Math 3140-004: Vector Calculus and Pdes

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MATH 3140-004: Vector Calculus and PDEs

Lecture: MWHF 10:45-11:35 AM Room: WEB 1230

Lab: Tuesdays, either 10:45AM-11:35 AM in LCB 222 or 12:55PM-01:45 PM in WBB 207

Course Instructor: Heather Brooks

Office: LCB 311
Email: (preferred method of contact)
Office Hours: TBD

Lab Instructor: Todd Reeb

Office: JWB 129
Office Hours: TBD

Course Web Page:

All course information and announcements will be posted on the Canvas page, which can be accessed
through your CIS. It also contains material that may help you succeed in this course. I shall assume that
you are keeping up to date with its contents.

• Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th Edition, by James Stewart (ISBN-13: 978-0-495-55742-5)

• Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, by William Nesse. (PDF provided free
on Canvas page)

• C or better in either Math 2250 or 2280, AND

• C or better in Math 1320 OR Math 2210 OR Math 1321 OR Math 1280

Course Description: The goal of Math 3140 is to master the basic tools of calculus in 2 and 3 dimensions
and the modeling and solutions techniques of partial differential equations pertaining to heat transfer, dif-
fusion, electrostatic potentials, and mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations and waves. Topics include:
integration and its applications in several variables; vector fields and line, surface, and volume integrals;
Green’s and Stokes’ theorems; Fourier series and boundary-value problems for the wave, heat, and Laplace
equations; separation of variables.

Course Outcomes:

(Problem solving fluency) At the end of the course, students will be able to:
• Read and interpret problem descriptions, then be able to formulate equations modeling the problem
by applying geometric or physical principles. Students will be able to select the appropriate calculus
operations to apply to a given problem, execute them accurately, and interpret the results using
numerical and graphical computational aids.
• Gain experience with problem solving in groups. Students should be able to effectively transform
problem objectives into appropriate problem solving methods through collaborative discussion. Stu-
dents will also learn how to articulate questions effectively with both the instructor and TA, and be
able to effectively articulate how problem solutions meet the problem objectives.

(Mathematical techniques) At the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Integrate multivariate functions over areas and volumes and use iterated multiple integration. Stu-
dents will learn the technique of multidimensional change-of-variables to transform the coordinates
over which integration proceeds by using the Jacobian. Students will learn how to transform be-
tween an integral over an area or volume in Cartesian coordinates to polar or spherical coordinates,

• Recognize vector functions that define vector fields in the plane and 3D space, particularly conser-
vative vector fields, represented by the gradient of a scalar function. Students will learn how the
fundamental theorem for line integrals for conservative vector fields reduces the integral to valuation
of the potential at the endpoints of the path.

• Develop the fundamental vector calculus integral theorems of Green, Stokes’, and Divergence. Stu-
dents will learn meaning and computation of the curl and divergence of a vector field and use them to
compute area and volume integrals using Green’s, Stokes’, and the Divergence theorems, respectively.
Students will also learn how these theorems represent conservation principles for physical vector fields
important in gravitation and electric fields.

• Derive PDEs as models for physical processes such as mechanical vibrations, transport phenomena
including diffusion, heat transfer, and electrostatics. Students will be able to derive heat and wave
equations in 2D and 3D using the divergence theorem.

• Apply conditions at the boundary of the spatial domain and initial conditions at time zero to find
solutions of PDEs.

• Define inner product spaces and use the property of orthogonality of functions to determine Fourier

• Perform the method of separation of variables to solve the heat and wave equation under a variety
of boundary conditions. Students will be familiar with the use of Fourier series for representation of
functions, and the conditions for series convergence.

• Solve for the electric potential in an area or volume region by specifying the charge distribution on
the boundary of the region (i.e., boundary conditions) and use separation of variables to obtain the
solution. Students will be able to derive basic properties of these electric potentials, including points
of minimum/maximum potentials, and use Stokes’ theorem to determine work done moving charges
in a closed path through the potential.

• Apply the Fourier transform and integral convolution to solve the heat equation on the real line using
the heat kernel.

