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Special Iss .7

Radio 6 Electria
Retpatered at the G P O., Sydney, to teall‘misnion by pont mil a new

VOL. XXIII, NO. 16 MAY 2, 1

^ -

Has Supplied
Wireless Equipment to 04

Australian Navy. Army. and Air Force

Bova! Navy
United States Navy, Army and Air Foree
Netherlands East Indies Army and Air Force
Australian Governments
New Zealand Government. and Services
il;overnments of India. Africa. Malava. Burma. Borneo. and Pacific Maud
Department of Civil Aviation
Australian Airways Companies
Merchant Navies of many countries
National and Commercial Broadcasting Stations in Australia.
New Zealand. Papua and Fiji
Government Boards and Utilitie-

I t1 .' .t I. .1 1 1 1 0 1 I L
— That was the value of the defence equipment produced by A .W. A . tor
the Allied Nations.

Over 20.000 wireless telegraph and wireless telephone transmitters were

manufactured by A .W. A. for the Services. as well as over ROW aircraft
navigational instruments.

Not only did A .W. A . manufacture a greater variety of apparatus for the
Allied Forces. but its output of equipment was larger than that of any
other Wireless organisation in Australia.

The fact that A.W.A. equipment is used by Governments, the Allied

Services and Administrations, and organisations throughout Australia and
the Pacific is fitting testimony to its efficiency.

The enormous variety of types of equipment manufactured demonstrates

the advanced stage the Australian wireless industry has attained and the
part it has played in the War and international communications. The
prestige of A .W. A . in the design and manufacture of high grade wireless
equipment was never higher.

With the resumption of peacetime production, A .W. A. scientists. designers

and engineers are busy with many new projects in the field of wireless
development. Never at any stage of its history — years in which it
pioneered and enriched An,tralia with epoch-making wireless developments
— has A .W.A . been so favourably placed to enter the new era of
Elect ronics.


nifit i. 1 R
SWIMS, Spitdi
knee -action
eoniumgov... eontdee


huhatirit firaparralulima — CooFerrOsa

b adieus Ike iskirth
Eil lf. lade*,

Together with the famous 5-Finger -Knee-Action" Silent
Element Contact and the many other features of standard
IRC Type C Controls, the new Type CS unit offers an
additional noise eliminating feature in the Silent Spiral
Connector. This exclusive IRC development provides con-
tinuous electrical connection between centre terminal and
volume adjustment arm Sliding metal-to-metal contact,
the most common cause of control noose, is eliminated.
Thus you have double assurance of remarkably smooth
acting controls that are quiet and STAY quiet

Wm. J. McLELLAN & CO •

Miss Smith
has a steady
hand . . . .

Coil with hair-

springx filled.
double. actitai

And she certainly needs it for the job

of fitting hair springs to University f I 1,..% era IC y M. V. A. ail-PUrPos,
meters—the heart of all University In rally meter. na•-lati•• von-
metre!, amearbara, millinonebera.
M s. 11 met r ibrnrh or portable 1
s ink; e-ainplele AC/De mesa.
test equipment—is a vitally import- nirra-ammetera.
.1., 4 and En'.
Pikalt 2". urenuantetreether with output
meter rousts.
ant one.
Such work is only one of a number of

delicate operations involved in the
manufacture of University instru-
ments and typifies the many unseen
but extremely important processes
that assure your permanent satis- [ig
faction when you specify 'Univer-
1 Universal Speaker
and Out sod Meters atm kv art
The name to trust in t.abingt quirk and i-m•y, Nu
Ita iacrait y Sul•-rtrxt.r ie An power nonneel Inn.. roquired. ;Wit
Radio and Electrical esdrerraely ve.raml ile Valve and
viint Igo in my
Test Equipment. Circuit Tsvder rea Ior' int an
rai raordinary va lve elid C01144.11.
r. 'Ir r chart,
N.S.W. : All leading Ekletributors
Queensland : Homecralts : I. B. Chandler Ply, Md. ;
A. E. Harrold
Victoria : Electrical & Radio Pty. Lid.: Hart.
ley' Lid.; Replacement Parts Pty. Ltd.;
Victorian Agent, I. H. Magraih Ply. Lid.
Sth. Ausi. : Radio Wholesalers Ltd.: Gerard & Good-
man Lid.
W. Aust. : Atkins M.A.} Ltd.
Tasmania : W. & G. Genders Ply. Ltd.
New Zealand: Allure Electrical Company Lid. 111 111.111MMIM.M1166.1 11

.10. r ■ cr 111..roialk
core t r 4r■ ninth atruskt
RADIO EQUIPMENT PTY. LTD. A new '10 If" tire ha nd
naval:Line tar the allirninent of
rt.r by enxink ma nr..e
end ire tYtdcal or Ifni,

Ey rpf yndiu receivers. versit inituatrial teat Error.

375 KENT smut. SYDNEY, N.S.W.

Fully illustrated literature available epee request.

Telephoner; ; 1416391.2. Toieqrams "Rarjulp,- Sydney

AUSTM4V404 ronnrs

•••••••41.•••■ O.}-••••-c•

67fir6 1.
. 00 U Ammt
v4CTO•g44 mAtm+C*5

15 November. 191414.

Lt is desired to axpreee appreciation or the

.1012ot. al error% made recently by your employer:a to deliver.
on the achedule4 dated, a quantity or Ifirelean Sete tio. 108.
ak4/Il. xhilst the effort-4 or the •nsle or the radio induet-
17 to supply the equipment needed hy the Services deacrve
'oessentiation. the special Cale Or the Wireless Jet rio.111'S
juatiriers particular rerarence.

The Cocriander-ln-Chief Me recently emphael

publ icly tha need for renewed errorts in support or the
activities or our righting troops in forthcoming ceagllEtne.
and the supply at equipment at the proper time ice at the
:•--r4 it importance. an vie, or the teske before co.

The employees concerned ore to be congratulated

on the eatiaractory outcome or their errorts,

yours roltttrulty.

t BEAVIEr) sisjor-genersl.

The•sansaing Director,
lieogret. Radio Corporst Lon Pty. Ltu.,
Grant street,
3OUTIt lir.1.110URNE.

Proudly we played our part by the manufacture of

such vital equipment as FM and AM Communication
Receivers. Aircraft Transmitters and Receivers. Field
Transmitters and Receivers. Naval Two-way Communi-
cation Equipment. Radar Equipment, RoySonde
Meteorological Equipment, Pleat) Electric Crystals.
Vibrators. Now in production—Domestic Radio, Car
Radio. Phono-radio and Electronic devices of all


Division of Electronic lerdvsitri•s Ltd.


h -

lir, a, earner.
nens.tirsit Dilatator.
Electronic Industries tbsite4.
126-110 areas Stre-et.
tISLOOVIsit I . „,t7.,4.

-rover 31r,

The hirector of Procurement desires to *epee's

,.•.lrectatton for the eo-operstion retteived frost you end
trso personnel of Your °mutilation In OUPPIYIRC Radio
• quIpeent for the united States Army.

to pertieolsr, the yerreimsnee of the ain.da

has been outstooding and contributed directly to the
success of the recent operation, in the thiliPhine Talen12,
Pies** convey ay personal thanks to those relpensible
fair the piennine. encineering and fehrieeting of these

for the Dirontor or rresoreaeatt

Wert truly yours.

w. a. .
IA. taliret. rtpel Corm
cider. signet drove.

Proudly wee played our part . . . Astor supplied com-

munication equipment for every branch of the Services
on every fighting front . . . . the Australian Military
Fortes, Royal Australian Air Force. and Royal Aus-
tralian Navy, the United States Army and United
States Navy. the Netherlands East Indies Forces and
Free French Forces_


7.),Ogr4or r "i#,? fir4

for post-war major appliance business

HOTIPOID4- ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN tram t..rii.oage roislur adwertJeePneni .ro woks.% s wittlityr

When the boom comet. sure It will be easy to sell any- To keep the famous name before postwar custoers
body's stock. in the first rush, price. quality, guaran- a new ser:es of colour advertisements in top journals
tees. they won't count as Iting as you've appli a to Is now being released to stirriulste a lively interest in
sell, NICE SUSINESE, you'll think, NO LOOKING tchrn planning--the hub of major appliance selling.
BACK NOW. Until one day, you might be getting
These advertisements will do much to develop poten•
more calls from dIsaatisfled customers than for new
Hal business for Hotpoint traders when the last shot
sales and the boom will rebound. That's the picture
is Revd.
at Its worst, but It can happen—has happened before.
You can sidestep these dangers with Hotpoint mer- Each advertisement of the nest' series gives manes
chandise. Traditional Hotpoint quality, highest in lions for a kitchen layout of appliances. cabinets and
the past, will outstay competitor, tomorrow. If you're cupboards- When the time comes, brochures and other
aiming at major appliance business after the war. you'll promotional sale* aids will be available for all Hot•
to In ilhi held for years to tome if you sell Hotpoint. ro.nt dealers to use in their sales drives-



Spdnep. “ricgti3tir, Lurnurt, Menxmone, ismbane, Toirrmlite. Roc kkiuniVelir. Adelaidt, Hubert, Luktscestun
W.A.Agent. Atkins $111,4 i Ltd
During the recent war very heavy demands were made upon all types of
electrical apparatus, especially in regard to communications, and the fractiona/
percentage of failures under such stringent conditions was an eloquent tribute
to good workmanship.
Incidentally, in almost every piece of this communication and radio equipment
there was some component bearing the Ducon name. This has been a matter
of some pride to the men and women who laboured to produce them.

73 11.)i
Sydney — Melbourne — Adelaide — Perth — Brisbane
••■■ ••• es . •••■■■•• .••••■ •...”••••••■ •••— •• ■••••••■ ••• • ••, TO1,1•Lal.!•••••••!... •.•••• • ... .im.arag ••••••••••••••■.....

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wring the war the "His Master's

Voice ' Radio Factory was e
, i•,.L.0t)
4 tvi) ;1

entrusted will] the design and k:!
•R , 1.• • a••313‘e4
10 -41....••11
production of highly specialised Radar ti7.;465
, 1$1:si.ft,
• equipment, vital to the defence of Australia. el:4:1*-St

ii .....r.4..,,.W
'411 il., 1 . •, i i
This equipment was supplied 1441,010,
_-...i•...• 1 .41
to the Australian and American Fighting fe4; . ir:i _Oa

t, '1.1.'3' ._r
Services and to the British Navy. i t. it i•
To these necessities of war,
; t;1,,.
"His Master's Voice" devoted the whole
of its resources. „,...(..,:-.::,,>
In peace, as in war, this famous .. ..,„.?)
trademark will continue to symbolise the 1R.,,,(......,,,...,.. >
......4..., I,
highest traditions of craftsinanship the ere::.•,,_:..r.,../5
world over. ..•. 4 • .
.• '

. • r:, 4.

4y 2.- ,At
• • • 14..' rflii■ 'qs
•• -41.4
...L ir1.'
( Incorporated in England)
HOMEBLISF . N S.W. 114 - . i• 4r, ''
_ ___ . . .s*
A, A A
e., " rti r';'''• IfINt
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.14,44111.24 4 elk
KRIESLER typical adaptability is again proven by its
ability to use its initiative in developing so many varying
major War projects.

Transmitter No. 123 MRSN.340 • Waterproof Reception Set No. 7 MRSN.266.5 • 1000 Wm
Transmitter 722 R.A.A.F. 176921 • SD/611—Box Adaptor ACS.3249, 384373. YA.1620 • 7A/1511/1
Machine Gunsight ACS.3211, 4115 • Navy Emergency Lamp 52162 • Clear View Screen and Fitt
40186, 18444, M1-12/1189N, 12136, 12107, 2348 • G5C/1002 Interference Suppressor Box FSC.651
VA 1299 • Mosquito Aircraft Junction Box 'A' FSC 9334. FSC.12886, FSC 18486, FSC 18948, FSC.200
Mosquito Aircraft Junction Box 'W FSC.9633, FSC12888, FSC.14618, FSC.18927, FSC 20077 • Mosqui
Aircraft Junction Box 'C' FSC.9336, FSC.12887, FSC.20080, FSC.18969, F'SC.18489. FSC.146
• Mosquito Aircraft Junction Box 'W FSC.3855, FSC.12889, FSC.14622, FSC.184F1. FSC.189(
FSC.20079 • Mosquito Aircraft Junction Box 'F.' 3864, FSC 12998, FSC.20071, FSC.18480. FSC.2004
FSC.14829 • Mosquito Aircraft Junction Box 'F' 3863, FSC.12999. FSC.14630. FSC.19413. FSC.2007i
FSC.20073 • Mosquito Aircraft Junction Box 'J' 3872, FSC.12908, FSC.14631, FSC.18349, FSC. 188
FSC.20066 • Mosquito Aircraft Junction Box 'I' FSC.12924. FSC.14628, FSC.18350. FSC.189(
FSC. 20072 • 98N785A inverter Junction Box—Loran FSC.35079, PI3C.20928 • 5C/883 Fuse Bi
4115 • G5C/886-8-way Fuse Box 4291 s 6A/1200-12RS Resistance Units 4115 • 681/1386 171
Resistance Units 4115 • 6A/1386 17RS Resistance Units YA.1877 • G5D/2051 Resistance Unit 146
• G5C/1775 Resistance & Rectifier Unit YA 1449. YL.3198, YA.3816. YA 1968 • 5C/942 Socket
3-way Dural 7349, YA 1640 • 5C/859 Ground Starter Socket 7349, VA 3972 • 5C/892 Socket Tyi
'F' 7349 • 5C/599 Socket 7442, 304810 • SC/591 Socket 7442 • 5C/457 Socket 7442 • G5C/958 7-w:
Dural Socket YL.2784 • 5C/956 Socket YA.1354 • G5C/501 Tail Lamp Socket 12441 • G5C/9
3-way Brass Socket YA,1726, YA.2011 • 5C/936 Switch Type 'W 7349 s 6D/148 Immersion Swit►
7349. VA 1368, YA.4340 • G5C/896 Magnetic Switch 72485. 72486 • 5(7/897 Magnetic Relay 7349
5C/372 Identification Switch 7442. YA.4318 • G5D/608 Jettison Switch YA.4233, YA.2468
C5C/930 Switch YA.2345 • G5C/B44 Bomb Firing Switch YA.1400 • 5(7/1968 Switch Box 73
• (1517 /1616 Accumulator Cut Out Switch 14647/98. 14636;98 • 5C/184 Link End 7349. VA 4352

....and so many more that space does not permit publi-

cation. KRIESLER War Effort is only surpassed by its
Post War Effort !

KRIESLER is justly proud of its War Effort and here
listed below is PROOF of the outstanding amount of
vital equipment made for the Services.

5C/793 Lamp Type 'B' 7349 • G5C/558 Downward Lamp 12441 • G5C/557 Downward Lamp 12441
• G5C/1553 Warning Lamp 12441, YA.4302 • G5C/1069 Warning Light YA.4272 • G6285 Warning
5.amp YA.2672 • Life Saving Raft Lamp EOE/IW TRANS-CD1262-44 • asction Plugs Type 'F'
12620-I • G5C/540 Push Button 14617 • G5C/598 Plugs 304610 • G5C/898 Push Button Switches
YA.145I. YA.20I1 r G6A/715 Fuel Traps FSC.31606 • G5C/516 Terminal Block FSC.11214 •
G5C/868 Terminal Block 14667, YA.4059 • G5C/1302 Windscreen Wiper 12441 • G5C/2125 Under-
carriage Indicator 12441 • 3176 Oxygen Service Valve 12713/98 • G5C/13205 Type 'AB' Suppressor
Box YA.2897. FSC.18313 • G5C/1614 Suppressor Box FSC.18424. 17319 • G5C/870 Suppressor
Box 72352 • G5C/876 Suppressor Box YA.1624, YA.1960 • Type 253 Suppressor Units IvERSN.2931
83111/5 Hex. Bolts & 83911/4 Hex. Bolts YA.3639 • 31.SS3220 Screws YA 3467 • 83860 Ferrules
YA.3706 • 55.3447 Ferrules YAAI31. YA.3987 • 88866/4A Ferrules YA.2883 a APCS/40 Ferrules

A 2781 • SS2,590/4, /5, 17 Bolts YA.3195 • 14F 3982 Bolts YA.3713 • 3E5129 Special Stud YA.3684
Radar Video Filters MRSN.2994 • Radar Strobe MRSN.2983 • Radar Scope MRSN.2983 • H.P.
e lephone MRSN.2840 • Freddie Phone MRSI4,2024 • Radar A.W. Mk_ V Modulators MRSN.2815
Radar YIODB/500066 Pre-Amplifiers MRSN.2726 • Tropic Proofed Resistors MRS 2440.
SN. 2330 • Radar Pre-Amplifiers MRSN.2611 • Fuses MRSN.2325 a 6 Valve Dual Wave A.C.
ntei Receivers A.M.E.N. 2464/1463. 27419, RW.27547, RW.27644, Junction Box "A" RW.27708.
W27820, RW.26465, R.W.26843. 32544 • "B" RW.27712, RW.26367, R.W.26447, 26952, 2661! •
"E ." RW 26727, 26722, 26729, R.W.32559, 32747 • "C" RW.25727, 26722, 26729. RW.32559, 32747 • "D"
EW.27595 • "E" RW.27712, RW32777, RW.26717 0 "F" RW.27616, R.W.27582 a "3" RW.26435.
735, 32522 a "L" RW.2776, RW. 26223 • RW. 26521,G5C/1002 Suppressor Box RW.27752. RW.27659.
W26203. RW.26554. RW.26321, YSL.824. RW.28473, RW.28636 • RW.32633. G5C/1614 Suppressor
ny RW27419, Rw.27547, RW.27644, RW. 26521, RW, 32504. RW.32633.

LEADERSHIP is earned and forged in the fires of War.,.

today that same Leadership is seen most positively in
the KRIESLER SEALED RADIOS....truly the Radios of
the Future NOW !

Contributing to the vital Communication

Centres of the Air Services •






Manufactured by


ENQUIRIES: Technical, Manufacturers and Wholesale, 2 Coates Lane, City, Cent. 4773
Trade Sales Division: c/a A. S. Radio Parts, 157 Elizabeth Street, City, MU 4018
Melbourne Wholesale Distributors:

Australian n I Electric Pty. Ltd-. 55S Bourke Street. City, Lawrenc ■ & Hanson Electrical Pty. Ltd., 172 William St., City.
Hartley. Ltd.. 270 Flinders St . City. Replacements Part■ Pty. Ltd.. 63 Elisabeth Street. City.
Homecratte Pty. Ltd.. 290 Lonsdale Street. City. Visalia Electrical A Radio Pty. Ltd.. 490 Elizabeth Street, City.
Howard Electrical & Radio Pty. Ltd., V.r■ Street, Richmond. Warburton FrAnk+ Ltd.. 393 Rourke Street, C:ty.
Vetot tt.t.e. tt%or. 1,131:
tat000s 411ttv tiNe 00eSt
3 0801.111 Stgitt i‘t%
to S.A.1)%00-Vtst
gtiew 31
• • SC1.30f4
The nr r reputation enjoyed by
t. „,
for radio assemblies of
supreme quality and precision
caused us to turn, willingly and not
without pride, to 100% war-produ
lion right up to V-P day. Ila
done all that every fighting
in the South-West Pacific
Exlipse has already tur
experience to peaceti

f) ■ rite
These two famous brands are coming off
the lines in an ever-increasing flow. The
four and five valve mantels (A. C. and
vibrator types) are already well-establish-
ed in public favour, and a full range from
consoles to portables will be with the
trade in a very short time. A franehiSe
for Eclipse Radio is your passport to
Good Business.

\- #


v-C( •
o ‘txv's
iRLN kt\ -*"\%‘
‘?cDc ocft
.00 ez\N
Let's Work Together
It's not wise to think that all Leramic Insulators are equisalent in quality. From
the selection of materials through the processes of mixing, extrusion or stamping:
on through the kiln to final inspection, the production of first quality Ceramic
requires experience, skill, modern plant. plus the "knosshow" that comes from
persistent research. 'Whatever you are planning in the electrical or electronic field.
we believe our specialised knowledge will be helpful. Let's work together.

Porcelain, Steatite and Refractory Products

Made by Sold by
Northcote 45 Bourke St 26 Market St.
Victoria Melbourne Sydney


aite ILSEN
QX,eifiei offige
Ne w Guinea, Xmas i942

This quotation is from a cable sent by General MacArthur to

S. T.C's associate company The International Standard Electric

Standardd Cables Ptti. Licl.



The need was urgent. The difficulties to be overcome were immense. Australia from
its own resources had to procure electronic valves for radar equipment, intricate
units for electronic anti-aircraft gun control equipment and metal rectifiers for
the Fighting Services and essential industries. None of these had been previously
made in Australia but S.T.Cs technical and manufacturing resources and experience
gained in pre-war precision manufacture enabled the company to develop and pro-
duce this vitally essential equipment.



,7" ■ tC c.'I PI, H [3.1.4;• rrnrir rt•t{ .1.4i wily rviidurTN1 i:rT;:drt inc." I t Ve
ip•I',1 y • ,17,1 ti r pr,,,idoyu curr•en! poiew
III 1 ,.j.• • ■. ■ c ,!, t I r!, I in. II. Lirr,pere UP I 7, 7nvnrul thililiand 1
Aerial loading coil (right) and aerial S.T.C. Height Indicators gave pilots
tuning veriometer (lest) of the S.T.C.
of Torpedo Bombers visual warning
200 al/await radio transmitter at the
when too high or too low to release
Royal AustraPier Naval Station, Bei- their torpedoes. Many squadrons of
corinen, Canberra. The aerial loading R.A.A.F. Torpedo Bombers were
coil is over 15 feet high. equipped with this apparatus.


T.r. equipped many mobile radio stations


for the U.S. Army. This close-up view ;if
one shows a High Frequency Radio Receiver
and part of the control equipment.




5tagdard leleplimes tillautles hi lid


S.T.C. type "L" field telephone which

the Company produced in thaosands for
the fighting forces of Austraiia.

type A-T.20.500 watt transportable radio

S.T.C. manufactured much carrier telephone equipment Which played a highly
transmitter designed and manufactured for the
important part in the nation's telecOMmurliCatIOns throughout the war. Picture
R.A.A.F. Production of these equipments which
shows the assembling and wiring of S.T.C. Carrier Telephone and Voict
were Supplied in large numbers was one of the
Frequency Equipment.
Company's outstandmo achievements.
The W ar Effort of
Consistent in the main of a tireless effort to keep vital supplies
of replarenients up to Melbourne's Radio Servicemen — thus
implementing the Government\ policy of maintaining .11I
civilian radio sets in operating! In perform oar's mosi vital
function of keeping the people informed.


V la •••*
•... I_
.•4 _ •• I f .
ih !ti-1.111• -
nillitt titti iF :7 1 8. r!
.. • I"::
f lriiiiiIrra iri F in
. ir .
.4Bari Hai UAW !lia




Write for a ropy of our New Catalogue
'Phones : k SWANN, MU 4018 H. McCUBBIN, Cent. 1671
we did

910 die /at 491/(e4


EFORE the war TASMA built highly efficient tele-communication equipment used
by the N.S.W. and Victorian Police, Brisbane Electricity Supply, Victoria State
Electricity Commission and other public utilities.
During the war, systems and equipment designed and built by TASMA were used by
the R.N., R.A.N., U.S.N., A.M.F., R.A.A.F., and R.N.Z.A.F. The verdict of every arm
of all Services was, and is, that we hit new "highs" in effective efficiency and first
quality-production of ultra high frequency equipment.
The war taught industry and the community generally that tele-communications are
here, not only to stay, but to develop a highly important utility. The war taught
TASMA that certain new ideas and principles, as applied by us during the national
emergency, could give us leadership in the peacetime field.
That is why TASMA is now resuming the production of tele-communication systems.
We see a progressively expanding market amongst police departments, electricity
undertakings, ambulance services, taxi cab companies, forestry services and in a dozen
and one other directions.

We have the experience, the knowledge, the plant, the

equipment and the technicians to place TASMA as far
ahead in the field of tele-communications as they already
are in domestic radio receiver production. And—we're
on our way.

Send your enquiries fro
403 Bourke Street. MELBOURNE
82 Eagle Street. BRISBANE
NORTH QUEENSLAND: Dalgety & Co. Ltd.. Townsville, Daloety & Co. Ltd.,
WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Vox-Adeon Radios Ltd., Perth
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 0. J. Nilsen & Co. Ltd., Adelaide
TASMANIA: Electronic Supplies. Hobart
play a subsidiary part Nevertheless, in
the making of those contributions. in the
development of radio and sound equip-
ment, direction Anders and a score of other
special war requirements. Philips have dis-
first excitement-1 of victory have died covered and applied new principles, new
away. Already the war Ls receding in , efficiencies and new conceptions which, in
their peacetime role, will place Philips pro-
the background of our thOttlatia . . but
let us not forget that many of the Mile ducts even further in advance than they
things which contributed to the colossal were when the struggle for Victory began.
achievement of victory actually grow in
significance with the passing of the years.

In the gigantic sum total of the United

Nations* war effort the contributions of
Philips Engineers, scientists and crafts-
Philips Electrical Industries of Aultralia Pty. Ltd.
Sydney — Melbourne — Adelaide — Perth — Brisbane
men, though great In themselves. could but


tlorootn tneir

sVA, %Me prodoct;ton

arbisttori V raula
of ,nitttil accurate
experience, clectrielostrtonents
dit' and. in
"%Oare, estatAil,ncd

reourcciolnes$ and deponlabilill • ..




Viarburton Vranki ttalie turned, tticir

sis.iii, sy,ppleinented ti9 tlie experience
gained in viar production, to ciil. pro-
iects. VriOlatves' N74eston Carlson

paalt efectrweal
vadios are just 'L'cillle na.ine
ot1For of ar'urton
Ole deros %Ott%
and tne all

41-tien is
franki tbeasociated.
rettuirernents lou. for
depend Upon
abUrton Vianin and

experienced Sevice.


Also Sydney and Brisbane
at tl'ie"-N

Just stop to think for a moment of the amazing Mine Detectors: Aerial Mines: Sea Mines; Tele-
use of dry cell batteries during the war! phone Switchboards and Field Telephones, includ-
For instance. Eveready produced no less than ing a light-weight 10 line portable Switchboard.
47 million dry cells of all types during the entire Map Reading Lamps and Torches were also used
war period. And these cells were utilised in the in Defence operations and were equipped with
production of 61 different types of batteries, many Eveready batteries.
of which were previously unknown in Australia. Eveready batteries assisted In the use of Radar.
The operation of the following Army equipment Battery operated test equipment was frequently
was dependent upon the continuous supply of bat- used.
teries. This is, of course. only part of the full story . . .
WaIkie Talkie (Paratroop equipment); Handy It does not tell of the production headaches that
Talkie (S.C.R. 556 A and B); Transmitter Receiver had to be overcome—and were overcome. It does
Model 108, iSemi-portable equipment): Transmit- not tell of the priceless experience gained which is
ter Receiver Portable Model 208—used for wireless now being put to commercial use. but it does give
telegraphic communication for general purposes in you some idea of the tremendous war job Eveready
Island Campaigns; Transmitter Receiver ATR4A; did—and of the valuable contribution Eveready
Tone Oscillators; Wave Meters; Torpedo Pistols; made to final victory.



1 I ( P achievement in tile
SMALL component field ..
Teenier' components OCcuoied an honatired place in Australia's
pre - war Radio industry. During tsiintilsttes engineer's nansicisted
the name Tecnico particularly with Sandia. as makers of aviation
starters. generators. 14-cylind.,r magnetos. •ppmps, etc.
Whilst !feeling jutitittilide pride in such achievements, post-war
emphasis spotlights Tecriico's small precision radio consponents.
Having played a worthy war role, such components are now in
volumnous production for civilian needs.
The experience named war time production is reflected in even
highrr standards of quality and pertorrnance.

Illustrated:— TECNICO Condensers and TECNICO Wave Charge



;1COrpordteC.', Ni O. 01.MI WtT.

Features the revolutionary PROBE.
GUN, housing an INFINITE
mum loading (less detuning) of
circuit under test. Ultra-modern,
balanced bridge circuit, highly degen.
erative. Range-switching by feedbacl
control. No zero resetting necessary
when range.changing. Serves also al
High Resistance Megohmmeter.

• RANGES: 1.5-0-1.5, 0-5, 25, 150 Volts D.0

0-1.5, 5, 25, 150 Volts A.0
0.5-2000 Mcgohms. (35 Meg
ohms mid-scaler
A NEW • INPUT RESISTANCE: 35 Megohms on all
D.C. ranges
• INPUT IMPEDANCE: 0.25 Megohms at RF



GEO.11 .SAM P L E.& S011-

280 Castlereagh Street 17 - 19 Anthony Street,
Phone: .... MA 6281 Phone F) 4138

These . . and many more' The

Aegis organisation were direct
contractors to all arms of the
Australian Forces and, in all, 152
Defence and Ministry of Munitions
projects were undertaken and
successfully completed —a fitting
prelude to peacetime radio engin-


First in the field is the Aegis "Little Companion"

Kit Assembly, streamlined to modern needs,
which Is creating new markets all over Australia.
Ask your Aegis representative for full details.

with which is affiliated

208 Little Lonsdale St., Melbourne, Vic.

Only an organisation such me

backed by unlimited resources ■nd opera-
ting Radio.Elertric Works with ♦67.000
cop fee. and oc. upying 13 .4.0441 by
aciiiinnits, designers and experienced en-
ginner.. could manufacture such • superb
receiver the R•diola.


Far Reaching Developments . . . •

Week by week news is being released of far-reaching inventions and developments in

electronics arising out of wartime research activity. New fields of research in radar, in
ultra high frequency communication, in television, and other applications of electronic.'
to industry and the home will have a marked effect on our lives.

If the past be an indication of the future, we need go back no further than the aftermath
of World War I. Then there followed in rapid succession the inception of broadcasting,
the development of overseas short wave broadcasting, long distance marine communi-
cation, beam wireless and overseas telephony—to mention but a few of the many epoch-
making achievements pioneered in Australia by A.W.A.

Never has the Company been so favourably placed to enter the new era of electronics as
today. During the war its large staff of scientists, designers and engineers has been
engaged in applying its technical knowledge and experience in electronics to the develop-
ment of radio equipment for the Allied Forces. Research is regarded by A.W.A. as a
guarantee of continued progress.

The post-war Radiola will gain immeasurably by the increased technical skill of A.W.A.
scientists and engineers developed in war-time production. It will be a superb instrument
of Radio entertainment, worthy of the famous trade mark of Radiola, renowned through-
out the Commonwealth.

In the future the Radiola Distributor franchise will be more

valuable than ever.


Mk& dlatrilaussop coo b. assured that
es onsetisits. dotrigoors sod angina.. of
IOTA- sro emuhang for new mater.]..
Mw pro........ and new taw hn 1 qu” that
will keep A.W.A. ahead to do. progrr.o, •
dosalopaustzts of stoma rms.


particular originality is claimed for the idea of
:N otions
telling the story of "Australian Telecommunica-
at War" in these pages—the job done by the
Australian. Radio and Electrical Industries in further-
ing the National War Effort was so meritorious that
somebody just had to do it, and it was merely a logic-
al conclusion that the publishers of Australia's oldest
Radio and Electrical trade newspaper should under-
take that job.
Similarly, little originality can be claimed for much
of the information presented in these pages—most
of it has appeared, or will appear at some time, in
the records of the Services and Government Depart-
ments, or exists in the individual files of those firms
that contributed so much to the total e ffort—what we
have done is to sift out the facts and collate them so
that the achievement may be viewed as a whole and
in its proper perspective.
The net result has surprised even those of us who
were rather closely connected with the production
and operational aspects of the war effort—once again,
it was a case of being unable to see the forest for the
trees—and we feel that our readers will share the
same respect for the magnitude and successful con-
summation of the task which was undertaken by an
industry that had no experience or precedent to guide
it in the technique of wartime production.
The next few pages present the official view on
"Australian Telecommunications at War", and the
mass of information following tells its own story—we
need say no more, other than to express our sincere
appreciation for the universal co-operation which has
made this publication possible.



Dear Sir,
As Minister for Munitions during the period of the
operations of the Radio and Signals Supplies Directorate, I would
like to state that the contribution made by the Radio Industry to
the nation's war effort was not only of outstanding importance
in the Commonwealth's defence, but represented an outstanding
technological triumph for Australian manufacture.
Although a well-established Radio Industry existed in
Australia before the war, by far the greatest bulk of its production
of necessity consisted of domestic radio receivers, with factory,
plant and facilities designed to meet those requirements, and
not the demands of total war.
The story of how the Industry, in co-operation with the
Radio and Signals Supplies Directorate, was transformed to meet
the new conditions represents an inspiring chapter in the history
of Australia's home front activities.
The magnitude of this accomplishment can be realised
when it is considered that not only was the gross output of the
Industry as a whole greatly increased, but at the same time the
number and diversity of its items of manufacture were at least
trebled, a majority of them being articles never previously made in
An example of the tremendous technical advances made
by the Industry over these years was the development of Radar
equipment manufacture. Although the first practical tests in
Radar, the most versatile weapon produced by the war, were carried
out overseas as late as 1938, its highly technical processes were
being undertaken in Australia by 1942, and during the years that
followed Australian Radar equipment proved its worth in every
Pacific battle area.
The potentialities of radio are only now even being
foreseen, so that the Industry stands to-day on the threshold of
what may well prove to be illimitable expansion. It is plain
from the experience of the war years that whatever radio's future
applications are, Australia will be able to keep well in the
forefront of its development.
Yours faithfully,

(Norman Makin)
The Editor,
Radio & Electrical Retailer,
146 Foveaux Street,
17,0005 000 Worth
of Basic Telecommunications Equipment
The follorciny statement from the lion. Norman J. Makin, Minister for Moni-
tions, covers the activities of the Munitions' Directorate of Radio & Signals Sup-
plies iron: June. 1942 to October. 1945. and provides a first-class indication of the
volume of production which may be credited to the Australian Telecommunica-
tions Industry.
Impressive as the figures are, however. they are still only an indication—the
total achievement is even more impressive—as they refer largely to the production
of basic equipment items during the last three years of the war and do not In-
elude the considerable production effected earlier under Contracts Board ar-
rangements and the concurrent manufacture of accessory and related items
(such as batteries and generating sets) which was regulated by the Directorate nj
Supply and the Ordnance Production Directorate. Information concerning the
activities of these agencies will be found elsewhere in this publication,

11ADAR, Radio, and Signal equipment valued at was achieved. production for that month representing
£16.1196,994 was manufactured in Australia be- in value £517,000.
tween June, 1942, and October, 1945, and delivered to While this increased productivity represented a not-
the Australian and Allied Armed Services. able achievement, probably the most important, aspect
Of this amount, which was produced under the was the technological development which had taken
direction of the Radio and Signals Supplies Directorate place in order to make these figures possible.
of the Munitions Department, Radar equipment ac- Radio, Radar and Signals equipment manufactured
counted for material to the value of £2.190.019, Radio in Australia proved of outstanding merit in the South
equipment £9,410,614 and Signals equipment £5296.391. West Pacific area, and was regarded as being more
So far as signals equipment was concerned. prac- suitable to the conditions prevailing in that sphere
tically no field wireless or field telephone equipment than material produced in any part of the world.
had been manufactured in Australia before the war. A big factor in establishing the high quality of the
and Australian industry was now faced with the neces- Australian product was the research work carried out
sity for hurriedly changing over to production stand- by the Munitions Supply Laboratories and by private
ards of the quality, performance and reliability laid bodies. whereby certain processes were incorporated in
down by British industry. the manufacture of equipment, protecting it against
The first practical tests in Radar, the most versatile the ravages of the atmospheric and mycological con-
weapon produced by the War, had been made in ditions -experienced in tropical and sub-tropical areas
England and America only as late as 1938. and its Some idea of the scale upon which equipment was
highly specialised technical processes were still in the manufactured following rationalisation of the indus-
early stages of experiment at. the outbreak of hos- try can be obtained from the fact that field cable
tilities. Prior to January, 1942. only experimental delivered to the Services aggregated a total length of
items of radar equipment had been produced in 11118 216,000 miles, or nearly the distance from the earth to
country. the moon.
To meet the growing demand from all branches of Over 100,000 telephone units were delivered, as well
the Armed Forces for every type of communication
as 200.000 steel poles, and nearly 9,000 switchboards,
equipment, the Munitions Department created the
Directorate of Radio and Signal Supplies in June. More than 12,000 radio transmitters. 9.000 radio
1942, and vested in it the responsibility for directing receivers, and nearly 19,000 transmitter-receivers were
all future production along these lines. also delivered.
Concentrating its efforts upon building up manufac- Although it was not until well on In 1942 that pro-
turing capacity, and upon obtaining the maximum duction of Radar equipment got really under way.
output from established units. over the first three Australia manufactured practically every type of air-
months of the Directorate's existence the output of the borne. shipborne, and ground-operated Radar units.
industry averaged £330,000 per month. ranging from 100 lbs. sets to assemblies of several tons.
Increasing demands from the Services indicated Altogether 2.076 items of Services' Radar equipment
that production approximating 16,000,000 annually and 9,085 items of general Radar test equipment were
would be required, and by November, 1943, this rate manufactured over the period.
Navy's Tribute
As received from the
Secretary, 11(lo . of the Navv

DURING the recent conflict tele-communications have been de-

veloped to a very high degree of efficiency, particularly in the
three Services, due mainly to the general mechanisation and rapidly
changing methods of modern warfare, and the consequent demand
for speedy and flexible communication systems.
Radio communications have played a major role in the Royal
Australian Navy, both at sea and on shore, during the recent war
years, and have helped in no small measure to enable the success-
ful actions to be carried through in various theatres by our ships,
as well as in the saving of many lives at sea. The air protection
01 any Naval force also requires efficient communication between
ships and aircraft.
It may be said that every action fought at sea and every land-
ing made on shore by seaborne forces depended for its ultimate
success to a great extent on the efficiency of the communications.
Radar equipment also played a very important part in all of
these operations, in giving warning of approaching enemy aircraft
and surface craft, and as a navigational aid. A large number of
these sets, as well as many types of radio equipment used by the
three Services, were developed and manufactured in Australia and
proved most efficient and reliable.
In the South West Pacific Area tropical conditions were met
with which were far more severe than any experienced before, and
the normally designed equipment was found to be unsuitable in
some places. This necessitated special research into this particular
disability and a more rigorous manufacturing technique for tropic-
al radio equipment. That these demands were admirably met on
bthalf of the Allied Services, speaks volumes for the untiring efforts
of the Radio and Electrical industry in Australia, and particularly
for the skill of the men and women associated with the production
of this highly specialised equipment.
The Department of the Navy therefore desires to pay a high
tribute to the Radio and Electrical Industry of Australia for its
skill in producing, under most difficult wartime conditions, first
rate equipment for use by the Naval Forces of Australia and her
Allies. Experience during the recent war shows that the Industry
has the capacity for providing the equipment required by the
Fighting Forces, and It is essential in the years to come that every
effort be made to keep abreast of the latest technique in all classes
of radio equipment.
Army's Tribute
ref I 1..44 Pout the
Secretary, Dept. n/' the _1rmy

IN these days of mechanised warfare where rapid, positive com-

munication is more vitally important than ever before, the de-
mand has been created for a fast, flexible and mobile communication
system, and radio is the main method of communication that will
meet these requirements.
The failure of but one link in the chain of communications in
the field may adversely affect an operation and cause the loss of
many lives. However, during the recent conflict. Australian-made
Signal equipment has amply justified the reliance placed upon it
by the Armed Services.
A glance backwards over the past war years shows an accom-
plishment of production of Telecommunication equipment of con-
siderable magnitude by the Radio and Electrical Industry of Aus-
tralia; in fact, equipment to the value of more than £10 million was
made for the Australian Army alone.
The demand by the Services in the South Wesi Pacific Area for
equipment that would withstand the rigours of the tropical climate
and continue to operate under adverse conditions was fully met
by the equipment produced by the Australian Industry, and the in-
formation and technique gained during manufacture of all types
of components has been not only of considerable value to Austra-
lia, but also to overseas authorities who have acknowledged the
meat assistance to them in meeting similar problems.
This accomplishment was made possible by the skill and effort
of men and women who have been associated with the industry for
a number of years. together with that of hundreds of others who
have joined the staffs of the various firms since the outbreak of war.
Full and grateful recognition of their skill and spirit of loyalty
must be given to all concerned in maintaining a fine record which
has brought distinction to the whole industry.
While paying tribute to this excellent effort, it is considered
that there is still a need for continued interest and co-operation by
manufacturers with the Services in order to keep up-to-date with
Army requirements in telecommunication equipments, and for
facilities for the production of Army equipments to be ready in case
el a future National emergency.
Air's Tribute

Oswald F. Mingay, Esq.,

Mingay Publishing Coy.,
146 Foveaux Street,

Dear Sir,

I am indeed most grateful for this

opportunity to thank the Australian Radio Industry
for the magnificent part it has played during
the war.

2. This war has been largely an electronic

war, in which the employment of Radar and
Telecommunications has been one of the main
factors which contributed to victory by the
United Nations over the enemy.

3. That the R.A.A.F. has been able to make

large-scale use of Radar and Telecommunication
equipment against the enemy is due to the
untiring efforts of the Australian Radio Industry
in designing and manufacturing, against time,
high-grade radio equipment, which has proved its
worth in the field. In some cases, Australian
Radar and Telecommunication equipment has been
acknowledged to be the best in the world, an
achievement of which the Australian Radio industry
and, indeed, all Australians should be
justly proud.

(7 . Li ci114/-

Air Vice-Marshal,


Figuratively speaking, the initial onset of war in 1939, caught
the telecommunications industry "with its pants down", not only
in Australia, but in all Allied countries. The Australian industry
probably had less training than any other for war production
and It speaks volumes for its adaptability and tenacity of purpose
that it was abic not only to overcome this disability, but also to
develop to such an extent that, to less than six years, it produced
Summarising hiyhly-specralised Service equipment conservatively estimated.
at a total value of r40.000.000

The Value of Industry's Achievement

In the preceding pages there is presented what Compare this with the effort of the past six years.
might be termed the "official view" of Australia's war when production, even after a slow start, averaged
effort in the production of telecommunications equip- over £6.000,000 per annum, mostly made up of equip-
ment, and a heartening view it is--when the respon- ment produced to standards far in advance of even
sible Minister of the Federal Government and spokes- the best commercial practice of pre-war years—It
men fur the three Armed Services come forward and, requires nu great feat of mental arithmetic to reach
in almost identical terms, unreservedly praise the the conclusion that, at its peak, the industry pro-
work of an Industry, that Industry is justifiably entitled duced more precision equipment per month than it
to consider that it has "earned its malt". did in any complete pre-war year.
However eulogistic as are the commendations ex- The achievement of this volume of production be-
pressed by the Government and Services, they only comes even more Impressive when one pauses to con-
tell part of the story—referring, as they do, largely sider the enormous difficulties that had to be sur-
to the results rather than the magnitude of the mounted. Two factors alone—manpower and materials
Industry's achievement. Even the figures quoted on —reached such proportions as to discourage all but
page 34, impressive as they are, do not fully cover this the stoutest hearts, and when one adds In the diffi-
aspect, as they deal primarily with only a section of culties experienced, especially In the early days. with
telecommunication production- -that section under the Services' procurement procedures and the mastering
control of one Directorate of the Ministry of Munitions. of new production techniques, it almost becomes a
matter of wonder that the Industry was able to pro-
To obtain a complete picture, it is necessary also duce anything at all, much less multiply its pre-war
to include the not inconsiderable production under con- figures many times.
trol of the Department of Supply and Deve:oprnent Another factor which must not be neglected in any
and the work carried out by the Postmaster-General's endeavor to assess the overall contribution of Aus-
Department as co-ordinating contractor during the tralia's Telecommunication Industry to the war effort
period prior to the advent of Munitions control; the is the scope of its activities—production during the
vast production of ancillary equipment organised by war years encompassed an almost bewildering variety
the Munitions Directorate of Ordnance ProducUon; of items, all related to "the transmission of intelligence
and the continued production of "Contracts" items over a distance," some of them of a precision and com-
such as batteries and electrical apparatus—when plexity undreamed-of in pre-war years. This diversi-
these all are considered, It is found that a figure of fication of production, while meritorious In itself, as
£40,000,000 is a conservative valuation of the equip-
yet another example of the adaptability of the In-
ment produced by the Industry during the war. dustry, made the total achievement all the more re-
To convey the true Immensity of this achievement markable, as it meant that only in rare instances were
it is necessary briefly to review the status of the manufacturers able to gear up for anything remotely
Industry in pre-war days. As industries go. it still approaching "mass production"—in the vast majority
was in its swaddling clothes—there virtually was no of cases, production was of the "short run" variety,
serious production of any radio or related equipment while for some items the total requirement was so
prior to 1930, and several years after that elapsed small as to barely take It out of the "hand-made
before production settled down to a rational basis. sample" class. In almost every case, however, a con-
Admittedly, the Industry grew fast, but even at its siderable amount of preliminary research and de-
best. factory production never exceeded a total value velopment was required, thus calling for an extremely
of £3,000,000 per annum, and of that about KO per cent. disproportionate amount of highly technical and
was represented by domestic broadcast receivers. skilled manpower.
The remaining 20 per cent. of production—a mere It. will be of interest at. this stage to the
T900,000 per annum—was made up of broadcasting and total production figures of the Industry and see how
..nranrnent of various types. the figure of (40.000,000 was made up.
Commencing with the figure of almost, £17,000,000
quoted by the Hon. Norman Makin, we find that this
is almost entirely made up of basic equipment items—
radar, radio, and telephone—produced under control Nearly 600
of the Munitions Directorate of Radio and Signal Sup-
plies during the period from July, 1942, until mid-1945.
A considerable amount. of equipment was still in pro-
duction at that time, and although many cancellations
Separate Organisations
were effected after V-P Day, it would be safe to put the
total value of DRSS production down at a round
figure of £20,000,000. Mobilised for Telecom's Production
Concurrently with this production, the Ordnance
Production Directorate of the Ministry of Munitions
was supervising the manufacture of electrical generat- services totallin• some £13,000,000 in value were ob-
ing sets and alternators, switchgear, wires and cables, tained from At Grattan sources during the years 1942,
and a considerable number of ancillary items required 1943, and 1944. Of this total, approximately £10,000,600
for association with the equipment produced under was represented by equipment alone, made up as fol-
DRSS control and, while no detailed figures are avail- lows:—Radar, 11 per cent.; Radio. 26; Line. 13; Power,
able, an examination of the items and quantities de- Ii: Miscellaneous (cable, spares, etc.), 39 per cent_ No
livered places the value of this equipment at some- exactly comparable break-up is available regarding
where around the £5,000.000 mark. Australian Service purchases, but it would appear that
But this is not all of the story—until the end of 1944, the ratios art• somewhat different from those set out
all dry batteries and accumulators, of which vast quan- above, as it is known that of the £10,000,000 or so ex-
tities were used, were produced entirely under Con- pended by the Australian Army on Australian-made
tracts Board arrangements, and while no figures are telecommunications equipment, about 50 per cent. was
available for accumulator production (due to the dif- spent on wireless and associated stores, with the bal-
ficulty of segregating "vehicle" and "signal" types), a ance split fairly evenly between line equipment and
reliable source places the total value of dry battery radar and testing apparatus.
production alone at over £1,000,000. To produce this volume of equipment, the Industry
All of the figures given above refer largely to pro- was tnobilLsed and expanded to a remarkable degree,
duction, during the last half of the war, of items particularly after the advent of the Munitions Produc-
specifically designed to meet Service requirements, and tion Directorates. It is safe to say that there was not
to complete the picture it is necessary, not only to a single organisation of any standing that did not par-
consider the production of Service items earlier, but ticipate in the production programme to a greater or
also the considerable purchases of "trade pattern" lesser degree, and records available show that at one
items which were effected right through the war per- time or another, there were nearly 600 separate firms
iod. For obvious reasons, it is impossible to arrive at a engaged in some aspects of telecommunications produc-
total valuation of all these items, but., as much of the tion, either as contractors, sub-contractors, or sup-
early production was in accordance with orders placed pliers of specialised materials.
by the Department of Supply and Development i now Exact quantitative figures for the total effort are
Supply and Shipping), through its Contracts Boards, difficult to arrive at, but it Ls known that at least 50,000
and this was also the channel for many "trade pattern" radio transmitters and receivers were produced, to-
purchases, a useful indication of the value of this gether with about 10,000 generating sets. On the
business is provided by the fact that "Contracts" de- line equipment side, field cable production reached a
liveries of electrical and wireless equipment during the total of at least a quarter of a million core-miles, and
war years totalled over £9,000,000. Some of this may for pole-line routes, about 200,000 sectional steel poles
overlap with deliveries credited to other sources, but were produced. Telephone and switchboard production
the amount of any overlap would be much more than figures ran into many thousands, while a total of over
offset by direct Services' purchases under "Local Pur- 30.000 cable layers were placed into service. Visual sig-
chase" arrangements, of which no record is available. nalling devices played an important part in all opera-
One other "production agency" remains to be taken tions, and it will come as a surprise to many to learn
into consideration—the Postmaster-General's Depart- that over 34,000 signalling lamps were produced by
ment, which, during the early war years, was the the Industry, which also played its part in the manu-
official co-ordinating contractor for Services' pur- facture of about 1,500 searchlight projectors, ranging
chases of telecommunications equipment, and later car- up to 150 cm. 15fta in diameter, many of them radar-
ried on as a major equipment contractor and supplier controlled by Australian-bulit apparatus. Finally, a
of basic communications services. Much of the material significant development took place In those sections
and equipment employed in satisfaction of these con- of the Industry devoted to test equipment, and at. least
tracts was supplied by industry at large, and while it 20,000 items of precision testing Instruments were pro-
is not possible to obtain any reliable estimate of the duced, together with many thousands of individual
total value of goods and services supplied by and meters, for the Services. Not content with this, many
through the P.M.G.'s Department, information avail- organisations broke into new fields and established
able leads one to believe that the £5,000,000 balance production of many aero, navigational and fire-control
of our £40,000,000 total is credited to that agency. instruments new to this country.
An interesting cross-section of the production pro- In producing this equipment, many lessons had to
gram is given by a published statement from the be learned, both in administration and production,
U.S. Army Services of Supply. This statement was and the successful culmination of this "home-front
made before the Sydney BREIF Club in May. 1945, battle" Is an achievement of which all concerned might
and indicates that telecommunications equipment and Well be proud.





