Calculate Voltage Regulation of Distribution
Calculate Voltage Regulation of Distribution
Calculate Voltage Regulation of Distribution
Voltage regulation or Load Reguation is to maintain a fixed voltage under different load.Voltage regulation is limiting factor to decide the size of either conductor or type of insulation.
In circuit current need to be lower than this in order to keep the voltage drop within permissible values. The high voltage circuit should be carried as far as possible so that the secondary circuit have small voltage drop.
Voltage Regulation for 11KV, 22KV, 33KV Overhead Line (As per REC):
% Voltage Regulation= (1.06xPxLxPF) / (LDFxRCxDF) Where P=Total Power in KVA L= Total Length of Line from Power Sending to Power Receiving in KM. PF= Power Factor in p.u RC= Regulation Constant (KVA-KM) per 1% drop. RC=(KVxKVx10)/( RCos+XSin) LDF= Load Distribution Factor. LDF= 2 for uniformly distributed Load on Feeder. LDF>2 If Load is skewed toward the Power Transformer. LDF= 1 To 2 If Load is skewed toward the Tail end of Feeder. DF= Diversity Factor in p.u
Permissible Voltage Regulation (As per REC): Maximum Voltage Regulation at any Point of Distribution Line
System Up to Transformer Up to Secondary Main Up to Service Drop Total 2.5 3 0.5 6.0 2.5 2 0.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 3.0
The voltage variations in 33 kV and 11kV feeders should not exceed the following limits at the farthest end under peak load conditions and normal system operation regime.
Above 33kV (-) 12.5% to (+) 10%. Up to 33kV (-)9.0% to (+)6.0%. Low voltage (-)6.0% to (+) 6.0% In case it is difficult to achieve the desired voltage especially in Rural areas, then 11/0.433kV distribution transformers(in place of normal 11/0.4kV DTs) may be used in these areas.
Size of capacitor for improvement of the Power Factor from Cos 1 to Cos 2 is Required size of Capacitor(Kvar) = KVA1 (Sin 1 [Cos 1 / Cos 2] x Sin 2)
L = [1 (KVARC / 2 KVARL) x (2n-1)] Where, L = distance in per unit along the line from sub-station.
KVARC = Size of capacitor bank KVARL = KVAR loading of line n = relative position of capacitor bank along the feeder from sub-station if the total capacitance is to be divided into more than one Bank along the line. If all capacitance is put in one Bank than values of n=1.
% Voltage Rise = (KVAR(Cap)x Lx X) / 10xVx2 Where, KVAR(Cap)=Capacitor KVAR X = Reactance per phase L=Length of Line (mile) V = Phase to phase voltage in kilovolts
Calculate Voltage drop and % Voltage Regulation at Trail end of following 11 KV Distribution system , System have ACSR DOG Conductor (AI 6/4.72, GI7/1.57),Current Capacity of ACSR Conductor =205Amp,Resistance =0.2792 and Reactance =0 , Permissible limit of % Voltage Regulation at Trail end is 5%.
Load Current at Point A (I) = KW / 1.732xVoltxP.F Load Current at Point A (I) =1500 / 1.732x11000x0.8 = 98 Amp. Required No of conductor / Phase =98 / 205 =0.47 Amp =1 No Voltage Drop at Point A = ( (3x(RCos+XSin)xI ) / (No of Conductor/Phase x1000))x Length of Line
Receiving end Voltage at Point A = Sending end Volt-Voltage Drop= (1100-57) = 10943 Volt.
% Voltage Regulation at Point A = ((Sending end Volt-Receiving end Volt) / Receiving end Volt) x100
% Voltage Regulation at Point A = ((11000-10943) / 10943 )x100 = 0.52% % Voltage Regulation at Point A =0.52 %
Load Current at Point B (I) = KW / 1.732xVoltxP.F Load Current at Point B (I) =1800 / 1.732x11000x0.8 = 118 Amp. Distance from source= 1500+1800=3300 Meter. Voltage Drop at Point B = ( (3x(RCos+XSin)xI ) / (No of Conductor/Phase x1000))x Length of Line
Receiving end Voltage at Point B = Sending end Volt-Voltage Drop= (1100-266) = 10734 Volt.
% Voltage Regulation at Point B= ((Sending end Volt-Receiving end Volt) / Receiving end Volt) x100
% Voltage Regulation at Point B= ((11000-10734) / 10734 )x100 = 2.48% % Voltage Regulation at Point B =2.48 %
Load Current at Point C (I) = KW / 1.732xVoltxP.F Load Current at Point C (I) =2000 / 1.732x11000x0.8 = 131 Amp Distance from source= 1500+1800+2000=5300 Meter. Voltage Drop at Point C = ( (3x(RCos+XSin)xI ) / (No of Conductor/Phase x1000))x Length of Line
Receiving end Voltage at Point C = Sending end Volt-Voltage Drop= (1100-269) = 10731 Volt.
% Voltage Regulation at Point C= ((Sending end Volt-Receiving end Volt) / Receiving end Volt) x100
% Voltage Regulation at Point C= ((11000-10731) / 10731 )x100 = 2.51% % Voltage Regulation at Point C =2.51 %
Here Trail end Point % Voltage Regulation is 2.51% which is in permissible limit. Method-2 (Load Base):
Load Current at Point A (I) = KW / 1.732xVoltxP.F Load Current at Point A (I) =1500 / 1.732x11000x0.8 = 98 Amp. Distance from source= 1.500 Km.
Required No of conductor / Phase =98 / 205 =0.47 Amp =1 No Voltage Drop at Point A = (I x (Rcos+Xsin)x Length ) / V (PhaseNeutral))x100
Voltage Drop at Point A =((98x(0.2720.8+00.6)x1.5) / 16351) = 0.52% % Voltage Regulation at Point A =0.52 %
Load Current at Point B (I) = KW / 1.732xVoltxP.F Load Current at Point B (I) =1800 / 1.732x11000x0.8 = 118 Amp. Distance from source= 1500+1800=3.3Km. Required No of conductor / Phase =118 / 205 =0.57 Amp =1 No Voltage Drop at Point B = (I x (Rcos+Xsin)x Length ) / V (PhaseNeutral))x100
Load Current at Point C (I) = KW / 1.732xVoltxP.F Load Current at Point C (I) =2000 / 1.732x11000x0.8 = 131Amp. Distance from source= 1500+1800+2000=5.3Km. Required No of conductor / Phase =131/205 =0.64 Amp =1 No Voltage Drop at Point C = (I x (Rcos+Xsin)x Length ) / V (PhaseNeutral))x100
Here Trail end Point % Voltage Regulation is 2.44% which is in permissible limit.