Ave Maria Press Parish Resources Spring 2010

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s p r i n g 2 0 1 0 C ata lo g
OUR PRAYERS: The Magnificat
Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have

become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have
revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about
who we are and about the God to whom we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor

We Pray

† My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,

YEAR for
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me;
and holy is his name.
He has mercy on those who fear him
in every generation.
We Practice

He has shown strength with his arm,
he has scattered the proud in their conceit. he name of this prayer, comes from
the rst words of it in Latin: Magni-

He cast down the mighty from their thrones,
cat anima mea Dominum, which means:
and has lifted up the lowly.
“My soul magnies the Lord.” Also known as
He has lled the hungry with good things,

the Canticle of Mary, the prayer comes direct-
and the rich he has sent away empty.
ly from the Gospel of Luke (1:46–55). These
He has come to the help of his servant Israel words are spoken by the Virgin Mary during
for he has remembered his promise of mercy, her visit to Elizabeth, her elderly cousin, who
the promise made to our fathers, is pregnant with John the Baptist. Elizabeth
to Abraham and his children for ever.
greets Mary with the words: “Most blessed
–Liturgy of the Hours are you among women, and blessed is the
fruit of your womb” (Lk 1:42). Mary re-
sponds with the words of the
The Magnicat is prayed


D every day in the Liturgy

to catechize your
of the Hours. Sometimes
• A canticle is a called the Divine Ofce, this is
biblical hymn or song the Church’s ofcial daily prayer.

Ten steps to
that is not part of the Priests and those in religious life pray
book of Psalms. the Hours daily. Many lay people also pray
Morning and Evening Prayer and some par-
• There are three canticles in
ishes celebrate them communally.
the Church’s daily liturgical prayer:
The Magnicat is prayed during Evening

All three canticles are found in chapters 1 and 2 of Luke’s Gospel.
Prayer, known as Vespers. An ancient tra-
The Canticle of Zechariah at Morning Prayer (Lk 1:68–79) dition of the Church tells us that it was

probably evening when Mary arrived at
The Canticle of Mary at Evening Prayer (Lk 1:46–55)
Elizabeth’s house, thus the connection
The Canticle of Simeon at Night Prayer (Lk 2:24–32) with this liturgical Hour.

By Robert M. Hamma, Editorial Director at Ave Maria Press.

 Pages 8 & 9
Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame;
and Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College.

 Page 13

a Lenten
guide to active A hopeful
discipleship blessing for

times of
 Page 2

 Page 38

New Lenten resources  Pages 2–4

Ne w f or Spr i n g 2 0 1 0

 page 2  page 4  page 10  page 16

 page 30  pages 32  page 32  page 38

 page 7  page 7  page 18  page 24  page 24  page 28

 page 46  page 50  page 51  page 52  page 52  page 53

O ur J ourne y “ An affirming and challenging guide to the

I nt o J oy renewal of the priesthood. It’s the perfect gift for priests

Written for the Year for Priests ”

in the Year for Priests.
Cardinal Roger Mahony
at the request of the See page 13 for more details.
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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s p r i n g 2 0 1 0 C ata lo g
N EW C ATA L O G F E AT U R E ! Table of Contents

Many of our resources have been tagged with lent...............................................................2–7

distinctive logos to indicate the special features that Small Group...................................................2
these titles have to offer. Personal Reflection.......................................4
Together in Ministry Stations of the Cross.....................................5
These resources are part of our pastoral Holy Cross Reflections...............................6-7
ministry initiative specifically developed to
help aid in your ministry and serve the spiritual MINISTRY TOOLS......................................8-14
needs of the Church. Church Leadership......................................14
Adult Formation...............................15-20
Free Downloads
Free downloadable materials such as handouts, RCIA........................................................15-17
posters, charts, worksheets, and other ancillary Classic Spirituality.................................18-20
materials are available for titles with this logo.
small group..........................................21-24
You can find these materials at
www.avemariapress.com. Look for Social Ministry........................................25
“Downloads” on each book’s search page.
Sample Pages Family...........................................................28
Take a sneak peek at these resources online!
Youth Ministry...................................29-36
Check out the table of contents and sample
pages at www.avemariapress.com. Look for Confirmation...............................................29
“Sample Pages” on each book’s search page. High School Textbooks.........................30-34
D.R.E. Resources..........................................36
Small Group
These books feature discussion questions, Pastoral Care & Bereavement....37-43
group readings or prayers, and/or tips for small Healing.........................................................43
group facilitation. Use the resources tagged
Book Club....................................................44
with this logo with your existing small group or
gather a group and get started! Spirituality..........................................44–55
Joyce Rupp....................................................47
Thomas Merton...........................................48
Henri J.M. Nouwen.....................................49
You can now receive up to 30% off on eligible
resources when you buy directly from us. See the Retreats.........................................................51
order form on the inside back cover for details! Prayer............................................................55

Mission Statement
Founded in 1865 at Notre Dame, Indiana, Ave Maria Press, a ministry of the Congregation of Holy Cross, is a Catholic
publishing company that serves the spiritual and formative needs of the Church and its schools, institutions, and minis-
ters; Christian individuals and families; and others seeking spiritual nourishment.
In the tradition of Holy Cross, we are committed, as educators in the faith, to helping people know, love, and serve
God and to spreading the gospel of Jesus through books and other resources.
Lent – Small Group
NEW! is
February 17!
O pen O ur H e a r t s
A Small-Group Guide for an Active Lent, Cycle C
Donna L. Ciangio, O.P., and Thomas B. Iwanowski

L ectionary-based and action-

oriented, this dynamic
six-week Lenten program links
Guide your
parishioners through
Catholics more deeply to the the Lenten season
traditions of the Church and to
their fellow parishioners. The with a program that is:
pastoral expertise of Sr. Donna
 Built on the Gospel: Meeting
Ciangio, O.P., and Fr. Thomas
outlines provide the Sunday
Iwanowski enables Catholics
to connect what they hear on Gospel readings, thought-
Sunday to their daily activities provoking commentary, con-
during the rest of the week. versation questions, prayer,
ISBN: 9781594712425 activities, and suggestions for
96 pages / $5.95 Christian living.
 Rooted in the Church: The
Available December 2009
very structure of Open Our
SPECIAL GROUP PRICE: Hearts reveals its dependence
$4.76 each upon the Body of Christ, and
(effective with $300 order) the Christian life that cannot be
lived except in community.

“ Energizing us to shine the transfiguring light of Christ on our  Focused on Mission: The
world, parish, and home. A most welcome resource for our Lenten journey.
Most Reverend Gerald Wilkerson
” conviction and commitment
of the authors’ work on behalf
San Fernando Regional Bishop of the Kingdom of God comes
Archdiocese of Los Angeles through in every aspect of this

“ A rich treasure that brings together biblical insight, a simple and user-
timely project, which is both
challenging and empowering.
friendly methodology, and practical suggestions for living God’s word.
Most Reverend Ricardo Ramirez
”  Lectionary-Based: Follows
Bishop of Las Cruces, New Mexico lectionary Cycle C.

“ This offers Catholic teaching and tradition, but also guides

users to connect daily life and faith. For Catholics who want to deepen their

faith in a small group setting, Open Our Hearts is a great resource.
Bill Huebsch
Director of ThePastoralCenter.com and
author of Growing Faith

2 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

L en t w i t h T h o m a s Me r t o n

bridges to
contemplative living
with thomas merton
Edited by Jonathan Montaldo & Robert G. Toth of
The Merton Institute for Contemporary Living

L e nt and H ol y W e e k
The Merton Institute for Contemplative Living
Edited by Jonathan Montaldo & Robert G. Toth

T he Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton series enjoys

widespread popularity and is ideal for parish-based small group pro-
grams, religious communities, and contemplative retreat centers.
Lent and Holy Week opens the writings of Thomas Merton in easily digest-
ible pieces and eloquently pairs them with the words of other great spiritual See the complete
thinkers. Designed for use in new or existing small groups between Ash Bridges series
Wednesday and Easter, this booklet offers readers an accessible introduc- pages 22-23
tion to contemplative dialogue.

weekly Lenten Themes

 Week of Ash Wednesday: Where Do We  Fourth Week of Lent: Choosing with
Turn for Forgiveness? Christ to Love the World
 First Week of Lent: Living More Deeply  Fifth Week of Lent: In the Service of
in Christ Peace through Humility and Prayer
 Second Week of Lent: A Season for  Holy Week: Returning to the Source of
Compunction and Tears Our Unity in Christ
 Third Week of Lent: In All Things,  The Resurrection of the Lord: Liberated
Always Seeking God to Redeem the World

The series has also been warmly accepted among members of ecumenical
groups and can serve as a means of building dialogue between Christian
churches in the same geographical area.
ISBN: 9781594712043 / 64 pages / $5.95
Special Group Price: $4.76 each
(effective with $300 order)

 Parish Small Groups  Interfaith Groups
 Campus Ministry  Personal Growth
 Retreats

Lent – Personal Reflection


S ac red S p a ce for L ent 2010

Jesuit Communication Centre, Ireland

T he fourth edition of Sacred Space for Lent provides busy people a

rich and thoughtful way to enter into the season of Lent. Sacred
Space for Lent offers weekly themes, daily readings, and beautiful,
relevant prayers. This portable and affordable resource can be used
by readers on the go, and is a great companion to the Sacred Space
website, which has logged over 23 million visits (www.sacredspace.ie).
These booklets are ideal for parish-wide distribution and for anyone
looking to take time out of a busy day to meditate during the Lenten
season in the riches of the Jesuit tradition.
ISBN: 9781594712227
128 pages / $2.50

“ Having used Sacred Space for Lent, an

extraordinary, simply profound resource, parish
Special Group Price:
$2.00 each groups experienced the day-by-day grace offered in prayerful scripture reflection lead-
(effective with $300 order)

ing to praise, thanksgiving, intercession, and spiritual growth in faith.
Mary Ann Ankoviak, C.S.J.
Pastoral Associate, Our Lady on the River Parish
Marine City, MI

From Fr. Edward Hays NEW!

Cycle C T h e S p iri tu a lity

of F a s ti ng
T h e A scent o f t he M ou n t ain
Rediscovering a Christian Practice
of G o d Charles M. Murphy
Daily Reflections for the Journey of Lent Pope Benedict XVI
Edward Hays recently stated that
This rich collection of parables and stories, prayers fasting “needs to
and paradoxes, turns the challenge of the Lenten be rediscovered and
ascent into an encouraging adventure. encouraged again in
ISBN: 9780939516261 / 133 pages / $12.95 our day.” In timely
response to this,
A L ent en H o bo H o ne y moon Msgr. Charles Murphy
considers anew how
Daily Reflections for the Journey of Lent
fasting informs the
Edward Hays relationships between
Lent calls each of us to be hobos: HOmeward creator/creature, body/
BOund pilgrims who cannot rest until we rest in soul, and rich/poor.
God. These daily reflections pave a joy-filled jour- ISBN: 9781594712432 / 128 pages / $12.95
ney homeward to God. Available January 2010
ISBN: 9780939516438 / 144 pages / $12.95 See page 52 for more details.

4 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

Lent – Stations of the Cross

J oh n P au l II’ s B i bli ca l Way of the C r os s

Meditations by Amy Welborn and Michael Dubruiel
Art by Michael O’Brien

I n 1991, Pope John Paul II introduced a new Bible-based interpretation of the Stations of
the Cross. Building on a growing worldwide interest in this interpretation, best-selling
authors Amy Welborn and Michael Dubruiel have written this parish resource to invite read-
ers to prayerfully walk in solidarity with Jesus on his ago-
nizing way of the cross—from his last torturing moments
in the Garden of Gethsemane to his death and burial.

Now with full-color Station images from previously

unpublished paintings by Michael O’Brien, this booklet
creates an ideal resource for individual or group devotional
use, particularly during the Lenten season.
ISBN: 9781594711282 / 32 pages / $2.50

Special Group Price: $2.00 each

(effective with $300 order)


@ www.amywelborn.com

Perennial Bestseller!
T h e P ilg rim a ge
E v e r yon e ’ s Wa y o f the C ros s Wa y of th e C ro s s
Clarence Enzler Stations on Our Baptismal Journey
This Lenten booklet combines imagina- Edward Hays
tive full-page photos with a dialogue This Lenten parish
between Christ and the reader, urging program challenges
us to carry on Christ’s message to unify us to embrace our
human will with the divine will. Ideal for baptismal call to help
private devotions as well as the public reconcile the world to
Stations of the Cross. God. Ideal for large or
REGULAR-SIZE BOOKLET small parish settings,
ISBN: 9780877933380 / 32 pages, photos / $1.50 or any community
Special Group Price: $1.20 each serious about spiritual
(effective with $300 order) renewal.
ISBN: 9780939516742
LARGE PRINT EDITION 64 pages / $3.95
ISBN: 9780877934530 / 32 pages, photos / $2.75
Special Group Price: $3.16 each
Special Group Price: $2.20 each (effective with $300 order)
(effective with $300 order)

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 5

Lent – Holy Cross Reflections

T h e G if t of t h e Cross
Lenten Reflections in the Holy Cross Tradition
Edited by Andrew Gawrych, C.S.C.

T his Lenten meditation book features daily reflections by members

of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the founding community of
the University of Notre Dame. The meditations offer an introduction
to Holy Cross spirituality and apostolic activity with stories emerging
from the ministry of priests, brothers, and sisters, including Theodore
Hesburgh, C.S.C., John Jenkins, C.S.C, and Mary Ellen Vaughan,
This affordable book is perfectly suited for parish-wide use during
the Lenten season, as well as in schools, universities, and many other
ISBN: 9781594712029 / 96 pages / $3.50
A Holy Cross Book


(effective with $300 order)

Advent Resource
T he C r oss , O ur O nly H ope
Daily Reflections in the Holy Cross Tradition
Edited by Andrew Gawrych, C.S.C., and Kevin Grove, C.S.C.
Foreword by Hugh Cleary, C.S.C.
Members of the Congregation of Holy Cross offer an intro-
duction to the rich, vibrant spiritual-
ity of the Congregation in this daily
meditation book. Themes such as
trust in God, compassion, hope in
the Cross, discipleship, and the pro-
motion of justice speak to members The Gift of H op e
of Holy Cross, all who have been Advent and Christmas Reflections
in the Holy Cross Tradition
touched by their ministry, and any
Edited by Andrew Gawrych, C.S.C.
Catholic interested in learning more ISBN: 9781594712210 / 96 pages / $3.50
about the Congregation’s spirituality.
ISBN: 9781594711626 / 512 pages / $17.95 Special Group Price: $2.80 each
(effective with $300 order)
A Holy Cross Book
A Holy Cross Book

6 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

Holy Cross Reflections

P raying fr om t h e H ear t of V incent M c C auley, C.S.C.

Missionary Bishop of Uganda
H ol y C ros s S p ir it ua li t y Richard Gribble, C.S.C.
In this definitive biography of Vincent
A 30-Day Retreat with Basil Moreau
McCauley, C.S.C., Richard Gribble,
Joel Giallanza, C.S.C. C.S.C., shows how his life was one of
exceptional challenges. This compel-
ling biography demonstrates how
In this first popular presentation of the McCauley maintained an immovable
spirituality of Blessed Basil Moreau, readers faith and uncompromising vision,
encounter a month’s worth of morning and hewn within the long-standing mis-
evening reflections with the key themes of sionary spirit of the Congregation of
Holy Cross spirituality—trust in God’s provi- Holy Cross.
dence, faith, persistence in prayer, charity, and
ISBN: 9781594711107 / 520 pages / $22.95
hope in the cross.
Ideal for Holy Cross universities, schools, A Holy Cross Book
parishes, and other ministries, this presenta-
tion of Moreau’s spirituality is the perfect way
to deepen appreciation of the unique charism
that shapes Holy Cross work and prayer.
ISBN: 9781594712326 / 128 pages / $10.95
Available January 2010
A Holy Cross Book

Also by Joel Giallanza, C.S.C.

The Seven Sorrows of Mary
NEW! See page 52
B asil M oreau
B rot he r A n d ré Founder of Holy Cross
Friend of the Suffering, Apostle of Saint Joseph Gary MacEoin
Jean-Guy Dubuc The story of Father Basil Moreau,
the beatified founder of the
Foreword by Mario Lachapelle, C.S.C. Congregation of Holy Crossa story
of war, persecution, controversy, and
sacrificecomes to life in this edition
More than seventy years after his death, Brother
of the biography written by popular
André Bessette, C.S.C., remains beloved for his
Catholic journalist Gary MacEoin.
mercy to the sick, for his devotion to St. Joseph,
First published in 1962, MacEoin’s
and for his role in the construction of the majestic
biography gives due reverence to
Oratory of St. Joseph in Montreal, which contin-
Moreau as he offers readers a look
ues to be visited by millions of pilgrims each year.
back at the struggles of this humble
Now with a photo insert, a new introduction French priest.
by the author, and a new foreword by the vice-
ISBN: 9781594711336
postulator for Br. André’s cause for canonization, 256 pages, with 8-page photo insert / $15.95
this new edition of Brother André will inspire many
who look to this man as a model of piety, devo- A Holy Cross Book
tion, and charity.
ISBN: 9781594711909
256 pages, with a 4-page
photo insert / $15.95
Available January 2010
A Holy Cross Book


words of faith
bulletin inserts
Catechizing the widely diverse communities that fill your pews each weekend is a difficult
Words of Faith bulletin inserts have been developed with that difficult task in mind!
Catechize your parishioners from the rich treasury of powerful words that form the
vocabulary of our faith: beloved prayers, timeless creeds, and familiar liturgical responses.

