Drawing and Project Properties-Symbol Libraries
Drawing and Project Properties-Symbol Libraries
Drawing and Project Properties-Symbol Libraries
Settings that are saved in the project file as drawing defaults. Drawing related data to add to the project when running the Add Drawing command is saved as Drawing Custom Properties.
Use the Drawing Properties dialog box to define settings for a new or selected drawing. These settings override the project properties set in the Project Properties dialog box. If the drawing is part of a project, the project name displays in the dialog box. Otherwise, text displays indicating that the drawing is not part of a project, and drawing-related edit fields saved in the .wdp file are disabled. You can specify settings for the project or drawing defaults, components, wire numbers, cross-references, styles, and the drawing format using either the Project Properties or Drawing Properties dialog boxes. An overview of the available options for each tab are listed in the following section.
Project settings include:
Library and Icon Menu paths Catalog lookup file preferences Real-time error checking options
Drawing type and descriptions IEC default values for the Project (%P), Installation (%I), and Location (%L) fields Sheet values for the sheet and drawing in addition to section or subsection codes
Use this tab to:
Specify the way new component tags are created. Switch between sequential or line reference based tags. Set component tag options such as using combined Installation/Location tags or suppressing the Installation/Location tag on reports. Display description text in uppercase.
Wire Numbers
Use this tab to:
Set the wire number format. Switch between sequential or line reference based wire numbers. Set wire number options such as hidden numbers, excluded numbers, or displaying numbers on a per wire basis. Set up wire number layer options. Define wire number placement: above, below, or in-line. Define wire number leaders.
Use this tab to:
Define the cross-reference annotation format. Set cross-reference options such as suppressing Installation/Location codes or using real-time signal and contact cross-referencing between drawings.
Set component cross-reference display: text, graphical, or table. You can also change the display format setup from this dialog box.
Use this tab to:
Change default styles for arrows, plcs, fan-in/out markers, and wiring. Add or remove layers from the layer list.
Drawing Format
Use this tab to:
Set the default orientation, spacing, and width values for any new ladders inserted on the drawing. Specify the format referencing style: X-Y Grid, X Zones, or Reference Numbers. Set the scale factor used when inserting new components or wire numbers on the drawing. Set the tag/wire number sort order. Define and manage wire and component layers.
1 Click Project tab Project Tools panel Manager. 2 In the Project Manager, right-click the project name, and select Properties. NOTE You can also set project properties when you create a project. Create the project and click OK -Properties in the Create New Project dialog box.
3 In the Project Properties dialog box, select the tab to modify properties for. 4 Click OK.
1 Click Project tab Project Tools panel Manager. 2 In the Project Manager, right-click the project name, and select Descriptions. NOTE You can also set project descriptions when you create a project. Create the project and click Descriptions in the Create New Project dialog box. 3 In the Project Description dialog box, enter values for each line.The dialog box displays 12 description lines at one time.
Displays the first 12 description lines.
Displays the last set of 12 description lines, where one of the lines has a value.
4 Select the in reports check box to include the description line in a report when the Project Lines Header is added. 5 Click OK.
See also:
Customize LINEx Labels on page 1224 Map AutoLISP values to the title block on page 1226
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the project name, and select Properties. Select the Project Settings tab.
NOTE You can only specify one search path for the icon menu. Add Browse Remove Move Up Move Down Adds a new entry into the libraries tree structure. Browses for a folder to select a symbol library or icon menu from. Removes the selected path from the libraries tree structure. Moves the selected path up one spot in the libraries tree structure. Moves the selected path down one spot in the libraries tree structure. Brings the default paths from the environment file (WD.ENV) into the list box tree view for all search paths found underneath the highlighted folder.
Real-time error checking Performs real-time error checking on the project to determine if duplications of wire numbers or component tags occur in the project. An error log file is created for every project regardless whether you chose to display the real-time warning dialog box or not. The real-time warning is saved in
the log file named "<project_name>_error.log"and is saved in the User subdirectory. If a log file exists, the new content is added to the same file. A blank line separates one error record from another. Tag/Wire Number Sort Order Sets the default wire numbering and component tag sort order for the project. Sets the Electrical code standard used by Circuit Builder. A three character suffix code is saved to the.wdp project file. The suffix is used when searching for a specific table in ace_electrical_standards.mdb on page 2015. Circuit Builder searches for a table using the following sequence: 1 Tables with the three character Electrical Code Standard suffix.
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT On the Project Manager, right-click on the Project name and select Properties. In the Project Properties Project Settings dialog box, Catalog Lookup File Preference section, click Other File.
Single catalog lookup file Specifies to use only one catalog lookup file. The file that is used depends on what was selected on the Project Properties Project Settings dialog box.
Specifies to define a secondary lookup file for the project. Catalog lookup files provided with AutoCAD Electrical include: default_cat.mdb, footprint_lookup.mdb, schematic_lookup.mdb, wd_lang1.mdb, and wd_picklist.mdb. Defines a secondary catalog lookup file that functions as such: For catalog part number selection, switches to a secondary catalog lookup file. For BOM report generation, queries the secondary catalog lookup file when the target part number is not found in the default file.
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the project name, and select Properties. Select the Components tab.
NOTE AutoCAD Electrical provides a predefined format for you to use or you can enter your own format using replaceable parameters on page 236. NOTE The %N parameter is mandatory in any component tag format you define. Search for PLC I/O address on insert Searches for a connected PLC I/O module's I/O point. If found, the I/O address value is substituted for the "%N" part of the default component tag. NOTE This setting is saved in the MISC_FLAGS attribute on the WD_M block of the drawing. Sequential Enter the beginning sequential number for the drawing. Sequential tags can continue uninterrupted from one drawing to the next if you assign the same beginning sequential number to every drawing in your project. As you insert components on any drawing of the project set, AutoCAD Electrical starts with the value you set and works its way up until it finds the next unused sequential number tag for the target component family. NOTE If you finish a drawing and move to the next, but return to the first drawing to add another component and sequential tag, a gap appears in the numbering sequence for that drawing. Use the AutoCAD Electrical Project-wide Update/Retag tool to retag the whole drawing set. Line Reference Set up the unique format tag suffix list. Use this list to create unique reference-based tags when multiple components of the same family are located at the same reference location. (For example, three push buttons on the same line reference "101" could be labeled PB101, PB101A, and PB101B -- AutoCAD Electrical does this using a suffix list of " ", "A", "B", and so on).
NOTE The component tag suffix is automatically added to the end of the tag. You can force AutoCAD Electrical to insert the suffix character somewhere within the tag format. Use the Suffix position parameter, %X, in the component tag format (for example, %N%X - %F). Suffix Setup Displays the suffix list. The individual items in the suffix list are given in the row of edit boxes across the top of the dialog box. List suffix characters for duplicate family components on the same line reference or in the same zone (to keep tags unique). The suffix is added to the end of the component tag. To add it to the inside of the tag, use "%X" in the Tag Format. Example: %N-%F or %N-%F%X = suffix at the end (such as 101-CRA) %N%X-%F = add to number, before family code (such as 101A-CR) Select from the default lists or manually enter your own suffix list in the row of edit boxes.
ample, tag "K101" becomes "-K101" but "+LOC1K101" remains unchanged._ NOTE This suppression takes place automatically in reports; and takes place graphically only when a component is inserted, edited, or retagged. Format Installation/Location into tag Specifies to exclude the Installation and Location code values as part of the tag when displaying. For example, if it is not on, a tag might show up as K16 in the Surf dialog box, but if selected the tag might show up +AAA-K16 (where AAA is the location). Suppresses Location and Installation values on components if they match the drawing default values. NOTE Update cross-reference text using the AutoCAD Electrical Cross-reference command. Suppress Installation/Location in tag on reports Upon insert: automatic fill Installation/Location with drawing default or last used Specifies to exclude Installation and Location values as part of the tag when displayed in reports. Fills the Installation and Location edit boxes on the Insert/Edit component dialog box. The attributes on the block with drawing default or last used values (if no drawing default).If not selected, these edit boxes and attributes are not filled in and are assumed.
