Access 13th Wcic Pamphlet

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Revised version in Dec.

9 2011

Date : 15
in April 20!2
Venue : Kyoto International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto)

The !3
World Conference on Investment Casting co organized by JFS, ICI, EICF and cmf.

Detail Introduction of
The 13

World Conference on Investment Casting
The Global Investment Casting Exhibition
in Kyoto, Japan
European Investment
Casters` Federation
Investment Casting
Cast Metals
Japan Foundry Engineering Society
The Materials Process Technology Center
Gas Turbine Society of JapanGTSJ
The Japan Society of Mechanical EngineersJSME
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Society of Automotive Engineers of JapanJSAE
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.JAMA
Japan Auto Parts Industries AssociationJAPIA
The Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers
The Society of Japanese Aerospace CompaniesSJAC
Japan Medical Devices Manufacturers AssociationJMED
Back up
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.METI
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Revised version in Dec. 9 2011

!. Greeting

Greeting of Mr. Kanetake Nakatani
(Chairman of Japan Foundry Society, Inc.)

Japan Foundry Society, Inc.
Kanetake Nakatani

The 13
World Conference on Investment Casting (WCIC) will be the first conference held in
Asian district to be hosted by Japan Foundry Society Inc. (JFS) and also to be co-hosted by
three organizations, European Investment Casters` Federation Society (EICF), Cast Metals
Federation (cmf), and Investment Casting Institute (ICI) on Sunday !5
through Wednesday
in April, 20!2.
The WCICs from !
to !2
were held periodically alternately with the U.S. and Europe once
ever four years. This !3
WCIC that will be held first in Asia district was decided at the !2

WCIC in Poland, and will be served and held by JFS with a subject.
We hope that this conference will be useful for many participants who are investment casters,
suppliers, end users all over the world having concern on the investment casting technology
and business. And it is scheduled to lectures, technical information exchange, and plant tours.
The main theme of this conference is that the change as a concept of Revolution from Asia is
shown. Then a lot of related societies and organizations in Japan including the Ministry of
Economy-Trade-and-Industry, Japanese Engineering Society, the Materials Process Technology
Center and others are backed up. In addition, The Global Investment Casting Exhibition will
be held in ANNEX HALL in parallel to the !3
It will be sure of the result in which participants are obtained at this conference contributing
to development of Investment Casting Technologies.

Greeting of Mr. Kouki Otsuka
(Chairman of the Executive Committee of the!3

The !3
World Conference on Investment Casting
Chairman of the Executive Committee
Kouki Otsuka
(Senior Adviser of Hitachi Metals Precision Ltd.)

Japan Foundry Society is advancing the preparation of the !3
World Conference on
Investment Casting (WCIC) is held in Japan by setting up the executive committee that
composes of the main investment casting companies.
The executive committee schedules the 37 latest lectures in total, market views of the world,
technical lectures of the makers, suppliers and end users of concerning to the investment
casting all over the world for two days, and the Rolls-Royce Co. in Europe and Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries, Ltd. in Japan have already been decided to lecture.
Moreover, we make the schedule of the plant tours of some investment casting makers such as
the Hitachi Metals Precision Ltd., Daido Castings Co., Ltd., and KINGPARTS Co.,Ltd. and
some end users companies. Moreover, with the cooperation of the China Foundry Association,
the plant tour of the latest, investment casting company in Wuxi and Taizhou district is
Each maker, supplier and end user company that relates to an investment casting all over the
world exhibit concerning the latest investment castings in this exhibition. The number of
exhibition booths schedules about 95. And, the corner of the panel exhibition is installed in the
same floor by about 30 panels or more, and disclosing latest, technological information is
planned widely by the science exhibition by the latest university and research laboratories, etc.
We promote to attempt the promotion through the publication of inside and outside country
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

such as the newspaper, the casting journal, formed and fabricated materials, etc.
Moreover, the Website of JFS and other organizations of each country are used to promote this
conference all over the world.
400 people are scheduled to participate of Japan, Asian districts, and Europe and the America
by such an activity including the person related to the investment casting industry and the end
user. In addition, the further attendance increases are attempted by opening this exhibition to
the public free of charge, and it contributes to expand the exhibited enterprise's businesses. We
hope for participation and the exhibition to the plenary session and the exhibition would like it
examining by all means.

2. Outline of the!3
a) Concept
InnovnfIon from AsIn
Now, Asia that had come to produce about 60 percent of the world production of investment
castings came to form the third pole of the world with North America and Europe.
So, it is a big meaning for investment castings industry in Japan and an Asian region to
hold the first World Conference on Investment Casting (WCIC) in Japan that is the country
of information center of the investment casting industry in Asia, and to show the progress
and revolution of the Asian investment casting technology in the world.
b) Date and Venue
Date: !5
- !8
in April 20!2
Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto)
c) Contents
(!) 37 presentations (End users, Makers and Suppliers)
(2) Exhibition booths of max 95
(3) Panel exhibition of the latest technology of researchers of science and the academic society
(4) 3 courses of plant tour in Japan
(5) Plant tour of investment casting foundries in China (Option)
d) Event Schedule
Table ! Event schedule
Date Time Events Exhibition Time
April, Sun
!200-!700 Registration !200-!630
!800-2000 Reception
April, Mon
830- 900 Registration 930-!630
900-!700 Conference (Room A)
!900-2!30 Banquet
April, Tue
830- 900 Registration 930-!500
900-!645 Conference (Room A & B-!)
April, Wed All day Plant tours in Japanese foundries: 3 routes
April All day
Plant tour in Chinese foundries
(Optional tour for persons from USA and Europe)
(a) Number of participants from all over the world: 350-400 peoples
(b) Excursion: !6
April, Kyoto

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

e) Registration website:

Table 2 Entry fees of Conference and Exhibition etc. (unit: Yen)
Contents Jan. 5 20!2 Jan. 6Apr. !7
Conference Fee
Member 60,000 70,000
Non-Member !00,000
Student !5,000
Reception Member/Non-member 7,000
Member/Non-member 20,000
Spouse !0,000
Plant Tours in Japan
Root A 36,000
Root B 3!,000
Root C 24,000
Plant Tour in China

(Except flight ticket)
Excursion !4,000
ICI, EICF, cmf, CFA, KFS, TFS, TCIA and IIF are the approval groups as of October 20
Entrance fee of the exhibition floor is free of charge.
Table 3 Entry fees of Exhibition etc. (unit: Yen)
Contents Jan. 5 20!2 Jan. 6Feb. 29
Panel Exhibition Fee
(For academic organizations )
A: Registrant of Conference 30,000 50,000
B: Presenter (Univ.) 50,000 60,000
C: Panel Exhibition Only 50,000 55,000
Exhibition Fee
(For corporate enterprises)
Exhibition Booth fee 270,000
Basic decoration fee
(Include build and scrap fee)

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

3. Conference: !6
- !7
JFS prepares 37 lectures concerning the market and the technology, the user of the investment
casting industry in the world for two days, !6
in April.
We prepare English, Japanese and Chinese ,Japanese simultaneous interpreters.

Market review (M): 8 lectures
End user presentation (U): 5 lectures
Technical lecture (T): 24 lectures
Total: 37 lectures

Room A Room B-!
Fig.! Conference rooms of ICC Kyoto

Table 4 List of the lecture of the !3
April !6, 20!2
Room A Seg. Lecture title Name of Lecturer Company Name

Opening ceremony (Greeting)

