CT Bridge Design Manual
CT Bridge Design Manual
CT Bridge Design Manual
2003 Edition
(U.S. Customary Units)
$ DIVISION II - CONTRACT PLAN NOTES, TABLES & NOTICES Appendix A - Plan Notes Appendix B - Structural Steel Notes
$ DIVISION III - DESIGN AIDS Section 1 - General Section 2 - Bridge Geometry Section 3 - Substructure Details Section 4 - Structural Steel Details Section 5 - Prestressed Concrete Details Section 6 - Bridge Deck Details Section 7 - Expansion Joint Details Section 8 - Bridge Railing and Approach Rail Details Section 9 - Rehabilitation Section 10 - Buried Structures Section 11 - Sign Support
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................. 1-1 State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation:............................... 1-1 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): ................................................................................................ 1-1 American Railroad Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA):................................................................................................... 1-2 American Welding Society (AWS): ............................................................ 1-2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): ................................ 1-2 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA): ................................................ 1-2 Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI):......................................................... 1-3 Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC):.................................................. 1-3 Abbreviated References ............................................................................ 1-3 DESIGN FEATURES ........................................................................................ 1-4 General Features of Design....................................................................... 1-4 Width ................................................................................................... 1-4 Sidewalks ............................................................................................. 1-4 Cross Section ....................................................................................... 1-4 Profile .................................................................................................. 1-5 Clearances ........................................................................................... 1-5 Structures Adjacent to or Crossing over Roadways.......................... 1-5 Structures Crossing over a Waterways............................................. 1-5 Structures Adjacent to or Crossing over Railroads ........................... 1-5 Through-Truss Highway bridges...................................................... 1-6 Railway Bridges .............................................................................. 1-6 TRANSPORTATION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AND COMPONENTS...... 1-6 Background ............................................................................................... 1-6 Design Requirements ................................................................................ 1-7 1-i
1.1 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS The design and details of all structures and structure components shall conform to the requirements set forth in the latest editions, including the interim or updated specifications, of the following publications, as modified and amended by this and other Department manuals and publications: 1.1.1 State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation: Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges and Incidental Construction, Form (latest) Highway Design Manual Drainage Manual Soils and Foundations Guide for Design for Consultant Engineers Recurring Special Provisions
1.1.2 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges Standard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges Manual for Maintenance Inspection of Bridges Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals LRFD Bridge Design Specifications A Policy on Design Standards - Interstate System Guide Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges Guide Specifications for Design and Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design Guide Specifications for Fatigue Design of Steel Bridges 1-1
1.1.3 American Railroad Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA): Manual for Railway Engineering
1.1.4 American Welding Society (AWS): Bridge Welding Code ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Structural Steel Welding Code ANSI/AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Aluminum ANSI/AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel ANSI/AWS D1.4 Guide for the Protection of Steel with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Aluminum and Zinc and Their Alloys and Composites ANSI/AWS C2.18
1.1.5 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Annual Book of ASTM Standards
1.1.6 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA): FHWA Technical Advisory T5140.32, Uncoated Weathering Steel in Structures, dated October 3, 1989
1.1.7 Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI): Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Precast and Prestressed Concrete Products MNL-116
1.1.8 Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC): Steel Structures Painting Manual, Vol. 1, Good Painting Practice Steel Structures Painting Manual, Vol. 2, Systems and Specifications
1.1.9 Abbreviated References The following is a list of abbreviated references used in this Manual for the preceding design specifications: Design Specification Abbreviated Reference
Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges ..........Standard Specifications and Incidental Construction Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges .......AASHTO Specifications AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications ......AASHTO LRFD Specifications Manual for Railway Engineering .......................... AREMA Specifications
Load ratings are required for the following load cases for all structures: Inventory Rating for the AASHTO HS20 Design Vehicle. Operating Rating for the AASHTO HS20 Design Vehicle. Operating Rating for the Departments Operating Vehicles (P204 & P380). The P204 truck weighs 204,000 pounds and is on eight axles. (see Plate 1.1.1) The rating factor for rehabilitated bridges may be less than 1.0, but must be provided regardless of its value. The P380 truck weighs 380,000 pounds and is on nineteen axles. (see Plate 1.1.2) The rating factor for new structures must be equal to ar greater than 1.0. The rating factor for rehabilitated bridges may be less than 1.0, but must be provided regardless of its value.
The following components shall be rated for load carrying capacity: 1. All types of main superstructure components, such as stringers, floor beams, box girders, adjacent box beams, etc.
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2. Piers (caps and columns) that have only one or two columns and all steel and timber substructure components. 3. Timber and steel decks. Concrete decks shall not be rated. When there are a large number of components that make up a structure, the components should be compared and the weaker or controlling components selected and analyzed. A minimum of two of each type of component should be analyzed, one of which represents the capacity of the low speed lanes. The inventory and operating load rating analysis and a summary of the results shall be submitted with the final documents for review. 1.5 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN METHODS 1.5.1 General The analysis and design of members and components for highway, pedestrian and railway structures shall conform to Articles 1.5.2 through 1.5.3. Designers may use analysis and design methods that differ from those described with the prior approval of the Department. The analysis and design of structure not described shall be as directed by the Department. 1.5.2 Highway and Pedestrian Structures Structural Steel Except as noted in Article for load combinations containing seismic loads, all structural steel members and components shall be designed using one of the following methods as directed by the Department: Load and Resistance Factor Design Method (LRFD) as described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Service Load Design Method (Allowable Stress Design) described in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Reinforced Concrete Cast-in-place reinforced concrete decks shall be designed using one of the following methods as directed by the Department: The Empirical Design Method described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Precast concrete box culverts shall be designed using one of the following methods as directed by the Department: Load and Resistance Factor Design Method (LRFD) as described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Strength Design Method (Load Factor) described in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges.
Except as noted in Article for load combinations containing seismic loads, all other reinforced concrete members and components shall be designed using one of the following methods as directed by the Department: Load and Resistance Factor Design Method (LRFD) as described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Service Load Design Method (Allowable Stress Design) described in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Prestressed Concrete All prestressed concrete members and components shall be designed using one of the following methods as directed by the Department: Load and Resistance Factor Design Method (LRFD) as described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Based on strength using the Strength Design Method (Load Factor Design) and on behavior at service conditions using Service Load Design Method (Allowable Stress Design) critical during its life from the time prestressing is first applied as described in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Seismic Analysis The analysis and design of all members and components for load combinations containing seismic loads shall be performed using one of the following methods as directed by the Department: The Load and Resistance Factor Design Method described in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Strength Design Method (Load Factor) described in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. 1-11
The headings of all computation sheets shall be filled in and complete. The use of computers and computer software applications as a tool in the performance of design computations is acceptable. The designer is fully responsible for all his computations performed either by hand or by computer software applications. For hand computations, the sources of all equations, values, constants, magic numbers, charts, graphs and other supporting data used in the design shall be referenced on each and every computation sheet that its use appears on. When computer output is included in the design computations, it shall be selfexplanatory. If the output is not self-explanatory, an explanation or documentation of the output must be included in the computations and be referenced on all output sheets. All design, quantity and load rating computations shall be bound separately for individual bridges or structures and include a cover, title sheet, and an index. All computations shall be submitted with the Final Plans for Review. 1.6.2 Quantity Computations General Once the plans are essentially complete, individual quantity computations shall be made for all items shown on the plans. The computations shall be complete and 1-12
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9 2.1.10 2.1.11 2.1.12 2.1.13 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 DESIGN REVIEW SUBMISSIONS ................................................................... 2-1 General ..................................................................................................... 2-1 Hydrologic Study ...................................................................................... 2-1 Preliminary Hydraulic Study ..................................................................... 2-1 Scour Analysis ........................................................................................... 2-2 Structure Type Studies .............................................................................. 2-2 Rehabilitation Study Reports..................................................................... 2-3 Railroad Clearance Diagram ..................................................................... 2-3 Structure Layout for Design Plans............................................................. 2-3 Soils and Foundation Investigation............................................................ 2-5 General ................................................................................................ 2-5 Soils and Foundation Reports .............................................................. 2-5 Final Hydraulic Study and Scour Reports.................................................. 2-5 Final Plans For Review .............................................................................. 2-6 Incorporation of Review Comments ......................................................... 2-6 Final Submission........................................................................................ 2-7 REQUIREMENTS FOR FINAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ............................. 2-7 General ..................................................................................................... 2-7 Final Plans ................................................................................................. 2-7 Presentation of Drawings .................................................................... 2-8 Boring Logs .......................................................................................... 2-9 Quantities ............................................................................................ 2-9 Transportation Dimensions and Weight .............................................. 2-9 2-i 2.2.3
Quantity Disclaimer Note ................................................................... 2-9 Notice to Bridge Inspectors ............................................................... 2-10 Coordinate Tabulation ....................................................................... 2-10 Beam or Girder Lengths ..................................................................... 2-10 Erection Plans .................................................................................... 2-10 Utility Locations ................................................................................ 2.10 Specifications .......................................................................................... 2-11 Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges and Incidental Construction ...................................................................................... 2-11 Supplemental Specifications .............................................................. 2-11 Special Provisions .............................................................................. 2-11 General......................................................................................... 2-11 Contractor Designed Items............................................................ 2-12
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2.1 DESIGN REVIEW SUBMISSIONS 2.1.1 General The following list outlines the design process and describes the submissions required for the design of bridges, box culverts and retaining walls. It should not be regarded as fully complete. The following items, where applicable, should be submitted in the order listed to the Department for review and approval: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Environmental Review of the site, Hydrologic Study,* Preliminary Hydraulic Study (including any temporary facility as required),* Scour Analysis (draft / final),* Structure Type Studies or Rehabilitation Study Report, Railroad Clearance Diagram, Structure Layout for Design (SL/D) plans and Soils & Foundation Report, Final Hydraulic Study,* Final Plans for Review, Incorporation of Review Comments, and Final Submission.
* for structures crossing a waterway 2.1.2 Hydrologic Study Prior to the start of the structure design and prior to the start of a Hydraulic Study to determine the waterway opening, the design discharge shall be calculated and submitted for approval. All pertinent backup data shall be submitted to facilitate the review process. This work shall conform to the latest edition of the Departments Drainage Manual. 2.1.3 Preliminary Hydraulic Study A Hydraulic Study is required if the structure requires work within the floodplain of a watercourse or stream with a watershed area exceeding one square mile. All work within the floodplain must meet the requirements of Sections 13a-94, 22a-344 and 25-68b through 25-68h of the Connecticut General Statutes along with the Departments Drainage Manual. If a floodway is established, every effort should be made to avoid encroachment into it. Note, certain activities, such as the construction of bridge piers within the floodway may be acceptable provided there is no increase in the with floodway watersurface profile for the base flood or the ten year flood. Prior 2-1
The designer shall submit the SL/D plans, along with a copy of the Soils and Foundations Report for review and approval. Upon approval of the SL/D plans, the designer will be authorized to proceed with the development of the final contract documents. 2.1.9 Soils and Foundation Investigation General Subsurface exploration and testing programs shall be performed to provide pertinent and sufficient information for the design of substructures and retaining walls. The subsurface exploration and testing programs shall also provide pertinent and sufficient information for the design and construction of temporary support elements (sheet piling, cofferdams, soldier pile and lagging, etc.) The investigations shall conform to the Departments Soils and Foundations Guide for Design by Consulting Engineers. Soils and Foundation Reports A Soils and Foundation Report shall be prepared for each structure in accordance with the Departments Soils and Foundations Guide for Design by Consulting Engineers. The Report shall include any information necessary for the proper design of all structural elements and components that may be influenced by subsurface conditions. The Report should include, but not be limited to, boring logs, excavation requirements, foundation recommendations, soil and rock properties and capacities, axial and lateral pile capacities, design criteria, backfill and drainage requirements, and related special provisions. The Report shall be made entirely with US Customary units of measurement. The Report shall be submitted for review and approval. A copy of the Report shall be submitted with the Structure Layout for Design (SL/D) Plans. 2.1.10 Final Hydraulic Study and Scour Reports Final Hydraulic Study and Scour Reports based on the selected structural type must be prepared and submitted. The Final Hydraulic Study should address any concerns presented during the Preliminary Hydraulic Study and should contain a Hydrology Section as approved by the Department in addition to the detailed hydraulic analysis. The hydraulic and scour data should be tabulated on the plans.
The Final Plans for Review shall be complete. All bridge plans not prepared by the Department shall be signed by the responsible party from the Consultant Engineer or the Municipality. The requirements as noted in Section 108 (Responsibility for accuracy of the Work) of the Departments Consulting Engineers Manual shall be applicable to all material submitted at the Final Plans for Review Submission. Incomplete submissions of plans, specifications or other data required for the Final Plans for Review Submission will not be accepted. The structural material submitted and the design of the same should be well coordinated with the roadway and utility plans and shall satisfy the needs of maintenance and protection of traffic. The Final Plans for Review for structures incorporating special features to facilitate inspection and items requiring special attention will be submitted to the Bridge Safety & Evaluation Unit for review. They will indicate whether these features are adequate for future inspection and return the plans with comments or signify that the plans are satisfactory. 2.1.12 Incorporation of Review Comments The various submissions will be reviewed and the review comments will be forwarded to the designer. All comments received shall be incorporated into the design prior to the next submission or mutually resolved. Written responses to all comments are desired.
2.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR FINAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2.2.1 General The contract documents include the Final Plans and Specifications necessary to complete the contemplated construction work for a project. US Customary units of measurement shall be used in all plans and specifications. All layout dimensions and elevations shall be given as decimal dimensions in feet. The following note shall be placed in the General Notes: When dimensions are given to less than three decimal places, the omitted digits shall be assumed to be zeros Detail dimensions (those not normally measured by the surveyors) should be given in feet and inches. 2.2.2 Final Plans The final plans should be prepared on full size sheets. All details shall be drawn to scale. Plans for individual bridges shall be self-contained sets. On large projects with
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2-7 Boring Logs The boring logs shall be in US Customary units of measurement and shall be shown on the plans. The format of the boring logs plotted on the plans shall be identical to the format of the Departments standard boring log forms. A list of boring log abbreviations used for describing the soil and rock, such as colors, textures, properties, and types, shall also be shown on the plans. Quantities Quantities shall be tabulated and shown on the General Plan. For dual bridges they shall be tabulated separately. Transportation Dimensions and Weight The maximum transportation lengths, widths and height of bridge members along with the maximum transportation weight must be shown on the General Plan. The following is a sample of the information required: Member G-1 Shipping Length 115 ft Shipping Height 9 ft Shipping Width 10 ft Shipping Weight 118,000 lbs High, Low & Flood Water Elevations For structures over tidal waterways, the General Plan shall indicate the mean high water and mean low water elevations. For structures over non-tidal waterways, the plans shall indicate the watershed area, the magnitude, frequency and the water surface elevation for the design flood, as well as the normal water surface elevation. Quantity Disclaimer Note The following note must be placed on those Structure Sheets that contain estimated quantities, boring and substructure components: The information, including estimated quantities of work, shown on these sheets is based on limited investigation by the State and is in no way warranted to indicate the true conditions of actual quantities or distribution of quantities of work which will be required.
locations of working points, ends of wingwalls, ends of slabs, ends of approach slabs, and intersections of the centerlines of bearings at the abutments and piers with: { construction centerlines, { baselines, { points of application of grade, { gutterlines, and { centerlines of stringers. Beam or Girder Lengths The horizontal lengths of beams or girders measured center to center of bearings along the centerline of the member shall be shown on the plans. Erection Plans In order to expedite railroad approvals and avoid delays during construction, design plans for bridges being erected over electrified rail lines must include full erection plans, including crane requirements and placement, pick points, erection sequence, etc. Utility Locations All existing underground utilities in the vicinity of the construction must be shown on the General Plan and on all foundation drawings. It is imperative that utilities adjacent to but not actually within the excavation limits also be shown since pile driving or other deep foundation work may impact them. The size, type, owner and location of the utility must be given.