NOTE Avoid using a mixture of drawings in the project when using the Combine Installation/Location Tag mode. For example, do not include some drawings with drawing-wide Installation or Location values and some without drawing-wide values. It can result in a disruption of the child and parent component relationship under certain circumstances.
Component Options
Description text upper case Item Numbering Forces description text to upper case. Launches the Item Numbering Setup dialog box. The dialog box contains options for project or drawing wide item numbering, and per-part number or percomponent item numbering.
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the project name, and select Properties. Select the Components tab and click Item Numbering.
Item Numbering Mode Sets item numbering to either project-wide or perdrawing. This setting controls an Item Resequence and the Next>> buttons on any Insert/Edit dialog boxes. Per-Component Basis - allow item number assignment to the main catalog part number only. Per-Part Number Basis - allow item number assignment for each catalog entry on a component. It includes the main catalog part number and any multiple catalog part numbers. NOTE Item numbers cannot be assigned to part numbers based on ASSYCODE combinations.
Item Assignments
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT
In the Project Manager, right-click on the project name and select Properties. Select the Wire Numbers tab.
If you set DEMO1 to 100 and DEMO2 to 200, the wire numbers on DEMO1 start at 100 and wire numbers on DEMO2 start at 200. If DEMO1 has more than 100 wire numbers it starts using wire number 200 and above. DEMO2 would begin its wire numbers where DEMO1 left off (making sure that duplicate wire numbers are not assigned). Increment The default is "1". Setting it to "2" with a starting sequential of "1" would yield wire numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and so on. Sets the wire number tag suffix. This list is used to create unique reference-based wire number tags for multiple wire networks. It begins at the same reference location (such as wire network beginning at a location per line reference number, X-Y grid reference, or X-Zone reference). Displays a suffix list. List suffix characters for wire numbers beginning on the same line reference or in the same zone (to keep wire numbers unique). Select one of the four predefined suffix lists or enter your own custom suffix list.
Line Reference
Suffix Setup
Layer Setup
Hidden on Wire Network with Terminal Displaying Wire Number On per Wire Basis
Specifies to hide the wire number automatically for a wire network that has a wire number-type terminal. Specifies to assign a wire number for each wire rather than the default one wire number per wire network. If using sequential wire numbers, specifies the wire number ranges to exclude. (applied to the %N part of the wire number tag format) Syntax is <starting>-<ending> to show range (for example 1000-1499). Multiple ranges are allowed and must be separated with a comma or semi-colon (for example, 10001099;2500-2599;). You can also use 2;4;6 or 2,4,6 for values not in a range.
Offset Distance
if the leader itself overlays another object). Select the method for inserting new wire numbers as leaders: As Required, Always, or Never. NOTE This change does not affect wire numbers that are already present on the drawing.
Wire Type
Displays the Rename User Columns dialog box used for renaming User1 to User20 header columns in the Set Wire Type, Create/Edit Wire Type, and Change/Convert Wire Type dialog boxes.
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the project name, and select Properties. Select the Cross-References tab.
Cross-reference Format
Defines the cross-reference annotation format. One replaceable parameter, %N, must always be part of the cross-reference format string. A typical format string might be the %N parameter. Use Same Drawing for on-drawing references and Between Drawings for off-drawing references. You can use the same format for both. NOTE AutoCAD Electrical provides some predefined formats for you to use or you can enter your own format using replaceable parameters on page 236.
Cross-reference Options
Real-time signal and contact cross-referencing between drawings Automatically updates relay and wire source and destination symbols cross-referencing across multiple drawings. NOTE If this option is not selected, you are prompted to authorize the update. The target drawing is automatically opened and updated. You then return to the active drawing. Any unauthorized update is queued up in a Project Task List. To update the pending updates, click Project Task List on the Project Manager. Peer to Peer Cross-references related components while using pneumatic features. Example: schematic - pneumatic. Suppress Installation/Location codes when matching the drawing defaults Suppresses IEC prefixes. NOTE Run the Component Cross-reference command to update any existing cross-referencing text.
Graphical Format
Table Format
Modify your project default settings for various component styles. All information defined in this tab is saved to the project definition file as project defaults and settings.
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click on the project name and select Properties. Select the Styles tab.
Arrow Style Specifies the default wire signal arrow style. Select from the four predefined styles or a user-defined style. You can override the default style setting at insertion time. TIP For instructions on how to add custom wire arrow styles, see Add custom signal arrow styles on page 1011. PLC Style Specifies the default PLC module style. Select from the five predefined styles or a user-defined style. TIP For instructions on how to add custom PLC module styles, see Add a new PLC style on page 624. Fan-In/Out Marker Style Defines the default Fan In/Out marker style and the layers for wires going out of a Fan In/Out Source marker and those coming into a Destination marker. TIP For instructions on how to add custom Fan-In/Out marker styles, see Add custom fan-in/out marker styles on page 1023. Layer List Add Remove Lists the Fan In/Out layers. Defines layer names as Fan In/Out layers. Removes the selected layer from the defined layer list.
Wire Cross
Specifies the default mode of operation when wires cross each other: insert gap with no loop, insert gap and loop, or solid (no gap). Specifies the default wire tee marker: none, dot, angle1, or angle2.
Wire Tee
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click on the project name and select Properties. Select the Drawing Format tab.
Ladder Defaults
Vertical/Horizontal Specifies whether to create ladders horizontally or vertically. Specifies the spacing between each rung. Sets the default for the Insert Ladder command. New ladders you insert do not have line reference numbering, by default. Specifies the width of the ladder. Specifies the spacing between each rung in multiwire phases.
Format Referencing
Specifies the default referencing system. There are three modes:
X-Y Grid All referencing is tied to an X-Y grid system of numbers and letters along the left-hand side and top of the drawing. Set the vertical and horizontal index numbers and letters of your drawing, spacing, and origin in the X-Y grid setup dialog box. TIP Use negative spacing values for Horizontal or Vertical to change the origin of the X-Y grid system to be other than the upper left-hand corner of the drawing. X Zones Like X-Y Grid, but there is not a Y-axis. Set the horizontal labels, spacing, and origin on the X Zones setup dialog box. TIP Use a negative zone spacing value if you want the zone reference origin to be at the right side of the drawing. Reference Numbers Setup Each ladder column has a column of assigned reference numbers. Specifies how to display reference numbers -number only, numbers in a hexagon, the sheet and number values, and so on.
Feature Scale Multiplier Sets the scale factor used when inserting new components or wire numbers on the drawing. To insert everything 25% bigger than normal, change the edit box value from 1.00 to 1.25. This change does not affect components and wire numbers that are already present on the drawing. Select inch if your drawing is to use library symbols from the JIC1/JIC125 libraries or mm full size for the metric scaled symbol libraries. It adjusts the wire connection trap distance that determines whether closely spaced wire ends connector not.
Defines and manages wire and component layers. NOTE No matter which layer is current, wires always go to a wire layer and components to component layers.
Any drawing
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Drawing Settings tab.
Active drawing
Ribbon: Schematic tab Other Tools panel Drawing Properties
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES Select the Drawing Settings tab. Sets the values you enter for drawing description, project, installation, location, sheet, and drawing code. Sets the format for component tags, wire numbers, cross-references, PLC modules, signal arrows, ladders, and layers. Overrides the project properties set in the project Properties dialog box.
Drawing File
Project Specifies the project that the drawing is found in. NOTE If the drawing is not in any of the currently open projects, "Drawing not in open project" displays instead of the project name. If the drawing is in an open project but it cannot be edited, "Project not available for edit" displays instead of the project name. This alert displays when a project file is read only, locked by someone else, not checked out in Vault, or the folder where the project is located is read only. When the project is not open or available for edit, you are unable to assign a description for the drawing. Description 1-3 Specifies up to three lines of description text for the drawing file. The description displays in title block updates and custom drawing properties. The values are saved in the project .wdp file. Select from a list of predefined descriptions from the active project by clicking the arrow or select a description from the drawing by clicking Pick. Indicates that the drawing is not included in tagging, crossreferencing, and reporting functions. If selected, the drawing is included in project-wide plotting and title block operations. This setting is saved in the project .wdp file.