Marketing (generalization of the world) Ronald Williams Blayson Group Ltd.
9:259:40 M2
Marketing (Japan) Yoshihiro Kakuta JFS
9:409:55 M3
The Current Situation oI China`s Investment Casting
Dr. Zhigang LU Tsinghua University
9:55!0:!0 M4 Korean !nvestment Casting Market in 2011 Han Doo Ok Chunji Corporation
!0:!0!0:25 Coffee Break
The !nvestment Casting !ndustry !n Taiwan Sunpo Hsu TC!A
Advances in !ndian !nvestment Casting !ndustry Deepan Dave Dynatec Technology (!!CA)
!0:55!!:!0 M7 The North American Market Review John J. Marcin !C!, Pratt & Whitney
!!:!0!!:25 M8 Marketing in Europe Ronald Williams Blayson Group Ltd.
!!:25!!:40 M!M8 Question and Answer
Lunch and visit of the exhibition
!3:30!4:00 U!
Precision castings as Automotive Turbocharger
Atsushi Hagita
Mitsubishi Heavy !ndustries
!4:00!4:30 U2 Lecture about components of !GT. !kuo Okada
Mitsubishi Heavy !ndustries
Meeting the Challenge large civil aircraft engine
trends and their impact upon the casting of single
crystal turbine components
Dr-!ng Steve !rwin Rolls-Royce Ltd.
!5:00!5:!5 Coffee Break
!5:!5!5:45 U3
Medical Treatment (!mplant) Noboru Yamawaki Japan Medical Materials Co.
!5:45!6:!5 U4
Development of foundry casting methods for cost
effective manufacture of medical implants
Dr Mark Jolly
School of Mechanical
Engineering University of
!6:!5!7:00 U!U5 Question and Answer

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

April !7, 20!2
Room A Seg. Lecture title Name of speaker Company Name
9:009:30 T1 High Temperature Material (Super Alloy) Dr. Hiroshi Harada High Temperature Materials Center
9:3010:00 T2
!mplementation activity for developed technology in
'Development of !nvestment Mold Technology for
Advanced Investment Casting
Yukio Nasu King Parts, Ltd.
10:0010:30 T3
Application of Recent X-ray CT Technology to
!nvestment Casting field
Hiroki Tooyama !CC / !H! Corporation
10:3010:45 Coffee Break
10:4511:15 T4 The investment casting technology of Ti products Masayoshi Takahashi Daido Castings Co., Ltd.
11:1511:45 T9
Research on Hot !sostatic Pressing Application of the
Dispersed Shrinkage Defects Elimination in Turbine
blades Precision Casting
Bao Yankun Zhejiang University
11:4513:00 Lunch and visit of the exhibition
Developments of casting technologies by inflect CAE
Masazumi Kagawa Hitachi Metals Precision Ltd.
13:3014:00 T6
Multi-scale Simulation of Turbine Blade Casting by
Dr. Kimio Kubo EKK JAPAN !NC.
14:0014:30 T8 Vacuum Fast Drying Process of Ceramic Shell Chin Tsan Lin
Dongguan Wealthy Machinery Co.,
14:3015:00 T11
The !nfluence of Additives to the Properties of Ceramic
Mold and Slurry for !nvestment Casting
Jung-Hsiung Shen
Post-Doctor of National Sun-yet Sen
University, Material and
Optoelectronic Science
15:0015:15 Coffee Break
15:1515:45 T18 Water soluble cores for aluminum investment castings Ladislav Tomek Igor Lanik - Techservis Boskovice
15:4516:15 T7
Research and Application of EPS !nvestment Casting
Lu Ding Quan Donfeng !nvestment Casting Co., Ltd.
16:1516:45 T10
Development of Cost Effective Mold Materials for Ti
!nvestment Casting
Dr. Young-jig Kim Sungkyunkwan Univ.

