Rancangan Tahunan Bi Year6

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Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

Week Theme Skills / Specifications 

World of 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
Personal i. short and long vowel sounds.
Relationship 1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning sound, middle
Sub-Theme or ending sound.
1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
Family and 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
Friends i. short and long vowel sounds.
2.6.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures.
Grammar 2.7.4 Talk about the values in the stories.
1 Item(s) 2.9.5 To show concern.
3.1.2 Read aloud words with sounds listed in 3.1.1 above.
2 Conjunctions:
but, and,
3.1.3 Read and group words according to beginning, medial or final sounds.
3.3.3 read and understand simple paragraphs by:
3 therefore i) answering comprehension questions.
because, so ii) completing information transfer diagrams
  3.4.1 Read aloud poems and sentences, observing correct stress and intonation
Simple Past and sentence rhythm.
  Tense 3.9.2 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story read
and the sequence of actions.
  4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly in print, for captions, labels, maps, diagrams, etc.

4.5.1 Write simple guided descriptions.
4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words.
4.7.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
4.7.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.

Week Theme Skills / Specifications 

World of 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
Personal ii. Double consonants
Relationship 1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning sound, middle
or ending sound.
1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
1.5.1 Listen to simple message and announcements and
Meeting answer 'Wh' questions.
4 People 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
Grammar ii. Double consonants.
5 Item(s) 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases and expression with correct stress and intonation.
6 2.3.1 Respond to simple questions; by identifying persons, things,
Meaning places, buildings, etc.

2.4.2 To receive a telephone call and understand the message.
2.5.1 To take short messages and relay the messages to friends and family members.

3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds:
ii. Double consonants.

3.1.2 Read aloud words with sounds listed in 3.1.1 above.
3.1.3 Read and group words according to beginning, medial or final sounds.

  3.2.3 Read and learn words with prefixes and suffixes.

3.6.2 Give words similar in meaning.
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

3.8.1 Read and understand different texts such as instructions, directions,

messages, letters, passages, recounts, descriptions.
3.8.2 Scan for specific information in text.

  4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly in print, for captions, labels, maps, diagrams, etc.
4.4.1 Write simple guided letters to friends and family members.

Week Theme Skills / Specifications 
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sounds:
World of iv. Silent letters
Personal 1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning sound, middle, or ending
Relationship sound.
1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple chants, rhymes, and poems with correct pronunciation,
stress and intonation.
Events and 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children's songs rhymes and jazz chants.
2.1.1 Repeat words that contain the following sounds:
Activities iv. Silent letters.

7 Grammar
2.1.3 Say aloud phrases and expression with correct stress and intonation.
2.2.1 Ask questions to seek information.

8 Item(s)
2.3.2 To refute statements.
2.3.4 Make comparisons.

9 of Adjectives 2.6.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures.
2.7.3 Talk about the events in a story.

  Simple Past
3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds:
iv. Silent letters

  Tense 3.1.2 Read aloud words with sounds listed in 3.1.1 above.
3.1.3 Read and group words according to beginning, medial or final sounds.

3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by answering comprehension questions.

3.4.1 Read aloud poems and sentences, observing correct stress and intonation and sentence
3.8.1 Read and understand different texts such as instructions, directions,
  messages, letters, passages, recounts, descriptions.
3.8.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions
  related to : main ideas, details.
4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly in print, for captions, labels, maps, diagrams, etc.
  4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words
by expanding on words
  4.5.1 Write simple guided descriptions.
4.7.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
  4.7.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.

Week Theme Skills / Specifications

World of 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds: iii. diphthongs
Knowledge 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning, middle or ending sound.
1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple chants, rhymes, and poems with
correct pronunciation, stress and intonation
1.3.2 Listen to and understand the cardinal numbers. Scope: 50 -70
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

Time and 1.3.4 Listen to and understand information based on cardinal numbers: scope 71 - 100
Number :- numbers In hundred : 100 to 1000
:- when the number are added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and refuted
1.5.2 Listen to simple description and recounts and give the main ideas and supporting
Grammar details.
Item(s) 1.5.3 Listen to simple news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas.
2.1.1 Repeat words that contain the following sounds: ii. Double consonants
iii. Diphthongs
Conjunctions 2.2.2 Ask questions to get information and clarification.
2.3.3 Talk about things related to: cardinal numbers: 50 - 100; ordinal numbers: 11th-13th
Questions 2.6.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures.
and 2.7.3 Talk about the events in a story.
Responds 3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
3.2.2 Learn cardinal numbers (50-100) and ordinal numbers (1st - 31st) in number and word.
10 Pronouns 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs by: answering comprehension questions.
3.8.1 Read and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, messages,
11 4.2.1 Complete simple instructions, messages, letters, descriptions, rhymes with the missing
12 4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words.
4.5.1 Write simple guided descriptions.
  4.7.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
4.7.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.
Week Theme Skills / Specifications 
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
World of viii. Contractions
stories 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple chants, rhymes, and poems with correct pronunciation,
stress and intonation.
1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words and phrases heard in stories, announcements, etc.
1.5.2 Listen to simple description and recounts and give the main idas and supporting
People At details.
13 Work 1.5.3 Listen to simple news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas
and supporting details.
14 Grammar
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children's songs rhymes and jazz chants.
1.7.1 Listen to stories and legends and answer simple questions.
15 Future
2.1.1 Repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
viii. Contractions
2.3.1 Respond to simple questions; by identifying persons, things, places, buildings, etc.
2.7.4 Talk about the values in the stories.
  Nouns 2.8.2 Relate the story to one's life.
3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
  Gender 3.3.3 read and understand simple paragraphs by:
3.8.1 Read and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, messages,
  letters, passages, recounts, descriptions.
3.8.2 Scan for specific information in text.
  3.9.1 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story.
3.10 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story.
4.2.1 Complete simple instructions, messages, letters, recounts, descriptions, rhymes
with the missing words.
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