OUR PRAYERS: The Angelus OUR PRAYERS: Come, Holy Spirit Our Prayers

Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have
Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have
become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about
revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about who we are and about the God to whom we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor

General Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD

who we are and about the God to whom we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor

We Pray We Practice We Pray

The Angelus is traditionally prayed in a call he Angelus is a brief devotion in honor of the Incarnation
and response format, with a leader announcing This prayer is traditionally prayed in a call and response format, with a leader
that consists of short verses, or versicles, drawn from the
the versicle (V) and everyone present saying the announcing the verse (V) and everyone present saying the response (R).
response (R).
Bible and a triple repetition of the Hail Mary. It probably DID YOU KNOW?
began in imitation of the monastic tradition of saying particular V. Come, Holy Spirit, and ll the hearts of your faithful, The gifts of the Holy Spirit, the
V. The Angel of the Lord declared prayers, known as the tres orationes, at the ringing of the bell fol-
R. And kindle in them the re of your love.

ways in which the Holy Spirit
unto Mary. lowing night prayer and the medieval practice of reciting three
acts in our lives, are wisdom,
R. And she conceived of the Hail Marys during the ringing of the evening bell at six o’clock. V. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created, understanding, counsel, fortitude
The devotion eventually included a recitation at six o’clock in the R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Holy Spirit.

ords of Faith: Our Prayers is a series of twelve full-color bulletin inserts

(or courage), knowledge, piety,
morning and at noon as well, making the Angelus a way for lay
Hail Mary, full of grace, and fear (or wonder and awe) of
people to sanctify the hours of the day that echoed the monastic Let us pray.
the Lord is with you! the Lord. These gifts are named in
praying of the Liturgy of the Hours. Still later, the versicles and a Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit
Blessed are you among women, concluding prayer were added, strengthening the connection be-
a prayer that the bishop or his des-
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
and blessed is the fruit of your tween the devotion and the mystery of the Incarnation. The prac-
ignee prays at the beginning of the
In the same Spirit celebration of the sacrament of con-
womb, Jesus. tice seems to have always been associated with the ringing of a help us to relish what is right firmation. When we trust in the gifts
Holy Mary, Mother of God, bell. Whole villages and towns would literally
and always rejoice in your consolation. of the Holy Spirit, we are formed as
pray for us sinners, come to halt when the Angelus bell rang. La-
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

that will help catechize your faith community on the history, doc-
good and holy people, living the fruits
now and at the hour of our death. borers in the elds, workers in shops, and
Amen. of the Holy Spirit in our lives: char-
families at home set aside what they were
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. ity, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
doing and prayed the Angelus together.
goodness, generosity, gentleness,
R. Be it done unto me according to The devotion derives its name from the
faithfulness, modesty, self-control,
your word. opening phrase in Latin: Angelus Domini nun-
and chastity.
Hail Mary . . . tiavit Mariae (the Angel of the Lord declared
unto Mary). The current text of the Angelus
V. And the Word was made Flesh. was standardized by the seventeenth century
We Practice
trine, and spiritual traditions of twelve of our most ancient and beloved
R. And dwelt among us. and today many churches and monasteries—
Hail Mary . . . as well as a number of radio and television his ancient prayer has its roots in both sacred scripture and the tradition of the Church.
stations—ring the Angelus bell at six With phrases taken from Psalm 104, this familiar prayer says much in a few brief but
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother o’clock in the morning, at noon, and beautiful words. We nd the opening line of the prayer and echoes of its meaning in the
of God. at six in the evening, inviting the sequence for Pentecost. A sequence is a liturgical prayer that is either sung or read just before the
R. That we may be made worthy of faithful to pause at what they y Gospel on certain high feast days. Those who pray

OUR PRAYERS: The Benedictus

the promises of Christ. are doing and pray. Evening Prayer nd part of this prayer as the Come, Holy Spirit, come!
response to the Magnicat on Pente- And from your celestial home
Let us pray:
OUR PRAYERS: The Canticle of Simeon

texts. Prayers like the Angelus, the Lord’s Prayer, the Benedictus, and the

cost. We also see its second stanza

Shed a ray of light divine!
Pour forth we beseech
Deep you, Oheart
in every human Lord,
is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have in the Alleluia verse before the gos-
become Come, Father of the poor!
your grace into ourclassic expressions
hearts, that we, of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have pel reading on Pentecost Sunday and the

revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about
to whom thewho incarnation of Christ votive
Deep in every humanMass of the
heart Holy Spirit,
is a desire for the which is of-thatCome,
living God expresseswithin our bosoms
itself in prayer. shine.
In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have
we are and about the God to whom we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor
your Son was made known by the tenexpressions
become classic celebratedofatwhatthe beginning
the human of seeks. You,
a new
heart Words of comforters
of Faith: theexplores
Our Prayers best; prayers that for centuries have
revealed a faith that fosters
academic yeara deep,
or forpersonal, growing,
gatherings and loving
of civic You,relationship
the soul’s withmost
Jesus Christ.
welcomeThese guest;
prayers teach us much about
message of an angel, may by his who we are and about the God to whom we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor
passion and cross be brought to the We Practice leaders each fall at an annual Red Mass. Sweet refreshment here below;

We echo this prayer as we sing, “Lord,
glory of his resurrection. he Benedictus is the Canticle of Zechariah In our labor, rest most sweet;

Magnificat come alive in a new and captivating way.

We Pray
Through the same Christ Our Lord. found in Luke 1:68–79. The traditional title is We Pray send out your Spirit, and renew the face
of the earth” as our response to the Psalm on
Solace in the midst of woe.
Amen. † Blessed be the Lord, the rst word of its Latin version. In general, † Lord, now
Pentecost Sundayyouandlet your
often servant
during go in peace;
the celebration —from the Pentecost Sequence,
a canticle is a biblical prayer or hymn, much like a Veni, Sancte Spiritus
the God of Israel; your work
of the sacrament of con has been fullled:
psalm but drawn from sources other than the Book of
he has come to his people my own eyes have seen the salvation
Psalms. Canticles from the Old Testament are prayed
and set
By Andrew Gawrych, C.S.C., them
priest in thefree.
Congregation of Holy Cross. He co-edited The Cross, Our Only Hope: Daily Reections in the By Leisa Anslinger, authorwhich you have
and speaker, prepared
bringing in the sight
extensive experience of every
in Catholic people:
parishes and schools to her ministry.
at Morning Prayer (Lauds) and from the New Testa-
Holy Cross Tradition. He has raised up for us a light
Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD,to reveal you
is President of theto the nations
Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame;
Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor ofment at Evening
Theology, UniversityPrayer (Vespers).
of Notre Dame; andThe canticles of and Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College.
Aquinas Chair Emeritus, a mighty savior,
St. Mary’s College. Zechariah, Mary, and Simeon—all taken from the
and the glory of your people Israel (Luke 2:29–32).

Words of Faith was developed for use once a month over twelve months,
born of the house of his servant David. Gospel of Luke—are the high point of Morning, Eve-
ning, and Night Prayer respectively. In communal
Through his holy prophets Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep,
settings, these are usually chanted with the partici-
he promised of old that awake, we may keep watch with Christ,
pants standing as they would for any proclamation
that he would save us from our enemies, of the gospel.
and asleep, rest in his peace.
from the hands of all who hate us. To pray the Benedictus at the beginning of the day —The Liturgy of the Hours
is to welcome God’s ongoing creative activity in the
He promised to show mercy
world and to seize the unique opportunity that each

beginning in Advent. These 2-sided, 8½” x 11” inserts are designed to fit
to our fathers
day brings. The rising sun is itself an invitation to
and to remember his holy covenant. new life and Luke’s beautifully crafted prayer helps
This was the oath he swore us to focus on Jesus as the “dawn from on high” come
to our father Abraham: We Practice
to guide us toward peace.
to set us free from the hands he Latin name of this prayer is the Nunc Dimittis, drawn from its opening words, which
of our enemies, mean “Now dismiss . . .” This canticle (hymn of praise) from the Gospel of Luke is prayed
free to worship him without fear, during Compline or Night Prayer. Compline is the last of the daily liturgical prayers or
holy and righteous in his sight “Hours” that make up the Liturgy of the Hours (also called the Divine Ofce).

in your existing bulletin or to be handed out as a supplemental piece. Our

all the days of our life. This canticle reveals the gratitude of Simeon, a devout Jew, for having lived long enough to see
the long-awaited Savior. At the end of each day, Simeon’s words help deepen our gratitude for the
You, my child, shall be called blessings we have received during our service of the Lord.
the prophet of the Most High, DID YOU KNOW? The Canticle of Simeon is found in the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke, and in
for you will go before the Lord
OUR PRAYERS: The Act of Contrition
to prepare his way,
Although no one can be sure of Jesus’ or
Jooh birthday, the ancient Church made OUR PRAYERS: Salve Regina addition to Night Prayer, it is used in the readings for the day on the feast
of the Presentation, February

to give his people knowledge choices

choicece and observed them in the liturgical 2. It is also a beautiful prayer

l d The Birthsome
of John the Baptist corresponds
Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have
to use when praying at the

flexible ordering options allow you to follow this twelve-month subscrip-

Deep in every human heartof salvation
is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, prayers have become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have
with the summer solstice (June have
24) and Christmas
become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers
by the forgiveness of their sins.
explores prayers that for centuries revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal,
The Liturgy growing,
of the Hours or and loving
Divine relationship
Offi with Jesus Christ.
ce has undergone ese prayers teach usdeathbed
manyThchanges much aboutof a seriously ill
revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about
corresponds with the winter solstice. In the north- who we are and aboutsincethe God to whom person.
—Keith J. Egan, Series There is great power
who we are and about the God to whom we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor it was firstwe belong.
standardized in the medieval Church. Current usage Editor
In the tender compassion of our God ern hemisphere where the Church was born, the
focuses on three major hours and between two and four minor hours:
and peace in the freedom of
the dawn from on high shall sun is at its height on John’s birthday but gradually saying for a dying friend that

We Pray break upon us, We Practice begins to decline as the days become shorter and We Pray
The Office of Readings (formerly Matins) (major hour) now he or she is ready to be

nights longer. On Christmas, our ancient ancestors dismissed from this life and
to shine on those who dwell in Lauds or Morning Prayer Hail, holy
hour) Mother of mercy,
My God, I am sorry for my sins with y ministry among
celebrated thethe poor teaches
“rebirth of the me
sun” ev-
as the days were meet the Lord in heaven.
darkness and the shadow of death, Daytime prayer, hail,
canlife, our or
be one sweetness,
all of: and our hope.
all my heart. In choosing to do wrong ery day to and
surely offerfaithfully
my indelity to God.
getting longer.In As
a they identified

tion or customize a program suitable to your own needs.

and to guide our feet into the
and failing to do good, I have sinned warm-yellow
Jesus withconfessional
the light of theat the Down-
world, they were remind- To you we Prayer
Terce or Mid-Morning cry, the children of Eve;
way of peace.
against you whom I should love above town Chapel in ed Portland,
of John’s Oregon, I hear
affirmation: “Hethe
must gutincrease; I must to you we
Sext or Midday send up our sighs,
wrenching sadness of the heroin addict struggling
Nonemourning and weeping
Prayer in this land of exile.
decrease”(John 3:30).
all things. I —The
rmly Liturgy
intend, of with
the your
Hours or Mid-Afternoon
to break out of dishonesty. I receive the heartfelt con-
help, to do penance, to sin no more, and VespersTurn, then,Prayer
or Evening most gracious advocate,
(major hour)
By Fr. Corbin Eddy. Fr. Eddy served for many years astrition
father lyingon
recently to the
only son.
of St.The
Mary’s Seminary and
to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our
University in Baltimore, Maryland. your eyes of mercy toward us;
young woman cries out in apology to God because she Compline or Night Prayer
Savior Jesus Christ
Series Editor,suffered and
Keith J. Egan, died
PhD, for of the Carmelite
is President Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; and
cannot afford to get off the streets and care for her in- lead us home at last
Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College.
us. In his name, my God, have mercy. fant daughter. It is here that I understand that authen- and Director
By Anne Comeaux, show us the
of the blessed
Of fruit of
ce of Continuing your Education,
Christian womb, Jesus:
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
tic contrition, turning away from despair, regret, and Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; and
Or: O clement, O loving,
College. O sweet Virgin Mary.

 2-sided, 8 ½” x 11” sold in packs of 50 / $8.95

Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s
guilt can only happen because the love of Christ com-
Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on
pels us. My experiences as a sinner and as a confes-
me, a sinner. sor teach me that genuine turning away from sin takes
readiness and years of faith. Change is not instant, but
takes time, like all growth. We Practice
DID YOU KNOW? God alone changes our lives and forgives our sins.
he anthem (a poem or hymn of praise, loyalty, and delity) Salve Regina, though known and sung in Latin
Metanoia is a Greek word that We may nally understand God’s true delity toward
around the Catholic world for centuries, is probably more familiar to English-speaking people as the prayer
means conversion—a deep, us when we are challenged by our sinfulness and
“Hail, Holy Queen.” Though it is not drawn directly from scripture, the text may have been inuenced by early
profound change in our doubt. The act of contrition, prayed most commonly
Christian commentaries on the Song of Songs. Whatever its precise roots, this anthem reects fundamental Catholic
lives. Real contrition means by a penitent in the sacrament of reconciliation, re-
teachings about the Mother of God.
we view our entire lives in veals the healing God has already given us in Christ
The Salve Regina is a seasonal song used in the Liturgy of the Hours, at the end of the day. Specically, it is recited
light of God’s fidelity to- Jesus. These sacramental moments of contrition ow
or sung after Night Prayer from Trinity Sunday (Sunday after Pentecost) until the Saturday before the First Sunday of
ward us and the ongoing from the remorse and sorrow we all feel deep within
Advent (last day of the liturgical year). Religious communities of brothers and sisters, priests, and many others pray
call to conversion. We rear- our consciences.
all or part of the Hours every day. Many parishes celebrate Morning and Evening Prayer (two of the major Hours that
range our priorities, assess our Contrition of the heart is revealed not in a pre-
make up the Liturgy of the Hours) especially
actions, come to terms with regrets, and review scribed formula, but by living lives of sincerity, com-
during the Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter
passion, and integrity. Remorse may bring us to utter
our judgments all because we seek this deep seasons. The Salve Regina is often prayed after DID YOU KNOW?
OUR PRAYERS: The Sign of the Cross

Subscription Schedule
conversion of heart and mind and action. silence when we realize our hard-hearted actions to-
praying the rosary.

OUR PRAYERS: The Lord’s Prayer

ward a friend. We may discover tears of regret when There are four anthems in honor of Mary used during the
This anthem was composed in the eleventh
we nally view the consequences of our callused re-

century and was originally used during church Church year:

sponses to those we love. Honest contrition sometimes
processions in honor Deep in every
of Mary. Thehuman heart is a desire•forAlma
chant melo- the living God that expresses
in prayer. Mother
In the Catholic
of tradition, some prayers have

Redemptoris the
calls us to shout out our anger when we apprehend become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have
Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have dy dates from about the same time. Eventually, Redeemer,” from the First Sunday of Advent until the
revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about
become classic expressions of what the human heartthe injustice
seeks. Wordsofof our
Faith:actions in a failure
Our Prayers explorestoprayers
serve that
the for centuries have
it was adopted by thosewho living in monasteries
we are and about the God to whom Feast of the Presentation on February 2.
we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor
revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing,poor. We may
and loving review our
relationship withday
Jesusand recite
Christ. Thformulas
ese prayersfor
teach us much about and sung after their nal prayers of the day as
who we are and about the God to whom we belong. contrition we memorized as children when —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor
fear locks • Ave Regina Caelorum, “Hail, Queen of Heaven,” from the
they returned to their rooms to retire for the
Feast of the Presentation until Wednesday in Holy Week.
up our hearts.
Saying an Act of Contrition alone in one’s room or
We Pray
night. For many centuries, the Salve Regina has
been a means for people of faith to turn to the • Regina Caeli, “Queen of Heaven,” from Easter Sunday un-
† In the name of the Father, and of theSunday.
We Pray in the quiet of sacramental confession gives expres-
sion to both our sorrow for sin and God’s mercy and
Mother of God and ask for her intercession as
the nal act of their day.Son,
It hasand of the
inspired Holy Spirit.
til Trinity
• Salve Regina, “Hail, Holy Queen,” from Trinity Sunday
Our Father, who art in heaven, boundless love.
songs in honor of Mary that remain favorites of until the Saturday before Advent.
hallowed be thy name; many Catholics today.
We Practice
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. rom the day of our baptism as infants or our welcome into the
Give us this day our daily bread; Church as older children or adults, the gesture and prayer
By Joel Giallanza, C.S.C. Brother Joel serves on the provincial administration for the Brothers of Holy Cross and is a spiritual director
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who that together make up the Sign of the Cross have followed

There is one insert for each month of the Liturgical year. Subscribe anytime
and retreat facilitator.
By Rev. Ronald Patrick Raab, C.S.C., associate pastor at the Downtown Chapel Roman Catholic Parish in Portland, Oregon. Series Editor, Keith J. Egan,us
PhD, is President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology,
trespass almost everywhere we go within the Catholic community. Upon University of Notre Dame; and
Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is against us;
President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; and Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College.
Aquinas Chair Emeritus, entering a church building, we dip ngertips into holy water and
St. Mary’s College.
and lead us not into temptation,
make the Sign of the Cross, recalling our baptism. Mass begins and
but deliver us from evil.
ends with the Sign of the Cross. It marks the beginning of the gospel
(Matthew 6:9–12)
reading, and is made over the bread and wine as they are consecrated.
Doxology The Sign of the Cross opens and closes meal prayers. Some of us hastily
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, rub it on the foreheads of our children when they walk out the door and

and start receiving the next month’s selection. Your subscription will con-
now and forever. Catholic athletes make it at crucial moments in competition. We offer the Sign
Amen of the Cross in gratitude and blessing, and rely on it when we are frightened. It is
a simple gesture, so much a part of our everyday life as Catholics that we don’t often
give it much thought.
We Practice

ver a lifetime we may pray no other prayer more often than the [We sign ourselves] at our coming in or going out of the
Lord’s Prayer. Ever since Jesus taught his disciples to say what
house, while dressing, while putting on our shoes, when

tinue for the next eleven months. Orders must be received by the fifth of
we call the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father or, by its Latin name, the
Pater Noster, this prayer has had a place of honor in Christian piety. we are taking a bath, before or after meals, when we light
the lamps, when we go to bed or sit down, and in all the
One day he was praying in a certain place. When he had
ordinary actions of daily life.
finished, one of his disciples asked him, “Lord, teach us —Tertullian, third century Christian writer
to pray just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them,
“When you pray, say, Father, hallowed be your name, your

the month in order to receive the next month’s selection. You can also order
kingdom come . . .”
—Luke 11:1–2

Throughout the centuries, Christians have recited and sung the Lord’s Prayer
at their liturgies, in their homes, and wherever the heart has turned to God. The
Each year on September 14, we celebrate the
prayer in Luke’s gospel is the shorter of two versions and seems to be the older,


while the longer version in Matthew has been universally adopted for common use
OUR PRAYERS: The Rosary Feast of the Triumph of the Cross (also called the

packs of individual inserts at any time!

