The Kite Runner Essay
The Kite Runner Essay
The Kite Runner Essay
What Specific techniques has a writer or director of a text you have studied this semester employed to ensure that a theme or themes is effectively expressed?
In the film text The Kite Runner, directed by Marc Forster, specific techniques are employed to ensure the themes are effectively expressed. The theme of courage is developed through the use of symbolism and irony. These techniques highlight Forsters concerns about the value of being courageous. The theme of loyalty is developed through the use of motifs, symbolism and irony. Betrayal is also a theme developed by the director using symbolism, irony and music. This film text is thought provoking and explores many conflicts such as culture and racial differences in Afghanistan. The techniques used by Forster help the film make a big impact on the viewers thoughts and opinions relating to these conflicts. The theme of courage is presented in this film text using the techniques symbolism and irony. The slingshot is a symbol of Hassans courage, that he would stand up against people older, bigger and more superior to him to protect Amir. It is also a symbol of how Hassan lives through Sohrab. By the time it is Sohrabs turn to use the sling shot to protect Amir the situation is slightly different. Amir has now learnt that he needs to stand up for Sohrab and this is why Sohrab has to use the slingshot. If Amir had this knowledge before Hassan would have had to use the slingshot. Irony is applied to this theme when Amir stands up for Hassans son Sohrab. Forster uses irony to make the audience think back to when Amir saw Hassan in the alley and ran away. It shows that Amir has learnt from his mistake and is now willing to stand up for Sohrab. Loyalty is another theme expressed in The Kite Runner and it is conveyed using symbolism, irony and motif. The motif used in this film text, For you, a thousand times over is spoken by only two people throughout the whole text. Hassan says this a few times in the text and it is also the final punch line in the film text when spoken by Amir to Sohrab. This motif displays a persons willingness to complete an act repetitively until the person would desire them to stop due to their apparent loyalty. In the film text Amir asks Hassan what he
would do if Amir asked him to eat dirt. Hassan replies, If you asked, I would, but would you really ask me to do such a thing? Hassans answer set the foundations for his loyalty toward Amir throughout the whole film text. This motif expresses Hassans loyalty perfectly as he says it truthfully; he is willing to follow through on his word. The motif conveys to the audience his loyalty. The fact that Amir doesnt stand up for Hassan but he stands up for Sohrab is ironic. This use of irony displays the theme of loyalty to the audience. In the film text The Kite Runner the theme betrayal is expressed using the techniques symbolism, irony and music. Amir hides his new watch from his father the day after his birthday and insinuates that Hassan must have stolen it. Baba forgives Hassan but Hassan and his father say they must leave and no matter what Baba says he could not stop them. Amir lying about the watch is his last act of betrayal toward Hassan as he does not see Hassan again. When Amir is contemplating hiding his watch a sort of suspenseful music begins to play. This suspense creates an atmosphere which makes the viewer feel like Amir is making a mistake and is betraying Hassan. Amirs betrayal of Hassan in the alley way is not only showing the theme of Hassans loyalty, but also Amirs betrayal. Amirs betrayal of Hassan in this scene when compared to the scene in which he rescues Sohrab displays the irony of the situation. The watch symbolises Amirs superiority to Hassan since Hassan would never own a watch. He uses his superiority to infer that Hassan would steal the watch out of either jealousy or to sell for profit. Amir betrays Hassan by hiding the watch therefore the watch becomes a symbol of betrayal. This is a personal betrayal between Amir and Hassan but the betrayal itself symbolizes something much bigger. It represents the betrayal between social classes in Afghanistan between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras. This also represents the war between Afghanistan and Russia. This personal betrayal has a long lasting effect on the relationship between Amir and Hassan and their respective families. In the film text The Kite Runner Forster uses specific techniques to express themes effectively. Forster has used a variety of techniques such as motifs, symbolism, irony and music. These techniques are effective in conveying the themes of betrayal, loyalty and courage to the viewer. They are essential in highlighting the values of the themes Forster is trying to get across to the audience. The film text was effective and provoked thought and opinion on the conflicts explored through its use of specific techniques as chosen by Forster.