Eritrea Profile - June 17, 2009
Eritrea Profile - June 17, 2009
Eritrea Profile - June 17, 2009
50 NFA
Promoting the number of Department in the Ministry of Health In a move full of irony, and, by misappropriating the names of the African Union and IGAD, countries hostile
volunteer blood donors is vital to Mr. Berhane Ghebretisae on his part to Eritrea, on issues that have nothing to do with Somalia, are trying to use the Somali fig-leaf to persuade the
ensure safe and adequate blood asserted that Government of Eritrea UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Eritrea. They have strategized to demand maximum sanctions in
supply. This was disclosed on June is vigorously working to ensure the the hope that they can exact at least some measures from the Security Council.
14th, World Blood Donation Day. provision of adequate blood supply An African country demanding sanctions on another African nation by falsely using the name of the African
Director of National Blood in all health institutions. Union is indeed a dastardly and unprecedented move. As it happens, the countries that are pushing for sanctions
transfusion Center, Dr. Yfdeamlak In the occasion different have been forced to drop their claim to be pursuing it on behalf of the AU, as no legitimate organ of the Union
Tesfamariam in his speech, said programs were staged that reflect has mandated them to do so. In reality, they could not have mustered the hubris to approach the UNSC, if they
that the number of volunteer donors the significance of the day. did not believe that they could gain the indulgence of some permanent members of the Security Council.
has risen by 80% in the country According to World Health Eritrea’s position on the maneuverings underway in New York is the following:-
and expressed his appreciation the Organization report, 25% of Eritrea confidently reaffirms that it is not sending arms and/or ammunition to any party in Somalia. It
donors’ commitment. expecting mothers die during categorically rejects the baseless charges directed against it. In fact, the Special Representative of the Secretary
Director of Health Service delivery due to bleeding. General on Somalia, Mr. Ahmedou Ould Abdella, has admitted that despite “much talk” there was no proof of
the charges against Eritrea.
There is irrefutable proof that Ethiopia, in open violation of the UN arms embargo, is training and arming
the Islamist armed group, the Ahli Asunna and Jami’a, various clan militias and an assortment of warlords,
including Barrehilale. This is in addition to its continued military intervention inside sovereign Somali territory,
which continues to complicate the search for a durable settlement.
Accusations of violating the UN arms embargo have also been leveled against a number of other countries.
In this respect, if the UNSC is going to impose any sanctions, it must do so, on the basis of unassailable proof,
against those countries which perpetrated illegal military invasion of Somalia in the past years and who provided
arms to Somalis in violation of the embargo. Eritrea has not done so. Ethiopia is in flagrant violation on these
counts and must be sanctioned.
In regard to Eritrea’s political position on Somalia, Eritrea has been criticized for not falling in line with
the “international consensus”. But, Eritrea has a right to hold an independent position, even a dissenting one.
Moreover, over the past two years and half, the Eritrean position on Somalia has proven to be more realistic and
correct, as compared to the conventional wisdom. Eritrea was correct in its assessment that the Abdullahi Yusuf
and Nur Adde “governments”, despite the “international legitimacy” conferred on them, could not bring peace.
It is Eritrea’s considered assessment that the same is true for the present, externally installed “government”,
which remains holed up in a few districts of the capital, despite massive military and financial support.
MINISTRY OF LABOR AND HUMAN Eritrea strongly believes that if the objective is the establishment of a broadly representative government paving
WELFARE EXTEND MONETARY ASSISTANCE the way for a durable settlement, then we need to refrain from trying to impose our candidates, irrespective of
the qualities that we see in them. This has been tried at least 15 times in the past 15 years and has failed every
Inline with the outlined plan over 13 million Nakfa has been single time. What is required, and what Eritrea advocates, is a Somali-owned inclusive process that would also
to support and assist families of collected from the government and ensure the participation and address the issues of Somaliland and Puntland.
fallen heroes, The branch office of diligent citizens from Diaspora Eritrea has absolutely no interest in the instability of Somalia. We do not, and have never considered, Somalia
the ministry of labor and human respectively in the past five years. a threat. The Eritrean objective is to see a peaceful, stable and united Somalia.