Exaltation of the Cross). This feast has been cel-
by Christians.

ebrated by Christians since the fourth century,

Early on, the Lord’s Prayer found a home at the Eucharist where we pray it to- Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some
the prayers have of St. Helena to

commemorating pilgrimage
gether after the Eucharistic Prayer. As this great prayer comes to an end, the presider become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have
Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have Jerusalem in search of relics of the original cross of
invites the assembly to recite or sing the Lord’s Prayer. After we pray the Lord’s Prayer, revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about
become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have Jesus. It—Keith
reminds us that,
the priestpersonal,
begins agrowing,
prayer known as the embolism: “Deliver us, Lord from every evilus. .much
.” about who we are and about the God to whom we belong. J. Egan, Serieseven
Editorwhen things appear
revealed a faith that fosters a deep, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach
otherwise, in the end, life always overcomes death
who we are and about the TheGod presider
to whom and assembly then pray together an ancient doxology:—Keith
we belong. “For the kingdom,
J. Egan, Series Editor
and love always conquers evil.
the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.” With a resounding “Amen” the as-
sembly raties all that has been expressed in the Lord’s Prayer. We Pray
We Pray We Practice By Dr. Ann Garrido, Associate Professor of Homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Missouri, where she directs pro-

DECEMBER: The Angelus
grams in preaching and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

JUNE: Come, Holy Spirit

Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is President of the this simple
Carmelite Institute;pattern
Adjunctfor each ofofthe
Professor ve decades.
Theology, University of Notre Dame; and
Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his he Gloria gets its name and 8
Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College. Conclude by making the Sign of the Cross.
people on earth! its of
By Keith J. Egan, PhD, President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor rst line from
Theology, the song
University of Notre Dame; and Aquinas
Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College. He is Series Editor for Words of Faith: Our Prayers.
the angels sang at the birth
Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God of Jesus: “Glory to God in the highest
at the second large bead
and Father, and on earth peace to those on whom his fa- 7 Pray the Doxology or Glory Be.
we worship you, we give you thanks, vor rests” (Luke 2:14). It is the song the angels
Then, announce the second mystery,
we praise you for your glory. sang before the shepherds, the rst recipients of
and pray an Our Father.
the news of Christ’s birth.

JANUARY: The Benedictus

Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,

JULY: Canticle of Simeon

We sing the Gloria at most Sunday and feast day
Lord God, Lamb of God, Masses, and at any of our more festive or solemn oc- We Practice
6 at the group of ten beads that follows
you take away the sin of the world: casions. However, we refrain from singing it during
he Rosary is a centuries-old de-
Pray one Hail Mary on each of the
have mercy on us; Advent, the four weeks before Christmas, as a way to
votion intended to help us reect
next ten beads.
you are seated at the right hand of prepare ourselves for singing it once again with the an-
or meditate on the life of Jesus,
the Father: receive our prayer. gels at the rst Christmas Mass. We also fast from singing
his mother Mary, and the earliest days at the medal
it during Lent as a penitential practice to help us focus on
of the Christian community. Its repeti-
5 Say the rst mystery and
For you alone are the Holy One, conversion in preparation for the joy of Easter.
tious patterns serve as mantras, freeing pray an Our Father.

FEBRUARY: Act of Contrition

you alone are the Lord, Although the scriptures have the angels singing it, you
the mind and heart to link one’s own life

AUGUST: Salve Regina

you alone are the Most High, don’t have to sound like one to sing the Gloria at Mass! In fact,
story with the great story of our salvation
Jesus Christ, this prayer is meant to be sung by all God’s people gathered in the at the next large bead
assembly for worship. At times the assembly will alternate with
in Jesus Christ. 4 Pray the Doxology (the Glory Be).
with the Holy Spirit, The Rosary is structured into groupings of
the choir in singing the prayer; on rare occasions, the choir alone “Glory be to the Father, and to the
in the glory of prayers called decades or mysteries. Each begins
may sing it. This prayer of praise is so important that even if Son, and to the Holy Spirit . . .”
God the Father.
OUR PRAYERS: The Magnificat OUR PRAYERS: 3Eternal Rest
with an Our Father, followed by ten Hail Marys,
there is no way of singing it, the text is recited by all.
Amen. The Gloria comes from a long tradition of “canticles” or
and ends with the Doxology. Some people add a
short prayer to Jesus at the end of each decade. at each of the three smaller beads


liturgical songs. The words of many canticles come directly Pray the Hail Mary.
There are twenty decades of the Rosary in to-

MARCH: The Lord’s Prayer

Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living
from God thatsuch
scripture, expresses itself
as the in prayer.
Magni cat In
theCatholic tradition, some prayers have
Benedictus, Deep in every human heart is a desire for the living God that expresses itself in prayer. In the Catholic tradition, some prayers have

SEPTEMBER: The Sign of the Cross

become classic expressions of what the human heart seeks. Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have tal that are groupedbecome
into four sets
classic of mysteries.
expressions Thethe human heart seeks.“Hail
of what
Mary, full of grace,
Words of Faith: Our Prayers explores prayers that for centuries have
both from Luke’s gospel and both sung during the Liturgy the Lord is with with
you Jesus
. . .” Christ. These prayers teach us much about
revealed a faith that fosters a deep, personal, growing, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. These prayers teach us much about Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious
revealed Mysteries
a faith that fosters ahave
personal, growing, and loving relationship
who we are and about the God to whom we belong. of the Hours. The text of the Gloria begins with —Keith a line J. Egan, Series Editor
mained standard since we are and about
earliest days the GodRosary
of the to whom we belong. —Keith J. Egan, Series Editor
from the same gospel. However, the rest of the text was
and the Luminous Mysteries (or Mysteries of Light) at the first large bead
an original composition in Greek from as early as the 2
We Pray fourth century. We Pray
were introduced by Pope John Paul II in October 2002.
While not necessary, people usually use a set of prayer
Pray an Our Father,
the prayer that Jesus taught us.
† My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, beads—called a rosary—when This prayer
praying is often
it. The prayed in a call and response
Rosary format.
“Our Father, who are in heaven . . .”
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior DID YOU KNOW? can be prayed in small parts (a single decadeEternal
Leader: or mystery)
rest, grant unto them, O Lord.

APRIL: The Gloria

for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. or in its entirety (all twenty decades) when one wants an

OCTOBER: The Rosary

We sing the Gloria not to accompany an- extended period of meditation. All: And let perpetual light shine upon them. 1
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
other ritual action, as we do with the songs Leader:
The Rosary is prayed by Catholics at home May their
in the souls,
family, by and the souls of all the faithful departed,
at the crucifix
the Almighty has done great things for me;during the entrance and communion pro- individuals almost anytime, in church beforethrough
or after Mass, on pil-
the mercy of God Make rest inthepeace.
Sign of the Cross.
and holy is his name. cessions, but simply to sing our praise to grimages, in large public gatherings, and in many other settings.
Some are able to pray all four setsAll:
of mysteriesAmen
Pray the Apostle’s Creed, a summary
God. Our praise of God is the sole reason daily. Others concen-
He has mercy on those who fear him of what we believe.
for this part of the liturgy. In our multitask- trate on the prescribed set of mysteries for the given day: Glorious
in every generation. “I believe in God, the Father almighty,
We Practice Mysteries on Sunday, Joyful on Monday, Sorrowful on Tuesday,

ing world, the Gloria reminds us to stop creator of heaven and earth . . .”
He has shown strength with his arm, Glorious on Wednesday, Luminous on Thursday, Sorrowful on

MAY: The Magnificat

every so often and give our complete atten-
he has scattered the proud in their conceit. he name of this prayer, comes from
We Practice

NOVEMBER: Eternal Rest

tion to praising God. Friday, and Joyful on Saturday.

the rst words of it in Latin: Magni-
He cast down the mighty from their thrones, hen someone dies, the Church steps for-
cat anima mea Dominum, which means: By Rev. John Phalen, C.S.C., President of Holy Cross Family Ministries.
and has lifted up the lowly. ward. Christians
Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University hold dear and uninch-
of Notre Dame;
“My soul magnies the Lord.” Also known as
By Diana Macalintal, Director of Worship for the Diocese of San Jose, California. Contact her at www.dsj.org/being-catholic/worship.
Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, hasis President
PhD, lled the hungry
of the with
Carmelite good
Institute; things,
Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; and
and Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College. ingly the sacredness of human life and that
the Canticle of Mary, the prayer comes direct-
Aquinas Chair Emeritus, and the College.
St. Mary’s rich he has sent away empty. profound respect and love follow through to the sol-
ly from the Gospel of Luke (1:46–55). These emn burial of every individual. When someone dies, we
He has come to the help of his servant Israel words are spoken by the Virgin Mary during gather together at the home, pray in vigil, and accompa-
for he has remembered his promise of mercy, her visit to Elizabeth, her elderly cousin, who ny family and friends through the funeral rites and days
the promise made to our fathers, is pregnant with John the Baptist. Elizabeth of mourning—holding them close every step along the
to Abraham and his children for ever. way. Neighbors arrive, bringing food and comfort. Work
greets Mary with the words: “Most blessed
is put on hold. Time stands still as we bury a loved one.
–Liturgy of the Hours are you among women, and blessed is the
The Order of Christian Funerals contains all the litur-
fruit of your womb” (Lk 1:42). Mary re-
gical prayers and rituals of the Catholic Church that we
sponds with the words of the use when one of our own dies. At the heart of these sol-
Magnicat. emn rites are prayers for those who are left to mourn
The Magnicat is prayed and prayers for the person who has died. We pray for
ourselves, that we might nd comfort and healing; we
D every day in the Liturgy
pray for the deceased, in gratitude for their lives and in
of the Hours. Sometimes
steadfast hope that their sins will be forgiven and they
• A canticle is a called the Divine Ofce, this is
well nd eternal rest with God in heaven.
biblical hymn or song the Church’s ofcial daily prayer.
that is not part of the Priests and those in religious life pray The Church calls each member of

Keith J. Egan, PhD, is president of the Carmelite Institute,

book of Psalms. the Hours daily. Many lay people also pray Christ’s Body—priest, deacon,
Morning and Evening Prayer and some par- Many Catholic parishes invite members and
• There are three canticles in layperson—to participate in
ishes celebrate them communally. guests to write the names of loved ones
the Church’s daily liturgical prayer: who have died in a special book, sometimes the ministry of consolation:
The Magnicat is prayed during Evening
All three canticles are found in chapters 1 and 2 of Luke’s Gospel.
Prayer, known as Vespers. An ancient tra-
called the “Book of the Dead” or the “Book to care for the dying, to
of Names,” during the month of November.
The Canticle of Zechariah at Morning Prayer (Lk 1:68–79) dition of the Church tells us that it was pray for the dead, to comfort
This simple ritual reminds everyone in the
probably evening when Mary arrived at parish to pray for those who have died and those who mourn.
The Canticle of Mary at Evening Prayer (Lk 1:46–55)

adjunct professor of theology, University of Notre Dame and

Elizabeth’s house, thus the connection for those who mourn. —Order of Christian Funerals, #8
The Canticle of Simeon at Night Prayer (Lk 2:24–32) with this liturgical Hour.

By Dr. Jean Donovan, theologian and lay person, widow and m

mother of ve. Dr. Donovan’s career includes university teaching, and
By Robert M. Hamma, Editorial Director at Ave Maria Press. parish, campus, and hospice ministry.
Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is President of the Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; Series Editor, Keith J. Egan, PhD, is President of the Carmel
Carmelite Institute; Adjunct Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame; and
and Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College. Aquinas Chair Emeritus, St. Mary’s College.

Aquinas Chair Emeritus, Saint Mary’s College.

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(Click on the Pastoral Ministry Icon on the top of the home page)
Inside words of faith
We Pray We Practice We Believe We Live
teaches when and how explores the meaning of the examines some of the demands
contains the text
the prayer is used in words we say in the prayer, what that this prayer and the beliefs
of the prayer.
the tradition of the they tell us about who we are as to which it gives voice place on
Church. Catholics and how we are to live. our everyday lives.

The Magnific We Believe
rs have
ion, some praye
in prayer. In the
Catholic tradit
for centuries have n the New Testa
We Live

expresses itself res prayers that t ment there are
living God that Our Prayers explo ese prayers teach us much abou speaks: to the only four time
is a desire for the heart seeks. Words of Faith: s when Mary
of FAiTH

n heart Chris t. Th s Editor angel Gabriel

Deep in every
huma n
relationship with
—Keith J. Egan
, Serie at the Annunci he Magnicat
what the huma beth at the Visit ation, to Eliza
expressions of ing, and loving ation, to the - is rst and forem
become classic personal, grow boy Jesus when invitation to ost an
a faith that fosters a deep, we belon g. found in the Temp he is nally pray and to prais
led le, and to Jesus

In addition, each
revea to whom e. When
about the God The account of at the Wedding we say the Hail
who we are and Mary’s visit to Feas t at Cana. Mary, we pray
Elizabeth conta when we say to Mary;
cord of her word ins the longest the Magnicat,
s and gives us re- we pray
a wonderful insig with Mary. Cons
We Pray and trust in God ht into her faith ider making the

insert provides
, . Mag- The
tness of the Lord nicat part of Magnificat is
laims the grea
Mary begins your daily pray
by proclaiming er prac-
† My soul proc Savior her joy at God tice, perhaps “the song bot
ices in God my
her gratitude ’s greatness and in the evening. h of the
ant. for all the thing
my spirit rejo on his lowly serv s God has done way you will In this
ed with favor herself God’s for her. She calls join with the Mothe herr of God and
for he has look
From this day
all generations
will call me bles
thin gs for me;
activities for with the “poo
“lowly servant”
r ones” of the
and in this way
Old Testamen
identies herse
t (in Hebrew
they are
Church as it
our model for
prays with Mary
servant disciplesh
who is
the Church.”

has done grea The Magnificat is ip. ––Th e Catechism of

the Almighty something like If we pray the Catholic Church, the
and holy is his name.
on those who
fear him We Practice helping children sounding man
y of the key the
an overture
mes of Luke’s
be willing to
called to rejoi
Magnicat, we
live the Magni
cat. Like Mary
in Luke’s Gosp

He has mercy
called the anaw ce and trust in

im). These are God’s promises el, we are
s from
this prayer, come
learn these
ion. people who are to let God creat and to be hum
in every generat he name of but do not lose often oppressed e wonderful thing ble enough
arm, faith in the Lord
show n stre ngth with his s of it in Latin
: Magni-
God’s favor and . They are the keeps the need s out of our emp
tiness. This pray
their conceit. the rst word ones singled out
He has s of the poor er
d the proud in
s: who fear the for before us. It chall
, which mean Lord. “Fear” gry with “goo enges us to 
he has scattere Dom inum terror or frigh here does not d things” and
cat anima mea t, but a sense mean ll the hun-
their thrones, n as to “lift up the

He cast down
and has lifted
the mighty from
up the lowly.
good things,
“My soul mag
the Cant icle
nies the Lord
of Mary, the pray
.” Also know
er comes direc
–55). These
beloved prayers, steadfast con
The next verse
of profound awe,

s describe God
humble trust
, and
called to proc
mercy and love.
laim with our
lives (to mag
lowly.” Like Mary
nify) the grea
, we are
tness of God’s
the hun gry with el of Luke (1:46 the lowly and ’s faithfulness. • Make a list
He has lled ly from the Gosp God lifts up

interesting facts
empty. casts down the of the good thing
Mary during
has sent away the Virgi n mighty; he scatt s God has given
and the rich he
en by their conceit.” ers “the prou how you can you. Make anot
el words are spok ly cousin, who
He lls the hung d in share those gifts her of
his servant Isra
ry with good .
beth, her elder the rich away • Create time
to the help of
things and send
her visit to Eliza empty. Mary’s for a lonely neig
He has come
his prom ise of mercy, John the Bapt
ist. Elizabeth
words and deed
Magnicat fores
hadows Jesus • Prepare a meal hbor, coworker,

in a “Did You
ered or fellow paris
emb is pregnant with s. For example, ’ own
for he has rem blessed for a family deali hioner.
fath ers, words: “Most quotes the prop in announcing ng with sickn
e to our with the his ministry Jesus • Begin or end ess or grief.
the promise mad greets Mary het Isaiah (61:1 these actions
ever. blessed is the by gratefully
his children for
and ) and says

ng wom en, is upon me, beca : “The Spirit of praying the Mag
to Abraham and are you amo use he has anoi the Lord nicat.
Hours . Mary re- nted me to bring With childre
–Liturgy of the womb” (Lk 1:42) n...
Know?” section,
the poor” (Lk glad tidings to
fruit of your the 4:18). Create a Mag
the words of nicat Tree by
sponds with In the nal verse using an actua
s of this grea from colored l tree branch or
Magnicat. faithfulness in t canticle, Mary paper. Cut out cutting one

coming to the recalls God’s leaves on whic

is prayed deeds they do h children can
The Magnicat
and a brief note
help of his peop that show the write good
ing his promise le and remembe greatness of God
the Liturgy forever. r- leaves nearby . Keep yet-to-be
every day in as a reminder
to live the mess -lled
? Sometimes day. age of Mary’s
DID YOU KNOW of the Hours. prayer each
D is
• A canticle is
called the Divi
the Church’s
ne Ofce, this
ofcial daily
prayer. called, “A Bit of Y

