The Raaf Uniform

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Chap 1



INTRODUCTION 1. The purpose of the RAAF uniform is to provide a distinct form of dress which identifies the wearer as a member of the RAAF and in which Air Force personnel may perform their various duties. The uniform should be worn with pride and dignity as it represents an organisation with a distinguished history of service to the Nation. 2. Because of the provisions of the Geneva Convention and other legal considerations, the uniform is only to be worn by members of the RAAF. Civilians are not to be to be issued with, or wear, any item of RAAF uniform, except where this is required for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) purposes. 3. The provisions of this Manual apply to members of the Permanent Air Force (PAF), Air Force Reserve and where applicable, to retired and discharged personnel. Officers, instructors and cadets of the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) are also to observe the requirements of this Manual, except where variations are authorised in AAP 5110.001 - AAFC Manual of Management. General Principles Applicable to the RAAF Uniform 4. The general principles applicable to the RAAF uniform, which have been endorsed by CAF, are: a. changes to the uniform should be kept to a minimum and should only be made for significant reasons of comfort, safety, function or necessity; the uniform should have a smart military appearance and clearly identify the wearer as a member of the RAAF; the uniform should be functional and comfortable to wear; the uniform should have an uncluttered appearance; and the uniform should have a reasonable degree of commonality between gender, rank level and musterings/categories to foster the one team philosophy.


c. d. e.

Responsibility for Policy Relating to RAAF Uniforms, Embellishments and Accoutrements 5. CAF has delegated to DCOORD-AF the authority to approve changes to the RAAF order of dress, to introduce or withdraw uniforms, accoutrements and embellishments and to set out dress regulations. Authority of Commanders in Relation to Dress 6. Commanders, including those from other Services, may prescribe a particular form of approved dress for wear on a specific occasion, eg ceremonial parades, exercises, or operational activities. However, they do not have the authority to waive or vary the provisions of this Manual, nor to lay down specific dress rules in an environment, where members would normally be able to choose from a range of uniform options. Commanders may restrict the wearing of certain orders of dress locally when such apparel would be clearly unsuitable for the climate or season, eg Tropical Dress worn during winter in the ACT. ORDERS OF DRESS RAAF Dress 7. RAAF Dress is classified in the following manner: a. Service Dress - Dress No 1. Service Dress (SD) is worn by all members of the RAAF on official occasions and may also be worn as working dress, when appropriate.

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Ceremonial Dress - Dress No 2 Air Vice Marshal and above. Ceremonial Dress (CD) is worn by members for ceremonial and other special occasions as required. Ceremonial Dress - Dress No 3. Attache Dress/ADFA. Ceremonial Dress (CD) is worn by members for ceremonial and other special occasions as required. Ceremonial Dress - Dress No 4. Ceremonial Dress (CD) is worn by parade participants and spectators in uniform at ceremonial parades, guards of honour and on other special occasions as required. Mess Dress - Dress No 5. Mess Dress (MD) is worn by officers, officer cadets, warrant officers, SNCOs and NCO Cadets for formal evening functions. SD uniform is worn by CPLs, LAC/LACWs, AC/ACWs and officer cadets (non-ADFA) for formal evening functions as approved by the OC/CO. Tropical Dress - Dress No 6. Tropical Dress (TD) is a uniform primarily for wear in tropical areas, but may be worn in other regions during the period proclaimed for the wearing of summer uniforms. COs may authorise the wearing of TD outside this period if unseasonably warm conditions are experienced. Combined Working Dress - Dress No 7. Combined Working Dress (CWD), Dress No 7, is the uniform normally worn by RAAF personnel when engaged in outdoor activities or when employed on duties of a physical or strenuous nature. It may be worn in lieu of SD Uniforms in the working environment and when travelling to and from the place of duty. Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform - Dress No 8. Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform (DPCU) is an Army pattern field uniform worn by members of the Airfield Defence Guard mustering, SECPOL (when performing dog handling duties) and also by other RAAF personnel when engaged in certain activities (refer Chapter 2 paragraphs 33 to 35). Uniforms for Designated Employment. Special uniforms have been developed for wear by members engaged in designated employment. The special uniforms are not to be worn when travelling to and from work or in public (with the exception of Dress Nos 10, 11,12, 13 and 15) unless ordered for a specific occasion, or unless approved by OC/CO because of special operational circumstances. The special uniforms are: (1) Tarmac Dress - Dress No 9. Tarmac Dress is worn primarily by members of the technical trades and supply musterings employed in flight line and warehouse duties. Tarmac Dress is only to be worn in the confines of the Base. Firefighters Dress - Dress No 10. Firefighters Dress is a CWD pattern uniform made from specially treated fire resistant cloth. Health Services Dress - Dress No 11. Health Services dress is worn by a member employed on health service duties. Physical Training Instructors Dress - Dress No 12. Physical Training Instructors (PTI) Dress is worn by members of the PTI mustering. Catering Services Dress - Dress No 13. Catering Services Dress is worn by members of the Cooks mustering when involved with the preparation of food. Stewards Dress - Dress No 14. Stewards Dress is worn by members of the Steward mustering Flying Dress - Dress No 15. Flying Dress is worn by personnel engaged in flying duties. Protective Clothing. Protective clothing such as overalls and dustcoats may be worn by personnel performing dirty or hazardous tasks. Such attire is only to be worn within the confines of a base.












(6) (7) (8)

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All Seasons Service Dress Concept 8. The basic uniform of the RAAF is Service Dress (SD) uniform. This consists of various basic items and of a number of optional items. Unless personnel are required to wear a specific order of SD uniform, for a particular occasion, they may choose which combination of SD uniform they wish to wear, provided it is authorised in this Manual. At the same time, members are expected to show common sense in their choice of optional items in relation to climate and the work environment. The concept of an all seasons uniform is to allow flexibility and choice and to do away with the rigidity associated with seasonal changeover dates. PROVISION AND REPLACEMENT OF UNIFORM Basic Uniform Items 9. On appointment, enlistment or following the completion of training, all members of the PAF and RAAF Reserve receive an initial issue of basic RAAF uniform items and accessories in accordance with DI (AF) AAP 3131.001- RAAF Clothing Scales. These items are to be maintained in good order and replaced when necessary, throughout a members period of service with the RAAF. PAF personnel receive Uniform Maintenance Allowance (UMA) to make such replacements, while RAAF Reserve members are entitled to free exchanges after qualifying periods. In some cases, uniforms are laundered or dry cleaned at public expense, but regardless of whether this entitlement applies, all RAAF personnel are expected at all times to wear uniforms which are clean, neat and in good order. 10. Commanders may order a particular order of dress, consisting of these basic items, as the required uniform for parades, ceremonial events and other appropriate occasions. Optional Items of Uniform 11. Some items of uniform are not issued at public expense but may be purchased by members, at their own expense, for wear as optional items. Commanders may not order personnel to purchase or wear such items. WEARING OF RAAF UNIFORM Introduction 12. RAAF uniform is to be worn by members of the Permanent Air Force, Air Force Reserve and former members in accordance with the provisions of this Manual. Members of the Australian Air Force Cadets are to conform to the requirements of this Manual, except where otherwise directed by the AAFC Manual of Management DI (AF) AAP 5110.001. Patterns 13. A member is only to wear those patterns of uniforms, accoutrements and embellishments approved by Air Force Headquarters (DCOORD-AF) and which are supplied through RAAF or ADF clothing stores, or through authorized contractors. Sealed samples of all RAAF uniform items, accoutrements and embellishments are held by Soldier Support System Program Office (SS SPO), Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. Where special measure items are required, they are to confirm as closely as possible to the approved pattern. All special SD shoes or boots, supplied for medical reasons, are to be manufactured in plain leather in order to provide the wearer with items which are suitable for both work and ceremonial wear. Exemptions from Dress Regulations on Religious Grounds 14. Members or prospective members of the RAAF or AAFC may apply through normal channels to DCOORDAF for exemption from particular dress regulations, where genuine religious grounds exist. In each case, the application should state the regulation involved, the reason for being unable to comply and how the exemption would affect the member's uniform and/or appearance. If applicable, any proposed alternative item of clothing should be listed. Applications should include comments from the Commanding Officer, Chaplain or Recruiting Officer in relation to the request. Where approval has been given to wear a non-standard item of uniform, JMA is to decide on the method of procurement. Exemptions will not be granted where standards of operational effectiveness, safety or hygiene may be compromised.