welfare Anseba region extends He indicated that the branch It is Ethiopia that has for over more than six decades sought to destabilize Somalia, fought three wars against
over 43 million Nakfa for martyrs office is exerting relentless efforts it, continued to intervene to thwart the emergence of a united government with popular legitimacy. It is farcical
trust fund on a yearly bases said to swiftly distribute the money to that the country that harbours ill-will towards Somalia and its people, seeks to use Somalis to fight its war against
branch head of the ministry of families of fallen heroes. Eritrea. It is regrettable that Ethiopia, which should have been sanctioned, under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter,
labor and human welfare Anseba Furthermore, The branch office for continuing to occupy sovereign Eritrean territory, in contemptuous rejection of a binding international
region, Mr.Girmay Bekuretsion. of the Ministry of Labor and Human arbitration, has the temerity to pour scorn on the Security Council, by demanding sanctions on Eritrea.
Noting that the martyrs trust fund Welfare in the Anseba region that It would be a travesty of justice, if members of the Security Council, condemn a country that has not violated
is made by contributions from the its enhancing its support 30 street the embargo and reward the one that should be brought to the dock, for its violation of both the arms embargo
government and dedicated citizens children by establishing group and of its obligations under international law. It would be a violation of UN principles if the Security Council
from Diaspora ,Mr.Girmay stated caretakers in Keren, Hagaz and responds to the issue of the embargo selectively.
that over 198 million Nakfa and Elabered . Ministry of Foreign Affairs
corruption; it is so many
President Isaias Afwerki’s . . . kind of situation. But again as
I indicated earlier democracy
is a process. Democracy in
ugly things and societies will democracy and freedom of take this good example so means for establishing have to be put in place. It it self is not an end; it is a
have to be free from these. expression and people need that they live in peace with democracy. For elections to gets refined with time. We long term commitment of
Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, to be very careful. In our their own people. Other wise take place you will have to need to have sustainable generations to guarantee the
Kenya, are examples in the case, we would say we are the we can’t go and repeat the consider on what levels you processes that will guarantee full participation of every
neighborhood. Do we need best example of democracy same mistakes happening will have elections; the level the enhancement of the citizen equally and freely;
to repeat all those mistakes and freedom of expression. in our neighbors. The of representation and the democratic environment that and that takes many forms.
again and polarize society and Our democracy is meant neighbors will have to learn administrative structure that will have to be put in place. Election is a means of
call polarization of society to create an environment the lessons. Comparing to ultimately allows people to In this regard we believe expression and one election
and chaos democracy? Is it of full representation or our neighbors what we see be represented. And not only that we have done a lot of can’t be a perfect one. It takes
fair to say insulting the other a representation of the happening in this country is representation in chairs within good job. We know where time for people to identify
neighbor or even some one majority of the people of this the best example. If you want parliament, assemblies, but we come from; we have and associate with the
who is a citizen of your own country in every aspect of to take a different course you have a genuine interactions seen times of hatred and culture that will have to be
country? Is it appropriate for their life; economic, social, will learn it the hard way with their daily life. That polarization. We don’t want
any one individual or groups cultural, political aspects but you are allowed to try. is the system that will to go back and look into that Continued On Page 5
of individuals or groups of of their life and it doesn’t For those who would try to
political organizations to happen over night. We create educate us from outside on Standard advertisement for local open tender procedures (C 3)
fight each other and use what harmony amongst diverse adopting this or that policy
people call freedom of press groups of society: religious, so that we get polarized, Procurement of Association of Chartered
or freedom of expression to regions, ethnic, linguistic, divided, weakened, we can’t
insight more of tribal hatred,
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religious hatred amongst freedom of expression in this place for free services to EuropeAid/128-235/M/SUP/ER (FED)
society. Is that freedom country is to bring harmony divide, weaken and polarize
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of expression? That is the and respect to one another societies.
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“freedom of expression” and develop the culture of
with financial assistance from the 9th EDF, Support to the Office of the Auditor General
we see in our neighbors. tolerance. That is the real It sounds to me like the
programme of the European Communities. The tender dossier is available from:
You can have a number of freedom of expression. If prerequisites are already
The Office of the Auditor General
newspapers issued every day, freedom of expression is done. There is a viable
P.O.Box 918
one saying one thing and the insulting people, inciting ground now for conducting
Dembe Sembel, Block ‘A’ , 2nd floor, Asmara, Eritrea,
other saying some thing else hatred, polarizing society; elections.