The Magnificat
in religious life
is very similar
or song to a prayer in
biblical hymn Priests and those Testament calle

d Hannah’s Song the Old
le also pray
that is not part
of the . Many lay peop 10). In the story (1 Samuel 2:1–
My heart exu
the Hours daily par- , Hannah is child
lts in the Lord
er and some vently for a son, less and prays
book of Psal ms. Evening Pray fer- my horn is exa ,
Morning and
promising to
ly. if her prayer is dedicate him lted in my God
them communal answered. She to God
ishes celebrate g Evening to the prophet eventually give
e canticles in is prayed durin Samuel. (It is s birth Like the Mag
• There are thre l prayer: The Magnicat Saul and Davi Samuel who nificat, Hannah’s
daily liturgica An ancient tra- d as the first anoi nts of how God com song speaks
n as Vespers.
the Church’s
kings of Israe es to the help
Prayer, know Hannah presents l.) When
us that it was of the poor and
el. simple, and of
2 of Luke’s Gosp her son in the
in chapters 1
and Church tells temple, she give Israel as God’s
dition of the
praise to God chosen people.
All three canti
cles are found 1:68–79) Mary arrived at in a canticle that s It speaks of the
ning Prayer (Lk probably even
ing when begins: reversal of fortu
Zechariah at Mor ection the mighty and nes between
The Canticle of e, thus the conn the powerles
er (Lk 1:46–55) Elizabeth’s hous the hungry, the s, the full and
ticle of Mar y at Evening Pray this liturg ical Hour.
barren and the
The Can with
ht Prayer (Lk 2:24–
Simeon at Nig
The Canticle of
© 2009 by ave
maria press ,
Script inc. • Notre Dame
Washington, D.C. ure texts in this series are taken
Notre Dame;
, Indian
University of All from the New Ameri a • www.avemariapress.com
of Theology, Nihil Obstat: Revere rights reserved. can Bible with • Ph:
. nct Professor Revised New Testam 1-800-282-1865 • A Minist
Ave Maria Press Institute; Adju
nd Michael Heintz
rial Director at Imprimatur: Most , PhD, Censor liboru ent and Psalms ry of the Indian
Hamma, Edito the Carmelite Reverend John © 1991, 1986 a Provin
is President of , 1970, confraternity ce of Holy Cross.
By Robert M. J. Egan, PhD,
M. D’Arcy, Bishop
of Fort Wayne–Sou of Christian Doctri
Edito r, Keith ’s Colle ge.
Series St. Mary th Bend, May 29, ne,
Chair Emeritus, 2009
and Aquinas


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Item#: 199 / pack of 50 / 8½” x 4,” tri-fold / $7.95
Special Group Price: $6.36 per pack
(effective with $300 order) 17
, a series in the Christian Classics line
devoted to rediscovering classic Christian literature, mines the depths of the
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thought-provoking commentary and probing questions revitalize these works
for today’s generation of spiritual pilgrims.

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In this newest addition to the successful Classics with
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Billy, C.Ss.R., reinvigorates the enduring relevance of
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One of only a few eighteenth-century Catholic spirituality
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The first complete and faithful English trans- tion of this timeless Christian classic
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T h e Wa y of P r a ye r
Learning to Pray With the Our Father
Teresa of Avila
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Small Group

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Steve McCoy-Thompson and Randy M. Haykin
C a tholi cs As the Catholic men’s movement
G oin g grows in visibility, this lively, practi-
cal resource for men’s faith groups
G reen will be widely welcomed.
A Small-Group Guide Authors Steve McCoy-Thompson
for Learning and Living and Randy Haykin write about their
own experiences of finding spiritual
Environmental Justice balance by creating and sustaining a
Walter E. Grazer small, informal faith support group,
providing here the necessary blue-
prints for other Catholic men to do
This small-group the same.
resource examines basic ISBN: 9781594711800
environmental justice 160 pages / $12.95
themes through the lens of Catholic social teach-
ing and scripture. The compact, 90-minute session
format is perfect for busy adults who want to stay T h e M a s s I s N e ve r E n d e d
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ful, engaged, and faith-based way. Gregory F. Augustine Pierce
ISBN: 9781594712104 / 64 pages / $5.95 An examination of the meaning of
the Mass from an innovative and
Special Group Price: $4.76 each refreshing perspective—the dismissal
(effective with $300 order) rite. At turns entertaining, profound,
and practical, this resource will renew
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Catholics Going Green is self-contained dom of the Mass for Catholics every-
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Excerpts from • Closing Prayers
Church Teaching
•  • Scripture References
“Did You Know?”
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Profiles of Catholics •  Application to Daily
G i f ts of th e E uc har i st
Stories to Transform and Inspire
Engaged in Environ-
mental Ministries •  Quotes from Church
Nancy C. Reeves and Bernadette Gasslein
In this collection of compelling per-
sonal stories and theological reflec-
tion, noted spiritual guides Nancy
Reeves and Bernadette Gasslein team
Start “Catholics Going Green” groups up to revitalize Catholic understand-
in your parish today as part of the ing of the Eucharist as the communal
center of the faith.
St. Francis Pledge ISBN: 9781594712036
For more information visit 192 pages / $12.95

Also on the Eucharist:
B orn of the E ucharist
See page 13

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 21

bridges to
revised editions!

contemplative living
with thomas merton
Edited by Jonathan Montaldo & Robert G. Toth of
The Merton Institute for Contemporary Living

S ince its appearance four years ago, this series has led thousands of
small groups around the world on a journey toward spiritual trans-
formation and a more contemplative and peace-filled life.
Guide your parishioners through the wisdom of Thomas Merton
with this refreshingly different eight-booklet series for small groups:
• Introduces Merton in a New Way: These booklets put Thomas Merton’s wisdom
into dialogue with other great spiritual thinkers and, most importantly, with the
lived experience of group participants.
• Ecumenical at Heart: This series easily reaches across not only Christian denomi-
nations, but to people from many walks of life and spiritual backgrounds who ear-
nestly seek the God who dwells within.
• The New Simplicity: The booklets employ a spiritually rich, yet simple process of
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All booklets: 64 pages / $5.95 each One:
Entering the School of Your Experience
ISBN: 9781594712340

Pe r fec t f o r : Two:
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 Interfaith Groups Spiritual Reflection and Growth Three:
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Also Available: ISBN: 9781594712371
 Small Christian Communities
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and Women ISBN: 9781594712043 Discovering the Hidden Ground of Love
64 pages / $5.95 ISBN: 9781594712364
Special Group Price: $4.76 each Five:
Enhance Your Bridges Group (effective with $300 order) Traveling Your Road to Joy
With FREE Online Resources ISBN: 9781594710933
@ www.avemariapress.com
See page 3 Six:
 Leader’s Guide Writing Yourself into the Book of Life
 Retreat Schedule ISBN: 9781594710940
 Links to other Merton sites Seven:
 Series Sampler Adjusting Your Life’s Vision
 Interview with The Merton Institute ISBN: 9781594710957
 www.contemplativeliving.org Eight:
Seeing that Paradise Begins Now
ISBN: 9781594710964

other voices
At the heart of each session is a reading
from the works of Merton uniquely paired
the theme with another on the same theme from a
Each session is developed around a different spiritual writer.
key principle of Merton’s thought.

opening reflection
Each session begins with a reflection and dialogue
Psalm passage and ends in The focus is on listening rather than
prayer. thinking about how to respond to what
we hear. We are challenged to listen
more carefully and approach different
points of view by looking at their deep-
est values.
introduction to the texts
Each session has an introduction that
provides continuity, context and con-
nections between the theme of the ses-
sion and the readings to follow.

a concluding prayer
End each session with a prayer. You may chose to borrow
the words of Merton or those of another voice. Or you may
choose to remain silent.

merton’s voice
A carefully selected passage drawn from the rich abun-
dance of Merton’s writing leads us into deep places solitude and silence
within ourselves and offers insights into the paradoxes The time between sessions is very important. This is when
of life. the content from the readings and dialogue becomes part of
everyday living. Taking time to reflect, finding places in our
daily routines for silence and solitude, seeing the significance
and appreciating the beauty of ordinary experiences brings it
all together.

What parishioners are saying about Bridges:

“ I was brought to depths of self-discovery and
prayer that I didn’t think possible. Merton’s teachings came
“ I liked the contemplative style of
approaching carefully chosen texts using Merton and other

alive for me.


“ I am stimulated, I am refreshed. Jonathan “ Contemplative dialogue is a wonder-

ful way to learn, re-learn, how to be with and communicate
Montaldo is a gifted guide, and Merton’s words a rich

resource. ”
with people in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Small Group

W omen’s groups are offered a key to unlocking

the door to spiritual enrichment
Twentieth-Anniversary Edition
R E V IS E D !
R E V IS E D !
T h e S t ar in My P raye r s to
H ear t S ophi a
Experiencing Sophia, Inner Deepening Our
Wisdom Relationship with Holy
Joyce Rupp
Joyce Rupp

Best-selling Catholic
author Joyce Rupp guides Prayers to Sophia aids
readers toward a warmly readers in reaching new
personal understand- spiritual depths through
ing of Sophia, the femi- the exploration of
nine personification of feminine images of the
Wisdom. Rupp employs Divine. This book of meditative prayers offers fifty entries
visual metaphors for each chapter to reveal how Sophia that include a verse from biblical wisdom literature and
guides us through the inner processes of spiritual growth. conversation starters for women’s book groups.
ISBN: 9781893732834 ISBN: 9781893732841
128 pages / $12.95 128 pages / $12.95

Available February 2010 Available February 2010

“ A book of glad tidings! The Star in My Heart

will serve as a catalyst leading you to Someone who
“ Prayers to Sophia is an eloquent
response of love to Divine Wisdom. Joyce’s own vul-
has long been tugging at your heart.

Macrina Wiederkehr
nerability in these prayers add a beauty and a femi-
nine voice which expresses all our longing for Divine
Author of Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully
Through the Hours of the Day
presence as the Feminine.
” Paula D’Arcy
Author of Gift of the Red Bird and Song for Sarah

O pen t he D oo r
A Journey to the True Self
Joyce Rupp

Joyce Rupp’s book creatively explores

how the image of the door can guide
readers in discovering their true selves.
Structured as a daily prayer guide for
everyday use over six weeks, each day
offers thematic reflections, meditations,
prayers, questions, and related scripture.
ISBN: 9781933495149 / 288 pages / $18.95 See page 47 for more
resources from Joyce Rupp.

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Social Ministry

T h e S an t ’E gid io
T hi s F lowin g
B ook of P ra ye r T owa r d M e
Andrea Riccardi and the Community of Sant’Egidio A Story of God Arriving in Strangers
Foreword by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick Marilyn Lacey, R.S.M.
Foreword by Helen Prejean, C.S.J.

A ccording to America magazine, the Sant’Egidio com-

munity is “the most important Catholic group that
you may never have heard of.” National Catholic Reporter
“With a lively mix of humor, insight, and
compassion, Sr. Lacey invites those of us
living behind locked doors in a world shut-
tered by homeland security to risk engaging
unknown neighbors near and far, and there
stated that Sant’Egidio discover, perhaps to our unending sur-
has managed to “broker prise, that where we most felt threatened, a
peace accords in war- wealth of blessings instead awaits us.”
Helen Prejean, C.S.J.
ravaged countries, pres- Author of Dead Man Walking
sure the United Nations ISBN: 9781594711978 / 224 pages / $15.95
to pass a worldwide
moratorium on the
death penalty, and run
one of the most suc-
cessful anti-AIDS pro-
grams in sub-Saharan
Yet for all of its
the community of
Sant’Egidio sees itself
primarily as a group
committed to prayer.
“ I can recommend this volume The Sant’Egidio Book of
heartily. It contains so many of the Prayer brings the com- Sale!
answers to the most vital questions munity’s daily prayer to P a ris h S oc ia l M in i s t r y
of our lives, because it moves us all readers, inviting them Strategies for Success
along the journey to that Word who into its spiritual life Tom Ulrich

is Life itself.
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick
and into solidarity with
its mission of service
Whether you are looking to build upon
or simply start a concerted social ministry
Archbishop Emeritus and peacemaking. outreach, this guidebook blends a rich
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C omb i n e d L eader ’ s G ui d e
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Both Before “I Do” and Catholic Remarriage ask prob-
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” Deacon Joe Grote
areas that couples Marriage Preparation Coordinator,
may not always St. John Vianney Parish
feel comfortable St. Pete Beach, FL
addressing. The
Combined Leader’s
Guide convenient-
ly serves both B ef ore
resources. “I D o ”
Preparing for the
COMBINED Sacrament of Marriage
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married couples face, including a wide
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C at holi c R e ma r ria ge ISBN: 9781594711411
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Anthony Garascia
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Marriage – Family


T h e H andb oo k
for C at holi c M om s
Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul
Lisa M. Hendey

D rawing from the deep tradition of the Catholic faith, Lisa Hendey coaches Catholic
moms how to care for themselves—heart, mind, body, and soul—so that they can
better love and care for their families,

“ Kudos
neighborhoods, and their Church.
By sharing her own story, Hendey to fellow blogger Lisa Hendey
enables readers to better balance their for such a comprehensive, holistic companion
own needs with the demands of family for women who can use their faith as a tool
life and faith commitment. Ideal for to empower themselves as mothers, as wives,
family life ministers and for parish-based moms’ groups, this resource
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Youth Ministry – Confirmation

R E V IS E D !

S end O ut You r S p ir i t
A Confirmation Candidate’s Handbook for Faith
Michael Amodei

Send Out Your Spirit leads teens through the major tenets of their faith—the Trinity, Jesus,
scripture, Church, sacraments, morality, and more—specifically structured for the context of
preparing for confirmation. This program is rooted in the idea that high school-aged candi-
dates want the necessary information on the Catholic faith in hand as they commit person-
ally to the promises of faith originally made for them at baptism.
 Candidate Handbook: Each chapter of the candidate’s handbook includes
a relevant story or short lesson, journal or discussion questions, and concludes with:
 Catholic Apologetics: A series of questions and answers on the faith.
 For You: An enrichment assignment that allows the candidates to apply the material in the chapter.
 Prayers and Reflections: Quotations, meditations, scripture passages, and traditional prayers. Glossary defi-

nitions of key words are also included with each chapter.
ISBN: 9781594712258 / 256 pages / $9.95
Available June 2010
The Candidate’s Handbook was found in conformity S ex and the T eenage r
with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Choices and Decisions
Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.
 Leader’s Manual: Provides several “how to use” tips for For nearly twenty years, Sex and the Teenager
catechists and other adult leaders to share the monthly lessons in diverse has been a successful program for promoting
groups and settings. abstinence and chas-
Send Out Your Spirit offers three flexible models for confirmation prepara- tity among teenagers.
tion: Designed for use in
 Ten 3-Hour Sessions a classroom, youth
group, or retreat set-
 Twenty 1-Hour Sessions ting and rooted in
 en 90-Minute Sessions for Concentrated Small Group Preparation
T Catholic moral teach-
LEADER’S MANUAL: ing, the program has a
ISBN: 9781594712463 224 pages / $22.95 clear, straightforward
Available June 2010 goal: to encourage
teens to say “no” to
 Sponsor’s Handbook: Offers helpful background premarital sexual
on the sponsor’s role, tips on communicating with teens, and infor- activity.
mation on the sponsor’s role in the celebration of the sacrament. Some topics cov-
Most importantly, it provides an overview of the ten chapters in Send ered include the difference between love, infatua-
Out Your Spirit with questions for discussion and activities that spon- tion, and exploitation, what to do on a date, and
sors and teens can do together. the necessity of setting moral limits and sticking
SPONSOR HANDBOOK: to them. This revised edition also includes discus-
ISBN: 9781594712470 / 48 pages / $2.95 sion and plans for teens dealing with challenges
Available June 2010 related to sexual activity faced in today’s society.


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Youth Ministry – High School Series

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J esu s C h ri st
God’s Revelation to the World
This introductory text provides a map for high school students to navigate the won-
derful work of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—in forming a People, giving a Law.
Written following the outline for Course I of the U.S. Bishops’ Framework, this one-
semester course is intended to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of
Sacred Scripture while coming to encounter Jesus Christ.
This versatile text not only follows the new framework but is also suitable for
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Faith course in both high schools and parish religious education programs.
STUDENT TEXT: ISBN: 9781594711855 / 8 ½” x 11” / 320 pages / $24.95
TEACHER WRAPAROUND EDITION: ISBN: 9781594711855 / 8 ½” x 11” / 384 pages / $27.95
(c. 2010) This text has been found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Available May 2010

J e s u s C hr ist
His Mission and Ministry
Developed and written in light of the outline for Course II of the U.S. Bishops’ frame-
work, Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry highlights for teens a disciple’s response to
the life and message of Jesus and encourages them to “pick up their cross” and follow
the Lord in this life and beyond.
STUDENT TEXT: ISBN: 9781594711862 / 8 ½” x 11” / $24.95
TEACHER WRAPAROUND EDITION: ISBN: 9781594711879 / 8 ½” x 11” / $27.95

Available Spring 2011

J e s u s C hr ist
Source of Our Salvation
Written in accord with Course III of the U.S. Bishops’ new framework, this text
unpacks the meaning of God’s sacred and mysterious plan from creation, to the con-
sequences and promises of Original Sin, through his compassionate and loving care
“ Christ is at the heart
of these texts. They are both
culminating in the life, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
user-friendly for teachers and
STUDENT TEXT: ISBN: 9781594711886 / 8 ½” x 11” / $24.95 appealing to students. They help
TEACHER WRAPAROUND EDITION: ISBN: 9781594711893 / 8 ½” x 11” / $27.95

View sample chapters and online resources for these textbooks @

teens to love Jesus more!

