Smta-Gdl Smta-Gdl DFM Presentation 2012-07
Smta-Gdl Smta-Gdl DFM Presentation 2012-07
Smta-Gdl Smta-Gdl DFM Presentation 2012-07
Joe Belmonte
ITM Consulting
Durham, New Hampshire USA
Joe Belmonte
Motorola Information System Group
Mansfield Massachusetts (MA), USA 1978 to 1995 Manger of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
Speedline Technologies
(MPM, Camalot, Electrovert) Franklin MA, USA 1995 to 2007 Director of Applications Engineer and Principal Consultant
Joe Belmonte
Bose Corporation
Framingham MA, USA 2007 to 2009 Director of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
ITM Consulting
Durham New Hampshire, USA 2009 to Present Principal Consultant
Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together, we survive.
Gladiator Movie Quotes by Author Unknown
Seminar Agenda
Definition of DFM Customer Satisfaction Requirements Functional Responsibilities of DFM Concurrent Engineering Early Supplier Involvement Well Defined Development Process Defining a Process Six Sigma and Statistical Thinking Understanding and Controlling Process Variation
Seminar Agenda
Inspection and Test Planning Process Characterization Concepts Stencil Design Evaluating Printed Circuit Board Designs Software
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them -- Albert Einstein
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -- Aristotle
DFM&DFA Guidelines
The two most important documents the electronic assembler should have are: Workmanship Standards Design for Manufacturability and Assembly (DFMA) Guidelines
What is DFM&DFA ?
Design for Assembly (DFA) - is a technique which will minimize total product cost by targeting: (this is the process
side of product transformation process)
Parts Count (This is the major cost driver in Mfg.) Assembly Time Part Cost The Assembly Process
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) - is a technique for minimizing fabricated part cost: (this is the material and tooling
side of the product development process)
Optimizing the Fabrication Process Material Selection Part Cost Tooling Strategies to reduce cost Tooling Cost Estimates
Functional Responsibilities:
Development Engineering (Product Design)
Using supplied capability studies for suppliers and internal processes, design for 6 sigma performance for both supplier and internal processes Set supplier piece part specifications at 4.5 sigma based on supplier capabilities. Calculate sub-assembly tolerances statistically, then check the prototypes against the calculations. When changes are made in components, maintain up-todate assembly output calculations.
Supply calculations to assist in new product start ups Manufacturing provides performance data to development for use in next product design
Building better products requires a good comparative perspective about other companies to gain insight into other sources of outstanding performance
Product Development Performance Kim Clark & Takahiro Fujimoto
Is the continuous process of measuring products, services and practices against the toughest competitors or those recognized as industry leaders.
Competitive Intelligence
Is the process of gleaming and combining disparate information about a competitor in order to deduce its objectives.
Reverse Engineering
Is the systematic dismantling of a product to understand its technology with the purpose of replication.
Functional Responsibilities:
Component Engineering
At the time of component qualification, display in the component qualification report the actual data on each critical parameter. Show any corrective action required by the supplier so that all parties are aware of what must be done to finish qualification of the part to make it acceptable. Mechanical dimensions must be qualified to the same design margins as those of electrical parameters. This will be done when supplier data for the first piece parts is scrutinized.
Functional Responsibilities:
New Product Introduction Engineering
Work as closely as possible, as early as possible, with the product development team to insure all aspects of manufacturability and testability are built into the product design from its inception. Work as a member of the product development team. Coordinate and communicate with all concerned groups (manufacturing, sustaining engineering, development, purchasing, component engineering, quality, marketing, sales, etc.) the product development status at each step of the process.
Functional Responsibilities:
Process/Manufacturing Engineering
Perform process capability studies on all existing processes and place under statistical control. Supply current capability to product development engineers. Start a procedure of process improvement that brings performance of each process to six sigma levels. As processes improve, update development engineering on the new capabilities.
Functional Responsibilities:
Process/Manufacturing Engineering
During the prototype and pilot runs, every failure must be treated as either a parametric or catastrophic failure, and its source must be corrected by design or process improvements. This applies both to internal failures and supplier failures. At prototype and pilot runs, and in conjunction with production personnel, re-check the process capability data to ensure nothing has changed. Maintain statistical control and statistically analyze for design margins to six sigma. Identify each failure and treat as described.
Functional Responsibilities:
Product Quality Engineering
Perform specification compliance evaluations Perform accelerated life/reliability evaluations and statistical analysis on all critical parameters. Report the actual design margins found in the finished product to product design and manufacturing.
