The Influence of Hot-Working Conditions On A Structure of High-Manganese Steel

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The influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of high-manganese steel

Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

The high-manganese steels with the austenitic structure belong to a group of modern steels predicted to use in the automotive industry. The chemical composition of the steel containing 25% Mn, solution hardened by Si and Al was developed. Microadditions of Nb and Ti introduced into the steel creating stable nitrides and carbides should act by precipitation hardening and inhibit a grain growth of recrystallized austenite. The aim of the work was to determine the influence of various hot-working conditions on a structure of the investigated steel. The processes controlling work-hardening and removing strengthening after finishing the hot-working were identified. The preliminary upset forging by the use of eccentric press with a degree of deformation in a range of 20 to 60% and at temperatures of 850 and 1000 C was carried out. On the basis of determined conditions the multi-stage axial compression tests ensuring the finegrained austenite structure were performed. Keywords: hot-working, high-manganese steel, TRIP effect, dynamic recrystallization, microalloying

1. Introduction
Automotive industry is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the global market. Strong competition in the field of automotive market and expansion of new materials with low density, based on aluminium, magnesium as well as polymer composite materials, in last twenty years have led to great activity of steel concerns which had to meet the challenges of the beginning of XXI century. A new look at the role of individual elements generally used for steels and the possibility of new metallurgical technologies application have led to development of steels with a wide range of mechanical properties and formability used in automotive industry. These are IF (Interstitial Free), BH (Bake Hardening), IS (Isotropic), DP (Dual Phase), TRIP (TRansformation Induced Plasticity), CP (Complex Phase) and TMS (Martensitic) steels [1, 2]. New possibilities appeared at the beginning of this century, when the effect of strain-induced martensitic transformation of J phase was attempted to be applied in austenitic steels. This effect was used many years ago but for expensive Cr-Ni steels [3]. Nowadays, new group of high-manganese austenitic steels with variable concentration of Mn, Al and Si was proposed showing high potential for their application in automotive industry. These steels meet the needs of automotive industry in a very wide range, concerning optimization of vehicles mass and fuel consumption, safety of passengers and limiting the pollution of environment caused by motorization [46].


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In case of manganese concentration below 25% its possible to use TRIP effect (Transformation Induced Plasticity) consisting in steel hardening in the consequence of JA1 o HA3 or JA1 o HA3 o D'A2 martensitic transformation occurring during cold forming [4]. Martensite H with A3 hexagonal lattice is formed only when stacking fault energy SFE of austenite is lower than 20 mJ/m2 [5, 7]. Addition of Al into steel increases SFE and austenite stability which leads to suppressed influence on martensitic transformation. While the addition of Si decreases SFE and allows occurring of J o H transformation. In case when Mn concentration in the steel exceeds 25%, the stability of austenite during plastic deformation is maintained enhancing mechanical properties due to mechanical twinning TWIP effect (TWinnig Induced Plasticity) [4, 8]. In contradistinction to numerous researches performed to determine the behaviour of high-manganese steels in the conditions of cold plastic deformation, not many works devote attention to hot-working of this group of steels. In order to develop the manufacturing methods, it is important to determine the flow behaviour of steels under hot-working conditions. Several works concern the behaviour of Fe-Cr-Mn, Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn-Al steels in the hot-working conditions [8, 9]. However, there are only a few papers on high-manganese steels containing silicon and microadditions [1012]. Their application can contribute to mechanical properties increase of this group of steels, likewise in case of steels with A2 lattice matrix [13, 14].

2. Experimental procedure
The investigations were carried out on high-manganese steel with 0.054% C, 24.4% Mn, 3.5% Si, 1.6% Al, 0.0039% N, 0.029% Nb and 0.075% Ti. The melt was done in Balzers VSG-50 vacuum induction furnace. Liquid metal was cast into moulds in argon shield. Obtained 25 kg ingots were subjected to open die forging to 220 mm wide and 20 mm thick flats, from which cylindrical 10 12 mm samples were made. Preliminary tests consisted in solutioning of the steel from a temperature range of 8001100 C. The specimens were subjected to hot upsetting in 850 and 1000 C with 20, 40 and 60% reduction. Part of samples deformed in 1000 C with 40% reduction was isothermally held for 0 to 64 s. Upsetting was conducted using PMS 50 eccentric press with strain rate around 30 s1. According to preliminary tests the conditions of hot-working ensuring fine-grained microstructure of the steel were selected. Annealing temperature of samples and a range of temperature of hot-working were chosen according to the kinetics of interstitial phases precipitation in the steel. In this case the dependence (1) was implemented: log [M ] [X ] = B A /T (1)

where: [M ] and [X ] mass fractions of Nb and Ti as well as N and C dissolved in the solid solution at the T temperature (in K),

The influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of high-manganese steel


A and B constants dependent on the phase kind [15]. Hot-working was realized in several-stage axisymmetrical compression test by the use of Gleeble 3800 thermo-mechanical simulator in the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy in Gliwice. The parameters of carried out thermo-mechanical processing are shown in Figure 1. The specimens were inserted in a vacuum chamber, where they were resistance-heated. Tantalum foils were used to prevent sticking and graphite foils as a lubricant.

