IEC 60071 Insulation Coordination Abb Literature
IEC 60071 Insulation Coordination Abb Literature
IEC 60071 Insulation Coordination Abb Literature
Insulation withstand and clearances with EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters
Insulation withstand
In order to reduce the risk of insulation failure to an economically and operationally accepable level, the insulation withstand of substation equipment is selected with regard to expected overvoltages, taking into account the protective characteristics of the surge arresters. The insulation withstand of the surge arrester itself has to be co-ordinated with its own protective characteristics. The arrester has to be positioned with respect to grounded objects and surge arresters in adjacent phases, without increasing the total risk for insulation failure.The insulation withstand properties of surge arresters in a substation can be divided into: insulation withstand of the surge arrester itself, including the insulation between flanges and grading rings, etc. insulation withstand between the surge arrester and grounded objects. insulation withstand between the surge arrester and other equipment connected to the same phase, e.g. bushings. insulation withstand between surge arresters in adjacent phases. This technical information discusses the different aspects of insulation withstand and provides guidelines for positioning EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters in outdoor substations. The insulation withstand is the only constraint when selecting suitable clearances for EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters. Any effects various phase-toground and phase-to-phase clearances may have on the voltage distribution along the ZnO block column have been accounted for in the design of EXLIM and PEXLIM arresters, e.g. by the use of optimized grading rings. The insulation withstand of the surge arrrester itself has been thoroughly considered in the design of EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters. Spacings between metal flanges as well as spacings between flanges and grading rings, are sufficiently large to withstand overvoltages appearing during current discharges. The insulation withstand of EXLIM and PEXLIM arresters has been verified by tests according to international standards, and the values obtained exceed the minimum requirements, generally by a good margin.
Phase-to-ground clearance
The phase-to-ground clearance in substations is usually based on the selected standard rated lightning and switching impulse withstand voltages. International standards, e.g. IEC 60071-2, recommend minimum clearances. In general, the clearance between a grounded object and an EXLIM or PEXLIM surge arrester should be the same as the phase-to-ground clearance selected for other high voltage equipment in a substation. If it is not possible to use the normal phase-to-ground clearance in special applications of EXLIM or PEXLIM arresters, a smaller clearance may be choosen, considering the protective characteristics of the arrester.This is possible because there is usually a fairly big margin between the standard rated withstand voltage for a substation and the protective level of EXLIM or PEXLIM arresters. Furthermore, distance effects by fast transients do not exist in the immediate vicinity of the surge arrester. Thus, the recommended minimum phase-to-ground clearance for EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters, with regard to lightning and switching overvoltages, are presented in Figure 1.These clearances are based on IEC 60072-1,Table VI, and on the protective characteristics of the surge arrester.They include safety margins and altitude correction. The Adjusted Protective Level to be used in Figure 1, is defined as: For lightning impulse: Upl x 1,15 x eH/8150 For switching impulse: Ups x 1,10 x eH/8150 H is the altitude in meters above sea level.
Table 1: Co-ordinating currents Lightning impulse Switching impulse kV kA kV kA up to 420 10 below 145 0,5 550 15 145-362 1,0 800 20 420-800 2,0
5 Switching impulse 4 4
Lightning impulse
0 0
0 2000
2 Switching impulse
Lightning impulse 1 1
0 0
Upl and Ups are the lightning and switching impulse protective levels for the selected EXLIM or PEXLIM surge arresters at the respective co-ordinating currents. Table 1 suggests appropriate co-ordi-
nating currents for different system voltage levels. The minimum clearance is determined either by lightning or switching impulse withstand, whichever renders a larger value.
for the spacing between the lower (grounded) end of the surge arrester, and the bottom (grounded) end of other high-voltage equipment. Figure 2 shows these recommendations, where D is the selected phase-to-ground clearance for the selected EXLIM or PEXLIM surge arrester.
Phase-to-phase clearance
The phase-to-phase clearance for high-voltage equipment in a substation is normally based on the selected standard rated lightning and switching impulse phase-to-phase withstand voltages. International standards, e.g. IEC 60071-3 recommend minimum phase-tophase clearances. Note that the normal selection of surge arrester protective levels does not directly protect the phase-to-phase insulation. In general, the clearance between EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters in adjacent phases should be the same as the phase-to-phase clearance selected for other high-voltage equipment in the substation. If it is not possible to use the normal phase-to-phase clearance in a special application of EXLIM or PEXLIM surge arresters, the minimum clearance with regard to lightning overvoltages can be derived from Figure 3.The electrode configuration established by the grading rings on two adjacent EXLIM or PEXLIM surge arresters which are equipped with grading rings is more favourable compared to arresters without grading rings.Therefore separate curves are given in Figure 3 for EXLIM or PEXLIM arresters with or without grading rings. The clearances shown in Figure 3 are based on the assumption that one phase is subjected to a lightning overvoltage, while the voltage on the adjacent phase is at the peak of the maximum power frequency operating voltage (opposite polarity). Obviously, these clearances will also cover the case of lightning overvoltages of the same polarity appearing simultaneously on two or three phases.