Functional Responsibilities:
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Calculate process capabilities (Cp/Cpk) on each new piece of equipment or new process before turning them over to manufacturing. The manufacturing engineer responsible for the new equipment or process will verify it in production mode and establish the capabilities and statistical controls (SPC) for ongoing manufacturing.
Functional Responsibilities:
Supplier Component Engineer and Purchasing
Develop supplier process capabilities and furnish them to development engineering. Work with suppliers to improve process capabilities when the design cannot tolerate variation in the suppliers existing processes. Ensure supplier compliance to SPC requirements and require that proof of control is supplied with each lot of material.
Concurrent Engineering
DFMA process and tools can be applied throughout the product development cycle
Labor 15%
Product Cost
Concurrent Engineering
Concurrent Engineering is a competitive strategy attempting to simultaneously achieve a portfolio of benefits in time, money, and novelty (features). Concurrent Engineering involves multiple functions involved in decision-making on product design so that downstream issues such as manufacturability, marketability, serviceability, and total life cycle problems are anticipated at very early product design stages.
-- Paul Collins Ph.D. University of Washington and Strategy Research Applications
Concurrent Engineering
Product Development Time Reductions:
40% to 67%
Be detailed and specific enough to serve as a working development blueprint; yet flexible enough to accommodate products of varying complexity Minimize all opportunities for parallel development
Defining a Process
Elements of a Process
Customer Requirements
Work Activities
Environment Procedures
A key/critical process is basically a "valued-added" process in the Macro Map which inhibits achieving 6 sigma quality in our products or services.
Process Parameters
Process Parameters
Steps or activities completed using the input parameters to generate a product or service.
Output Parameters
The end result of a process. It may include as little as only one specific output on only one product or it my include as much as all products and all outputs produced by the machine(s) and/or operation(s) included in the process.
Identifying Parameters
Choosing those parameters that will be the leading indicators to the quality level being produced by the process. Design Defects
Input Parameter(s) Material
Variable Characteristics
Output Parameter(s)
Process Parameters
Those parameters that have the most significant impact to the next process, clients or our customer.
Process Mapping
Understanding the flow of the process, all inputs, outputs, of each process steps.
Macro-Map : Macro-Mapping is the process of charting the coarse flow of an operation (such as a manufacturing line). Micro-Map : Micro-Mapping breaks down a process in the Macro-Map into several consecutive sub-steps (identifying all inputs and outputs).
Input Parameter(s)
Process A
Process B
Process C
Capability Cp = A = B C pk = C = 0.5 B
-6s -5s -4s -3s -2s -1s 1s 2s 3s
4s 5s 6s
4 - Action
1 - Plan
Recognize Parameters Identify Key Opportunities Identify Key Processes Improvement Plan Select Project/Team
3 - Check
2 - Do
Clear & Aggressive Goals Breakthrough Thinking Training (Black Belt Program) Reinforcing Successes Drive Six Sigma Quality through Statistical Thinking and Analytical Problem Solving
Statistical Thinking is a way of thinking, a thought process, rather than a method of calculating.
Process Variation
Components of Variation
In all aspects of the processunderstand and control
Measurement Environmental
What Is Variation?
Common Cause Natural, expected variation Difficult to identify Cannot be eliminated DOE can reduce Controllable Ex: Solder Paste Parameters, Temp, R/H, Lead Co-planar.
Special Cause Unnatural, not expected Easily Identified Can be eliminated Ex: Paste dried out on stencil, machine fail, setting changed w/o OK Never change operating parameters for special cause variation (do not tweak!!!)
Types of Defects
Special & Common Causes
Corrective Action : SPC rule violations "Special Cause - changes, anomalies, unusual events "Common Cause - shift in mean, trend in mean, increased variability " Implement contaminate plan, and monitor for repeat occurrences.
-Stop defects from escaping to next process -Keep process in operation while permanent corrective action is implemented
For repeat occurrences tie specific cause to corrective action using problem solving methods.
Process Tweaking
The definition that best describes tweaking in the electronics manufacturing industry is:
To touch something up, fiddle with the finishing touches or make tiny little changes. In our industry, tweak is usually used in sentences such as I just have to tweak a little bit here and there and it will be perfect. That usually leads to a statement such as "I just tweaked this and THIS AND THIS AND THIS and this and OH NO now this...
If we have done our formal process development and optimization, we are monitoring the process using statistical process control (SPC), and understand the concepts of common cause and special cause variation, we should be adamant about NEVER tweaking the process.