IEC-Style Designators
Specifies IEC default values for the drawing, such as Project (%P), Installation (%I), and Location (%L) fields. When you insert a component, the %I and %L default values are used if the Installation and/or Location values would normally be blank.
Project Code Specifies a project code for the WD_M block definition. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %P. Specifies the installation code for the WD_M block definition. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %I. Specifies the location code for the WD_M block definition. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %L.
Installation Code
Location Code
Displays a list of Installation or Location codes from the active drawing. Displays a list of previously defined Installation or Location codes in the active project or from the Default.INST or Default.LOC file.
NOTE Avoid using a mixture of drawings in the project when using the Combine Installation/Location Tag mode. For example, do not include some drawings with drawing-wide Installation or Location values and some without drawing-wide values. It can result in a disruption of the child and parent component relationship under certain circumstances.
Sheet Values
Component, wire, and cross-reference tagging use replaceable parameters in their format. If you reference the sheet number or drawing number in any of your tagging formats, then specify a default drawing-wide value to use.
Sheet Specifies the sheet number value for the drawing settings. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %S. Specifies the drawing number value for the drawing settings. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %D. Specifies the section value for the drawing file saved in the project definition file (.wdp). This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %A. Specifies the subsection value for the drawing file saved in the project definition file (.wdp). This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %B.
Any drawing
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Components tab.
Active drawing
Ribbon: Schematic tab Other Tools panel Drawing Properties
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES Select the Components tab.
Tag Format Specifies the way new component tags are created. The tag consists of a minimum of two pieces of information: a family code and an alphanumeric reference number (for example, "CR" and "100" to yield a tag like CR100 or 100CR). Optionally, a component tag might contain a sheet number or some userspecified separators. If your format includes the sheet number %S parameter or the drawing number %D parameter, enter the values in the edit boxes in the Drawing Properties Drawing Settings dialog box. NOTE AutoCAD Electrical provides a predefined format for you to use or you can enter your own format using replaceable parameters on page 236. NOTE The %N parameter is mandatory in any component tag format you define.
Searches for a connected PLC I/O module's I/O point. If found, the I/O address value is substituted for the "%N" part of the default component tag. NOTE This setting is saved in the MISC_FLAGS attribute on the WD_M block of the drawing.
Enter the beginning sequential number for the drawing. Sequential tags can continue uninterrupted from one drawing to the next if you assign the same beginning sequential number to every drawing in your project. As you insert components on any drawing of the project set, AutoCAD Electrical starts with the value you set and works its way up until it finds the next unused sequential number tag for the target component family. NOTE If you finish a drawing and move to the next, but then later come back to the first drawing to add another component and sequential tag, a gap appears in the numbering sequence for that drawing. Use the AutoCAD Electrical Project-wide Update/Retag tool to retag the whole drawing set.
Line Reference
Set up the unique format tag suffix list. Use this list to create unique reference-based tags when multiple components of the same family are located at the same reference location (for example, three push buttons on the same line reference "101" could be labeled PB101, PB101A, and PB101B -- AutoCAD Electrical does this using a suffix list of " ", "A", "B", and so on). NOTE The component tag suffix is automatically added to the end of the tag, but you can force AutoCAD Electrical to insert the suffix character somewhere within the tag format. Use the Suffix position parameter, %X, in the component tag format (for example, %N%X - %F).
Suffix Setup
Displays the suffix list. The individual items in the suffix list are given in the row of edit boxes across the top of the dialog box. List suffix characters for duplicate family components on the same line refer-
ence or in the same zone (to keep tags unique). The suffix is added to the end of the component tag. To add it to the inside of the tag, use "%X" in the Tag Format. Example: %N-%F or %N-%F%X = suffix at the end (such as 101-CRA) %N%X-%F = add to number, before family code (such as 101A-CR) Select from the default lists or manually enter your own suffix list in the row of edit boxes.
Any drawing
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Wire Numbers tab.
Active drawing
Ribbon: Schematic tab Other Tools panel Drawing Properties
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES Select the Wire Numbers tab.
off (making sure that duplicate wire numbers are not assigned). Increment The default is "1." Setting it to "2" with a starting sequential of "1" would yield wire numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and so on. Sets the wire number tag suffix. This list is used to create unique reference-based wire number tags for multiple wire networks beginning at the same reference location (such as wire network beginning at a location per line reference number, X-Y grid reference, or X-Zone reference). Displays a suffix list. List suffix characters for wire numbers beginning on the same line reference or in the same zone (to keep wire numbers unique). Select one of the four predefined suffix lists or enter your own custom suffix list.
Line Reference
Suffix Setup
Offset Distance
(This option is unavailable for in-line wire numbers.) AutoCAD Electrical places wire numbers on leaders when it determines that the wire number text bumps into something. It does not check if the leader itself overlays another object. Select the method for inserting new wire numbers as leaders: As Required, Always, or Never. NOTE This change does not affect wire numbers that are already present on the drawing.
Any drawing
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Cross-References tab.
Active drawing
Ribbon: Schematic tab Other Tools panel Drawing Properties
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES
Cross-reference Format
Defines the cross-reference annotation format. One replaceable parameter, %N, must always be part of the cross-reference format string. A typical format string might be just the %N parameter. Use Same Drawing for on-drawing references and Between Drawings for off-drawing references. You can use the same format for both. NOTE AutoCAD Electrical provides some predefined formats for you to use or you can enter your own format using replaceable parameters on page 236.
Graphical Format
Table Format
Any drawing
Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Styles tab.
Active drawing
Ribbon: Schematic tab Other Tools panel Drawing Properties
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES Select the Styles tab.
Arrow Style Specifies the default wire signal arrow style. Select from the four predefined styles or a user-defined style. You can override the default style setting at insertion time. TIP For instructions on how to add custom wire arrow styles, see Add custom signal arrow styles on page 1011. PLC Style Specifies the default PLC module style. Select from the five predefined styles or a user-defined style. TIP For instructions on how to add custom PLC module styles, see Add a new PLC style on page 624. Fan-In/Out Marker Style Defines the default Fan In/Out marker style and the layers for wires going out of a Fan In/Out Source marker and those coming into a Destination marker. TIP For instructions on how to add custom Fan-In/Out marker styles, see Add custom fan-in/out marker styles on page 1023. Layer List Add Remove Lists the Fan In/Out layers. Defines layer names as Fan In/Out layers. Removes the selected layer from the defined layer list.
Wire Cross
Specifies the default mode of operation when wires cross each other: insert gap with no loop, insert gap, and loop, or solid (no gap). Specifies the default wire tee marker: none, dot, angle1, or angle2.
Wire Tee
Any drawing
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Drawing Format tab.
Active drawing
Ribbon: Schematic tab Other Tools panel Drawing Properties
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES Select the Drawing Format tab.
Ladder Defaults
Vertical/Horizontal Specifies whether to create ladders horizontally or vertically.
Specifies the spacing between each ladder rung. Sets the default for the Insert Ladder command. New ladders you insert do not have line reference numbering, by default. Specifies the width of the ladder. Specifies the spacing between each wire in multi-wire phases.
Format Referencing
Specifies the default referencing system. There are three modes:
X-Y Grid All referencing is tied to an X-Y grid system of numbers and letters along the left-hand side and top of the drawing. Set the vertical and horizontal index numbers and letters, spacing, and origin in the X-Y grid setup dialog box. TIP Use negative spacing values for Horizontal or Vertical if you want to change the origin of the X-Y grid system to be other than the upper left-hand corner of the drawing. X Zones Like X-Y Grid, but there is not a Y-axis. Set the horizontal labels, spacing, and origin on the X Zones setup dialog box. TIP Use a negative zone spacing value if you want the zone reference origin to be at the right side of the drawing. Reference Numbers Setup Each ladder column has a column of assigned reference numbers. Specifies how to display ladder line reference numbers - number only, numbers in a hexagon, the sheet and number values, and so on.
