Unit 4 Ideal Fluid Flow: Structure
Unit 4 Ideal Fluid Flow: Structure
Unit 4 Ideal Fluid Flow: Structure
4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8
Stream Function (2-Dimensional) Velocity Potential Properties of Stream Function and Velocity Potential Rotational and Irrotational Flows Circulation of Flow - Circulation and Vorticity Laplace Equation
* "
4.13 4.14
In the previous unit, Fundamentals of fluid motion, you have studied different types of nuid flow, the concept of streamline acceleration and its components and derived the equation of continuity. In this unit we shall be dealing with the Ideal fluid flow and its related aspects Ideal fluid flow is an important branch of fluid mechanics. Ideal fluid may be defind as that in which friction is absent, that is, its viscosity is zero. Thus, in ideal fluid tangential stresses or shear stresses are absent when fluid is in motion. Ideal fluid is an imaginary fluid conceived by mathematicians to simplify the problems of fluid motion. Ideal fluid flow has uniform flow velocity at a cross-section. It exhibits 'slip' condition at the fixed boundary whereas in real fluid flow, there is 'no slip' condition at the fixed boundary. That is, in real fluid flow if the boundary is at rest, the fluid particles are also at rest whereas in ideal fluid flow, fluid particles at the fixed solid boundary move. Hence shear stresses are absent in ideal fluid flow. Ideal fluid flow is also known as potential flow. Theory developed for ideal fluid flow can be applied to real fluid flow with certain degree of approximation.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
* *
* * *
define stream function and velocity potential, ldentify whether a flow is rotational or irrotational, define and compute circulation and vorticity, derive Laplace equation from fundamentals, describe vortex flow and also forced vortex & free vortex, and define flownet and enumerate its uses and applications.
Because of law of conservation of mass, no fluid is created or destroyed within the region bounded by these two paths. Hence the flow rate entering across path PQR will be same as that of flow rate across PSR. The flux across PQR will be same as that across PSR. Since point P is fixed, flux is a function of position of R and time t. This flux is denoted by Q known as stream function and written as Q = ~ ( x , yt) , Above fact is represented here to relate velocity components with stream function.
Let Q, and q2be the neighbouring streamlines represented by ARB and CPD (figure 4.1). points R and P are points on streamlines having stream functions of q1and and flux across PQR is q2- ql = d q . Along streamline ARB or CPD, or any streamline the stream function remains constant and hence chl, = 0,because there cannot be any flow across it. By law of conservation of mass, flux across PQR = flux across RS
+ flux across PS
udy - V
~ X
and I#=
Co~paring above equations (4.1) and (4.2), velocity components are defined as under:
Idem1 Fluid F l o w
u s w and v - - 2.9 ay ax This is valid for both rotational and irrotational flow. The rate of flow 6Q between any two streamlines is defined as difference between the two stream functions
w = ' 4 2 - '41
The continuity equation for two-dimensional flow is given by
This proves that existence of I# means a case of possible fluid flow. The flow may be rotational or irrotational. It shows that '4 is a continuous function of x and y and hence the order of differentiation can be interchanged.
Example 1 :
If for a two-dimensional flow, the stream function is given by
Solution :
By definitions of velocity components in I#, I# = 3 2 y y3 , u = -= 3x2 - 3y2 ay and
We now give you some exercises based on the concepts discussed so far.
The stream function exists for a) Two dimensional flow only. b) Three dimensional flow. c) Irrotational flow only. d) Rotational flow only. e) All types of flow.
f) Two-dimensional, rotational and irrotational flow. Select the correct answer from the above.
The x and y components of velocity in two-dimensional incompressible fluid flow are given by u = 2ry and v = a2 + x 2 Determine the expression for stream function.
- 3.
<=grad 4 - $ 4
Hence velocity component is defined as a gradient of velocity potential in that direction. It is to be noted that for a velocity potential to exist, the flow has to be irrotational. This is proved in the following discussion vide equation (4.17). If we substitute this definitions of velocity components in equation of continuity, we get
Therefore, which is Laplace's equation in 4 . This is to say that if the flow is irrotational, it must satisfy Laplace Equation. Example 2 : Find the velocity components and resultant velocity for the velocity potential given by 4 = x2 - y2. Determine stream function also. Solution :
+ constant , and
1) 2xy
2yx + constant
Example 3 : Find the velocity potential, resultant velocity and its direction at point (2, 4) for the stream function represented by q -2 +# Solution :
Given q = 2 + yZ Therefore
Ideal F l u i d Flow
ua3=2y ay
and v = - 3 s - 2 x ax
= ~ ~
Resultant velocity
=m= m= 2 x 4.472
that is tan (180 - 0) or tan (360 - 8) = - tan0 Therefore, resultant velocity makes an angle of (180 - 26" 34') x-axis,
(360 - 26" 34') = 333" 26' with x-axis. or Streamlines are concentric circles as q = 2 +y2.