Process Tweaking
What operating parameters should I allow my operators to adjust? NONE!!!! But my operators are very well trained and have all worked with the process for many years. With their knowledge and experience shouldnt they be given the authority to change operating parameters to optimize performance? NO No process operator, no matter how knowledgeable or how experienced, should ever be allowed to adjust ANY operating parameter under ANY circumstances.
Dr. Deming discusses 4 different methods that have been commonly used to adjust processes.
9 8.5 8 7.5 7 RANGE CHART 2 1 0 Showing the spread of individuals on and Xbar and R chart.
Rule 1
Leave the funnel fixed, aimed at the target, no adjustment. Results: this is by far the best choice. Rule 1 will produce a stable distribution of points. It produces minimum variance on any diameter drawn through the target
Rule 1
Rule 2
Adjust for the error by moving the target the error distance in the opposite direction of its last position.
Tweaking! Never do it. Produces a stable process, but higher variance than rule 1.
Rule 2
Rule 3
Adjust for the error by moving the target the error distance in the opposite direction of the target Worse than tweaking explodes.
Rule 3
Rule 4
Set the funnel at each drop right over where it last hit. Explodes
Rule 4
Rule 1
Rule 2
Compensate the amount of time you arrived at work early or late by leaving your home that much earlier or later, and continue adjusting youre departure each day based on the previous days departure.
Day 1 2 3 4 5 Departure 6:30 a.m. 6:25 a.m. 6:35 a.m. 6:20 a.m. 6:20 a.m. Arrival 7:05 a.m. 6:50 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 6:50 a.m.
Rule 2
Rule 3
Compensate the amount of time you arrived at work early or late by leaving your home that much earlier or later than the original departure time, and continue adjusting your original departure time each day based on how early or late you were the previous day.
Day 1 2 3 4 5 Departure 6:30 a.m. 6:25 a.m. 6:40 a.m. 6:15 a.m. 6:50 a.m. Arrival 7:05 a.m. 6:50 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 6:40 a.m. 7:25 a.m.
Rule 3
Rule 4
Compensate the amount of time you arrived at work early or late by leaving your home at the previous days arrival time, and continue adjusting your departure time each day based on the time you arrived the previous day.
Day 1 2 3 4 5 Departure 6:30 a.m. 7:05 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Arrival 7:05 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:20 a.m.
Rule 4
Establish maximum defect/unit level for the delivered product. Working from the start of the process to the end, estimate the defect/unit entering, escaping each process step using actual factory data and the effectiveness of the inspection or test process.
Escaping Defects
Observed Defects
Submitted Observed Escapes Defects dpu Effectiveness 1,487 0.1375 152 0.014 1,335 0.1235
0.1375 dpu
Pre-Reflow Inspection
Reflow Process
0.1235 dpu
0.1763 dpu
Post-Reflow Inspection
0.1473 dpu
Test Process
0.0314 dpu
0.1075 dpu
0.014 dpu
0.0528 dpu
0.029 dpu
0.1159 dpu
Pre-IR Inspection Observed Escapes Defects dpu Effectiveness 152 0.014 1,335 0.1235
10.22 %
16.64 %
78.62 %
Process Characterization
Process Characterization is a technique to identify and minimize sources of variation in our processes and to obtain an understanding 1 Definition of the quantitative effects of the process 2 Process Monitoring Process Output inputs on the process outputs. Statistical methods are employed throughout the process characterization program to isolate sources of variation to meet stability and capability 5 requirements. 4
Process Stability
1. Institutionalize statistical methods based problem solving techniques 2. It is more important to identify (and control) additional parameters that have an impact on actual process performance than to pursue parameters that have a low impact on actual process performance . 3. Quality reviews should address the impact of process characterization efforts on reducing DPU. This is expected to be qualitative at first and should become quantitative as time progresses.
Using DOE & problem Solving techniques, the process capability has improved.
Reducing the number of out of control conditions. Increasing the time the process is in an ideal state. Decreasing the process variability. Increasing the time that the process characteristics mean remains at its target value or remains constant at some acceptable level.
