Impact of Employee Remuneration
Impact of Employee Remuneration
Impact of Employee Remuneration
fit between job characteristics and wants of employees", in fact Employee Remuneration is an organizational set up as an embodiment of many factors, Employee Remuneration has a cause effect phenomenon, one area that brings about job satisfaction is the motivation of the workers. The factors identified by management to be responsible for Employee Remuneration of workers on the jobs are:
Good Remuneration Job Enrichment Job Content Job Rotation Conducive job environment Positive Criticism Participating in all level of decision process Equity share in the organization. Recognition for contribution made in the organization.
Since evaluation of management, professional managers and the writers on management have made a variety of assumptions about what would make the individual employee (that is the worker) to be satisfied, for example, the traditional theory of organization that a system of reward and punishment should be used to elicit the desire behaviour. This is implemented through compensation package based on productivity of an employee e.g. Taylor differentiate system based on the necessity not out of love of money. Therefore, this assumption naturally lead to the conclusion that was an important factor that satisfied the workers on the job. In late 80's, managers started to witness frequent encounter with workers who appeared to be suspicious of management and also are unimpressed by money, unconcerned about productivity and self-centred. Then recognition of for workers become a major challenge to management in view of the fact that a simple solution to the problem did not exist. From the above it therefore implies that for organization to increase employee performance, managers need to be much more sophisticated in understanding of employees behaviour in an organisation. The understanding will provide basic ingredient for the designing and incorporating. Employee remuneration strategies into the policy and objective of the organisation on the total neglect is capable of having a great adverse effect on the organisational objective specially on the long run. Employee resentment of the scientific management system led to the modification of job design and to maintain employee 'enthusiasm' and 'productivity', job enrichment became HR managers' approach to motivation. Employees desire jobs that are challenging, autonomous and will require their intellects. Job enrichment makes provision to fulfil this desire as it involves 'an increase in the level of responsibility for planning and co-coordinating tasks' (Stevenson, 2002; 310 cited in Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001) cited also in Maxwell et al (2008; 436) the theory of job enrichment is a practical application of Herzberg's hygiene theory, which postulates that employees are motivated when there is an increase in job satisfaction (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436).
The main aim of this study is to know the importance of employee's remuneration to the job satisfaction of the workforce, and theoretically it is to identify the various motivational incentive and summarise the various view of managers on the impact of these incentives on employee. Also this study aims to evaluate Access bank plc success vis-a-vis rewarding their staffs.
The objective of this study is to examine, "The Impact that Employee Remuneration has on organisational Productivity" in the this, the researcher will attempt to examine the following:
To examine the relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between level of job satisfaction of employee performance. To examine the relationship between employee remuneration and employee performance The evaluation and development of reward process.
Practically it will assist practicing manager in understanding the impact of incentives on employee remuneration, hence enabling these elements to be incorporated into policy and objectives of the organisation.
LIMITATION OF THE STUDY. The research work has the following constraints, these among others are:
Lawal (1994;pg 23), noted that " a critical look at the compensation package of most Nigeria limited liability company (plc) will reveal that they offer competitive packages compared to those government establishment. Apart from competitive wages and salaries, public limited liability company (plc) provide service such as subsidized and free caring services, free medical services, staff housing scheme, free transportation and pension scheme. In view of this, it will be pertinent to draw up a line and find out what motivate workers in order to increase productivity and what are the various motivational packages being designed in order to satisfy the general needs of the workers. Perhaps it will be useful to put forward these research questions:
What are the various compensation packages used by organisation to enhance high productivity? What impact does this element have on Employee Remuneration? Does employee remuneration have any impact on organisational productivity and efficiency?
It is of utmost important to form a tentative statement or answer to the above research question so as to provide the required empirical foundation for carrying out the study. Attempt was made
to determined the relationship between the variables with the relationship between the variable with the following hypothesis:
there is no significant relationship between personnel performance and organizational productivity. there is significant relationship personnel performance and organizational profitability. there is no significant relationship between employee remuneration and organizational productivity. this is significant relationship between employee remuneration and organisational productivity.
To examine the relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between level of job satisfaction of employee performance. To examine the relationship between employee remuneration and employee performance The evaluation and development of reward process.