Feature Scale Multiplier Sets the scale factor used when inserting new components or wire numbers on the drawing. To insert everything 25% bigger than normal, change the edit box value from 1.00 to 1.25. This change does not
affect components and wire numbers that are already present on the drawing. inch/inch scaled to mm/mm full size Select inch if your drawing is to use library symbols from the JIC1/JIC125 libraries or mm full size for the metric scaled symbol libraries. It adjusts the wire connection trap distance that determines whether closely spaced wire ends connector not.
Define Defines and manages wire and component layers. NOTE No matter what layer is current, wires always go to a wire layer and components to component layers.
X zones setup
Use this tool to insert the X grid labels for drawings that use X Zones for the Format Referencing. You can also change other settings from here (such as origin) instead of going back into the Drawing Properties dialog box. Ribbon: Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel Insert
Toolbar: Ladders Command entry: AEXZONE Your drawing must be configured for X Zones. Set the Format Referencing in the Drawing Properties: Drawing Format dialog box to X Zones.
NOTE You can also access this dialog box from the Project Properties or Drawing Properties dialog boxes. Some options are not available when you access the dialog box through the properties dialog boxes.
Origin Specifies the origin for the X Zone grid. Click pick to select the origin on the drawing or enter X and Y values. NOTE The Pick button is not available when accessed through the properties dialog box. Spacing Specifies the spacing between the grid columns. Enter the horizontal value. (only available when accessed from the ribbon, toolbar, or menu) Specifies the labels for the grid columns. Enter the horizontal value. You can enter the first value only or a complete list. If you enter a list, separate the values with commas - such as "A, B, C, D." (only available when accessed from the ribbon, toolbar, or menu) Specifies whether to insert the grid labels. If you select to insert the labels, enter the column counts.
Zone labels
Command entry: Ladders Command entry: AEXYGRID Your drawing must be configured for X-Y Grids. Set the Format Referencing in the Drawing Properties: Drawing Format dialog box to X-Y Grid.
NOTE You can also access this dialog box from the Project Properties or Drawing Properties dialog boxes. Some options are not available when you access the dialog box through the properties dialog boxes.
Origin Specifies the origin for the XY grid. Click pick to select the origin on the drawing or enter X and Y values. NOTE The Pick button is not available when accessed through the properties dialog box. Spacing Specifies the spacing between the grid columns. Enter the horizontal and vertical values. Specifies the order that is used from the X-Y grid in determining the %N part of the tag. If it is set to Horizontal, the horizontal values of the grid are used as the first part, and the vertical value as the second. If Vertical is selected then the vertical values are used for the first part and the horizontal values used for the second. For example, you have Horizontal values of A - F and Vertical values of 1 - 9 and it is set to
X-Y Format
Horizontal. You might get a %N value of "B2"; if it is set to Vertical you might get a %N value of "2B." Grid labels (only available when accessed from the ribbon, toolbar, or menu) Specifies the labels for the grid columns. Enter the horizontal and vertical values. You can enter the first value only or a complete list. If you enter a list, separate the values with commas - such as "A, B, C, D." (only available when accessed from the ribbon, toolbar, or menu) Specifies whether to insert the grid labels. If you select to insert the labels, enter the horizontal and vertical column counts.
%D %G %N %X
%P %I %L %A %B
IEC-style project code (default for drawing) IEC-style installation code (default for drawing) IEC-style location code (default for drawing) Project drawing list's SEC value for active drawing Project drawing list's SUB-SEC value for active drawing
The %L and %I values used for cross-referencing are the Drawing Default Location and Installation values from the corresponding Parent or Child drawing and not the Location and Installation values of the component itself.If you have a Parent on a drawing that has a default Location of M and its child is on a drawing that has a default Location value of MC, the cross-referencing on the parent shows the MC (drawing default location value of the drawing the child is on) and the child shows the M (drawing default location value of the drawing the parent is on) no matter what the location value is on either the parent or child. NOTE If you include %I or %L in the Tag code of the component, you are prompted to recalculate the tag if you change the Installation or Location value of the component once it is inserted. Example of Component Tags (For relay number 50 on sheet 3) %F%S%N = CR350 %F%N = CR50 %F-%S-%N = CR-3-50 (For 3 push buttons on line reference 101 using reference-based tagging) %F%N = PB101, PB101A,PB101B %N-%F = 101-PB, 101-PBA,101-PBB %N%X%F = 101-PB, 101A-PB,101B-PB Example of Wire Number Formats (For wire number 50 on sheet 3) %S/%N = 3/50 %N = 50
W-%S%N = W-350
%G %H
%T %K %1
%2 %3
%4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Equivalent of "%L%1" (IEC comp tag) Equivalent of "%L%1:%P" (tag:term) Equivalent of "%L%1:%P:%D" (tag:term:termdesc) Equivalent of "%I%I%1" (INST prefix+IEC comp tag) Equivalent of "%I%L%1:%P" (tag:term) Equivalent of "%I%L%1:%P:%D" (tag:term:termdesc)
The part after the colon(:) is suppressed if the value is blank in %2 - %9 parameters (for example, %2=comp tag:term). The ":term" part is suppressed if blank.
drop-down Settings Compare. AutoCAD Electrical reads both the settings on the WD_M block of the current drawing and a copy of the settings maintained in the current project's .wdp file. Any differences are displayed in a three-column dialog box. 2 Highlight the settings you want to copy over from the drawing to the project or vice versa or click Select All to change all the settings quickly. 3 Click Match Project to make the settings of the drawing match the project defaults or click Match Drawing to make the settings of the project match the settings of the current drawing.
4 Click OK. NOTE Changing these settings does not automatically change components and wiring already present in your drawing.
Toolbar: Drawing Properties Menu: Projects Settings Compare Command entry: AESHEETCOMPARE This tool compares the general/schematic settings carried on the invisible WD_M block of the drawing with a copy of the settings saved in the project's .wdp project list file. You can update selected drawing settings (multiple selection is allowed) to make them match the values carried in the master project file or vice versa. If the Settings Description cell displays in light blue the project and drawing settings do not match. When one column is matched to the other, the cell changes in color to indicate that the record were changed. The dialog box list updates automatically when you make changes and then switch between showing all settings or showing just the different settings. NOTE Changing these settings does not automatically change components and wiring already present in your drawing. NOTE You can also access this dialog box by right-clicking a drawing name in the Project Manager and selecting Properties Settings Compare. You can also right-click any row to access the Match Project or Match Drawing options.
Show All Shows all of the settings in the drawing.
Show Differences
Displays settings that are different between the WD_M block and the .wdp file. Selects all of the settings in the list so you can quickly change all settings to match either the project or the drawing. Changes the selected drawing setting to make it match the project. Select the settings from the list, and then click the button. Changes the selected project default setting to make it match the drawing. Select the settings from the list, and then click the button.
Select All
Match Project
Match Drawing
2 Click Edit Mode. 3 Edit the values or change the drawing order. 4 Click OK-Return to Report. 5 Click Close. 6 Select the options for update. 7 Click OK.
Edit report
Settings List
Utility. Menu: Projects Extras Settings List Utility Command entry: AEDWGCFG Click Edit Mode. If you edit the information in the Configuration Report, you have an option to update the project and drawings with the new information. Re-order the lines with the Move Up, Move Down, Move to Top, and Move to Bottom buttons. If you re-order the lines, the order of the drawing list in the project file (.WDP) can be updated to match.
Move Up Moves the currently selected lines up one place in the report. Moves the currently selected lines down one place in the report. Moves the currently selected lines to the top of the report. Moves the currently selected lines to the bottom of the report.
Move Down
Edits the values of the currently selected line. Double-click any line to go directly into edit.
DWGNAM SEC Specifies the drawing name. If you change any of the Sec data, the Section data held in the project file (.WDP) can be updated to match. If you change any of the SubSec data, the Sub-Section data held in the project file (.WDP) can be updated to match. If you change any of the SH data, the Sheet (%S) field for that drawing can be updated to match.