Example 4 :
The velocity potential is given by $ -2 -#. Does this represent a possible flow field ? If it so, prove that the flow is irrotational.
Solution : To have a possible flow, it must satisfy continuity equation $-1-y2 Given :
-(a)+-(-2y)=2-2-0. ax JY
This proves that this is a possible flow field. Flow to be irrotational, it should satisfy Laplace's equation
*= *=ax ay
2r, and
&= a2
2y and
From the above discussion, we-may summarize the properties of stream function and potential function. The properties of stream function (9) are: (1) If stream function (9) exists, it is a possible case of fluid flow which may be rotational or irrotational. It exists for 2-Dimensional flows only. (2) If stream function (9) satisfies the Laplace equation, it is a possible case of irrotational flow.
(3) If stream function (9) satisfies equation of continuity but does not
satisfy Laplace equation, it is a case of rotational flow. The properties of potential function (4) are : (1) If velocity potential (4) exists, the flow should be irrotational. This means the velocity potential is applicable only for ideal fluid flow. It exists for 2D or 3D flows.
(2) If velocity potential (4) satisfies the Laplace equation, it is a case of possible steady incompressible irrotational flow.
(3) If Laplace equation is not satisfied by ,velocity potential, the flow is either rotational or non-existing. All real fluid flows are rotational while ideal fluid flows are irrotational. Example 5 : For a two-dimensional flow, stream function is given by that the flow is irrotational.
I# a
2xy, prove
Solution :
and v--*=-2y.
The Prandtl hypothesis (which provides an important link between ideal fluid flow and real fluid flow) states that for fluids of low viscosity (e.g. air, water), the effects of viscosity are appreciable only in a narrow region surrounding the fluid boundary. For incompressible flow situations, results of ideal fluid flow can be applied to real fluid flow to a satisfactory degree of approximation. To understand rotational and irrotational flow, one has to understand the concepts of circulation and vorticity.
Tick (fithe correct answer or most appropriate response from among the alternatives given: Irrotational flow is such that a) Circulation is zero. b) Stream function exists. c) Vorticity is not zero. d) Velocity potential satisfies Laplace equation.
Following are the velocity components a) u = 3x + 5y + 62, v 5x - 3y, w = 5x + 5y + 5 Do these two cases represents irrotational flow? Determine velocity potentials.
F i m 4.4 I Circalation uoand a c
a ~ e
Consider a rectangular element having sides 6u and 8y parallel to x and y axis. We may obtain circulation around any closed curve with the help of above equation (4.8). Convention is that anticlockwise direction of circulation is taken as positive. ABCD represents rectangular fluid element. At centre 0, velocity components u and v are represented. At mid-points of the sides of the rectangle, corresponding velocities are written at points 1,2,3 and 4. Hence circulation around an elementary rectangle is given by
Figure 4 5 I CioLtiw in x
- u+aU.&
2 )
v - - .av ax
6 r 6y-mO
6r I&-&- t;
6 x 8 ~ ax
which is the circulation in x - y plane and along an axis parallel to z-axis. The limiting value of circulation per unit area is known as Vorticity. Similarly, vorticity along axes parallel to x and y are aw av au aw 5 (xi) --- and q (eta) -- ay az az ax
The above equations are 3-vorticity components of vorticity parallel to x, y and z axis. For a rotational flow, vorticity 5 (xi), q (eta) and (zeta) are not equal to zero, whereas in irrotational flow these components are equal to zero. Thus for irrotational flow these components
< - v x 7- curl v
Also sometime vorticity i s expressed by Greek letter SZ and absolute value of vorticity is I L1 I I F I Example 6 :
- -
V.-i ( ~ A X Z ) + Y ~ A ( Z + ~ - I ) ] where c is numerical constant. Solution : For a given velocity, velocity components are u 2A xz, v 0 and w-A(c2+g-2) Now the components of vorticity are
Hence the flow is irrotational Example 7 : The velocity components for a flow are given as u 6y, v 0,w 0. Calculate vorticity. Solution : This flow is one-dimensional The vorticity will be 5 0, q 0 and 5 - 6
- - -
- -
If you have followed the ideas introduced in this section, then you should be able to solve this exercise. SAQ 5 Find the circulation around the square enclosed by the lines x 1, y 1 for a two-dimensional flow given by u x + y, v 2 - y at centre 0.
