Morgan's Gift: A New Map of Reality

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A New Map of Reality

Journey into Consciousness

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Morgans Gift: A New Map of Reality

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Practical Tools You Can Use as an Awakening Leader for:

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Reducing stress in your physical life Deepening your passion in alignment with your ! purpose Broadening of the perspective of v who you really o L moment F are in each ! orDeciding instantaneously to respond to lifes gi intersections ve nes ! Using your vision, perception of a s the key! u o visionary leader C Visual af rmation of the direction you are headed Prid in your life, e as well as who you are ! Becoming free to choose your own beliefs and ! conscious Reality







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A New Map of Reality 2009 | Morgan Langan |



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My Gift to You
Everyone we know is experiencing some form of increased pressure during these transforming
times. These pressures may appear in the form of nancial struggles, relationship challenges or health issues. It is helpful to understand from both a scienti c and a spiritual view point, that any particular form comprises only a small percentage of all that is about your life. It is equally helpful to live life from the perspective that you are one part of a collective one individual calling forth the changes we are experiencing collectively. We do not want things to remain the same! Therefore, we must be better prepared to adapt to the even greater changes we know are coming. By understanding that we actually are creating this reality, this knowing becomes the impetus to evolve, both as an individual, and as a species. We evolve as a species, one individual at a time! New discoveries in Biology are actually proving scienti cally what the great sages and saints have been saying for thousands of years: We Are ONE! An increasing number of us are having direct experiences of this Oneness. For some, this oneness may occur with nature, with others a partner, or in meditation, perhaps owing with yoga, skiing, biking etc. We each have our unique WAY in which we feel true connection. We long for these peak experiences. In fact this "longing" can often be one of the very reasons that it is so dif cult for us to repeat peak experiences! The thought that I AM separate from any peak experience, can often lead to separation from one's passion and purpose. I began on this path separated from my fullest potential SELF. It felt like I had one foot in the business world and one foot in the "world of connection". My intention is that the gifts contained in this workbook will provide you the inspiration to land solidly on two feet, on this earth to step into your fullest potential SELF, while experiencing your business as a Spiritual path, not separate from who you are, thereby leading your life on purpose, in your own unique WAY! Being a part of the One Spirit Team has ignited me, personally, to evolve into my role as an awakening leader. I have been challenged to focus upon the single most important piece of information which I have learned during my 30+ years of entrepreneurial experience. Furthermore, it was requested that I create a 30 minute video that would offer information in a way which would be meaningful to you, a fellow entrepreneurial Spirit! After reviewing 30 years of accumulated information, I decided that the ONE tool which could have kept me more focused and on track would de nitely have been the New Map of Reality. May the video, and this concise companion workbook, bring you the clarity of vision and passion of purpose which they have brought to my life. I humbly offer these gifts to welcome you to the One Spirit Community! Morgan Langan Author The Ultimate MBA Program Co-Founder One Spirit Weekend

Section One: Old Map of Reality

The current tool used to get you to your current life situation
The way you answer the question; What is my purpose for being on this earth at this time? provides you with a blueprint to determine your individual level of conscious awareness. The greater your willingness to open your mind, the greater will be your comprehension of the WAY to deepen your level of personal consciousness. Since reality is different for each one of us, it must be created from an individuated level of awareness. Are you willing to accept responsibility to create a purpose lled Reality from a deeper level of awareness? We each have our individual conceptualization of who we are in relation to the rest of the world. Yet we continue to utilize the map which got us to this point in order to try to get us to this next level of understanding. What good is a map if it gets you to where you are currently, but takes you no further? It may indicate the big picture of where you are headed, yet, if it does not direct your movements at the next intersection, it could potentially create greater struggles in your life. As well as separate you further from your passion and purpose. As a leader it is time for you to place your physical house in order. This "Old" Map is actually more like a blueprint of how we have created our current life. A blueprint works great to create a stationary structure; it is not the best tool for your evolving life. This map/ blueprint is who we are in this moment in time. It consists of our memories, which are ltered by our emotions, which become our attitudes and values, which are the anchors for our beliefs. These beliefs then become our behavior. These behaviors create our unconscious physical experiences. They are often a response to what we perceive in our external environment as ltered through our memories, emotions and beliefs. Consciousness takes all of this experiential and environmental information into consideration from the perspective of our full potential SELF. As you become a conscious leader, you begin to understand that this physical existence is merely a part of all that is. When you fully embody your physical experience as a direct response to the way you perceive your environment; you will have the opportunity to make a conscious choice to respond and thus, behave differently. The act of choosing consciously shifts a closed mind into an open system. An open system accepts input from outside of existing perceptions, memories, emotions, beliefs. By letting go of a belief system that is no longer serving you, you open space for a new way of believing, and thus behaving, to enter your experience. There was a time in my life when I was in so much pain that upon waking, I would literally roll out of bed onto the oor and crawl on my hands and knees into the bathroom. My orthopedic surgeon said I would need back surgery. As I began to open my mind to try Yoga, things began to shift in my body. As I accepted the possibility that I might not need to have my discs fused, and as I opened to the possibility that I could heal myself by following this practice, everything began to change for me on a physical level. I now had an in uence on, and a connection with, the very cellular makeup of my body. Thus my willingness to try Yoga affected my belief system and my pain went away. I reversed becoming a victim of my genes my dad had a bad back and diabetes, and it was likely 3