Motivation Theories
Motivation deals with the factors that shape people's behaviour. The three components of motivation identified by Arnold et al (1991) cited in Armstrong (2002; 56) are 1) direction 2) effort and 3) persistence. In a work environment, employees can self-motivate by seeking and engaging in activities that will lead them to achieve set goals (intrinsic motivation) or be motivated by management through various reward systems (extrinsic motivation) (Armstrong, 2002; 56). Earlier views on motivation, albeit not always perfect, have proved to be an important part of the foundation for evolutionary growth. Motivation is a blend of factors that drives people's actions and it can be classified as individual, group and organizational motivation. The different theories of motivation, in their different ways facilitate our understanding of the complex process of motivation and the fact that there are no straightforward answers to motivating anybody (Armstrong, 2002; 57). Scientific management sees money as the primary human motivator, while the view of human relations is that social factors are the primary human motivator (Sarin, 2009; 237). Frederick
Winslow Taylor, who is known as the father of scientific management, focused on applying the concepts of science to improve production by relying on the use of 'observation, measurement, analysis and improvement of work methods, and economic incentives'. His study of work methods in great detail identified the best process for doing each job and laid emphasis on output. This theory was not particularly favoured with workers, who believed that it was not fair to increase output without a commensurate increase in reward (Stevenson, 2002; 21 cited in Maxwell et al; 2008; 433). The instrumentality theory of motivation derived its roots from the scientific management theory of Taylor and also emphasized the importance of money as the main reason people work. Hence, rewards or otherwise should be linked directly to performance. However, this theory fails to take into consideration other human needs that could affect performance (Armstrong, 2002; 57). This omission gave rise to the needs theory, the basis of which is the belief that an unfulfilled need creates a sense of anxiety. Therefore, in order to create a sense of fulfilment, once a need is identified, a pattern of fulfilling it must be set out. However, not all needs are important at a given time in a person's life. Some needs are more urgent than others (Armstrong, 2002; 58). Abraham Maslow's theory (1940) cited in Sarin (2009; 237) is said to have based his theory on Henry A. Murray's postulation that people seek to satisfy their various needs at the same time, rather than in a specific order. Murray's Manifest Needs however did not arrange the identified needs in any particular order of importance, unlike Maslow's hierarchy of a set of five needs Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem and Self actualization - each of which is related to the other and arranged in order of hierarchy. According to him, once a need is met, it does not motivate a person's behaviour again. However, it is possible to either move up or down each of the levels depending on whether a need has been fulfilled or the realization of a need is being endangered (Sarin, 2009; 237). McClelland (1975) identified three needs - achievement, affiliation and power - that motivates managers. However, while agreeing with Maslow that motives are part of the personality, he is of the opinion that they are caused by environmental factors. The levels of these needs are dependent on different individuals. While some may have a higher need for achievement, others may desire affiliation or power (Armstrong, 2002; 58). Herzberg (1959) based his theory on two sets of factors - extrinsic and intrinsic - that were directly relating to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Extrinsic factors are referred to as 'hygiene or maintenance' factors and they are linked to job environment, job context e.g. quality of supervision, work conditions, company policies, relationship with co-workers and level of compensation. Job dissatisfaction may occur where there are no extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors referred to as 'motivators' or 'growth factors', on the other hand, relate to the job itself e.g. the complexity of work, level of importance with the organization as well as promotion opportunities. The resultant effect of intrinsic factors is a high level of job satisfaction, which according to Herzberg will prevent dissatisfaction and create a positive attitude to work (Di Cesare and Sadri, 2003; 36). Essentially, businesses should study the motivator factors and hygiene factors with a view to optimize motivation and productivity among employees (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436).
Some managers hold the view that employee can be motivated to improve productivity by means of monetary incentives. The monetary scheme may be take a variety of different form example price rate, individual bonus, a team or group bonus scheme , a high pay rate system and profit sharing plan. All these have been packaged to motivate employees so as to improve on their performance. However, the general problem of monetary incentives is that they are effective in the short run but not necessary cost effective, on the other hand, money can motivate depending on the individuals need for money. Money is not an end itself but means of satisfying needs, employee remuneration proceeds high organisational productivity his for workers to be satisfied with their job, there is need to study the various motivation theories postulated by management experts. Motivation theories have series of theories, that is complementary to one another. The leading theory are listed below and summarised in table 19.1. the most significant ones are those concerned with expectancy, goal settings and equity, which are classified as process or cognitive theories.