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The above chart shows, in broad outline, the relation- their executive linkage In the form of the Defence
ship between the various Service and Government Committee. From this basis, control devolves on the
Departments responsible for production of telecom- various responsible departments, wherein individual
munications equipment during the war years. It is policies are determined. Co-ordination of effort takes
not claimed that the chart is complete in every detail, place on the next level, where production potentials
as the main object of its presentation is to provide a are determined and related to operational require-
general impression of the administrative background ments (G.H.Q. and Services' Equipment Committees),
to the Industry's war effort, not to provide a complete finance (the Board of Business Administration and
analysis of the Government and Services' structure. Defence Division of the Treasury', materials supply.
Similarly, it should be borne in mind that the chart etc. At this level, priorities generally are determined.
has been drawn up along Junctional lines, and, gen- manpower allocated, and so on.
erally speaking, does not purport to show the relative With all of these points resolved, action passes to
precedence or status of the agencies depicted. the responsible procurement and production direc-
Commencing at the top, we have the factors con- torates and in due course is passed on to the agencies
trolling operational and administrative policy, with acting as direct links with Industry.
and all equipment matters were the responsibility of
the Master-General of the Ordnance. A similar set-
up was in force in the Royal Australian Air Force,
where operational requirements were laid down by the
Air Staff and translated into terms of orders, etc., by
the Director of Telecommunications and Radar in
0 establish a functional background for much of
1111 the information presented in later sections of this
publication, and to provide a more complete under-
conjunction with the Equipment Branch. In all cases,
the purely production aspects only were handled by
the Ministry of Munitions or the Contracts Board.
The Australian set-up worked very well, particularly
standing of the machinery involved In the development
and procurement of Services' equipment, this article after the advent of the Munitions' Production Direc-
provides a general review of the administrative struc- torates and the further rationalisation which was
ture of the Australian Services and outlines the basic brought about in 1943 by the establishment of an
considerations governing the procedure employed. Allied Services' Signals Equipment Standardisation
Committee, com-
Before proceed-
prised of repre-
ing to examine the sentatives of all
general structure Allied Services
of the Services
operating u n d e r
and their relation-
GHQ directives and
ships with other
Government bodies Development & Procurement authorised to bring
and Industry at into consultation
large, a few gen- representatives of
eral observations
are in order and,
of the PMG's Dept.,
Munitions an
as a starting point, CSIR. This Com-
we cannot do bet-
ter than quote a Service Equipment mittee did sterl-
ing work and, in
passage from the addition to its pri-
Army letter of ap- mary function of
predation which eliminating dupli-
appears on page 30.
cate production of
In this letter, Mr. F. R. Sinclair points out that "The similar equipments performed a very valuable ser-
failure of but one link in the chain of communica- vice in supervising the preparation of a number of
tions in the field may adversely affect an operation Inter-Service Specifications covering testing pro-
and cause the loss of many lives." The italics are ours, cedures, components and materials. In this later
Human lives are at stake every time a piece of tele- phase of its activities, the Committee worked very
communications equipment is placed in operational closely with the Standards Association of Australia,
service by the Armed Forces. and through this agency. liaison was established with
This point, elementary in concept as it may seem, professional bodies such as the Institution of Radio
sometimes appeared to escape the notice of those who Engineers, as well as with Industry at large.
found occasion to take exception to the seemingly- It may fairly be said that a considerable measure at
harsh and unrelenting demands of the authorities the success achieved in the production of Australian-
responsible for the design and inspection of Services' made telecommunications equipment was due to the
equipment. excellence of the liaison arrangements which were
Fortunately. such an attitude was not typical and it maintained at all stages of development and manu-
is to the credit of Industry at large that the utmost facture.
co-operation was readily forthcoming whenever a The pattern for this effective liaison was established
problem seemed impossible to resolve or a special effort fairly early during the war, with the creation by the
was required. This co-operation was especially mani- Council for Scientific da Industrial Research of a high
fest during the latter half of the war period, when plane Radiophysics Advisory Board, on which the Ser-
the advent of Inter-Service Standardisation Commit- vices were represented by senior Staff officers, with
tees and increasingly-effective liaison machinery the object of co-ordinating Radar research. Later,
brought Industry into consultation during the prepar- when Radar entered the production stage, the ac-
ation of equipment specifications. tivities of this Board were supplemented by a lower-
Reverting now to the Services' structure for the de- plane technical committee on which the Services were
velopment and procurement of telecommunications represented by those officers directly responsible for
equipment, it is rather important to point out that the the production and application of Radar equipment.
set-up in Australia differed from those in most other Similar arrangements were established by the Min-
Allied countries in that the three Services each main- istry of Munitions to cover all phases of production—
tained separate Branches for operations and equip- the high-plane liaison in this case being effected
ment. Thus, in the Royal Australian Navy, the opera- through the Services' Munitloms Committee which was
tional aspects of Signals were the responsibility of the convened by the Director-General of Munitions and
Director of Signal Communications, while the Naval comprised the senior executive officers of the Ser-
Stores Branch was responsible for all provisioning ac- vices. Here again, the work of this Committee was
tion. In the Army. sections of the General Staff (the supplemented by other Committees on the Directorate
MORA and SO in CI were responsible for the opera- level—notably from the telecommunication aspect, the
tional application of Radar and Signals, respectively, Radio & Signal Stores Production Sub-Committee,
which was convened by the Munitions Director of During the currency of any contract, the RAAF tech-
Radio & Signal Supplies and attended by the respon- nical officers were available to ensure that specifica-
sible Equipment Directors of the Services. Still other tions were interpreted correctly, and to authorise de-
Committees, usually known as Working Committees, sign changes found necessary during the develop-
were organised in conjunction with each of the Ser- mental stages, having regard to the fact that under
vices to cover the development and progression of the RAAF system of specifications, the final develop-
individual projects. ment of a new equipment and the early production
One of the biggest strides forward in Service-Indus- stages were substantially concurrent. For contrac-
try relationships was made by CSIR early in 1943. tual reasons these design changes were effected
through its Scientific Liaison Bureau, when it con- through the Ministry of Munitions machinery.
vened a conference of representatives of Service and In common with the other Services, RAAF officers
Government representatives with a view to rormulating attended the meetings of the previously-mentioned
plans for a concerted attack on the problem of tropical Munitions' Radio & Signal Stores Production Sub-
deterioration. As a result of this conference, a party Committee, which met at frequent intervals during the
of civilian scientists, under Service leadership, was war to review the progress of all contracts and to
enabled to spend some time in operational areas in adjust deliveries as between the different Services of
New Guinea and on its return, published a Report these items common to two or more of them.
("Report on the Condition of Service Material under The development of radar necessitated some de-
Tropical Conditions in New Guinea") which did much parture from the procedure outlined above, for
to convince Industry at large that "tropicalisation" reasons which will readily be apparent, as since radar
really was something to be regarded seriously. introduced entirely new techniques, "operational re-
Publication of this Report was followed up by the quirements" could be defined only with knowledge
establishment of six Inter-Service Committees which of what was practicable at any stage in the develop-
functioned in co-operation with CSIR and the Stand- ment of a rapidly expanding art. Moreover, there
ards Association of Australia and published a series was no established industry with experience to relieve
of Australian Interim Specifications covering mater- the Services of detailed developmental work, while the
ials and packaging for use under humid tropical con- need for secrecy created special problems of its own.
ditions. In addition, CSIR, through the SLB, was able Consequently, in respect of radar equipment, the de-
to establish a Tropical Scientific Section which func- velopment and design was largely carried out by the
tioned in operational areas under Service sponsorship Radio-Physics Laboratory of the Council for Scientific
and provided facilities for continued "on the spot" and Industrial Research in close collaboration with
investigations by civilian scientists and engineers. the operational and technical staffs of the Services.
With these differences, the procurement of RAM'
Services' Procedure
The information given above present.1 a broad pic- radar equipment was effected through the same or-
ture of the arrangements established in Australia for ganisation and procedure as signals equipment.
Inter-Service and Industrial liaison in matters of While this outline of RAAF equipment procurement
equipment development and production, and it now procedure applies broadly to the other Services, the
will be of interest to have a closer look at the purely procedure followed by Army is a little more elaborate
Service aspects. For this, we are indebted to the De- in some respects and is examined in greater detail.
partments of Army and Air, who have made avail- Reference first should be made to the accompanying
able official summaries of procedure, on which the chart, which shows the division of responsibility be-
following material and the chart on page 43, is based. tween the Branches of the General Staff and the
The information from the Dept. of Air outlines a set- Master-General of the Ordnance. Both are tor were.
up which is broadly applicable to all three Services during the war years) under the direct. control of the
and is given first. The Army story is somewhat more Commander-in-Chief, and both depended on the
detailed and is read in conjunction with the chart. Secretary, Dept. of Army, as the Minister's representa-
In the RAAF, the need for any piece of signals equip- tive, for major contact with civilian agencies.
ment is created when the Air Staff defines an "opera- After delineation of overall policy by the C-In-C,
tional requirement" in terms of the results to be who also held appointments as Commander, Allied
achieved. The Signals Staff translates this operation- Land Forces on General Headquarters, SWPA, and as
al requirement into a technical specification and for- a member of the Defence Committee, the operational
wards a submission to the Equipment Branch covering aspects of equipment requirements were determined
such questions as estimated cost, deliveries required by the appropriate General Staff advisers and co-or-
and, if appropriate, suggestions as to potential sources dinated by the General Staff Specifications Commit-
of supply. On receipt of this submission, the Equip- tee into a formal statement of "User" requirements
ment Branch obtains the necessary approval for the known as the General Staff Specification.
expenditure involved—it is unnecessary to discuss the
mechanics of this, it being sufficient to say that they This statement included considerations of forward
vary according to the amount and the operational policy, the priority to be accorded to the equipment
urgency of the particular case—and places an official and the basic scale of issue, besides the operational
order, usually through the Dept. of Air secretariat, on characteristics such as range, weight, method of trans-
the Ministry of Munitions for appropriate action by port. etc.. and was forwarded to the Master-General of
the Directorate of Radio and Signals Supplies. The the Ordnance Branch for appropriate action.
Ministry of Munitions, having full knowledge of the The four Divisions of this Branch all shared re-
technical resources and existing commitments of every sponsibility for the equipment at some stage of its
manufacturer in the industry, then determines what career, but as an initial project, action passed im-
particular manufacturer should receive the contract mediately to the Equipment Division, where the Direc-
and places an order accordingly. tor of Signal & Radar Equipment assuznei responsi-
Commander In Chief Minister for the Army



REQUIREMENTS, of the Secr.t.e ry
P EIORITYES, —.— General Staft Dept, of the Army

Signal Wfieer in Chita NORMAL CHANNEL FOR

Royal Artillery, *lc. Ta MUNInONS AND ALL
Field Formation,

lEunn t Desire


Er ruler Equipment P,••■ MOPS Officer MUNITIONS. CONTRACTS. ETC



!Nifty for interpretation of the General Staff Specifica- ment and production. Further conferences may be
tion with respect to development and production of held after the manufacturer has had an opportunity
the equipment. This Directorate maintained close for further investigation of the project and, in any
liaison with the "User" services and with the authori- case, a Working Committee usually is nominated to
ties responsible for all detail aspects of development, provide immediate consideration of matters arising
inspection, maintenance, etc.. and so was in a position during the pre-production stages.
to arrange for conversion of the OS Specification into In most instances, the actual development of Army
a detailed statement of production requirements. telecommunications equipment is carried out by the
At this stage the work is split up—details of the re- manufacturer, in close collaboration with Army De-
quirement are passed to the Design Division of MOO sign, which is in a position to give a detailed interpre-
Branch for preliminary consideration with respect to tation of requirements, although any major departures
preparation of a production specification; the recom- must be referred back to the DO & RE for decision.
mended Scale of Issue is notified to the Maintenance Design Division also produces a draft working speci-
Division (Chief Provision Officer) to permit the neces- fication which, after consideration of the results ob-
sary calculation of total quantities required, including tained from plot or developmental models of the
initial equipment, reserves and usage rates: and the equipment, eventually becomes the working Speci-
CPO is also given details to enable him to make finan- fication for Inspection purposes.
cial arrangements and prepare developmental and After consideration and approval of the pilot models
production orders for transmission to the Ministry of and sealing of the final specification, the Design
Munitions through the Army Secretariat. The army Division link with Industry ceases and the Inspection
authorities responsible for Inspection and field main- Division takes over as the sole Service avenue for
tenance also are advised and requested to submit issue of instructions to the manufacturer, other than
those related purely to production priorities, quanti-
recommendations based on past experience for any
ties, etc., which are issued by the Munitions Board of
desirable features to be embodied In the new equip-
Area Management in accordance with arrangements
ment. made by the appropriate Production Directorate of
Following on this action and selection of a suitable the Ministry. In such matters, the instructions are
contractor by the Ministry of Munitions, a Project initiated within Army by the DS & RE after reference
Conference is called by the Army Director of Signal to appropriate authorities.
& Radar Equipment and at the conference the attend- After the advent of the GHQ Inter-Service Commit-
ance usually comprises representatives of the "User" tee referred to previously, all projects were considered
arm or service: the Design, Inspection and Mainten- by the Committee before development and production
ance Divisions of MOO Branch; the Production Direc- was Initiated by the Services and, wherever possible,
torate of the Ministry of Munitions; and the nominated endeavours were made to standardise work along exist-
manufacturer, under the chairmanship of the DS & RE. ing lines and thus eliminate any unnecessary de-
At this conference, the requirement is considered velopmental or production activity. This resulted in
in detail, design policy Is defined and opportunity considerable Inter-Service usage of a number of items
Mars for discussion of matters affecting develop- of equipment and production benefited appreciably.
Production Control and Materials Procurement
by Oswald F. Ming CI y

'TELECOMMUNICATIONS play just as important a producing some communication equipment fur the
part in war as they do in peace. The everyday Army and Air Force and a little for the Navy
public acceptance and importance of the telephone It soon became apparent that all industrial facilities
and telegraph service which has grown during the
would have to be co-ordinated, organised, encouraged
past. 50 years and with acceleration over the last 25 and assisted to produce the vast schedule of telecom-
years in Australia, passes almost unnoticed by the munication equipment required by all the Services, in-
"man in the street.", even by high ranking officials and cluding the US Forces In the SWPA. Therefore,
business men, until their own telephone goes out of Colonel Jones, having made good progress in Radar
order or the telegram is unduly delayed. production, was asked to undertake the additional
Is it any wonder therefore that at the start of World responsibility of directing the production of all radio
War II. the important part required of telecommuni- and signal equipment required by the SWPA Forces.
cations in war was unapppreciated by too many Along with his then Assistant Controller tMr. W. J.
people in high places? Richards, of the Marconi Companyl, he organised the
But the picture at V.P. day (August, 1945i was tot- Directorate of Radio and Signals Supplies within the
ally different and that difference was largely achieved Ministry of Munitions structure and promptly set up
since 'Pearl Harbour" In December. 1941. The rapid three specific Divisions, le., Radar, Radio and Signals.
advance of the Japaneses forces shook Australia The Directorate as such, commenced functioning in
profoundly and overnight the pic- June, 1942, with a staff of about
ture began to change, so that at the 33, but rapidly expanded until the
cessation of hostilities, the results Co-m-disui staff was about 100 persons. It was
achieved in designing and manu- first necessary to gather together
facturing telecommunication equip-
ment in Australia for use of the
1,1(111414rd Irl it'i lirt,. under the Directorate all the out-
standing contracts placed by the
Allied Armed Forces in the South- Commonwealth Contracts Board on
West Pacific Area were meritorious and earned the behalf of all the Forces, check these with what orders
expressed gratitude of the Government and the or contracts the Industry held, get these organisedi
various Commanders, including the Americans who In their right perspective and then to survey the
experienced what even this sparsely-populated country productive capacity of the industry's facilities avail-
and its seven million people could really do. able. It was Immediately realised too, that the
demands from the Fighting Forces for this important
The procurement of this and other equipment, in
Telecommunications equipment was likely to be far
1941, was still in the hands of the Civil Contracts
greater than existing facilities could produce and, iri
Board as of peace time days. There existed no facili-
fact, greater than previously visualised by the Services.
ties for appraising the productive capacity of the
whole industry, for assisting manufacturers in the Shortage of certain raw and processed materials
expansion of plant, obtaining of materials or elimina- which hitherto had been Imported, added to the prob-
tion of "bottlenecks" so common in war time produc- lem, necessitating the adaptation of local material.
tion. Manufacturers found it hard to meet the de- This all called for a vast amount of development and
mands of all the Services and considerable difficulty research work, both on the part of Industry and also,1
was experienced in determining priority of produc- in many instances, the technological resources of such
tion or delivery. This state of affairs was intensified organisations as the Council for Scientific and Indus-1
with the arrival of the Americans early in 1942, and trial Research, all of which were seriously overloaded.
the final effect was an even more serious congestion One of the many things learned by Industry, the
in production which revealed in all its nakedness the Forces and the Government was the absolute need for
inefficiency of the system under which the Australian attention to forward planning. It was not fully ap-
authorities were then working. preciated by the Services that from the moment they
The first untangling step was taken in January, 1942. thought of some new requirement, it would take up to
with the establishment of the office of "Controller of two years to develop, design, produce and place it in
Radar Production" at Ministry of Munitions with Lt.- the hands of the sailor, soldier or airman to use ir.
Col. S. O. Jones (who had recently returned from ser- "operations". That lesson has surely been learned.
vice with the Al?. Signals in Middle East, being ap- Prior to "Pearl Harbour", the prewar methods of
pointed as that Controller. With his prewar experi-
the Commonwealth Public Service and Federal Treas-1
ence as a radio engineer in the P.M.G.'s Department,
ury were trying to operate under a steadily growing'
Colonel Jones organised industrial facilities and the
war pressure, in accordance with a procedure planned'
essential radar equipment production got under way.
in prewar days when Australia's eventual commit
Prior to this, several manufacturing concerns were merit could scarcely be visualised. Each of the Ser-
vices had to search out manufacturing facilities to
• Matragita.: rili3111•41ilig ('.. 1'11 11.141 develop and fabricate the prototype. Then tenders
taould be called and ultimately the Contracts Board' Munitions Organisation and Procedure
would allot the contract. From then on, the major
contractor was virtually "on his own" and his own As will be seen from the accompanying chart the
resources were in most cases insufficient to cope with Ministry of Munitions functioned through a number
the multitudinous problems that arose every day. of specialised Production Directorates, such as Lhe
Directorate of Radio and Signal Supplies and the
Modern war does not permit such "time delays" nor Directorate of Ordnance Production, located in Mel-
are costs the prime factor—as was learned almost too bourne, working with the Boards of Area Management,
late. In order to overcome these difficulties the located in each State capital city. In each BAM (as
Director-General of Munitions i Mr. Essington Lewis they became known, in this era of initial abbrevia-
—managing director of Broken Hill Pty. Ltd.) tions), the various Production Directorates were rep-
was clothed by Federal Cabinet with very wide powers resented by a similar state division, depending on the
and his delegation of these powers through the Pro- quantity of work involved. In New South Wales,
duction and Finance Directors, facilitated co-ordina- where considerable quantities of telecommunication
tion of industry which in turn produced astounding equipment were produced, the BAM in Sydney had a
results for a country already beset with other respon- Radio and Signals Division under the control of the
sibilities almost beyond its capacity. N.S.W. Board (with Mr. Alan Fairhail as supervising
engineer), working in co-operation with the Produc-
Prior to the formation of DRSS. the production of
some telecommunication equipment was co-ordinated tion Directorate of Radio and Signals in Melbourne.
by the P.M.G.'s Engineering Branch, with the "official It was the function of each State HAM to supervise
procurement" channelled through the Department of production, organise facilities, remove bottlenecks and
Supply's Central Contracts Board, which functioned attend to the multitude of problems that beset the
with District Contracts Boards in each State. Al- individual manufacturer, large and small.
though each of the Services was represented on the In Victoria, the BAM did not function in respect to
Central Contracts Board, the set-up was not adapted Radio and Signals as in Sydney, because of the pre-
for highly-specialised production, and as Service de- sence in Melbourne of the Directorate staff which per-
mands rapidly grew and the complexity became more formed the supervisory and co-ordinating functions
involved, particularly as regards the efficient co- of the BAM.
ordination of industry, the bulk of the orders previ- The basic channel of communication between the
ously handled by Contracts were passed over to the Service Departments and the Ministry of Munitions
Ministry of Munitions' Production Directorates, ex- was through the respective Secretariats, where neces-
cept for requirements of existing commercial items sary clerical records were kept and a watching brief
designated officially as "trade pattern items", such was maintained on behalf of the responsible Minister.
as dry batteries, accumulators and electrical gear. After passing through the Munitions Secretariat, the



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mom. fifoof vo.lef the D G of
lend-cease. After all, we among the many
other countries were asking America. and later Can-
ada. to supply us with materials, etc., that were in
Responsibilities of the short supply and in universal demand, so it was only
to be expected that every care should be taken in the
Munitions Production Directorates allocations made.
As it was the writer's privilege to spend Mlle
ti•natinuelt from page I..) - months of 1943 in the U.S.A. on behalf of the Radio
incoming Order then went to the Directorate of Pro- & Signals Directorate, it is a pleasure to record the
duction Orders and Statistics, which processed it to the assistance given by the U.S. and Canada to Australia's
appropriate Production Directorate for attention and Telecommunications Industry's effort, despite the then
report as to which State and, generally, what contrac- high priority of the European theatre of war.
tor in that State, the "production order" should be To Great Britain also must go Our appreciation of
placed. The DPO & S then made out a "Production her considerable help in telecommunication matters.
Order Request" (POR) on the BAM in that State, given freely, although she, too, was facing many diffi-
giving all possible details of the equipment required culties with short supply of materials and also had to
by whom and when. The RAM in turn eventually rely on American assistance.
placed its "production order" on the contracting manu- Before concluding this review of the activities of
facturer and the BAM appropriate staff assumed re- the production control and materials procurement
sponsibility for supervision of production. It was the agencies involved in supervising and assisting the
function of the BAM and the Directorate to do every- Telecommunications Industry's War Effort, it is timely
thing possible so that the production could flow with to give some information regarding the work of the
the least delay. separate Divisions of the Munitions Directorate ul
Co-operation with all other Government depart- Radio & Signal Supplies
ments and the various Services was a prime require-
ment. To get results was not easy. The Directorate MUNITIONS
of Materials Supply came right into every production
picture because that Directorate had its problems too. Radar Division
in trying to satisfy every demanding agency from a
"short. supply" of almost every material Item. This Division of DRSS commenced operations during
February, 1942, and was the first section of the Direc-
torate in action. Its work entailed co-ordination and
Trade and Customs,' expansion of the production already initiated by the
PMG's Dept. and CSIR, together with the organisation
Division of Import Procurement of supplies of vital overseas components which were in
urgent demand by all Services. The man immediately
The obtaining of materials from local sources was in charge of this activity was Mr. Dave Gray, who
one problem, but a far greater one was that of over- was loaned to the Directorate by the Electrical En-
seas materials and here is where the Customs Depart- gineer's Branch of the NSW Govt. Railways, and we
ment entered the picture, as the buying of overseas are indebted to Mr. Gray for the following notes con-
materials and the shipping of same was no longer a cerning the work done by the Radar Division of
function of private enterprise. The Import section of DRSS:—
Customs became known as the Division of Import -one of the Direettrate's first tasks was to organist. the pro-
Procurement, (DIP) which in fact became the one big duction of numerous epode' components and Cathode Rs y x n,1
buyer for all Australia's overseas requirements, re- Electron tubes required for Radar equipments. Little morn
gardless of source and items. In turn, it had to deal than wimple quantities of many of three items had at that
with foreign governments performing the very same time reached Australia. and great efforts were called for on
such key components, as it was apparent that. while the Radio
functions in their country.
Industry would be able to produce. in a matter of months, a
As the war effort grew and Australia's requirements substantial quantity of Air Warning. Alr-to-surface Vessel.
likewise grew, the DIP under Mr. Arthur Moore (of the Coast Defence and suchlike Radar equipments, the amount of
such equipment that could actually be commissioned would he
Customs Department) formed the Australian War limited by a' few special Remit, such as co-axial cable and
Supplies Procurement with Headquarters in Washing- various special electron tubes.
ton, D.C. Mr. L. MacGregor, of the Australian Trade "By an energetic combination of local manufacture, the
Commission in Canada, took charge of the AWSP in development of locally produced substitutes, and purchases
North America. The need to work through the British from overseas, the Directorate managed to stock up a Muni-
authorities located in Washington was enforced by the tions Department Radar store, which hecame the Mecca of
Service Radar officers with urgent need for vital bits and
Americans to secure uniformity and to organise British pieces. without which Radar stations could not 'go on the air.'
Empire requirements as a whole. Many and lengthy were the verbal tug-o'-wars between
representatives of the three Services to see that the batches of
The application of lend-lease made for considerable electron tubes or other treasured items went where, to quote
"paper work" and also compelled complete justification au stalwart, 'they would kill the most Jape.'
for every item and quantity to ensure that the war "As production began to get under way it was the Direc-
purpose of the American Lend-Lease agreement was torate's function to watch the trend of the Services' require-
strictly adhered to. The "end-use" of lend-lease items ments for equipments and to take action to see that the short-
had to be for "war purpose" and the Americans made ages id' 1942 did not recur. It was a case of making the beet
possible estimate of what would he required In a year's time,
all requesting nations "justify" their demands even
and then either taking elope to establish local manufacture or
to the extent of having independent checks and in- initiating and following through procurement from overseas in
vestigations made by Americans in the country re- spile of the malty difficulties associated with the latter alter-
native. Such forward provisioning called fur .1 cry ..Iona oat- were unknown in Auatradia, Furthermore, equipment had to be
Isharation twntween the Service, Scientific and Allinitiene repro- modified or treated to wititstand tropic cundltiorie. many
eeentatit•es concerned, but it was amply demonstrated that only Instances substitute ntateriale were used which proved batter
by such meant! credal the Services he kept supplied with the than the nutteri.ri NDOCISIOd."
latest and best equipment In a new and rapidly devetoPing
field. such as Radar.
Radio Division
"In orgavinlaig proileetion within the Radio Industry, the
lerectoratc wee pnrik•uiariy fortunate In the energetic and As mentioned earlier, the Radio Division of the
enthumiastie manner in whleh firms responded to the request Directorate was formed in June, 1942, when the writer
to venture into the new field of Radar.
g then a captain in Army Signals) was released by
'This review has dealt strictly with the production side, and
Army to accept the post of Radio Production Manager
it has net been possible le recount the Invaluable assistance
and collaboration that were provided to the industry by bodies under Colonel Jones.
such as she Radiophyalers Laboratory of the CS.I.R., the Re- The need for (II a quick appreciation of the radio
search Laboratory and Workshops of the P.M.CL'a Department.
production facilities available and of those to be de-
and the Services' technical and inspection branches."
veloped; (2) assembly within the Directorate of all
Signals Division Service contracts outstanding with Industry; (3) a
staff capable of handling the work of this Division:
To provide a complete differentiation between its and (41 obtaining from the Services, including the
activities and those of the Radar and Radio Divisions American Forces based in Australia, a reliable esti-
of DRSS, the Division handling Line and Fixed Signal mate of, and definite orders for, their requirements,
Service stores g telephone and related equipment' was and, what was more difficult to obtain, their forward
designated the "Signals Division," although this term requirements In sufficient time to permit the acquisi-
is something of a misnomer as compared with the tion of materials both local and overseas, the design,
usual interpretation of the word. However, the work development and ultimate fabrication, taxed the re-
of the Division was none the less important. and
sources, the patience, and the energy of all concerned
here we have some notes on its activities, by Mr. Vic
Magnusson. who took charge of the Division at its to almost breaking point.
inception in July, 1942. It is of interest to note that Mr. Nevertheless, as both Mr. Gray and Mr. Magnusson
Magnusson, as an engineer of the P.M.G.'s Depart- have said, the co-operation afforded, despite the occa-
ment, handled much of the Services' production car- sional setbacks, by Industry, the Service, and other
ried out by that department during the early war Governmental agencies, permitted radio equipments
perloa. It is to this phase that he refers in his to he produced and delivered in their tens of
opening remarks:— thousands.
"Al the outbreak of war• it was logical for the Army mei In other sections of this publication, sufficient evi-
Munitions Authorities to look to the P.bLf.L's Department far dence is presented to show the Radio Division of DRSS
their mantes of communication equipment. We department played its part well. In January, 1943, I was sent to
had been Able to meet peacetime requirements for commercinl
type equipment and had within the organisation it section Whivls America by Colonel Jones, chiefly to see why sufficient
Medd he developed for the• nu facture of standurd Arm) quantities of required materials were not coming for-
design equipment. ward and to investigate other problems with which
"linfurienutely, wiiilst the V.M.41,'ir Department officer:- the Directorate was concerned. Returning in January,
were mese:wed of the technical :ability to Carry out the work. 1944, I found my Radio Division functioning well, and
the organisation under which they were required to function
ass not adapted to meet wartime eondltions, Furthermore.
in April of that year I asked to be released to return
the P.14.G.'e Deportment did plot have the authority or ergants- to my home town, Sydney, and my own business.
shun to assess the Productive r•apesrtty of Australia for corn- One of the principal difficulties I experienced in the
enueicatien equipment manufacture. Even if this factor was
Munitions set-up was the complete Independence,
known, they still lacked the authority to marshal such re-
sources. The general position became very serious when the based on its original set-up, of the State Hoards of
Japanese entered hoetilitlest, and se the Fide: 's Department Area Management as distinct from the Central Pro-
took steps to shift responsibility to the rightful authorities. duction Directorate in Melbourne. Particularly so was
Le., the Department of Munitions. Therefore this work was this in regard to Sydney, where the HAM regarded
added to the Ordnance Production Directorate early in l942.
A short time after (July, 1042) the Directorate of Radio & Signal
itself as in sole control of the position to the point of
Supplies was formed by Munitions, and the Signals Production almost disregarding the Radio & Signals Directorate
Division was established. in Melbourne. That almost Intolerable position made
"This Divisions was aLven the responsibility of producing all it difficult for the Services who had to approach
Arms den:Ohne equipment except the production of radio and Munitions through the Prod tle Lion Directorate in
rider Fold ‘inual signalling apparalue. This involved the ma.mi- Melbourne. The latter could only "recommend" to
facture and supply of over 100 major projects, with An average
netput of 1180.000 of equipment per month. Pre-war, the stan- the Sydney HAM any course of action and, because of
dard P.M.G. equipment was Imported from overseas, but at that lack of Directorate control, it was most difficult,
the outbreak of war, arrangements had to Ile made for Aus- to obtain the desired result.
tralia to he independent of overseen manufacture in the essen-
tial Items of communication equipment. As a result, all corn- Nevertheless, the Munitions set-up did achieve con-
munleation Items In standurd required by the Defence siderable result, largely due to the co-operation of its
Services were and are now manufactured in Australia. personnel and Industry, despite the •'civil service"
"The supply of commercial equipment to the Defence Serviced resistance at high levels in the HAM. Industry
became of extreme importance when Australia and the rullacent appreciates that too, as likewise Australia's Telecom-
lalande became the base of Puente activities. networks
were then made use of by the Services and extended to meet
munication Industry's co-operation and contribution
their further requirements. to this country's war effort is appreciated by all who
"The setting up r.f tor,oluction lines was the• difficult had the opportunity of looking at it and those who
task, and in man) waxes materials; specified in Army drawings used that equipment In "overshoes."
Federal Government Impetus
to Industrial Development

Nerve-centre of the elec-

tronic activities of CS'S
—the NV, building in
Sydney University
grounds. which houses
the Radio-Physics Lab-

WHILE every credit is due to the Telecommunica- investigation into problems brought about by tropical
tions Industry of Australia for its achievements tieterioration. Noteworthy in this respect also was the
in the development and production of equipment for work of the Munitions Supply Laboratories (estab-
the. Australian and Allied Fighting Services, a publica- lished under control of the. Department of Munitions).
tion of this character would be incomplete unless due while this agency also was responsible for the conduct
credit also were paid to the research and development of many "acceptance" tests on components and
carried out by Government agencies. Generally speak- materials for use in Service equipment.
ing, this work was unspectacular and, in many of its On the production side. mention must be made of
phases, unknown to the "man in the street:" but It the quantities of petrol-electric generating and charg-
went on continuously and. in some respects, might ing sets fabricated in the workshops of the Melbourne
almost be said to have made pas- City Council. the Perth Department
sible— and in any case, simplified - of Public Works and the Victorian
the production activity which was licsotrub Government Railways and, last,
the tangible contribution to the but not least, the important con-
National War Effort. tribution to Radar production
In addition to this activity on made by the Chief Electrical En-
research and development, sonic Acconspli.shill gineer's Branch of the New South
Government agencies contributed Wales Government Railways.
extensive production facilities and This last agency established a
were responsible not only for vital (;(wertsfsteill 14.!virtrtc.s special Radar Annexe, under con-
parts of certain equipments, but trol of Mr. 3. G. Q. Worledge, and
also completely-fabricated assem- it is a matter of record that the
blies, A complete list of the agencies responsible for this greater part of the aerial arrays, rotating cabin
assistance and co-operation with the Industrial War gear and fire control equipment associated with
Effort would read almost Like a "Federal Guide," and tile Services Radar program was produced by
it Is only possible to mention those which played a this annexe and its sub-contractors. High tribute
prominent part. Outstanding in their contributions has been paid to the quality and speed of execution
were the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research of the work entrusted to this annexe, and this
and its various divisions, and the Postmaster-General's writer can speak from personal experience of the
Department; and it is proposed to deal with these at ready co-operation offered by Mr. Worledge and
some length later in this article, as these two organ- his assistants when knotty problems required solution
isations played important parts in pure research, pro- —one example in particular, which demonstrates the
duction development, and manufacture. and. more- versatility of the team. being the successful production
over. performed valuable services as co-ordinating of a photographic recording assembly for comparing
authorities of various phases of all these activities. the results of Radar and Predictor tracking of air-
Before proceeding to du this, however, tribute must
be paid to the work of a number of other Government Much more could be told of the activities of these
and other Government agencies that played their part
agencies and public bodies whose activities while per-
in the development and production of telecommuni-
haps not so spectacular, nevertheless were of con-
cations and related equipment, but space will not
siderable importance in the total effort.
permit, and we will now proceed to deal with the work
Of these, not the least important were the various of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.
Universities, whose research facilities were always whose various operative divisions played such a major
freely available to both Industry and the Services, and part In the mobilisation of Australia's scientific
The C131R provided the fighting Services with valu- groups engaged in ore-dressing and mineragraphic in-
able help in many directions, particularly in the field vestigations at a number of centres; the Radio Re-
of telecommunications. Its laboratories had the search Board; and the Council's LnforinatIon Service.
facilities and the trained staff necessary to investigate The funds for the Council are provided from two
problems thrown up when modern method of warfare main sources, viz., from Commonwealth revenue by
had to be applied in the Pacific Area. Parliamentary appropriation and from industry
These laboratories came into existence following the directly or indirectly by way of contributions and spe-
establishment of the Council by the Commonwealth cial grants. During the current financial year funds
Government in 1926 to carry out scientific research amounting to £1,170,000 will be expended; of this,
for the promotion of Australia's primary and secon- £9511.000 has been made available by the Treasury.
dary Industries. The Science and Industry Research CSIR Telecommunications Activities
Act. 1920-1945, defines the constitution and functions
of the Council, which consists of five members nomi- For about twelve years after its establishment, the
nated by the Commonwealth Government tune of work of CSIR was devoted mainly to the solution of
whom is Chairmanl, the Chairman of six State Com- problems affecting the agricultural and pastoral in-
mittees. and other members co-opted by reason of dustries. However, in 1937, the Commonwealth Gov-
their scientific knowledge. The Commonwealth Gov- ernment decided to extend these activities so as to
ernment nominees form an Executive Committee, provide assistance to secondary industries, and the
which exercises all powers and functions of the dull Council set up several laboratories for work in that
Council in the intervals between its meetings. field; it was thus able to render to those industries
and to the Services, assistance of vital importance
The activities of CSIR have necessitated a wide- almost immediately after Use outbreak of war. In the
spread and adaptable organisation, and centralisation field of telecommunications. Use groups primarily in-
has been avoided by establishing laboratories in dif- volved were the Divisions of Radiophysics and Electra-
ferent places in the Commonwealth wherever the technology; and Radio Research Board; Use Section
necessary facilities, contacts and other suitable con- of Tribophyslcs; the independent Scientific Liaison
ditions could best be found. The research work of Bureau mow absorbed in the Council's Information
the Council is carried out within a number of divi- Service), and the Scientific Liaison Offices established
sions and sections, as follows:—Divisions of Plant In- itt London and Washington.
dustry; Economic Entomology; Animal Health & Pro-
duction; Biochemistry az General Nutrition; Soils: Radar
Forest Products; Food Preservation & Transport; Very soon after the outbreak of war, and lung be-
Fisheries; Metrology; Physics; Ei ec tro tech nologY fore there was any mention of radar for "radio-loca-
Radiophysics; Aeronautics & Industrial Chemistry; tion," as it was then called) in the popular press, a
and. Sections of Tribophysies Dairy Research; Building band of scientists was hard at work in Australia. All
Materials Research; Flax Research; and Mathemati- available information was made available to the
cal Statistics. In addition to the main laboratories in Australian Government in 1939, and a slew division
Canberra. Sydney. Melbourne. and Adelaide. field of (Ism was Sfq up to undertake fundamental re-
stations are maintained in various parts of Australia. search connected with the new techniques and to
Mention must also be made of the work of the regional carry out the development, design and construction—
stations at Merbein, Griffith, and Deniliquits; the at least to the prototype stage—of radar and asso-
ciated equipment, required by the
Armed Forces in thLs theatre. This
became known as the Radiophysics
Laboratory and was located within
the grounds of the university of
Sydney. The general policy of the
laboratory was determined by the
Radiophysics Advisory Board, con-
sisting of representatives from all the
Services, Ministry of Munitions. Post-
master-Genera I 's Department, and

Two views of the CSIR Radiophysics

Laboratories, which were responsible
for much original research and de-
velopment on Services' Radar Equip-
CSIR, and close touch with the changing requirements and U.S. Forces in this theatre, and upwards of
of the Armed Forces was maintained throughout the one hundred sets were produced by a Sydney manu-
war. facturer.
The Laboratory has performed valuable work. not The full list of projects with which the Radiophysics
only hi developing equipment, particularly suited to Laboratory was associated is a big one. It included
the special requirements of the war in the SWPA, but more modern versions of the sets just mentioned.
also in providing assistance to the Services in the a radar-controlled searchlight i"Elsie" or S.L.C.1, GC'
training of personnel in the new techniques, and in equipment to allow ground-control or lighter inter-
the testing, adaptation and use of both local and ception, equipment to provide navigational aids, such
imported equipment. as ASV Beacons and "Rebecca" and -Eureka," and
air-warning and sea-search sets for the RAN.
In the early years of the war, when invasion by A special section of the Laboratory was devoted to
sea was considered to be imminent, the Laboratory's
the development of the special valves. including mag-
effort.% were largely devoted to radar for coast de-
netrons, which are essential to the operation of mod-
fence purposes, and equipment installed at alI the
ern radar, In addition to developing Australian ver-
major Australian pores was of Australian design and
manufacture. Perhaps the Laboratory's most success- sions of valve types originated overseas, original work
ful single achievement, however, was the design and resulted in new types, satisfying special local require-
construction of a lightweight air warning radar set ments. The Australian valve industry was brought
for the RAAF. This was asked for immediately after early into the picture, and excellent collaboration be-
the entry of Japan into the war. The first equipment tween it. and RPL was maintained.
was actually built in 5j days and rushed to Darwin Further, as the enemy's knowledge and use of radar
when the Japanese were heavily raiding that area. increased, it became necessary to consider problems
This set, which was the basis of the later LW/AW of counter measures. This involved, on the one hand,
family of radars, was considerably lighter than similar the design of equipment, first, to determine the wave-
equipment in use overseas at that time .and more than lengths in use by the enemy, and then to render his
comparable in performance. It was rugged. reliable radar innocuous and, on the other hand, modifying
in service, and capable of being transported in a our own equipment to minimise the effects of possible
standard aircraft, and hence of particular value for jamming by the enemy.
the special conditions of warfare in the Pacific_ ft Needless to say, the techniques of radar which
came into widespread use both by the Australian proved such a powerful weapon in times of war, have
many valuable applications in times of peace. They
have a very obvious application in the fields of civil
a'.iatlon to provide new and improved aids to naviga-
tion, to marine navigation, and to large-scale aerial
survey work—to name but a few. Work along these
lines has already been commenced at the Radio-

istseses.■,4is "/ -

Teats of CSIR Photo-
eel/ Chronometer on
HMG krnp George V—
twirler - dock instatialion so
on right- Inset, the rigid OR
Wise sky screen.

thysics Laboratory in close assrwiation with ihc• De-
partment of Civil Aviation, and with the special needs
of Australian airlines borne well in mind

Radio Propagation
The Radiophysics Laboratory and the Radio Re-
search Board were also concerned in the more basic
aspects of radio communications In most radio cir-
cuits reflection from what is known as the Ionosphere
is involved. Two main "layers" are usually present in
this region, and the height and density of these vary,
not only with time of day, season of the year, and
throughout the sunspot cycle, but also with latitude
and longitude of the station on the earth's surface.
The highest frequency which can usefully be em-
ployed on any circuit is determined almost entirely
by the characteristics of the ionosphere at. that time.
Because this information was so vital to the success-

ful operation of essential military communication cir-
cuits. a world-wide organisation in which the Radio i

Research Board of MR) was one of the thre' partici-

pating laboratories) was set up to collect and analyse 4
the basic ionosphere data, and issue regular predic-
tions of the best radio frequency to use on any circuit.
at any time In any part of the world. The number
of regular ionospheric "observatories" at that time
was limited. The Radiophysics Laboratory, therefore,
4 "4"417 i1
One of the C.SlIt Ionospheric recorders in process of instatiation
designed and built six automatic recording sets, of at Momote, Admiralty Islands.
which three have been installed In Australia (operated
by R A.A.F 1, two in New Zealand toperated by De-
partment of Scientific & Industrial Research', and The advantages in portability to be obtained from
one in the Central Pacific (U.S. Signal Corps'. It such a short base are obviously great and particularly
has been decided that additional stations are still valuable where the space in front of a gun Is limited,
required. and a further seven automatic, recorders such as on the deck of a ship. In September, 1943, it
are now in course of construction at the Laboratory . was decided to use the instrument to measure the
muzzle velocity of naval guns at sea, and trials in the
Photocell Chronometer 6-Inch cruiser ILMA.S. "Adelaide" and the Dutch
cruiser H.N.M.$. "Tromp" were performed. The main
Radar Techniques introduced blind firing as an ele- difficulty In these trials was the effect of blast on the
ment of naval warfare, and thus placed great em- sensitive amplifiers and fragile photocells and valves
phasis on the need for an accurate knowledge of the in sky-screens, which had to be used as close as 35ft.
muzzle velocity of naval guns. As a direct outcome from the muzzle. Satisfactory results, however, were
of experimental work being carried out by the Section obtained in both trials.
of Tribophyslcs (then known as the Lubricants &
Bearings Section' on the detonation of liquid ex- It is interesting to note that this was the first occa-
plosives. an Instrument. known as the Photocell Chro- sion that muzzle velocity measurements had been
nometer. was developed for the measurement of the made in a ship at sea. Although Photocell Chrono-
muzzle velocity of shells, and was used by both the meters have been designed in the United Kingdom,
Navy and the Army. Canada, and America. they have not used the high
counting speeds and the rigid short-base sky-screens,
This device uses an electronic timing unit controlled consequently the Instruments have not been appli-
by two photocells, which detect the passage of a shell. cable to Naval use. The Australian Instrument used
to measure the time interval for the shell to travel a locally-made eomixn wherever possible, and only
known distance. It incorporates a crystal oscillator two photocells and mu' other valve, out of a total et
and can measure time intervals to the nearest 2.5 over one hundred and twenty are Imported. All leases
millionths of a second. and the auxiliary collimators used in the optical align-
Work commenced in 1942, and before the middle of ment gauge of the latest sky :screen were designed and
1943, a satisfactory sky-screen had been designed and produced by the optical munitions annexe of the Uni-
constructed which, with the counter, allowed the velo- versity of Hobart.
city of a shell travelling at 3.000 feet/sec. to be mea-
sured to an accuracy greater than one part in five Tropic Proofing
hundred. The optical system, photocells, and ampli-
fiers were mounted in a rigid beam exactly 10 feet Early in the war against the Japanese. It was found
apart, and when a shell was fired over the beam the that equipment deteriorated seriously in humid tropi-
reduction in skylight was sufficient to start and stop cal areas. Many of the problems met. were common
the counter. to all sttores and equipment, but In addition, however.
there were problems specific to particular sections. The Section was available to advise Service authori-
Thus, in the field of telecommunications, special im- ties on the field use of trial consignments of materials.
portance attaches to breakdown of insulation due to to test new or modified procedures or equipment, to
water absorption by materials or condensation on the report on conditions of unusual deterioration, and to
surfaces of components. advise depots and workshops on the Implementation
of preventive methods specified by the responsible
It was soon apparent that, :Although considerable
authorities to combat tropical deterioration. Mem-
difficulties were being encountered, no specific or de-
bers of the Section studied the field performance
tailed information was available, and thus no planned
of electrical and telecommunication equipment so
attack on the problems outstanding could be made.
that field conditions could be correlated with labora-
Accordingly, on May 14, 1943. the Scientific Liaison
tory investigation. Comprehensive surveys were also
Bureau convened a conference of representatives of
made of temperature and humidity distributions in
the Services, relevant Government Departments, the
typical stores buildings in New Guinea and of the
Munitions Supply Laboratories. and CSIR to formu-
conditions existing inside packing cases under such
late a plan of action. Following the recommendations
conditions of storage. Also a special report was pre-
of the conference, a Scientific Mission (including a
pared on telecommunication and electrical equipment
chemist, mycologist, and a physicists was despatched in armored fighting vehicles.
to tropical operational areas, a Mycological Panel was
set up, and various laboratories undertook iesponsi- Following representations to the Aimy by the In-
billty for different aspects of the research work re- stitution of Radio Engineers, three selected members
quired. The findings of the scientific mission were of the Radio Industry were attached to the Section
published by the Bureau in October, 1943, under the for a few weeks, and opportunities were afforded
title, "Report on the Condition of Service Material them of seeing and experiencing conditions in for-
under Tropical Conditions in New Guinea." This re- ward areas. They were thus able to personally assess
port emphasised the need for improved methods of the effectiveness of the improved materials and manu-
packaging and storage (to which at least '15 per cent. facturing techniques.
of the deterioration was attributed) and the relation
of rainfall and relative humidity to the corrosion of Liaison
metals and the breakdown of organic materials. To The Scientific Liaison Bureau of CSIR was set up
determine action on the report a further conference by War Cabinet in November, 1942. The principal
was called by the Bureau and six Inter-Service Com- function of the Bureau was to familiarise itself with
mittees were set up to handle particular sections of the facilities for scientific work in the Government
the problems involved, viz.:—(1) Packaging, (2i Cor- and non-Government laboratories in Australia and
rosion Preventives. i31 Electrical, (41 Organic Materi- to ensure that scientific problems arising in the Ser-
als, (5) Optical Instruments, and (61 Underwater Pro- vices. Government. Department, and war industries,
tection of Ships and Small Craft. These Inter-Service and not otherwise provided for, were promptly brought
Committees undertook the formulation of specifica- to notice of appropriate scientific authorities and that,
tions common to all Services, and these were published where necessary, experimental work was carried out
by the Standards Association of Australia as Austra- to solve such problems. In addition, the Bureau was
lian Interim Specifications. charged with the promotion of the application of
science to war needs in the Services and war indus-
To facilitate co-ordination of the work, the Bureau tries.
acted as a clearing-house for all information on tropic
To this end. offices were set up In Melbourne, Sydney,
proofing and distributed reports from both Australian and Brisbane, and Honorary Liaison Officers were ap-
and overseas laboratories and commitees. Much of pointed in Adelaide, Ertsbane, Hobart, Newcastle and
the overseas distribution was handled through the Perth. A directory of scientific resources in Austra-
scientific liaison offices set up by CSIR in London and lia entitled "Science on Service", was compiled and
Washington, and this materially assisted in establish- published early in 1943 followed by a revised edition
ing reciprocal arrangements whereby valuable infor- In 1944.
mation on overseas developments was made available To assist in the co-ordination of scientific work
in Australia. Developments on tropicalisation in Aus- affecting the war effort and minimise duplication, in-
tralia were summarised by the Bureau at bi-monthly dexes, were compiled of the relevant research projects
intervals for the Master-General of the Ordnance being carried out in Australian laboratories and of
Branch of the Army and, by arraneement, these sum- problems referred to the Bureau, These indexes were
maries were circulated to all interested parties. available in all States and thus provided ready refer-
In order to undertake testing under actual con- ence to work in hand or already carried out, when a
ditions encountered in the field, a Tropical Scientific rew problem was received.
Section was established by the Bureau, with the ap- Soon after the formation of the Bureau, serious
proval of the Services, to operate in forward areas. consideration was given to the problems met by the
with particular reference to matters associated with fighting Services in the tropics and, in a short time.
this developed into a major project which for a while,
the deterioration of stores and equipment under tro-
dominated the work of the Bureau. These activities
pical conditions. The Section maintained a nucleus have been described in some detail in the previous
of a chemist, physicist, and biologist in the field, and section.
from time to time other civilian scientific personnel The Scientific Liaison Offices in London and Wash-
were attached temporarily to the Section to under- ington were established by CSIR in 1941 and were an
take specific projects. essential link in the development of telecommunl-
cation equipment in Australia. They enabled the re- ment, and Production, and Works and Services. These
sults of work which was being carried out on a great are dealt with in that order.
scale in the United Kingdom and the United States The types of manufacturing work varied from large
to be made available promptly. On the telecommuni- projects, which involved the creation of special engin-
cations side, the principal staff in these offices was eering sections in the Department, to smaller con-
provided by the Radlophysles Laboratory. As a result, tracts carried out by the Department's normal organ-
first hand contact was maintained throughout with isation throughout the Commonwealth. Some details
such establishments as Telecommunications Research or the more important projects are discussed in the
Establishment, Radio Research and Development
following paragraphs.
Establishment, Admiralty Signals Establishment and
many others in the United Kingdom; and the Radia- Radar Equipment: In the early war years, the De-
tion Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- partment's organisation was utilised in purchasing
nology, Bell Laboratories. Army and Navy Research large quantities of overseas Radar material needed,
Establishments, etc., in the United States of America. while its engineering facilities were used In the de-
The office in Washington worked in close collaboration velopment of production designs from circuits and
with the Australian War Supplies Procurement Mis- experimental models devised In the Radlophysies
sion, and Australian Services Missions, and also with Laboratory of the CSIR. A special Engineering and
the British Central Scientific Office and the Canadi- Drafting Section was engaged exclusively on this
ans. The Empire scientific liaison thus initiated work and manufacture was carried out in the Depart-
proved so successful that it is certain to be continued ment's Workshops, Private enterprise was used exten-
in modified form, and probably considerably widened
sively by sub-contract to obtain component parts of
in scope. in the future. the equipment; much of which required manufactur-
ing technique not previously used in Australia In
1942, responsibility for supply of equipment to the
Services was transferred to the Ministry of Munitions
Activities or the to whom the PMO Department Wen became a major
contractor for the supply of equipment, besides carry-
Postmaster-Generars Dept. ing on with design work for the Services.
The Radar equipments with which the Department
The other major Government agency associated was mainly concerned Included the original Shore
with the development and production of telecommuni- Defence installations for use by coastal artillery; Air-
cations equipment was the Postmaster General's to-Surface Vessel equipment for use in aircraft; Ship's
Department which, in peace-time is charged with the Warning and Gunnery equipment for naval fire con-
responsibility of maintaining internal civil comMUni- trol; and a fully-tropicaliseci Searchlight Control sys-
canons throughout Australia and providing technical tem for use with Austrailan-made 150 ern. searchlights.
facilities for the Australian Broadcasting Commission,
Long-Line Telephone and Telegraph Equipment:
in addition to its primary function of conducting the
Items of long-line equipment which were designed by
postal services.
the Department and supplied in quantity for use by
For these purposes, extensive laboratories and work- the Services were as follows:—
shops were established under control of the Chief
Engineer's Branch of the Department and, prior to tai Mobile Communication Units, each a complete
the outbreak of war, the Department was nominated line-communication office mounted on a 5-ton Army
as major Co-ordinating Contractor for the supply of truck, were provided for the purpose of restoring
telecommunications equipment to the Armed Forces. communications where existing permanent Installa-
This set-up continued until the entry of Japan into tions had been damaged. Each unit included carrier
the war, when the vastly-increased Service demand telephone equipment, V.F. telegraph, V_F. repeater
for Radar, Radio and Line equipment necessitated the and telegraph repeaters with associated batteries and
introduction of specialist Production Directorates charging plant, and provided three telephone chan-
under control of the Ministry of Munitions - - this cels and four high-speed duplex telegraph channels
aspect is dealt with fully elsewhere in this publication over one physical line.
and need not be elaborated here. rh/ Fr:Mr-Channel V.F. Telegraph Terminals which
Even after this time, the Department remained provided four duo-directional high-speed simplex
active as a research and development agency, and as channels over any telephone channel.
a major contractor to the Ministry of Munitions, par- lei Four-Channel Carrier Telegraph Systems de-
ticularly with respect to telephone and related stores, signed to utilise the previously unused frequency
while it continued to play a basic part in the instal- spectrum of 3.0-5.2 kchae:. on lines operating with
lation and maintenance of mainland signal services other telephone carrier systems.
on behalf of the Services. A full account of this work Ida Telegraph Repeater Bays• which furnish a means
and other Departmental wartime activities would of extending 4 high-speed telegraph channels on a
require much more space tnan we have available, duplex basis (rpm a carrier telegraph terminal to four
and it is only possible to review the highlights. different physical lines.
Development and Production. lei Telex Units which permit the operation of tele-
The wartime activities of the PIVIO's Dept. with printers over normal telephone circuits.
respect to Service telecommunications may be broadly submarine Telephone Cable: A tight coaxial sub-
subdivided into two major categories, vie. Develop- marine telephone cable using polythene tusulant WAS
designed and samples were tested following its manu- The poles consist of 6' tapered sections having a
facture in Australia. This cable was provided for special elliptical cross-section. The dimensions of
use in shallow waters by Army Signals with carrier adjacent sections are designed to glove together for
systems using frequencies up to 30 kC/s. assembly, but nest telescopically in one 6' length for
transport. Each section is constructed from two
Trunk Test Boards: A standard type Trunk Test pressed half-sections butt welded throughout their
Board equipped with the usual Wheatstone Bridge length. The number of sections in one pole depends
and voltmeter testing facilities and suitable fur use on the height required, and the most general applica-
in tropical areas was developed for the Army. Eleven tion for telephone line purposes was for a 22' pole
boards were subsequently delivered for use in forward consisting of four sections tapering from axes of 8" x
carrier offices. 5" at the base to a 2" circle at the top.
Transmission Measuring Sets: In the building up of Radio masts of similar construction were provided
long-line services for the Armed Mites, many new by using larger sections in addition to those normally
carrier offices were unequipped with suitable trans- used for telephone poles. A cigar-shaped mast approxi-
mission measuring equipment, because of the general mately 90' high is obtained from two tapering sections
shortage of meters and testing equipment.. A trans- clamped together at the centre. The mast rests on
mission measuring set suitable for use at the carrier a steel plate on the ground and is supported by guys.
stations was developed and 50 sets were produced in Similar masts were used to construct parachute drying
the Melbourne workshops. frames.
The 90' masts pack telescopically in cases together
Train Control Facilities: AL the request of the Com-
with all fittings and are assembled completely on the
monwealth Railways, the construction and installation
ground at the site before being lifted into position
of train control equipment, both on the Port Augusta-
by means of a falling derrick constructed from other
Alice Springs and the Port Augusta-Kalgoorlie lines
mast. sections. A simple method of carrying out the
was carried out. A multi-office speech channel, com-
erection was developed and the information supplied
plete with selective signalling, was provided in each
to Defence personnel.
case. This equipment considerably speeded up Lhe
transportation of troops and freight over two of Lhe The PMG Dept. was responsible for the design, pre-
most vital railway links in the Commonwealth. liminary field trials and final testing of the production
poles which were manufactured by a private contrac-
Sectional Sleet Telephone Poles and Radio Masks: tor 'Messrs. K.L. Engines & Tractors, of Springvale,
The requirements of Army Signals for telephone lines Victoria'. The Department also assisted the manu-
in the operational areas north of Australia indicated facturer to expedite production of poles by designing
a need for some special pole which was light and machine tools for their construction. Design com-
capable of easy transport by air if necessary, or even menced in March '43 and the first delivery took place
by hand, and was free from rapid deterioration in In July of that year. By December '44 the delivery was
tropical countries or attack by termite. As a result 2.500 poles per week and a total of nearly 200,000 poles
of investigations previously commenced by the PMCI's had been delivered at. the cessation of hostilities.
Dept., tubular poles constructed in sections pressed
from sheet steel were produced in large quantities
for the US and Australian Forces.

The telephone line, shown at right, Is constructed of sectional

steel poles. The illustration below shows how one of the
90 feet steel mains is packed telescopically in s compact
casing, complete with all fittings and accessories. This compact
packaging greatly facilitates transportation.
General Signals Equipment: As mentioned previous- Diver's Telephone Equipment: Special telephone
ly. the Department acted as a major contractor for Equipments were designed and provided for divers
the supply of large quantities of general signals carrying out salvage operations on vessels sunk by
equipment, such as Telephones. Fullerphones, Day- enemy action. Normal diving helmets were fitted with
light Signalling Lamps, Heliographs. Switchboards. telephones to permit communication with surface
Microphones, etc.—the total production including over attendants and other divers. A special telephone
100 items In quantities including major contracts. system was provided in an Observation Chamber
besides many others for small contracts. Most of these which was used to recover £2,000,000 of gold from a
items had never been manufactured previously In ship sunk at a depth of 450 feet. The observer in the
Australia, and it was often necessary to develop new chamber wore a breathing mask and directed the
manufacturing technique and arrange its application operations of grabs, etc., by means of a throat micro-
in Departmental Workshops before the work could phone. A loudspeaker was fitted In the chamber to
be sub-contracted . provide communication from the salvage vessel.
VHF D/F Equipment: This equipment provides a Research and Testing Facilities: Investigation of
means of control of fighter aircraft in which direction- Telecommunication problems was carried out contin-
finding stations take accurate bearings of the aircraft uously In the Research Laboratories.. There were over
and permit their position to be fixed. Used in con- 400 separate defence investigations, varying in magni-
Junction with Radar it permits direction of the fight- tude from those described in the previous paragraphs
ers to their target by Radio. Communication of posi- to investigation of Angle components or materials.
tion to the planes by radio also provides a "homing" The severe requirements of tropical climates called
for a considerable amount, of type testing of compon-
ents and complete items such as radio transmitters
The equipment was designed and specifications pre- and receivers before commencemeat of bulk manu-
pared for its construction by contractors, after which facture. and the Services were assisted in this con-
installation at the various sites was also carried out nection with many tests requiring special Laboratory
by the Department. Accuracy of calibration of the D/F facilities.
equipment depends on building symmetry and it was Other typical investigaUmus were: The design o:
necessary to design special prefabricated buildings radio systems and transmission for defence
which consisted of three-storied. octagonal tower-like stations; the development of equipment for bomb
structures 30 ft. high. release control: the design of carbon penetrameters
for detection of leaks In respirators, and the mea-
Radio Sondes: The procurement of meteorological
surement of acoustic noise In tanks.
Information by means of radio was utilised extensively
during the war. A miniature radio-transmitter mea- In connection with the Department's early activities
suring approx. 9" x 8" x 4" complete with special on Radar, it is of interest to note that the production
lightweight batteries and meteorological instruments of equipment by large numbers of sub-contractors
for measuring temperature, humidity and pressure required the establishment of a Radar Material Test-
Ls carried aloft by a balloon and automatically tran.s- ing Section for the acceptance testing of material.
The services of this Section were made available to
mits the information to a ground receiver. A new
the Ministry of Munitions in connection with its Later
simplified method of recording the data from the contracts. A considerable amount of investigatory
air-borne unit was developed in the Department's work on manufacturing problems of the Ministry's
Laboratories and embodied in the ground station other Radar Contractors was carried out in the PMG
equipment_ When Meteorological Services were taken Research Laboratories.
over by the RAAF. the Department provided assist- Photographs of items of telecommunications equip-
ance in the form of a specification for the air-borne ment developed and/or produced by the Department
equipment, the designing and building of ground are reproduced in the pictorial pages of this publica-
equipments and in connection with initial operational tion.
Loa-Pressure Chambers: The RAAF provided Low- PMG Works and Services
Pressure Training Chambers to permit training of In addition to those sections of the PMG's Depart-
Pilots under conditions simulating those experienced ment involved in the above projects, other personnel
at high altitudes. The Department designed and of the Department. normally engaged on civil com-
prodded Intercommunication Equipment for these munications and broadcasting, were diverted from
chambers. The class in the chamber, consisting of up their peacetime works in order to assist the Fighing
to 14 pilots, and the Medical Officer in charge, were Services in providing communication:I within Australia
provided with communication equipment similar to and beyond by means of radio. This involved the
establishment of a large number of radio stations, and
that which they would later use in service and means
the works carded out were much more extensive than
of communicating with observers outside the cham- normally dealt with.
ber. Special amplifiers and switching facilities were
Arrangements made In connection with the estab-
required to permit communication between a large lishment of such stations depended on circumstances;
group of people using oxygen masks under low- in some cases the Department undertook full re-
pressure conditions, which also affect the normal sponsibility, including design, construction of build-
efficiency of the voice and electro-acoustic instru- ings, provision of power, manufacture of radio equip-
ment& ment. etc., but in the majority of cases the projects
The photographs on this page show
some of the equipment at the PAM.
operated broadcasting station at
Shepparton, Vie., which is now radi-
ating o aaaaa as short wave broadcasts
under the calisign of "Radio Aus-
tralia." The picture at the top of the
page shows a part of the 100 kw. 1-{F
transmitter. The RF drive unit, the
main MT rectifiers and the air cool-
ing equipment for this transmitter
were produced by AWA. At right is
one GS the typical radiating systems.

"Radio A ustralia"
'"The sizes: of one of the transformer's
produced by the Wilson Electric Co.,
above, and of a typical remotely con-
trolled radio frequency switch. At
right. may be gauged by the figures
standing beside the equipment. Below
is another section of the 100 KW
transmitter produced by STC. The
production of this transmitter was
handled jointly by Messrs. Amalgam-
ated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd. and Stan•
dard Telephones & Cables (A/sla)
Pty. Lid.
were shared with other parties, such as the Fighting tralia. The general design and specification of equip-
Service directly concerned, the Allied Works Coun- ment requirements, together with much of the de-
cil and similar bodies. Under this latter arrangement, tailed design, was carried out by the Department
the radio equipment proper was, in most cases, manu- Manufacture of the 100 kW transmitters was under-
factured to orders placed by the Fighting Service, but taken in Australia by joint arrangements between
was installed and made ready for service by the De- Messrs. Amalgamated Wireless and Standard Tele-
partment. which was thus finally responsible for the phones & Cables. Photographs of the station and
satisfactory operation of the plant, equipment are shown on page 56.
Such projects were carried out on behalf of the
RAAF, RAN. US Forces, Netherland Forces, and the Army Broadcasting Stations
Department of Civil Aviation, the latter Department Because of the number of troops in the vicinities of
being included since its radio and other facilities were Darwin and Port Moresby, the Department established
planned in conjunction with the RAAF and were used broadcasting stations at these two locations and pro-
by military as well as civil aircraft. vided for programs to be supplied from local sources
or by re-broadcasting of transmissions from Australia.
In all, approximately 250 of these projects were After completion by the Department of these station.s
handled by the Department, and they included the were taken over for operation by the Australian Army
installation and maintenance of radio transmitting Amenities Service.
and receiving stations; radio direction-finding
stations for aircraft navigation: radar installations: Equipment for the establishment of seven addi-
radio homing beacons: an elaborate short-wave re- tional broadcasting stationrof the same type was
ceiving centre at Werribee. Victoria; special radio in- designed and provided by the Department for Liestal-
terception installations: and a number of signal lation in New Guinea and other areas under military
offices, as well as the 100 kW Shepparton World-range control north of Australia. These equipments were
Broadcasting Station and several Broadcasting Sta- handed over to the Australian Array Amenities Ser-
tions for Army Amenities. The Shepparton and Army vice in Australia. and the latter body arranged for
stations will be dealt with in further details. setting up and subsequent operation.

