Syllabus Te Che 1342174575
Syllabus Te Che 1342174575
Syllabus Te Che 1342174575
Sr. Subjects No. Heat Transfer Operations Click Here Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Click Here Process Equipment Design & Drawing-I Click Here Solid Fluid Mechanical Operations Click Here Mass Transfer Operations - I Click Here Chemical Engineering Economics Click Here Total No of period per week LECT 04 04 04 04 04 04 24 PRAC 02 -03 02 02 -09 TUT -01 ----01 Duration in hours Marks Distibution TH 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 TW 25 25 25 25 25 -125 PR 25 --25 25 -75 OR -------TOTAL 150 125 125 150 150 100 800
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
03 03 04 03 03 03 --
Subject : HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS Periods per Week (each 60 min) Lecture Practical Tutorial Hours Evaluation System Theory Practical and Oral Oral Term Work Total 03 -----03 04 02 -Marks 100 25 -25 150
1 Introduction:
Applications of heat transfer, Mechanisms of heat flow, Basic considerations. Heat Transfer by Conduction: Fouriers Law; Comparison with Newtons Law of Viscosity; Thermal Conductivity; Steady state Conduction: Conduction through a flat slab; Compound Resistances in series; Conduction through a thick walled Cylinder; Critical Radius of insulation; Conduction through a spherical Shell and to a particle; Unsteady state conduction: Heating or cooling of a large Slab, an infinitely long cylinder or sphere; Semiinfinite solid; Heating of particles; Systems with negligible internal resistance; Systems with Varying Fluid temperature. Individual or Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient: Concept and Definitions; Temperature Gradients; Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients (U); Resistance Form of U; LMTD; Heat Transfer Between Fluids separated by a cylindrical Wall; Wilson Plot; Fouling Factors; Typical Heat Exchange Equipment: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, Double Pipe Heat Exchanger; Enthalpy Balances. Forced Convection: Thermal Boundary Layer and Flow Regimes; Dimensional Analysis: Principles and Applications; Various Empirical Correlations: Graetz, Dittus-Boelter, Sieder-Tate and Colburn Equations; Estimation of Wall Temperature; Cross sections other than Circular: Equivalent Diameter. Natural Convection Analysis at a heated vertical wall; Use of Dimensional Analysis; Correlations for Single Horizontal Cylinders, Vertical Cylinders and Vertical Plates. Heat Transfer with Phase change Condensation: Modes and Features; Theory and Derivation of Nusselts Equation; Correlations for Vertical Surface or Tube, Vertical Plate, Single Horizontal Tube and stack of tubes; Heat Transfer to boiling liquids; Pool Boiling of saturated Liquid: Mechanisms; Nucleate Boiling; Simplified Equations to Estimate the boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient; Concept of Maximum Flux and Critical
Temperature Drop. Radiation Heat Transfer: Fundamental and facts and Definition of Terms: Emissivity, Absorptivity, Black body, Grey body, Opaque body; Stefan Boltzmann Law; Kirchhoffs Law; Basic Equations for heat transfer by Radiation; Various Cases of Radiation between Two Surfaces; The Greenhouse Effect. Heat Exchange Equipment: Types of Heat Exchange Equipment and their utility: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, Plate type Exchangers, Condensers, Boilers, Calandrias, Air cooled Exchanges, Cross flow Heat Exchangers, Scraped surface Exchangers, Extended surface Heat Exchangers; Helical Coils in Agitated Vessels; Jackets on Agitated Vessels; Direct contact Exchangers; Criteria of selection; General Design for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers; Multipass Exchangers; Kerns method and Donhue equation to estimate shell side heat transfer Coefficient; Effectiveness-NTU Method.
Heat Transfer Through Extended Surfaces: Types and Application; Longitudinal and Transverse Fins; Calculations with different Boundary conditions: Fin with Insulated End, Infinitely Long Fin, Convective Losses at tip of Fin; Efficiency of Fin; Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient. Evaporation: Types of Tubular Evaporators: Performance: Capacity and Economy; Boiling Point Elevation; Heat Transfer Coefficients; Overall Coefficient; Enthalpy Balances for Single Effect Evaporators with negligible and appreciable Heat of Dilution; Multi-effect Evaporators: Methods of feeding, Capacity and Economy, Effect of Liquid Head and boiling point Elevation; Vapor Recompression.
Term work: 1. A minimum of four assignments should be given at regular intervals. Assignments Topics a) b) c) d) The concept of individual Heat transfer coefficient. Nusselts Theory in condensation. Kerns method for Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. Multi-effect Evaporators. Computer based Assignment Topic: Unsteady State Heat Transfer.
2. The following parameters should be considered for laboratory performance evaluation. a) Punctuality b) diligence c) contents of journal
3. Points nos.1 and 2 above should account for 15 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. 4. Average of a minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks(out of 25 marks) for term work. 5. Each and every experiment should conclusively demonstrate/verify the theory. Experimental results should corroborate with theortical/estimated/reported values. The students should explain variations between observed and expected results based on technical grounds and systematic error evaluations. Each experimental report should contain a discussion of the results obtained. 6. A minimum of ten experiments should be performed. A suggested list is given below: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Thermal conductivity Heat Transfer in Laminar Flow Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow Heat Transfer in Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Condensation Stefan-Boltzman Constant Emissivity Measurement Heat Transfer in Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Double pipe Heat Exchanger Unsteady State Heat Transfer Heat Transfer in a coil Heat Transfer in Agitated Vessel Plate type Heat Transfer Cross Flow Heat Transfer Single effect Evaporator
Text Books: 1. Coulson, J.M. et al. Coulson & Richardsons Chemical Engineering, Vol 1,4, 5,6. Ed, Butterworth Heinmenn Ltd, 1996. 2. McCabe. W.L. Smith, J.C. Harriot P. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5 th Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition. 3. Kern D.Q., Process Heat Transfer, Tata McGraw Hill Ed, 1997. 4. Holman J.P., Heat Transfer, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill. 5. N. V. Suryanarayana, Engineering Heat Transfer, Penram International Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Perry, al, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook,6th Ed., McGraw- Hill, International Edition, 1984.] McKetta, Operations Handbook,Vol 1&2, Marcel Dekker,1992. McKetta,,Ed., Heat Transfer Design Methods, Marcel Dekker, 1992. Walas, S.M.,Chemical Process Equipment Selection and Design, Butterworths Heinemann,1990.
5. 6. 7.