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Wearing of Insignia, Embellishments and Accoutrements with Uniform 15. Detailed instructions for the wearing of insignia, embellishments and accoutrements are contained in Chapters 3, 4 and 5. Occasions for Wear 16. To allow maximum benefit to be obtained from the uniform, a member may exercise discretion in wearing approved combinations of dress to suit the prevailing weather conditions within the following guidelines: a. On Duty. Approved combinations of Dress No 1, Dress No 6 and Dress No 7 are approved for wear on duty unless uniforms for designated employment, special working dress or protective clothing are required, or a particular order of dress is ordered for a special occasion. Members are expected to exercise common sense in the wearing of optional items of dress. In Public. All approved combinations of Dress No 1 to No 6, Nos 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 (when appropriate) may be worn in public.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS COMMANDING AND COMMANDING OFFICERS Authorised Dress and Grooming 17. OCs and COs are to ensure that members under command wear only authorised patterns of uniform and accessories. OCs and COs are also to promulgate dress rules and grooming instructions for Service messes, clubs and institutions within their area of responsibility. When setting and enforcing mess dress rules, commanders are to be mindful of CAFs directive that attire be neat, conservative and appropriate to both the mess environment and the occasion. Protective Clothing 18. Protective clothing, as listed in DI(AF) AAP 3131.001, may be prescribed as Special Purpose Working Dress where necessary. A CO is to ensure that this clothing is worn only when its use is necessary for a particular working environment and for the duration of that particular task. Maintenance of Uniform 19. Commanders are to ensure that their personnel possess uniforms that are clean, in good order, well fitting and of the correct pattern. Uniforms are to be inspected regularly to ensure that high standards of dress are maintained. Prescribed Dress 20. When the three Services parade or assemble together and uniformity is required, the seasonal change dates at Annex C are to apply. OCs or COs are to promulgate an order of dress in accordance with this chapter. The OC, CO or delegate is also to prescribe the order of dress for a parade or other special occasion. Guidance regarding the forms of dress for special occasions is specified at Annex B. Uniformity in Same Locality 21. Where several independent units or detachments are situated in the same locality, the commanders are to consult with other commanders or commanding officers to standardise Standing Instructions relating to particular dress requirements. The OC or CO is to promulgate these dress requirements in Standing Instructions (refer Annex B). RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS 22. Individuals are responsible for wearing their uniforms in accordance with the requirements of this Manual, on all occasions, both on and off RAAF units. Unauthorised orders of dress or combinations of RAAF uniforms are not permitted. Responsibility for ensuring that uniforms are in good repair, clean and well fitting is vested in the first instance with the member.

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WEARING OF RAAF UNIFORM ON SPECIFIC OCCASIONS On Duty 23. A member is to wear RAAF uniform when on duty, unless otherwise authorised by a relevant authority. A member of the RAAF Reserve is not permitted to wear uniform unless on official duty or authorised by a relevant authority. A member is to wear Dress No 1, or Dress No 6 in tropical areas, when reporting on the first day of posting or attachment. In Public 24. Subject to the provisions in this Manual, members may wear all versions of Dress No 1 and Dress No 6 (when appropriate) in public. Dress No 5 is not for general wear in public places but may be worn at appropriate venues, on formal occasions. Two Star Officers and above are to wear headdress (SD Cap) if attending official functions requiring Mess Dress, if that function is away from their own mess, ie off base. Wearing of Working Dress Uniforms in Public 25. The following forms of working dress may be worn in public when travelling to and from duty or when conducting short periods of private business in the local area: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Dress No 7* CWD; Dress No 8* DPCU; Dress No 10* Firefighter; Dress No 11* Health Services; Dress No 12* Physical Training Instructor; Dress No 13* Catering Services; and Dress No 15* Flying Dress.

*Appendices to Annex A to Chapter 1. Restrictions and Conditions 26. Restrictions, which apply to specific items of working dress being worn off base, are detailed in the relevant appendix to Annex A. General conditions relating to the wearing of any form of working dress in public are: a. b. c. The uniform concerned must be in a clean and well turned-out state. Only the approved version of each order of dress, as detailed in this Manual, may be worn. This concession applies to travel in private or Service vehicles only. It does not extend to travel by public transport, commercial airlines etc, unless members have been formally directed to travel in a particular form of working dress by commanders of operations or deployments. Personnel, when travelling between home and their place of duty, may make brief stops to conduct private business, make small purchases etc. However, such stops should be short and not involve extensive periods in public areas. For guidance, brief visits to service stations, convenience stores and similar establishments are considered acceptable. The wearing of working dress for extended periods in shopping complexes and similar areas is not deemed appropriate.


Detachments or Visits 27. A member proceeding on detachment or a visit is to take a sufficient quantity and range of Service and civilian clothing to meet the requirements of the unit, geographic area or duty concerned.

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Dress on RAAF Aircraft 28. The dress requirements for service personnel travelling as passengers on RAAF aircraft are as follows : a. Internal Flights. (1) (2) The normal dress for travel on internal flights is service uniform. On aircraft operating in the transport role, other than B707 and VIP aircraft, all versions of Dress No 1, Dress No 6 (when appropriate), Dress No 7, Dress No 8 and Dress No 15 are approved for wear. Flying suits or working dress, with appropriate rank insignia and Service headdress, may be worn as an outer garment. On B707 or VIP aircraft, only Dress No 1 or Dress No 6 (when appropriate) is the accepted standard to be worn. DPCU and CWD (or equivalent) may be worn when authorised by SOPSO 84WG, but must be clean and tidy. The web belt when worn with DPCU is to be removed prior to embarkation on B707 aircraft. Dress specific to trade, such as catering services dress and PTI dress are unacceptable.



International Flights. Dress for all service personnel travelling on duty overseas on RAAF aircraft is Dress No 1, or service equivalent. Any variation to this standard is to be requested in writing to MOVPOL. Special or Operational Flights. Air Force Headquarters, Air Commander Australia, a Commander or an OC/CO may issue special instructions for particular operational flights. A member travelling as a passenger in a RAAF aircraft operating in an operational role may be required to wear a flying suit or a specific order of dress at the discretion of the CO of the unit operating the aircraft.


Service with Navy, Army and ADF Units 29. RAAF personnel serving with Navy, Army or ADF units are to wear the RAAF uniform corresponding to that worn by the host Service and are to observe local dress customs. While Navy and Army commanders have the same authority as their RAAF counterparts to regulate the wearing of Service uniform by Air Force personnel under command, they do not have the authority to vary the orders of dress contained in this Manual, nor may they restrict the legitimate wearing of optional items of SD or other uniform options. Navy and Army commanders should be advised that DPCU is only worn by RAAF personnel in an operational environment and that CWD is the standard working dress for all other occasions. Visits to Other Countries 30. Except when on duty, RAAF personnel are not to wear their uniform in other countries, except with the written permission of DCOORD-AF. Fancy Dress Functions and Similar Events 31. A member is not to wear any form of RAAF uniform at fancy dress functions, street parades or similar events.

Service or Other Weddings 32. A member may wear RAAF uniform, Dress No 4 or Dress No 5, as appropriate, at a Service or other wedding with OC/COs approval. Chapter 3 provides further details on the wearing of swords (if entitled). Political or Religious Gatherings and Street Appeals 33. A member may wear uniform for private worship or to attend officially sanctioned religious services. A member is not to wear uniform when attending a meeting, gathering, procession or demonstration held for a political, religious or any socially contentious purpose unless representing the RAAF in an official capacity. This includes handing out literature at polling booths. A member in uniform is not to participate in street appeals or similar activities, except with COs approval.

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Civil Courts 34. The wearing of uniform at a civil court depends on whether the member attends in an official or private capacity. A CO is to decide whether it is appropriate to wear uniform depending on local conditions. Guidelines are that uniform: a. b. c. should be worn by a witness attending in an official capacity or by an escort; may be worn by a member accompanying another member at the COs direction; and should not be worn by a plaintiff, defendant or respondent.

Members of Other Services 35. A member of another Service on duty with the RAAF is to wear the equivalent uniform to that prescribed for Air Force personnel, unless another order of dress is authorised by the relevant commander/director. Former Members of the RAAF 36. All ex-members who were not discharged under adverse terms may wear Dress No 1, Dress No 4 or, if entitled, and where appropriate, Dress No 5 , under the following circumstances: a. when invited to attend an official Service-related function or ceremony at which the wearing of uniform by a former member is appropriate, when attending a Service funeral or a private funeral where the wearing of uniform is appropriate, and when attending Anzac Day, Remembrance Day or similar memorial ceremonies.

b. c.

