Biliary Dyskinesia Patho
Biliary Dyskinesia Patho
Biliary Dyskinesia Patho
Biliary dyskinesia is a quite common disease of the gallbladder. The gallbladder stores the bile which is released by the liver. The bile reaches the small intestine where it digests the fat from aliments. To reach the small intestine, the bile must pass through the common bile duct and if the bile can not be secreted by the gallbladder or can not flow through the common bile duct, then will return in the gallbladder, leading to biliary dyskinesia. When a person eats, a hormone known as cholecystokinin is secreted by the cells from the intestine. The main action of cholecystokinin is activation of receptors that are distributed in the muscle of the gallbladder, thus producing contraction of gallbladder and the elimination of bile. Then, the bile is cleared from the gallbladder and will reach the small intestine. If a patient is suffering from biliary dyskinesia, then the gallbladder can not contract properly. At the end of the common bile duct are three muscles that form the sphincter of Oddi. In its action to contract the gallbladder, cholecystokinin it binds to the receptors in the sphincter of Oddi and cause muscle relaxation. In this way the bile is eliminated from the gallbladder and will reach into the small intestine. If the sphincter of Oddi does not work properly, the bile will not pass through common bile duct and will remain in the gallbladder, which will cause biliary dyskinesia.
Artichokes from this plant, with a good colecistokinetic effect, can be made teas. However, the taste is quite bitter, which is why many people avoid to drink it. The resulting liquid should be consumed with small sips, unsweetened, in the morning on an empty stomach. Then, the patient should stay on the right side about 30 minutes for maximum effect of the tea. The alternative would be capsules with artichokes, which can taken half an hour before each meal. Yarrow infusion may have a slightly sweet taste, according to some. Drink a cup of tea from this plant with a half hour before every meal to stimulate the evacuation of the bile. The infusion is prepared from a teaspoon of dried herb to a cup of boiling water. Cover the infusion and leave it untouched for 5 minutes. This is a very good tea for hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, hepatitis, abdominal bloating, nausea and loss of appetite. Dandelion is one of the most effective herbs for liver drainage and evacuation of bile in the digestive tract. Represents an excellent way to stimulate liver activity. For a cup of infusion will be use 2 teaspoons of herb. Drink 2-3 cups a day. You can follow a diet with fresh dandelion stems (10-15 strains per day) if you have hepatitis or biliary dyskinesi.
St. Johns Wort the use of oil or tea from this plant will relieve the symptoms of biliary dyskinesia. The infusion is prepared by adding a teaspoon of crushed herb per cup of boiling water. The infusion should be served in 15-20 minutes after boiling. To treat lazy gallbladder (hypotonic biliary dyskinesia ), you should drink daily 2-3 cups of unsweetened tea or you should take a teaspoon of rattle oil after each meal. The plant is stimulating the liver function and has beneficial effects in gastritis and gastric hyperacidity. Celandine reduce the pain caused by the contractions of the gallbladder. Drink a cup of infusion of celandine per day (one teaspoon of herb per cup of water). Other recommendations:
Because biliary dyskinesia can be triggered by the nervous system, try to be calm, at least until the pain relieves. Take regular 4-5 meals per day and avoid foods with high level of fats. Avoid fried foods, sauces and stews; prefer boiled or baked foods. Stop smoking and try not to have a sedentary lifestyle. For proper disposal of the bile, is indicated that after meals to lie on the right side for 30 minutes. Diet in the case of biliary dyskinesia is not very strict. You should just avoid the wrong foods for you.