Gean Koplis, C.J, Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall of India,1997. Foust, A.SET.AL, Principles of Unit Operations, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 2nd ED.,1980. Hewitt,, Process Heat Transfer,CRC Press, New York,1994.
Subject : CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS - I Periods per Week (each 60 min) Lecture Practical Tutorial Hours Evaluation System Theory Practical and Oral Oral Term Work Total 03 -----03 04 -01 Marks 100 --25 125
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Concepts of System, surrounding, process, cycle, state and path functions, heat and work interactions, reversible and irreversible process. 1.3 Concept of internal energy and enthalpy. 1.4 First law of thermodynamics 1.5 Application of the first law of thermodynamics to various types of processes and cycle. Thermodynamics analysis of flow process. 2.1 Limitations of the first law of thermodynamics and the need for
the second law. 2.2 Concepts of heat engine, heat pump and refrigerator. 2.3 Second law of thermodynamics. 2.4 Carnot cycle and Carnot principle 3 3.1 Clausius inequality 3.2 Concept of Entropy Estimating entropy of reversible and irreversible process and cycles. 3.3 Availability and lost work 4 4.1 Ideal gas and real gas behavior 4.2 Equations of state (EOS) Van Der Walls, Berthelot, Dietrici, Redlich- Kwong, Redlich- Kwong soave, Virial, Peng Robinson 4.3 Applications of the above mentioned equations of state to a pure gas. As well as to a mixture of gases. 5 5.1 Definition of Helmholtz energy and Gibbs energy. 5.2 Maxwells relations 5.3 Various thermodynamic relations Joule Thompson effect and estimation Joule Thompson coefficient for gases 6.1 Residual properties. 6.2 Residual enthalpy and entropy 6.3 Thermodynamic charts, diagrams and its use Fugacity and fugacity coefficient 07 09 07
Theory examination:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Question paper will comprise of 7 questions each of 20 marks. Only 5 questions need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature ( for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module3.) 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Term Work:
Term work consists of minimum of eight assignments and written test. There should be at least one assignment covering each of the modules mentioned above. The distribution of the term work will be as follows: Assignments 10 marks Test 10 marks Attendance 5 marks
Text Books:
1. Smith J.M. and Van Ness H.C., Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 4/e , McGraw Hill, 1994 2. Rao Y.V.C., Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, University Press, 1997 Reference Books: 1. Sandler S.L., Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 2/e John Willey 1989 2. Daubert T.E. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, International edition, 1994 3. Glasstone Thermodynamics for Chemists, Van Nostrand East- West Press, 1964 4. Walas J W, Phase Equilibria, Prentive Hall N J.
Subject : PROCESS EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND DRAWING - I Periods per Week (each 60 min) Lecture Practical Tutorial Hours Evaluation System Theory Practical and Oral Oral 03 ---04 03 -Marks 100 ---
25 125
Introduction to Chemical process equipment design. Nature of process equipment, general design procedure, basic considerations in process equipment design, standards, codes and their significance, equipment classification and selection. Review of stresses due to compression and tension, bending , torsion, temperature effects, principal stresses and theories of failure, materials of construction for chemical process equipments, design pressure, design temperature, design stress and design loads, significance of factor of safety, review of fabrication techniques, economic and environmental consideration in the design process.
Design of Unfired Pressure Vessels Types of pressure vessels, codes and standards for pressure vessels (IS:2825:1969), material of construction, selection of corrosion allowance and weld joint efficiency purging of vessels. PART A Pressure vessel subjected to Internal Pressure Complete design as per IS:2825:1969 involving Shells : cylindrical, spherical and conical Study, selection and design of various heads such as Flat, hemispherical, torrispherical, elliptical and conical. Openings/ nozzles, oblique nozzles and manholes etc Flanged joints Gasket: Types, selection and design Bolt design and selection Flange dimensions and optimization for bolt spacing. PART B Pressure vessel subjected to External Pressure
Design of shell, heads, nozzles, flanged joints and stiffening rings As per IS:2825:1969 Appendix F by use of charts. Analytical approach by elastic buckling and plastic deformation. PART C : Assembly and detailed fabrication drawing of the complete designed pressure vessel to a recommended scale. 3 Storage vessels Study of various types of storage vessels and applications. Atmospheric vessels, vessels for storing volatile and non- volatile liquids. Storage of gases, losses in storage vessels. Various types of roofs used for storage vessels, manholes, nozzles and mountings. Design of cylindrical storage vessels as per IS:803 should include base plates, shell plates, roof plates, wind girders, curb angles for self supporting and column supported roofs. Design of rectangular tanks as per IS:804. Complete fabrication drawing for designed storage vessel to a recommended scale. 4 Agitators: Study of various types of agitators and their applications, Baffling, power requirement for agitation. Design of agitation system which includes design of shaft based on equivalent twisting moment, equivalent bending moment and critical speed. Design of blades and blade assembly, keys and key ways, design of couplings like rigid flanged, split muff and flexible couplings, study of seals and design of stuffing lox and gland, assembly and detailed drawing of designed agitator system to a recommended scale. 5 Reaction Vessels Introduction, classification of reaction vessels, material of construction, heating systems design of vessel, study and design of various types of jackets like plain half coil, channel, limbet coil as perIS:2825, study and design of internal coil reaction vessels, assembly and detailed drawing of designed reaction vessel its accessories and attachments to a recommended scale. 06 06 08
6.1 Vessel Supports Introduction and classification of supports. Design of skirt support considering stresses due to dead weight, wind load, seismic load and period of vibration. Design of base plate, skirt bearing plate, anchor bolts, boiling chairs and skirt shell plates. Design of Lug or bracket support, maximum compressive load, stresses in the vessel wall due to lugs, design of stiffness and gusset plate, Design of column supports for the brackets. Design of saddle supports, ring stiffeners, assembly and detailed design with sketches of supports (not to scale). 6.2 Inspection, Testing and Quality Management Inspection of equipment, testing of equipment by using non destructive tests like pressure tests. Hydraulic and pneumatic tests and application of various NDT methods which were covered in the subject Fabrication Techniques of sem III, concepts of ISO and quality management for process plant.
Theory Examination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each of 20 marks. Only 5 questions need to be solved. Question I will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3. 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. Term work 1. Total term work should include minimum seven drawing sheets and two assignments. At least one design and drawing should be based on each topic from chapter no 2 to chapter 6. At least one of these drawing should be printed by using any computer aided design software. Text books / Reference books 1. Process equipment design vessel design by Lloyd E Brownell and Edwin H Young, John Wiley NEW YORK 1963. 2. Chemical engineering volume 6- design by J.M.Coulson, J.F.Richardson and R.K. Sinnott , Pergamon press international edition 1989.