37. Former members who might wish to wear RAAF uniform in circumstances other than those identified above should apply for permission to do so to DCOORD-AF. 38. The wearing of uniform by ex-officers, when invited to review a parade or participate in a ceremonial event as a guest of honour, is not necessary. Such persons may wear suitable civilian dress in lieu. Retired officers are not to wear aiguillettes as part of their uniform. If the wearing of a sword is required, and one is not held by the member concerned, the host officer for the parade or event is to arrange for temporary issue of the item from the nearest RAAF source. Ceremonial sashes will not be normally worn by retired officers; however, if because of special circumstances, CAF approves the wearing of Ceremonial Dress by a retired AVM or above, the sash is to be provided, on loan, by the host officer. 39. The wearing of uniform at Service funerals is not a requirement for retired officers, warrant officers and former SNCOs and airmen/airwomen. 40. Former members are to ensure that uniforms worn in retirement are of a good fit and well maintained. Additionally, on the occasions when uniform is worn, grooming standards should be commensurate with those applicable to Permanent Air Force personnel. 41. Although RAAF Clothing Scales allow the retention of certain types of uniform on discharge, this in itself is not an authority for ex-members to wear those items in retirement. 42. Former members who are entitled to wear uniform in retirement or after discharge may purchase items of Dress No 1 and Dress No 5 (if entitled) from RAAF clothing stores. FUNERALS Dress for Funerals 43. A member attending a State funeral, or a Service funeral in an official or representative capacity, should normally wear Dress 4A. Serving and retired RAAF personnel attending as mourners are to wear the same form of dress, although retired members of all ranks may wear civilian attire on which orders, decorations and medals may be worn. Miniatures of these orders, decorations and medals may be worn on civilian clothing if preferred. AL 1 7

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Notwithstanding these provisions, the commander responsible for arranging a Service funeral may direct that Dress 4B or Dress 4C be worn in lieu of Dress 4A, if warm or hot weather is expected. 44. These guidelines also apply to personnel attending non-Service funerals in a private capacity, ie Dress 4A is the normal form of dress but Dress 4B or Dress 4C may be worn in warm or hot weather conditions. Mourning Bands 45. A mourning band is to be worn by a member in uniform when Service mourning is ordered and on occasions listed in this Manual. The band, 8cm wide of black material, is to be worn on the sleeve, half way between the left elbow and the left shoulder. A mourning band is to be worn by an officer attending a State or Service funeral in an official capacity. An officer, warrant officer, officer cadet or airman is to wear a mourning band when detailed for duty in a State or Service funeral party; the wearing of a mourning band by members of the attending party (congregation) is optional. A mourning band is not to be worn during Anzac Day or Remembrance Day ceremonies. Private Mourning 46. A member may wear a mourning band to observe private mourning when wearing RAAF uniform for a period of up to seven days after the date of bereavement, unless an occasion arises which requires strict uniformity of dress (eg ceremonial parade). Seasonal Change 47. To suit prevailing climatic conditions, a member may normally wear any pattern of Dress No 1, including optional items, or Dress No 6, subject to dress instructions set out by commanders. However, on joint-Service ceremonial occasions when the RAAF is parading with other Services, the seasonal changeover dates, contained at Annex C, are to be taken into account when the order of dress for RAAF personnel is determined for such events. As a guide, Dress 4A would normally be worn during the period when other Services wear winter uniform, while Dress 4B or Dress 4C would be worn in summer months, depending on the temperatures expected. Areas of Service Definitions of areas of service for the issue of special overseas and tropical clothing are: 48. Australian non-tropical areas are south of the Tropic of Capricorn. a. Australian tropical areas are north of the Tropic of Capricorn within Australia and its territories. Woomera and Alice Springs are also to be regarded as Australian tropical areas. Overseas non-tropical areas are those outside Australia and its territories and not within the zone between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Overseas tropical areas are those outside Australia and its territories and between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. As required, Air Force Headquarters (DCOORD-AF) may vary this accordingly, to reflect local climatic conditions.




Dress No 6 is normally issued to a member on posting or attachment to a tropical area. WEARING OF CIVILIAN CLOTHING

When on Duty 50. Commanders/directors may allow members to wear civilian attire on duty when the occasion is appropriate or to cater for individuals specific requirements. Approval may be granted for such dress providing clear guidelines are issued. When worn on duty, civilian attire is to be neat, clean and of a standard commensurate with the wearers status as a member of the RAAF. Equally, grooming standards are to be maintained in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2.

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Pregnancy 51. During pregnancy, members are to wear Service maternity dress when they can no longer comfortably fit into normal uniform. However, if the nature of their duties requires a special type of clothing not available in the maternity uniform range, then pregnant females are permitted to wear civilian maternity attire within the workplace, in accordance with paragraph 50. WEARER TRIALS 52. All wearer trials of any form of new clothing or accoutrements are to be authorised by DCOORD-AF. Approved trials will be co-ordinated and administered by OIC Air Force Clothing Entitlements (AFCE). Personnel are permitted to wear trial items only during the stipulated period and under such conditions as specified by OIC AFCE. Items issued to personnel on wearer trials may be retained by the member on completion of the trial, regardless of the trials outcome. Annexes: A. B. C. RAAF Orders of Dress Guidelines for the Promulgation of Standing Orders Relating to the Wearing of RAAF Uniforms Seasonal Change-Over Dates

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1. Approved RAAF orders of dress for all ranks, including special uniforms for members engaged in designated employment, are detailed at Appendices 1 to 15. Appendices: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Service Dress Air Force Blue Ceremonial Dress Air Force Blue, Air Commodore and Below Mess Dress Tropical Dress Combined Working Dress No 7 Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform (DPCU) No 8 Tarmac Dress No 9 - Male and Females - Flight Sergeant and Below Firefighters Dress No 10 - All Ranks Medical - Health Services Dress No 11 Physical Training Instructors Dress No 12 - All Ranks Catering Services Dress No 13 - All Ranks Crew Attendant Dress No 14 Flying Dress No 15 - All Ranks Concert Dress - Musician Attache Dress and ADFA Ceremonial Dress Ceremonial Dress - Air Force Blue - Air Vice-Marshal and Above


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COOL WEATHER 1A - MALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform Unit parade Mess Dress alternate Religious service (except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Formal Occasions Representational Functions ITEMS OF DRESS Uniform, mens, SD, Air Force blue (comprising tunic and matching trousers) Cap, SD, Air Force blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides) Tie, SD Air Force blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes,SD dress, black, (2) Name badge, official TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, gold bullion Aiguillette (1) Ribbons of orders and decorations Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. Refer. to Chapter 3 Shoes SD , Patent Leather, black



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WARM WEATHER 1B - MALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform Unit parade Mess dress - alternative Weddings Religious service (except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Investiture (as a recipient only in tropical areas) Formal Occasions Representational Functions ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides) Tie, SD Air Force blue Trousers, mens, SD, Air Force blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD dress, black, (2) Name badge, official TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Aiguillette (1) Ribbons of ordersand decorations Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge

NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black



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OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform Unit parade Weddings Religious service (except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Formal Occasions Representational Functions ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, short sleeve (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides) Trousers, mens, SD, Air Force blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD dress, black, (2) Name badge, official TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Aiguillette (1) Ribbons of orders and decorations Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black



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MALES - OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS OCCASION FOR WEAR These items of clothing and accoutrements may be worn or carried with the SD uniform when it is worn as a working dress uniform only. OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Cap garrison Hat fur felt, Khaki Jacket utility Sweater (heavy or light weight) Overcoat (heavy or light weight) Raincoat Cuff links of plain or suitable military design Gloves, knitted, black (1) Umbrella NOTES 1. All Ranks.



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COOL WEATHER 1A - FEMALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform Unit parade Mess dress - alternative Weddings Religious service (except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Investiture (as a recipient only) Formal Occasions Representational Functions ITEMS OF DRESS Uniform, womens SD, Air Force blue (comprising tunic and matching trousers) Cap, SD, Air Force blue Shirt, womens, blue/white, long sleeve (with blue - grey AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Tie, SD Air Force blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes,SD black, (2) Knee high stockings, Kolotex nearly blackmay be worn Name badge, official TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, gold bullion Aiguillette (1) Ribbons of orders and decorations Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. 3. Refer to Chapter 3. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black. Additional optional items of dress are located at the rear of this appendix



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WARM WEATHER 1B - FEMALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform Unit parade Mess dress - alternative Weddings Religious service (except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Investiture (as a recipient only) Formal Occasions Representational Functions ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue Shirt, womens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Tie, womens, Air Force blue Trousers, SD, Air Force blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Knee high stockings, Kolotex nearly blackmay be worn Shoes,SD dress, black, (2) Name badge, official TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Aiguillette (1) Ribbons of orders and decorations Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. 3. Refer to chapter 3. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black. Additional optional items of dress are located at the rear of this appendix.



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HOT WEATHER 1C - FEMALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform Unit parade Weddings Religious service (except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Formal Occasions Representational Functions ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue Shirt, womens, blue/white, short sleeve (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Trousers, SD, Air Force blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Knee high stockings, Kolotex nearly blackmay be worn Shoes,SD dress, black, (2) Name badge, official TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Aiguillette (1) Ribbons of orders and decorations Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. 3. Refer to chapter 3. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black. Additional optional items of dress are located at the rear of this appendix.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 1 to Annex A Chap 1

FEMALES - OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS OCCASION FOR WEAR These items of clothing and accoutrements may be worn or carried with the SD uniform, when it is worn as a working dress uniform only. OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Cap garrison Hat, SD, womens Air Force blue Hat fur felt, Khaki Jacket utility Cardigan Sweater (heavy or light weight) Overcoat (heavy or light weight) Skirt, womens SD, Air Force blue (2) Handbag (1) Gloves, knitted, black Dress, maternity, blue/white Skirt, womens, SD, Air Force blue Stockings / pantihose, Kolotex nearly black Shoes, womens, court, black Tie, womens (not for ceremonial wear) Raincoat Umbrella NOTES 1. 2. Not worn or carried on parade. Skirts must be worn wil nearly black pantihose