Fig. 1. Scheme of the several-stage axisymmetrical compression test

Metallographic tests of samples along with the determination of grain size and portion of recrystallized austenite were performed on LEICA MEF4A optical microscope. The fraction of recrystallized austenite was metallographically defined in the distance of 1/3 of radius from a centre of the sample. In order to reveal the austenitic structure, samples were etched in an aqueous solution of nitric and hydrochloric acids. The identification of phase composition of the steel in the initial state and after thermo-mechanical processing was achieved by using X-ray qualitative phase analysis with help of XPert PRO diffractometer and XCelerator strip detector. The lamp with Co anode working at 40 kV voltage and 30 mA current was used.

3. Results and discussion

In contradistinction to steel with similar chemical composition [16], elaborated steel has a J + H microstructure in the initial state (Figure 2). The presence of H martensite can be a result of increased concentration of Si in relation to Al, oppositely influencing SFE of austenite. Martensite lamellas H are present also after solutioning from a 8001100 C temperature range. Up to 1000 C steel still keeps its diphase fine-grained microstructure (Figure 3). After solutioning from 1100 C the grain size of austenite increases (Figure 4). Numerous annealing twins can be observed.


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Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction pattern of the investigated steel in the initial state

Fig. 3. Fine-grained structure of the steel solution heat-treated from a temperature of 1000 C

Fig. 4. Coarse-grained structure of the steel solution heat-treated from a temperature of 1100 C

The change of grain size in function of annealing temperature is shown in Figure 5. Up to 900 C steel possesses fine-grained microstructure with grain sizes equal around 12 Pm. In the temperature of 1000 C grain size slightly increases to 18 Pm, and successively, more intense increase of austenite grain size occurs. This behaviour is connected to the temperature stability of MX-type interstitial phases. Basing on calculations deriving from the dependence (1), it can be stated that the first phase precipitating in the austenite in dendritic spaces will be TiN, independent on the constants A and B given in [15]. Taking into account atomic weights for Ti and N, it is possible to calculate the concentration of titanium needed for fixing the total nitrogen concentration. Concentration of titanium fixing nitrogen equals: 3.4x %wt. N = 0.013% Ti. Subtracting this value from the concentration of Ti in the steel we have: 0.075% 0.013% = 0.063%wt. Ti, what means the titanium concentration to be used for fixing C in a lower temperature range.

The influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of high-manganese steel


Fig. 5. Influence of the solutioning temperature on a grain size of austenite

Fig. 6. Solubility curves of NbC for carbon content of 0.054% and 0.039% (A = 7290, B = 3.04)

Titanium will precipitate in a form of TiC, and what is more probable, as Ti (C, N), what was observed in [13, 15]. In order to calculate the weight percentage of carbon needed for fixing the remaining titanium concentration we have to take into account atomic weight for Ti and C and also that for TiC one titanium atom is fixed by one carbon atom. Therefore wt.% C fixed by Ti into TiC = 0.063wt.%/4 = 0.015wt.% C. Hence, the carbon content combined in TiC is equal around 0.015%. According to that, solubility curves of NbC for 0.054% of carbon concentration in the steel and reduced by concentration needed for titanium combining (0.054% 0.015% = 0.039%) were determined (Figure 6). The values of A = 7290 and B = 3.04 given in [17] were used. Constants A and B are connected with the free energy of compound formation and also depend on a method of their determination (sedimentary precipitation, gas equilibrium, thermodynamic calculations). Hence, in the literature different values can be found [15, 18]. A result of the substituting the carbon concentration into the Equation (1) for various temperatures is the concentration of Nb dissolved in solid solution. After taking into account the total niobium concentration in the investigated steel, it arises from the Figure 6 that the temperature range of NbC dissolution is from about 975 to 850 C. The calculations carried out for different values of A and B give very comparable results. The dissolution of NbC explains more meaningful grain growth of the steel after increasing temperature to above 1000 C (Figure 5). The influence of microadditions explains also indirect the presence of H martensite in microstructure of the steel. Because of full nitrogen concentration and high concentration of carbon bounding into stable interstitial phases, these elements lead to decrease of SFE and decreasing austenite stability during cooling. However, it should be pointed out that also different view on the role of Nb influence in high-manganese steels can be found [16].


