ASPE PSD - Building Storm Water Systems
ASPE PSD - Building Storm Water Systems
ASPE PSD - Building Storm Water Systems
uses a 4.75-inch-per-hour rate, both for a 100-year storm with a 60-minute duration (a storm strength that, theoretically, occurs once in 100 years and lasts for 60 minutes). Its critical to apply the correct rainfall rate. Ive witnessed misapplications and undersizing of storm water systems that resulted in major construction cost change orders and redesigns. Storm water system piping is inherently large-diameter pipe. Average roof drain sizes are 4 inches and 6 inches. When multiple drains and roof areas are connected, pipe sizes of 812 inches are common. Problems can occur when trying to route the piping in ceiling cavities among other obstructions. Horizontal piping should be insulated to prevent sweating, which increases the overall diameter dimension and slope throughout its length. Ive reviewed too many designs that circuit multiple drains horizontally, 100 feet or more, trying to fit amongst duct56 Plumbing Systems & Design
Source: Cast Iron Soil Pipe & Fittings Handbook, Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute