LAB Ques (1) .Bank 1
LAB Ques (1) .Bank 1
LAB Ques (1) .Bank 1
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) .16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23)
What is Law? Write short note on business law? What do you understand by mercantile law? Define commercial law? What is meant by valid contract? What are void Agreements? Define contract? List out the formation of a contract? State the meaning of performance of contracts? What do you understand by Breach of contract? What are the remedies for breach of contract? Discuss about Quasi contracts? What is contract of sale? Discuss about transfer of title? What are the condition and warranty in sales contract? Define performance of sales contracts? Who is an unpaid seller? What is a Negotiable Instrument? Define Negotiation? Write any five liabilities of the parties to a Negotiable Instrument? Who is a holder in due course? What are the obligations of a Banker to a customer? Define agency?
What are the different kinds of agents? State the Agents authority and liability of principal? How will terminate the Agency? Unit II Company Law
1. Define a company? 2. Classify the companies on the basis of liability? 3. State any four differences between a public company and a private company 4. List out the formation of a company 5. Describe the meaning of memorandum of Association: 6. What are articles of Association? 7. Give any two differences between memorandum and Articles 8. What is the Prospectus? 9. What is meant by director? 10. State the provisions of the companies Act regarding the mode of appointment of directors of a company? 11. State the modes of Removal of Directors 12. What are the provisions regarding powers of director? 13. List out the provisions regarding liabilities of directors? 14. Define Winding up of a company 15. What are the modes of winding up?
16. Who can present petition for winding up? 17. What is voluntary winding up? 18. State the types of voluntary winding up? 19. What are the consequences of winding up? 20. What is a defunct company? 21. Define corporate governance? 22. List out the principals of corporate Governance? 23. State the essentials of corporate governance? 24. Give any four benefits of good governance? 25. What are the selected best practices of corporate governance from Indian Corporate?
17). What is minimum Bonus? 18) Define an Employee in the Bonus Act? 19) State the Bonus formula given in the payment of Bonus Act, 1965. 20). Define the concept of minimum wages. 21) State the methods for fixing and revising minimum wages (section 5) 22) Define Industry in industrial disputes Act? 23) What is an Industrial Dispute? 24) What are the modes of settlement of disputes under the Industrial dispute Act?
25). What is lock out? UNIT V Consumer Protection Act and Introduction of Cyber laws. 1. Define Consumer protection Act? 2. Sate any two objectives of consumer protection Act? 3. What are the various rights of consumers recognised under the consumer
protections Act? 4. Who is consumer? 5. Define Unfair trade practice? 6. What is meant by restrictive trade practice? 7. Define Consumer Dispute 8. What are the rights of consumers to be protected by central council? 9. Discuss about consumer disputes redressel agencies. 10. State the powers of the consumer forums? 11. Define Cyber Laws 12. Define information Technology (IT) 13. What is Information Technology Act 2000? 14. Give any two objective of IT Act 2000. 15. Define the term Electronic Commerce 16. What is meant by Electronic Governance?
17. What is Digital Signature? 18. Define Electronic record? 19. What do you understand by electronic form? 20. State any five provisions of electronic governance? 21. What are the regulations under IT Act 22. What do you understand by Consumer protection councils? 23. Write short note on Copy rights.
Answer all sub Questions. Each question carries two marks. (5x2= 10) 1. (a) Who is a minor? (b) Define factory under Factories Act 1948. (c) Who is a delcreder agent? (d) What is Net neutrality? (e) What is a preference share?
SECTION B Answer any five Questions. Each question carries 6 marks. (5x6= 30) 2. Write a note on unfair trade practices. 3. What is a Negotiable Instrument? State its characteristic features. 4. Define Memorandum of Association and give its contents. 5. State the salient features of Right to information Act. 6. Explain Free speech in cyber law. 7. Describe the procedure for incorporation of a company. 8. Describe the different types of Company meetings.