Define Statistical/Engineering objectives Identify Machine Response Parameter(s) Define Measurement Tech./Equipment Define Response Parameter(s) Tolerance Measurement R&R Studies Machine Capability , R&R studies, etc. Operations Macro Map Develop Required Process Procedures Define Response Parameter(s) Define Measurement Tech. / Equipment Define Response Parameter(s) Tolerance
Process Definition
Process Stability Out of Control Identify Common & Special Causes In Control Process Capability Cp & Cpk > 1.5 Process <PPM Goal
Critical Outputs of the Process are Stable, St index must be 2 % or less. Test Distribution for Normality Process Capability Cp & Cpk indices
Identify Potential Causes Develop Process Micromap Develop Cause & Effect Diagram Test each cause/solution through experimentation and statistical data analysis or pattern analysis. Develop / Revise Problem & Solution matrix to Out of Control
Establish "Best" operating target and range for all critical input parameters. Implement Control Strategy for all Critical (input) Parameters and set to their optimal levels. Achieve Quality Levels through Improvement / Optimization Studies. Define Critical Process ( input) Parameter(s)
Long Term Process Monitoring Process Capability Studies Document Process Characterization studies.
O PERATO R D EPEN DEN T CH ARACTERISTICS Suggested Measurement Process Tolerance Equipment Every 6 to 8 boards (Paste Not Applicable Dependent) Ambient for 24 hrs Not Applicable
Suggested Process Control Process audits or automatic wiping Process Log, date / time stamp paste container
Suggested Process Control PM Logs & Audits PM Logs & Audits PM Logs & Audits PM Logs & Audits PM Logs & Audits Process Log & Audits
Stencil Design
Aspect Ratio
Ensures that the aperture will allow the printed material to release onto the substrate. Aspect Ratio - W / t > 1.5 (chem-etch) For Example: 9 mil. aperture min. use 6 mil foil.
Reduce aperture size by 20% to your pad size, maintain a minimum of 1.5 aspect ratio of aperture width to stencil thickness. (25mil pitch and Below).
However as the apertures have become smaller, the area of the opening of the aperture and the area of the aperture walls have become very much the same. Aspect Ratio alone is not the only stencil design calculation that must be used to insure an optimum stencil design. The Area Ratio must also be used.
Retaining Wall Tension (R) Stencil Thickness (T) Aperture Perimeter (2 (L+ W))
w T
Key process feature for successful fine pitch printing is paste release from stencil.
Correct Area Ratio
Circle Aperture Wall Area Pad Surface Area Aspect Ratio Surface Area Ratio = 0.118 mm2 = 0.049 mm2 = 1.67 = 0.42
Rectangle Aperture Wall Area Pad Surface Area Aspect Ratio Surface Area Ratio = 0.36 mm2 = 0.2 mm2 = 1.34 = 0.56
The circle is more difficult to print because of the lower Surface Area Ratio. The aspect ratio is no longer a good indicator as here it suggests that the circle would be easier to print - it isnt
Transfer Efficiency Area Ratio Standard Deviation
120.00% 100.00% Transfer Efficiency (FT) 80.00% 150.00 60.00% 100.00 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 50.00 250.00
The higher the relative AR, the higher the relative FT, the lower the absolute SD
15 mil
10 mil
Paste B SnPb
Paste B SnPb
10 MIL 12 MIL
Stencil Tolerance
Stencil Design
Land Pattern & Aperture Design for 2-sided components
Land Pattern
Aperture Design
B = pad pitch
L(max) and (min) are the part length tolerances W(max) is the part width tolerance
The Home Plate design for chips was created to assist in reducing the effect of Solderballing when using No-Clean solder pastes, when too much paste is applied and too much solder is trapped beneath the part.
Not Reduced
Gasketing (Sealing)
The contact of the PWB and stencil form a gasket or seal between the stencil aperture and the printed circuit board component pad. If the gasket is broken, solder shorts will occur.
English Units
Pitch .025 .020 .016 .012 Pad Width .015 .012 .010 .008 Aperture .012 .009-.010 .007-.008 .005-.006 Stencil thick .006 .005-.006 .005 .004-.005 A.R. 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.2
Metric Units
Pitch .64 mm .51 mm .41 mm .30 mm Pad Width .38 mm .30 mm .25 mm .20 mm Aperture .30 mm .23-.25 mm .18-.20 mm .127-.15 mm Stencil thick .15 mm .127-.15 mm .127 mm .1-.127 mm A.R. 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.2
Silkscreen, and labels can prop up the stencil and prevents good gasketing which causes bleed out.