April !7, 20!2
Room B-! Seg. Lecture title Name of speaker Company Name
9:009:30 T23
Process Control: A Management Responsibility and
Nipendra (Nip) P. Singh S&A Consulting Group LLP
9:30!0:00 T!3
State of the art development in investment casting to
face the challenges of the new generation of aero
engine components
R. Guntlin Access
!0:00!0:30 T!4
Energy Saving & Cost Effective Manufacturing via
Net Shape Investment Casting
Philipp Schack TITAL GmbH
!0:30!0:45 Coffee Break
!0:45!!:!5 T24 Profit thought Innovation Bruce S. Phipps MPI Incorporated
!!:!5!!:45 T!2
Indian Investment Casting from Primitive to
Dr. Niranjan Das
DMRL (Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory)
!!:45!3:00 Lunch and visit of the exhibition
!3:00!3:30 T!6
Developments in Vacuum Furnace Design for
Investment Casting for (Equiax / Directional
Solidification / Single Crystal)
Noel Guilliard Consarc
!3:30!4:00 T!5
Latest Research Activities at the Bruno University of
Technology Related to the Investment Casting
PhD. Milan Horacek Bruno University of Technology
!4:00!4:30 T!7
Thermal properties of investment casting shells based
on Fused Alumina.
Dr. Thomas Krumrei CARRD GmbH
!4:30!5:00 T!9
Experience from the user; High speed shell drying
with MK Big-Booster
MIchnoI KugoIgon MK Technology GmbH
!5:00!5:!5 Coffee Break
!5:!5!5:45 T20
Healthy Shell- Wide Distribution Stucco Blends &
Their Affect upon Shell Performance
Chris Whitehouse Minco, Inc. (a ceradyne company)
!5:45!6:!5 T2!
How Shell Materials and Shell Properties Influence
Shell Cracking
Dr. M. J. Peter Wang Ransom & Randolph
T22 The Effects of Polymer Selection on Shell Performance
Frank Tistle & Robert
Remet Corporation
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

4. Exhibition
Number of booths: 95boofhs/ 3m2m
Date: !5
- !7
in April
The exhibition of about 95 booths is planned to the exhibition hall (Annex hall).
The 85 booths (78 comnnIos` name) on Table 5 have already fixed the exhibition.
Table 5 Exhibition companies (at of 6
Dec. 20!!)
No. Div. Company Name No. Div. Company Name
2 Japan

42 China Dalian Million !nvestment Casting Co.,Ltd
3 USA Retech Systems 43 Taiwan WEKO !NDUSTR!AL COMPONENT CORP.
4 USA CONSARC 44 Taiwan Union Foundry Co., Ltd.
5 Europe
!NC./MATSUBO Corporation
45 Taiwan Boltun Corporation
6 Europe Igor Lanik - Techservis Boskovice 46 Taiwan YEONG LUH ENTERPR!SE.CO.,LTD
7 Europe BLADE TOOL!NG COMPANY L!M!TED 47 Taiwan Yih Yng Precise Device Mfg., Co., Ltd.
8 Europe Blayson Group 48 Taiwan CH!PS !NVESTMENT CAST!NG !NC.
10 USA MP!, !NC. 50 Taiwan Jan Fa !ndustrial Co., Ltd.
11 USA Nalco Company 51 Japan NAR!TA TECHNO Co.,Ltd.
12 Japan
!KEGA! Metal Co., Ltd. / Japan Highcomm
52 Europe Avignon Ceramic SAS
13 Japan EKK JAPAN !nc. 53 Japan !NDUCTOTHERM
14 USA Ransom & Randolph/Pacific Kiln 54 Europe MK Technology
15 Japan !H! CAST!NGS CO., LTD. 55 Japan JSOL
16 Japan !H! MASTER METAL Co.,Ltd. 56 Japan CMET Corporation
17 Japan !H! Corporation 57 Europe LONGWEAR PRODUCTS LTD
18 Japan TAENAKA KOGYO CO., LTD. 58 Korea Korea Lost-Wax Co.,Ltd.
19 USA Admat Co., Ltd. 59 Japan SCSK Corporation
20 Japan QUAL!CA !nc. 60 USA REMET
21 Japan Hitachi Metals Precision, Ltd. 61 !ndia !nvestment & Precision Castings Limited
22 Japan SH!NWA SANGYO Co., Ltd. 62 USA Paramelt Argeso Kindt
23 Japan King Parts Ltd. 63 Japan Minmetals Japan Corporation
26 Japan CASTEM Co.,Ltd. 66 China Snowchemical S&T Co., Ltd
27 Japan Daido Castings Co., Ltd. 67 Korea S!NG!L.Co.,Ltd.
28 Japan ES! Japan Ltd. 68 USA Cleveland Tool & Machine/Crystal CO.,Ltd
29 Japan Marubeni !nformation Systems Co., Ltd. 69 Europe !MERYS
30 Japan EX ONE Company, LLC 70 Taiwan Malico !nc.
31 Japan Aspect !nc. 71 China Shandong Yonghe Precise Metals Co.,Ltd
32 China !MPRO L!M!TED 72 China Wuhan Zonking Metal Products Co.,Ltd
33 USA ASK CHEM!CALS H!-TECH LLC 73 China Unknown
34 Japan Hayashi Lost-Wax !ndustries Co., Ltd. 74 USA !nvestment Casting !nstitute !NCAST Magazine
35 USA Fireline, !nc. 75 Japan Noritake Co., Limited
36 USA Remelt Sources, !nc. 76 Europe Capital Injection Ceramics
37 Japan TAKACH!HO SANK! Co.,ltd. 77 Europe TRE!BACHER !NDUSTR!E AG
38 USA Metsch Refractories !nc. 78 USA Pratt & Whitney(!C!)
39 Japan
40 Japan
FUJ!F!LM Corporation / FUJ!F!LM Business
Supply Co., Ltd.