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These Owned Special Provisions should be inserted into the contract documents unchanged. The designer is responsible for the correct application of the recurring special provisions to each project. Contractor Designed Items For all items requiring the Contractor to provide designs for permanent structural features, special provisions shall be included in the contract requiring the Contractor to provide Mylar copies of all design plans. These Mylars shall conform to the Departments standard format for structural design plans and shall be signed and sealed by a Connecticut Professional Engineer. The District Project Engineer shall be responsible for forwarding these Mylars to the Map File Room to be filed with the contract plans.
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In addition to the requirements listed above, all bridges shall also be analyzed for two Department operating vehicles. This is being done to ensure adequate strength for all legal weight vehicles and permit vehicles for all span lengths and most superloads permitted by the Department. See Section 1.4.4 for operating vehicle descriptions and specified load rating requirements. 3.1.4 Other Loads and Conditions All bridges shall be designed for the following loads and conditions, as applicable.
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3-1 Future Paving Allowance Vehicular bridges without a bituminous overlay shall be designed for a future paving load of 30 pounds per square foot to account for a 2 bituminous concrete overlay. Structures with a bituminous overlay shall not be designed for any additional loads to account for future additional paving. Remain-in-place Forms Bridges where the use of remain-in-place forms is allowed shall be designed for the additional dead load of the form and the concrete in the valleys. Temperature Effects For bridges where the effects of temperature cause loads on members, the temperature range for cold climates shall be used as outlined in the AASHTO Specifications. 3.2 EARTH PRESSURES 3.2.1 General For determination of lateral earth pressures, methods prescribed in the AASHTO Specifications may be used. For broken back slopes, walls supporting high fills, or other special loading conditions, proper design methods should be selected by the designer and submitted for approval during the preliminary stage of design. In the design of substructure units such as abutments, wingwalls and retaining walls, the lateral earth pressure shall never be assumed to be less than 33 pounds per square foot per linear foot of wall. 3.2.2 Design Assumptions Unit Weight of Soil The unit weight of soil over the footing shall be assumed to be 125 pounds per cubic foot unless specific conditions require it to be otherwise. Coefficient of Friction The coefficient of friction between the bottom of footing and the soil beneath it shall be a maximum of six tenths (0.6) for all except special cases.
DL Total x
Ik where: (I1 + I2 + I3 + K + In )
DL Total
= =
Dead load on beam k Total deal loads applied to the superstructure parapet excluding beam weight (parapets, wearing surface, railings, sidewalks, etc.) Moment of inertia of beam k
(I1 + I 2 + I3
The distribution of loads to superstructure components shall be in accordance with AASHTO Specifications. For precast adjacent box beam bridges, all live loads shall be distributed to all beams equally. If multiple beam types are required in the same cross section, the distribution of loads must take into account the stiffness of each beam. The distribution of live loads for this condition shall be as follows: 1. A distribution factor should be calculated according to the AASHTO Specifications assuming the entire bridge cross section is made up of the predominant beam in the cross section. 2. The distribution factor for each beam should be calculated based on the relative stiffness of the two adjacent beams as follows:
DFk DF lk l k 1 l k +1
DF x
(Ik 1
3 x Ik + I k + I k +1 )
= =
= = =
3. Since all beams of a common type should be designed and detailed in a similar fashion, the maximum distribution factor for each beam type should be used for the design of all common beams.
3.3.2 Distribution of Loads from Superstructure to Substructure Components Dead Load Reactions General The dead load reactions from the design of the superstructure may be used for the design of substructure components.
3-4 General The vehicle live load reactions from the design of the superstructure shall not be used for the design of the substructure components. These reactions are based upon the maximum conditions for one member. The use of these loadings would result in a substructure design with an unrealistic loading condition. The governing live load reactions for design should be determined from the vehicle loadings described in Article 3.1.3. When applying the truck load, only one truck per lane should be utilized. The concentrated load for shear should be included for the lane load. The live loads should be increased for the impact effect in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. The live loads may be reduced due to multiple lanes being loaded simultaneously in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. Abutments and Solid Wall Piers For the design of earth retaining abutments and solid wall piers, the live load reaction is calculated using a vehicle lane reaction. The vehicle lane reaction is determined by positioning the vehicle live load longitudinally on the structure to obtain the maximum reaction at the support location. The vehicle lane reaction should be increased for the number of design traffic lanes and distributed over the entire length of the substructure stem to obtain a load per unit length. 3-5
This procedure is sufficiently exact for most design purposes. However, in the design of abutments where the height of the stem is less than the beam spacing measured along the abutment, considerable judgment should be exercised in the establishment of a reasonable width over which each reaction is distributed. Other Piers For the design of hammer head, bent type and single column piers supporting discrete longitudinal composite members on bearings, the reactions at the bearings are calculated using the vehicle lane reaction. The vehicle lane reaction is determined by positioning the vehicle live load longitudinally on the structure to obtain the maximum reaction at the support location. To determine the live load reactions at the bearings, the vehicle lane reactions should be placed within the design traffic lanes and then distributed to the members assuming the slab between the members to be simply supported. The vehicle lane reactions should be positioned within the design traffic lanes in accordance with AASHTO Specifications. The design traffic lanes and the vehicle lane reactions within the lanes should be arranged to produce reactions that result in extreme force effects on the component under consideration. For the design of hammer head and bent type piers supporting precast concrete adjacent box beams on bearings, the vehicle lane reactions may be distributed directly to the pier without any transverse distribution. The vehicle lane reactions should be positioned within the design traffic lanes in accordance with AASHTO Specifications. The design traffic lanes and the vehicle lane reactions within the lanes should be arranged to produce extreme force effects on the component under consideration.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................ 4-1 Purpose ..................................................................................................... 4-1 Acceleration Coefficient ........................................................................... 4-1 ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 4-1 Single Span Bridges ................................................................................... 4-1 Bridges with Two or More Spans .............................................................. 4-1 Regular Bridges ................................................................................ 4-1 Irregular Bridges............................................................................... 4-1 Special Cases ....................................................................................... 4-2 NEW BRIDGES ............................................................................................... 4-2 General ..................................................................................................... 4-2 Abutments and Wingwalls ........................................................................ 4-2 Seismic Isolation Bearings......................................................................... 4-2 NEW RETAINING WALLS .............................................................................. 4-2 REHABILITATION OF EXISTING BRIDGES.................................................... 4-3 General Requirements .............................................................................. 4-3 Bridge Deck Patching Projects.................................................................. 4-3 Bridge Widening Projects.......................................................................... 4-3 Widenings 25% ............................................................................... 4-3 Widenings > 25% ............................................................................... 4-3 Superstructure, Deck or Bearing Replacement Projects............................ 4-4 Superstructure Replacement Projects with Widening > 25% .................. 4-4
4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1.1 Purpose Designers in applying seismic design criteria should be aware that the purpose of the AASHTO seismic design requirements is to minimize damage and prevent collapse. They are not intended to eliminate all damage. This Section is intended to supplement the AASHTO Specifications for seismic design. 4.1.2 Acceleration Coefficient The acceleration coefficient (A) used for determining the seismic loading is based on the Peak Ground Acceleration Maps in the AASHTO Specifications. The acceleration coefficients for Connecticut generally vary on these maps from 0.14 to 0.16. To provide uniformity of design, a value of 0.16 shall be used for all designs. 4.2 ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS 4.2.1 Single Span Bridges Seat width and restraint forces for single span bridges shall be calculated according to the AASHTO Specifications. 4.2.2 Bridges with Two or More Spans Regular Bridges Bridges classified as Regular as defined by the AASHTO Specifications and not classified as critical bridges by the Department are to be analyzed by either the Uniform Load Method or the Single Mode Spectral Method. The Uniform Load Method is the preferred method of analysis. Bridges classified as critical by the Department shall be analyzed by the Multi-Mode Spectral Method. Irregular Bridges Bridges classified as not regular as defined by the AASHTO Specifications are to be analyzed by the Multi-Mode Spectral Method.
4.5 REHABILITATION OF EXISTING BRIDGES 4.5.1 General Requirements In general, retrofit work on piers and abutments will not be required. Most retrofit work shall consist of providing lateral restraint at bridge bearings and providing adequate seat width. The Department may require more extensive analysis and retrofit for major bridges, or if a unique situation exists such as a multi-level structure. The decision to include seismic retrofit of piers and abutments for these structures will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Department. For these cases, the designer shall use the load factor method for the analysis and design. Actual implementation of corrective measures on bridge rehabilitations will be dependent on the cost, practicality of the modification, seriousness of the shortcoming, and the importance of the bridge. 4.5.2 Bridge Deck Patching Projects All bridge rehabilitation projects that only include patching of the bridge deck need not be analyzed for seismic forces. 4.5.3 Bridge Widening Projects Widenings 25% All bridge rehabilitation projects where the widened portion of the cross section is less than 25% of the total width of the completed bridge will generally not require analysis for seismic forces. Widenings > 25% All bridge rehabilitation projects where the widened portion of the cross section is greater than or equal to 25% of the total width of the completed bridge shall be designed for seismic forces. The preliminary design of the new portions of the substructure shall be based on all AASHTO loading conditions with the exception of seismic forces. Once the preliminary design is complete, the entire structure shall be analyzed for seismic forces. If deficiencies are found in the existing structure, the designer shall investigate the following alternatives:
The decision to implement needed retrofit work for the existing as well as new portion of the structure must be determined on an individual basis for each bridge based on factors such as retrofit cost and seriousness of the deficiencies. If new columns are designed for non-seismic forces only, the detailing of the confinement reinforcement shall be according to seismic provisions in the AASHTO Specifications for Performance Category B. 4.5.4 Superstructure, Deck or Bearing Replacement Projects All bridge rehabilitation projects that include replacement of the superstructure, bridge deck, or bridge bearings are to be analyzed for AASHTO seismic forces. The method of analysis should involve modeling the entire structure. For most cases, the piers can be assumed to be fixed at the top of the footings. In general, seismic retrofit work shall be limited to correcting deficiencies in support length and providing adequate restraint for seismic forces at bearings. No retrofit will be required for the bridge substructures. 4.5.5 Superstructure Replacement Projects with Widening > 25% On projects where the bridge superstructure is to be replaced along with being widened, the completed bridge shall be designed for seismic forces. On existing multispan structures, the designer shall investigate eliminating deck joints by making spans continuous. The preliminary design of the new portions of the substructure shall be based on all AASHTO loading conditions with the exception of seismic forces. Once the preliminary design is complete, the entire structure shall be analyzed for seismic forces. If deficiencies are found in the existing structure, the designer shall investigate and compare construction costs for the following alternatives:
The decision to implement needed retrofit work for the existing as well as new portion of the structure must be determined on an individual basis for each bridge based on factors such as retrofit cost and seriousness of the deficiencies. It may be more prudent and cost effective to replace the structure in its entirety. If new columns are designed for non-seismic forces only, the detailing of the confinement reinforcement shall be in accordance with the seismic provisions in the AASHTO Specifications for Performance Category B. 4.5.6 Retrofit Guidelines The following two FHWA reports should be used as a guide for seismic retrofit of bridges: Report No. FHWA-IP-87-6, Seismic Design and Retrofit of Highway Bridges Report No. FHWA-RD-94-052, Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Bridges
4.5.7 Seismic Isolation Bearings Seismic isolation bearings may be used for bridge rehabilitation projects at piers and abutments, where it can be demonstrated that the performance characteristics of the bearings will provide a necessary benefit for the design of the bridge substructures. The design of seismic isolation bearings shall be in accordance with the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design.
5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4
GENERAL .....................................................................................................5-1 Abutments .............................................................................................5-1 Piers........................................................................................................5-1 Walls.......................................................................................................5-2 Foundations...........................................................................................5-2 IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS .........................................................................5-2 EXCAVATION ..............................................................................................5-3 General..................................................................................................5-3 Construction Requiring Cofferdam and Dewatering ........................5-3 Construction in the Dry.........................................................................5-4 EXPANSION, CONTRACTION AND CONSTRUCTION JOINTS....................5-5 DAMPPROOFING ........................................................................................5-5 BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................5-5 General..................................................................................................5-5 Backfill Limits .........................................................................................5-5 SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE ............................................................................5-5 General..................................................................................................5-5 Weepholes and Bagged Stone ...........................................................5-6 Underdrains ...........................................................................................5-6 Subsurface Drainage Selection Criteria .............................................5-6 Shoulder Abutments........................................................................5-6 Embankment Abutments ................................................................5-6 U-Type Wingwalls, Flared Wingwalls and Retaining Walls...........5-7 5-i
5.1 GENERAL 5.1.1 Abutments
An abutment is the portion of the bridge that supports the end of a bridge span, provides lateral support for approach roadway fill and supports the approach roadway and approach slab. Abutments may be described by their location relative to the approach embankments. A stub (embankment) abutment is located at or near the top of the approach fill. A partial depth abutment is located approximately mid-depth of the front slope of the approach embankment. A full depth (shoulder) abutment is located at the approximate toe of the approach embankments. Abutment types shall be selected considering structure aesthetics, foundation recommendations, structure location, and the loads it must transmit to the foundation. For structures over waterways, the abutment type and location should also be specified with consideration to hydraulic conditions at the site. Wherever possible, use stub (embankment) abutments for structures over waterways. The acceptable abutments types include non-proprietary systems such as gravity walls, cantilever walls, counterfort walls and integral abutments. Abutments shall not be placed on fill supported by mechanically stabilized earth walls or prefabricated modular walls. Generally, for abutments and wingwalls founded on rock, where the footings are exposed, the abutment and wingwalls shall be designed without a toe. 5.1.2 Piers
A pier is that portion of the bridge between that provides intermediate support of the superstructure and the foundation. Pier types shall be selected considering structure aesthetics, foundation recommendations, structure location, and the loads it must transmit to the foundation. If possible, on large projects with many piers, the type of pier shall be consistent throughout the entire project for reasons of economy. The acceptable pier types include wall piers, open column bents, multiple column piers, and single column piers. The use of permanent steel pier bents is discouraged due to future maintenance.