Board Legends
Labels or legends can also cause gasket problems
8. Component Technology 20 mil pitch and or Stencil Thickness 4 mil use ALPHA FORM Electroforming Technology
Highest volume deposits with lowest standard deviations measured under these circumstances with POS
12.Stencil Thickness & Use of Steps will be determined by the smallest aperture and the largest aperture
Using the stencil thickness look-up tables based on pad sizes and Aspect Ratio (1:1.5)
13.Large apertures require support bars to prevent scooping, squeegee damage and voids.
Apertures 150 mil in X and/or Y require support bar 20 mil in X and/or Y.
16. Aperture Orientation is a factor in stencil design 17. Squeegees and enclosed print heads is not a factor in stencil design
No data (yet) to design specific design rules No data (yet) to design specific design rules
Laser cut
Chemical etched
Stencil aperture definition will impact paste deposition volume and defect rate
Isotropic etching produces Tapered sidewalls limiting pitch
Magnified image
Laser Cut
Sequential process Laser-metal Interaction hence rough aperture sidewalls Aperture size and shape varies
4. Max Pad D < 3 DH
Buried Line
1. 0.25-0.5 mm clearance pin to hole
Passive Discrete
General Requirements
PCB Should have good rigidity, minimal routing. PCB should have minimal warpage. Fiducials located on Breakaways of panelized boards may decrease accuracy. If aperture is not reduced, bridging and need for wiping will be increased.
Component Spacing
There is no limit on maximum interpackage spacing Land to land spacing between adjacent components should be 1.25 mm clear space all around the edges of the printed board if boards are tested off the connector or 2.5 mm minimum if vacuum seal for testing is used.
Source: IPC-SM-782A, Section, pp 20
Component Spacing
Lead Protrusions
For single sided PCB Assembly, lead or wire protrusion must be a minimum of 0.5 mm for all classes For double-sided and multilayer PCB Assembly, in all classes, the minimum lead protrusion is that the lead end be visible in the solder The maximum lead protrusion for Class 1 is that there should be no danger of shorts
Lead Protrusions
For Class 2, the maximum lead protrusion is 2.5 mm and for Class 3 the maximum lead protrusion is 1.5 mm For boards thicker than 2.3 mm, the lead protrusions may not be visible
Source: Printed Circuits Handbook, pp 36.27
Tooling Holes
Required for location and fixturing of the boards during the fabrication, assembly and test processes. Requirements must be specified on a board outline drawing. Specific quantity, size, location, clearance, etc. will be determined by the Manufacturing/Process Engineer and specified in the printed circuit board design guidelines
Fiducial Marks
Used by all automatic process equipment to precisely locate each printed circuit board. Two types of fiducial marks are used;
Board Level Component Level
Board level are used on every board to adjust the location of the stencil in the printer and to modify programs in the other process equipment. Component level are used on boards with complex components for very precise alignment. Exact shape and location determined by process
Edge Distance:
Component Selection
Always use existing components if possible
Reduce component variety Reduce component cost Reduce material storage and handling Reduce feeder requirements Minimize required feeder carriage space Purchase larger component reels
Component Selection
Maximize use of SMT components (ABC Costing) Minimize use of manually inserted components Consider through hole connectors if the Pin in Paste Process is used Use quality and cycle time data to influence component selection on new products Understand the impact on the process of new components prior to approving for design
Calculates number of components to be inserted Divides the total cost by the total components to determine the cost to assemble a component Automatically inserted components will have a much lower cost than manually inserted components Cost of assembly + material = product cost Some operations consider the cost of test
Flip Chip, Chip on Board (COB), some Chip Scale Packages (CSP), TAB
0603 0402
Flip Chip
FC = SMT Process
Print Underfill or Dip Apply Underfill Print Solder Paste for SMT Assembly
Component Placement
The Printed Circuit Design Guidelines must specify the requirements for the placement of all components used (refer to PCB Design Guidelines for exact values).