Dawn Miller
St. John’s Catholic Prep, MD
Youth Ministry – High School Textbooks

“ The colorful presentation

was a hit right away. As a DRE, I am
excited to find a format that appeals
to our high school students while
covering the material recommended
by the U.S. Bishops’ High School
An Overview of the Faith Curriculum Framework.

Susan Moore
Michael Amodei St. Ferdinand Parish

Blanco, TX

n Catholic Essentials: An Overview of the Faith, Jesus

comes alive to teens! Through knowledge, prayer,
and service, teens cultivate a relationship with the Lord.
This handbook is a perfect catechetical tool to use
in parish youth ministry or religious education pro-
grams. Each chapter is a concise overview of one of the
six required courses in the U.S. Bishops’ High School
Curriculum Framework allowing you to cover the nec-
essary topics in your weekly meetings. This book is an
essential resource to accompany a complete study of
Jesus Christ and his Church.

Chapter features to enhance students’

knowledge of Jesus:
• Review Questions help summarize each main section.

• Writing and Discussion prompts offer ways to reflect on material

and apply it to the teens’ lives.

• Vocabulary terms are defined in the Glossary of Selected Terms.

• “Jesus, Friend and Savior” feature includes practical applications

for furthering study including activities, questions and answers SAME BOOK, 3 Cool
apologetic in nature, and a prayer. and holy Colors!
(© 2009) This text has been found
Table of Contents in conformity with the
Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Chapter 1—The Revelation Chapter 5—The Sacraments
of Jesus Christ in Scripture of Christ
Chapter 2—Who Is Jesus? Chapter 6—Our Life in STUDENT TEXT
Chapter 3—Paschal Mystery: Christ ISBN: 9781594711459 / 6” x 9” / 256 pages / $19.95
The Mission of Jesus Christ Appendix *PARISH PRICE: $18.36
Chapter 4—The Church: Glossary
Christ’s Mission Continues in the TEACHER EDITION
World Today Index ISBN: 9781594711466 / 8 ½” x 11”/ 384 pages / $27.95

Check out our video *Parish price effective with orders over $300.
@ www.avemariapress.com
click on the Religious Education icon
Youth Ministry – High School Textbooks


T he C a tholic S pir it
An Anthology for Discovering Faith Through Literature,
Art, Film, and Music
Br. Michel Bettigole, O.S.F.,
and James D. Childs

The Catholic Spirit sends teens on a

journey through classical art, lit-
erature, and musical forms that
bring greater clarity to important
topics of religious significance
“ This book understands fully that the
Catholic tradition is incarnational. The selection of
found in Church teachings. texts drawn from literary and artistic sources will
ISBN: 9781594711824 illuminate that fact superbly. This is a most judicious
480 pages, with 8-page insert
6” x 9” / $19.95
aid for handing on the faith to young people.

Lawrence S. Cunningham
John A. O’Brien Professor of Theology,
University of Notre Dame
View a complete list of the works included in The Catholic Spirit @



M e e ti ng J e sus i n the S acr ame nts

Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments roots the sacraments as the definitive way
Jesus remains present to the Church and the world today. It expresses
concrete ways for understanding the sacraments, participating in their
rites, and benefiting from their graces. The text is organized around
the traditional definition of sacrament from the Catechism of the Catholic
Church. This definition is clarified by arranging the chapters around
four dimensions of the sacrament: memorial, celebration, communion,
and transformation.
Through regular placement of “For Reflection” panels and assign-
ments that focus on deeper research, developing a personal and com-
munal prayer life, and active transformation of self and society, this text
allows students to come to know Jesus through participation in the
sacraments and the grace of their effects. Selections from Catholic blogs
and profiles of saints offer a practical application of the sacrament to
STUDENT TEXT: ISBN: 9781594711435 / 320 pages / $24.95
TEACHER EDITION: ISBN: 9781594711442 / 384 pages / $27.95
(c. 2010) This text has been found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

32 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

Youth Ministry – High School Textbooks


T he T en C ommand ments
Case Studies in Catholic Morality
Eileen P. Flynn

T he Ten Commandments: Case Studies in Catholic Morality is a single source that sum-
marizes Catholic teaching around the Ten Commandments. Thirty case studies
related to real-life issues and dilemmas addressed by each commandment make up
the heart of this text. The case studies also remind students of the central importance
of the Ten Commandments as a source for moral decision-making and provide con-
temporary ways the Commandments can be applied in their own lives.
The text addresses both everyday issues of morality faced by teens, such as cheat-
ing on exams, using alcohol and drugs, sex before marriage—along with wider and
new societal issues including the use of embryonic stem cells for medical research,
responsibility for environmental problems, and the proper use of money.
ISBN: 9781594712234 / 160 pages / $9.95
Available June 2010

REVISED! Tough C hoices

*Yo ur L i f e in C h r is t Bringing Moral Issues Home
Michael Pennock Sean Lynch and Brian O’Brien
Focuses on the essential message of A resource for Catholic high
Christ’s moral teaching, the impor- schools and parish religious
tance of love of God and love of neigh- education that teaches teenagers
bor. Clearly presented and applicable about many current and practical
to the lives of today’s teenagers. moral issues and offers innovative
Student Text: ISBN: 9781594711237 ways for teens and their parents to
288 pages / $24.95 discuss theses dilemmas.
Teacher Wraparound Edition: ISBN: 9780877939931 / 192 pages / $19.95
ISBN: 9781594711244
336 pages / $27.95

REVISED! A ctivities for C atholic S ocial

*C at holic S o cia l
A Resource Guide for Teachers
T eac hin g and Youth Ministers
Learning and Living Justice James McGinnis
Michael Pennock Providing unique, hands-on appli-
Summarizes seven key themes of cations for teenagers, Activities
Catholic social teaching as high- for Catholic Social Teaching offers a
lighted by the American bishops in chance for teens to put into action
Sharing Catholic Social Teaching. the Church’s body of social teach-
Student Text: ISBN: 9781594711022 ing. Consistent with the formula
288 pages / $24.95 that action as a part of justice is a gospel value, each
Teacher Wraparound Edition: unit involves activities that motivate teenagers to do
ISBN: 9781594711039 something to effect change.
224 pages / $27.95
ISBN: 9781594710674 / 224 pages / $19.95

* These textbooks have been found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Youth Ministry – High School Textbooks

*E n cou n t e r i ng J e s u s BEST-SELLING

Beloved friend and colleague
in th e N e w T e s t am e n t TEXTBOOK!
Michael Pennock Michael Pennock
1945 – 2009 The text is intended to provide a scriptural and ecclesial foun-
dation to answer the question of why Jesus is the Christ, the
Son of the Living God. It encourages students’ growth in a
personal and ecclesial relationship with Christ.
Student Text: ISBN: 9781594711657 / 8 ½” x 11” / 352 pages / $24.95
Teacher Wraparound Edition:

Ave Maria Press ISBN: 9781594711664 / 8 ½” x 11” / $27.95

now offers
supplemental online *O u r C a tholi c F a ith
Living What We Believe
teaching resources Michael Pennock
for our best-selling Our Catholic Faith, written as an introduction to Catholicism,
provides an overview of the Catholic faith using basic prin-
textbooks! ciples and teachings contained in the four pillars of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Parish Lesson Plan Adaptations Student Text: ISBN: 9781594710223 / 288 pages / $24.95
available for all textbooks online Teacher Wraparound Edition:
ISBN: 9781594710322 / 336 pages / $27.95
@ www.avemariapress.com

*T he O ld Testament
Online Resources Our Call to Faith and Justice
Daniel Smith-Christopher
Include: Offers a comprehensive overview of the major themes, lessons,
Activity Sheets and people of the Old Testament.
Student Text: ISBN: 9780877937210 / 288 pages / $24.95
PowerPoint Presentations Teacher Wraparound Edition:
ISBN: 9780877936046 / 352 pages / $27.95
Links of Interest
Crossword Puzzles Exploring the Religions of Our World
Maps Nancy Clemmons, S.N.J.M.
Student Text: ISBN: 9781594711251 / 416 pages / $22.95
Short Lesson Plans Teacher Edition: ISBN: 9781594711268 / 240 pages / $27.95

*Marriage and Holy Orders

Sample Chapters Your Call to Love and Serve
Mike Amodei
Student Text: ISBN: 9781594710414 / 352 pages / $24.95
Teacher Wraparound Edition: ISBN: 9781594710568 / 400 pages / $27.95
T o A c c ess :
 Visit www.avemariapress.com *This Is Our Church
A History of Catholicism
 Click on the Religious Education icon Michael Pennock
 Go to Classroom Resources Student Text: ISBN: 9781594711695 / 392 pages / $19.95
 Click on each book to view Teacher Edition: ISBN: 9781594711596 / 304 pages / $27.95
available resources See page 15 for more detailsl.

Sign up for the Religious * These textbooks have been found

Education Newsletter by sending Visit www.avemariapress.com
in conformity with the Catechism
an e-mail to reled@nd.edu. for additional High School textbooks
of the Catholic Church.

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Youth Ministry
Q uestions from S eventh P eriod
Dare to D r e am “Doc” Pennock Answers Teens’ Questions on Life, Love,
Stories of 16 People Who Became Somebody and the Catholic Faith
William O’Malley, S.J. Michael Francis Pennock
“Doc” Pennock gives clear, concrete answers to the
tough questions about love, life, and faith that concern
There is no better way to be Catholic teens the most.
formed in good character than to ISBN: 9781594711015 / 288 pages / $15.95
learn by example. In Dare to Dream,
legendary high school teacher
William O’Malley, S.J., tells the R eady for C ollege
stories of sixteen people, such as Everything You Need to Know
Oprah Winfrey, Helen Keller, and Michael Francis Pennock
Anne Frank, whose lives began as Michael Pennock offers advice to help students transi-
typical and average. Through their tion from high school to college. It offers more than
cultivation of God-given virtues, the basics; spirituality is intertwined with doing laun-
along with some courage and per- dry, exercising, and studying.
severance, they grew into people ISBN: 9781893732926 / 160 pages / $13.95
who inspire others to reach their
own full human potential.
ISBN: 9781594712012
180 pages / $12.95

Day by Day
The Notre Dame Prayerbook for Students
William G. Storey, D.M.S., and Thomas McNally, C.S.C.
Foreword by Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C.

With half a million copies sold since its inception, Day by Day is
the beloved prayerbook that Notre Dame students, alumni, and
friends trust to deepen their prayer lives and expand their under- A Teen ’ s G ame P lan for L ife
standing of God. Includes favor- Lou Holtz
ites such as “Runner’s Prayer” Lou Holtz, ESPN sports analyst and former Notre
and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Dame head football coach, delivers a common-sense
“Before Study Prayer,” plus message for teens: a game plan for life.
many selections from a rich ISBN: 9781933495095 / 128 pages / $10.95
Christian tradition including
“The Road Ahead.” This collec-
tion of prayers is the perfect gift
I f You D on ’ t K now W here You ’ re
for college students, high school G oing , You ’ ll P robably E nd U p
graduates, and Confirmation S omewhere E lse
candidates. Finding a Career and Getting a Life
ISBN: 9781594710186 David P. Campbell
224 pages / $8.95 This engaging book is packed with practical advice for
finding a satisfying career and leading a rewarding life.
Wonderful for anyone in the church needing Christian
advice for the real world!
ISBN: 9781933495064 / 128 pages / $10.95

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 35

Youth Ministry – DRE Resources

T ime to P ray !
Seasonal Prayer Services for Middle Grades
Patricia Mathson
Features thirty simple prayer services for use throughout the year,
each focusing on a saint’s day, a liturgical season, a time in the school
year, or a particular need. Each service includes scripture readings,
prayers, petitions, litanies, responses, activities, and much more.
ISBN: 9781594710209 / 160 pages / $14.95

B undles of F aith and Tons of F un

Easy Activities, Prayers, and Projects for Children
Patricia Mathson
A resource of crafts, prayers, role-plays, banners, and much more to
enhance a child’s walk with Jesus throughout the year. The ideas are
easy to use and adapt to any religious education setting in school,
parish, or home.
ISBN: 9780877939429 / 112 pages / $12.95

F aith F acts for Young C atholics

Drills, Games, and Activities for Middle School Students
Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D.
Names of saints, Catholic vocabulary, biblical passages, and lessons
come to life as students learn important lessons about their faith.
Answers are included as well as adaptations for each game.
ISBN: 9780877936619 / 112 pages / $19.95

C hildren D iscover the M ass

Lessons, Crafts, Cutouts, and More!
Mary Doerfler Dall
Teaches children the roles of the priest, liturgical ministers, and the
community. Aids in teaching and learning the components of Mass
through interactive lessons and creative crafts.
ISBN: 9780877939481 / 128 pages / $18.95

T he F aith D ifference SALE!

Prayers, Lessons, Activities, and Games for Teens L earning about LIFE—L ove , I nfatuation ,
Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D. F riendship , E xploitation
A collection of Sawyer’s best activities organized into sec- A Family-Based Program on Relationships and Abuse Prevention
tions of lessons, community building, prayer, and games. Kieran Sawyer, S.S.N.D., and Kathie Amidei
Offers clear directions and reproducible handouts. Developed from the moral and doctrinal teachings of the
ISBN: 9780877937296 / 160 pages / $21.95 Church, Learning about LIFE empowers parish leaders to guide
This item is nonreturnable. parents through important conversations with their children
in a way that is appropriate, comfortable, and helpful.
ISBN: 9781594710889 / 160 pages / $19.95 $9.00
@ www.avemariapress.com

36 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

Pastoral Care & Bereavement

Over 700,000 Sold!

T hrou gh D e a th to Life
Preparing to Celebrate the Funeral Mass
Joseph M. Champlin

A superb planning resource for funeral liturgies, including pastoral

compassion and spiritual support for bereaving families, relatives,
and friends.
In the “Introduction” and in a six-page “Message for the Family,”
Champlin offers poignant reflections based on his pastoral and person-
al encounters with the death of a loved one and provides comfort and
hope in God’s promise.
To make the liturgy more understandable and more consoling, Fr.
Champlin offers brief informative background information on:

■ Planning the liturgy with a priest

■ Scripture texts
■ Music
■ Funeral homily
■ Personalized memorial cards
“ Bereavement ministers strive to provide support for families
as they design a memorable funeral for their loved one. Fr. Champlin’s
book offers a well-organized guide for choosing liturgical selections, which
■ Participation booklets
allows bereavement ministers and families to personalize the
■ Remarks of remembrance

ISBN: 9780877933472 / 128 pages / $3.95

Funeral Mass, bringing comfort and solace to those in mourning.
Victoria Stephan

The Stephan Center

T he F un er a l M a s s and R it e
o f C ommi t t a l
The Funeral Rites in easy-to-use card format
I dealas an ordination , anniversar y ,
or all - occasion gift for any priest .
■ 169
 3-hole punched rite cards (6” x 9”) containing a single prayer, scripture
reading, or blessing.
■ Each card boldly marked with the corresponding number system in Through
Death to Life.
■ 9 sample sets of General Intercessions as in Through Death to Life. COMPLETE FUNERAL SET
■ Texts
 for each area of Mass provided—making this the only book the presider Includes cards, box, and ceremonial
needs for the entire Liturgy. binder / Item: AMP4 / $74.95
■ Special
 text in the case of cremation. FUNERAL RITE CARDS ONLY
■ All Item: 195 / Card format, boxed / $59.95
 texts for the Rite of Committal.
■ 3-ring
 ceremonial pocketed binder; padded, gold-embossed cover, with ribbons. CEREMONIAL BINDER
Item: 196 / 3 rings, white/gold vinyl / $15.00

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 37

S piritual G uidance for D iff icult T imes
Perfect for use in grief support groups and bereavement ministry

Prayer and Meditation Booklet—Perfect Gift for Those Grieving


May You Find Solace

A Blessing for Times of Grieving
Joyce Rupp

B ereavement ministers, parish nurses, priests, deacons, and other mem-

bers of pastoral teams will appreciate this simple booklet as a gift for
the bereaved. It offers an elegant prayer and meditation in a beautiful lay-
out, expressing the deep care and concern of the faith community.
Joyce Rupp is loved by thousands for her best-selling books on spiritual
growth, but she is also the author of numerous books on grief and con-
solation, includ-
ing Praying Our
Goodbyes and her
recently published
Now That You’ve
Gone Home: Courage
and Comfort for
“bestJoyce Rupp is one of the
Christian spiritual guides
Times of Grief, from
which this blessing
writing today.
” Martin, S.J.
is drawn.
ISBN: 9781594712449
Author of My Life With the Saints 32 pages / $4.50
March 2010

R E V IS E D !