Walls should be used where the construction of a roadway or facility cannot be accomplished with slopes. Walls can be classified as either retaining walls, or wingwalls. Wingwalls are used to provide lateral support for the bridge approach roadway embankment. For bridges with long wingwalls that are parallel to the roadway, the entire wingwall should be referred to as a retaining wall. Wingwalls shall preferably be U-type (parallel to the roadway). Flared wingwalls are permitted where conditions warrant such as for hydraulic performance of waterway crossings. The acceptable wingwall types include non-proprietary systems such as gravity walls, cantilever walls and counterfort walls. Proprietary systems, such as mechanically stabilized earth and prefabricated modular walls, shall only be used for retaining walls. Retaining walls may be non-proprietary systems such as gravity walls, cantilever walls, counterfort walls or tie backwalls, or may be proprietary systems such as mechanically stabilized earth walls or prefabricated modular walls. The tops of retaining walls shall not be determined by the exact fill slope but shall follow a smooth unbroken line for a more pleasing appearance. This may require the use of vertical curves, in which case elevations shall be given at five foot intervals. 5.1.4 Foundations
The foundation is that part of the structure that serves to transmit the forces acting on the abutments, piers, or walls to the ground. Foundations are classified as either shallow or deep. A shallow foundation derives its support by transferring load directly to soil or rock at a shallow depth. Spread footings are shallow foundations. A deep foundation derives its support by transferring loads to soil or rock at some depth below the structure by end bearing, adhesion or friction or both. Driven piles and drilled shafts are deep foundations. Foundation type is generally based on the anticipated (structure) loads, underlying soil conditions, scour potential, site constraints along with the ease and cost of construction. 5.2 IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS
All abutments and piers shall be identified by numbers which start with the number one and progress consecutively but separately in the direction of stationing of the roadway, such as, Abutment 1, Pier 1, Abutment 2, etc. 5-2
All wingwalls shall be identified by a combination of a number and a letter (alphanumerical), such as 3A or 3B. The number used must correspond to the substructure unit to which the wingwall is attached. Looking up station, the letter A indicates the wingwall is on the left and the letter B indicates the wingwall is on the right. Retaining walls shall be identified by three numbers that start at 101 and progress consecutively in the direction of stationing of the roadway, such as Retaining Wall 101, Retaining Wall 102. These numbers may designate a proprietary wall, a proprietary embankment wall or a cast-in-place wall. A table shall be provided on the plans identifying the relationship between the wall number, type and site number of the wall, and location as in the following: RETAINING WALL NUMBER 101 102 103 104 5.3 EXCAVATION 5.3.1 General DESCRIPTION Embankment Wall Site 1 Retaining Wall Site 2 Cast-in-place Site 3 Retaining Wall Site 4 LOCATION Station 10+00 to 12+50 Station 25+50 to 32+50 Station 70+00 to 72+50 Station 80+00 to 82+50
Contract items for structure excavation, unless the work is included under other items, are required for the removal of all material of whatever nature necessary for the construction of foundations for bridges, box culverts, retaining walls and other structures. The contract items specified on the plans depends on the type of material removed, earth or rock, and whether or not separate payment will be made for the work related to cofferdams and dewatering. On any project where only some of the structures and/or their components require cofferdams and some do not, a combination of structure excavation items shall be shown on the plans. The plans for the structures and components requiring Cofferdam and Dewatering shall clearly delineate the limits of the cofferdam. 5.3.2 Construction Requiring Cofferdam and Dewatering
At water crossings, where structures or their components are located partially or wholly in the water and the bottom of the footing is below water level, or where a considerable flow or concentration of water is present that cannot Revised 11/04 5-3
The hydraulic design of the cofferdam should be done in accordance with Chapter 18 (Temporary Hydraulic Facilities) of the Drainage Manual. The plans shall also include either one or both of the following items, as required for the type of material removed: ITEM NAME Structure Excavation Earth (Excluding Cofferdam Dewatering) Structure Excavation Rock (Excluding Cofferdam Dewatering) PAY UNIT and C.Y.
Where underwater (tremie) concrete may be used to seal the bottom of a cofferdam to allow dewatering, the weight of the tremie concrete, adjusted for buoyancy, shall be added to pile and foundation loads for design purposes. 5.3.3 Construction in the Dry
Where structures or their components are to be constructed in the dry or where water may be diverted from an excavation, eliminating the need for a cofferdam, the plans shall also include either one or both of the following items, as required for the type of material removed: ITEM NAME Excavation PAY UNIT C.Y. C.Y.
Earth Rock
The diversion of water or water courses, either partially or wholly, from an excavation or site, must be coordinated with hydraulic studies and DEP, Federal and State permit submittals. At the sites where water is diverted from an excavation, the following item shall be included in the project.
Expansion and contraction joints in concrete abutment and wall stems shall be provided in accordance with AASHTO Specifications. Construction joints shall be placed as conditions warrant. Expansion or contraction joints should not be provided in footings. Footings for abutments and walls should be continuous including any steps provided. No reinforcement shall pass through expansion and contraction joints. Reinforcement shall pass through construction joints. 5.5 DAMPPROOFING
The rear face of cast-in-place abutments and wall stems shall be dampproofed. 5.6 BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS 5.6.1 General
Unless otherwise directed, all abutments, wingwalls and retaining walls shall be backfilled with Pervious Structure Backfill to the limits described below. Pervious Structure Backfill is a clean, granular soil. For design purposes, the effective angle of internal friction shall be taken as equal to 35. 5.6.2 Backfill Limits
Place a wedge of Pervious Structure Backfill above a slope line starting at the top of the heel and extending upward at slope of 1:1 (rise to run) to the bottom of the subbase. In cut situations, the following note, with a leader pointing to the slope line, shall be placed on the plans: Slope line except where undisturbed material obtrudes within this area. 5.7 SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE 5.7.1 General
Subsurface drainage shall be accomplished with the use of weepholes extending through the wall stems or underdrains placed along the wall stems. Subsurface drainage for proprietary retaining walls shall conform to the Departments Specifications governing their design and construction. 5-5
Except for structures placed on embankments, four-inch diameter for dimension weepholes, sloped 1:8 (rise to run), shall be placed approximately twelve inches above the finished grade at the front face of the wall stem. For structures placed on embankments, the weepholes shall be extended through the slope with an outlet. Weepholes shall not drain onto adjacent sidewalks. Weepholes should be spaced at approximately eight to ten feet intervals unless conditions warrant a closer spacing. The spacing and invert elevations of the weepholes shall be shown in an elevation view. The cost of furnishing and installing weepholes is included in the cost of the concrete. Bagged Stone is paid for as a separate item. 5.7.3 Underdrains
Underdrains shall be a six-inch nominal diameter, perforated and placed at the base of the stem and sloped a minimum of 1%. Underdrains shall be either connected to the roadway drainage or to a free outlet. The location and limits of the underdrain shall be shown in plan view. The invert elevations shall be shown in an elevation view. Underdrains shall be paid for under the item 6 inch Structure Underdrain. When an underdrain is connected to the roadway drainage, the pipe beyond the face of the wall stem or the end of the wall shall be shown on the plans to be included in the roadway items, and should be coordinated with the roadway designer. 5.7.4 Subsurface Drainage Selection Criteria Shoulder Abutments
At abutments in cut situations, either an underdrain or weepholes may be used with the latter being preferred. Weepholes should be used at abutments located on fills. When there is a sidewalk in front of any abutment, an underdrain should be used. Where this type of abutment is used at water crossings, drainage shall be provided by weepholes. Embankment Abutments
At abutments in wet cuts, an underdrain should be used. At abutments in dry cuts and fills, extended weepholes should be used. If the total length of pipe for this system exceeds that required for underdrains, the latter is preferred.
For walls with a fully exposed face adjacent to a sidewalk, an underdrain should be used. For walls with a fully exposed face not adjacent to a sidewalk, weepholes should be used. For walls with a partially exposed face, an underdrain should be used. 5.8 APPROACH SLABS
Approach slabs shall be provided on all bridges carrying State highways. Approach slabs shall be strongly considered on all bridges undergoing superstructure replacement and local road bridges. Approach slabs should extend the full width of the roadway (including shoulders), have a standard length of 16 feet and be 1-3 thick. Generally, approach slabs should follow the skew of the bridge for skew angles up to 35o. For skew angles greater than 35o, the ends of the approach slabs should be square to the roadway with a minimum length of 15 feet. Acute corners of approach slabs and approach pavement should be squared off for a distance of five feet from the gutter line. Approach slabs shall be anchored to the bridge abutment. Approach slabs shall be constructed with Class F Concrete and have two mats of coated reinforcement. Approach slabs shall be covered with a waterproofing membrane and a bituminous concrete overlay. All the material items used in the construction of the approach slabs, including the overlay, shall be included in the structure items and quantities. All elevations necessary for construction of the approach slabs shall be shown on the plans. These elevations shall include the elevations at the point of application of grade line, the gutter lines and at shoulder break lines at both ends of the approach slabs. 5.9 SLOPE PROTECTION
Provisions shall be made for protection of earth slopes in front of abutments on bridges over State highways, local roads, railroads and waterways. The slope of the embankment in front of the abutment shall be no steeper than 1:2 (rise to run). 5.9.1 Selection Criteria
The type of slope protection shall generally conform to the following criteria: Crushed Stone for Slope Protection shall be used under structures overpassing Interstate highways, railroads and waterways. Protection 5-7
The limits of slope protection shall cover the complete area, exclusive of sidewalks, from the edge of the shoulder to the face of the abutment stem and transversely within lines parallel to and two feet outside of the bridge rails. 5.9.3 Inspection Shelf
Provisions for inspection access (for bridge inspectors) shall be provided on all slopes. On stems with exposed heights less than or equal to five feet, access shall be provided by a shelf at the top of the slopes. On stems with exposed heights greater than five feet, access may be by a shelf at the top of the slopes or ladder stops on the slope itself. The plans shall include details of the intersection of the shelf and the slope along the wingwalls. 5.10 SURFACE TREATMENTS
5.10.1 General In general, abutments, piers and walls shall be faced with standard formed concrete. Surface treatments other than standard formed concrete should only be considered in the following situations: When the structure has been determined by the Department to be architecturally or historically significant. If there is a desire expressed for special surface treatments during the public involvement process of the project. The basis for surface treatments should involve the character of the area in which the wall is to be built. The use of special surface treatments should be coordinated with the town or city administration. 5-8
If special surface treatments are desired for a particular structure, every attempt should be made to achieve architectural aesthetics by means of shape and form, not through surface treatments alone. Surface treatments should generally be used in conjunction with the shape of the structure. 5.10.2 Form Liners When the use of surface treatments has been determined to be appropriate, the preferred method is the use of concrete form liners. Form liners offer a lower cost alternative to stone veneer. There is a wide variety of form liners available for different architectural treatments. Linear corrugated form liners should be avoided since it is difficult to hide joint lines and form tie holes. Form liners that replicate stone are preferred since the random nature of the surface makes it easy to hide form tie holes. 5.10.3 Simulated Stone Masonry In more sensitive areas, where the look of real stone is required, the use of simulated stone masonry may be considered. Simulated stone masonry utilizes a flexible form liner system and color stains to provide the aesthetic appeal of natural stone with the durability of reinforced concrete. 5.10.4 Stone Veneer The use of stone veneer on concrete should only be considered in very sensitive areas where the increased cost can be justified. Stone veneer shall only be used with approval from the Department. 5.11 REQUIREMENTS FOR ABUTMENTS
5.11.1 General The abutments shall be designed, unless otherwise noted, in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications.
5.12.1 General The piers shall be designed, unless otherwise noted, in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications. Generally, piers shall be constructed of reinforced concrete. While the design of steel pier caps is allowed, they are however 5-11
5.13.1 General The following is a listing of appropriate retaining wall types that may be considered: 1. 2. Non-Proprietary: Proprietary: Cast-In-Place Reinforced Concrete. Prefabricated Modular Wall Systems. Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls (precast concrete). Mechanically Stabilized Earth Embankment Walls (drycast block).
A design is required for the non-proprietary walls only. The Contractor shall be responsible for the structural/internal design of the proprietary walls. The design drawings shall be signed, sealed and dated by a qualified Professional Engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Connecticut. For projects where proprietary retaining walls are included, the walls will be bid as a lump sum for each site. The designer shall clearly define the horizontal, vertical, and transverse pay limits on the plans. The Department maintains a list of approved proprietary retaining walls for each category listed above. No other proprietary retaining walls will be allowed. 5.13.2 Wall Selection Criteria The designer shall select the appropriate retaining walls for each site. The designer may need to contact wall manufacturers to insure that each wall will be suitable at each site, and fit within the available right-of-way. The following general criteria should be followed for the selection of appropriate retaining walls: Walls Less Than Eight Feet (measured from front grade to back grade) Embankment Walls Embankment walls are defined as mechanically stabilized earth structures faced with dry cast concrete block that are less than eight feet high and support an embankment. Embankment walls are typically used to support earth only, not roadways or where there is a potential for future underground utilities or drainage structures. The mechanical strength of the wall comes from soil reinforcements comprised of either geogrids or welded wire mesh. 5-14 Cast-in-Place Walls For locations where embankment walls are not appropriate (in accordance with the criteria listed above), a cast-in-place wall should be designed and detailed. At the discretion of the Department, proprietary walls may also be allowed if the wall is very long resulting in a large overall area. The designer shall provide the same information for proprietary walls as required in Article If the appearance of stone is desired, architectural form liners should be used. These liners are significantly less costly than stone veneer. If there are multiple walls on a project, the surface treatment shall be similar for each wall. Walls Over Eight Feet (measured from front slope to back slope) Walls With Less Than 5000 ft2 of Vertical Face Area (Measured to Bottom of Footing) For this situation, a cast-in-place wall should be designed to be bid against the proprietary walls. The Contractor may be able to build the 5-15
5.14.1 Structures over Waterways Substructures for bridges over waterways shall be designed to safely support the structure subjected to the design scour. This policy is based upon the design guidelines contained within the FHWA document entitled Evaluating Scour at Bridges (HEC-18), wherein it states that Bridges should be designed to withstand the effects of scour from a superflood with little risk of failing.