that I would have the same. I now knew thru personal experience that exploring a different reality could change my belief systems. I was no longer stuck with having to change my memories and my deeply ingrained beliefs. I now had the experience where a belief which I held closely was not true. This allowed me to let go and make space for a new belief to enter my system. This conscious process would be the springboard for my next leap of faith. Every religious tradition and spiritual teacher speaks of this leap of faith. Most refer to it as letting go. Many call it surrender in some form. Thus, in order to embrace a new belief, the old belief needs to be let go. This is that leap of faith One can not simultaneous leap while holding on. And that leap is now being illuminated as we discover our personal thresholds. With the Old Map being a closed system (see page 5), we perceive pretty much everything the same way; our perceptions are controlled by what we see out there. If we see hatred and anger out there, that enters our memory, which is the accumulation of all our prior experiences and perceptions. Then we have emotions, which are the reaction to our perceptions as ltered by our memory. When our perceptions, memories and emotions lock in as our values, they become our attitudes, and ultimately, our belief systems. Many of these beliefs are subconscious, and the only way to un lter these subconscious beliefs is to become conscious. This requires stepping beyond our threshold of comfort and humbly admit that we know very little of the 10% that is physical reality, and virtually nothing about the in nite reality of who I AM. The process, therefore, of becoming more conscious, requires a willingness to change the blueprint of how one has created ones experience in this life, up to this moment. This willingness opens ones mind and connects one to Spirit. This intersection I refer to as My Full Potential SELF. This SELF realization occurs in each moment where I consciously choose to cross the Threshold into my New Reality.

Section Two: The Threshold

The threshold is the point at which external stimulus is of suf cient intensity to produce a negative effect in one's daily life. The ability to deal with pain can be lowered by this over stimulation. A threshold is a personal limit of what, as an individual, can be handled as input from the environment. The Threshold is the point of overwhelm that many of us are experiencing right now. The crossing of this threshold is the stepping across evolutionary time, to evolve into the next level of who one is. It is the commencement of ones journey towards self-realization. The fun part of this journey is that you create it; the down side is that you need to accept responsibility for the condition of your life. If there are some dysfunctional situations in your life, then you are the only one who can uncreate them. Uncreating is the polar opposite of creating (see page 11). Therefore, creating a functional life is your responsibility. This will only happen by embracing conscious choices.