Telephone & Telegraph Facilities

Shepparton World-range Broadcasting Station 'rids summary of the work of the PMG's Depart-
ment during the war years would not be complete
The major single radio project undertaken by the unless mention were made of the enormous extension
PMG's Department during the war years was the of Australia's long-distance telephone and telegraph
establishment of a 100 kW broadcasting station at facilities. which was effected to meet the urgent stra-
Shepparton, Victoria. This station Is capable of tegic and operational demands of the Services, and
broadcasting to any part of the world, and is under- now remains as a valuable public asset.
stood to be the largest of its kind in the Southern Space will not permit of a detailed examination of
Hemisphere. The initial purpose of the station was the projects successfully completed, and it must suffice
to furnish propaganda services to enemy-occupied to mention that existing facilities over some of the
countries, and information received indicates that the most difficult areas in Australia were multiplied many
value of such services has been very considerable and Limes—outstanding examples being the provision of
contributed in no small part to the maintenance of new lines and circuits from Adelaide to Darwin, Ade-
morale in those countries. laide to Perth, Brisbane to Hughenden and Darwin,
The most striking feature of the project is its exten- Brisbane to Cairns, and Townsville to Cape York. This
sive size, the site being almost a square mile in area, hest link was extended by trican.s of submarine cable
the whole of this area being practically covered by to Thursday and Horn Islands and to New Guinea.
the aerials, which are carried by fourteen 200ft. steel Much of this work was carried out in conjunction with
masts. and the transmission lines which feed these the Services and with the aid of Service personnel,
aerials. The building which houses the radio and but the engineering aspects and provision of carrier
switching equipment has a floor area of over 25,000 terminal facilities were the responsibility of the De-
square feet. while the power-house has a floor area of partment.
9000 sq. ft. In addition, seven miles of fencing and Apart from the foregoing special defence works, a
three miles of gravel roadways were necessary. considerable amount of construction work was in-
The building for the station was constructed under volved in the provision of additional channels on such
the direction of the Allied Works Council. and is of routes as the Sydney-Melbourne. Sydney-Brisbane,
blast-proof design because of the possibility of enemy Melbourne-Adelaide. Perth-Geraldton, and Melbourne-
action, and for the same reason. engine-generating Bairnsdale-Gabo Island. In all of these cases, the
plant has been provided to enable the station to work was carried out by Departmental labor.
operate independently from power from commercial Summarised, the various defence works, either
sources. This power supply, in fact, comprises a minor planned and carried out completely by the Depart.
power station at. least equal to that found in any ment or in conjunction with the USA and AMF Signal
moderately-sized country town. Forces, resulted in an increase of about 25.000 miles
The responsibilities of the PMG's Department of wire for telegraph and telephone use In the Com-
in connection with this project included arrangements monwealth during the period 1939-1945. The trunk
for the site, buildings, radio equipment, aerial sys- telephone carrier channel mileage was increased two
tems, power plants and associated facilities, nearly all and a half times, and the telegraph carrier channel
of which were designed and manufactured In Aus- facilities sevenfold.
Long-Range Transmitters


The throe transmitters illustrated on this pegs were all built by Messrs, Amal•
gamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd. and supplied to the Services to meet speciel
point-to-point communicatusns requirements. The RAAF was the major user
of the Art= equipment shown above and employed it extensively far mobile
and static ground station mstallations. The equipment has a rated CW power
output of 500 watts over the frequency ranges of 150-600 kC s and 2-20 MC a.
Variants of this transmitter, with slightly modified characteristics were also
used as the AT13. ATI3A and A -riaa.
The equipment shown at the left is the US forces version of the AWA -18922
transmitter and vvas knoWn as the AMT250—a somewhat similar assembly
being used by Aust. Army as the WS No 10513. Tit s equipment has a CW power
output of ebaut 1000 watts and operates over the range 2.5-20 MC sr
Shown below is the Aust. Army WS No, 133 which played an important part
a■ a mobile gencral•purpase transmitter throughout the New Guinea and Bor-
neo campaigns, This Set provides RT. MCW and CW transmiss:on over the range
2.5-20 MC 'e and has a CW power output of 3C0 watts.
.1•••••••••. ••••• ••■••• mew.lpi-s-7e•iwiaddireltweenseatirr •••jr•p•


•• oir:


• 0 •

Above is shown the RAAF type ATi4A mobile and static ground stat!on equipment. with
Its predecessor ',the AT'S) at the right. Both of these transmitter types were developed
led built by Messrs. Thom & Smith Pty. Ltd. and provide speech and telegraphy outputs
el 100400 watts over the range from 3-20 MC s. Voice•Operatad carrier operation
en speech is a feature of both equipments, while the newer seta. beside& having reduced
weight and extended power input facilities, also Mc/tides provision for pre-selection of
four operating frequencies.

Illustrated at the right is the 500-

watt transmAter variously known as
the "4-SU•SA." the "A/20" or the
•'AMT130." depending on whether the
RAN. USN. RAAF or US Army were
using It. Developed and built by Stan-
dard Telephones & Cables to a RAAF
specification, this equipment was a
counterpart of th• ATI3B end pro-
vided CW operation, with five rre-
selected frequencies, in the range 2-:10

Duplicate production of this equip.

meet was established in Melbourne
by Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd. and in
addition to the RAAF, supplies went
to Ansi. Army, which knew It as "WS

A grit-clime tontributien by Australian Industry to
lend-lease" is shown above in the form et A W.A.trans
miner type JSS71 This saulptnerit is a tong•range H•F
installation rated at 10 KW. and was produced for the
U-S. Forces.

One of the "14.5" series of transmitters produced by

S.T.C. for the RAAF is shown at left. This is a 400;1000 W.
KT MCW CW set with VOC operation on speech and has
provision for pre-selection of up to 10 "spot" frequencies
in the ranges 140-500 kC e. and 2.20 MC s. Eight types
of transmitters, with varying frequency coverage, were
included In this series.

Known variously Si the •"TW.12" and th• —ANIT1110." th•

compact assembly shown below wa■ developed by A.W.A.
for the U.S. Fortes and provided 1S-50 watts output on
RT, MCW or CW in the range tram 1.3 to 111 with
provision for • "spot'. frequencies. A similar assembly.
rated at SOW was produced for RAAF as the "ATV.**
The unit 'Mown above is A.C. power
euppiy unit. type SKA-34. produced by
Transmission Products, of Sydney. for
the LS Forces. This equipment was
fuliy "tropicalised" and provided RH
operating volt ages far 4 medium• power
radio transmitter.

The flAAF transmitter illustrated above operates on 100-150 MC/11., and

provides frequency- or amplitude-modulated VOC transmission with a
power output of 50-150 watts. Known as the "Arli." this mobile or static
equipment wit manufactured for the Air Force by Than & Smith Pty. Ltd.

The neat aasembly at the

right is the AT19 transmit-
ter produced by Kriesler
IA sea) Pty. Ltd. for the
HARP'. This equipment is de•
signed for static around
elation sorvce and has an
MCW CW power output of
ISO 1c07 watts in the 2.5 - 20
MC • range.

me Merchant Navy as wet'

as the HAN And other Ser-
vices found etiteneive Apish-
cation for the AWA series
-15333 tramline, ***** , of Which
one example is shown at the
left. This Marine MF. HF
get operates in the ranges
.S86-530 kC.s. and 1.20 MC s.
has 3 pre.selected frequen•
cies and an MCW CW out.
put of 500.150 watts.
1177 )._LL - 1-tiars;hisUm;a
111M1 Q


• Airione (19311 Ltd. manufactured the

power supply unit shown above to per-
mit AC operation of the SCR.522 by the
US Sig. Corps and RAAF. The US iden-
so tification was AMS.195, while RAAF
called it PSU type "V."

Illustrated below is Standard "Telephones' UHF

multi-channel radio transmitter type 4-SU-1A.
This equipment was huilt for the Postmaster
General's Dept. to provide an extension of the
telephone facilities between the Australian
mainland and Tasmania.

Thom & Smith Pty. Ltd. produced the AT15A shown

above, for the RAAF. This transmitter is a 350 500 W.
assembly Operating on the medium-frequency range
of 130-500 kC/s, and was feel:10y employed for "hom-
ing" and airport control.

Both the RAN and USN used the 100-watt trans-

mitter illustrated below. which was produced by
Philips Electrical Industries. This equipment covered
• 0000 0.0 0.0 -
the range 2.20 PACia and was readily transportable—
the stand forming a carrying frame.

0 Op 0 • •

0 0

0% 1 0

--- o -

0 * 0•0
PS • Ir • t I, •

Bell's Fox'
On this page we Ahow throe views of the 200 kilowatt low-frequency Navy
iostsiistion at Briconoen—source of the "Beil's Fox" transmissions to ships at
sect The main control desk. which centralises the operation of tie 200 kW. and
other trartemittorag, ip eliewn above, wh•le at right may be teen the valve change-
Aviv wilt in the final power amplifier. Below ie shown a general view of the
complete 200 kW. transmitter, All of this equipment was built for the RAN by STC.
purpose of introducing major or minor changes It
was rarely that an item of equipment went through
all phases of development and production as originally
Apart from the delaying effect on both development
and production, this constant change of requirements
frequently led to misunderstandings and considerable
exasperation of all concerned; but it generally was
unavoidable—just one of the penalties of a constantly
It may fairly be said that one of the worst problems changing global war--a war in which all established
faced by industry in its "home front" battle of pro- principles of logistics went by the board and in which
duction was that imposed by the constant change of materiel supply problems were equally confused. It
Service requirements. Specifications would be laid is the purpose of this article to review seine of the1
down as a basis of development and, frequently, before problems which confronted those responsible for the
the equipment reached the production stage, modi- initiation of Services' equipment requirements and, at
fications would be required. At other times produc- the same time, deal with some of the steps taken to
tion would commence, only to be interrupted for the meet those problems,

Some Operational Aspects of

Services Equipment Design

T frequently has been suggested that many of the armed forces, would follow the same general pattern.
A trials and tribulations of the 1939-45 war could have This entailed the development of relatively short range
been avoided by more comprehensive forward plan- point-to-point radio equipment and extensive tele-
ning in pre-war days, but such a suggestion is scarcely phone facilities for the ground forces: fairly conven-
tenable as far as equipment matters are concerned. tional radio signalling and DF equipment for the
Quite apart from the fact that many 01 the techniques air forces; and somewhat more elaborate shipboard
employed as a matter of course during the later war equipment for the naval forces, this last being sup-
years were virtually unknown in 1939, it must be borne plemented by fairly advanced types of acoustic and
in mind that few, if any, envisaged an extension of the super-sonic underwater detection systems for anti-
conflict into the theatres eventually engaged. This submarine operations. "Radio-location" (now radar I
factor alone would be sufficient to negative the bene- was known, but had scarcely progressed beyond the
fits of any extensive forward planning, particularly stage of cumbersome static installations for shore-
with respect to telecommunications equipment pro- defence and air-warning.
duction, for, as will shortly be shown, many of the
lessons learned, even during the early war years, had As far as Australia was concerned the war was, and
to be unlearned after the advent of war in the Pacific appeared likely to stay, a long way away and, con-
theatre. sequently. development and production of Services'
equipment was concentrated on those items required
This is a major example of the causes underlying
for training of forces likely to be engaged in the
the changing pattern of Services' equipment require-
European theatre, with a long-range possibility of
ments. Other examples may readily be found and, in
fact, it. can be claimed with more than a degree of shipping certain items overseas to assist Britain in
justification, that every campaign during the war, her supply problems.
both before and after Pearl Harbor. provided reasons The invasion of France and the entry of Italy into
why Service equipment design must always remain hostilities ended the era of "position" warfare, while
fluid, even, in some instances, to the point of inter- the Battle of Britain finally demonstrated the value
ference with production.
of radar and accelerated work on the development of
light-weight equipmeats for mobile and air-borne use
The Changing Face of War - -a trend which proved of considerable value during

At this juncture it will be of interest to briefly the Mediterranean operations, where air-borne ASV
review the course of the war just concluded and ex- equipment was responsible for a number of successful
amine some of the major influences on the trends of "strikes." Such equipment also played its part in the
equipment design. Battle of the Atlantic. Another effect of the evacua-
When war broke out in 1939, it appeared that the tion from the mainland of Europe and the advent of
basic theatres involved would largely be those of World war in the Middle East theatre was to focus attention
WarI, and that equipment problems, apart from those on the communications requirements of highly-mobile
involved in the more extensive mechanisation of armored ground forces.
Here in Australia Dunkirk had its effect on the de- attempts at applying the les.sons learned in other
velopment of telecommunications. but from the pro- theatres: while many of those who had learned the
duction rather than the design aspects. Development hard way, and could have told the score, were not
was still concentrated on items which conformed with in a position to do so, being guests of Nippon.
British requirements, but, the changed situation made As a result, development and production went on
it evident. that Australia would have to become more unchanged--apart from a sudden acceleration—for a
self-supporting. This view was shared by India and while, and it was not until we commenced to fight
New Zealand, and arrangements back that it was learned how piti-
were made for considerable expan- fully inadequate were previous stan-
sion of production projects already by J. R. Edward s, M.IRE (Aust.) dards of equipment, design. This
under way. An important develop- situation was not peculiar to Aus-
ment in Australian Industry at this time was the tralia. Our American Allies also got some nasty
initiation of a project for the manufacture of field shocks when first their equipment was subjected to
telephone cable, as it was realised that even apart what are so inoffensively known as "humid tropical
from the possibility of Britain being unable to climates."
meet requirements, the greater distances over The remedies fur the new-found deficiencies of
which war was being waged made inadequate all equipment unfortunately were not so obvious as the
previous estimates of cable usage. For this deficiencies themselves and, as a result, what might
purpose Lhe resources of several large Australian be termed the "trial and error" era of Service design
manufacturers were mobilised and production got was initiated all over the world. Not only was there
under way with such celerity that it was possible to little correlated scientific information on the prob-
ship nearly 10,000 miles of "D" class cable to the lems involved, but also there was little opportunity
Middle East before the return of the AIF divisions for acquiring such information. In addition the les-
for service in the SWPA. sons of two years of war had largely to be un-
During all of this time, considerable strides forward learned and the inertia of the development and pro-
were being made overseas in the design of all types duction machine had to be overcome.
of communications and radar equipment, particularly All of this was done under the stress of immediate
because the emphasis was now a mobile, long-range urgency, and equipment was produced or modified to
warfare. Special radio equipment, incorporating crew- meet the requirements of the moment. And therein
communication and inter-tank UHF link facilities, was lay another difficulty, which became apparent when
developed for armored vehicles, outmoding apparatus sufficient leeway was regained to permit of forward
previously considered adequate, while the higher planning. The era of experimentation and temporisa-
operational ceilings, speed and endurance ranges of tion, while it had produced equipment which worked
aircraft had necessitated a re-design of most air- and had established a basic pattern for "tropic de-
borne equipment. The advent of air-supply dropping sign," had also diverted attention from the develop-
during 1940-41 Introduced new requirements for ment and production of equipment to meet the fur-
mechanical stability and protection of ground forces ther operational requirements which now could be en-
equipment, but all design was based on requirements visaged.
for hot and dry_ or cold and wet climates—the vastly- Here, again, the situation was not peculiar to Aus-
changed requirements brought about by a combina- tralia. The records of the armed forces of all the
tion of these climatic factors had yet. to come. Speci- Allies can show many examples of equipments pro-
fications calling for testing under conditions of high duced during 1942-43 to meet the need of the moment,
temperature and humidity were in existence, but were which perforce had to be replaced or extensively
not enforced, except insofar us clauses calling for modified when the overall strategy became clearer.
tests at elevated temperatures were involved. Further complexities were introduced at this time by
the intermingling of Commands. Whereas previous
In Australia, as well as overseas, war production equipment planning had largely been determined by
was commencing to become established by the end of individual preferences, the combination of forces
1941. but on the basis of the lessons learned during necessitated group planning and the utmost possible
the first two years of war. Advantage had been taken degree of interchangeability of all items of equipment.
of improved techniques to introduce Items of equip- This phase was first manifested in Australia by the
ment which compared more than favorably with formation of an Allied Services' Signals Equipment
"Middle East" standards. Some minor deficiences had standardisation Committee in July, 1943, with the
been revealed, and corrected, as a result of experience object both of rationalising production and also of
during training operations in Malaya, but even this ensuring the greatest passible commonality of equip-
experience did not provide any indication of what ment usage by all Services. Similar bodies functioned
was soon to come. Fungus was still either something In all Allied producing countries, and while the long-
you ate or a scientific curiosity, while true amphibious term effect undoubtedly was beneficial both to Ser-
warfare, with its exacting demands for waterproofing, vices and Industry, it cannot be denied that initial
was yet to be experienced, impact of standardisation, with accompanying de-
Unfortunately, this nice, comfortable picture was mands for improved standards of overall perform-
changed overnight, and war entered a new theatre, ance, did impose a severe strain on Industry.
with a completely new act for the players to learn. And so, right until the end of the war, particularly
For a time it was not evident how completely new the in the Pacific theatre of operations, the pattern of
at was—the hurly-burly of the first few mouths of Service requirements varied--frequently unpredictably
the Pacific War left time only for improvisation and and always with sufficient rapidity to snake forward
production planning more a matter of inspiration than The necessity for local interpretation of overseas de -
anything else. One could elaborate on the theme, signs was but one of the problems faced by both th
citing chapter and verse, but although it might make Services and Industry. Even in those days mated
interesting reading, no other useful purpose could be supplies were a real problem. Industry in this coun
served. Sufficient already has been said to Indicate had always been dependent on overseas sources f
that the late war imposed terrific problems both on certain materials, such as moulding powders, ligh
the Services and industry –problems which tried to weight alloys, etc.. and it was far from encouragi
the utmost the initiative and ability of all concerned to learn at times that the successful interpretation
and which make the contribution of Australia's Tele- an overseas design depended on the availability
communications Industry, with its relatively-limited materials either not known in Australia or in ye
technological resources, all the more remarkable. short supply.
These two problems alone—lack of basic design da
Some of the Problems and materials shortage—made it difficult for the Ser
Apart from the problems of "tropic design," which vices to establish equipment specifications capable of
will be dealt with separately. the initiation and de- easy interpretation by Industry. but there was a this
velopment of Services' equipment in Australia pre- stumbling-block that, for a time, looked like being a
sented numerous problems which In some respects barrier to production of any but the simplest items.
were almost peculiar to this country. This was the Services' desire for complete interchanges
ability, not only of complete equipments, but also of
In the early war years, these problems were brought accessories and components.
about largely by the relatively minor part played by
Australian forces overseas. in almost every case Aus- This requirement was perfectly natural for equip-
tralian forces functioned as part of formations under ments which were expected to operate alongside over-
British control, and so there developed upon the local seas counterparts. It is difficult enough to keep opera-
authorities the necessity for equipment standardisa- tional forces supplied with equipment components and
tion along British lines. This was not always the case, accessories when everything is standardised, but it
but, generally speaking, it was essential that forces becomes almost an impossible proposition if there are
raised for oversea service with British formations a multiplicity of different equipments performing simi-
should be trained with equipment similar to that in lar functions. As a result electrical and mechanical
use by those formations. interchangeability were regarded as primary con-
Consequently, although a Few items of British-made siderations to be satisfied.
signalling equipment of various types were available Little difficulty was experienced in satisfying the re-
in this country, and it. was anticipated that the forces quirement for mechanical interchangeability—the in-
overseas would largely be equipped from British re- terpretation here being that a locally-produced as-
sources, it was decided that local production should sembly should be capable of physical substitution for
follow British designs as closely as possible. Actually its overseas counterpart without alteration to mount-
this policy bad been determined prior to the outbreak ing arrangements. etc., although minor variations
of war, but although some equipment had reached the sometimes hecame necessary because of design limi-
prototype or pilot model stage, little had been done tations, but the electrical interchangeability factor
towards actual production. was a real problem.
The initial objective in this local manufacture of The reason for this was that pre-war production of
Services' signalling equipment was to produce "Chin- telecommunication equipment in Australia had tended
ese copies" of the overseas items, but, in doing this. toward American, rather than British, lines and exist-
considerable difficulties immediately arose, mainly ing components and accessories bore little similarity
due to the fact that little or no manufacturing in- to those required for replacement of British items.
formation was held on the British equipments. As This difficulty was not insuperable as far as the
mentioned previously, a few items of the equipment general run of components were concerned, but it was
itself were held, but these were either old "marks" or with respect to radio valves—there were few, if any,
in a fairly worn condition, while in other eases only facilities for the production of British-type valves.
photographs and brief performance details were
At that time, it was impracticable to initiate the
production of British-type valves--although certain
As a result. of this, local manufacture at first was types were produced in quantity later—and compro-
largely a matter of local interpretation, and it. is not mise became necessary. The requirements for com-
surprising that the equipment as produced frequently plete electrical interchangeability were modified to
had to undergo considerable modification before it. include only such basic considerations as power supply
tinnily conformed with the operational requirements voltage, terminal connections and control functions.
it was expected to meet. However, it is to the credit and on this basis, plus the requirement for physical
of Industry that, even in those early days. with so interchangeability and an agreement that components
little prior experience and so little guidance, It was should conform as closely as possibly to the British
able to produce a considerable quantity of apparatus pattern, production was able to proceed.
that not only met Australia's training requirements,
but also was suitable for shipment overseas for use The above factors have been dealt with in some
by Empire forces engaged in the Middle East. This detail, not only to show the difficulties confronting
apparatus included radio sets, telephone equipment. both the Services and industry when initiating Aus-
visual signalling devices, and the field cable previously tralian production of Service-type telecommunication
mentioned. equipment. but also because they applied in some
R ec ep t ion .art s
Illustrated at left is one of the
eSrlieat aircraft receivers placed
in operational 3erv.ce by the
RAAF during the recent war
This TRF set was known as
the "ARIA" and was built by
Radio Corporation on the basis
of Air Ministry receiver type

Slightly out of place on this

page. but none the less inter
Doting is the radio tuner ant-
pliber system, developed by
Voile° Sound Systems of Mel
bourne for Service Amenities'
use, and shown at right.

Al right i■ shown Recap.

lion Set No. 4 which wee
developed ■ nd manufac-
tured by Philips Electri•
eel Industries, Sydney.
is meet Army require.
meets for a g
purpose communications
receiver. Capatle of AC
or battery operation, this
eel was su table for me
Ida or static use and saw
e atensive service
throughout the SWPA.

The •Covered receiver shown

at right a RAAF type AR10---a "sm.
plated portable communication• set
which was developed by Radio Cor-
poration early during the war end
wag used extensively for artillery
cooperation in the Middle East.

IfInlips Electrical Industries developed

eng produced the communications
rewire,. illustrated below for the US
fispat. Known as the "R1153." this
set provided coverage over the range
from 543 KC s. to 22 MC.'s.
degree right throughout the war period, whenever eolopromive method of adapting ,'rioting Service ()reigns
to commercial methods and components. At till..• went on,
local production of overseas equipment was attempted.
the specifications became more exacting: requirements
It is some consolation to know that although the beenme 111Cart. ilt•W More rigid
particular problems dealt with were more-or-less standards for components were rendered necessary; entirely
peculiar to Australia, similar difficulties were experi- lien- departures such tot trople-proofing were demanded.
enced in Canada and the USA when production of Ion the process was it gradual ff
eected wtoothlY
it and
without Interrupting the steady and Increasing now of
British-designed items were attempted. Nor were such erseat itli etildinnent•
problems confined to British designs — American "The HAAV Nignaly and litaritir rooffa, now v.9111411.4 undrt -
equipment was just as difficult for others to copy— ill,. Director of Telecommunleations and Radar, legitimately •
the root reason in all cases being the fundamental take prlde In tto wartime nehleventenla of the Australian
differences between the industrial techniques of the radio industry which they did so much to stimulate, and
in the harmonious relationships which were malntrillied
various countries. I:irottgli n long perital of In stress and vigorotis effort "
Some of the material quoted above is irrelevant to
"Australian-Pattern" Equipment
the present discussion, but the statement has been re-
Although the above problems were largely overcome produced in its entirety as an indication of the Ser-
and reasonably successful production achieved, the vices' attitude with respect to Australian production
Services realised very early in the war that the real of telecommunications equipment. This statement
answer to the production problem was the intro- deals primarily with radio apparatus, but it was
duction of "Australian-Pattern" equipment—appar- with radio that the major production troubles were
atus that had the general performance characteristics experienced—Radar involved entirely new techniques
of overseas items, but was designed to conform as and it was necessary in any case to make a fresh start,
closely as possible with Australian technology. while the production of line and visual signalling
In this respect, the initiative was largely taken by equipment, with few exceptions, did not introduce any
the RAAF and it will be of interest to quote from an particular difficulties until much later, when the need
for tropic-design and waterproofing became evident.
official RAAF statement on the subject:—
"At the outbreak or war et tilt / ill
It should be noted that the term "Australia-Pat-
the RAM: was nitituat dependent nisei tern" as used above is not employed in the strict Ser-
overseas 241111/11C!. fta- the prottsloo of Its radio II vice sense, where Australian versions of overseas
had u (ea Aloarallatt ground trattionttlerr of eo •010 equipments were designated as "A-P" types. but
dettarns a n d a feW contraunlratMn rerelvers. lon the tattoll- rather is it used to indicate Australian-made and
fitelore of radio ...univalent for umn in re.A.AF aircraft had des4wned equipments built to perform similar func-
not efilithill141011, However, It arty reasonably he
claimed that the RAM. b•wante more independent of over-
tions to equipments of overseas origin. An example
/WAS design atom material. and that at rip date. than might assist in clarifying this point.
either of the other Services. Si.reevrr. the work of the Quite early during the war. Army required a long-
RAAF Ill fillet direction enntrihated very materially to range radio transmitter having similar operational
the needs of the other Australian Nerviees, an well 4.1.4 functions to those of the British Army WS No. 33.
those of Rtitish and Allied forces in this and mita. ..e1
of 1.0.0 st
However. insufficient information regarding WS No. 33
theatres of nor.
note that radio .1.t, dor...toped to It.A.1.1.• iti.•■■ was available to permit fabrication of a reasonable
Netts, was ednfili)ed by the RAN.. the -.INK the DAP is facsimile, so a GS Specification was drawn up on the
the 51altite F:11/Ri and Far Kash the l'S Nat!: and Army. basis of the known performance of the British equip-
the NK1 Army and the Free Fri.eirlt Forces hi the hold,. ment. This equipment was designated "Wireless Set
•'Thitt achievement IN for which the RAM,' migrants No. 133". indicating the similarity of its operational
staff may .1111,11> br Prilleed without detracting from erodit significance to that of the "33", but had it been de-
due to llte industry whore wholehearted en-operation, bunt-
alive and enero woe romplementarY to the. Air Faroe veloped on the basis of British design data, it would
Orlin. it rwstaird fr 0 441111111pintiiin of fnetiJrn; first, have been designated ''WS No. 33 A.P." or "WS No. 33
it lotagrighted amtmodatIon •a• the fact that. let Om /Avoca 4Aust.4".
of isolation from overseas stigatiles, self-suit-
Both types of equipment—overseas "copies" and
Henry In radio resources would he a national necessity;
and. ideeflild. II realistic approach to the twatlicill
wholly-Australian designs—were manufactured in
or Hiles ...If-mlitneietwy 111 the• olitchrst po,dide Australia throughout the war years. but after the en-
time using the industrial facilities and leelmlotter already try of Japan the tendency was in favour of ''Austra-
developed for romntercial and dome/die purposes. lian pattern" equipment. The reasons for this are
"Aq, to the tins* of these facture. It is ellfliclent I, ...0 not hard to seek—before Pearl Harbour our forces
that before the war, early In 19311 In feet. the RAAF haul were serving overseas and equipment was produced
prepared oncetfleatIonn capita; for four nu.Ili il or
to meet requirements primarily laid down by the
radio equipment. viz., a cotatounicatioar receiver. it ooto-
touttientions transmitter, it complete aircraft transmitting authorities and conditions under which they were
and recrivIng Installation, Anil a radio compass. The hid serving, whereas after that time, the Australian au-
named was abandoned, but orders were placed for 'Indio thorities were probably in a better position than any-
type equipments based oil the first three rpeciacations and one to determine the conditions which had to be satis-
great deal of work had Moot done on these equipments fied.
before the outbreak of war In September, 1939.
"Tho vreosid factor. itowe■ er, was probably the most The Advent of Tropical Warfare
Istipostant lu awartag quantity :Inaba-Unit of eatinfaetory
tatuliatient with the minimum of dettlY. At the outset the This brings us back to the -trial and error" era of
RAAF :Mooted n I.tdirr of loaning specilleations which wer.• Service design—an era which, in spite of the RAArs
mown t tally funrtottal, and of atutliding the Industry t o
under-statement *see para. 4 of the remarks quoted
meet these fun. Ilona' requirement's by Om Use of entail.-
11/..hrd tarthials a n d standard vomponeute, miler than Ito• previously i probably was fraught with more prob-
alternative of departmental technical development followed lems, both for the Services and Industry. than any
by specificalsal riimoil.o.iiiro to 4..1.,11..1 ilisiaN, or the other period during the whole of the war.
Air Force Receivers mu! Ol E

At right is shown a
RAAF type AR7 receiver
undergoing its acceptance
tests at the factory of
Kingsley Radio. Mel.
bourne, where these sets
were built. This equip.
meat was the standard
RA AF general-purpose
and communications re•
cc ver and. in a slightly
modified form, WAS used
also by Army as Recep•
t on Set. N.O. I.

The receiver shown

at left is the RAAF
FM AM UHF type
AR17 which was de•
veloped and built by
Radio Corporation
Pty. Ltd. for oper-
ation with the AT17
transmitter On 100.1S0
The RAAF type A.12.5 assembly shown
MC s.
above 11 a precision unit developed by Radio
Corporation for VHF 0 • F service. This
equipment uses a special crystal calibrator
assembly and Makes use of the AR17
FM AM receiver. This equipment was atso
known as the FIC73D.

Anather direction -finding equipment is

thaws et right—this installation being
the cathode•ray indicattng equipment
type C5.352 developed by Amalgamated
Wireless for static A F service with the

The automatic distress signalling

eeupment Chown below was produced
by AWA for one in lifeboats and rafts.
The assembly is seated and can be
thrown Into the sea without damage,
were it floats until picked up.
During this period, which saw the commencement of gree of reliability of equipment in the field, besid
fighting in the islands of the SWPA, the whole of the being able to nominate interim preventative measu
Services' provisioning—equipment. food, clothing— for equipment In store and in advanced stages
was affected and for a period of many months, it was manufacture.
almost literally a case of "the blind leading the blind".
Nobody knew anything—or if they did. they kept very The Problems of Tropic Design
quiet about it—and knowledge based on pre-war ex- The problem of permanent -tropic design" had yet
perience in the areas was frequently misleading, due to be solved as it was not fully realised at that time
to the obvious fundamental differences between peace- that moisture absorption was the prime cause of many
time living and fighting what virtually was a guerilla of the troubles experienced, but it is of interest to
war. Overseas advice was sought but the information note that the first step in this direction was taken by
forthcoming was meagre and of little value, and for Army during December, 1942, when it laid down a
those critical months of 1942, Australia was thrown specification for WS No. 22 (Aust.1 calling for her-
very much on her own resources. metic sealing of the sender receiver and power supply
Although all items of Service equipment and sup- cases.
plies were affected by the conditions, it is doubtful if Early in 1943, it became evident that a concerted at-
any were affected more severely than telecommunica- tack must be made on the problem of "tropic design"
tions apparatus—partieuiarly Radar and radio—due and, as reported elsewhere in this publication, a Con-
to the critical nature and high standards of insula- ference of Service and Government representatives
tion resistance of much of this equipment. And of was convened by the Council for Scintific & Industrial-
all the Services, it is probable that Army struck the Research with the object of formulating a plan of ac-
worst of the trouble—the relatively-static and pro- tion. As a result of this Conference, a Scientific. Mis-
tected nature of most Navy and Air ground stations sion was despatched to New Guinea for the purpose
provided their equipments with conditions far more of observing the behaviour of Service equipment tof
favourable than those experienced by Army with is all types/ under operational conditions.
foot-slogging jungle patrols and exposed observation The Report of the Mission was published in October,
posts and artillery installations. 1943, and In addition to confirming the necessity for
improved design and packaging of all Service equip-
This view is confirmed by the fact that the first ment. set out some basic facts regarding tropical de-
known instances of breakdown directly traceable to terioration which finally established the pattern for
humid tropical conditions were experienced by Army further work on "tropic design". The relevant re-
—the first failure being a Radar installation near Port marks are worthy of quotation:—
Moresby, followed by a series of failures of radio trans- "The main cause of deterioration of sleet rival and
mitters at Milne Bay—while it is a matter of record radio equipment in New Guinea 116 the effect tin moisture
that the Army authorities were the first to insist on electrirel insulation (the word "radio" being used to
the rigid application of equipment acceptance tests Include hoth Under and wIretess equipment). The effect of
calling for .exposure to hot, moist cycles. temperature alone is negligible—mttch higher sun and
shade temperatures and noire sadden l'hailiMq
In passing, It may be mentioned that this action mre ere encountered under desert Conditionm.
caused considerable confusion with respect to equip- "The deterioration of electrical insulation Is manifested
ments under development and manufacture and It is a In three ways:—
regrettable fact that a degree of adverse criticism tat Abeurpticii of moisture on the surface of the insulator,
was levelled at the responsible Army authorities for causing Insulation leakage, warping nr deformation of
the insulating material, or change in the electrical
their action—the apparent reasoning being that as
constants of circuits using the insulation as a dielectric.
the other Services had not stated a similar require- GO Adsorption of moisture on the eurfnce Or the insulator.
ment, it was unnecessary! This experience demon- muntng surface leakage.
strates once again that the operational commitments Penetration of the moisture through crevices or pinholes
of a Servlee are the ruling factor with respect to its in the Ineutation, causing internal leakage or change
requirements—in this case. Army's commitment in- In the rdectricel Torments of circuits, due to The ed•
rtmture Ilf Ure with the dielectric."
troduced factors yet to be experienced by the other
Services. They were, later! The Report went on to elaborate these points and
In due course, all of the Services fell into line and also dealt with the matter of fungus growth, which
called for rigid application of an Inter-Service "tropic- had been regarded by many Investigators as almost
testing" specification irCI.,1001). but this was not until "No. 1 enemy". While not belittling the importance
the end of I943—in the meantime, there was the con- of fungus as an agent of deterioration, the Report
fused period referred to above, followed by an inter- pointed out that as long as materials were carefully
vening period during which each of the Services ap- selected, fungus would not grow on clean, dry sur-
plied its own particular Specification Navy- KI10: faces, so that its prevention was largely a matter of
Army—RS 'PROV '3341: Air—DCD WT 10001. Each preventing the ingress of moisture.
of these Specifications, while similar in intent, dif- With this Report as a basis, work on "tropic-design"
fered in detail from the others and again led to con- went on apace as. in addition to securing better co-
siderable confusion. both in the Services and with In- operation on the part of all concerned, the work of
dustry. the Mission was carried on by a number of Inter-Ser-
By the end of 1942, the picture was becoming a little vice Committees and other agencies. This work was
clearer and correlation of results and observations co-ordinated by the Council for Scientific & Industrial
began to establish a basic pattern for Iropicalisation" Research. largely through its Scientific Liaison Bureau,
—a term which applies to the treatment of existing and we are indebted to the Council for a summary of
equipment rather than to the development of new its activities, which follows:—
equipment. which is usually referred to as "tropic de- "ln 1943, t'sitt undertook responsibility r..c lithurai 1.0r)
sign"—and it was possible to ensure a reasonable de- Investigations of The deterioration and preservation of
Field Equipment for the A.I.F.

Although net of Australian origin, the

American SCRS315 "handy•talky" shown
above was so widely used by Australian
forces that it merits a place in this
publication. This set was a complete
transmitter.receiver and weighed barely

Illustrated below is the "original" Aus-

tralian-Made Army wireleon net the
"101." This set was developed and built
by AWA and was exported in quantity
to the AIF in the Middle East for field
use aa a tranamitter.receiver.

Superseding the "101– was the No. 11 set illustrated above. This
was developed by AWA on the basis of the British Army No. 11
set and was manufactured in large quantities dur ng the first
half a} the war. Exc nnwnl Aertrmrnance was achieved. but the
set was not of "tropical" design.

Army's latest solution of its requirement for a general-purpose

field wireless set is shown below in the form of the Astor-built
Wireless Set No. 22 'Aust.). This equipment is fully "tropic•
designed" and waterproofed to permit its use in amphibious
operations. An important feature of the assembly is its light
weight—the complete station as illustrated weighs less than 901bs.
sad is designed to split into three "man pack" bads.
trleconononhentlon and .lees rival eminiment intended for ono and before concluding this article it is desirable to
nert•kce under humid tropical eunctitions. The• riit•ksinn of
Met troteehnotogy In the Council's National fhandardm
make further brief reference to the purely Service as-
Laborittarr was t•.humen to utillertoke the nu► in investigations
pects of the 1943-45 period.
and to co-ordinate the work of thr other Laboratories of
the Commonwealth and the Industry which asaisted In Or
Services' Standardisation Activities
Progra tn. The &11110ria is Test I hit t.litiortl ory of A.Itoglgritii- Following on what we termed the "trial and error"
:It PIT Wireless lAmitmlastnl Id:tilled had en Mittenerd Its era of Service design which concluded with the organ-
two proirram 114301Y moat ha iw•fore this, and freely provided isation of Inter-Service investigations of tropic-de-
+• ry greet orwineoro.4.• in the".• rrtti.•nl 11131,1. 1..114..
sign matters. Service production settled down on a
Mid ilk the COMMOILWriSith.
"Throughout the remainder of the war, the laboratories
fairly even keel--the major difficulty being the ability
engaged in "tropic design" or "troplealistttion" investiga- of Industry to produce the quantities of equipment
tions concentrated upon the prohlern of moisture In relation required. This position was complicated by the now-
to materials end 001111/0110riTS ORIN! Iu leleeommunication universal demands, both by our Services and the
equipment- Attention wan also given to the• offeaT( of Americans. for either tropicalisation or tropic-design
eagneure to extremes of temperature and thermal shock. Of all equipment.
A considerable part of the program was devoted to the
development Of lloitIOts Moth Kix 4,1 I e•+nehiment.
The Production Directorates of the Ministry of
This Wag necessary for reticarch into the hehn,.lor of ma- Munitions were now well in their stride and were giv-
terial,' 1411d fur Lie qualification owl T3T1o1134411/11 Trril 144: ing material assistance In many respects, particularly
of competnenis anal el I11111114,, elm iloaents• 't•he reseals of with respect to the assessment of industrial capacity
these investigations may now he briefly summarised. and ensuring a flow of raw materials, but the de-
"It is found that measures tt•hich provide adequate pro-
tection from moisture thy th.• choice if suitable 1111111.rlain
mands for equipment kept growing. Considerable con-
and moisture-resistant finishes) also provide automatically fusion again was introduced, and the establishment of
satliifartr-•ry prnte•el.inn from mould nittick. The applinatiou priorities became an almost-impossible task.
of Toolatoro-rOmlritrint 1111.10o-0 t vnrntmhees, wax and hit o- A survey of Services' equipment in production at
minous compounds) to naturists aubJe••t to deterioration, this time indicated a considerable amount of near-
daisy's feet etinnot prevent the• pros-mot:sive reit UM ion of duplication and, in July, 1943, before the Scientific
performance clue• In the Ingress of moisture. It Is therefore
essential Mat. ats far tot possible. materials wiled are
Mission had completed its work, General Headquarters,
Inherently resistant to deterioration eat poririre• ere muietur, SWPA, convened the Equipment Standardisation Corn-
ahnnid lie eltee.eri, mittee which has been referred to elsewhere in this
-'For e plop protection. in general. the only satisfactory publication, with the primary object of eliminating
solutitill is hrr1t1e.tle menthol,: iii racial, gloss (Jr Ceri111.1.2 near-duplicate production either at that time, or in
.:rir•es. Joint./ to,1Woort the no•teai and 113.rittlilrir41 close or the future. A secondary object, which later became
ceramic. palls y lot soldered. Otherwise. and juirliruiarly
one of the major functions of the Committee, was to
for purls which mint be ope•ne•r' periodically Ion roomier,
mice, d•anli. may lie effectively seated by gaskets or glutei., standardise Services• equipment acceptance tests.
of synthetic runher. There ore considerable practice/ diffi- This second phase of the Committee's activities
culties In the general npppr•atlein of hermetic sealing, sued commenced as soon as the simplification of equipment
as provision for tine diselpation of heat and the prevention schedules had been initiated, and in December, 1943,
of leakages or moisture through gaskets and glands. How.
the Committee published its first testing Specifica-
ever. this type of constru.•lIon, with the enclosure of a
enpeUte rot 11 tIll.mrtl,nli1 .mr.•I+ if. 14111111 Ke•l. 111 ionlottlitedly
tion—the previously-mentioned "CL1001 ''. entitled
one of the hest methods of design fur tropical pert-lee. The General Requirements Applicable to Telecom-
"The deterioration of performance In humid atmospheres munications and Associated Apparatus for Use in
of slues and hinher-tirade ceramics Its due ntainty to the Humid Tropical Climates." This Specification was
formation 4.! Norfriee films of u1•eisture. which ore r•-lntdv.•Iv drawn up on the basis of the existing Service speci-
highly cotodUctIve compared with the !MAP t11111 f1-1111. A fications and took full cognisance of local technology
volirdtientieln amount of reserirelt has hewn undertaken In
ihr "anti-welling" treatment rrif the surfaerm of (loose non- and the latest information from overseas. It would
absorbent materiels with surface active amines, %Inc+ loin be idle to pretend that, in spite of all this, no objec-
r.•wntterl In en Improvement of one hundred to one thousand- tions were raised to CI.1001—there were, but at least
fold in the Insulation resistance. nrganusdlron compounds, it was a combined Services specification (instead of
developed in f-R:► and 11rPilt Rrlt sin, irony provide 1!VOT1
severall, and was a step in the right direction.
hotter results.
"iferirafr11 Iii td•st I rtg methods and testing equipment
Following on the publication of CUM. the Com-
for examining Om effects ilium materials of atmospheres mittee went right ahead with its standardisation ac-
of high rrlatlt•r humidity Ted to the conclusion that ihe tivities. working closely in liaison with the Standards
relative humidity In the !Pet vhamber must he maintained Assocatlon or Australia. and produced or adopted for
within Close limit., smelt as titt% -4- 2% R. TI. This im Service use a number of Specifications covering mater-
•essary throughout tm•rinilr of terenlinar• rmoling and fixed
tertmeritture, end during eleetrical 1110ririllYtO1letsTri When
ials and components—as at the cessation of hostilities.
the conditions ronlatalord should be similar to those en, no less than 27 major specifications had been pub-
countered under operating- condition,' {A the fluid (such as lished or were in an advanced stage of preparation.
90% TO 91%). .. 11011rillivo automatic• means of maintaining The effect of this work, together with that of CSIR
this controt by electronic• apparatus luis been developed and the ever-growing appreciation of Service re-
and IN regarded on a major atdt•atnce In humidity 'testing quirements by Industry made for a very efficient set-
teeh Moine.
"•the result!! of the aertiniutated information and experi-
up during the closing year• of the war and relations
enee in ihis fl.•Id sill row bo applienlOo to lh.• porirolltoo
on all sides were most harmonious. A carping critic
requirements of equipment not only for the Sorvires but might raise the point that it took a long time to reach
for civilian use in humid climates, or In pincer such as this desirable state of affairs, but against that it must
SydneY rind "Melbourne, whore high relative humidities err be realised that the "home-front" battle of produc-
etammotered during, soon• periods of the year." tion did not commence until 1942 and that it was early
This summary of work done in the "tropic-design" in the next year before conditions were such as to
field is somewhat out of chronological order in that it permit anyone to take stock of the situation—so, may-
covers activities right through the period from 1943 be it was not such a long time, after all.
Transmitter- Receivers

The compact assembly shown above is the Astor ATI/4, developed

from a Forestry Commission set for use by RAAF air liaison
parties. This equipment was slightly modified and adopted by
Army as Wireless Set No. 113A. in which version it performed
sovereign service during the Timor operations.

Developed for Jungle warfare as a result of experience with the

108 Mk II and the 208, the Army 108 Mk Ill shown below was
built by Radio Corioration and saw extensive service throughout
the SWPA. This equipment. like the others on this page. was
completely battery-Operated and designed for "man-pack"

On this page are shown four patrol Sets built

by Radia Corporation Pty. Ltd. ("Astor") for
infantry. "commando" and air liaison service.
Above ,s shown the Army 108 Mark II which was
developed from the British No. 18 set and saw
Service en the Middle East, while below we see
the lightweight No. 208 set which was exten-
sively used by Army "commando" troops 4n
the New Guinea campaign — both sett are
A Review of the Operational .l 'tie o .lustralian
Telecommunication's Equipment in the SWPA

Equip meat
At Action Stations
by J. A. Angus"' campaign they conducted—that is a task too immense
for a publication of this nature.
To recount the multitude of individual uses to which This article tells directly of what could be seen and
Australian made tele-communlcatlons equipment. was learned of the uses, operation and requirements of
put and the job it did in the field for the Australian Australian telecommunications equipment under oper-
Navy, Army and Air Force in the Pacific Area, would ational conditions during a ten weeks' tour of the
be to tell, piece by piece and action by action, every SwPA—living with the men who operated the equip-
campaign in which Australian Forces—and In many ment and seeing at first hand the functions It per-
Instances the U.S. Forces—were engaged. formed
The story of the uses of Australian Military equip-
ment illustrates the vital nature and the magnitude RAAF Northern Command
of the task of the Australian telecommunications in-
dustry in producing that equipment, and it tells to The first place visited after leaving Australia was
some degree of the signals job that our Navy, Army Madang on the north coast of New Guinea. It was a
and Air Force personnel accomplished, but no attempt typical New Guinea coast setting with plenty of coral.
Is made here to describe the full structure of the sig- palm trees, blazing heat and rain. At Madang was
nals organisation of the Individual services or every located the headquarters of the RAAF Northern Corn-
mand—a headquarters operating and controlling one
of those areas into which RAAF operations In the
• 'Thin article i» written by liNTAUXit'S .J. A. South West Pacific was divided.
Angus. as a reNtlIt of him experienves an an Accredited
War 4 `orrespoade rit In the Pactrie area. Other task units were; North-Eastern Area with
During the early part of 11145 It wee decided by thb, headquarters at. Townsville: North Western Area at
liceineris publishing company that some earioce effort
ehnuld lie made to recent the achievements of Aus-
Darwin; 11 Group at Murata' and 1st Tactical Air
tralia's Teleeommunieation Industry during the war and Force at Labuan. The headquarters In each area
to what effect the products of industry ware coed. operated independently, under RAAF Command for
Approaches' were made to the Navy, Army and Air
operational control and under RAAF HQ. for adminis-
Force peeking their 'Ns-operation in obtaining details of
the use of Austrellan-made equipment in the fls-sid, and
tration and supply.
roilkeegnentlY 7r War rarr...pondeni'm arcreditation wnc
Northern Command INorcom l was formed in April.
Issued to Jack Angus under sponsorship of the !IAA]."
end with the co-operation nit the Navy. tt was under 1944, with Its administration section at Nadzab and
this arrangement that he rommenred his tour of the the operations section at Milne Bay, which moved to
SWPA. lied it wrens not until shortly before he win,
Madang in August, 1944. Later in September the ad-
scheduled to return to Australis" that Army ro-operatson
was fart hCoM3Ing and are ees to Army equipment.. per- ministration section also moved to Madang which then
mitted. became the main centre of communications in the
COnmenUentiy, hernuse of the limited mount of time Norcom area.
he testa nhte to ;upend with the Army, the activities of
that Service are not mentioned in ell places_ This The Chief Signals Officer of RAAF Northern Com-
not necessarily detract from the effectiveness' of the
mand, Wing Commander Charles Beurle, had a HQ
'atom because the Army dors not require the diversity
of types of teleeommunIcationt" equipment for forward Staff of about 12 officers and three other ranks includ-
operational use curb sa used by the RAAF. The signals ing his aqsistant C.S.O. Signals, S 'Ldr. Bill Roby, and
equipment of each Army Divialmi is virtually ditpliented assistant C3_0. Radar. 8/1..dr. George Rann, and was
--n41 In rovpritia, nt norneo, t he tosh Div. and at morntai
the Adv. LIM eignaln s'n'aps, It Is felt that from an
responsible for the positioning and efficient working
odroPt ,n1 VOInt of V taw a fairly rnmttete pleture has of all RAAF telecommunication facilities within the
been obtained. area. This Included point-to-point communications,
our thenkm are extended to the ServIree for their
co-operation and assistlanee given our War Correspondent,
wireless aids to navigation and radar facilities. In
particularly to the RAAF who provided all transport effect, the C.S.O. controlled all signals units or signals
nullitiea and whose initial net ion made the visit to the I sections of units. squadrons, etc., within Norcom.
m bersillonl
ti areas immidhle.
CI. MIN'flAY, NinlatzIng Edlinr The Norcom Telecommunications Unit under Com-
.................. manding Officer 3rLdr. Dick Walker. operated the
A bank of AR7
receivers, made by
Kingsley Radio, at
the Telecom Uni
receiving station at
Madang can be seen
at left. Call-signs and
locations of some of
the stations being
worked can be identi-
fied on the picture
There were about 27
of these receivers in
use in this signals

Madang signals office, transmitting station and power

plant. The signals office which was located among
the HQ administrative buildings was the nerve centre
of communications housing the receivers and tele-
graphists. the teleprinters, telephone switchboard, and
the cypher staff, as well as providing message distri-
bution faciilties.
The receivers used were all Kingsley AR7's—about
27 in all which, in maintaining a 24-hours service, re-
quired a staff of 76 telegraphists, and 24 signals clerks.
In addition there were four telephone operators and
three teleprinter operators. The teleprinter circuit
was linked between the Sig. office, the airstrip and the
Air Defence Headquarters (ADHQ). This sig. office
handled an average of three million groups per month
received, which of course does not include the mess-
ages sent out. All "out" messages were keyed by the
telegraphists at the Signals Office, where remote con-
trol facilities were provided for the transmitters lo-
cated In a central transmitting station some mile or The photograph above and those below show various equip-
so away. manta at the flAAF Telecom Unit transmitting station at
Madang. Above are three AT5 transmitters. made by AWA.
The keying lines between the sig. office and the with line relay& for each mounted on the floor beneath each
transmitter. Below, from left to right, are: 1, Two AT14S
transmitter were usually type D8 cable and required HF transmitter (made by AWA). At the left of the picture
fairly constant maintenance. In addition to the fact one of the station personnel is removing an STC transmit-
ting valve from its packing case. 2. The 50 line patch panel
that the cable had often to be tied around trees, the through which an lines feeding into the transmitters are
moisture and heat. ruined the insulation so that in wet controlled: and 3. An ATt7 VHF transmitter, made by
Thom & Small (lett) and on AT2O

rit Madang
weather dead shorts often occurred. The cable had a the area around them had to be frequently cleared—
maximum useable life, under these conditions, of it would take only six weeks for the undergrowth and
about eight months. Under more permanent condi- kunai to envelope the Thies at that height. In addition,
tions, it was possible to overcome most of these difficulty was experienced with the aerial arrays—they
troubles by the use of properly erected HDC lines and, were mainly Delta matched systems designed for use
in some cases, armoured underground cables. on one frequency. The difficulty arose due to the neces-
The transmitting station surrounded by its aerial sity for much frequency changing, on most occasions
arrays stood on its own in a clearing In the jungle without time to pull down and re-cut the aerials, with
about a half a mile off the road which lead from the the result that the aerials had to be juggled and used
air strip to the main R.A.AF. and Army camp areas. as best as possible—regarding 30 per cent. as maxi-
It was a building of some 30 feet by 70 feet made of mum tolerance.
bush timber with an iron roof and with Slsalkraft The fact that most of the transmitting station per-
waterproof paper for walls, but it contained almost sonnel had never seen a radio transmitter before en-
40 modern radio transmitters including 20 AT20's listing and had been sent straight from Air Force
(STC and Eclipse . three AT14's, one AT14A (Tasma . training schools to Madang, yet were able to keep the
eight AT5's ( AWA two AT17's one AT15 (Tasina , station on the air and functioning efficiently under
and three AT21's IAWA . These transmitters pro- those conditions. speaks well for the thoroughness of
vided a total frequency coverage over the ranges the R.A.A.F. system of training.
150-500 kC N., 2-20 Mc s. and 100-150 Mc s. The power supply for the transmitting station, sig-
Keying lines came in to these transmitters from nals office and the Norcom HQ camp was provided by
the sig. office carrying all general signals for as far four Ford VS-driven 25 kVA generators supplying a
north as Morotai and direct to Melbourne; from standard three phase 415 volt supply. The power plant
ADHO carrying traffic for operational sorties and com- equipment with the exception of Ford motors was made
munications to all radar stations; from 42 OBU (the by Hodson & Gault of Melbourne and by Westinghouse.
local Operational Base Unit for Aeradlo. a term The average drain was 15 kVA day-time and 65-70
which is applied to the system for ground-to-air and kVA at night.
air-to-ground communications operating on either CW
or voice.
Madong ADHQ
One of the most interesting RAAF units at Madang,
For the Aeradlo circuit either an AT14 or AT14A
from a general point of view, was the Air Defence
was used; AT20's were used for the direct Melbourne
Headquarters. The ADHQ was linked with all radar
circuit; AT21's or AT5's were used to radar stations.
stations and Fighter Director Posts IFDP1 in its area
while for an air-sea rescue watch operating from the
and with other ADHQ's. It was the point of identifi-
sig. office to water craft and Catalina flying boats an
cation of all aircraft in the air, and was kept advised
AT20 was also used. The system of Aeradlo communi-
of all aircraft movements and provided a cross check
cations conformed with civil practice although all sta-
on friendly aircraft if their IFF was not operating.
tions in New Guinea were operated by the RAAF. The
Aeradlo stations were divided into Iwo nets: 1. Mor- IFF is an abbreviation for Identification Friend or
esby, Milne Bay. Dobadura, Torokina, Jaquinot Bay Foe. All Allied aircraft were fitted with IFF equip-
and Lae; 2. Lae i as connecting station' , Madang, ment—a small continuously-operated transmitter
Momote. Tadji, Hollandia. Mak, Middleburg, Morotai, which sent out a coded signal when "triggered" by
Labuan. Tarakan and Balikpapan. a search pulse from the corresponding ground equip-
ment. By this means, all aircraft with this equipment
Fl.. Sgt. Jim Crowe, who in pre-war days was engaged could be readily identified when they came within
in free-lance radio and electrical work and associated the field of radar search. By changing the code and
with an amateur station at Gladstone, Queensland. frequency of the IFF transmitters It was possible
was in charge of the transmitting station staff of 12 throughout the war to avoid confusion in the iden-
wireless mechanics and three electrical mechanics tification of friendly or enemy aircraft.
This staff, in addition to standing watch in the trans- The nerve centre of an ADHQ set-up was the plotting
mitting station carried out the task of maintaining room. Usually a large room containing a table in the
the transmiters. all of which were pulled down and centre and on which was a large scale map of the
completely overhauled at least once a month when area marked off in sections. All radar stations in the
all components, valves, wiring, etc., were checked and area were in direct radio communication with ADHQ
tested. for advising aircraft plots, and all aircraft operating
In order to keep the equipments as dry as possible in the area reported their movements to ADHQ and
and inhibit fungus growth the valve filaments of the as this information was received a team of "plotters,"
transmitters were kept heated at all times. If a trans- always in attendance at the plotting table, placed
mitter was left idle for more than a few days moisture markers representing the aircraft, in position on the
absorption would provide an excellent breeding ground map. The markers were indexed to show the number,
for fungus. resulting In serious deterioration—the size, direction, speed and identity of all individual
safety margin for an idle equipment being under a or groups of aircraft in the air.
week. This was by no means the only effect of local The markers were continuously moved over the map,
tropical conditions. The transmitters had to be cleaned tracing the movements of the aircraft, so that at all
of spider webs anything up to ten times a day and par- times the "controller" (the officer in chargei who was
ticularly during the rainy season, myriad insects in- usually seated at a desk elevated above the level of
vaded every possible corner of the transmitters, made the plotting table could see a complete and accurate
contact across terminals and caused arching. The picture of the position. etc., of all aircraft la his area.
aqrial feeder lines from the transmitting but to tile * The-"controller" was also in direst,,Lelephone com-
aerials were strung about six feet from the ground but munication with the Fighter Squadron based on the

The receiving instal-

tation comprising 16
AR7 Kingsley re-
ceivers at the APHQ,
Madang, Signals from
the receivers are fed
through the reek in
the centre, to the
headphone positions..

The but at r,oht was

used by the RIMU for
• re•equipping of Radar
t stations.

