Scheme of Work Year 4
Scheme of Work Year 4
Scheme of Work Year 4
2nd January 18th January Week 1 - 3
Unit 1 What do you like? (World of Personal Relationship)
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (vii) initial blends (xi) word contractions 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (vii) initial blends (xi) word contractions 2.3.3 Talk about Personal experiences.
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud : (vii) initial blends (xi) word contractions 3.1.3 Read aloud word with the letters listed in 3.1.1 3.1.4 Compare word for similar and different sounds
4.1.1 Copy letters of the alphabet in clear and legible cursive writing combination of small and capital letter 4.3.3 Match words to other words. 4.4.3 Complete simple texts with the missing word(s). 4.7.1 Use full stop for initials and abbrevietions
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (ii) Final consonants 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures. 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers. Scope: 30-40
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (ii) Final consonants 2.2.1 Ask Wh questions to seek information. 2.3.1 Name or identify objects, parts of the body etc. 2.3.2 Understand number in stories and situations: 3040 2.3.4 Understand numbers: - 30-40 - numbers in tens up to 70. - adding,
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud : (ii) final consonants 3.2.3 Recognise and read aloud cardinal number 3040 in numeral and wors forms. 3.9.1 Read simple poems and simple stories. 3.2.4 Recognise and aloud : -the numbers 40-50 -numbers in tens: 50-70 in its numeral and words forms understand simple sentences
4.1.1 Copy letters of the alphabet in clear and legible cursive writing. 4.2.1 Write clearly and legibly numerals 3050 in both number and word forms using cursive writing for word forms. 4.2.2 Write words and phrases in clear and legible cursive writing. 4.6.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
6.0 (a) 1. Nouns 1.3 number (singular and plural) 9. Subject-verb agreement 10. Simple present tense
5 2. Final consonants 2.1 l/l/ -fall 2.2 p/p/ - lap 2.3 b/b/ -scrub 2.4 t/t/ -pat 2.5 d/d/ -bad 13. Stress i. stress in compound words
VC Cleanliness Tidiness Diligence reponsibility CCTS Memorizing Listing Classification Spelling Interencing predicting MI Musical Logical-mathematical Kinaesthetic Spelling Inferencing Predicting LHTL Dictionary skill Sequencing Information transfer
3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 3.2.6 Read and learn ordinal numbers: 10th-15th
4.6.2 Apply spelling rules: to piurals: a) words ending in ss, -sh, -ch, -x, add es. b) words ending in f, change f to v + es. 4.6.3 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (viii) initial blends 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciations, stress and intonation correctly. 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures. 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple instruction in preparing food.
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (viii) initial blends 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct information. 2.2.2 Ask other forms of questions to seek information. 2.7.2 To request for specific objects when carrying out a task.
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: (viii) final blends 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 3.4.1 Read aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly.
4.1.1 Copy words in clear neat legible print for captions, labels, etc. 4.2.2 Write words and phrases in clear and legible cursive writing. 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions with the missing words (with guidance given in the form of words and pictures).
6.0 (a) 1. Nouns 1.1 Countable nouns 1.2 Uncountable nouns 3. Pronouns 3.2 Demonstrative pronouns (refer to a noun) 3.3 Possessive adjectives 8. ModalsMust have to
5 8. Final blends 8.1 nk / nk / -drink 8.2 it / it / - felt 8.3 mp / mp / - camp 8.4 ft / ft / - left 8.5 nd / nd / -friend
VC Moderation Dilidence Discipline Cleanliness CCTS Spelling Memorizing predicting MI Visual-spatial Musical kinaesthetic LHTL Dictionary skill Sequencing Information Transfer
3.4.2 Read aloud words and phrases, pronouncing
4.4.3 Complete simple instructions with the
1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the storyline by answering Wh questions.
Week 10 4th March 8th March
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (i) Initial vowels 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures. 1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering Wh questions. 1.5.3 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about. 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (i) Initial vowels. 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation 2.1.5 Chant rhymes jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly 2.2.1 Ask Wh questions to seek information 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound: (i) initial vowels. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3.4.3 Read aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressively. 3.9.1 Read simple poems and simple stories 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 4.2.3 Write sentences in clear and legible cursive writing. 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words (five to six words in sentence) 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and pictures cues. 6.0 (a) 3. Pronouns 3.4 Interrogative Pronouns i. what ii. who iii. where iv. when v. which vi. why 6. Adjective of colour, shape and size. 6.1 Comparative noun 6.2 Superlative form 11. The Simple Past Tense. 16. Punctuation v. Exclamation mark. 5 1. Initial vowels 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 a/ e/ e/ o/ a/ VC Sharing Working together Humility CCTS Inferencing Predicting MI Kinaesthetic Musical LHTL Dictionary skill Pre-reading Strategies sequencing
completing phrases. .