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Fig. 7. Structure of the steel solution heat-treated from 850 C after 40% deformation

Fig. 8. Structure of the steel solution heat-treated from 1000 C after 40% deformation

Fig. 9. Metadynamically recrystallized structure of steel solution heat-treated from 1000 C after 40% deformation and isothermal holding for 4 s

Fig. 10. Evolution of the fraction of metadynamically recrystallized grains as a function of isothermal holding of specimens 40% deformed at 1000 C

Upsetting tests proved that at 850 C dynamic recrystallization controls the course of work-hardening after 40% deformation (Figure 7). Similarly, with increasing the deformation temperature to 1000 C fine dynamically recrystallized grains located on boundaries of elongated dynamically recovered grains can be observed (Figure 8). Isothermal holding leads to microstructure refinement due to metadynamic recrystallization (Figure 9). From Figure 10 arises that at 1000 C the course of half-recrystallization requires only about 5 s. The curves of several-stage compression shown in Figure 11 allow identification of processes that control work-hardening of investigated steel in the whole temperature range of hot-working. The values of flow stress successively increase together with the decrease of deformation temperature.

The influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of high-manganese steel


Fig. 11. Stress - strain curves corresponding to the hot-working conditions in Figure 1

Deformation peaks corresponding to the maximal values of flow stress show that during deformation dynamic recrystallization begins. The values of H max are equal 0.2, 0.21, 0.24 and 0.26, respectively adequately to 1150, 1050, 950 and 850 C temperatures. These strain values are possible to achieve during rolling which in a large degree should contribute to obtaining fine-grained microstructure of products. In the intervals between deformations, the metadynamic recrystallization should occur. Directly after the end of last deformation and water solutioning, steel possesses microstructure with dynamically recovered elongated grains and dynamically recrystallized fine grains (Figure 12). The fraction of H martensite yielded to a meaningful decrease in relation to the initial state, what is indicated by weak intensity of peaks coming from this phase. The steel holding at 850 C leads to the microstructure refinement.

Fig. 12. X-ray diffraction pattern (a) and the structure (b) of the steel solution heat-treated from a temperature of 850 C directly after the last deformation cycle


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Fig. 13. X-ray diffraction pattern (a) and the structure (b) of the steel solution heat-treated from a temperature of 850 C after isothermal holding of the specimen for 32 s

Fig. 14. X-ray diffraction pattern (a) and the structure (b) of the steel solution heat-treated from a temperature of 850 C after isothermal holding of the specimen for 64 s

Figure 13 presents the microstructure of steel held in 850 C for 32 s with fraction of metadynamically recrystallized grains equal around 40%. Slower progress of recrystallization in comparison with the curve of recrystallization kinetics presented in Figure 10 is a result of lower deformation temperature and smaller reduction. Increase of holding time of the steel in 850 C results with growth of metadynamically recrystallized grains (Figure 14). Whereas dynamically recovered grains havent yielded to the end of static recrystallization yet. X-ray diffraction patterns in Figures 12a14a show that the steel maintains its J + H microstructure.

The influence of hot-working conditions on a structure of high-manganese steel


4. Conclusions
Developed steel is characterized with J + H diphase microstructure. Essential influence on the presence of H martensite have Nb and Ti microadditions causing decrease of stacking fault energy of J phase, fixing nitrogen and carbon. The calculations concerning the dissolution kinetics of NbC and TiN as a function of temperature indicate on hampering influence of these particles on a grain growth of the steel during its austenitizing and hot-working. It is confirmed by a fine-grained structure of the specimen solution heat-treated from a temperature of 1000 C. Upsetting tests proved that after applying 40% reduction at 850 and 1000 C dynamically recrystallized grains are located on boundaries of elongated dynamically recovered grains. Application of 25% reduction during the several-stage axisymmetrical compression test causes that dynamic recrystallization is the process controlling strain hardening in the whole applied temperature range of deformation. Isothermal holding of the steel in 850 C after the end of deformation creates a possibility of further microstructure refinement through metadynamic and static recrystallization. The time of half-recrystallization of austenite in this temperature is equal around 35 s.
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Wpyw warunkw obrbki plastycznej na gorco na struktur stali wysokomanganowej Stale wysokomanganowe o strukturze austenitycznej nale do grupy nowoczesnych stali przewidzianych do zastosowania w przemyle motoryzacyjnym. Opracowano skad chemiczny stali zawierajcej 25% Mn, umacnianej roztworowo przez Si i Al. Mikrododatki Nb i Ti wprowadzone do stali, tworzc stabilne azotki i wgliki powinny powodowa umocnienie wydzieleniowe i hamowa rozrost ziaren austenitu zrekrystalizowanego. Celem pracy byo okrelenie wpywu zmiennych warunkw obrbki plastycznej na gorco na struktur badanej stali. Zidentyfikowano procesy kontrolujce umocnienie odksztaceniowe i usuwajce umocnienie po zakoczeniu obrbki plastycznej na gorco. Przeprowadzono wstpne spczanie w temperaturach 850 i 1000 C przy uyciu prasy mimorodowej, stosujc stopie gniotu w zakresie od 20 do 60%. Na podstawie wyznaczonych warunkw przeprowadzono kilkustopniowe prby ciskania osiowosymetrycznego zapewniajce uzyskanie drobnoziarnistej struktury austenitu.

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