Employee Compensation
Dessler (2008) define employee compensation as all forms of pay going to employee and arising from their employment. He also stated that the compensation can be in two forms and they are direct financial payment and indirect financial payment. Direct financial payment can come in form of wages, salaries, incentives, commission and bonuses. While indirect can be in form financial benefit like employer-paid insurance and vacations. All these are strategy of remuneration, Baron A & Armstrong M, give their own contribution towards the strategy of remuneration that the implication of human capital theory is that investment in people adds to their value to the firm.
Employee Remuneration
The word "Employee Remuneration " to most people refer s to money and usually money is addition to wages and salaries. In fact employee in any organisation set up as an embodiment of many factors. Employee remuneration has caused effective phenomenon, one area that brings about employee remuneration is motivation of the workers In fact employee remuneration in any organisation set up embodiment of many factors. employee remuneration has caused effect phenomenon, one area that brings about employee remuneration is motivation of the workers. The organisations identified to be responsible for employee remuneration of workers are as follows:
Job Enrichment Job Rotation Job Content Conducive Job Environment Equity Share in the organisation Participation in all level of decision process Positive criticism Recognition for contribution made in the organisation.
Since evaluation of management professional managers and writers on management have made variety of assumption-about what would make the individual employees (workers) to be satisfied for example. The traditional (theory of organisation that a system reward and punishment should be used to elicit the desire behaviour, this is implemented through a compensation packages, based on productivity of employee example of Taylor differentiates payee system of based on the assumption that employee work out of necessity not out of love of money. Therefore this naturally led to the conclusion that money was an important factor that satisfied the workers on the job. In the late eighty's (80) and ninety's (90) managers started to witness frequent encounter with workers who appeared to be suspicious of management in view of the fact that a simple solution to the problem of did not exist, in addition it may be noted that when considering some traits of workers. The understanding will provide the basic ingredient for designing and incorporating employee remunerations and strategies into the policy and objective of the organisation as it is total neglect is capable of having a great advance effect on the organisation objective especially in the long run. Reilly P.& Williams T. (2006) Support that for employee remunerations to be effective HR needs the support of the top team. An unsympathetic CEO can be the a major block on getting people management issue properly on the agenda. Even when the HR director is low in the pecking order, well behind the chief financial officer information officer, the same result will occur. So HR director as a person needs to be respected by the board, executive etc. need to support and understand what HR is doing. This simply means another way for HR to motivate staff is to have a good relationship with senior management and with employees.
The characteristics of the job need of the individual, it is clear that there are numerous variable between people and their jobs that helps to determine their relationship. It must be noted that the concept of employee remuneration is psychological, it relates to these forces operating within individual employees. The underlying problem is therefore, that management should attempt to strike a balance so as to satisfy the interest of both the organisation and the workers. The reality of management observed that emphasis of high employee remuneration shifted away from the job itself to labour. In simplistic term, an employee organisation productivity can be define as being determined by the level and interaction between ability and motivation thus: Organisation productivity is contingent on a number of factors such as skill (liability appropriate for assigned job)motivation and role clarify (a clear understanding of assigned role). Another way that Reilly & Williams T add their support to how HR activity can influence the way to manage their staff, it will be encouraging line managers to allow scope for employee involvement and space for employees to act in practical terms, that this might be supporting the consultation of staff if changes are afoot. Also it is the duty of HR to determine whether the employee is due to be reward, before the department can come to conclusion, such employee have to go through the performance appraisal process which contains three steps 1. Define the job:-the means that the employee understand the nature of the job that he/ she has to do in the organisation and to do it to the organisation standards 2. Appraising performance:-Dessler G defines this as comparing your subordinate's actual performance as to the standard that have been set ; this usually involves some types of rating form. 3. Feedback session:-here is the situation where two of you debate on employee's performance and progress, an d make plan for any development. There various methods of appraisal methods such as graphic rating scale, Alternation ranking method, paired comparison method, forced distribution method etc. I will try and expansiate on two of this methods PAIRED COMPARISON METHOD:- this is a method whereby the two employee together in terms of quantity of work, quality of work , behaviour, how they react to work whenever they have been called, team work and so on. GRAPHIC RATING SCALE METHOD:- this method can be refer to as the simplest and what most organisation prefer to use for appraising staff performance.
To provide the required theoretical background for the study attempt will made to review literature of motivation as a means of achieving employee remunerations.
Reward can be described as a way which one is been compensate what been done either good or bad, it can also be called benefit that is given to an employee or group of people in an organisation. This can be done directly or indirectly. It usually use to encourage people at work to be able to put more effort in work that need to be done. This usually done when an employee want to sign a contract with an organisation or company such employer needs to allow the employee to be fully aware what the package of the income will be per annum or hourly paid if such an employee is interest he or she is going to sign the contact form. There are two types of rewards, they are financial and non financial rewards. Financial Reward also can be refer to as an incentive which can be in form of financial reward given to an employees whose production exceed predetermined standard that is the production is beyond what the organisation expectation. This can also be in form of pay structure, incentives and benefits this three usually has it important role to play in implementing strategies in an organisation. firstly, For a high level of pay or benefits relative to that of competitors can ensure that the company attracts and retains high quality employees, but this might have a negative impact on the company's overall labour cost. Secondly, by tying pay to performance, the company can elicit specific activities and level of performance from employee. In a study of how compensation practices are tied to strategies, researchers examined 33high- tech and 72 traditional companies. They classified them by whether they were in growth stage. They found that high-tech companies in growth stage (greater than 20percent inflation- adjusted increases in annual sales) or a maturity stage. They found that high-tech companies in the growth stage used compensation systems that were highly geared towards incentive pay, with a lower percentage of total pay devoted to salary and benefits. On the other hand, compensation systems among mature companies (both high-tech and traditional)devoted a lower percentage of total pay to incentive and a high percentage to benefits. ( 2003; pg 69). Organisation believe that given an employee incentives after profit is another way of motivating an employee to put more effort to his /her work this reward can be inform of profit sharing, salary increase
Job satisfaction.
Job satisfaction is the attitudes and feelings people have about their work. Positive and favourable attitudes towards the job leads to engagement and therefore job satisfaction. Negative and unfavourable attitudes towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction. (Michael, A., Armstrong's 2009;pg 343). It can also be refer to as morale that is the way organisation use to satisfy their staffs in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors. Guion (1958) defines morale as 'the extent to which an individual's needs are satisfied and the extent to which the individual perceives that satisfaction as stemming from his (sic)total work situation.'
The above description of motivation process may not be enough to explain employees behaviour, some theories of some reckoned management writers may be needed for further clarification and explanation. Also there is two types of motivation Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation.
Motivation is determine by numerous needs. The needs of individual very considerably Manager must determine the use of subordinate and adopt appropriate motivation strategies for creating conducive working environment. Furthermore, Maslow was able to separate these five (5) needs into
Higher needs i.e. love, esteem, self actualisation. Low need i.e. physiological needs, safety needs . The reason for the above classification is based on the premises that:
High order needs are satisfied internally Owner needs are predominantly satisfied externally (by such things are money, wages union contract and pleasant working conditions).
Maslow hierarchy of needs theory has received wide recognition particular managers, this could among participating managers, this can be attributed to the theory intensive logic and case of understanding, unfortunately however research does not generally validated the theory, as Maslow provide as empirical substantiation.
Existence need: safety and physiological needs Relatedness needs: the social and status needs Growth needs: self actualisation and self-esteem needs.
However the distinction between Maslow arrangement of needs in hierarchy. To him a class of needs may remain strong irrespective of the level of satisfaction of other needs. Aldderfer study has also highlighted the following, finding in the line with Maslow theory. The less satisfaction of the existence needs, that more will be the desire for them.
The less the satisfaction of relatedness needs the more unit will be the desire for them. Reduction in satisfaction for growth needs create will desire for relatedness needs.
PATTON THEORY OF MOTIVATION: Patton (1948), explain that factors that can be found useful by managers in motivating subordinate highlight the following basic motivation which are simple, practical and similar to those enumerated by Herzberg:
Money sometimes may be a reflection of other motivator. Fear, that is the fear of errors, or loss of job or reduction of a bonus. The lack of motivation considered as an important factor present in many aspect of life. The urge to achieve leadership, that is the will to be a leader ones 'peer . Status which include promotions, large office, challenging job, company car, curb membership etc. The challenge found in job / work.
Patton's theory of motivation put money in position as being in a similar study of Adult (Ansoff (1985) and other found out that all healthy adult have a reservoir or potential energy dischallenge in the basic of individuals motivational derived and the situations opportunities presented.
Akinson model related behaviour and performance to three basic drives which vary significantly among individuals, the need for achievement, the need for power and the need for affiliation.
The need for power, the need to exert influence and control over other, such individuals generally are seeking positions of leadership have high need for power.
The need for affiliation :- the need for belonging needs, individuals with high need for affiliation usually derived pleasure from being loved and tend to avoid the pain of being rejected by a social group. The need for achievement:- that is a desire to excel or to succeed competitive situation individuals with high need for achievement have incense desired for success and equally intense for fear of failure.
As individual they like to be challenged set moderately different task (but not impossible) goals for themselves, take realistic approach to risk, prefer to assume personal responsibility to get job done, like specific and prompt feedback on how they are performing all likeness to work long hours.
In analysing the level of staff motivation and employee remunerations one can approach it from various ways, although, it is somehow difficult and complex, one must identify the possible causes of poor motivation and for variations between individuals and groups. Motivation analysis can be accomplished by means of open and constructive staffs appraisal system, and survey of employer's perception and attitudes either by employees of the organisation or externally by an external consultancy firm.
An average person dislike work and void it if possible. People therefore, must be coerced, controlled, directed and threatened with punishment in order to let them work towards organisation goals. The average person want to be directed and want to avoid responsibility, he has little ambition and desire for security above all.
McGregor considered the approach to be approach to be based upon wrong assumption about motivation and theory Y was preferred.
Expenditure of physical and mental effort is a nation as play or rest. People can exercise self-direction and control to achieve objective which they committed. Commitment to objective is a function of reward associated with their achievement. Under proper condition people can learn to accept and seek responsibility. Ability to use imagination and creative thinking is widely distribution in the population.
McGregor supported the view of Maslow about man's hierarchy of needs and suggested that a theory x approach will work well where man is concerned with the physiological and safety needs. Lawal (1993) observed that these two set of assumption have process which can be summarised as followed:
In theory x, superior set objective few subordinates hence in any alternative are explored and the commitment to objective and plan are devaluated subordinate. The theory Y, allow for joint objective setting, hence many alternative are explored and there is high commitment to objective and plan on the part of subordinate.
Leadership is autocratic in theory x while theory Y adopts a participative management style.
In theory x, people follow and in most cases develop resistance to change, in the theory Y, people seek for responsible and feel accountable and are committed to achievements of result rather than resulting to change.
One way communicating in theory Y in order words, instructions are given without complaining in theory x and ideas are exchange in theory Y.
Theory x adopts one external and rigid control while control in theory Y is internal and based oneself control. In addition, theory x superior act as judge, since he has low trust in subordinates appraisal. On the other hand, in theory Y superior act as a coach provide high trust in subordinate appraisal and utilized feed toward control.
It requires managers to play both detective and psychologist. The reason many people have only a dim awareness of their own deeply embedded life interest. They may have their lives fulfilling other peoples expectation of them or they may followed the most common courier advice do what you are good at. In the Harvard Business Review of September -October (1999) Butler and Wardroop, say most people in organisation are motivated by between are three deeply embedded life interest long head, emotionally driven passions for certain kinds of activities. Deeply embedded life interests and hobbies or enthusiasm, they are innate passions that are indicating emotional with personality. Life interest doesn't determine what were good at but what kind of work we love. In the context of career satisfaction, values refers to the reward people seek, some people value money. Other want intellectual challenge, and still other desire prestige or a comfortable lifestyle, people with the same abilities and life interest many pursue different careers based on their values. That is why they have concluded that life interest are the most important of the three variable of career satisfaction, someone can be good at a job indeed , some generally need to be and it can be like the reward they received from it. But only life interest will keep most people happy and fulfilled over the long term. And that is the key to retention.
Therefore, I will review some of the main theories of motivation narrowing them down to specific and testable hypotheses. Data will be gathered from available statistics from studies conducted on the issue to test the hypotheses. The fact that not much literature is available on the subject of employee remuneration practices in Nigeria will form the inductive side of my research. This may be quite challenging, but will be an opportunity to study and evaluate national trends, identify patterns with the aim of devising hypotheses. The new hypotheses will be compared to existing theories to conclude whether or not there is a relationship (Saunders et al, 2003: 86-89). Chapter three will deal with the research methodology; the reason for my choice of data gathering and analysis method. Furthermore, I will examine my survey approach - questionnaire, as well as enumerate the challenges encountered in the course of this research.