) • .I
.• • o. t• •
■ tp .•

▪ • .e . •
used for contact with crash boats, Sunderlands, Cata-
lines and Mariners and a U.S. made VHF transmitter
type SCR522 TR5043.
6 flp 11 I
An MF homing beacon utilising an AT15A (Tasma•
▪ • • • d I • die
• transmitter operating on 525 kc s. was also located
at the strip. The function of a "homer" is to send out
continuous signals which, when received by aircraft
an the air, can be used to indicate whether the aircraft
is headed on course to the aerodrome. The transmit-
ter was controlled from the strip operations room and
half-hourly weather reports were also transmitted on
the homing beacon.

local airstrip and In radio contact with other Fightei

Director Posts within his area of defence tin the case Located on a small island in Madang Harbour was
of Madang there were three', and aircraft also with RAAF No. 3 Radio Installation and Maintenance Unit.
ADHqs In adjoining areas- generally referred to as 3 RIMU. As its name implies,
From his desk the "controller" could direct move- this unit was responsible for the installation and re-
ments of all aircraft in his area, set courses for fighter pair of all signals and radar equipment in the Norcom
aircraft to intercept enemy planes that had been lo- area. In addition to a machine shop and separate
cated, and divert bombers from danger areas. workshops for radar and signals equipment the Unit
The radio receiving zoom at Madang ADHQ. used carried a large stock of parts and complete equipments
up to 16 Kingsley AR7 receivers, receiving information and, in fact, was equipped to carry out all types of
from radar stations, F'Dres Fighter Director Postai repairs to any signals or radar gear.
and ADHQ's. In addition. BC624A VHF receivers were In addition to the workshop the radar section util-
located in the plotting room receiving R T communi- ised a palm-roofed "boong" +native' but as a separate
cations from aircraft. unit for refitting complete radar stations. Such re-
The transmitters were all located in the Telecom fitting included not only the radar gear, but tents,
transmitting station and the keying lines all fed to transport, etc., so that it could be delivered and in-
there from ADHQ. For contact with radar stations stalled as a complete station ready for operation with
AWA AT5 transmitters were used while 500-watt accommodation and facilities for the radar station
transmitters (either AT20's or AT136' were utilised. crew. This was a very necessary factor, as radar sta-
for contact with F'DP's and ADHQ's. tions were mostly located miles—or even hundreds of
Within the Norcom area there were 17 radar sta- miles—away from other units and perforce had to be
tions, eight of which reported into ADHQ Madang. self-contained in every respect.
five to another ADHQ establishment at Moresby and
The technical personnel required to handle the work
four to the 112 MFCU at Torikina—a Mobile Fighter
at the RIMU totalled, in addition to officers, 24 me-
Control Unit which is virtually a small edition of an
chanics in the radar section and 40 mechanics in the
ADHQ with a mobile, rather than a permanent struc-
ture. signals section. There were also three complete in-
stallation parties working in the field.
A Typical Setup The functions and equipment, etc., of an RIMU will
The set-up and the equipments used by the ADHQ be treated more fully in a later section of this article
at Madang can, In general terms be taken as typical but before leaving the Madang RIMU it is interesting
of all RAAF ADHQ's in the Pacific—some were larger, to note, as an example of the resourcefulness and en-
some smaller—and in a number of cases the trans- terprise apparent throughout the Services, that in
mitters occupied a separate ADHQ transmitting sta- the machine shop, a Japanese lathe which had been
tion, but their functions were the same. found and repaired was working alongside an Aus-
tralian made "Mars" Junior, and the rest of the
Aerodrome Control machine shop equipment.
The control tower on the Madang airstrip housed
MF. HF, VHF equipment for aerodrome control. This Navy at Madang
equipment comprised an AT5 'AR8 AWA transmitter- At Madang was also located the headquarters of
receiver, a Radio Corp. ATR2B transmitter-receiver the Nava! Officer in Charge of the area. The signals
section of the NOIC establishment handled all signals
Navy Signals traffic from the area to Canberra and to NOW Moluc-
cas at Morotai. It also acted as an alternative route
M'adang for traffic from Morotai to Canberra which normally
went via Darwin, and in addition operated the "New
Guinea Intercept" which was the term applied to the
method of communicating with ships at sea.
Messages for ships broadcast from Madang were
picked up and re-broadcast by the NOIC Station at
Morotal. This re-broadcasting was additional to the
normal Naval service from the high-power Navy sta-
tion at Belconnen, near Canberra, and was done to en-
sure that all ships had every opportunity of receiving
the messages sent, because during the greater part of
the time that ships were at sea it was necessary for
them to maintain radio silence and therefore were not
able to acknowledge messages.
Communications were also maintained with all Port
Directorates (PD's1 in the NOIC Madang area. These
PD's were located at Wewak, Hollandia, Biak, Fin-
schafen, Lae, Oro Bay, Milne Bay, Jacquinot Bay, and
Torokina. The functions of the PD's which operated
as staging points for shipping were based mainly on
communications. They gave instructions to all ships
regarding routes to be followed, minefields to be
avoided, etc., and advised arrival and departure times
to NOIC.
The NOIC headquarters occupied the pre-war
Madang hospital on Bode point. The building had
been fairly extensively holed by strafling and was pre-
sumed to have previously been used as headquarters
by the Japanese. The transmitting and receiving
stations, however, were set up on Beliau Island in
Madang harbour.
The NOIC WIT station had been originally estab-
lished at Milne Bay but was transferred to Madang in
July, 1944. Beliau Island at that time was covered
with seven feet kunai and Uttered with coconut fronds
that had been felled by gunfire. Out of this, clearings
were hewn for the transmitting station, and about c
quarter of a mile away for the 20' x 60' receiving hut.
The island, too, had to be cleared of foxholes, Jap
bodies, and unexploded 12-pounder and mortar shells
before it became properly habitable.
Lieut. John Tucker was the Navy Staff Officer Com-
munications and his Assistant SOC, Lieut. Jack Dunn,
was in charge of codes and cyphers with a staff of
about 65 coders and signalmen.
The receiving station staff under Warrant Tele-
graphist "Duff" Herman totalled about 60 and handled
an average of about 18 thousand messages per month,
each message averaging about 50 groups. This traffic
reached a peak of 43 thousand groups per day. The
receiving equipment comprised ten A679H iSTc) re-
ceivers which terminated two circuits from Belconnen
I Canberra) ; two from all PD's, which were divided in-
to two nets; one from NOIC Moluccas; one for Port
Wave I Harbour communications, ; one for the Ad-
miralty Ship to Shore channel; one for Hollandia; one

Raiding from top to oottom the pictures on this page

The remote control equipment on the bridge of the HM AS
Diamantina controlling an RC8 transmitter-receiver, made by
Radio Corporation, which was located in the ship's wireless room.
This RC8 can be seen in the next picture alongside an AWA-made
type R7647 wavemeter. The third picture shows the line of
receivers on the "Diamantina." They are, from left to right.
the 106940, 206940, C6940 and 2C6940 receivers made by AWA.
The next picture shows one of a bank of STC type A67gJ receivers
at the N.O.I.C. Madang receiving station, whilst the last photo.
graph gives a general view of the Navy transmitting station
at Madang.
for New Guinea Intercept which also covered Morotai receiver and the AWJ23B transmitter with modulator
to Darwin traffic, and one on Bells Fox, the Navy together with a US made BL4 interrogator for identi-
designation for Belconnon transmissions to all ships. fication of IF'F. This equipment gave an average
The transmitting station had a staff of four watch- range of 70 to 80 miles, depending of course, on the
keepers and live mechanics under the control of PO height of the aircraft.
Wireless Mechanic George Ryan and was equipped The station had a direct telephone line to the FDP
with five AT13, one AT13B. IAWA1. three AT20's • at Momote and maintained communication direct with
ISTC0, one SVC100 , 101 'Philips' and a Teieradio 3B ADHQ Madang with an AT5 AR8 r.AWAI. Two Airzone-
which was used for monitoring their own transmis- made homing beacons were also installed which operat-
sions. All transmitters were interchangeable on to ed alternate 24-hour shifts. Power was supplied by two
any circuit with the exception of the SVC100: 101 Ford 10 driven 5 kVA generators. OC of the station
which was always kept on the Port Wave and Ship was P 0 Bruce Burgess who had eight radar operators,
to Shore frequencies. A triangular aerial array on four telegraphists and two radar mechanics, together
50 ft. masts was used. The station had its own power with guards, driver, cook, medical orderly, etc. The
supply of three 13 kVA Diesel generators and two Ford- crew lived in a "boong" but and tent camp about 300
driven 5 kVA's and also its own workshop with five yards away from the station.
wireless mechanics under PO Ted Barnes. At 153 Radar, the mobile GCI station, F/0 Bill Well-
stead was in charge of his crew of about 30. The
HMAS Diarnontina station used British equipment (transmitter type
Whilst at Madang I was also able to spend a day T3079 and receiver type R3202/A) which was mounted
aboard the Australian frigate HMAS Diamantina. The on trucks—one for the transmitter. one for the re-
ship's signals personnel, under the Signals 1 and Navi- ceiver and one orderly room truck, whilst three trail-
gation Officer, Lieut. Bill Reid and PO Crawford ers carried the aerial array and two diesel-driven
Young, totalled four telegraphists and two coders. 25 kVA generators.
Crawford Young, an electrician by trade, operated After returning to Madang the next stopping place
amateur station VK6CY before the war. was Biak in Dutch New Guinea. The route from
The main bank of receivers in the radio room were Madang to Biak took me over Wewak and Aitape to
made by AWA and comprised two 2C6940's for HF re- Hollandia, where a stop was made before proceeding
to Biak.
ception. one 106940 for the MF Port Wave and the in-
ternational distress wave and one C6940 for LF re- Navy Port Directorate—Biak
ception. The principal functions of a Navy Port Directorate
The ship's main transmitter was an AWA 21. 22J are to give instructions to all shipping, including Mer-
5385 and there was also an RC8 i Astor; transmitter- chant Marine, as to their routes, advise departure and
receiver which was used for Port Wave and also for arrival times to the NOIC I in this case to Madang1
working with aircraft spotters and Army observation and act as a staging point for shipping.
posts. The RC8 transmitter-receiver could be operated The signals officer at Biak PD. S/Lieut. Keith Mc-
by remote control from the Bridge. An AT5 AR8 Gowan, had a staff of six telegraphists and three cod-
IAWA1 was kept as an emergency outfit, completely ers who, with their equipment of two DRIOI's (Philips',
self-contained with its own battery power supply, and one A679H and one AT20 0STC , handled an average
was installed aft away from the wireless room. A traffic of 4,000 groups per day. The two DR101 trans-
Philips' PA equipment was also installed to provide mitter-receivers were used for a point-tc-point circuit
sound reproduction to all parts of the ship. with Mios Wondi and for Port Wave, whilst the AT20

RAAF Radar-Momote
A general view of Radar
From Madang a visit was paid to Momote in the station 337 at Momote,
Admiralty Islands. There the RAAF had an FDP 1114 Admiralty Is. This station
Fighter Control Unit 1 , two AW lair warning' radar used HMV made AW
equipment and had a
stations, one GCI i Ground Control Intercept; radar range of between 70.30
miles depending on height
station and a J28 (CM/ ionospheric recording sta- of aircraft being platted.
tion. The purpose of the ionospheric recording sta-
tion was to measure fluctuations and conditions of
the ionospheric layer so that this information together
with that supplied from other recording stations could
be used by the RAAF in predicting ionospheric activity
enabling a proper choice of frequencies for various
times, to be made.
The two AW Radar stations 1337 and 3471 arrived
at Momote on March 9, 1944 with the first convoy of
US Forces and landed in Seeadler Harbour. Both were
fully operational within a week of landing. Fl./Lieut.
Jim }fatty, who landed with the stations, was still in
charge of 347 but was expecting to be relieved when
I met him.
Radar 337 was first installed on top of a Jap fox-
hole but after a time the foxhole collapsed and the
station was reinstalled alongside. It was about 14
feet above sea level and close to the shore. The radar
equipment of this station was the HMV made AWJ23A
Navy equipment at the Port b ■ rectaratc station
at Biak is shown at right. The telegraphast
is working with an STC A679J receiver (left)
and the receiver of the Philips DR1O1 trans-
mitter•reeetver. The Df9101 transmitter can
be seen alongside an STC AT2D in the station's
transmitting room.

and A137811 operated the Madang circuit.

A staff of 11 signalmen also manned a
visual signals tower controlling all V/S for ships in
in the harbor and challenging all craft on their

At the time of my visit to Biak, the signals section
of the RAAF Operational Base Unit 189 OBU) was in
the process of being changed into new and larger
transmitting and receiving stations.
The original radio facilities were operating, provid-
ing one circuit to Madang (Biak was in the Norcom
area r, one to Middleburg and two for aeradlo. The
equipment used was five Kingsley AR? receivers, an
AT13B and an ATI3 (both AWA transmitters' and
one AT5; AR8 (AWA) and was operated by a staff
of 14.
The new station under construction was intended
to carry all RAF as well as RAAF traffic. It was being NOIC MOluCCOS
erected by an installation party from 3 R1MU Madang,
under F/0 Dick Miatt. The equipment planned for The next stopping place was Morotai where the
the new transmitting station included two AWA NOIC Moluccas was located. Unlike NOIC Madang.
AT13C's lone to be used as a homer' , two AT13's the Navy headquarters at Morotai were not based on
AWAr, two AT14's. two AT17's (Tasmad , and two snore, but was aboard HMAS Platypus. anchored In the
AT20's (SW' with the addition of aerodrome control harbour.
equipment. The Navy signals job at Morotai was not as large
A new power plant had been installed at one end of as that required at Madang. There were no PD's in
the new transmitting station building housing two the area, and signal traffic to Borneo was carried
Ford V8 driven 25 kVA generators. by Army and US signals, although when guardships
were present at Balikpapan, Tarakan and Labuan they
Equipment in the receivlou room of the HMAS "Platypus" it
shown below. Al left is an ATS'AR8. beside which is an Army tuned in on the New Guinea Intercept circuit. The
No. 22 let. Memhted above the 22 i• a 3BZ (Teeradiol. The signals personnel aboard Platypus, in addition to the
inset shows a C143A F
equipment made by AWA. SOC Lieut. Jim Kershaw and Warrant Telegraphist
Alex Brydie. totalled two PO's. six telegraphists, two
mechanics and five coders.
Equipment aboard Platypus was a 21 . 22J 5385
(AWA I transmitter, two AT5 AR8's rAWA transmit-
ter-receivers, one of which was kept as emergency
equipment'. and RCS 1Astor' transmitter-receiver
and a 3BZ (AWA) teleradio which was used for air
raid warnings. An Army 22 set (Astor' was also in-
stalled in the radio room with an Army operator and
was used for direct communication with Army Adv.
LH@ which was based on Morotai
HMAS Whang Pu, which was also anchored in the
harbour, was used as the control ship for the harbour
control circuit using a 106940 and an AT5 ARI! I AWA
Plans were being made at that time for the NOIC
Moluccas to take over the US Navy operated station
Radio Morotai. transferring their signals set-up to
the existing shore-based installation and opening up
their own direct circuits to Labuan, Balikpapan, Tara-
kan and Biak so taking over the complete job of har-
bour control. From the shore-based station they
would also have direct telephone and teleprinter com-
munications with all Army and RAAF' Units on
The corvette HMAS Bowen was also in Morotai Har- A few weeks later a section of 3 Coy. LHQ Heavy
bour. It carried radio equipment typical of that class Wireless Group arrived and were attached temporarily
of ship comprising an 1815385 i AWA transmitter, ; a to Adv. LHQ Sigs. 3 Coy. operated two high- speed
106940 and a 2C6940 (AWA receiversi, an li.C8 trans- channels direct to Melbourne and one monitoring
mitter-receiver tAstor ■ , an SCR522 TR5043 I U81 and transmitters and type C95028 and C95031 receivers
a C143A AWA MT' D F. AWA1
Later a third channel to Manila was opened with
Army at Morotai another 133 transmitter. Copper airlines for telephone
communications were installed as far as the 7th Div.
Attached to the Army General Staff at Morotai as
and 9th Div. concentration areas where they were
technical advisers on all signals matters and In tech- camped at Morotai prior to their invasion of Borneo
nical control of units within the area was Col. Jim
These lines were considered to be an improvement
McKinlay, of West Australia, Assistant Signals Officer
on the existing US circuits.
In Chief and his staff of six officers.
The Advanced Land Headquarters Signals Unit The pictures below shove Army transmitter installations as
which supplied the bulk of the Army signals facilities Morotai. At top PS a line of 133's at Adv. LHQ station and below
are three 1058 tranarn■ tteeS used by No. 3 Coy. Wireless for
on the island of Morotai was under the command of high speed work. Both types of transmitters were made by AWA.
Lt.-Col. "Sam" Hall who had taken over from the pre-
vious CO, Lt.-Col. Bill Galley. The Unit had been
formed as 23 L of C 'Lines of Communicationi Signals
in Victoria in June, 1944 and moved to Hollandia in
November of that year, where they operated until a
detachment was sent to Morotai on February 3, 1945
By June, the complete unit was on Morotai and be-
came Adv. LHQ Sigs.
The first detachment to arrive at Morotai under
Capt. Joe Wells was equipped with Fullerphones, "L"
telephones, and ten-line magneto switch boards, and
provided telephone circuits for intra-island facilities.
They also opened radio links with Hollandia and Man-
ila using 133's tAWA1.
The second detachment, which was part of a line
section, arrived a week later and laid their own lines
as far as Sabatal, which was slightly beyond the peri-
meter. On this Job the men, most of whom had been
an the Kokoda Trail. worked 16 hours a day for the
first three weeks in getting the lines through.
The main body of the Unit reached Morotat in
March, leaving only a small rear detachment at Hal-
landia for communications with Melbourne, Lae, Man-
ila (Philippinesi and Morotai. The main signals
office was established and a second link with Manila
and circuits to Darwin, Atherton Tablelands, Lae and
two to Melbourne were established using 133 ilLWAi
transmitters and No. 4 Philips
t receivers. Telephone
facilities were consolidated and extended, using mainly
type "L" telephone sets iSTC).

The photograph below shows a British-made Creed

Nigh Speed recorder in use xt Adv. LHQ sig. office,
Morota'. At r ?ht is view of two of the 90 ft. masts
which support a Rhombic aerial at the SW tip
of Morotai Island. These
masts are set in coral in 2
to 4 ft. of water. At extreme
right is an AT13C AWA-made
transmitter in the Adv. LHQ
trAnsm fitter hut.

• PI opt r lord .R pre,, ') I can iii

Signals were faced at that time with an ever in-
creasing demand for telephone facilities to service
Corps troops and Base troops on their arrival and
all line signals on the island were pooled to cope with
the Job. Expansion of line facilities was made con-
tinuously, taking over US lines as the Americans
moved out and providing communications for remain-
ing US units. Teleprinter circuits were established to
Naval Command US Navy Base, 13th US Air Force
Bomber Command, RAAF Headquarters and to Corps.
During 7th and 9th Divisions* operations on Borneo,
Adv. LHQ Sigs. at Morotal provided their rear com-
munications, working to the invasion forces' command
"Golden Arrow"
The remainder of 3 Coy. Heavy Wireless arrived
during July 1945 with a further two sets of 105 and
C95028 high-speed transmitters and receivers. They
also brought a 5kW (S.WB8E) Marconi transmitter for
use on high-speed transmission.. This transmitter was
mounted on a complete English truck assembly known
as the "Golden Arrow." It was these "Golden Arrow"
assemblies which were used by British invasion forces
in Normandy. 3 Coy. took over command of its own
troops and established a separate camp about a half
mile away and was in the process of establishing its
own transmitting station and withdrawing the equip-
ment of its advanced section from the Adv. LHQ The tent mounted on 44.gallon drums served as a transmitting
station for the Advanced HQ RAAF Command at Morotai.
station. The lower photograph taken inside the tent shows two AT13B
Adv. LHQ Sigs. handled an average of between transmitters on mobile mountings. The transmitters were
produced by AWA. A Bend's wavemeter can be seen on the
80.000 to 100,000 groups per day. After the cessation of table in the left foreground.
hostilities they established communication with Japa-
nese forces in the Celebes, Halmaheras and at Ambon . ever, got on the Job, mainly in their off-duty hours,
133's were used for this and also for maintaining con- and built a tin-roofed but over the tents which were
tact with Australian forces relieving POW's in those subsequently taken down. This changeover from tents
areas and in Timor and Macassar. to the but was accomplished with only a half-hour
break in signals traffic.
Advanced HQ RAAF Command Although the Adv. RAAF Command set-up was
purely one for planning and direction of the Borneo
An advanced headquarters of RAAF Command was operations, its signal traffic reached a total of 55,000
located at Morotal and had been established there in groups per day. Even with this volume of traffic, speed
March 1945 to handle RAAF planning and execution in handling messages was maintained — the average
for the Borneo operations. RAAF Command located time from originator to addressee being about 70 mi-
at Brisbane was the organisation responsible for direct- nutes per 100 groups. During the time of my visit to
ing all operational activities of the RAAF. Morotal the Adv. HQ of RAAF Command commenced
When an advanced HQ was sent to Morotal to plan its withdrawal from that area, returning to RAAF
the Borneo invasion their signals staff was the first Command Brisbane.
to arrive, so that their own communications channels
could be established. The Chief Signals Officer of RAAF 11 Group Morotai
Command who was in Morotai to handle the RAAF The RAAF 11 Group Headquarters was formed at
signals planning for the Tarakan invasion was Group Morotai to take over control of the area when the 1st
Capt. J. Thompson (RAF). He returned to the RAF Tactical Air Force, which had been based there, moved
after the Tarakan show, and W/C Alex Slight took forward with the Borneo invasion forces.
over with W/C Stan Rose as his deputy CSO. The 11 Group Telecommunications Unit and
The Adv. RAAF Command WIT station was equipped 6RIMU were also formed but the ADHQ tpreviously 110
with eight AR7's (Kingsley) receivers and seven AT13B MFCUI and the 60 Operational Base Unit already
(AWA) transmitters, plus an AT5/AR8 IAWAI trans- existed although they came under the control of 11
mitter-receiver and an ATR2B (Astor) transmitter- Group.
receiver which were kept as spares. Communications The CSO of 11 Group was W C Ron Austin OBE, who
were maintained with RAAF Command Brisbane, North with his assistant CSO, SiLdr. Dick Purdie and staff
Western Area, Norcom, Manilla and with Tarakan but of four headquarters' officers took over the task of
this latter circuit was changed to Labuan when the organising signals facilities with what equipment was
RAAF 1st Tactical Air Force HQ was established there available in units that had remained on Morotai,
Eight Ford 10 driven 5kvA generators supplied power pending the arrival of 11 Group equipment. Tempor-
for the transmitters and the signals office. ary point-to-point and ground-to-air communications
The signals office and equipment were originally were first established with equipment at the OBU com-
set up in tents where they operated through three prising five or six transmitters AT20's and AT14'sl
weeks of continual rain. The signals personnel, how- and seven AR7 receivers.
The 11 Group Telecommunications Unit was formed
under S/Ldr. Gavin Douglas, a prewar amateur
(VK3YK ► and occupied the site vacated by 1st TAF.
The Telecom sig. office was equipped with Kingsley
AR? receivers and operated three aeradlo circuits,
one air reconnaisance circuit, two to Melbourne, two
to Labuan and one to Balikpapan. Four teleprinter cir-
cuits were also established, one to Group HQ, and
RAAF Command, one to ADHQ and Pitoe airstrip.
one to 82 Wing and one to two U.S. units.
The transmitting station equipment comprised five
AT20's iSTC and Eclipse), three AT14A's. one AT14
(Tasma) and one AT13 (AWA). The AT20's were used
to Melbourne and Balikpapan and for the aeradic
circuit. The station was staffed by Sgt. Ken Dunlop
and three WMM's (wireless maintenance mechanics).
Further equipment for the Telecom Unit was begin-
ning to arrive whilst I was there and it was planned Above is a view of the plotting room
at the ADHQ at Morotai. In the fore•
for the unit to move into the site about to be vacated ground III the plotting table and at
by Adv. RAAF Command. rear two of the AR7 receivers. At
right is the 70f1. tower overlooking
the perimeter, which housed the
6R1MU ADHO. VHF 0/F equipment.
6R1MU was formed with W/C Alex McBride. MBE
as the CO under the 11 Group structure to replace
4 RIMU which moved with 1st TAF to Borneo, and
was to have consisted of detachments from 2. 3, 4, and
5 RIMU's. The transfer of persotmel and equipment
had not been completed and hence 6 RIMU was not ADHQ Morotai
functioning fully. The Air Defence Headquarters, previously 110 MFCU,
It had a complete line section. a mobile signals in- was renamed as an ADHQ when 11 Group was formed
stallation section and a radar servicing and calibra- and this alteration of title indicated a change from
tion section, and had completed the tasks of Install- mobile to static operation. The ADHQ set-up was
ing telephone and power facilities in the 11 Group located on the perimeter about four or five miles from
camp, in addition to the screening and noise elimina- the sea and alongside a 70 feet tower, from the top
tion on the RAAF crash boat and air-sea rescue craft of which the perimeter was visible. A fabricated but
and the rebuilding of a batch of unserviceable AT5' on the top of the tower housed the VHF D'F equip-
AR8's. ment.
The photograph at foot of nape Clow. the interior of the The operation of this ADHQ was the same as that
RAAF Telecom receiving station at Morotai. with operators
working with a bank of AR7 receivers. At the right of the
of ADHQ Madang, described earlier, but was on a
photo immediately below is one of the standard 48 ft. masts slightly larger scale. The signals officer was F 0 Run
at the Telecom transmitting station. In the background is a
USAAF Douglas plane which crashed shortly after taking off
Pilgrim who was in the process of handing over to
from Wama strip. about 5 miles away. It passed between the F Lt. Basil Dale (an Associate Member of the IRE)
transmitting station masts beneath the aerial without causing
any damage, but believe it or not the wingspan of the aircraft
who had operated VK2XX and VK9XX before the war
is greater than the distance between the moots! The sig. office personnel totalled 46 telegraphists, 11
wireless maintenance mechanics, one wireless operat-
or mechanic, three cypher assistants, three clerks
five telephone operators, 30 R 'T operators and one
teleprinter operator.
AR7 (Kingsley) receivers were used for all HF
channels—two to US fighter control centres in the
Philippines, one to North Western Area and Norcom
ADHQ's, two to MFCU's in Borneo and Biak, three to
radar stations, one for air-sea emergency watch, one
for general air warning channel (R/T to all units and
ships), one controller liaison channel for direct com-
munications with neighbouring MFCU's, one to PT
boats and base for co-ordinating air cover on strikes
and one as backing for the teletype circuit to the 11
Telecom Unit.
In addition, four VHF channels were kept tor
fighter aircraft control using R51119's—a US and
Canadian aircraft equipment adapted for use from the
SCR522 TR5043 using AR7 power supply units. Othei
equipment held included ten ATR2B's I Astor) for the
use of Wireless Observer Posts, which are ground
spotters consisting of a party of three R T operators
with a self-contained camp, while four AT5/AR8's
IAWAi were also kept as emergency equipment units
Three radar stations operated direct with ADHQ
Morotai-310 and 161 on Morotai and 352 on Kokoja
a small adjoining Island. In addition, there were four
stations in the Balikpapan area but these supplied
their plots in the first instance to the FDP 'Fighter
Director Post I at Balikpapan.
The ADHQ Morotai transmitting station was located
several hundred yards from the signals office and
housed live AT20's (STC and Eclipse). four AT14A's
five ATI7's 1Tasma I and three AT5's 1AWA). The
AT20's were used on the two US nets and three RAAF
nets; the AT14's on the air-sea rescue, air warning
and controller liaison channels: the AT17's on chan-
nels for aircraft working, and the AT5's operated to
radar stations. The power supply for the transmitting
station was supplied by two 25 kVA generators whilst
two 5 kVA generators fed the signals office and opera-
tions room.
1 61 Radar
161 Radar station, which was located about eight
miles from ADHQ on Morotai Island, used LW 'Gel
Mark II equipment comprising an SCR602A radar
transmitter and receiver made by Research Labora-
tories, Canada, and modified by the RAAF to Austra-
lian Radiophysics Lab's specifications, while the aerial
array, masts and rotating but were made by the
N.S.W. Government Railways Workshops, which had
established a special Radar fabrication section under The picture at top of page shows a general view of the
the guidance of Mr. Woldridge. control and orderly room at RAAF Radar station 161 at
Morotai. From left to right is. plotting board with a 10
F Lt. John Sands was in charge of the station and ne switch above and an AT5 AR& The lower picture also
his crew comprised six radar operators, four radar shows a "58" as mounted for airborne use in a BeaufIghter.
The outline of 013 observer's Seat can be seen at bottom
mechanics and four telegraphists plus guards, cook. and left of p cture.
medical orderly, etc. One of the mechanics, Sgt. Rolle
Thomas, had previously conducted his own radio 60 OBU was linked by teleprinters to 11 Group Tele-
business at Hawthorn. Brisbane, where he concen- com. to ADHQ and to AACS ;American Army Com-
trated on service work. He also operated amateur munication System I The control tower on Pitoe strip
station VK4LR. Although 161 Radar station had handled traffic on Wama as well. The two control
direct telephone communication with ADHQ, two AT5.! towers were connected by telephone and Wama re-
AR8's were kept as backing for the telephone in case layed a running commentary to Pitoe. The signals
of line failure. equipment In Pitoe tower comprised a SCR522,/TR5043
60 OBU —US made aircraft type transmitter-receiver, two
AR7's and an AR8 as HF receivers. An American
Morotal, because of its position and aerodrome
facilities was a staging point for aircraft from all
points north and from Borneo. As an Operational
Base Unit, the function of 60 OBU at Morotai was to At right is equip-
ment on RAAF
provide all flying control facilities, refuelling, servic- crash launch 022.
ing, weather, etc., and control for base operations. From bottom to top
is an AT5 AR8, a
There were two airstrips on Morotai. 60 OBU took Bendix transceiver,
over the control of Wama strip from the Americans tha aerial unit.
and at left above
in April, 1945, and in the first month handled 13,000 operator's head a
aircraft movements on and off the strip. Shortly US-made 5043. Be-
low is a waters ne
after. OBU also took over control of Pitoe strip. view of the air 122
rescue craft 920.
transmitter had been used as a homing beacon but
was being replaced by an AT 13C I AWA).
Aircraft based at Morotai included Spitfires, Liber-
ators, Lightnings. Mitchells, three squadrons of Beau-
fighters, one squadron of Douglas transports and part
of the US 13th Air Force, and to give some impression
of the size of the Morotai airfield, it may be stated
that there were over 700 aircraft on the ground at
Moe strip alone, and every five days there was an
average of 1,000 aircraft taking off and 1,000 landing
on the strip. Pitoe had a runway of 8.000 feet with a
500 feet overlap at each end.

RAAF Marine Section

The RAAF also had a Marine Section at MOrOtal
which operated under 60 OBU for administration and
maintenance and under ADHQ for operational con-
trol. The marine section functioned with a 48 ft. crash
launch and a "900" class 63-ft. air-sea rescue craft.
Normally there are two "900" class air-sea rescue craft
at, each base. The second for Morotai was on its way
The crash launch, designated 022, was powered by
three 8-cylinder Chrysler marine engines. It was
commissioned in Sydney about the middle of 1942
and had been at Milne Bay, Goodenough, Kiriwina,
Biak, Noemfor and the Admiralty's prior to its arrival
at Morotal. All travelling had been done under its
own power. The launch carried a RAAF crew of four.
made up of a coxswain, a radio operator, an engineer
and one crew member, and was used to guard take-
offs and landings of all water-based aircraft and was
equipped with an AT5 /AR8 ‘AWA. transmitter-re-
ceiver for communication with ADHQ, the airstrip,
with Cataiinas and for aeradio. It was also fitted
with IFF and carried a US made SCR522lTR5043
transmitter-receiver for contact with Mariner air-
craft and ships.
AU the "900" class air-sea rescue craft had been
These photographs of 9 Div. Sigs, attivities at Labuan show,
built in America at a cost of £30,000 each. They from top to bottom: Operators of 13 Heavy Wireless Section
weighed 32 tons, were driven by two V12, 650 h.p. en- working with a line of No. 4 reception sets; a 0 Div. Sigs.
operator with a 22 set, and at bottom. a 112 set (Army
gines and with a range of 500 miles, had a top speed version of the ATS ARS) at one of the Light Wireless Sec-
of 334 knots and a cruising speed of 25 knots. These tions. The 112 s made by AWA, the 22 by Radio Corpor-
ation and the No. 4 by Philips.
boats were owned and largely manned by RAN and
were attached to RAAF for rescue work, picking up
crews of aircraft forced into the sea. The crew of
eight under a Navy lieutenant usually included two 9th Division Signals
RAAF personnel (WAG's) as radio operators. From Morotai my next course headed west to Bor-
The craft based at Morotai was "920" and like the neo. I landed at Labuan where the Aust. Army 9th
crash launch, had been brought from Sydney under its Div. HQ. and the 1st Tactical Air Force HQ were lo-
own power. It was commanded by Lieut. Alex McLean cated.
and carried three radio operators. one Navy telegra- The H.Q. 0th Div. Signals was at Labuan. under Lt.-
phist "Hub" Davis (who also acted as cook' and two Col. "Ted" Lambert of South Australia. The Divisional
RAAF Sgt. WAG's, Des Fennell and Bill McDonald. Signals consisted of the Unit HQ. with the CO [Lt.-
The radio equipment comprised a US made TCS5 HF Col Lambert), his adjutant and a staff of five; the
transmitter-receiver, a US made aircraft type SCR522/ HQ Coy., No. I Coy., and No. 2 Coy.
TR5043 transmitter-receiver providing VHF channels The HQ Coy. consisted of an administrative section
to aircraft, a radio compass and IFF. Normally, how- and a technical maintenance section. The adminis-
ever. the HF equipment used by this class of vessel was tration section was staffed by three officers and 31
an AWA made AT5'AR8.
other ranks, and the maintenance M) section by one
This detail of the RAAF marine section completes officer and 25 other ranks. The equipment of the M
a review of the major signals activities of the Navy, section included large battery charging outfits, Super-
Army and Air Forces at Morotai. Although my visit testers (Radio Equipment); Crystal Calibrator, and
to Army Signals at Morotal was not made until dur- Wavemeters (AWA); AC iDe/Bty. Signal Generator
ing the return trip from Borneo it has been dealt with and an AC Signal Generator TA101B (Philips); US
above for the sake of convenient grouping. made SCR211E frequency meter and 1E17 handle-
42 parr of 03 twisted cable running to
talkie Lest equipment; a British made Bridge Megger 9 Div. MO at Labuan r ■ shown at
and a captured Japanese cathode-ray oscillograph. right on sectionel steel pole ■ ■rotted
in paddy held,.
The No. 1 Coy. was divided into three sections; "A'' Magneto switchboard
(wireless) section, "B" (cable) section and "13" toper- converted from U-C 10.
has ear use with Tele.
atingi section. 'A" section with two officers and 42 Sete "L" (STC) in use
at 9 Div. HO.
other ranks was responsible for the Divisional end of
the channels to Brigade HQ.. Field Regts. HQ., Cay.
Regts. HQ., and RAE HQ. In addition it was respon-
sible for providing both terminals of communication
with Divisional troops such as the Machine Gun Bat-
talion, Pioneer Bn. etc., and also for providing rear
links to Corps at Morotai. During the Borneo opera-
tions. however. the 13 Heavy Wireless Section was at-
tached for this latter purpose using four 112's IAWAI
while the 2 Light Wireless Section, also using four
112's, was attached to assist with intra-Divisional com-
munications. "B" section had the task of laying lines
around Div. HQ including elements of Division, whiLst
"D" section provided the operating personnel for
switchboards, line communications and the DR ser-
vice. Both "B" and "Ei" sections were also supple-
mented in Borneo by attached sections.
The equipment used by "A" section Included nine
22's (Radio Corp.), two 112's sAWA) and a ten-line
switchboard with "L" type telephones. "B" section
carried 150 miles of D3 cable, 25 miles of D3 twisted
cable, a No. 3 mechanical cable layer and two No. 4
cable layers. "D" section had two 20-line switch-
boards. 4 ten-line boards, ten miles of D3 cable, line
test sets. 15 Fullerphones with long-range units and
associated sig. office equipment.
The job of the No. 2 Coy. of 9 Div. Sigs. was to co-
ordinate the activities of detached sections of Div.
Signals personnel with brigades, regiments, etc.
The 9th Div. figs. Unit, however, did not cover all
signals personnel and equipment that functioned with
the 9th Aust. Division In Borneo, as in addition, there
were Brigade, Battalion and Regimental Signals sec-
tions, and numerous signals sections, either indepen-
dent units or detachments from L of C or A Corps
slgs., which had been attached to 9th Div at Labuan The two photo■ rmmedietely abot■ show 9 Div. personnel
and operated within the 9th Div. In Borneo. The per- with, top, a US-made 49.line switchboard, and the lower
picture two AWA-made 133 Seta each mounted on a Jeep
sonnel in these attached sections totalled close on and a jeep trailer.
1,000 men.
The various types of signal equipment used in the
The Division was re-equipped during 1944 after it
9th Div. Borneo operations were'-133's and 112's
lAWA); 22's and 22YB's (Astor); SCR536's WS made had returned to Australia, and after intensive train-
Handle-talkies I08 's and 208's 0Astor , : 11's and 19's ing was concentrated on Morotai during March and
IA WA : 109's ISTC1; No. 4's IPhilipsi ; 10-line mag- April. 1945, in preparation for the Borneo invasion.
neto switchboards; TC12 and TC4 central office switch- which commenced at the end of April.
beards (US madei; PBX switchboards (PMG i ; Cable The 9th Div's first Borneo operation was the inva-
Layers, both hand and mechanical of various types sion or Tarakan on May lst and was carried out by
iPMG and Kelly and Lewis/ ; "L" and "F" 'phones 28 Bde. Signals for the operation were provided by
ISTCi , and Fullerphones l Stromberg )
26 Bde. Sig. Section, 2.'7 Field Regt. Sias. Section and
In its original New Guinea campaign, 9 Div's signals detachments of eight other signals sections. 49
equipment comprised mainly 11's. 109's, AI'S "Ana's. Heavy Wireless Section provided communications
108 Mk. II's, SCR536's. a few British 22s', "D" and from Tarakan to Morotai using two 133's which were
'F' 'phones and Fullerphones. and it was during this mounted in jeeps and trailers. During the landing,
campaign that the Division first experienced the diffi- one of these sets fell into the water and was com-
culties of keeping equipment dry under humid tropical
pletely "drowned". The waterproofing of the equip-
conditions. Wherever possible, 240-volt globes were
hung in the larger items of equipment—otherwise it ment was successful but the PA. Unit and some valves
was a case of drying it in the sun. For smaller items had been damaged by the drop. Repairs were effected
such as telephones. telephone cords and plugs and and the equipment was on the air within three hours.
the chassis of the SCR536's, ovens, heated by prImus In the meantime, the other 133 had established com-
stoves or kerosene lamps, were built to dry out the munication with Morotai within 25 minutes of landing,
gear and retard deterioration and fungus growth. Signals commitments for the operation were all met
which provided communications for brigade during
landing, carrying Bde. traffic back to Div, HQ. on the
ship. As soon as Bde. HQ. was established on shore.
Bde. took over its own communication channels to
Div. and of course provided Its own communication
forward to Bns. Brigade Sigs. Section equipment
comprised five 22's, five 208's, 20 miles of cable, cable
layers No. 6 and 3. "L" 'phones, 10-line magneto
switchboards and Fullerphones.
The MBSO also served Div. HQ during landing oper-
ations, providing communications to Corps. Bdes..
Navy and RAAF until the Div. HQ. was established.
The first troops landed at Labuan at 0915 and by
1730 that day Div. HQ was ashore. The following day
a decision was made to establish permanent Div. HQ
on the site first occupied and consolidation of com-
munications commenced immediately.
Rapid advances were also made by 20 Bde. in land-
ings on Brunel and Muara Island and ABSS's were
quickly established in both instances. Because of the
speed of the advances, a heavy strain was placed on
signals, particularly at Brunei where it was necessary
for battalions to operate individually and seize key
points as quickly as possible. Supplies of cable, in-
chiding an extra quota of 40 miles, were mon exhaus-
Throughout the operations it was fotiad that the
radio communications had worked well, having been
quickly and efficiently established once parties landed
and called forward to their respective sites.

1st Tactical Air Force

The RAAF 1st Tactical Air Force had taken part
in a long list of operations prior to its participation
in the Borneo campaign. It had been originally
At to are 9 Div. Sips. personnel at Labuan with a 109 ■ et formed in November. 1943. as 10 Operational Group
(made by Radio Corporation). The lower picture taken in
the Maintenance Section workshop shows, a Weston output ii0 00) and saw action at. Cape Gloucester, Tadji,
meter, a Sipertester. a Philips wavemeter. a US Phiico Noenifoor and then went to Morotai in September.
frequency mater and .1 22 eel under repair.
1944. It was at Morotai in December. 1944 that the
unit was renamed 1st TAF.
and because of the hard work of signals personnel, all From Morotai, 1st TAF Command Posts were sent
facilities functioned smoothly and efficiently. with the Borneo invasion forces to Tarakan on April
The 9th Div's second Invasion of Borneo commenced 30. to Labuan on June 10 and to Balikpapan on July
on lune ICI, 1945, and was designed as an amphibious 1. During the early part of July the rear party from
assault on Brunei Bay area, to take Labuan Island, Morotai joined the Command Post at Labuan and es-
Muara Island, Brunei Peninsula. Brunei. Miri, Lutong tablished TAF HQ there.
and Berta, to permit of the establishment of an ad- W C Maurice Myers. who had been Chief Signals
vanced fleet base in Brunei Bay. Simultaneous as- Officer of 1st TAF ever since its initial formation as
saults were made by 20 Bde. on the Muara-Brunel 10 00, operated the amateur station VK2VN before
area and by 24 Hde. on Labuan Island. Rapid advan- the war and was on the RAAF Wireless Reserve since
ces were made once the landing operations commenced 1936. During the time of my visit to TAF he handed
at Labuan and lines had to be laid at top speed. Com- over to a new CSO, WC George Prosser who had been
munications for the first phase of the assault were in the RAAF since 1938 and served as Signals Officer
handled by the 24 Bde, Sigs. Section and a Beach Sigs. of No. 10 Squadron of Sunderlands in England.
Section. In addition to the CSO, the TAF HQ signals staff
The Beach Sigs. Section established two Advanced comprised the deputy CSO S 'Ldr. Roger Choate, the
Beach Signal Stations (ABSS's) each equipped with a Assistant CSO Radar F/Lt. Norm Campbell, five other
46 (British made walkie-taklesi, a 22 (Astor) and officers and three office personnel.
telephones. The functions of the ABSS's were to pro-
vide communication for the Assault Battalions to Bde. I st TAF Telecommunications Unit
HQ. aboard ship and forward to Assault Bn. HQ. The The 1st TAF Telecommunications Unit functioned
Regt. Sig. Platoon of each Bn. provided the com- under the control of its CO S Ldr, John Curtin with a
munications from Dn. HQ. forward to Companies. total strength of 14 officers and about 170 other per-
etc., using up to nine 108's and thirty SCR536's in ad- sonnel. In addition to the HQ set-up at Labuan, de-
dition to telephones. Lines were laid by a No. 6 pack tachments from the unit supplied communications for
layer using either D3 single cable or W130 assault wire. the RAAF at Tarakan, Singapore and Kuching.
One of the ABSS's was built up to a Main Bench The first party of Telecom personnel to land at
Signals Office NIBSO i with two 22's and four 46's Labuan set up an advanced signal station with one
AT14 4 Tasma three AT13 4 AWA I transmitters and were AW (air warning' stations and the remain'
four AR7 'Kingsley) receivers. Other personnel ar- three were OCT 'ground contact intercept' stations.
rived two days after the initial landing, and tempor- All the AW stations were equipped with HMV made
ary receiving station was set up in the old Eastern Ex- .123A Mark lA equipment and the GCI stations car-
tension Telegraph & Cables building, while the trans- ried American equipment which had been revised to
mitting station was installed in a house near the Australian Radiophysics Laboratories specifications.
swamp. One night when a Jap party had broken The personnel of an AW station generally comprised
through our lines, one of the transmitting station per- a FliLt. as CO, four mechanics, nine radar operators,
sonnel who was on duty was shot and later a bomb four telegraphists, two cooks, a medical orderly, a
was found under one of the beds in the sleeping quar- driver-fitter. a clerk and a number of guards ranging
ters. Both the transmitting and receiving stations from five to twenty, depending upon requirements.
were later moved in to properly constructed sites.
The Telecom signals office was located among the 316 Radar
HQ administrative buildings and with 18 AR7 receiv- One of the AW type radar stations, known as 316
ers operated two circuits to Melbourne, two to Dar- Radar was located on Cole Point at the northern tip
win, two to Balikpapan. two to Tarakan, one to RAAF of Labuan Island and used the HMV Mark IA radar
Command Brisbane, one to Singapore, one to Kuching equipment with a Mark II tower made by the N.S.W.
and two to Morotai. Teleprinter circuits were oper- Government Railways. Two AT5 AFt8's 1 AWA) were
ated to other RAAF units on the island. Two Klein- used for maintaining communications with the Mobile
schmidt Perforators were used on high-speed work Fighter Control Unit.
which was used exclusively on the Melbourne circuits. CO of the station. F Lt. John O'Sullivan, took over
The traffic through this Telecom Unit averaged as when the station was operating at Kombles in Dutch
much as 72,000 groups per day, and had shown only New Guinea in October. 1944. where the station was
0.06' error over one million cypher groups, meaning using a Mark I tower. The station later returned to
that W(T error was virtually non-existent. the mainland for refitting with the new tower and
The transmitting station housed six AT20 (STC and then moved to Labuan with the invasion forces.
Eclipse; transmitters, three AT14A's (Tasma I , one A GCI station 1166 Radar' under F:Lt. Warren
AT13C and four AT13B's I AWA) and one AT15 (Tas- Mann was also located on Labuan Island, and was
ma). The AT15 was used as a homing beacon, the equipped with SCR602 transmitter-receiver and Indi-
AT20's were used for circuits to Melbourne. Singapore, cating Units made by Research Enterprises Ltd., Can-
Tarakan and for aeradio, whilst ada. The height-finding equipment
the AT13C and the AT13B were was made by the N.S.W. Govern-
used on Brisbane, Morotai and ment Railways in conjunction with
Darwin. Radiophysics Laboratories and the
cabin and aerial were also made
Radar Organisation by the N.S.W.G.R.
The detail of placing and con- Since this station commenced
trolling radar stations came under operating on Labuan on June 13.
the direct control of the Assistant it had two aircraft to its credit,
CSO Radar, F/Lt. Norm Campbell. one which had been brought down
There were 13 radar stations under by gunfire and one which had been
the control of 1st TAF. Of these, ten intercepted and shot down.

At right is an AT13B. a product of Below is a l,ne•up of generators, which

AWA. in the RAAF let TAF Telecom provide power for the RAAF Telecom
transmitting station at Labuan, while transmitters at Labuan. There are two
below, at the receiving station of the 5K VA'■ at left and four 10K VA's. One
unit is a Kingsley AR7 and a British- of these generators and the transmitter
made high speed recorder. at left are both scarred by bullet holes.
RAAF Radar Stations


On this page is a photographic display of two typical RAAF Radar

installations of the 1st Tactical Air Force at Labuan. The two
pictures at the top of the page are of 316 Radar, which was located
on Cole Point at the northern tip of the island. It was an AW (air

warning) station using 1-IMV•made LW AW Mark IA equipment
(see top right) and a Mark II tower or aerial array made by the
NSW Government Railways.

The picture at right shows the set-up of 116 Radar, a GC! 'ground
control int•rc•pt) station, the stand, cabin, aerial array anti height-
finding equipment of which was made by the NSW Government
Railways, who worked in conjunction with the Rachophysics Labor..
tories on the height•flnding equipment. The SCR602 transmitter.
receiver and Indicating units, part of which are shown at the foot
of the page, were made in Canada by Research Enterprises Ltd. and
modified locally to suit RAAF requirements. Below, left is the "A"
scope (height range), transmitter and table and at right the PFI
(plan position indicator).
111 MFCU
Radar stations In the Labuan area worked in con-
junction with the 111 Mobile Fighter Control Unit--
a mobile version of an ADHQ. The unit was formed as
111 FCU in Western Australia early in January 1943
and operated at Madang, Cape Gloucester and Aitape
before It was withdrawn in January 1945 for reforming
and re-equipping as a mobile unit. It was then sent to
Morotai in May and arrived at Labuan on D day.
The MFCU signals equipment comprising 21 AR7's
(Kingsley) 20 AT21's, (AWA1 two AT14's (Tasman for
HF coverage, six AT17's (Tasma) and six AR17's
(Astor 1 plus four US aircraft typs SCR522 Th5043
transmitter-receivers used for the VHF band.
HF equipment was used for point-to-point communi-
The photo Immediately above shows the lineup of vehicles
cations with radar stations for tellings of radar plots, used far mobile mounting of signals equipment by the 111
for administrative traffic and for communication to MFCU at Labium known "Radio City." interior of
two of these vehicles is shown above. At left the VHF D F
adjoining Fighter Sectors and to US Fighter Sectors. equipment comprising type A5 directional aerial. crystal
These channels used the AT21-AR7 combination and calibrator and an AR17 receiver (made by "Astor"). At
right, crystal calibrator control unit and another AR17.
provided radio links as follows:— one to 323 Radar:
one to 324 Radar; one to 325 Radar; one to 163 Radar; Radar and 318 Radar. The rest were kept as spares and
one Ship-to-Shore for Fighter control; one to 114 against other possible commitments whilst the AT14's
MFCU, Tarakan, and 110 MFCU Morotai; one to Bank- were kept to provide higher power if required.
papan la sector of 110 MFGUI ; one for air-sea Four VHF ground-to-air circuits were normally
rescue: one to Tactical Bomber Command (a US fre- worked. Initially the SCR522 TR5043's were used for
quency); and one to all US Fighter Sectors in the this aircraft control work but were replaced by higher
Philippines: as well as two land - line harktngs to 324 powered AT17's and AR17's, which were more suit-
able for ground service.
MFCU The AR7 receivers on telling circuits were located
Plotting In the plotting room near the plotting table whilst
Room the other receivers were in an adjoining signals room.
All the transmitters were mobile-mounted in trans-
mitter trucks which were located about 300 yards
away from the building occupied by the MFCU. The

At left, the plotting room at

111 SAFGU. Inset are three
of the Kingsley AR7's used.
The vehicular mounting of
AT21's (made by AWA) is
shown at right. Five AT21's
are housed in one vehicle.
AT17's and AR17's were mounted as separate truck and Balikpapan. The equipment installed at Labuan
assemblies, remote controlled from the sig. office. within three days of landing was 15 AR7's, four tele-
Within the first ten days of its operation at Labaun, types, two type X (cypher) machines, one 50-line
three Japanese aircraft were shot down as a result switchboard and 12 transmitters. The normal quan-
of the workings of 111 MFCU. tity of equipment carried by such an assault party
totals 30 tons, which is carried in six vehicles.
4 RIMU Labuan S;Ldr. Tom Stanfield was the CO of 4RIMU, S/Ldr.
The normal strength of this Radio Installation and
Maintenance Unit was in the region of 220 personnel Ian Greenham was the senior Radar Officer and there
and the Unit's equipment comprised 12 Palec VCT's were about eight other officers. As with other RIMU's
and 12 Paiec MCA's for use in the field. plus AW Radar the Unit was divided into signals workshops, radar
workshops, and a number of installation parties, nor-
Test set type A18. Peak Diode Voltmeter type Afi. AWB1
Wavemeter, Test Cathode-ray Oscilloscopt All 1, Field mally specialising in either signals, radar, or line work.
Intensity Receiver type D32 (all HMV), Signal Gene-
rator type A6, Calibrator Wavemeter type M D ( both 47 OBU
AWA), multimeter type 7, (English), wavemeter type The Operational Base Unit (47 OBU) which arrived
BC906. IFF testing receiver BC 1066, signal generator at Labuan with the invasion forces erected its own
I196A (all American' , IFF test set type 74 (Air Minis-, control tower whilst under fire and were controlling
try) three VCT-V (Transmission Products' , a Philips aircraft landings on the Labuan strip six days after the
Signal Generator and Oscillograph, and an AWA oscil- landing began.
lograph 2J6726. An AR7 receiver and an AT5 transmitter were used
4 RIMU supplied assault parties who did the initial in the control tower for HF ground-to-air communi-
RAAF signals Installation work at Tarakan. Labuan cation. Other control tower equipment included a
US-made SCR522/TR5043 transmitter-receiver for VHF
These pictures of 4.RIMU at Labuan show: 1. Test work on ground-to-air communication and an Airzone BTR1
an AR7, with AWA escalator and a VCT V made by Trans.
mission Products. 2. A bank of Airzone•made BTR1's and interrogator which was also used as a homing beacon.
3. Radar test equipment including AWA signal generator. From a signals office under the control tower and
and HMV•made oacillograph. power supply unit and field
strength receiver. adjoining the main control office, three watches were
kept—one on weather, one for aeradio and one with
the AACS (American Army Communications System)
for which AR7 receivers were used.

86 Wing
86 Wing—a RAAF attack wing comprising one
squadron of British built Mosquitoes and one squadron
of Australian Beaufighters, based at Labuan. A
squadron of Australian built Mosquitoes, which had
not at that time arrived at Labuan. was also attached
to the Wing.
This Wing had been equipped as a completely self-
contained unit able to provide all its own operational
base facilities and had within its own structure a com-
plete OBU. When the Wing arrived at Labuan the
existing homing beacon and VHF D. F operated by 111
MFCU, removed the necessity of the wing OBU open-
ing these facilities. 47 OBU was also in existence and
would normally have provided control facilities for
the Wing aircraft but as the Wing preferred to use
its own equipment it set up a separate 84 OBU which
maintained three ground-to-air watches for all oper-
ational aircraft and in addition provided AR7 facilities
for monitoring TAF Telecom Unit transmissions.
The signals facilities. under control of the Wing
Signals Officer, F./Lt. Des Allison, were all completely
mobile with equipment mounted in a series of truck
assemblies comprising :—two receiving vehicles type
R2 with five AR7's (Kingsley( in each; three trans-
mitting vehicles, of which two each housed a Tasma
AT14A and an STC AT20, with two AWA AT21's as
standbys, while the other carried an AT14A and an
AT15A (Tasma I and also two AT21's as standbys; two
power supply trucks each carrying a 25 kVA generator;
one vehicle housing two teletypes and a switchboard;
one VHF D/F mobile tender with a SCR522/TR5043
(US transmitter-receiver), an AR17 (Radio Corp.), an
AS aerial assembly and two llkVA generators for its
own power supply; one cypher vehicle with two type-X
machines; one G2 servicing vehicle and one sig. office
communicating direct with the Air Support Team on
the HQ ship. When the invasion progressed to the
next stage and brigades were established on shore the
Air Liaison Parties maintained their contact with the
Air Support Parties which accompanied each Brigade
and who in their turn communicated with the HQ
During the next stage, when Div. HQ was in the
process of landing, the Air Support Parties communi-
cated with the Air Support Sections which accom-
panied Div. HQ and also direct with the HQ ship until
such time as Division HQ had been established on
shore and was ready to take over operational com-
mand. At this stage, when the operational command
transferred from the HQ ship to Div. HQ there was
the accompanying transfer of the AOC and General.
The Air Support team during its operations aboard
the HQ ship used the ship's radio equipment for its
end of the communication links. The HQ ship at
each invasion was used for the sole purpose of direct-
ing operations and maintaining contacts with indi-
vidual units—it was a floating signals office.
The Air Support team consisted of the CSA ■ Com-
mander Support Aircraft) who sat in the centre of a
large semi-circular desk around which were the com-
munication terminals from the Support Air Request
Nets (from Air Liaison Parties, etc.1 , an Army officer
operating an air observer's watch from an aircraft
spotter, a Naval gunfire control officer, a representa-
tive of the GOC who allocated priorities, and an air-
sea rescue watch. The CSA was in direct communi-
cation with the pilots of the air support aircraft.
Four of the personnel of the Air Support Unit have
been recommended for decorations and four others
have been mentioned in despatches for their actions
Immediately above can be 'lien a'rstrlp control tower equipment
used by 47 081-1 at Labuan. At left is a Kingsley ART with VHF during the Borneo campaign. The highest credit was
and HF speakers mounted above. A VHF 5043 is mounted beneath given by all sections of the forces to the job that was
the ciesk, while at right is an A,rzona - made ISTRI, transmitter.
receiver and identification equipment. The photo at top was taken dune by the Air Support Unit. At Brunei. Brigadier
from this control tower and shows three Mosquitos flying over the strip. Windeyer congratulated the 13 Air Support personnel
attached to his brigade in front of a full brigade
No. 1 Air Support Unit parade.
The operation In Borneo was the first time that an
Air Support Unit was used by the RAAF. as in previous
campaigns, this type of unit was provided by Army.
As the name indicates. its purpose is to provide com-
munications detailing requests for air support for as-
sault wave troops. Whilst these units were only very
small they performed very important duties during
the invasions of Tarakan, Labuan and Balikpapan.
The Air Support. Unit was split into various sections
namely:—Air Liaison Parties, which consisted of a
Corporal and two LAC's equipped with an SCR300
(US-made FM pack-set) and an Astor ATR=IA: Air
Support Parties, comprising two officers and twelve
other personnel with six AT5..AR8's (AWA) and two
SCR522/TR5043 IUS transmitter receivers); Air Sup-
port Sections. of three officers and 22 other personnel,
each with eight AT5 `AR8's and three SCR522fTR5043's:
and the Afr Support Team, which was the headquart-
ers or controlling group located aboard the Command
Ship controlling the invasion.
The Air Liaison Parties worked with Army bat-
talions and went ashore with the first assault troops.
At right are views of the interiors of two or the mobile
signals trucks used by 84 OBU (a section of 815 Attack Wing)
at Labuan. Top, the Sip. office truck with two teletypes
and a 30-line switchboard. Bylaw. a transmitter truck
housing an AWA.made ATI3C (left) and an AT15A made
by Thom & Smith (right).
The full strength of the unit was 23 officers and 267
other personnel, all of whom were signals personnel
with the exception of officers who directed aircraft
and these were all ex-operational pilots.
RAAF Command Posts
From Labim. I visited RAAF Command Posts at
Kuching and Singapore which had been established
to provide facilities for RAAF aircraft operating in
those areas in support of occupational troops and for
the purpose of evacuating P.W's and internees.
Kuching is located on the south-west coast of Bor-
neo and is the capital of the Independent State of
Sarawak, which is controlled by an English family
and ruled by Rajah Sir Charles Vyner Brooke. who Is
known as The White Rajah." Kuching was one of
the Japanese strongholds in Borneo.
The signals section of the Command Post at Ku-
ching operated with two AT5'AR8 which were used
for communications with Labuan and with aircraft.
Two spare sets of valves for this equipment were car-
ried and also a multimeter (Syme-ESM1, a Bendix
wavemeter and a battery charger. Power was sup-
plied by two kVA generators. All of this equipment
was flown to Kuching by Catalina on the day follow-
ing the arrival of the first Australian troops.
The RAAF Command Post signals. personnel that
were sent to Singapore also took with them two AT5/
AR8's (AWAr. It was intended that one of these
should be used for point-to-point communications
with Labuan and the other kept as a spare. It was
found, however, that the RAF, who were controlling
aerodrome signals facilities, had insufficient equipment
and the spare AT5/AR8 was loaned to the RAF and
installed and operated for them by the RAAF as a
homing beacon.
A few days later, an AT13C rAWAi transmitter and
and AR7 (Kingsley' receiver were sent to Singapore
to replace the AT5/AR8 which was being used for com-
munications with Labuan, providing greater power for
this circuit. The AR7 was loaned to the RAF on its
arrival and was used by them for a point-to-point
watch with Ceylon, and the RAAF continued to use a
Reading from top to bottom, the pictures on this page
British AR88 receiver which had been borrowed from shorf: An A r Lia•son Party of the RAAF Air Support Unit
on Labuan iiging in ATRIA ("Astor") and at right a
US•made VHF SCR3130. Next shows another Party from
RAAF equiement in an RAF truck at Singapore I■ shown th r unit with a Jeep-mounted SO-43 lforeproundt end two
below. At left an AT13C IAWA), at right en AT52ARO AT5 APR's IAWAI on trailer. Immediately above are
IAWAI being used as a homing beacon, while in the centre two AT5 ARS's in use at the RAAF Command Post at
is British Marconi 1-1190 transmitter.
Kuch ng. Bit'ow ti an ARSE' WS communication■ receiver)
be ng used by one of the RAAF personnel at Singapore.
tile RAY wren the AT5 AR8's had been installed in
the RAF transmitter trucks.
As a result, of this interchange of equipment, RAF
and RAAF signals at Singapore had merged into one
organisation with the RAF supplying the sites for the
signals office and the transmitting station while the
RAAF provided some equipment and a measure of as-
sistance in the maintenance of RAF equipment.
Good reports were received of the efficiency of the
AT5 transmitter that was used us the horning beacon.
Operating on 240 kris., it had been reported by air-
craft at distances well over 100 miles.
At both Singapore and Kuching there had been no
evidence of any Jap ground radio equipment. A few
components were found, but the Japanese had been
particularly thorough in removing or destroying what
radio equipment they may have had operating In those
A general view of the ADHO transm tting ht t ■ on at Darwin.
After visiting Borneo. Kuching and Singapore the
return trip to Sydney was made via Morotai, Darwin receiving station was located about four miles from
and Brisbane. Darwin airstrip and the transmitting station was on
the North-South Road, about 11 miles out of Darwin.
RAAF North Western Area
The receiving station housed 15 AR7's and one RA1B
The RAAF North-Western area HQ was located 57 I the Bendix receiver from the TA2J transmitter) The
miles south of Darwin on the North-South Road. The transmitters used were two AT8's. one AT13, two
CEO W/C Undo Taylor and his HQ staff controlled ATI3C's, two AT14's, one ATI5, three AT20's, three
the operation of a communications system spread AT14S's. one AT6 1200 watt AWA transmitter). one
over a very large area. TA2J, one 96 200A, and one SWB8 'an English Mar-
Signal units within the area Included the North- coni transmitter' . There were a total of 13 radar
Western Area Telecommunications Unit, which func- stations working with the ADHQ. which utilised 26
tioned at NWA HQ; the Gorrie Telecom Unit 300 miles AR7's, four AT13B's, six AT14's. one AT14A. six AT17's
to the South; the RAAF station at Darwin; the ADHQ. and two AT20's.
which was nine miles from Darwin; OBU's at Clove,
Batchelor and Truseott: detachments of the NWA The OBU's at Gave and Truscutt used very similar
Telecom Unit at Fenton and Timor; and 5 RIMU, lo- signals set-ups with 23 AR7's and one RA1B on the
cated near the NWA HQ. receiving side and two AT13B's, one AT13C, one AT14A.
Signals equipment at the NWA Telecom Unit com- three AT17's, seven AT20's and one TA2J as their bank
prised 24 AR7's 1 Kingsley', five AT8's, four ATI3's, two of transmitters, whilst 53 OBU at Batchelor operated
AT13B's (AWA). three AT20's, one AT143 ISTC) and on a slightly smaller scale. This listing of the equip-
one TA2J iBendix aircraft type transmitter' . ments used by the main communications centres in
Gorrie was the main meteorological centre and the the area gives some impression of the magnitude
Telecom Unit there used 29 AR7's. four AT13's, five of the signals requirements for the area. The
AT13B's, one AT13C, one AT14A, one AT15A. three Radio Installation Maintenance Unit at Darwin
AT17's, five AT20's, one TA2J, and one 96/200A. la US wo_s the largest of all RIMU's seen during the
made 5 kW transmitter). the tour. As could be expected, It had the appear-
During the later stages of hos- ance of a more established organ-
tilities, the RAAF Darwin station Two general shots o f the RAAF Darwin isation and the workshops and
transmitting station. At right Is a mobile
was the main operations centre. The repair bench. stores were larger.
RAAF Command
The headquarters of RAAF Command at Brisbane
was the control centre for all RAAF operational ac-
tivities. Although its part in the control of signals in
operational areas has already been explained, this
account of RAAF signals would not be complete with-
out some mention of its HQ signals set-up.
From the RAAF Command signals office at Brisbane.
At top right le a general view of RAAF Darwin transmitting communications were maintained to Melbourne, Del-
station. Tap left shows the interior of the ADHQ station hi, NW area, NE area, Norcom, 1st TAF'. 11 Group, East-
at Darwin with a line•up of AT5 transmitters at rear.
Immediately above ie the Interior of the Telecom trans- ern area, Manilla and Torokina Although nine AR7
mitting station at Darwin with two AT13'• (made by AWAL 'Kingsleyi receivers were installed in the signals off-
ice they were kept as emergency receivers. the main
Radiosonde at Darwin bank of 24 AR7's being located in a remote receiving
A Radiosonde station was also operated at Darwin. station at Zil'mere, about eight miles out of Brisbane.
The Radiosonde consists of meteorological instru- The transmitters used by RAAF Command were pro-
ments associated with a radio transmitter and at- vided by 3 Aircraft Depot at &liberty where an RCA
tached to a balloon which is released to ascend to the 15 kW transmitter was kept for the high-speed cir-
higher altitudes. The small radio transmitter which cuit to India, and 15 other transmitters (AT13's and
is part of the equipment, sends out signals indicating AT148'si were used for the other circuits.
readings of the meteorological instruments and these The brief visits to NWA at Darwin and RAAF Com-
signals are received and interpreted at the ground sta- mand at Brisbane completed the tour that had been
tion. The Radiosondes used were made by Eclipse commenced ten weeks earlier. During that compara-
A different type of balloon was used for determin- tively short space of time I had travelled approxi-
ing wind direction. It was called a "Ravin" and the mately 17,000 miles and visited so many places, and so
only attachments to the balloon were two half-wave many more Individual units and camps that I returned
dipole reflectors. When the balloon is released its with crowded impressions of the immensity of the task
track is plotted by radar, thereby that had been accomplished by
determining direction and speel of Below left: A "Raw'," balloon being re•
orAllOd At Darwin. Right: The sig. office the signals organisations of the
winds as the balloon ascends. at RAAF Command H 0 at Brisbane. Australian Services.