Board side Soldering process to be used Spacing between components for reflow soldering Spacing between components for wave soldering Spacing between components and test points Direction of travel through wave solder process Size and location of solder thief pads for wave soldering
Not Preferred
Lead Configuration for Through-Hole Assembly 1. Generally 0.25 to 0.5 mm clearance between Lead to Hole is used (Source: IPC-AJ-820, Section 2) 2. The hole size should be no less than lead diameter plus 4 mils and the maximum hole diameter should be no more than 2.5 times the lead diameter (Source:
Printed Circuits Handbook, pp 28.3, Coombs, ISBN: 0-07-012754-9)
3. The pad area around the solder joint is usually circular and should be no more than 3 times the diameter of the hole in the board (Source: Printed Circuits Handbook,
pp 28.3,Coombs, ISBN: 0-07-012754-9)
4. The lead if clinched should not extend beyond the edge of the land (Source: IPC-AJ-820, Section 2)
Lmin a Land or Pad Diameter = 3 x pin diameter, but at least 0.025 inches Edge Clearance >0.125 inches b
Pin or Lead
Plated-Through Hole/Component Hole Lands Sound joints are obtained with a ratio of 1:1 to 1:2 between lead height and pad width Clearance of 0.125 in along the long edges of the board
(Source: Soldering Handbook for Printed Circuits and Surface Mounting, Manko, H., ISBN:013-823055-2)
Passive Dimensions
Component Spacing
There is no limit on maximum interpackage spacing Land to land spacing between adjacent components should be 1.25 mm clear space all around the edges of the printed board if boards are tested off the connector or 2.5 mm minimum if vacuum seal for testing is used.
Source: IPS-SM-782A, Section, pp 20
Component Spacing
Glue Attachment
Source: IPC-SM-782A, pp 21
Insufficient flux Flux not active enough Flux over thinned or old Solder wave low Solder wave not even Conveyor speed too fast Board warpage Hole to lead ratio too large Solder mask in hole
Component Orientation
Direction of Travel of Board Passives Mounted Parallel to each other
Component Orientation
2x x
Lead Protrusions
Pad Diameter Lead Height Pin Diameter
Lead Height = 1.1 or 1.2 Pad Diameter Pad Diameter = 3 x pin diameter, but at least 0.025 inches
Lead Protrusions
For single sided PCB Assembly, lead or wire protrusion must be a minimum of 0.5 mm for all classes For double-sided and multilayer PCB Assembly, in all classes, the minimum lead protrusion is that the lead end be visible in the solder The maximum lead protrusion for Class 1 is that there should be no danger of shorts
Lead Protrusions
For Class 2, the maximum lead protrusion is 2.5 mm and for Class 3 the maximum lead protrusion is 1.5 mm For boards thicker than 2.3 mm, the lead protrusions may not be visible
Source: Printed Circuits Handbook, pp 36.27
A tool that aids in attaining the most effective use of inventory, capital equipment, time, and manpower is LineSimulator. LineSimulator is an Excel- based software tool which aids in the design and optimization of SMT assembly lines for maximum productivity. LineSimulator enables line simulation to be performed easily, and at a low cost, as it offers most of the operations of expensive software such as Arena- and Witness-. While LineSimulator offers a low-cost alternative to expensive productivity software, many feel that its ease of use and intuitive simplicity are its biggest assets.
REAL-TIME COST ESTIMATING Real-time cost estimating simply uses the elements of cost as discussed in the introduction and calculates the cost and number of boards produced. While it is simple in concept and involves no sophisticated mathematics, the calculations are quite tedious and cumbersome as they include many production variables such as cycle time, hours per shift, shifts per day, days per week, set up time, unscheduled and scheduled downtime. Yield loss and cost of repair must be considered as well as inventory turns and interest rates. The equations have been entered into an Excel-based computer program called ProfitPro.
It is well understood that proper reflow is critical to the optimization of an SMT production line. In fact, a proper reflow procedure delivers reduced defects in component attachment, inspection, and in the ultimate solder assembly. Many people struggle with proper reflow design and profiling. ReflowCoach is designed to provide information, guidance, and profiling details. ReflowCoach is an Excel-based software tool for optimizing the reflow process. It combines your reflow furnaces capabilities with your solder materials recommended procedures to deliver an optimized reflow profile for the assembly you are making. The solder paste specifications are hardwired in.
Wave Soldering is among the oldest electronics assembly procedures in practice today. Even with all our experience, we find that improvements can still be gained through the implementation of experience and technology. WaveCoach, is a tool that may help you improve your Wave Soldering quality, yields, and profitability. WaveCoach is an Excel-based software tool for optimizing the wave soldering process. It assists in the development and creation of the pre-heat profile and wave soldering machine parameters desired for each specific assembly. To implement WaveCoach, you will require: A PC with a running version of Microsoft Excel The pre-heat profile The specs for the flux you are using in your process Wave machine info (conveyor speed & wave length)
Can be used to calculate stencil aperture volume requirement for the Pin in Paste process Can be used for all stencil aperture design calculations If you would like the software, please e mail me or give me your business card and I will e mail it to you
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves -- Thomas Edison
Thank You!!!!
Joe Belmonte
ITM Consulting
Durham, New Hampshire USA