Praying Our Goodbyes

A Spiritual Companion Through Life’s Losses and Sorrows
Joyce Rupp

J oyce Rupp offers reflections on the spirituality of change with entic-

ing practical theology. An ideal resource for ministering to those deal-
ing with many kinds of grief and loss, Praying our Goodbyes helps readers
identify types of grief, evaluate attitudes toward suffering, and embrace
the freedom that comes with moving forward.
Each chapter concludes with probing questions, and the book ends
with twenty-four prayer experiences incorporating images, symbols, and
rituals as sources of strength and stepping stones toward healing.
ISBN: 9781594712050 / 192 pages / $15.95

finding your way
This series takes a Christian perspec-
tive to help readers cope with life’s
most difficult times. Ideal compan-
ions for the journey from grief to

F inding Your
Way to S ay
G oodbye
Harold Ivan Smith
ISBN: 9780877939757
224 pages / $12.95

F inding Your
Way A fter
■ Caregivers
Your S pouse
■ Support Groups D ies
■ Hospice or Parish Nurses Marta Felber
ISBN: 9780877939320
■ Bereavement Ministers 160 pages / $13.95

R E V IS E D ! Over 50,000 Sold! F inding Your

Way T hrough
May I Walk You Home? D ivorce
Courage and Comfort for Caregivers of the Very Ill Kathy Brewer Gorham
Stories by Joyce Hutchison ISBN: 9781594710742
128 pages / $10.95
Prayers by Joyce Rupp
Reissued on its tenth anniversary, May I Walk You
Home? remains an invaluable resource for caregivers F inding Your
and loved ones assisting those on their final journey
Way A fter
home. Stories by Joyce Hutchison and prayers by
Joyce Rupp make this a perfect resource for bereave-
Your P arent
ment ministers, hospice workers, parish nurses, pas- D ies
toral ministers, and caregivers of all kinds. Richard Gilbert
ISBN: 9780877936947
ISBN: 9781594712142 / 192 pages / $12.95
128 pages / $12.95

Now That You’ve Gone F inding Your

Home Way T hrough
Courage and Comfort for Times of Grief D omestic A buse
Stories by Joyce Hutchison Connie Fourré
Prayers by Joyce Rupp ISBN: 9781594710766
Building on the success of May I Walk You Home?, 192 pages / $12.95
this collection of twenty-five stories of loss picks
up where the first book left off, helping readers to
navigate the bewildering landscape of grief once a See SALE titles on page 60
loved one has died. for “In Times Of...” series featuring
ISBN: 9781594712159 / 192 pages / $12.95 prayers for difficult times.

NOW AVAILABLE “ My parish ministry of consola-
tion has used The Bereavement
Ministry Program for many years. I
The Bereavement have recommended this veritable

Ministry Program
ministry ‘toolbox’ to bereavement
ministers across the country. It
is truly an asset to any holistic
A Comprehensive Guide for Churches parish-based ministry to the
bereaved—and now it has been
Jan Nelson and David A. Aaker made even more handy and easy
to use.
” John M. Cherek
The Catholic Cemeteries
Archdiocese of Saint Paul
and Minneapolis

NEW FORMAT! New and Improved

3-ring Binder
and CD-ROM
• 3-ring binder format
Part I: Getting

3 • Easy-to-use tabs
Bereavement clergy
Approaches to bereavement ministry.
Some churches have

• Binder pockets for

contact phone
of ways to approach in face-to-face or
There are a number ble amounts of time lay ministers; some
to spend considera on of clergy and
people who are able rely on a combinati by lay people. In
grieving. Others out almost entirely
with those who are ministries carried bereavement
have bereavement In some cases, a
of these, in fact, visitation is far less. to play a cru-
amount of personal and comes, in fact,
other churches, the nt personal visitation
group is set up to suppleme
support used by any-
ent ministry. exible and can be
cial role in the bereavem in this book is meant to be very  can replace or
The program described and lay people. It
a large team of clergy
clergy person to in your church.
one from a single that already exists that you al-

additional storage
ent ministry suggest
supplement the bereavem this book, we
the resources in
you choose to use to each grieving
No matter how 24 you minister
main elements as
ways include three packet of materials
bereavem ent ministers bring a
1. An initial visit,
(the “Initial Packet”). ent (the
ate for the situation at least the rst year of bereavem
ing over
regular letter-writ
2. A program of
“Monthly Messages”
personal visitation.
ying schedule of to
3. An accompan group can be very helpful
a bereavement support can in-
a group so that you
Physical Symptoms of Grieving
have found that

• Searchable CD-ROM that

Many churches guidelines for creating such
We have included so.
grieving people. would like to do
ent ministry if you

a heavy
clude it in your bereavem from grieving is similar to that of
rieving is hard work. The exhaustion of grieving are sometimes
Conta ins physical workout or prolonged illness. The symptoms include
What This Book physical problems. Common complaints
mistakenly diagnosed as strictly
section. These
1. Basic Resources included in the
the following: Basic Resources
become Part I
program is the material suffer a deep loss
The heart of this • chest
assumptio that those
n pains or heart
needs at different
have been created with the that creates different
materials • process
process of grief—a dizziness primary componen
involved in an ongoing , then, have two

contains reproducible
The Basic Resources • dry mouth
points in the process. given to the grieving
to be in
which contains • materials
empty feeling address the stomach
the person’s needs
A. An “Initial Packet,” materials
the loss occurs.•These
immediately after fatigue
of grief. throat” the
ing the initial phase • feelingthe rst month, and
of “something inon,
for the second week, to address the issues
B. “Monthly Messages” materials are intended
• headache
experience. These
rst year of the grief through tothe
grief process.
work their•way inability

which arise as people one for children,
sexual desire and one for
• loss of for adults,active
or overly
come in three sets:
one for example, is
The Basic Resources Packet page entitled “Prayer,”
of weight Message
(the Initial
• loss
teenagers. There
is some overlap teenagers; the Monthly
as the section for
for children as well• nausea and vomiting
used in the section
• oversensitivity to noise
• pain Getting Started
• purposeless activity
• shortness of breath

• Revised lists of suggested

• trembling
• uncontrollable sighing and sobbing
• weakness in the muscles
constipation, diarrhea, or excessive
• various gastrointestinal symptoms:
Worden, Olders, and Rando.)
and research by Lieberman and Jacobs,
(This information taken from books
but if they persist or
normal part of the grieving process,
Any of these symptoms can be a physician and tell
make an appointment with your
become very uncomfortable, please from your
a recent major loss. If you are on medication
her/him that you have experienced

Sample reading
The Bereavement
Ministry Program

• Updated lists of national

grief support networks
T his must-have, comprehensive bereavement resource provides
everything needed to begin and nurture a bereavement min-
istry in your parish. With a new user-friendly format and updated • Additional advice on
content, this program provides extensive practical advice, schedule healthy grieving practices
outlines, and adaptable letters and handouts that are the trademark
of this program.
■ ISBN: 9781594711923 / 320 pages / 3-ring binder / $49.95


Creating and Sustaining
Seasons of Hope is a
Catholic Bereavement
valuable resource for the self-
help group I facilitate. I highly Groups
recommend this program M. Donna MacLeod, R.N., M.S.N.
to other facilitators and
parish volunteers. This faith-
centered resource has been T his parish-proven and eminently
user-friendly program is
sorely needed for years.

Martha Burke Tressler
Bereavement Coordinator,
focused on our faith in Jesus Christ.
It offers extended care for grieving
parishioners. Up to twenty-four
Catholic Cemeteries of Chicago weekly sessions are divided into four
Chicago, IL seasons that can be used in any order
at any time of the year.

P r o g r am H i g h l i g h t s :
• A plan for getting started • For use in group sessions and
• Tips for recruiting volunteers then at home
• Timelines and sample • Scripture-based themes
promotional materials • Thematic commentary
• Session outlines and scripts • Outlines for group activities
• Space for journaling
• “Moving Forward” action steps
• Prayers


Guidebook + Journals 1-4 ISBN: 9781594711121 / 64 pages / $5.95 ISBN: 9781594711145 / 64 pages / $5.95
ISBN: 9781594711725 / $40.00
GUIDEBOOK ISBN: 9781594711138 / 64 pages / $5.95 ISBN: 9781594711152 / 64 pages / $5.95
ISBN: 9781594711114 / 192 pages / $19.95

Prayers and Services for Remembering Departed Loved Ones Throughout the Year
Mauryeen O’Brien, O.P.
At last­­—a book of simple prayers and prayer services for those who ■ Prayers for Loved Ones
mourn that is designed for use in the home with family and friends. ■ Seasonal Services
Author and bereavement minister Mauryeen O’Brien offers grieving ■ Holiday Services
loved ones words for remembering those who have died, including
■ Anniversary Services
twenty-eight simple prayers and twenty-five prayer services.
■ Morning & Evening Prayers
Gentle Keeping will help sustain those who mourn through any day
of the year.
■  ISBN: 9781594711305 / 128 pages / $7.95 Praying Through Grief
ISBN: 9780877936299 / $13.95
Pastoral Care & Bereavement


Grant Us Peace P ray wi th M e S t ill

Rosary Meditations for Those Who Mourn Rosary Meditations and Spiritual Support
Beth Mahoney for Persons with Alzheimer’s, Their
Beth Mahoney of Holy Cross Family Ministries presents Rosary medi- Caregivers and Loved Ones
tations, related scripture passages, and prayers of petition to sustain Holy Cross Family Ministries
those who mourn. Pastorally sensitive and highly adaptable, this With practical insight into the spiri-
book guides both newcomers to the Rosary and those who have long tual lives of Alzheimer’s patients, plus a
prayed it through the hours, days, and guide to praying the
weeks following the death of a loved one. Rosary, this is an ideal
Grant Us Peace includes a simple guide resource for caregivers
on how to pray the Rosary along with all of those suffering with
the prayer texts needed. Containing all Alzheimer’s. Combines
twenty mysteries, this is a perfect devo- soothing and nurtur-
tional book for use at home or at the ing Rosary medita-
funeral home before and after the offi- tions with reflections
cial funeral rites of the Church. created especially for
Alzheimer’s patients,
BOOKLET INCLUDES: offering a way to main-
• I nstructions on how to pray the Rosary
tain or re-establish
and lead it publicly.
• Insightful meditations for each mystery.
ISBN: 9781594710773
• Scripture passages that inform and
64 pages / $5.95
inspire the devotion.
• Petitions focusing on the intercession of
Mary and the presence of Christ to those in sorrow.
ISBN: 9781594711640 / 64 pages / $4.95

ABC s of P re p aring f or E t ern ity

H ea lt hy A Catholic Handbook for End-of-Life Concerns
Joseph M. Champlin
G r i e v ing Best-selling author Fr. Joseph M. Champlin guides Catholics
A Companion for through the practical physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns
Everyday Coping confronted as they face end-of-life issues and attempt to put their
Harold Ivan Smith affairs in order. Comforting and empowering for anyone preparing
Recognized grief educator for the final chapter of their life.
Harold Ivan Smith offers
seventy-two suggestions for Table of Contents
healthy grieving, equipping 1. Making a Will 6. Heart Light as a Feather:
those who have suffered pro- 2. End-of-Life Issues Forgiveness and
found loss with tools for cop- 3. Living Wills, Health Reconciliation
ing day to day. Care Proxies, and Organ 7. Last Rites
ISBN: 9781594711275 Donations 8. A Comforting Farewell
160 pages / $12.95 4. Cremation 9. Eternity
5. Postponing Eternity 10. Those Left Behind

ISBN: 9781594711091 / 96 pages / $4.50

42 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

Pastoral Care & Bereavement – Healing

W h en You r S p ouse D i es H e a ling

A Concise and Practical Source of Help and Advice Silver Anniversary Edition
Cathleen L. Curry Francis MacNutt, PhD
Writing about her own jour- This best-selling resource provides a context to explain
ney, Curry establishes eight healthy healing. MacNutt covers topics including the
practical guideposts for getting basis of healing ministry, dif-
through the first year after the ferent ways of healing, and the
loss of your spouse. relationships between sacra-
ISBN: 9780877934165 ments and healing. MacNutt
128 pages / $10.95 also discusses engaging connec-
tions between the spiritual and
the physical, including scientific
inquiries into the healing power
of prayer.
ISBN: 9780877936763
272 pages / $18.95

T h e P owe r to Heal
H eali ng th e H i dden S el f Francis MacNutt, PhD
Barbara Shlemon Ryan Presents a balanced and sensible look at healing and
Ryan offers examples and expla- the accompanying aspect of
nations of the problems that prayer. MacNutt clarifies many
can be encountered during each of the common misconceptions
stage of development. A prayer surrounding healing prayer,
is included for each stage to providing an in-depth view of
help the healing process. the healing ministry. Also gives
ISBN: 9781594710339 the reader the unique experi-
128 pages / $9.95 ence from the perspective of the
minister of healing, sharing his
thoughts and feelings.
ISBN: 9780877931331
256 pages / $15.95

H e a li n g the Wo unds of D i vo rce T e n T hi ng s t o H e l p You S u r v i v e

A Spiritual Guide to Recovery a n d H e a l W hile G ri e ving
Barbara Shlemon Ryan Janet K. Lang
The author shares her own This brief, readable booklet pro-
experience with divorce and the vides ten practical aids to help
healing process that followed those coping with loss and empti-
by offering seventeen chapters ness. Focus on personal growth,
dealing with such issues as deepened spirituality and a stron-
children, finances, relatives, ger sense of direction in life.
fear, guilt, and forgiveness. ISBN: 9780939516605
ISBN: 9780877934837 48 pages / $6.95
136 pages / $9.95

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 43

T H E P E R F E C T G I F T F O R Y O U R PA R I S H L I B R A R Y !


BOOK CLUB • ES T. 1934

E xpand the parish library and enhance

the spirituality of parishioners by join-
ing Spiritual Book Associates (SBA). A book Volume 54, No. 5 / September 2009
A P u b l i c At i o n o f
S P i r i t u A l b o o k A S S o c i At e S

club dedicated to inspiring formation and

growth, SBA offers the latest in contemporary Featured Selection
spirituality. Ave Maria Press editors specially September 2009

handpick eight books with themes that pro- PrAyerfulneSS

Awakening to the Fullness of Life
vide a forum of spiritual thought, discussion, Robert J. Wicks

and growth, making SBA ideal for parish B lending insights from Christian contemplative practice and con-
temporary psychology, Dr. Robert J. Wicks—well-known speaker,
therapist, and spiritual guide—introduces what he calls “prayerful-
February 2010
ness,” a way of being truly in the present to experience God and life

libraries, parish book groups, or individuals.

in dynamic new ways. Wicks offers a rich array of insights including
seven practical steps, a thirty-day retreat, and a Spiritual Mindfulness
Questionnaire. This creative combination of ancient wisdom and con-
temporary psychology is designed to help readers develop a loving,
clear, and spiritually balanced outlook.

ISBN: 9781933495200 / 192 pages, hardcover / $20.00

Members Enjoy These Benefits:

 Eight books over eight months
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Spiritual Book News book of PrAyer
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 20% off of regular priced Ave Maria The Community of Sant’Egidio is internationally known for its work in
justice and peacemaking, and is a growing phenomenon in the United
States. The Sant’Egidio Book of Prayer invites readers into the commu-

Press items all year long

nity’s spiritual life and into solidarity with its mission of prayer, service,
and peacemaking.

ISBN: 9781594712067 / 212 pages / $14.95

“ Our parish joined the Spiritual March 2010

Book Associates club to increase our par- Selection
ish library. I’ve found it is a great way to he newsletter Spiritual
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Book News includes a
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in our parish that look to us for reading companion Readers Group
materials, and these books have often been Guide offering insights
selected by the groups. I am a huge fan of
Joyce Rupp, and the small group I am part
and questions related to
of selected Open the Door to read next. You the month’s selection. The
can’t find quality books for this price any- guide enables parishioners
where else!
” Dolores Michael
to focus their reading group
April 2010
St. Augustine’s Parish discussions and enhance their
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Become a member today!
Go to www.avemariapress.com and click Book News also provides
on the “Spiritual Book Associates” logo. information on books,
Or call 800.282.1865 x 4.
compact discs, and prayer
1-year Membership cards that complement the
Only $64! accompanying selection. May 2010
Need a Gift for your Catechists?
The 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series
offers affordable, easy-to-use books—perfect as
catechist and staff gifts.

E ach book in the series provides a month of daily readings

from one of Christianity’s most beloved spiritual guides,
such as St. John the Evangelist, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. “ This is an invaluable series of tastefully done
books, small enough for the purse or for the back-
Francis of Assisi. Each day contains a brief and accessible morn-
pack. They’re ideal as gifts, and ideal reminders not
ing meditation drawn from the mystic’s writings, a simple man- only of our Biblical heritage, but of a rich Catholic
tra for use throughout the day, and a night prayer to focus one’s tradition in the writings of the saints. Simply
thoughts as the day ends. The books are the perfect prayer com-
panion for busy people who want to root their spiritual practice
” Anne Rice
Author of Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana
in the solid ground of these great spiritual teachers.