Phase-to-phase clearance [m] 5 5
3 2 1 0 3000
The Adjusted Protective Level shown in Figure 3 is based on the lightning protective characteristics of the selected EXLIM or PEXLIM surge arrester. It includes safety margin and altitude correction factor. and is defined as: Upl x 1,15 x eH/8150 + Um x 2 / 3 Um is the highest voltage for equipment according to IEC 60071-1, which is usually equal to the highest system voltage. Upl is the lightning impulse protective level for the selected EXLIM or
0 3000
PEXLIM arrester at the recommended co-ordination current (see table 1). The minimum phase-to-phase clearance for EXLIM or PEXLIM arresters with respect to switching overvoltages should always be based on the selected standard rated switching impulse phaseto-phase withstand voltage for the substation. Consequently the clearances specified in IEC 60071-3,Table VI, are valid for most applications of EXLIM and PEXLIM arresters. If a special application requires a minimized phase spacing, the favourable electrode configuration established by the grading rings on EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters may permit a further reduction of the phaseto-phase clearance. Figure 4 shows recommended phaseto-phase clearances for EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters equipped with grading rings with regard to switching overvoltages.These clearances are derived from the Transmission Line Reference Book, 345kV and above, Second Edition, Figure 11.8.10, with an adequate safety margin applied.The altitude correction should, by definition, be included in the standard rated switching impulse phase-to-phase withstand voltage selected for the substation. The minimum phase-to-phase clearance is determined either by the lightning or by the switching impulse withstand, whichever renders the larger value.
The following example shows the application of the presented guidelines for selecting minimum clearances for EXLIM and PEXLIM surge arresters in a 420 kV substation.The substation is situated at an altitude of 200m above sea level and equipped with arresters type EXLIM P360-EM420.The basic insulation withstand data for the substation are: Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage: 1425 kV phase-to-ground Rated switching impulse withstand voltage: 1050 kV phase-to-ground 1550 kV phase-to-phase According to IEC 60071-2,Table VI, the minimum recommended phase-toground clearance is 2,6 m.The recommended minimum phase-to-phase clearance is 3,5 m, according to IEC 60071-3, Table VI. We assume that these clearances are not possible to achieve for the surge arresters in this example.The minimum recommended values can be determined as follows: According to Table 1 the appropriate co-ordinating discharge currents for a system voltage level of 420 kV are 10kA for lightning impulse and 1,0kA for switching impulse.The corresponding protective levels of the EXLIM P360-EM420 surge arrester used in this substation are 819 kV and 728 kV respectively (see ABB Buyers Guide). The Adjusted Protective Level to be used in Figure 1 for determination of the phase-to-ground clearance, is: For lightning impulse: 819 x 1,15 x e200/8150 = 965 kV For switching impulse: 728 x 1,10 x e200/8150 = 820 kV As seen in Figure 1, phase-to-ground clearances of 2,0 m and 1,9 m are required.The minimum recommended phase-to-ground clearance is therefore the higher value of these two: 2,0 m. The Adjusted Protective Level to be used in Figure 3 for determination of the phase-to-phase clearance is: For lightning impulse: 819 x 1,15 x e200/8150 + 420 x 2/3 = 1308 kV According to figure 3 a minimum clearance of 2,0 m is required based on the lightning impulse strength. For switching impulse, the recommended minimum phase-to-phase clearance for the surge arrester is based on the rated switching impulse withstand voltage of the substation, since the phase-to-phase clearance in a substation is normally not protected by the arresters. In this case, the selected rated switching impulse withstand voltage phaseto-phase is 1550 kV. As seen in Figure 4, the required minimum phase-tophase clearance, taking into account the favourable electrode configuration created by the grading rings, is 3,0 m. Hence, the minimum recommended clearances for the EXLIM P360-EM420 surge arresters in our example substation are 2,0 m phase-to-ground and 3,0 m phase-to-phase.
ABB Power Technology Products AB High Voltage Products Surge Arresters S-771 80 Ludvika, Sweden Tel: +46 (0)240 78 20 00 Fax: +46 (0)240 179 83