Critical Success Factors For Retail
Critical Success Factors For Retail
Critical Success Factors For Retail
We have defined below a high level summary of considerations for retailers to ensure you thrive, as opposed to just surviving, in the current challenging retail environment.
Understanding of changing customer needs Clear and differentiated brand proposition Aligned multi-channel and customer management strategy Innovation culture Exploiting customer data Harnessing online communications/ communities Clarity over international opportunities
Clarity over business viability - turnaround required? If appropriate, have considered: Restructure store estate Balance sheet restructuring Insolvency options considered: CVA, administration Disposal of non-core assets
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Strategic cash forecasting Active working capital management Cash culture throughout business Appropriate debt and covenants Headroom flexibility
Thriving vs Surviving
de ol n eh e Stak em ag man
Active engagement Covering all from banks to landlords to credit insurers to suppliers Employees aligned and motivated Communication plans linked to scenario planning Clear sustainability and corporate responsibility positioning
a n d c o n t ro l
The right KPIs Lead and lag indicators Non financial as well as financial indicators Robust capex appraisal Stress tested forecasts Layered scenario planning
Strong store format and the right footprint and number of stores Active productivity monitoring Embedded cost reduction programme Integration across channels Optimised pricing and ranging Streamlined back office