2.4.3 Complete parts of a story heard before. 2.4.4 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and break appropriate gestures. 2.5.1 Talk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard, read and viewed in simple language 2.5.2 Talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read.
3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read.
8th April 26th April Week 14 -16
Unit 5 Getting Connected (World of Knowledge)
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (iv) medical digraphs (v) final digraphs 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciations of 3 and 4syllable words. 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly.
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (iv) medical digraphs (v) final digraphs 2.1.2 Pronounce 3syllable words. 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation. 2.1.5 Chant rhymes, jazz rhymes and sing songs, pronouncing words clearly.
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sound : (iv) medical digraphs (v) final digraphs 3.2.5 Learn another five key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences of ones own. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3.6.2 Give words according to words categories.
4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.8.1 Write a message for a purpose.
2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences.
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (ix) Diphthongs (xii) word endings 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs, paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 1.4.3 Listen to and follow simple directions to the places in the neighbourh -ood 1.5.3 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about.
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (ix) diphthongs (xii) word endings 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation 2.3.3 Ask questions to seek clarification on how to make things, on places, directions and on amounts and quantities.
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds : (ix) diphthongs (xii) word endings. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3.6.4 Understand words opposite in meaning. 3.8.1 Read and understand instructions, directions, notices, labels, messages, letters, recipes, passages and descriptions.
4.3.2 Match words to sign. 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions with the missing words ( with guidance given in the form of words and pictures). 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions with the missing words (with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture). 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words (fivesix words in a sentence).
6.0 (a) 4. Conjuntion - so 5. Prepositions (of location and direction) -across, along, against, among, next to, at the back of.
5 9. Diphthongs 9.1 ei / weigh 9.2 ey / key 9.3 oa / boat 9.4 ow / row 9.5 ie / pie 12. Word endings 12.4 tion -station
VC Civic-consciousness Responsibility Politeness Obedience Cautiousness Discipline CCTS Decision making Sequencing Spelling Problem solving Mind-mapping MI Visual-spatial Kinaesthetic Logical-mathematics Interpersonal Verbal-linguistic LHTL Dictionary skill Sequencing Information transfer Cross referencing Categorising
2.4.4 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and appropriate gestures. 2.7.4 To respond to someone asking for help.
3.8.4 Read and understand comprehensio n question in relation to : - main ideas - details 3.6.6 Distinguish words that show action (verb) and things, people, animals, etc (nouns).
4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (three to five words) by looking at a picture. 4.6.3 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.8.3 Write simple description with picture cues.
10th June 5th July Week 21 -24 Unit 7 Living in Harmony (World of Personal Relationship) 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (x) silent letters 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and text heard and demonstrates understanding by pointing to pictures. 1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple Wh questions 1.5.4 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell sequence of events. 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (x) silent letters 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences. 2.7.1 Talk about oneself to neighbours And friends. 2.7.3 To ask for help from neighbours and friends. 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud : (x) silent letters 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds. 3.2.2 Read and learn meaning of five key words for each topic taught. 3.6.3 Understand words similar in meaning. 3.6.8 Read and distinguish homographs and homophones. 4.4.2 Complete simple instruction with the missing words (with guidance given in the form of words and pictures. 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues. 4.8.3 Write simple description with picture cues. 6.0 (a) 12. Positive statements 13. Negative statements 14. Questions and responses \5 10. Silent letters 10.1 Silent t listen 10.2 Silent w wrist 10.3 Silent h -hour
VC Responsibility Tolerance Peace Harmony Kindness CCTS Inteferencing Information transfer Predicting Word association MI Interpersonal Verbal-linguistic LHTL Dictionary skill
3.7.4 Read and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. 3.7.5 Read and locate the required words in the dictionary. 3.8.3 Read and obtain meaning by making reference to words within the text.
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (vi) Double consonants 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sounds. 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds. 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly.