3. Introduction to chemical equipment design Mechanical aspects by B.C. Bhattacharya CBS Publications. 4. Process equipment design by M.V. Joshi, Macmillan India. 5. Pressure vessel hand book by Eugene F. Megyesy, Pressure vessel company USA 6. Design of machine elements b y V.B.Bhandari ,McGraw Hill. 7. Appropriate ISI specifications and codes for unfired pressure vessels, viz IS:2825,IS:803,IS:1182, IS:2825,IS:4853,IS:3703 IS:3664,IS:4260,IS:4072 IS:5403,IS:4049,IS:4864 IS:4870,IS:3133,IS:1239 IS:6392,IS:6418,IS:2062 IS:1730,IS:800,IS:808 IS:1972,IS:3132,IS:1363 IS:2585,IS:3138,IS:2693 IS:3653,IS:3503,IS:5428 8. ASME CODE division VIII Section 1 and 2. 9. Equipment design handbook for refineries and chemical plant vol 1and 2 by Evans F.L. Gulf publishing 1980. 10. Structural analysis and design of equipment by Jawad M.H.Farr J.R.John Wiley 1984. 11. Mixing theories and practices Uhl V. W and Grey J.B. Academic press New York 1967. 12. Auto Desk Manual and Guide on Auto CAD 2000 and Mechanical Desktop/ Inventor. 13. ISO-9000 series of quality standards.
Subject : SOLID FLUID MECHANICAL OPERATIONS Periods per Week (each 60 min) Lecture Practical Tutorial Hours Evaluation System Theory Practical and Oral Oral Term Work Total 03 -----03 04 02 -Marks 100 25 -25 150
1.2 Particulate system and characterization : Introduction to sub 03 micron to mm range. Particle size, measurement methods, shape factor and its measurement, application, particle size distribution, their measurement and representations by cumulative and differential analysis. 2 2.1 Size reduction of solids : Characterization of comminuted solids. 04 Criteria for combination. Energy and power requirements in combination (crushing laws), size reduction equipments and operations of the equipments (major equipments) 2.2 screening efficiency of the screens, ideal and actual screens, screening. Equipments, capacity and effectiveness of screens 03 3 3.1 storage and handling of bulk solids Relevant properties of particulate masses such as Angle of repose/ internal friction etc. vertical / lateral pressure calculations. Storage in bins and hoppers. Flow from bins and hopper. Equipments for solids conveying conveyors, elevators and feeders. 3.2 pneumatic and Hydraulic conveying principles, equipments for vertical/ horizontal transport 02 4 Solid liquid separation 4.1 sedimentation principles (gravity), batch sedimentation 03 phenomena of fine and coarse solids, methods to find out the area of thickener and the total depth. Equipment for gravity thickening. 4.2 centrifugal sedimentation principles, sigma theory, equipments for centrifugal sedimentation. 03 4.3 Flocculation- Electrical phenomena at interfaces, interactions between particles, coagulation phenomena, coagulation kinetics, effect of flocculation on sedimentation. Froth flotation, principle 02 equipments. 4.4 Jigging, tabling, scrubbing etc. 03
01 5 5.1 Filtration, filtration theory and principles (batch filtration) 07 constant rate, constant pressure filtration, effect of cake compressibility, filtration cycles, filtration equipments (batch and continuous types of filtration and theory equipment) 5.2 Hydrocyclone construction/ sizing/ operation principles, introduction to microfiltration. 01 6 6.1 Gas solid separation (gas cleaning) solid separation, 03 construction/ operation/ selection/ specification of cyclo separators/ its design variations, fabric filters, dust collectors, electrostatic precipitator. 6.2 Size enlargement Mechanics of Agglomeration/construction/ operation/ selection/ specification of some equipment. Equipment like pressure compaction, pan granulators, prilling, drum granulators 02 etc. (No numerical) 6.3 Mixing of solids solid mixing equipments construction Oeration selection for free flowing solids and for cohesive solids.
Theory examination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions each of 20 marks. Only 5 questions need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature ( for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module3.) 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. Term work
A minimum of four assignments should be given at regular intervals. The following parameters should be considered for laboratory performance evaluation. Punctuality, diligence, contents of journal (originality of discussions) 1. Point nos. 1 and 2 above should account for 15 marks out of 25 marks for term work 2. Average of minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks out of 25 marks for term work. 3. Assignments on the following topics ( computer based assignment on any one of the topics) a. size reduction , b. screening, c. sedimentation and centrifugal sedimentation and d. filtration 4. Each and every experiment should conclusively demonstrate/ verify the theory. 5. Experimental results should corroborate with theoretical/ estimated/ reported values. The students should explain variations between observed and expected results based on technical grounds and systematic error evaluation. Each experimental report should contain a discussion of the results obtained. 6. Any ten of the following laboratory experiments in the solid fluid mechanical operation be perform as term work 1. Size reduction by jaw crusher 2. Size reduction by hammer mill 3. Size reduction by ball mill 4. Filtration in plate and frame filter press. 5. Vacuum filtration 6. Batch sedimentation 7. Sigma mixer 8. Sieving and PSD 9. Elutriations and PSD 10. Effectiveness of screens/ vibration screens 11. Demonstration experiment: Gas- solid separation by cyclone separator. Text books: 1. MaCabe W.L., Smith J C, Harriot P.P Unit operations of chemical engineering 5th edition McGraw Hill international 1993. 2. Coulson J M Richardson J E , Backhurst I R , Harker J H, Coulson and Richardsons chemical engg 4th edition vol 1,2, Pergamon press 1990 3. Coulson J M , Richardson J F, Sinnot R K. Coulson and Richardsons chemical engg 2nd edition vol 6, Pergamon press, 1993 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Perry R. II, Green D. Perrys chemical engg hand book McGraw Hill , 6th edition 1984 2. Walas S.M. Chemical process equipment , selection and design, Butterworth Henemann 1990 3. King C.J.Separation processes, Tata Mcgraw Hill 1974 4. Foust A.Setal principles of unit operations 2nd edition John Wiley and sons 1980. Badger and Banchero, introduction to chemical engg.