If you change any of the SHDWGNAM data, the Dwg no. (%D) field for that drawing can be updated to match. If you change any of the IEC_P data, the IEC Project (%P) field for that drawing can be updated to match. If you change any of the IEC_I data, the IEC Installation (%I) field for that drawing can be updated to match. If you change any of the IEC_L data, the IEC Location (%L) field for that drawing can be updated to match. If you change any of the SH-DESC data, the Description data held in the project file (.WDP) can be updated to match.
Utility. Menu: Projects Extras Settings List Utility Command entry: AEDWGCFG 1 Click Edit Mode. 2 Edit the values or change the drawing order. 3 Click OK-Return to Report. 4 Click Close. If you edit the information in the Configuration Report, you have an option to update the project and drawings with the new information. Re-order the lines with the Move Up, Move Down, Move to Top, and Move to Bottom buttons. If you re-order the lines, the order of the drawing list in the project file (.WDP) can be updated to match.
Drawing Order (in .WDP) Section (in .WDP) Update the drawing order in the project file (.WDP). Update the Section data held in the project file (.WDP).
Sub-Section (in .WDP) Sheet (%S) (on drawing) Drawing (%D) (on drawing) IEC Project (%P) (on drawing) IEC Installation (%I) (on drawing) IEC Location (%L) (on drawing) Description (in .WDP)
Update the Sub-Section data held in the project file (.WDP). Update the Sheet (%S) data on each drawing. Update the Dwg no. (%D) data on each drawing. Update the IEC Project (%P) data on each drawing. Update the IEC Installation (%I) data on each drawing. Update the IEC Location (%L) data on each drawing. Update the first Description data held in the project file (.WDP).
drop-down Drawing Properties. It triggers AutoCAD Electrical to insert the invisible WD_M block. 3 In the Drawing Properties dialog box, modify any drawing settings (such as layer naming conventions and tagging formats) and click OK. 4 Select Format Layer to create any layers you referenced in the Drawing Properties dialog box. 5 In the AutoCAD Layer Properties Manager dialog box, adjust layer colors and click Apply.
6 Save the drawing as an AutoCAD Drawing Template file with a .DWT extension. This template appears in the list of saved templates the next time you open a new AutoCAD Electrical drawing.
See also:
Any drawing
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Project Manager Command entry: AEPROJECT In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. Select the Drawing Settings tab.
Active drawing
Ribbon: Schematic tab Other Tools panel Drawing Properties
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES Select the Drawing Settings tab.
Sets the values you enter for drawing description, project, installation, location, sheet, and drawing code. Sets the format for component tags, wire numbers, cross-references, PLC modules, signal arrows, ladders, and layers. Overrides the project properties set in the project Properties dialog box.
Drawing File
Project Specifies the project that the drawing is found in. NOTE If the drawing is not in any of the currently open projects, "Drawing not in open project" displays instead of the project name. If the drawing is in an open project but it cannot be edited, "Project not available for edit" displays instead of the project name. This alert displays when a project file is read only, locked by someone else, not checked out in Vault, or the folder where the project is located is read only. When the project is not open or available for edit, you are unable to assign a description for the drawing. Description 1-3 Specifies up to three lines of description text for the drawing file. The description displays in title block updates and custom drawing properties. The values are saved in the project .wdp file. Select from a list of predefined descriptions from the active project by clicking the arrow or select a description from the drawing by clicking Pick. Indicates that the drawing is not included in tagging, crossreferencing, and reporting functions. If selected, the drawing is included in project-wide plotting and title block operations. This setting is saved in the project .wdp file.
IEC-Style Designators
Specifies IEC default values for the drawing, such as Project (%P), Installation (%I), and Location (%L) fields. When you insert a component, the %I and %L default values are used if the Installation and/or Location values would normally be blank.
Project Code Specifies a project code for the WD_M block definition. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %P.
Installation Code
Specifies the installation code for the WD_M block definition. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %I. Specifies the location code for the WD_M block definition. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %L. Displays a list of Installation or Location codes from the active drawing. Displays a list of previously defined Installation or Location codes in the active project or from the Default.INST or Default.LOC file.
Location Code
NOTE Avoid using a mixture of drawings in the project when using the Combine Installation/Location Tag mode. For example, do not include some drawings with drawing-wide Installation or Location values and some without drawing-wide values. It can result in a disruption of the child and parent component relationship under certain circumstances.
Sheet Values
Component, wire, and cross-reference tagging use replaceable parameters in their format. If you reference the sheet number or drawing number in any of your tagging formats, then specify a default drawing-wide value to use.
Sheet Specifies the sheet number value for the drawing settings. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %S. Specifies the drawing number value for the drawing settings. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %D. Specifies the section value for the drawing file saved in the project definition file (.wdp). This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %A. Specifies the subsection value for the drawing file saved in the project definition file (.wdp). This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %B.
Drawing layout
SHEET or SHEET_ SHEETDWGNAME IEC_PROJ IEC_INST IEC_LOC UNIT_SCL sheet number for the drawing (%S) optional drawing number for the drawing (%D) optional IEC project code (%P) optional IEC installation code (%I) optional IEC location code (%L) units scaling factor (1.0 = inch, 1.0 = full-size mm, 25.4 = inch scaled up to mm) scaling adjustment (0 = default, 1.25=for 25% bigger)
Ladder defaults
RUNGHORV ladder orientation: "H" = horizontal rungs (vertical ladders); "V" = vertical rungs (horizontal ladders) reference numbering system: ladder line reference-based or X-Y grid reference-based 1 = line reference numbers 2 = numbers with ruling 3 = user-defined line reference block 4 = X-Y grid reference mode 5 = X-Zone reference mode
default rung spacing default ladder width default rung-to-rung line reference increment (default = 1) draw ladder rungs: 0 = none, 1 = draw all rungs for new ladder, 2 = skip 1, 3 = skip 2, and so on. 3-phase bus spacing value
Component tagging
TAGMODE TAG-START tag mode value: S = sequential, R = reference-based starting sequential number of the drawing -for sequential tagging only (that is, "1") comma-delimited component tag suffix list -for referencebased tagging only (that is, "A, B, C") component tag format specifier (default=%F%N)
starting sequential number of the drawing - for sequential tagging only (that is, "100") wire tag suffix list - for reference-based tagging only (that is, "A,B,C") wire tag format specifier (default=%N) wire number increment wire leaders: 0 = only as required, 1 = always insert wire leaders, 2 = never insert leaders wire gap style: 0 = wire gap, 1 = use loops across gaps, 2 = solid crossing (no gap) retag and wire numbering sort mode wire number placement offset distance (GBL_wd_wnum_offset); same as the project-wide +[19] value in the .wdp file. 0.0 or missing= centered on wire (default), >0.0 = offset from top or left end by given distance 1's bit set = (GBL_wd_inline_gap global) auto in line wire gap adjust "ON" (see WNUM_GAP attribute for settings list) 2's +4's bits = 00 default wire number above wire 01 = below wire
Layer names
TAG_LAY TAGFIXED_LAY DESC_LAY CDESC_LAY component tag layer fixed component tag layer description layer of the parent component description layer of the child component
component terminal pin numbers layer cross-reference layer of the parent component cross-reference layer of the child component component location code layer component position code layer miscellaneous layer layer for schematic component graphics dashed link lines layer location box layer valid wire layer names where "" = all valid (comma-delimited) valid wire number extra wire number layer fixed wire layer terminal and signal arrow wire number layer
Fan In/Out
FAN_INOUT_LAYS valid layer names for Fan In/Out, single-line wires (commadelimited) Fan In/Out symbol style number
XREFFMT ALT_XREFFMT cross-reference format specifier (default=%N) optional cross-reference format for inter-drawing references (that is, %S-%N)
cross-reference style: 0 = text, 1 = graphical, 2 = table 1's bit = include unused contacts, 2's bit (if table)= include parent coil 0 = separate reference, 1 = contact count totals cross-reference fill-with text 0 = sort by line reference, 1 = sort by pin list cross-reference text between references (text style cross-referencing) 0 = contact mapping (text), 1 = graphic 0 = JIC, 1 = IEC contact mapping list table style name table title table fields to include table available field names table fields justification
DATUMX DATUMY DISTH DISTV CHAR_H CHAR_V X coordinate origin for X-Y or X-zone Y coordinate origin for X-Y or X-zone horizontal interval spacing for X-Y or X-zone vertical interval spacing for X-Y referencing horizontal starting character for X-Y or X-zone vertical starting character for X-Y referencing
PLC_STYLE ARROW_STYLE PLC module style code (default = 1) default signal arrow style number
WNUM_GAP list of 3 in line wire number/label gap settings (see WNUM_FLAGS bit 1 for toggle mode); value saved to GBL_wd_inline_gapas a list. nil or "(num1 num2 num3)" miscellaneous flags 0 = gap 1 = loop 2 = no gap 1's bit = mm full-size 2's bit = ignore non lay0 lay vector 4's bit = use plc wire numbers 8's bit = insert new ladders without references 16's bit = search for PLC address on component insert 32+64 bit = 10 = none 01 = angle 1 11 = angle 2 00 = dot
Update Symbol
Library WD_M Block. 4 Select the WD_M - schematic settings to modify and click OK. The settings and layer names are collected from the drawing and appropriate adjustments are made to the WD_M block. 5 Save the modified WD_M drawing. NOTE Update the version of your template drawing of the inserted WD_M block if a template drawing exists for your project. 6 Open your template file.