General Guidance on the wearing of Female Dress with stockings, pantihose and socks. Trousers with court shoes and knee high stockings in "nearly black" (at work including non-ceremonial occasions) Trousers with Service Dress shoes and knee high stockings "nearly black" (at work including non-ceremonial occasions) Trousers with Service Dress shoes and black socks (at work or for ceremonial occasions) Non-Tropical areas Skirts to be worn with stockings or pantyhose in 'nearly black' with court shoes or Service Dress shoes. No other options. Skirts can also be worn with the Service Dress1A or Utility jacket Tropical Areas only (Darwin, Tindal, Townsville) Skirts may be worn with stockings or pantyhose in 'nearly black' with court shoes or Service Dress shoes. Dress Blue/White or Dress White is worn with stockings or pantyhose in "mini beige" with court shoes or Service Dress Shoes. Skirts/Dress Blue/White or Dress White may be worn without stockings or pantyhose with court shoes only Dress Blue/White or Dress White may be worn with white socks with Service Dress shoes



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 2 to Annex A Chap 1


COOL WEATHER 4A - MALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official guest Ceremonial parade - participant or spectator Guard of honour - participant State or Service funeral Investiture (as a guest) Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, and memorial services ITEMS OF DRESS Uniform, mens, SD, Air Force Blue (comprising tunic and matching trousers) Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Tie, SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (5) Name Badge (4) Gloves white (3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, gold bullion Insignia of orders, decorations and medals (medals are to be worn ) Aiguillette (1) Sword, air officer (AIRCDRE only) (2) Sword, officer (2) Sash, shoulder, blue, ceremonial (3) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 2 to Annex A Chap 1

NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. A sword is worn when attending as a reviewing officer, host officer or parade participant, by officers and warrant officers, if the parade as a whole is also armed. A sword may be worn on ceremonial occasions when attending as the official Service Representative. The sword is not worn by the official Service representative on memorial occasions. Worn on ceremonial parades and guards of honour by colour WOFF and all Colour Escorts only. When ordered. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black.

3. 4. 5.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 2 To Annex A Chap 1

WARM WEATHER 4B - MALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official guest Ceremonial parade participant or spectator Guard of honour - participant State or Service funeral Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, and memorial services ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Tie, SD, Air Force Blue Trousers, mens, SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (5) Name badge (4) Gloves White(3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Insignia of orders, decorations and medals (medals are to be worn ) Aiguillette (1) Sword, air officer (AIRCDRE only) (2) Sword, officer (2) Sash, shoulder, blue, ceremonial (3) Skill at arms badge (left sleeve) Parachutist badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. A sword is worn when attanding as a reviewing officer, host officer or parade participant, by officers and warrant officers, if the parade as a whole is also armed. A sword may be worn on ceremonial occasions when attending as the official Service Representative. The sword is not worn by the official Service representative on memorial occasions. Worn on ceremonial parades and guards of honour by Colour WOFF and Colour Escorts only. When ordered. Shoes SD, Patent Leather Black.

3. 4. 5.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 2 to Annex A Chap 1

HOT WEATHER 4C - MALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official guest Ceremonial parade participant or spectator Guard of honour - participant State or Service funeral Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, and memorial services ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, short sleeve (with Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Trousers, mens, SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (5) Name badge (4) Gloves White(3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Insignia of orders, decorations and medals (medals are to be worn ) Aiguillette (1) Sword, air officer (AIRCDRE only) (2) Sword, officer (2) Sash, shoulder, blue, ceremonial (3) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. A sword is worn when attanding as a reviewing officer, host officer or parade participant, by officers and warrant officers, if the parade as a whole is also armed. A sword may be worn on ceremonial occasions when attending as the official Service Representative. The sword is not worn by the official Service representative on memorial occasions. Worn on ceremonial parades and guards of honour by Colour WOFF and Colour Escorts only. When ordered. Shoes SD, Patent Leather Black.

3. 4. 5.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 2 To Annex A Chap 1

COOL WEATHER 4A - FEMALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official guest Ceremonial parade - participant Guard of honour - participant State or Service funeral Investiture (as a guest) Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, and memorial services ITEMS OF DRESS Uniform, womens, SD, Air Force Blue (comprising tunic and matching slacks ) Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Shirt, womens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Tie, SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (5) Name badge (4) Gloves White(3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, gold bullion Insignia of orders, decorations and medals (medals are to be worn ) Aiguillette (1) Sword, air officer (AIRCDRE only) (2) Sword, officer (2) Sash, shoulder, blue, ceremonial (3) Skill at arms badge (left sleeve) Parachutist badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. A sword is worn when attending as a reviewing officer, host officer or parade participant, by officers and warrant officers, if the parade as a whole is also armed. A sword may be worn on ceremonial occasions when attending as the official Service Representative. The sword is not worn by the official Service representative on memorial occasions. Worn on ceremonial parades and guards of honour by Colour WOFF and Colour Escorts only. When ordered Shoes SD Patent Leather, Black.

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 2 to Annex A Chap 1

WARM WEATHER 4B - FEMALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official guest Ceremonial parade - participant Guard of honour - participant State or Service funeral Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, and memorial services ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Shirt, womens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Tie, SD, Air Force Blue Slacks, womens, SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (5) Name badge (4) Gloves White(3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Insignia of orders, decorations and medals (medals are to be worn ) Aiguillette (1) Sword, air officer (AIRCDRE only) (2) Sword, officer (2) Sash, shoulder, blue, ceremonial (3) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. A sword is worn when attending as a reviewing officer, host officer or parade participant, by officers and warrant officers, if the parade as a whole is also armed. A sword may be worn on ceremonial occasions when attending as the official Service Representative. The sword is not worn by the official Service representative on memorial occasions. Worn on ceremonial parades and guards of honour by Colour WOFF and Colour Escorts only. When ordered Shoes SD Patent Leather, Black.

3. 4. 5.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 2 To Annex A Chap 1

HOT WEATHER 4C - FEMALES OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official guest Ceremonial parade - participant Guard of honour - participant State or Service funeral Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, and memorial services ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Shirt, womens, blue/white, short sleeve (with Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA rank slides ) Slacks, womens, SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (5) Name badge (4) Gloves White(3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Insignia of orders, decorations and medals (medals are to be worn ) Aiguillette (1) Sword, air officer (AIRCDRE only) (2) Sword, officer (2) Sash, shoulder, blue, ceremonial (3) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Military Skills Instructor Badge NOTES 1. 2. Refer to Chapter 3. A sword is worn when attending as a reviewing officer, host officer or parade participant, by officers and warrant officers, if the parade as a whole is also armed. A sword may be worn on ceremonial occasions when attending as the official Service Representative. The sword is not worn by the official Service representative on memorial occasions. Worn on ceremonial parades and guards of honour by Colour WOFF and Colour Escorts only. When ordered Shoes SD Patent Leather, Black.

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

WARM WEATHER 5A AND COOL WEATHER 5B - MALE OFFICERS OCCASION FOR WEAR Service dining-in nights. Service balls. Formal mess functions when directed by the PMC. Formal civilian dinners, balls and similar functions where mess dress, or equivalent, is the designated form of dress. Weddings (if appropriate and with OC/COs approval) ITEMS OF DRESS (1) Jacket, mens, MD, dark blue (cool weather 5B) Jacket, mens White (warm weather 5A) (1) Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue (with gold lace rank braid) Shirt, mens, evening, white, marcella, long sleeve (2) Bow tie, black Cummerbund, mens, dark blue Trousers, mens, MD, dark blue Trousers, SD. Air Force Blue Socks, black Shoes, SD, black or Patent Leather Belt, Trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, miniature, gold bullion Miniatures of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (3) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) (Miniature Gold Bullion) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) (Miniature Gold Bullion) Commendation Badges Miniature Citations - Miniature NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Members who do not have Mess Dress are to wear Dress 1A. For guidance on periods during which Dress 5A and Dress 5B may be worn refer to Chapter 1 Annex C. Marcella front, with turn-down collar, and plain gold or gold coloured cuff links and studs. Refer to Chapter 3. Officers of two star rank and higher, and their Aides de Damp, where appropriate, may wear the Cap SD, Air Force blue with Dress 5A and Dress 5B where there are ceremonial activities associated with the nornal function being attended.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

TROPICAL 5D - MALE OFFICERS OCCASION FOR WEAR MD tropical also known as Red Sea Rig is primarily for wear in tropical areas. Commanders may authorise the wearing of Dress 5D in other areas during hot weather for wear at dining-in nights and balls. ITEMS OF DRESS (1) Shirt, mens, white, short sleeve with pearl buttons Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue (with gold lace rank braid) Cummerbund, mens, dark blue Trousers, mens, MD, dark blue Trousers, SD. Air Force Blue Socks, black Shoes, SD, black or Patent Leather Belt, Trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, Silver TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (2) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Commendation Badge Citations MSI Badge NOTES 1. 2. Members who do not have Mess Dress (tropical) may wear Dress 5A or Dress 1C. Refer to Chapter 3.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

COOL WEATHER 5A AND WARM WEATHER 5B - FEMALE OFFICERS OCCASION FOR WEAR Service dining-in nights. Service balls. Formal mess functions when directed by the PMC. Formal civilian dinners, balls and similar functions where mess dress,or equivalent, is the designated form of dress. Weddings (if appropriate). ITEMS OF DRESS (1)(2) Jacket, womens, MD, dark blue (cool weather 5B) Jacket, womens, MD, white (warm weather 5A) (1) Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue (with gold lace rank braid) Shirt, womens, evening, white, Marcella, long sleeve (2) Bow tie, black Skirt, womens MD, dark blue Trousers, womens, MD, dark blue (5) Trousers, womens, SD, Air Force Blue Cummerbund, womens, dark blue (5) Stockings/pantihose, Kolotex nearly black colour (or equivalent medium grey colour in another brand) Shoes, womens, court, black (3) Belt, Trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, miniature, gold bullion Miniatures of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (4) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Commendation Badge Minature Citations - Miniature NOTES 1. Members who do not have Mess Dress are to wear Dress 1A. Dress 5A will continue to be worn until further advised. Marcella front with turn-down collar and plain gold or gold coloured cuff links and studs. Shoes SD, Black may be worn in lieu. Refer to Chapter 3. Trousers worn in lieu of the skirt. Cummerbund to be worn with trousers only.