All bridge scour evaluations shall be conducted with the procedures contained in within the Departments Drainage Manual. The following categories of reports are available: Detailed (Level II) Bridge Scour Evaluations and Re-evaluation Reports These are comprehensive studies accomplished in conformance with the requirements of HEC-18 and the Departments Drainage Manual. Comparative Scour Reports These studies were developed using data obtained from Level II evaluations as a basis for determining the scour vulnerability of bridges having similar characteristics. Comparative evaluations are not as detailed as Level II reports, however they do provide NBIS ratings and the associated general scour classifications. UCGS Screening Reports - These studies, conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, were undertaken to identify low risk bridges and to prioritize the remaining structures for further study. They are less detailed than either Level II Reports or Comparative Evaluations. Based on the conclusions noted within these documents, all bridges over water have been classified into one of three general categories, Low Risk (NBIS Item 113 Rating of 8 or 9), Scour Susceptible (NBIS Item 113 Rating 4 or 5) or Scour Critical (NBIS Item 113 Rating of 3 or below). The NBIS Item 113 rating of 7 is reserved for bridge locations at which countermeasures have been installed to mitigate a previous scour problem. If the structure is a clear span bridge (no piers) and if the countermeasures have been designed in accordance with the procedures contained within HEC-23, the bridge may be considered low risk. When countermeasures are placed adjacent to piers to correct a previous scour condition, the bridge is classified as scour susceptible. New Bridges over Waterways Level II Scour Evaluations shall be performed for all new bridges over waterways unless one or more of the following conditions apply: o The bridge has been designed to span the entire floodplain for the superflood (500 year recurrence interval) or the critical design event if less than the 500 year flood. o The structure foundations will be set directly on sound bedrock. o The abutment footings will be protected with riprap designed in accordance with the methods outlined in the latest version of Revised 11/04 5-19
Revised 11/04
Foundations subjected to scour shall be designed with footings supported on piles, footings founded on rock or deep footings (located below the maximum estimated scour). Structural tremies (concrete poured under water which directly supports the foundation loads) will be allowed in very limited situations, only where no other solution is feasible, and only with the approval of the Department. Preference for foundations adjacent to or within waterways will be for pile supported footings or direct foundations on rock. For pile foundations, the top of footing shall be set below the sum of the long-term degradation and contraction scour. b) layers. In general, the use of riprap to provide scour protection for new bridges is discouraged and should be used only where it has been demonstrated that alternate, preferred means of designing bridges to be safe from scour related failures are not feasible. On bridge rehabilitation projects where the substructure is being repaired and incorporated in the reconstruction of the bridge, riprap scour countermeasures may be an effective solution for protecting the bridge from scour. The designer should explore and incorporate into the design all reasonable methods of minimizing local scour, such as the use of embankment or stub abutments placed at the top of a protected slope. These types of abutments are much less susceptible to scour than full height abutments. The use of stub abutments does not relieve the requirement for founding on piles or directly on rock. Piers that may experience local scour should be flow aligned and should have streamlined end sections. 5.14.2 Spread Footings on Soil The top of all footings in soil should be a minimum of twelve inches below the finished grade. The bottom of all footings in soil shall not be less than four feet below, measured normal to the finished grade. Generally, the use of footing keys to develop passive pressure against sliding is not allowed. The use of passive earth pressure along the sides of foundations to prevent sliding is also not allowed. Resistance from sliding shall be attained through friction between the foundation and the supporting material. The plans shall show the following: Protect the substructure units with riprap or similar armoring
Revised 1/09
If applicable, also show the maximum design foundation pressure for the Extreme Event Limit State. Maximum Design Foundation Pressure = 3.6 TSF (Extreme Event II)
5.14.3 Foundations on Rock Generally, for cast-in-place construction, gravity-type or semi-gravity L-type sections shall be used for abutments, wingwalls and retaining walls founded on rock. There is no minimum embedment for footings placed on competent rock. Generally, structural underwater concrete is not permitted. 5.14.4 Driven Piles Piles may be either end bearing or friction or a combination of the two. Piles end bearing on bedrock or dense hardpan typically are steel H-piles. Piles driven through a high compacted fill or into native soil containing numerous boulders and cobbles shall be steel H-piles. Generally, H-piles shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A709 Grade 50. Friction piles shall be used for most other cases. Generally, friction piles are precast concrete, cast-in-place concrete or prestressed concrete. Timber piles are not permitted. Piles may be installed vertical or battered. The path of battered piles should be checked to insure the piles remain within the right of way and do not interfere with piles from adjacent and existing substructure units, nor conflict with temporary sheeting or cofferdams. Pile foundations supporting abutments shall have a minimum of two rows of piles, unless the piles are incorporated into a fully integral abutment. Piles shall be anchored to and embedded in the footings a minimum of twelve inches. Maximum pile spacing and maximum nominal resistance per pile should be utilized to minimize the number of piles. The lateral resistance of a pile pattern is the combination of the lateral component of the force acting on the battered piles and the lateral resistance of each pile, vertical and battered, in the pattern. Test piles are typically required to establish pile order lengths and pile capacity for friction piles. If pile driving records and pile load test data are available for a site (e.g. a bridge widening where the same pile type is proposed), specifying the pile order length on the design plans may be Revised 1/09 5-22
The pile plan(s) included in the contract drawings shall show or note the following: A legend denoting vertical, battered and test piles. The number, location and length of test piles, if applicable. 5-23
Revised 1/09
Material designation of piles, including pile point reinforcement and splices. The maximum design pile load for the controlling Strength and Service Limit States for each foundation section. Maximum Design Pile Load = 57 Tons (Strength I) 55 Tons (Service I)
If applicable, also show the maximum design pile load for the Extreme Event Limit State. Maximum Design Pile Load = 67 Tons (Extreme Event II)
The ultimate pile capacity for each foundation section, as defined as: Ultimate Pile Capacity = (Factored Design Load)/ + Scour + Downdrag Scour= The estimated skin friction resistance of the soil above the predicted scour depths.
Downdrag= The estimated side friction resistance of a compressible soil above the neutral point (determined when computing the downdrag load (DD) due to settlement). = The resistance factor based on the design load limit state, resistance determination method, and required field testing.
Revised 1/09
Example: ULTIMATE PILE CAPACITY Abutment 1 Pier No. X Abutment 2 XX tons XX tons XX tons
The Scour and Downdrag resistance along with will be determined by the geotechnical engineer and included in the geotechnical report. The Contractor will use the Ultimate Pile Capacity to properly size pile driving equipment and load testing apparatus. The Engineer will use the Ultimate Pile Capacity to establish the required driving resistance and validate load test results. 5.14.5 Drilled Shafts VACANT
Revised 1/09
5.15.1 Highway Applications The location and limits, both horizontal and vertical, of all temporary and permanent earth retaining system contract items shall be shown at each location. Permanent Steel Sheet Piling Permanent Steel Sheet Piling is defined as a required and permanent structural element integral to the design of the structure. Permanent Steel Sheet Piling is designed and engineered by the Designer. To avoid unnecessary proprietary specificity, permanent steel sheet piling should be specified and designated by AASHTO or ASTM material classification and minimum required section modulus. Temporary Earth Retaining Systems Temporary earth retaining system shall be any type of adequately braced temporary retaining wall such as temporary sheet piling which the Contractor elects to build to satisfy, and which does satisfy, the condition that existing facilities be properly retained during excavation or fill for the placement of substructure or other facilities. A Temporary Earth Retaining System shall be designated on the plans to be left in place only if its removal may be detrimental to the structure. The item Earth Retaining System Left in Place shall be used only for a Temporary Earth Retaining System designated by the Designer to be left in place. A Temporary Earth Retaining System requested by the Contractor to be left in place for his own convenience is not compensable for additional payment. 5.15.2 Railroad Applications The location and limits, both horizontal and vertical, of all temporary and permanent earth support systems necessary for the construction of railroad structures must be shown on the plans. All plans for temporary and/or permanent rmanent earth support systems for railroad structures must be submitted to the affected railroad for review during the standard project design submission phases. Contract plan details for temporary earth support in railroad applications must be specific in name and include a railroad parenthetical in the contract item name. Typical items for such use are Temporary Sheet Piling (Railroad) and Soldier Pile and Lagging (Railroad). The Designer should select the most appropriate temporary retaining system type in consideration of existing soil conditions and construction access limitations. Revised 1/09 5-26
The item Handling Water is generally used where a temporary diversion of a watercourse is required and is generally used for construction of culverts or retaining walls adjacent to the watercourse. This lump sum item includes any temporary water diversion structures such as barriers, temporary pipes, or drainage channels, necessary to complete the work. Also included is any excavation required to accomplish the temporary diversion of water. Any required excavation for the permanent construction will be paid for under the items Structure Excavation-Earth (Complete). Structure Excavation-Rock (Complete) or appropriate trench excavation items. A conceptual scheme showing all temporary water diversion structures such as barriers, temporary pipes, and drainage channels, and a conceptual scheme for staging of construction for water handling must be shown on the plans and will usually be included in permit applications. The hydraulic design of the aforementioned temporary facilities is based on the watercourse hydrology and information contained in Section 6.15 of the Departments Drainage Manual. A temporary design water surface elevation associated with the proposed temporary hydraulic facility should be shown on the plans and the permit plates. The contractor will be required to submit working drawings to detail the proposal shown on the contract plans. If the contractors working drawings differ from the proposal shown on the contract plans to the extent that a revision to the permit is required, the contractor will be required to prepare and apply for any revisions required to the permit.
Revised 7/04
Revised 7/04
use Standard Specifications use Standard Specifications Special Provision Required Special Provision Required use Standard Specifications
If required (such as for cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete pier caps), concrete with greater compressive strength may be used. Precast, Non-Prestressed Concrete Concrete for precast, non-prestressed members or components shall conform to the requirements in the Standard Specifications and Article Precast, Prestressed Concrete Concrete for prestressed concrete members or components shall conform to the requirements in the Standard Specifications and Article 6.1.2 Reinforcement Non-Prestressed Steel Non-prestressed steel shall conform to the following: Uncoated bar reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A615, Grade 60.
6-1 Prestressed Steel Prestressing steel shall be diameter, uncoated, low relaxation strands conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M203, Grade 270. 6.1.3 Protective Coatings on Concrete Surfaces The use of clear, penetrating, protective coatings and sealers on concrete is not permitted due to the long term maintenance requirements. The use of colored protective coatings and sealers is permitted only with the written approval of the Department. For dampproofing requirements, see Section 5. 6.2 FABRICATION REQUIREMENTS 6.2.1 General The prestressed concrete fabricators plant shall be certified by the Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute Plant Certification Program. The certification shall be as a minimum in the B3 Category, except for draped strand members, in which case a B4 Category certification is required. The certification requirements shall be shown on the plans. 6.2.2 Tolerances Tolerances for prestressed members shall conform to the limits specified in the Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Precast Prestressed Concrete Products (MNL-116).
Class A Concrete
Class A Concrete Class A Concrete Class F Concrete Class A Concrete Class F Concrete Class F Concrete Class A Concrete Class A Concrete Class S Concrete
The minimum size bar shall be #4, unless otherwise noted. In general, the spacing of bar reinforcement shall be limited to six-inch increments.
Revised 11/04
Revised 11/04
6-6 Layout and Framing Approximate Span Lengths The following are the approximate simple span lengths for structures composed of butted deck units: Deck Unit Type Solid Slabs Voided Slabs Box Beams - Straight strands - Deflected strands Approximate Maximum Span Length (ft) 25 45 90 105
The following are approximate maximum simple span lengths for structures composed of New England Bulb Tee girders: Girder Spacing (ft) 8 80 90 105 120 125
10 75 85 95 105 115
Note: Longer spans may be obtained by using field-spliced post-tensioned bulb tees. For continuous spans utilizing field-spliced post-tensioned bulb tees, these span lengths can be assumed to be measured from dead load inflection points. See Article Oversized Members Precast members over 120 feet in length or over 120,000 pounds will not be allowed due to shipping limitations. For members in excess of 120 feet, the use of field spliced post-tensioned bulb tees should be considered. For additional information, see Section 1. Skew Angle On structures composed of butted deck units, the maximum allowable skew angle is 45. 6-7 Member Dimensions Preferably, all members in a span shall have the same dimensions to facilitate fabrication and minimize costs. Generally, on multi-span structures, the individual span lengths may vary but the member depth should be constant. Preferably, structures composed of butted deck units shall be designed with 311 wide members. Typically, the cost per square foot of deck surface is less for 3-11 wide members than it is for 2-11 wide members due to high fabrication costs. If members with varying section properties are used in the same cross section, the distribution of loads must take into account the stiffness of each member. For more information, see Section 3. Member Spacing In structures composed of bulb tee girders or spread deck units, the member spacing should be maximized in order to reduce the number of members required and to develop the full potential of each member, thereby reducing the costs for fabrication, shipping and erection. However, in order to provide redundancy, a minimum of four stringer lines should be used in a cross section. In structures composed of butted deck units, the members shall be placed at a nominal spacing to provide a gap between the adjacent members that accommodates the sweep of the members. The 2-11 wide members should be nominally spaced at three feet. The 3-11 wide members should be nominally spaced at four feet. The nominal spacings were determined by increasing the actual member width to a convenient value. The spacings have not been set at the maximum allowable sweep, since it varies with the span length. If the actual sweep of the members will not allow the members to be placed at the nominal spacing shown, the members should be butted up to and placed parallel with the adjacent member. Framing Geometry Members should be placed parallel to traffic and each other, and shall be uniformly spaced as much as practical. If this is unavoidable, the live load distribution factors as outlined in the AASHTO Specifications shall not be used. The designer should carefully investigate these situations to account for the variation in live load and member stiffness.
The allowable concrete stresses in the prestressed members shall conform to the AASHTO Specifications except as follows: The maximum allowable tension stress in tension areas (such as member ends at ) at release before losses due to creep and shrinkage. top) shall be 0.0948 x ( f ci The maximum allowable tension stress in the pre-compressed tensile zone (such as mid-span bottom) shall be 0.0948 x ( f c) at service load after losses have occurred.
and the required The required compressive strength at the time of transfer f ci 28-day compressive strength of concrete f c shall be clearly noted on the plans. Reinforcement Non-Prestressed Steel In prestressed deck units, the non-prestressed steel, including the reinforcement extending out of the units, shall be epoxy coated bar reinforcement. In bulb tee girders, the non-prestressed steel, except for the stirrups, shall be epoxy coated bar reinforcement. The stirrups may be either epoxy coated bar reinforcement or epoxy coated welded wire fabric. The minimum size bar shall be #3. In general, the spacing of bar reinforcement shall be limited to four-inch increments. Bar lengths, if specified, shall be in one-inch increments. The maximum length of bar reinforcement detailed shall be 40 feet. Where longer bars are required, splices must be detailed. The designer is responsible for providing all of the details necessary to ensure the reinforcement is embedded, developed and spliced in accordance with the AASHTO Specifications.
