1. The document describes common wetland bird species found in Sri Lanka, listing each species' common name in Sinhala and scientific name, along with key identifying characteristics and habitat information.
2. Many of the described species are considered very common and are year-round residents or breeders in the country, found in marshes, tanks, paddy fields and other wetland areas.
3. The document provides information on 27 total bird species belonging to groups such as ducks, herons, rails, cranes, lapwings, and sandpipers that are frequently seen in Sri Lankan wetland environments.
1. The document describes common wetland bird species found in Sri Lanka, listing each species' common name in Sinhala and scientific name, along with key identifying characteristics and habitat information.
2. Many of the described species are considered very common and are year-round residents or breeders in the country, found in marshes, tanks, paddy fields and other wetland areas.
3. The document provides information on 27 total bird species belonging to groups such as ducks, herons, rails, cranes, lapwings, and sandpipers that are frequently seen in Sri Lankan wetland environments.
1. The document describes common wetland bird species found in Sri Lanka, listing each species' common name in Sinhala and scientific name, along with key identifying characteristics and habitat information.
2. Many of the described species are considered very common and are year-round residents or breeders in the country, found in marshes, tanks, paddy fields and other wetland areas.
3. The document provides information on 27 total bird species belonging to groups such as ducks, herons, rails, cranes, lapwings, and sandpipers that are frequently seen in Sri Lankan wetland environments.
1. The document describes common wetland bird species found in Sri Lanka, listing each species' common name in Sinhala and scientific name, along with key identifying characteristics and habitat information.
2. Many of the described species are considered very common and are year-round residents or breeders in the country, found in marshes, tanks, paddy fields and other wetland areas.
3. The document provides information on 27 total bird species belonging to groups such as ducks, herons, rails, cranes, lapwings, and sandpipers that are frequently seen in Sri Lankan wetland environments.
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2 0 1. LESSER WHISTLING-DUCK Dendrocygna javanica Hin Tamba-seruva 40cm. Brownish body. Darker wings with chestnut-maroon patch on forewing in flight. Brown cap. Most active at dusk and night. Marshes, tanks, paddy-fields and other wetlands. Very common. BrR. LC. 2. COTTON PYGMY-GOOSE Nettapus coromandelianus Mal-seruva 33cm. Male: white head and neck, black cap, broad white wing bar, black breast band. Female: Brown-black upper parts, dark mottles on breast, dark eye strip. Thin white trailing edge in flight. Marshes, paddy-fields, tanks and other wetlands. Common. BrR. LC. Less common in WZ. 3. GARGANEY Anas querquedula Gagani Seruva 38cm. Male: curved white supercilium, brown breast and grey flanks. Female: Pale supercillium, whitish loreal area. Marshes, tanks, lagoons, coastal waters. Very common. Migrant. LCDZ. 4. NORTHERN PINTAIL Anas acuta Uturu Ulpenda Seruva _ _ 78cm.(Male); 56cm. (Female). Male: white streak on side of neck and long tail. Female: mottled brown, slender, pointed tail. Marshes, tanks, lagoons, coast. Very common. Migrant. LC. 5 . LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis Punchi Gembituruva 25cm. Reddish brown body. NBr: brownish cheeks and flanks. Br: yellow patch at base of the bill. Fresh or slightly saline stagnant water, usually with weeds. Common. BrR. LC. 6. SPOT-BILLED PELICAN Pelecanus philippensis Tit-hota Pestuduva 140cm. Dirty white body, pouch attached to the lower mandible and black spots on the upper mandible. When swimming 3/4 of the body above the water mark. Tanks, lagoons. Very