Old Map of Reality

Unconcious Creating

Memory Emotions Beliefs Filters

Environmental Input

Response Behavior

Morgan Langan 2009 |

Crossing the Threshold

If we get to a point where we are angry about our life, we are at a threshold. If we are dissatis ed with any aspect of our life, we are at a threshold. If we feel fear, anxiety, depression, anger, frustration, these are behaviors from our old way of existing. Acknowledge them and know the old way will not take us across this threshold. There is a difference between conscious knowing and conscious awareness. Conscious knowing is: I know I get angry when I shouldnt, I know that I smoke cigarettes, I know that I drink too much alcohol. These are all coping mechanisms; automatic conditioned responses to not accepting things are they are. Wherever we have resistance, we are unconsciously creating our reality. Conscious awareness is the choice to respond in a new way, one which moves us in the direction of SELF realization. It is from this vantage point that we begin to consciously create our reality. Reality is the conceptualization of who am I in relation to the rest of the world. If our experience tends to express through dysfunctional feelings and behaviors, then by becoming aware in this moment that we are unconsciously creating our reality, we magically leap the threshold to have the ability to choose how to create a new reality. By becoming aware that our journey is an inward one to self-realization, we now have the ability to make a choice. Prior to this, everything we did was unconscious. Accepting that our behavior has been unconscious allows us to move to a new level of awareness. Conscious awareness is the next step in our evolutionary process of conscious knowing. When conscious awareness replaces conscious knowing, behaviors align to become functional. We now have a choice to respond in a new way, a choice to perceive things as they are, in a different way. A shift of focus to an inward journey to self realization, the conscious evolution towards our full potential SELF. Once we cross this threshold and become aware of our conscious choice, we have crossed from a closed system to an open system where a world of unlimited potential awaits. However, it is not a simple journey. The journey has an implicate order, according to Dr. Vernon Woolf, PhD, and that is one of the basic principles of all consciousness study: that consciousness unfolds in an implicate way. What this means is, as a seed is planted into the ground, is nurtured and provided water, sunlight, minerals, then following an implicate order, it naturally unfolds according to natures plan. Why would we assume our consciousness would unfold in any different manner than the unfoldment (evolution) of the seed in the ground? The use of a new map which will guide us across this Threshold to a new reality (a conceptualization of who we are in relation to the rest of the world) which aligns us with our full potential SELF would be extremely helpful. This Map will be presented in section 3. 6

As we cross this threshold, the new map must show us the unfolding of the implicate order of consciousness. To be useful the Map should be in vibration with all of the great religious texts as well as the spiritual masters of all time. It needs to be aligned with scienti c information and data. Yet it must be in nite and unlimited. It must be visual, since 70% of our perception of our world is through our visual sense, our eyes. Weve called upon the great expertise of Dr. David Hawkins, PhD, and enlightened being to assist us in the creation of this Map. Dr Hawkins has done millions of calibrations and published dozens of articles in scienti c journals demonstrating the effectiveness of his map of consciousness. We are implementing his data to design a visual representation of the journey to SELF realization. For further detailed analysis of Dr. Hawkins work and his map of consciousness from which the new map toward Self realization is derived, please refer to Power vs. Force, pp. 68-69. We will reveal the New Map of Reality in the next section; after we examine how this personal transformation applies to business.

Transforming a Closed Business System into an Open Business System

The conscious vibrational level of a leader affects not only this leaders personal experience of reality, but it additionally affects the real experiences of everyone connected to that leaders business. The more conscious the leader, the more open the business system. The less conscious the leader, the more closed the business system. As within, so without. A business leader who becomes more conscious leads a business that is more conscious. And the vibrational level of the entire business becomes the sum of the consciousness levels of all the individuals (also known as synergy). This level will be limited only by the consciousness level of the leader. In business, the leader sets all thresholds. Increase the consciousness level of the leader and the threshold of the entire organization subsequently rises. So to have an organization of individual leaders who are consistently crossing their personal threshold to choose more consciously has a synergistic effect on the entire organization. Business thresholds: communication breakdowns, interdepartmental rivalry, hidden agendas, nonalignment of business purpose with the purpose of the individual. These are all dysfunctional situations in an organization, and they are not resolvable using the old map. We have been attempting do that long enough. We have been focusing upon an individuals behavior and how to provide incentives to improve performance. When there is a problem (for example, a person isnt performing the way they should), the business manager is trained to nd a solution to that problem. That is the old MBA model, the old map. The new Master of Being Alive takes his new map, understands there is no problem and certainly no singular cause of any situation, and opens to an unlimited source of potential to allow the individual to choose to modify their own behavior in their own WAY.