A ll W ill
B e Well
Julian of Norwich
ISBN: 9781594711510
128 pages / $9.95

L et N othing
D isturb You
Teresa of Avila
ISBN: 9781594711527
120 pages / $9.95

P eace of H eart
Francis of Assisi
ISBN: 9781594711558
128 pages / $9.95

S et Your
H eart F ree
Francis de Sales
ISBN: 9781594711534
120 pages / $9.95

S imply T rue S erenity W here O nly You S hall

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128 pages / $9.95 128 pages / $9.95 120 pages / $9.95

45 45


Wat er , W ind , E a r th , and F i re

The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements
Christine Valters Paintner

O rganized around “The Canticle of the Creatures” by St. Francis of Assisi, Water,
Wind, Earth, and Fire is the first book to consider the ways in which praying with
the natural elements can enliven Christian spiritual life.
Paintner offers concrete suggestions and guided contemplative exercises; for instance,
she suggests that readers take time to “watch the sunrise or sunset and breathe in
the beauty of the fiery sky. Contemplate what those beginnings and endings have to
say in your own life.” Ideal for parish retreats and small groups, young adult min-
istry, and more. Readers benefit from Paintner’s extensive training in theology and
Benedictine spirituality.
ISBN: 9781933495224 / 160 pages / $14.95
Available March 2010

“edgeNot only is her writing as beautiful as the symbolism she describes, but her wide knowl-
of scripture, patristic writing, the mystical life of the saints, and contemporary spiritual
poetry makes the reading of this book an inspiring and rejuvenating adventure.
”Paula Huston
Author of Forgiveness: Following Jesus into Radical Loving

S e ve n S acred P a use s
Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day
Macrina Wiederkehr
Foreword by Paula D’Arcy
Using scripture, poetry, reflections, personal stories,
and quotes from a rich array of spiritual teachers,
Wiederkehr helps readers become more attuned to
living in the present moment and develop a kindred
spirit with the rich tradition of the sacred hours. Seven
Sacred Pauses is a wonderful gift to those who seek to
L ov ing
find balance in their busy days and to bring the prac- You r s el f
tice of the Divine Hours home to their own hearts. M or e
ISBN: 9781933495101 / 224 pages / hardcover / $20.00 101 Meditations on
Self-Esteem for Women
Virginia Ann
“andYou are holding in your hands not only a book of readings
instruction for the journey, but one monastic’s heart of love held
Froehle, R.S.M.
This redesigned edition
out to a searching world.
” From the foreword by Paula D’Arcy of the best-selling Loving
Yourself More (over 60,000
Author of Gift of the Red Bird copies sold) reminds busy
women of God’s love with
Visit www.avemariapress.com 101 brief, inspiring
for more titles from Macrina Wiederkehr meditations.
ISBN: 9781594711312
160 pages / $10.95
46 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865
Spirituality – Joyce Rupp

M a y I H a v e T hi s D a n c e ?
An Invitation to Faithful Prayer
Throughout the Year
This revised edition of the best-selling
book invites readers to join God in the
dance of life, a dance of truth and whole-
ness. She explores twelve themes, each
followed by prayer suggestions such as
litanies, guided meditations, and journal
ISBN: 9781594711329
224 pages / $14.95 R e s t Yo u r
T he C i r cle of Life AUDIO CD ISBN: 9781594711671 D r e am s o n a
The Heart’s Journey Through the Seasons
Joyce Rupp and Macrina Wiederkehr
2 CDs, 137 min. / $24.95 L i tt l e T wig
Artwork by Mary Southard Illustrations by
Through reflections, poems, and prayers, Barbara Loomis
readers explore the relationship between the I n viti ng G od I n ISBN: 9781893732575
160 pages, hardcover / $14.95
seasons of the earth and the seasons of their Scriptural Reflections and Prayers
lives. Ideal for any group gathering. Throughout the Year
ISBN: 9781893732827 / 288 pages / $22.95 In this collection of
scriptural reflections
and prayers, Joyce Rupp
F re sh B r ea d offers us the encourage-
ment we so often require
And Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment
to stop and pray.
This popular classic introduced a hungry
ISBN: 9780877939580
world to Joyce Rupp’s unique brand of spiri-
160 pages / $13.95
tual nourishment: prose, poetry, and prayer
to help us reflect upon and rejoice in the
sacred everyday world that is at once around
and within us.
ISBN: 9781594710858 / 160 pages / $12.95

Other Small Group Resources from Joyce Rupp

O ut of the T h e C u p of
O rd i n a r y O u r L if e
Prayers, Poems, and Reflections A Guide for Spiritual Growth
for Every Season Explores how the cup is a sym-
Contains over 125 thoughtful bol of life, with its emptiness
compositions drawn from the and fullness, its brokenness and
author’s never-before published flaws, and all of its blessings. An
work. Joyce Rupp has just the right excellent resource for a theme-
prayer or ritual for a small group For other titles by Joyce Rupp,
based retreat based upon the
meeting, parish gathering, faith- sacredness of life.
visit www.avermariapress.com
sharing group, or pastoral team. ISBN: 9780877936251 for a complete collection
ISBN: 9780877939207 184 pages / $15.95 of books and CDs.
256 pages / $15.95

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 47

Spirituality – Thomas Merton

C ompass io n a t e F i re S eas o ns of C e l e b r a t io n
The Letters of Thomas Merton Meditations on the Cycle of Liturgical Feasts
and Catherine de Hueck Doherty Foreword by William H. Shannon
Edited by Robert A. Wild

J ust after Thomas Merton’s death in 1968, Catholic

social activist Catherine de Hueck Doherty wrote to
F orty years after his death, fans of Thomas Merton—from a
wide array of faith traditions—continue to consult the spiri-
tual wisdom found in his voluminous writings.
Merton’s abbot: “In Merton called this work his “Liturgy book,” and this edi-
some strange mysteri- tion includes a new foreword
ous way I never quite by renowned Merton scholar
understood, [he] was William H. Shannon. These
in part my spiritual essays remain timely in view of
son.” The friendship the ongoing liturgical renewal
originated when initiated by Vatican II and are a
Merton worked at must-read for those seeking to
Friendship House in deepen their grasp of the liturgy
Harlem, and this vol- and the cycles of the Church
ume of warm, candid year. Seasons of Celebration has
correspondence traces enjoyed longstanding popular-
nearly three decades ity among traditional Catholic
of friendship through Merton readers and also by
thirty-one surviving those from ecumenical tradi-
letters. tions.
The exchange ISBN: 9781594711701
reveals Merton’s 224 pages / $17.95
development from a
young man search-

“ The living
testimony of two great souls
ing for his place in
God’s plan, to a monk
seeking God through
aflame from the same Holy solitude and work for
A B ook of H ou r s
” Richard J. Payne
social justice. A large
and growing Merton
Edited by Kathleen Deignan
Foreword by James Finley
Founding Editor-in-Chief, readership will enjoy The voluminous writings of Thomas Merton
The Classics of Western this book, and it can have been mined and arranged for the first
Spirituality be used both by indi- time into prayers for Dawn, Day, Dusk, and
Executive Producer, viduals and as a book Dark for each of the days of the week.
Arcadia Films study group on spiri- ISBN: 9781933495057 / 224 pages, hc / $20.00
tual friendship.
ISBN: 9781594712166
128 pages, with 4-page
photo insert / $12.95 M e r t on ’ s P a la c e
o f N owhe r e
James Finley
For twenty-five years, Merton’s Palace of Nowhere
Looking for a small group series on has been the standard for exploring and
Thomas Merton? See pages 22 & 23. understanding Merton’s thought.
ISBN: 9780877930419 / 160 pages / $14.95

48 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

Spirituality – Henri J.M. Nouwen

T h e D an ce of L if e
Weaving Sorrows and Blessings into One Joyful Step
Edited by Michael Ford W ith O pen H ands
Foreword by Sue Monk Kidd
ISBN: 9781594710643 / 128 pages / $9.95

I n this anthology,
Michael Ford gathers
Henri Nouwen’s selec-
B ehold the
Praying With Icons
B eauty of the L ord

tions that encourage us to Foreword by Robert Lentz, O.F.M.

embrace our imperfections ISBN: 9781594711367 / 128 pages / $14.95
and find the transform-
ing power of God at work
within us. Offers spiritual
refreshment and guidance
during the darkness, lone-
liness, and turmoil of life’s
ISBN: 9781594710872
224 pages / $13.95

I n M emo r ia m
Foreword by Michael O’Laughlin
A gentle invitation to all those in grief to O ut of S olitude
open themselves to a deeper sense of faith
Three Meditations on the Christian Life
and trust in God. Henri J.M. Nouwen
shares his own experience of pain, confu-
Foreword by Thomas Moore
ISBN: 9780877934950 / 64 pages / $7.95
sion, and doubt as he leads the reader to
a recognition that despite turmoil, God is
present. E ternal S easons
ISBN: 9781594710544 / 64 pages / $7.95 A Spiritual Journey through the Church's Year
Edited by Michael Ford
PAPERBACK ISBN: 9781594711473
256 pages / $12.95

C an You D rink HARDCOVER ISBN: 9781893732773

256 pages / $18.95
the C up ?
Foreword by Ron Hansen Visit www.avemariapress.com
Nouwen reflects upon the metaphor of
the cup, using the images of holding, lift-
for a complete listing of titles and
ing, and drinking to articulate the basics of additional audio CDs that feature
spiritual life. the voice and insight of Henri
ISBN: 9781594710995 / 128 pages / $11.95 J.M. Nouwen.

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 49


T h omas H. G reen , S.J.

NEW! O p e ni n g to
G od
E xpe riencing G od A Guide to Prayer
The Three Stages of Prayer Opening to God demys-
In Experiencing God, Thomas Green, S.J., pres- tifies prayer, explain-
ents a brief and accessible guide to prayer. ing what prayer is
Green reminds readers that prayer life is, all about, and offers
above all, a relationship with God and a techniques that ready
deepening of our experience of God. Thomas the soul to encounter
Green, S.J., spent a lifetime teaching fellow God.
Christians to pray; Experiencing God is a fan- ISBN: 9781594710711 / 128 pages
tastic collection of his best insights. $12.95 / 174,000 sold!
Drawn from lectures given by Fr. Green, W eeds A mong the Wheat
Experiencing God is now in print for the first
Discernment: Where Prayer and Action Meet
time—an appropriate commemoration of the
ISBN: 9780877933182 / 208 pages / $15.95
faithful life and work of this beloved teacher This item is nonreturnable.
and author. Ideally suited to faith sharing
groups, parish retreats, and ministry forma- W hen the W ell R u ns D r y
tion workshops. Prayer Beyond the Beginnings
ISBN: 9781594712456 / 128 pages / $10.95 ISBN: 9781594711374 / 224 pages / $11.95
Available April 2010

W i l l ia m A. B arry , S.J.

Revised Edition new design

F ind i ng G o d in A ll T hi ng s P a y ing A t t e n t io n
A Companion to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius t o G od
Finding God in All Things gives new life to the spiritu- Discernment in Prayer
ality of St. Ignatius and illuminates the transform- Paying Attention to God increases
ing power of the Exercises. Written by a renowned our sensitivity to the ways God
expert on spirituality and prayer, this book is an ideal is trying to reveal himself in
resource for parish retreats, spiritual formation cours- our lives. This resource is ideal
es, and as RCIA supplementary reading. for spiritual leaders trying to
ISBN: 9780877934608 / 144 pages / $12.95 encourage individuals to devel-
op their personal relationships with God.
ISBN: 9780877934134 / 128 pages / $12.95
Peter van B r eemen , S.J.

T h e G o d o f O u r D ee p e s t T h e G od W ho
L o ngi n gs Won ’ t L e t G o
Seven Biblical Meditations A message as old as
Draws on the spirituality of John’s gospel and Ignatius Christianity, this inspiring
of Loyola to stress that our deepest desires and God’s book reminds us that God
will for us coincide when we let go of selfishness; and is permanent and that there
that God’s deepest longing is to dwell in us, to make a is nothing that can stop His
home in our souls. This resource is perfect for retreat love. Perfect for introducing
centers and can be used for parish retreats and reading seekers to God’s love.
groups. ISBN: 9780877937463
ISBN: 9781594712005 / 128 pages / $11.95 160 pages / $13.95

50 www.avemariapress.com / Phone: 1.800.282.1865

Spirituality – Retreats


C om e H om e
A Prayer Journey to the Center Within
Marie Schwan, C.S.J.
“ Marie Schwan, C.S.J.,
brings to this slim yet potent text years
of experience in spiritual direction and
“Home” is a powerful spiritual theme, particu- retreat work. Enriching and challenging,
larly in uncertain and difficult times. In Come Come Home is a call to live at the center,
Home, trusted spiritual director Marie Schwan rather than the circumference of our
blends insights from the contemplative tradi-
tion with Ignatian and twelve-step spirituality, ”
Bishop Robert F. Morneau
gently guiding readers to discover and embrace Auxiliary Bishop
the wonder of God’s presence within them. of Green Bay
Come Home is an ideal book for parish
retreats, small groups, staff development, and
as a recommended resource for parishioners seeking spiritual direction.
ISBN: 9781594712296 / 128 pages / $12.95
Available February 2010

T he R e collect ed E n t e r i ng C h r is t ’ s P r a y e r
H ear t A Retreat in 32 Meditations
A Guide to Making a Contemplative Eric Jensen, S.J.
Weekend Retreat Ignatian retreat leader Eric Jensen guides spiritual seekers through Luke’s
Philip Zaleski Gospel as they meditate on Christ’s spoken and unspoken bond with his
Amid the chaos Father. This practical yet thought-provoking
of work, family, resource is ideal for individual use or group
and the myriad retreats.
responsibilities ISBN: 9781594711343 / 224 pages / $17.95
that dominate
our lives, the
need for retreat M ome n t by M ome n t
remains ever- A Retreat in Everyday Life
present. Calling Carol Ann Smith, S.H.C.J.,
us to solitude, and Eugene Merz, S.J.
reflection, and Drawing on the classic retreat model, The
quiet, acclaimed Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, Moment by
author and Moment offers a new and inviting way to find
editor Philip God in our often busy and complex lives.
Zaleski identifies ISBN: 9780877939450 / 96 pages / $13.95
with the need
for retreat and offers his monastic prescrip-
tion for how to properly and effectively find F in d ing G od in E a ch
spiritual refreshment. M ome n t
Ideal reading for those who appreciate the The Practice of Discernment in Everyday Life
depth of monastic spirituality but find it dif- Carol Ann Smith, S.H.C.J.,
ficult to go away for weekends, this resource and Eugene Merz, S.J.
is perfect for parish groups, campus ministry
Selections from scripture, writings of St.
groups, and religious communities, and for
Ignatius, and documents of Vatican II will lead you to discover how each
individual reflection and growth.
relationship holds the opportunity to be taught by God.
ISBN: 9781594711992 / 192 pages / $15.95
ISBN: 9781594711008 / 224 pages / $16.95

Together in Ministry Free Downloads Sample pages Small Group 51



T he F ull of
S pi ri tua lity G r ace
o f F a stin g Miraculous Stories
Rediscovering a of Healing and
Christian Practice Conversion through
Mary’s Intercession
Msgr. Charles M.
Murphy Christine Watkins
This treasury of spiritual Foreword by
wisdom draws on sources Robert Faricy, S.J.
ancient and current—from In Full of Grace,
Augustine to Michael Watkins tells her
Pollan—to consider anew own dramatic story
how fasting informs the of miraculous heal-
relationships between cre- ing and conversion
ator/creature, body/soul, and rich/poor. to Catholicism, along with the stories of five others,
In timely response to Pope Benedict’s urging that the value including a homeless drug addict, a stripper, and a mod-
and meaning of fasting need to be “rediscovered and encour- ern-day hero. Each story is accompanied by scripture,
aged again in our day,” The Spirituality of Fasting is excellent for prayer, and discussion exercises designed to remind read-
small groups, parish retreats, homily preparation, and recom- ers of Mary of Medjugorje’s intercession on their behalf
mended Lenten reading lists. and God’s personal love for them.
ISBN: 9781594712432 / 128 pages / $12.95 Ideal for parish faith-sharing groups, addiction recov-
Available January 2010 ery support groups, and for parish retreats.
ISBN: 9781594712265 / 224 pages / $14.95
Available February 2010
“ Monsignor Charles Murphy
presents a comprehensive history of fasting and offers a
sound rationale for the need to revive this ancient practice. “ Christine Watkins’ beautiful and
touching collection of conversion stories prompted
A must-read for any serious Christian and a wonderful
or touched by Medjugorje’s apparitions is further
resource for adult faith formation, small faith communities,

”Susan Lang Abbott

proof of the good fruits of this ongoing phenomenon.
or parish social justice committees.
The stories are direct, honest, heart-rending, and
Director of Religious Education
Archdiocese of Boston
” Wayne Weible
Author of Medjugorje: The Message

T h e S e v en S o r row s of Mar y
A Meditative Guide
Also by Joel
Joel Giallanza, C.S.C. Giallanze, C.S.C.
This resource offers a contemporary spirituality of this tra- P ra y in g f r om
ditional devotion, highlighting seven moments of suffering
th e H ea r t o f
in Mary’s life, from Jesus’ infancy to his death on Golgotha.
In this practical and devotional approach, Giallanza teaches
H ol y C r os s
how Mary guides us in our own struggles as we aim to be S pi ri t u a li ty
closer to her son. See page 7
ISBN: 9781594711763 / 128 pages / $10.95

