Comic Book Rubric Satinhre
Comic Book Rubric Satinhre
Comic Book Rubric Satinhre
Story is always easy to follow; Ideas and concepts are always clearly explained and understood. Captions are always related to the scenes and the connections are always easy to understand. The main characters are always identified, and their actions and dialogue are always wellmatched. Landscape and props are always related to the theme or purpose of the comic and enhance understanding of the scene. There are no spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors.
Story is usually easy to follow; Ideas and concepts are usually clearly explained and understood. Captions are Usually related to the scenes and the connections are usually easy to understand. The main characters are usually identified, and their actions and dialogue are usually wellmatched. Landscape and props are usually related to the theme or purpose of the comic and enhance understanding of the scene. There are 1-3 spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors.
Story is sometimes easy to follow; Ideas and concepts are sometimes clearly explained and understood. Captions are Sometimes related to the scenes and the connections are sometimes easy to understand. The main characters are sometimes identified, and their actions and dialogue are sometimes wellmatched. Landscape and props are sometimes related to the theme or purpose of the comic and enhance understanding of the scene. There are 4-5 spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.
Story is seldom easy to follow; Ideas and concepts are seldom explained and understood. Captions are seldom related to the scenes and the connections are seldom easy to understand. The main characters are seldom identified, and their actions and dialogue are seldom wellmatched. Landscape and props are seldom related to the theme or purpose of the comic and fail to enhance understanding of the scene. There are more than 5 spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.
Story is rarely easy to follow; Ideas and concepts are rarely explained and understood. Captions are Rarely related to the scenes and the connections are rarely easy to understand. The main characters are rarely identified, and their actions and dialogue are rarely wellmatched. Landscape and props are rarely related to the theme or purpose of the comic and fail enhance understanding of the scene.
Usually uses clear examples of all of the listed satirical devices or uses clear examples of most of the listed satirical devices.
Sometimes uses clear examples of all of the listed satirical devices or uses clear examples of some of the listed satirical devices.
Rarely uses clear examples of all of the listed satirical devices or uses clear examples of few of the listed satirical devices.
The comic book cannot be understood because there are too many spelling and grammar errors. Seldom uses examples of all of the listed satirical devices.