The MAN Diesel & Turbo (MDT) barrel type compressor is a single-shaft centrifugal compressor for applications in Oil & Gas, HPI/CPI, petrochemical processes and gas transport. Its cost effective design comes in various frame sizes. Inlet flow rates range from 200 to 230,000 Am3/h and discharge pressures go up to 800 bar. MDTs RB centrifugal compressor allows for different numbers of impellers up to 10 stages for a single-shaft rotor. Every shaft is equipped with tilting pad bearings. The RB compressor outer casing is forged and covers a complete cartridge. The inner cartridge is cast, steel plate material is available as an option. Compact cartridge design allows easy dis-/assembly. For most applications, MDT offers a package design, which significantly reduces on-site installation time. This includes the RB compressor as core unit, as well as driver, gearbox (if applicable), lube oil system, seal gas rack, on skid process piping and auxiliaries. Usually, stationary and rotating labyrinth strips are mounted at the impellers and the balance piston for sealing purposes. Only for very high pressure (VHP) applications, hole pattern seals will be mounted at the balance piston. Sealing to atmosphere is done with dry gas seals (DGS), which can be either a tandem DGS (suction pressure 3.5 bar/g) or double also called back-toback (suction pressure < 3.5 bar/g).
rack. Depending on gas composition, a seal gas conditioning unit (booster and heater) or an external seal gas source may be required for start-up and settleout conditions. The lube oil system (if applicable) can be integrated into the compressor base frame or stand alone on a skid. The position of this unit depends on the application (onshore or offshore) and on pitch and roll rates (if applicable).
Base characteristics
Multistage compressor design
Design according to API and NACE Up to 3 compressor sections for side stream, or intercooling between stage groups
Direct drive or speed in-/decreasing gear Maximum of 10 impeller stages Closed impellers which can be manufactured by (integral) milling, welding, brazing or spark eroding
Modular configuration
The modular configuration ranges from pre-designed RB compressor packages for the upstream, midstream, downstream and industrial gases market segments up to completely customzied barrel compressors e.g. for VHP and CO2 applications. Using predesigned components has the advantage of employing proven designs, lowering lead times and results in cost advantages.
Single lift or separate Pitch n Roll anti-vibration-mounts (AVM) for FPSOs and platforms, multipoint or 3-point mount for damping
Anti surge control system Performance and load share control system Machinery protection systems (e.g. vibration monitoring) combined with SIL capable ESD systems
Upstream: oil & gas i.e. gas lift, gas export, gas injection, gas gathering, gas treatment, gas processing, CO2 injection, LNG, boil off, gas transport, liquefied petroleum gas
Start up and stop sequencing Human machine interface with visualization Control systems based on Siemens PCS7
Downstream: refineries, fertilizers, chemical & petrochemical, i.e. hydrogen production, hydrogen recovery, hydro cracking. Desulfurization, FCC, propane dehydration, methanol, olefins, IGCC, Coal-to-Liquids, GTL-Syngas, ammonia, urea, nitric acid
The MDT barrel compressor was first implemented in 1968 Proven track record of more than 38 Mio operating hours Designed for reliability >= 98.5% World wide PrimeServ support services for the entire product life cycle: spare parts, overhauls, repairs, revamps/modernization and training
Industrial gases: air separation, nitrogen, oxygen, paper, coke oven, GTL, CTL
The entire seal gas and bearing separation (buffer) gas distribution and control system is arranged on the dry gas seal
Referenced impeller family (low and high pressure applications)
Compact and high efficiency impeller technology which can be used to compress hydro carbon gases, carbon dioxide, dry air and nitrogen up to 800 bara. Energy and cost savings.
Several design options for each frame size. Intercooling between stage groups possible.
Proven, powerful and reliable design concept. The MDT RB cartridge contains all components (inner casing, casing covers, DGS, bearing) easy and fast dis-/assembly and storage.
Several sealing options, e.g. dry gas seals (tandem and double (back-to-back) and labyrinth seals, hole pattern.
To be used for:
Hydro carbons (natural/fuel gas/sour gas) Dry and atmospheric air Carbon dioxide Oxygen (requires modifications), chlorine, refrigerants
Depending on the specific application: extensive experience with special materials for sour/wet gas applications (according to NACE).
Bearing housing
Outer casing
Cartridge containing inner casing including impellers and diffusors Inlet volut
Technical Data
Driver Min. suction pressure [bara] Discharge pressure [bara] Flow rate [m 3/h] Power range [MW] Efficiency [%] No of impeller stages
Electric motor, gas turbine or steam turbine 1 Max. 800 bara (calculated & designed) Tested and referenced up to 650 bara Max. 230,000 m 3/h Up to 60 MW approx. > 80% overall efficiency possible Max. 10
Customized Casing (Cxx - C112) < 230,000 4,500 VHP* applications e.g. 800 for RB 28 adapted -
RB Skid
Compressor RB type DGS panel
Base frame
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational conditions. Copyright MAN Diesel & Turbo CH-7.2.2013
MAN Diesel & Turbo Schweiz AG Hardstrasse 319 8005 Zrich, Switzerland Phone +41 44 278-2211 Fax +41 44 278-2261 www.mandieselturbo.com