Introduction To SAS
Introduction To SAS
Introduction To SAS
SAS variable names: o 1 to 32 characters in length o They must begin with a letter (A-Z). Note that SAS does is not case sensitive; that is, it read A and a as the same. o The second and remaining characters in a variable name can be other letters, numbers, or underscores (i.e., _). o By default SAS assumes that variables are numeric. If a variable is character, then the name must be followed by a space and then a $.
SAS Example
1. Go to course web-site and download and save it in the My Documents directory and give it the name 2. Click on SAS icon (or click on ). 3. Find File on the main tool bar: File > Open program > Use Browse to find the file Click on this file and push the OPEN button. If all went well, a file should have opened in your program window and look something like this.
/* HSB dat1 :
data hsb1; input id minority female ses mathach; label id='school' minority='Student ethnicity (1=minority, 0=not)' female ='student gener (1=female, 0=male)' ses='standardized scale of student ses' mathach='Mathematics achievement'; datalines; 1224 .000 1.000 -1.528 5.876 1224 .000 1.000 -.588 19.708 1224 .000 .000 -.528 20.349 1224 .000 .000 -.668 8.781 1224 .000 .000 -.158 17.898 1224 .000 .000 .022 4.583 1224 .000 1.000 -.618 -2.832 1224 .000 .000 -.998 .523
. . . run; 4. Click on the run icon (it looks like a little person running). Check the log file to make sure everything ran OK. If everything went well you should see:
NOTE: The data set WORK.HSB1 has 7185 observations and 5 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.34 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds
5. Try some procedures: a) Create a cross-classification of two (or more or less) variables: PROC FREQ DATA= hsb1; TABLES minority*female RUN; / NOROW NOCOL ;
b) Compute the mean of SES and math achievement scores; PROC MEANS DATA= hsb1; VAR ses mathach; RUN; c) Sort the data by school id. PROC SORT DATA= hsb1; BY id; RUN;
d) Compute the means of SES and math achievement for each school and save the results to a file, which we then print to see whats in the save (working file). PROC MEANS DATA= hsb1; CLASS id; VAR ses mathach; OUTPUT OUT=mymeans MEAN=mses mmath STD=stdses stdmath; PROC PRINT RUN; DATA=mymeans;
5. Save your program commands to a file: a) Make sure that your program window is the current/open window. b) File > Save As > ..give it a descriptive name. Save your program commands often! 8. Save your output to a file: a) Make sure that your listing/output window is the current/open window. b) File > Save As > ..give it a name with either type .lst or .txt c) You can also save your output as an .rtf file and then use MSWord to edit it. Additional Tips: Always, always check the log file after you run some code. Write a few lines and then run to make sure that code is OK.
If you get an error message in the log file, find the first errors. Correcting this might take care of any subsequent errors. Common errors: o Forgetting the semi-colon at the end of a statement. o Not closing a quoted string (e.g., for TITLE or LABEL). o Spelling error.