Research Philosophy
This research shall be 'exploratory, descriptive and explanatory'. Exploratory, as I will query what is already in existence, explore fresh insights, raise questions that will facilitate my assessment from a new viewpoint.The advantage of this strategy is its flexibility. Descriptive, as I will go beyond mere description of the theories, but will delve into evaluating the data collected, drawing conclusions from it. Finally, explanatory as I will explain for example the impact of employee remuneration in an organizational productivity (Saunders et al, 2003: 96-98). To allow a broader view in my research, I intend to use 'multiple sources of evidence'. Documentation and questionnaires are the two sources of evidence that I will use for my research. These sources are quite reliable and hence this makes them quite attractive. Data from these sources are also the results of research and surveys done over a period of time and they have good sampling and tested hypotheses. This is quite important in a research because they have a wide coverage. The secondary data collected will be tested through a survey of employees in a Nigerian organization. I will measure the impact of employee remuneration on organizational productivity. The survey strategy will be structured - formal questionnaires. I will not be conducting any form of interviews. However, questionnaires will be administered by emailing to my contacts in Nigeria and the completed questionnaires will be emailed to back to me accordingly. I intend to send out at least 10 questionnaires and though this might seem a small sample and thus not representative enough (Yin, 1994), the responses of these employees will still be useful in testing ['exploring'] existing hypotheses and possibly suggesting alternative accounts. The reason for my small sample is not farfetched considering the fact that I will not be physically present to influence the completion of the questionnaires. In addition, the questionnaire is quite comprehensive and would require commitment on the part of those selected to complete it to actually complete and email it back. The questionnaire will be sent as email to a close contact in the Nigerian organization. This contact is expected to assist in the administration of the question among his colleague. The completed questionnaires will be emailed back to me for analysis. The
questionnaire is divided into 3 sections - pay administration, importance of financial & nonfinancial rewards and work - each consisting an average of 10 questions.
The survey strategy is designed to give me control over the research process, however a lot of time and resources are required e.g. designing and administering the questionnaire, the cost of logistics etc., availability of appropriate computer package to analyze the results of the survey, are just a few. Initially, I wanted to travel to Nigeria to personally administer the questionnaires, but lack of funds to embark on the journey hindered me from doing so. In addition, with the approval of the management, I planned to administer the questionnaire on at least 30 employees 10 each from low, middle and top-level employees. I also planned to interview at least 3 employees - 1 each from the different levels. However, this became impractical since I was no longer travelling to Nigeria and conducting the interview on phone had too many challenges including the cost of the phone calls, ability to be able to record and transcribe the calls for effective analysis, amongst many others. Another challenge to the outcome of the research is the response rate of the questionnaire. I do not have any control over the research subjects, but I expect that my contact will do everything possible to ensure that as many people as possible complete and return to him. But I am not able to directly influence this, as I am unable to travel to Nigeria because of cost factor. I cannot therefore guarantee that I would have the required number of respondents for the research. Researchers have complained about delayed progress of researches because of dependence on others for information (Saunders et al, 2003: 92). One major challenge envisaged is the ability to effectively manage my time to ensure the completion of my research within the specified time. This is borne of the fact that, as mentioned above, I am not physically present to be able to have any control over my research subjects. Hence, my analysis will be delayed until I have completely received the completed questionnaires from my contact. Considering the fact that most people in Nigeria have access to the Internet only during office hours and I plan to be in touch with my contact daily until I have received at least 10 completed questionnaires to proceed with my analysis. This may also be a challenge as the cost of making phone calls daily will be quite high and I may not be able to afford this. I will however, use the cheapest means of achieving this to ensure that I keep the line of communication open with my contact. The next chapter will present the research questionnaire and an analysis of the data collected from it. The analysis will be done using graphs, as this is the cheapest means of conducting the analysis to achieve desired results. [I would put the questionnaire itself in an Appendix]
question and objectives of the research work, that is "to explore employee remuneration on organisational productivity ." A total number of Ten (50) questionnaires and into Three (3) different sections all in tables were distributed. The findings are design to evaluate the responses about, "exploring employee remuneration on organisational productivity".