common. BrR. LCDZ (Birds originally released from the Dehiwala Zoo, have established a breeding colony around Colombo). PLATE 1 1 2 3 4 6 5 COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 2 2 1. SLATY-LEGGED CRAKE Rallina eurizonoides Alupa Kereliya 25cm. Grey-black bill, white chin and throat, rufous breast and brown upper parts. Black and white barring on under parts. Swamp forests, thickets. Re Loc. Migrant. All zones. More common in HC. 2. WHITE-BREASTED WATERHEN Amaurornis phoenicurus Layasudu Koravakka 33cm. White breast, throat and face. Twitching upturned tail. Immature: complete black. Marshes, paddy-fields, mangroves. Very common. BrR. All zones. 3. PURPLE SWAMPHEN Porphyrio porphyrio Dam Medi-kitala 43cm. Purplish blue body; large red bill and red frontal shield. Red long legs. Juv: dull in colour. Marshes, paddy-fields, reed-beds. Very common. BrR. LC. More common in WZ. 4. COMMON COOT Fulica atra Podu Kitala 38cm. Blackish plumage. Darker neck and head. White bill and frontal shield. Legs and feet green. Marshes, tanks with emergent vegetation. Re Loc. BrR. LCDZ. 5. COMMON MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus Podu Gelinuva 33cm. Red bill with yellow tip. Red frontal shield. Black head and neck. Dark grey and brown body. Marshes, paddy-fields. Common. BrR. LCDZ. Presently extending its range into the WZ. 6. BLACK-WINGED STILT Himantopus himantopus Kalupiya Ipalpava _ 38cm. Long red legs, black bill. Black and white body. Juv. and female: brownish upper parts. Marshes, mud-flats, paddy-fields, lagoons. Very Common. BrR. LC. 7. PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA Hydrophasianus chirurgus Sevulpenda Diyasena 30cm. (breeding 50cm). White head and foreneck, yellowish hindneck. White wing and dark brown body. Long curved tail in breeding season. Marshes, aquatic plant-covered tanks. Very common. BrR. LC. 8 . RED-NECKED PHALAROPE Phalaropus lobatus Ratgela Diyavatuva 19cm. NBr: whitish plumage. Thin needle like black bill. Blackish eye patch. Distinct from other waders by floating (swimming) when feeding. Lagoons. Migrant. Coastal belt of DZ. PLATE 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 1 3 COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 2 4 1. BLACK-TAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa Kalupenda Gohoduvitta 40cm. Gently sloping forehead. Long straight black bill. Grey-brown upper parts. Black band at tip of tail. In flight: white wing bar, legs projected beyond tail. Marshes, mud- flats, lagoons, paddy-fields. Common. Migrant. LCDZ. 2. COMMON REDSHANK Tringa totanus Podu Ratpa Silibilla 28cm.Yellowish red, long legs. In flight: broad white bar on trailing edge of wing. Marshes, coast, lagoons. Very Common. Migrant. LC. 3. MARSH SANDPIPER Tringa stagnatilis Vaguru Silibilla 25cm. Small head with long greenish legs. Straight, pointed black bill. Mars- hes, mud-flats, lagoons, coast. Very common. Migrant. LC. More common in DZ. 4. COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia Podu Palapa Silibilla 35cm. Slightly upcurved grey bill with long greenish legs. Marshes, mud-flats, coast, lagoons. Common. Migrant. LC. More common in the coastal DZ. 5. WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola Vana Silibilla 23cm. Eye brow extends beyond eye. Legs greenish yellow. Marshes, paddy- fields, mud-flats, lagoons. Common. Migrant. LC. More common in coastal areas. 6. COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos Podu Silitta 20cm. Continuous bobbing action when feeding. In flight: prominent white wing bar. Marshes, ponds, coast, mud-flats, paddy-fields, lagoons. Very common. Migrant. Also summer loiterer. All zones. 7. CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea Kalika Hinna 21cm. Long down-curved black bill. Marshes, mud-flats, lagoons. Very common. Migrant. Coastal areas of LCDZ. 8 . LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta Punchi Hinna 14cm. Straight, short black bill and dark legs. Often present in large numbers. Marshes, mud-flats, lagoons, paddy-fields. Very common. Migrant. LC. More common in coastal DZ. 9 . RUDDY TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres Rat Galperaliya 20cm. Upturned black bill, Short yellowish red legs. Marshes, coast, mud- flats, lagoons.Very common. Migrant. LCDZ. PLATE 3 1 2 3 5 4 6 9 8 7 COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 2 6 1. PINTAIL SNIPE Gallinago stenura Ulpenda Kesvatuva _ 25cm. Dark brown upper parts highly marked by black, rufous, buff scales. White belly. Blunt tipped long bill. Prominant mantle and scapular stripes. Marshes, paddy-fields. Common. Migrant. All zones. 2. GREATER PAINTED-SNIPE Rostratula benghalensis Raja Ulu-kesvatuva __ 25cm. Whitish spectacle with white to buff behind eye. White under parts. Female: maroon head and neck, more blackish on breast; pale crown stripe. Male: dull in colour. Marshes, mud-flats, paddy-fields, lagoons. Re Loc. BrR. All zones. More common in DZ. 3. RED-WATTLED LAPWING Vanellus indicus Rat Yatimal Kirala 30cm. Red bill with black tip. Red wattle and irides, long yellow legs. White cheeks. Black head, neck and upper breast. Call: did-he-do-it. Open country, dry mud-flats, grasslands. Very common. BrR. LC. Recent records from HC. 4. YELLOW-WATTLED LAPWING Vanellus malarbaricus Kaha Yatimal kirala 28cm. Yellow wattle, long yellow legs. Black cap and white supercillium. Sandy brown upper parts and white belly. Thin black breast band. Dry open areas with very short grass. Common. BrR. LCDZ. 5. EURASIAN OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus ostralegus Yurasiya Bolugulla _ 45cm. Black head, neck, breast and upper parts. White belly. Long orange- red bill. In flight: broad white wing bar. Sandy or rocky areas on sea-shores and estuaries. Re Loc. Migrant. LCDZ. North Western coast. 6. GREAT THICK-KNEE Esacus recurvirostris Maha Gal-kirala 50cm. Sandy brown body. Slightly upcurved, heavy, black and yellow bill. White forehead with spectacles. Wetlands, dry open areas bordering tanks, lagoons. Common. BrR. LCDZ. Mainly coastal areas. 7. EURASIAN THICK-KNEE Burhinus oedicnemus Yurasiya Golu-kirala 40cm. Greenish brown body. Short black and yellow bill. Yellowish long legs. Black and white bars across wing coverts. White band across the face. Open country, wetlands, sand-banks. Common. BrR. LC. Mainly coastal areas. PLATE 4 1 2 5 6 7 3 4 COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 2 8 1. PACIFIC GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis fulva Setkara Ran Maha-oleviya 25cm. Golden yellow markings on upper parts. Yellowish buff supercillium, neck and cheek. Br: black breast. Marshes, grassy areas bordering tanks, lagoons. Common. Migrant. LC. More common in DZ. 2 . GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola Alu Maha-oleviya 28cm. Large head, black bill. Greyish upper parts. Black axillaries seen during flight. Br: black face, throat, breast, and upper belly with broad white edging. Marshes, mud-flats, lagoons. Common. Migrant. LC . 3. KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrinus Kenti Oleviya 18cm. No breast band. Black patch on side of breast. Marshes, mud-flats, sand-banks, coasts, lagoons. Common. BrR and Migrant. LC. More common in coastal areas of the DZ. 4. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius Punchi Mala Oleviya 16cm. Upper breast and upper back encircled by a black band. Eye ring, legs, and sometimes base of lower mandible, yellow. Marshes, mud-flats, sand-banks, gravel-banks, lagoons. Common. BrR and Migrant. LC. More common in coastal areas. a: NBr; b: Br. 5. GREATER SAND PLOVER Charadrius leschenaultii Raja Veli Oleviya 23cm. Bill longer than Lesser Sand plover. Paler legs. Marshes, mud- flats, sand-flats, lagoons. Common. Migrant. LCDZ. 6. LESSER SAND PLOVER Charadrius mongolus Hin Veli Oleviya 20cm. Short, slimmer and less pointed bill. More rounded head. Dark brown or dark grey legs. Marshes, mud-flats, sand-flats, lagoons. Common. Migrant. Coastal wetlands of LC. a: NBr; b:Br. 7. SMALL PRATINCOLE Glareola lactea Punchi Javaseriya 18cm. Black line from eye to bill. Square-cut tail. Long wings. White wing band in flight. Open country besides marshes, lagoons, dry river beds. Common. BrR. LCDZ. PLATE 5 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 a b a b a b COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 3 0 1. BROWN-HEADED GULL Larus brunnicephalus Borahis Galuviya _ 45cm. Dark blackish crescent mark behind eye. In flight: white window in black primaries. Lagoons, coastal areas. Common. Migrant. LC 2. GULL-BILLED TERN Gelochelidon nilotica Galutudu Sayurulihiniya _ 38cm. Short, stout, black bill. Br: black cap on head. Coast, marshes, lagoons. Common. Migrant. LC. a: NBr; b:Br. 3. LITTLE TERN Sterna albifrons Punchi Muhudulihiniya 23cm. Small. Black bill. Dusky red legs. White forehead. Br: black-tipped reddish yellow bill and legs. Coast, estuaries, rivers, lagoons, tanks. Common. BrR. LCDZ. Visit WZ coasts. 4. GREAT CRESTED TERN Sterna bergii Maha Konda Muhudulihiniya 45cm. Large greenish yellow bill. Black crest. Coastal waters, estuaries, lagoons. Common. BrR. LC. 5. LESSER CRESTED TERN Sterna bengalensis Hin Konda Muhudulihiniya 38cm. Crown heavily streaked with white. Yellowish red bill. Grey upper parts. Coastal waters, lagoons, estuaries. Common. Migrant. LC. 6. CASPIAN TERN Sterna caspia Kespiya Muhudulihiniya 52cm. Large red bill. Br: black cap. Coast, estuaries, lagoons. Migrant. Common. LCDZ. Less common in WZ. 7 . BRIDLED TERN Sterna anaethetus Kadiyalam Muhudulihiniya 37cm. Dark, almost blackish upper plumage. Head with blackish streaks. Long white outer tail feathers. Bill and legs black . White forehead patch extends beyond eye. Open ocean, coast, lagoons. Passage migrant in Summer. LC 8 WHISKERED TERN Chlidonias hybridus Alupiya Kagullihiniya 28cm. NBr: black cap extending on to rear crown and hind neck, but not below eye, streaky appearance in the region of the forehead. Marshes, tanks, padd-yfields, coast, lagoons. Very common. Migrant and loiterer. LC. 9. WHITE-WINGED TERN Chlidonias leucopterus Sudupiya Kagullihiniya 25cm. Light grey upper plumage. Crescent shaped patch behind eye. Crown streaked black, blackish nape. Black eye patch. White rump contrast with grey tail and upper plumage. Open ocean, coast, lagoons. Migrant. LC. a: NBr; b: Br. PLATE 6 3 4 5 8 9 6 a b 1 7 2 a b COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 3 2 1. BRAHMINY KITE Haliastur indus Bamunu Piyakussa 45cm. Brownish red upper parts; white head and breast. Juv: pale tail, dark under-wing covert. Open country near tanks, coast. Very common. BrR. LC. 2. GREY-HEADED FISH EAGLE Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus Raja Aluhis Masukussa 71cm. Grey head. Lower belly, under tail coverts and basal 2/3 of tail white. Tanks. Re Loc. Common. BrR. LCDZ. 3. WHITE-BELLIED SEA EAGLE Haliaeetus leucogaster Kusaeli Sayurukussa 73cm. White head and under parts. Coast, large tanks, lagoons. Common. BrR. LC. Less in mid-country. 4. EURASIAN MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus Yurasiya Vaguru Herikussa 48-56cm. Buff head with lores, black around the eye. In flight: underside of wing grey, outer primaries black. Female and Juv: pale patch at base of primaries; barred tail. Open marshlands, grasslands. Common. Migrant. All zones. 