Iec 60853 PDF
Iec 60853 PDF
Iec 60853 PDF
Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy możliwości przeciążeniowych jednożyłowego kabla grzebanego w ziemi. Na podstawie
procedury zawartej w standardzie IEC60853-2 określono wpływ dobowego obciążenia energetycznego na zmiany temperatury kabla. Następnie
korzystając z modelu elektro-termalnego Arrhenius-IPM i uwzględniając dane znamionowe określono możliwości przeciążeniowe kabli.
(Wyznaczanie okresowego obciążenia prądowego kabla jednożyłowego XLPE z uwzględnieniem znamionowego czasu życia).
1 1
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Im ax/IR Im ax/IR
Fig. 3. Life time of cables for cyclic loading I Fig. 6. Life time of cables for cyclic loading II
end of design life time are very low. Having in mind all the 0.1 1000 m m
1400 m m Im ax/IR
Fig. 7. Cables failure rate at the end of design life for cycle II
Fig. 5 illustrates the temperature variation during daily
cycling loading II, while Fig. 6 and fig. 7 illustrate life time of
cables and cables failure rate at the end of design life for
cycle II, respectively. The same analysis can be carried out
for the case of cycle loading II and also, the same
conclusion can be derived. The only difference between two
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 cycles is that for the cycle loading II, additional current load
Im ax/IR
increase is approximately 6% and for the cycle loading I it
accounts approximately 8%, compared to values obtained
Fig. 4. Cables failure rate at the end of design life for cycle I by the standard.
In this paper, a transient temperature response
calculation of single-core XLPE cables buried in the ground,
at two daily load cycles, is conducted. For the assumed
daily load cycles, cyclic rating factors and daily temperature
variations at different values of overload factor are
determined. On the basis of obtained results, it is shown
that rated temperature is attained at values of overload
factors slightly higher than cyclic rating factor values. Using
the Arrhenius-IPM electrothermal model, expected cable life
time for different values of overload factors, respecting the
daily cable temperature variations, is determined. On the
basis of obtained results, it is concluded that overload
capability of single-core XLPE cables, considering the
design life time, is higher than one obtained by relevant IEC
standard. It is shown that cables can be additionally loaded
Fig. 5. Temperature variation during daily cyclic loading II up to 8%, depending on the cycle.