Naqshbandi Org Adab Etiquette of Rajab HTM
Naqshbandi Org Adab Etiquette of Rajab HTM
Naqshbandi Org Adab Etiquette of Rajab HTM
"Praise be to God Who has enraptured His servant by night from the Sacred mosque (Mecca) to the Farthest Mosque (Masjid al-Aqsa)." [17:1]
Complete Devotions of Rajab (Including Laylat ar-Ragha'ib, Laylat al-Isra wa'l-Mi`raj) [excerpted from Guidebook by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani] Nightly Devotion The Invocation of the Saint of Rajab 3. 4.
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Nightly Devotion
1. 2. Wake up two hours before Fajr. Niyyat: Recite: Nawaytu'l-Arba`een Nawaytu'l`itikaf Nawaytu'l-Khalwah Nawaytu'l-Uzlah Nawaytu 'r-Riyada Nawaytu 's-Sulook Lillahi Ta`ala l-Azhim fee hadha 'l-masjid (or fee hadha 'l-jami`) 2 raka`at salaat al-wudu 100x Ya Halim (for removing anger)
Hadiths on Rajab Fasting in Rajab and Sha`ban by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani The Saint of Rajab by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani Laylat al-Ragha'ib: the First Friday Night of Rajab by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani The First Day and Night of the First Friday of Rajab by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
100x Ya Halim (for removing anger) 100x Ya Hafizh (for removing affliction) (Imagine yourself in the blessed Garden in front of the maqaam of the Prophet (s) (al-Rawdah) facing Rasulallah and saying 100x Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa `ala ali Muhammadin wa sallim, To have the intention that Allah makes me meet spiritually with Rasulallah (s), Imam Mehdi (as) and Mawlana Shaykh)
5. (i)
(ii) Move 3 steps forward, right leg first, facing qiblah and say, Ya Rabbee, I am moving and stepping forward for Maqam al-Fana filLah , Oh Allah Subhana wa Taala, I am asking you to vanish me in Your Existence and, Ya Rabbee, I am moving toward your ocean of Unity, the Ocean of Wahdaniyyah , Ya Rabbee, dont reject me until I reach the unique Maqam al-Fardani. Ya Rabbee, since this month is your month Rajabun Shahrullah I came to you as a weak guest and intending to worship You,
The Spiritual Significance of the Miraculous Night Journey & Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (s) by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
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without asking anything in return. My aim, my goal s You and that is why I am coming, please dont reject me. Ya Rabbee, all my life I spent in kufr and shirk and bad behavior and I am declaring 100% that I did not do any amal that is accepted by You. You are Allah, Anta 'Llah , Who never threw
Hisham Kabbani The Prophet's Night Journey by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani Ghunya al-Talibeen on Rajab by Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir Jilani
away anyone that came to Your door. Anta 'Llah that no one came to Your door by his `amal but by Your grant and reward. Ya Rabbee, I am coming to your door and coming to you, declaring and confessing that I am wrong and I want to declare and announce my Islam and enter into Islam newly. Ya Rabbee, I have given everything into Your hands my life, my death, after my death, Judgment Day and all my things I have transferred to You and You are the One Who controls me. Ya Rabbee, I dont possess anything with my nafs and my soul. I cannot give good to myself or bad to myself, or life to myself or death to myself, but I have transferred all my accounts and all your judgment on me and all your questions to me and all my answers I have transferred to you. Whatever You want to do with me, You do. My neck is in Your hand. I am helpless from answering Your questions, even the smallest answer I cannot answer. With all this weakness and helplessness and hopelessness I am coming to Your door. Ya Rabbee, if you had 2 doors for your servant to enter through; one for the believers from Your servants and one for the kafir from Your servants, I am coming to You from the door that the kafir needs to come through and I am declaring that believing that this is the only door for me to come through. I am saying to you that I have to renew my Iman and Shahada and this `amal and this Shahada is the 1st `amal for me after I am pronouncing the Shahada and entering Islam and You are my Wakeel.
Ya Wakeel. Hasbun Allah wa Ni`ma 'l-Wakeel. Wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa bilLahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. b) (Shahada 3x with raised finger)
Ya Rabbee, as Grandshaykh Shaykh Abdullah al-Fa`izi adDaghistani and my Shaykh Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Qubrusi al-Haqqani as they made seclusion in this month and whatever niyyat (intention) they made, Ya Allah , let me be joined with their niyyat, because my tongue cannot say what is necessary to be said, so please share my niyyat with theirs. With this intention I come to your door. Ya Rabbee, from the Day of Alastu bi-Rabbikum, Qaaloo balaa whatever there was of promise from me to You, I accept and promise to do it all. Ya Rabbee, Ya Allah , from the day You created my atom, my d harrah, and from the day You brought up my soul, and from the day my soul came from absolute abstract to existence, until our day, how much of the disobedience has appeared from me and my dharrah and from my soul and my body spiritually or physically - Zhahiran wa Baatinan , I am regretting them all and regretting what I did and coming back to You asking forgiveness and repentance. Ya Rabbee, I entered and I moved into the ocean of blessings of Your praised month. Ya Rabbee dont reject me from your door and dont leave me to my ego for the blink of an eye and I am asking forgiveness by saying, (Astaghfirullah 70X)
6. Now sit down a) Cover yourself with light white cloth b) 1. Light candle
Fatiha (with intention of being dressed with the manifestations (tajallis ) that come down to Mecca) 2. 3. 4. Amana Rasul (2:285) 7x Alam Nashrak 11x Surat al-Ikhlas 5. Surat al-Falaq 6. 7. Surat al-Nas
Ila Sharafi 'n-Nabiyyi (s) wa `alihi wa sahbihi 'l-kiraam, wa ila mashayyikhina fi 't-tariqati 'n-Naqshbandiyyati 'l-`Aliyya, khaassatan ila roohi imami 't-Tariqati wa Ghawthi 'l-khaliqati Shah Bahauddin Naqshband Muhammadi 'l-Uwaysi 'l-Bukhari, wa ila Mawlana Sultanu 'l-Awliya Shaykh Abdullah al-Fa;izi ad-Daghestani, wa Shaykhuna Mawlana Shaykh Sultanu 'l-Awliya Shaykh
Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani 10. Surat al-Fatiha (with intention of being dressed with the manifestations (tajallis ) that came down to Medina) 11. 5000x Allah (loud) 5000x Allah (silent) 12. Salatu 'n-Najaat 13. Salatu 'sh-Shukr 14. Salatu 't-Tasbeeh 15. Salatu 't-Tahajjud 16. Salawat 1000x 17. Surat al-Ikhlas 100x (intention for one juz Qur`an) 18. Salawat 100x (instead of Dala'ilu 'l-Khayrat) 19. 500x Ya Samad (intention to eliminate the bad aspects of the ego) 20. 500x Astaghfirullah (intention that from the day of creation of my soul to the present day for Allah to forgive my sins) 21. 500x Astaghfirullah (intention that from the present day to the last day on earth Allah will protect against sins) 22. 500x Alhamdulillah (because Allah did not create me from the
nation of other prophets) 23. 500x Alhamdulillah (because Allah has created me from the nation of Rasulullah and honored me by Sayyidina Abu Bakr asSiddiq, `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani, Shaykh Sayyid Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani, and honored me by Grandshaykh Shaykh Abdullah al-Fa'izi ad-Daghestani and honored me by making me a follower of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani)
Allahuma innee istaghfiruka min kulli zhulmin zhalamtu bihi `ibadaka. Fa ayyamaa `abdin min `ibaadik aw `amatin min 'imaa'ika zhalamtu fee badanihi aw `irdihi aw maalihi fa `atihi min khazaa'inik allatee laa tanqus. Wa as'aluka an tukrimanee birahmatika allatee wasi`at kulla shay wa laa t`uheenanee min `adhaabik wa ta`teeayanee maa as'aluka fa-innee haqeequn bi-rahmatik ya arhamu 'r-Raahimeen. wa salla-Allahu `ala Sayiddina Muhammadin wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma`een. wa laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah il-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem In the name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful O Allah, I ask forgiveness of You for everything for which I repented to You then returned to. And I ask forgiveness of You for everything I displeased You with and all that concerns me with which You are displeased. And I ask forgiveness of You for the favors which I used for increasing my disobedience towards You. And I ask forgiveness of You for the sins which no one knows except You and no one sees except You and nothing encompasses except Your Mercy and nothing delivers from except Your forgiveness and clemency. There is no god except You alone. You are the Most High, and I was one of the [self] oppressors! O Allah, I ask forgiveness of You for the injustice I committed against Your servants. Whatever of Your male or female servants whom I have hurt, physically or in their dignity or in their property give them of Your bounty which lacks nothing. And I ask You to honor me with Your mercy which encompasses all things. Do not humble me with Your punishment but give me what I ask of You, for I am in great need of Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful. May Allah send blessings upon Muhammad and upon all his companions. There is no power and no might except in Allah the High, the Exalted. Blessings and Peace upon Sayyidina Muhammad, his Family, and his Companions. Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API