2. 3. 4. 5.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

TROPICAL 5D - FEMALE OFFICERS OCCASION FOR WEAR MD tropical also known as Red Sea Rig is primarily for wear in tropical areas. Commanders may authorise the wearing of Dress 5D in other areas during hot weather, for wear at dining-in nights and balls. ITEMS OF DRESS Shirt, womens, white, short sleeve with pearl buttons Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue (with gold lace rank braid) Skirt, womens, MD, dark blue Stockings/pantihose, Kolotex nearly black colour (or equivalent medium grey colour in another brand) Shoes, womens, court, black (2) Trousers, womens, MD, dark blue (4) Trousers, womens, SD, Air Force Blue(4) Cummerbund, womens, dark blue (4) Belt, Trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (3) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Commendation Badge Citations MSI Badge NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Members who do not have Mess Dress (tropical) may wear Dress 5B or Dress 1C. Shoes SD, Black may be worn in lieu. Refer to Chapter 3. Trousers worn in lieu of the skirt. Cummerbund to be worn with trousers only.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

COOL WEATHER 5A - WARRANT OFFICERS AND SENIOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OCCASION FOR WEAR Service dining-in nights. Service balls. Formal mess functions when directed by the CMC. Formal civilian dinners, balls and similar functions where mess dress, or equivalent, is the designated form of dress. Weddings (if appropriate). ITEMS OF DRESS (1) Jacket, MD, white Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue (with gold woven rank insignia) Shirt, evening, white, Marcella, long sleeve (2) Bow tie, black Cummerbund, dark blue(4) Trousers/Slacks, SD, Air Force Blue(4) Trousers, MD, Air Force Blue(4) Skirt, womens, MD, dark blueBelt, trousers, dark blue Stockings/pantihose, Kolotex nearly black colour (or equivalent medium grey colour in another brand) Belt, Trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, womens, court, black (2) Shoes, SD, black (3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, miniature, gold bullion Miniatures of orders, decorations and medals Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Commendation Badge Minature Citations - Miniature NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Members who do not have Dress 5A are to wear Dress 1A. Marcella front with turn-down collar and plain gold or gold coloured cuff links and studs. On specific occasions when dancing is involved, such as balls, plain black evening dress shoes (without toe caps) similar in style and design to the RAAF issue item, may be worn in lieu. Females Only (Trousers may be worn in lieu of the skirt. Cummerbund to be worn with trousers only).



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

TROPICAL 5D - MALE WARRANT OFFICERS AND SENIOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OCCASION FOR WEAR MD tropical also known as Red Sea Rig is primarily for wear in tropical areas. Commanders may authorise the wearing of Dress 5D in other areas during hot weather, for wear at dining-in nights and balls. ITEMS OF DRESS (1) Shirt, mens, white, short sleeve with pearl buttons Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue(with gold woven rank insignia) Cummerbund, mens, dark blue Trousers, mens, SD, Air Force Blue Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (2) Trousers, Mens, Mess Dress, dark blue Belt, Trousers dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Commendation Badge Citations MSI Badge NOTES 1. 2. Members who do not have Mess Dress (tropical) may wear.Dress 5A or Dress 1C. On specific occasions when dancing is involved, such as balls, plain black evening dress shoes (without toe caps) similar in style and design to the RAAF issue item, may be worn in lieu.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

TROPICAL 5D - FEMALE WARRANT OFFICERS AND SENIOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OCCASION FOR WEAR MD tropical also known as Red Sea Rig is primarily for wear in tropical areas. Commanders may authorise the wearing of Dress 5D in other areas during hot weather, for wear at dining-in nights and balls. ITEMS OF DRESS (1)(2) Shirt, womens, white, short-sleeve with pearl buttons Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue (with gold woven rank insignia) Skirt, womens, MD, dark blue Stockings/pantihose, Kolotex nearly black colour (or equivalent medium grey colour in another brand) Shoes, womens, court, black (2) Trousers, womens, MD, dark blue (3) Trousers, womens, SD. Air Force Blue(3) Cummerbund, womens, dark blue (3) Belt, Trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Commendation Badge Citations MSI Badge NOTES 1. 2. 3. Members who do not have Mess Dress (tropical) may wear Dress 5A or Dress 1C. Shoes SD, Black may be worn in lieu. Trousers worn in lieu of the skirt. Cummerbund to be worn with trousers only.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 3 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 4 to Annex A Chap 1

DRESS 6D - MALES OCCASION FOR WEAR (1) Working uniform Unit parade ITEMS OF DRESS Hat, fur felt, khaki Shirt, mens, drab, short sleeve (with drab AUSTRALIA rank slides) Shorts, mens, drab Belt, trousers, drab Buckle, belt, silver Socks, mens, long, drab Shoes, SD, black(2) Name badge TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Citations Military Skills Instructor Badge OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue Cap, garrison, Air Force Blue Shoes, mens, safety (2) NOTES 1. 2. Tropical dress is primarily for wear in tropical areas, but may also be worn in other localities during hot weather. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 4 to Annex A Chap 1

DRESS 6D - FEMALES OCCASION FOR WEAR (1) Working uniform Unit parade ITEMS OF DRESS Hat, fur felt, Khaki Dress, womans, SD, blue/white (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides) Socks, ankle, white(1) Shoes, SD, black(2) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, sterling silver Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Citations Military Skills Instructor Badge OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Hat, womens, SD Air Force blue Cap, garrison, Air Force Blue Name badge Sweater / Cardigan Shoes, womens, safety PantiHose, Kolotex Mini Beige NOTES 1. When worn with Socks white, this dress is classified as tropical dress and is primarily for wear in tropical areas, but may also be worn in other areas during hot weather. Shoes SD, patent leather , Black and Court Shoes, Black may also be worn. This dress may be worn as a working uniform throughout the year in cooler climates, however Socks white are only permitted during hot weather. Where white socks are not worn, Kolotex Mini Beige stockings/pantihose or stockettes are to be worn.

2. 3.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 4 to Annex A Chap 1

DRESS 6D1 - SAFARI SUIT - WARRANT OFFICERS AND ABOVE (1) OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official Service Representative (2) Working uniform Unit parade Religious service Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, and memorial services Formal occasions ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue, Safari suit, Air Force blue (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides) and Air Force Patch Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black(5) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, cloth, embroidered Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (4) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge Commendation Badge Citations Military Skills Instructor Badge OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Hat, womens SD Air Force blue Hat, fur felt, Khaki Cap, garrison, Air Force Blue Name badge Sword NOTES 1. 2. Approval has been granted for SNCOs to wear Dress 6D1 when posted to Embassies/High Commisions in tropical countries where representational duties are involved. At RAAF ceremonial/graduation parades etc, Dress 6D1 may be worn by reviewing officers and host officers during hot weather in lieu of Dress 2A regardless of the order of dress worn by others attending or participating in the event. At Tri-Service ceremonial functions, Dress 6D1 may be worn if other official representatives are similarly attired. Medals may be ordered to be worn, in lieu of ribbons, if appropriate to the occasion ie, ceremonial functions. Refer to Chapter 3. Shoes SD, Patent Leather, Black. AL1 1A43

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 5 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR (1) Working uniform and/or unit parade BASIC ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, utility, WD, Shirt, utility, WD, blue/grey, long sleeve (2) (3)(4) (7) Trousers, mens, utility, WD, blue/grey Slacks, womens, utility WD, blue/grey Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Shoes, SD, black Shoes/boots, safety Socks, black OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Hat, womens, SD, Air Force Blue Cap, garrison, Air Force Blue Hat, fur felt, Khaki, Cap, kepi, blue/grey, or cap squadron with unit logo (approved by AFHQ) Tarmac Jacket/ Stanley Jacket (rank must be displayed on the shoulder)(8) Beanie, cold weather, dark blue (flight line duties in very cold weather) Sweater, Air Force Blue, (heavy or light weight) Sweater, roll neck, dark blue (worn as an outer garment by airmen and an undergarment for Warrant Officers and Officers in the confines of the base only - not worn as an outer garment off base) Cardigan, womens, Air Force blue Skirt, womens, utility WD, blue/grey, with stockings/pantihose, nearly black colour Shorts, mens, utility WD, blue/grey Shorts, womens, utility WD, blue/grey Handbag, womens, black Boots, general purpose (5) T Shirt, utility, blue/grey (may be worn as an outer garment in immediate work area only) Maternity Dress