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

Fig.2 Booth layout in the ANNEX Hall

Specification of basic decoration of a booth

1) Basic decoration fee:
150,000 yen (!nclude build and scrap fee)

2) Specification
(a) Booth measurements:
Width 3,000mm Depth 2,000mm Height 2,500mm
(b) Basic decoration:
Back panel / Papapet,Octanorm System
Fluorescent light 40W
AC socket (2 100V 300W sockets)
Company Name Banner
(W900H200,white base,black Gothic font lettering)
Exhibition table (with white table cloth)
One table:
Width 1,800mm Depth 900mm Height 700mm
(by request only)
Folding chair
(c) Height restriction:
The height of any exhibit is limited to 2.5m.
Exhibit size
Maximum size: W3, 000mm H2, 800mm
(Size of Annex hall door)
Maximum floor load: 250kg/m
or less
(Consultation necessary)
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

5. Panel Exhibition
To disclose latest, technological information widely by installing about 30 panel suspenders in
the corner of the ANNEX Hall, and offering the place where the latest study results of everybody
are widely announced, the corner of the panel exhibition in that only for science and the people of
the university and the government related to the academic society is planned.
Outline of exhibition holding
(!) Exhibition name: Global Investment Casting Exhibition
(2) Venue: ANNEX Hall of Kyoto International Conference Center
(3) The exhibition schedule: !5
April 20!2, Sun.!7
April, Thu.
Date Holding time
April, Sun !2:00!6:30
April, Mon 9:30!6:30
April, Thu. 9:30!5:00

Outline of Panel (Oral) presentation Corner

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

6. Reception & Banquet
(!) Reception
Date: Sunday, !5
April, 20!2
Open: !8:00-20:00
Venue: Reception Hall Swan in ICC Kyoto
Address: Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 606-000!, Japan
Phone: +8!-75-705-!234
Fax: +8!-75-705-!!00

(2) Banquet
Date: Monday, !6
April, 20!2
Open: !9:00-2!:30
Venue: Prince Hall in Grand Prince Hotel Kyoto
Address: Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 606-8505, Japan
Phone: +8!-75-7!2-!!!!
Fax: +8!-75-7!2-7677
Language: English

Table 6 Schedule of Banquet on !6
Time Schedule Contents
!9:00-!9:30 Greeting
Attraction !
Breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel (Kagamiwari) &
!9:40- Dinner
Attraction 2
Japanese traditional music (Bamboo flute & Koto)
Attraction 3
Performance of Geisha & Maiko girls
2!:!5-2!:30 Closing
Attraction ! Attraction 2 Attraction 3
(Kagamiwari) (Bamboo flute & Koto) (Geisha & Maiko Girls)

7. Plant tours in Japan
Reception Hall
Banquet Hall
Prince Hall
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

Your plant tour route will be decided by the following procedure.
a) The applicant selects the route in order of the first choice, second choice and third choice.
b) Japan Foundry Society (JFS) decides the route for each applicant in consideration of their
desired route and other conditions.
c) JFS will inform all applicants of their fixed route at the end of January, 20!2.
d) JFS requires the applicants to accept or decline the tour route by a specific day to be an
e) JFS will inform the applicants of the payment method for the plant tour, when they have
accepted the fixed route.
f) The applicant who completed the payment of the plant tour fee by the time limit becomes a
formal plant tour participant.
*! The registration fee of WCIC cannot be canceled by the dissatisfaction of the visit route.
*2 JFS admits neither the change nor the cancellation by participant's convenience after the visit
fee is paid and doesn't repay it.

Fig.3 Each route of a plant tour in Japan
(!) Date:
Wednesday, !8
April 20!2
(2) Route of Plant Tour
(a) Route A (750km)
Departure time : 6:20 AM (Kyoto station)
Estimated arrival time : 9:00 PM (Kyoto station)
Hitachi Metals Precision, Ltd.Yasugi works
HMP produces efficient investment casting goods. Moreover, it meets diversified needs
by the configuration design. The productive system that a large lot and a small lot are
possible is possessed.
Turbine wheel for turbo-charger, Braid for gas turbine, Mechanical components, Engine
mechanical components (MIM) etc.

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

King Parts Ltd.Head Office works
Various and special materials such as the carbon steel, the alloy steel, stainless steels, the
aluminum containing alloys, and the copper base alloys are manufactured in high-quality
and high accuracy. It corresponds to high-mix low-volume production, and the quick turn
and reduction in costs have been achieved in investment casting goods on.
General industrial machine parts, Electronelectricityelectric power machine parts,
Machine tool parts, Medical equipment parts, Aircraft parts etc.

(b) Route B (465km)
Departure time : 6:20 AM (Kyoto station)
Estimated arrival time : 7:20 PM (Kyoto station)
Daido Casting Co., Ltd. Nakatsugawa works
The product of the weight to from a few grams to a few kilograms is manufactured. In the
titanium investment casting goods, "Levy Cast method" that enables the floatage
dissolution and the casting that Daido developed is adopted.
Products Turbo housing, Manifold, Hot wheel for turbo-charger etc.
Noritake Co., Limited Miyoshi works
A ceramic processing technology is variously applied, and the following four developed
businesses are proposed.
a) Industrial machine parts business
b) Pottery industry product business
c) Engineering business
d) Tableware business
Grinding whetstone, Diamond and CBN tool, Ceramic core for precision casting and other
ceramic parts, Material with transfer paper and picture, Dental related product etc.

(c) Route C (203km)
Departure time : 6:20 AM (Kyoto station)
Estimated arrival time : 5:30 PM (Kyoto station)
Nabtesco Corporation
This company is a manufacturer in the eminent world in the flight control actuator of the
aircraft, and the precise decelerator used for the joint etc. of the industrial-use robot all
over the world occupies the share of about 60% of a top global market.
Railway vehicle brake device, Automatic door, Motor-driven air compressor, Hydraulic
equipment etc.
Shimadzu Corporation (Analysis Measurement Division)
To contribute to the society by the science and technology, this company is supplying
state-of-the-art equipment and the device of SHIMADZU to the enterprise in four fields of
an analysis, measurement hardware, medical equipment, aircraft instruments, and
industrial equipment.
(3) Notes
!) All tours leave Kyoto Station, and return to the same place.
2) The special guest status of this tour is limited to the!3
WCIC participant.
3) The plant tour is executed by !3 applicants or more, and assumed to be 50 capacities.
4) As a rule, !5 minutes in briefing, 60 minutes in visit at foundry, !5 minutes in question and
answer. It is assumed that about 90 minutes in total.
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

5) The explanation in the visit foundry is executed in English and Japanese.
6) It is possible to participate under the acknowledgment condition of the exchange visit.
7) The visit participation might be refused (competing ahead).
8) Participants are prohibited to bring in the camera and the camera phone.
9) Do not do the independent course of action according to the guide's instruction.
!0) We accept the registration fee and after payment, the cancellation is not accepted.

8. Plant tours in China
(!) Outline of the plant tour in China
Date: !9
The plant tour of an investment foundry in China was planned for the participant in Europe
and America. The tour members move by a tour bus all day.
The outline is as follows.
!) Plant tour (26!km):
Taizhou JinDing Precision Casting Co.,Ltd. (Taizhou City, China)
Wuxi Impro Metal-Tech Co. Ltd. (Wuxi, Jiangsu, China)
2) The person for the visit: About 20 people for the member of EICF, cmf, and ICI.
Table 7 Plant tour of Chinese Foundry
Date City
Local time
Schedule Note
Kansai Airport
Shanghai (Pudong)
Move to China (Wuxi)
Flight to Shanghai for yourself.
Bus is waiting for you*
Move to Wuxi
Taizhou !0:00!2:00
AM: Taizhou JinDing
Precision Casting Co.,Ltd.
PM: Move to Wuxi
Optional tour of the sightseeing

Wuxi !5:00
AM: Wuxi Impro
Metal-Tech Co. Ltd
PM: Move to Shanghai
After arrive at Shanghai, this tour
is broken up*
. Move to Shanghai

Free time
Flight to your country for yourself.

*! The tour bus is waiting for you at restricted time. JFS staff is waiting for you at Shanghai
Pudong Airport.
*2 Please come to the hotel of Wuxi for yourself till Sunday night, if you are late for a tour bus.
*3 Suitable airline and flight number from Kansai airport for Shanghai Pudong airport.
(This flight schedule is on September !, 20!!. It may be changed in future. )
MU5!6: !3:40 !5:00 CA922: !3:50 !5:20
*4 If there are six participants or more, the sightseeing tour of the city is scheduled in the
*5 The delegation dissolves in Shanghai. You may return home even if you stay on this day. We
are not preparing supper in Shanghai. You must eat for yourself.

(2) Participation fee
The tour fee is !05,000 yen/person (Single room).
The airline ticket to China is not included in this cost.

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

(3) Information on visit factory
(a) Taizhou Jinding Precision Casting Co., Ltd.
Set up in January 200!.
Taizhou Jinding Precision Casting Co., Ltd. is a leading provider for
Castings. They have 200 employees.
Automobile components, Carbon Steel Casting, Industrial Fittings, Low
Alloy Steel Castings
Address Baimi Zhen, Jiangyan, Jiangsu, China
Phone 0523-8338088/0523-8338752

(b) Wuxi Impro Metal-Tech Co. Ltd.
Set up in January 2006.
Wuxi Impro Metal-Tech Co. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of high precision
investment casting in Asia. They have 2000 employees.
Products Automobile components
No.30, Changjiang South Road, Wuxi National Hi-Tech Industrial
Development Zone, 2!4028 P.R. China
Phone 852-2572 8628

Fig.4 Route of plant tour in China
(4) Notes
!) The special guest status of this tour is limited to the !3
WCIC participant.
(Spouse may participate with you.)
2) The plant tour is executed by !5 applicants or more, and assumed to be 50 capacities.
3) The explanation in the visit foundry is executed in English.
4) The visit participation might be refused (competing ahead).
5) Participants are prohibited to bring in the camera and the camera phone.
6) We accept the registration fee and after payment, the cancellation is not accepted.
Jinding Precision Casting
Impro Metal-Tech
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

9. Kyoto International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto)
ICC Kyoto covers a vast site of !56,000m
that features Main Building, Annex Hall, Event Hall
and a Japanese garden as well as car parking for 450 vehicles. Together with the adjoining hotel,
the site serves as a state-of-the-art complex devoted exclusively to conferences.
ICC Kyoto boasts more than 70 conference rooms including 9 halls with simultaneous
interpretation equipment. The Main Building, Annex Hall and Event Hall are connected by
indoor passageways and linked by a digital network system comprising more than 600 fiber-optic
cables. The!3
WCIC uses this Room A as a main conference room and Room B! is as 2

conference room at first floor. The panel exhibition and normal exhibition are opened in the
ANNEX Hall at ground floor.

Fig.5 Floor map of ICC Kyoto
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

!0. Information of Kyoto
Kyoto is located in the west part of Japan. (Refer to Fig.6)
And it is Ancient Town in Japan where the history exists
for !200 years or more. It extended long and Japanese
capital from the Heian Period to Edo period of !073 years.
Kyoto is assumed to become the heartland of the Japanese
culture and for the temple of !,600 or more and the Shinto
shrine of 400 or more to exist from such historical details.
The Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto, such as
Buddhist temple, the Shinto shrine, and the castle, are the
registration articles of World Heritage in Kyoto City in
!7 World Culture Heritages site in Kyoto. The city that
concentrates the World Heritage of !7 is only Kyoto all over
the world. (Refer to Fig.7)

Fig.6 Location of Kyoto into Japan
!0) Kznn-ji Temple
!) Kamigamo Shrine
2) Shimogamo Shrine
3) To-ji Temple
!3) Kinkaku-ji Temple !7) Nijo Castle
5) Enrtyaku-ji

!4) Ginkaku-ji Temple
4) Kiyomizu-dera
6) Daigo-ji Temple
8) Byodo-in
9) Ujikami Shrine !6) Nishi Hongan-ji Temple
7) Ninna-ji
!5) Ryuan-ji Temple

l2 Tonry-ji Temple
!!) SnIh-ji
Fig.7 Seventeen Heritages of Kyoto
ICC Kyoto

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

!!. Excursion
!) JFS prepares a course over World Heritage.
2) When the participant doesn't reach 20 people, the tour might be discontinued.
3) Excursion fee is !4,000yen/person.
4) The person who hopes for sightseeing excluding this sets up "Travel Desk" in the hall, and
consults with the person in charge.
5) Because the Official Banquet has been scheduled since 6:00PM, the sightseeing time is up to

Table 8 Schedule of the World Heritage tour
Time Tour root Website
9:30 ICC Kyoto
Kinkaku-ji temple (World Heritage)
Nijo Castle (World Heritage)
!2:00 Lunch at ,Ganko Nijo-an
Kiyomizu-dera temple (World Heritage)
!7:00 ICC Kyoto

Kinkaku-ji Temple Nijo Castle Kiyomizu-dera Temple

!2. Hotel Map & fee

The hotel can be reserved with the Registration of website.

Table 9 Recommended hotels and room rates
Hotel Name
A hotel room rate/man
The closest subway stop
And required time
No. in
room for one
Required time
(Hotel to ICC Kyoto)
Grand Prince Hotel
Y22,500 Yl3,500 Kokusaikaikan 5min. !
Karasuma Kyoto Hotel Yll,300 - - Shijo 22min. 2
New Miyako Hotel - Yl?,000 Yll,000 Kyoto 32min. 3
Mitsui Garden Hotel
Kyoto Shijyo
Yl0,000 Yl2,000 Y8,000 Shijo 26min. 4
Hearton Hotel Kyoto Yl0,000 Yl2,000 Y8,000
24min. 5
Hotel Hokke Club Kyoto Y9,000 Yl2,000 Y?,500 Kyoto 37min. 6
Kyoto Shijyo Muromachi
Y?,000 Y9,000 Y6,000
26min. 7

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

Fig.8 Official Hotels map in Kyoto

!3. Access to ICC Kyoto

The closest international airport in Kyoto is the Kansai International Airport (KIX).

Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!

Route to the ICC Kyoto

!) Get on the JR Airport Express "HARUKA" from KIX, and get off at JR Kyoto Station.
2) Move to the Karasuma Subway Line in Kyoto Station according to the subway transfer
3) Get on the subway for "GOJO (K!0)" direction in Kyoto Station in the Karasuma Subway
Line.Refer to Fig.9
The subway that toward opposite direction comes to the platform on the other side
Don`t make a mistake.

Fig.9 Traveling direction panel of Kyoto station in the Karasuma Subway Line

4) Get off by "Kokusaikaikan K!" of the terminal.
(Kokusaikaikan is ICC Kyoto.)
5) Move according to the instruction to the Kokusaikaikan (K!).

!4. Contact us

Japan Foundry Society, Inc.
Room 50! Kikai Shinko Kaikan, 3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, !05-00!!, Japan
e-Mail wcic20!
Phone +8!-3-3432-299!
Fax +8!-3-3433-7498

Register of Conference from the following website, please. (See Presentation)
K!! is the subway station
code of Kyoto station
K!0 is the subway station
code of GOJO station
Traveling Direction
Revised version in Dec. 9 20!!


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