Eritrea's Speech To Sanctions Debate of UNSC, Feb 11, 2016
Eritrea's Speech To Sanctions Debate of UNSC, Feb 11, 2016
Eritrea's Speech To Sanctions Debate of UNSC, Feb 11, 2016
Distinguished Colleagues;
I would like to thank the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in particular Ambassador Rafael
Dario Ramirez Carrefio, for organizing this important and timely debate on the Working
Methods of the Subsidiary Organs of the Security Council.
Given the complex and dynamic global environment improving the working methods of the
Subsidiary Organs of the Security Council has paramount importance. Eritrea strongly believes
that a transparent and credible process in the Security Council is not a matter of an option but a
Mr. President,
For the sake of brevity, I would like to highlight the following three points:
the people, the UN Security Council is duty bound to immediately and unconditionally lif
sanctions. Legal and factual issues must be separated from politically and diplomatically
motivated agendas. Let us not mix Oranges and Apples.
It has been six years since the UN Security Council imposed unjustified and politically
motivated sanction against Eritrea. To continue maintaining the unjust sanctions against
Eritrea when the two allegations for the imposition of the sanctions are clearly presented by
the Somalia Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) to be nonexistent it is not only a travesty of
justice but collective punishment against the people of Eritrea. However, and more
importantly, with the current political and security realities in the Horn of Africa and the
Red Sea region maintaining unjustified sanctions against Eritrea undermines and limits the
Again this has not been Eritrea's experience. In addition to overstepping its mandate the
Somalia Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) has been reporting baseless allegations
collected from nameless and faceless sources. In the context of maintenance of regional
and international peace and security, the Group is only and clearly mandated to look into
whether Eritrea supported al-Shabab in Somalia and the border dispute between Eritrea and
Djibouti. However, overstepping its mandate, the SEMG continues to routinely deal with
Eritrean and Ethiopian conflict, and does so in a manner that ignores context and
ramifications. Another equally important aspect is, at least in Eritrea's experience, the
monitoring group have routinely reported uncorroborated allegations and refused to rectify
them when those allegations were found not to be true.
In conclusion:
Since the SEMG has clearly stated "it has found no evidence of Eritrean support to alshabab" and Djibouti Eritrea issue is being handled by the government of Qatar and the
Qatar forces are deployed at the common border between Eritrea and Djibouti there is no
imagined or real threat to international peace and security that Eritrea is involved. The
Security Council must, therefore, immediately and unconditionally lift the sanction
against Eritrea.
Given the current fight against global terrorism and extremism, lifting the unjust
sanctions will enhance peace and security in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea Region.
On the other hand, the maintenance of the sanctions can only be a recipe for disaster and
The unjust sanction imposed against Eritrea has no linkage to Eritrea and Ethiopia
conflict. However, in a manner that ignores and disregards context, perspective and
ramification and in violation of is mandate and in an attempt move the goal post, the
SEMG has started to deal with Eritrean Ethiopian conflict. Once again Eritrea underlines
that the conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia is an issue between the occupied and the
occupier. Ethiopian official's constant military threat against Eritrea must be also taken
into consideration.
For example:
- On 7 July 2015 the Prime Minister of Ethiopia speaking to his Parliament said that
"Ethiopia will be forced to take appropriate action against Eritrea."
- On 9 August 2014 during an interview with the Washington D.C based Radio
Tsenat, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia clearly stated that "the no-war no-peace
situation with Eritrea is over. Ethiopia from now on is ready to take military action
against Eritrea"
- On 17 April 2012, speaking to the Ethiopian Parliament the late Prime Minister
Meles Zenawi stated that "the Ethiopian government has now decided to carry_ out a
more active policy, taking measured actions against Eritrea. The action will involve
using all means at Ethiopia's disposal to change the Eritrean government. The other
major area where Ethiopia will further strengthen its activity is in supporting
Eritreans in their campaign to change the government."
The use or threat of use of force against any country big or small is a violation of the UN
Charter and international law that should be condemned by the Security Council. If the
SEMG and the Security Council want to be involved under the current agenda item their
option is one and only one that is to urge Ethiopia to unconditionally and immediately
withdraw from the sovereign Eritrean territories, including the town of Badme.