Section Three: The New Map of Reality

This New Map of Reality (see page 9) completely shifted my personal reality (my conception of who I am in relation to the rest of the world). I now realize that, yes, I am this physical body. Once I crossed that threshold between realms, however, my physical body prefers to reside in the realm of my full potential SELF. The way that the New Map of Reality works is that once one has crossed over the threshold and understands that one has been acting unconsciously, one now has a choice to re-act consciously. Locate where you are at on the New Map. If you are angry, admit it, acknowledge it. Know that this anger is just a part of who you are in this moment. In the Old Map, you would have gone into conditioned responses. Imagine that a driver cuts you off on the way to work. Your conditioned response could cause you to be angry and to gesticulate wildly with one nger. The memories of other similar experiences, the emotions associated with anger, the attitude that people are always cutting you off, condition your response, which becomes your behavior. How I act is determined by my willingness and commitment to embody the awakening leader that I AM. In this moment of consciousness, before you spiral to the old conditioned behavior, look at the map, can you choose to make a leap of faith from the level of awareness of anger to the level of awareness of trust? To trust that everything within your reality is driving you toward your fullest potential SELF? The experience of the driver is a test. It is only a test. And the letting go of the conditioned response allows you to leap forward to the next level of awareness, to trust. It is from that lofty vantage point that you begin to trust that everything in the universe is conspiring to assist you on your journey towards self realization. Are you ready to make the next leap, to let go of any belief that got you to the level you are at now? In order to reach the next level on the map, you must practice trust and forgiveness. This practice involves everyone in your life who has somehow wronged you. This act of forgiveness poises you for the next leap on this map, to compassion. When operating from a place of compassion, you can bring compassion forgiveness and trust back into your physical existence. The practice of becoming conscious and the act of becoming a conscious business entrepreneur are the same. When you become more conscious, your business likewise becomes more conscious, as does everyone around you. This is the acceleration that we are all experiencing in the world, this quickening, this awakening of awareness... that to do something to another is to do something to all. This is the point where the SELF connects with all other SELVES as One Spirit. So, by expressing from the compassion response, our hearts and minds synchronize as SELF.

A New Map of Reality

Journey into Consciousness
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A New Map of Reality 2009 | Morgan Langan |










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There is a world of physical experiences that can lead us to believe that physical experiences are all that there is. One way to advance in our level of consciousness is to utilize this tool. At the end of the day, after weve expended massive amounts of energy to try to get our business functions complete. When we feel like one more phone call and well burst. One more question, one more problem. when all we look forward to at the end of the day is our cocktail, or two, or three, or four (depending on the day) or whatever your personal response may be, whether its prescription drugs (masking our feelings)or, violence or, burying yourself in work, or, or, or... How do we break this cycle? How do we consistently stay on the creative side of the threshold? How do we begin to understand that dysfunctional behaviors and feelings are a choice rather than a standard reaction to the conditions in our life? This is the practice of consciousness. When I am at that point, I breathe and congratulate myself. I am aware that I am about to participate in dysfunctional behavior, and from that point of awareness, I also have a choice to behave differently. Know also that our beliefs, attitudes, values, emotions, memories, and our perceptions all must support any change in the view of our reality . In order for a New Reality to fully manifest in this physical reality ONE must remain conscious. This is the practice in the physical world. The opposite practice is the need to always nd proof that something exists, such as God, Spirit, Source a lifetime spent looking for proof, versus a lifetime spent looking for unlimited potential within myself in each moment. So the next time you are ready to have your cocktail of preference become aware that you are ready to indulge in potentially dysfunctional behavior. As soon as you realize you have a choice, you becomes conscious. When you experience frustration, know this is actually an opportunity to leap to the next level along your evolutionary journey. When you no longer need conditioned behavior to cope, you begin to consciously create your life. Even if you choose dysfunctional behavior, at least you were aware that you had a choice. This is an evolutionary leap for you individually and thereby for all of mankind, particularly when the next time your choice is to move, not towards dysfunctional behavior, but rather a deeper level of awareness. The real transformation takes place in making this conscious choice to journey inward away from dysfunctional behaviors and toward SELF realization. By doing so ONE learns to create a more functional existence by embodying the vision of your Full Potential SELF. Use the following chart (on page 11) to assist you in de ning your present feelings and situations on the left side under Old Reality, then look at the choices available in our New Reality on the right side. From there, you are on your way to developing a new way to navigate through life, making conscious choices that will draw you closer to your full potential SELF. Blessings on your journey, Morgan Langan 10

Old Reality New Reality

Response Conditioned from the Past Blueprint of How I Created My Life Dysfunctional Feelings and Behaviors Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Anger Automatic Conditioned Response Resisting Separation Focus Upon External Problems Unconscious Knowing Unlimited Response Potential Conscious Creation of My Life Acceptance of How Things Are Courage, Trust, Forgiveness, Compassion Choice to Respond in a New Way Flowing Connection Focus Upon Internal Journey Conscious Awareness

Dealing with Overwhelm Relaxing into the Moment

(Exceeding the Threshold) (Making Conscious Choices) Integration (re ection,meditation,emersion in nature) Acceptance (joy, loving relationships, vibrant health)

Dissipation (anger, crying, eating)

Blockage (depression, shut down, illness)

Distraction (drugs, alcohol, TV) Compassion (community, cooperation, celebration)

Reality: My conceptualization of who I AM in relation to the rest of the world around me. 11

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