This section, the responds collected from the table will be presented and analysed through table and chart. The data analysis will be analysis in Three (3) separate sections, Section One (1) Pay, Benefits And Pay Administration, Section Two (2) - Importance Of Financial And NonFinancial Rewards and Section Three (3) - My Work. Section one of the questionnaires for pay, benefits and pay administration, using the 5 - point scale of Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied, Satisfied and Very Satisfied indicate that for My Take Home Pay (After Tax) had 10 respondent for Very Dissatisfied, No respondent for both Dissatisfied and Very Satisfied, 15 respondents for Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied and 25 respondents for Satisfied. Question 2 in section 1 and the chart above shows that Satisfied had 20 respondents, this indicate that more employees were satisfied with their benefit package from the company. From question 5 in section 1 and the chart above indicted that employees are happy with their current wage after tax following the responds from where Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied, Satisfied and Very Satisfied all had 15 respondents respectively. From questions 6: raises I have received in the past and question 8: information the company gives me about pay arrangement and the chart above indicate this point are also such of motivation for the employees. Considering the respondents from question 6: were 20 respondents are in support of Satisfied and question 8: were 30 respondents are also in support of Satisfied. The above analysis indicates that there are other factors that motivates an employee's considering the points mentioned such as information about their pay and benefits arrangement. [This comment needs to be expanded and clarified, if possible relating the responses back to the theories your reviewed] Question From Section 2, Importance Of Financial And Non-Financial Rewards Section 2, on the importance of financial and non-financial rewards. Using the 5 - point scale of Disagree Strongly, Disagree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree, Agree and Agree Strongly. The first question to be analysed are questions 1: if I work hard, it is normally recognised by my supervisor and question 2: cash bonuses are very important to me. These two question had 5 respondents each for Agree.
On question 4: if I work hard, my supervisor will recommend a bonus and the chart above, Disagree respondents had 20 while Agree and Agree Strongly both had 15 each. This indicate that not all employee will accept cash a motivation. [The answers suggest to me that cash is very important - 40 out of 50; also that people wanted a steady income rather than take a risk on higher bonuses, perhaps because the answer to the first question put some doubt over whether managers properly recognised hard work. In terms of productivity, this suggests both a higher uncertainty avoidance. employees do not have trust that managers will behave impartially or fairly towards them (i.e. 'universalistically'). You should introduce these connections and refer back to the theoretical sections in Chap. 2] On question 8: I would be willing to accept a smaller regular salary with the option of bigger success bonuses. In the case 15 respondents for Disagree, 10 respondents for Neither Agree Nor disagree, 15 respondents for Agree and10 respondents for Agree Strongly. These section two respondents make it obvious that some employees can be motivated by case, increase in pay or pay raise while other can be motivated by company success, self recognition and accomplishment. Starting from question 1: high respect from my superiors under section three and the chart above, shows the following 10 respondents for This Is Not So Important To Me, 20 respondents for Would Be Keen To Have It and 20 respondents for Would Like This Very Much Indeed. These indicate that employees do like to be respected for their contribution to the company success. On question 4: good job security under section 3 and the chart above, Would Like This Very Much Indeed had 20 respondents and 10 respondents for Would be Keen To Have It. This shows that employee's job security is another point for motivation. From the following question 6: opportunities to learn new things at work had 30 respondents for Would Like This Very Much Indeed, 35: high salary and benefits had 35 respondents for Would Like This Very Much Indeed, 8: opportunities to be creative at work had 25 respondents for Would Like This Very Much Indeed, 9: quick promotion had 30 respondents for Would Like This Very Much Indeed and 50 opportunities to develop as a person at work had 20 respondents for Would Like This Very Much Indeed and see chart above for the position indicated. The above analysis from the table in section three and chart 3 indicates that employees personal development, training, freedom of self expression on carrying out official task, friendly coworkers, opportunities to learn new things, prospect of promotion are all motivational factors that can help bring out the best in an employees. [This is interesting data as it refutes the view put forward by Herzberg that employees in some developing countries are not motivated by enrichment but are 'locked' into a desire for cash rewards only. This needs developing a good deal as it seems to be central to your dissertation.]
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