Update to New
WD_M Block, Values, Layers. The new version of the WD_M block replaces your existing one.
Replaces the schematic wd_m.dwg block in the current drawing with a newer copy, but keeps existing configuration values and layer names. Replaces the panel wd_pnlm.dwg block in the current drawing with a newer copy, and converts to the newer configuration values and layers. Replaces the panel wd_pnlm.dwg block in the current drawing with a newer copy, but keeps existing configuration values and layer names.
2 Select the WD_M drawing to use as the new WD_M block in the drawing. 3 Click Open.
Update Symbol
Library WD_M Block. Menu: Projects Swap WD_M or WD_PNLM Blocks Update Symbol Library WD_M Block Command entry: AECOPY2SYMLIB The WD_M and WD_PNLM blocks carry attribute values that define the default AutoCAD Electrical settings.
WD_M WD_PNLM Defines the default schematic settings. Defines the default panel settings.
A drawing needs an invisible block, WD_M.dwg, on the drawing to be compatible with AutoCAD Electrical.
The WD_M.dwg block is located in the default symbol library. This block carries about 50 attributes that define settings, layer names, and other default settings that are referenced by AutoCAD Electrical commands. NOTE If the drawing includes panel layout symbols, the block WD_PNLM.dwg is also needed. The WD_M and WD_PNLM blocks can be present on the same drawing. To insert a WD_M or WD_PNLM block
If the WD_M block is not present in a new or existing drawing, click OK to insert the block at location 0,0. If the WD_PNLM block is not present in a new or existing drawing when using panel layout symbols, click OK to insert the block. To force the drawing settings to match the project settings, select the check box.
Using Layers
Manage layers
Manage layers
AutoCAD Electrical provides tools for managing and renaming panel and schematic layers. You can use your own layer naming convention with AutoCAD Electrical, as well as change the layer naming used on an existing AutoCAD Electrical drawing using the following tools.
Configuration. 2 Click Layers Setup. 3 Specify information for the panel component layers, non-text graphic layers, and nameplate layers.
When AutoCAD Electrical inserts a footprint, it is modified on the fly to match the layering scheme set up in this dialog box. 4 Click OK.
Rename Layers . 2 To edit an individual layer name, select the layer to edit from the list and click Edit. Enter a new layer name and click OK. 3 To edit multiple layer names, click Find/Replace.Enter the text to find and the text to replace it with in the edit boxes. Click OK.
drop-down Drawing Properties. 2 In the Drawing Properties dialog box, click the Drawing Format tab. 3 In the Layers section, click Define. 4 In the Define Layers dialog box, specify information for the component layers and wire number layers. The layer names you choose are what AutoCAD Electrical uses as it inserts the parts and pieces of component symbols and wire numbers. If the layer name you enter does not exist when it comes time for AutoCAD
Electrical to insert something onto that layer, AutoCAD Electrical creates that layer on the fly. 5 Click OK. 6 In the Drawing Properties dialog box, click OK. NOTE You can also change layer properties using the Project Manager tool. In the Project Manager, right-click on the drawing name and select Properties Drawing Properties (or to change the project default settings, right-click on the project name and select Properties. The settings are applied to new drawings). In the Drawing Format tab, Layers section, click Define.
drop-down Rename Layers. 2 To edit an individual layer name, select the layer to edit from the list and click Edit. Enter a new layer name and click OK. 3 To edit multiple layer names, click Find/Replace.Enter the text to find and the text to replace it with in the edit boxes. Click OK. NOTE You can also change layer properties using the Project Manager tool. In the Project Manager, right-click on the drawing name and select Properties Drawing Properties (or to change the project default settings, right-click on the project name and select Properties. The settings are applied to new drawings). In the Drawing Format tab, Layers section, click Define.
Define layers
AutoCAD Electrical automatically manages the wire number and component layers you set up in the drawing settings. No matter which layer is active, wires always go to a wire layer and components go to component layers.
Toolbar: Main Electrical 2 Menu: Projects Drawing Properties Command entry: AEPROPERTIES In the Drawing Properties dialog box, click the Drawing Format tab. In the Layers section, click Define. NOTE You can also change layer properties using the Project Manager tool. In the Project Manager, right-click the drawing name, and select Properties Drawing Properties. (To change the project default settings, right-click the project name, and select Properties. The settings are applied to new drawings). In the Drawing Format tab, Layers section, click Define. The layer names you choose are what AutoCAD Electrical uses as it inserts the parts and pieces of component symbols and wire numbers. It does not matter what layer is current at the time. If the layer name you enter does not exist when it comes time for AutoCAD Electrical to insert something onto that layer, AutoCAD Electrical creates that layer on the fly.
Fixed Tags
Layer name for parent functional description text (for example, "MASTER RELAY") Layer name for child contact functional description text (a copy of the description of the parent) Layer name for parent cross-reference text Layer name for child cross-reference text Layer name for terminal pin number text Layer name for optional location and installation code text Layer name for switch position text Layer name for all other component annotation Layer name for dashed lines that can be inserted to show multiple components linked together Layer name for Location Boxes If a given layer name exists, use this switch (Freeze/Thaw) to hide (freeze) all attributes on that layer. For example, to hide all child cross-reference text, select Freeze next to the Cross-reference (child) edit box. You can also use the AutoCAD LAYER command to do the same thing. As AutoCAD Electrical inserts a component, it moves the parts and pieces of the symbol to the category layers listed in this dialog box. If you do not want an attribute or the graphics of a specific electrical symbol block to move to the defined AutoCAD Electrical layers, create your symbol with the entities on some layer other than 0, and then select this switch.
Description (Child)
Cross-reference Cross-reference (Child) Pin Numbers Installation/Location Positions Miscellaneous Text Dashed Link Lines
Layer name for extra wire number copies Layer name for fixed wire numbers that do not change when other wires are renumbered Layer name for wire number copies that are part of a terminal or signal arrow symbol
If your current layer is BORDER, when you use the AutoCAD Electrical icon menu to insert a 2-position selector switch. The lines and circles of the switch symbol automatically go to layer SYMS, the tag of the component to layer TAGS, the description text to DESC, switch position text to POS, and soon. If a new wire number inserts as a result of the switch breaking an existing numbered wire, the wire number automatically goes to layer WIRENO. All of this happens automatically, while your layer BORDER is current.
