Athletic Nutrition Plan: The Goal of Nutrition in A Sports Program
Athletic Nutrition Plan: The Goal of Nutrition in A Sports Program
Athletic Nutrition Plan: The Goal of Nutrition in A Sports Program
Nutrition, and even more so supplements, has been plagued with myths from the innersports circles and more importantly the media for years. Not only have we been given a plethora of information on the subject, there has also been a plethora of misinterpretation. I feel that there are too many writers who try to capitalize on certain extremes in the nutrition arena, and fail to put together a cohesive and coherent nutritional plan. The goal of a nutritional plan is to instill basic guidelines to follow throughout your athletic and lifelong career, not follow an eight week diet consisting of cabbage soup! In the following article, I plan on outlining the basic principles of a good nutrition and supplementation program that will allow you to achieve optimal performance.
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
The Best Foods We can simply define the best foods as ones that have a favorable macronutrient and ingredient profile, which suit our athletic needs. This means we will be substituting and/or eliminating several foods, for better athletic performance. A General Meal Should Consist Of The Following: A decent amount of protein. Protein should be present somewhat at all meals. We want to keep our positive protein synthesis throughout the day, and reach our goal of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. A combination of protein + fat, or a combination of protein + carbs. This is known as nutrient timing. Water, green tea, or milk/protein shake should be the beverage. Anything else has too much sugar, not enough protein, or sometimes a combination of both. The combination of macronutrients should coincide with the time of day. Protein + carbohydrates should be eaten earlier in the day, where you are more likely to burn the carbohydrates off as energy, and slow digestion of protein towards the night time with protein + fat meals to prevent catabolism of muscles. Muscle Milk
Supplements should do what they are supposed to do: supplement a meal. Supplements can rarely constitute themselves as meals, with the exception being post workout nutrition, and Meal Replacement Powders such as Muscle Milk by CytoSport. A good example would be oatmeal. By itself, it has a great amount of fiber, but does not have a favorable amount of fat or protein. You can sprinkle protein powder onto the protein to turn it into a protein + fat meal.
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
Protein Powder: It is very hard to get enough protein during the day to reach our goal of 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. Thus, it is necessary to supplement with protein powder. If you are strapped for cash, get a protein powder which can be used for postworkout nutrition and as a meal replacement. (Muscle Milk Collegiate Recommended) Multi-vitamins: These are essential to make sure you get your daily dose of vitamins, as well as antioxidants. (Nature's Plus Ultra II) Joint Aid Supplements: These are supplements that help with joint repair and joint pain. This can be useful for baseball players, as the joints do take a beating over the course of the season. Look for these aids to have glucosamine and chondroitin. Branched Chain Amino Acids: These can be useful under intense training periods. These are best utilized during workouts, as they help with protein synthesis, yet do not cause an insulin spike. There is no digestion, only absorption. They enter the blood stream extremely fast. Creatine: I have no doubt that creatine works, as it has been proven multiple times. I am wary of all the "super duper creatine formulas" that are now on the market. Simple creatine monohydrate works extremely well. All that is needed is 5 grams a day, for as long as needed. Wobenzym N: Systematic Enzyme Formula that supports the bodys own defense and healing. Basically this means that Wobenzym will help your injuries heal faster. It uses natural enzymes to send a signal to your body that something is hurt or injured. This causes your body to make the injury a priority and forces the injury to heal faster. Bio Freeze: Helps with sore muscles, Aches and pains Magnesium Citrate: Great for muscle cramps, also works as a natural muscle relaxer N.O.-XPLODE: Pre-workout drink that includes Ester Creatine, Caffeine and LArginine (Better Pumps when working out).
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
Protein 1.5gr
Calories 114
Post-Workout: Meal Two 4 Scoops Muscle Milk Collegiate 8-12oz of Milk or Water Mixed in a Shaker Cup
Fat 7gr
Carbs 88gr
Protein 40gr
Calories 580
School or Sack Lunch: Meal Three 2 Large Sandwiches (Chicken, Tuna, Roast Beef, Turkey) (Sandwiches on Wheat Bread) 2 Cups of Milk 2 Pieces of Fruit Total: Meal Three Fat 18.5gr Carbs 113.4gr Protein 66gr Calories 806
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
Snack Before Practice: Meal Four Tuna Fish Sandwich 1 Piece of Fruit 16oz of Water Or 1 Protein Bar 1 Apple 16oz Water 2 cups of Milk Total: Meal Four Fat 15gr Carbs 75.7gr Protein 51gr Calories 613
Dinner: Meal Five 1-2 Pieces of Chicken or Beef 4oz of Pasta or 1 cup of Brown Rice Salad or 1 Green Vegetable 2 pieces of Bread (Ground Whole Wheat Bread) Total: Meal Five: Fat 9gr Carbs 86gr Protein 62gr Calories 620
Evening Snack: Meal Six 1 Sandwich 1 Piece of Fruit Or 1 Protein Bar 1 Piece of Fruit Total: Meal Six Fat 10gr Carbs 49.7gr Protein 33gr Calories 393
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
Fat 60.8gr
Carbs 440.5gr
Protein 253.5gr
Calories 3,126
Muscle Milk Collegiate: Calorie Replacement Drink Mix Our philosophy: proper nutrition based on sound scientific principles is one of the tenets of optimum athletic performance. We have long encouraged student athletes to take responsibility for their decisions about proper nutrition, and we hope that their choices are made because they are well-informed and guided by principles of fair and equal competition. But merely encouraging today's multi-tasking, time-constrained student athlete to eat to win often isn't enough. Consuming three square meals a day that contain all the important food groups in sufficient quantities to ensure optimum nutritional support of athletic performance is often difficultif not impossible. To help student athletes with this dilemma, Muscle Milk Collegiate provides a responsible, safe, and effective option. Muscle Milk Collegiate is the official performance protein of the following universities:
Benefits of using Muscle Milk Collegiate A Balanced and Complete Formula: Muscle Milk Collegiate is an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates and fats designed to help you increase lean mass, prevent overtraining, aid in reducing injury from nutrient deficiency, and increase oxygen delivery to working muscles. EvoPro Collegiate Protein Blend: Human milk contains unique and highly complex proteins and peptides, which promote rapid recovery and increases in lean mass. EvoPro Collegiate Protein Blend is comprised of like proteins including alpha and beta micellar caseins, alpha-lactalbumin, whey concentrates, whey isolates, whey peptides, and protein hydrolysate. EvoPro Collegiate Protein Blend also contains Aminogen a naturally derived, patented plant enzyme that helps the body utilize dietary protein. EvoPro Collegiate Protein Blend promotes rapid recovery from tough workouts and long practices. 100% Complex Carbohydrate Source: CytoCarb II helps keep muscle glycogen at
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
peak levels to extend performance and endurance. Maintaining muscle glycogen helps produce muscle ATP to fuel longer, harder workouts. It helps stop muscle breakdown after workouts, and encourages favorable nitrogen retention. Trans Fat Free Lipid Complex: Muscle Milk Collegiate contains custom fat structures that actually promote leanness, while retaining more energy in the body. This promotes thermogenesis, reserving the protein for muscle recovery. Custom fats even help retain minerals critical to muscle contractions. For serious athletes, Lean Lipids are a great source of these custom fats. Compliance: *Muscle Milk Collegiate is in full compliance with THE COMMITTEE ON COMPETITIVE SAFEGUARDS AND MEDICAL ASPECTS OF SPORTS standards and contains no banned substances. Best ways to use Muscle Milk Collegiate Before: Take one serving of Muscle Milk Collegiate 45 minutes to one hour prior to training. Muscle Milk Collegiate provides energy from high quality carbohydrates, proteins and fats, fueling workouts and long training sessions. After: Take Muscle Milk Collegiate immediately after workouts to quickly kick start the recovery process.
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
This packet for information purposes only. Always talk to a physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.