5. INDIAN CORMORANT Phalacrocorax fuscicollis Indu Diyakava _ 65cm. Long slender bill. NBr: white border to gular pouch. Br: white feather tuft behind eye, white speckles on head and neck. Juv: upper-parts dark brown. Under parts dirty white. V-formation during flight. Tanks, rivers with stagnant pools, lagoons. Very common. BrR. LC. 6. LITTLE CORMORANT Phalacrocorax niger Punchi Diyakava 51cm. Short bill. Long tail. NBr: chin and upper throat white. Br: small crest on forehead. Juv: dark brown; chin and throat dirty white. Tanks, rivers with stagnant pools, lagoons. Very common. BrR. LC. 7 GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo Maha Diyakava 91cm. White cheeks, yellow throat. large bill. Br: large white flank patch, white feathers on nape and hindneck. In flight: neck held slightly above the horizontal. Large tanks. Re Loc. Common. BrR. LCDZ. 8. DARTER Anhinga melanogaster Ahikava 90cm. Long, slender, brown neck with dagger-like bill. Br: more white on neck. Tanks, rivers with stagnant pools, lagoons. BrR. LCDZ. Occasionally in WZ. PLATE 7 3 2 4 5 7 6 8 1 COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 3 4 1 EURASIAN SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia Yurasiya Hendialava 84cm. Flattened spoon-shaped bill. Marshes, tanks, lagoons. Common. BrR. LCDZ. Rare vagrant to WZ. 2. PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea Karavel Koka 79cm. Black crown. Reddish brown neck with dark stripe. Dark under parts. Marshes, tanks, mangroves, paddy-fields, lagoons. Common. BrR. LC. More common in WZ. 3. GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Alu Koka 94cm. Appears pale with grey above and white neck. Black line running from eye, through nape to occipital region. Marshes, tanks, rivers, mangroves, paddy-fields, lagoons. Common. BrR. LCDZ. Occasionally occurs in WZ. 4. CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis Gava-koka 51cm. NBr: completely white. Associated with ungulates. Br: head, neck, and back golden brown. Paddy-fields, pastures, marshes, garbage dumping areas, Very common. BrR. LC. Occasionally visits HC. a: NBr. ; b: Br. 5. LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta Punchi Eli-koka 61cm. Br: nape, breast and upper back has nuptial feathers. Marshes, paddy- fields, tank edges, mangroves, lagoons. Very common. BrR. LC and foot- hills along major rivers. Occasional visitor to HC. 6. INTERMEDIATE EGRET Mesophoyx intermedia Sudu Medi-koka 71cm. NBr: dark green to black legs. Pale yellow lores. Br: black legs, yellow bill, green lores; plumes on upper breast and lower back. Marshes, paddy- fields, tanks, mangroves, lagoons, rivers. Common. BrR. LC. 7. GREAT EGRET Casmerodius albus Maha Sudu-koka 94cm. NBr: dark brown to black legs; yellow bill and pale green-yellow lores. Br: black bill and green lores; plumes on lower back only. Marshes, paddy-fields, mangroves, tanks, rivers, lagoons. Common. BrR. LCDZ. Sometimes visits HC and WZ. a: NBr; b: Br. PLATE 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 a b a b COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 3 6 1. INDIAN POND HERON Ardeola grayii Kana-koka 46cm. Dark body contrasting with white of wings and tail in flight. Br: intensity of purple on back increases. NBr and Juv: streaked head and breast. Present in most wetlands. Very common. BrR. All Zones. 2 . LITTLE HERON Butorides striatus Palakoka 52cm. Slim. Grey-green plumage with dark upper parts. Commonly found skulking among roots and bases of vegetation. Along shady rivers and streams, mangroves. Common. BrR. LC coastal zones. 3 . YELLOW BITTERN Ixobrychus sinensis Kaha Meti-koka 38cm. Slim. Cap and tail black. Female: reddish brown crown and strea- ked. Juv: heavily streaked under parts. Confined to reed-beds, marshes with tall grass, paddy-fields, canals. Common. BrR. LCWZ. Some areas of DZ and HC. 4. CINNAMON BITTERN Ixobrychus cinnamomeus Kahabora Metikoka 38cm. Slim. Very pominent white chin. Female: speckled with white on back and wing coverts. Active during early and late hours of the day. Marshes, reed-beds, mangroves. Common. BrR. LC and Lower HC. 5 BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON Nycticorax nycticorax Re-koka 56cm. Black crown and back. White head plumes. Br: reddish legs. Juv: brown with whitish spots above and brown streaks below. Roost during day in colonies. Feeds during the night. A characteristic quack call heard on take off from roost and during flight. Marshes, mangroves, lagoons. Common. BrR. LC and foothills. 