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NOTE: Where the total initial post-tensioning force of all the transverse ties is sufficient to displace the exterior members, the designer shall modify the post-tensioning procedures to require placement of hardwood shims between the members. The designer shall specify the number and location of these shims. The shims shall be placed between as many members as is required such that the total initial post-tensioning force does not displace any members.
Pin and Hanger Structures ...................................................................... 7-25 Steel Piers and Pier Caps......................................................................... 7-25 Railway Bridges....................................................................................... 7-25
7.1.2 Coated and Uncoated Structural Steel Structural steel bridges may be either coated or uncoated. Coated steel shall be either shop painted, galvanized or metallized. Uncoated steel shall be weathering steel. Coated Structural Steel In general, structural steel bridges shall be painted. Shop painted structural steel shall be prepared and coated in accordance with the special provision, entitled Structural Steel (Site No. ). With the exception of major structures or architecturally or historically significant structures, the choice of color on new painted steel, and for field painting of existing steel, shall be limited to the following: a. Green - Federal Standard 595, Color No. 24172 b. Green - Federal Standard 595, Color No. 24277 c. Blue - Federal Standard 595, Color No. 26329
If the structure has fracture critical members or components, the fabricators plant shall also be certified to produce fracture critical members in accordance with a fracture control plan as defined by the Bridge Welding Code. A fabricator with this endorsement will have a suffix F added to the above categories (Category SBrF or Category MBrF). The certification requirements for specific components shall be shown on the plans. Special Fabrication Requirements for Box Girders Vacant
The span lengths shown are for simple span bridges. For continuous bridges, these span lengths can be assumed to be measured from dead load inflection points. For spans over 250 feet, special design studies must be done. Plate and box girders may still be the structure of choice since they provide redundancy. Other options are arches, trusses or cable stayed bridges, although these structure types should be limited to very long spans. Non-Redundant Systems Non-redundant systems such as girder and floor beam bridges should be avoided even though they may have an initial lower cost. The reason for this is the lack of redundancy, fatigue problems, and difficulties involved with future widening associated with these types of structures. The only situations where non-redundant bridges should be considered are in the case of through-girder or through-truss spans where the minimum depth of the superstructure is critical. Box Girders Generally, box girders should be considered only for very long spans. They should also be investigated for use on curved roadways where torsional rigidity is required. Box girder cross sections shall be a trapezoidal shape with webs sloped equally out from the bottom flange. The webs shall be the same depth. The minimum web depth shall be 6 to allow for inspection and maintenance inside the box girders. In general, box girders shall be rotated so that the top and bottom flanges are parallel with the deck cross slope.
* Member depth is normal beam depth for rolled beams, actual web depth for plate girders. End Bearing Diaphragms End bearing diaphragms are required at all abutments and at intermediate locations where slab continuity is broken. These diaphragms shall preferably be channel sections and should be designed as simple span members with vertical dead loads, and live loads plus impact applied. The preferred channel size shall 7-9
For a table for the dead load deflections and cambers, see Division III. Continuous Span Bridges Dead load deflections and cambers shall be tabulated for the following listed items for each member and shown on the plans. The locations tabulated shall be the member bearing points and points at equal spaces along the member at approximately ten feet on center: Structural Steel Deflections: Same as for simple span bridges. Additional Dead Load Deflections: Same as for simple span bridges. Composite Dead Load Deflections: Same as for simple span bridges except that composite section properties should be used for both positive and negative moment regions. Total Dead Load Camber: Same as for simple span bridges but measured to a reference line, which is a theoretical straight line in each span connecting the points located at the top of the web at the centerlines of bearing. Vertical Curve Ordinate Camber: Same as for simple span bridges. Extra Camber: Extra camber shall not be provided for continuous bridges. Total Camber: The Total Camber is equal to the summation of all calculated cambers and is that dimension to which the member is to be fabricated.
For a table for the dead load deflections and cambers, see DIVISION III. A diagram for dead load deflection shall not be shown. A total camber diagram shall be shown on the plans. For details of a total camber diagram, see DIVISION III. 7.2.12 Bearings For bearing requirements, see Section 9.
Specifications prepared for this work must require the Contractor to submit full erection plans, prepared and stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Connecticut, for review by the Department. These plans will be reviewed by the designer as a working drawing and comments forwarded from the Office of Engineering to the District Engineering Manager having jurisdiction over the project for transmittal to the Contractor. The designers review must ensure that all information given on the Contract plans has been accurately accounted for in the Contractors erection plans. The designer shall provide any such additional information, up to and including full erection plans in the Contract documents as directed by the Department. Further design information for curved structures is contained in the Guide Specifications for Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges, published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 7.3.5 Through-Girders Vacant 7.3.6 Trusses Vacant 7.3.7 Rigid Frames Vacant 7.3.8 Pin and Hanger Structures The design of pin and hanger structures is not allowed. 7.3.9 Steel Piers and Pier Caps Vacant 7.3.10 Railway Bridges Vacant
8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.2 8.2.1 8.3 8.3.1
DECK TYPES .......................................................................................................... 8-1 General................................................................................................................ 8-1 Cast-In-Place Concrete Decks .......................................................................... 8-1 Materials ........................................................................................................ 8-1 Concrete ................................................................................................... 8-1 Reinforcement.......................................................................................... 8-1 Design ............................................................................................................ 8-1 Minimum Slab Thickness ............................................................................. 8-1 Haunches....................................................................................................... 8-2 Reinforcement Details ................................................................................. 8-2 Main Reinforcement Placed Perpendicular to Traffic ............................. 8-2 Main Reinforcement Placed Parallel to Traffic ....................................... 8-2 Cover Requirements................................................................................. 8-2 Splices ...................................................................................................... 8-3 Tie Down Bars ......................................................................................... 8-3 Construction Joints ....................................................................................... 8-3 Forming ......................................................................................................... 8-3 Deck Pouring Sequence ................................................................................ 8-4 Adjacent, Transversely Postensioned, Prestressed Box Members ................ 8-4 Precast Concrete Deck Panels........................................................................... 8-4 Bridge Grid Decking.......................................................................................... 8-4 Aluminum Bridge Decks ................................................................................... 8-5 DECK PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS ......................................................................... 8-5 Highway Bridges ................................................................................................ 8-5 General .......................................................................................................... 8-5 Concrete Decks.............................................................................................. 8-5 Other Decks Types ........................................................................................ 8-6 FINISHED DECK AND GRADE ELEVATIONS ............................................... 8-6 General................................................................................................................ 8-6 8-i
8.3.2 8.3.3
Finished Deck Elevations .................................................................................. 8-6 Finished Grade Elevations ................................................................................ 8-6
8.1 DECK TYPES 8.1.1 General
A deck is defined as a component, with or without a wearing surface, which supports wheel loads directly and is supported by other components. 8.1.2 Cast-In-Place Concrete Decks Materials Concrete
Generally, cast-in-place concrete decks, including the parapets, shall be constructed with Class F Concrete. Lightweight concrete may be considered for deck replacements where a reduced dead load is necessary to achieve the required load carrying capacity of the superstructure, substructure and/or foundation. Reinforcement
Reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete decks, including the parapets, shall be bar reinforcement and conform to the requirements of Section 6. All the reinforcement shall be coated. Design
Cast-in-place reinforced concrete decks shall be designed using the Strength Design Method (Load Factor Design) described in the AASHTO Specifications or the Empirical Design Method described in the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. For slab design, the main reinforcement, perpendicular to traffic, may be determined using the design aid in Division III. Cantilever deck overhangs shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO Specifications for truck and railing loads. For deck overhang limits, see Sections 6 and 7. Minimum Slab Thickness
The minimum thickness of a cast-in-place concrete deck slab shall be eight and one half inches. The cover to the top mat of reinforcement shall be 2. The top shall be included in calculations as dead load only. It should be assumed to be sacrificial and not included as a permanent part of the deck for design purposes.
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The minimum haunch depth shall be one inch (two inches for prestressed bulb tees) measured from the top of the top flange of the member to the bottom of the slab. For members with splices, the top of the member shall be the top of the splice plate. A deeper haunch may be required when the width of the top flange of a member exceeds 14 in due to the cross slope of the slab. Changes in flange plate thicknesses and allowable camber tolerances shall be taken into consideration when determining the haunch depth to use in calculations. Haunches with thicknesses less than four inches do not require reinforcement. Haunches with thicknesses from four inches to six inches shall be reinforced as shown in Division III. Reinforcement for haunches with thicknesses greater than six inches shall be detailed by the designer. Reinforcement Details Main Reinforcement Placed Perpendicular to Traffic
For decks with a skew angle less than or equal to 20, the main reinforcement shall be placed on the skew. For decks with skew angles greater than 20, in general, the main reinforcement shall be placed perpendicular to the centerline of the structure. At acute corners of the deck, when the skew angle exceeds 20, additional reinforcement shall be placed parallel to the end of the slab with appropriate increase in slab thickness. Additional distribution reinforcement shall be placed midway between the top and bottom longitudinal bars at the end of decks. The bar size and length shall be as follows: for spans up to 50 feet................................................Use #5 x 5 feet for spans over 50 feet and up to 80 feet .....................Use #5 x 8 feet for spans over 80 feet.................................................Use #5 x 10 feet Main Reinforcement Placed Parallel to Traffic
Main reinforcement parallel to traffic shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO Specifications. Cover Requirements
The minimum concrete cover over top reinforcement shall be two and one half inches. The minimum concrete cover over bottom reinforcement shall be one inch.
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Splices for all deck reinforcement, both longitudinal and transverse, shall be shown on the plans. A minimum of one splice shall be detailed for the transverse reinforcement. The use of mechanical connectors to splice reinforcement is permitted when lap splices cannot be accommodated. For additional information, see Section 6. Tie Down Bars
Tie down bars aid in supporting and anchoring the mats of deck reinforcement. Tie down bars shall be shown on the plans. Construction Joints
Construction joints to facilitate deck construction are permitted. Transverse construction joints are typically required when a sequence of pours is necessary. Longitudinal construction joints may be required for stage construction. Decks adjacent to construction joints shall be properly designed and supported for all loading conditions. The members supporting the deck adjacent to the construction joints shall also be investigated to ensure that they are adequate for all loading conditions. Closure pours may be detailed for stage construction conditions where large differential deflection is anticipated. Forming
Typically, forms for the construction of cast-in-place concrete bridge decks may be removable or stay-in-place metal forms. Prestressed concrete stay-in-place forms may be used only with the written approval of the Department. The use of stay-in-place metal forms is permitted in all but the following locations: Under cantilever slabs such as the overhang outside of fascia girders. Under longitudinal deck joints between median girders A bridge less than fifteen above mean high water level of a salt-laden body of water.
For all bridges where stay-in-place metal forms are permitted, the designer shall include the provision in his design calculations for the stay-in-place metal forms. All affected member shall be designed to carry the additional dead load of the stay-in-place forms. Lightweight foam filler shall be used to fill valleys of the stay-in-place forms. The cover for the bottom reinforcements shall be measured from the top of the stay-in-place metal forms. Welding of stay-in-place metal form supports to tension zones in girder top flanges is not allowed. The Designer shall clearly identify on the structural steel plans all top flange tension zones where welding of stay-in-place form supports is not permitted. For all bridges for which stay-in-place metal forms are permitted, girder deck load deflection and camber calculations shall include the estimated weight of stay-in-place
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For bridges with continuous members, cast-in-place concrete decks shall be placed in sequence. The sequence of pouring concrete shall be shown on the plans and include the following: sections in which the deck is to be poured, sequence in which the sections are to be poured, direction of pouring each section, and minimum compressive strength the concrete in each section must obtain prior to placing concrete in other sections.
Additionally, the following note shall be shown on the plans: A deck pouring sequence different from that shown may not be used without the prior approval of the Engineer. 8.1.3 Adjacent, Transversely Post-tensioned, Prestressed Box Members
Generally, bridge superstructures constructed with adjacent, transversely post-tensioned, prestressed box members do not require a cast-in-place concrete deck. The tops of the members serve as the deck and are designed to support live loads. The proper deck profile and cross-slope should be obtained with a bituminous concrete overlay by varying its thickness. Placing a cast-in-place concrete deck on top of adjacent box members to obtain the proper deck profile and cross-slope is discouraged and may only be used with the written approval of the Department. 8.1.4 Precast Concrete Deck Panels
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The decks of all bridges, both new and rehabilitated, shall be protected from damage, deterioration and corrosion due to deicing salts. Concrete Decks
The preferred method to protect cast-in-place and precast concrete decks consists of using coated reinforcement and a membrane waterproofing protected with a bituminous concrete overlay. The standard membrane waterproofing shall be "Membrane Waterproofing (Woven Glass Fabric)." This membrane shall be protected by a bituminous concrete overlay. The minimum thickness of the bituminous overlay atop the membrane waterproofing shall be 3 on all new bridges as well as all existing bridges that have adequate load carrying capacity. The 3 bituminous overlay shall typically be comprised of a 1 bottom course of HMA S0.25, and 2 top course of HMA S 0.50. The Superpave Design Level for HMA S0.25 shall be 2. The designer shall consult with the Department for final verification of pavement type and determination of Superpave design Level for the top course. Existing bridges that do not have adequate load carrying capacity for a 3 overlay shall receive a 2-1/2 thick bituminous concrete overlay comprised typically of a 1 bottom course of HMA S0.25, and 1-1/2 top course. The top course shall normally be comprised of HMA S0.375, except for bridges located within the stopping sight distance of intersections and/or having longitudinal descending grades exceeding 3% which shall normally receive a top course of HMA S0.50. The Superpave Design Level of HMA S0.25 shall be 2. The designer shall consult with the Department for final verification of pavement type and determination of superpave Design Level for the top course. On new decks where it is necessary to increase the overlay thickness to obtain the proper profile and cross-slope, such as bridges composed of adjacent box members, the bituminous overlay shall have a top and bottom course, and an intermediate wedge course. The bottom course of bituminous concrete shall be a uniform 1 thick. The intermediate wedge course shall vary in thickness to achieve the desired profile and cross-slope. A detail and/or note shall be included on the plans providing pavement lift requirements for intermediate wedge courses. The top or finish course shall be a uniform 2 thick. The hot mix asphalt mix design to be used for the intermediate wedge course will be determined by the Department based on the minimum and maximum thicknesses required.