Teaching and Learning Methods

This class may be structured differently than your previous math courses. I have constructed this course
around research-based practices to best help you learn and grow in your mathematical thinking. I would
like to be transparent with you about my teaching methods in order to make this course as productive for
you as possible.
Growth Mindset, Making Mistakes, and Failure: The best engineers and mathematicians fail big
and fail often. I strive to challenge you to engage with difficult problems in this class. Sometimes you
will solve them, and sometimes you will not. In-class assignments are based on effort, not correctness, to
encourage problem solving and help you become comfortable with the struggle of growing mathematically.
Additionally, I encourage you to focus on growth and improvement. Mathematics is not an innate
ability; it is a skill we learn and refine through hard work and persistence. For this reason, I
will replace a low midterm score with a higher final exam score when the final exam reflects an improved
understanding of the material.

Collaboration: Communication and collaboration is an important part of being a professional engineer,

mathematician, computer scientist, or physicist. This class will rely on group problem solving, so that you
have a group of your peers with whom you can ask questions, get feedback, and build connections. This
structure is also intended to foster a welcoming and safe learning environment in the classroom.

Active Learning: Research shows that we retain only around 5% of what we hear in a lecture, compared
to 70% of what we practice by doing and over 90% of what we teach others. In this class we will use a
combination of learning strategies, including lecture, discussion, and group problem sessions. The more
actively engaged you are in your own learning process, the more information you are likely to retain. I
encourage you to ask questions to your peers and help others understand the material.

Course Work and Evaluation

Grading: The grades of homework, exams, and finals will weight as follows in your overall average.

Homework 15%

In-class Assignments 10%

Labs 15%

Midterm Exams 30%

Final 30%

Using the above weights, letter grades will be assigned as follows: If X is your percentage total grade listed
in Canvas, then

X ≥ 93% ⇒ A, X ≥ 90% ⇒ A−,

X ≥ 87% ⇒ B+, X ≥ 83% ⇒ B, X ≥ 80% ⇒ B−,
X ≥ 77% ⇒ C+, X ≥ 73% ⇒ C, X ≥ 70% ⇒ C−,
X ≥ 67% ⇒ D+, X ≥ 63% ⇒ D, X ≥ 60% ⇒ D−, X < 60% ⇒ E.

I reserve the right to change the grade scheme as I see fit. Any other grade schemes will only be beneficial
to your grade as compared to the above standard.

Homework: Homework will be assigned weekly. Homeworks will be assigned on Wednesdays and col-
lected the following Wednesday. All homework assignments and due dates will be posted on the course
webpage. Homeworks will be completed outside of class and all students must turn in their own homework
assignments. The lowest two homework scores will be dropped. No late homeworks will be accepted.
In-class Assignments: There will be in-class participation assignments every lecture day, excepting days
with exams or reviews. In-class assignments will be graded for participation and effort. Four days of
in-class assignments will be dropped (i.e. students may miss four days without penalty). There will be no
makeups for in-class assignments.

Labs: There are two components to the labs: attendance (5% of total grade) and lab assignments (10%
of total grade). The Engineering Mathematics sequence incorporates one laboratory hour every week
in addition to lecture time, where students participate in teaching assistant facilitated problem solving
sessions. These sessions are specifically designed to aid the problem solving fluency learning objective (see
above), as well as basic skills practice. Labs will be assigned during the lab section on Tuesday and will be
due at the beginning of lab the following Tuesday. The lowest lab assignment score will be dropped. No
late labs will be accepted.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams and one final exam. Midterm 1 will cover the material from
weeks 1-5; Midterm 2 will cover material from weeks 6-11; the Final exam will be cumulative. Exam dates
and times are listed on the course schedule. There will be no makeup exams. However, if the percentage
earned on your Final exam is higher than either of your Midterm exams, I will replace one Midterm score
with the Final.

Other Policies and Resources

Math Tutoring Center: Do not hesitate to come to my office during office hours or by appointment to
discuss a homework problem or any aspect of the course. Additionally, the T. Benny Rushing Mathematics
Tutoring Center offers free tutoring. Beginning the second week of classes, tutoring will be available from
8am to 8pm Monday through Thursday and 8am to 6pm on Friday. If you want to hire an outsider tutor
(for a fee), you can find a list of such people through the math department.

Veteran’s Center: If you are a student veteran, the University of Utah has a Veterans Support Center
located in Room 161 in the Olpin Union Building. Hours: M-F 8-5pm. Please visit their website for
more information about what support they offer, a list of ongoing events and links to outside resources: Please also let me know if you need any additional support in this class.