Subject : MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS - I Periods per Week (each 60 min) Lecture Practical Tutorial Hours Evaluation System Theory Practical and Oral Oral Term Work Total 03 -----03 04 02 -Marks 100 25 -25 150
1. Diffusion in liquids and gases : Ficks law of diffusion, 01 definition of various fluxes and relation between them 2. Diffusivity definitions and method of estimations, binary and multi component situations 3. Special case of binary mass transfer- equimolar counter diffusion, and diffusion of one component through non 03 diffusing second component, numerical examples. 4. Diffusion in solids, types of solid diffusion, numerical examples
1. Mass transfer coefficient definition and evaluation in Laminar 04 flow, Turbulent flow 2. Theories of evaluation of mass transfer coefficient 3. Evaluation of mass transfer coefficient through analogy with heat and momentum transfer, numerical examples, effect of mass
transfer on heat transfer 03 3 03 1. Inter phase mass transfer: Equilibrium 2. Mass transfer coefficient in individual phases 3. Overall mass transfer coefficient and relation between local and overall coefficient. Concept of phase with major resistance to mass transfer. Numerical examples. 4. Methods of contacting phases: stage wise and continuous contact. Co-current, counter current and cross current operations. Example of operation. 5. Equilibrium stage definition and concept, study state equilibrium stage operations, material balance concept of 02 operating line and equilibrium line, theoretical stage, point and sage efficiencies, overall efficiencies. Continuous contacting, concept of NTU, HTU, HETP etc. 4 4.1 Equipment for gas liquid contacting : construction , sizing and operation 4.2 (Mass transfer operations, efficiencies, general characteristic, dimensions and operating characteristic, numerical examples.) 4.3 Gas dispersed gas continuous sparged vessels, tray tower and mechanical agitated vessels. 03 4.4 Liquid dispersed in continuous gas phase venturi scrubber, spray chambers, wetted wall column etc 4.5 Packed towers : Comparison of stage wise and continuous contacting equipment. 02
01 5 07 1. Gas absorption 2. Equilibrium solubility of gasses in liquids , effect of temperature and pressure, reference substance plots, ideal and non- ideal solution, heat of solution, factor affecting choice of solvent 3. Single component isothermal gas absorption : stage wise and continuous contact. Co-current, counter current and cross
current operations, concentrated and dilute solutions, relation 01 between overall and individual phase HUTs, numerical examples 4. Single component adiabatic gas absorption :Equations and method of calculations (numerical examples not included) 5. Multi component isothermal gas absorption : Equation and method of calculation( numerical examples not included) 6. Absorption with chemical reaction : Examples with mass transfer controlling, equation and numerical examples Equipment description.
6 6.1 Humidification and de- humidification operation 6.2 Vapor liquid equilibrium and enthalpy, numerical examples 6.3 Vapor- gas mixtures : Definitions, Saturated and unsaturated mixture characteristics, review of Psycrometric charts, adiabatic saturation and wet bulb temperature, Lewis relation, numerical examples 02 6.4 Adiabatic operation : (Air water systems) water coolers, cooling towers, design of cooling towers, numerical examples 6.5 Non adiabatic operations: Evaporative cooling, numerical examples , Equipment description 6.6 Drying 6.7 Moisture definitions and equilibrium 6.8 Drying operation- batch and continuous 6.9 Batch Drying -Mechanism , rate of drying curve, equipment and operation, numerical examples 6.10 Continuous drying equipment and operation Design of rotary drum dryer, numerical examples 02 03
Theory examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions each of 20 marks. 2. Only 5 questions need to be solved. 3. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature ( for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module3.) 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. Term work 1. A minimum of four assignments should be given at regular intervals. 2. The following parameters should be considered for laboratory performance evaluation. 3. Punctuality, diligence, contents of journal (originality of discussions) 4. Point nos. 1 and 2 above should account for 15 marks out of 25 marks for term work 5. Average of minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks out of 25 marks for term work. 6. Each and every experiment should conclusively demonstrate/ verify the theory. Experimental results should corroborate with theoretical/ estimated/ reported values. The students should explain variations between observed and expected results based on technical grounds and systematic error evaluation. Each experimental report should contain a discussion of the results obtained. 7. A minimum of ten experiments should performed. A suggested list is given below 1. Measurement of diffusion coefficient 2. Measurement of mass transfer coefficient in a gas liquid system 3. Measurement of mass transfer coefficient in a liquid liquid system 4. Measurement of mass transfer coefficient in a solid liquid system 5. Absorption in packed column 6. Absorption in spraged column 7. Absorption in spray column 8. Cooling tower 9. Air cooler 10. Batch drying : rate of drying curve 11. Vacuum drying
1. Treybal R.E. , Mass transfer operation ,3rd edition, McGraw Hill New York, 1980 2. McCabe W.L. and Smith J.C., Unit operation in chemical engg, 5 th edition McGrall Hill New York 1993 3. Geankoplis C.J., Transport processed and unit operations, Prentice Hall , New Delhi 1997 4. Coulson J.M. Richardson J.F., Backhurst J.R. and Harker J.H. , Coulson and Richardson chemical engg vol 1 , Butterworth Heinman, NEW DELHI 2000
5. Coulson J.M. Richardson J.F. Backhurst J.R.and Harker J.H. Coulson and Richardosn chemical engg vol 2, Ashian book pvt ltd NEW DELHI 2000 6. R.K.Sinnot (Ed) Coulson and Richardson chemical engg vol 6, Butterworth Heinman NEW DELHI 2000.
1. Cussler E.L. Diffusion: Mass transfer in fluid systems , 2 nd edition Cambridge University press 1998 2. Perry J.H. and Chilton, Perrys chemical engg Hand book 6th McGrall Hill, 1984 3. Sherwood T.K. , Pigford R.L. and Wilke C.R. Mass transfer, McGrall Hill, 1975 4. Yang R.T., Gas separation by absorption process, Butterworth , London 1987 5. Schweitze P.A. (Ed), handbook for separation technique for chemical engineer McGrall Hill, New York, 1998 6. Wals S.M., Chemical process equipment: selection and design, Butterworth, London, 1989 7. Mujumdar A.S. (Ed) handbook of industrial drying , Marcel- Decker, London, 1987 8. Bird R.B. and Stewart W.E. and Lightfoot E.N., Transport phenomena, Wiley, New York, 1960.