SECTION C Answer any two Questions. Each question carries 10 marks. (2x10= 20) 9. Explain principle duty to agent and also agents duty to principle. 10. Discuss the essentials of a valid contract and state when consideration is unlawful. 11. Explain the health and safety aspects of Factories Act, 1948. 12. State the consumer bill of rights under consumer protection Act, 1986. SECTION D Answer any one Question. Each question carries 15 marks. (1x15= 15)
13. Discuss the legal position of a director in a company. State the provisions relating to appointment and qualification of a director. 14. Explain the role of promissory notes and cheques in the Negotiable Instrument Act.
Ql) Explain the essential characteristics of a valid contract. Q2) Define the term 'misrepresentation' distinguish it from fraud. Q3) Define unpaid seller. What are his rights under the sale of goods Act. Q4) What is a Bill of Exchange? What are its essential elements. Q5) Explain composition and jurisdiction of state commission as per consumer protection Act. Q6) Define the term "offer". Explain the legal rules regarding a valid offerQ7) Write short notes (any two): a) Caveat Emptor. b) Quantum Meruit. c) Goods under sale of good Act. d) Unfair Trade Practices. MAY 2009 NEW Instructions to the candidates1) Answer any four questions from Q.1 to Q.6. 2) Q. 7 is compulsory. 3) All questions carry equal marks. Ql) Define consideration. Explain with illustration the exception to the rule "No consideration No contract" Q2) Discuss the essential elements of a valid contract. Q3) what do you understand by 'capacity to contract'? Discuss the law regarding Minors agreements.
Q4) Explain the composition and jurisdiction of district forums. Q5) Explain the duties of "Certifying Authority" under the Information technology Act 2000. Q6) Define company. Explain the kinds of company. Q7) Write short notes (any two): a) Promissory note. b) Types of goods under sale of goods Act. c) Digital signature. d) Doctrine of caveat emptor. DECEMBER 2008 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any FIVE questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Q. l) What is a "Contract" under The Contract Act 1871? What are the essential elements of a valid contract? Q. 2) What are the Rights, Duties and Liabilities of an 'Agent' and 'Principal'? How & when an Agency is terminated? Q. 3) What is a contract for "Sale of Goods" under the sale of Goods Act 1930? When a transfer of property or ownership completed? Q. 4) What is the importance of Memorandum of Association" and "Articles of Association of a company? How & when the alterations are allowed? Q5) What are the "Unfair Trade Practices" and "Restrictive Trade Practices" under The Consumer Protection Act 1986? Explain with examples. Q6) What are the concepts of Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Designs under the Patents Act? Q7) Write short notes on Any Two:
a) Rights of Indemnity Holder and Indemnifier. b) Digital signature & certificate.' c) Prospectus and contents for an IPO. d) Contracts of Guarantee. MAY 2008 Instructions to the candidates: i) Attempt any five questions. ii) All questions are carry equal marks. Ql) "A contract without consideration is void". Comment and give exceptions to the rule. Q2) Examine critically the rule in Hadley v. Baxendale and indicate to what extent the said rule is applicable in India. Q3) a) What is a contract of guarantee? State the circumstances in which a surety is discharged from liability. b) "The Consumer Protection Act 1986 provides cheap and expeditious remedy to the consumer".Comment. Q4) Write notes on: a) Agency by estoppel. b) Agency by holding out. c) Agency by necessity. Q5) Explain the nature of a contract of sale of goods and bring out clearly the Distinction between a sale and an agreement to sell. Q6) a) State the doctrine of caveat emptor and exceptions to it with help of suitable examples.
b) Explain the concept of Authentication of Electronic records using Digital Signature. Q7 a] Who is a holder in due course of a negotiable instrument? What are the special privileges of a holder in due course?
b] "A certificate of incorporation is conclusive evidence that all the requirements of the Companies Act have been complied with." Explain. Q8) Write short notes on ANY THREE: a) Capacities of Parties. b) Breach of contract. c) Conditions and Warranties under the Sales of goods Act 1930. d) Company Meetings. e) Consumer Protection Councils. MAY 2007 Instructions: 1) All aquestion carry equal marks. 2) Solve any FIVE questions. 3) Answers in Illegible handwriting will not be checked. Q1) Q2) Q3) Q4) What are the essential elements of valid contract under the act? Explain in details. How & why breach of a valid contract happens? What are the remedies? What are the provisions related to transfer of property & titles under sale of goods Act 1930. What are the negotiable instruments you know? What is the utility explain in details?