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Weepholes shall be provided in cast-in-place concrete decks to drain the membrane and overlay interface. Weepholes shall be placed along gutterlines adjacent to deck joints at the low end of spans on the low side of cross slopes. Weepholes shall outlet on the inside of fascia members. The outlet pipe of the weephole shall be extended as required so as not to drain onto the superstructure members and components. Weepholes shall not be located over travel lanes, shoulders, sidewalks, parking areas, or in spans over railroad tracks. Where easily achieved during rehabilitation projects, existing weepholes should be plugged and paved over when not in accordance with these requirements. Other methods to protect concrete decks such as using a cathodic protection system or latex modified concrete may only be used with the written approval of the Department. Vacant 8.3 FINISHED DECK AND GRADE ELEVATIONS 8.3.1 General Other Deck Types
All elevations necessary for construction of the deck and placement of the bituminous concrete overlay shall be shown on the plans. Bridges located at merging and diverging roadways shall be carefully detailed with the dimensions and elevations necessary for construction. 8.3.2 Finished Deck Elevations
For cast-in-place concrete decks, finished deck elevations and member deflections shall be tabulated at member bearing points and at points equally spaced along the members at approximately ten feet on center. The finished deck elevations are those elevations on the top of the concrete deck. The tabulated member deflections are those deflections due to all dead loads except the selfweight of the members and cross members. For precast concrete deck panels, deck elevations shall be tabulated at edges of the panels at the panel joints. The deck elevations are those elevations on the top of the concrete panel. 8.3.3 Finished Grade Elevations
Finished grade elevations are those elevations on top of the final riding surface (such as the bituminous concrete overlay). On all bridges, the finished grade elevations shall be shown at the following points: the intersection of the point of application of grade line with the deck joints and ends of slabs,
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TABLE OF CONTENTS 12.1 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 12.1.5 12.1.6 12.2 12.2.1 12.2.2 BRIDGE RAILS.............................................................................................. 12-1 General ................................................................................................... 12-1 Limited Access Highways........................................................................ 12-1 Other Highways ...................................................................................... 12-1 Scenic Overpasses................................................................................... 12-1 Box Culverts and Short Bridges............................................................... 12-2 Retaining Walls ....................................................................................... 12-2 PEDESTRIAN RAILINGS, BICYCLE RAILINGS & PROTECTIVE FENCES....... 12-3 General ................................................................................................... 12-3 Pedestrian Railing.................................................................................... 12-3 Bicycle Railing ......................................................................................... 12-3 Protective Fence ...................................................................................... 12-3 Railing / Protective Fence Selection Procedures ..................................... 12-3 Highway Overpasses ............................................................................... 12-3 Protective Fence ........................................................................... 12-3 Pedestrian Railing ......................................................................... 12-4 Bicycle Railing.............................................................................. 12-4 Stream or Wetland Overpasses - Structure with one or more sidewalks........................................................................................ 12-4 Protective Fence ........................................................................... 12-4 Pedestrian Railing ......................................................................... 12-4 Bicycle Railing.............................................................................. 12-4 Stream or Wetland Overpasses - Structure without sidewalks ................ 12-4 Protective Fence ........................................................................... 12-4 Pedestrian Railing ......................................................................... 12-4 Bicycle Railing.............................................................................. 12-4 Railroad Overpasses ................................................................................ 12-5 Protective Fence ........................................................................... 12-5 Pedestrian Railing ......................................................................... 12-5 Bicycle Railing.............................................................................. 12-5 12-i
12.1 BRIDGE RAILS 12.1.1 General Bridge rails are required for all structures carrying vehicular traffic. Bridge rails may be a solid concrete parapet or an open rail system whichever is appropriate for the service level and traffic volumes of the roadway in question as defined below. Only bridge rail systems crash tested under the testing procedures specified in NCHRP Report 350 and approved by the Department may be used on bridges carrying vehicular traffic. For continuous construction, the pouring sequence for the parapets shall be identical to that of the slab. 12.1.2 Limited Access Highways Bridge rails shall be solid concrete parapets, 42 inches high. Vertical transitions shall be provided at the ends to reduce the height to match the approach railing system. 12.1.3 Other Highways Bridge rails should be solid concrete parapets, 32 inches high and topped with an appropriate railing or protective fence system. If sidewalks are required on the bridge they shall be topped with an appropriate railing or protective fence system. When the sidewalk parapet is to be topped with a railing, the height above the top of the sidewalk should be 32 inches. When the sidewalk parapet is to be topped with a protective fence, the height above the top of the sidewalk may be raised to 36 inches if advantageous in achieving minimum protective fence heights specified in Section 12.2.2 and if acceptable to local authorities. The use of parapet end blocks above the top of the parapet shall be at the discretion of the designer. In areas involving sight distance problems, the parapet end blocks should not be used. The end height of these blocks shall match the approach railing height. Where parapet end blocks are not provided, exposed rail ends and sharp changes in rail geometry should be avoided. 12.1.4 Scenic Overpasses For bridges on non-limited access highways where there is a strong need to provide a scenic view, an open bridge rail system approved by the Department should be used in 12-1
MAXIMUM SIZE OPENING 2 inches or as approved by the Department Solid Barrier required
* The height of the fencing above the top of the sidewalk or roadway surface. ** Use nine feet with a curved top at all sidewalks. Railing A pedestrian railing is not required where protective fence is provided. On long structures, where protective fencing is required only over the tracks plus a minimum 25 feet from the outside track, a pedestrian railing is required on both parapets outside these limits. Railing A bicycle rail is not required where protective fence is provided. On long structures, where protective fencing is required only over the tracks plus a minimum 25 feet from the outside track, a bicycle railing is required outside these limits on designated bicycle routes. Pedestrian Overpasses Complete enclosure of pedestrian structures passing over highways and railroads is required. The need for protective fencing on pedestrian overpass structures at stream or woodland crossings shall be determined by the Department. The maximum size of the opening in the fence shall be two inches.
These drawings are available from the Department in a MicroStation format and will be made available upon request. 12.2.4 Railings and Fences at Lighting & Signing Standards When lighting or signing standards are located on structures, the railing or fence shall be continuous at these locations. The lighting or signing shall be located outside of the continuous railing or fence (between the railing or fence and the outside face of parapet). Protective fencing shall be designed with removable panels or other means to provide access to the handhole locations. The parapet details shall accommodate the lighting and signing standard anchorages outside of the railing or fence. The lighting or signing shall not generally be located on a span over a railroad-electrified zone. For details, see DIVISION III.
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When the distance from the top of the box culvert roof to top of the roadway surface is less than two feet, membrane waterproofing shall be placed on the box culvert. The membrane waterproofing shall be Membrane Waterproofing (Woven Glass Fabric). The membrane shall cover the entire exterior surface of the roof and extend twelve inches down the sidewalls. Railing and Fences
For railing and fence requirements, refer to Section 12. 13.1.4 Precast Concrete Box Culverts Precast concrete box culverts shall be designed and detailed by the Contractor in accordance with the special provision _x_ Precast Concrete Box Culvert. The designer is responsible for reviewing the Contractors working drawing submittal for the box culverts. For additional information, refer to Article 17.1.3. The designer is responsible for designing and detailing all other box culvert components, such as cutoff and return walls, nosings, sills, headwalls and wingwalls. For additional information, refer to Section 3. 13.1.5 Cast-In-Place Concrete Box Culverts General The designer is responsible for designing and detailing cast-in-place concrete box culverts including all other box culvert components, such as cutoff and return walls, nosings, sills, headwalls and wingwalls. For additional information, refer to Section 3. Concrete Cast-in-place concrete box culverts shall be constructed of Class A Concrete. Minimum Thickness of Floor, Sides and Roof The minimum thickness of the culvert floor, sides and roof shall be twelve inches.
These sign supports are designed to carry extruded aluminum sign panels. Details for these structures are shown on traffic standard sheets prepared by the Department. These structures are designed to be supported by foundations embedded in the ground. The foundation details are shown on standard sheets prepared by the Department. 14.2.2 Design Responsibilities Standard Sign Supports The locations and types of tubular and truss sign support structures, the dimensions of the signs, the location of the signs over the roadway below, the angle between the signs and the centerline of the roadway below, and the tilt of the signs shall be determined by the Traffic Engineer.
Where unnecessary expense would be incurred by going underground, facilities carried on support poles may be carried aerially alongside a structure if it is practical to span the entire crossing. The determination to carry the utilities either aerially or underground shall be studied at an early stage of the design with regard to such factors as economy, aesthetics, safety, and maintaining the characteristics of the local environment. 15.3.2 Aerial Facilities Passing Under Structure Aerial facilities (telephone, electrical, cable television, etc.) located along a highway that passes under a structure shall in no instance be permitted to pass over the structure but shall be attached to the underside of it. An underground installation within the structure limits should be considered. The underground portion of the installation shall extend a distance beyond the limits of the structure(s) required to retain the aesthetics of the structure. Solutions to special or unusual conditions shall be determined at a field review with Department and Utility Company representatives. The field review team shall include the Design Engineer and the Utilities Engineer. In the event that a mutually agreeable solution cannot be reached, the matter shall be forwarded through channels to the Transportation Chief Engineer for a ruling. 15.4 UTILITIES ADJACENT TO STRUCTURE When underground utilities (existing or proposed) are located in the vicinity of structures, a review of the utility installation relative to the substructure design is required to determine if protection of the substructure is necessary. The factors to be considered are the type, size, and location of the utility, the pressure in the line, the soil conditions, the material composition of the utility and the structure foundation. The initial installation and future maintenance of the utility shall be investigated for their effects on the structure. If it is determined that protection of the utility is necessary, the following are variations that should be considered: 1. Relocation of the utility. 2. Relocation of the substructure unit. 3. Protection of the substructure unit with sheeting. 15-2
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15.7 HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES Long distance high voltage transmission facilities shall be the subject of a special study. Where aesthetics are a consideration, the placement of the facility underground should be considered. The final determination shall be weighed considering both the economics and aesthetics of the location in question. If required, the alternate proposals shall be referred to the Transportation Chief Engineer for final determination.
Revised 11/04
TABLE OF CONTENTS 17.1 17.1.1 17.1.2 17.1.3 17.2 17.2.1 17.2.2 17.3 17.3.1 17.3.2 CONTRACTOR INQUIRIES.......................................................................... 17-1 General ................................................................................................... 17-1 Inquires During the Bidding Process....................................................... 17-1 Inquires During Construction ................................................................. 17-1 CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS........................................... 17-1 Changes by Addendum ........................................................................... 17-1 General .............................................................................................. 17-1 Modifications to the Contract Plans .................................................. 17-2 Title Sheet Revision ...................................................................... 17-3 New Sheets................................................................................... 17-3 Revisions to Existing Plans ............................................................ 17-3 Deletion of Existing Plans ............................................................. 17-5 Modification to the Contract Specifications ...................................... 17-5 Quantity and Cost Estimates .............................................................. 17-6 Changes by Construction Order.............................................................. 17-6 General .............................................................................................. 17-6 Modifications to the Contract Plans .................................................. 17-7 Title Sheet Revisions ..................................................................... 17-7 New Sheets................................................................................... 17-7 Revisions to Existing Sheets........................................................... 17-8 Replacement of Existing Sheets .................................................... 17-9 Voiding of Existing Sheets ........................................................... 17-10 Modifications to the Contract Specifications ...................................17-10 Quantity and Cost Estimates ............................................................17-10 Construction Order Memoranda .....................................................17-11 SHOP DRAWINGS..................................................................................... 17-12 General .................................................................................................17-12 Shop Plan Review Designations ............................................................17-13
17.1 CONTRACTOR INQUIRIES 17.1.1 General It is the designers responsibility to respond to questions with respect to the contract documents that arise both during the bidding process and during construction. The preparation of answers to these questions shall be considered a normal part of the work. 17.1.2 Inquiries During the Bidding Process Contractors are directed that all questions during the bidding process shall be submitted to the Manager of Contracts in writing. If the designer receives questions from a potential bidder directly, their questions should not be answered and the designer should direct them to send the questions to the Manager of Contracts. All questions that require design input will be forwarded to the designer and responses to these questions should be prepared in an expeditious manner. 17.1.3 Inquires During Construction Once construction has started, the designer may address verbal requests for clarification of the contract documents from the Contractor. If the Contractor requests a written response or the questions are beyond that of a simple clarification, he should be directed to submit a written request for information through the Office of Construction. These requests may be forwarded to the designer for review. Before any deviation from the contract plans will be considered, a formal written request from the Contractor must be made to the Office of Construction and written approval secured before any change in the design will be sanctioned. Errors and inconsistencies must be handled in a like manner. 17.2 CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 17.2.1 Changes by Addendum General The method by which changes to the contract documents are accomplished after advertising but prior to bid opening is through and addendum issued by the Manager of Contracts. Changes to the contract documents may be initiated by the designer, construction personnel or another unit in the Department and typically require revisions to the contract documents (plans and specifications), items and/or 17-1
If a sheet requires further revisions by a subsequent addendum, the addendum shall be prepared, as detailed above, using a copy of the previously modified sheet (electronic file). This procedure will result in changes made to a particular sheet being cumulative and a record kept of all sheets issued at each stage. When revising plans that were not produced on CADD, changes that require revisions to the existing plans shall be made on Mylar copies of the original Mylar. Note: When preparing an Addendum that will change quantities on a project that includes a Detailed Estimate Sheet, never revise the Detailed Estimate Sheet. A Detailed Estimate Sheet is never included in an addendum. Also, the Quantities box shown on the General Plan sheet for any structure is never to be revised. Revisions to plan sheets shall be done through the issuing of a replacement plan sheet, except in rare occasions when doing so would result in a postponement to the scheduled bid opening that could have an adverse effect on the project. 17-4
If plans were not produced on CADD, changes that require revisions to the existing plans shall be made on Mylar copies of the original Mylar. Note: When preparing a Construction Order request on a project that includes a Detailed Estimate Sheet, never revise the Detailed Estimate Sheet. A Detailed Estimate Sheet is never included in a Construction Order request. Also, the Quantities box shown on the General Plan sheet for any structure is never to be revised. of Existing Sheets This procedure is to be used only when the changes to an existing sheet are significant enough to require a new sheet. Engineering judgment must be used to produce clear and concise information for the contractor. 17-9
17.3 SHOP DRAWINGS 17.3.1 General The following procedures for the handling of shop drawings apply to all projects in which the designer (Consultant Engineer or Department staff) is responsible for the approval of shop drawings. Shop drawings are defined as: Drawings, including proposed details, diagrams, schedules, procedures and other supporting data, prepared by a Contractor to supplement the Contract documents, showing all information necessary for fabrication of items for which some specific design or detail appears in the Contract. The designer shall review, check and approve when satisfactory all shop drawings and construction details submitted by the Contractor. Shop drawings are required for items such as structural steel, reinforcing steel and elastomeric bearings. Nine copies of each shop drawing will be sent directly from the Contractor to the designer (Consulting Engineer or Department staff) for review except in the case of a structure carrying a railroad. In this case, the Contractor shall submit extra copies of the 17-12
17-14 Drawings Marked Revise and Resubmit For projects designed by a Consulting Engineer, two copies of each drawing shall be retained by the Consultant Engineer (one copy, including a copy of the letter of transmittal, for the Department and one copy for the Consultant Engineer). For projects designed by the Departments staff, one copy of each drawing shall be retained by Department staff along with a copy of the letter of transmittal. Two copies of each drawing shall be returned to the Contractor with a letter of transmittal. A copy of the letter of transmittal shall be sent to the District Construction Office having jurisdiction over the construction project. A copy of the letter of transmittal shall be sent to the Office of Consultant Design (Structures). One copy of shop drawings for precast/prestressed superstructure elements shall be forwarded two the office of Bridge Safety and Evaluation.
