Was Appeasement A Mistake
Was Appeasement A Mistake
Was Appeasement A Mistake
Some prove that appeasement WAS a mistake and some suggest that appeasement WASNT a mistake.
Create a table with two headings - A mistake and Not a mistake. Think carefully - and write each argument in the correct column.
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Giving into Hitler only made him feel he could do what he wanted - without fear of being stopped.
It encouraged Hitler
Allowed Germany to grow strong er meant it would be far more difficult to defeat.
, Britain had what he wanted By giving Hitler rces. up her armed fo ild bu to e m ti e mor
Britain needed ti
The Br
Churchill said Czechoslovakia was sacrificed for nothing - Hitler had fooled eve ryone.
People wanted to avoid another terrible war and did everything possible.
When Britain and wer rried about German po the USSR became wo out deals with Hitler. and began thinking ab
Hitler had made his pla ns clear - the policy of appeasement was cle arly doomed from th e start Hitler just lied.
Using your completed table, answer the questions on the other side of this worksheet. MAKE SURE YOU FULLY EXPLAIN EACH ANSWER!
Find these answers in your table! 1. Why might it be said that Germany deserved a fair deal? 2. Why was giving extra land to Germany dangerous? 3. Appeasement meant Britain and France gave Hitler what he wanted - why was this a bad idea? 4. What did the policy of appeasement give Britain a chance to do? 5. Is there any evidence to suggest appeasement was a popular idea in 1938? 6. What did people want to avoid another war? 7. Appeasement meant a strong German leader was supported how did this benefit Britain and France? 8. With the policy of appeasement, the USSR became worried what was the result of this? 9. Why should the politicians of 1938 have realised Hitler would not keep to his promises at the Munich Conference? Extension 1
Imagine you are Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. You have just returned from the Munich Conference and are very pleased with the deal you have made. However, Churchill is strongly criticising you:
Extension 2
Now change sides. Imagine you are Winston Churchill - number one critic of Neville Chamberlain. Having heard the speech defending appeasement:
By Mr Field