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 5 to Annex A Chap 1

NOTES 1. 2. Dress No 7 may be worn in lieu of SD Uniforms in the working environment and when travelling to and from the place of duty. For further detailed conditions regarding refer to Chapter 1 paragraph 26. With the cloth AIR FORCE patch above the left breast pocket and the cloth name badge above the right breast pocket and RAAF ensign on upper left sleeve. The Australian National Flag patch to be worn on upper left sleeve only on service outside Australia; The following badges are optional and are permitted to be worn on the CWD Shirt, official unit badge above name badge, unit logo on upper right sleeve. With CWD AUSTRALIA rank slides. When worn with CWD trousers, the trouser bottoms are to be bloused over the tops of the GP boot; may be worn with shorts. SQN coloured approved tee shirts may be worn with unit logo positioned on upper left breast. worn as an outer garment off base. Not to be

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Short sleeve shirt may be worn with shorts and long trousers; the long sleeve shirt is not to be worn with shorts. Tarmac and Stanley Jackets may not be worn with shorts. Stanley Jackets are to be worn by non Technical personnel only. Squadron Caps and Cap Utility WD are not permitted to be worn within theRussell Office Complex.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 6 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR Worn by all ranks, categories and musterings when deploying to operational areas, when involved in exercises where operational conditions are simulated, when required by operational or exercise commanders and when undertaking activities where DPCU is considered the most appropriate form of dress.Onbase working uniform for members of the GRDEF category and ADG mustering whilst employed in their primary field related duties, and SECPOL when performing dog-handling duties. Other occasions, refer to Chapter 2, paragraphs 32 to 36. ITEMS OF DRESS Hat, utility, DPCU Shirt, DPCU (1) (2) Trousers, DPCU (3) Socks, green Boots, general purpose Boot Combat ADDITIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Hat, fur felt, khaki (to be worn at discretion of Commanders) T Shirt, utility, Brown (7) T Shirt, utility, DPCU (7) Skivvy, Brown(7), (10) Vest DPCU Sleeveless(4) Belt, trousers, webbing, jungle green or khaki Beret, blue/grey (5) Helmet, combat (6) Pack, field (6) Individual combat load carrying equipment (6) Aircrew brevets (worn by aircrew under certain conditions refer Chapter 2 para 37) Brassard, (refer Chapter 5 Annex D) Gore Tex Wet Weather Pants and Jacket (8) Combat Jacket (9) NOTES:
Dress No 8 may be worn off base when travelling to and from the place of duty. For further conditions regarding restrictions when wearing this form of dress refer to Chapter 1 paragraph 26.


a. b. c. d.

the right breast pocket, the Air Force patch 2cm below the left shoulder seam. The sleeves may be rolled up to just above the elbow, the buttons of the sleeve on the outside of the last fold. The shirt is not to be tucked into the trousers, except when the webbing belt is worn. Chaplains are to wear a DPCU patch with the word Chaplain above the name badge and DPCU cross insignia on each lapel.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

With DPCU rank slides. Trousers are to be bloused over the top of the Boot combat. Vest not to be worn as an outer garment. Worn by GRDEF and ADG personnel only. As ordered AL 1 1A61

AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 6 to Annex A Chap 1

7. 8. 9.

Worn as an under garment, however, may also be worn as an outer garment for field related physical training as ordered by field commanders. Worn as an outer garment.
Thumb holes are not used on base. Side pocket zips must be done up. Central zip must be done up to a line level to the top of the epaulette (not the rank slide). DPCU Jumper is to be worn as the alternate dress to the Combat Jacket until sufficient stocks are available. On issue of the Combat Jacket personnel will be required to surrender the DPCU Jumper. Air Force Patch is to be worn on the velcro patch on the left shoulder, unless replaced by a DPCU National Flag on overseas deployments. If visible the skivvy must be fully zipped up and the neck rolled down. If worn unzipped the collar is folded back and worn beneath the DPCU or protective shirt collar



AL 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 7 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR (1) Worn in the immediate working area and in those on-base localities permitted by local commanders. Not to be worn in public or when travelling to and from the place of duty. ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, utility Shorts, utility (2) Shirt, utility, dark blue (tee shirt) (3) (with blue/grey rank insignia on both sleeves) Socks, mens, black Shoes/Boots, safety OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Jacket, cold weather, blue/grey Sweater, roll neck, dark blue (worn as an outer garment in the confines of the base only - not worn as an outer garment off base) Cap, Squadron NOTES 1. OC/COs may restrict the wearing of tarmac dress in certain areas on base ie, airmens mess/club, SGTs mess etc. May only be worn by FSGTs and below. With a cloth name-tag, centre, bottom of the right leg, with the tag along the leg seam. SQN coloured approved tee shirts may be worn with unit logo positioned on upper left breast. Approval of designs are to be obtained from AFHQ(DCOORD-AF). Not to be worn off base. Rank insignia is to be displayed if worn as an outer garment.




AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 7 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 8 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR CWD is the primary working uniform when not fighting fires. ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, utility, WD, blue/grey (1) Shirt, mens, utility, WD, blue/grey, long sleeve (2) Trousers, mens, utility, WD, blue/grey Shirt, utility, dark blue (tee shirt) (6) Belt, Trousers, black Socks, black (4) Boots, FIREFTR, Black Knife, Leatherman OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Jacket, and trousers, wet weather (1) Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Cap garrison, Air force Blue Hat, Fur Felt, Khaki Over trouser, FIREFTR (5) Helmet, FIREFTR (5) Gloves, FIREFTR (5) Coat, FIREFTR (5) Sweater, Air Force Blue Shirt, FIREFTR, short sleeve, dark blue (2) (with CWD AUSTRALIA rank slides) Shirt, Utility WD, short Sleeve, blue/grey(2) (with CWD AUSTRALIA rank slides) Boot, safety, ankle (1)

NOTES Dress No 10 may be worn off base when travelling to and from the place of duty. For further conditions regarding restrictions when wearing this form of dress refer to Chapter 1 paragraph 25. 1. 2. Not worn when firefighting. With the cloth AIR FORCE tag above the left breast pocket and the cloth name badge above the right breast pocket; and RAAF ensign on upper left sleeve. The Australian National Flag patch to be worn on upper left sleeve only on service outside Australia. The following badges are optional and are permitted to be worn on the shirt, the official unit badge above name badge and unit logo on upper right sleeve. Black woollen socks only are to be worn. Worn only when firefighting and during training - not to be worn around the base. May be worn as an outergarment, not to be worn as an outer garment off base.

3. 4. 5. 6.


AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 8 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 9 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform for NURS, MEDSPVR and MEDASST. ITEMS OF DRESS Hat, fur felt, Khaki Shirt, white, medical, short sleeve (with CWD AUSTRALIA rank slides) Trousers, white Belt, trousers, white (1) Socks, white Shoes, white, medical OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue Hat, SD, Air Force blue Cap, garrison, Air Force Blue T Shirt, utility white (4) Dress, womens, medical, white, short sleeve (6) Pants suit, womens, white Cardigan, womens, Air Force Blue Stockings / pantihose Shorts, mens, white Socks, mens, long, white Sweater, Air Force Blue, (heavy or light weight) Maternity Dress (2)

NOTE Dress No 11 may be worn off base when travelling to and from the place of duty. For further conditions regarding restrictions when wearing this form of dress refer to Chapter 1 paragraph 25. 1. 2. 3. 4. With a silver buckle. With the cloth AIR FORCE tag above the left breast pocket and the cloth name badge above the right breast pocket. The following badges are optional and are permitted to be worn on the shirt, the official unit badge above name badge, unit logo on upper right sleeve. May be worn as an undergarment, visible at the neck when wearing the short or long sleeve shirt.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 9 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 10 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform PTI ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, utility, navy blue (7) Shirt, PTI, short-sleeved, collared, french blue (1) Shorts, tennis, mens, PTI, navy blue (2) Skirt, womens, PTI, navy/blue (2) (3) Underwear womens, PTI, navy/blue (2) Socks, sports, white (2) Shoes, training and running, PTI (4) OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Cold weather dress jacket, navy blue with sky blue shoulder panel (1) Shirt, PTI, long sleeved, collared, french blue (1) T Shirt, utility, french blue(6) Goretex jacket, navy blue (5); not worn off base Goretex pants, navy blue (5); not worn off base Shorts, athletic, navy blue (6); not worn off base Shorts, bike, navy blue (6); not worn off base Tracksuit jacket/pants, PTI, athletic, navy blue (1) Hat broad brim, Navy blue(7)

NOTES: Dress No 12 may be worn off base when travelling to and from the place of duty. For further conditions regarding restrictions when wearing this form of dress refer to Chapter 1 paragraph 25. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. With silver/blue rank insignia on both upper sleeves, and blue cloth AIR FORCE patch on the left breast and the blue cloth name badge on the right breast. PTI insignia on shirt above AIR FORCE patch Without any colour bands, striping or insignia (brand names). Females may wear shorts in lieu of skirt for P&RT activities. At least one pair of shoes, predominantly white in colour, are to be maintained in good condition for representational purposes and for wear on unit parades. To be worn as a wet or extreme weather garment, and is not to be worn as an alternative to the tracksuit. May be worn during PTI classes and activities only, not to be worn as a working dress uniform. Cloth woven cap badge as per Cap, Utility ,WD, Air Force Blue is to be worn.


AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 10 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 11 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR Working dress and unit parades. ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force blue Shirt, short sleeve, white (1)(2) (with CWD AUSTRALIA rank slides) Trousers, check Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle Belt silver Undershirt, cotton, white (3) Socks, black Boots/shoes safety Coat, food handlers (4) (5); not worn off base Scarf, cook (6); not worn off base OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Hat fur felt, Khaki Cap, disposable (7); not worn off base Cap, utility, WD Sweater, Air Force blue) Shorts, mens, white (8) Socks, mens, long, white (8) Cap Garrison NOTES Dress No 13 may be worn off base when travelling to and from the place of duty. For further conditions regarding restrictions when wearing this form of dress refer to Chapter 1 paragraph 26. 1. 2. With the cloth AIR FORCE tag above the left breast pocket and the cloth name tag above the right breast pocket. The following badges are optional and are permitted to be worn on the Shirt, White the official unit badge above name badge and unit logo on upper right sleeve. Not to be worn as an outer garment, visible at the neck when wearing short sleeve shirt. With silver/blue insignia on Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA slides when worn as a working jacket. With gold woven insignia on Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA slides when worn as a formal jacket. Worn on formal occasions only. To be worn within the confines of the kitchen only. For wear in tropical areas only on approval of the unit CO.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 11 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 12 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR Working uniform, for CREWATT employed on VIP aircraft. ITEMS OF DRESS Vest, Air Force blue(1) (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank boards)(2) Shirt, blue/white, short sleeve (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides) Tie,Air Force blue(3) Trousers, SD Air Force blue Slacks, SD, Air Force blue Skirt SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, SD, black Name Tag Jacket Flying, leather (1) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals Brevet, aircrew (4) Commendations NOTES 1. May be worn with all duties associated with flying, including travel to and from accommodation both at home and on task. See Figure 1 below for detail of rank boards. Worn on VIP duties only. Metal insignia on shirt, and Gold Bullion insignia on the vest.

2. 3. 4.

Figure 1



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 12 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 13 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR All ranks, categories and musterings employed on flying duties.

NOTE: Not to be worn for non flying duties

ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, garrison, Air Force Blue Coveralls, flying (1) (2) (3) (6) Shirt, utility, (tee shirt) (4) Jacket, flying Nomex (2) (3) Socks, flying Boots, black, flying OPTIONAL ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Cap, utility, WD, blue/grey Cap , utility, Squadron Hat, fur felt, Khaki Shirt, flying (2) (3) (6) (8) Trousers, flying Belt, trousers, green Jacket flying leather(2) (3) Gloves, flying (5) Shirt, flying DPCU (7) Trousers, flying DPCU (7) Buckle, Belt, black NOTES
Dress No 15 may be worn off base when travelling to and from the place of duty. For further conditions regarding restrictions when wearing this form of dress refer to Chapter 1 paragraph 25.

1. 2.

With jungle green or sage green AUSTRALIA rank slides sewn on both shoulders. With combined flying/name badge, above the left breast pocket. The official unit badge (as approved by the Sovereign) may be worn above the right breast pocket, and the cloth RAAF ensign on the upper left sleeve. A cloth badge indicating flying training course, aircraft type or similar is worn on the right upper sleeve, at the COs discretion. The flying/name badge is to be cloth, embroidered with brevet, name (the surname is mandatory, and the first name may be included) and Royal Australian Air Force. When worn as an outer garment, to be fully zippered. May be worn as an undergarment, visible at the neck when wearing flying clothing. Approval ofdesigns and colour is to be obtained from AFHQ (DCOORD-AF). To be worn only in association with flying duties. Not to be worn travelling to or from the place of duty. Sleeves are to be fastened at the wrist when conducting flying durties or may be rolled between the wrist and the elbow during non flying duties. The zipper of the Flying dress is to be zippered to the same position as for the second button of an open necked shirt. May only be worn when deploying to operational areas and with the authorisation of CDRALG. Shirt is to be tucked in when the sleeves are rolled down or when worn with a flying jacket, shirt may be untucked when sleeves are rolled up. When flying, sleeves are to be rolled down and shirt tucked in. AL 1 1A131

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 13 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 14 to Annex A Chap



Evening concerts, Service balls where guests are in Mess Dress, Service Dining-in nights Formal civilian dinners where Mess Dress or equivalent, is the designated form of dress

Jacket, MD, white Shoulder boards, MD, dark blue (with gold woven rank insignia) Shirt, evening, white, Marcella, long sleeve (2) Bow tie, black Cummerbund, dark blue(4) Trousers/Slacks, SD, Air Force Blue(4) Trousers, MD, Air Force Blue(4) Skirt, womens, MD, dark blueBelt, trousers, dark blue Stockings/pantihose, Kolotex nearly black colour (or equivalent medium grey colour in another brand) Belt, Trousers, dark blue Buckle, belt, silver Socks, black Shoes, womens, court, black (2) Shoes, SD, black (3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Miniatures of orders, decorations and medals Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Commendation Badge Minature Citations Miniature Individual Readiness Badge



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AL 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 15 to Annex A Chap 1


OCCASION FOR WEAR Worn on appropriate ceremonial occasions by : Service attachs/advisers in overseas tropical localities; Air attach and assistant air attach in Washington; Members attending staff/defence colleges in overseas tropical localities; Officer Cadets and Staff at the Australian Defence Force Academy; and Other members as approved by DCOORD-AF. ITEMS OF DRESS Cap, SD, Air Force Blue Jacket, white, patrol (with Air Force Blue AUSTRALIA shoulder boards and gold lace rank braid or woven insignia and oval Air Force Patch in white with gold lettering for attache staff and blue lettering For ADFA Staff) Trousers, SD, Air Force Blue Slacks, SD, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Socks, black Shoes, SD, black (4) Sword, air officer (1)(3) Sword, officer (2)(3) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, gold bullion Insignia of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (4) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Individual Readiness Badge (right breast in a position which equates to the centre of a pocket flap if fitted) Individual Readiness Badge Gold (worn by attache staff only) Sash, waist, gold ceremonial (5) Commendation Badge Citations NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AIRCDRE and above, when appropriate. GPCAPT and below, when appropriate. Refer to Chapter 3 paragraphs 19 to 21. Shoes Patent Leather, Black. Refer to Chapter 3.



AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 15 to Annex A Chap 1

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AAP 5130.003(AM1) Appendix 16 to Annex A Chap 1



OCCASION FOR WEAR Ceremonial parade - reviewing officer, host officer or official Service Representative (1)(2)(3)(4) Investiture (4)(5) ITEMS OF DRESS Uniform, SD , Air Force blue (comprising tunic with belt and matching trousers) Cap, SD, Air Officer, Air Force blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force blueAUSTRALIA rank slides) Tie, mens, Air Force blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver Socks, mens, black Shoes, mens dress, black Sash, waist, gold, ceremonial (3)(7) Sword, air officer (3)(4) TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, gold bullion Insignia of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (6) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Operational Readiness Badge (right breast pocket flap - centrally above the button) Commendation Badge NOTES 1. CD 2A is worn on these occasions regardless of whether cool or warm weather order of dress is specified for other participants of lower rank. However, when ceremonial events are held during extremely hot weather dress 6D1 may be worn in lieu. Includes State, tri-Service and single Service parades. The sword and sash are worn on all occasions when attending as a Service representative, reviewing officer or host officer at ceremonial parades, and are worn at tri-Service ceremonial parades when attending as the Service Representative. The sword is not worn at investitures, nor as a spectator at other parades. Insignia of orders, decorations and medals are not worn when attending an investiture as a recipient. Refer to Chapter 3 for guidance on when to wear. May be worn without the sword at functions such as investitures.

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.


AAP 5135.003(AM1) Appendix 16 to Annex A Chap 1 DRESS 2B

OCCASION FOR WEAR State or Service funeral (1)(2)(3) Church service (1)(3) Anzac Day or Remembrance Day memorial service (1)(3) Guest/spectator at Ceremonial parades ITEMS OF DRESS Uniform, SD, Air Force blue (comprising tunic with belt and matching trousers) Cap, SD, Air Officer, Air Force blue Shirt, mens, blue/white, long sleeve (with Air Force blue AUSTRALIA rank slides) Tie, mens, Air Force Blue Belt, trousers, dark blue Buckle, Belt, silver Socks, mens, black Shoes, mens dress, black TO BE WORN IF ENTITLED Flying badge, gold bullion Insignia of orders, decorations and medals Aiguillette (3) Skill at Arms Badge (left sleeve) Parachutist Badge (right sleeve) Operational Readiness badge (right breast pocket flap - centrally above the button) Commendation Badge NOTES 1. 2. 3. CD 2B may be worn on these occasions regardless of whether cool or warm weather order of dress is specified for other participants of lower rank. A mourning band is worn when attending in an official representative capacity or as a member of the supporting party. The mourning band is optional if a member of the attending party. Refer to Chapter 3 for guidance on when to wear.