The remaining copies of the shop drawings shall be destroyed. Letter of Transmittal The letter of transmittal (referred to above) shall be sent from the designer to the Contractor and include the following information: Project number and town - such as Project No. 15-999, Bridgeport. Project description - crossing location, such as I-95 over Metro-North Railroad. Shop drawing item description - such as Elastomeric Bearing Shop Drawings. Drawing number and description - such as R-01, Endwall reinforcing.
Revised 11/04
17-15 Special Instructions for Consulting Engineers The Consulting Engineer shall retain and file one copy of each reviewed shop drawing, along with a copy of each letter of transmittal, for the Department. Upon completion of construction of the project, the complete file, along with an index, shall be transmitted to the Office of Consultant Design (Structures) where permanent storage arrangements will be made. Review of Welding Procedure Specifications Per the Bridge Welding Code, welding procedure specifications should be submitted for approval. The welding procedures are typically submitted with the structural steel shop drawings. The Division of Materials Testing is responsible for the review, approval and distribution of all welding procedure specifications that are submitted for all projects designed by Departments staff or a Consulting Engineer. Review of Tubular and Truss Sign Support Structures Tubular and truss sign support structures refer to the following types of sign supports described in the Standard Specifications: Tubular Sign Support Structure, Tubular Cantilever Sign Support, Overhead Truss Sign Support (Type ___), and Overhead Cantilever Sign Support (Type ___).
Shop drawings for tubular and truss sign support structures should be submitted by the Contractor to the Office of Traffic Engineering for review. If the sign structures are supported on foundations embedded in the ground as shown on standard plans prepared by the Department, the Office of Traffic Engineering will forward two copies of each drawing to the Bridge Design Unit for a structural review. The Bridge Design Unit will review, note corrections if required, and return one marked-up copy of each drawing to the Office of Traffic Engineering. The drawings should not be stamped by the reviewer. The reviewer should inform Traffic Engineering of the acceptability of the drawings. For sign structures not meeting the requirements above, the Office of Traffic Engineering will forward two copies of each drawing to the designer for a structural 17-16
In the transmittal memorandum, the designer shall make a recommendation to approve or not approve the submission. Projects Designed by a Consulting Engineer The working drawing submittal shall be distributed as follows: Two copies of each working drawing submittal shall be retained by the Consultant Engineer (one copy, including a copy of the letter of transmittal, for the Department and one copy for the Consultant Engineer). The remaining copies of each working drawing submittal and a letter of transmittal shall be sent to the Office of Consultant Design (Structures).
The Consulting Engineer shall make a recommendation to approve or not approve the Contractors working drawing submission. The Office of Consultant Design will review the submission, add comments if required, and transmit the working drawing submittal to the Office of Construction. The Consulting Engineer shall retain and file one copy of each reviewed working drawing submission, along with a copy of each letter of transmittal, for the Department. Upon completion of construction of the project, the complete file, along with an index, shall be transmitted to the Office of Consultant Design (Structures) where permanent storage arrangements will be made.
Certain General Notes are required to be shown on the general plan sheets. The actual notes required shall be determined with the aid of the following guidelines: Note No. G1 G2 G3 Requirements for use Must be shown on the General Plan Sheet. Must be shown on the General Plan Sheet. Only the classes of concrete and grades of reinforcing steel used in the structure shall be indicated. Indicate the applicable structural steel designations, Fy (specified minimum yield point of steel) and the corresponding thicknesses, for the type of steel used in the structure only. Use this note for structures supporting Interstate System project live loads regardless of whether or not the alternate loading is used. Use this note for projects not covered above. For structure detailed without a 2 Bituminous Concrete Overlay. For structure detailed with a 2 Bituminous Concrete Overlay. For structures designed with steel members, use this note. Use is limited to the repair of, repainting of, or alterations to existing structures. For all new structures that require painting. For all new structures of weathering steel that therefore will not require painting. For all new structures of weathering steel that will not require the ends of the girders to be painted at deck joints. Must be shown on the General Plan Sheet. A-1
G15 G16
Certain Concrete Notes are required to be shown on the plans. The actual notes required shall be determined with the aid of the following guidelines: Note No. C1 C2 Requirements for use Use this note on structures where Remain-In-Place forms are not to be allowed. Use this note if the extra load for Remain-In-Place forms has been included in the design of the structure or any portion of it (such as box girders). Indicate the load in pounds per square foot and the location where it applies. For structures designed with steel members, use this note. For temporary supports, indicate only the type of construction that applies. For structures designed with prestressed, precast concrete members, use this note. For all structures except structures with U-Type Wings and reinforced concrete box culverts. For all structures with U-Type Wings except reinforced concrete box culverts. For reinforced concrete box culverts. For reinforced concrete box culverts with cast-in-place concrete piles. For structures with adjacent prestressed deck units without a concrete deck. Delete the components that are not applicable. For all structures with concrete bridge decks. Delete components that are not applicable.
C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
C22 A.2.2
LISTING OF CONCRETE NOTES C1 C2 REMAIN-IN-PLACE FORMS: The use of remain-in-place forms on this structure is not allowed. REMAIN-IN-PLACE FORMS: The use of remain-in-place forms shall be allowed inside of box girders only. The box girders have been designed for the additional weight of 15 pounds per square foot for the remain-in-place forms inside to boxes. COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION: No temporary intermediate supports shall be used during the placing and setting of the concrete deck slab. Temporary supports may be used for structural steel erection only. A-5
CLASS A CONCRETE: Class A Concrete shall be used throughout except for the Class C Concrete used in Cast-In-Place Piles. CLASS F CONCRETE: Class F Concrete shall be used on the superstructure for headers, sidewalks, and parapets. CLASS F CONCRETE: Class F Concrete shall be used for bridge decks including sidewalks, parapets and approach slabs.
The following quantity table is required to be shown on all General Plan Sheets: INSPECTION OF FIELD WELDS METHODS Ultrasonic Magnetic Particle A.4 CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION UNIT inch feet QUANTITY
The following Concrete Distribution box is required to be shown on the General Plan Sheet for all structures except box culverts:
CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION Superstructure Substructure Footings Total C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y.
The following box shall be shown on the General Plan sheet for all bridges. The designer shall list any items that may require special inspection such as fracture critical members, hangers, joints, highly stressed members, etc. NOTICE TO BRIDGE INSPECTORS The Departments Bridge Safety procedures require this bridge to be inspected for, but not limited to, all appropriate components indicated in the governing manuals for bridge inspection. Attention must be given to inspecting the following special components and details. (The listing for components for specific attention shall not be construed to reduce the importance of inspection of any other component of the structure.) The frequency of inspection of this structure shall be in accordance with the governing manuals for bridge inspection, unless otherwise directed by the Manager of Bridge Safety and Evaluation. Component or Detail Structure Sheet Reference
Certain notes pertaining to the fabrication of structural steel are required to be shown on the plans. The actual notes required depend on the girder classification. Girder classifications shown below, and the notes required for each classification, are listed in TABLE B-1. Note No. 14 should be used as required when the ratio of the unsupported top flange length (feet) to the top flange width (feet) at the section of maximum compressive stress is equal to or greater than one hundred (100). Steel box girders require the same notes as for welded girders. In addition, Note No. 15 should be used for all box girder structures. Additional notes may be required for special conditions required by box girders. B.2 GIRDER CLASSIFICATIONS B.2.1 Simple Spans - Rolled Beams. - Welded Girders. - Welded Girders with Field Splices. - Welded Curved Girders with Field Splices (Heat curving allowed). - Welded Curved Girders with Field Splices (Heat curving not allowed). - Welded Curved Girders w/o Field Splices (Heat curving allowed). - Welded Curved Girders w/o Field Splices (Heat curving not allowed).
Continuous Spans - Rolled Beams. - Curved Rolled Beams. - Welded Girders. - Welded Curved Girders (Heat curving allowed). - Welded Curved Girders (Heat curving not allowed).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x
x x
x x
x designates notes that must be included on the plans. TABLE B-1 B.3 LISTING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL NOTES
1. For Non-Fracture Critical bridge members use one of the following notes: Structural Steel (Low Alloy) shall conform to AASHTO M270, Grade 50 T2 Structural Steel (Low Alloy) shall conform to AASHTO M270, Grade 50 WT2 For Fracture Critical bridge members use one of the following notes: Structural Steel (Low Alloy) shall conform to AASHTO M270, Grade 50 F2 Structural Steel (Low Alloy) shall conform to AASHTO M270, Grade 50 WF2 Where corrosion resistant steel is required: * shall conform to AASHTO M270, Grade 50 WT2 (* Insert component parts, such as bearings, expansion dams, troughs, etc.) 2. Welding details, procedures and testing methods shall conform to the ANSI/AASHTO/AWS D1.5-(year) - Bridge Welding Code, unless otherwise noted on the plans.
TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - GENERAL 1.1 - Design Operating Vehicles Design Operating Vehicle (204 kips on 8 Axles) ........................... 1.1.1 Design Operating Vehicle (380 kips on 19 Axles) ......................... 1.1.2 SECTION 2 - BRIDGE GEOMETRY 2.1 - Bridge Sections .................................................................................. vacant 2.2 - Bridge Layout ..................................................................................... vacant 2.3 - Bridge Clearances ............................................................................ vacant SECTION 3 - SUBSTRUCTURE DETAILS 3.1 - Abutment Sections & Details Seat Type Abutment ......................................................................... 3.1.1 Pedestal Type Abutment - Typical Elevation View....................... 3.1.2a Pedestal Type Abutment - Section A ............................................. 3.1.2b Pedestal Type Abutment - Section B.............................................. 3.1.2c Pedestal Type Abutment - Pedestal Reinforcement .................. 3.1.2d Pedestal Type Abutment - Corner Reinforcement ...................... 3.1.2e Pedestal Type Abutment - Access Details .................................... 3.1.3a Pedestal Type Abutment - Access Details .................................... 3.1.3b Pedestal Type Abutment - Access Details .................................... 3.1.3c Expansion Joint Detail at Abutment ............................................... 3.1.4a Expansion Joint Detail at Abutment ............................................... 3.1.4b Abutment Details for Precast Concrete Deck Units With Approach Slab (Rev. 1/05) ................................................ 3.1.5 Abutment Details for Precast Concrete Deck Units Without Approach Slab (Rev. 1/05) .......................................... 3.1.6 3.2 - Abutment Backfill & Drainage Requirements Shoulder Abutment Drainage & Backfill Requirements............... 3.2.1 III-i
Embankment Abutment Drainage & Backfill Requirements (Rev. 1/05) .......................................................... 3.2.2 Pedestal Type Abutment Drainage & Backfill Requirements ..... 3.2.3 3.3 - Piers Anchor Bolt Forms at Piers ................................................................ 3.3.1 3.4 - Wall Sections & Details Flared Type Wingwall or Retaining Wall ......................................... 3.4.1 U-Type Wingwall or Retaining Wall with Sloped Curb.................. 3.4.2 Standard Wingwall Parapet (32 High) .......................................... 3.4.3 Standard Wingwall Parapet (42 High) .......................................... 3.4.4 U-Type Wingwall or Retaining Wall with Sidewalk (Rev. 1/05) .... 3.4.5 Wingwall Parapet with Sidewalk ..................................................... 3.4.6 Concrete Barrier Wall (32 High) ..................................................... 3.4.7 Concrete Barrier Wall (42 High) ..................................................... 3.4.8 Typical Section-Prefabricated Modular Wall (Sloping Backfill) (Rev. 3/09) ....................................................... 3.4.9a Typical Section-Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall (Sloping Backfill) (Rev. 3/09) ....................................................... 3.4.9b Typical Section-Cast-In-Place Reinforced Concrete (Sloping Backfill) (Rev. 3/09) ....................................................... 3.4.9c Typical Section-Prefabricated Modular Wall (Level Backfill) (Rev. 3/09) .......................................................... 3.4.10a Typical Section-Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall (Level Backfill) (Rev. 3/09) .......................................................... 3.4.10b Typical Section-Cast-In-Place Reinforced Concrete (Level Backfill) (Rev. 3/09) .......................................................... 3.4.10c Design Information for Alternate Walls (Rev. 3/09) ...................... 3.4.11 Plan Notes for Alternate Walls (Rev. 3/09) ..................................... 3.4.12 Typical Section-Embankment Wall (Rev. 3/09) ............................. 3.4.13 Plan Notes for Embankment Walls (Rev. 3/09).............................. 3.4.14 3.5 - Wall Backfill & Drainage Requirements Flared Wingwall or Retaining Wall - Drainage & Backfill Requirements............................................................... 3.5.1 U-Type Wingwall or Retaining Wall - Drainage & Backfill Requirements............................................................... 3.5.2 3.6 - Miscellaneous Details Vertical Stem Joint Details................................................................ 3.6.1 Abutment and Toe of Slope Locations (Height of Rock > 8-0) ............................................................... 3.6.2 III-ii
SECTION 4 - STRUCTURAL STEEL DETAILS 4.1 - Framing Plans Typical Framing Plan - Skew Angle 20 ..................................... 4.1.1a Typical Framing Plan - Skew Angle > 20 ....................................... 4.1.1b 4.2 - Girder Details Bearing Stiffeners ............................................................................... 4.2.1 Clip & Weld Termination for Connection Plates and Bearing Stiffeners ................................................................ 4.2.2 Clip & Weld Termination for Intermediate Stiffeners ................... 4.2.3 Connection Plates at Intermediate Diaphragms (Rev. 1/05) .... 4.2.4 Connection Plates at End Bearing Diaphragms (Rev. 1/05) ...... 4.2.5 4.3 - Diaphragm Details End Bearing Diaphragm - Web Depth 4-0 ............................. 4.3.1 Intermediate Diaphragm - Web Depth 4-0 (Rev. 1/05) ....... 4.3.2 End Bearing Cross Frames - Web Depth > 4-0 ............................ 4.3.3 Intermediate Cross Frames - Web Depth > 4-0 .......................... 4.3.4 4.4 - Bearings Fixed Bearing...................................................................................... 4.4.1 4.5 - Miscellaneous Steel Details Steel Box Girder - End Diaphragm Access Details ....................... 4.5.1a Steel Box Girder - End Diaphragm Access Details ....................... 4.5.1b Catenary Connection Detail for Bridges over Electrified Railroads ..................................................................... 4.5.2a Catenary Connection Detail for Bridges over Electrified Railroads ..................................................................... 4.5.2b SECTION 5 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DETAILS 5.1 - Adjacent Voided Slabs Section Properties - AASHTO Concrete Slabs 3-0 Wide.......... 5.1.1a III-iii
SECTION 10 - BURIED STRUCTURES 10.1 - Precast Concrete Box Culverts Vacant .............................................................................................. 10.1.1 Precast Box Culvert - Typical Section ........................................... 10.1.2 Precast Box Culvert - Cast-In-Place Cutoff and Return Wall Detail (Rev. 1/05) ................................................. 10.1.3 Precast Box Culvert - Cast-In-Place Nose and Footing Detail (Rev. 1/05) ........................................................ 10.1.4a Precast Box Culvert - Cast-In-Place Nose Section ..................... 10.1.4b Precast Box Culvert - Cast-In-Place Nose Footing Section ....... 10.1.4c Precast Culvert Notes ..................................................................... 10.1.5 Typical Box Culvert Wingwall Layout............................................ 10.1.6 Vacant .............................................................................................. 10.1.7 10.2 - Cast-in-Place Concrete Box Culverts Cast-In-Place Box Culvert - Reinforcement Details.................... 10.2.1 Joint and Backfill Details for Box Culverts .................................... 10.2.2 10.3 - Junction Boxes ................................................................................ vacant SECTION 11 - SIGN SUPPORTS .............................................................................. vacant
1 " B e v e l ( T y p . ) 8# 5
# 5@ 1- 10" Ma n d a t o r y c o n s t r u c t i o n 2- 8" Varies 2- 11" min. j o i n t , r o u g h e n s u r f a c e 1" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t e O v e r l a yo n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g( 3 " mi n . ) 7" 9" 3 " # 5i nh o o kS e e P l a nN o t e1 S e eP l a nN o t e1 6" # 5 1 2 "
1- 4"
1- 3"
S e eP l a n N o t e1
2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e
( I fr e qui r e d)
S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l " # 5@ 1 0 "
" 0 3
1 2 "
P L A N N O T E S :
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
1 .R e i n f o r c e me n t t ob ep a i df o r u n d e r t h ei t e m " P r e s t r e s s e dD e c kU n i t s . "
1 - 4"
2 - 8"
(2 - 11" min.)