Subject : CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ECONOMICS Periods per Week (each 60 min) Lecture Practical Tutorial Hours 04 --Marks
Evaluation System
03 -----03
100 ---100
1 Basic principles of economics
Importance of Economics to chemical engineer Concepts of needs, cost and price etc Demand supply analysis Economics of production Markets and pricing Introduction to economics of growth
Types of interest Simple interest, compound interest Nominal and effective interest rates, continuous interest Present worth and discount Annuities Perpetuities and capitalized cost Cash flow in chemical project Taxes and insurance
Cost Estimation
Cash flow for industrial operation, cumulative cash position Types of capital cost estimates Factors affecting investment and production cost Constituents, capital- fixed , working Estimation of capital investment and cost of product Cost indices
Introduction to concepts of value, depletion, cost maintenance and repairs, service life salvage value, scrap
value, present value, book value, market value, replacement value Methods for determining depreciation Straight line method Declining balance method Sum of years digits method Sinking fund method Accelerated cost recovery system
Profitability, Alternative Investments and replacements Mathematical methods for profitability evaluation
Rate of return method Discounted cash flow Net present worth Capitalized cost Pay out period Alternative investments with small investment increments
Concepts and definitions of financial ratios Balance sheets, profit and loss accounting Cost accounting and reporting
Theory examination:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Question paper will comprise of 7 questions each of 20 marks. Only 5 questions need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature ( for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module3.) 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
03 03 04 03 03 03
04 24
01 04
03 --
100 600
25 150
125 800
Class: T.E. Chemical engineering Subject: Chemical Process - I Periods per week (60 Lectures min) Practicals Tutorials Evaluation system Theory examination Practical examination Oral examination Term work total
Detailed syllabus
Module I Introduction Historical Development of Chemical Industry in India Material Resources And Shortcomings Challenges faced by Chemical Industry in India Future Trends Unit operations and Processes concepts used in Chemical Industries General principles applied in studying an industry Module 2 Nitrogen industries : Manufacture of Ammonia, Ammonium sulphate Urea and nitric acid Chlor Alkali industries : Manufacture of Caustic soda, chlorine, Hydrochloric acid and Hydrogen, Manufacture of Soda ash (Solvay and Dual process) Module 3 Manufacture of Sulphur by Frasch process, by Iron pyrites Burning, Manufacture of Sulphuric acid by Doda process (Different configurations of catalyst and Absorber units) Module 04 Phosphorous industries including the manufacture of phosphoric acid (wet and electrolytic) and manufacture of single and Triple Super Phosphates Module 05 Electrolytic industries: Manufacture of Aluminium, Manufacture of Sodium metal, manufacture of Sodium Chlorate Module 06 Industrial Gases Air liquefaction and Fractionation to Manufacture of Oxygen, Nitrogen
Manufacture of Acetylene Manufacture of Synthesis Gases, Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen, Carbon monoxide by Steam Reforming, By partial combustion of Hydrocarbons Important note regarding content of instructions: While discussing the manufacturing process, the following areas should be highlighted so that the relevance and application of the various subjects covered in the B.E. course can be underscored. Chemistry, stoichiometry and alternate routes/ raw materials involved byproducts and purification/ separation techniques. Thermodynamics, kinetics and catalyst considerations for the process conditions, adopted energy considerations and conservation measures adopted. Flow diagram and its concordance with the chemical and purification stems/ Chemical Engg. Principals Chemical and Engineering aspects of the process design/ key equipment design and material of construction Safety and Environmental engineering aspects of the process of manufacture of Recent trends in the design of processes which are more eco-friendly and Inherently safer. Major engineering problems. Theory examination : 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each of 20 marks. Only 5 question need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be nature. (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3). 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. Term work:
1. A minimum of 08 assignments should be given at regular intervals. 2. The performance of the students should be evaluated based on each assignment giving suitable weightage to punctuality and content. 3. Points no. 1 and 2 above should account for 15 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. 4. Average of the minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks (out of 25 marks) for the term work. 5. A minimum of two mandatory visits to chemical process industry. The faculty members are expected to accompany the students.
6. Each student must prepare a four page report on the visit stressing on the process, environmental, safety measures, major equipments, process control equipments (if any ) etc. while highlighting the information obtained. 7. The performance of the students during the visit and evaluation of the report together should contribute towards 10 out of 25 marks for term work.
Text Books: 1. Austin, G.T., Shreves Chemical Process Industries. 5th Ed. McGraw Hill International Edition 2. Pandey, G.N. A text book of Chemical Technology Vol. I & II Vikas publications, 1984 3. Rao, G.N. and Sitting , M. Drydens Outlines of Chemical Technology for 21st century , East west press , 3rd edition
Reference books 1. Heaton, C.A. An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry, Leonard Hill 1984 2. Ibid , The Chemical Industry, idid, 1986 3. Thomson R. Modern Inorganic Chemical Industries, Royal society of chemistry, 2nd ed., 1994 4. Kirk-Othmers Encyclopedia of chemical technology, John Wiley and sons Inc. 4th ed. 1990 5. Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemisty, VCH 1985 6. McKettas Encyclopedia of Chemical processing and design Marcel Dekker, 1999 7. Pletcher, D. and Walsh, F.C. Industrial Electrochemistry, Chapman & Hall, 1990
Class: t.e. chemical engineering Subject: chemical engineering thermodynamics-II Periods per week (60 min) Practicals tutorial --01 hours Evaluation system Theory examination 03 lectures 04
semester: VI
Marks 100
---total ---
25 125
Detailed syllabus 6.2.1 Module 1 06 1.1 fundamental property relation for open and closed systems. 1.2 criteria of equilibrium in terms of intensive and extensive properties. 1.3 chemical potential as criteria for phase equlibria.
Module 2 07 2.1 properties of ideal mixtures and solutaions. 2.2 review of Raoults law, Henrys law, non-idealities of solutions and mixtures. 2.3 electrolytes and non-electrolytes.
2.4 molar and partial molar properties. 2.5 Gibb- Duhem equation. 6.2.3 Module 3 3.1 fugacity and fugacity coefficients. 3.2 estimation and determination of activity coefficients for 07
prediction of thermodynamic equilibria. 3.3 empirical and semi-empirical methods. 3.4 group contribution methods. 6.2.4 Module 4 4.1 phase equilibria at low and moderate pressures. 4.2 high pressure gas liquid and vapour liquid equilibria. 4.3 liquid-liquid and solid-liquid equilibria. 4.4 application of these methods to simple cases. 4.5 computer methods of prediction of equilibria. 6.2.5 Module 5 5.1 homogenous reaction systems. 5.2 equilibrium constant and compositions in simple reactions. 5.3 multiphase and multireactions equilibria. 09 09
Module 6 6.1 refrigeration cycles (P-V, T-S, H-S, H-X diagrams) for vapour compression and absorption refrigeration systems. 6.2 evaluation of COP, duty and load of such cycles. 07
Theory examination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 question, each of 20 marks. Only 5 questions need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3.) 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in 6. the syllabus.
TERM WORK Term work consists of minimum of eight assignments and written test. There should be at least one assignment covering each of the module mentioned above. The distribution of the term work will be as follows: Assignments- 10 marks Test-10 marks Attendance-5 marks TEXT BOOKS 1. Smith J.M and Van Ness H.C ; Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics 4/e, McGraw Hill,1994. 2. Rao Y.V.C;Chemical engineering thermodynamics, university press, 1997. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Sandler S.L; Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 2/e, John Wiley, 1989 2. Daubert T.E; Chemical engineering thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, International edition, 1994. 3. Glasstone; thermodynamics for chemists;, Van Nostrand East-West Press,1964. 4. Walas J.W; Phase Equilibria, Prentice Hall N.J. Class: t.e. chemical engineering 6.4 process equipment design & drawing-II Periods Per Week (60 min) Practicals tutorial 03 --hours Evaluation system Theory examination Practical examination 04 ----Marks 100 ----lectures 04 semester: VI
25 25 150
Introduction: types of heat exchangers. Codes and standards for heat exchangers material of construction. Baffles and tie rods. Tube joining methods. Design of shell tube heat exchanger (U-tube and fixed tube) as per is:4503 & tema standards i.e. shell, tube , tube sheets, channel and channel cover, flanged joints complete fabrication drawing for design heat exchanger to a recommended scale.
Module 2: Evaporators and crystallizers Introduction: types of evaporators. Material of construction. Entrainment separators and vapor release chambers. Complete design of evaporators with design of calendria and tube, flange, evaporator drum & heads types and design considerations for crystallizers (no numerical problems on crystallizers). Complete fabrication drawing for designed evaporators to a recommended scale. 10
Module 03 Distillation and absorption columns Basic features of columns. Stresses in column shell. Shell thickness determination at various heights. Elastic stability under compression 08
stresses. Allowable deflection. Column internals. Design of supports for trays. Complete fabrication drawing for designed column to a recommended scale.
Materials of construction. Review of design of thick cylinder. Prestressing, design of high pressure vessels-monoblock and compound (multi-layered). Design of shell and head along with stress distribution. Complete fabrication drawing for designed high-pressure vessels to recommended scale. 6.4.4 Module 04 High pressure vessels. 06
Materials of construction. review of design of thick cylinder. Prestressing. Design of high pressure vessels- monoblock and compound (multi-layered). Design of shell and head along with stress distribution. Complete fabrication drawing for designed high-pressure vessels to recommended scale.
Filters 1. Study of various types of such as a. Vacuum filters. b. Pressure filters. c. Centrifuges. d. Rotary drum filters. 2. Design of rotary drum filters which includes design of drum, shaft, bearing and drive systems. 3. Complete fabrication drawing for designed rotary drum filter to a recommended scale. Auxillary process vessels
Study of various auxillary process vessels sucs as a. b. c. d. Reflux drum. Compressor knock out drum. Liquid-liquid gas-liquid separators. Entrainment separators.
Symbols of process equipments and their concept. Engineering line diagram (flow diagram). Utility block diagram. Process flow diagram. P and ID preparations relevant to chemical engineering processes. Module 06 Piping design and layout 08
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Pipe sizing for gases and liquids. Piping for high temperature. Piping layout and its factors under consideration. Design of buried and overhead pipeline.
1. Generation of equipment data sheet/specification sheet. 2. Evolution of drawings. 3. Importance of conclusion of projects. as built drawing. Theory examination: 1. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each of 20 marks. 2. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
3. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. 4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3). 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. Oral examination: Oral examination will be based on pedd-I and pedd-ii and of 25 marks.
Term work: 1. Total term work should include minimum seven drawing sheets. At least one design and drawing should be based on each topic from chapter no. 2 to chapter no.6 & chapter no.8 (6 sheets). At least one of these six drawing should be printed by using any computer aided design software. At least one assignment based on chapter no 7 &chapter no 9 and filling up of three equipment data sheets (5 assignments) should be given at regular intervals during the semester). 2. Points no 1 and 2 should account for 15 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. 3. Average of the minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. Text books/reference books 1. Process equipment design- vessel design by E. Brownell and Edwin, h. young, john wiley, new York 1963. 2. Chemical engineering vol 6-design by j.m. coulson, j.f.richardson and p.k sinnot, pregamon press, international edition 1989. 3. Introduction to chemical equipment design- mechanical aspects by b.c bhattacharya, cbs publications. 4. Process equipment design by m.v. joshi, macmillan india. 5. Pressure vessel hand book by Eugene f., magyesy pressure vessel company usa. 6. Design of machine elements by v.b. bhandari, mcgraw hill. 7. Appropriate isi specifications and codes forunfired pressure vessels, viz. is:4503, is:5403, is:4049, is:4870, is:3138, is:1239, is:1239, is:6392, is:6418, is:2062, is:1730. 8. Asme codes division viii, section 1 & 2. 9. Equipment design handbook for refineries and chemical plant vol 1 & 2 by evans f.l gulf publishing 1980. 10. Structural analysis and design of equipment by jawad m.h., fay., j.r., john wiley 1984.
Class: t.e. chemical engineering 6.5 transport phenomena 0periods per week (60 min) lectures Practicals tutorials 04
semester: VI
Evaluation system
03 -------------- 6.5.1
Detailed systems Module 1 Viscosity and mechanical of momentum transport, thermal conductivity and mechanism of energy transport, diffusivity and
Module 2 Shell balance: velocity distribution in laminar flow, temperature distribution in solids and laminar flow, concentration distributions in solids and in laminar flow (restricted to rectangular and cylindrical coordinates only). 06
Module 03 Equations of change: isothermal systems, non-isothermal system, multi-component systems (restricted to rectangular coordinate systems). 08
Module 04 More than one independent variable: velocity distribution, temperature distribution concentration distribution (restricted and cylindrical coordinates only). 08
Theory examination: 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each of 20 marks. Only 5 questions need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. (for example if Q2 has (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3). 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportion to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Term work:
1. A minimum of 10 assignments involving a report based on literature survey and an oral presentation to the class on one of the assignments during tutorial sessions are envisaged. In addition numerical problems on various topics as included above. 2. The performance of the students should be on report and presentations. 3. Points nos. 1 and 2 above along with an average of a minimum of two tests should account for term work. Text books/reference books: 1. Transport phenomena by dr.g.d. nageshwar. 2. R.b. bird, w.e. stewart, e.n. lightfoot, transport phenomena, edition-I, john wiley, 1960. 3. C.o. bannet and j.e. myers, momentum, heat and mass transfer, 3 edition, mcgraw hill, 1982. 4. S. foust, l.a. wenzel, c.w. clums, l.maus and l.a. Anderson, principles of unit operations, 2 edition, wiley, new York, 1980.
Class: t.e.chemical engineering 6.3 mass transfer operation-II Periods per week (60 min) lectures Practicals tutorials 04
semester: VI
03 -----
25 150
Detailed syllabus Module 1 Review of mass transfer operation-I: Mass transfer coefficients, equilibrium stage operation etc.
Vapour- liquid equilibria, ideal and non-ideal solutios, effect of temperature/pressure on P-x,y / plots, Azeotropes, immiscible liquids etc. Flash distillation, binary and multi-component, numerical examples. Differential distillation, Rayleigh equation, numerical examples. Multistage distillation-concept of stage by stage calculations for multicomponent systems.(quantitative procedure only). Multi-stage distillation-binary distillation, poncho-savarit method, numerical examples, McCabe-Thiele method, numerical examples. Packed bed distillation-concept of NTU, HTU, and HETP. Distillation With Immiscible liquids- steam distillation,numerical examples. Concepts of azeotropic, extractive, reactive distillation and molecular distillation.
Module 2 Liquid-liquid extraction Definition and comparison with other separation operations. Mutual solubilities of liquids, liquid-liquid equilibria, forms of representation of liquid-liquid equilibria. Other forms of representation of liquid-liquid equilibria (solvent free coordinates) Choice of solvent. Similarities between extraction and distillation operations. Numerical examples using various types of coordinates. Multi-stage extraction- co-current (with and without reflux). Numerical examples using all types of coordinates. Extraction equipment- description, design principles. Numerical examples. 05
Representation of equilibria. Construction of simple equilibrium curves. Numerical examples. Similarities in calculations for liquid-liquid and solid-liquid extractions. numerical examples for single stage, multistage-cocurrent, cross current and counter current operations. Equipments for leaching-description. Module 04 Adsorption and ion exchange 05
Types of adsorption, adsorption equilibria, isotherms-friendlich and Langmuir. Effect of temperature and pressure etc. Stage wise (single/multi) cross current and counter current adsorption operations- graphical procedures. Application of friendlich isotherm. Numerical examples. Fixed bed adsorber design. Numerical examples using breakthrough curve data. Pressure swing and temperature swing adsorption operations. Adsorption equipment description and operation. Ion-exange-equillibria, equipments and calculations. Application to chromatography, molecular sieves. Module 05 Crystallition Solubility curves, theories of crystallization, progress of crystallization. MSMPR model of crystallization, population balance method. Material and energy balance for crystallizers, numerical examples. Melt crystallizers. Crystallization equipment-description. 10
Module 06 Membrane separation operations Types of membranes-supported and unsupported, modules-fluxes and polarization.
Types of operations. Ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, pervaporation, liquid membranes etc. Flux calculation and design operations for supported membranes, numerical examples. Equipment and operations. Introduction to combination separation processes. Comparison between all separation processes covered in MTO-I and MTO-II. Principles of selection of separation processes.
Theory examination : 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each of 20 marks. Only 5 questions need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3). 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. TERM WORK 1. A minimum of four assignments should be given at regular intervals. 2. The following parameters should be considered for laboratory performance evaluation. A. Punctuality B. Diligence C. contents of journal (originality of discussions) 3. Points 1 and 2 above should account for 15 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. 4. Average of a minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. 5. Each and every experiment should conclusively demonstrative/verify the theory. Experimental results should correlate with theoretical/estimated/reported values. The students should explain variations between observed and expected results based on technical grounds and systematic error evaluations. Each experimental report should 6. A minimum of ten experiments should be performed. A suggested list is given below. 1) Vapour-liquid equilibrium measurements. 2) Batch distillation 3) Steam distillation 4) Packed bed distillation 5) Flash distillation 6) Liquid-liquid extraction equilibria measurements. 7) Packed bed liquid-liquid counter current/co-current extraction. 8) Multistage liquid-liquid extraction(batch). 9) Leaching(cross current/counter). 10) Hydrodynamics of countercurrent liquid-liquid contacting in packed bed.
11) Crystallization(with and without nucleation). 12) Break-through curve for a fixed bed adsorber. Text books:
1. Treybal .R.E, Mass transfer operation, III edition, McGraw hill newyork, 1980. 2. McCabe, W.L and smith, j.c, unit operation in chemical engineering IV edition,McGraw hill, new York, 1993. 3. Geankoplis, c.j , transport processes and unit operations, prentice hall, new delhi, 1997. 4. Coulson,j.m,Richardson, j.f.,backhurst, j.r and harkar, j.h coulson & richardsons chemical engineering, vol I , Butterworth heinman, new delhi, 2000. 5. Coulson,j.m., Richardson, j. f.,backhurst, j.r and harkar, j.h coulson & richardsons chemical engineering, vol II , Asian Books Private Ltd.,, new delhi,1998.. 6. R.K. Sinnot,(Ed) Coulson & Richardsons chemical engineering, vol 6, butterworth heinman, new delhi,2000. Reference books:
1. Perry j.h and Chilton, perrys chemical engineering handbook, 6 edition, McGraw hill, 1984(or a later edition when available). 2. Sherwood t.k, pigford r.i.and wilke .c.r mass transfer McGraw hill,1975. 3. Walas,s.m phase equilibria in chemical engineering, butterworth, boston 1985. 4. Hoffman, e.j azeotropic and extractive distillation interscience publishers inc, new York, 1964. 5. Holland, c.d. fundamentals of multicomponent distillation, McGraw hill, new York ,1981. 6. Schweitzer, p.a, (ed), handbook of separation techniques for chemical engineers, McGraw hill, new York, 1988. 7. Walas, s.m., chemical process equipment selection and design, butterworth,London,1989.
Class: te. Chemical engineering 6.6 elective (i) piping engineering Periods per week (60 min) Lectures Practicals tutorials 04
Evaluation system
03 -------------- 6.6.1
Detailed syllabus module 1) Introduction Role of piping, scope of piping engineering, responsibilities of piping engineer, inputs received by piping engineers and output given by them, interactions of piping engineers with other disciplines such as process engineering, instrumentation engineering etc., introduction to engineering line diagram, process flow diagram and piping and instrumentation diagram for process plant utilities including various symbols.
2) Material of construction and fabrication Selection of various piping materials such as ferrous, non-ferrous and non-metallic, piping fabrication, precaution, preparations of pipe
edges. Designation of coated electrodes, requirements of weld tests, hot bending and cold bending operations, fabrication specifications.
Statury rules and regulations such as c.o.e, s.m.p.v rule, petroleum rule, gas cylinder rules, factories act, i.b.r and n.f.p.a rule, codes and standards such as a.n.s.i codes for pressure piping 31.3 and 31.3 standards, d.i.n and a.p.i. 6.6.3 Module 03 Pipe and pipe fittings Introduction to various standard pipe fittings, pipe flanges and gaskets and their selection and specification, design calculations for 1. Schedule number and pipe thickness. 2. Theory examination : 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 question, each of 20 marks. Only 5 question need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be nature. (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3). 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus. Term work: 07
1. A minimum of 10 assignments involving a report based on literature survey and an oral presentation to the class on one of the assignments during tutorial sessions are envisaged. In addition numerical problems on various topics as included above.
2. The performance of the students should be evaluated based on report and presentations. 3. Point nos. 1 and 2 above along with an average of a minimum of two tests should account for term work. Text books/reference books: 1. Transport phenomena by dr. g.d. nageshwar. 2. R.b. bird, w.e. stewart, e.n. lightfoot, transport phenomena, edition-I, john wiley, 1960. 3. C.o. bannet and j.e. myers, momentum, heat and mass transfer, 3 edition, mcgraw hill, 1982. 4. S. foust, l.a. wenzel, c.w. clums, l. maus and l.a. Anderson, principles of unit operations, 2 edition, wiley, new York, 1980.
Theory examination : 1. 2. 3. 4. Question paper will comprise of 7 question, each of 20 marks. Only 5 question need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be nature. (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3). 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Term work:
1. A minimum of 10 assignments should be given at regular intervals. 2. The performance of the students should be evaluated based on each assignment giving suitable weightage to punctuality and content. 3. Points no. 1 and 2 above should account for 15 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. 4. Average of the minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks (out of 25 marks) for the term work. 5. Submission of journal: drawing sheets based on chapter 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 design and drawing should be included wherever necessary including write-up part and atleast one
assignment should be on computer aided design. At least one drawing sheet be done by using any of the pds software. 6. Assignment based on chapter no. 2,3 and 9.
Text books:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Kellogg, m.w., design of piping system, 2/e. m.w. Kellogg co. 1976. Weaver r., process piping design vol. 1 and 2, gulf publication, 1981. Zappe, r.w., valve selection handbook, gulf publication, 1981. Sam kannapan, p.e., pipe stress analysis, willey-interscience publications. G.k shau. Handbook of piping design, new age international publisher. Evans, f.l. equipment design handbook of refineries and chemical plants vol. 1 and 2., gulf publications.
Reference books:
Mcketta, j.j., piping design handbook, gulf publications, 1992. Mcallister, e.w., pipeline rules of thumb handbook, gulf publication, 1979. Waters g.z., analysis and control of unsteady flow in pipelines, 2/e, butterworth, 1986. Wasp, e.j., solid liquid flow slurry pipe line transportation., gulf publication, Houston, 1979. Class: T.E. Chemical engineering Semester: VI 6.6 ELECTIVE (ii) Numerical methods in Chemical Engineering Periods per week (60 Lectures 04 min) Practicals ---Tutorials 01 Hours Marks Evaluation system Theory examination 03 100 Practical examination --------Oral examination --------Term work ---25 total --125 Sr. No. Detailed Syllabus Hours
1. 2. 3. 4.
Module 1 Solutions of Linear Algebric Equations: Gauss elimination and LU decomposition, Gauss Jordan elimination , Gauss Seidel and relaxation methods Module 2 Eigen values and Eigen Vectors of Matrices, Faddeev- Leverrier method, power method, Householers and Given method Module 3 Nonlinear Algebraic Equations: Fixed point method, Multivariable successive substitutions, Single variable Newton- Raphson Technique, Multivariable Newton- Raphson Technique Module 4 Function Evaluation: Least- Square curve fit, Newtons Interpolation formulae, Newtons Divided difference Interpolation polymial, Lagrangian Interpolation, pade approximations, Cubic spline approximations. Module 5 Ordinary Differential Equations (Initial value problem): Runge Kutta Methods, Semi-implicit Runge Kutta Techniques, step size control and estimates of error Module 6 Ordinary Differential Equations (Boundary value problems) Finite difference technique, orthogonal collocation technique, orthogonal collocation on finite elements. Partial differential Equations: Introduction to Finite Difference Techniques
Theory examination :
1. 2. 3. 4.
Question paper will comprise of 7 questions, each of 20 marks. Only 5 question need to be solved. Question 1 will be compulsory and it will be based on entire syllabus. Remaining questions will be nature. (for example if Q2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3). 5. In question paper, weightage of each module will be proportional to respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
TERM WORK: A minimum of ten assignments should be given on following topics at regular intervals. The tutorial should be conducted in Computer Laboratory. Write and Execute the following programs in MATLAB/C/C++/FORTRAN 1. Simple Gauss Elimination method 2. Partial Pivoting 3. LU Decomposition method 4. Newtons Raphson method 5. Bisection method 6. Multivariable Newton- Raphson 7. Successive substitution method 8. Least Square method 9. Runge Kutta method 10. Function Approximation method 11. Gauss Seidel method 12. Gauss Jordan Method The performance of the students should be evaluated based on each assignment giving suitable weighed to a) Punctuality, b) Content c) Programming skills d) Accuracy of the answers Point number 1 &2 above should be account for 15 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work. Average of two minimum two tests should account for 10 marks (out of 25 marks) for term work.
TEXT BOOKS/ REFERENCES: 1. M.E. Davis, Numerical methods & Modelling for Chemical Engineers, Wiley, 1984 2. S.K. Gupta, Numerical methods for Engineers, Wiley Eastern, 1995. 3. Stephan J Chapman, MATLAB programming for Engineers, Cengage Learning, 3rd edition, 2008.