BNP Leaflet Neath 2009
BNP Leaflet Neath 2009
BNP Leaflet Neath 2009
What you should know
about Peter Hain
His salary is: £64,766, per year, topped up with a second home
allowance of £19,519 in 2004-05, £21,634 in 2005-06, £22,110 in 2006-
07,and £23,083 in 2007-08. This is a very good extra second home
‘allowance’, many ordinary people have to live on much less than that.
He wanted taxpayers to pay £6,000 for his heating oil bill! as well as the
cost of replacing the roof of his log store!
Not content with this he also tried to get you, the taxpayer to pay the
interest on the mortgage on his new £440,000 house, as well as claiming
for his former home less than 6 miles away.
Unsurprisingly, he declined to vote for a transparent Parliament.