I? .0.•• tlers• X_F •• o I (IA It

and Components

The training of
efficient W T
operators pro-
vided a real
problem for all
Radio of Ade-
laide assisted
the RAAF with
the noise and
interference Radio Corporation produces a wide range of telecom.
simulating am- Accessories for the Services—particularly valuable work
plifier shown at being done with a full range of precision crystal control
left. units. Typical assemblies oh this type are shown above,
together with a RAAF type "F" morse key, also pro.
duced by Radio Corporation.

At left is *hewn a
precision radar range
potentiometer p r o
duced by IRC (W. J.
McLellan) for Service


Kneeler at Sydney
assisted the Aus-
tralian aircraft pro•
duction program
with many special
electrical i t e me. The necessity for "tropicalisation" called for new tech-
Here we show an niques in component product on Above is shown a group
iMmeraien switch of hermetically-sealed radar transformers built by The
left) and an iden- Gramophone Co. (HMV). Note the metallised glass
tification lamp lead-out insulators.
switch (right).

Examples of the variety of resistive components

produced by IRC (W. J. McLellan) for the
Services are shown above and at right. The
rheostats shown above are special controls for
marine "degaussing" circuits. while a repre-
sentative range of wire wound power resistors
is Illustrated at the right.
At right are hermetically-seaied equip-
ment transformers and chokes produced
by Trensm span Product*, of Sydney.

l flu d above ors two item• from

Above and at right are shown two
the range of IRC Power Rheostats pro-
sharply-contracting examples Of the
duced by W. .1. McLellan for Service
scope of teleCOn10. production in Aus-
equipment. Rated at up to 50 watts,
tralia. At right is a heavy-duty oil-
these units previously were imported
immersed transformer produced by WO.
from averseas.
son Transformers. of Melbourne.

fz) )

Produci ion AL, ,Got'

Covers 0 %,2hif

As part of their Radar production, HMV ilevrioped a wide range of

Below and at r'pht are shown example. of the stage teecia! coaxial and muit,.oin connectors which were used very exten-
reached by Australian valve manufacturers during sively in Australian telecoms. equipment. Typical items are illustrated
the war. Amalgamated Wire less Valve Co. were
respons ble for the water and air-cooled transmitting
valves shown below, while a group of transmitt ng
and telephone repeater valve s made by Standard
Telephones & Cables is illustra led at right.
Radio Corporation produced the communications receiver
illustrated above for the RAAF who designated it the
"AR12" and used it for AOE's and in conjunction with the
"AT9" transmitter. A feature of this receiver is that it One of the Amalgamated Wireless series "C6940" general.
operates completely from dry batteries, which can be purpose communications receivers is shown above. These
checked by the panel meter. Providing coverage from sets were widely used by the Royal Australian Navy for
150 KC e. to over 15 MC/e., this set incorporates a crystal both shipboard and land-station work. Several variants
niter and a continuously-variable selectivity control. of this equipment were produced for special applications—
the set illustrated being the "3C6940," providing coverage of
the range 100 KC s to 3.1 MC 's.


Illustrated below is the "AM R100" communications receiver.

Standard Telephones also were active in the production produced for the US Forces by AW A. This equipment
of communications receivers and the STC A679K, adopted used plug• in cool assemblies to cover the range 550 KC s.
oy the US Forces as the "AIM R300." Is illustrated above. to 24 MC s. and operated from 12V. DC. or 110 240V. AC.
Thi■ equipment operates from 12V. DC or 110'240V. AC A rack-mounted version, known as the "AM R101" was
and provides coverage of the range 1.5 to 24 MC:s. The used for static installations and also formed the basis of
"H" and "J" versions of this set, for rack and case an elaborate "diversity" equipment. A further variant was
mounting, respectively, were widely used by the RAN. adopted by the Aust. Army as "Reception Set No. 13C."
Services' Amenities Receivers
In many respects, morale was just as important
as communications and a high priority was placed
on the manufacture of "amenities" radio receivers
for the Armed Forces. Typical examples of such
sets, produced by Australian Industry, are shown
on this page—some of them photographed "on the
spot," and doing the job for which they were in-
tended, by "Retailer's" War Correspondent.

AWA's solution of the demand for "morale.boosting" receivers is shown above—

a dual-wave. fully-tropitalised unit designed for battery or AC operation and
known as the "C17020." These sets performed particularly well in ■ II areas.

Stromberg-Carleori produced the business-like "Amenities" set shown at left and

photographed in action at fitorotai, This receiver covered two wave-bands and
had provision for connection of a pick-up and an extension loudspeaker.

Philip' Electrical Industries were responsible for the ACF radio rectIver
shown at left. above, white Standard Telphones produced the RAAF Welfare
act at right. Jack Angus 'potted these two in his trivele—the
in Borneo and the STC at Pandang.

No "operational" photographs were obtained of the twa sets shown at left

and Wow, but this dose not mean that "they were never there"—they
were, in a big way! Tasma produced large numbers of their "AMC"
dual-wave. dual power. amenities set shown at left. and the US Forces
used them all the way to Tokio. Austral•en Sound Systems ("Cadet"
Radios were able for the "VS" Illustrated berOw and did such a
good Job that they found it difficult to meet the demand.

Radio & Electrical Retailer, May 2. 1946 99

sealed "tropic" design. incorporated a magneto calling
system instead of the burier used in the earlier in-
strument. The Fullerphone still remained as our
standard telegraph instrument. its capabilities were
already known and it could always be relied upon
IT is felt that the Borneo campaign gave a typical Just as the training period was drawing to a close
picture of the use of signal equipment and for that and rumours of embarkation were rife, several ad-
reason, and also because the writer participated in ditional types of telephone switchboards appeared on
the second phase iLabuan operations I and was in a the scene, including a 6-line universal call type—a
position to obtain reliable information. the fallowing smaller version of the standard 10-line universal call
information is presented. —an American 114B-TC12 $12-linel and also a 50-line
At the beginning of 1944, the Ninth Adtrallan Divi- board, as well as a number of U-C boards converted
:ion returned from New Guinea to give the men a by the use of new line units for magneto operation
spell, some hard-earned leave and to re-equip. In with the new type "L" telephones. These instruments
the middle of 194-4 the Division reassembled on the were later found very satisfactory.
Atherton Tablelands In Northern Queensland and February and March. 1945 saw considerable activity
made its home near Ravenshoe. Here the job of re- in the camp. Stores were checked, equipment was
equipping the Division was carried out, and with the overhauled and packing was begun. In March the
large number of reinforcements arriving to bring first parties left Australia and the end of April
the Division up to full strength it was essential saw the majority of the Division on Moroni'
that an inten- which was to be
sive period n f the jumping-off
training be un-
dergone to fa-
miliarise the
Signals with 9 us . v• place for the
invasion of
Borneo. Two
men with their months were
new equipment. By Cahn Mingay * spent there,
which included during which
the newly-introduced Australian "Yellow Band" No. 22 time the equipment was unpacked, overhauled and
Wireless Sets in partial replacement of the previously cleaned up in preparation for the invasion.
used No. 11 and 109 seta. It was necessary that particular care be taken in
For eight months this training continued and solid regard to waterproofing of equipment. Salt water can
training it was In the tropical country around wreak havoc if once It gets inside signal equipment .
Ravenshoe manoeuvres were practised constantly and Fresh water is bad enough but the corrosive action
interspersed with amphibious operations at Trinity set, up by salt water can ruin the best equipment in
Beach near Cairns. no time at all. Wireless gear that did nut have to be
These manoeuvres were thorough, and it is no exag- used during the actual landing was wrapped in sisal-
geration to say that the demands placed upon the kraft, sealed with pitch and then enclosed in a water-
signal equipment were much more severe than those proof rubber bag. The accumulators which accom-
ever incurred when the Division later went into action. panied these sets had their terminals covered with an
The standard method of transport on these manoeu- asbestos waterproof grease, the vent holes blocked up
vres was a jeep, and it can be safely left to the reader's and treated similarly—this last being done just before
imagination to appreciate the shocks, strains and landing and removed at the first opportunity.
stresses which a wireless set would experience strapped
in the back of a jeep which was driven along all man- Speedy Set-up of Communications at Landing
ner of roads, through ditches and across fields. Then. The large amount of wireless communications from
having stood up to this treatment the wireless set ship to shore during the actual landing on June 10.
was expected to do its job of providing communica- 1945, was done by special wireless sections whose job
tions. By the end of this training period, the Aus- it was to keep communications going until the Divi-
tralian 22 set had proved itself as suitable for the job. sional Signal Units had established their stations
The 22 was not the only set used by 9th Aust. Div., as ashore and could take over the communications. They
133's, 112's. 11's and 19's tall by A.W.A.1. 108's and used high-powered transmitters and operated from
208's tboth by Radio Corp.. US F-M SCR300's, SCR- the control rooms on the command ships to the sta-
536's lAmerican handle-talkiest. and the British 46 tions on the shore.
set were also used. There was little trouble experienced in rapidly set-
The 133's and 112 s were used at Divisional Head- ting-up the Divisional wireless communications, and
quarters. the 11's. 19's and 22's between Divisional Divisional Headquarters soon had two separate net-
Headquarters and the Brigade and Battalion Head- works communicating with the Brigade Headquarters
quarters. while the 108's. 208's. SCR300's. SCR536's and adjoining units to Brigade Headquarters; one
and the 46's were used forward of Battalion Head- designated "A" wave, the other designated '13" wave.
quarters. Wireless silence was broken at 100815 18 15 a.m on
At first it did not seem as though there would be 10thi. when the initial landing on Labuan Island was
much change in the type of line instruments used. commenced.
but about December a new type of field telephone was The Div. "A" and "B" wave each supplied communi-
issued to replace the 13 Mk. V. This new phone was cation to both the Brigades which had already landed
known as the "L" phone and, in addition to being of --the 24th Brigade un the beach of Lubuan Island, and
ra .qua t•i■ the 20th Brigade on the mainland about 80 miles
away. The "A" wave was in communication with all degree of security which had been previously neces-
tour outstations in fifteen minutes. The "B" wave sary. Apart from forward areas all wireless traffic
with only two outstations was in communication in had been sent in cipher, but with the easing of the
six minutes. regulations, traffic relating to comparatively non-vital
The establishment of wireless communication was matters was not enciphered. This traffic covered such
no easy job as the operators had to contend with both information as increases in allotments to dependents,
morse and speech interference from numerous other. requests for compassionate leave and messages passed
and In some cases more powerful, stations in the for the British Borneo Civil Administration.
vicinity. However, the Americans, fur it was they who In addition, it was now permissible to use speech
had the powerful transmitters, proved extremely co- over the radio—beforehand only morse communication
operative and, when one of their frequencies clashed had been alloyed. It was decided therefore to intro-
with ours, would always share the air, when they duce a radio-telephone service between Divisional
could quite easily have ignored us and drowned us out. Headquarters and the Headquarters of both the 20th
At 12.30 p.m. Divisional Headquarters had selected and 24th Infantry Brigades. At this stage Divisional
their first position ashore and promptly proceeded to Headquarters was situated on Labuan Island and the
establish communication with the 20th and 24th 24th Brigade was at Beaufort, approximately 40 miles
Brigades from that site. Until this time communica- from Labuan on the mainland, while the 20th Brigade
tion with the Brigades had been effected from the was at Kuala Belait about 80 miles south of Labuan on
Command Ship in the harbour where powerful trans- the coast of the mainland.
mitters had been used, but when the communications It was decided to use 22 sets (Radio Corp.' for the
were taken over by Divisional Headquarters the 22 set job and two detachments were equipped with them
was brought into use. Although this set had a power and sent out to the respective brigades. At this stage
of only eight watts it was performing a job for which supplies of the new model 22 had arrived and one
it had been designed, and its performance showed that was given to the detachment which went to the 20th
it had been designed well. Brigade. This new model was a later production ver-
In the next 24 hours Divisional Headquarters Signal sion of the "Yellow Band" sets originally issued.
Office changed its location twice. This involved the The purpose of the radio-telephone service was to
dismantling, packing up, moving and re-establishing provide the Divisional Staff Officers with instant com-
of the wireless stations, but in spite of this, 4,500 munication to the staffs at both Brigade Headquarters.
groups (i.e., words or code groups► were passed in Normally there would have been a line telephone ser-
those 24 hours. The following figures show the num- vice but as Divisional Headquarters was on an island,
ber of groups passed daily in the first six days of the this was not possible. The control radio set at
campaign and the number of articles handled by the Divisional Headquarters was "remotely controlled" and
S.D.S. The S.D.S. is the Special Delivery Service which connected to the switchboard in the Divisional Signal
is the task performed by the Signals Despatch Riders. Office, which in turn was the central switchboard for
June Wireless Line S.D.S. Articles all the telephones in the Divisional Headquarters area.
10 8060 986 146 The switchboard in the Divisional Signal Office also
11 23852 6972 1298 had trunk lines to all other exchanges on the Island.
12 22278 6854 602 This meant that anyone on the Island could contact
13 19596 5220 877 the Divisional Signal Office and be connected by radio
14 18582 5860 648 through the switchboard to either of the Brigade
15 16785 4907 555 Headquarters on the mainland. Both Brigade Head-
quarters had wireless and line communication to their
The busiest day experienced by the wireless person- respective battalions and when required could request
nel was 18th June when 28.918 groups were handled . any particular battalion to tune in on the frequency
of the radio-telephone service and speak to anyone
Jamming at Divisional Headquarters.
Only one instance of deliberate jamming by the Japs By this time the Army had done its best to make it a
was reported. This occurred on June 11, the day after "9 till 5" war. The fighting was over and all that re-
the landing, when Sig. Greg Shelley, who was working mained to be done was the rounding up of the Japan-
a 22 set in the Brunei area on the mainland, reported ese forces and the collection of their arms and equip-
two Japanese conversing on his frequency. Unable to ment. Unfortunately communications still had to be
change frequency he continued to work through them maintained 24 hours a day, and so a certain percent-
so they then began to send a carrier sweeping to and age of the Signal personnel were on duty at night_
fro across his frequency. He continued to work through Radio telephone service, however, only operated as
this new interference and after about half an hour such during the daylight hours. There was practically
the Japanese sprung a new trick and the carrier no necessity for it at night and it was not usable for
changed to an intermittent noise resembling the in- speech between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. due to the heavy
terference given by an unsuppressed vehicle. Un- static so common in tropical regions. So at night time
fortunately for the Japs. however, they still could not it became a link for passing ordinary messages by
prevent Sig. Shelley from passing his traffic, and wireless telegraphy.
though they kept this interference going for seven This radio-telephone service gave even better results
hours were completely unsuccessful. than had been expected, and completely satisfied the
Divisional Staff who, withcut it, would have had con-
Security Relaxed After Surrender siderable difficulty in co-ordinating the disarmament
When the Japanese surrendered in August a change of the Japanese forces, and it is safe to say would have
took place in the work Signals were called upon to do. had to spend a considerably longer period in com-
Orders came through from Landforces relaxing the pleting that disarmament. A senior Signals Officer who
had been with the Ninth Division in the Middle East sets were a distinct asset to communications and
in charge of a wireless section, said that in all his proved extremely valuable.
time In the Army he had never known a wireless link Slight troubles were experienced with the 48 set
to give such excellent service. (British) but it performed well, and one Instance was
A large amount of the credit for such a successful noted of a set being completely immersed for 15 sec-
job goes to the operators who worked on that link, but onds in water, but performing perfectly after the bat-
it can be said without fear of contradiction that it tery was changed. Possibly the set with the best
was mainly due to the excellent performance put up record of any was the 108 Mk. III (Radio Corp.). This
by the Australian made 22 set that the service was portable set used in forward areas, was spoken of
such an outstanding success. very highly by all ranks and gave little trouble. They
It had its lighter side, however, in o sense it was could be relied upon to give 12 to 15 hours' running
a veritable 24-hourly "Information P ase". Troops on one dry battery pack.
everywhere seemed to know about the service and It To provide communication over the long distances
was quite a common occurrence for some person to call between Divisional Headquarters and Corps Head-
up one of the stations with a message for someone quarters A.W.A. made 133's were used in conjunction
whom he could not contact by normal means and re- with the No. 4 reception set (Philips). These 133's
quest it be passed for him. There was even the bright with a power of 30U watts did a very good job, par-
spark who suddenly came on one Saturday afternoon ticularly in supplying communication from Labuan
without Identifying himself and requested the placings across Borneo to Tarakan (where the 26th Bde. of
In the third race at Randwick. He got them! 9th Aust. Div. was established), and Balikpapan (held
by 7th Aust. Div.). and also to Morotai.
Outstanding Success of Radio For special wireless jobs at Divisional Headquarters
In the Borneo campaign the Australian troops involving the use of a more powerful set than the 22
equipped with No. 22 sets, No. 11 sets and No. 19 sets set the 112 (A.W.A.) was used. This set was par-
and with good operators to work them, definitely ticularly good for passing morse traffic, though its
proved how successful and essential is radio communi- speech communication was not favoured.
cation in modern warfare. It has been said that radio No. 19 sets were used initially in the Headquarters
communication is particularly essential in armoured Ships and the new Australian pattern proved very
operations but in jungle warfare it proved equally es- satisfactory in tanks though it was found that vi-
sential. The laying of lines in the jungle is an ex- bration affected the 8080's, 6J8G's and 6U7G's. Brok-
tremely difficult, complicated and hazardous task and en bases and grid caps were a common fault.
for that reason did radio prove itself invaluable. It The bulk of the communications from Divisional
was there when it was wanted . Headquarters through Brigade Headquarters to Bat-
talion Headquarters was handled by the 22 set (yellow
Experiences with Signals Equipment band). These sets were the original ones issued a
little more than 12 months previously and, due to the
The following information has been compiled from rough handling they had received during the training
official Army records and was obtained from an in- period in Queensland, were not in the best shape.
spection of data held by the 9th Divisional Signals. However, the results provided by these sets were
Every Signals Section under the control of 9th Divi- excellent. On two separate occasions it is re-
sional Signals sent in periodical reports giving infor- corded that an operator working from Beaufort to
mation as to the performances of the various types Weston—a distance of 18 miles through dense country
of equipment used by them, common faults that were —went outside his tent and found his aerial lying in
experienced In that equipment, and suggestions for water on the ground. He did not know how long it
remedial measures. had been like this as it had not affected his communi-
The standard Army field telegraph instrument, the cations in any way.
Fullerphone, an instrument which had already proven The successor to the 22 Yellow Band was the 22
itself, still continued to do an excellent job. The high- (Aust.) which reached the Division just after the
powered telephones were most satisfactory although landing at Labuan and of which supplies were Issued
their high inductive qualities gave them a doubtful as soon as they had been unpacked and checked. This
degree of security. The new field telephone—the L new 22 gave even better results than the Yellow Band
phone—gave good service as a telephone and its water- model. It had a more sensitive receiver, a more
proof "tropic" design was a definite advantage All powerful transmitter and structurally it was a strong-
types of switchboards performed satisfactorily which er set. The "flick" mechanism was of an improved
was most gratifying as trouble with them would have design and worked very accurately. Its performance
hampered communication considerably. was all that could be desired. A pleasing feature was
The Reception Set No. 4 (Philips) gave little trouble, the increased length of the microphone cord due to
and was used as the standard receiver with the 133 its being joined to the headgear at the snatch plug
(A.W.A.) transmitters. instead of at the yoke made by the junction of the
The frequency-modulated American SCR300 set did leads from the individual headphones. Although the
a good job and it was suggested should be used instead establishment of 22 sets to the Divisional Signals
of the British 46 set. However, its extra weight and Wireless Section was nine, only three new 22's were
inability to work with A.M. sets made this suggestion allocated to the section as the initial supply was lim-
rather impracticable. The American made SCR536 ited and other sections had to be considered also.
set—the "handie-talkie"—was a problem set. Few No more were received by the Section and in Decem-
spare parts were available for these sets, with the re- ber, 1945, it was relieved of its duties as a Wireless
sult that In the case of a major breakdown a set, in- Section and its equipment handed over to the reliev-
stead of being repaired would be written off as un- ing units. As a result there was little opportunity of
serviceable. However. when in working order these thoroughly testing the new model 22.
The rack assembly shown
at right i■ a mounting
frame and power supply
unit produced by Radio
Corporation f o r t h e
RAAF to permit oper-
ation of Bendix ;US)
TA • 2.1 • 24 transmitters
from AC power supplies.
The unit was known as
the "RC511" and converted
the transmitter, origin.
ally installed in Catalina
aircraft, into moat effi-
cient ground station
equip ment.

The compact transceiver illustrated above was produced by

Philips Electrical Industries for the RN. RAN and USN.
Known as the "DR100." this equipment is a 20-watt
assembly working in the 60-80 MC/e. range and can be
operated from battery or AC power supplies.

Transmitter-Receivers and Power

Supply Units . for Navy and Air
Another example of a "conversion•' unit for en aircraft transmitter is shown
below. Designated "Power Supply Unit X" by the RAAF, this assembly was built
by Afrzone and enabled the T1154 UHF equipment to he operated from AC power
supply as an efficient ground•to-air communications unit. The employment of units
such as title and the "RCM" simplified equipment problems considerably by making
possible uniformity of apparatus without excessive battery charging.

The RAAF type "ATR2C" tranam,tter.receiver made by

Radio Corporation le illustrated below and is one of a
series of equipments which were used extensively for
ground operations. Providing coverage ovzr the range
3-7.5 MC/.. and an RT'CW power output of 10 15 watts,
this equipment could be used with either battery or AC
power units. One version of tale set was used with great
success by Army during the T∎ mor "commando" operations
and was adopted for general service is "WS No. 114A."
turers and suppliers, as a typical cross-section of the
Industry, with the prime object of rounding out the
Highlights of the picture presented by other sections of this publica-

In compiling this review, no attempt has been made

Although It originally was planned to include in this to mention every firm that contributed something to
publication a more or less detailed review of the activi- the production of telecommunications and associated
ties of the various organisations which were involved equipment—that particular aspect has been covered
In the production of telecommunications equipment in the "Honour Roll" schedules—nor has any attempt
for the Australian war effort, the steadily-mounting been made to mention every activity of those firms
pile of information which has been amassed during that have been mentioned. As stated above, the
compilation has demonstrated that the incorporation prime object has been to provide some elaboration of
of such a detailed review would require a much more information given elsewhere In this publication, and
expansive publication. thus broadly outline the industrial background which
made possible the mighty production achievement
However in the following pages we have reviewed which won the unstinted admiration, not only of Aus-
the activities Of representative groups of manufac- tralia's leaders, but also that of her Allies.

Industrial War Effort

For convenience of reference, the following review In all, AWA's war production reached a total value
has been sectionalised into various groups of manu- of over £13,000,000 and included no less than 20,000
facturers and suppliers—major and minor equipment radio receivers, transceivers, and transmitters and over
contractors, test equipment and component manufac- 70,000 aero. instruments—these last being in 60 dif-
turers, and so on—as it is felt that this grouping will ferent variations of 22 basic types.
provide a better indication of the activity in each par- Notable among the radio equipments produced in
ticular field. By way of avoiding any misunderstanding, quantity by AWA were the widely-used "Teleradio" and
it may be pointed out that the terms "major" and the equally popular RAAF AT5/ARa. The first of
"minor," as used, do not bear any direct relationship these was a transportable 10-watt transmitter-receiver
to the status of the organisations included under those assembly developed from a pre-war design and was
headings—the terms refer purely to the nature of the used by all Australian and Allied forces throughout
equipment produced, Thus a complete radio transmit- the SWPA—one of its outstanding applications being
ter is a "major" item, whereas a power supply unit as equipment for air-watching posts established in
—which may form only part of a major assembly— remote locations, in many cases deep In enemy-
is a "minor" Item occupied territory.
The .- AT5/AR8" was developed to a RAAF specifica-
Major Equipment Contractors tion for a general-purpose 50-watt air-ground trans-
It is only logical that amalgamated Wireless (A./sia) mitter-receiver which also could be used for DIP and
Ltd., by virtue of its manifold activities and Govern- "homing" purposes. The eventual applications of the
ment participation in its structure, produced the "AT5/AR8" far exceeded even the wide scope of the
largest range of "major" equipments In the Telecom- original intention, it being adopted by alI Services—
munications field. Although Commonwealth-wide in Army had minor modifications made to the ancillary
its ramifications. AWA has located its headquarters equipment and called it "WS No. 112"—while other
and manufacturing organisation in Sydney and its variants were produced, using the transmitter assem-
suburbs—the major production centre being the blies as the US Forces' "TW12" and "AMTI50."
Radlo-,Electrte Works at Ashfield, where the factories Other widely-used AWA products were the Army WS
in the group occupy about 13 acres of space. During No. 133, 300-watt transmitter; the RAAF AT13 series
the war, several branch factories were established in 500-watt transmitters; the marine J5385 series 750-watt
dispersed locations and, at peak, a total of over 5,000 transmitters; the AMR-100, 101 and C6940 series com-
people were employed, using about half a million munication receivers; Army field wireless transmitter-
square feet of actual floor space. receivers 101, FS6 and 11; and the Army No. 19 dual
transmitter-receiver and crew-communication set for
On the equipment side AWA was responsible for the use in armoured fighting vehicles.
production of a full range of radar equipment, radio
transmitters ranging up to 10kW in power, static and in the communications held AWA, who pioneered,
owned, and operated the Beam Wireless Service to
mobile receivers and transceivers, a wide range of
UK, North America and other countries, increased its
accesories. high-grade testing instruments, quartz
wordage traffic from 13 minion in 1939 to 50 minion
crystals for frequency control and signalling lamps. in 1944. Its picturegram service handled a maximum
Other activities, outside the purely telecom. field, in- of 354 pictures a year before the war, but In the eight
cluded the production of shell fuses. aero. navigation months July, 1944 to February, 1995, this was raised
instruments and high-frequency induction heaters. to 1.387 over 27 different pictures of the -0" Day
beach landings were published in one day by Aus- This achievement was not by any means Astor's only
tralian newspapers. contribution to the war effort, as, early in the war
The AWA Marine service played its part, too. During and long before "Pearl Harbour," Astor produced for
the last two years of the war over 1.200 overseas ships the Army many one-man portable radio sets 'Wireless
and hundreds of local ships were serviced, in addition Sets No. 108 and 208'. also low-power portable radio
to the supply and installation of a large number of telephony sets ATR4A1 for the RAAF, which were
complete radio equipments in Australian-built ocean- used, among other instances, by the US Army to supply
going ships and small craft. their Intelligence Officers In the Philippines and other
Before leaving AWA, it is of interest to note that places held by the enemy. This type of set was also
this organisation was one of the major contractors very successfully used by the Australian Forces
which shared production of the 100kW short-wave marooned in Timor. The Australian Navy also partici-
broadcaster established by the Federal Government at pated in Astor production and found wide use for the
Shepparton, Victoria. RC8 transmitter-receiver, which was developed from a
While dealing with AWA, it. is appropriate that somewhat similar equipment I the ATR2 series' pro-
attention should be paid to the activities of its asso- duced for the RAAF.
ciate valve production organisation. Amalgamated The introduction of Frequency Modulation impelled
Wireless Valve Co. Pty. Ltd., also located at Ashfield, the RAAF to demand a radio transmitter and receiver
N.S.W., which commenced manufacture of "Radiotron" that would operate on both AM and FM. The AR17
valves in Australia during 1932. Astor receiver, with a frequency range of 100-150 mots,
Although at first. AW Valve Co. production covered to work in conjunction with the AT17 Tasma trans-
only receiving types, development of transmitting and mitter, proved most satisfactory, both for communica-
special Service type valves was commenced during 1937 tions and as the basis of a VHF DiF equipment.
and first deliveries were effected during 1939. After Another of Astor's Radio's contributions was the de-
the outbreak of war, new types were introduced and velopment of piezo-electric quartz crystals for fre-
production facilities were expanded. quency control in radio equipment. In addition to its
By the end of 1941, production had increased 50 per production activities in this respect, the firm also de-
cent. over pre-war. and during 1942 over 2.000,000 veloped a quartz mine at Glen Innes, N.S.W., which
valves were produced. Employment went up from filled a dangerous gap when overseas supplies of raw
about 300 to almost 800 persons, and even an extensive quartz were threatened.
fire at the works during 1944 failed to do more than
Another manufacturing division of Electronic In-
temporarily Interrupt the steady flow of production.
dustries Ltd., in South Melbourne, Vic., was Eclipse
In addition to the steady expansion of production.
Radio Pty. Ltd., whose change-over from purely domes-
new valve types were constantly being added to the
tic radio set production to that of Radar, 500-watt
Australian Radiotron range, and most major types
radio transmitters and highly efficient communica-
required by the Services were produced.
tion receivers plus many other items, was an eye-
During 1942, a special valve section was established
opener to many, who may have thought "they can't
in co-operation with the Radio-Physics Division of
do It!"
CSIR. to undertake secret research and production of
The Eclipse effort on the production of Radar, for
valves for Radar equipment.
use in conjunction with anti-aircraft guns equipped
As a result of this tie-up, Klystron receiving valves,
with predictor apparatus, was more than eye-opener.
special magnetrons. and silicon-crystal detectors were
They also made Radar apparatus for shore defences
produced—the first Klystron being produced within
and acquitted themselves with merit. The ASV Radar
three weeks of the receipt of technical data. In addi-
was another specialised equipment that came out of
tion. several types of "centimetre" magnetrons were
produced, as well as gas-filled TR switches.
the Eclipse factory. In association with Astor, they
assisted in many other items, too.
As a final note on AWA's activities, mention is made
of the valuable work carded out by the "Telcon" Divi- The production of an 18-valve communication re-
sion. which provided very considerable assistance to ceiver (AMR200) to operate from 110 or 200/240 volt,
the Services and equipment manufacturers in the 40/50 cycle A.C. supply or from a 12-volt accumulator,
supply of special high-frequency cables. on a frequency range of 1,250 kC to 30 mc/s was under-
Leaving New South Wales for the time being and taken for the US Signal Corps, which recorded by let-
turning attention to the southern States, the first or- ter its appreciation of this particular receiver as being
ganisation to attract notice is the Electronic Industries equal to, if not better than, a similar type of receiver
group—an organisation that was responsible for the made in USA.
lion's share of telecoms. production outside of N.S.W. To jump into the manufacture of a 500-watt H.F.
One of the subsidiary manufacturing concerns of Elec- Transmitter r AT20) as a mobile unit was no simple
tronic. Industries Ltd.. namely, Radio Corporation Pty. task to a factory that had never before done such
Ltd., of South Melbourne, Vic., was selected during 1942 work, but again the combined resources of the Elec-
as the manufacturer of the Australian Army No. 22 tronic Industries organisation enabled excellent re-
set, which was required urgently to meet the new war- suits to be achieved. And finally, the production of
fare conditions then being encountered. The company the Radiosonde for RAAF meteorological purposes,
'known as manufacturers of Astor Radio) already proved again that Australian initiative and engineer-
heavily engaged on other equipments for all the ing can produce results comparable to overseas pro-
Forces, entered into this project with determination duction.
and vigor and produced results that met, not only the Before leaving the Electronic Industries group, it is
operational problem, but also with the approbation of of interest to note that, hundreds of miles away from
the American and British Armies. Melbourne. where Astor was busy on the Aust.
Army 22 set. National Radio Corporation Ltd., of Ade-
laide. S A also a division of Electronic Industries).
organised to produce. among other items, Remote Con-
trol units. type F for use with the 22. Remote Control of
equipment was an essential requirement In operations.
The transmitter location could be spotted by the
enemy and bombed, so control from a distance per-
mitted efficient siting of the radio set without disclo-
sure of, or jeopardy to. the site of the signal office

Radar Production
Mention already has been made of the work of AWA
and Eclipse on the production of Radar equipment,
and to view the work of these and other firms in its
true perspective it is important to bear in mind that.
although Radar production always was rated as "ab-
solute" priority, its "ultra secret" classification at first
made it difficult for engineers and manufacturers to
understand fully what they were doing or what they
were expected to do. This situation, largely unavoid- Find moiembly of RAAF ATS tran*Mitters at STC's
Sydney faCtOry.
able. cost much worry, sweat and almost tears, until
those concerned learned the hard way and were gradu-
ally let, into the secrets of this fascinating and ex- ings' activities. This equipment, which has been dealt
tremely intricate equipment. with elsewhere in this publication, originally was de-
veloped by CSIR for the Army, but later found appli-
One of the outstanding Radar production sources cation in ships of the RN, RAN, and RNZN.
In Australia was The Gramophone Co. (HMV I. whose
factory at Homebush, N.S.W., was devoted almost ex- To provide the maximum utilisation of their well-
clusively to Radar, and turned out over 5,000 units of equipped machine shop. /feelings also manufactured
Radar equipment and associated test gear. It was not a over 500 capstan lathes, as well as a quantity of 151) cm.
ease of just following a blue print original design. searchlight projectors.
research, and improvisation resulted from the efforts Leaving the Radar production picture for a while
of HMV engineers and production staffs, who have and turning attention to the broader aspects of tele-
every reason to be proud of their achievements. Theirs communications, it is necessary to pay due tribute to
was not the luck of having big production runs—rather the part that Standard Telephones & Cables (A/siar
.xere they called on to perform miracles in radar Pty. Ltd., of Alexandria. N S.W , played in Australia's
equipment production that must have taxed their war effort. This Australian branch of a world-wide
physical and mental resources no end. organisation has always played a major role in this
One of the first Radar Items produced by HMV was eeld, and during the war its activities were consider-
the CSIR-designed "LW/AW- IAir Warning) equip- ably widened.
ment which was developed early in 1942. This trans- Long established in this country. STC's factory occu-
portable equipment earned great popularity with the pied 30,000 square feet in 1936 and employed 250 In
RAAF. and later with the American Forces, who re- September. 1939. it was increased to 75.000 square feet
corded their appreciation in writing of these Aus- with 500 employees, and again 1941 to 100,000 square
tralian-made equipments. Other equipments and feet, with 1.000 employees: but at VP Day they had
modifications to overseas equipments followed, and at 250.000 square feet and 2,200 employees. Those figures
the close of the war, HMV had commenced production speak for themselves.
of a lightweight, fully-tropicalised Radar identifica- Early in 1939 S.T.C. tendered for the manufacture
tion and navigational device for use by aircraft and of an Australian Army field wireless set to be an effec-
air-borne troops. Complicated though the Radar sets tive substitute for the No 9 British set. As a con-
were, their associated test equipments were equally sequence the Mist 109 was designed and produced.
complicated, yet HMV successfully achieved results This equipment served Mist. Army Signals in the
that received the approbation of all who had the op- Middle East campaign and the Forces back in Aus-
portunity of using such essential equipments. tralia and, although designed for only 25 mites range,
Another phase of HMV's activities was the produc- the STC 109. with improvised aerials, covered radio
tion of a wide range of co-axial and multi-pin connec- circuits 200 and more hales along Australia's coastline
tors. These originally were developed for use In the when other equipment was in short supply Over 1.500
fabrication of Radar apparatus, but their characteris- of these were produced.
tics were such that they found wide application in By way of contrast to this. it is of interest to note
ninny other items of telecommunications equipment. that the RAN 200 kW t.F radio-telegraph transmitter
Another meritorious contribution to Radar equip- at Belconnen, near Canberra, was manufactured and
ments was made by A. G. Healing Ltd., of Melbourne. erected by STC, who also supplied three 20 kW HF
Victoria. who specialised in MV receivers and auxili- transmitters and some smaller equipment for this same
ary test equipment for Radar installations. Naval station. Also in the high-power field. STC was
Production of the CSIR Photocell Chronometer fur responsible for part of the production of the equip-
measuring muzzle velocity of projectiles for purposes ment for the 100 kW Government short-wave station
of range finding and correction was another of Heal- at Shepparton. Victoria.
In between these extremes. STC was active in the compasses, and all kinds of lamps and lighting, as well
production of 500/1,000 watt ground and mobile trans- as a variety of "telecom" equipment.
mitters, particularly for the RAAF, and of these, about Philips in Australia possess one of the only three
1,000 complete equipments were produced, notable valve-producing plants in this country, which although
among them being the "14.8" and "AT20" series . hardly under way when the war broke out, made its
STC's activities were by no means restricted to radio. contribution to that important phase of requirements .
as this firm has always been a specialist in the line Among other things, this factory undertook the job of
transmission field, and here its contributions were of developing and producing the first cathode-ray tubes
particular value. The equipment produced in this made In Australia .
sphere ranged from Army field telephones (types "D," Radio transmitters, large and small, for the Aus-
"F," and "L"1 and 10-line switchboards to complex tralian and Allied Forces, came out of their factories.
multi-channel carrier telephone and voice-frequency Complicated communication radio receivers by Philips
telegraph systems—these last being produced both for functioned well in operational areas.
the Services and the PMG's Department. The produc- In sound amplification and inter-communication
tion of telephones and associated hand-sets, etc., ran equipments for the Fighting Services, ARP Services
into many thousands, while literally hundreds of thou- and industrial application, they did an excellent job.
sands of keys, switches, jacks, etc., were manufactured Their staff of specialists were always prepared to, and
for Inclusion in various other items of line equipment. did, carry out a number of projects entirely new to
Considerable work was done on specialised items of Australia.
fire-control equipments, and over 8,000 magslip con- Not the least of Philips' activities in the telecom-
nectors were produced for use in anti-aircraft pre- munications field was the production of precision
dictor equipment. Another specialised job undertaken testing equipment for workshop and laboratory use—.
was the production of a radio-operated height-indica- a notable example of this type of apparatus being the
tor for use in RAM' torpedo-bombers. "TA101" series of Signal Generators which were used
Prior to the war, STC had commenced production by all Services for Radar and Radio equipment instal-
of selenium rectifier assemblies, and this activity was lation and maintenance,
considerably expanded during the war period—over Several factories were engaged in Philips production
one million discs being produced, together with large activities—the main apparatus and valve works being
numbers of complete rectifier assemblies and charging in Sydney, with another factory making sound equip-
units ment in Adelaide.
Mention must also be made of the work of STC in Another example of an organisation producing a
the production of Radar, Radio and Telephone Valves. wide range of equipment, in addition to its basic activ-
This was commenced as a war-time project and was ity in the telecommunications field is provided by Air-
concentrated largely on types to meet the requirements sone (1931) Ltd., of Camperdown. N S.W., which
of the Services. Items produced Included special re- switched from its peace-time work on domestic radio
peater valves for carrier telephone systems; high- sets, vacuum cleaners and auto-ignition coils to/pro-
power mercury-vapour rectifiers; transmitting valves duce a wide range of Radar apparatus. dynamotors,
ranging from 15 to 1,200 watts anode dissipation: and aluminium cases for field telephones, aircraft carburet-
four types of special Radar valves. tor parts, fractional horse-power motors, casings for
The contribution made by Australia's Telecommuni- hand grenades and, last but not least, submarine de-
cation Industry was not always limited to that field, tection gear.
because, as has already been seen, quite a number of During the war Airzone established a new factory,
organisations possessed facilities that were utilised occupying over 30,000 square feet, and in the course
during the war for making other things. of their war-time activities, produced over 200 com-
This was particularly evident In the case of the plete Naval Amite equipments for anti-submarine
Australian branch of another overseas organisation operations, several hundred HF waverneters, 500 power
—Philips—and the wide sphere of activity of Philips supply units of various types, and quantities of ASV
Electrical Industries in Sydney and Beacon transmitters, Radar equip-
Adelaide even included naval gun RAAF AT20 transm fitters on the pro• ments for searchlight control, and
duction line at th e South Melbourne
sighting gear, gun mounts, Astro factory of Eclipse. Cathode-ray oscilographs for Radar

n e %fn./ 1r1411 111-

Trunsm iller-Receivers


This group of three illus•

tratlons reveals the !Hied
developmental trend of
medlum-power, vehicle-
m a u n t e d transmitter.
receivers for the Austra•
lien Army. Th• small
illustrations above and at
the lower right show the
STC "109" and AWA
"FS6," respectively, white
the remaining equipment
is the AWA•made No. 19
Mk. 2 (Aust.).

Army wireless sets "109" and "FSS" originally were produced as substitutes for the British
Army mobile wireless set No. 9 and performed very valuable service. However, the emphasis
on mechanised warfare necessitated production of a much more elaborate equipment,
comprising two separate transceiver, and a crew intercom. system for installation in
armoured fighting vehicles, The prototype for th s set was the British No. 19. which had
replaced the No. 9. and Australian development was commenced during 1941. The contract
was successfully executed by Amalgamated Wireless and considerable quantities were used,
not only In AFV'a but also in other vehicles and small.craft.

One of the interesting developments of the war period was the growing utilisation of radio
for relatively short•range telephone links A typical example of this type of equipment
is illustrated at left in the form of the AWA-made RAAF ATR7 duplex telephone
installation. This equipment comprised a 10-watt transmitter and interlinked receiver
assembly operating in the range from 30•50 MC is, with power supply obtained from
other 24V. DC or 220.260V. AC. Direct•onal aerial arrays were used and the equipment
provided a very efficient and simple means of communication over. quasi-optical ranges.
Similar equipments were made by AWA for emergency defence services.

The production of fighter aircraft in Australia. such as the "Boom-

erang" interceptor necessitated production of suitable radio equip-
ment, highly simplified for use by a pilot who already had enough
to do without having to worry about radio tuning and controls.
Rad o Corporation were entrusted with the production of a suitable
set which was known as the "ATR5" and is illustrated below. The
equipment is operated entirely from the control box at the right and
provides 4 oush-button selected automatic send receive channels in
the range 3.9 MC 5.
illustrated .11 left is the justly-
fameue "ATS Mar' which was
made to PAAP specification: by
Amalgamated Wireless. This gen-
et-at-purpose aircraft equipment
comprised a 50-watt transmitter
operating on medium and fire
frequencies end a receiver, and in
addition to providing Grew inter-
. corn. could also be used for 0 F
and homing. Army used a slightly
modified version as WS No. 112.

The versatile transmitter-receiver thOWn abOve we!. developed by Radio

Corporatinn for the RAN and wes known AN the "RCS." This equipment
had a power output of over 10 watts and operated in the 3.10 rang•.
Major application of the RCS was in- the Navy's "small craft." where It
did a part.cularly fine Job.

Philips Electrical Industries produced the "DR101" tranemitter.receiver
illustrated at left for the US Navy. Capable of operation from AC or
battery supply, this assembly had a power autput of 40 walla and operated
uo, the 1 9 Fe 3-1 MC • rang..

One of the later versions (the "382") of the AWA "Teleradio“

equipment is shown below. Developed from a prewar commercial
design. this equipment saw very wide application by all Services and
was used in air•warning network:, small craft and for many other
purposes. The equipment normally wee battery-operated and corn•
prised separate transmitter and receiver units. covering 2.5-10 frIC:•e-
testing. Production outside of the telecoms. field in- made lampshades, floor standards, decorative fire
cluded several thousand fractional horse - power screens, etc., for which the war effort had no use.
motors and dynamotor assemblies, over 10,000 sets of However, the firm's metal-working facilities were dis-
parts for carburettors, and over 160,000 hand grenade covered by the US Army in Sydney and they were
casings. asked to produce a radar target for attachment to a
In compiling this review of Australia's Telecom- free balloon, which then could be tracked with radar
munication Industry's war effort, it is most gratifying instruments. In this manner, wind velocity could be
to note the many examples of firms achieving the determined to aid aircraft operations.
seemingly impossible, by doing so much with so little After much experimentation, they produced a satis-
previous experience, materials and manpower. factory sample, which in the words of the US authori-
One of these is Thom & Smith Pty. Ltd., of Mascot, ties was "more effective than those produced in
N.S.W., makers of Tasma Radio. Enterprise was their America." They received an order for 10,000 of these
keynote and it is of interest to note that early during "Rawin" targets, and this quantity was produced
the war, before the telecommunications production without a single reject. This was followed by another
program really commenced, Tasma took up a contract American Army order for 20,000, requiring a doubling
to make 100 million plastic core bullet-tips—and de- of output. The experience gained by the firm in this
veloped a machine to make them. They were com- and similar work should make its services of consider-
mended for their quality and regularity of delivery of able value to Australian industry in the post-war era.
those tips. As has been mentioned elsewhere in this publica-
Eventually they secured an initial order from RAAF tion, the RAAF requirement for an efficient general-
for radio transmitters AT14. So well did they do this purpose communication radio receiver was laid down
—despite no previous experience in such complicated in pre-war days, and very early In the war. and before
equipments—that they quickly got orders for AT15, "Pearl Harbour," the production project was success-
ATI4A, ATI5A, and the combined FM-AM AT17. fully undertaken by Kingsley Radio Pty. Ltd., of Mel-
Tasma displayed originality in design and standard- bourne, Vic. Later, this equipment was adapted for
isation. Their design was such as to facilitate rapid the Australian Army as their Reception Set No. 1. Pro-
conversion from one type of transmitter to another duction of the AR7 communication receiver for the
merely by substituting new exciter and P.A. units. The RAAF continued throughout the war, and this receiver
Allied Services. who used these Tasma transmitters was most universally used. They also produced Iron-
were most satisfied. Their early design was such that dust RF Cores, as well as Copper Powder for oil-less
when tropic proofing became essential, no substantial bearings in aircraft, with outstanding results.
alteration was necessary. An interesting example of specialised production of a
Their deliveries even bettered promised schedules major item of equipment is provided by Raycophone
and, in fact, their production effort won the praise of Pty. Ltd., of Annandale. N.S.W., who were entrusted
all who came into contact with the organisation. with a considerable proportion of the production of
anti-submarine gear for the RAN. With a pre-war ex-
Among those manufacturers who pre-war were con- perience in motion picture sound equipment, their
cerned only with domestic radio sets, but who got into ready adaptation to turning out anti-submarine ap-
the war effort with projects outside the telecommuni- paratus was productive of very efficient material.
cation field was Kriesler (A/asia) Pty. Ltd., of New-
town, N.S.W. Among other items produced by Raycophone during
the war period was sound-reinforcing equipment for
Up to VP Day they were engaged on over 470 pro- coast forts, designed to withstand the impact of heavy
jects in a variety of fields. Many of these were con- gun fire on such delicate apparatus. Raycophone also
cerned with electrical equipment for aircraft, particu- produced 35min. sound-film equipment for all Allied
larly the Australian Mosquito project. one important Forces in SWPA.
"aircraft" item was the secret Reflector Electrical Gun-
sight for fighter aircraft. Wire-wound resistors were Production of telecommunication and associated
another item that Kriesler produced to meet the rigid equipment was not all centred in Sydney and Mel-
specifications laid down by the Forces. bourne, even in pre-war days; and during the war
manufacturers in other capital cities also contributed
In the telecoms. field also Kriesler was active, and to the production drive. In fact, the demand was so
in addition to producing the 1kW ATI9 for the RAAF, great that every available source of production had to
successfuly developed a hermetically sealed, tropic be utilised.
designed high-power telephone for the AMF. Another
Army project interrupted by the cessation of hostilities In Adelaide, S.A., Bland Radio Ltd. had established
was the production of a tropic designed and sealed for many years a manufacturing organisation for radio
lightweight communications receiver. sets, transformers, and other items, so in the war
period the firm's production facilities were utilised and
Radar apparatus also was produced by Kriesler—a did a good job in making Fortress amplifiers that stood
major project being a high-power 1150 kW ) modula- up well to the stiff requirement. They also produced
tor assembly required urgently for modification of ex- an auxiliary transmitting-receiver set for life-boat in-
isting equipments. Other items successfully produced stallation on troop transports. For the RAAF, produc-
were trigger and strobe units for Services' Radar equip- tion was established of an intercommunication am-
ment. plifier incorporating electronic noise injection to pro-
In the Australian radar production field, a typical vide artificial interference during the training of
instance of ingenuity and initiative was displayed by RAAF radio operators, with the object of simulating
S. G. Ungley, of Sydney, NSW, who in prewar days noises commonly met with In aircraft.
Queensland also entered into the production picture,
and when the invasion of Australia appeared im-
minent, the rush with the job to equip our northern
coastal defences was terrific. In that regard, the
Queensland coastal defences required radio electric
eunnery controls. loud speaker equipments, and such
like. Considerable assistance with this work was given
by Crammond Radio, of Brisbane. who designed and
produced many special items of eouipment for the
AMF and other Services. The firm also was respon-
sible for some original developmental work in connec-
tion with the transmission of teletype impulses by
Another example of assistance rendered outside of
Tropic packing of radio batteries at the Melbourne
the major production centres was that of Bush & Co., factory of J. H. Magrath.
of Brisbane, who supplied public address systems and
carried out their installation in food and other fac- vices' camps, as well as several very elaborate instal-
tories. They also assisted the Army Canteen Service lations in military hospitals.
in mainteance of "amenities" radio sets that the troops Steanes Sound Systems, located in Melbourne and
found so helpful in all fields of operations. Sydney, also. were responsible for a wide variety of
While on the subject of sound amplification systems special work as well as their basic production of ser-
it is appropriate to note the work of several firms who vice and Industrial sound systems and "amenities"
may be regarded as specialists in this field. The names type radio tuners and broadcast receivers.
of three firms—Australian Sound Systems, Steanes This firm successfully established production of
Sound Systems and Velco Sound Systems—come to throat-type microphones for aircraft use and assisted
mind and, strangely enough, the headquarters of all "sound" manufacturers generally by the manufacture
three are located in Melbourne. of dynamic microphones and high-power projection-
The first mentioned of the above firms. Australian type loudspeaker units—these last, rated at 15 watts
Sound Systems, is located at Abbotsford, Victoria, and, and fully tropic-proofed, were widely used in "loud-
in addition to producing a range of sound systems hailing" systems for beach control during landing
rated at up to 400 watts, it produced crystal and mag- operations.
netic gramophone pick-ups, inter-communication Other work undertaken by Steanes included the
systems and a very fine "amenities" type radio re- production of aircraft magneto synchronisers, aircraft
ceiver known as the "V-5." This last was a fully ignition harness testers and ignition coils.
tropic-designed dual-wave receiver for AC or 6-volt In addition to the work done by the above "speci-
operation and saw wide service with all Forces in the alist" firms in the "sound" field, it may be noted that
SWPA. many of the larger "communications" organisations
In addition to equipment for the Services, Aust. were also active in this direction—the work of AWA
Sound Systems were active in the production and in- and Philips being particularly noteworthy as both of
stallation of sound systems for music reproduction and these firms established quantity production of special-
paging in factories. purpose amplifier systems to meet Service specifica-
Velco Sound Systems Pty. Ltd., of Melbourne. oper- tions.
ated in conjunction with its parent organisation. While on the subject of activity in the "sound"
A. J. Veall Pty. Ltd., also of Melbourne, to provide an Held, it is appropriate to mention the work of the
extremely wide variety of sound reproduction equip- Rola Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., of Richmond, Victoria, as
ment for the Services and Industry and, in addition, this firm was responsible for many of the loudspeakers
produced a range of "amenities" receivers, radio and dynamic microphone and receiver insets used by
tuners for sound systems, and several items of speci- the Forces. The production of these last items is a
alised test equipment—these last including a versatile story in itself and for the moment it must suffice to
wide-range 5-inch cathode-ray oscillograph. say that the successful production of moving-coil
One of the most important, although very "hush- microphone and receiver assemblies for use with the
hush," jobs undertaken by Velco was the production Aust. Army wireless sets "19," "22" and "112" was
of "FLB" I front-line broadcasting) units for the Al- largely due to the untiring efforts of Rola—an effort
lied GHQ unit responsible for propaganda warfare in which entailed much original research and develop-
the SWPA. These equipments, which are illustrated ment of magnet materials and structures new to Aus-
elsewhere in this issue, were highly-mobile battery- tralia. This work, while primarily directed toward the
operated 30-watt amplifier systems for record and production of microphone and receiver insets, proved
speech reproduction which were taken right into of considerable value in other fields such as radar and
front-line areas for the purpose of "broadcasting" meter manufacture.
(aurally) propaganda messages to enemy troops. Important as was Rola's work In the above direc-
These equipments supplemented the radio broadcasts tions, it was at least equalled by that firm's activities
and leaflets which were so widely used and performed in the production of magnet winding wires. Produc-
extremely well. tion of these wires, in a wide variety of gauges and
In the industrial field Velco produced factory ampli- coverings, reached very considerable proportions and
fier systems ranging in power up to 2,000 watts and was a material contribution to the war effort at a
employing 500 loudspeakers. They also were respon- time when overseas supplies, on which industry previ-
sible for a number of high-power systems for Ser- ously had largely relied, were no longer available.

Radln & Electrical Retailer, May 2. 1946 111

A typical example of Austra-
lian-made laboratory-type test-
ing equipment is illustrated at
left in the form of Transmission
Products' "LCR" Bridge. Built
to a high standard of precision,
numbers of theta Bridges were
supplied to the Forces and tele•
corns. manufacturers.

memos. a.


Test ill'y A particularly wide range of radio

and electrical testing gear was pro-
duced by Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd..
of Sydney. and two examples. the
"09" and "012." are shown at left
Equ pment and above, respectively. The 09 Is
a compact low-range ohmmeter for
Wasting circuit testing, while the 012
ill a combined resistance decade box
and aircraft instrument tester.
A. J. William. of Melbourne. pro-
duced some fine examples of sub.
standard instruments and one of the
firm's 51In. scale type PIG portable
instruments is shown at left.

Reed-type panel mount-

ing frequency meters
were a critical Item until
A. J. William commenced
Australian production.
One of the firm's "SR6"
terms of frequency me-
ters Is illustrated.