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (vi) double consonants 2.1.5 Chant rhymes, jazz chants and sing songs pronouncing words clearly. 2.2.1 Ask Wh; questions to seek information. 2.2.2 Ask other forms of questions to seek information. 2.3.1 Name or identify objects, parts of the body, etc.
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud : (vi) double consonants 3.4.3 Read aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressively 3.6.8 Read and distinguish homographs and homophones. 3.8.5 Read and understand cause and effect relationship. 3.9.1 Read simple poems and simple stories.
4.4.2 Complete simple instruction with the missing words (with guidance given in the pictures). 4.4.3 Complete simple instruction, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing words (with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture. 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (three to five words) by looking at a picture. .
6.0 (a) 7. Adverbs 11. Simple past tense 16. Punctuation (v) Exclamation mark
5 6. Double consonants 6.1 ll /l/- till 6.2 pp /p/- tapper 6.3 rr /r/- arrange 6.4 tt / t/- letter 6.5 dd / d/- address 12. Word ending 12.3 ed- parted
VC Kindness Diligence Love Helpfulness CCTS Reasoning Evaluating Sequencing Inferencing Predicting MI Verbal-linguistic Musical LHTL Dictionary skill
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, rhymes and poems. 1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals. 1.7.3 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and share feelings about the story. 2.4.2 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing whole lines. 2.4.5 Retell stories heard before with expression. 2.6.1 Give nonverbal response to the story heard or read. 2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read. 2.6.3 Give reason why one likes or does not like the story. . 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read. 3.9.4 Tell why a person or animals in a story is good or bad. 3.10.1 Read according to ones interest. 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (iii) initial digraphs 1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures. 1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple Wh questions. 1.5.4 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (iii) initial digraphs 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences. 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases. 2.4.4 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gesture
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud : (iii) initial digraphs 3.2.1 Recognise complete words in texts 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after. 3.6.6 Distinguish words that show actions (verbs) and things, people, animals, etc. (nouns).
4.2.3 Write sentences in clear and legible cursive writing 4.3.3 Match words to other words. 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (three to five words) by looking at a picture. 4.6.3 Take dictation on paragraphs given to be learnt. 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues.
6.0 (a) 4. Conjunctions -and, but, because 15. Sentences types -simple sentences -compound sentences
5 3. Initial digraphs 3.1 ph/f/- photo 3.2 ch/k/- chemical 3.3 wh/w/-white 3.4 wh/h/-who
VC Environmental awareness Cooperation Responsibility Civic-consciousness CCTS Cause and effect Inferencing Problem solving MI Verbal-linguistic Naturalist Musical Kinaesthetic Logical-mathematical Interpersonal Intrapersonal LHTL Dictionary and thesaurus skill Information transfer Mind-mapping
2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read.
3.7.4 Read and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context. 3.7.5 Read and locate the required words in dictionary. 3.8.4 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension question in relation to: -main ideas -details 3.8.5 Read and understand cause and effect relationships.
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat : (xii) word endings -est. 1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple Wh questions. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, rhymes and poems.
2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly : (xii) word endings -est 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation 2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarification on how to make thing, on places, directions, and on amounts and quantities.
3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds: (xii) word endings est 3.1.1 Distinguish words that show comparison: -er, -est, -es +than 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs 3.4.3 Read aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressively.
4.1.1 Provide missing letters in words. 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions, recipes, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s) (with the guidance given in the form of words and pictures). 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word(s)
6.0 (a) 3.4 interrogative pronouns i..what ii.who iii.where iv.when v.which vi.why 6.1 Comparative form er e.g. talltaller er+ than e.g. taller than 10. Simple Present Tense (i) For habitual actions.
5 12. word endings. 12.1 -est e.g. smallest 12.2 -er 13. Stress iii. stress in questions iv. Stress in statements
VC Unity Living in harmony Tolerance Pride Civic-consciousness Responsibility Cleanliness Cooperation CCTS Spelling Inferencing Decision making Mind-mapping MI Verbal-linguistic Logical-mathematical Kinaesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal LHTL Dictionary skill Sequencing Information transfer Categorizing
3.8.3 Read and obtain meaning by making reference to words within the text. 3.8.4 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension question in relation to: -main ideas -details
4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independentlt (three to five) by looking at a picture. 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues.
21st October25th October Week 38 28th October 15th November Week 39-41 16th November 31st December