- -
( - 1 , -1) d
c (1, - 1 )
Above equation (4.13) is known as Laplace's equaiton. Hence, to obtain solution for any incompressible, irrotational flow, one has to solve Laplace's equation with the prescribed boundary conditions. In case of two-dimensional flow the equation (4.13) will be
about z-axis For the flow to be irrotational, each component of rotational or vorticity should be zero. For a two-dimensional flow in x - y plane, o , = 0 and substituting the values of u and v in 9
Hence we get Equation (4.16) is known as Laplace's equation for a two-dimensional flow. Similarly by substituting the values of u and v in 4, in o , we get
Hence if a flow is imtational, a velocity potential must exist and it should satisfy Laplace's equation also. Further it proves that 4 is a continuous function of x and y. Therefore order of differentiation can be interchanged. Here are some exercises for you. SAQ 6 State whether the following statements are true or false. If false then correct it. a) b) Potential function satisfies Laplace equation whereas stream function for rotational flow only satisfies the Laplace equation. Laplace equation holds good only for imtational flow.
aV ax
In case of real fluid, the flow imediately near the boundary is rotational one.
angular velocity (w) times radius r . If V is the tangential velocity and o (omega) is the angular velocity, then
V = m
that is V a r Therefore velocity increases as we move away from the centre and streamlines are concentric circles. Figure 4.6 illustrates the distinguishing characteristics of a forced-vortex or rotational vortex. As the streamlines are circular, the velocity vector being every where tangential has no radial component. An expression for its stream function may be obtained as below for radial co-ordinates (r, 8)
(a) Free Surface in a rotating Tank
(b) Stnuallee pattern and velacity dislribution in a
Chumderistia, of a Forced-vortex
and radial component V, = *-0 r ae Substituting these values and integrating, we get
Constant is zero as at r = 0, 9 0. Rotational aspects can be visualized by dropping a small match stick denoted by AB. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 represents the various positions of match sticks as it moves along with the rotating liquid. The direction of AB changes its orientation from place to place which clearly indicates the rotation of the object about its mass centre. This illustrates that vorticity exists at every point indicating aspects of rotational flow. (b) Free Vortex The flow in a free vortex is a combination of rotational and irrotational flow and known as Rankine combined vortex. The flow within the core is rotational while outside the core, the flow is irrotational. Figure 4.7 shows the characteristics of a free-vortex or irrotational vortex flow. In free-vortex, no external torque is necessary to produce this motion. Examples of this are a cyclone, vortex in a river during flood at a deep pit, emptying of a sink etc.
30 + constant -2
Idtd.Fluld Flow
In above, v is velocity vector and m is the mass of fluid. Thus equation (4.23) becomes
Free Surface at r = w
lnootional Flow
that is r V - C = constant
This means that V increases as r decreases while in forced vortex V increases as r increases (V = no) The circulation around a circular streamline is given by
and therefore
The circulation is constant for all the streamlines as it is independent of radial distance. The stream function for free vortex may be obtained as under.
r (Gamma) = Vx Z m
0 ' logr The circulation r which is constant for a vortex is knwon as vortex strength. Irrotational aspects can be visualized by dropping small match stick AE (figure 4.6). Its positions is shown at various points as the liquid rotates. Its orientation remains the same with respect to its mass centre. There is no rotation. This indicates irrotational aspects of the flow.
Now, \C,
r -r -2.z
2.z logro
4.9 FLOW
P i As \C, and
4 . 8
4= dx
w a y
for comtant
- - way
for constant 4
By definition, and Substituting these in -equations (4.30) and (4.31) We obtain and Now,
* *- dx dx
for constant
Y for constant 4
for U)
constant) x
for 4 =
which proves the fact that streamlines and equipotential lines are normal to each other. In other words, they intersect at right angles. Flow net is a graphical solution for two-dimensional, irrotational flow. Combination of equipotential lines and streamlines give rise to small, tiny squares. There can be only one flow net for a given flow. With the help of flow net, pressure and velocity can be found. Spacing between streamlines and equipotential lines can be varied. To get accurate results, one must draw finer net work.
