EMAS General Presentation 2011 PDF
EMAS General Presentation 2011 PDF
EMAS General Presentation 2011 PDF
What is EMAS?
Monitor Measure Record Audit
Structure Responsibility Training Communication
Premium benchmark for environmental management
Performance Carrying out annual updates of environmental policy targets and actions to implement and evaluate these targets Credibility Third party verification by independent auditors guarantees the value of both actions taken and disclosed information Transparency Environmental statements provide public information about the environmental performance of the organisation
Organisations located inside or outside EU, EEA and Accession countries (EMAS Global)*
* It is in the realm of EU Member States to allow registration of organisations located outside EU, EEA and Accession Countries. Before introducing EMAS Global a number of practical and legal issues need to be clarified.
Environmental review Environmental policy Environmental programme Environmental management system Environmental audit Environmental statement Registration by Competent Body and use of EMAS logo
Cost reductions: better management of resources (e.g. energy and resources efficiency) Risk minimisation: possibilities to reduce associated risk levels by assessing operational procedures Regulatory compliance: greater awareness and knowledge of regulatory requirements Regulatory relief: regulators may choose to relax regulatory requirements Improved relations with internal stakeholders: employee involvement and training under EMAS can lead to improved employee morale Improved relations with external stakeholders: EMAS registration of a site in close proximity to residents can enhance credibility and transparency Competitive advantage: EMAS registration can lead to improved market access and increased market share
Costs vary with the size and the sector of the organisation*
Fixed costs: assumed to be unrelated to staff numbers (e.g. registration fees, IT costs) External costs: incurred by employing external consultancy to support EMAS implementation (e.g. employee training) Internal costs: incurred by organisation staff to implement, administer and report on EMAS (e.g. internal audit)
* For detailed information about the costs of EMAS implementation and financial incentives, please contact your national Competent Body
EMAS Development
EMAS adopted by the European Council EMAS opens for participation by industrial companies
New Regulation adopted by the Council and the EP Entry into force of new Regulation (EC) N 761/2001 New Regulation adopted by the Council and the EP Entry into force of new Regulation (EC) N 1221/2009
Total direct energy use: total annual energy consumption, expressed in MWh or GJ Total renewable energy use: percentage of total annual consumption of energy (electricity and heat) produced by the organisation from renewable energy sources Annual mass-flow of different materials used (excluding energy carriers and water): in tonnes Total annual water consumption: in m3 Total annual generation of waste: in tonnes Total annual generation of hazardous waste: in kilograms or tonnes Use of land: in m2 of built-up area Total annual emission of greenhouse gases (incl. at least emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6): in tonnes of CO2 equivalent Total annual air emission (incl. at least emissions of SO2, NOx and PM): in kilograms or tonnes
+ Employee involvement + Public reporting through EMAS environmental statement
+ Registration by public authority
Commitment Environmental review of activities What are our aims? How can we reach them? Is everything in line with EMAS? Statement of environmental performance External verification
Involved Parts
Top Management Environmental manager, all departments Management Management All employees, environmental managers, auditor(s) Management, environmental managers EMAS environmental verifier(s)
EMAS Statistics
European Union: http://www.europa.eu EMAS Register: www.emas-register.eu EMAS Toolkit for small organisations: www.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/toolkit/ EMAS Easy: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/tools/emaseasy_en.htm European Portal for SMEs: www.ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sme/ EU Ecolabel: www.ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/ Green Public Procurement (GPP): www.ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/index_en.htm Environmental Compliance Assistance Programme for SMEs (ECAP): www.ec.europa.eu/environment/sme/index_en.htm European Environment Agency: www.eea.europa.eu International Standard Organisation (ISO): www.iso.org
Email: emas@biois.com Telephone: +331 53 90 11 75 Letter: EMAS Helpdesk c/o BIO Intelligence Service S.A.S 20-22 Villa Deshayes 75014 Paris France
The Helpdesk is operated by BIO Intelligence Service in cooperation with Adelphi Consult on behalf of the European Commission, Environment DG