time, attack: 4 claws/bite, ambush foes, will
attack anyone, can attack in any","direction, BW (aging cloud, 1 per 10 rnds): 30'
lg vs. 1 opp save vs DM or crumble to dust (if save age 20 yrs), +1","R","weapons
to hit, no lair, travel in pairs (if 3, 6+1 HD young), treasure is stored in
hidden pouches in underside","Family","Omnivore","10","General","Demi-, Time",
"Thessalmera","5/2/0","10","11","Subterranean","Any","9 to 11","1d6 (6-
8x)/3d4/1d12/2d4","1",1,1,"0","H","12","10,000","Night","NE","nil (any)","5-
7","MAIII 109","Monster","hybrid of thessalhyra & chimera, attacks: 6 heads/lion
bite/tail/dragon head, head do dmg+1d6 acid (save vs poison","1/2), tail can grab
1 M size or smaller (open door +5), dragon head BW (flame) 6/day: 5' to 20' wd x
20' lg 3d8 save","VR","vs BW 1/2), 6 heads independant w/12 hp, regen 2/day, save
+3 vs heat/fire, imm to petrif & acid, lion head
controls","Solitary","Carnivore","11-12","General","Prime Material",
(8x)/2d6","1",1,1,"0","H","12","9000","Night","N","nil (A)","5-7","MAIII
109","Monster","hybrid of thessalhydra/gorgon, attacks: 8 heads/bull head, heads
do dmg+1d6 poison (save neg), lion bite does dmg","+ 2d6 poison (save neg), BW
(gas) 4/day: 5-20' wd x 20' lg save vs petrif or turn to stone, immune to acid &
petrif,","VR","hydra heads independent w/12 hp (regen in 12 days), eggs worth 7000
gp & young 10,000 gp & used as guardians","Solitary","Carnivore","11-
12","General","Prime Material",
"Web, Memory","2","6","15","Subterranean","Any","1","1d6","1",0,1,"0",,"3, Lp
18","3000","Any","N","nil","11-12","MAIII 117","Monster","resemble web created by
web spell, can compress self into a ball, attacks by leaping up to 180', can
spread out 20'","dia, web constricts victims until they escape or die, 1/2 dmg
from non-magic weapons & fire, memories of slain victims","VR","are absorbed & if
web is killed all memories escape in a shock wave & all 200' experience dream-like
recollections","Solitary","Omnivore","13-14","General","Prime Material",
"Weredragon","varies","varies",,"Land","Any","1 or 3","weapon or
1d6/1d6/4d6","1",1,1,"varies","H","9, Fl 30 (C), Jp
3","varies","Any","CG","varies","15-16","MAIII 118","Monster","2 forms: human
female & dragon, infravision 60', true seeing 15', can use tongues at will,
attacks: claw/claw/bite,","cast spells 9th, dragon to human 2 rnds (vis versa 1
rnd) & on these rnds only spells or BW, BW (gas): 30' lg x 20' wd","VR","elect dmg
save 1/2, imm elect & poison, has many powers & increase with age, not lycanthropy
& doesn't infect","Solitary","Omnivore","17","General","Prime Material",
"Spirit, Zhentarim","-2","7","13","Any","Any","1","1d8","1",1,1,"0","M","Fl 12
(C)","6000","Night","E","nil","13-14","MAIII 119","Undead","undead zhentarim
wizard 14th lvl+, vengeful, appear as spectres, cannot cast spells, speak lang
known in life, can","not be turned or affected by holy water, can become invisible
or noncorporeal at will, +1 weap to hit, target their killers","VR","hp loss is
perm to them, can magic jar 1/rnd (1 victim at a time), imm to most spells,
difficult to perm kill, other abilities","Solitary","Nil","17-18","General","Prime

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