4.2.2 Complete simple mind-map with information from the texts.

4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words
by expanding on words.
4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given to a picture stimulus.
4.7.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
4.7.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.
Week  Theme Skills / Specifications 
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds: iii. Diphthongs
World of 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
16 stories 1.4.2 Listen to and follow simple routes to building and landmarks in town.
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children's songs rhymes and jazz chants.
17 Sub-Theme 1.7.3 Listen to stories and legends and tell what happens next.

2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation.
2.3.1 Respond to simple questions; by identifying persons, things, places, buildings, etc.

  On The Move 2.4.1 To make a telephone call for a purpose.

2.6.2 Complete parts of a story heard.

2.7.1 Name the good and bad characters and tell why they are good or bad.
2.7.2 Talk about the places in the story.

2.8.1 State whether one likes or does not like the story and give reasons.
3.4.1 Read aloud poems and sentences, observing correct stress and intonation and sentence

3.5.1 understand the meaning of words by looking at the context.

  Adjectives 3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationships.

3.9.2 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story read and the sequence

of actions.
3.9.3 Read and tell what happens next.

4.3.1 Form sentences and questions by: matching sentence halves.
4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words

  by expanding on words.
4.7.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
4.7.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.
Week Theme Skills / Specifications
19 20 Revision and Examination
Week Theme Skills / Specifications
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
iv. Silent letters
World of 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3- and 2-syllable words with correct
stories pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Sub-Theme 1.3.3 Listen to and understand collective nouns.
1 1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instructions on how to complete a given task.
2.1.1 Repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
2 More About
iv. Silent letters
2.1.2 Pronounce 3- and 4-syllable words correctly.
3 Grammar
2.1.3 Say aloud phrases and expression with correct stress and intonation.

  2.3.2 To refute statements.

2.7.1 Name the good and bad characters and tell why they are good or bad.
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

Collective 2.7.4 Talk about the values in the stories.

Nouns 2.8.1 State whether one likes or does not like the story and give reasons.
2.9.2 To show appreciation.
Articles 2.9.3 To express happiness.
3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures.
Simple Past 3.6.6 State collective nouns.
3.8.3 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions related
Tense to: main ideas and details.
3.11 Read according to one's interest and keep a reading record.
  4.1.1 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible cursive writing.
4.4.2 Write simple letters pen-pals (less guidance).
  4.6.2 Compose poems with guidance.
4.7.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
  4.7.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.
4.8.1 Use capital letters, comma, full stop, and apostrophe when writing.
Week Theme Skills / Specifications
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sounds:
World of vii. Voiced and voiceless 'th'.
Knowledge 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple chants, rhymes, and poems with correct pronunciation,
1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words and phrases heard in stories, announcements, etc.
1.5.2 Listen to simple description and recounts and give the main ideas and supporting
Sub-Theme details.
4 1.5.3 Listen to simple news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas
and supporting details.

5 A Green
1.7.2 Listen to stories and legends and give the sequence of events.
1.7.3 Listen to stories and legends and tell what happens next.

6 Grammar
2.1.3 Say aloud phrases and expression with correct stress and intonation.
2.3.4 Make comparisons.

2.6.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures.
2.6.2 Complete parts of a story heard.
2.6.4 Retell simple stories heard or read by changing voice to indicate narrator and character.
  Homophones 2.9.1 To volunteer.
2.9.4 To encourage.
3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
3.6.1 Make small words from big words
  3.6.4 Read and distinguish homographs.
3.6.5 Read and distinguish homophones.
  3.7.1 Locate the required word in the dictionary and choose the best meaning.
3.8.1 Read and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, messages,

  letters, passages, recounts, descriptions.

3.8.2 Scan for specific information in text.

  4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly in print, for captions, labels, maps, diagrams, etc.
and towns in maps and pictures.
4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words
  by expanding on words
4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given to a picture stimulus.
Week Theme Skills / Specifications
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds: v. initial blends
World of 1.1 2 listen to and identify the different types of letter sounds.
Knowledge 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions.
1.3.3 Listen to and understand collective nouns.
Sub-Theme 1.5.2 Listen to simple description and recounts and give the main ideas and supporting
1.5.3 Listen to simple news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas
7 Animals and supporting details.
2.1.2 Pronounce 3- and 4-syllable words correctly.
8 Grammar
2.3.1 Respond to simple questions; by identifying persons, things, places, buildings, etc.
2.3.2 To refute statements.
9 Collective
2.3.4 Make comparisons.
2.8.2 Relate the story to one's life.