100 V
-Zem volt
( a ) Streamlines
Figarc 4.9 1 Ele&iul mdogy method
converging or diverging boundaries should be done skillfully so that the resulting pattern will have near-squares (vi) Diagonal lines drawn through the squares in uniform flow will result in perfect squares and near-squares in non-uniform flow. Anelytlcal Method :-It is also known as mathematical method. It requires the equations of stream function and velocity potential in terms of x and y. By assigning different constant values of 9 and $ and plotting them will give rise to flownet. Analogue Method :If the characteristics of two o r more systems which are apparently different, can be expressed in identical mathematical fqrms, they are said to be analogous. The technique of electrical analogy is based on the similarity of flow of electric current through conductors in an electrical system on one hand and flow of water in a pipe in hydraulic system on other hand. Heat flow is also analogous to water flow in idealized circumstances. Electrical potential V is identical to $ and field strength vector E stands for velocity field u. Discharge Q cooresponds to electric current i. Both the systems use Laplace equation for their solution. Numerical Method :-It requires to express Laplace's equation in finitedifference form and solving for the distribution of $ numerically by trial and error. Direct Method :-It involves velocity measurements and plotting velocity profile by actual measurements at number of axial stations. From velocity pyofiles, points of equal discharges along the length are obtained and they are joined to get a streamline. Hydraulic Models :-Hele-Shaw apparatus is used in which by injecting a dye streamlines can be traced. The flow net is completed by drawing equipotential lines on the streamlines obtained as above.
Figure 4.10 : Flow net for a now past a cylinder @~t.tion.l flow)
(i) Flow Past a Circular Cylinder :On the basis of ideal fluid flow theory, when a cylinder is placed in a free stream or uniform flow, it should experience no drag force. According to D'Alembert, be discovered that if a cylinder or any other symmetrical body is placed in a real fluid, it experiences a drag force. This paradox is called D9Alembert Paradox.
In actual flow, the cylinder experience viscous effects of the fluid particularly in the region close to the surface of the body. The flow pattern in the vicinity of the cylinder boundary deviates appreciably from the pattern of ideal fluid flow analysis.
Figure 4.11 : Actual flow pattern for now overs cylinder (Red fluid flow)
The pressure distribution on the surface is also not the same that is developed by ideal fluid flow theory. Figures (4.10) and (4.11) show this difference. The flow separates at points P and Q and vortex rings are formed on the downstream. The pressure distribution mainly deviates in the downstream region. (ii) Flow through a sluice outlet Figure 4.12 shows a flow underneath a sluice gate. Here channel bottom, sluice gate and free surface represent boundary conditions in drawing flow net
T o sum up what has been done in this unit * Stream function and velocity potential are important scalar field functions to describe fluid flow * Velocity potential exists for irrotational flow only * Solution of Laplace equation will give $-lines and v-lines (equipotential lines and streamlines) * Flow net is a graphical solution of Laplace equation and can be drawn for irrotational flow * Rotational and Irrotational aspects are the important phenomena of ideal fluid flow.
- 9-
And (iii) Integrating equation (iii) with respect to x, 9--a%--+x?+cz+f(y) 3 Comparing equations (ii) and (iv),
f (x) = - a2x - 3
(a) and ( 4
(a) For condition of irrotationality, curl V-must i.e.
be zero
curl V - V x V
4 -
a ax
1 -
k -
a ay
a az
F- f [ La~ (Sx+h+5)-$h-3y)
5 J 7 Hence the flow is rotational and velocity potentials do not exist for rotational =
be zero
which is not zero. Therefore the flow is rotational. Hence velacity potentials not exist.
f V<
d f
Putting the values of x and y at proper places and using equation (4.8a) for integration.
We get
r = I ( x + i ) d r + l ( l -y)dy
+ s ( x - 1)dr + j ( l-y)dy
(a) False. Potential function satisfies Laplace equation whereas stream function for irrotational flow only satisfies in the Laplace equation. (b) True au (') 2can be used only for irrotational flow. ax ay (d) True