FinGame Assignment 1
FinGame Assignment 1
FinGame Assignment 1
_______________________________________ Who are the team members? ______________________________________________________________________________ In the tasks below, do not type in COMPANYNAME. Rather, type in your company name (e.g., Q2ProFormaTiger.xls). Task 1 Download the FinGame Ratios file and rename it Q2ProFormaCOMPANYNAME.xls. With this newly created file, complete the following: 1. Check to make sure quarter 1 information is accurate. 2. After you process the most likely ProForma results, input the ProForma Quarter 2 decisions. 3. Save: Q2ProFormaCOMPANYNAME.xls Task 2 Save the file Q2ProFormaCOMPANYNAME.xls to Q2ActualCOMPANYNAME.xls. With this newly created file, complete the following: 1. After the actual run is processed, input the Actual Quarter 2 results over the ProForma Quarter 2 results. 2. Save: Q2ActualCOMPANYNAME.xls Note 1: Because you used the file in task 1, quarter 1 information should be accurate. Note 2: This file will be the file with which you start Quarter 3. So, going forward, you will want to save this file again as Q3ProFormaCOMPANYNAME.xls. Task 3 Compare the ProForma income statement, balance sheet, and ratios with the actual results. Explain any significant variances. Due Monday, November 5 in hard copy format: 1) ProForma Q2 information from FinGame; 2) Actual Q2 Results from FinGame; 3) FinGame Ratio File ProForma Q2 inputs and ratios; and 4) FinGame Ratio File Q2 Actual inputs and ratios; and 5) Task 3 discussion. Note: When printing Excel files, highlight the area to be printed.