6 . BLACK BITTERN Dupetor flavicollis Kalu Pili-koka 58cm. Slim. Orange-brown streak from chin to upper breast. Active mostly at dusk and dawn. Confined to shaded vegetation during daytime. Marshes, rivers, streams, reed-beds, paddy-fields. Common. BrR. LC, occasionally lower HC. PLATE 9 1 2 4 5 3 a b 6 COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 3 8 1. WOOLLY-NECKED STORK Ciconia episcopus Padili Manava 91cm. Black body, wings and crown. White neck, white vent and under tail coverts. Frequents wetlands, open grasslands and wooded areas close to large water-bodies. Common. BrR. LCDZ. 2. BLACK-NECKED STORK Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Ali-manava 132cm. Neck and lower back region black. Marshes, rivers, tanks, lagoons. Re Range. BrR. LCDZ. Presently confined to the South-eastern coast. Few records from North-eastern coastal region. 3. GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus ruber Raja Siyakkaraya 127cm. White plumage with a tinge of pink and scarlet. Black primaries and outer secondaries. Upper and under wing coverts rose pink to bright scarlet. Long pinkish red legs. Brackish water lagoons. Re Loc. Common. Migrant. North and South-eastern regions of the LCDZ. 4. PAINTED STORK Mycteria leucocephala Latuvekiya 102cm. Pink colour bare skin of face. White and glossy black plumage with pink fringed wings. NBr: paler plumage. Juv: blackish grey or brown plumage. Feeds in groups. When feeding, the beak is dipped into the water while moving steadily forward. Legs sometimes used to churn up mud. Breeds in colonies. Marshes, tanks, paddy-fields, lagoons. Very Common. BrR. LCDZ. 5. LESSER ADJUTANT Leptoptilos javanicus Hin Bahuru-manava 115 cm. Neck and head without feathers, yellowish skin and bill. In flight neck tucked in. Marshes, drying pools and tanks in forests. Re Loc. BrR. South-east DZ. 6. BLACK-HEADED IBIS Threskiornis melanocephalus Hisakalu Deketta 76cm. Black head and neck. Long, black down curved bill. NBr: no back breast plumes. Marshes, tank-fringes, paddy-fields, lagoons. Common. BrR. LC. More common in DZ. 7. ASIAN OPENBILL Anastomus oscitans Asiya Vivaratuduva 81cm. NBr: pale smokey grey and black plumage. Juv: darker. Marshes, tanks, rivers, paddy-fields, lagoons. Common. BrR. LC. PLATE 10 2 1 6 7 3 4 5 1. STORK-BILLED KINGFISHER Halcyon capensis Manatudu Medi-pilihuduva 38cm. Large red bill. Brown head with buff collar. Marshes, mangroves, rivers, swamp forests. Common. BrR. LC and foot-hills. More common in DZ. 2. WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER Halcyon smyrnensis Layasudu Medi-pilihuduva 28cm. White breast and blue upper parts; chocolate brown head. Open areas near water, cultivations, urban gardens. Very common. BrR. All zones. Less common in HC. 3. BLACK-CAPPED KINGFISHER Halcyon pileata Kalu Isesi Medi-pilihuduva _ 30cm. Black head. White collar on hind-neck. Mangroves, lagoons, tanks, streams. Re Range. Migrant. Coastal areas. Occasionally inland. 4. PIED KINGFISHER Ceryle rudis Gomara-pilihuduva 30cm. Black and white plumage. Male: two breast bands. Female: single breast band. Frequently hovers. Marshes, rivers, mangroves, tanks and other wetlands. Common. BrR. LC. More common in coastal areas. 5. ORIENTAL DWARF KINGFISHER Ceyx erithacus Peradigu Ran-pilihuduva 13cm. Small. Orange-purple head, neck, rump, and tail. Humid forests. Re Range. BrR. All zones. 6. COMMON KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis Mal Pilihuduva 18cm. Reddish brown ear coverts. Perch and fly habit. Water bodies. Very common. BrR. All zones. 7. BLUE-EARED KINGFISHER Alcedo meninting Nilkan Pilihuduva 15cm. Blue ear coverts. Similar to Common Kingfisher. Water bodies in forests. Re Range. BrR. LCDZ. Most records from the lower Uva around Nilgala. PLATE 11 COMMON, ENDEMIC & THREATENED BIRDS IN SRI LANKA 4 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 7