S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l "
Ma n d a t o r y c o n s t r u c t i o n j o i n t , r o u g h e n s u r f a c e 1- 10"
1- 3"
( I fr e qui r e d)
1" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t e O v e r l a yo n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g( 3 " mi n . )
" 0 3
2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e # 5@ 1 2 " @ 1 2 " S e eP l a nN o t e1
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
P L A N N O T E S :
1 .R e i n f o r c e me n t t ob ep a i df o r u n d e r t h ei t e m " P r e s t r e s s e dD e c kU n i t s . "
1 1 1 " 1 " B e v e l 2" ( T y p . ) 1 " 1" # 6@ 1 0# 7 2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e 2 - 8" 1 2 " 2 " 1 0 " 3 " 5 "
3 - 6"
3- 9" min.
1- 5"
N o t e1
2- 2" Ma n d a t o r y c o n s t r u c t i o n j o i n t , r o u g h e n s u r f a c e 1" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t e O v e r l a yo n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g( 3 " mi n . ) # 6
( I fr e qui r e d)
S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l "
" 0 3
1 2 " S e eP l a nN o t e1
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
P L A N N O T E S :
1 .R e i n f o r c e me n t t ob ep a i df o r u n d e r t h ei t e m " P r e s t r e s s e dD e c kU n i t s . "
1 1 1 " 1 " B e v e l 2" ( T y p . ) 1 2 " 3 " 5 " 1 " 2 " 1" Ma n d a t o r y c o n s t r u c t i o n j o i n t , r o u g h e n s u r f a c e 2- 8" 3- 6" 1" Varies (3 -9" min.) R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l 7" 1" 11" cover 6" B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t e O v e r l a yo n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g( 3 " mi n . ) # 6 3 " # 5i nh o o kS e e P l a nN o t e1 S e eP l a nN o t e1 1 6 " 3" # 5@ S e eP l a n N o t e1 1 2 " 2 " # 6@ 1 0# 7 2- 2" 2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e 1 2 "
( I fr e qui r e d)
S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l "
" 0 3
@ 1 2 "
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
P L A N N O T E S :
1 . R e i n f o r c e me n t t o b e p a i d f o r u n d e r t h e i t e m " P r e s t r e s s e d D e c k U n i t s . "
1 3 " 1 " 1" 2 " 3 " # 5@ 1 " B e v e l ( T y p . ) # 5@ 1" 6 " R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l T o o l e de d g e 1" 1 0 " R o u g h e nc o n t a c t s u r f a c e 1 0 " 1 0 "
Se e Di v i s i on I
7 - #5
2 -4" (*)
1 -8" (*)
2 -0" (**)
2 -8" (**)
1- 4"
j o i n t , r o u g h e ns u r f a c e
4 " 9"
# 5@ 1 0 " S e eP l a nN o t e1 # 5i nh o o k S e eP l a nN o t e1
B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t eO v e r l a y o n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g ( 3 " mi n . )
P l a nN o t e s :
1 .R e i n f o r c e me n t t ob ep a i df o r u n d e r t h ei t e m " P r e s t r e s s e dD e c kU n i t s . "
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S :
* wi t h pr ot e c t i v e f e nc e * * wi t h pe de s t r i a n r a i l i ng
2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e # 5 1 8 " ( T y p . ) 1 4 " s p l i c e ( T y p . ) @
( I fr e qui r e d)
S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l "
Se e Di v i s i on I
1 " B e v e l ( T y p . )
7 - #5
1- 4"
S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l " Ma n d a t o r yc o n s r t u c t i o n j o i n t , r o u g h e ns u r f a c e
P L A N N O T E S :
1 .R e i n f o r c e me n t t ob ep a i df o r u n d e r t h ei t e m " P r e s t r e s s e dD e c kU n i t s . "
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S :
* wi t h pr ot e c t i v e f e nc e * * wi t h pe de s t r i a n r a i l i ng
2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e # 5 1 8 " 1 4 " s p l i c e ( T y p . ) @ 6 " R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l T o o l e de d g e
( I fr e qui r e d)
#4 @ 1 -0" See Design Guideline 2 Splices, when required, shall be alternated See Plan Note 1
Thickness varies
2" Cover
1" Cover
1. Bars shall be designed in accordance with current AASHTO specifications. For additional longitudinal slab reinforcement at ends of slab, see Plate 6.1.4. For additional slab reinforcement at acute corners, (skew angle greater than 20), see Plate 6.1.5a. 2. Splices and development lengths shall be determined by the designer in accordance with the latest AASHTO design criteria.
Issue Date:
10/03 2/11
Revision Date:
Plate Number:
#4 x 5- 0" Dowels placed midway between longitudinal reinforcing Tooled edge joint
Membrane waterproofing
1" 2- 6"
PLAN NOTES: 1. Bituminous concrete overlay on membrane waterproofing. 2. Roughen surface, blast clean then apply a neat cement grout or other suitable bonding material immediately prior to placing adjacent pour.See Note 3. DESIGN GUIDELINES:
1. Transverse reinforcement placed on a skew to this joint shall be continuous through this joint. 2. This joint shall be allowed and shown on the plans only when sequence of pour is required.
Issue Date:
10/03 2/11
Revision Date:
Plate Number:
1 " 2 " 1" 5 " S e eP l a nN o t e1 1 " B e v e l ( T y p . ) A d d i t i o n a l t o pd e c kr e i n f o r c e me n t 1" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l 2" 1 2 " 1 1 0 " 2"
1- 4"
S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l "
3 0 "
8# 5 1- 6" Splice
1- 10" 2- 8"
1 - 2"
Ma n d a t o r y c o n s t r u c t i o n j o i n t , r o u g h e n s u r f a c e
Guideline 2
Se e De s i gn Gui de l i ne 1
2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e # 5@ 1 1 0 1 0 "
( i fr e qui r e d)
" 0 3
0 "
3 " B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t e O v e r l a yo n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g
Se e De s i gn Gui de l i ne 3
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
1 1 1 "
Gui de l i ne 1
1 " 1" 2 "
2- 2"
3- 6"
3- 9"
# 6@ S e e" R u s t i c a t i o n D e t a i l "
1 0 " 1 1 0
2- 8"
( I fr e qui r e d)
1- 6"
1- 2"
Ma n d a t o r y c o n s t r u c t i o n j o i n t , r o u g h e n s u r f a c e
Guideline 2
Se e De s i gn
{ ~1 " D r i p
Gui de l i ne 3
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
# 6@ 1 0# 7 2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e 1 0 "
" 0 3
1 "
2 "
1- 8" (*)
2- 0" (**)
10 - #5
1 -0"
1 -0"
Se e De s i gn Gui de l i ne 3
4 " A d d i t i o n a l d e c kr e i n f o r c e me n t t o p ,
Ma n d a t o r y c o n s t u c t i o nj o i n t , r o u g h e ns u r f a c e 3 "
3 " B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t e O v e r l a yo n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g
{ ~1 " D r i p
( Se e De s i gn Gui de l i ne 1 )
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
* wi t h pr ot e c t i v e f e nc e * * wi t h pe de s t r i a n r a i l i ng
1 3 " 3 " 1 0 " # 5@ # 7@ # 5@ # 5@ 2 " R i g i d Me t a l C o n d u i t i nS t r u c t u r e R o u g h e nt o p s u r f a c eo f d e c k 1 0 " T o o l e de d g e 1 0 " 1 0 " i np o s i t i v e mo me n t r e g i o n s 6 " i nn e g a t i v e mo me n t r e g o n s 1 " B e v e l ( T y p . )
Se e Di v i s i on I
2" C o v e r S e eP l a nN o t e1
R u s t i c a t i o n
D e t a i l
{~1 " D r i p ( T y p . ) 4 " 2 " 5 " 6 " Ma x . 4 " 9 " # 1 6@ 3 " 1 " 1 " B e v e l ( T y p . ) J o i n t S y m a b o u t {
{ B r i d g e& 1 " O p e n
( T y p . )
1- 8"
C o n s t r u c t i o n J o i n t . R o u g h e n S u r f a c e( T y p . ) T o pd e c k r e i n f o r c e me n t
2-11" #1 9@ 6 "
3 " B i t u mi n o u s
C o n c r e t eO v e r l a y
V a r i e sSe e De s i gn Gui de l i ne 1
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S :
Se e De s i gn Gui de l i ne 2
2 " # 1 9@ 1 1 0 1 " B e v e l 1 0# 2 2 6 "
1 6 -0 "( Se e De s i gn Gui de l i ne 1 )
S e eP l a nN o t e1 F o r d e t a i l so f J o i n t D e v i c e , s e eS e c t i o n1 0 2" C o v e r 1 3 " 3 " 2- 0" * J o i n t s e a l ( R o a d w a yI t e m)
C o n c r e t e P a v e me n t 1 2 N o r ma l t o b a c k w a l l 6 " P r e s s u r eR e l i e f J o i n t o r b i t u mi n o u s a p p r o a c hp a v e me n t ( R d w y . I t e ms ) # 6@ 6 " # 5@ 1 0 " 3 " C o v e r
{ B e a r i n g
P L A N N O T E S :
1 .3 " b i t u mi n o u sc o n c r e t eo v e r l a yo n me mb r a n ew a t e r p r o o f i n g
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S :
1 .O nb r i d g e sw i t hs k e w a n g l eg r e a t e r t h a n3 5, e n d so f a p p r o a c hs l a b sa r e s q u a r e do f f a n dt h i sd i me n s i o ni st h e mi n i mu m l e n g t ha t t h es h o r t e s t p o i n t .
Sawcut prior to removal of Bituminous Concrete Overlay (Typ) See Design Guideline 3 { Joint Bridging Plate - 8" x " min. Bituminous Concrete Overlay on Membrane Waterproofing. 10" 10" Binder with aggregate
Locating Pin
Bridge Deck
Joint opening
PLAN NOTES: 1. Remove new bituminous concrete overlay and membrane waterproofing. Replace with Asphaltic Plug Expansion Joint System. To be paid for under the item "Asphaltic Plug Expansion Joint System". (See Special Provision)
1. Asphaltic Plug Expansion System shall be used at fixed and expansion joints with computed movements from 0" to 1" based on a moderate climate in accordance with AASHTO. 2. Asphaltic Plug Expansion joints shall be installed when the ambient air temperature is between 40 F and 80 F. 3. Bituminous Concrete Overlay depth shall be indicated.
Issue Date:
10/05 2/11
Revision Date:
Plate Number:
Issue Date:
10/03 2/11
Revision Date:
Plate Number:
Me c h a n i c a l d o w e l b a r s p l i c e r # 4@ 1 0 "
For Ba c k wa l l De t a i l s Se e Pl a t e 7 . 3 . 3
B i t u mi n o u sC o n c r e t e O v e r l a yo n Me mb r a n e Wa t e r p r o o f i n g . Se e
De s i gn Gui de l i ne 3
For Appr oa c h Sl a b De t a i l s Se e Se c t i on 6
D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S :
Issue Date:
Plate Number:
Revision Date:
Install Modular Joint, see special provision "Prefabricated Expansion Joint (Movement Capacity ( _ __)")" { Joint 1 -0" Concrete header (Typ.) 2" Cover (Typ.)
Design Guideline 6
3 - #6 Bars (Typ.)
1. See special provision "Prefabricated Expansion Joint (Movement Capacity ( _ ) ")". DESIGN GUIDELINES:
1. The temperature range used for computation of movement shall be based on a moderate climate in accordance with AASHTO. 2. The required movement capacity of each joint shall be determined by the Designer and shown on the plans. 3. The contract plans shall show a blocked out area for the Modular Joint. The manufacturer will be responsible for the joint and anchorage details in accordance with the special provisions. 4. Modular joints should be used for joint movements greater than 4" at piers. 5. Depth of Bituminous Concrete overlay shall be indicated.
Issue Date:
10/03 2/11
Revision Date:
Plate Number:
See Plan Note 1 Bridge Deck See Plate 7.5.1e Bituminous Concrete Overlay on Membrane Waterproofing. See 8" (min.) " " 8" (min.) Silicone sealant Elastomeric Concrete (Typ.) Bridge Deck or Approach Slab
Design Guideline 4
{ Joint
PLAN NOTES; 1. Remove new bituminous concrete overlay and membrane waterproofing and replace with Silicone Expansion Joint System. To be paid for under the item "Silicone Expansion Joint System". (See Special Provision) 2. Silicone sealant shall be installed when the ambient temperature is between 50 F and 80 F.
1. Silicone Expansion Joint System shall be used at expansion joints with computed movements between 1" and 3". 2. Depth of Bituminous Concrete Overlay shall be indicated.
Issue Date:
10/03 2/11
Revision Date:
Plate Number: