Nonlinear Systems and Control Lecture # 7 Stability of Equilibrium Points Basic Concepts & Linearization
Nonlinear Systems and Control Lecture # 7 Stability of Equilibrium Points Basic Concepts & Linearization
Nonlinear Systems and Control Lecture # 7 Stability of Equilibrium Points Basic Concepts & Linearization
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Suppose x D is an equilibrium point; that is, f ( x) = 0 Characterize and study the stability of x For convenience, we state all denitions and theorems for the case when the equilibrium point is at the origin of Rn ; that is, x = 0. No loss of generality
y =xx y =x = f (x) = f (y + x ) = g (y ),
where g (0) = 0
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Denition: The equilibrium point x = 0 of x = f (x) is stable if for each > 0 there is > 0 (dependent on ) such that
x(0) < x(t) < , t 0
unstable if it is not stable asymptotically stable if it is stable and can be chosen such that
x(0) < lim x(t) = 0
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First-Order Systems (n = 1) The behavior of x(t) in the neighborhood of the origin can be determined by examining the sign of f (x) The requirement for stability is violated if xf (x) > 0 on either side of the origin
f(x) f(x) f(x)
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The origin is stable if and only if xf (x) 0 in some neighborhood of the origin
f(x) f(x) f(x)
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The origin is asymptotically stable if and only if xf (x) < 0 in some neighborhood of the origin
f(x) f(x)
Asymptotically Stable
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Denition: Let the origin be an asymptotically stable equilibrium point of the system x = f (x), where f is a locally Lipschitz function dened over a domain D Rn ( 0 D) The region of attraction (also called region of asymptotic stability, domain of attraction, or basin) is the set of all points x0 in D such that the solution of
x = f (x), x(0) = x0
is dened for all t 0 and converges to the origin as t tends to innity The origin is said to be globally asymptotically stable if the region of attraction is the whole space Rn
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Second-Order Systems (n = 2) Type of equilibrium point Center Stable Node Stable Focus Unstable Node Unstable Focus Saddle Stability Property
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0.5 x
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8 4 3 2 1 0 x 1 2 3 4
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8 4 3 2 1 0 x 1 2 3 4
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exp(At) = P exp(Jt)P 1 =
i=1 k=1
mi is the order of the Jordan block Ji Re[i ] < 0 i Asymptotically Stable Re[i ] > 0 for some i Unstable Re[i ] 0 i & mi > 1 for Re[i ] = 0 Unstable Re[i ] 0 i & mi = 1 for Re[i ] = 0 Stable
If an n n matrix A has a repeated eigenvalue i of algebraic multiplicity qi , then the Jordan blocks of i have order one if and only if rank(A i I ) = n qi
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Theorem: The equilibrium point x = 0 of x = Ax is stable if and only if all eigenvalues of A satisfy Re[i ] 0 and for every eigenvalue with Re[i ] = 0 and algebraic multiplicity qi 2, rank(A i I ) = n qi , where n is the dimension of x. The equilibrium point x = 0 is globally asymptotically stable if and only if all eigenvalues of A satisfy Re[i ] < 0 When all eigenvalues of A satisfy Re[i ] < 0, A is called a Hurwitz matrix When the origin of a linear system is asymptotically stable, its solution satises the inequality
x(t) k x(0) et , k 1, > 0 t0
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Exponential Stability Denition: The equilibrium point x = 0 of x = f (x) is said to be exponentially stable if
x(t) k x(0) et , k 1, > 0, for all x(0) < c t0
It is said to be globally exponentially stable if the inequality is satised for any initial state x(0) Exponential Stability Asymptotic Stability
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x = x3
x(t) does not satisfy |x(t)| ket |x(0)| because |x(t)| ket |x(0)| e2t 1 + 2tx2 (0) e2t 1+ 2tx2 (0) k2
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x = f (x), f (0) = 0 f is continuously differentiable over D = { x < r } J (x) = f x (x)
h(1) h(0) =
h ( ) d,
h(0) = f (0) = 0
f (x) =
J (x) d x
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f (x) =
J (x) d x
[J (x) J (0)] d
G(x) 0 as x 0
This suggests that in a small neighborhood of the origin we can approximate the nonlinear system x = f (x) by its linearization about the origin x = Ax
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Theorem: The origin is exponentially stable if and only if Re[i ] < 0 for all eigenvalues of A The origin is unstable if Re[i ] > 0 for some i Linearization fails when Re[i ] 0 for all i, with Re[i ] = 0 for some i Example x = ax3 f A= = 3ax2 x=0 = 0 x x=0 Stable if a = 0; Asymp stable if a < 0; Unstable if a > 0 When a < 0, the origin is not exponentially stable
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