Q5) What are the different types of directors and share holders meetings you know under the Companies act 1956? Q6) Q7) Q8) i) ii) iii) What is prospectus by a company? Why and how it is made? What are the unfair and Restrictive Trade Practices under the Consumer Protection Act? Write short notes on any two: Electronic Records under IT Act. Consumer Disputes Redress under Consumer Protection Act. Conditions and warranty under Sale of good Act. iv) Quasi Contract under Contract Act.
BA1607 LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS Part A 1. What is consent 2. Define consideration 3. Define void contract 4. Whether an agent and the servant same . give example 5. Define hundi 6. Define ultravires 7. What is the prospectus 8. Define factory 9. What is the objective of VAT 10. What is the medium of payment of wages Part B 11. A) what are the characteristics of a company Or b) discuss the exceptions to the doctrine of indoor management. 12. A) give a detailed description of the parties to negotiable instrument Or b)discuss the exceptions of the doctrine of caveat emptor. 13. A) explain the various kind of agreements. Or b) examine the essentials of contract. 14. a) explain the conditions on which strikes and lockouts are prohibited or b) discuss the provisions regarding the health of workers 15). A) explain the mode of charging the sales tax Or b).trace the history of consumer protection act and its relevance today.
BA9207 LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS (Regulation 2009) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL Questions PART A (10 2 = 20 Marks) 1. State the object of the law of contract. 2. Define the term goods under the Sale of Goods Act. 3. Who may cross a cheque? 4. What are the rights of principal? 5. What is corporate governance? 6. Who may file an application of claim under the Payment of Wages Act? 7. Examine the nature of sale in the following cases under the CST Act, 1956: (a) A dealer of Delhi supplies goods to a buyer of Calcutta from its factory in Haryana. (b) A dealer of Chennai goes to Delhi, makes purchases of goods there and comes back to Chennai with the goods. 8. Who is a Complainant under the COPRA? 9. What is Deemed prospectus? 10. Do the employees have the right to strike? PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) (i) What is quasi-contract? Explain its types. (8) (ii) What is meant by damages? Explain its types. (8) Or (b) Describe the rules regarding effective delivery of goods. (16) 12. (a) Discuss the rights and privileges of a holder in due course. (16) Or (b) How an agency is terminated? Explain. (16) 13. (a) (i) What are the special privileges of a private company? Discuss. (8) (ii) What is a corporate veil? When is it pierced? Explain. (8) Or (b) (i) Discuss the scope of the doctrine of indoor management. To want extent has the doctrine been incorporated in the Companies Act, 1956? (8) (ii) Briefly explain the provisions of Companies act with regard to winding up subject to the supervision of the court. (8) 14. (a) (i) Enumerate the important provisions of Payment of Bonus Act. (12) (ii) An employee was dismissed from service for an act of misconduct. The company did not pay any bonus to the dismissed employee for the accounting year in which the dismissal took place. Is the action of the company justified? (4) Or (b) (i) Describe the machineries provided under the Industrial Disputes Act for investigation and settlement of industrial disputes. (12) (ii) Keerthi Ltd., is in the process of reorganizing its business. It is likely to result in some labour being rendered surplus. It has proposed retrenchment of economic dead weight. Can the company do so? (4) 15. (a) Briefly explain the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (the State Commission) as to its composition, jurisdiction, and procedure to be
followed to it. Or (b) (i) What are the disadvantages of VAT? Explain. (8) (ii) Discuss the important provisions of Cyber Law. (8