In add,tton la its extensive production of

Radar equ pment. the Gramophone Co.
t HMV) produced many items of testing
apparatus for Radar installation and ma!n•
tenance. Three typical examples are shown.
At the left is Test Sat ASA: above is Field
Strength Receiver, type 032: and at the
right is the type At8 test set for air-
warning equipments. Each of these equip-
ments had associated with it a specially-
stabtlisad power supply un.t housed in a
similar case assembly.
Mention of the work done by Rola on the pro- available. This personnel shortage was common to all
duction of magnets brings to mind the activities industrial units in a country geared for 100% war
of another firm that contributed materially to Aus- effort.
tralian industry's requirements of magnets and mag- Apart from meters and complete instruments,
netic devices. This firm, Quality Castings Pty. Ltd.. thermo-couples made by Vane for use in radio equip-
of Waterloo. NSW, established a special division to ment for all the Forces proved most satisfactory and
concentrate solely on the production of magnets and solved another of those many problems that telecom-
devices such as magnetic chucks and separators which munication equipment production continued to pre-
were supplied not only to the telecommunications in- sent. It Is of interest to note that the production of
dustry but also to other sections of industry engaged these thermo-couples entailed the welding of three
in the war effort. dissimilar wires—one of them only 0.0008" in diameter.
Quality Castings produced a wide variety of magnet A first-class example of a firm undertaking, almost
materials in shapes to meet an extensive range of re- overnight, the production of many types of indicat-
quirements and their work in this direction was a very ing meters and instruments, previously imported, is
important contribution to the war effort. besides being provided by A. .1. William Electrical Instruments, of
of material value to peace-time industry, Melbourne, Vic. This firm concentrated largely on
precision instruments of the sub-standard type, but
Meters and Testing Equipment also produced a wide range of electrical switchboard
Although considerable quantities of metering and meters of various types, including panel-mounting
testing equipment were produced by the major equip- frequency meters, wattmeters, etc. In addition, a large
ment manufacturers such as A.W.A., Radio Corpora- range of laboratory accessories, such as standard re-
tion, Philips, H.M.V., Airzone and others, the basic pro- sistances, bridges, etc., was produced. In the produc-
duction of indicating meters was carried out by a tion of these instruments, many new problems were
number of "specialist" firms, some of whom also pro- tackled, with such success that jobs such as the
duced complete items of testing equipment. Most of making of meter pivots having a spherical point with
these firms were active in the Industry in pre-war a radius of 0.0005" and the production of drawn
days. but wartime exigencies necessitated a consider- seamless aluminium tube with an outside diameter
able expansion of their facilities and production and of 0.028" and walls of 0.001" with a cross section of
a brief review of their activities will be of interest. 0.00000078 sq. in. became workshop routine.
Among these meter manufacturers who played a Many thousands of precision instruments were pro-
contributory part was Warburton Cranks Ltd., of Syd- duced by A. J. William during the war period and it
ney and Melbourne, with their Sangamo meters. In is a matter for congratulation that not only British
pre-war days they were actively engaged in making Standard Specifications, but also the rigid require-
the Sangamo house-service electric meter but rapidly ments of "tropicalisation" were fully observed.
turned over to war production of electrical instru- In the field of complete testing instruments, a par-
ments for the aircraft projects In Australia, an ticularly useful job was done by Radio Equipment Pty.
undertaking which entailed the manufacture of small Ltd. (University Instruments 1, of Broadway. Sydney,
instrument springs, frameless moving coils and instru- NSW. This firm produced a particularly wide range
ment jewels—items previously imported to Australia. of workshop testing equipment for the Services—the
Then instruments for use with radar equipment were items including the "D" series of electrical test gear,
needed, and the experience already gained proved ex- radio multimeters and super-testers; modulated oscil-
tremely valuable in achieving early production of lators; and a representative selection of panel indi-
these items, which included six-inch projecting pat- cating instruments.
tern moving-iron voltmeters and ammeters for alter- Ali of this equipment was produced to Service speci-
nator switchboards. Many design and production prob- fications and in considerable quantities—it is to the
lems were overcome in the successful manufacture of credit of the firm that deliveries always were main-
these instruments—an achievement of which the firm tained at a high rate, despite the inescapable wartime
might well be proud. difficulties of material supply and manpower.
Another firm that participated in the production Also engaged in the production of testing equip-
of indicating meters for vital Radar equipments was ment, but primarily for Base Workshop and Labora-
the Master Instrument Company, of Chippendale, tory purposes, was the progressive organisation of
NSW, who produced over 30,000 such meters for the Transmission Products Pty. Ltd.. of North Sydney,
SWPA Forces. To meet "tropic-design" requirements NSW, while this firm was also active in the line equip-
vacuum-impregnation and sealing against humidity ment and radar accessory fields—one particular
was accomplished by Master Instruments using their example of this last being the design and production
"Microvac" process. The demand for miniature meters of a special type of "range" potentiometer used ex-
from all the Services in 1944, encouraged this manu- tensively in RAAF and USAAF lightweight, air-warn-
facturer to design and produce a miniature meter ing radar equipment.
weighing only two oz. with a flange diameter of 11 in Most of the items produced were of a specialised
a barrel of 1/1-8 in diameter and 7:'8 in deep. "short-run" character, requiring precision workman-
The need for pH meters to determine acidity and ship and highly-skilled personnel, so that the firm
alkalinity in food processing and chemical labora- laboured under more than the usual amount of "man-
tories brought Geo. H. Sample & Son i Vane Instru- power" trouble. This was intensified by the initiation
ments) of Sydney, NSW, into this and other instru- of a special 24-hour repair service on certain items of
ment fields. Starting off with a staff of three in 1939, equipment for the US Navy, but it is pleasing to re-
this small but efficient production unit had fifty em- port that Transmission Products met every demand
ployees and could have used many more had they been that was placed on it.
Items produced included multi-channel line ampli- plete manufacture of Bendix-Eclipse generators of
fiers, "LCR" Bridges, precision controls such as faders types up to 3 kW at 30 volts, weighing only 26 lbs.
and attenuators, decade resistance boxes, relays, and Production at this factory also included engine start-
a range of hermetically-sealed audio and power trans- ers, voltage regulators and the Bendix-Scintilla 14-
formers and chokes. cylinder aircraft magneto—much of this equipment
A useful contribution to the production of accessory being completely new to Australian manufacturing
Items was made by D.W. Radio Co., of Chatswood, practice.
NSW. who manufactured distribution and protection In the components field, mention must be made of a
frames for Army field telephone installations and division of Electronic Industries Ltd., Ferrocart (A'sia I
other One equipment sundries. Pty. Ltd., of Melbourne. who specialised in vibrator
units. These devices were used in tens of thousands
Component Manufacture by the Forces, and the changing theatres of war opera-
Many of the firms already dealt with were respon- tions compelled constant research and improvement of
sible to a greater or lesser degree for the manufacture these vital items to ensure reliable operation under all
of various components and accessory items and men- conditions. The improvements found necessary and
tion already has been made of some of the items pro- successfully applied are a credit to Ferrocart. This
duced by these firms. However. as in other fields, there firm also was active in the production of iron-dust
were several organisations specialising in the produc- radio-frequency cores.
tion of components and other accessory items and it Although not a "component" in the strict sense—
is appropriate to examine the activities of a represen- being rather a major item—it is timely at this junc-
tative few. ture to mention the work done in Australia in the
manufacture of field telephone cable, of which nearly
The manufacture of over 10 million 1.R.C. resistance a quarter of a million miles was produced during the
units for all types of equipments for all the Forces war years.
was the proud achievement of Wm. J. McLellan & Co.. This work was carried out by Olympic Cables at
of Sydney, NSW. That is not the whole story because Footscray. Victoria. and represents a distinct achive-
the multiplicity of types and sizes called for taxed ment by Australian Industry.
even the Australian IRC factory which was function-
Back in 1938, this company planned for the produc-
ing for years before the war. This firm's war effort
tion of V.I.R. cables, field telephone wires and other
started in the first week of September, 1939. and con-
rubber insulated conductors, although it was not until
tinued up to and beyond VJ Day. It was a continual
race against time, and required the constant introduc- 1940 that production got going, but its usefulness was
to be appreciated even later still. It is of interest to
tion of new designs to keep pace with demands from
note that the cost of such cables was one-third lower
the Forces and equipment manufacturers.
than similar British cable and half the cost of Ameri-
In the radar field, the production of a series of re- can cables, while the standard of production was well
sistances to an accuracy of one in 10.000 and of "range" in accordance with exacting Service requirements. As
potentiometers was an extremely important function further experience was gained. Olympic was able to
and called for the highest degree of accuracy and re- make still further reductions in cost, and even refund
liability in performance. all the financial assistance it received under the "Cable
In addition to resistors, electrical, radio and radar & Wire Bounty Bill, 1941."
equipments of every kind use condensers of all types Machines for drawing, annealing and tinning of cop-
and sizes and Ducon Condenser Ltd. of Waterloo, per wire were developed and installed although pre-
N.S.W.. played a major part in this field of production. war this was not contemplated. Associated with
as well as doing an impressive job on the development Olympic in the field telephone cable project as sup-
of Steatite Insulators in Australia. pliers of raw materials, tinned steel wires. etc., were
In the condenser field, an important Ducon contri- Rylands Bros. of Newcastle, the Broken Hill Pty. Co.
bution was the successful utilisation of Chlorinated Ltd., also of Newcastle, and Metal Manufactures Pty.
Diphenyl as a dielectric—a development that also per- Ltd. of Port Kembla, N.S.W., and great credit must be
mitted a reduction in physical dimensions. Not only given for the team-work and co-operation that con-
was the problem of supplying initial equipment re- tributed so much to the success of the project.
quirements in condensers met by Ducon, but the firm An important example of Australian productive ef-
also undertook the manufacture of a multitude of fort in insulating electrical conductors for use in
types and sizes for replacement in foreign made equip- many applications is provided by Moulded Products
ment, used by the various Allied Forces in the SWPA. (A'siai Ltd. of Richmond.Vic.. who successfully over-
At the cessation of hostilities Ducon had '700 employ- came the many problems associated with the produc-
ees engaged on the manufacture of condensers, resist- tion of several types of coaxial cables for radar and
ors and ceramics. general telecommunications work.
Another prewar condenser manufacturer who con- The latest type of co-axial cables produced by
tributed to the making of these important components Moulded Products utilise an inner dielectric of poly-
for the Forces, to meet the combined Services speci- thene. a new plastic originally developed in England
fications CL1001 and CL1019, was Tecnico Ltd. of Mar- by I.C.I. Ltd. The electrical properties of polythene
N.S.W. This manufacturer also made a wide are generally similar to those of polystyrene, but its
range of Yaxiey wave-change switches that had many big advantage is its flexibility, permitting it to be ex-
applications in telecom. equipments. truded directly on to a wire in a continuous seamless
Tecnico also played a very considerable part during covering.
the war in the manufacture of aircraft electrical units The need for flexible hookup and instrument wire
which were fitted to every type of aircraft built in suitably insulated with poly,-vinyl-chloride to overcome
Australia. They secured high marks for their corn- humid conditions was met by Moulded Products and
Lines of

At left is shown a
stack of the basic
material for t h
Army', "lines of
communication" -
"Don" class tel.. -
phone cable at the
Melbourne works
of Olympic Tyre 6.
Rubber Co. The
steel drums for
this cable we r
produced by Ri•
chards Industries.
of Adelaide.

The PMG's Dept. produced

for the AMF a quantity of
mobile carrier telephone
equipments, of the t y p e
Shown above, as insurance
To meet the exacting con- against enemy damage to
ditions imposed by Jungle permanent installations.
warfare in the SWPA. the
Army required a new field
telephone. Standard Tele-
phones produced the an.
ewer, in the form of Tele•
phone, "L" (Aust.) No. 2,
illustrated at right.

The new "L" 'phone illustrated above

necessitated provision of a new field
switchboard and a completely-new tropic-
designed magneto-call assembly was
produced by MacKenzie 8 Holland of
Melbourne. Two views are shown — at
left. the unit sealed for transport and
below, the equipment set up for oper •

. •
Transmission Pro •
ducts, of Sydney,
'or* • i 2 •• S ** 4"3"11" 7 .• • "9*;1
4 11. • we r e responsible
*1 Ad. !W. X)P. V. JSJ. fC •••
for the "AMS110"
multi-channel line
amplifier assembly
shown at right.
This equipment
as made for the
US Army.
eventually developed into the production of light and Particularly notable is the work of Ekon Ply, Ltd.
power cables of 60 different types, many in up to six in Melbourne, who were largely responsible for the
colours. production of dynamotor sets for the RAAF AT5/AR8
Submarine telegraph cable used in northern opera- and Westinghouse-Rosebery. in Sydney who produced
tional areas having its primary conductor 17 '.036► in- over 2,200 petrol-electric generators and alternator
sulated with polythene was produced by Moulded Pro- assemblies. Westinghouse also were active in the pro-
ducts. and proved most satisfactory. At one point on duction of electrical control gear and ultra-violet
the ocean bed, this cable was three miles below the "Steillamps" for use in Service hospitals, blood banks
surface. and food storage depots.
"Nylex" insulation was another development and
many land telephone lines for jungle warfare used The Services' requirement for large quantities of
Moulded Products' -Nylex"-Insulated cadmium-copper electrical generating and control equipment also
and hard-drawn copper wire for the operation of exercised the attention of a number of organisations
carrier-wave systems between bases and forward areas. other than those included In the above group and
Tlilb unique properties of this material enabled it to particular mention must be made of the work of
be made in transparent sheets, to totally enclose cir- Standard Waygood Ltd., of Waterloo, N.S.W. The
cuit diagrams, operating instructions and any such name of this firm is closely associated with the pro-
printed matter between two sheets laminated under duction, installation and maintenance of lifts ("ele-
heat and pressure, resulting in a water-, dirt- and vators." as our US friends prefer to call them!) but.
fungus-proof job. as the Company points out—they don't only make lifts.
As mentioned previously, considerable work was The recently-concluded hostilities provided ample
carried out in Australia on the development of ceram- proof of that, as Standard Waygood generating sets,
ics as insulating materials and in this connection, alternators, searchlight carbon lamps, electrical con-
reference must be made to the activities of Nilerom trol gear and high-power transformer assemblies
Porcelains (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., of Northcote. Victoria. were to be found throughout the SWPA. For some
One of the Nilsen group of companies, this organisa-
of these items, Standard Waygood were the primary
tion commenced operations shortly after the out-
contractors, while In other cases the firm acted .as
break of war and did a really first-class job for the
Services and industry at large. sub-contractor to producers of major equipments such
as STC. A final example of the versatility of Standard
The advent of radar, with Its exacting insulation
requirements high-lighted Nilcrom's activities, as the Waygood was provided when it established a special
organisation was successful in establishing quantity factory to manufacture searchlight carbons, as these
production of close-grained non-hygroscopic ceramic items were in such short supply that the continued
insulators and formers with tolerances as close as operation of AA defences was jeopardised.
plus-minus two parts in a thousand. However, the Also engaged on the production of power supply and
firm's activities were by no means restricted to Radar related equipment for the Services was the old-
insulants, as it also produced large quantities of high- established firm of Durst Motors, located at Forest
voltage line insulators and a wide variety of terminal Lodge, Sydney, N.S.W. The firm produced a wide
insulators, as well as a range of aerial insulators and variety of special motor-generator sets for Service use
transmission-line spreaders for Services' use in the and did a particularly useful job for the RAN with
field. the development and manufacture of pedal-operated
DC generators for use as emergency power for signal-
Power Supply and Accessory Apparatus ling lamps.
Equally as important as the work of the equipment In the realm of power supply equipment, the trans-
and component manufacturers was the work of those former manufacturers were well to the fore and
firms specialising in the production of power supply mention has already been made of the work done by
equipment and other accessory items. Here again. equipment manufacturers. As in other fields, specialist
many of the organisations already mentioned were re- manufacturers played their part and, once again,
sponsible for quantity production of equipment corn- the names of several Melbourne firms appear worthy
ing into the categories mentioned, but it is important of special mention.
to pay due tribute to those firms whose work, while The first of these Is the Wilson Electric Transformer
not so spectacular, nevertheless contributed its fair Co. Pty. Ltd.. of Port Melbourne, Victoria, who supplied
quota to the total effort. everything from step-down transformers for portable
As an example of this, consider the case of the cinema equipments to 2000 kVA oil-Immersed units
EMAIL (Electricity Meter & Allied Industries) group for the reticulation system at the 100 KW short-wave
of companies—while not engaged on any major pro- broadcaster at Shepparton, Victoria.
jects which could be regarded as "telecommunications"
in the strict sense, the manufacturers Included in Most of Wilson's production was in the "heavy"
this group produced an almost-bewildering array of class and an example of the scope of the firm's
accessory items, without which telecoms. equipment activities, in addition to the instances above, is given
produced elsewhere could not have functioned. by its manufacture of the transformer equipment for
These items included microphone and receiver as- a 45 KW AC/DC arc-rectifier converter unit for use
semblies, H.T. rectifiers, vibrator units, terminal as- by the Royal Navy. In addition to items such as this,
semblies, meters, dynamotors and generating sets, Wilson also supplied a wide variety of instrument
while the same firms also were engaged on the produc- transformers, aerodrome lighting units, welding trans-
tion of fire-control equipment, such as predictors and formers and industrial units ranging in power up to
fuse setters. 3 500 kVA.
Supply. 4.


Standard Telephones made

t h e high-power selenium
rectifier assembly shown at
right as a battery-boosting
The '•Enneld" twin-cylinder petrol motor and starting unit to con-
shown above was made by K.L. Engines & serve battery power in
Tractors, of Melbourne, as the prime mover armoured fighting vehicles.
for a 2.75 KVA alternator set which was
widely used for Radar power supply.


At right is a petrol-

olio I
driven 5 KVA alter.
nator set made for
the Services by Stan-

dard • Waygood. of
Sydney. At left are
shown the "Gledden"
v oit age regulator
flop) and the centri.
fugal governor devel•
oped by Standard-
Waygood for use in
this assembly and
oleo Supplied separ•
ate), for the Services.

The extensive use of generating equipment

In the field necessitated effective control
and distribution facilities—a typical control
board, made by Hodson & Gault, of Mel-
bourne. Is shown at right.

Below at right is a 20 KVA

diesel - driven "Southern
Cross" equipment manufac-
tured for Service use by
Standard•Waygood. of Sydney. also Toowoomba Foundry Ltd..
produced the 22 KW DC generator of Queensland.
set illustrated below. This assembly
was designed for searchlight operation.
Swales & Swann, of Coates Lane, Melbourne, were
another firm active in the production of transformers
for the Services, but the equipment produced by this
organisation differed somewhat in magnitude. if not
in importance, from that of the previous manufac-
turer. This firm concentrated its production mainly
on equipment transformers, both power and audio,
and it is a matter of record that "S & S" transformers
were "among those present" in the Milne Bay oper-
ations. The organisation also did a particularly useful
job of work on transformers for Radar equipment
and was particularly co-operative in the production
of experimental units for the Services' design
authorities. A line-up of AMT150 transmitters undergoing final test
at AWA's Ashfield Radio-Electric Works.
A valuable contribution also was made by Cliff &
Bunting Pty. Ltd., who make Trimax Transformers. the "Mini-Max" type of battery which provided a
at North Melbourne, Vic. This firm was among the solution of this problem. Unfortunately, this project
earliest in the field with fully sealed transformer did not reach full production before VJ Day, but
assemblies for tropical service. The work of this firm the development provides an example of the manner
is particularly noteworthy in that, not only was it. in which Eveready and their American associates
called upon to supply transformers and chokes for !National Carbon Co.) did everything within their
initial equipment but It also was asked to supply power to give the Forces the best kind of battery
iwhich it did with considerable satisfaction to all possible.
concerned 1 transformers for replacement purposes The only other company producing dry batteries
in communications and radar equipment of overseas in prewar days was the Stan-Mor Dry Cell Company
origin. This last Is especially meritorious in that it Pty. Ltd., of Brighton, Vic., and although not a big
entailed the manufacture of units to meet space limi- organisation, it made a most valuable contribution to
tations originally determined by conditions much less the Forces dry battery requirement.
exacting than those applying when the equipments Being a purely Australian-owned and operated
were placed in service in the SWPA. company, during the war period they did a lot of
While most of the larger items of Service tele- work on whatever raw materials were available In
communications equipment were AC-powered, many Australia without relying on overseas supplies and
other equipments for highly-mobile field and patrol their results after many "headaches" were most
use were of necessity operated by means of either gratifying. Examples of Stan-Mor's activities in these
"dry" or "wet" batteries and the supply of these Items respects are the development and production of zinc
reached very considerable proportions. strip and carbon rods, and the mining and treatment
Apart from a few special types produced for aircraft of Australian manganese, which proved most helpful
use, the accumulators employed were largely of stan- in an otherwise difficult situation.
dard design—differing mainly in the provision of
special terminal connections or carrying arrange-
Miscellaneous Activities
Although not classified as "telecommunications" in
ments. The Vesta Battery Co.. of Leichhardt. NSW.
the strict sense, the production and general activities
was one of the many firms that participated in pro-
of a large number of manufacturers other than those
duction of these items and is mentioned because of
already mentioned were a material contribution to
its extensive work on experimental production.
the general effort and in this respect mention may be
In the field of dry batteries of all sizes and types. made of the work done by the Australian General
Eveready (Australia) Pty. Ltd., of Rosebery, NSW, Electric Pty. Ltd. throughout Australia. This firm had
played the most prominent part, being the largest a huge productive capacity available at its Granville,
manufacturer of such batteries in Australia. With NSW, works as well as considerable supply facilities
their Melbourne associate, Widths Diamond Dry Cells. by virtue of its overseas affiliations. Among the items
this organisation manufactured for direct war pur- supplied were large quantities of electrical gear, elec-
pnses, 47 million dry cells of all types during the war trical insulation and varnishes• and thermostatically-
period and these cells were used in 61 types of bat- controlled ovens for quartz crystals.
teries, many of which were previously unknown here. Another electrical manufacturer that performed a
The peak staff was 650. very useful function was the Lange() Electric Jug Co..
The production of dry batteries for use In signal of Rozelle. NSW. This firm turned its productive
equipment in tropical operational areas, proved most capacity over to thr manufacture of a large variety
difficult and compelled much research. Hermetically- of electrical items such as radiators and heating
sealed metal containers were finally adopted as a appliances for hospitals and also produced signalling
satisfactory packing medium to ensure batteries projectors and depth-sounding equipment.
reaching the "front-line soldier" in good condition. Manufacturers were not the only people who made
Also, it was important on account of portability substantial contributions to the war effort in the
that such batteries be of the lightest weight with supplying of parts, completed equipments and asso-
greatest possible capacity and, under Ministry of ciated accessories. Many were the occasions when
Munitions I DRSSI guidance, Eveready installed by the stocks of wholesalers were called upon and availed
the end of the war the equipment to manufacture of to supply odd bits and pieces to the Forces and to
The supply of transit cases for radar and radio
equipment called for experienced wood workers, which
the Dickin organisation can rightly claim to be. The
firm's work on plywoods proved of considerable value
in the production of these items, as well as an the
- Mosquito" project, as the requirements of "tropic-
design" made the use of "bonded" waterproof mat-
erials essential.
In addition to what has been said elsewhere in this
publication. the above reference to the necessity for
waterproofing emphasises the fact that the greatest
problem facing the industry in its manufacture of
telecommunication equipment for the Forces operat-
ing in the S.W.P.A. was that of overcoming the exceed-
ingly high humid conditions, the consequent fungus
thOcm. searct-dittht projector' in producton at the growths, water absorption by materials or condensa-
Melbourne factory of A. G. Healing Ltd. tion of moisture on the surface of components.
In 1942, the Forces experienced all these troubles
essential services. The maintenance of the people's and the mortality rate of equipments was terrific. It
domestic radios was also an essential requirement. was a continual fight against fungus and humidity.
In that regard. A.S. Radio Parts. of Melbourne, assisted All insulating materials were affected and many were
materially as did many others. the suggested and attempted remedies. Tropical in-
Another example of this co-opei anon with the sulating varnishes were investigated, concocted and
larger manufacturers and Services is provided by the applied not only in Australia, but also in America.
Melbourne wholesale firm of J. H. Magrath & Co. where this problem was concerning telecommunica-
and its associate, the Aegis Mfg. Co. Pty. Ltd.. of Lans- tions just as much as here. The US Forces in the
dale Street, Melbourne. SWPA experienced all the difficulties that the Austra-
Although a small concern, Aegis contributed much lian Forces met up with.
by way of specialised Items In small quantities that Among those manufacturing varnishes here were
much larger concerns could not touch. "Problem chil- Taubman% Ltd., of St. Peters, N.S.W., and Lewis Ber-
dren" were their speciality and their results helped ger & Sons, of Rhodes, N,S,W.. and the efforts of both
substantially in solving those small but urgent prob- these firms on this tropic-proofing problem were con-
lems for the Services. At one stage. they turned to siderable. Their insulating varnishes and other pro-
and assisted in extensive tropic packing of dry bat- ducts were used on practically every kind of telecom.
teries. Such was their versatility and enthusiasm. equipment. Special tropical Insulating varnishes were
Other wholesale and distributing Organisations that formulated for lowering of surface leakage and in
made a substantial contribution, both by way of assis- every respect. the activities of these two organisations
tance to manufacturers, and also to the Services, in were highly commendable.
the form of special supplies, include the Sun Electric Another firm that played an important part in the
Co.. of Melbourne: Radio Wholesalers, of Adelaide, supply of special insulating materials was the Mira
Cooke Bros. Pty. Ltd.. of Sydney: and R. E. Jeffries & Insulating Supplies Co. ("Misco"). of Melbourne,
Pty. Ltd., also of Sydney These and many other Vie., who made their contribution in fabrication of a
similar organisations had such a variety of activities variety of insulating products.
that it is difficult to do more than mention their par- With many pre-war sources overseas cut uff from
ticipation, but a few highlights will be of interest. Australia, the need for improvisation with many
Sun Electric made its chief contribution In the sup- hitherto unknown materials was vital. The applica-
ply of telephone and electric cables and flexibles and tion of these insulating materials extended into the
was closely associated with the Olympic organisation high-powered machinery field and Misco were respon-
on the production and distribution of such items. sible for supplying the insulation required for two
Radio Wholesalers in Adelaide were active in many 3,000 h.p. armatures that were stripped, coils reinsu-
directions and played a very useful part as a South lated and completely rewound in eleven working days,
Australian outlet for many products—prominent when labour and materials were at a high premium
among them being the range of sound-reproduction However, insulating materials were not the only r
and electro-acoustic apparatus produced by Aust. quirements of the Industry, and to conclude this
Sound Systems in Melbourne. view a contrast is provided by the activities of a fin.:
in Sydney, Cooke Bros. played a similar part and that concentrated solely an the supply of conducting
handled the distribution and supply of many electrical materials. This firm was Austral Bronze Co. Pty. Ltd..
lines, while R. E. Jeffries Pty. Ltd. concentrated largely of Alexandria. N.S.W., and as manufacturers of non-
on the supply of insulating materials and varnishes— ferrous rolled and extruded raw materials, the pro-
these last now include the products of Lewis Berger & ducts of Austral Bronze were incorporated in most of
Sons—as well as a range of portable electric tools. the telecommunication equipments of all sizes and
Right throughout the war, woodworking played an types. From humble beginnings In 1914, the company
important part, and in this direction a prominent grew until in 1937 Its output was 5,157 tons, which rase
part was played by F. Dickin Pty. Ltd., of Leichhardt. to 10,272 tons In 1940 and to a peak of over 24,000 tons
N.S.W.. who in pre-war days supplied tens of thous- in 1942. This firm was a sub-contractor for non-
ands of various types of radio cabinets and specialised ferrous parts to most of the major equipment manu-
in plywood. They were quickly involved in assisting facturers and its produces are found in everything
production in Australia of the Mosquito aeroplane from field telephones to the 200 kw Belconnen trans-
spars and some components. mitter.
Apparatus 9

Above is shown the aerial reflector and wave•guide assembly of a naval radar
equipment produced by Amalgamated Wireless, while the associated apparatus
reeks. also by AWA, are seen at left. At top right are two typical PPI "displays"
obtained from air-borne equipment of a similar type.

Alongside at right is shown a

high-power ( 150 KW) modula-
tor assembly produced by
Kneeler for modification of
early low-power radar equip-

One of the most note-

worthy achievements of
Australian industry dur•
ing the war was the suc-
cessful production of
many types of special
radar valves• At the
lower left we show a
group of such valves
produced in Australia by
STC, while some valves
and TYR switches pro•
duced by AW Valve Co.
are shown below.

it" a
Services' Radar

Above and at right art

shown two sections of a
special lightweight, tropic-
designed navigational radar
equipment built by HMV for
the RAAF.

Illustrated at top right is the transmitter-

modulator cubicle of a high-power naval
radar equipment produced for the RAN by

e.' The equipment shown at left is the receiver,

aerial control and power supply rack of an
air-warning equipment produced by AWA
for the Services.

The production of radar equipment placed

heavy demands on the industry for high-
grade insulating materials and at right is
shown a representative group of precision
ceramics produced by Nilcrom Porcelains.

Krlesler to sia) Pty. Ltd. produced the

trigger unit shown below for association
with Service radar equipment.

Shown below are the B0-in. parabolic reflector aerials of a mobile

"coast-watching" radar equipment produced for the AMF by
Amalgamated Wireless.
The 150 cm. searchlight
shown below is radar.
controlled by equipment
designed by the Aus-
tralian FMC's Dept. This
apparatus was fully trop•
Alphabetical List of Contractors

A Armco (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 422 Lillie Poitiers Street. Melbourne

Vic .
N.S.W. Suppiiers of:—Steel Sheets, Transformer iarnriuutMits.
A.C.I. Plastic* Pty. Ltd., Ili...Ming Street. Water
of:—Pinstle Ashwin, E. M.. 2 COMPS Lane, Mellmarae, VII.
A.P.C. Engineering Pty. Ltd., Cie Little StrPrt Suppliers tii:-1.1rm & Sperini Mull,' Equipment and l'ilai-
Vii:. iumenth.
Suppliern or:--itarrows. Drum: Are-Mesli i!rtstes.
Austral Bronze Co. Pty. Ltd., tritiordan Street.
A.S. Radio Parts, 1:07 Elisabeth Street. Melbourne, Vic.
Suppliers of:— FtUti 10 ponents; Test Equipment.
Suppliers ..f:—firasis Sheets mot Rod: Non-Ferrous Materials.
A.W.A. Teicon Pty. Ltd., 47 York Street, Sydney. N S W.
Australasian Engineering Equipment Co. Pty. Ltd., VC Inds.
Suppliers of:—High Frequency Cables.
Street, Melbourne. Vie.
Ackland, A. E., 2110 Queen Street, Melbourne, Vic. Suppliers ofl—C.ntiensers; It. sisturs.
Supplier's of:—Electrival Equipment,
Australian Aluminium Co. Pty. Ltd., l'nwin Streei, iIrittivIlle,
Adams, Wm. & Co. Ltd., 175 Clarence Street. Sydney. N.S.W.
supplier, Aceentiorliiik
Suppliers az—Aluminium mut Dural Sheets; Rods;
Adelaide Potteries Ltd., rosi' Street. Tirramiton, S A.
Suppliers ti(:--.1"..ramilea; Australian General Electric Pty. Ltd., 93-.94 eiarenee Street.
API. 110P, ItIO411,11t t*.t'S Sydney, N.S.W.
tn Rubber Co. Pty. Ltd.,
Suppliers of:—Elertrieal Equipment: insulating Vrirnishes.
Crystal Ovens.
SU111111Prm of :—Rubber
Adverts Pty. Ltd., rieloris. Street. North Melbourne. Vie. Australian Porcelain Insulator Co. Pty. Ltd.. ill: 1411PPO St tell
Suppliers ,pf:—NIITIIN NM PC Hie/MI Luminous Painting. POP. Vie
SUNIUPI'S t'eramleN,
Aegis Mfg. Co. Pty. Ltd, LI. II. Magrathi, Son bimetal.. Street,
N1Q1.bourily. Australian Sound System*, Sri Park Street. Abbotsford, Vie_
Suppliers ni';—Rrali.. Test Muni. ponetits:
Suppliers of:—Anwilfiers: Radio Tuners: Phone Pick-up..
Control rolls. Radio Receivers
Aerostat Co. or Australia. l.,littion S.lunre, Redfern, N S IS.
Automatic Electric Telephone* Ltd., 229 Castlereagh Street, Syd-
Suppilerr. and. Tune Controls.
ney, N.S.W.
Alpha Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd., 42-64 Layton Street. Camper- Suntillers rif:—Tilephime Equipment: Relays.
glow NAAS' .
Suppliers of:- •Clear eutting; Switches.
(1931) Ltd., ills Parrimsatta Road, Aulairn.
Suppliers of:—Itadlo Appnratint; Radar Equipment ; ASV
Beacons.: Anti-Sub. Equipment; Test Equipment; Radio
t'omponents; Motor (1enera tors, et . Bambach, A. F., Parrarnntta Road. Petersham, N.S.Vr.
Suppliers of:—Wheiling Wire, etc.
Amalgamated Wit-elites (A'sla) Ltd., 47 York Street, Sydney. N.S.W.
Suppliers or'—Radlo Transmitters: Radio Receivers; Radar Barr, Walter. Pty. Ltd., Gillespie Avenue, Alexandria, N.S.W.
Equipment: Quarts t7rystals and Ovens: Test Eiplipment: Suppliers of:—Plastic Montdings
Signalling Lumps; WHIM l'tmipunents: Aircraft inelruninntx.
Bedford. Wm., Pty. Ltd., 475 Lt. Lansdale Street, ))))) rne.
Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co. Pty. Ltd.. 47 'York Street,
Suppliers cif:—Arrials & Gear; Tent Equipment: Corner
Sydney. N.S.W.
Eteriertors: Slides WM' l'ories; Metal Cases & Roses.
Suppliers of:--Tratientliting and Receiving Valve*. Rit,Inr
i'rystais and Special Valves. Bopp, William. & Sons. 42! Street. Melbourne, Vie.
Amplion (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., in Parriimatla Mind. i'ilinpertlown, Machinery & :dela! Parts: Electrietri („Nots-
N.S.W. 1114,111•111s.
Slippiters lit Sets; Loudspeakers, Rectifier Units.
Berger, Lewis. & Sons, Cathcart House, Ile Castlereagh Street,
Anchor Electroplating Works. lair King Street. Newtosen.
Supplier/4 and Anti-Enrrosion Treatments. Suppliers of:—Paints: N'a Plashes; Lacquers: Fluoresrent
Angus & Coote Pty. Ltd., Soo George Street. Sydney, Paints.
Suppliers rf:—Patiel Engraving: Precision Dials. elm.
Beveridge, W., 9 Waiter Street, Hyde Park, WA.
Apex Engravers_ Pty. Ltd., 9 Hardware Street, Melbourne, Vic. Suppliers nr:—Valre Amplifying Pritentliimeters,
Suppliers or: —Tuning Tablets; Panels: Plate*
Blackwood. J, e.. Son, RG Sussex Strsol, Sytlitee, N S.W.
Arcadian Radio Pty. Ltd., 24 Raltiforil Street, Steely' Stile. N W Suppliers of:—Machine •rissio .
Suppliers 'Itilssis soul :Viet& Pressings
Multi, Malvern, Vie. Bland Radio Ltd.. c.or,ramhilrl Mar.. Adelatile, S A.
Arendson, A. H..
Suppllei g tot:- iii k les .1 for 1,Vebising; Straps, Supplier,. of:—Amplifier Systems: Pe.wer Stipp) glil ■' ■

N..1,11.- Si In illitinr&
• lassland, Rae. Pty. Ltd., ea tialiebury Bond. campers:town, N SAV C
Supplier,. rd. - Motel Porte
Bloch 411 Gerber Ltd.. York Street, Sydney, C.C. Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd.. 213 Pyrmont Bridge Rood. Olehr.
Suppliers of:—Radio Components. N.B-W.
Supplier. of:—Die-Castinet.
S wag. Wm., McLachlan Avenue. Rtudtcutters Ha). N. W
of:--Lamps.: Electrical Acme/eines. Cable Makers (Aust.) Ltd., Ilksaarns Bond. Liverpool, N N.W.
Bowen & Pomeroy Pty. Ltd., Slaeauley Bond. Nth Nteibeurne, 811 Illrlirree of :—W I rex & t 'a Mee.
Vle. Calder. R. S.. Pty. Ltd.. 61 Kingston }toad. Summer Hill. N S.W.
Suppliers of:—Timher Sunnite'. Transit t MM., An/Idlers of—Aerial Switches: EN eetrie bintnrn
Bradley Bros. Pty. Ltd., Wentworth Avenue, Sydney, N.S.W. Carew, Huckett • Co., Albert Street, Northeote. Vic.
Supplier. of- --caetIngs (Nun-Ferrous). SumMeis 1.( 'norm, rovers and Carrying' Bags. Satchels
Braided Products Pty. Ltd., Trafalgar Street, Annandale. N.H.W. Carmichael, W. T., Ltd., Itawlion Street, Auburn, N S W.
Supplier,. of —Cable Coverings; Wiring Looms; Oates. suppliers of: —Nletol eases.
Breariey, H., 1P3 Pettier. Highway, Arneliffe, N.S.W. Park. Sth. Aunt.
Supplier. of:—Aertull Accessories. Carr Fastener Co. of Aust. Pty. Ltd., Tapley's Hill Road. Royal
Suppliers a1:—Lock Washers; Clip.; Pin Jacks & Socket,-
Brehaut, H. E.. Pty. Ltd., 79l Whitehorme fond. Mont Albert, Vii.
Suiml legs .if —t .1 t inn Piarpleros: Eloetrieal Equip- Carr. .1.. Pty. Ltd., 661 Owerge Street. $4.11M.1.. N s W
ment_ Suppliers of:—Plastic Mouldings_
Brett. E. H., • Sons Pty. Ltd., 4 Little Avenue, East Ilnimitin, Cast-eke, C. R.. 42 Macfarlan Street, 5th. Yana, Vie.
N.B.W. Suppliers of:—Line Equipment, Carrying Feature, err ,
Supplier' of:—Caneas Owens'. Rage, rte.
Casper Precision Engineering Pty. Ltd., James Street. Redfern.
°ravine Radio Pty. Ltd., #7 Mlesenden Road, Camperdisa-n,
NUS Allens of:—Machinery and Metal Parte. Kellar & A P4111.
Suppliers Tritnseelvers; Mine lieteetore. 'feet
'ompoilents: Plastic Mouldings.
Equipment; Itnaciin Monitors; Humidity Control (tear.
Brewer, W. H., Pty. Ltd., 22 illackwmul Street. North Melbourne, Cecil Bros. Pty. Ltd.. Holt Street. N 4W
Suppliers of:—Cartons and Parking Material.,
Suppliers of:—insulating Material,_ Challenge Electric Co.. 26 King Street. Sydney. N.S W
British•Australian Lead Mfrs. Ltd.. calsurila Road. Cobaritn. Suppliers rif:—Charging sets, 4kW.
N.S.W. Challingsworth, A., 476 Swan Street, Richmond. Vle.
Suppliers of:--Paints & Varnishes. Suppliers of: --Steel Masts; Aerial Accessories,
British General Electric Co. Ltd., 104 Clarence Street, Sydney. Chalmers, H. B., 110 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. Vic.
N.S.W. Supptiere of :—Knoita. Plum.. Moulded Bridles Panel Arces-
Supplier'. nf--1•Ileetrietil Riitilroment : Telephone Equipment;
Chivers, H. A., 111 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne.
British Insulated Cables. 84 William Street, Melbourne, Vie. of:-Controls & Instrument.
:4 IA
Suppliers of:—Aerial Wirer, rim.
Chubb', Australian Co. Ltd., 164 Clarence Street. Sydney, N.N.W
British Tube Mills (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Kilburn. Sib. Aust. Suppliers of;—Steel Frames; Radar Aerial Array..
Supplier. of:—Aerliti Rod.; Sleet Tubes.
Clay Bras. • Co., III Queens Parade. curios, 11111. Vie.
British Xylonits (Aust.1 PtY. Ltd., Pt. Nepean Road, Brost Stoppliere of :—Spare Valve Boxe.
Brighton. Vic.
Cliff & Bunting Pty. Ltd. (Trimax Transformers). 29 Flemitignal
Supplier.. ..r.—Namepta tee: Lino Tags; innulattion
Road. North Melbourne. Vic.
Broadcasting Recording Supplies, Dorcas Street. nouth met- Suppliers of:—Power & Audio Transformers; Chokes
bourne, Vic. Colville Wireless Equipment Co. Pty. Ltd., Australia House. Car-
Supplier's of :—Pliotes. Turntable.; Pick -ups. rington Street, Sydney. N.S.W.
Suppliers of . —Radio Transmitters; R.V. .AmplIllere.
Deplete Pty. Ltd.. Wades' Street, Nth. Melbourne, Vic.
Suppliers of —Paints & Lacquers. Clyde Wilson-Reid Pty. Ltd., 101 Wellington Street. Windsor, Vie
Suppliers of:—Procleinit Controls: PIM Assemblies,
Brown. E. 1'., Ltd., 17 caetirreagh Street. Sydney, N.S.W.
suppliers .4:—Battery varrylng Frames; She-et Metal Work. Commonwealth •Irerart Corporation. Fishermen's fend. Part
Melbourne, Vie.
Itrownbilt Steel Equipt. Co., Botany Rood, Mascot. Suppliers of : —Thn int hi leropinnies.
Suppliers of:—Steel; Crowe; Pres...A Metal Work.
Commonwealth Moulding Pty. Ltd., 242 PrIneee Highway, Arn-
Bruce Small Pty. Ltd.. Clarendon Street. Sth. Melbourne, Vie. cliffs, N.S.W.
supplier!. of:—Metal Framers. Suppliers of:—Fuse Holders. Plastic Mouldings.

Brunswick Springs Pty. Ltd., . Stanley Street. West Brunswick. Commercial Steels • Forge Co. taint.) Pty. Ltd.. Bowden Street.
Alexendria, N.S.W.
Suppliers. of:—Earth Pine Suppliers of:—Drop Fora log.
Cooke Bros. Pty. Ltd., 4'.I Kent Street. Sydney. N.S.W.
Bryant & Hunter, VI Ouildford Lour. Melbourne, Vie.
Suppliers of :—RallIn Aenessuries: Eleetrleal A ppisrat
Supplier. uf: —1 tlit : klnlor. I 'rystal }bolsters l'recisi,
l'entrots Cook, F. L., a Williams Pty. Ltd.. 4(1.45 ht0111.4n Street. At...fie-
f...rd. Vie.
Bryant & May Ltd., Church Street. Richmond, Vic. Suppliers tif:—Ele. Weal Equipment: Electrical Acceasoriee,
Suppliere of:—Sirevre: Self-Soldering.
Cooke Se. Pty. Ltd.. Queen Street. Melbourne.
Burley, L. G., 160 Rawer.' Street. Bentham.% Qht. Summer's of--Chasoms linrdwnre Screws; Rivet.., rte.
Supplier Pt of —Electrical Installations
Cooper, C. A., Birmingham Street, Alexandria. 5.11_W
Burns, Clarke & Doctor, 61A Vietoria Street, Iharwseel. N K W. Suppliers of:--Tool & Iii, Maker.
Supplier", of - -Metal Parts .
Coots & Jorgensen Ltd., Botany Road, Alexandrin, N.14.W
Burrows Plating. 'Si. Pyrtitont Bridge Road, Caniperdown, N S W Supplier's of —Oral. cutting: Marhieery
suppliers of - Klerl ruplat lug and Antbenrroninn Treatment.
Corrugated Fibre Containers Pty. Ltd.. Vieloria Street. North
Bush & Co., .7,05 Queen Street. !trilliums*. Q1,11. Melbourne. Vie.
suppliers of:—Elettrind Installations; Special Nfaintenarice Supplier,' of:—Containers and Pecking Material
Disco-Dulux Po. Ltd., 301 Castlereagh Street. Sydney. N.S.W.
Honour Roll of Industry Suppliers 01:—Paintri & Lacquers
Ducon Condenser Ltd., Bourke Street, Waterloo, N.S.W.
Suppliers on—Radio & Electrical Condensers; Ceramic.;
Cowan, D. F.. 134 Bank Street. Stb. Melbourne, Vic. Resistor..
Suppliers of:—Metal Frames, etc.
Dunlop Rubber Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 27-33 Wentweirth Avenue,
Cramrnond Radio. 5 Queen Street. Brisbane. Qlti. Sydney, N.S.W.
Supplier. of:—Radio-Teletype Units: Fortretis Signals Suppliers of:—Itublier Mouldings & Pocking
F.quIpt. burst Motors, 1'041 SI J1111101 R0/01. Forest W
Crook, Alan S.. Electrical Co. Pty. Ltd., Herbert Street, St. Suppliers of:—Pedal 1ienerators: Motor tints ratiirs.
N.S.W. try na n11114 le. A livens tors.
Suppliers of --switrhes Measuring instruments: Signalling
Crown Crystal Glass Co. Ltd.. 52-58 William Street. Sydney.
Suppliers of:—Aerial insulators; Metaillsed Glass insitlutora. Eagle & Globe Steel. Swatistost Street. Melbourne. vb..
Crusader Plate Co. Pty. Ltd., 651 Victoria Street, Abbotsford. Vic. Suppliers of . Steel, etc
Supplier, .4.--Llur be bele ; !dent. Plates, rte. Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd., II Sturt Street. 5th. Melbourne, Vie,
Suppliers of:—Rodlii Trat110111141:111; 11141110 Receivers; Raclin-
Cummings & Wilson. 29 Alberta Street, Sydney. N.S.W.
sondes; Radar Equipment; retire?. Amplifiers; Line Ant.
Suppliers of:--FlItti Projectors; Predation Engineering.
Winer Equipment.
Currie& Richards Pty. Ltd., 473 Ellstabelh and 229 Franklin
Edson Plating Co. Pty. Ltd., 9 SVItitentan Street, 5111. Melbourne,
Street., Melbourne, Vic.
Suppliers ofi—Shetit Metal td.'ork.
Suppliers ill—Electro-litalltig.
Efco Mfg. Co. Pty. Ltd., 108 Princes Highway, Articliffe, N.S,W.
Suppliers uf:— tile Casting. Anti-Corrosion Treatments.
D Elton Pty. Ltd., 152 Stowell Street, Burnley,. Via
Suppliers of:—Power Supply Units; Motor Generators; Elec-
D. W. Radio Co. Pty. Ltd., 166 Victoria Avenue. Cluttswissi, tric Funs & Blower..
N.S.W, Electrical Plant Mfrs. Pty. Ltd., Botany Road, Waterloo, N.S.W.
Suppliers of:—Line Equipment: Frames, D.&P. Suppliers of:—Transformerii; Electrical Control Gear.
Dalton. H., & Co.. 2 Hoiden Street. Redfern, N.S.W. Electric Construction Co. of Aust. Ltd.. cirbble Street, Mayne,
Suppliers of:—Pisstic Mouldings. Brisbane, Qld.
Dans, Taylor & Co. Pty. Ltd., 70 Nornitsriby Road. Sth. Mel- Suppliers .4:—Generatitig Sets.
urne, Vie.
Electric Control & Engineering Co. Ltd., 2 Chester Street, Cans-
Suppliers of:--Steel & Metal Parts.
perclown, N.S.W.
Danks, J. & Son Pty. Ltd.. 331 Pitt Street. Sydney. N.S.W. Suppliers of:—Clenerating Sets: Electrical 1141/ !Innen':
Suppliers of'—Small Tools and Hardware. SwItchgenr; Contactors.
Davey. F. W.. & Co. Pty. Ltd., 566 Elisabeth Street. Melbourne.
Electricity Meter Mfg. CO.. Joyitton Avenue, Waterloo, N.S.W.
Vic. Suppliers of:—Power Supply t'tilts; Headsets; 3feasuring
Suppliers ;* t ors ; Motor Generators; Eh ,- *'its: N.T. Rectifiers.
tile Farm & Blowers.
Electronic Industries Ltd., Grant tittert, South Melbourne, Vie.
Davies. Coop & Co. Ltd.. 625 .....10110751011 Street. i'arlt,,n. Vie. Suppliers of:--Litiarts Crystals.
Suppliers of:--Crinves & Webbing Bags & Equipment.
Elektran Products Co.. 377 Post Ofice Place, Melbourne.
Davies, Shepherd (SYcineY) Pty. Ltd.. 2 Bridge Road, Ste ire. Suppliers of:-1.111.. Einaltunent: Electrical Fittings.
Endurance Electric Co.. Nirranda Street. concord West, N S W.
Suppliers of:—Non-.Ferroust Castings; Goer Cutting.
slippiiers oL -1'.iw•.•' & Audio Transformers; Choke..
Demo Machinery Co. Pty. Ltd., Cleveland Street, Redfern. N.S.W.
English Electric Co. Ltd., 159 William Street, Melbourne, Vie.
Suppliers of:—Mnehlne Tools.
suppliers of:—generating Sets; Electrical Equipment.
Dempsey & Co. Pty. Ltd., 9 Cremorne Street. Richmond. Vle.
Enticott, A. H., Pty. Ltd., Lt. 1.0tutdale Street, Melbourne. %le.
Suppliers of:—'Primmer Condensers.
Supplie rs of.—prmeemm Engraving; Panels. Dials, etc,
Dcutscher•Haigh Resistances Pty. Ltd., :IC' , Pt Nilieon Road,
Eveready (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Harcourt Parade. Rosebery, N.S.W.
Brighton, Vie.
Suppliers on—Dry Batteries.
suppliers of:—Resistors (Wire-Wound).
Extruded Metals Pty. Ltd., Hampstead Road, Maidstone, Vie.
Deutscher. W. A.. Pty. Ltd., 174 Nepean Rood. Brighton. Vli•
Suppliers of:—Brno mid Mangiinese-Bronze Rod.
Suppliers of:—Metal Parts.
Dickin, F., Pty. Ltd.. 18 Lord, Read. ILelchhordt, N.H.W. Eyelets & Metal Products Pty. Ltd., Henderson nowt, Arneliffe,
Suppliers 0(1—Carrying Cases: Cabinets; Bonded Plywoods.
.1‘1....r11 Or:—EYPIe111 and Small Metal Parts.
Die Casters Ltd., 136 Cromwell Street. Callingwood, Vie.
Suppliers of:—Die-Castings. Eyelets Pty. Ltd., 40 Green Street, Windsor, Vie.
Suppliers of.—Eyelet. & Small Metal Parts
Display & Radio Pty. Ltd., 17 Alice Street. Newtown, N.S.W.
Suppliers of —Transformers: Chokes: Radio Components.
Debbie Dice Meter Co. Ltd.. 11 Bultrium Place. Adelaide, S.A F
Suppliers of:—Metal Screws, Rivets and Small Hardware.
Fairway Scales & Tube Co.. II Evans Street, Itrybrook, Vie.
Dominion Radio. 35 Lothian Street, Nth. Melbourne, Vie.
Suppliers of:-1".11 Clamps. Hardware,.
Suppliers of:—Hand Microphones.
Federal Fetters Pty. Ltd.. riynon Road. Footscrity, Vie.
Don Electric co. Pty. Ltd.. 17 Gibbons Street. eampordi,iwn.
Suppliers of:—Felt Pads; Washer.: Gaskets, etc.
Suppliers of!—Battery Chargers. Felt & Textiles of Aust. Ltd.. 261 George Street. Sydney, N.S.W .
Suppliers of:—Felt Pads; Gaskete; Washers. etc,
Don, R. S., Pty. Ltd., 10 Minnie Street. Brunsalck,
Suppliers of!--Cable Laying Accessories. Ferguson's Radio, 12 McMahon Street, Willoughby, N.S,W.
Suppliers of:—Transformers & Choke..
Downs & Sons, Pty. Ltd., 141 Little Rourke Street, Melbourne,
'-I,.. Ferrier & Dickenson, Edinburgh Roast Marrickville,
Suppliers ,,f:—Rape and Cordage. Suppliers of:—Air Circulating Equipment.
F Pty. Ltd., 126 Brunt Street. SO, Melbourne. Vie
Suppliers ot•— Vibrator eartridge.o. Iron-dust l'firrO: -
List ot Contractors
Ferro- Enamels (Amu.) Pty. Ltd.. he It. ad. Alemtudrin.
N.S.W. H
Suppliers tit:--2311PCI tal
Fielding, J., & Co. Ltd.. Iturkinglisoi Street, Sydney., N.S.W.
Haigh 4 Russell. 2li2 Hay Street. thighlon.
Suppliers of,--Curt one & thick ins Material.
Suppliers tif:—Vitreous Resistors.
Fitzgerald, E. L., ri 1.koiglits Parade, 111(111.1notroown, Vic.
Handley. J. W., Pty. Ltd.. a:,7, Vietorin Street, Abbondord,
Suppliers of:—Carrying Cases. Woodwork.
Sinnalirre .41-1,iimirioun Painting: l'omyttmaer, Precl-
Flood. .1., Pty. Ltd., UM St. Kilda Head. Melbourne, skoi Instruments.
Snppllrre or:—Alirtrging Trodleys, Rook., Fro mea. etc..
Herrington. G. A. & L. Pty. Ltd.. 9- IF. Mars reiol mpprdowil..
1'a se*, T ran Nit .
Futcher. T. W. a Son Pty. Ltd.. .1.iS .5.11.e•eki-tt Sireel, Melbourne. $111,1011.41+ Of:— Prl".•1.1 31.1111 nem nod Frnmea.
Herrington!' Pty, Ltd.., 35/1 iteoege Street, sydne), N.S.W.
snootier% of:— Sheet Metal Work.: Metal Frainea. etc.
Suppliers of:—Wire. irlee elan Itarcoplume Pty
Harrison Metal Pressing Co. Pty. Ltd., HS lturntey Street, Mob.
mond, Vic.
G Suppliers of:—Metal Freaulnge;
Hetrick, A. C. Pty- Ltd.. Avenue. ltosebery, N. N. .
Gadsden, J., Pty. Ltd., Ahhotelord Strect. Weal .Melledirne. Suppliers aft—filyptal and ill Tropical Varninheo.
suppliers of:- Metni container*: Sealed Paekings. Harvey, Shaw Successors, starkly Street, North leiterov, Vie.
Gage. H., Pty. Lid-. Temlleio: Street. Nth. Fitzroy, Vie. Suppliers on—Parkerlelos and llonderiiing: Anti-Corrosion
Suppliers '.t.--Carryine C1115141; riroodwork. Treatments.
Gatnoborough Furniture Pty. Ltd., 120 Chureh dt.Crel. RIChM00.d.
Hawke & Farrell Manic... A. 201 St. cieorge. Hood. Northonte,
Sdrplicrm of Parking A Transit L'igors.
Supplier. of!—Sliver and Special Metal coma. Is
Galloway' Panel Works. 2IG !flub Street. Prithrnt,,
Suppliers •— it •'I' codes. Haworth, R. PA., IL'S 1..a.tton Street, Comperdown, .' S
Suppliers or. — Meta I. harts; Toolmakine.
Galvanizera (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 47 Raglan Street, Watel-loo, N.S.W.
Suppliers nr:—Ilialvanteltut and Corrosion Proofing Maydt, A. E. W., 17A Pitt Street, Sydney. NA...W.
Gerd nor Gasket Mfg. Co,. 'In eostiownwealth Street. Sydney. Suppliers of 'it owns ,broils Feat Carrying Hoge.
Suppliers 44:—.1 lamkol e. Hayman & Ellie. Pittwater Road, Maui'.. N S.W.
Gs & Davidson Pty. Ltd.. 211 Nicholls Street, Sorry Mills, Suppliers of:—Spee I T1111 hers,

Healing, A. G., Ltd., 147 Franklin Street. Melbourne, Vic.

Nuppikre ref —Sticclul Hulled Metal Parts.
Suppliers, of:—.tilansibing Radar Equipment; Teri
General Accessories Pty. Ltd., ilorendon Street, Nth. Mel- Equipment. l'hotoi- ell l'hrimoincters; Searchlight Projector*.
leaurn e, Vie.
Suppliers of:—Mnonting Racks; lersmes Hecht, H. & Co., iltdi Collin* Street. Melbourne, Vie.
Sapp his'rn rife—, I 'outteilsers. eereralem.
General Mfg. & Dist. Co. Ltd., 70 parlinglon Pori.it1K." 1111,
N.S.W. Medley's. Pty. Ltd., 291 Toorak Road, South Yarra,
Suppliers or'—Shret Metal Workers. Suppliers of:—Idantittration Strips: Canvas !'arse. rte.
Gerard Industries Ltd.. ran Terrace, Floilydrri, S.A Henderson, P. A. & Co.. Berry Snail. St. 1.rimards, N.S.W.
Suppliers of:—Mor.c Keys; Telephone Plugs. Suppliers of:-1'4.114 or Transformers and t'llukea.
Gilbert, F. 13., lievniiehlre Place, off Pirie Street, Adelaide. S A Henderson, Thai. 0., 3 Chanter Street. Murriektille, N.S.W.
suppliers of:—GkVA Generating Sells. Suppliers of:—ToottraikIng: Metal Parts.
Gilbert Lodge & Co. Pty. Ltd.. ll Hanna Street, Stlt. Melbourne,
Vie. Marathon's Pty. Lid., 31 Ague. Street. Julimunt, Vic.
Supplier. .if; Electrluol and Communleation Cables. Suppliers of •-- ]'into Etehlitg rind Preiceselile
CI £ Bartow Ltd.. 23 Manna Street. 8th. Melleporne, Vic. Hicks, Nolan 4. White, iletver Street. Kensington, Vie.
Suppliers of: —Insulators. Suppliers of; m..titi Workers.

Gloria Light Co. Pty. Ltd., 340 1...ut Oillee Place. Melbourne, VI,' Mica Trinetarrners Pty. Ltd., iterltele Street. Carlton, 'Vic.
Suppliers of:-200W Charging Seta Suppliers of —1`rttilefonlierri and Chokee.
Godfrey Pty. Ltd., IS Amelia Street. Waterloo, N.S.W Hodson & Gault Pty. Ltd., Springville Road, Spring Vale, Vie.
Suppliers uf;—Kleeirienj rontrol near; Relays Suppliers of: —Co, no rating Sets arid Electrical EryllIpment.
Goodwin. J. C., & Co. Pty. Ltd., Myrtle Street. Chippendale. Hoene, J. J. £ Co.. 47 Alum Street. Darlington, N.14. W.
N.S.W. Kuppllera or:- –t.cold.r Liars and Connectore. Mass. Holder, Stroud Pty. Ltd-, Rourke Road. Alexandria, N.S.W.
Goody, 0., 64 I.1. Latrobe Street, Melbourne. Vie. Suppliers of --Eirctrapialing: Metal Splimings.
Suppliers of:—Metal Supplies; Hardware. Hopkins. Odium, 24$ Geelong Korot West Footserity, Vie.
Gramophone Co. Ltd., The, Parramatta Holed, Hornehush. N.S.W. Suppliers of Machine Melling
Suppliers of:—Radar Equipment ; Testing Instruments; Horton. H. C., 715 Ilslrlslr g Howl, Mast Malvern, Vie.
Coaxial and Multi-pin Conne.torn. Supplier's of:---Rubber Stamps; Panel Eng-ravine
W.. MI Gibber Street. Hoek/we, X.s3V,
Green. F. Hoyle, R. H., 33 GUI Idturit tikes, Melbourne. Vie.
Suppliers of,--Arrial Accesonries. Kupplbere or:--fikVA Oen_ Stets.

Greenmore Products Pty. Ltd.. 11 Stewart Street. Richmond. Hoc Diecasting Ply. Ltd.. 4311 Bourke Street, Melbourne. VI..
of:—Klectrieril Equipment. Suppliers of:—Die Coating,.
Gregg' & Sons, IS! Woniors Street. Hurstvklle, N.R.W Madman, Edgar V., Pty. Ltd.. 172 Adelaide Street. Briabane, Q1d.
Suppliers of:—Metal Spinnings. Suppliers of:—Raitlin Receivers.