3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
3.6.6 State collective nouns.

3.6.7 Use words to show comparison.
3.6.8 Understand simple similes and proverbs.

3.8.1 Read and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, messages,
letters, passages, recounts, descriptions.

  3.8.2 Scan for specific information in text.

3.9.1 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story.

4.2.1 Complete simple instructions, messages, letters, recounts, descriptions, rhymes
with the missing words.
4.2.2 Complete simple mind-map with information from the texts.
  4.3.1 Form sentences and questions by: matching sentence halves.
4.5.2 Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance.
  4.6.1 Create greeting cards & posters.
4.7.1 Spell words that are given to be memorized.
4.7.2 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt.

Week Theme Skills / Specifications 

1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds: vi. Final blends
1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning sound, middle or ending
World of sound
Knowledge 1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words and phrases heard in stories, announcements, etc.
Sub-Theme 1.5.1 Listen to simple message and announcements and answer 'Wh' questions.
10 1.5.3 Listen to simple news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas
2.1.1 Repeat words that contain that the following sounds: vi. Final blends
11 Events and 2.1.2 Pronounce 3- and 4-syllable words correctly.
Activities 2.1.4 Ask questions with correct intonation.
12 Grammar 2.5.1 To take short message and relay the message to friends and family members.
Item(s) 2.7.3 Talk about the events in a story.
  3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: vi. Final blends

  Opposites 3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
3.2.3 Read and learn words with prefixes and suffixes.

  Adjectives 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures.

3.5.1 understand the meaning of words by looking at the context.
Sentences 3.6.3 Give words in opposite in meaning
Types 3.6.7 Use words to show comparison.
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

4.1.1 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible cursive writing.
4.1.3 Write clearly and legibly numerals 50 - 100 in both number and word forms
using cursive writing for word forms.
4.2.1 Complete simple instructions, messages, letters, rhymes with the missing words.
4.2.2 Complete simple mind-map with information from the texts.
4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words
and phrases given to a picture stimulus.
4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given to a picture stimulus.
4.4.2 Write simple letters pen-pals (less guidance).
4.6.1 Create greeting cards & posters.
Week Theme Skills / Specifications 
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds: vii. Voiced and
voiceless 'th'
1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning sound, middle or ending
World of Self sound
1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of 3- and 2-syllable words with
correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
13 1.4.1 Listen to and follow simple instructions on how to complete a given task.
1.5.2 Listen to simple description and recounts and give the main ideas and supporting
14 People 2.1.1 Repeat words that contain that the following sounds: vii. Voiced and voiceless 'th'.
2.1.2 Pronounce 3- and 4-syllable words correctly.
15 Grammar 2.4.1 To make a telephone call for a purpose.
Item(s) 2.4.2 To receive a telephone call and understand the message.
  2.8.2 Relate the story to one's life.
Similes 3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
  3.3.3 read and understand simple paragraphs by: answering comprehension questions.
Proverbs 3.6.8 Understand simple similes and proverbs.
  3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationships.
4.2.1 Complete simple instructions, messages, letters, recounts, descriptions,
  rhymes with the missing words.
4.2.2 Complete simple mind-map with information from the texts.
  4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words

and phrases given to a picture stimulus.
4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given to a picture stimulus.
4.5.1 Write simple guided descriptions.

Skills / Specifications
Week Theme
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contain that the following sounds:
vii. Voiced and voiceless 'th'.
1.1.2 Listen to and group words according to the same beginning sound, middle or ending
World of sound
Stories 1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words and phrases heard in stories, announcements, etc.
1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children's songs rhymes and jazz chants.
16 1.7.2 Listen to stories and legends and give the sequence of events.
1.7.3 Listen to stories and legends and tell what happens next.
17 Sub-Theme
2.1.3 Say aloud phrases and expression with correct stress and intonation.
2.2.2 Ask questions to get information and clarification.
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 6

Moral Values 2.6.2 Complete parts of a story heard.

2.6.4 Retell simple stories heard or read by changing voice to indicate narrator and character.
Grammar 2.7.1 Name the good and bad characters and tell why they are good or bad.
Item(s) 2.7.4 Talk about the values in the stories.
3.2.1 Read and learn the meaning of key words of each text.
Positive and 3.3.2 Read and understand simple and compound sentences by interpreting pronoun forms.
Negative 3.6.1 Make small words from big words
Statements 3.7.1 Locate the required word in the dictionary and choose the best meaning.
18 Subject-Verb
3.8.4 Read and understand cause and effect relationships.
3.10 Read and tell what one has learnt from the story.
  3.11 Read according to one's interest and keep a reading record.
4.3.1 Form sentences and questions by: matching sentence halves.
  4.3.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences by expanding on words
4.3.3 Write paragraphs based on words and phrases given to a picture stimulus.
  4.6.3 Compose stories with guidance.
Week Theme Skills / Specifications

Revision and Examination

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