Toolbar: Panel Miscellaneous Menu: Panel Layout Miscellaneous Panel Tools Rename Panel Layers Command entry: AERENAMEPANLELLAYER
Menu: Projects Rename Schematic Layers Command entry: AERENAMELAYER The Layer Rename and Panel Layer Rename utilities rename layers one by one, or multiple layers at once by using the Find/Replace method. Updates the AutoCAD Electrical layer assignment information carried on the WD_M and WD_PNLM blocks in the drawing. For example, if DEMO-WIRES is currently assigned as an AutoCAD Electrical wire layer, and you rename it using this utility, the new layer name is substituted for DEMO-WIRES in the AutoCAD Electrical wire layer name list.
Layer Name Lists the drawing layer names referenced in either the Drawing Properties dialog box or the Panel Layout Configuration dialog box. Replaces a name or substring within a layer name. Edits the selected layer name.
Find/Replace Edit
drop-down Configuration.
Toolbar: Panel Layout Menu: Panel Layout Panel Configuration Command entry: AEPANELCONFIG Click the Layers Setup button.
Panel Component Layers Lists all of the component layers. Change the layer name for a tag by entering a new name in the edit box. If you do not want an attribute moved to a PNL layer, place that attribute on some other layer than 0 on the block. Then, click the Ignore above for symbol's non-layer 0 entities toggle.
When a panel component is inserted, the block is inserted on the current layer if it is one of those listed in the "Non-text Graphics" layer list (wild-cards allowed). If the current layer is not in this list, the block is inserted on the first layer in the list. Attributes are moved to the layer defined for its type. Lists existing nameplate layers for the graphics, tags, and descriptions. (Available if a layer exists already) Freezes or thaws any of the panel layers. Performs a global find and replace on the layer names.
Nameplate Layers
The Set Wire Type tool is used for setting a wire type for new wires only. The wire layer name and the associated wire properties (such as wire color, size, and whether the wire layer is processed for wire numbers) are saved in the drawing file. The following rules determine the wire layer for a new wire:
When a wire is created from an existing wire, the new wire takes on the same layer as the existing wire. It ignores the current layer and the current wire type.
When the new wire is started in empty space but ends at an existing wire, the new wire takes on the wire layer of the ending wire. The current layer and current wire type are ignored. When a new wire is started at an existing wire and ends at another existing wire, the new wire takes on the layer of the beginning wire. If there are no wire layers in the drawing, the new wire is drawn in the WIRES layer. When a wire starts in empty space and ends at the component wire connection point, the new wire is drawn on the current wire type. The layer of the wires already tied to the same component connection points are ignored. The same is true for a wire that starts at the component wire connection point and ends in empty space.
Use the Create/Edit Wire Type tool to create new or edit existing wire types or use the Change/Convert Wire Type tool to convert lines to wires.
Type drop-down Create/Edit Wire Type. 2 In the Create/Edit Wire Type dialog box, click inside the Wire Color column for a blank row and specify a value for the new wire layer. 3 Click inside the Size column and specify a value for the size. The Layer Name is automatically created. If you specified Wire Color: Red and Size: 20, the name RED_20 is assigned to the wire layer you are creating. 4 If you do not want wires on this layer processed for wire numbers, select No for the Wire Numbering option. 5 To import wire types from an existing drawing or template, click Import.
Select the drawing or drawing template containing the wire types for import. On the Import Wire Types dialog box, select the wire types for import.
Define how the import function behaves if a wire type exists on the active drawing.
6 Click Color, Linetype, or Lineweight to assign values for the new layer. NOTE If you want the new wire layer to be the default, click Mark Selected as Default. 7 Click OK.
Type drop-down Create/Edit Wire Type. 2 In the Create/Edit Wire Type dialog box, click Add Existing Layer. 3 In the Layers for Line "Wires" dialog box, define the layer name and click OK. You can either enter a name in the edit box or click Pick to select a name from the existing layer list. The layer displays in the wire type grid. If you selected the wrong wire layer, highlight the layer in the dialog box and click Remove Layer. You can then go back into the Layers for Line "Wires" dialog box and select another layer to add. 4 In the Create/Edit dialog box, click Color, Linetype, or Lineweight to assign new values for the layer. 5 If you do not want wires on this layer processed for wire numbers, select No for the Wire Numbering option. 6 Click OK.
Toolbar: Wires Menu: Wires Create/Edit Wire Type Command entry: AEWIRETYPE The program saves the wire layer name and associated properties, such as wire color, size, and whether the wire layer is processed for wire numbers, in the drawing file. Use the grid control to sort and select wire types to modify. TIP Use the Change/Convert Wire Type tool to convert lines to wires. You can also type "T" at the command prompt during wire insertion to use the Set Wire Type tool.
If all wires in the network are on layers set No for Wire Numbering, no new wire number is inserted. If any wire in the network is on a layer set Yes for Wire Numbering, the existing non-fixed wire number is updated or a new wire number is inserted. If a wire network already has a non-fixed wire number, it is updated regardless of the Wire Numbering setting. Use the Delete Wire Numbers command to remove the wire number.
NOTE Manually maintain wire layer type consistency through signal arrows.
To rename the User1- User 20 column headers, right-click the project name in the Project Manager and select Properties. In the Project Properties Wire Numbers dialog box, Wire Type section, click Rename User Columns. In the Rename User Columns dialog box, specify a new column name and click OK. Renaming of user-defined columns is project-specific. You cannot rename the Color, Size, or Layer Name columns. All the data corresponding to the header column can be copied, cut, and pasted to another column. All text fields are editable except for the Layer Name cell. It cannot be edited for existing layers. Left-click to edit the cell or right-click in a cell to display options for modifying the cell contents. If you want to rename a layer, right-click on a cell and select Rename Layer. Right-click options include: Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete Layer, and Rename Layer. If it is the default layer, you cannot delete or remove the layer. You can select multiple layers to edit or remove by using the Shift or Ctrl keys on your keyboard while picking the wire layer in the wire type list. You can move the wire type records inside the grid to whatever position you want using drag and drop. Select the wire type records to move and drag to the new position in the grid.
Make All Lines Valid Wires Makes all existing layers valid wire layers and displays them in the wire type grid. If you later decide you want some layers to be wire layers and others to be line layers, you can deselect this option. All the layers are removed from the wire type grid. Add layers again using the Add Existing Layer option. Imports wire types from an existing drawing or drawing template. Once the drawing is specified, the Import Wire Types on page 903 dialog box displays. Select the wire types to import.
Allows you to format the layer name, define or edit the layer color, linetype, and line weight.
Layer Name Format Format the layer name. The program fills the layer name automatically once you enter a value in color, size based on the format. For example, if you enter
BLK for color and 10AWG for size, the layer name is filled in as BLK_10AWG based on default %C_%S format. Placeholders are supported at any place in the format (that is, "CUST%C-THIN%S). Valid wire name format codes are: %C = Wire Color %S = Wire Size %1-%5 = User 1 - User 5
Displays the AutoCAD dialog box for Layer colors election. The Select Color dialog box highlights the color corresponding to the wire type record. The default color for new records is white. Undefined colors for layers use the default color while creating the layer. Multiple selection is allowed. All wire layers that were selected can be changed to the color. Displays the AutoCAD dialog box for linetype selection. This Select Linetype dialog box highlights the linetype corresponding to the wire type record. The default linetype for new records is continuous. Undefined linetypes for layers use the default linetype while creating the layer. Multiple selection is allowed. All wire layers that were selected can be changed to the desired linetype. NOTE If you need special linetypes for constructing P&ID or point to point diagrams, load the special linetypes from theacade.lin text file.