LGBT Resource Center: If you are a member of the LGBTQIA* community, I want you to know
that my classroom is a safe zone. Additionally, the University of Utah has an LGBT Resource Center on
campus. They are located in Room 409 in the Olpin Union Building. Hours: M-F 8-5pm. You can visit
their website to find more information about the support they can offer, a list of events through the center
and links to additional resources: Please also let me know if there is any additional
support you need in this class.

The Americans with Disabilities Act: The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its
programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in this class,
reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building,
(801) 581-5020. CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.
All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification
to the Center for Disability Services.

Addressing Sexual Misconduct:Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex
and gender (which includes sexual orientation and gender identity/expression) is a civil rights offense
subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other
protected categories such as race, national origin, color, religion, age, status as a person with a disability,
veterans status or genetic information. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you
are encouraged to report it to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
Action, 135 Park Building, 801- 581-8365, or the Office of the Dean of Students, 270 Union Building, 801-
581-7066. For support and confidential consultation, contact the Center for Student Wellness, 426 SSB,
801-581-7776. To report to the police, contact the Department of Public Safety, 801-585- 2677(COPS).

Important Dates:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (NO CLASS) . . . . . . . . . . . Monday, January 15
Drop Deadline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday, January 19
First Midterm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, February 7
Presidents’ Day (NO CLASS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday, February 19
Withdraw Deadline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Friday, March 2
Spring Break (NO CLASS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sun-Sun, March 18-25
Second Midterm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, March 28
Reading Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, April 25
Course Final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday, April 27 (10:30 am-12:30 pm)

Week 1: Review of dot, cross products, gradient vector; Multivariate integration

– 12.1: Double integrals

– 12.2: Iterated integrals
– 12.3: Integration of general regions
– 12.4: Polar coordinates

Week 2: Multivariate applications, surface area, 3D

– 12.5: Applications to probability, center of mass, moments

– 12.6: Surface area
– 12.7: Triple integrals

Week 3: Cylindrical/spherical coordinates Change of variables, Jacobians, Vector fields, Line integrals.

– 12.8: Cylindrical/spherical coordinate integrals

– 12.9: Change of variables, Jacobians
– 13.1: Vector fields
– 13.2: Line integrals

Week 4: 13.3-6: Fundamental theorem of line integrals, Green’s theorem, Curl and divergence, Surface inte-

– 13.3: Fundamental theorem of line integrals

– 13.4: Green’s theorem
– 13.5: Curl and divergence
– 13.6: Surface flux integrals

Week 5: 13.7-8: Stokes’ and Divergence; Midterm exam 1

– 13.7: Stokes’ theorem
– 13.8: Divergence theorem
Week 6: Switch to Nesse text: 1.1-4: Transport/flux, the continuity equation
– 1.1: Transport/flux, Conservation
– 1.2: the continuity equation
– 1.3: Flux rules one-dimensional
– 1.4: Flux rules multi-dimensional
Week 7: 2.1, 2.3-5: DEs and Eigenfunctions, Inner products spaces
– 2.3: DEs and Eigenfunctions
– 2.4: More eigenfunctions
– 2.5: Inner products spaces
Week 8: 2.6-7: Orthogonal functions, Least squares function approximation, Fourier series
– 2.6: Orthogonal functions
– 2.7: Least squares function approximation
– 3.1: Fourier series
Week 9: 3.2-3: Convergence, Sine and cosine series, Energy spectrum
– 3.2: Fourier series convergence
– 3.3: Sine and cosine series
– 3.4: The energy spectrum
Week 10: 4.1-2 Thermal energy in a rod and boundary conditions, Separation of variables.
– 4.1-2: Thermal energy in a rod, Diffusion and Brownian motion
– 4.3: Equilibrium solutions
– 4.4: More Equilibrium solutions
Week 11: 4.6-6: Time-dependent solutions, Non-homogeneous problems, Midterm exam 2
– 4.5: Time-dependent solutions via separation of variables
– 4.6: Non-homogeneous problems
Week 12: The wave equation
– 5.1: Modeling elastic strings
– 5.2: d’Alemberts formula and reflecting waves, moving coordinates
Week 13: Laplace’s equation on multi-dimensional spatial domains
Week 14: Slack time and review
Week 15: Review, Final exam.

Note: The schedule of topics is not set in stone. I may adjust the pace as necessary for the learning needs
of the class.

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