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Title / Author Index

30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teachers Holy Mary (Classics with Commentary), COMMUNITY OF SAINT’EGIDIO, THE,
series—45 Imitation of Christ (Classics with The Sant’Egidio Book of Prayer—25, 55
Commentary)—19 Compassionate Fire, WILD—48
A Bless My Child, CRAGON—28 Concise Guide Series—10, 11
Book of Hours, A, MERTON—48 Concise Guide to Adult Faith Formation, A,
AAKER, DAVID A., The Bereavement Born of the Eucharist, ROSSETTI—13 PARENT—11
Ministry Program—40 BOYLAN, M. EUGENE, This Tremendous Concise Guide to Canon Law,
Abandonment to Divine Providence, Lover—20 McKENNA—11
CAUSSADE—18 Bridges to Contemplative Living with Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching,
ABCs of Healthy Grieving, SMITH—42 Thomas Merton series, MONTALDO / A, McKENNA—11
Activities for Catholic Social Teaching, TOTH—22, 23 Concise Guide to Church Management,
ADAMS, Let Me Sow Love—55 Building Community, SOFIELD / CHURCH AND SOCIETY—10
Adjusting Your Life’s Vision (Bridges), JULIANO / HAMMETT—14 Concise Guide to Pastoral Planning, A,
MONTALDO / TOTH—22 Bundles of Faith and Tons of Fun, PICKETT—10
AELRED OF RIEVAULX, Spiritual MATHSON—36 Concise Guide to Supervising a Ministry
Friendship (Classics with Student, A, GARRIDO / McKENNA—11
Commentary)—19 C Concise Guide to Your Rights in the
All Will Be Well (30 Days series), JULIAN Catholic Church, A, McKENNA—11
ALPHONSUS DE LIGUORI, Visits to the Where You’re Going, You’ll Probably End WOMEN RELIGIOUS, The Foundations
Most Holy Sacrament and to Most Holy Up Somewhere Else—35 of Religious Life—12
Mary (Classics with Commentary)—19 Can You Drink the Cup?, NOUWEN—49 CRAGON, JULIE, Bless My Child—28
AMIDEI, KATHIE, Learning about CANNATO, JUDY, Field of CREASY, WILLIAM C., The Imitation of
LIFE—Love, Infatuation, Friendship, Compassion—53 Christ—18
Exploitation—36 Catholic Essentials, AMODEI—31 Cross, Our Only Hope, The, GAWRYCH—6
AMODEI, MICHAEL, Questions of Faith— Catholic Remarriage, GARASCIA—27 Crossing the Desert, WICKS—54
15; Send Out Your Spirit—29; Catholic Catholic Social Teaching, PENNOCK—33 Cup of Our Life, The, RUPP—47
Essentials—31; Marriage and Holy
Orders—34 Catholic Spirit, The, BETTIGOLE / CURRY, CATHLEEN L., When Your Spouse
CHILDS—32 Dies—43
Ascent of the Mountain of God, The,
HAYS—4 Catholics Going Green, GRAZER—21
Forgiveness—14 Abandonment to Divine Providence—18
CHAMPLIN, JOSEPH M., Bible Reading for DALL, MARY DOERFLER, Children
Beginners—17; Together For Life, Rite of Discover the Mass—36
B Marriage—26; Through Death to Life—37; Dance of Life, The, NOUWEN / FORD—49
Preparing for Eternity—42; Slow Down, Dare to Dream, O’MALLEY—35
BARRY, WILLIAM A., Finding God in All Take Five—54
Things, Paying Attention to God—50 Day by Day, STOREY / McNALLY—35
Children Discover the Mass, DALL—36 Design for Wholeness, SOFIELD /
Basil Moreau, MacEOIN—7
Becoming Who You Already Are (Bridges), Spirit—32
MONTALDO / TOTH—22 Discovering the Hidden Ground of Love
Choosing to Be Catholic, O’MALLEY—15 (Bridges), MONTALDO / TOTH—22
Before “I Do,” GARASCIA—27
Behold the Beauty of the Lord,
NOUWEN—49 Circle of Life, The, RUPP / Biblical Way of the Cross—5
Behold Your Mother, ROSSETTI—13
Bereavement Ministry Program, The, in Hope—12
Classics with Commentary series—18, 19
Spirit—32 CLEMMONS, NANCY, Exploring the EGAN, KEITH, Words of Faith: Our
Religions of Our World—34 Prayers—8, 9
BEYER, RICHARD J., Medjugorje Day by
Day—55 CLOUD OF UNKNOWING, THE, Where Encountering Jesus in the New Testament,
Only Love Can Go (30 Days series)—45 PENNOCK—34
Bible Reading for Beginners,
CHAMPLIN—17 Collaboration, SOFIELD / JULIANO—14 Entering Christ’s Prayer, JENSEN—51
BILLY, DENNIS, Spiritual Friendship Collaborative Leader, The, SOFIELD / Entering the School of Your Experience
(Classics with Commentary), Interior KUHN—14 (Bridges), MONTALDO / TOTH—22
Castle (Classics with Commentary), Visits Come Home, SCHWAN—51 ENZLER, CLARENCE, Everyone’s Way of
to the Most Holy Sacrament and to Most the Cross—5

Title / Author Index

Eternal Seasons, NOUWEN / FORD—49 GARRIDO, ANN M., A Concise Guide to Healing, MacNUTT—43
Everyone’s Way of the Cross, ENZLER—5 Supervising a Ministry Student—11 HENDEY, LISA M., The Handbook for
Experiencing God, GREEN—50 GASSLEIN, BERNADETTE, Gifts of the Catholic Moms—28
Exploring the Religions of Our World, Eucharist—21 HOLTZ, LOU, A Teen’s Game Plan for
CLEMMONS—34 GAWRYCH, ANDREW, The Gift of the Life—35
Cross, The Gift of Hope, The Cross, Our HOLY CROSS FAMILY MINISTRIES, Pray
Only Hope—6 with Me Still—42
Gentle Keeping, O’BRIEN—41 HOUSELANDER, CARYLL, The Reed of
Facing Forgiveness, SOFIELD / JULIANO / Getting Married, Living Together, God, This War Is the Passion—20
Faith Difference, The, SAWYER—36 GIALLANZA, JOEL, Praying from the Heart Home?, Now that You’ve Gone Home—39
Faith Facts for Young Catholics, of Holy Cross Spirituality—7; The Seven
SAWYER—36 Sorrows of Mary—52 I
Faith We Profess, The, VAGHI—16 Gift of Hope, The, GAWRYCH—6
FELBER, MARTA, Finding Your Way After Gift of the Cross, The, GAWRYCH—6 If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going,
Your Spouse Dies—39 Gifts of the Eucharist, REEVES / You’ll Probably End Up Somewhere Else,
Field of Compassion, The, CANNATO—53 GASSLEIN—21 CAMPBELL—35
Finding God in All Things, BARRY—50 GILBERT, RICHARD, Finding Your Way Imitation of Christ, The (Classics with
After Your Parent Dies—39 Commentary), THOMAS Á KEMPIS /
Finding God in Each Moment, SMITH / BILLY—19
MERZ—51 GOD KNOWS You’re Stressed,
SMOLLIN—53 Imitation of Christ, The, CREASY /
Finding Your Way After Your Parent Dies, THOMAS Á KEMPIS—18
GILBERT—39 God of Our Deepest Longings, The, VAN
BREEMEN—50 In Memoriam, NOUWEN—49
Finding Your Way After Your Spouse Dies,
FELBER—39 God Who Won’t Let Go, The, VAN Interior Castle (Classics with Commentary),
Finding Your Way Through Divorce,
GORHAM—39 GORHAM, KATHY BREWER, Finding Inviting God In, RUPP—47
Finding Your Way Through Domestic Your Way Through Divorce—39 IWANOWSKI, THOMAS B., Open Our
Abuse, FOURRÈ—39 GRAEF, HILDA, Mary: A History of Hearts—2
Finding Your Way to Say Goodbye, Doctrine and Devotion—20
SMITH—39 Grant Us Peace, MAHONEY—42 J
FINLEY, JAMES, Merton’s Palace of GRAZER, WALTER E., Catholics Going
Nowhere—48 Green—21 JENSEN, ERIC, Entering Christ’s
GREEN, THOMAS H., Experiencing God, Prayer—51
Commandments—33 Opening to God, Weeds Among the JESUIT COMMUNICATION CENTRE,
Wheat, When the Well Runs Dry—50 Sacred Space for Lent 2010—4, Sacred
FORD, MICHAEL, The Dance of Life—49 Space: The Prayer Book 2010—55
Forward in Hope, CLARK—12 GRIBBLE, RICHARD, Vincent McCauley,
C.S.C.—7 Jesus Christ, PENNOCK—30
Foundations of Religious Life, The, John Paul II’s Biblical Way of the Cross,
Sacraments—32 WELBORN / DUBRUIEL—5
Joy of Priesthood, The, ROSSETTI—13
FOURRÈ, CONNIE, Finding Your Way
Through Domestic Abuse—39 H JULIAN OF NORWICH, All Will Be Well
(30 Days series)—45
FRANCIS DE SALES, Set Your Heart Free
(30 Days series)—45 Hail Mary, STOREY—55 JULIANO, CARROLL, Collaboration,
HAMMA, ROBERT M., Together at Building Community, Facing Forgiveness,
FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Peace of Heart (30 Design for Wholeness—14
Days series)—45 Baptism—28
Fresh Bread, RUPP—47 HAMMETT, ROSINE, Building
Community, Design for Wholeness—14 K
Yourself More—46 Handbook for Catholic Moms, The,
HENDEY—28 KUHN, DONALD H., The Collaborative
Fuel, McCOY-THOMPSON / HAYKIN—21 Leader—14
Full of Grace, WATKINS—52
HAYS, EDWARD, The Ascent of the
Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal—37 Mountain of God, A Lenten Hobo L
Honeymoon—4; The Pilgrimage Way of
G the Cross—5; Prayers for the Domestic LACEY, MARILYN, This Flowing Toward
Church—28 Me—25
GARASCIA, ANTHONY, Before “I Do,” LANG, JANET K., Ten Things to Help You
Catholic Remarriage, Getting Married, Healing the Hidden Self, RYAN—43
Survive and Heal While Grieving—43
Living Together—27 Healing the Wounds of Divorce, RYAN—43

Title / Author Index

Learning about LIFE—Love, Infatuation, Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments, Faith, This Is Our Church—15, 34; Jesus
Friendship, Exploitation, SAWYER / GUSTAFSON—32 Christ—30; Your Life in Christ, Catholic
AMIDEI—36 MERTON, THOMAS, Seasons of Social Teaching—33; Encountering Jesus
Lent and Holy Week, MONTALDO / Celebration, A Book of Hours—48 in the New Testament, Our Catholic
TOTH—3 Merton’s Palace of Nowhere, FINLEY—48 Faith—34; Questions from Seventh
Lenten Hobo Honeymoon, A, HAYS—4 MERZ, EUGENE, Moment by Moment, Period, Ready for College—35
Lessons of the Heart, LIVINGSTON—53 Finding God in Each Moment—51 PICKETT, DR. WILLIAM L., A Concise
Let in the Light, LIVINGSTON—53 Moment by Moment, SMITH / MERZ—51 Guide to Pastoral Planning—10
Week—3; Bridges to Contemplative Living Mass Is Never Ended—21
Let Nothing Disturb You (30 Days series),
TERESA OF AVILA—45 with Thomas Merton series—22, 23 Pilgrimage Way of the Cross, The, HAYS—5
Live, Laugh, and Be Blessed, SMOLLIN—53 MURPHY, CHARLES M., Spirituality of Power to Heal, The, MacNUTT—43
Living Your Deepest Desires (Bridges), Fasting—52 Pray with Me Still, HOLY CROSS FAMILY
LIVINGSTON, PATRICIA, Let in the N Prayerfulness, WICKS—54
Light, This Blessed Mess, Lessons of the Prayers for the Domestic Church,
Heart—53 NELSON, JAN, The Bereavement Ministry HAYS—28
Lord Hear Our Prayer, STOREY / Program—40 Prayers to Sophia, RUPP—24
McNALLY—55 NOUWEN, HENRI J.M., The Dance of Life, Praying from the Heart of Holy Cross
Loving Yourself More, FROEHLE—46 In Memoriam, Can You Drink The Cup?, Spirituality, GIALLANZA—7
LYNCH, SEAN, Tough Choices—33 With Open Hands, Behold the Beauty Praying Our Goodbyes, RUPP—38
of the Lord, Out of Solitude, Eternal Praying Through Grief, O’BRIEN—41
Seasons—49 Preparing for Eternity, CHAMPLIN—42
M Now that You’ve Gone Home, PSALMS, THE, You Shall Not Want (30
HUTCHISON / RUPP—39 Days series)—45
MacEOIN, GARY, Basil Moreau—7
MacLEOD, M. DONNA, Seasons of
Hope—41 O Q
MacNUTT, FRANCIS, Healing, The Power O’BRIEN, BRIAN, Tough Choices—33
to Heal—43 QUASTEN, JOHANNES, Patrology—18
O’BRIEN, MAURYEEN, Gentle Keeping, Questions from Seventh Period,
MAHONEY, BETH, Grant Us Peace—42 Praying Through Grief—41
Marriage and Holy Orders, AMODEI—34 PENNOCK—35
O’MALLEY, WILLIAM, Choosing to Be Questions of Faith, AMODEI—15
Mary: A History of Doctrine and Devotion, Catholic—15; Dare to Dream—35
GRAEF—20 Old Testament, The, SMITH—
Mass Is Never Ended, The, PIERCE—21 CHRISTOPHER—34 R
MATHSON, PATRICIA, Time to Pray, Open Our Hearts, CIANGIO /
Bundles of Faith and Tons of Fun—36 Ready for College, PENNOCK—35
May I Have This Dance? (book & audio), Recollected Heart, The, ZALESKI—51
Open the Door, RUPP—24
RUPP—47 Reed of God, The, HOUSELANDER—20
Opening to God, GREEN—50
May I Walk You Home?, HUTCHISON / REEVES, NANCY C., Gifts of the
Our Catholic Faith, PENNOCK—34 Eucharist—21
Our Journey Into Joy, ROSSETTI—13 Rest Your Dreams on a Little Twig,
May You Find Solace, RUPP—38
Out of Solitude, NOUWEN—49 RUPP—47
Out of the Ordinary, RUPP—47 RICCARDI, ANDREA, The Sant’Egidio
Theologiae—19 Book of Prayer—25, 55
MCGINNIS, JAMES, Activities for Catholic P Riding the Dragon, WICKS—54
Social Teaching—33 Rite of Marriage, CHAMPLIN—26
McKENNA, KEVIN, E., A Concise Guide Wind, Earth, and Fire—46
to Your Rights in the Catholic Church, A Eucharist, Behold Your Mother, The Joy
Concise Guide to Supervising a Ministry PARENT, NEIL, A., A Concise Guide to of Priesthood—13
Student, A Concise Guide to Catholic Adult Faith Formation—11 RUPP, JOYCE, The Star in My Heart,
Social Teaching, A Concise Guide to Parish Social Ministry, ULRICH—25 Prayers to Sophia, Open the Door—24;
Canon Law—11 Patrology, QUASTEN—18 May You Find Solace, Praying Our
Paying Attention to God, BARRY—50 Goodbyes, May I Walk You Home?, Now
McNALLY, THOMAS, Day by Day—35, Peace of Heart (30 Days series), FRANCIS that You’ve Gone Home—38, 39; The
Lord Hear Our Prayer—55 OF ASSISI—45 Circle of Life, May I Have This Dance?
Medjugorje Day by Day, BEYER—55 PENNOCK, MICHAEL, This Is Our (book & audio), Fresh Bread, Inviting

Title / Author Index

God In, Out of the Ordinary, The Cup of Star in My Heart, The, RUPP—24 VAN BREEMEN, PETER, The God of Our
Our Life, Rest Your Dreams on a Little STOREY, WILLIAM G., Day by Day—35; Deepest Longings, The God Who Won’t
Twig—47 Lord Hear Our Prayer, Hail Mary—55 Let Go—50
RYAN, BARBARA SHELMON, Healing Summa Theologiae, AQUINAS / Vincent McCauley, C.S.C, GRIBBLE—7
the Hidden Self, Healing the Wounds of McDERMOTT—19 VINCENTIAN CENTER FOR CHURCH
Divorce—43 Summa Theologica, AQUINAS—19 AND SOCIETY, THE, A Concise Guide to
Church Management—10
S T Visits to the Most Holy Sacrament and
to Most Holy Mary (Classics with
Sacraments We Celebrate, The, VAGHI—16 Take Five, CHAMPLIN—54 Commentary), ALPHONSUS DE
Sacred Space for Lent 2010, JESUIT Teen’s Game Plan for Life, A, HOLTZ—35 LIGUORI / BILLY—19
COMMUNICATION CENTRE—4 Ten Commandments, The, FLYNN—33
Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2010, Ten Things to Help You Survive and Heal W
CENTRE—55 Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire, PAINTER—46
TERESA OF AVILA, Interior Castle
Sant’Egidio Book of Prayer, The, (Classics with Commentary)—19; The WATKINS, CHRISTINE, Full of Grace—52
RICCARDI / THE COMMUNITY OF Way of Prayer—20; Let Nothing Disturb Way of Prayer, TERESA OF AVILA—20
SANT’EGIDIO—25, 55 You—45 Weeds Among the Wheat, GREEN—50
SAWYER, KIERAN, Sex and the THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX, Simply Surrender WELBORN, AMY, John Paul II’s Biblical
Teenager—29; Faith Facts for Young (30 Days series)—45 Way of the Cross—5
Catholics, The Faith Difference, When the Well Runs Dry, GREEN—50
Learning about LIFE—Love, Infatuation, This Blessed Mess, LIVINGSTON—53
Friendship, Exploitation—36 This Flowing Toward Me, LACEY—25 When Your Spouse Dies, CURRY—43
SCHWAN, MARIE, Come Home—51 This Is Our Church, PENNOCK—15, 34 Where Only Love Can Go (30 Days series),
Seasons of Celebration, MERTON—48
This Tremendous Lover, BOYLAN—20 WICKS, ROBERT J., Prayerfulness, Crossing
Seasons of Hope, MacLEOD—41 the Desert, Riding the Dragon—54
Seeing that Paradise Begins Now (Bridges), This War Is the Passion,
MONTALDO / TOTH—22 Pauses—46, The Circle of Life—47
Send Out Your Spirit, AMODEI—29 THOMAS Á KEMPIS, The Imitation of
Christ—18; The Imitation of Christ WILD, ROBERT A., Compassionate
Set Your Heart Free (30 Days series), Fire—48
FRANCIS DE SALES—45 (Classics with Commentary)—19; True
Serenity (30 Days series)—45 With Open Hands, NOUWEN—49
Seven Sacred Pauses, WIEDERKEHR—46 Words of Faith: Our Prayers, EGAN—8, 9
THOMAS AQUINAS, Summa Theologica,
Seven Sorrows of Mary, The, Summa Theologiae—19 Writing Yourself into the Book of Life
Through Death to Life, CHAMPLIN—37
Sex and the Teenager, SAWYER—29
Tickle Your Soul, SMOLLIN—53
Simply Surrender (30 Days series),
Slow Down, CHAMPLIN—54 Together at Baptism, HAMMA—28
Together For Life, CHAMPLIN—26 You Shall Not Want (30 Days series), THE
Moment, Finding God in Each TOTH, ROBERT G., Lent and Holy Week—
3; Bridges to Contemplative Living with Your Life in Christ, PENNOCK—33
SMITH, HAROLD IVAN, Finding Your Way Thomas Merton series—22, 23
to Say Goodbye—39; ABCs of Healthy Tough Choices, LYNCH / O’BRIEN—33 Z
Grieving—42 Traveling Your Road to Joy (Bridges),
Old Testament—34 True Serenity (30 Days series), THOMAS À
and Be Blessed, Tickle Your Soul, GOD
KNOWS You’re Stressed—53 U
SOFIELD, LOUGHLAN, Collaboration,
Building Community, Facing Forgiveness, ULRICH, TOM, Parish Social Ministry—25
The Collaborative Leader, Design for
Spiritual Friendship (Classics with
Commentary), RIEVAULX / BILLY—19 VAGHI, PETER J., The Sacraments we
Spirituality of Fasting, MURPHY—52 Celebrate, The Faith We Profess—16

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