Galilee. & Klaer Pty. Ltd.. 133 Itikerman Street, St. Kilda., Vie_ Hull. 0. M.. 117 Serkeley Street, ['stilton, Vile.
Supplier. nf:—Sheet 3.1elot Work: Stainless Ste-el Suppliers. nil—Metal Parte; Spindles. Terminals, etc.

Radio d? Electrical Retailer, May 2, 1940 125

Kingsley Radio Pty. Ltd., Erin St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. IC,
Honour Roll of Industry Suppliers ef:—Reception Sets; Radii) Areemeirleie; leen-duel
•'• ,ree 'rysi al Calibrators.
Kiwi Metal Products. 160 Rothford Street. Erekineville. N S.W.
I Suppliers ..f —Drop Forgings.
Imperial Chemical Industries of Aust. & N.Z. Ltd., 251 liegiree Knox, Schiapp & Co.. 360 Conine Street. Slelbourne, VI,'
Sneed. sydele). N.C, W. Supplicre of:—Brass awl Cupper Tubing.
Supplies-% ..r. -11..aning Age dui.; Enmities,
Ko sssss Premier Pottery, Avutimore Avenue. :Surd& Nortaoud. S A.
International Redo Co. Pty. Ltd.. 254 Castlereagh Street. Sydney. Suppliers of:—Insulators and Ceramics,
Suppliers of:—Valle Sin-kens, Shields. Amphenol Connectors; Kriester toVisia) Pty. Ltd.. 43 Alice Street, Neuteen, N
Rutile Accessories. Suppliers ,)f;—Radio Equipment; Telephonex, High Peeer.
International Resistance Co.. 55 Adellstun Ruud, Marrieliville. Radio Components; Radar Equipment; Aircraft Electrical
N.S.W. Gear.
Suppliers of:—Wire-wound and Metallleed Resistors and
commie flee els,. W. .1. McLellan).

Langco Electric Jug Co., 32 Alfred Street, ltimeUe,

Si,ppliere tir:—Deptit Sounding Equipment; Signalling Pro-
James & Vautin, 661 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. jectors; Non-luminous Heaters.
Suppliers of:—Radio Accessoriee. Lawrence & Hanson Pty. Ltd.. 172 William Street. Melbourne, Vie.
Jeffries, R. E. & Co. Pty. Ltd.. 16S-174 Day Street, Sydney. N.S W. Suppliers of:---Eiectrical Eititiltintrtit. Switches; Crystal
supplier,, lninfinting Materials. Ovens.
Johns & Waygood Ltd.. en!. Road, seuth Melbourne. Vie. Lawrenson, R. H.. Pty. Ltd., 29 W3iiilliant Street, Al' as
Suppliers of.--11 lenerating Sets; Voltage Regulators. N.S.W.
Sui'i Ili is 1,f.-1)1.• Castings.
Johnston & Phillips Ltd., 202 Clarence Street, Sydney, N.S.W.
Supplbrs 'Wires and Calder; Boxes. Termile Leggett's Products Pty. Ltd., Lhanailde Street, Rh-hawed, Vie.
ming. Suppliers Anti. vibration Metnitie Special iturdwatre

Johnston, R.. 21 Lit • rimed Street, Melbourne. Vic, Levee. A. B., I.1-19 Alberta Street, Sydney.
Selitilters of:—Eleetrical Equipment. Suppliers uf:—Relays.
Jones. Groom & Co.. 2441 Grant Street, South Melbourne. Vic. Liberty Plastic Products Pty. Ltd., 624 nigh Street, Northeote, Vie.
Suppliers of;—Metal Parts. Supplier*, '.f:—Polythene' Insulation: Plaptie Moulding:,
Jung. E. T., 112 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Vie. Lilley Bros., 33 Grant Street. Clifton 11111, Vie_
shippilers of;—Coll Forme and Bobbins. 51111phere Cans, Shictes. etc.
Lindberg, Fester & Co.. Maples Lane. Prnliran. Vie
Suppliers of:—Hoses, Terminal; Remote rentrol 1.-nits. Aerial
Coupling Colts; Siring 1.00111S.
Liverpool Electric Cable Co. Ltd.. PO Clarence Street. Sydney.
K.L. Engines & Tractors Pty. Ltd., 3ui Spencer Street. Melbourne.. Supplier,. of:—Winding Wires and Cables.
('.1.. Vic.
Suppliers of:—PoIrs and Masts, Sectlocal Steel; Generating Lorimier Contacts Pty. Ltd., LH Church Street. Rich ttttt Vie
Sets; Cable Layers. Suppliers of:--Special Metal Contacts for Relays. etc.; Relays
and St./Renee.
Kelso Trading Supply Pty. Ltd., i2 Hendersen Street. North
Melbourne. Vie Lusteroid Lacquers, Coventry Street. South Melbourne,
Suppliers of:—.Shert Metal Workers, Suppliers 44:—Varnishes and Ineetuers.

Kennett, C. E.. I;leie Road, Toerak, Victoria. Lysaght, J., Newcastle Works Pty. Ltd., 33 Macquarie Place
Suppliers 4.-1-adders, Field Telegraph. Sydney, N.S.W.
Suppliers n!:—Steel
Kent, J. S., 103 Market Street, South Melbourhe. Vie
Sileidiers of:—Metal Forginge
Kenny Charleaworth Rubber Co. Pty. Ltd., lgt.yet Leeittox Street.
Richmond. E.1., M
Suppliers .4.— Eerpade; fipl.pse it 111.leot . Ito libel' :it"ttletlidg".

Keogh. E. P., iii2 Swanstoin Street, Nlelbourne, Vie McColl Electric Works Pty. Ltd., u.,' ...,t St Peet, Fllmn , Vie

Suppliers of ;--Selentille Apparatus. Suppliers of:—Rotary

Kiernan, 1'.. 1 Adeline Street. Preston. Vie. McConnell Building Co. Pty. Ltd., 1113 Maternal* Street. Sydliv
rtiippliers 'IV — flattery I 'burger, N.S.W.
Supplier.. CaSom,
King & Klein, 29:1 Abererumble Street. Redfern. N 511'
suppliers iiL—I'arking Casts. Machin, E. A., & Co. Pty. Ltd., :,35 Elizabeth Street. Nielbourne

King. P. J., Pty. Ltd., lei Victoria Street, Abln.tsbird, Vic. SUPtillers rice I Equipment ; euntseta. etc.
Suppliers c.f.—Melanie Prerdelou
Machining & Electrical Co. Pty. Ltd., 1/4-2e Newton Street
Knightly. P. J., IMP Wilma' Sir. el, Newinteti, N.S.W. Alexandria N.S.W.
Supplier. nr:—■ ;11.1110. 1.:11Kl'a el' awl Richer. 'if.- Kleetrie .cud 1.4.1114
Mackay Slientruba Products Pty. Ltd., 1 Swan Street, Richmond,
--List of Contractors
StIPPliera .f:—Antl-Vibration Mountings,
Monies Co.. 5711 Itursooil 1 la e. born, 1 tr.
McKenz e s Holland (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Sutton Street. Newport. Samiliers of:—Plastic Mouldings.

Morgan Crucible Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Bourke Road. Alexandria.

s■ iPPlo - . —MieritPhones, Switeittioards. Magneto:
it,, Battery Chargers. *.r inrushes Resistors. et'.
Suppliers ••f:—Muter &
McLelian, W. J. & Co.. 'York street, Sydney, N s W.
Moms Pty. Ltd.. 35 Pitt Street. Sydimi, N.S W
, .f . ',tsp.'''. t'nouleitaera; Rsdin Aeue.s.rter
Suppliers of: —Process Engraving.
McMillan & Co.. i22 Eilword street, Plots Brunswick. Vie
Moulded Products (A'sia) Ltd., 155 I 'relliorio Street, Richmond.
Supplier", ,.1:- Atetal
McPherson, Thos. & Son, 193 Kent Street, Sydney, N.S W SuPPliers 111:—NYlos Mouldings. PVC Insulation, Cables &
Supplier. of [kat., Serewa; Hardware . Houk-up Wires; Plastic Mountings; Polythene Insulation.

McPherson's Pty. Ltd., 546 Collins Street. 51ellsourne. Vie. Morris & Walker Pty. Ltd., 243 Snilth Street. Fitzroy. Vie.
Suppliers of — Air t'ampressura; Line Accessories; Small Suppliers of :--Radur I 'all bra t ion Targets. Spec 1111 4 'on-
Took.. Ilarduare. I a Men..

McQuade & Allen. 7 e let 'oilmen Street, North Melbourne. Vie. Music Masters Radio Co., Stanley Street south Itrodutne, Qid
.l'arrYing Cases; Sealed Containers, Suppliers on—Radio Equipment
Magrath, .1.14.. & Co.. 2118 lAinstlale Street. Melbourne.
Suppliers of -Test Equipment; Radio Aceesttorira
Nally Ltd., S Queen Street, 'Bebe. N 5 W.
Malley's Limited, SU Mountain Street. itristilnilY. SYdne). N s '6% Sempliers of:—.Plastic Moulding-
Supplier,. of:—Bower snit Ventilating Assemblies.
National Radio Corp. Ltd., till Orote Street. Adelaide, Slit. Ate!.
Manufacturers Special Products Pty. Ltd., li York Street, it .doe}.
Suppliers iif.—Ita(IP* Ettulpftwill. Remote Control Units.
N W.
i.f Ao•eriliOriVil and Components,
Naunton, A. G., 5 Alontelair Ave., Brighton. 'Ie .
Marsh, J., & Sans Pty. Ltd., 35 Villiers Street. North Melbourne. Suppliers on—Electrical Equipment.
Sialliifirrs • 4: Metal OWN. Nettletold Pty. Ltd., lhtilaritt Road, Sunshine, Vie.
Suppliers of:—Screws; Rivets; Hardware.
Martin. G. H., Pty. Ltd., 32 llalhurst Street, Sydney. N.S.W.
Suppliers of :—SIerl. New Air Pty. Ltd., A Dowling Street. Woulloonitsiloo, N.S.W.
Suppliers of:--Ilastous Arrestors and Indicator Tubes; Elec-
Maisie Batteries Pty. Ltd.. 116 Crown Street. Sydow), N.S.W.
trical Relays.
Supplies- .1..,, witulaturr.; flattery Chargers.
New Brunswick Brick 4 Pottery Co. Pty. Ltd., 4$ Middy Street.
Master Instrument Co.. 12 Blirckfriar's Street. Chippendale,
Brunswick. Vie.
Suppliers of:—Insulators.
:4111)141..1'm of lllll Meters. Nleaauring In,tria•
tnents. Newton, McLaren Ltd., ledali Street, Adelaide, 5th. Aust.
Suppliers of:—/tailto Components: Klan runt Accessories.
Melbourne Wire Works, s2 Cremorne Street, Richmond, Vie.
suppliers rif:—Iltrass Wire Mesh. Clips and Rooks. Nilcrom Porcelains (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.. 221 Separation Street, North•
cote. Vic.
Mellowing Pty. Ltd., 58 Victoria Street. Alexandria, N.S.W.
Suppliers of :—.1tisulatiirs & Ceramics.
Suppllera of:—Metal Spraying & Antl•Cnrr..140.1 Tre at mveits.
Nilsen. Cromie Pty. Ltd., 26 Market Street, Sydney. N,s.W,
Menzies. E. C., Electrical Pty. Ltd., 29 Hardware Street. Mel- Suppliers of:—Electrical Equipment .
low/Ile, Vic.
Suppliers of:--litsulating Materials: Restialattee Wires. Noyes Bros. Ltd., 115 Ciarenee Sheet. Stdiley. N.S.W.
Simon, r.- of :—Kleettleal Equipment
Metal Coating* Pty. Ltd., 14i Bridge Road. Stannuire, N.S.W
Sillipllerek (IV-1.4.0 Spraying & Antl-Corrosion Treatment-
Metaisprayers Pty. Ltd.. oft Railway Terrace, Mile End. S. Aust
O'Brien, F. G.. Pty. Ltd., Allen Street. Waterhou. ,N.S.W.
Suppliera Metal Spraying and Ariti-I*nrr.siott Treat -
Stipp'''. I ,.1,-$1)(4.14i1 f/Inee Work; !O.n.o. I;r1/111111g.

Metals & Celluloid* Pty. Ltd.. .111$111e.. Street, NSW O'Brien, 0. H., Pty. Ltd., 39 Pitt Street. Sydney, N.S.W.
Suppliers of:- Insulating Materials; Magnet Wire
eif:—Metal Stampings.
O'Donnell & Griffin Pty. Ltd., Si DrUitt Street, Sydney, 5.5 W
Metter' Ltd., III Iiretifell Street, Adelaide. 511,. Aust
suppliers of Sets; Battery Chimaera.
Suppliers of:—Self-Supporting Aerial Towers.
Ogilvie, I. M., 6 Mnihiesini Street, rainiperdovi.o. N.S.W.
Mica & Insulating Supplies Co.. 562 Bourke Street. Melbourne. Vic
Suppliers of:—Metal CastItias.
Suppliers of:—Special Tropical Lacquer: Insulating Mat-
erials. Olympic Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd., GS Cross Street, West Foots-
Michaelis. Hattenstein, 441 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, cray, Vle.
Supplier. Suppliers of:—Wirer & Cables: Special Connectors.
Line Equipment; Climbers, Pole.
Ormiston Rubber Co. Pty. Ltd.. 52P Mt. Ale•tatider Road, Moottee
Mills, W. J.. Mfg. CO., 187 Neloot Street. Annandale, N.S.W
Suppliers of:—Resistors. I Vie.
SL111111i1.1.11 of;--Speelall ; Synthetic
Modern Plating Works, 99 Market Street. Silt. Melbourne. Vie, Rubber Seals.
suppliers of:—Electro-plating. & Anti-Corrosion Treatments.
0 Electric Distributors. 0,,, Si ••••t. Melbourne,
Mitchell & Co. Pty. Ltd., Street, West letsa.critN'. Vie
SitfilifierS of :—Metal Worhieigl 1.*.rszipira. SI,ptotli ,"1 1
Honour Roll of industry
R. & S. Batteries Pty. Ltd., 234 Grant Street. 8th. Melhoure., vi.
Suppliers of:—Accumulators.

R.C.S. Radio Pty. Ltd., 174 Canterbury Road, Canterhur), N

Suppliers of:—Trolitul Moulding's.
Parsons Si Robertson Ltd., 172 PuRene, Street. Adelaide. WA
Suppliers ..f:—Winit.Drivets Batters. Chargers. Radio Corporation Pty. Ltd., 26 Grant Street, South Melbourne.
V Ice.
Paton Electrical Pty. Ltd., Victoria Street, Ashfleld, N S.W. Suppliers of:—Radio TranentItters: Radio Receivers. Radio
Suppliers et: -31e.isuring Equipment; Test instruments. Accessories; Quarts Crystals; Radar Apparatus,. Rallies
Componeute; Testing Equipment.

Patrick, A. E.. Ltd.. I Parrusnatta Road, Summer Hill, NB.W, Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd., 206 Broadway, S),Iney.
Sultptlo re of :—P11 twl Plates; Transfers Suppliers of:—Meters; Teel Equipment .

Paul & Gray Pty. Ltd., teu Street. Melbourne. Vie. Radio Wholesalers, 29 Ruffin.. Street. Adelaide, Sth. Aunt.
Suppliers °f:—Screws; Bolts; Hardware Suppliers cumputserstn; Accessories.

Radix Power Supplies Ltd., 64 Lawler Street. Mulder°, Weet

Payked Bros. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 242 Huddle' Street, Abbotsford. 16'1,- Auto._
Suppliers of:—Ilesit-Treatment Oils; Special Lubricants. Suppliers el —Tritneformere sod (*hoar., Power and Audio

RaycOphone Pty. Ltd., Booth & Trafalgar Streets. Annandale,

Peppy. & Munnoch Ltd., 2i.4 Botany Bond, Alexandria, N.S.W.
Suppliers of:—Tratleit Cases; Special Woodwork.
Suppliers of:—Anti-ssuli. Ekluipment; Fortress Amplifiers;
Sound-film Projectors; Signalling Lamps; Cathode-Rey
Philips Electrical Industries of Aust. Pty. Ltd.. 69-73 Clarence Oseillogrnphs.
Street, Sydney. N.S.W.
Supplier. of:—Radio Transmitters; Radio Receivers: Am- Raynor's Pty. Ltd., The Boulevards. Punchbowl. N.S.W.
plifying Equipe; Testing Instruments; Radio Acceseorles: Suppliers ..f:—Nameplates.
Radio Valves; ('ollinsle•Itay TUIFeS; Aircraft Ctimpnnente
and Accessories. Reeve & Marshall, 286 City Road. 8th. Melbourne, Ale.
Suppliers of :--Aerial Rases 'told Adaptors; Brass castings.
Pickrell, W. G., Pty. Ltd.. 42 King Street. Newtown. N.S.W.
Renown Plate Co. Pty. Ltd., 28 Guildford Lane, Melbourne, Vie.
Suppliers of:—Metal Parts; Sheet Metal Work.
Suppliers of:—Fliertro-plating; Special Finishes.

Pioneer Webbing Co., Stetter' Street, Went Hyde, N.S,W Repetition Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd., 58 Clunden Street, North
Suppliers of:—Webbing & Canvas Bags & Fittings. Brighton, Vie.
Suppliers of:-1..amps, Operators; Metal Parts; Special
Plated Products, 94 Wilson Street, Newtown, N.S.W. Screws, etc.; Terminals; Cable Connectors.
Suppliers of:—Aerhil Roils; Electro-Pialing,
Reynolds, R. W., Pty. Ltd., 32 Ralph Street. Alexsuldrin. N.S.W.
Suppliers of:—Relays.
Precise Electrical Instrument Co. Ltd., 173 Liverpool Road, Ash•
new. N.S.W. Richards Industries Ltd., Ncrio.' Ica, Sta. Aunt_
Suppliers' of:—Meters: Test Equipment. Suppliers of...—t'able limns; Metal Containers.

Precision Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd., 6 NIeld Avenue, Rushcutters Robertson, J., 136 Neilson Street. Annnndale. N.S.W.
Bay, N.S.W. Suppliers of:—Metal Cases. etc.
Suppliers of:—Charging Sets.
Redd. G. & E., 37 Greeves Street, Si Kilda, Vic.
Suppliers of:—Inductor Assemblies; Netting Switches.
Products Pty. Ltd., 137 Clarence Street, Sydney. N.S.W.
Suppliers of:—Plastic Mouldings. Roessler, C. Q.. & Son, 429 Lt. Collins Street. Melbourne. Vie.
Suppliers on—Rubber Stamps; Engraving Stencils. etc.
Prcvan. D., & Sons. 62 Alexandria Parade, Cliften H111, Vle.
Rola (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., The Brailevsrd, Richmond. Vie.
Suppliers of:--Cable-LnyIng Equipment.
Supplier", of:—Loudspeakers; Microphones; Winding Wires;

Q Rose, Frederick, Ltd., 28 !toed Street. Sydney, N.S.W.

Suppliers of:—Radar Reflectors; Synthetic Resin-Bondell
Quality Castings Pty. Ltd., McEvoy Street, Waterloo, N S W
Ptywoods & Assemblies.
Suppliers ot:—Roxea, Terminating: Magnets; Magnet' ,
vices. Ross, Maclean & Co., 222 Clarence Street. Sydney, N.S.W.
Suppliers .f:—Process Engraving,
Quality Mouldings Pty. Ltd., $4 Waverley Road, East Malvern,
Vic. Ross-Smith & Co. Pty. Ltd., 671 Forest Road, Bexley, N.S.W.
Suppliers of:—Plastic Mouldings. Suppliers of —Metal Turnings.

Rural Lighting Co., 161 Willinm Street, Sydney, N.S.W.

Quartz Crystal Laboratories. 31 Lotted:Ile Street. Melbourne. Vie.
Suppliers of:—Generating and Charging Sets.
Suppliers of—Radio Crystals.

Rustproofers Pty. Ltd., 14 Brompton Street, Marrickville, N.S.W .

Queenabridge Motors & Engineering Pty. Ltd.. 31 Queens Bridge Suppliers of:—Anti-Corrosion Treatments.
5th. Melbourne. Vie.
Suppliers of:—(7enerating Sets. Ryland' Bros. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.. 422 Lt. Collins Street, Mel-
bourne. Vic
Qiurlell Victory Light CO., 29 William Street, Melbourne. Vic. Suppliers oft—Burl Wire tinning & Tinning fer Telephone
Suppliers of:—Wind-Driven Charging Sets. :a ble
S List of Contractors

Sample, G. H., & Son, 281' Castlereagh Street, Sydney. N.S.W.

Supplier. ••t -Electrical Measuring Instrumento.: Meters.
Southern Panel Beating Works. 71$ Co‘entr, Street. Sth. Ale--
boiu-ne, Vic.
Sanders. W. .1.. Pty. Ltd., Rowen's HuiWimps, Railway Square. Suppliers of:-Anti-Vitinstor Mountings
SYdneY, N.S.W.
Supplier.. of:-Slher Contacts, etc.
Speakman. W. R., & Son, SS Latrobe Street. 14elbottrnc, Vic
Sands & McDougall Pty. Ltd., Collins Street, Melbourne. Vic. Suppliers of .-Electru-plating; Anti-Corrosion Treatments.
Suppliers of .-Paper Pr...intim: Labels.

Scanlan Electric Co. Pty. Ltd.. ,2 Pitt Street, Sydney, Spicers & Detmold Ltd.. 377 lannalule Street. Mellsuirne. Vie
Suppliers of:--Electrical Switch Rear. Suppliers of:-Puper Products.: lathels.

Schick, R., 11 St. Frniteis Street. Melbourne, Vic

Suppliers tif:-Electrical Equipment. Standard Telephones & Cables Pty. Ltd., 258 It•.tany Road. Ale...
andria, N.S.W.
Scott's Brass Works, It' Burton Street. Melbourne, Vic. Suppliers ,,t:-Itadin Transmitters: Radii, Receivers: Tele-
Suppliers of.-Non.terroue Castings. phone Apparatus: Telephones, Switchboards. Radar Equip-
ment; (liareing Equit 'Ili. Relays; Selenium Rectifier*:
Scruttons Pty. Ltd., 161 CliIrence Street. Sydney, N.S W
Suppliers .4:-Screws; BMW hardware.

Security Electric & Mtg. Co. Pty. Ltd., thirtieners Road. Mascot, Standard Waygood Ltd., It Bourke Strout, Waterloo, N.S.W.
N S W. Suppliers of:-tlenerating Nits. Voltage Reituilitors; Seari•lt-
Supplier:. of -ElnetrIcal rat iteligear; ltelaYa light Assemblies & Carbons

Sellers Pty. Ltd.. Olivia Lane, surry Bills. Sydney, N.S.W. Stan-Mor Battery Co., 241 Pay Street, Brighton, Vie
Suppliers of:-AJuminiutis Spinning'. and !'arts. Suppliers i•(-Iiry Flatteries.

Sewell, S. G., Pty. Ltd., 7 Weston Street. Brunswick. Vic .

Stapleton & Lewis Pty. Ltd., st L Street, Rich lllll lid. Vie.
Suppliers of -Special Bulls & Screas
Suppliers of -Transit Cases: Benin-Bonded Plywood*:
Serves Electrical Co. Ply. Ltd.. 1t/3 Albion Street. West Bruns- Repoli glue Films,
* irk. Vic.
Supplier'. or.• Electric Lanterns; Electrical (Sear; Llnl & Steane's Sound Systems, XO Miller Street, Moltsiurne,
%mind !'nits: Tuning Cond. Assembilos, suppliers of:-Amplifying Equipment; 31Icrophonen; Loud-
speaker Cnits; Radio Receiver's.
Services Elevator & Electric Co. Pty. Ltd., 15 thailburn Street.
14)dney, N.S.W.
Stenco Die Castings. bit Alison Road. Cilogre.
Suppliers of:-Motor-Altertintors; Ilenerating Sets
Sumillers of:-Ple Castings.
Shell Co. of Aust. Ltd., 1111 William Street, Melbourne, Vic.
suppio-rs of :-Insulating Waxes and Solvents, Sterling Varnish Co.. Huntley Street. Alexandria, N.S.W.
Suppliers iir•-l.aciluers & Varnishes,
Sherwin. Williams Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., lie Castlereagh Street.
Stewart, E. H., .'left Pitt Street, Sydney, N.S.W.
Suppliers of.--Tropiriti Varnishes & Lacquers .
suppliers of:-Panel Engraving; Natneplatia.

Shopland 6 Pardy, Itickett) Street. Merest, Sydne). N $ W.

Stoke. Foundry Pty. Ltd.. Fallon Street. Brunswick. Vie.
Suppliere of:-Iletal Castings.
Suili)lit•I'M of -i'itetIngs (Non-ferfsmts).

Siemens (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.. Dill William Street. :Melbourne. Vie,

Stromeerg•Carlson (A's:a) Pty. Ltd., Bourke Road, Aleut
Suppliers of -Precision Electrical Meters and Test Equip-
N.S W.
ment. Elicit-lea' tlenr.
Suppliers of -Telephi•ete 14*iteltlioards;
trient. Fullenilicatea: Radio Esinipmetit.
Simplex Products Pty. Ltd., 715 Parrantatta Road. Petersham,
Sun Electric Co. Pty. Ltd.. lit /inrilasre Street, Melbourne. Vic
Suppliers of -4.'otiderisers; I *eruttile !'arts. 'mm111114141, Skeet, its.: Eke-
tr .11 Cal#1...
Simpson. A. J., 5 71suins Street, liaburfield, N.S.W .
Suppliers of -51et.r!. anal Test Equipment
Sunshine Potteries, 'et !orb) Road. Sunshine,
Suppliers or Insulators & Ceramics.
Skelly, D. F.. & Co. Pty. Lid., 2S.; lanisdale Street. Melbourne
Vic .
Sutherland, A. P., 2 Moffitt Street. South Melt
Suppliers of General mg Sets; Electrical Viinipment
Suppliers of:-Lighting Sets; Power I list ril,

Smith Bros. Pty. Ltd., 10 Myer Street. Sth. Yam. Vic.

Suppliers of:--Timber Supplies; Packing Mnteriuls. Swat's & Swann. 2 4.'oates Lane, Mr114.ur-lor.
Sultlillers of: l'ower & Audio 1 Imke. & Tr.11,..1••1-11,

Smith Bros. Pty. Ltd., Botany Road, %Voted..., N S.W .

Sydney Ornamental Steel Co. Pty. Ltd., 1;411,1. 114-I Itoa,1 Ms,. -I
.,1 -114.tevr & Packing.
Supptirrx rit:-Franie Assemblies.
Southern Cross Porcelain Co., 1/.52 Malvern Road, East Mal-
vern, Vic.
Syme.E.S.M. Pty. Ltd., 13 Glebe Stree,t, NS
Suppliers uf:-Insulators & Ceramic Parts; Plastic' Mould-
ings. Suppliere

Radio & Electrical Retailer, Map 2. 1946 129

Victorian Meter Labs., 13u coati's Street. Melbourne, Vi,-
Honour Roll of Industry
Supplier. uf.—Meters & 'renting Equipment .
Victorlite Pty. Ltd., 92 Brighton Road. Richmond, Vie.
Supplies of:—Coll Mountings, Plastic Rase* etc.: Mould

Taubman's Pty. Ltd.. Mary Stt,'•-t, St. Peters, N.S.W. w

Suppliers of :—Tritplcal Varnishes: Paiute & biciiners,
1411.101 ertl Cellireile. W. J. Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd., 9 Maelpherwen Street, irre
Team •ennie Pty. Ltd.. 97 Frunklin :Wert. Melienarue, Vie menu., N S.W.
Suppliers of:—Hardware and Small Tools Supplier. of:--4 ',di Formers. Sytithetie Riskin-Bonded Plr ,
Tecnico Ltd.. ',erring!On Street. Marritikville, N.S.W. now's.
Suppliers of;—Electrical Equipment. Radio Areeseori, s, Wall, A. M., M 'finning NI rrel, Brunswick. Vic
Radio conmonente: Voltage Regulator% Suppiier• Frames & kick/.
Telephone & Electrical Industries Pty. Ltd., itimiehlil SI reef, Wallis & Smythe Pty. Ltd., 134 Abereroniblai Street SYttner
ItreBern, N.$ W
suppliers eV—Telephone Jacks; Meters, itela)k. Supplier,. .1. — and Enamelling
Thom & Smith Pty. Ltd.. 919-9:9 Botany 'toad, Meseta, N.S.W Walsh Bros., le East street. Gramille. N.S.W.
Suppliers Tranettiitters, Radii, Revolvers: Radii, supplier% of:—EllectroplatItig & Anti-Cerrnehin Trentsnente
Accisiqu.iries; Radar Beacons, Walton, A. & Sons, 21 Dods Street, Brunewick, Vic.
Thorne & Deane Pty. Ltd., 229 flurweoil Rend, Iturwood, Vie. Suppliers of:—Nletal Stamping-fa; Pressed Metal Work.
Suppliers of;-4'hareinic Kett: Electrical Generators. Warburton Frank, Pty. Ltd., 310 Bourke Street. Melbourne. Vie.
Tilbury & Lewis Pty. Ltd.. Sl Wansoratto Street. Richmond. Vie. Suppliers of:—Metere & Measuring Instruments.
Suppliers' of:—fuser & Audio Tratutformern & Chokes. Warburton, Thos., Pty. Ltd., 294 Rourke Street. Melbourne, VIe.
Tilley, E. W., 113 L.olrutw Street. Melbourne, Vie, Suppliers of;-8mall Tools; Hardware.
Suppliers of!—Pinstic Watson, L. M., 2 Young Street. Annandale. N.B.W.
Too...mamba Foundry Pty. Ltd.. 277 ituthven Street, Toowoombe. Sutipliere eV—Galvanising and lint-tIn
Qld. Watson, Victor, Ltd., 941 Illigh Street, Sydney, N.S.W.
Suppliers eV—Generating Seta; Charging Equipment Supplier* of:—Industrial X-Ray Equipment
Traeger, A. H., 11 Dudley Road. Marryatville. Sth. Aust. Waygood-Otis (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.. St Wyatt Street. Adelaide, Rth
Suppliers, of:—Pedal.operated Transeeleers. Aust.
Transformer Mfg. Co. Pty. Ltd., 71 Argyle Street, Fitzroy', Vie SulgAlrrs of:—Cienersting Sets.
Suppliers of:-1'.e.v..r T11118/40rfll en% and Chtikew. Webb Industries Pty. Ltd., as City Road. Stli. Iteltioerne, Vie.
Transmission Equipmant Pty. Ltd., DrumsIde Street, Richinurol, Suppliers nf:—Wind Driven charging Rem
VW. Weimer. B. J.. MIS George Street, Rriebstri•, glit
Suppliers of—Telephone APParzitus. Line Equipment Supplier', •,17,—IrZeetriral Installation's.
Transmission Products Pty. Ltd.. 121 Miller Street, Nth. Sydney, Western Mfg. Co. Ltd., 18 1lrt in A VP.. FIV0lICICk.N.Si. W.
N.R.W. Supplivrm nr:--f'erry'ing rases.
Suppliers eV—Pre:imam Testing Rouipment: rower & Audi.. Westinghouse Romanies. Pty. Ltd., Intoning Avenue. S'aterioe,
Transformers & Chokes. N.S.W.
Triplet. H.. 19 U. Latrobe Street. Ittellemrne, Vie Suppliers of:—F.lectrical Equi lit. Generating Seta.
Suppliers •1:—Itsisket Work; Pennhire. etc While, J. & Son Pty. Ltd.. C. str,et, Pet...voltam. NS W.
Trop Injection Mouldings Pty. Ltd.. SOA Glebe Street. Glebe. Supplier. of:—Springs.
N.S.W. widdis•Diamond Dry Celia Pty. Ltd.. %Veils & Park Str.rt•, Sib.
Suppliers nf Mouldinee: Pnlyetyreine Ste-lIwurne, Vie.
Tubecraft Engineering CO., lid Reit Street, Preeten, Vie thipirilern :—Dry Batteries.
Suppliers .1:—Tulai lair /Benet (tree : rrying Frame,.
Wilco Product. Pty. Ltd.. Les Leetsdale Street. Melbourne, Vie.
Si-114.11..r. nf —Stt11.•1..•.; Control Gear.
William, A. Jo Electrical Instruments, Ill Lt. limo-k. Street,
U Melbourne. Vic.
suppliers of - -Mcler. & Meneuring Instruments.
Ungley, S. 0.. 1 Itelmnre Street. Starry Hills, Sydney, N.R,W
Wilson Electrical Transformer Co. Pty. Ltd.. 43 Crockford Street.
Suppliers ef:—Radar Tura,. ts, Meted Containers; Shirt
Port Melbourne, Vic.
11.10) Work Clussosig Suppliers r•L—Transformers A l'imicrs, Welding Equipment.
Union Mouldings Pty. Ltd., lintirke Atexntidria. N.S.W.
Wirrterbothsm, C. W., 129 Caettereisili Street, Sydney, N.S.W.
Suppliers nt:—Pissitie
Suppliers eV—Electrical Apparatus.
United Engineering & Malleable Co. Pty. Ltd.. ibirdon Street.
Wormald Bros. Pty. Ltd.. Tnung Street, Waterloo, N.S.W.
%Vest Fn.i.tscrst'. Vie.
Suppliers' eV—Mounting Racks; Steel f7abinets. etc.
Sunnite-re eV—Metal Cawing,- A- Machinery.
Wright. C.. & Co. Pty. Ltd., 209A Csistlerensh Strcet.
Universal Meyer Sound Systems, 7 Hillard Street, East Malvern.
Suppliers of:—Maehtne
Suppliers 'eV—Amplifier Equipment.
Wunderlieh Ltd.. Baptist Street. Redfern.
Suppliers' f:— Alumini tasting,.: Weirle41 Aluminium

Vacuum 011 CO. Ltd., 29 Market Street, Melbourne. Vie.

Supplier,. unIrn Settling '..inponnutly; 14.11vont - Y
Volt. Fred L.. Pty. Ltd., :19 Qteo.nsber ry St reel. Mrlieilirne.
Vane Electrical Inst. Co. Pty. Ltd.. :Om Caetlereagh Street, seidlies
N.X. Vie.
N.1.1 W.
su 'milers of : —Metere and Testing Equipment.
Supplier,. ..f — Poem.; 0.■ 1•1•••,. 111,10■ •••■

Velco Sound Systems Pty. Ltd., 190 Elizabeth Street. Melbourne,

Suppliers .,f:—Raillo Iteceivere; Amplifier Equipment; Test

Vesta Battery Co. Pty, Ltd., I George Street. Lelichtuirdt, N,S W. Zenith Radio Co., III nattier StrwrI, Sydney, N.S.W.
Suppliers of.— stern mulators; flatten Chargers. Suppliers dif:—V1-1F Transmitters; RndM Accessories.
Victor Sheet Metal Co., 97 Grant Street. Sth Melbourne. Vie Zevenboom. J., & CO., 325 Elizabeth Street Melbourne, Vie
Suppliers eV—Sheet Metal Werk: Metal Case* 5111,pii,•r, of:—Ilruishware.
The 10•line telephone switchboard illustrated above was Army's standard
equipment during most of the war years. Known as the "U-C" (universal
call) board, the lamp indicators of this assembly were extremely
sensitive and could be us/d with buzzer or magneto-call telephones.
Standard Telephones were responsible for production of this equipment.
The assembly shown above is a tropicalised
high-power telephone produced by Kriesier
Radio for the Army. In addition to a map•
neto•call telephone. the equipment included
an amplifier to permit efficient operation Eclipse Radio of Melbourne
over long distances. were responsible for production
of the Army 4•channel fortress
telephone ampliffer, at right.

At left is shown a 9-channel

VF telegraph terminal equip•
merit rack produced for the
PM G's Dept. by STC.

The "Telex" unit shown above, with its

covers removed, is typical of a quantity
produced by PMG Workshops for the
RAAF to permit teleprinter operation
over normal line circuits.

In forward areas, the Services were dependent

upon auxiliary power supply sources such as
the trailer• mounted Westinghouse• Rosebery
5 KVA generating set shown below.

Ex/m- 1 11111 (1/ Arlik.iiies
of Ihv industry
The productive capacity
of the Australian Telecom-
munications Industry was
used extensively in the
development and manu-
facture of other than com-
munications equipment.
Some typical examples are
shown on this page.

Ama•gamated W role's p r o
duced about 70.000 aircraft nav-
igational instruments of many
types. At right we show a
group of instruments under-
going test on a table which
simulates the motion of an air-

For the RAAF. Standard Telephones

produced the electronic height•indi•

cator for torpedo-bombers illustrated
at left. Later, an absolute attitude
indicator also was produced.

In addition to its work on spe•

coal insulators for radar and Kneeler Radio were responsible
other communications equtp• for production of the Reflector
ment. Nilcrom Porcelains pro- Gunsight shown below. Used in
duced large quantities of high-
fighter aircraft, this device utilised
tension insulators—an impres• a combination of electronic and
sionistic view of two typical optical principles.
items is seen above.

•%N, -)

Meteorological information was of

vital importance to air operations.
and the Eclipse division of Elec-
tronic Industries produced largo
quantities of Radiosondes, illus-
trated at left, for the RAAF.

For the Navy and Army. A. O.

Healing produced the CSIR Photo-
cell Chronometer, illustrated below,
to permit accurate measurement
of projectile velocity.
Sound Reproduction Equipment

for the Semites

The portable electric megaphone illus-

trated above was made by AWA and
used by the AMF as "Apparatus Loud-
speaking No. 2." The equipment has an
output of 3 watts and operates from a
telf-contained motor-cycle battery.

Velco Sound Systems nraduced the

highly • mobile battery-operated 30
watt sound system and demountable
projection •newkere shaven above.
Known as "Front Line Broadcasting"
units. these equipments were used for
pronaganda warfare in advanced ee dilasadtataisat

Used far gun control in fortress in-

stallatisns, Apparatus Loudspeaking
No. lB shown at right was produced
for the Army by Bland Radio of

The radio tuner•gramo• amplifier

assembly 'frustrated below is typical
of the equipments produced for Ser•
"Phoraphone" type 1702 inter-corn, unite
vices' Amenities by Australian Sound
of the type shown above were produced
Systems of Melbourne.
by Ph.liPS. Adsfaide. for the US Forces.

tiro Ho

The elaborate 60.watt amplifier system shown above was nroducecl by Philips
Electrical Industries to RAAF specification Y43 and saw active service with all
Services for beach control and "loud. hailing" during landing operations.

Radio dr Electrical Retailer, Map 2. 1940 133

jiff the

At right is shown%t.pleclsion
wavemeter produced by
Radio Corporation for the
RAAF. This unit provided
5-band coverage from 125
KC s. to 16 MD/s.

above is a
wide • range
5-in. cathode-
ray oscillo- Renitence measurements down to a
graph pre . thousandth of an ohm were provided by
duced by the aircraft bonding tester shown at
Velco Sound left. Known as the "D5." this Instru-
Systems f o r ment was produced by Radio Equipment
Service work , Ply, Ltd. of Sydney.

The unit at gr.

left Is the 2 ••
R6795 1 0 0
1 000 K C /a,
crystal call-
brator p r o
duced by AWA
for the adjust-
ment of Ser•
vice radio

One of the many types

of meters produced by
the Master Instrument
Co.. of Sydney for the
Service: is illustrated

Shown below is the ”C" version of the

' , TAW!" serial of signal generators
developed by Philips for Service use.

To enable testing
of new Service
valves with exist-
ing instruments.
J. H. Magrath. of
Melbourne. 0 r o -
duced the versatile
valve test adaptor
shown at left.

••• -•• ■•••

•••• • mg:Ed...a
• ••

Produced by Radio Corporation for the RAAF, the rack•

mounted crystal calibrator unit shown above was used
with the AR17 FM-AM receiver as part of the Run)
VHF D F assembly.
Tne elaborate signal•generator illustrated above is the R7231 produced by Amalgamated
Wireless for use in Service and production design laboratories. Built to a high degree
of precision, this instrument provides coverage from 95 KC s. to 30 MC . s. in ten hands.

Designed primarily for radar main.

tenance work, the battery.operated
electronic megohmmeter illustrated
above was produced by HMV. An
AC-operated version also was pro-

Illustrated above is Transmission Products' type "VCT-V" valve and multi-tester

assembly which was produced for Service Workshops.

Airrone produced the 5.inch

Radio Equipment, of Sydney, made the versa CRC shown at right as part
tile rnultimeter shown above. Known as the of the radar production pro.
"08." this instrument was specially designed gramme.
for Service use.

At left is the
415.485 M C s .
coastal frequency
meter, type 76.SU.
113. produced by
STC for the RAAF.
The Scientific S
work has been done

War's interruption to the flow of materials

from overseas made deliveries uncertain
In Rodiotron's Laboratories, however, re-
search on locally won minerals filled the
breach and successfully ensured a contin-
uity of supplies of valves to all Services.



esigned to Austrahat
Radio Requirements

From the diminutive receiving types to

rugged transmitting valves and amaz-
ing radar tubes, Radiotron planning
meets the essential needs of ail com-
munication services and Australian
radio requirements.


Radio & Electrical Retailer, May 2, 1946 137

A. J. William Electrical Measuring Instruments have shown by
a unique wartime record that Australian Craftsmanship has
no superior anywhere in the world. Productions include:—

4 in. and 6 in. Flush and Projection Mounting
Cases: Moving Iron Voltmeters and Ammeters:
Dynamometer Type Wattmeters; Moving Coil
Voltmeters; Ammeters: Volt-Ammeters; Test
Sets and Frequency Meters.


Moving Coil D.C. Voltmeters and Ammeters in
First Grade and Sub-standard Accuracies.
Dynamometers. Voltmeters. Ammeters and
Wattmeters in First Grade and Sub-standard
Moving Iron Voltmeters and Ammeters in F.G.
and S.S. Accuracies.
Precision type current transformers. Resistance
Coils and special custom built Electrical Measur-
ing Apparatus.

W. G. Watson & Co.. Melbourne; A. Beal Pritchett. Sydney:
Synchronome Electrical Co. Pty. Ltd.. Brisbane; Gerard &
Goodman Ltd.. Adelaide; G. G. Martin Ltd., Perth: Medhurst
& Sons Pty. Ltd., Hobart.



The doctor's job is never done. Rarely is he ever likely to WHOLESALE
get a full night's sleep seven out of seven. He is on call
twenty-four hours a day—every day, yet he must find time
to keep trend with latest developments in medicine and
medical science. & MUSICAL
So it is with ELECTRONICS. We must make every minute
count in our post-war plans. The development of the MERCHANDISE
"Tela-verta" Radio has been little short of revolutionary.
The demand for this quick-selling line is really phenomenal. including
Like the doctor we know our business and if you are
interested in an exclusive franchise for an exclusive radio. RADIO RECEIVERS
write immediately to:—


466 Victoria Av., Chatswood ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES
Crammond Radio Manufacturing Company REQUIREMENTS & LAMPS
Manufacturers of High Grade Precision Receivers, OCTAGO ELECTRICAL
Noise and Fault Locators as designed and supplied to APPLIANCES
P.M.G. Dept. and Councils, all States.
pH Equipment designed and supplied to Sugar Mills
throughout the World.
8 Queen Street, BRISBANE
Makers of— NEEDLES
Produced by "BUSH" Is your Guarantee of
Craftsmanship and Preciston Engineering.
481 KENT ST.
M 2936 SYDNiN

BUS I1 & CO. NOTE.—We supply the

Registered Office: 505-7 Queen Street, Petrie Bight, BRISBANE Trade only!
The ends of the earth are at your nearest Post Office

Progress and communications have always been notable for their

interdependence, and the many services provided by the Australian

Post Office have played an impressive part in the development of the


Today the Post Office forms on integral part of the comprehensive

international organisation of communications encircling the globe

and linking together peoples of all civilised nations.

In war years, the Post Office has served the Nation loyally in pro-

viding reliable communication facilities both for the fighting forces

and on the home front. Throughout these years there has been an

unprecedented increase in the volume of traffic handled in all branches

of the Department, but with a depleted staff, long hours of duty and

the assistance of our women folk, the motto has been "carry on".


Vast to serve the Notion—Personal to seive you!

This huge organisation of plant and personnel, affords a practical

demonstration of the commercial and social application of modern

scientific discoveries to the complex problems of the communication

needs of mankind. Keeping in touch . . . in the cities . . . in country

towns and settlements . . . in the far outback, Wherever two or

three people are gathered together, there also is the Post Office ..

maintaining a communication service; keeping the city in touch with

the country and the rural dweller in touch with the town.

The Post Office steadfastly pursues a policy ensuring that the

latest world advances in communications practice ore incorporated in

all its technical services for the benefit of the Notion and the indi-

vidual alike. Modern and progressive are the Australian Airmail,

Postal, Telephone, Telegraph and Wireless Services. The watchword

is "Speedy, courteous and reliable service."



The war against food contamination knows no end, but every domestic Kelvinator buil
redoubles the defences of another family. The combination of commercial electri
refrigeration at the sources of supply- and distribution. and domestic electric refrigeratio
in the home is a primary, reason for the dramatic drop in man► formerly preyalet
diseases originating in contaminated food.

The greater Kelvinator factory is now in production, turning out domestic

refrigerators in the Kelvinator tradition of efficiency with economy.
Kelvinator, first in the field of domestic electric refrigeration.
has reorganised after its splendid war effort and is again
enlisted on the side of health, comfort and happiness in pellet..

The enlarged
Yeti inator factory
at Keswick, S.A.

iss 11

4 ip


MI 1


90 1, v PEACE to 14/79 R
114 4 R &- PEACE
Service and our standard of quality have been maintained
both in War and Peace.
During the war, something like f50,000 of vital war material
was produced in the form of Radar Targets, Radar Aerials
Metal Boxes and Cases, Radio Chassis, and a host of other
articles in sheet metal and wire.
Half of our pre-war male staff joined the Services shortly
after the commencement of hostilities, and most of them are
back again to serve in post-war development.

The firm and the whole of the staff are justly

proud of their contribution to the war effort.
and are always happy to be at your service.
Our post-war production programme will in-
clude the lines mentioned above, in addition to
the wide range of goods. the manufacture of
which was suspended soon after hostilities com-
menced. Full particulars from-

! G. N G LEY (rfOi
Telephone MA 2460 -
EST. LONDON 1884 - SYDNEY 1923

144 Radio & Electrical Retailer. Mail 2. 1946

The PAST . . . The PRESENT .
When our safety depended upon Your Heating dealer is now receiving.
seeking out and destroying enemy certainly in restricted quantities, new
convoys and battle fleets, Radar was Golden Voice Radios engineered with

Australia's most urgent need—a the same skilled precision as the
Radar Receivers which were built on
Number 1 priority. In those grim days
the basis, They must not fall." For
A. G. Healing Ltd. was Australia's
quality and range of tone these new
largest manufacturer of Radar
Golden Yoke Radios are further
Receiving Equipment.
ahead than ever.
With victory won and production
again directed to new Golden Voice
Home Receivers. we recall with
patriotic pride our wartime achieve-
ments in the manufacture of Radar,

1_11111Milarader MEM
Built by the Largest Manufacturer of Radar Receivers
1101 sofeaS

Bow/ e.
' „me fo.0
5 %/4
0 °I'vAUC," 0.06'
for ‘a0.0 01' p • •
%Or '.

LEFT: Top and

bOttOrn boom ht
spar being
made ready for
InliCing, glutting
and clamping.

NCE upon a time a great artist downed his

brush to plan the arsenals and siege guns of
war. lie was Leonardo da Vinci whose genii's
lives in the smile of a lovely lady—Mona Lisa.
whose portrait hangs in the Louvre. Over and
over in our world's history the arts of peace
have been abandoned to make way for the crafts
of war. Something like this happened to us.
In 1940 we put aside our job of peace. Our crafts-
men went to war—with the R.A.A.F.—and per-
formed miracles.
ABOVE: Fitting With justifiable pride. this company and every
bottom boom to pq employee can now look hack upon a war job
right :Ind left lid T.
Jig. for fusing rear well done.
and front face
blocks. Temniates We illustrate here the part we played when the
on wall Indicate curtain of secrecy oas thrown around our
block position.
activities. The 14.A.A F. wanted laminated wing
LEFT: First and spars for Mosquito bonthers—they wanted them
eacond operation quickly. Invasion was at hand. They got them
Jigs, Note ramp
essential for pre- through sweat and tears—but they got them—
cision ta. MS re • in hundreds.
As our war post was one that called for untiring
energy and precision workman.ship, so our post-
war production will keep in tune with the
standard set in times of emergency.
We rest content on our war effort and nun'
with renewed vigor have geared our wheels to
the industrial plan for peace.

ABOVE: Finished spar loaded end ready

for delivery. In a power dive at 000
m.p.h„ these laminated spars were
Proved to retract as tar as 24 inches
without any structural fault dev•lopirte.
Telephone: LM 4431
Suppliers to all United Nations' Fighting Services
operating in the Pacific Zone

in Peace
cti well ai in War


Copios of our hook "In•ulation" Mailable on application.

I udividual Specifications Invited

St. Peters, N.S.V

Taubmans Pty. Ltd. Taubmans Q'Id. Pty. Ltd. L. G. Abbott & Co. Ltd. Taubmans Ltd.
Lonsdale Street Edward Street Wakefield Street St. George's Terrace
Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide Perth




KIR. 6 TA'S.


Quality Sound Equipment
Torpedo studio model microphone. Sensational Realism
is obtained with these microphones ideal for Theatres.
Night-clubs, Broadcasting Stations and Sound-reinforcing
These professional mikes flatter vocal m instrumental
reproduction and are very popular for all indoor P/A
work. Distinctive, with an amazing frequency response.
theme units are available at a cowmen-sense price. es

- DYNAIIIIKE." the popular moving-coil. acoustic cans

pensated microphone 511 ohms. or with transformer 42,0110
ohms impedance. Mounting thread 27-5/8". Output-52 db
below 1 volt per bar, 40-10.000 cps. Tilted satin chrome
head allows unobstructed view of artist's face. Floating
generator ensures immunity to vibration. This inexpensive
rugged all purpose microphone is ideal for "smashing
clear speech." Can also be used for musical reproduction.
()wing to its low impedance the microphone cable can be
hundred feet or more in length, if necessary_ Supplied
with 9' twin shielded cable.

NASTAND" streamlined desk-stand. incorporating

"Dynamlke" microphone generator and multi-contact
spring-loaded " press-to-talk" switch. Ideal for Paging
Systems—telephonist can press button which automatic-
ally silences music and opens microphone. Finished In
brown crackled duel) and oxy-metal work and supplied
with standard 9' cable,

"DYNAPIION" Loudspeaker unit. This driver sound-motor

has been designed for TROPICAL OPERATION and has
proved very popular with the Services. It handles up to
15 watts and, owing to its high electro•acoustic efficiency
and scientific design. PRODUCES MORIN SOUND THAN
self centred diaphragm gives an excellent frequency
response and ensures permanent voice-coil alignment.
When used with a a` "Dynaflare" exponential horn acoustic
coupling. "feedback" is reduced to a minimum. 12.5 ohm
voice-coil impedance. 500 or 1.000 ohm matching trans-
formers are available.

Old inable front


F 9149, F 9140 • 10 DIXON STREET
MA 2588. M 3136
STAN- 1 t
404 ii:Wra 4.a°
' Depellarthi


243 BAY ST., BRIGHTON, VIC. 'Phone X3113
The remarkable develop-
ment of electrical under-
takings achieved in Aus-
tralia over the last quarter
of a century has been truly
astonishing. The large
expansion witnessed in all
forms of power generation
a nd distribution has
brought in its train a con-
stantly increasing demand
for new and better types
of INSULATION. Specialis-
ing in all forms of
required by the Electrical
Engineer, we have kept
well abreast of overseas
developments in the field

Our knowledge of the

adaptability of the almost
unlimited range of ELIA •
MATERIALS for wide and
varied applications over a
quarter of a century. makes
us confident to advise you
of their potential uses.

A wide range of stocks in

various qualities. sizes and
grades are carried through-
out the Commonwealth.

SYDNEY: 168 Clarence St. Phone: M.4368
562-4 Bourke St. 'Phone Cent. 3669
(Branch) 58 Hardware St. 'Phone: Cent. 3670
Miaco House. 34 Albert St. 'Phone: B.6803
68 Flinders St. 'Phone: C.4803
856 Hay St. 'Phone: B.3070
HOBART: Ila Argyle St.
KALGOORLIE: Cr. Brookman and Cassidy Sts • 'Phone: K.724


pro% ide.

M ASTER constructed
. .. more accurate
. with an easily read ,
able coloured scale and In Australian Theatres
a convenient at-a-glance
method of indicating the exceed those of
condition of the battery. the
Microvac High-discharge Cell
Tester is a sensitive, precision
any other make
instrument. Housed in a robust,
specially designed bakelite case, It
is made for years of consistent, hard
service. And its price is amazingly low.
Exclusive Distributors:
Made and guaranteed by


Sydney Katoomba Melbourne

Brisbane — Adelaide Perth


Suppliers of all
ra;tory nepresentatsves: PROJECTION ROOM
VICTORIA: L. A. P000nowskl, 403 Bourke St.. Melbourne. C.1
'Phones MU 3858, MU 2932 REQUIREMENTS
NEW SOUTH WALES: Streamlined Electric.. gia York St.. Sydney
'Phone MA 4242

OVERSEAS ENQUIRIES should be sent direct to Head Office

These new developments will require specially constructed cables
—which Olympic supplied in time of war and will continue to
supply in the years of Peace.


Specify -

, _.... .
01gmpie wi RES &

A Product of the Olympic Tyre & Rubber Co. Ltd.
oirt ilNABLE .41.1. ELECTRICAL U 1101,ES us
Distributed by: The high quality of Ferrocart Vibrators is well known
New South Wales. to service men everywhere. That high quality has
SIMPLEX PRODUCTS characterised all Ferrocart Products, taking into con-
sideration every operating essential such as frequency,
716 Parramatta Rd..
Petersham. LM 5615 current-carrying capacity, points and reeds properly
IIOMECRAFTS tuned for transformer circuit requirements.
100 Clarence St.. Ferrocart Vibrators are available in a range of type
Sydney. BW 4271 to suit every requirement—Synchronous, Split Reed,
Queensland and non-Synchronous. They assure minimum R.F. in-
terference, low level mechanical noise and starting,
247 Adelaide St..
Brisbane. B 8395 under adverse battery conditions.

86 Collins St.. Hobart.
Hobart 6777
69 York St.. Launceston
Launceston 2371
Western Australia:
915 Hay St.. Perth.
B 9371
South Australia:
161 Pirie St.. Adelaide. 328 FLINDERS STREET, MELBOURNE. MU 7701
Central 7475 149 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY. M 6036
In the Laboratories . . In the Jungle


'Twits an inspiring task . . urgent, challenging and assuredly
difficult. It is only now when we pause to glance over our shoulder
that we realise the full merit of our Velco Sound Engineers' war
contribution. It called for adaptability, patience, genius, and sheer,
- me dogged perseverance. It called for sudden conversion to the construction
of sound amplifiers . . . for Electric Testing Equipment and Ancillary
- tomb. Units „ . everything that every branch of the Services wanted in this
- 41:411k
1- ategory . . and wanted in a hurry. It was all done. All designed, all
developed and delivered.
The Services had a word for it. A heartfelt "Well done. VI LUIP!"

Electric Test Equipment * Amenity Radio Receivers

Mobile Radio Amplifiers * Army Propaganda Units
(for fitting to Army Trucks) * Air Propaganda Units
Hospital 3-Channel Radio Systems * Meter Instrument Testing Equipment
(2.500 Headphone Sets) * Loud Speaker Flares
Hospital Paging Systems Microphones and Genemotors
Factory Sound Systems * Electric Gramo. Motors—Pick-ups


In this age of specialisation Its a sound whole resources into an epic war achieve-
policy to deal with Velco. the house ment, so will they concentrate on the
which devotes all its ability and energies even bigger and longer job of bringing
to the production of high quality sound ever improving equipment and service
equipment. And just as Velco threw its to the domestic and industrial fields.



Manufacturers and suppliers to 0 Ministry of Munitions
• All Branches of the Defence Services • U5. Armed
es • Poitmavter-Generars Dept..—


• Suh-Coni.-actors to L
facturers for Special

Aeatt of
the gada

Not one recorded instance

breakdown during years of
hour operation under the m
gruelling conditions!

your POST-WAR EFF011.7
Demands the Very Highest Quality PRECISION EQUIPMENT


ealn,P1 ra
• AII rn rn•nrr.r. - ---
rr ECHNICAI.l.Y speaking. Trimax Trans -
formers joined the Armed Forces during the
war! They were the first to successfully co-
the effects of humidity and tropical conditions
on the efficiency of transformers .. . and followed
on with a succession of vital replacements for
British and Australian Radar installations, search.
light and anti-aircraft equipment, etc. This
outstanding contribution to the war effort lays
the foundation for peacetime progress at Trimax.

POST-WAR "Keeping up the Good Work," Trimax have now

launched out with many new developments for
radio service . . . from custom-built sheet metal
made to your own specifications to a full range
of Australia's Best Radio Components—Audio
and Power Transformers. Filter Chokes. Metal
loudspeaker flares, adjustable microphone stands,
communications-type volume controls, etc. Try
Trimax for your next quote!
w "--.-._)?
0 ,_ ___''



It gives its pleasure to advise consumers of insulating
varnishes, impregnating compounds, etc., in the Electrical Industry
that we have appointed IL E. Jeffries Pty. Ltd. of James House, 1(41-
174 Day Street, Sydney (with branches at 168 Collins SL, Melbourne
and 211-255 Margaret St., Brisbane) us exelusive distributors and
stockists of BERGER "IIY-MEG " and " 011MEG " Insulating
Varnishes for the States of New South
Wales, Victoria and Queensland.
We feel that, in the hands of a progres.
tiive concern. surf] as )1e-sr-. R. E.
Jeffries Pty. Ltd.. the trail,. will be uttered
the kind of technical advice and delivery service so necessary for the
proper handling of enquiries and the meeting of Australian industrial
requirements. We are honoured to In. associated with Messrs. IL E.
Jeffries Pty. Lid. ire the development of the dentandp. for "11Y-MEG
and " 01IMEG " insulating products, and confident in the knowledge
that users can refer their insulating problems to them for expert
anent' .
" HYsMEG •• and "IMMEG " insulating and impregnating pro-
ducts are the out of many years of intensive research into prob.
ems affecting the electrical industry, and
in this respect we have had the great ad-
vantage of extremely close collaborat•
with our Associates in the U.S.A. and of
our parent organisat . . Lewis Berger
& Sons Limited, in England.