Displays the AutoCAD dialog box for lineweight selection. The Lineweight dialog box highlights the lineweight corresponding to the wire type record. The default lineweight for new records is default. Undefined lineweights for layers use the default lineweight while creating the layer. Multiple selection is allowed. All wire layers that were selected can be changed to the desired lineweight. Displays the Layers for Line Wires dialog box for specifying a layer name. Click Pick to select the layer
name from the existing layer list consisting of all the layers in the drawing inclusive of the non-wire layers. Only lines on pre-selected layers are processed as wires. Enter a wire layer name in the dialog box. A wildcard used in the name selects a group of layers (for example, RED_* selects all layers that begin with "RED_"). Remove Layer Removes the selected layer name from the wire type grid. The layer is no longer a valid wire layer, however the layer remains in the drawing as an AutoCAD line layer. If multiple layers of one color exist in the drawing, select all layers of that color in the wire type grid to activate this button. For example, if there are multiple RED* layers such as RED_AWG18, RED_AWG20,and RED_AWG25, select all three layers in the wire type grid to enable the button. NOTE You cannot remove the wire layer marked as the default. Mark Selected as Default Makes the selected layer the default layer for new wire layers and displays the layer name in the dialog box.
NOTE This option is available only when one wire type record is selected in the list. Makes the selected wire type the current wire type. If the selected wire type does not exist on the drawing, the wire layer is created on the fly. The wire layer name and properties are saved in the drawing file. For the layer to create, the following rules apply:
The layer name must be unique The layer name cannot be left blank The layer name cannot contain special characters such as / \ " : ; ? * | , = ' ><
Type drop-down Create/Edit Wire Type. 2 Click Import. The Wire Type Import - Select Master Drawing dialog box displays. 3 Select the drawing or drawing template containing the wire types for import. 4 Click Open. The Import Wire Types dialog box displays. 5 Select the wire types for import. 6 Define how the import function behaves if a wire type exists on the active drawing. Overwrite any Wire Numbering and USERn differences - if checked, changes the wire numbering setting and all the USER values for the existing wire type to match the imported wire type. Update any layer color and linetype differences - if checked, changes the color and linetype settings for the existing wire layer to match the imported wire layer. 7 Click OK. The selected wire types and settings display in the Create/Edit Wire Type dialog. 8 Continue adding, importing, and editing wire types in the Create/Edit Wire Type dialog. 9 Click OK.
1 Click Project tab Project Tools panel Utilities. 2 Select the Import from specified drawing check box.
3 Browse to or enter the name of the drawing or drawing template containing the wire type definitions for import. 4 Click Setup to display the Import Wire Types dialog box. 5 Select the wire types for import. 6 Define how the import function behaves if a wire type exists on the drawing being processed. Overwrite any Wire Numbering and USERn differences - if checked, changes the wire numbering setting and all the USER values for the existing wire type to match the imported wire type. Update any layer color and linetype differences - if checked, changes the color and linetype settings for the existing wire layer to match the imported wire layer. 7 Click OK and return to the Project-Wide Utilities dialog box. 8 Click OK. The Select Drawings to Process dialog box displays. 9 Select the drawings you want to import the selected wire types into. 10 Click OK. Imports wire types from another drawing or drawing template.
Toolbar: Wires Menu: Wires Create/Edit Wire Type Command entry: AEWIRETYPE Click the Import button in the Option section.
Project-wide utilities
Toolbar: Project Menu: Projects Project-Wide Utilities Command entry: AEUTILITIES Select the Import from specified drawing check box. Browse to or enter the name of the drawing or drawing template containing the wire type definitions for import. Click Setup. Double click a column heading to sort the wire type list by the data in that column.
Grid Clear All Select All Select the wire types to import. All wire types are initially selected to import. Clears or selects all wire types to import. NOTE The button switches between Select All and Clear All each time it is clicked. Overwrite any Wire Numbering and USERn differences If checked, changes the wire numbering setting and all the USER values for the existing wire type to match the imported wire type. If checked, changes the color and linetype settings for the existing wire layer to match the imported wire layer.
Type drop-down Change/Convert Wire Type. Optionally, you can right-click on an existing wire and select Change/Convert Wire Type. 2 In the Change/Convert Wire Type dialog box, select a wire type record in the wire type list, or click Pick to select a wire type record from the drawing. If you right-clicked on a wire and selected Change/Convert Wire Type, the wire type corresponding to the selected wire layer is highlighted in the list. 3 Make any selections in the dialog box. If Change all wires in the wire network is selected, all wires in the wire network are changed to the new wire type. If unselected, only the selected wire is changed. If Convert Lines to Wires is selected, the selected lines are changed to the new wire type. If unselected, the lines are ignored. 4 Click OK. 5 Select the wires or lines in the drawing to change and press Enter.
Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel Insert Wires drop-down Wire. Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel Insert Wires drop-down 22.5 Degree. Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel Insert Wires drop-down 45 Degree. Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel Insert Wires drop-down 67.5 Degree.
Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel Multiple Bus. Click Schematic tab Edit Wires/Wire Numbers panel Modify Ladder drop-down Add Rung. Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel Insert Ladder drop-down Insert Ladder.
NOTE If you select Another Bus (Multi-Wire) in the Multiple Wire Bus dialog box, the wires are drawn on the same wire layer as the existing wire bus. You cannot type "T" to change the wire type during wire insertion.
Toolbar: Wires Menu: Wires Change/Convert Wire Type Command entry: AECONVERTWIRETYPE You can also right-click on an existing wire and select Change/Convert Wire Type. Use the grid control to sort and select the wire types for modification.
A No in the Wire Numbering column indicates that wires on this layer do not receive a wire number. The Insert Wire Numbers command follows these rules:
If all wires in the network are on layers set No for Wire Numbering, no new wire number is inserted. If any wire in the network is on a layer set Yes for Wire Numbering, the existing non-fixed wire number is updated or a new wire number is inserted. If a wire network already has a non-fixed wire number, it is updated regardless of the Wire Numbering setting. Use the Delete Wire Numbers command to remove the wire number.
NOTE Manually maintain wire layer type consistency through signal arrows. To rename the User1- User 20 column headers, right-click the project name in the Project Manager and select Properties. In the Project Properties Wire Numbers dialog box, Wire Type section, click Rename User Columns. In the Rename User Columns dialog box, specify a new column name and click OK. Renaming of user-defined columns is project-specific. You cannot rename the Color, Size, or Layer Name columns. All the data corresponding to the header column can be copied, cut, and pasted to another column.
Allows you to pick a wire or line in the active drawing. Once you pick a wire, the corresponding wire type record is highlighted. If you pick a line in the active drawing, you can add the layer where the line resides to the list of valid wire layers. A new wire type record is created automatically.
Change All Wire(s) in the Network Changes all the wires in the wire network to the selected wire type record. If unselected, only a single wire is changed to the selected wire type. Changes the lines to the selected wire type in the wire type grid.
NOTE This option is available only when one wire type record is selected in the list.
Makes the selected wire type the current wire type. If the selected wire type does not exist on the drawing, the wire layer is created on the fly. The wire layer name and properties are saved in the drawing file. For the layer to create, the following rules apply:
The layer name must be unique The layer name cannot be left blank The layer name cannot contain special characters such as / \ " : ; ? * | , = ' ><
If all wires in the network are on layers set No for Wire Numbering, no new wire number is inserted. If any wire in the network is on a layer set Yes for Wire Numbering, the existing non-fixed wire number is updated or a new wire number is inserted. If a wire network already has a non-fixed wire number, it is updated regardless of the Wire Numbering setting. Use the Delete Wire Numbers command to remove the wire number.
NOTE Manually maintain wire layer type consistency through signal arrows.
To rename the User1- User 20 column headers, right-click the project name in the Project Manager and select Properties. In the Project Properties Wire Numbers dialog box, Wire Type section, click Rename User Columns. In the Rename User Columns dialog box, specify a new column name and click OK. Renaming of user-defined columns is project-specific. You cannot rename the Color, Size, or Layer Name columns. All the data corresponding to the header column can be copied, cut, and pasted to another column.
NOTE This option is available only when one wire type record is selected in the list. Makes the selected wire type the current wire type. If the selected wire type does not exist on the drawing, the wire layer is created on the fly. The wire layer name and properties are saved in the drawing file. For the layer to create, the following rules apply:
The layer name must be unique. The layer name cannot be left blank. The layer name cannot contain special characters such as / \ " : ; ? * | , = ' > <.
Command entry: AEPROJECT Right-click the project name and select Settings. On the Current Settings dialog box, click Environment file.