AAP 5135.003(AM1) Annex B to Chap 1

Optional Items of Dress 1. The concept of the RAAF uniform is one of all seasons and members normally may exercise discretion and wear any pattern of Service Dress Uniform, including optional items, to suit prevailing weather conditions. OCs/COs may wish to provide more definitive guidelines in local standing orders regarding the wearing of certain dress options or optional items of dress to suit their locality (eg Dress 6D would not be expected to be worn in cold climates during winter months). However, such guidelines shall not abrogate the fundamental all seasons concept of the uniform, nor conflict with or reduce the basic dress rules prescribed in this Manual; they may only re-enforce them. Refer to Annex C for the seasonal change dates. Special Purpose and Protective Clothing 2. The types of special purpose and protective clothing are so varied that OCs/COs are to include instructions for wear in local standing orders. The following basic guidelines are to apply in the formulation of such orders : a. Wear in Public. Except for special and infrequent occasions, eg, participation in open days, members are not to wear protective clothing in public - this includes travel to and from their place of duty in private transport. Restricted Wear. The wearing of protective clothing is to be restricted to the immediate working environments, eg, flight-lines, crewrooms, workshops, and flight-line canteens. Appearance. Members are to maintain the appearance and condition of special purpose and protective clothing. The wearing of faded, torn or threadbare items is unacceptable. Badges. Refer to Chapter 2 paragraphs 38 to 41 and Chapter 5 paragraphs 4 to 27 for instructions.





AAP 5135.003(AM1) Annex B to Chap 1

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AAP 5135.003(AM1) Annex C to Chap 1


Serial Geographic Area Change to Cool Weather Dress Monday before Anzac Day Change to Warm Weather Dress Third Monday in October


Australian Capital Territory New South Wales Queensland: a. South of Tropic of Capricorn b. North of Tropic of Capricorn

2. 3.

First Monday before Anzac Day

Third Monday in October

Third Monday in May

Third Monday in September

Tropical Dress Worn Throughout the Year Monday after Anzac Day First Monday in April Monday before Anzac Day Second Monday in October First Monday in December Third Monday in October

4. 5. 6. 7.

South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia: a. South of Tropic of Capricorn b. North of Tropic of Capricorn

First Monday in May

Last Monday in September

Tropical Dress Worn Throughout the Year Tropical Dress Worn Throughout the Year


Northern Territory

NOTES As the concept of the RAAF uniform is one of all seasons, the seasonal change-over dates apply only to Joint Service occasions when the three Services parade or assemble together and uniformity is required. The exception to this Instruction applies to the wearing of Mess Dress (MD). The wearing of MD is to be worn in accordance with the change over dates until further advised. These change-over dates do not apply to units based overseas. Where host country uniforms are subject to seasonal change, the local RAAF commander or senior officer is to determine the appropriate dates as required. While the RAAF SD uniform is an all seasons one, these changeover dates, observed by other Services are to be taken into account when the order of dress for RAAF personnel for joint-Service ceremonial events is being determined so that an acceptable uniformity of appearance is achieved. As a guide, CD4A would normally be worn during the period when other Services wear winter uniform, while CD4B or CD4C would be worn in summer months, depending on the temperatures expected. AL 1 1C1

AAP 5135.003(AM1)

Annex C to Chap 1

Dress W7 Winter Non Ceremonial Day Dress Summer Ceremonial Uniform Winter Ceremonial Uniform 2E 2E General Duty Dress 1C General Duty Service Dress

Air Force






Occasion for wear


Service Dress Tunic


Working uniform Unit parade Mess Dress Alternate Religious Service(except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Formal Occasions Representational Functions

S8 Summer Non Ceremonial Day Dress 2F General Duty Dress Long Sleeve Shirt

Service Dress


Service Dress Long Sleeve Shirt and Tie


Summer Non Ceremonial Day Dress

General Duty Dress


Summer Ceremonial Uniform Winter Non Ceremonial Day Dress


Working uniform Unit parade Mess Dress Alternate Religious Service(except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Formal Occasions Representational Functions Weddings Investiture( as a recipient only in tropical areas


AL 1

Annex C to Chap 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1)

Air Force S7 2E General Duty Dress







Service Dress Short Sleeve Shirt

Summer Non Ceremonial Day Dress Summer Ceremonial Uniform Winter Ceremonial Uniform Summer Non Ceremonial Day Dress Winter Non Ceremonial Day Dress 2F General Duty Dress Long Sleeve Shirt


Service Dress


Occasion for wear Working uniform Unit parade Mess Dress Alternate Religious Service(except for memorial services when ceremonial dress is worn) Formal Occasions Representational Functions Weddings


AL 1


Annex C to Chap 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1)

Dress S1 SO4

Air Force

Description Navy Description Army Description Occasion for wear

W1 SO1 Ceremonial parade -reviewing officer, host officer or official Service representative Investitures

Ceremonial Dress Air Vice Marshal and above

Summer Ceremonial Uniform Winter Ceremonial Uniform

Ceremonial Service dress General Officer Patrol Blue Senior Officer

W2 Winter Ceremonial Uniform

Ceremonial Dress Two Star and above

Ceremonial Dress Air Vice Marshal and above (Guest or spectator)


Summer Ceremonial Uniform


Patrol Blue (Summer) Senior Officer

State or Service Funeral Church Service Anzac Day or Remembrance Day Memorial Service, Guest/spectator at ceremonial parades


AL 1

Annex C to Chap 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1)

Dress S1 Summer Ceremonial Uniform SA3 Patrol White Special Appointment/ Selected Personnel Attaches on appropriate ceremonial occasions

Air Force

Description Navy Description Army Description Occasion for wear


Attache Dress, ADFA Ceremonial Jacket

Attache Dress



Winter Ceremonial Uniform Summer Ceremonial Uniform Winter Ceremonial Uniform

AL 1


Annex C to Chap 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1)

Dress W1 W2 2B 2D S1 Summer Ceremonial Uniform 2C 2D 3A Ceremonial Dress 2A 1B Winter Ceremonial Uniform Winter Ceremonial Uniform 1A

Air Force

Description Navy Description Army Description Occasion for wear


Ceremonial Dress Tunic

W1 S2 W2 Ceremonial Dress long Sleeve Shirt/Sweater Ceremonial Safari Suit Winter Ceremonial Uniform Summer Ceremonial Uniform Winter Ceremonial Uniform 2A 2C 3A

Ceremonial Dress

Ceremonial Dress Long Sleeve Shirt and Tie

Ceremonial Parade Service Dress Ceremonial Service Dress Ceremonial Parade Dress with Sweater Ceremonial Dress long Sleeve Shirt/Sweater Ceremonial Parade dress Ceremonial parade reviewing officer, host officer or official guest Ceremonial parade participant or spectator Guard of Honour participant State or Service Funeral Investiture ( as a guest) Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and memorial services As above

As above S1 W1 Summer Ceremonial Uniform Winter Ceremonial Uniform Ceremonial Parade dress Ceremonial Dress Ceremonial Safari Suit


Ceremonial Dress Short Sleeve Shirt


AL 1

Annex C to Chap 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1)

Dress W4 S4 S5 S6 S8 S9 2E General Duty Dress Working Uniform Unit parade Summer Non Ceremonial Day Dress Summer Working Dress 3A Ceremonial Safari Suit Informal Evening Dress 6C Mess Dress White Shirt Summer Mess Undress Summer Mess Dress 6B Mess Dress White Jacket Winter Mess Dress 6A Mess Dress

Air Force







Occasion for wear

Mess Dress Winter

5B 5A

Mess Dress Summer

Mess Dress

Mess Dress Tropical

Service dining in nights Service balls Formal mess functions Formal dinners, balls and similar functions where mess dress, or equivalent is designated Weddings

5D 6D

Tropical Dress


Safari Suit

Tropical Dress

As above Ceremonial parade Memorial services (as appropriate to weather and dress orders for locality


Summer Non Ceremonial Day Dress Note Bushjacket is worn as an optional item by Commodores and above and can only be worn for ceremonial events in the tropics (when remainder of Navy personnel are also undertaking ceremonial activity in S7) Summer Ceremonial Uniform 3B General Duty Safari Suit

AL 1


Annex C to Chap 1

AAP 5135.003(AM1)

Dress S7 W7 S9 W9 S9 4A 4B Field Dress DPCU Barracks Dress DPCU W9 S18 W18 Working uniform and/or unit parade 7 Working/ Protective Dress 4A Barracks Dress DPCU

Air Force







Occasion for wear

Working Dress

Combined Working Dress


Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform

Summer Non Ceremonial Day Dress Winter Non Ceremonial Day Dress Summer Working Dress Winter Working Dress Summer Working Dress Winter Working Dress Combat Ensemble Combat Ensemble DPCU When deployed to operational areas, exercises under operational conditions, when DPCU considered appropriate. (refer to Dress manual for details)


AL 1

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