Rhodes, N.S.W. . Melbourne . Adelaide Perth

During the Me :1r 13iand Rnd,o Led. (:12V, their wary best in Radio and
Electrical Eflu , Pment for the Armed Forces. On the Blond assembly
benches, tachmteil equipment WAS designed and built in ever-inereasing
numbers for the Army, Navy and Air Force. When peace was declared.
Mang had nu doubts that they had made their tollest rnntriblitien
to the victory that was ours.


The wheels of wartime industry are slow in turning back to peacetime

production and the full range of post-war "OPERATIC" Receivers in
R.A.A.F. Unit Power
net y At available. Only one—the 45M 6.valve Mantel model—has made its
Supply Type Yi
appearance so far, but its undoubted quality and high standard of
performance presage* a brilliant future for its companion sets. You can
be sure that the experience gained during the war years is being put to
good use and the makers of "OPERATIC" Radio Receivers are confident
that their product will always occupy a tr ading place in the radio field.

E151111E0 I-15TETlins


Manufacturers of Radio and Electr:cal Equipment of all Types
Defence Amplifiers

G PROJk c ToRs


CHI ti Es
( •
1.0 ?MN 0 tLS 14131AT°R1

•••■ 1111110'

Ac I
pA Rrs

.t4 7E-en41 -(Przel
"Langco," Best by Test Since 7930.

With Australia's security threatened in those dark
days of 1941-42. the warning cry of the factory
whistles summoned the workers to herculean efforts
in war-time industry. That they responded nobly
anti well is evidenced by the smashing defeat that
was inflicted on the Axis powers. Now the cry of
the factory whistle is a neighbourly sound once
again. calling the men and women to peace•Ilme
labour as of pre war days . . . the comfort and
welfare of man their premier mission.

are proud to be distributors for those Associated
Manufacturers who, after their splendid war efforts.
are now finalising for full Civil Production:—


Evereadv" Rat teries Radio Receivers and Air Circulators
"Tecoico" Vacuum Cleaners Domestic Refrigerators
"BRIMAR" VALVES Kerosene Refrigerators
"ARCH" CONDUIT FITTINGS "Ethertone Pickups"
"Server" Electrical Appliances
We have had 15 years' of experience
as electrical and radio distributors.

Wholesale Radio and

Electrical Warehouse
(i.P.O. Bur G60 F.. Telephone Central 8000 (3 Lines)


1943 RADAR

hut always

TELCON ILE. CABLES were designed and exclusively used for the de-
velopment and efficiency of DIRECTION' FINDING and RADIO-


Read Office: 22 Old Broad street. London. England.
EnQuiries to-


47 York St., Sydney. P.O. Box 2516 Sydney, 'Phone B 0522.
The Australian Radio and Electrical Manufacturers' Performance for War will be matched only
by its tremendous production for peace. R. E. JEFFRIES PTY. LTD. served faithfully and
efficiently during the critical demands of war, and now, with the easing of trade restrictions,
look forward to supplying Quality Insulation Materials to peacetime Manufacturers from their
large stocks of:—

Cotton Tapes. Varnish Cloth. Tapes and Sleeving.

Presspahn. Fiberglass Cloth and Sleeving.
Fibre Sheet, Rod and Tube. Bakelite Sheet. Rods and Tube.
Gear Material Synthane Sheet and Rods.
Hook-up Wire, Flex, etc. Leatheroid-
Ebonite Sheet and Rod. Mycalex.
Red Rope and Varnished Papers. Thermostats, etc.
Co nmuta tors.
Desoutter Portable Electric and Pneumatic Tools.
(N.S.W. and Queensland only'l

'Phone MA 2200 or MA 7257 for our Representative to call.


168 174 DAY STREET. SYDNEY MA 2200. MA 7257.
The equipment used in the modern electric lift embraces prat- than:- the whole field of mechanical
and electrical engineering. With minor exceptions we design and build it all in our works at
Waterloo, and our experience, coupled with a trained staff, enables us to meet specialised enquiries
for numerous engineering products, such as motors and petrol and diesel engine driven generators.
alternating and direct current, up to 100 K.W. capacity at approximately 500 R.P.M.. transformers
up to 500 K.V.A. 33,000 Volts, nil circuit breakers 200 to 800 amps and 22,000 Volts, bakelised paper
tubes and cylinders.

Porti on of Switchboard for 0oulburn. to handle

power from Eturrtnitick and Port Kembla. made
for N.S.W. PlibIlt, Work ■ Department, .oetud,ng
our remote-control 11,000.volt, 800-ampere.
3.phase, Oil Circuit•Breakers, 150.000 kVA
capacity .

High-Intensity Anti- A orcraf t Scarcht.ght Lamp

for Commonwealth Defence Authorities.

Lightweight Petrol - Electric Generattnq Set 3. Core. Coils. and Tap - Changer of 3 - phase.
phase. 4-kW.. 415-volt. I500 r . for 33,000 4S - volt, 1X00 - kVA. Transformer. made
Commonwealth Defence Authorities. for Singleton Municipality.


Established 1914

Non-Ferrous Metal Rolling and Extrusion Mills


Manufacturers of


Rolled Copper Anodes, 99.9 per cent. Purity


Brass Sheets and Circles


Electrolytic Copper Rods and Busbars


Copper Firebox Plates for Locomotives





Extruded Brass, Muntz's Metal, Manganese Bronze,

Naval Brass and Copper in Rounds, Squares,
Hexagon and Special Sections.
Nickel Silver Sheets and Strip
Cusilman Bronze
in Sheets, Rods and Strip.

Branch Offices:


BESIDES designing and producing
little Midget A.G. Motors such as this —0 ■■•■110•1
like the big

We manufacture Standardised Motors:

3 Phase 1/20 to 15 H.P.. 500-3000 r.p.m.
Two speed pole changing
.1 Synchronous 1 6 - 10 H.P.
Single Phase Capacitor Start 1 6 - 1 H.P.
Capacitor Run 1'20 - 1 H.P.
Repulsion Induction 1/4 - 10 H.P.
Explosion proof 1'3 - 1 H.P.
., C.R. Variable speed 1/2 - 3 H.P.
Synchronous 1./20 • 1 M.P.
.0 0.
Compensated Series 1 6 - 1 M.P. like
D.C. Series, Shunt and Compound / 6 - 3 H.P.
D.C. Generators to 10 KW. this
Alternators to ID KVA 50 to 500 cycles
Bench Grinders and Polishers
Geared Motors AC - DC • to 5 RPM
Special Motors to operate at —40' below zero.
Temperature Bearings sealed against 30 lb.
air pressure.


240.480 V. H.P. RESIEARCIL

S KVA, 50-150 1.01•; 3rd Harmonic, Full Load 2". Regulation. Free of any Magnetic Ripples.

Sine wave synchronous multi alternator for the solution of problems in connection with the transmission and distribution of electricity
for the Sydney County Council Electricity Undertaking. Completely designed and manufactured by Durst Motors, this complex machine
is the first of its kind in connection with a calculating table for the Sydney County Council in working out the most difficult problems
encountered in this large electricity undertaking.




Telegrams: "DURST." SYDNEY. Telephone: MW 1755, MW 1470.

SINCE 1918
Page Page Page
Aegis Mfg. Co. Pty.. Ltd. Harrington's Pty. Ltd. 154 Sample Geo. H. & Son ., 28
(J. H. Magrath & Co.) 29 Healing A. G. Ltd... 146 Standard Telephones &
A. S. Radio Parts 21 J Cables Pty. Ltd. 17 18 19 20
Austral Bronze Co.. Pty. Ltd. 168 Jeffries R. E. Pty., Ltd. 166 Standard-Waygood Limited . 167
Australian Gen. Electric Pty.
K Stan.Mor Dry Cell Co.. Pty.
6 152
Kelvinator Australia Limited 142 143
A.W.A. Telcon Pty. Ltd. _. 165 151
Kingsley Radio Pty. Ltd. .. 12 Steanes Sound Systems ..
Amalgamated Wireless Sun Electric Co. Pty. Ltd. 150
Kriesler (A Asial Pty. Ltd. 10 11
(A 'asia) Ltd., .. Swales & Swann • . 13
Cover ii Pages 1. 30. 31
Langco Electric Jug Co. 163
Australian Sound Systems . 160 T
A. W. Valve Co. Pty. Ltd. . 136 137 M
Taubman's Limited 148
Master Instrument Co. 154
Tecnico Limited ., 27
Mica & Insulating Supplies
The Gramophone Co. Limited 9
Berger. Lewis & Sons (Aust.) 153
Thom & Smith Pty. Ltd. 22'23
Pty. Ltd. .. 161 Moulded Products (A 'asia)
Transmission Products Pty.
Bland Radio Limited .. 162 Ltd. 145
Ltd. 158
Bush & Company .. 139 McLellan W. J. & Co. Cover iii p. 2
Trimax Transformers (Cliff
N & Bunting Pty. Ltd.) .. 159
Nilsen Industrial Group, The 16
Cooke Bros. Pty. Ltd. .. 139
Crammond Radio Mfg. Co. 139
Olympic Tyre & Rubber Co. Ungley, S. G. 144
D 155
Dickin, Fred. Pty. Ltd. .. 147 V
Ducon Condenser Ltd. .. 7 Philips Elect. Industries of Velco Sound Systems Pty.
Durst Motors .. 169 Aust. Pty. Ltd. .. . . 8/24 157
D. W. Radio Pty. Ltd. .. 139 Postmaster General's Dept. 140/141

Quality Castings Pty. Limited 170 Warburton . Franki (Melb.)

Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd. .. .. 14 15
Eveready (Australia) Pty. K 25
Ltd. .. 26 Radio Corporation Pty. Ltd. 4/5 William A. J. Electrical In-
Radio Equipment Pty. Ltd. . 3 struments 138
Radio Wholesalers Limited 164 Wilson Electric Transformers
Ferrocart (A asia) Pty., Ltd. 156 Rola Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. Cover iv. Co. Pty. Ltd. 149


Our aim is to ensure that every "Q.C."
Magnet will give proper service under the • CASTINGS
conditions for which it was designed. There-
fore every "Q.C." Magnet is tested before
leaving our works. • COMPLETE ASSEMBLY

QUALITY CASTINGS PTY. LTD. 11 - 13 McEvoy St.. Waterloo, N.S.W.

'Phone: MX 3491 (3 lines) Cable & Telegraphic Address: Code: Bentley's

••Tobruk," Sydney
Schedule of Apparatus, Materials & Services

Adhesives. Battery Charging Equipment.
?lispidled by:-Stailletem & Iw a 4,- 1'1 1,1.1 '5 :4.4.114m.14,,
8upplkd -Amplinn (Aust.) PI>. Ltd ; tliallense Elec-
PI v. Llnd led.
t:4r Elevirlr Co. Pt, Flom! 1R)'. UHL:
Aerial Equipment UnsUlators, Wire, Hardware, etc.1
I Inria Lucht 11y. Ltd., T lileruith. Mil# IriPtlflitil
by:-Kooterm Premier Put tery; 1.1nEllier6, raider Pty. Ltd.: /Arlitt lisin & [ Aunt, 0 Ltd.. :Pier.

New kinlruivelvk 1,11retrir Idedributnrs, (I' Donneli & rirtfnit Pi>. !Ad.:
Cu.; Mk:rum Porcelains (Aust.) Ltd..
Pty 1.111; i'arrolies & nothertems
lirkrk & f'ottery Cu. Ltd.; Wm Ficdrurd 1-:$1 Prevision Engineering

Hritteh Inoulaled ("a lalro ; lir unaselelt Spri nrn Pty-. .1 d ; Quirk 's 1-tetory /..,1411-ts on ; Fl ternl 140tIttifilt €'1i.;
dined Trlrphuurrt & 1.'4101r8 Pty. Thnni,■ & Iksanr Ply,
Hrearlry; K. S. Calder Pty. Md.: A. oballitiusettrth.
LW.; Tu.nwnatrdut P ,, dry 1,141 ►'entn lint Ivry Pty.
& Barltsw i' IY. UPI; Et W firer": 11111,14' -
oha 11; Suril•linic pottsries, Ltd ; 1'I s. Ltd.

Aerial Masts & Arrays. Batteries, Dry.

supidipti I.> Tu14. re+. Lid , A. ('ho sink/air,' 1.±:-I.:%r•rvoilly fAilime. Pt> Lid.; Slass - Stnr lint-
11$11.1$.1. At:oh-411E1.n P.,. 1.111. K 1, Engine,- N. er:/ ,444111...:114% Witld$A rlifttrin?■11 I It5 I 'ell,. >.. Ltd.

Troct.,:e 1
y. Jul ; Moltero 1.1013011,11; fluted pr.silui•ts
Batteries, Wet.
Air-circulating & Compression Equipment. rI F. , -)41:1A4n, Isuiteriett 11> 1.141; 11. & it. Ilaiteries

F'. 4'11 l'i1. Ltd.. Ele‘li Pt

PI , 1.1.1 , 1,111. 11/111i.11y
Ltd.: Ferrier tqc ps> 1.1.1.. TM/Si/AMIN% 1:01.1111dr!. I•111. Brass & Bronze Materials & Castings.
:411 ,1 ,11eil by:-Austral lirl.rizt, c 'n 19> 1.W.; I411.ruded
Aircraft Electrical Gear.
Slyzatir l't> 1.14 ; Ktect. Sr111,,i,a A. 4 "r.
sopoii,d 1..).-AirZ..14. 117411 LW.. Krici,ler L.A .min I 1'1,
Ltel... Philips Electrical lorlutarlessd Alms Ply. Ltd
Te1111,11 j.1[1.
Brushwa re.
Aircraft instruments. S1101,11.1 Zovoll>r•sim &
sui.ptied :-Atim lin mai ell Wir•elem A' olal Ltd,: w.fir ,

1,1,4. 1nr, Frunki [Still,.) Ltd .

Aluminium & Aluminium Alloys. C

supplied by :-Auatralinn Aluminuuu I n. 1.1141.111 : :4$-hero
. Ltd. ; Wunderlich Ltd. Cable Connectors.
:4.4111111.1Pll by IiM- ; P. PI Ci 1.:11110114 1.1. 111P Pi>.
Amplifiers, Audio. 1Plersulluitul Kadin 4 ... It i.i,t
supt.tied Ivy:-Arnoleurnuttli Iviresess CA ' Als) Lid Aust.

truitan Hyglirmia: erusuruntid audio: Mnlipst , Munn

Cable Laying Equipment & Accessories.
Ps>. Ltd ; !'ilil lps.KlretrIcul lutist:grit-A nt Auld Pry. Ltd
1.. ► 11 1.1.1 . 11. 1 /44,..
lis45..milium. 1.1.1., HI cane' 04kunit klyrtr Pty. I..t.1 .
1-0.. 1.1.1 , K Trm I'e, 1.1.1, st.

t .151N ermid Stayer $nund .14,-141num4; Volyst t•Inulid 1.44.teuni

& stout

Cables & Flexibles.

Amplifiers. Radio.
i.1.1 Stipplherl 1»- I 14,1 ...hi, 1- I s /•
Supplied I WIrele$$% Kquipiticeit 11>

011, trI i.4441/z, II, 1,1.1 .14,11/14.4./ ■ 44

itlitilli 1.141 (Aust.) 1.1d.: 1

141111111r 1.141_ /.4 1.4 ..41 I 1 4,, I,1, 1

Anti-corrosion Treatments. Producto I / .4 41 .4 ukl ,144.1 11411414,•/ '44 4 P'1, iii)14
xnpplYe.t In' - AF.. 14, l El.". I l•Mio I Mu w4,rks. Ilurri • Itilbt14 Li 41 1;4 1:411111-. 111-• Alo ,f I 144 • I.10 H.II,
lntt ; moillifni-luriog Pr, Pi. Ltd .rLtltnIt1 rr 4.) . 1 . I 11% 1211
P t)'. Ltd.. Shaw, 1411/4•441/K4/141.., 1111
PAPUA 1"..tollelpi. Ply 11,14.. IltAittrn pillow tsenrksz Cables, High Erequelirr.
sprayers Pty. Ltd.; It. nowt> PIM.: ell Pt , 1.151;
- 4 4. `- 1. 1144iiielv11 1 'i ■ • In
erm Pty 1.1,1 Lill.

Anti-Submarine Equipment iAsdie). Canvas & Webbing Bags & Covers.

sovio , r1 I • i 1%01-111. (1:4 311 Ltd.. runner Precision En -
; E. 11, Brett & Sono Ply..
wiii.i.r114; 1'144 1,141. 1111y1,411,114 ,i11- Pty. Ltd. • 1.1:-A. i t A
*".bi,44-. 1 1"., ; 001111 & C 1. 1.4/11.4;
Anti-Vibration Materials & Mountings. 11/4/11■41 ,1 '11,. 1.1.1 . 1 I': W 11111'41: 1.14./4.,44r Wc.lulolim
Supplied Ity:-Ountnp Uultis - t on.. !Ansi Pty 1.414; Fed -

i-mil Fullers Ply. Ltd.: Felt & Tee ',Allem fir A iJ.1 Lid ■ Items) Carrying Cases & Cabinets_
p.; IA:mulls Prod it•
'ha rl war! h It uhlorr Pi y ,1 ; lk,dfural Ps>. Ltd Ifuaren & Pernel:$11
Macka? Stlentruba Priffluo. Pty. 1.14.: 14Euithern Punt• I
1'sy. 1.1.1 , Pt V. Ltd: .1 Plund 'Pty. IA41.; 1ST, Iw
Itrennie Nit'orks 1-1:teera1El. fl. 17A ice y ti.. 41sInebttrnugh Furniture
A.S.V. Equipment. . l.i.l : Xing Ilk Kin); NIct 'unttr,11 1iu1 1r1I nIt('u, Pty. Ltd.:
RrAin Pp; ; M. 44 1:144 1'4 PlyVo 1.411.; tilapietoyi &
slimmed :-Aironrie (1531) Ltd,; Drevine
Ltd.: W■epla•rii }era. Cr... Ltd.
Thum & smith Ply. LPL
Honour Roll of Industry Dials & Tuning Controls.
Supplied by:—Angus & ('otrte. 1'1 I.1 l 111%mi .1/4 Hunter.
Clyde Winton-Reid Pty I.1 . ± II Etitieolt Pt. Lill
Serves Electrical Co. Pty. Ltd
Cartons & Packing Material.
Supplied b -corrugated F.hre containers Ply, Ltd.; Cimil Dynamos & Alternators.
tiros. Ply. Ltd.; J. Fielding & Co. Ltd. .1. Gadsden Pty. Supplied by:—Illirst Julutor.. P. 11 Davey & 19)
Ltd ; Gainsborough Furniture Pty. Ltd.; Morrie & Walker: English Electric ('44 Ltd.: Mecon Ele..ten Work. 1.1 1.1.1
McQuade & Alicii: Spleens & Detino1.11 & me. Standnrd 11.1 41 : lac s. 1.* :in. 1.1 .■ 1.111
iougall Pt v. 1411.. Smith Bros. Pty. Ltd 11 Triplet.
Cases, Steel. and Metal Containers.
S 1 hy —Victor Sheet Metal Co ; WormaId p,r
Ltd ; Itrowntillt Steel Fota Co.; clay & w Electric Motors.
T cartolehrtel Ltd.; J. l'Indeden Ply. 1.14.; liarrl...ti Met,.1 Supplied by:—Durst Mot. ICA . R. S Cul bier 1'1> Ltd . Ale(*ull
Pre-nitig Co. Pty. Ltd.: G. A. & L. Harrington Pty. 1.1.1 Electric Works Pty. Ltd.
.1. Morph & sons Pty, Ltd.: Richards Industrie,. Linilted.
.1. nolo room: S. G. Ungley. Electrical Accessories.
Supplied hy —Alpha Engineerisur I 'I.. P1) Ltd
Castings & Partings. Crook Electrical Co. Pty. Ltd.: wiii.ado Adams & Ltd..
suppli,,t : —Rev% & Marshall: Stoke,. Foundry Pty. Willom Sege & Sans; Wm. Inoue; Elektron Product.Co.;
Ltd.; Scott's Brass Works; St 1414'0 DIP (.'sedates; Meng' Noyes Bros. Ltd.; Newton. MrI.rren Ltd Waote.
hi II & Co.: I. M Ogilvie: Bradlee Bros. I'ty. Ltd.; Commer-
linters Ltd.; W. Winterhothilm,
cial Steele & Forge Co. (Aust.) Pty. 1•td.: C. Engines
lug Cu, Pty, Ltd ; Davies. Shepherd tSydneyl I'll'. 1.141 Electrical Equipment.
Die eastern Ltd ; Efeo Mantifitettirtn,g Co. Pty. Ltd.; Supplied I,) : --Australian 1.1vitern1 Electric 114±. 1.011.; A K
/MM. DielliSilrIg Pty. Ltd.; .1. S. Kent; Kiwi Metal Pro. Aekiaud; British General Eli ..tric Co Ltd.. 11 E. Itrelmut
it. El. Litwrenson Pt)- 1.1d.; MeMillan & Md. Pty. Ltd.; F. 1.. Clarke & Williams Pty Ltd.: Hodson &
shell Pt Y. Ltd.; I. tthnplatrd & Parity Gault Ply. 1.14.: it Joloodoe' Ploglish 1.11. dIrle en Lid :
Paned Engineering & Malleable ply, 1.14 Electric Control & Engineering Co, Ltd : Greennoure Pro.
Cathode-Ray Tubes and Oselllographs. ducts Pty. Ltd.: Servex Elertrical co. Pt). 1.14.; iattvrenve
& Hannon Pty. Ltd.; E. A. Machin & Co. Pty. Ltd.: A. G.
Supplied by':—Philips Electrical Industries of Aust Skelly- & I'ty.
1.14.: Amalgamated Wireless (A'ettO Ltil.; Alrzone Iltiall Nauman: Nilsen Crams Pte. lad .
Ltd.: Siemens (Aunt.) Pty. 1.14.: It. Schick: Teenier. Ltd.:
Ltd.; 11.51 V : RaYronhonr Pte. Ltd.; V. Ira Sound System.
I'Iv laid. West1nghouro4-110setory 1-414. Ltd.
Ceramic Insulators & Mouldings. Electrical Installations.
Supplied by:—Australian P,,rcelstin Ineulah,r co. Pty. Md.; Supplied by Burley. litteh & I !imildlii) 14' 1..
Adelaide Potteries; Duerni Condenser Pty. Ltd.. 11 Hecht I', 1'.,' & Wltlinn.r. ply. Ltd,: it Weimer.
& Co ; Ko.ters Premier Pottery; Nlitrom Porrelaine (Allot.) Electroplating.
Ply. Ltd.; NON Brunswick Brick & Pottery Co. Pty. Ltd.: Supplied by:—Anclior Electroplating Works; Burrow. Plat-
Sla11/411 int. Potteries; Southern Criss Parroluln Co.; Slinnirx ing: Edson Plating Co. Pty. Ltd.: Holder, Stroud Pty. Ltd.:
Products Pty. Ltd. Modern Plating Works; Plated Produets; Renown Plate
Chokes, Audio & Power. Co, Pty. Ltd.; W. II. Speakman & Non: Wallis & Smythe
Supplied by;—'fritnits Transformers: Display & Radio Pty . Pty'. Ltd.; 'Walsh Bros.
Ltd.; Endurance Electric Co.; Ferguson'.. Rad 10 ; Engraving & Etching.
Transformers Pty. Ltd.; P. A. ite d 44 r44.en & (*r. ; sup-plied by:—Adverts Pt) Ltd.; Apex Engra±ers Pty. 1.01.:
Power Supplies Ltd.; Swoles & Swann; Transmission pro Angus & Coote Pty. Ltd.: Wm. Bedford Pty,
duets Pty. Ltd.; Tilbury & Lewis Pty 1.111.: Traneformer r.ader Plato Cu. Po, Ltd.; A. II. Entleott Ply. Ltd.; Her-
Mfg. Ply, Ltd; Wilson Electrical Tenn:dormer Co. Pty. schell'n Pty. 1.ttl.; II. C. llortim; Morris Pty. Ltd.; C. G.
Ltd. Roessler & Son; Ross, Maclean & Co.; E. H. Stewart.
Coil Formers & Assemblies.
Supplied by:—E. T. Jung; G. & E. Itodd; R. C. S. Radio
Pty. Ltd ; Vietorlite Pty. Ltd.; W. J. Manufneturing Co. G
Pty. Ltd
Condensers, fixed. Gaskets.
Supplied by:—A'elatt Engineering Equipment Co. Pty. Ltd.; Supplied by:—Gardiner Gasket ManufncturIne Co.; Felt &
Duran Condensers Pty. Ltd.; H. Hecht & Co.; W. J. ;Me- Textiles of Aust. Ltd.
LelInn & Simplex Products Ply, Ltd.: Teenier. Ltd . Gaseous Arrestors & Indicators.
Condensers, variable. Supplied by:—Now Air Pty. Lid
Supplied by:—Dentilsey & Co. Pty. Ltd.; Sert ex Electrical Gear Cutting.
l'o, Pty. Ltd.; Amalgamated Wireless (Peale, Ltd.; Strom. Supplied by:—Alpha Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd.: COolr &
herg-Carinon Pty Ltd ; Radio Corporation Pty. Ltd Jorgensen Ltd.: Davies., Sheppard (Sydney) Pty. Ltd.
Control Apparatus. Generating Sets.
14y:—Itreville Radio Ply. Lid•; IlrYant & Hunter:
Supplied by:—Challenge Electric Co.; Dural. Motors; F. 'W.
Clyde, Wilson-Reid PLY. Ltd.: H. A. (*Were; ramming. Davey & Co. Pty. Ltd.; English Electric Co. Ltd.: Electric
& Wilson: Electric Control & Engineering Co, Ltd.; Electri- Control & Engineering Co. Ltd.; Electric Construction CO.
cal Plant Manufacturers Ply. Lid.: (Ititlfrer Pt.. Ltd.: of Aust, Limited; F. 11. Culbert; It. II Hoyle; Hudson &
Serves Electrical Ca. Pty. 1.1.1 A. P. Sutherlelid; Wile. Gault Pty. Ltd.; John,' & Waygood Ltd.; K. L. Engines &
Products Ltd. Tractors Pty. Ltd.: Mnehining & Electrical Co.: Overseers
Crystals, Quartz. & Accessories. Electric Distributors; O'Donnell & Griffin Pty. Ltd.:
Supptird 1.y:—Aruif)gu run ed Wirelevr. uA'ninI Pty. Lid_ Queenshrldge Mo tors & Engineering Ply. Ltd. ; Rural
Australian General Electric Pty. Ltd.: Bryant & Hunter; Lighting Co.; Standartl-Waygood Ltd.; D. F. Skelly & Co.
Electronic Industries Ltd.; Lawrence & y 1.1 Pty. Ltd.; Service. Elevator A/ Electric Co. Pty. Ltd.:
Quarts Crystal Labs; Radio Corporation y Ltd. Toowoomba Foundry- Ltd.: W. ertingliousr- Ropehery I'ty.
Ltd.; Waygood (tile (Allen.) Pty. Ltd.
D Glass & Glass Working.
Depth Sounding Equipment. Supplied t)oadwik & I d. 1.1.1.: 1' 1.
--Lantrec. 11.4-Itic Jug CO. Knightly'; 1: Ltd
H Apparatus, Materials and Services

I la rdu are.
Supplied by:---•N- Cooke PO. Ltd.; Can Petitioner Co. of M
Aust. Pty. Ltd.; Iloolible Oleo Meter Co, Ltd.; J, Danke Ltd..
Eyelets I'ty. Ltd.; Eyelets & Metal Products Ply. Ltd.: Machine Tools.
Fairway Scales & Tube Co.: cloudy; D. M. Hull; J. .1 Supplied by :—J lllarks mei & alto. Heine.. Machinery
Hoene & Co.; Lel:sett- 0 Product,. Pty. Ltd,. MePhermon's Pty. Ltd.. J. (Musks Ltd.; & dil..1.., Steel; Rennie
Pty. Lid.; Thos. Mel'herson & Son, Nett-WM.10 Pit Lid Tear," Ply, Ltd.: Time. Warburton Pty. Ltd . Wright &
Paul & Gray Ply. Ltd.; tj, It. Sewell Pty. Ltd.; Senator-is Co, Pty. Ltd.
Ply, Ltd.: Bennie Team Pty. Ltd.. Thus. Warburton Machining & Metal Parts. ; J While & Son Pty. Ltd.
supplied to t1 m twits Sr Sons: Itlualwnd & Rae Pt).
Headphones. Ltd.; Horns. Clarke & Dopler: S. **nuke Pty. Ltd.: Foote &
Subtitled by Standard Tell-plumes & Cables Pt). Jorgensen 141.11,. Casper Preetsion Itutinesering Ply. Ltd.;
; Skive-ESN! Pty. Ltd. W. A. Dentelier Ply. Ltd . Ilene, Taylor & Co. Ltd..
Dulles, Shepherd isyliney1 Pty._ ltd.. Herrin & HavItieuti
Heating Appliances. Pty. Ltd.; I). M. Hull, Repetition ntigineer.og co. Pt,.
Lunge" El...Aril' J uc C., Ltd.; ltisaa.Srnitn & t 0. PI). Ltd ; United Engineering &
Malleable Co. Pty. Lid.. IL M. Haworth: P. A. Ibrieleremi
& Co.; JOWLS,. liirui.n1 & MePherourt'ar l'tY Ltd . Alin t,11
I Pt!, Ltd.. W Pick rell Pty Idd.
Magnets & Magnetic Devices.
Instruments. Mechanical. summed custinio. 1.101 I A upo
:•ilint.u.-4 I.. - I W liasolle) Pt), Ltd K P Keogh, P Pt ■ Ltd
J King Pt , Lid 0. & E Ib dd.
Magnet Winding Wires.
Insulating Materials. Sup pu..d It A, r lluulbt.rh. .1.61un.l.m A- I'li11141 Ltd.
supplied to :--Itriii.h Ns Inuits (Aust.! Pt)- 1.1.1 W 11 crp.nd Cable Co, I,td . " l b ei. 19) Ltd ,
Brewer Ply. Ltd.; croon Crystal Mess Co, Ltd.; Imperial Ibdu tAttst ) Ltd.
chemical Induetriee of Aust. & E.E. Ltd.; Cdadwell &
Barlow Ltd.: R. K Jeffries & co. Pty. Ltd : Koster'. Pre• Measuring Instruments.
inter Patter)': Liberty Plastic Product,. Pty. 1.14.; Mien & Supplied 6y. Alan S I .1 1.1!... Lad .
E. C. Mensiee Electrical Ply. 1.44 K:1411011.; Vlituter 11101ItUtnetit Cu,; MIMI Kiev t rira I Pt
Insulating Supplier.
Nfoulded Products Ltd ; Microns Horeslaimo tAust.) Ltd.; Itadlo Equipment Ply. Ltd.; Siemens tAust.1
PtY. Ltd.: 4 r ib-ten Pty. Ltd ; sun Electric ion Ply. Ltd.; 0, H. Sammie & Son, A. .1. Simpson; Trtinemisen.n
Lid.; Shell Co. of Aunt. Ltd.; Southern enese Porcelain Co.; Product. Ply Ltd.; Warburton Franki Pty. Ltd.: A .1.
Trot Injection Moulding.. Pty. Ltd.; Vielorille Pty. Ltd.: Whillain, Electrical Insdrumente.
Vacuum 011 Co. Ltd Metal Frames.
Insulating Varnishes. Supplied by:—Hruee Small Pty. 1.1.1.; K T. Brown Ltol
Stints/led IP} .--Austr.bon Ibmeral Electric Pty. Ltd.: Lewis. C. R. Out/pike, li.
F. Cowan. Chubb-a Australian Co. Ltd ,
Berger & Sons: Due...Dube( Ply, Ltd,: A. C. Hetrick Pty. J. Flood Pty. Lid.; T. W. Fuleher & Son Pty. Ltd.: (Ian-
Ltd ; Lusterold Lacquers: Mien & Ineuluting Supplies ensit Accessories Pt), Ltd.: Harrington'. Pty. Ltd ; Sydney
Sherwin ‘Viillanne tAtimi 1 Pty. Ltd ; Sterling %%4r-ed.'s 'ornamental Steel Co. Pty. Ltd.. Tula, raft Engineer-
Co.; Tnubnotne Pty. Ltd. ing ('.... 1Vor iiiii iti Bros, Pty. Ltd.; A. H. Wall.

Insulators, Aerial & Line. Metal Pressings.

Supplied vi .3 tidal Lid Sr.- id... Supplied by:—Areadien Itadlo Pt). Ltd.. lironntaiii Steel
"Ceramic Insulators & Mouldinae Equips Co.; Harrison Metal PrrsslnR I II) Ltd.: Metals
&; A. & Sons. (See also "Sheet
Iron-Dust Cores. Metal Work...)
Supplies! Iss. Ferroeurt Pty. Ltd K tligsley Radio Ply. Lid.
Metal Spraying.
Supplied by:—Mellozing Pty. Ltd.; Metal ("mating'. Ply.
Ltd.: Metslepreyers Ply Ltd.

by:—Master Inelrunient co. ; pato', Elec trical
Lacquers. -
Ltd.; Precise Electrical Instrument Radio Equipment
supplied by:—feral'. 1k-ricer & Son.; Lusterold Lacquer.;
: Sherwin Wiliam Co. ()lust .I Pty. Ltd.: SIINTIetin (Aust.) Pa r Ltd.. II, H. Sample & Son;
Mica & Ineulating Supplies
Pty. Ltd.: Sterling Varnish co Teuton/tree Pte. 1.1.1 A. J. Simpson: Telephone & Eleetrirel Induetrisa l'ty. Ltd.:
Victorian Meier Labe.; roar Eleeirleid Imo. co. Pty. Ltd..
Lamps & lighting. Warburton Franki Pty. Ltd.; A J. William, Electrical
Supplied by:—Win Hinge: Serve% F.levirscal Ps , Tad .1 II. •-.. • nta.
P. Sutherland.

Lubricants. , loy:--Commonweelth Aircraft Clirperruilem. Doin -

Si, ..(
Supplied by:—PaYkel (tree 'Aust.. I It 1.1.1 Itadlo; McKenzie & Ihrliand (Ault ) Pty. Ltd.. Rohl
Aust. lad ; Vacuum rill ce Ltd. Impel 1 Ply. Ltd.; Strauss Sound Syeieme.

Line Equipment & Accessories. Mine Detectors.

supplied by :—E. M. &Awn.. Witten General Electric co. t.. , ,i,1■11,-,1 lire% ille Radln P11, . Ltd.
Ltd ; V.. Beveridge; C. IL 1 'ai•Inke I) W. Radio Co. Pty.
Morse Keys.
Ltd.: Eclipse Radio Pty. 1.14: Elektran Products 1.'0.:
Supplied 11);.–elerard Industries 1.1.1.
Johnston & Phillips Ltd.: C. n, Kennett; Linelle-nr. Feeler
& Co.: McPherson''. Ply. Ltd.: Miehnelis. Helleastein: Motor-Generator Brushes.
Quality Castings. Pty. Ltd.; Richards Industries Ltd.; ~upl.ltrd 1.> Morgan cril.lbie (Aunt I Ply,; Fred
Str berg-Carlson IA'sia) Ply ; Tramentinsion Equip. Yoti Pty. Ltd.
men! Ply. Ltd. Motor-Generators.
Loudspeakers. suppii. iv) :—Alrmntie I:431 Ltd.; Hurst Itt,.ture:
A Aupt.1 Pty. 1.14.: nolo (Aunt) Ply I v., 8.‘ & Pty, lad.: Kiev .11 Pi Ltd , Services "aerator
1.1.1 St., ..... s Sound Syetenue K11,111, 1.1-1 v
Radio Accessories.
Honour Roll of Industry
Supplied by : Airsont. 119314 Ltd.; Amalgamated Wireless
IA'sial Ltd.; E. M. Ashw in : Arcedhi ti Mediu Ply. Ltd.;
Australian Sound Systems; Aegis Mfg. Co, Pty. Ltd.; Wilt.
N Redford Ply. Ltd.; Island Kadin Ltd.: R. S. ( *Alder VW.
Ltd,; Crimmins, Raclin: IL R. ChnInotrs; H. A. rhivers:
Name Plates. Isurst Motors: F. W. Davey & co. Pty. 1.14.; E1i1M1'4):
Supplied by. Atherts i'ty. Ltd . Apo. 11;:tigflorrustu: •.■ ; Eleon Pty. Ltd.; Eleetrtmir lndu►Iries Ltd.; The Gramo-
Angus & Corte Pty. Ltd ; Itrttle.11 N'i•'nlle (Asst.) Pty. phone Ca. Ltd.; Iternrd Industries Lid.; Janos. & Vaults:
Ltd : i'ruirader II.. Ply 1.I .1 . A II. Ply. Kiageley Radio Pty. Ltd.; Leff get i'• Pt>'. Ltd.:
Ltd.; A I• Patrick Ltd.; Kay-nor'- Ltd . II. Stewart.
Lindberg. Foster & ('o.; Idorimier t'ontactl* Pt), Ltd.:
Lawrence & Hanson Pty. Ltd.: Manufacturers Special Pro-
ducts Pty. Ltd.; Mccoll Electric 1Vorks Pty. Ltd.; Mackay
p silentrube Produets Pty. Idd.: Music Masters Radio Cu.:
National Radio t -orp. 1.14.; Newton McLaren 1.14.; Philips
Paints & Varnishes. Electrical Industries, of Aust. Pty. Ltd.: quartz Crystal
Supplied by:—Autdrallit lenient, Kleetrle Pty. Irtd.; Wit - Laboratories; IL & E. It Rustles corporatism Pty. Ltd.:
IshrAdstrallan head .Mfrs. Ltd.: Lewis Berger & SIMS: Rola (Aunt.) Pty. Ltd.; Serves: Electrical Co. Pty. Ltd.:
Prollte Ply. Ltd.: DueorIlulux PLY. Ltd.; A. liatriek Pty. 8[i-outliers-Carl/son A'slo ) Pty. Ltd.: Standard Telrphones
Ltd.; Lusterold Lacquers: Mica & Insulating SIIPPII%-z. & Cables Pty. Ltd.: Stenne's Sound S>•stents: 'Ph &
Sherwin. Williams Cu. lAust.1 Pty. Ltd.: Sterling Varnish Smith Pty. Ltd.: Teenier, Ltd.: S. I:. rflgley; Victoria..
Taubtuans Ply. Ltd. Pty. Ltd.; Veleo Sound Systems Pty. Ltd.; Zenith Radio 1 ...
Plastic Mouldings.
Supplied h)':—Natter Harr Pt y. Ltd.: II 11. Chalmers: Radio Components.
l'otnntonwealth MoitIlling !dd.; .1 I 'cur Pty. Ltd.: Supplied by:—Alrome Int:III Ltd,: Amalgamated Wireless
rusper Preelutnn Kligineering Pty. LAIL. If Dalton & Po.; Pty. Ltd.: K NI. Ashain; A. S. Raclin Parts; Aegis Manu-
Liberty Plastic l'roduels Pty. Ltd.: Nioldex Po.; Moulded facturing 1.1), 1.111.; ltl..e•h & Berber Ltd.; Sryant Sr
Products tA'sitsl Ltrl ; Nulty Ltd : Products Pt v. Ltd.: I I unter ; PI yd. Wil>•ot 11,1d .1 . ; I.ucon Coudrnnen
quality Moo/dings PO'. Ltd.. It.C.S. nIIII:*, 1.14.: 1.14.: IDisplay & laatdtn IIty. Ltd.: Ferrocart Pty Ltd.:
Southern ('runs Poreelain 1•o.; E. W. Tilley; Trot litho-Mi Ilnµlll & Russell; Hikes Transformers Pty. Ltd.; Interna-
Mouldings Pty. bid.: Polon Mouldings Pt v. Lid.: Vietor- tional Radio Co. 1't>•. 1.t41.; Kingsley Radio Ply Ltd.;
Itte Ptv. Ltd. KrIesier 1.04:Site) Ply. Ltd.; Kenny Charietsworth Rubber
Plugs & Sockets. co. Pty. Ltd.: A. H. Levee: !Alley Bros.: W. J. Mille Mfg.
Supplied hy:--11. IL Chalmers. International Radii. Co. Pt). co.; Manufacturers Special I'r•duels Pty. Ltd.; Moulded Ora phone Co. Ltd.. •iers's-4 Industries Ltd.: Rciteti- Product* (A-sia) Ltd.: McKenzie & Holland (Aunt.) Pty.
Ltd.; W. J. McLellan & Co.; Master Instrument Co,: Mor-
lion ErIghleerinli I - •. Pit. 1.1.1 : Telephone & Hiretrirat
Ltd gan Crucible Cu. (Aunt. I. P1 y. New it Ply. Ltd.:
Microns Porcelains (Aust.) Ply Ltd : Null 1 Radio con,
Phono Pickups.
Ltd.; Ormiston Rubber Co. Ply Philips Electrical In-
Supplied I.y• -Australian Sound Systems: Woad:east Ite-
stustrii•s of Aust. Pty. Ltd.: Radio Wholesalers: Midis.
cording Supplies.
Power Supplies Ltd.; Radio corporation Pty. Ltd.: Repeti-
Phono Turntables. tion Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd.: Standard Telephones &
supplied I., --itrostleast IN cording Supplies. t'ahlers PLy. Ltd.: Sun Electric co. Pty. Lid.; Swains &
Photo-Cell Chronometers. Swann: Simplex Produets Pty. Ltd.. ti. if. Sample & Son;
Supplied 1,, A. ti. IICJ1 I MR IAA, Transmission ProtIllelS Pty. Ltd.; Teenleo
Power Supply ('nits.
Suiddieti 1,, -Amalgamated Wireless (A- slat Lid.: Ainusne
Radio Receivers.
welt r Led island Radio Ltd.; F. W. Duvet' & Co. Pty. Supplied Wireless (Aust.) Ltd.; Aus-
1.1,1 : Eicon Pty. Ltd.: 'twilit I 'orporallon Pty. tralian Sound Systeme: Weenie Radio Ply. Ltd : Etilisse
Lot Tranemissinn Products, l'ty. Ltd. Rudio Pty. Ltd.: Edgar V Hudson Ply. Ltd.: Kingsley
Radio Pty. Ltd.: Kriesler iksial Pl y. Ltd.; Philips IiIet•-
tricot Industries of Aust. PtY, Ltd.: Radio corporation Pt'.
R Ltd.: Stromberg-Carlson (A'slial Pty. Ltd standard
phones & Cables Pty. Ltd.: Stenne's Sound Systems, Thom
Radar Accessories. dr smith Pty. Ltd : A II Traeger: Vele. Snitnd sysoo:s
Supplied I, —Ailesigamated Wireless tA'slal Ltd.; A. W. Pty. Ltd.
Valve t'.. Pty Ltd.; A.W.A. TrIenn; lireville Radio Pte.
Ltd.: I huhii n Australian ('re. TAIL ; The ilramophone co.
Ltd.; A. ii. Healing Ltd.: Kingsley Radio Pty. Ltd ; Ni
supplied li)•:—Eclipse Malin Pty. 1.14.
ler IA'alalt Pt) Ltd.: Radio I'otlsiratl•ut Pty. Ltd Radio Transmitters.
iu•d Telepl s & s'ables Pty 1.1.1. Supplied by:—Amaiga lllll ted Wireless I 1.***1 Itr.--
Radar Components. vide Radio Pty. 1.1e1.; Colville Wireless Equipment co inre
suppiled by :—A ma igannt ted Wirt+rs .A'sia1 Ltd.. "'asp, lad.; Eclipse Hilflitt Pty. Lid.; Krtesler ils Ltd .
P,'i•einlnn Engineering Pie hid . •'lit' & 1 ins 19 , Los Philips Igleetrieal Industries of Aust. Pty. Lid.: flash° Cot••
Isticort t'orldrenter Lot : The gramophone c., 1.1.1 poratiois Ltd- Standard Telephone. & t'aides Ltd..
lilies. Transformers Pt'.. lAtl.; Mouldrd Products I A silt I Thorn & Smith Pty-. Ltd.; A. If. Traeger; 7.i•nith Radio l'o
Ltd.; New-Air I'te. Ltd.: Niteroi's Porrehtim. (Aunt.)
Ltd.: Radio corporation Pty. Ltd.; Standard Telephones & Rectifier Units.
fables Ply. Ltd.; swidee & swami: simplex Trent iets 1. Supplied sAsist Pte 1.1,1. ; m(11, ale-
1.14.; 11. H. Sltriple & Son; Tritustrulsohm 1'r•ahtcts 1.1 t. Ken>.ie & Holland t Aust. y. Lt d . Slit min rd Telephones
1.1d . Tevnier, Ltd. /1: enhieN Pty. 1.111.
Radar Equipment.
Suppled bs.—Akrzone II5311 Ltd.: Amalgamated Wireless Relays & Contacts.
I.Veiss Ltd,; Eclipse Harlin Pty. Ltd.; trlramophone Supplied by:—Aut..ttint I. Eireirle Telephones 1.511.: I List -
Ltd.; A. tt. Healing Pty. Ltd.: KrIettler tA'sho Ply Ltd.. frey Pt , . Ltd.: Hawke & Farrell: (...rimier Contitets PlY•
Standard Telephones & Cables Pty. Ltd.: TI & smith LPL; A. R. Ie•vee. H. A. Machin & Ply. Ltd.; New Air
Pty. Ltd. Pt>'. Ltd.; R. W. Reynolds Pty. Ltd.: Standard Telephones
Radar Reflectors & Targets. & Cables Pty. LW.: Security Electric & Mfg. Co. Pty. Ltd.:
Supplied by:-1Vt... ItetHord Pty. Ltd.: Morris & Walker Telephone & Electrical Industries Pty. hill.; W. J. Sanders
Pty Ltd.; Frederick Rose Ltd.: S. Pty. Ltd.
Remote Control Units (Radio,. Apparatus, Materials and Services
Supplied by .— Allielationliated Wireless (Nets) Ltd.; Lind-
berg Foster & Co.; National Radio Corp. Ltd.; Philip.' Eiec-
tries! Industries of Aust. Pty. Ltd.; Radio Corporation Pty Telephone Switchboards.
Ltd. & 11.01Lthil AH,t PlY.
Resistors, Composition. Sorooliberg-Curbson tA'slai Pty. Ltd.; Standard Telephones
Supplied lc,. Austrian/Ilan Engineering Eatuninorn1 Co. Pt , & Pty. Ltd_
Ltd.; Dorm' condenser Ply. Md.; W. J. Mehra/on & Coo Terminals.
Hideo S.- W J alma Mfg. Co.; Mormon erucil.i. suppo4..1 lit-. no...mho, Engineering CIO. 1.1) Ltd.
lAnst I Pit. Ltd.; IL 11.-cht &
Test Equipment.
Resistors. Variable. sopidtcd hr —.4p.,,,, (1141) Ltd.; Aegis Mfg. co. Ply'.
Supplied In --Arr"rtyn 0.,. at Australis'. %V J McLellan h Anisilgsmorted Wireless (A'sia) Ltd.; A. M. Radio
C..: Vet-incur-I Pt, Ltd.. Transtnirst, m Phnittrta Pt. Ltd . Parts; Win. Bedford Pty. 144.; Istreville Radio Ply. Ltd.;
Townie.° Lad The Gramophone Cu. Ltd.: A. into Healing Ltd.: Kinsale)
!Indio Pty. Ltd.; Master instrument Co.; Precise Electrical
Resistors, Wirewound.
hrr • 11.oligh Iterobitan. 4. Ptt 1.14,; W. instrument Co. I•ty. 1.14.; Radio Corporation PlY. Ltd
W. J. 11111IN Mfg. 0...; llohth & nowsell: SternrIni (Am: y Pty. Ltd.; A J Sh-ntsyy.■ 11; It 11 Ssertmlr
J. &
K rimier IA'sin4 Pt Ltd Sun: VAIN, Sound SYFICAir, 1.t)Ltd.; VIcturlissi abler'
Labs.; Vane Electrical Ir t. Co PLY Ltd ; Warburton
Rope & Cordage. Cranhl It 1.1.1., A. J. Wiltism, Eleetrtent Instrtimrnts.
supplied II. I two. 111.1 & Soma Ply. Ltd.
Die Makers.
Tool &
Rubber Stamps. Supplied Ity:—C. A. cooper: Thos. 4 1. Ilenolersaw: It NI.
,.—H. Horton; 41 Itoeszler & Son
Rubber Nlouldings. Transformers, Audio.
Sul., • --Adisen. Tyrr h It ttlyncr 1'o Pty. Ltd., 1 inn - Supplied by !-1-1.111 h limiting Ply Ltd . lelymbas ly
1,,ty (Amon) Pty. Ltd • Krnuy rharlenworlh Pty. Ltd.; Eholunnwe Electric Co.; Ferguson's Radio; !falba
Rubber co. Pty. Ltd.. (rrnoiston nobler Co. PtY. 1.1d. l'ow'er Supplies Ltd , Sealer & 54441111, Trtsmuntselnu Prn-
Mort:, Pty. Lot Tilbury & Lewis Pty. Ltd_ 1 Men Trans-
formers Pty. Ltd
Transformers, Power.
Searchlight Projectors & Signalling Lamps. Supplied & Hunting Pty. Ltd.. I oispliij & Moollo
supplied by:—Alms s 1.:Lretrical Ltd_ Am61- Pty 1.14.. I:odors:icy Electric Electrical Plow Mfrs.
stinuiled Wireless tA'slyt) Ltd.. A. tl. ltruItng Lange. Pty Ltd . Ferguson's Radio, Hite., Tninsturnwrs l'ty. Ltd.;
Electric Jug Co.. LW L.-..plmm- Pty. Ltd.. Serves, J.:tem.-Tr-WM P. A. Henderson & t.'41,. Mulls Power Supplier. Ltil.; 2/wales
Co. Pty. Ltd.: Stondurti %vsYsood Ltd. & Swann; Transmission Product, Pty. Ltd.. Tillourl &
Lewis Pty. Ltd.; Transformer Alfg, Cu. Pt)'. !AIL Wilson
Sheet Metal Works.
Electrical Transformer Co. Pty. Ltd.
-u pplled hy:—E. T Lid.; Currie & ItItintrds Pty.
I.t d.; T. W. Putcher & Son Pty. Ltd.; Ferro- Enamel% Tuning Dials.
tAust.1 Pty. 14.1.; Genera! Mfg. & Distributing Co.; Cirlgits Altlitli & l'ilfg* Pt). Ltd.; DrYntyl & Minter. It. & It.dtd.
& sons; Unifiers fk Kilter l'ty. Ltd.; Holder. Stroud PI)
Ltd,. !fiche, Sidi" II I. While: Kelso Trading Sapid) 1'1 ,
1.141.. Mitchell & ISii. 11,■ . Ltd.. Victor Shoot It•-tal i'.• V
ti It Croaley, A. Waliwo & Sons.
Valves, Radar.
Sleeves, Self Soklering. by:—A- W. Valsr 11.1V 1.111 Standard Tel.—
supplied I t —Bryant( & Muy Ltd. 1,•,.••• & !'slier Ptt. Ltd.
Sound-Film Projectors. Valves. Receiving.
'.."1.1,1/11•11 IIN RAI .6 ...ill • Pty. 1.1d. Supplied by:—A. W. Value Co. Pty. Lid.; Philips. Electrieal
Steel, Structural & Stainless. Industries of Ausernlla Ply'. Ltd.; Standard Telephones A
supplied hy:—Arnicoo 4Auet.1 Pty. Ltd.; Earth & (Boise Oinks Ply. Ltd.
Steel: ttsitiers & Warr Ply. Ltd.; tt. (1nudr; John Lying/tit Valves, Repeater.
lAustralia/ Pty. Ltd.; si. H. Martin Pty. Ltd. Suppli.A 7 -4itaildord Telephones & Cltblem Pty.
Klee!, Transformer. Valves. Transmitting.
Soppiled sty---Arnica 'Aust./ Pty. Ltd.
sopidicd k‘: -A 4%' Valt-o• fit. Ply Ltd.; Standard Tel..-
Switches & Switch Gear (Electrical). phottrg & t'stder Pty Ltd.
Supplied by:—Electric I 'Onstrurt Ion Co. of Amon Ltd
Voltage Regulators.
Loriniler Contacts Ply. Ltd.; Lawrence & 1 la nMin Pt) Supplied by:—Johm & Wnygood Ltd . Snowbird Woo-roost
Lid.; G. & E. Redd; Security Electric & MIS, Co. Pty. Ltd..
Ltd.; Tecnico Ltd.
gleetrtr Co Pty Ltd : W11eu Pr...Am:tr. Pty. Ltd

T w
Telephone Components. Wood & Woodworking.
Supplied by:—Iiritisoh tiewersi Electric Co, Ltd.; H. E. lire- supplied bt IA.wrn & Pomeroy Pty. Ltd.; F. DicitItt Pty.
bout Ply. Ltd.: Henri Industries Ltd.; Kricaler Ltd.: E I.. PitssersId: H. (lase Pty. Lot tislostmeough
Pty. Ltd., Standard TrIrphnnes & Cables Pty. Ltd.; Strom- Furniture Pty. Ltd.; Hayman & Ellis; Peppy. & Murmur/IL
berg-Carlson (A'sla) Pty. Ltd. Ltd.: W. O Micron Pty. Ltd.; Frederick Hose Ltd.; Smith
Pros, Ply, Ltd.; Stapleton & Lewis Pty. Ltd ; W J. Manu-
Telephone Equipment. facturing Co. Pty. Ltd.
Supplied by —Automatic Electric Telephones Ltd.: British
len esti I Electric co. Ltd.; Kriseler (Aisis) Pt >. Ltd.,
Strunilierivrarlson tA'sito Pty. Ltd.; Standard Telephones
o'nloirs Pty. Lid.; Transmission Etosipment Pty. Ltd.;
Telephone & Electrical Industries Pty, Ltd.; Transniission X-Ray Equipment.
Products Pty. Ltd.; F.clIpse Radio Pty. t.t4.: P W Radio suppl.•..1 i.. KIrrtrit-1,1 Indwort., Ply. tad .
Pty. Ltd. Wat-i.11 Vi.-t..r Ltd

Government and Services' ApprecNitimis


Minister for Munitions

Dept. of the Navy


Dept. of the Army 36

Chief of the Air Staff 37 Special Issue

Radio E Electrical
17.000.000 Worth of flask Telecommunications

Equipment 3

The Value of Industry's A:hievement s11

Government and Inter-Service Relationships (Chart
THURSDAY, May 2, 1946
Development and Procurement of Service Equipment 41 voL. xxrii.—Na. 16 (623rd issue)

Production Control arid Materials Procurement 44 cirealeting to Paull. and mieetrivallIsnufneturere.

Distributors. Wholesalers. Retailers and servi. ,
men throughnto Australis Establimhod 192o.
Federal tiovernment Impetus Industrial Develop-
ment 48
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 49 Managing Editor : 0. F. Mingay
Postmaster General's Department 53

Services Equipment Design 64 This Special Issue of "Radio & Elec-

The Changing Face of War 64 trical Retailer", of which the production
Problems of Tropic Design 70
was made possible only through the un-
Services' Standardisation Activities 72
stInted co-operation o/ the Australian
Equipment at Action Stations 74 Services. Government Departments and
Madang, New Guinea 14
Contractors, is presented as a record
Momote, Admiralty Is. 79
of the Australian Telecommunication
Mak, Dutch New Guinea 79
Industry's War Effort.
Morotal HO

Borneo 55

Singapore 93 Edited by:

Darwin 91 J. A. Angus : J. R. Edwards
Signals with 9 ?lust. Div. 1111)

Highlights of the industrial War Effort .. 1117

Advertising R. Henry
Pictorial Parade of Australian Equipment

Radio Transmitters 56. 514-63

Transmitter-Receivers 11. 73 103. 11111-9 RA IM ANli ELECT1t it. 'A . It pub.

uNhed every second Thursday by Wings). PuLdiehing
Radio Receivers . 67. 119. 95-9 co. Pty. Ltd.. 146 rnyeaux Street. Sydney. N.S.W.:
Dos 3755. B.P.O., Sydney; Phone FA I1154; 1141. per
Radar Equipment 120/1 copy; Subscription rates, 10/- per annum ill for
two years) post free In Australia and New Zealand:
line Equipment 115.131 13/5 other parts British P:mpire; 17/4 all other
enunirlem ',mar Tais r.pyright. Print ell t,y Undlo
Test Equipment 112, 134-5 Printing Press Pty. Ltd., 144 roccatte Street.
Sydney. All leis' rams and Wen SUNG A Y
Generating Sets and Charging Equipment 117 SYDNEY.
Amplifiers and Miscellaneous Equipment 96-7 132-3 MELBOITELNE REP. Beatrice 'Comeau, Assist-
ant. Eva CodfreY, Room 4, 1st Floor. 90
Honour Roll of Industry Street, Box 1774, O.P.O.. Phone Central 2412.
Telegraphic: OSM1NUA Y. MELBOURNE: Alik-
Alphabetical List of Contractors 122 I.A1BE REP., Joy C'oehrans. Room 101, COMMOtrca,
Rouse, Petherstone Place. Box 925, 0.P.O., Phone
Apparatus, Materials and Services 171 Central 7944; BRISBANE REP.. Sylvia Brown.
Itooni 4, 2nd Floor. 116 Queen Street. Boa 7142,
Phone B 51120; PERTH REP.. I roi LW/ th
Parrington. Room I. 1st Floor. T. & 11.
St. lieorge's Terrace. Box 301. Phone
For leading makers of
radio. communications and industria
electrical equipment throughout tht-
IRC makes resistors of more different types and
for a wider variety of applications than any other

.Sule Agentm (or ...lenrtraietz



eft _ _ r in 2 —• 21 • 6/12
The MAGNETIC ALLOY , that is complete
revolutionising LOUD SPEAKER Design

T O fulfil the exacting needs of scientific warfare. Rola applied

discovery of British scientists to magnet manufacture and produce
a remarkable new alloy which virtually revolutionized the design
certain service equipment, notably RADAR.

Now this new Anisotropic Alnico, so powerful that a magnet carric

in the vest pocket can lift a hundredweight. comes to the radio industi
in the form of lighter, more compact and more efficient loudspeaker
Very shortly, manufacturers will be releasing radio receivers with the
new speakers which are destined to render obsolete old type perma. er
magnet and electro dynamic speakers.

* Limited supplies will shortly be available for the general

resale trade. Watch for further announcements of the
new Rola models using Anisotropic Alnico.


ISOLA CO. (AUST.) PTY. LTD., THE BM 1.1,VAR11, 1:1(11 ■1( ■ ND. 1 ll . 1 Iti CIARENCE ST., SI'DNI

Radio & Electrical Retailer, May 2, 1946. Cover

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