Tele: +291-1-152203, Fax: +291-1-150252
but the ultimate result is that doesn’t represent in any It is not only elections
and will also be published on the EuropeAid website:
polarization of society. This way freedom of expression. it is a process. Election is
europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome. The deadline for submission of
is a very ill approach towards So I would advice people to one way; it is a procedural
tenders is 20 July 2009, at 10:00 Asmara time (GMT+3). Possible additional information
or clarifications/questions shall be published on the EuropeAid website: https://webgate. and Local newspaper
“Haddas Eritrea” and “Eritrean profile”.
Interested national tenderers shall submit a copy of their renewed license for the year 2009
together with their offer.
Statement By H.E. Mr. Estifanos Afeworki Haile, MARTYRS’ TRUST FUND SIGNIFICANT
The Ambassador Of The State Of Eritrea To The IN IMPROVING LIVELIHOODS
Republic Of Japan In The Seoul High Level Meeting Families of martyrs residing Corporation of Eritrea in Assab,
in the Southern Red Sea region Mr. Mohammed Osman said on his
On Piracy Off The Coast Of Somalia Hosted By The said that the martyr’s trust fund part that the government has been
extended to them is playing a extending monetary assistances
Republic Of Korea With Contribution Of Japan In pivotal role in improving their to families of fallen heroes in
Cooperation With IMO On 9-10 June 2009 livelihoods. various sub zones and remote
Mr. Tesfamariam Berhe from areas of the country. He said that a
Honorable Delegates, branch ministry of labor and total of around 10 million and 706
Ladies and Gentlemen, human welfare Southern Red Sea thousand Nakfa has been extended
It is a great honor and pleasure for me to attend this high level region indicated that the trust fund in the region until now.
meeting addressing piracy off the coast of Somalia hosted by the has been consistently disbursed Beneficiary of the trust fund,
Republic of Korea with the Contribution of Japan in Cooperation to families of fallen heroes since Mrs. Esha Mohamed Osman
with IMO. Please accept my sincere gratitude for the warm 2004. commended the government for
welcome extended to me by the Government of the Republic of Head of the National Insurance the assistance thus far extended.
Korea and the organizers of this meeting.
Allow me take this opportunity to share with you my government’s
perspective of piracy off the coast of Somalia through this brief
First: Somalia turned from a relative peace to a chaotic situation
after the country was invaded by Ethiopia in 2006. There were
adverse legal, moral, political, historical, humanitarian and economic consequences of this invasion and its
implication to the stability and prosperity of the region is still great. I am confident that you all agree with me
The Eritrean-Swedish Forum Woldemichael, said that such
that this invasion contravenes international law and created precedence to disorder in our region. The results of
for Development and Corporation donations by Eritrean nationals
this invasion were directly and clearly manifested in the sea off Somalia coast which turned in 2007 and 2008
donated various types of electrical residing abroad attest to their
into a hot spot of piracy as well as an epicenter of illegal fishing, trade, trafficking of drugs, weapons, people...
equipment to The Eritrean devotion to the Homeland.
etc in no time. It involved many interest group and actors both from the hinterlands of Asia, Africa and other
Electricity Corporation. He further commended the
Reports indicated that the Forum nationals for their vital contribution
Second: The need to cooperate within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations
donated electrical and agricultural to the people and the nation. The
like International Maritime Organization (IMO) to promote economic, safe, efficient and sustainable international
equipments worth about 7 million Eritrean-Swedish Forum for
shipping and bring law and order in the Gulf of Aden cannot be questioned. It needs no further explanation since
and 36 thousand Nakfa since Development and Corporation
Eritrea has been and is an active member of this organization.
2002. The managing director of is an association established by
Third: As you know, Eritrea is located in between the latitudes 12 degree 45’N and 18 degree 03’N, and the
the Corporation, Mr. Abraham Eritreans living in that country.
longitudes, 37 degree 35’E and 43 degree 07’E. It possesses a mainland coastline of more than 1350 km along
the south-western coast of the Red Sea. The Eritrean coastline stretches from its northern border with Sudan at
Ras Kesar to its southern border with Djibouti at Ras Dumera. In addition, the Red Sea of Eritrea contains more